
Power And Comming

kjv@2Peter:1:16 @ For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty.

Contextual Anchors:

1. Exakoloutheō - Followed

Quoted resource: strongs 'G1811'

G1811 @ ἐξακολουθέω exakoloutheō ex-ak-ol-oo-theh'-o From G1537 and G190; to follow out that is (figuratively) to imitate obey yield to: - follow.

2. Dunamis - Power

Quoted resource: strongs 'G1411'

G1411 @ δύναμις dunamis doo'-nam-is From G1410; force (literally or figuratively); specifically miraculous power (usually by implication a miracle itself): - ability abundance meaning might (-ily -y -y deed) (worker of) miracle (-s) power strength violence mighty (wonderful) work.

(See: Topical study TorreyPowerOfChrist or slidy:TorreyPowerOfChrist )

Quoted resource: torrey 'Power'

Power of Christ, the @ As the Son of God, is the power of God strongs@John:5:17-19 strongs@John:10:28-30 -- As man, is from the Father strongs@Acts:10:38 -- Described as -- Supreme strongs@Ephesians:1:20 strongs@Ephesians:1:21 strongs@1Peter:3:22 -- Unlimited strongs@Matthew:28:18 -- Over all flesh strongs@John:17:2 -- Over all things strongs@John:3:35 strongs@Ephesians:1:22 -- Glorious strongs@2Thessalonians:1:9 -- Everlasting strongs@1Timothy:6:16 -- Is able to subdue all things strongs@Philippians:3:21 -- Exhibited in -- Creation strongs@John:1:3 strongs@John:1:10 strongs@Colossians:1:16 -- Upholding all things strongs@Colossians:1:17 strongs@Hebrews:1:3 -- Salvation strongs@Isaiah:63:1 strongs@Hebrews:7:25 -- His teaching strongs@Matthew:7:28 strongs@Matthew:7:29 strongs@Luke:4:32 -- Working miracles strongs@Matthew:8:27 strongs@Luke:5:17 -- Enabling others to work miracles strongs@Matthew:10:1 strongs@Mark:16:17 strongs@Mark:16:18 strongs@Luke:10:17 -- Forgiving sins strongs@Matthew:9:6 strongs@Acts:5:31 -- Giving spiritual life strongs@John:5:21 strongs@John:5:25 strongs@John:5:26 -- Giving eternal life strongs@John:17:2 -- Raising the dead strongs@John:5:28 strongs@John:5:29 -- Raising himself from the dead strongs@John:2:19-21 strongs@John:10:18 -- Overcoming the world strongs@John:16:33 -- Overcoming Satan strongs@Colossians:2:15 strongs@Hebrews:2:14 -- Destroying the works of Satan strongs@1John:3:8 -- Ministers should make known strongs@2Peter:1:16 -- Saints -- Made willingly by strongs@Psalms:110:3 -- Helped by strongs@Hebrews:2:18 -- Strengthened by strongs@Philippians:4:13 strongs@2Timothy:4:17 -- Preserved by strongs@2Timothy:1:12 strongs@2Timothy:4:18 -- Bodies of, shall be changed by strongs@Philippians:3:21 -- Rests upon saints strongs@2Corinthians:12:9 -- Present in the assembly of saints strongs@1Corinthians:5:4 -- Shall be specially manifested at his second coming strongs@Mark:13:26 strongs@2Peter:1:16 -- Shall subdue all power strongs@1Corinthians:15:24 -- The wicked shall be destroyed by strongs@Psalms:2:9 strongs@Isaiah:11:4 strongs@Isaiah:63:3 strongs@2Thessalonians:1:9

