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orthjbc@Matthew:2:12 @ And having been warned in a cholom (note:)dream(:note) not to return to Herod, they took refuge in their own country by another way. MOSHIACH IN EGYPT

orthjbc@Matthew:2:14 @ So, having got up, he took the yeled, and his Em by night and departed for Mitzrayim (note:)Egypt(:note).

orthjbc@Matthew:2:22 @ And when Yosef heard that Archelaus had succeeded his father Herod as king of Yehudah, Yosef was afraid to go there. And, having been warned in a cholom, he departed into the districts of the Galil.

orthjbc@Matthew:3:16 @ And having received the tevilah in the Yarden's mikveh mayim, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach immediately came up. And--hinei!--the Shomayim were opened to him, and he saw the Ruach Hashem descending like a yonah (note:)dove(:note) and coming upon him.

orthjbc@Matthew:4:2 @ And, having undergone a tzom (note:)fast(:note) for arba'im yom v'arba'im lailah, afterwards Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was famished.

orthjbc@Matthew:4:12 @ Now, having heard that Yochanan was arrested, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach departed into the Galil.

orthjbc@Matthew:4:13 @ And having left behind Natzeret, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach headquartered in K'far-Nachum by the sea, in the environs of Z'vulun and Naftali.

orthjbc@Matthew:4:21 @ And having gone on from there, he saw two other achim, Ya`akov Ben-Zavdai and Yochanan his brother, in the sirah (note:)boat(:note) with Zavdai their father, repairing their nets, and Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach summoned them.

orthjbc@Matthew:6:6 @ But you, whenever you daven, enter into the secret place, your secret cheder,* and, having shut your door, offer tefillos to your Av Asher b'Seter (note:)Father Who is in Secret(:note), and your Av haRo'eh b'seter Father the One seeing in secret will give you sachar.

orthjbc@Matthew:7:29 @ For his ministry of moreh (note:)teacher(:note) was as one having samchut authority and not as their Sofrim scribes/torah teachers, rabbonim.

orthjbc@Matthew:8:3 @ And, having stretched out his hand, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach touched him, saying, "I am willing. Be made tahor."

orthjbc@Matthew:8:9 @ For I also am a man under marut (note:)authority(:note), having soldiers subordinate to myself, and I say to this one, `Go!` and he goes, and to another `Come!` and he comes, and to my servant, `Do this!` and he does it."

orthjbc@Matthew:8:10 @ And having heard this, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was amazed and said to those who followed him, "Omein, I say to you, in no one in Yisroel have I found such great emunah.

orthjbc@Matthew:8:33 @ And the herdsmen of the chazirim fled, and, having gone away into the town, they told the whole story of what had happened to the men possessed by shedim.

orthjbc@Matthew:9:1 @ And, having embarked into a sirah (note:)boat(:note), Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach crossed over [to the other side of the lake] and came into his own town.

orthjbc@Matthew:9:2 @ And--hinei!--they brought to Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach a paralytic lying upon a mat. Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, having seen their emunah, said to the paralytic, "Chazak! (note:)Be strong!(:note) Selicha forgiveness is granted on your averos sins!"

orthjbc@Matthew:9:8 @ And having witnessed this, the multitudes experienced yirat Shomayim and gave kavod to Hashem, who had given such samchut to men. THE KERI'AH (note:)CALLING(:note) OF MATTITYAHU THE MOCHES --THE SICHAS SEUDAH SHEL TALMIDE CHACHAMIM THE TABLE TALK OF THE WISE

orthjbc@Matthew:9:23 @ And having come into the bais (note:)house(:note) of the nichbad dignitary, and having seen the flute players and the unruly crowd,

orthjbc@Matthew:9:31 @ But having gone out, they made Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach known in that entire district.

orthjbc@Matthew:11:15 @ The one having ears, let him hear.

orthjbc@Matthew:12:9 @ And having gone from there, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach went into their shul.

orthjbc@Matthew:12:24 @ But, having heard this, the Perushim said, "This one does not cast out shedim except by Ba'al-zibbul, the Sar HaShedim (note:)the Prince of Demons(:note)."

orthjbc@Matthew:12:44 @ Then it says, Into my haunt I will return from where I came out. And having come out, it finds the bais standing empty, having been swept and having been put beseder (note:)in order(:note).

orthjbc@Matthew:12:45 @ Then it goes and takes along with itself seven other ruchot more evil than itself and, having entered the residence, it sets up house there and the last state of that man has become worse than the first. Thus it will be with this evil generation also."

orthjbc@Matthew:13:1 @ On that day, having gone out of the bais, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach sat beside the lake.

orthjbc@Matthew:13:4 @ And while he sowed, on the one hand, this [seed] fell along the road, and, the birds having come, devoured them.

orthjbc@Matthew:13:9 @ The one having ears, let him hear!"

orthjbc@Matthew:13:33 @ Another mashal Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach spoke to them. "The Malchut HaShomayim is like se'or (note:)leaven(:note), which having taken, a woman hid in shalosh three satas of wheat flour until the whole was leavened."

orthjbc@Matthew:13:35 @ so that might be fulfilled what was spoken through the Navi, saying, EFT'CHA V'MASHAL PI A'VIAH CHIDOT MINI-KEDEM (note:)"I will open my mouth with parables, I will utter things having been hidden from the foundation of the world," TEHILLIM strkjv@78:2(:note)

orthjbc@Matthew:13:36 @ Then having sent away the multitudes, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach came into the bais (note:)house(:note). And Moshiach's talmidim approached him, saying, `Explain to us the mashal of the weeds of the field.`

orthjbc@Matthew:13:43 @ Then the tzaddikim will shine as the shemesh in the Malchut of their Father. The one having ears, let him hear.

orthjbc@Matthew:13:44 @ The Malchut HaShomayim is like otzar (note:)treasure(:note) hidden in the field, which, having found, a man hid. And from the simcha he experienced, he goes away and sells everything which he has and buys that field.

orthjbc@Matthew:13:46 @ And having found one precious pearl, he went away and liquidated everything he had and acquired it.

orthjbc@Matthew:13:47 @ Again, the Malchut HaShomayim is like a reshet (note:)net(:note) having been cast into the lake, a reshet collecting and gathering dagim fish of all descriptions,

orthjbc@Matthew:13:54 @ And having come into Moshiach's shtetl, he began ministering as a moreh (note:)teacher(:note) in their shul, so they were amazed and said, "From where did this chochmah come to this one, this chochmah and these moftim miracles/wonders/omens?

orthjbc@Matthew:14:8 @ So she, having been prompted by her mother, said, "Give to me here upon a serving tray the rosh (note:)head(:note) of Yochanan of the tevilah of teshuva."

orthjbc@Matthew:14:14 @ And having gone out, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach saw a great multitude, and Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach felt rachamanut (note:)compassion(:note) for them and administered refu'ah healing to their cholim.

orthjbc@Matthew:14:15 @ Now when erev (note:)evening(:note) came, Moshiach's talmidim came to him, saying, "This place is desolate and the time is late. Dismiss the multitude, so that, having gone into the arim, they may buy for themselves okhel food."

orthjbc@Matthew:14:19 @ And having commanded the multitudes to recline on the grass and having taken the chamesh loaves and the shnei hadagim, and having looked up to Shomayim, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said a beracha over the okhel, and having offered the betzi'at halechem (note:)the breaking of the bread(:note), Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach gave the lechem to the talmidim, and Moshiach's talmidim served the lechem to the multitudes.

orthjbc@Matthew:14:23 @ And having sent away the multitudes, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach went up to the mountain by himself to daven. Now when erev had come, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was alone there.

orthjbc@Matthew:14:26 @ But Moshiach's talmidim, having seen him walking on the lake, were terribly shaken, saying, "It is a ruach refa'im (note:)an apparition(:note)!" And from pachad terror they cried out.

orthjbc@Matthew:14:29 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said, "Boh!" And having gone down from the sirah (note:)boat(:note), Kefa walked al p'nei hamayim on the surface of the waters and came towards Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach.

orthjbc@Matthew:14:30 @ And seeing the strong wind, Kefa was afraid, and having begun to sink, Kefa cried out, saying, "Gevalt! Adoni, hoshieini!"(note:)"L-rd, save me!"(:note)

orthjbc@Matthew:14:31 @ And immediately Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, having stretched out (note:)his(:note) hand, took hold of Kefa and says to him, "One of little emunah, why did you doubt?"

orthjbc@Matthew:14:34 @ And having crossed over, they came onto the land at Gennesaret.

orthjbc@Matthew:14:35 @ And having recognized him, the men of that place sent into all the surrounding region around, and they brought to Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach all the cholim,

orthjbc@Matthew:15:10 @ And having summoned the multitude, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to them, "Listen and understand!

orthjbc@Matthew:15:21 @ And having gone from that place, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach withdrew into the districts of Tzor and Tzidon.

