


| StorylinesOT | StorylinesNT
tsk@Matthew:1:1-17 The Genealogy of Jesus
tsk@Matthew:1:18-25 The Birth of Jesus Christ
tsk@Matthew:2:1-12 The Visit of the Magi
tsk@Matthew:2:13-18 The Escape to Egypt
tsk@Matthew:2:19-23 The Return to Nazareth
tsk@Matthew:3:1-12 John the Baptist Prepares the Way
tsk@Matthew:3:13-16 The Baptism of Jesus
tsk@Matthew:4:1-11 The Temptation of Jesus
tsk@Matthew:4:12-17 Jesus Begins to Preach
tsk@Matthew:4:18-22 The Calling of the First Disciples
tsk@Matthew:4:23-25 Jesus Heals the Sick
tsk@Matthew:5:1-12 The Beatitudes
tsk@Matthew:5:13-16 Salt and Light
tsk@Matthew:5:17-20 The Fulfillment of the Law
tsk@Matthew:5:21-26 Murder
tsk@Matthew:5:27-30 Adultery
tsk@Matthew:5:31-32 Divorce
tsk@Matthew:5:33-37 Oaths
tsk@Matthew:5:38-42 An Eye for an Eye
tsk@Matthew:5:43-48 Love for Enemies
tsk@Matthew:6:1-4 Giving to the Needy
tsk@Matthew:6:5-15 Prayer
tsk@Matthew:6:16-18 Fasting
tsk@Matthew:6:19-24 Treasures in Heaven
tsk@Matthew:6:25-34 Do Not Worry
tsk@Matthew:7:1-6 Judging Others
tsk@Matthew:7:7-12 Ask, Seek, Knock
tsk@Matthew:7:13-14 The Narrow and Wide Gates
tsk@Matthew:7:15-23 A Tree and Its Fruit
tsk@Matthew:7:24-29 The Wise and Foolish Builders
tsk@Matthew:8:1-4 The Man With Leprosy
tsk@Matthew:8:5-13 The Faith of the Centurion
tsk@Matthew:8:14-17 Jesus Heals Many
tsk@Matthew:8:18-22 The Cost of Following Jesus
tsk@Matthew:8:23-27 Jesus Calms the Storm
tsk@Matthew:8:28-34 The Healing of Two Demon-possessed Men
tsk@Matthew:9:1-8 Jesus Heals a Paralytic
tsk@Matthew:9:9-13 The Calling of Matthew
tsk@Matthew:9:14-17 Jesus Questioned About Fasting
tsk@Matthew:9:18-26 A Dead Girl and a Sick Woman
tsk@Matthew:9:27-34 Jesus Heals the Blind and Mute
tsk@Matthew:9:35-38 The Workers Are Few
tsk@Matthew:10 Jesus Sends Out the Twelve
tsk@Matthew:11:1-19 Jesus and John the Baptist
tsk@Matthew:11:20-24 Woe on Unrepentant Cities
tsk@Matthew:11:25-30 Rest for the Weary
tsk@Matthew:12:1-14 Lord of the Sabbath
tsk@Matthew:12:15-21 God's Chosen Servant
tsk@Matthew:12:22-37 Jesus and Beelzebub
tsk@Matthew:12:38-45 The Sign of Jonah:
tsk@Matthew:12:46-50 Jesus' Mother and Brothers
tsk@Matthew:13:1-23 The Parable of the Sower
tsk@Matthew:13:24-30 The Parable of the Weeds
tsk@Matthew:13:31-35 The Parable of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast
tsk@Matthew:13:36-43 The Parable of the Weeds Explained
tsk@Matthew:13:44-46 The Parable of the Hidden Treasure and the Pearl
tsk@Matthew:13:47-52 The Parable of the Net
tsk@Matthew:13:53-58 A Prophet Without Honor
tsk@Matthew:14:1-12 John the Baptist Beheaded
tsk@Matthew:14:13-21 Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand
tsk@Matthew:14:22-36 Jesus Walks on the Water
tsk@Matthew:15:1-20 Clean and Unclean
tsk@Matthew:15:21-28 The Faith of the Canaanite Woman
tsk@Matthew:15:29-39 Jesus Feeds the Four Thousand
tsk@Matthew:16:1-4 The Demand for a Sign
tsk@Matthew:16:5-12 The Yeast of the Pharisees and Sadducees
tsk@Matthew:16:13-20 Peter's Confession of Christ
tsk@Matthew:16:21-28 Jesus Predicts His Death
tsk@Matthew:17:1-13 The Transfiguration
tsk@Matthew:17:14-23 The Healing of a Boy With a Demon
tsk@Matthew:17:24-27 The Temple Tax
tsk@Matthew:18:1-9 The Greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven
tsk@Matthew:18:10-14 The Parable of the Lost Sheep
tsk@Matthew:18:15-20 A Brother Who Sins Against You
tsk@Matthew:18:21-35 The Parable of the Unmerciful Servant
tsk@Matthew:19:1-12 Divorce
tsk@Matthew:19:13-15 The Little Children and Jesus
tsk@Matthew:19:16-30 The Rich Young Man
tsk@Matthew:20:1-16 The Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard
tsk@Matthew:20:17-19 Jesus Again Predicts His Death
tsk@Matthew:20:20-28 A Mother's Request
tsk@Matthew:20:29-34 Two Blind Men Receive Sight
tsk@Matthew:21:1-11 The Triumphal Entry
tsk@Matthew:21:12-17 Jesus at the Temple
tsk@Matthew:21:18-22 The Fig Tree Withers
tsk@Matthew:21:23-27 The Authority of Jesus Questioned
tsk@Matthew:21:28-32 The Parable of the Two Sons
tsk@Matthew:21:33-46 The Parable of the Tenants
tsk@Matthew:22:1-14 The Parable of the Wedding Banquet
tsk@Matthew:22:15-22 Paying Taxes to Caesar
tsk@Matthew:22:23-33 Marriage at the Resurrection
tsk@Matthew:22:34-40 The Greatest Commandment
tsk@Matthew:22:41-46 Whose Son Is the Christ?
