


dict:hitchcock Sabeans captivity; conversion; old age - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sabtah a going about or circuiting; old age - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sabtechah that surrounds; that causes wounding - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sacar wares; a price - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sadducees followers of Sadoc, or Zadok - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sadoc or Zadok, just; righteous - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Salah mission; sending - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Salamis shaken; test; beaten - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Salathiel asked or lent of God - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Salcah thy basket; thy lifting up - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Salem complete or perfect peace - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Salim foxes; fists; path - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Salma peace; perfection - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Salmon peaceable; perfect; he that rewards - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Salome same as Salmon - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Samaria watch-mountain - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Samlah his raiment; his left hand; his astonishment - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Samos full of gravel - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Samothracia an island possessed by the Samians and Thracians - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Samson his sun; his service; there the second time - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Samuel heard of God; asked of God - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sanballat bramble-bush; enemy in secret - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sanhedrin sitting together - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sansannah bough or bramble of the enemy - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Saph rushes; sea-moss - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Saphir delightful - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sapphira that relates or tells - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sarah lady; princess; princess of the multitude - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sarai my lady; my princess - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sardis prince of joy - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sardites removing a dissension - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sargon who takes away protection - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sarid remaining; hand of a prince - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Saron same as Sharon - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sarsechim master of the wardrobe - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Saruch branch; layer; lining - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Satan contrary; adversary; enemy; accuser - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Saul demanded; lent; ditch; death - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sceva disposed; prepared - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Seba a drunkard; that turns - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sebat twig; scepter; tribe - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Secacah shadow; covering; defense - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sechu defense; bough - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Secundus second - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Segub fortified; raised - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sela a rock - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sela-hammah-lekoth rock of divisions - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Selah the end; a pause - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Seled affliction; warning - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Seleucia shaken or beaten by the waves - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sem same as Shem - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Semachiah joined to the Lord - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Semaiah obeying the Lord - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Semei hearing; obeying - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Senaah bramble; enemy - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Seneh same as Senaah - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Senir bed-candle; changing - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sennacherib bramble of destruction - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Seorim gates; hairs; tempests - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sephar book; scribe; number - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sepharad a book descending - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sepharvaim the two books; the two scribes - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Serah lady of scent; song; the morning star - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Seraiah prince of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Seraphim burning; fiery - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sergius net - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Serug branch; layer; twining - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Seth put; who puts; fixed - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sethur hid; destroying - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shaalabbim understanding, or son of a fox - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shaalbim that beholds the heart - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Schaaph fleeing; thinking - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shaaraim gates; valuation; hairs - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shaashgaz he that presses the fleece; that shears the sheep - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shabbethai my rest - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shachia protection of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shadrach tender, nipple - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shage touching softly; multiplying much - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shalem same as Salem - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shalim same as Salim - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shalisha three; the third; prince; captain - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shallum perfect; agreeable - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shalmai my garment - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shalman peaceable; perfect; that rewards - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shalmaneser peace; tied; chained; perfection; retribution - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shamariah throne or keeping of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shamed destroying; wearing out - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shamer keeper; thorn; dregs - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shamgar named a stranger; he is here a stranger - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shamhuth desolation; destruction - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shammah loss; desolation; astonishment - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shammai my name; my desolations - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shammoth names; desolations - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shammuah he that is heard; he that is obeyed - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shamsherai there a singer or conqueror - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shaphat judge - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sharai my lord; my prince; my song - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sharar navel; thought; singing - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sharezer overseer of the treasury, or of the storehouse - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sharon his plain; his song - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shashai rejoicing; mercy; linen - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shashak a bag of linen; the sixth bag - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shaveh the plain; that makes equality - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shealtiel same as Salathiel - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sheariah gate of the Lord; tempest of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shear-jashub the remnant shall return - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sheba captivity; old man; repose; oath - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shebam compassing about; old men - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shebaniah the Lord that converts, or recalls from captivity - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shebarim breakings; hopes - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sheber breaking; hope - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shebna who rests himself; who is now captive - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shebuel turning, or captivity, or seat, of God - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shecaniah habitation of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shechem part; portion; back early in the morning - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shedeur field of light; light of the Almighty - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shehariah mourning or blackness of the Lord - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shelah that breaks; that unties; that undresses - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sheleph