Power of God, the @ Is one of his attributes strongs@Psalms:62:11 -- Expressed by the -- Voice of God strongs@Psalms:29:3 strongs@Psalms:29:5 strongs@Psalms:68:33 -- Finger of God strongs@Exodus:8:19 strongs@Psalms:8:3 -- Hand of God strongs@Exodus:9:3 strongs@Exodus:9:15 strongs@Isaiah:48:13 -- Arm of God strongs@Job:40:9 strongs@Isaiah:52:10 -- Thunder of his power strongs@Job:26:14 -- Described as -- Great strongs@Psalms:79:11 strongs@Nahum:1:3 -- Strong strongs@Psalms:89:13 strongs@Psalms:136:12 -- Glorious strongs@Exodus:15:6 strongs@Isaiah:63:12 -- Mighty strongs@Job:9:4 strongs@Psalms:89:13 -- Everlasting strongs@Isaiah:26:4 strongs@Romans:1:20 -- Sovereign strongs@Romans:9:21 -- Effectual strongs@Isaiah:43:13 strongs@Ephesians:3:7 -- Irresistible strongs@Deuteronomy:32:39 strongs@Daniel:4:35 -- Incomparable strongs@Exodus:15:11 strongs@Exodus:15:12 strongs@Deuteronomy:3:24 strongs@Job:40:9 strongs@Psalms:89:8 -- Unsearchable strongs@Job:5:9 strongs@Job:9:10 -- Incomprehensible strongs@Job:26:14 strongs@Ecclesiastes:3:11 -- All things possible to strongs@Matthew:19:26 -- Nothing too hard for strongs@Genesis:18:14 strongs@Jeremiah:32:27 -- Can save by many or by few strongs@1Samuel:14:6 -- Is the source of all strength strongs@1Chronicles:29:12 strongs@Psalms:68:35 -- Exhibited in -- Creation strongs@Psalms:102:25 strongs@Jeremiah:10:12 -- Establishing and governing all things strongs@Psalms:65:6 strongs@Psalms:66:7 -- The miracles of Christ strongs@Luke:11:20 -- The resurrection of Christ strongs@2Corinthians:13:4 strongs@Colossians:2:12 -- The resurrection of saints strongs@1Corinthians:6:14 -- Making the gospel effectual strongs@Romans:1:16 strongs@1Corinthians:1:18 strongs@1Corinthians:1:24 -- Delivering his people strongs@Psalms:106:8 -- The destruction of the wicked strongs@Exodus:9:16 strongs@Romans:9:22 -- Saints -- Long for exhibitions strongs@Psalms:63:1 strongs@Psalms:63:2 -- Have confidence in strongs@Jeremiah:20:11 -- Receive increase of grace by strongs@2Corinthians:9:8 -- Strengthened by strongs@Ephesians:6:10 strongs@Colossians:1:11 -- Upheld by strongs@Psalms:37:17 strongs@Isaiah:41:10 -- Supported in affliction by strongs@2Corinthians:6:7 strongs@2Timothy:1:8 -- Delivered by strongs@Nehemiah:1:10 strongs@Daniel:3:17 -- Exalted by strongs@Job:36:22 -- Kept by, to salvation strongs@1Peter:1:5 -- Exerted in behalf of saints strongs@2Chronicles:16:9 -- Works in, and for saints strongs@2Corinthians:13:4 strongs@Ephesians:1:19 strongs@Ephesians:3:20 -- The faith of saints stands in strongs@1Corinthians:2:5 -- Should be -- Acknowledged strongs@1Chronicles:29:11 strongs@Isaiah:33:13 -- Pleaded in prayer strongs@Psalms:79:11 strongs@Matthew:6:13 -- Feared strongs@Jeremiah:5:22 strongs@Matthew:10:28 -- Magnified strongs@Psalms:21:13 strongs@Jude:1:25 -- Efficiency of ministers is through strongs@1Corinthians:3:6-8 strongs@Galatians:2:8 strongs@Ephesians:3:7 -- Is a ground of trust strongs@Isaiah:26:4 strongs@Romans:4:21 -- The wicked -- Know not strongs@Matthew:22:29 -- Have against them strongs@Ezra:8:22 -- Shall be destroyed by strongs@Luke:12:5 -- The heavenly host magnify strongs@Revelation:4:11 strongs@Revelation:5:13 strongs@Revelation:11:17

