pBiblx2 Field Wise - User Settings



| StorylinesOT | StorylinesNT
tcent@Genesis:1:1 Creation
tcent@Genesis:1:3-2:3 The Seven Days of Creation
tcent@Genesis:2:4-25 Adam and Eve
tcent@Genesis:3 The Fall
tcent@Genesis:4 Cain and Abel
tcent@Genesis:5 Geneology - Adam to Noah
tcent@Genesis:6-9 The Great Flood
tcent@Genesis:10 The Table of Nations
tcent@Genesis:11:1-9 The Tower of Babel
tcent@Genesis:11:10-32 Geneology - Shem to Abraham
tcent@Genesis:12-14 Abraham is Called to the Holy Land
tcent@Genesis:15-17 God's Covenant with Abraham
tcent@Genesis:18-19 Sodom and Gomorrah
tcent@Genesis:20-23 Abraham Sarah, and Isaac
tcent@Genesis:24 Isaac and Rebekah
tcent@Genesis:25:1-11 The Death of Abraham
tcent@Genesis:25:12-18 Geneology - Ishmael
tcent@Genesis:25:19-27:40 Jacob Competes with Esau
tcent@Genesis:27:41-28:22 Jacob Flees to Aram
tcent@Genesis:29-30 Jacob in Aram
tcent@Genesis:31-33 Jacob Returns to Face Esau
tcent@Genesis:34 Dinah
tcent@Genesis:35 Jacob Returns to Bethel
tcent@Genesis:36 Geneology - Esau
tcent@Genesis:37 Joseph Sold into Slavery
tcent@Genesis:38 Judah and Tamar
tcent@Genesis:39-41 Joseph in Egypt
tcent@Genesis:42-45 Joseph's Brothers Come to Egypt
tcent@Genesis:46:1-49:28 The Israelites live in Egypt
tcent@Genesis:49:29-50:26 The Deaths of Jacob and Joseph

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