orthjbc@Matthew:15:23 @ But Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach did not answer her a word. And Moshiach's talmidim having approached, were asking him, saying, "Send her away, for she shouts after us."

orthjbc@Matthew:15:29 @ And having passed over from that place, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach came beside Lake Kinneret, and having gone up the mountain, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was sitting there.

orthjbc@Matthew:15:30 @ And great multitudes approached Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, having with them pisechim (note:)lame(:note), iverim blind, crippled, mute people, and many others, and they laid them at Moshiach's feet, and Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach gave the cholim refu'ah.

orthjbc@Matthew:15:32 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, having summoned his talmidim, said, "I have rachamanut (note:)compassion(:note) for the multitudes, for already shloshah yamim three days they remain with me and they do not have anything they may eat, and I do not want to send them away famished, lest they might faint on the way."

orthjbc@Matthew:15:39 @ And having sent away the multitudes, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach embarked in the sirah (note:)boat(:note), and came to the region of Magadan.

orthjbc@Matthew:16:4 @ A dor rah um'naef (note:)an evil and adulterous generation(:note) demands an ot sign, and no ot will be given it except the ot of Yonah HaNavi." And having left them, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach went away. REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH WARNS ABOUT TEACHING THAT PUFFS UP WITH BLINDING GA'AVAH PRIDE

orthjbc@Matthew:16:13 @ Now, having arrived in the district of Caesarea Philippi, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach began asking his talmidim, saying, "Who do men say that the Ben HaAdam is?"

orthjbc@Matthew:17:6 @ And having heard this, the talmidim fell on their faces and were filled with pachad (note:)fear, terror(:note).

orthjbc@Matthew:18:2 @ And having called a yeled to himself, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach set him before them,

orthjbc@Matthew:18:8 @ And if your hand or your foot causes a michshol for you, cut it off, and throw it from you. It is better for you to enter Chayyim crippled or as one of the pisechim (note:)lame(:note), than, having two hands and two feet, to be cast into the Aish Olam Eternal Fire.

orthjbc@Matthew:18:9 @ And if your eye causes a michshol for you, pluck it out and throw it from you. It is better for you to enter Chayyim one-eyed than, having two eyes, to be cast into the Gehinnom HaAish.

orthjbc@Matthew:18:21 @ Then, having approached, Kefa said to Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, "Adoni, how often will my brother sin against me and I will grant to him selicha (note:)forgiveness(:note)? As many as shevah seven times?"

orthjbc@Matthew:18:24 @ And having begun to settle accounts, a debtor owing ten thousand talents was brought to the melech.

orthjbc@Matthew:18:32 @ Then having summoned the debtor, his adon said to him, `Wicked servant, all that choiv (note:)debt(:note) I forgave you, because you begged me.


orthjbc@Matthew:19:16 @ And--hinei--one, having approached Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, said, "Rebbe, what mitzva, what good may I do that I may have Chayyei Olam?"

orthjbc@Matthew:19:22 @ But having heard the divrei Moshiach, the young man went away with agmat nefesh (note:)grief(:note), for he was having many possessions.

orthjbc@Matthew:19:26 @ And having looked upon them, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to them, "With bnei Adam it is impossible; but with Hashem all things are possible."

orthjbc@Matthew:19:28 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to them, "Omein, I say to you, that you, the ones having followed me, when the Bri'ah (note:)Creation(:note) becomes Chadasha New, when the Ben HaAdam Moshiach sits upon his Kisei Kavod Throne of Glory, you also will sit upon the Shneym Asar Kisot Twelve Thrones judging the Shneym Asar Shivtei Yisroel the Twelve Tribes of Israel.

orthjbc@Matthew:20:2 @ And having agreed with the po'alim to salary them a denarius for their day's pay, the Ba'al Bayit sent them into his kerem.

orthjbc@Matthew:20:3 @ And having gone out around the third hour, the Ba'al Bayit saw others loitering in the marketplace,

orthjbc@Matthew:20:5 @ And they left. And again, having gone out around the sixth and the ninth hour, the Ba'al Bayit did the same thing.

orthjbc@Matthew:20:6 @ And around the eleventh hour, having gone out, the Ba'al Bayit found others standing around, and he says to them, `Why have you been standing here all the day not working?'

orthjbc@Matthew:20:12 @ saying `These acharonim worked one hour, and you made them equal to us, the ones having endured the burden and the heat of the whole day.'

orthjbc@Matthew:20:24 @ And having heard this, the Asarah (note:)the Ten(:note) became indignant about the two achim brothers.

orthjbc@Matthew:20:25 @ But Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, having summoned them, said, "You know that those who have the rule over the Goyim domineer them like tyrants.

orthjbc@Matthew:20:30 @ And--hinei!--two ivrim (note:)blind men(:note), sitting beside the road, having heard that Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach is passing by, shouted, crying out, "Adoneinu, Ben Dovid, chaneinu, y'hi chase'd'cha aleinu" "have mercy on us" TEHILLIM strkjv@33:22!"

orthjbc@Matthew:20:32 @ And having stopped, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach called to them and said, "What do you wish that I should do for you?"

orthjbc@Matthew:20:34 @ And having been filled with rachmei shomayim (note:)heavenly mercy/compassion(:note), Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach touched their eyes, and immediately their eyes were opened and they followed Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach.

orthjbc@Matthew:21:2 @ saying to them, "Go into the village ahead of you, and immediately you will find a donkey having been tied and a colt with her; untie them and bring them to me.

orthjbc@Matthew:21:6 @ And having accomplished just what Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach had commanded them,

orthjbc@Matthew:21:15 @ And the Rashei Hakohanim and the Sofrim, having seen the niflaot which Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach accomplished and the yeladim shouting in the Beis Hamikdash, "Hosha nah to the Ben Dovid," were indignant.

orthjbc@Matthew:21:17 @ And having left them, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach went out of the city to Beit-Anyah (note:)Bethany(:note) and spent the night there. WHATEVER IS WITHOUT P'RI FRUIT IN REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH IS CURSED

orthjbc@Matthew:21:28 @ "What do you think? A man had two banim (note:)sons(:note). And having approached the rishon first, the man said, `Beni my son, go today and work in the kerem vineyard.`

orthjbc@Matthew:21:29 @ But the first son said in reply, `I will not.` But later, having changed his mind, he went.

orthjbc@Matthew:21:30 @ And having approached the other son, the man spoke similarly. But the second son, in reply, said, `I will go, Adoni.` Yet he did not go.

orthjbc@Matthew:21:35 @ And the koremim, having seized his servants, this one they beat, another they killed, and another they stoned.

orthjbc@Matthew:21:39 @ And having seized the Ben, they threw the Ben out of the kerem and they killed him.

orthjbc@Matthew:21:44 @ [And the one having fallen on this stone will be crushed; and on whom ever it falls it will crush him.]

orthjbc@Matthew:21:45 @ And having heard Moshiach's mashal, the Rashei Hakohanim and the Perushim understood that Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach spoke about them.

orthjbc@Matthew:22:5 @ But the Bnei HaChuppah, the chassuna invitees, having treated it all as a mere trifle, departed, one to his farmer's field, one to his business;

orthjbc@Matthew:22:7 @ So the Melech was angry and, having sent his armies, the King destroyed those ratzchaniyot (note:)murderers(:note), and their city he burned.

orthjbc@Matthew:22:10 @ And having gone out to the highways, those ministers congregated everyone they found, rah and tov (note:)evil and good(:note), and the chassuna was filled with muzmanim guests.

orthjbc@Matthew:22:11 @ And the Melech, having entered to see the ones sitting bimesibba (note:)reclining at tish(:note), spotted there a man lacking the attire proper for the chassuna.

orthjbc@Matthew:22:12 @ And the Melech says to him, `Chaver, how did you get in here, not having attire proper for the chassuna?' But the man had nothing to say. *

orthjbc@Matthew:22:15 @ Then, having departed, the Perushim took counsel together so that they might entrap Yehoshua in his own words.

orthjbc@Matthew:22:18 @ But Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, having known their rah (note:)evil(:note), said to them "Why do you test me, tzevu'im hypocrites?

orthjbc@Matthew:22:22 @ And having heard this, they were amazed and, having left Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, they went away. THE SHEILAH (note:)QUESTION(:note) ABOUT THE TECHIYAS HAMESIM

orthjbc@Matthew:22:24 @ saying, "Rabbi, Moshe Rabbenu said that if someone dies, not having banim, his brother shall marry his isha (note:)wife(:note) to raise up zera seed for his brother.

orthjbc@Matthew:22:25 @ Now there were among us shiva achim (note:)seven brothers(:note), and the first, having married, died. And not having zera offspring, left his isha to his brother.

orthjbc@Matthew:22:29 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said in reply to them, "You are in error, not having known the Kitvei HaKodesh or the gevurat Hashem."

