^ BookOfBible


James: AUTHOR: James - A.D. 45 - NEW TESTAMENT - General Epistles

torrey@James:1 JAMES - The author of this letter introduces himself as "James, a servant of God and the Lord Jesus Christ". Four men in the New Testament bore this name but the writer of this Epistle is usually identified with James who was the leader of the church in Jerusalem. The letter is addressed to the "the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad", and is the most Jewish in style and form of any of the New Testament books. It is not a treatise on Christian theology but rather a practical letter dealing with Christian ethics. James insists that works, not words, are the mark of a disciple.

Quoted resource: easton 'James'

James @ (1.) The son of Zebedee and Salome; an elder brother of John the apostle. He was one of the twelve. He was by trade a fisherman, in partnership with Peter torrey@Matthew:20:20 torrey@Matthew:27:56). With John and Peter he was present at the transfiguration torrey@Matthew:17:1; torrey@Mark:9:2), at the raising of Jairus's daughter torrey@Mark:5:37-43), and in the garden with our Lord (14:33). Because, probably, of their boldness and energy, he and John were called Boanerges, i.e., "sons of thunder." He was the first martyr among the apostles, having been beheaded by King Herod Agrippa torrey@Acts:12:1-2), A.D. 44. (Comp. torrey@Matthew:4:21 torrey@Matthew:20:20-23). (2.) The son of Alphaeus, or Cleopas, "the brother" or near kinsman or cousin of our Lord torrey@Galatians:1:18-19), called James "the Less," or "the Little," probably because he was of low stature. He is mentioned along with the other apostles torrey@Matthew:10:3; torrey@Mark:3:18; torrey@Luke:6:15). He had a separate interview with our Lord after his resurrection ( torrey@1Corinthians:15:7), and is mentioned as one of the apostles of the circumcision torrey@Acts:1:13). He appears to have occupied the position of head of the Church at Jerusalem, where he presided at the council held to consider the case of the Gentiles torrey@Acts:12:17 torrey@Acts:15:13-29: 21:18-24). This James was the author of the epistle which bears his name.

James, Epistle of @ (1.) Author of, was James the Less, the Lord's brother, one of the twelve apostles. He was one of the three pillars of the Church torrey@Galatians:2:9). (2.) It was addressed to the Jews of the dispersion, "the twelve tribes scattered abroad." (3.) The place and time of the writing of the epistle were Jerusalem, where James was residing, and, from internal evidence, the period between Paul's two imprisonments at Rome, probably about A.D. 62. (4.) The object of the writer was to enforce the practical duties of the Christian life. "The Jewish vices against which he warns them are, formalism, which made the service of God consist in washings and outward ceremonies, whereas he reminds them (1:27) that it consists rather in active love and purity; fanaticism, which, under the cloak of religious zeal, was tearing Jerusalem in pieces (1:20); fatalism, which threw its sins on God (1:13); meanness, which crouched before the rich (2:2); falsehood, which had made words and oaths play-things (3:2-12); partisanship (3:14); evil speaking (4:11); boasting (4:16); oppression (5:4). The great lesson which he teaches them as Christians is patience, patience in trial (1:2), patience in good works (1:22-25), patience under provocation (3:17), patience under oppression (5:7), patience under persecution (5:10); and the ground of their patience is that the coming of the Lord draweth nigh, which is to right all wrong (5:8)." "Justification by works," which James contends for, is justification before man, the justification of our profession of faith by a consistent life. Paul contends for the doctrine of "justification by faith;" but that is justification before God, a being regarded and accepted as just by virtue of the righteousness of Christ, which is received by faith.

torrey@Mark:10:35-45 The Request of James and John
torrey@James:1:1 Introduction
torrey@James:1:2-18 Trials and Temptations
torrey@James:1:19-27 Listening and Doing
torrey@James:2:1-13 Favoritism Forbidden
torrey@James:2:14-26 Faith and Deeds
torrey@James:3:1-12 Taming the Tongue
torrey@James:3:13-18 Two Kinds of Wisdom
torrey@James:4:1-12 Submit Yourselves to God
torrey@James:4:13-17 Boasting About Tomorrow
torrey@James:5:1-6 Warning to Rich Oppressors
torrey@James:5:7-12 Patience in Suffering
torrey@James:5:13-20 The Prayer of Faith

