


| StorylinesOT | StorylinesNT
isv@Matthew:3:1-12 John the Baptist Prepares the Way
isv@Matthew:11:1-19 Jesus and John the Baptist
isv@Matthew:14:1-12 John the Baptist Beheaded
isv@Mark:1:1-8 John the Baptist Prepares the Way
isv@Mark:6:14-29 John the Baptist Beheaded
isv@Mark:10:35-45 The Request of James and John
isv@Luke:1:5-25 The Birth of John the Baptist Foretold
isv@Luke:1:57-66 The Birth of John the Baptist
isv@Luke:3:1-20 John the Baptist Prepares the Way
isv@Luke:7:18-35 Jesus and John the Baptist
isv@John:1:1-18 The Word Became Flesh
isv@John:1:19-28 John the Baptist Denies Being the Christ
isv@John:1:29-34 Jesus the Lamb of God
isv@John:1:35-42 Jesus' First Disciples
isv@John:1:43-51 Jesus Calls Philip and Nathanael
isv@John:1:1-11 Jesus Changes Water into Wine
isv@John:2:12-25 Jesus Clears the Temple
isv@John:3:1-21 Jesus Teaches Nicodemus
isv@John:3:22-36 John the Baptist's Testimony About Jesus
isv@John:4:1-26 Jesus Talks With a Samaritan Woman
isv@John:4:27-38 The Disciples Rejoin Jesus
isv@John:4:39-42 Many Samaritans Believe
isv@John:4:43-54 Jesus Heals the Official's Son
isv@John:5:1-15 The Healing at the Pool
isv@John:5:16-30 Life Through the Son
isv@John:5:31-47 Testimonies About Jesus
isv@John:6:1-15 Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand
isv@John:6:16-24 Jesus Walks on the Water
isv@John:6:25-59 Jesus the Bread of Life
isv@John:6:60-71 Many Disciples Desert Jesus
isv@John:7:1-13 Jesus Goes to the Feast of Tabernacles
isv@John:7:14-24 Jesus Teaches at the Feast
isv@John:7:25-44 Is Jesus the Christ?
isv@John:7:45-8:11 Unbelief of the Jewish Leaders
isv@John:8:12-30 The Validity of Jesus' Testimony
isv@John:8:31-41 The Children of Abraham
isv@John:8:42-47 The Children of the Devil
isv@John:8:48-59 The Claims of Jesus About Himself
isv@John:9:1-12 Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind
isv@John:9:13-34 The Pharisees Investigate the Healing
isv@John:9:35-41 Spiritual Blindness
isv@John:10:1-21 The Shepherd and His Flock
isv@John:10:22-42 The Unbelief of the Jews
isv@John:11:1-16 The Death of Lazarus
isv@John:11:17-37 Jesus Comforts the Sisters
isv@John:11:38-44 Jesus Raises Lazarus From the Dead
isv@John:11:45-57 The Plot to Kill Jesus
isv@John:12:1-11 Jesus Anointed at Bethany
isv@John:12:12-19 The Triumphal Entry
isv@John:12:20-36 Jesus Predicts His Death
isv@John:12:37-50 The Jews Continue in Their Unbelief
isv@John:13:1-17 Jesus Washes His Disciples' Feet
isv@John:13:18-30 Jesus Predicts His Betrayal
isv@John:13:31-38 Jesus Predicts Peter's Denial
isv@John:14:1-4 Jesus Comforts His Disciples
isv@John:14:5-14 Jesus the Way to the Father
isv@John:14:15-31 Jesus Promises the Holy Spirit
isv@John:15:1-17 The Vine and the Branches
isv@John:15:18-16:4 The World Hates the Disciples
isv@John:16:5-16 The Work of the Holy Spirit
isv@John:16:17-33 The Disciples' Grief Will Turn to Joy
isv@John:17:1-5 Jesus Prays for Himself
isv@John:17:6-19 Jesus Prays for His Disciples
isv@John:17:20-26 Jesus Prays for All Believers
isv@John:18:1-11 Jesus Arrested
isv@John:18:12-14 Jesus Taken to Annas
isv@John:18:15-18 Peter's First Denial
isv@John:18:19-24 The High Priest Questions Jesus
isv@John:18:25-27 Peter's Second and Third Denials
isv@John:18:28-40 Jesus Before Pilate
isv@John:19:1-16 Jesus Sentenced to be Crucified
isv@John:19:17-27 The Crucifixion
isv@John:19:28-37 The Death of Jesus
isv@John:19:38-42 The Burial of Jesus
isv@John:20:1-9 The Empty Tomb
isv@John:20:10-18 Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene
isv@John:20:19-23 Jesus Appears to His Disiples
isv@John:20:24-31 Jesus Appears to Thomas
isv@John:21:1-14 Jesus and the Miraculous Catch of Fish
isv@John:21:15-25 Jesus Reinstates Peter
isv@Acts:4:1-31 Peter & John at the Sanhedrin
isv@1John:1:1-4 The Word of Life
isv@1John:1:5-2:14 Walking in the Light
isv@1John:2:15-17 Do Not Love the World
isv@1John:2:18-27 Warning Against Antichrists
isv@1John:2:28-3:10 Children of God
isv@1John:3:11-24 Love One Another
isv@1John:4:1-6 Test the Spirits
isv@1John:4:7-21 God's Love and Ours
isv@1John:5:1-12 Faith in the Son of God
isv@1John:5:13-21 Concluding Remarks
isv@2John:1-5 2 John
isv@3John:1 3 John
isv@Revelation:1:9-20 John Meets Jesus

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