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Ecclesiastes: AUTHOR: Solomon - 900 B.C. - OLD TESTAMENT - Books of Poetry

strongs@Ecclesiastes:1 ECCLESIASTES - In English, the title means "Preacher". Traditionally held to have been written by Solomon, this book is now almost universally recognized as about him rather than by him. The author’s purpose is to prove the vanity of everything "under the sun". This truth is first announced a fact, then proved from the "Preacher’s" experience and observations. Finally, the author shows that the fullness of life is found only in the recognition of things "above the sun", things spiritual as well as material.

Quoted resource: easton 'Ecclesiastes'

Ecclesiastes @ the Greek rendering of the Hebrew _Koheleth_, which means "Preacher." The old and traditional view of the authorship of this book attributes it to Solomon. This view can be satisfactorily maintained, though others date it from the Captivity. The writer represents himself implicitly as Solomon (1:12). It has been appropriately styled The Confession of King Solomon. "The writer is a man who has sinned in giving way to selfishness and sensuality, who has paid the penalty of that sin in satiety and weariness of life, but who has through all this been under the discipline of a divine education, and has learned from it the lesson which God meant to teach him." "The writer concludes by pointing out that the secret of a true life is that a man should consecrate the vigour of his youth to God." The key-note of the book is sounded in ch. 1:2, "Vanity of vanities! saith the Preacher, Vanity of vanities! all is vanity!" i.e., all man's efforts to find happiness apart from God are without result.

strongs@Ecclesiastes:1:1-11 Everything is Meaningless
strongs@Ecclesiastes:1:12-18 Wisdom Is Meaningless
strongs@Ecclesiastes:2:1-11 Pleasures Are Meaningless
strongs@Ecclesiastes:2:12-16 Wisdom and Folly Are Meaningless
strongs@Ecclesiastes:2:17-26 Toil Is Meaningless
strongs@Ecclesiastes:3 A Time for Everything
strongs@Ecclesiastes:4:1-12 Oppression, Toil, Friendlessness
strongs@Ecclesiastes:4:13-16 Advancement Is Meaningless
strongs@Ecclesiastes:5:1-7 Stand in Awe of God
strongs@Ecclesiastes:5:8-6:12 Riches Are Meaningless
strongs@Ecclesiastes:7:1-8:1 Wisdom
strongs@Ecclesiastes:8:2-17 Obey the King
strongs@Ecclesiastes:9:1-12 A Common Destiny for All
strongs@Ecclesiastes:9:13-10:20 Wisdom Better Than Folly
strongs@Ecclesiastes:11:1-6 Bread Upon the Waters
strongs@Ecclesiastes:11:7-12:8 Remember Your Creator While Young
strongs@Ecclesiastes:12:9-14 The Conclusion of the Matter