tsk@Matthew:23 Seven Woes
tsk@Matthew:24:1-35 Signs of the End of the Age
tsk@Matthew:24:36-51 The Day and Hour Unknown
tsk@Matthew:25:1-13 The Parable of the Ten Virgins
tsk@Matthew:25:14-30 The Parable of the Talents
tsk@Matthew:25:31-46 The Sheep and the Goats
tsk@Matthew:26:1-5 The Plot Against Jesus
tsk@Matthew:26:6-13 Jesus Anointed at Bethany
tsk@Matthew:26:14-16 Judas Agrees to Betray Jesus
tsk@Matthew:26:17-30 The Lord's Supper
tsk@Matthew:26:31-35 Jesus Predicts Peter's Denial
tsk@Matthew:26:36-46 Gethsemane
tsk@Matthew:26:47-56 Jesus Arrested
tsk@Matthew:26:57-68 Before the Sanhedrin
tsk@Matthew:26:69-75 Peter Disowns Jesus
tsk@Matthew:27:1-10 Judas Hangs Himself
tsk@Matthew:27:11-26 Jesus Before Pilate
tsk@Matthew:27:27-31 The Soldiers Mock Jesus
tsk@Matthew:27:32-44 The Crucifixion
tsk@Matthew:27:45-56 The Death of Jesus
tsk@Matthew:27:57-61 The Burial of Jesus
tsk@Matthew:27:62-66 The Guard at the Tomb
tsk@Matthew:28:1-10 The Resurrection
tsk@Matthew:28:11-15 The Guards' Report
tsk@Matthew:28:16-20 The Great Commission
tsk@Mark:1:1-8 John the Baptist Prepares the Way
tsk@Mark:1:9-13 The Baptism and Temptation of Jesus
tsk@Mark:1:14-20 The Calling of the First Disciples
tsk@Mark:1:21-28 Jesus Drives Out an Evil Spirit
tsk@Mark:1:29-34 Jesus Heals Many
tsk@Mark:1:35-39 Jesus Prays in a Solitary Place
tsk@Mark:1:40-45 A Man With Leprosy
tsk@Mark:2:1-12 Jesus Heals a Paralytic
tsk@Mark:2:13-17 The Calling of Levi
tsk@Mark:2:18-22 Jesus Questioned About Fasting
tsk@Mark:2:23-3:6 Lord of the Sabbath
tsk@Mark:3:7-12 Crowds Follow Jesus
tsk@Mark:3:13-19 The Appointing of the Twelve Apostles
tsk@Mark:3:20-30 Jesus and Beelzebub
tsk@Mark:3:31-35 Jesus' Mother and Brothers
tsk@Mark:4:1-20 The Parable of the Sower
tsk@Mark:4:21-25 A Lamp on a Stand
tsk@Mark:4:26-29 The Parable of the Growing Seed
tsk@Mark:4:30-34 The Parable of the Mustard Seed
tsk@Mark:4:35-41 Jesus Calms the Storm
tsk@Mark:5:1-20 The Healing of a Demon-possessed Man
tsk@Mark:5:21-43 A Dead Girl and a Sick Woman
tsk@Mark:6:1-6 A Prophet Without Honor
tsk@Mark:6:7-13 Jesus Sends Out the Twelve
tsk@Mark:6:14-29 John the Baptist Beheaded
tsk@Mark:6:30-44 Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand
tsk@Mark:6:45-56 Jesus Walks on the Water
tsk@Mark:7:1-23 Clean and Unclean
tsk@Mark:7:24-30 The Faith of a Syrophoenician Woman
tsk@Mark:7:31-37 The Healing of a Deaf and Mute Man
tsk@Mark:8:1-21 Jesus Feeds the Four Thousand
tsk@Mark:8:22-26 The Healing of a Blind Man at Bethsaida
tsk@Mark:8:27-30 Peter's Confession of Christ
tsk@Mark:8:31-9:1 Jesus Predicts His Death
tsk@Mark:9:2-13 The Transfiguration
tsk@Mark:9:14-32 The Healing of a Boy With an Evil Spirit
tsk@Mark:9:33-37 Who Is the Greatest
tsk@Mark:9:38-41 Whoever Is Not Against Us Is for Us
tsk@Mark:9:42-50 Causing to Sin
tsk@Mark:10:1-12 Divorce
tsk@Mark:10:13-16 The Little Children and Jesus
tsk@Mark:10:17-31 The Rich Young Man
tsk@Mark:10:32-34 Jesus Again Predicts His Death