kjv@James Chapters=5 Verses=145 Words=3203 Chars=17337; 25 MAN 17 GOD 16 FAITH 15 LORD 13 WORKS 10 LAW 8 EVIL 7 WILL 5 WORLD 5 WORD 5 TONGUE 5 PATIENCE 5 MERCY 5 GOOD 5 FIRE 5 EARTH 5 BODY 4 WISDOM 4 SIN 4 POOR
kjv@James:1 Verses=27 Words=544 Chars=2938; 13 MAN 6 GOD 4 WORD 3 LORD 2 WRATH 2 WORK 2 SIN 2 RELIGION 2 PATIENCE 2 LUST 2 GRASS 2 FATHER 2 FAITH 2 DOER 1 WORLD 1 WISDOM 1 WIND 1 WILL 1 WAY 1 TRUTH
kjv@James:2 Verses=26 Words=528 Chars=2813; 13 FAITH 12 WORKS 6 MAN 5 LAW 4 POOR 4 GOD 4 DEAD 3 RESPECT 3 MERCY 3 JUDGMENT 2 LOVE 2 LORD 2 BODY 2 ADULTERY 2 ABRAHAM 1 WORLD 1 WILL 1 WAY 1 SPIRIT 1 SON
kjv@James:3 Verses=18 Words=378 Chars=2069; 4 TONGUE 4 MAN 4 FIRE 3 WISDOM 3 GREAT 3 BODY 2 WATER 2 STRIFE 2 PEACE 2 GOOD 2 GOD 2 FOUNTAIN 2 EVIL 2 BITTER 1 WORLD 1 WORKS 1 WORK 1 WORD 1 WISE 1 VINE
kjv@James:4 Verses=17 Words=369 Chars=1929; 5 WILL 5 GOD 4 LAW 4 EVIL 2 WORLD 2 WAR 2 LORD 2 JUDGE 2 GRACE 2 BROTHER 2 ART 1 YEAR 1 TIME 1 SPIRIT 1 SIN 1 PROUD 1 MOURNING 1 LUST 1 LIFE 1 LAUGHTER

torrey@James:1:26 speaking word
torrey@James:1:27 widows
torrey@James:5:14-15a faith
torrey@James:2:1 jesus christ divinity of
torrey@James:1:27 responsiblity
torrey@James:2:15-17 responsiblity
torrey@James:5:16 confession of sin
torrey@James:1:19-20 angry
torrey@James:3:16-18 disturbed
torrey@James:5:16 fellowship more scriptures
torrey@James:4:8 companion
torrey@James:1:3-4 patience
torrey@James:5:7-8 patience
torrey@James:1:18 regeneration
torrey@James:5:19-20 regeneration
torrey@James:1:5 will of god
torrey@James:4:7 satan
torrey@James:2:20-23 justification
torrey@James:2:26 justification
torrey@James:1:4 perseverance
torrey@James:1:12 perseverance
torrey@James:1:25 perseverance
torrey@James:5:10-11 perseverance
torrey@James:5:4 dishonesty cheating general scriptures
torrey@James:2:13 mercy of god
torrey@James:4:8 mercy of god
torrey@James:5:11 mercy of god
torrey@James:5:15 mercy of god
torrey@James:3:16-18 confused
torrey@James:1:5 confused
torrey@James:1:12 consolation in affliction
torrey@James:1:27 consolation in affliction
torrey@James:5:8 consolation in affliction
torrey@James:5:10 consolation in affliction
torrey@James:2:11 adultery and fornication
torrey@James:2:11 adultery and fornication
torrey@James:3:1 pride
torrey@James:4:6 pride
torrey@James:2:8 unselfishness
torrey@James:1:13-14 feel tempted
torrey@James:4:7 feel tempted
torrey@James:1:2-3 feel tempted
torrey@James:1:12 feel tempted
torrey@James:4:8 purity of heart
torrey@James:5:8 purity of heart
torrey@James:2:13 charitableness
torrey@James:4:11-12 charitableness
torrey@James:5:7-9 advent second-coming
torrey@James:1:19-20 anger general
torrey@James:1:21 meekness humility
torrey@James:3:13 meekness humility
torrey@James:5:14-15 sickness
torrey@James:1:2 joy general scriptures
torrey@James:5:13 joy general scriptures
torrey@James:4:4 carnal mind
torrey@James:4:7 rebellious
torrey@James:2:19 demons

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