Power of the Holy Spirit, the @ Is the power of God strongs@Matthew:12:28 strongs@Luke:11:20 -- Christ commenced his ministry in strongs@Luke:4:14 -- Christ wrought his miracles by strongs@Matthew:12:28 -- Exhibited in -- Creation strongs@Genesis:1:2 strongs@Job:26:13 strongs@Psalms:104:30 -- The conception of Christ strongs@Luke:1:35 -- Raising Christ from the dead strongs@1Peter:3:18 -- Giving spiritual life strongs@Ezekiel:37:11-14 strongs@Romans:8:11 -- Working miracles strongs@Romans:15:19 -- Making the gospel efficacious strongs@1Corinthians:2:4 strongs@1Thessalonians:1:5 -- Overcoming all difficulties strongs@Zechariah:4:6 strongs@Zechariah:4:7 -- Promised by the Father strongs@Luke:24:49 -- Promised by Christ strongs@Acts:1:8 -- Saints -- Upheld by strongs@Psalms:51:12 -- Strengthened by strongs@Ephesians:3:16 -- Enable to speak the truth boldly by strongs@Micah:3:8 strongs@Acts:6:5 strongs@Acts:6:10 strongs@2Timothy:1:7 strongs@2Timothy:1:8 -- Helped in prayer by strongs@Romans:8:26 -- Abound in hope by strongs@Romans:15:13 -- Qualifies ministers strongs@Luke:24:49 strongs@Acts:1:8 -- God's word the instrument of strongs@Ephesians:6:17

3. Parousia - Comming

Quoted resource: strongs 'G3952'

G3952 @ παρουσία parousia par-oo-see'-ah From the present participle of G3918; a being near that is advent (often return; specifically of Christ to punish Jerusalem or finally the wicked); (by implication) physical aspect: - coming presence.

(See: Topical study dict:easton Coming dict:torrey Second Coming )

Quoted resource: torrey 'Second Coming'