tsk@Mark:10:35-45 The Request of James and John
tsk@Mark:10:46-52 Blind Bartimaeus Receives His Sight
tsk@Mark:11:1-11 The Triumphal Entry
tsk@Mark:11:12-19 Jesus Clears the Temple
tsk@Mark:11:20-26 The Withered Fig Tree
tsk@Mark:11:27-33 The Authority of Jesus Questioned
tsk@Mark:12:1-12 The Parable of the Tenants
tsk@Mark:12:13-17 Paying Taxes to Caesar
tsk@Mark:12:18-27 Marriage at the Resurrection
tsk@Mark:12:28-34 The Greatest Commandment
tsk@Mark:12:35-40 Whose Son Is the Christ
tsk@Mark:12:41-44 The Widow's Offering
tsk@Mark:13:1-31 Signs of the End of the Age
tsk@Mark:13:32-37 The Day and Hour Unknown
tsk@Mark:14:1-11 Jesus Anointed at Bethany
tsk@Mark:14:12-31 The Lord's Supper
tsk@Mark:14:32-42 Gethsemane
tsk@Mark:14:43-52 Jesus Arrested
tsk@Mark:14:53-65 Before the Sanhedrin
tsk@Mark:14:66-72 Peter Disowns Jesus
tsk@Mark:15:1-15 Jesus Before Pilate
tsk@Mark:15:16-20 The Soldiers Mock Jesus
tsk@Mark:15:21-32 The Crucifixion
tsk@Mark:15:33-41 The Death of Jesus
tsk@Mark:15:42-47 The Burial of Jesus
tsk@Mark:16 The Resurrection
tsk@Luke:1:1-4 Introduction
tsk@Luke:1:5-25 The Birth of John the Baptist Foretold
tsk@Luke:1:26-38 The Birth of Jesus Foretold
tsk@Luke:1:39-45 Mary Visits Elizabeth
tsk@Luke:1:46-56 Mary's Song
tsk@Luke:1:57-66 The Birth of John the Baptist
tsk@Luke:1:67-80 Zechariah's Song
tsk@Luke:2:1-7 The Birth of Jesus
tsk@Luke:2:8-20 The Shepherds and the Angels
tsk@Luke:2:21-40 Jesus Presented in the Temple
tsk@Luke:2:41-52 The Boy Jesus at the Temple
tsk@Luke:3:1-20 John the Baptist Prepares the Way
tsk@Luke:3:21-38 The Baptism and Genealogy of Jesus
tsk@Luke:4:1-13 The Temptation of Jesus
tsk@Luke:4:14-30 Jesus Rejected at Nazareth
tsk@Luke:4:31-37 Jesus Drives Out an Evil Spirit
tsk@Luke:4:38-44 Jesus Heals Many
tsk@Luke:5:1-11 The Calling of the First Disciples
tsk@Luke:5:12-16 The Man With Leprosy
tsk@Luke:5:17-26 Jesus Heals a Paralytic
tsk@Luke:5:27-32 The Calling of Levi
tsk@Luke:5:33-39 Jesus Questioned About Fasting
tsk@Luke:6:1-11 Lord of the Sabbath
tsk@Luke:6:12-16 The Twelve Apostles
tsk@Luke:6:17-26 Blessings and Woes
tsk@Luke:6:27-36 Love for Enemies
tsk@Luke:6:37-42 Judging Others
tsk@Luke:6:43-45 A Tree and Its Fruit
tsk@Luke:6:46-49 The Wise and Foolish Builders
tsk@Luke:7:1-10 The Faith of the Centurion
tsk@Luke:7:11-17 Jesus Raises a Widow's Son
tsk@Luke:7:18-35 Jesus and John the Baptist
tsk@Luke:7:36-50 Jesus Anointed by a Sinful Woman
tsk@Luke:8:1-15 The Parable of the Sower
tsk@Luke:8:16-18 A Lamp on a Stand
tsk@Luke:8:19-21 Jesus' Mother and Brothers
tsk@Luke:8:22-25 Jesus Calms the Storm
tsk@Luke:8:26-39 The Healing of a Demon-possessed Man
tsk@Luke:8:40-56 A Dead Girl and a Sick Woman
tsk@Luke:9:1-9 Jesus Sends Out the Twelve
tsk@Luke:9:10-17 Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand
tsk@Luke:9:18-27 Peter's Confession of Christ
tsk@Luke:9:28-36 The Transfiguration
tsk@Luke:9:37-45 The Healing of a Boy With an Evil Spirit
tsk@Luke:9:46-50 Who Will Be the Greatest?