who draws out - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shelesh captain; prince - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shelumiel same as Shelemiah - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shem name; renown - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shema hearing; obeying - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shemaiah that hears or obeys the Lord - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shemeber name of force; name of the strong - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shemer guardian; thorn - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shemida name of knowledge; that puts knowledge - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shemiramoth the height of the heavens - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shemuel appointed by God - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shen tooth; ivory; change - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shenazar treasurer of a tooth - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shenir lantern; light that sleeps - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shephatiah the Lord that judges - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shephi beholder; honeycomb; garment - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shepho desert - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shephuphan serpent - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sherah flesh; relationship - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sherebiah singing with the Lord - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sheshach bag of flax or linen - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sheshai six; mercy; flax - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sheshan lily; rose; joy; flax - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sheshbazzar joy in tribulation; joy of the vintage - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shethar putrefied; searching - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shethar-boznai that makes to rot; that seeks those who despise me - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sheva vanity; elevation; fame; tumult - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shibmah overmuch captivity, or sitting - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shicron drunkenness; his gift; his wages - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shiggaion a song of trouble or comfort - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shihon sound; wall of strength - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shihor-libnah blackness of Libnah - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shillem peace; perfection; retribution - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shiloah same as Siloah - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shiloh sent - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shilom tarrying; peace-maker - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shilshah three; chief; captain - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shimeon same as Simeon - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shimma same as Shimeah - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shimon providing well; fatness; oil - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shimrath hearing; obedient - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shimshai my son - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shimri thorn; dregs - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shinab father of changing - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shinar watch of him that sleeps - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shiphi multitude - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shiphrah handsome; trumpet; that does good - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shisha of marble; pleasant - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shishak present of the bag; of the pot; of the thigh - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shitrai gatherer of money - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shittim thorns - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shiza this gift - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shoa kings; tyrants - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shobab returned; turned back; a spark - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shobach your bonds; your chains - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shobai turning captivity - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shobal path; ear of corn - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shobek made void; forsaken - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shochoh defense; a bough - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shoham keeping back - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shomer keeper; dregs - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shophach pouring out - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shophan rabbit; hid - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shoshannim those that shall be changed - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shua crying; saving - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shuah ditch; swimming; humiliation - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shual fox; path; first - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shubael returning captivity; seat of God - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shuham talking; thinking; humiliation; budding - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shulamite peaceable; perfect; that recompenses - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shunem their change; their sleep - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shuni changed; sleeping - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shur wall; ox; that beholds - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shushan lily; rose; joy - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Shuthelah plant; verdure; moist; pot - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sia moving; help - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sibbechai bough; cottage; of springs - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sibmah conversion; captivity - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sichem portion; shoulder - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Siddim the tilled field - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sidon hunting; fishing; venison - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sigionoth according to variable songs or tunes, - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sihon rooting out; conclusion - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Silas three, or the third - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Silla exalting - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Silvanus who loves the forest - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Simeon that hears or obeys; that is heard - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Simon that hears; that obeys - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sin bush - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sinai a bush; enmity - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sinim south country, - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sion noise; tumult - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sippai threshold; silver cup - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sinon a breast-plate; deliverance - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sisamai house; blindness - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sisera that sees a horse or a swallow - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sitnah hatred - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sivan a bush or thorn - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Smyrna myrrh - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock So a measure for grain; vail - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Socoh tents; tabernacles - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sodi my secret - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sodom their secret; their cement - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Solomon peaceable; perfect; one who recompenses - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sophereth scribe, numbering - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sorek vine; hissing; a color inclining to yellow - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sosthenes savior; strong; powerful - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sotai conclusion in pleading; binding - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Spain rare; precious - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Stachys spike or ear of corn - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Stephanas crown; crowned - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Stephen same as Stephanas - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Suah speaking; entreating; ditch - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Succoth tents; tabernacles - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Succoth-benoth the tents of daughters, or young women; or prostitutes - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sud my secret - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sur that withdraws or departs; rebellion - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Susanna lily; rose; joy - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Susi horse; swallow; moth - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Sychar end - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Syene a bush; enmity - HITCHCOCK-S
dict:hitchcock Syntyche that speaks or discourses - HITCHCOCK-S

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