kjv@Ecclesiastes Chapters=12 Verses=222 Words=5579 Chars=28807; 54 MAN 41 GOD 40 HEART 39 TIME 35 SUN 33 VANITY 28 WISDOM 25 WISE 25 GOOD 22 EVIL 19 SPIRIT 15 WORK 13 WORDS 13 GREAT 12 LIFE 12 FOOL 11 EARTH 10 KING 9 WILL 8 WICKED
kjv@Ecclesiastes:1 Verses=18 Words=380 Chars=2082; 5 WISDOM 5 SUN 4 VANITY 4 HEART 3 MAN 3 JERUSALEM 2 WIND 2 SPIRIT 2 SEA 2 NEW 2 KNOWLEDGE 2 KING 2 GREAT 1 WORKS 1 WORDS 1 TIME 1 STRAIGHT 1 SORROW 1 SON 1 OLD
kjv@Ecclesiastes:2 Verses=26 Words=734 Chars=3740; 10 HEART 9 MAN 8 VANITY 6 WISE 6 WISDOM 6 SUN 5 GREAT 5 FOOL 4 GOOD 3 SPIRIT 3 GOD 2 WORKS 2 WATER 2 SINGERS 2 SAW 2 LIFE 2 KNOWLEDGE 2 JOY 2 JERUSALEM 2 DARKNESS
kjv@Ecclesiastes:3 Verses=22 Words=517 Chars=2544; 31 TIME 8 GOD 6 MAN 3 HEART 3 GOOD 2 WORK 2 STONES 2 SPIRIT 2 DUST 2 BEASTS 1 WORLD 1 WORKS 1 WICKED 1 WAR 1 VANITY 1 SUN 1 SAW 1 RIGHTEOUSNESS 1 RIGHTEOUS 1 PEACE
kjv@Ecclesiastes:4 Verses=16 Words=380 Chars=1996; 4 VANITY 4 SUN 3 SPIRIT 2 WORK 2 WILL 2 SECOND 2 POOR 2 GOOD 2 DEAD 2 COMFORTER 1 WISE 1 TEARS 1 SOUL 1 SAW 1 RICHES 1 REWARD 1 PRISON 1 POWER 1 OLD 1 MAN
kjv@Ecclesiastes:5 Verses=20 Words=533 Chars=2749; 10 GOD 4 EVIL 3 WORDS 3 RICHES 3 GOOD 2 VOICE 2 SUN 2 SLEEP 2 SILVER 2 MAN 2 LIFE 2 HEART 2 HAND 2 EARTH 1 WRATH 1 WORK 1 WIND 1 WILL 1 WEALTH 1 VANITY
kjv@Ecclesiastes:6 Verses=12 Words=301 Chars=1517; 7 MAN 4 VANITY 3 SUN 3 GOOD 2 SOUL 2 LIFE 2 GOD 2 EVIL 2 DARKNESS 1 WISE 1 WEALTH 1 SPIRIT 1 RICHES 1 REST 1 POWER 1 POOR 1 NAME 1 FOOL 1 DISEASE 1 DESIRE
kjv@Ecclesiastes:7 Verses=29 Words=617 Chars=3228; 8 MAN 8 HEART 6 WISE 6 WISDOM 5 GOD 4 HOUSE 4 GOOD 4 DAY 3 SPIRIT 2 WILL 2 WICKED 2 VANITY 2 MOURNING 2 LIFE 2 LAUGHTER 2 DEATH 1 WORK 1 WORDS 1 TIME 1 TEN
kjv@Ecclesiastes:8 Verses=17 Words=515 Chars=2621; 8 MAN 6 WORK 5 GOD 5 EVIL 4 WICKED 4 SUN 4 HEART 3 WISE 3 VANITY 3 TIME 3 POWER 2 WISDOM 2 SPIRIT 2 JUDGMENT 2 FEAR 2 FACE 2 EARTH 2 DAY 1 WORD 1 WAR
kjv@Ecclesiastes:9 Verses=18 Words=555 Chars=2816; 6 WISDOM 6 SUN 5 MAN 4 WISE 4 HEART 4 EVIL 3 TIME 3 POOR 3 GREAT 3 GOOD 3 DEAD 2 WORKS 2 WORDS 2 VANITY 2 SINNER 2 RIGHTEOUS 2 LOVE 2 LIFE 2 HATRED 2 HAND
kjv@Ecclesiastes:10 Verses=20 Words=402 Chars=2132; 4 FOOL 3 WORDS 3 WISDOM 3 KING 2 WISE 2 WILL 2 STRENGTH 2 SERPENT 2 LAND 2 HEART 2 GREAT 2 CURSE 1 WINE 1 WAY 1 WALKING 1 VOICE 1 SWALLOW 1 SUN 1 STONES 1 SPIRIT
kjv@Ecclesiastes:11 Verses=10 Words=273 Chars=1402; 3 HEART 2 VANITY 2 TREE 2 MAN 2 GOD 2 EVIL 2 EARTH 1 YOUNG 1 WORKS 1 WIND 1 WILL 1 WAY 1 SWEET 1 SUN 1 SPIRIT 1 SORROW 1 SEVEN 1 SEED 1 RAIN 1 LIGHT
kjv@Ecclesiastes:12 Verses=14 Words=372 Chars=1980; 3 WORDS 3 GOD 2 WISE 2 VANITY 2 MAN 2 GOOD 2 EVIL 1 WORK 1 WHEEL 1 WAY 1 VOICE 1 TRUTH 1 TREE 1 SUN 1 STARS 1 SPIRIT 1 SON 1 SILVER 1 SHEPHERD 1 SECRET

strongs@Ecclesiastes:3:11 creator general scriptures
strongs@Ecclesiastes:7:29 creator general scriptures
strongs@Ecclesiastes:11:5 creator general scriptures
strongs@Ecclesiastes:12:14 jesus christ divinity of
strongs@Ecclesiastes:12:14 jesus christ divinity of
strongs@Ecclesiastes:11:5 creator of man
strongs@Ecclesiastes:12:1 creator of man
strongs@Ecclesiastes:9:9 wives
strongs@Ecclesiastes:2:1 happiness of wicked
strongs@Ecclesiastes:7:6 happiness of wicked
strongs@Ecclesiastes:7:9 angry
strongs@Ecclesiastes:5:6 angels ministers
strongs@Ecclesiastes:5:2 heaven dwelling of god
strongs@Ecclesiastes:3:12-13 contentment
strongs@Ecclesiastes:4:6 contentment
strongs@Ecclesiastes:5:12 contentment
strongs@Ecclesiastes:7:8-9 patience
strongs@Ecclesiastes:4:1 consolation in affliction
strongs@Ecclesiastes:7:9 anger general
strongs@Ecclesiastes:2:26 joy general scriptures
strongs@Ecclesiastes:2:26 financial trouble

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