tsk@Luke:9:51-62 Samaritan Opposition
tsk@Luke:10:1-24 Jesus Sends Out the Seventy-two
tsk@Luke:10:25-37 The Parable of the Good Samaritan
tsk@Luke:10:38-42 At the Home of Martha and Mary
tsk@Luke:11:1-13 Jesus' Teaching on Prayer
tsk@Luke:11:14-28 Jesus and Beelzebub
tsk@Luke:11:29-32 The Sign of Jonah:
tsk@Luke:11:33-36 The Lamp of the Body
tsk@Luke:11:37-54 Six Woes
tsk@Luke:12:1-12 Warnings and Encouragements
tsk@Luke:12:13-21 The Parable of the Rich Fool
tsk@Luke:12:22-34 Do Not Worry
tsk@Luke:12:35-48 Watchfulness
tsk@Luke:12:49-53 Not Peace but Division
tsk@Luke:12:54-59 Interpreting the Times
tsk@Luke:13:1-9 Repent or Perish
tsk@Luke:13:10-17 A Cripple Woman Healed on the Sabbath
tsk@Luke:13:18-21 The Parables of the Mustard Seed and the Yeast
tsk@Luke:13:22-30 The Narrow Door
tsk@Luke:13:31-35 Jesus' Sorrow for Jersalem
tsk@Luke:14:1-14 Jesus at a Pharisee's House
tsk@Luke:14:15-24 The Parable of the Great Banquet
tsk@Luke:14:25-35 The Cost of Being a Disciple
tsk@Luke:15:1-7 The Parable of the Lost Sheep
tsk@Luke:15:8-10 The Parable of the Lost Coin
tsk@Luke:15:11-32 The Parable of the Lost Son
tsk@Luke:16:1-15 The Parable of the Shrewd Manager
tsk@Luke:16:16-18 Additional Teachings
tsk@Luke:16:19-31 The Rich Man and Lazarus
tsk@Luke:17:1-10 Sin, Faith, Duty
tsk@Luke:17:11-19 Ten Healed of Leprosy
tsk@Luke:17:20-37 The Coming of the Kingdom of God
tsk@Luke:18:1-8 The Parable of the Persistent Widow
tsk@Luke:18:9-14 The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector
tsk@Luke:18:15-17 The Little Children and Jesus
tsk@Luke:18:18-30 The Rich Ruler
tsk@Luke:18:31-34 Jesus Again Predicts His Death
tsk@Luke:18:35-43 A Blind Beggar Receives His Sight
tsk@Luke:19:1-10 Zacchaeus the Tax Collector
tsk@Luke:19:11-27 The Parable of the Ten Minas
tsk@Luke:19:28-44 The Triumphal Entry
tsk@Luke:19:45-48 Jesus at the Temple
tsk@Luke:20:1-8 The Authority of Jesus Questioned
tsk@Luke:20:9-19 The Parable of the Tenants
tsk@Luke:20:20-26 Paying Taxes to Caesar
tsk@Luke:20:27-40 The Resurrection and Marriage
tsk@Luke:20:41-47 Whose Son Is the Christ?
tsk@Luke:21:1-4 The Widow's Offering
tsk@Luke:21:5-38 Signs of the End of the Age
tsk@Luke:22:1-6 Judas Agrees to Betray Jesus
tsk@Luke:22:7-38 The Last Supper
tsk@Luke:22:39-46 Jesus Prays on the Mount of Olives
tsk@Luke:22:47-53 Jesus Arrested
tsk@Luke:22:54-62 Peter Disowns Jesus
tsk@Luke:22:63-65 The Soldiers Mock Jesus
tsk@Luke:22:66-23:25 Jesus Before Pilate and Herod
tsk@Luke:23:26-43 The Crucifixion
tsk@Luke:23:44-49 Jesus' Death
tsk@Luke:23:50-56 Jesus' Burial
tsk@Luke:24:1-12 The Resurrection
tsk@Luke:24:13-35 On the Road to Emmaus
tsk@Luke:24:36-49 Jesus Appears to the Disciples
tsk@Luke:24:50-53 The Ascension
tsk@John:1:1-18 The Word Became Flesh
tsk@John:1:19-28 John the Baptist Denies Being the Christ
tsk@John:1:29-34 Jesus the Lamb of God
tsk@John:1:35-42 Jesus' First Disciples
tsk@John:1:43-51 Jesus Calls Philip and Nathanael
tsk@John:1:1-11 Jesus Changes Water into Wine
tsk@John:2:12-25 Jesus Clears the Temple
tsk@John:3:1-21 Jesus Teaches Nicodemus
tsk@John:3:22-36 John the Baptist's Testimony About Jesus
tsk@John:4:1-26 Jesus Talks With a Samaritan Woman
tsk@John:4:27-38 The Disciples Rejoin Jesus
tsk@John:4:39-42 Many Samaritans Believe
tsk@John:4:43-54 Jesus Heals the Official's Son
tsk@John:5:1-15 The Healing at the Pool
tsk@John:5:16-30 Life Through the Son
tsk@John:5:31-47 Testimonies About Jesus
tsk@John:6:1-15 Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand
tsk@John:6:16-24 Jesus Walks on the Water
tsk@John:6:25-59 Jesus the Bread of Life
tsk@John:6:60-71 Many Disciples Desert Jesus
tsk@John:7:1-13 Jesus Goes to the Feast of Tabernacles
tsk@John:7:14-24 Jesus Teaches at the Feast
tsk@John:7:25-44 Is Jesus the Christ?
