Daily Devotionals

Secure at LikePreciousFaith is proud to host several excellent Christian devotionals focused on reading God's Holy Word. Devotional readings are an excellent way of growing your faith, knowledge and understanding of our God and His Word. Though you couldn't do wrong by any of these, you may want to sort through our user comments to decide which one is best to start with. For newer believers we highlly encourage either the Daily Light of the Faith of Jesus as they are more foundational reads.

The advantage to devotional reading is that you get a broader perspective of the larger contexts of the bible. You learn and retain knowledge that may not applicable at the present moment, but will be needed by a future moment. With every thing read there has to be an effort to find ways to apply the lessons into your daily life. For the more challenging reads we suggest a interpetive primer such as McGeeGuidelines or TorreyProfitableBibleStudy .

Currently we are featuring:
This is a personal devotion and journal going through the 4 gospels in one year to seek out the faith of our Lord Jesus and keep it.
Comment Board:FaithOfJesusPlan

Devotional: Daily Light SEPTEMBER13
This is the classic AM/PM verse reading devotion widely used and appreciated by many denominations.
Comment Board:DailyLightPlan

Devotional:Plan1 September13
This is a one year read through both the old and new testaments at the same time.
Comment Board:BibleReadPlan1

Devotional:Plan2 September13
This is a one year read through the entire bible in order.
Comment Board:BibleReadPlan2

Devotional: Plan4 Day_256
This is another good one year read through the entire bible in order.
Comment Board:BibleReadPlan4

Devotional: Chronological Day_256
This is wonderful one year near chronolgical read through the entire bible.
Comment Board:ChronologicalReadPlan1

There are plenty of system resources available at click of the mouse to go along with these devotionals. That is the advantage of doing this reading on line. These tools on Secure at LikePreciousFaith are available even on your smartphone. If you are old school enough to prefer the printed word you can still print out the devotional index to keep as hard copy.

We do hope that your devotional time leads you closer to our Lord! It is well worth your effort. It is one of the first things we find lacking in lives of many of the brethren we counsel through their difficaulties.