orthjbc@Matthew:22:33 @ And having heard this, the multitudes were amazed at oshiach's torah (note:)teaching(:note). THE GREATEST MITZVAH

orthjbc@Matthew:22:34 @ But the Perushim, having heard that he silenced the Tzedukim, assembled together,

orthjbc@Matthew:22:41 @ And, the Perushim, having been assembled, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach confronted with this sh'eilah (note:)question(:note),

orthjbc@Matthew:23:20 @ Therefore, the one having sworn by the Mizbe'ach swears by it and everything upon it.

orthjbc@Matthew:23:21 @ And the one having sworn by the Beis Hamikdash swears by it and by everything indwelling it.

orthjbc@Matthew:23:22 @ And the one having sworn by Shomayim swears by the Kisei Hashem and by the One sitting upon it. REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH SPEAKS ABOUT TERUMOS (note:)OFFERINGS(:note) AND MA'ASROS TITHES

orthjbc@Matthew:23:27 @ Oy to you, Sofrim and Perushim, tzevu'im, for you are like kevarim (note:)graves(:note) having been whitewashed which on the outside indeed appear ois vaist ostensibly shein beautiful, but on the inside are full of the unclean bones of the mesim dead ones and every kind of unclean treifoh.

orthjbc@Matthew:23:37 @ Yerushalayim, Yerushalayim, the ones that kill the Nevi'im and stone those having been sent to you! How often have I wanted to gather your yeladim, as a hen gathers her chickens under her wings, but you were not willing!

orthjbc@Matthew:24:1 @ And having exited from the Beis Hamikdash, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach departed, and his talmidim approached to show him the buildings of the Beis Hamikdash.

orthjbc@Matthew:24:13 @ But the one having endured to HaKets (note:)the End(:note), this one will receive Yeshu'at Eloheinu the Salvation of our G-d.

orthjbc@Matthew:24:15 @ Therefore, when you see the Shikuts HaMeshomem (note:)Abomination of Desolation(:note), the thing spoken through Daniel HaNavi, having stood in the Makom Kadosh Holy Place, i.e. the Beis Hamikdash --let the reader understand!

orthjbc@Matthew:25:1 @ Then the Malchut HaShomayim will be compared to eser almot (note:)ten virgins(:note), who, having taken their menorahs, went out to meet the Chosson Bridegroom.

orthjbc@Matthew:25:16 @ after the man had gone, the one having received the five talents, went to work with them, and gained five others.

orthjbc@Matthew:25:17 @ Likewise, the one having received the two talents--this one gained two others.

orthjbc@Matthew:25:18 @ But the one, having received one, went out and dug a hole in the ground and buried the gelt (note:)money(:note) of his Adon in a hiding place.

orthjbc@Matthew:25:22 @ And having come forward, the one having received two talents, said, `You bestowed upon me two talents. Hinei! Two more talents I gained.`

orthjbc@Matthew:25:25 @ And having been afraid and having gone away, I hid your talent by burying it in the ground. Here, see, you have that which belongs to you.`

orthjbc@Matthew:25:27 @ Then why was it not necessary for you to deposit my gelt with the bankers, and having returned, I would have received back that which was mine with interest?

orthjbc@Matthew:25:28 @ Take, therefore, from him the talent and give it to the one having the ten talents.

orthjbc@Matthew:25:29 @ For to everyone having, it will be given and he will have abundance, but from the one not having, even what he has will be taken from him.

orthjbc@Matthew:25:41 @ Then Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach will say also to the ones on his left, `Depart from me, the ones having been cursed, into the Aish Olam having been prepared for Hasatan and his malachim.

orthjbc@Matthew:26:8 @ And having seen this, Moshiach's talmidim were angry, saying, "For what is this waste?

orthjbc@Matthew:26:23 @ But, in reply, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said, "The one having dipped the hand into the bowl [SHEMOT strkjv@12:8] with me, this one is my betrayer."

orthjbc@Matthew:26:26 @ And at the Seudah, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, having taken matzah, having made the ha-Motzi, he offered the betzi'at halechem (note:)breaking of the bread(:note), giving it to the talmidim, and said, "Take and eat, this is my basar." * THE FINAL KIDDUSH IN ZIKARON REMEMBRANCE OF REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH WHOSE TZAVA'AH LAST WILL IS THE BRIT CHADASHA KAPPARAH FOR OUR SELICHA FORGIVENESS AND DEVEKUS COMMUNION WITH G-D

orthjbc@Matthew:26:27 @ And having taken the Kiddush Cup (note:)Kos(:note) and having made the beracha, he gave it to them, saying, "Drink from it, all of you.

orthjbc@Matthew:26:30 @ And having sung the Hallel, they went out to the Mount of Olives.

orthjbc@Matthew:26:37 @ And having taken Kefa and the two sons of Zavdai, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach began to be sorrowful and distressed with agmat nefesh (note:)grief(:note).

orthjbc@Matthew:26:39 @ And having gone forward a short distance, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach fell upon his face, davening and saying, "Avi, if it is possible, let this Kos * pass from me. But not as I will but as you will (note:)Mt.6:10; strkjv@12:50(:note)." MISHMAROT WATCHMEN FALL ASLEEP

orthjbc@Matthew:26:42 @ Again, for a second time, having left, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach davened, saying, "Avi, if it is not possible for this to pass by except I drink it, let ye'aseh r'tzonechah." [Mt.6:10]

orthjbc@Matthew:26:43 @ And having come again, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach found the talmidim sleeping, for their eyes were too heavy to stay open.

orthjbc@Matthew:26:44 @ And having left them again and having gone away, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was davening for the shlishit (note:)third(:note) time, saying the same words.

orthjbc@Matthew:26:50 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to him, "Chaver, do what you came for." Then, having approached, they laid hands on Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach and arrested him.

orthjbc@Matthew:26:57 @ But the ones having arrested Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach led him away to Caiapha the Kohen Gadol, where the Sofrim and the Zekenim (note:)Elders(:note) were gathered together.

orthjbc@Matthew:26:58 @ And Kefa was following Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach from far away. He followed him as far as the courtyard of the Kohen Gadol and, having gone inside it, Kefa was sitting down with the servants to see the outcome.

orthjbc@Matthew:26:62 @ And having got up, the Kohen Gadol said to Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, "Do you answer nothing? For what do these men give edut (note:)testimony(:note) against you?"

orthjbc@Matthew:26:71 @ And having gone out to the gate, another saw Kefa and says to the bystanders, "There! This one was with Yehoshua of Natzeret!"

orthjbc@Matthew:27:2 @ And having performed the akedah (note:)binding(:note), they led him away, and delivered him up to Pilate the Governor.

orthjbc@Matthew:27:5 @ And Yehudah threw the shiklei kesef (note:)pieces of silver(:note) into the Beis Hamikdash and departed; and, having gone away, Yehudah hanged himself.

orthjbc@Matthew:27:26 @ Then Pilate released Bar-Abba to them. But after having Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach scourged, he handed him over to be hanged on HaAitz. MOSHIACH'S KETER OF THORNS

orthjbc@Mark:1:22 @ And they were astounded at Moshiach's torah (note:)teaching(:note), for he was teaching them as one having samchut authority, and not as the Sofrim Scribes/torah teachers, rabbonim. THE REFUAH SHELEMAH COMPLETE HEALING REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH BRINGS--THE BEGINNING OF MOSHIACH'S MA'ASIM TOVIM GOOD DEEDS AND NISSIM MIRACLES

orthjbc@Mark:1:35 @ And very early, while it was still dark, having got up, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach went out and away to a desolate place, and was davening shacharis there.

orthjbc@Mark:1:43 @ And having sternly warned him, ofen ort (note:)immediately(:note) Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach sent him away.

orthjbc@Mark:1:45 @ But the one having gone out began to preach many things and to spread the dvar, so that no longer was Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach able to openly enter into [the] shtetl, but he was outside in desolate places. And they were coming to Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach from every direction.

orthjbc@Mark:2:1 @ And having entered again into K'far-Nachum after [many] yamim, it was heard that Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach is at home.

orthjbc@Mark:2:4 @ And not being able to bring [the paralytic] to him on account of the multitude, they removed the roof where Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was, and having made an opening, they lowered the mat upon which the paralytic was lying.

orthjbc@Mark:2:5 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, having seen the emunah of them, says to the paralytic, "Beni, your averos are granted selicha."

orthjbc@Mark:2:8 @ And, ofen ort (note:)immediately(:note), having had da'as in his ruach that in this way they were thinking, Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach says to them, "Why are you considering such things in the your levavot?

orthjbc@Mark:2:17 @ And having heard this, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach says to them, "It's not the strong ones that have need of a rofeh (note:)physician(:note) but rather the cholim. I did not come to call [the] tzaddikim righteous ones but the chote'im sinners [to teshuva]. REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH GIVES HIS TALMIDIM MASHALIM ABOUT TZOMOT FASTSMT strkjv@9:14-17; MK strkjv@2:18-22; LK strkjv@5:33-39

orthjbc@Mark:3:1 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach entered again into the shul. And there was there a man having a withered hand.