tsk@John:7:45-8:11 Unbelief of the Jewish Leaders
tsk@John:8:12-30 The Validity of Jesus' Testimony
tsk@John:8:31-41 The Children of Abraham
tsk@John:8:42-47 The Children of the Devil
tsk@John:8:48-59 The Claims of Jesus About Himself
tsk@John:9:1-12 Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind
tsk@John:9:13-34 The Pharisees Investigate the Healing
tsk@John:9:35-41 Spiritual Blindness
tsk@John:10:1-21 The Shepherd and His Flock
tsk@John:10:22-42 The Unbelief of the Jews
tsk@John:11:1-16 The Death of Lazarus
tsk@John:11:17-37 Jesus Comforts the Sisters
tsk@John:11:38-44 Jesus Raises Lazarus From the Dead
tsk@John:11:45-57 The Plot to Kill Jesus
tsk@John:12:1-11 Jesus Anointed at Bethany
tsk@John:12:12-19 The Triumphal Entry
tsk@John:12:20-36 Jesus Predicts His Death
tsk@John:12:37-50 The Jews Continue in Their Unbelief
tsk@John:13:1-17 Jesus Washes His Disciples' Feet
tsk@John:13:18-30 Jesus Predicts His Betrayal
tsk@John:13:31-38 Jesus Predicts Peter's Denial
tsk@John:14:1-4 Jesus Comforts His Disciples
tsk@John:14:5-14 Jesus the Way to the Father
tsk@John:14:15-31 Jesus Promises the Holy Spirit
tsk@John:15:1-17 The Vine and the Branches
tsk@John:15:18-16:4 The World Hates the Disciples
tsk@John:16:5-16 The Work of the Holy Spirit
tsk@John:16:17-33 The Disciples' Grief Will Turn to Joy
tsk@John:17:1-5 Jesus Prays for Himself
tsk@John:17:6-19 Jesus Prays for His Disciples
tsk@John:17:20-26 Jesus Prays for All Believers
tsk@John:18:1-11 Jesus Arrested
tsk@John:18:12-14 Jesus Taken to Annas
tsk@John:18:15-18 Peter's First Denial
tsk@John:18:19-24 The High Priest Questions Jesus
tsk@John:18:25-27 Peter's Second and Third Denials
tsk@John:18:28-40 Jesus Before Pilate
tsk@John:19:1-16 Jesus Sentenced to be Crucified
tsk@John:19:17-27 The Crucifixion
tsk@John:19:28-37 The Death of Jesus
tsk@John:19:38-42 The Burial of Jesus
tsk@John:20:1-9 The Empty Tomb
tsk@John:20:10-18 Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene
tsk@John:20:19-23 Jesus Appears to His Disiples
tsk@John:20:24-31 Jesus Appears to Thomas
tsk@John:21:1-14 Jesus and the Miraculous Catch of Fish
tsk@John:21:15-25 Jesus Reinstates Peter
tsk@Acts:1:1-11 Jesus's Ascension
tsk@Acts:1:12-26 Matthias Chosen to Replace Judas
tsk@Acts:2:1-41 Pentecost
tsk@Acts:2:42-47 Believers' Fellowship
tsk@Acts:3 Peter Heals the Beggar
tsk@Acts:4:1-31 Peter & John at the Sanhedrin
tsk@Acts:4:32-5:11 Ananias and Sapphira
tsk@Acts:5:12-42 Gamaliel Speaks for the Apostles
tsk@Acts:6:1-7 Choosing the 7
tsk@Acts:6:8-15 Stephen Seized
tsk@Acts:7:1-53 Stephen's Discourse
tsk@Acts:7:54-8:1 Stephen Martyred
tsk@Acts:8:2-25 Conversions of Samarians
tsk@Acts:8:26-40 Philip and the Ethiopians
tsk@Acts:9:1-25 Saul's Conversion
tsk@Acts:9:26-31 Saul 1st Meets Believers in Jersalem
tsk@Acts:9:32-35 Peter Heals Aeneas in Lydda
tsk@Acts:9:36-43 Peter Raises Dorcas in Joppa
tsk@Acts:10:1-11:18 Peter Meets Cornelius
tsk@Acts:11:19-30 Church at Antioch (Syria)
tsk@Acts:12:1-19 Peter's Escape from Prison
tsk@Acts:12:19-23 Herod's Death
tsk@Acts:12:24-13:3 Saul & Barnabas Start Trip
tsk@Acts:13:4-12 Cyprus
tsk@Acts:13:13-52 Pisidian Antioch
tsk@Acts:14:1-7 Iconium
tsk@Acts:14:8-21 Lystra & Derbe
tsk@Acts:14:21-28 Return to Antioch
tsk@Acts:15:1-35 Council at Jersalem
tsk@Acts:15:36-16:10 Paul & Silas in Asia
tsk@Acts:16:11-40 Philippi
tsk@Acts:17:1-9 Thessalonica
tsk@Acts:17:10-14 Berea
tsk@Acts:17:15-34 Athens
tsk@Acts:18:1-18 Corinth
tsk@Acts:18:18-22 Paul Returns to Antioch
tsk@Acts:18:23 Paul Travels to Galatia & Phrygia
tsk@Acts:18:24-28 Apollos in Ephesus
tsk@Acts:19 Paul in Ephesus
tsk@Acts:20:1-16 Paul in Macedonia & Greece
tsk@Acts:20:17-38 Paul in Miletus
tsk@Acts:21:1-14 Paul to Caesarea
tsk@Acts:21:15-26 Arrival in Jersalem
tsk@Acts:21:27-22:29 Paul's Arrest
tsk@Acts:22:30-23:11 Paul Before the Sanhedrin
tsk@Acts:23:12-35 Paul's Transfer to Caesarea
tsk@Acts:24 Paul Before Felix
tsk@Acts:25:1-12 Paul Before Festus
tsk@Acts:25:13-26:32 Paul Before Agrippa