Second Coming of Christ, the @ Time of, unknown strongs@Matthew:24:36 strongs@Mark:13:32 -- Called the -- Times of refreshing from the presence of the Lord strongs@Acts:3:19 -- Times of restitution of all things strongs@Acts:3:21 strongs@Romans:8:21 -- Last time strongs@1Peter:1:5 -- Appearing of Jesus Christ strongs@1Peter:1:7 -- Revelation of Jesus Christ strongs@1Peter:1:13 -- Glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour strongs@Titus:2:13 -- Coming of the day of God strongs@2Peter:3:12 -- Day of our Lord Jesus Christ strongs@1Corinthians:1:8 -- Foretold by -- Prophets strongs@Daniel:7:13 strongs@Jude:1:14 -- Himself strongs@Matthew:25:31 strongs@John:14:3 -- Apostles strongs@Acts:3:20 strongs@1Timothy:6:14 -- Angels strongs@Acts:1:10 strongs@Acts:1:11 -- Signs preceding strongs@Matthew:24:3-51 -- The Manner of -- In clouds strongs@Matthew:24:30 strongs@Matthew:26:64 strongs@Revelation:1:7 -- In the glory of his Father strongs@Matthew:16:27 -- In his own glory strongs@Matthew:25:31 -- In flaming fire strongs@2Thessalonians:1:8 -- With power and great glory strongs@Matthew:24:30 -- As he ascended strongs@Acts:1:9 strongs@Acts:1:11 -- With a shout and the voice of the Archangel strongs@1Thessalonians:4:16 -- Accompanied by Angels strongs@Matthew:16:27 strongs@Matthew:25:31 strongs@Mark:8:38 strongs@2Thessalonians:1:7 -- With his saints strongs@1Thessalonians:3:13 strongs@Jude:1:14 -- Suddenly strongs@Mark:13:36 -- Unexpectedly strongs@Matthew:24:44 strongs@Luke:12:40 -- As a thief in the night strongs@1Thessalonians:5:2 strongs@2Peter:3:10 strongs@Revelation:16:15 -- As the lightning strongs@Matthew:24:27 -- The heavens and earth shall be dissolved, &:c at strongs@2Peter:3:10 strongs@2Peter:3:12 -- They who shall have died in Christ shall rise first at strongs@1Thessalonians:4:16 -- The saints alive at, shall be caught up to meet him strongs@1Thessalonians:4:17 -- Is not to make atonement strongs@Hebrews:9:28 strongs@Romans:6:9 strongs@Romans:6:10 strongs@Hebrews:10:14 -- The purposes of, are to -- Complete the salvation of saints strongs@Hebrews:9:28 strongs@1Peter:1:5 -- Be glorified in his saints strongs@2Thessalonians:1:10 -- Be admired in them that believe strongs@2Thessalonians:1:10 -- Bring to light the hidden things of darkness strongs@1Corinthians:4:5 -- Judge strongs@Psalms:50:3 strongs@Psalms:50:4 strongs@John:5:22 strongs@2Timothy:4:1 strongs@Jude:1:15 strongs@Revelation:20:11-13 -- Reign strongs@Isaiah:24:23 strongs@Daniel:7:14 strongs@Revelation:11:15 -- Destroy death strongs@1Corinthians:15:25 strongs@1Corinthians:15:26 -- Every eye shall see him at strongs@Revelation:1:7 -- Should be always considered as at hand strongs@Romans:13:12 strongs@Philippians:4:5 strongs@1Peter:4:7 -- Blessedness of being prepared for strongs@Matthew:24:46 strongs@Luke:12:37 strongs@Luke:12:38 -- Saints -- Assured of strongs@Job:19:25 strongs@Job:19:26 -- Love strongs@2Timothy:4:8 -- Look for strongs@Philippians:3:20 strongs@Titus:2:13 -- Wait for strongs@1Corinthians:1:7 strongs@1Thessalonians:1:10 -- Haste to strongs@2Peter:3:12 -- Pray for strongs@Revelation:22:20 -- Should be ready for strongs@Matthew:24:44 strongs@Luke:12:40 -- Should watch for strongs@Matthew:24:42 strongs@Mark:13:35-37 strongs@Luke:21:36 -- Should be patient to strongs@2Thessalonians:3:5 strongs@James:5:7 strongs@James:5:8 -- Shall be preserved to strongs@Philippians:1:6 strongs@2Timothy:4:18 strongs@1Peter:1:5 strongs@Jude:1:24 -- Shall not be ashamed at strongs@1John:2:28 strongs@1John:4:17 -- Shall be blameless at strongs@1Corinthians:1:8 strongs@1Thessalonians:3:13 strongs@1Thessalonians:5:23 strongs@Jude:1:24 -- Shall be like him at strongs@Philippians:3:21 strongs@1John:3:2 -- Shall see him as he is, at strongs@1John:3:2 -- Shall appear with him in glory at strongs@Colossians:3:4 -- Shall receive a crown of glory at strongs@2Timothy:4:8 strongs@1Peter:5:4 -- Shall reign with him at strongs@Daniel:7:27 strongs@2Timothy:2:12 strongs@Revelation:5:10 strongs@Revelation:20:6 strongs@Revelation:22:5 -- Faith of, shall be found to praise at strongs@1Peter:1:7 -- The wicked -- Scoff at strongs@2Peter:3:3 strongs@2Peter:3:4 -- Presume upon the delay of strongs@Matthew:24:48 -- Shall be surprised by strongs@Matthew:24:37-39 strongs@1Thessalonians:5:3 strongs@2Peter:3:10 -- Shall be punished at strongs@2Thessalonians:1:8 strongs@2Thessalonians:1:9 -- The man of sin to be destroyed at strongs@2Thessalonians:2:8 -- Illustrated strongs@Matthew:25:6 strongs@Luke:12:36 strongs@Luke:12:39 strongs@Luke:19:12 strongs@Luke:19:15

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