orthjbc@Mark:3:5 @ And having looked [at] them with ka'as and having agmat nafesh at the stubborn hardness of their levavot, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach says to the man. "Stretch out your hand," And the man stretched it out, and his hand was restored.

orthjbc@Mark:3:23 @ But having called them, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was speaking to them in meshalim (note:)parables(:note), "How is it possible for Hasatan to cast out Hasatan?

orthjbc@Mark:3:27 @ But no one is able, having entered into the house of the strong man to plunder his possessions, unless first, he binds the strong man, and then he will plunder the house of the strong man. [Yeshayah strkjv@49:24,25]

orthjbc@Mark:3:34 @ And having looked around at the ones sitting around him, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach says, "Hinei! The Em (note:)Mother(:note) of me and the achim of me!

orthjbc@Mark:4:18 @ And others are the ones sown among thorns. These are the ones having heard the dvar,

orthjbc@Mark:4:39 @ And having been awakened, Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach rebuked the wind, and he spoke to the lake, "Sha! Be still!" And there was a great calm.

orthjbc@Mark:5:6 @ And, having seen Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach from afar, he ran and fell down before him.

orthjbc@Mark:5:7 @ And having cried out with a kol gadol, he says, "Mah lanu valach, Yehoshua, Ben HaElohim HaElyon? I implore you by Hashem, [do] not torment me."

orthjbc@Mark:5:13 @ And he permitted them. And having come out, the ruchot hatemei'ot entered into the chazirim. And the herd of chazirim rushed down the slope into the lake, and there were about two thousand of them, and they were drowned in the lake. [Michoh strkjv@7:19]

orthjbc@Mark:5:15 @ And they come to Yehoshua and they see the one that had been possessed by the shed sitting, clothed and in his right mind -- the very one having had the "Legion!" And they were afraid.

orthjbc@Mark:5:22 @ And one of the Roshei Beit HaKnesset comes -- Ya'ir was his name -- and, having seen Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, he falls down at his feet,

orthjbc@Mark:5:25 @ And [there was] an isha having a flow of dahm shteym esreh shanah. [Vayikra strkjv@15:25-30]

orthjbc@Mark:5:26 @ And having suffered much by many rofim (note:)physicians(:note) and having spent everything she had, instead of recovering, her condition deteriorated.

orthjbc@Mark:5:27 @ And having heard about Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, she came up behind him in the multitude, and touched his garment.

orthjbc@Mark:5:30 @ And ofen ort (note:)immediately(:note) Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, having perceived within himself that gevurah had gone forth from him, turned around in the crowd and said, "Who touched my garments?"

orthjbc@Mark:5:32 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was looking around to see the one having done this.

orthjbc@Mark:5:36 @ But Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, having overheard what was being spoken, says to the Rosh Beit HaKnesset, "Do not be afraid, only have emunah."

orthjbc@Mark:5:39 @ And having entered, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach says to them, "Why are you distressed and weeping? The yaldah is not niftar but is only sleeping."

orthjbc@Mark:5:40 @ And they began making leitzonus of him. But having put everyone out, Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach takes the abba of the na'arah and the immah and the ones with him, and goes into where the na'arah was.

orthjbc@Mark:5:41 @ And having grasped the hand of the na'arah, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach says to her, "Talitha Koum," which, being translated, means "Little girl, to you I say, arise!"

orthjbc@Mark:6:2 @ And Shabbos having come, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach began to say shiurim in the shul, and many, listening, were amazed, saying, "From where [did] this one get lernen, and what [is] the chochmah that has been given to this one? And what gevurot are being done by his hands?

orthjbc@Mark:6:12 @ And having gone out, they preached that bnei Adam should teshuva.

orthjbc@Mark:6:21 @ And, an opportune day having come, when Herod, on his birthday, gave a seudah for the court of his nobles, and the military commanders, and those of chashivut (note:)prominence(:note) of the Galil, [Esther strkjv@1:3, strkjv@2:18]

orthjbc@Mark:6:24 @ And having gone out, she said to her mother, "What should I ask [for]?" And her mother said, "The rosh Yochanan of the tevilah of teshuva."

orthjbc@Mark:6:25 @ And having entered, ofen ort (note:)immediately(:note), with haste before the king, she made a request, saying, "You may give to me upon a platter the rosh Yochanan of the tevilah of teshuva."

orthjbc@Mark:6:26 @ And having become very sad, the king, on account of his shevu'ah and on account of the ones reclining at the seudah [with him], was unwilling to refuse her.

orthjbc@Mark:6:27 @ And, ofen ort (note:)immediately(:note), the king sent an executioner and commanded him to bring the rosh Yochanan. And having left, the executioner beheaded Yochanan of the tevilah of teshuva in the beit hasohar.

orthjbc@Mark:6:29 @ And, having heard this, Yochanan's talmidim came and carried away his geviyah and placed it in a kever. REBBE MELECH HAMOSHIACH'S TISH IN THE MIDBAR AND THE "MANNA" FROM SHOMAYIM SERVED AT HIS FARBRENGEN (note:)INSPIRATIONAL GATHERING(:note)MT strkjv@14:13-21; MK strkjv@6:30-44; strkjv@LK9:10-17; JO strkjv@6:1-13

orthjbc@Mark:6:34 @ And having gotten out of the sirah (note:)boat(:note), Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach saw a large multitude and he had rachamanut on them, for they were KATSON ASHER AIN LAHEM RO'EH "like sheep without a shepherd", and Rebbe Malech HaMoshiach began to teach them many things. Bamidbar strkjv@27:17; Melachim Alef strkjv@22:17; Divrey Hayamim Bais strkjv@18:16; Yechezkel strkjv@34:8

orthjbc@Mark:6:36 @ Send them away, in order that, having departed to the surrounding farms and shtetlach, they may buy for themselves what okhel they may eat."

orthjbc@Mark:6:41 @ And, having taken the chamesh loaves and the shnei hadagim and looking up to Shomayim, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said a berakhah, and having offered the betzi'at halechem, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was giving to his talmidim in order that they might set them before the people. And Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach divided the shnei hadagim among them all.

orthjbc@Mark:6:46 @ And having said a "Shalom" farewell to them, Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach departed to the mountain to daven.

orthjbc@Mark:6:47 @ And erev having come, the sirah (note:)boat(:note) was in [the] middle of the lake, and Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach was alone on shore.

orthjbc@Mark:6:48 @ And having seen them laboring at the oars, for the wind was against them, about the fourth watch of halailah, Moshiach comes to them, walking on the lake. And he wanted to go by them.

orthjbc@Mark:6:49 @ But having seen him on the lake, they thought that it is a ruach refa'im. And they cried out;

orthjbc@Mark:6:53 @ And having crossed over onto the land, they came to Gennesaret and anchored [there].

orthjbc@Mark:7:14 @ And having summoned again the multitude, Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach was saying to them, "Give ear to me and have binah.

orthjbc@Mark:7:24 @ And from there Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach arose and departed to the district of Tzor and Tzidon. And having entered into a bais he wanted no one to have da'as, [yet] he was not able to escape notice.

orthjbc@Mark:7:25 @ But, after hearing about Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, ofen ort (note:)immediately(:note), an isha, whose yaldah was having a ruach temei'ah, came and fell down at his feet.

orthjbc@Mark:7:30 @ And having departed to her bais, she found the yaldah lying on the bed, the shed having gone out. REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH DEPARTS TO LAKE KINNERET (note:)MT strkjv@15:29-38; MK strkjv@7:31-8:9(:note)

orthjbc@Mark:8:6 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach directed the multitude to recline at tish, as it were, on the ground. And having taken the sheva kikrot (note:)loaves(:note), he made a berakhah and offered the betzi'at halechem the breaking of the bread and was giving [them] to his talmidim to serve to them, and they served the multitude.

orthjbc@Mark:8:10 @ And ofen ort (note:)immediately(:note), having embarked onto the sirah boat with his talmidim, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach came into the region of Dalmanutha.

orthjbc@Mark:8:13 @ And having left them, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach again embarked and departed to the other side.

orthjbc@Mark:8:18 @ EINAYIM LAKHEM V'LO TIRU V'OZNAYIM LAKHEM V'LO TISHMA'U (note:)"Having eyes, do you not see? And having ears, do you not hear?"--Yirmeyah strkjv@5:21; Yechezkel strkjv@12:2(:note) And do you not remember,

orthjbc@Mark:8:23 @ And having grasped the hand of the ivver, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach took him outside the shtetl; and, having put spittle on his eyes, [and] having laid hands upon him, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was questioning him, "Do you see anything?"

orthjbc@Mark:8:33 @ But having turned around and having looked at his talmidim, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach rebuked Kefa, and says, "Get behind me, Hasatan; for you are not putting your machshavot (note:)thoughts(:note) on the interests of Hashem but on that of bnei Adam."