tsk@Acts:27:1-8 Paul Sails to Rome
tsk@Acts:27:9-28:10 Shipwreck
tsk@Acts:28:11-31 Paul in Rome
tsk@Romans:1:1-7 Introduction
tsk@Romans:1:8-17 Paul's Longing to Visit Rome
tsk@Romans:1:18-32 God's Wrath Against Mankind
tsk@Romans:2:1-16 God's Righteous Judgment
tsk@Romans:2:17-29 The Jews and the Law
tsk@Romans:3:1-8 God's Faithfulness
tsk@Romans:3:9-20 No One is Righteous
tsk@Romans:3:21-31 Righteousness Through Faith
tsk@Romans:4 Abraham Justified by Faith
tsk@Romans:5:1-11 Peace and Joy
tsk@Romans:5:12-21 Death Through Adam, Life Through Christ
tsk@Romans:6:1-14 Dead to Sin, Alive in Christ
tsk@Romans:6:15-23 Slaves to Righteousness
tsk@Romans:7:1-6 An Illustration From Marriage
tsk@Romans:7:7-25 Struggling With Sin
tsk@Romans:8:1-17 Life Through the Spirit
tsk@Romans:8:18-27 Future Glory
tsk@Romans:8:28-39 More Than Conquerors
tsk@Romans:9:1-29 God's Sovereign Choice
tsk@Romans:9:30-10:21 Israel's Unbelief
tsk@Romans:11:1-10 The Remnant of Israel
tsk@Romans:11:11-24 Ingrafted Branches
tsk@Romans:11:25-32 All Israel Will Be Saved
tsk@Romans:11:33-36 Doxology
tsk@Romans:12:1-8 Living Sacrifices
tsk@Romans:12:9-21 Love
tsk@Romans:13:1-7 Submission to the Authorities
tsk@Romans:13:8-14 Love, for the Day Is Near
tsk@Romans:14:1-15:13 The Weak and the Strong
tsk@Romans:15:14-22 Paul the Minister to the Gentiles
tsk@Romans:15:23-33 Paul's Plan to Visit Rome
tsk@Romans:16 Personal Greetings
tsk@1Corinthians:1:1-3 Introduction
tsk@1Corinthians:1:4-9 Thanksgiving
tsk@1Corinthians:1:10-17 Divisions in the Church
tsk@1Corinthians:1:18-2:5 Christ the Wisdom and Power of God
tsk@1Corinthians:2:6-16 Wisdom From the Spirit
tsk@1Corinthians:3 On Divisions in the Church
tsk@1Corinthians:4 Apostles of Christ
tsk@1Corinthians:5 Expel the Immoral Brother!
tsk@1Corinthians:6:1-11 Lawsuits Among Believers
tsk@1Corinthians:6:12-20 Sexual Immorality
tsk@1Corinthians:7 Marriage
tsk@1Corinthians:8 Food Sacrificed to Idols
tsk@1Corinthians:9 The Rights of an Apostle
tsk@1Corinthians:10:1-13 Warnings From Israel's History
tsk@1Corinthians:10:14-22 Idol Feasts and the Lord's Supper
tsk@1Corinthians:10:23-11:1 The Believer's Freedom
tsk@1Corinthians:11:2-16 Propriety in Worship
tsk@1Corinthians:11:17-34 The Lord's Supper
tsk@1Corinthians:12:1-11 Spiritual Gifts
tsk@1Corinthians:12:12-31 One Body, Many Parts
tsk@1Corinthians:13 Love
tsk@1Corinthians:14:1-25 Gifts of Prophecy and Tongues
tsk@1Corinthians:14:26-40 Orderly Worship
tsk@1Corinthians:15:1-11 The Resurrection of Christ
tsk@1Corinthians:15:12-34 The Resurrection of the Dead
tsk@1Corinthians:15:35-58 The Resurrection Body
tsk@1Corinthians:16:1-4 The Collection for God's People
tsk@1Corinthians:16:5-18 Personal Requests
tsk@1Corinthians:16:19-24 Final Greetings
tsk@2Corinthians:1:1-2 Introduction
tsk@2Corinthians:1:3-11 The God of All Comfort
tsk@2Corinthians:1:12-2:4 Paul's Change of Plans
tsk@2Corinthians:2:5-11 Forgiveness for the Sinner
tsk@2Corinthians:2:12-3:6 Ministers of the New Covenant
tsk@2Corinthians:3:7-18 The Glory of the New Covenant
tsk@2Corinthians:4 Treasures in Jars of Clay
tsk@2Corinthians:5:1-10 Our Heavenly Dwelling
tsk@2Corinthians:5:11-6:2 The Ministry of Reconciliation
tsk@2Corinthians:6:3-13 Paul's Hardships
tsk@2Corinthians:6:14-7:1 Do Not Be Yoked With Unbelievers
tsk@2Corinthians:7:2-16 Paul's Joy
tsk@2Corinthians:8:1-15 Generosity Encouraged
tsk@2Corinthians:8:16-9:5 Titus: Sent to Corinth
tsk@2Corinthians:9:6-15 Sowing Generously
tsk@2Corinthians:10 Paul's Defense of His Ministry
tsk@2Corinthians:11:1-15 Paul and the False Apostles
tsk@2Corinthians:11:16-33 Paul Boasts About His Sufferings
tsk@2Corinthians:12:1-10 Paul's Vision and His Thorn
tsk@2Corinthians:12:11-21 Paul's Concern for the Corinthians
tsk@2Corinthians:13:1-10 Final Warnings
tsk@2Corinthians:13:11-14 Final Greetings
tsk@Galatians:1:1-5 Introduction
tsk@Galatians:1:6-10 No Other Gospel
tsk@Galatians:1:11-24 Paul Called by God
tsk@Galatians:2:1-10 Paul Accepted by the Apostles
