Index: NATURALREMEDY.csv - restoring

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Name:Properties:Health Benefits:Dosage:Class
Oakmoss Essential OilProperties: Oakmoss essential oil is commonly used as an antiseptic/ demulcent/ expectorant and a restorative.Health benefits: It helps to protect against septic/ expel phlegm and catarrh/ while healing wounds and generally restoring health.ESSENTIAL OIL
Spikenard Essential OilProperties: Spikenard is an antibacterial/ antifungal/ anti-inflammatory/ deodorant/ laxative/ sedative and a uterine substance.Health benefits: Traditionally/ it also inhibits bacterial and fungal growth/ sedates inflammations/ eliminates body odor/ clears bowels/ soothes inflammation and nervous afflictions/ while restoring uterine health.ESSENTIAL OIL