orthjbc@Mark:8:34 @ And having summoned the multitude along with his talmidim, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to them, "If anyone wishes to follow after me, let him make hakhchashah (note:)denial(:note) of himself, and take up his aitz of mesiras nefesh self-sacrifice, and follow me.

orthjbc@Mark:9:25 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, having seen that a multitude was gathering, rebuked the ruach hatemei'ah, saying to it, "You cheresh-illem (note:)deaf and mute(:note) ruach hatemei'ah, I command you, come out from him and do not ever enter into him again!"

orthjbc@Mark:9:27 @ But Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, having grasped the hand of the bochur, lifted him up; and the bochur stood up.

orthjbc@Mark:9:28 @ And, having entered into a bais, his talmidim began questioning Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach privately, "Why were we not able to perform the gerush shedim (note:)exorcism(:note)?"

orthjbc@Mark:9:35 @ And sitting down, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach called the having sat down he called the Shneym Asar and says to them, "If anyone wishes to be Rishon, he shall be Acharon, and mesharet of all."

orthjbc@Mark:9:36 @ And having taken a yeled, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach set him in [the] center of them, and, having taken the yeled into his arms, he said to them,

orthjbc@Mark:9:43 @ "And if your yad (note:)hand(:note) causes you a michshol, cut off your yad; for it is better for you if you enter Chayyei Olam as an amputee, than, having both yadayim, you go away into Gehinnom, into the AISH LO TIKHBEH "fire not [ever] extinguished" Yeshayah strkjv@66:24.

orthjbc@Mark:9:45 @ "And if your regel (note:)foot(:note) causes you a michshol, cut off you regel; it is better for you to enter Chayyei Olam lame, than, having both raglayim, to be cast into Gehinnom.

orthjbc@Mark:9:47 @ "And if your ayin (note:)eye(:note) causes you a michshol, take it out; for it is better for you to enter the Malchut Hashem one-eyed, than, having both eynayim, to be cast into Gehinnom,

orthjbc@Mark:10:1 @ And from there, having got up, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach comes into the region of Yehudah and on the other side of the Yarden, and again multitudes gather to him, and as was his minhag (note:)custom(:note), once more he was teaching them Torah. REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH'S TORAH ON THE GET MT strkjv@19:3-12; MK strkjv@10:2-12

orthjbc@Mark:10:2 @ And, having approached, the Perushim, testing him, were asking him, "Is it mutar (note:)permissible(:note) for a man to give a get to his wife?"

orthjbc@Mark:10:14 @ And having seen this, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach became displeased and indignant, and said to his talmidim, "Permit the yeladim to come to me, and do not hinder them, for of such as these is the Malchut Hashem.

orthjbc@Mark:10:16 @ And having taken the yeladim into his arms, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach laid his hands on them and made a berakhah over them. REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH AND ONE OF THE BAALE-BATTIM OF YISROEL, WHO BECAUSE OF HIS LACK OF PERCEPTION OF TRUE RICHES, PASSES BY THE OPPORTUNITY TO BECOME MEKABEL MOSHIACH AND RECEIVE S'MICHAH AND THE AVODAS KODESH MINISTRY OF ONE OF MOSHIACH'S TALMIDIM. (note:)MT strkjv@19:13-15; strkjv@MK10:13-16; LK strkjv@18:15-17(:note)

orthjbc@Mark:10:21 @ And looking at him and having ahavah for his neshamah, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to him, "One thing you lack: go and sell all your possessions and give to the aniyim (note:)poor(:note), and you will have otzar treasure in Shomayim; and come, follow me [as my talmid].

orthjbc@Mark:10:27 @ Having looked at them, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach says, "With bnei Adam [this is] impossible, but not with Hashem. For all things are possible with Hashem."

orthjbc@Mark:10:42 @ And having summoned them, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach says to them, "You have da'as that among the Goyim those whom they recognize as their moshlim (note:)rulers(:note) domineer them and their Gedolim exercise authority over them.

orthjbc@Mark:10:49 @ Having stopped, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said, "Summon him here." And they called the ivver, saying to him, "Chazak! Cheer up! He is calling you!"

orthjbc@Mark:10:50 @ And having tossed aside his kaftan, and having jumped up, he came to Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach.

orthjbc@Mark:11:11 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach entered into Yerushalayim into the Beis HaMikdash and, having looked around at everything, and, the hour now being late, he went out to Beit-Anyah with the Shneym Asar. REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH CLEANSES THE BEIS HAMIKDASH--THE AITZ TE'ENAH IS CURSED (note:)MT strkjv@21:18-19; MT strkjv@11:12-18; LK strkjv@19:45-48(:note)

orthjbc@Mark:11:13 @ And having seen in the distance an aitz te'enah (note:)fig tree(:note) in leaf, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach approached it to see whether he might find p'ri on it. But when he came to it, he found nothing except leaves. For it was not the te'enim season.

orthjbc@Mark:11:15 @ Then they came to Yerushalayim. And having entered the Beis HaMikdash, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach began to drive out the ones buying and selling in the Beis HaMikdash, and he overturned the shulchanot (note:)tables(:note) of the machalifei hakesafim money changers and the chairs of the ones selling the yonim doves.

orthjbc@Mark:11:20 @ And in the boker early, as they passed by, they saw the aitz te'enah (note:)fig tree(:note) having been withered from [the] roots.

orthjbc@Mark:11:21 @ And, having remembered, Shimon Kefa says to him, "Rebbe, look, the aitz te'enah (note:)fig tree(:note) which you cursed has been withered."

orthjbc@Mark:12:8 @ "And having seized [him], they killed him and threw him out of the kerem.

orthjbc@Mark:12:14 @ And having come, they say to him, "Rabbi, we have da'as that you are an ish of Emes and you do not show deference toward anyone. Ki ein masso panim with you. but rather on the Derech Hashem you give Divrei Torah in Emes. Is it mutar (note:)permissible(:note) to give a poll tax to Caesar or not? Should we give or should we not give?"

orthjbc@Mark:12:15 @ But Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, having seen their tzevi'ut (note:)hypocrisy(:note), said to them, "Why are you testing me? Bring me a denarius that I may look [at it]."

orthjbc@Mark:12:21 @ "And the second took her and he died, not having left behind a descendant. And the third likewise.

orthjbc@Mark:12:24 @ Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, said to them, "Is not this the reason you are in error, having da'as neither of the Kitvei Hakodesh nor of the gevurat Hashem?

orthjbc@Mark:12:41 @ And having sat [down] opposite the Beis Hamikdash Otzar (note:)Treasury(:note), Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was observing how the multitude throws copper [coins] into the Otzar. And many ashirim rich people were throwing [in] much. [Melachim Bais strkjv@12:9]

orthjbc@Mark:12:43 @ And having summoned his talmidim, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to them, "Omein, I say to you that this poor almanah has put in more tzedakah than all those contributing to the Otzar,

orthjbc@Mark:13:3 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was sitting on the Mount of Olives opposite the Beis HaMikdash having a yechidus with Kefa and Ya'akov and Yochanan and Andrew. THE BEGINNING OF THE CHEVLEI MOSHIACH

orthjbc@Mark:13:13 @ "And everyone will hate you with sinas chinam (note:)baseless hatred(:note) because of my name [Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua]. But the one having endured to HaKetz this one will be receive Yeshu'at Eloheinu.

orthjbc@Mark:13:34 @ "It is like a man, when departing on a journey and leaving his bais and, having put his avadim in charge, each with his assigned avodas, gives orders to the sho'er (note:)gatekeeper(:note) to be shomer." UFITOM YAVO EL HEKHALO HAADON [REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH] ASHER ATEM MEVAKSHIM UMALACH HABRIT ASHER ATEM CHAFETZIM HINEH VA MALACHI strkjv@3:1; CHAGGAI strkjv@2:7; THIS MESSAGE IS FOR ALL ESCHATOLOGICAL YISROEL AND ALL THE BECHIRIM AND ALL MA'AMINIM IN MOSHIACH MK strkjv@13:37, NOT FOR ONLY YEHUDIM OR YEHUDIM WITH EMUNAH IN REBBE MELECH HAMOSHIACH OR ONLY THE BRIT CHADASHA KEHILLAH, THIS MESSAGE IS FOR ALL--TAKE HEED!

orthjbc@Mark:13:36 @ "lest having come PITOM (note:)"suddenly" Malachi strkjv@3:1(:note) he finds you sleeping.

orthjbc@Mark:14:3 @ And he was in Beit-Anyah at the bais of Shimon the leper, reclining at tish, and an isha came, having an alabaster flask of costly mishcha (note:)ointment(:note), pure nard, and having broke open the alabaster flask, she poured [it on] the rosh of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach.

orthjbc@Mark:14:11 @ And there was chedvah (note:)rejoicing(:note) with the ones having heard and they gave the havtachah of a matnat kesef to Yehudah. And he was seeking how he might conveniently betray Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach. PREPARING FOR PESACH WITH REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH MT strkjv@26:17-20; MK strkjv@14:12-17; LK strkjv@22:7-30

orthjbc@Mark:14:15 @ And he will show you a large upstairs room having been furnished and ready. And there prepare for us."