tsk@Galatians:2:11-21 Paul Opposes Peter
tsk@Galatians:3:1-14 Faith or Observance of the Law
tsk@Galatians:3:15-25 The Law and the Promise
tsk@Galatians:3:26-4:7 Sons of God
tsk@Galatians:4:8-20 Paul's Concern for the Galatians
tsk@Galatians:4:21-31 Hagar and Sarah
tsk@Galatians:5:1-15 Freedom in Christ
tsk@Galatians:5:16-26 Life by the Spirit
tsk@Galatians:6:1-10 Doing Good to All
tsk@Galatians:6:11-18 Not Circumcision but a New Creation
tsk@Ephesians:1:1-2 Introduction
tsk@Ephesians:1:3-14 Spiritual Blessings in Christ
tsk@Ephesians:1:15-23 Thanksgiving and Prayer
tsk@Ephesians:2:1-10 Made Alive in Christ
tsk@Ephesians:2:11-22 One in Christ
tsk@Ephesians:3:1-13 Paul the Preacher to the Gentiles
tsk@Ephesians:3:14-21 A Prayer for the Ephesians
tsk@Ephesians:4:1-16 Unity in the Body of Christ
tsk@Ephesians:4:17-5:21 Living as Children of Light
tsk@Ephesians:5:22-33 Wives and Husbands
tsk@Ephesians:6:1-4 Children and Parents
tsk@Ephesians:6:5-9 Slaves and Masters
tsk@Ephesians:6:10-20 The Armor of God
tsk@Ephesians:6:21-24 Final Greetings
tsk@Philippians:1:1-2 Introduction
tsk@Philippians:1:3-11 Thanksgiving and Prayer
tsk@Philippians:1:12-30 Paul's Chains Advance the Gospel
tsk@Philippians:2:1-11 Imitating Christ's Humility
tsk@Philippians:2:12-18 Shining as Stars
tsk@Philippians:2:19-30 Timothy and Epaphroditus
tsk@Philippians:3:1-11 No Confidence in the Flesh
tsk@Philippians:3:12-4:1 Pressing on Toward the Goal
tsk@Philippians:4:2-9 Exhortations
tsk@Philippians:4:10-20 Thanks for Their Gifts
tsk@Philippians:4:21-23 Final Greetings
tsk@Colossians:1:1-2 Introduction
tsk@Colossians:1:3-14 Thankgiving and Prayer
tsk@Colossians:1:15-23 The Supremacy of Christ
tsk@Colossians:1:24-2:5 Paul's Labor for the Church
tsk@Colossians:2:6-23 Freedom From Human Regulations Through Life With Christ
tsk@Colossians:3:1-17 Rules for Holy Living
tsk@Colossians:3:18-4:1 Rules for Christian Households
tsk@Colossians:4:2-6 Further Instructions
tsk@Colossians:4:7-18 Final Greetings
tsk@1Thessalonians:1:1 Introduction
tsk@1Thessalonians:1:2-10 Thanksgiving for the Thessalonians' Faith
tsk@1Thessalonians:2:1-16 Paul's Ministry in Thessalonica
tsk@1Thessalonians:2:17-3:5 Paul's Longing to See the Thessalonians
tsk@1Thessalonians:3:6-13 Timothy's Encouraging Report
tsk@1Thessalonians:4:1-12 Living to Please God
tsk@1Thessalonians:4:13-5:11 The Coming of the Lord
tsk@1Thessalonians:5:12-28 Final Instructions
tsk@2Thessalonians:1:1-2 Introduction
tsk@2Thessalonians:1:3-12 Thanksgiving and Prayer
tsk@2Thessalonians:2:1-12 The Man of Lawlessness
tsk@2Thessalonians:2:13-17 Stand Firm
tsk@2Thessalonians:3:1-5 Request for Prayer
tsk@2Thessalonians:3:6-15 Warning Against Idleness
tsk@2Thessalonians:3:16-18 Final Greetings
tsk@1Timothy:1:1-2 Introduction
tsk@1Timothy:1:3-11 Warning Against False Teachers of the Law
tsk@1Timothy:1:12-20 The Lord's Grace to Paul
tsk@1Timothy:2 Instructions on Worship
tsk@1Timothy:3 Overseers and Deacons
tsk@1Timothy:4 Instructions to Timothy
tsk@1Timothy:5:1-6:10 Advice About Widows, Elders and Slaves
tsk@1Timothy:6:11-21 Paul's Charge to Timothy
tsk@2Timothy:1:1-2 Introduction
tsk@2Timothy:1:3-2:13 Encouragement to Be Faithful
tsk@2Timothy:2:14-26 A Workman Approved by God
tsk@2Timothy:3:1-9 Godlessness in the Last Days
tsk@2Timothy:3:10-4:8 Paul's Charge to Timothy
tsk@2Timothy:4:9-18 Personal Remarks
tsk@2Timothy:4:19-22 Final Greetings
tsk@Titus:1:1-4 Introduction
tsk@Titus:1:5-16 Titus' Task on Crete
tsk@Titus:2 What Must Be Taught to Various Groups
tsk@Titus:3:1-11 Doing What Is Good
tsk@Titus:3:12-15 Final Remarks
tsk@Philemon:1:1-3 Introduction
tsk@Philemon:1:4-7 Thanksgiving and Prayer
tsk@Philemon:1:8-25 Paul's Plea for Onesimus
tsk@Hebrews:1 The Son Superior to Angels
tsk@Hebrews:2:1-4 Warning to Pay Attention
tsk@Hebrews:2:5-18 Jesus Made Like His Brothers
tsk@Hebrews:3:1-6 Jesus Greater Than Moses
tsk@Hebrews:3:7-19 Warning Against Unbelief
tsk@Hebrews:4:1-13 A Sabbath-Rest for the People of God
