
Paul's Nazarite Vow

(Thread begun by RandyP )

Paul in kjv@Acts:18:18 and kjv@Acts:21:15-40 performs what appears to be a temporary Nazarite vow for purification yet in Galatians:2 etc.. insists that believers are dead to the Law. Is there contradiction with Paul? Is there a place for the Law after all?

Today's introductory text: strongs@Acts:18:18

The vow that Paul was under most likely was a form of the Nazarite vow originally established in strongs@Numbers:6:1-21

    3 well known men in the bible under a life long commitment to the Nazarite vow:
  1. Judge - Samson strongs@Judges:13:4-5
  2. Judge/Prophet - Samuel strongs@1Samuel:1:11
  3. Prophet - John the Baptist strongs@Luke:1:15

(see: dict:all NAZARITE )
(Note: both men and women could take the oath)
(Note: It later became possible to take a temporary oath lasting at least 1 week and there became the possibility of a "sponsor" who could pay the expenses+sacrifices of others thereby not having to due the complete time other than the 1 week purification)

With that vow in mind let's now examine what Paul submitted himself to in strongs@Acts:21:15-40

Here is where the long time controversy doctrinally begins: strongs@Acts:21:25

What then does Paul decide to do? Why would he do this? strongs@Acts:21:26

What were the results of Paul's action? strongs@Acts:21:27-39

(note: The results of him doing as the apostles had ordered turned out no better for Paul than if he had resisted their order)

    So we have to ask:
  1. Why did Paul do this?
  2. What does it mean for us and Paul's doctrine of justification?

    Let's discuss some possible answers:
  1. strongs@Acts:22:17-24
  2. strongs@1Corinthians:9:19-23
  3. strongs@Acts:24:10-21
  4. (any scriptures group can bring up?)
  5. strongs@Galatians:3:21-29

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