orthjbc@Mark:14:17 @ And erev having come, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach arrives with the Shneym Asar. THE NAMING OF THE BETRAYER (note:)MT strkjv@26:21-25; MK strkjv@14:18-21; LK strkjv@22:21-23; JO strkjv@13:21-30(:note)

orthjbc@Mark:14:22 @ And at the Seudah, while they were eating, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, having taken the matzah, having made the ha-Motzi, he offered the betzi'at halechem (note:)breaking of the bread(:note) and gave to them, and said, "Take and eat, this is my BASAR. [SHEMOT strkjv@12:8]" THE FINAL KIDDUSH IN ZACHOR REMEMBRANCE OF REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH WHOSE TZAVVAAH LAST WILL IS THE BRIT CHADASHA KAPPARAH FOR OUR SELICHA FORGIVENESS AND DEVEKUS COMMUNION WITH G-D

orthjbc@Mark:14:23 @ And having taken the Kiddush Cup (note:)Kos(:note) [and] having made the berakhah, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach gave the Kiddush Cup to them, and everyone drank of it.

orthjbc@Mark:14:26 @ And having sung the Hallel, they went out to the Mount of Olives. REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH'S TALMIDIM TOLD THAT THEY WILL BE SCATTERED (note:)MT strkjv@26:31-35; MK strkjv@14:27-31; LK strkjv@22:31-38(:note); KEFA ASSERTS THAT EVEN IF ALL BECOME SHMAD DESERTERS, NEVERTHELESS HE WILL STAND FIRM; THE HAKHCHASHAH FORETOLD

orthjbc@Mark:14:35 @ And having gone forth a little, he was falling on the ground and was davening tefillos that, if it is possible, this sha'ah might pass from him."

orthjbc@Mark:14:50 @ And, having left Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, everyone fled.

orthjbc@Mark:14:60 @ And having stood up in their midst, the Kohen Gadol questioned Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, saying, "Do you not answer anything to what these bear solemn edut (note:)testimony(:note) against you?"

orthjbc@Mark:14:67 @ And having seen Kefa warming himself, having looked him over, she says, "You also were with the one from Natzeret, Yehoshua!"

orthjbc@Mark:14:69 @ And the maid, having seen him, began again to say to the ones having stood by, "This one is one of them!"

orthjbc@Mark:14:70 @ But again he made hakhchashah (note:)denial(:note). And after a little [while] again the ones having stood by were saying to Kefa, "You are one of them, for indeed you are a Gelili" inhabitant of the Galil.

orthjbc@Mark:14:72 @ And ofen ort (note:)immediately(:note), for a second time, a tarnegol crowed. And then Kefa remembered the dvar that Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach had spoken to him, "Before a tarnegol crows twice, shalosh pe'amim three times you will make hakhchashah denial of me." Markos strkjv@14:30. And having broken down, Kefa was weeping.

orthjbc@Mark:15:1 @ And as soon as it was boker, the Rashei Hakohanim (note:)the Chief Priests(:note) with the Zekenim and Sofrim Scribes and [the] entire Sanhedrin, having performed the akedah binding of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, led [him] away and handed [him] over to Pilate. [Bereshis strkjv@22:9] REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH BEFORE PILATE MT strkjv@27:3-14; MK strkjv@15:2-5; LK strkjv@23:1-5; JO strkjv@18:28-38

orthjbc@Mark:15:23 @ And they were giving to him yayin having been mixed with myrrh, but this one did not take it. [Tehillim strkjv@69:22 (note:)21(:note); Mishle strkjv@31:6]

orthjbc@Mark:15:32 @ "Let the Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, let the Rebbe Melech Yisroel, let [him] come down now from the aitz, in order that we may see and have emunah!" And the ones having been hanged on the aitz on either side of him were reproaching him. [Markos strkjv@8:31]

orthjbc@Mark:15:35 @ And some of the ones having been standing nearby and having heard, were saying, "Hinei! He calls for Eliyahu HaNavi!"

orthjbc@Mark:15:36 @ And someone having run and having filled a sponge with CHOMETZ (note:)"vinegar" Tehillim strkjv@69:21(:note), and having placed it on a staff, gave a drink to him, saying, "Leave him alone. Let us see if Eliyahu Hanavi comes to take him down."

orthjbc@Mark:15:37 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, having uttered a kol gadol and having breathed his last, expired.

orthjbc@Mark:15:39 @ And the centurion, having stood nearby opposite Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, and having seen that he expired this way, said "Truly, this man was the Ben HaElohim!"

orthjbc@Mark:15:45 @ And having found out from the centurion, he gave the geviyah (note:)corpse(:note) to Yosef.

orthjbc@Mark:15:46 @ And having bought tachrichim linen cloths and having taken Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach down, he wrapped him in the tachrichim and placed him in a kever which had been cut from rock, and he rolled a stone against the entrance of the kever.

orthjbc@Mark:16:4 @ And having looked up, they observe that the stone, which was extremely large, had already been rolled aside!

orthjbc@Mark:16:5 @ And having entered into the kever, they saw a young man enrobed in white, sitting on the right side, and they were shocked with astonishment.

orthjbc@Mark:16:8 @ And having gone out, they fled from the kever, and trembling and amazement seized them. And they told no one anything for they were afraid.

orthjbc@Mark:16:13 @ And those having gone reported to the rest, but the rest did not have emunah either.

orthjbc@Mark:16:16 @ "The one having had emunah and having submitted to a tevilah of teshuva will be delivered in the Yeshu'at Eloheinu, but the one not having emunah will come under the gezar din (note:)verdict(:note) of haresha'ah condemnation as guilty.

orthjbc@Mark:16:20 @ And those having gone forth preached the Hachrazah (note:)Proclamation, kyrygma(:note) everywhere, [while] Adonoi was working with them, confirming through the accompanying otot.

orthjbc@Luke:1:3 @ I thought it expeditous also, having done an iyun, accurately and carefully being meayen in every source and and making a medakdeke investigation of every aspect from HaReshit, to write for you and to mesader (note:)arrange, place in order or succession(:note) an orderly account, most noble Theophilus,

orthjbc@Luke:1:17 @ "And he will go forth before Adonoi in the Ruach and Ko'ach of Eliyahu, "VEHESHIV LEV AVOT AL BANIM" (note:)"And he will turn the heart of the fathers to the children" Malachi strkjv@3:24 [4:6](:note) and those without mishma'at obedience to the chochmah of the tzaddikim to prepare for Adonoi an Am People having been made ready." [Malachi strkjv@4:5,6]

orthjbc@Luke:1:45 @ "And ashrey is the one having had emunah that there will be a fulfillment to the things having been spoken to Miryam by Hashem."

orthjbc@Luke:1:63 @ And having asked for a luach, Zecharyah wrote, saying, "Yochanan is his shem." And everyone was amazed.

orthjbc@Luke:1:74 @ "having been delivered from the yad haoyvim to serve Hashem fearlessly,

orthjbc@Luke:2:24 @ and to offer a korban according to the thing having been said in the Torat Hashem, "SH'TEI TORIM O SHNEI BENI YONAH (note:)a pair of turtle doves or two young pigeons(:note)." [Vayikra strkjv@12:8]

orthjbc@Luke:2:36 @ And there was a ne'viah (note:)prophetess(:note) named Chanah Bat-P'nu'el, of the shevet tribe of Asher. This isha was advanced in age, having lived with her ba'al sheva shanim from her betulim virginity,

orthjbc@Luke:2:43 @ and as they were returning, having fulfilled the prescribed number of yamim, the bochur Yehoshua stayed behind in Yerushalayim. And his horim did not have da'as of this,

orthjbc@Luke:2:45 @ And, not having found him, they returned to Yerushalayim, looking for him.

orthjbc@Luke:3:11 @ And in reply, Yochanan was saying to them, "Let the one having two kaftans share with the one having none, and let the one having okhel do likewise." [Yeshayah strkjv@58:7; Yechezkel strkjv@18:7]

orthjbc@Luke:3:13 @ And Yochanan said to them, "Collect nothing more than the amount having been commanded you."

orthjbc@Luke:4:17 @ And at the Hagba, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was presented with the megillat sefer Yeshayah, and having unrolled the megillah, Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach found the dvar where it had been written,

orthjbc@Luke:4:20 @ And doing the gelilah ceremony, he rolled up the megillah; and, having given it back to the shammash, he sat down [to teach]. And all the eyes in the shul were focused on him.

orthjbc@Luke:4:30 @ But having gone through the midst of them, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was walking away.

orthjbc@Luke:4:33 @ And in the shul there was a man having a ruach hatameh (note:)unclean spirit, shed, demon(:note) and he cried out with a kol gadol.