tsk@Hebrews:4:14-5:10 Jesus the Great High Priest
tsk@Hebrews:5:11-6:20 Warning Against Falling Away
tsk@Hebrews:7:1-10 Melchizedek the Priest
tsk@Hebrews:7:11-28 Jesus Like Melchizedek
tsk@Hebrews:8 The High Priest of a New Covenant
tsk@Hebrews:9:1-10 Worship in the Earthly Tabernacle
tsk@Hebrews:9:11-28 The Blood of Christ
tsk@Hebrews:10:1-18 Christ's Sacrifice Once for All
tsk@Hebrews:10:19-39 A Call to Persevere
tsk@Hebrews:11 By Faith
tsk@Hebrews:12:1-13 God Disciplines His Sons
tsk@Hebrews:12:14-29 Warning Against Refusing God
tsk@Hebrews:13 Concluding Exhortations
tsk@James:1:1 Introduction
tsk@James:1:2-18 Trials and Temptations
tsk@James:1:19-27 Listening and Doing
tsk@James:2:1-13 Favoritism Forbidden
tsk@James:2:14-26 Faith and Deeds
tsk@James:3:1-12 Taming the Tongue
tsk@James:3:13-18 Two Kinds of Wisdom
tsk@James:4:1-12 Submit Yourselves to God
tsk@James:4:13-17 Boasting About Tomorrow
tsk@James:5:1-6 Warning to Rich Oppressors
tsk@James:5:7-12 Patience in Suffering
tsk@James:5:13-20 The Prayer of Faith
tsk@1Peter:1:1-2 Introduction
tsk@1Peter:1:3-12 Praise to God for a Living Hope
tsk@1Peter:1:13-2:3 Be Holy
tsk@1Peter:2:4-12 The Living Stone and a Chosen People
tsk@1Peter:2:13-25 Submission to Rulers and Masters
tsk@1Peter:3:1-7 Wives and Husbands
tsk@1Peter:3:8-22 Suffering for Doing Good
tsk@1Peter:4:1-11 Living for God
tsk@1Peter:4:12-19 Suffering for Being a Christian
tsk@1Peter:5:1-11 To Elders and Young Men
tsk@1Peter:5:12-14 Final Greetings
tsk@2Peter:1:1-2 Introduction
tsk@2Peter:1:3-11 Making One's Calling and Election Sure
tsk@2Peter:1:12-21 Prophecy of Scripture
tsk@2Peter:2 False Teachers and Their Destruction
tsk@2Peter:3 The Day of the Lord
tsk@1John:1:1-4 The Word of Life
tsk@1John:1:5-2:14 Walking in the Light
tsk@1John:2:15-17 Do Not Love the World
tsk@1John:2:18-27 Warning Against Antichrists
tsk@1John:2:28-3:10 Children of God
tsk@1John:3:11-24 Love One Another
tsk@1John:4:1-6 Test the Spirits
tsk@1John:4:7-21 God's Love and Ours
tsk@1John:5:1-12 Faith in the Son of God
tsk@1John:5:13-21 Concluding Remarks
tsk@2John:1-5 2 John
tsk@3John:1 3 John
tsk@Jude:1:1-2 Introduction
tsk@Jude:1:3-16 The Sin and Doom of Godless Men
tsk@Jude:1:17-23 A Call to Persevere
tsk@Jude:1:24-25 Doxology
tsk@Revelation:1:1-8 Introduction
tsk@Revelation:1:9-20 John Meets Jesus
tsk@Revelation:2:1-7 (1) Ephesus
tsk@Revelation:2:8-11 (2) Smyrna
tsk@Revelation:2:12-17 (3) Pergamum
tsk@Revelation:2:18-29 (4) Thyatira
tsk@Revelation:3:1-6 (5) Sardis
tsk@Revelation:3:7-13 (6) Philadelphia
tsk@Revelation:3:14-22 (7) Laodicea
tsk@Revelation:4 Throne in Heaven
tsk@Revelation:5 The Scroll & the Lamb
tsk@Revelation:6:1-8 Seals 1 thru 4 - the 4 Horsemen
tsk@Revelation:6:9-11 5th Seal - Trib Martyrs
tsk@Revelation:6:12-17 6th Seal - Earthquake
tsk@Revelation:7:1-8 144,000 Sealed
tsk@Revelation:7:9-17 The Great Multitude
tsk@Revelation:8 7th Seal - Trumpets 1 thru 4
tsk@Revelation:9:1-12 5th Trumpet - Locust from the Pit
tsk@Revelation:9:13-21 6th Trumpet - Army of 200 Million
tsk@Revelation:10 Little Scroll
tsk@Revelation:11:1-14 Two Witnesses
tsk@Revelation:11:15-19 7th Trumpet - Earthquake
tsk@Revelation:12 The Woman and the Dragon
tsk@Revelation:13:1-10 Beast 1 - the Antichrist
tsk@Revelation:13:11-18 Beast 2 - the False Prophet
tsk@Revelation:14:1-5 The Lamb & the 144,000
tsk@Revelation:14:6-13 The 3 Angels
tsk@Revelation:14:14-20 Harvest of the Earth
tsk@Revelation:15-16 The 7 Plagues
tsk@Revelation:17 The Great Prostitute
tsk@Revelation:18 The Fall of Babylon
tsk@Revelation:19:1-10 Rejoicing, God Reigns
tsk@Revelation:19:11-21 The Return of Jesus Christ
tsk@Revelation:20:1-6 The Millennium (1000-yr Reign of Christ)
tsk@Revelation:20:7-10 Battle of the Nations - Satan's Doom
tsk@Revelation:20:11-15 The Great White Throne (Final) Judgement
tsk@Revelation:21:1-22:6 The New Jersalem & the River of Life
tsk@Revelation:22:7-21 Final Comments

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