
Index: RPAUDIO - B2P2019


Info @ The teaching of Randy Pritts (RandyP ) on http://likepreciousfaith.us
BackToThePsalms001 Part 1 The pathway to a scriptural kind of happiness. @

BackToThePsalms001 Part 2 Why is the man who does not follow this scriptural pathway not this special type of happy? @

BackToThePsalms001 Part 3 If not for the Law of the LORD how impossible would this not walking/not standing/not sitting be? @

BackToThePsalms001 Part 4 What is it about the LORD's Law that makes the man to be this special type of happy? @

BackToThePsalms001 Part 5 Why is it that this man who delights/meditates in the LORD's Law can be so happy? @

BackToThePsalms001 Part 6 Conclusion @

BackToThePsalms001 Psalm:1 "The Happy Happy" @ (commentary as one file) @

BackToThePsalms002 Part 1 The Big Picture: an odd scene depicted by the psalmist. @

BackToThePsalms002 Part 2 "He that sitteth in the heavens..." Who is HE? What is it that HE wants? @

BackToThePsalms002 Part 3 "Heathen" Who are they? What do they want? @

BackToThePsalms002 Part 4 Against the LORD, and against His anointed... @

BackToThePsalms002 Part 5 Conclusion: "Be wise now therfore..." @

BackToThePsalms002 Psalm:2 "The Nations Rage" @ (commentary as one file) @

BackToThePsalms003 Part 1 David, when he fled from Absalom @

BackToThePsalms003 Part 2 Mine Enemies... What are they doing? Who are they? @

BackToThePsalms003 Part 3 Thou, O LORD, art.... (for me) @

BackToThePsalms003 Part 4 I (What I have done/How now I will be) @

BackToThePsalms003 Part 5 Arise/Save @

BackToThePsalms003 Psalm:3 "No Help for Him in God?" @ (commentary as one file) @

BackToThePsalms004 Part 1 Ye Son's of Men: 3 Questions @

BackToThePsalms004 Part 2 O God of my Righteousness: Contrasting 4 Righteous Acts of God @

BackToThePsalms004 Part 3 The Saintly Response: 4 encouragements @

BackToThePsalms004 Part 4 The Saintly Confidence/Experience: 3 things to pray for and receive @

BackToThePsalms004 Part 5 Conclussion: How Long? @

BackToThePsalms004 Psalm:4 "Ye Sons of Men...How Long?" @ (commentary as one file) @

BackToThePsalms005 Part 1 Intro: The Best Intentions of a Saint @

BackToThePsalms005 Part 2 5 Things Every Saint Should Intend to do @

BackToThePsalms005 Part 3 Concerning the Saint's Best Intentions - 2 best reasons why @

BackToThePsalms005 Part 4 To What End Should the Saint's Intentions be Directed? @

BackToThePsalms005 Part 5 Does the Saint Ever Truly Fulfill that which He/She Best Intended? @

BackToThePsalms005 Psalm:5 "The Best Intentions of a Saint" @ (commentary as one file) @

BackToThePsalms006 Part 1 But thou, O LORD, how long? - The Saint's Hope Deferred @

BackToThePsalms006 Part 2 O LORD... @

BackToThePsalms006 Part 3 Our Hope - Past, Present, Future @

BackToThePsalms006 Part 4 Depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity @

BackToThePsalms006 Part 5 But thou, O LORD, how long? (Reprise) @

BackToThePsalms006 Psalm:6 "My Soul - Greatly Troubled" @ (commentary as one file) @


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