orthjbc@Luke:4:39 @ And having stood over her, Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach rebuked the kaddachat (note:)fever, DEVARIM strkjv@28:22(:note) and it left her. And at once, having got up, she was functioning as their mesharetet servant, keli kodesh, minister.

orthjbc@Luke:4:42 @ And in the boker, having gone forth, Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach went out to a desolate place. And the multitudes were seeking him, and when they got to him, they wanted to prevent his departure from them.

orthjbc@Luke:5:2 @ and he saw two sirot (note:)boats(:note) having been beside the lake. But the daiyagim had left them and were cleaning the nets.

orthjbc@Luke:5:3 @ And embarking into one of the sirot (note:)boats(:note), which was Shimon's, Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach asked Shimon to put out from the land a little; and having sat down, from the sirah boat Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach was teaching Torah to the multitudes.

orthjbc@Luke:5:6 @ And having done this, they enclosed asach (note:)a lot of(:note) dagim, and their nets were being torn.

orthjbc@Luke:5:8 @ And having seen this, Shimon Kefa fell down before Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach, saying, "Depart from me, Adoni, for an ish choteh (note:)sinful man(:note) am I." [Bereshis strkjv@18:27; Iyov strkjv@42:6; Yeshayah strkjv@6:5]

orthjbc@Luke:5:11 @ And having left behind the sirot (note:)boats(:note) on the shore, they forsook all and followed him [as talmidim]. REBBE MELECH HAMOSHIACH'S REFU'AH OF THE ISH METZORAH MT strkjv@8:2-4; MK strkjv@1:40-45

orthjbc@Luke:5:12 @ And it came about, while he was in one of the shtetlach --hinei!--there was an ish metzorah (note:)a leper(:note) full of leprosy. And having seen Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach, having fallen on his face, he begged him saying, "Adoni, if you are willing, you are able to make me tahor."

orthjbc@Luke:5:13 @ And having stretched out his hand, Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach touched him, saying, "I am willing. Be made tahor." And, ofen ort (note:)immediately(:note), the leprosy departed from him.

orthjbc@Luke:5:19 @ And not having found by what way they might carry him because of the multitude, and having gone up onto the roof, they let the man down with the mat through the tiles so that he was right in the center in front of Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach.

orthjbc@Luke:5:20 @ And having seen their emunah, Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach said, "Ish (note:)man(:note), your chatta'im have received selicha."

orthjbc@Luke:5:22 @ But Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach having had da'as of their thoughts, said to them in reply, "Why are you reasoning in your levavot?

orthjbc@Luke:5:24 @ "But in order that you may have da'as that the Ben HaAdam has samchut (note:)authority(:note) on ha'Aretz to grant selicha to chatta'im," Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach said to the one having been paralyzed, "To you I say, get up, pick up your mat, and go to your bais."

orthjbc@Luke:5:28 @ And having forsook all and having got up, Levi was following Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach.

orthjbc@Luke:5:39 @ "And no one having drunk the old desires the chadash, for he says, `The alter (note:)old(:note) is beser better.'"

orthjbc@Luke:6:8 @ But Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach knew their thoughts, and said to the man having the withered hand, "Rise and stand in the midst." And the man got up and stood.

orthjbc@Luke:6:10 @ And having looked around at all of them, Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach said to the man, "Stretch out your hand." And he did. And his hand was restored.

orthjbc@Luke:6:13 @ And when boker came, Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach summoned his talmidim, and having chosen from them Shneym Asar, whom he also named Shluchim:

orthjbc@Luke:6:17 @ And having come down with them, he stood on a level place, and a great multitude of his talmidim, and a great multitude of the Am Berit from all Yehudah and Yerushalayim and the coastal region of Tzor and Tzidon,

orthjbc@Luke:6:25 @ "Oy to you, the ones having been well fed now, for you will hunger. Oy, the ones laughing now, for you will mourn and weep. [Yeshayah strkjv@65:13; Mishle strkjv@14:13]

orthjbc@Luke:6:38 @ "Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, having been pressed down and having been shaken, overflowing, will be put into your lap. For by what measure you measure it will be measured in return to you." [Tehillim strkjv@79:12; Yeshayah strkjv@65:6,7]

orthjbc@Luke:6:40 @ "A talmid is not above his moreh (note:)teacher(:note). But everyone, having been fully trained, will be like his moreh teacher.

orthjbc@Luke:6:48 @ "He is likened to the man building a bais who dug and went down deep and laid a yesod (note:)foundation(:note) upon the av sela bed rock. And a flood having come, the river struck against that bais, and the flood was not strong enough to shake it, because its binnuy construction was firm.

orthjbc@Luke:6:49 @ Now the one having heard [Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach's divrei Torah], and not having put them into practice, is like a man having built a bais upon the ground without a yesod, which the river struck against, and ofen ort (note:)immediately(:note) the bais collapsed, and gadol was the churban of that bais.

orthjbc@Luke:7:2 @ Of a certain eved of a centurion (note:)an eved dear to him(:note) was having a machla and was near mavet.

orthjbc@Luke:7:3 @ And having had da'as of Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach, the centurion sent to him zekenim of the Yehudim, asking him to come and to give refu'ah to his eved.

orthjbc@Luke:7:8 @ "For I too am a man placed under the yad memshalah (note:)the hand governing authority(:note), having chaiyalim soldiers under myself, and I say to this one, `Go,' and he goes, and to another, `Come,' and he comes, and to my eved, `Do this,' and he does it."

orthjbc@Luke:7:9 @ And having heard these things, Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach was mispoyel (note:)marvelling(:note) at him, and, having turned to the multitude following him, he said, "I say to you, nowhere even in Yisroel have I found such great emunah."

orthjbc@Luke:7:10 @ And when the ones having been sent returned to the bais, they found the eved being shalem b'guf (note:)healthy(:note). A LEVAYE FUNERAL IN THE GALIL AND THE RAISING OF THE BEN OF THE ALMANAH OF NA'IM JO strkjv@7:11-17

orthjbc@Luke:7:14 @ And having approached, he touched the aron met (note:)coffin(:note); and the bearers stood still, and he said, "Bochur, to you I say, get up."

orthjbc@Luke:7:29 @ (And when kol haAm and the mochesim heard this, they acknowledged the Tzidkat Hashem, having been submitted to the tevilah of teshuva of Yochanan.

orthjbc@Luke:7:36 @ Now a certain one of the Perushim was requesting Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach at tish, and, he, having entered into the bais of the Parush, reclined to eat.

orthjbc@Luke:7:44 @ And having turned to the isha, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to Shimon, "Do you see this isha? I entered your bais, you did not give me mayim for my feet, but she has washed my feet with her tears, and wiped them with the hairs of her rosh. [Bereshis strkjv@18:4; Shofetim strkjv@19:21]

orthjbc@Luke:8:8 @ And other seed fell in the adamah tovah and, having grown up, produced p'ri a hundredfold. As Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said these things, he was calling out, "The one having oznayim (note:)ears(:note) to hear, let him hear."

orthjbc@Luke:8:12 @ "The ones beside the road are the ones having heard, then Hasatan comes and takes away the dvar Hashem from their levavot, so that they may not have emunah and come to Yeshua'at Eloheinu.

orthjbc@Luke:8:16 @ "Now no one having lit a menorah covers it with a jar or places it under a bed; but he places the menorah on the shulchan, in order that the ones entering may see the ohr (note:)light(:note).

orthjbc@Luke:8:24 @ And they came and woke him up, saying, "Adoneinu, Adoneinu, we are perishing!" And having been awakened, Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach rebuked the wind and the rough waves, and the storm ceased. And all became calm. [Tehillim strkjv@107:29]

orthjbc@Luke:8:28 @ And having seen Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach and having cried out, he fell down before him and said in a kol gadol, "Mah li ul'chah, Yehoshua Ben El Elyon? (note:)"What to me and to you, Yehoshua Son of the Most High G-d?"(:note) I beg you, do not torment me."

orthjbc@Luke:8:43 @ and an isha having a flow of dahm for shteym esreh shanah, and who had spent all she had on rofim (note:)physicians(:note) but could not receive refu'ah from anyone, [Vayikra strkjv@15:25-30]

orthjbc@Luke:8:51 @ And having come to the bais, Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach did not permit anyone to enter with him, except Kefa and Yochanan and Ya'akov, and the yaldah's abbah and em.

orthjbc@Luke:8:53 @ And they were making leitzonus of him, having had da'as that she was niftar.

orthjbc@Luke:9:1 @ And having called together the Shneym Asar, Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach gave to them ko'ach and samchut over all the shedim and to give refu'ah to their illnesses.

orthjbc@Luke:9:10 @ And having returned, Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach's Shluchim told him what things they did. And having taken them for a yechidus, Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach withdrew to a shtetl being called Beth-Tzaidah.

orthjbc@Luke:9:11 @ But the multitudes, having realized this, followed him. And having given them a kabbalat panim (note:)welcome(:note), Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach was speaking to them about the Malchut Hashem, and to the ones having need of it, Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach was administering refu'ah.

orthjbc@Luke:9:12 @ Now the day began to decline. And having approached, the Shneym Asar said to Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach, "Send away the multitude, so that having gone into the surrounding shtetlach and farms, they may find lodging and may find provisions, for here we are in a desolate place."

orthjbc@Luke:9:16 @ And having taken the chamesh kikrot and the shnei hadagim and having looked up to Shomayim, Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach said a berakhah over them and offered the betzi'at halechem and was giving to the talmidim to set before the multitude.

orthjbc@Luke:9:21 @ And having warned them, he gave orders to tell no one this REBBE MELECH HAMOSHIACH BEGINS TO GIVE THE NEVU'AH (note:)PROPHECY(:note) OF HIS COMING MAVET AND TECHIYAS HAMESIM; HIS TALMID'S BEIN ADAM LE-ATMOD RELATIONSHIP TO THE SELFMT16:21-28; MK strkjv@8:31-38

orthjbc@Luke:9:32 @ But Kefa and the ones with him had been weighed down with sleep. And having awakened fully, they saw the kavod of Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach and the two men, the ones having stood with Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach.

orthjbc@Luke:9:47 @ And Rebbe Melech Melech HaMoshiach, having perceived the thought of their levavot, took a yeled into his arms and stood him at his side.

orthjbc@Luke:9:52 @ And Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach sent messengers ahead of him. And having gone, they entered into a village of Shomron in order to make arrangements for him.

orthjbc@Luke:9:55 @ And, having turned around, Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach rebuked them.

orthjbc@Luke:9:62 @ But Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach said to him, "No one having put his hand upon the plow yet looking back to the things behind is fit for the Malchut Hashem." [Bereshis strkjv@19:26]

orthjbc@Luke:10:10 @ "And into whatever shtetl you enter and they do not receive you, having gone out into the rehkovot (note:)streets(:note) of that shtetl,

orthjbc@Luke:10:20 @ "But in this do not have a lev same'ach, on account of the ruchot (note:)spirits(:note) submitting to you, but have a lev same'ach that your shemot have been inscribed in Shomayim." HAVING DA'AS OF HABEN OF HAAV

orthjbc@Luke:10:23 @ And, having turned to the talmidim in a yechidus, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said, "Ashrey [are] the eyes seeing what you see.

orthjbc@Luke:10:31 @ It so happened that a certain kohen was coming down by that derech, and, having seen him, he passed by on the other side. [Vayikra strkjv@21:1-3]

orthjbc@Luke:10:36 @ Who of these shalosha seems to you to have become a re'a (note:)neighbor(:note) to the one having fallen among the shodedim?"

orthjbc@Luke:10:37 @ And the Ba'al Torah answered, "The one having shown the man rachamim." And Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach said to him, "Go and do likewise." REBBE MELECH HAMOSHIACH RECEIVED BY MARTA AND MIRYAM AT BEIT-ANYAH (note:)LK strkjv@10:38-42(:note); ON WHAT IS AND IS NOT A BRACHA LEVATULLA FRUITLESS PURSUIT

orthjbc@Luke:10:40 @ But Marta was distracted with much avodas. And having stood by, she said, "Adoneinu, is it of no concern to you that my achot has left me alone to serve? Speak, then, to her that she may help me."

orthjbc@Luke:11:17 @ But Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach, having had da'as of their makhshavot (note:)thoughts(:note), said to them, "Every Malchut divided against itself is laid waste; and a bais divided against itself falls.

orthjbc@Luke:11:25 @ "And when it comes, it finds the bais having been swept and put beseder (note:)in order(:note).

orthjbc@Luke:11:27 @ And it came about while Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach says these things, a certain isha in the multitude, having lifted up her voice, said to Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach, "Ashrey is the womb having carried you and the breasts that nursed you."

orthjbc@Luke:11:33 @ "No one having lit a menorah puts it in a hidden place, nor under the measuring bucket, but on the shulchan, in order that the ones entering may see the ohr." THE FATAL MISTAKE OF RABBINIC JUDAISM WITHOUT HITKHADESHUT (note:)AS OPPOSED TO BRIT CHADASHA ORTHODOX JUDAISM(:note)

orthjbc@Luke:11:36 @ "If therefore, your whole guf (note:)body(:note) is full of ohr and not having any part choshech, it will be all full of ohr as when the menorah with the ohr light shines on you."

orthjbc@Luke:11:37 @ Now while Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach spoke, a Parush asks him that he might have betzi'at halechem (note:)have a meal, breaking of bread(:note) with him. And, having entered, Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach reclined at tish.

orthjbc@Luke:11:38 @ And the Parush, having seen this, was amazed that Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach did not first do n'tilat yadayim before the meal.

orthjbc@Luke:11:40 @ "Goylomim! Did not the one having made the outside also make the inside?

orthjbc@Luke:11:44 @ "Woe to you, because you are like the unmarked kevarim (note:)graves(:note), and bnei Adam walk over them without having da'as."

orthjbc@Luke:12:9 @ "But the one having made hakhchashah (note:)denial(:note) of me [as the Ben HaAdam Moshiach, Daniel strkjv@7:13-14] before bnei Adam will be denied before the malachim of Hashem.

orthjbc@Luke:12:10 @ "And everyone who will say a dvar against the Ben HaAdam (note:)Moshiach, Daniel strkjv@7:13-14(:note), he will be given selicha. But the one having committed Chillul Hashem gidduf blasphemy against the Ruach Hakodesh will not be given selicha." WHEN THEY BRING YOU BEFORE BATEI MISHPAT COURTS OF LAW

orthjbc@Luke:12:37 @ "Ashrey are those avadim (note:)servants(:note), whom, having come, the Adon will find keeping shomer. Omein, I say to you, that he will fasten his gartel, and have those avadim sit down to tish, and he will come and serve them.

orthjbc@Luke:12:43 @ "Ashrey is that eved, whom, having come, his Adon will find doing thus.

orthjbc@Luke:12:48 @ "But the one not having had da'as, but having done things worthy of a klap, will receive but a few. But to everyone to whom much was given, much will be required from him, and to whom was entrusted much, even more achraius (note:)accountability(:note) will be required." [Vayikra strkjv@5:17; Bamidbar strkjv@15:27-30] REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH'S DESIRE FOR HIS TEVILAH OF MAVET TO BE COMPLETED LK strkjv@12:49-59 AND THE DIVISION BETWEEN THOSE WITH HITKHADESHUT AND THOSE WITHOUT HITKHADESHUT

orthjbc@Luke:12:52 @ "For there will be from now chamesh in one bais having been divided, shalosha against shenayim and shenayim against shalosha,

orthjbc@Luke:13:17 @ And as Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said these things, all his mitnaggedim (note:)opponents(:note) were put to bushah shame, and all the multitude was having simcha with chedvah rejoicing over all the things of kavod being accomplished by him. [Yeshayah strkjv@66:5]

orthjbc@Luke:14:4 @ But they kept silent. And having taken hold of him, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach granted him refu'ah and sent him away.

orthjbc@Luke:14:5 @ And to them Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said, "Who of you having a ben or an ox fall into a well, and will not ofen ort (note:)immediately(:note) pull him out on Shabbos?"

orthjbc@Luke:14:29 @ "Otherwise, having laid his yesod (note:)foundation(:note) and not being able to finish it, everyone seeing it may begin to ridicule him,

orthjbc@Luke:15:8 @ "Or what isha having asaret (note:)ten(:note) drachmas, if she loses one drachma, will not light a licht candle and sweep the bais and search carefully until she finds it?

orthjbc@Luke:15:9 @ "And having found it, she calls together chaverim and sh'khenim saying, `Have simcha with me, for I have found the drachma which I lost.'

orthjbc@Luke:15:13 @ "And not many yamim later, having gathered together everything, the younger ben went on a journey to a far away country, and there he squandered his ashires with loose living.

orthjbc@Luke:15:26 @ "And having summoned one of the avadim, the alterer ben was inquiring what these things might be.

orthjbc@Luke:15:30 @ `But when this ben of yours, the one having devoured your property with zonot, came, you sacrificed for him the fattened calf.' [Mishle strkjv@29:3]

orthjbc@Luke:16:2 @ "And having called him, he said to him, `What is this I hear about you? Render a cheshbon (note:)an account, audit(:note) for that which is under your pekuddat stewardship, care, for you are no longer able to be sochen.'

orthjbc@Luke:16:5 @ "And having summoned his Adon's debtors one by one, he was saying to the first, `How much do you owe Adoni?'

orthjbc@Luke:17:7 @ "But who among you, having an eved plowing or tending kevesim, when he comes in from the sadeh, will say to him, `Here, come ofen ort (note:)immediately(:note) and recline at tish.'

orthjbc@Luke:17:14 @ And having seen this, he said to them, `Go and show yourselves to the kohanim.' And it came about while they were going away that they were made metoharim (note:)clean(:note). [Vayikra strkjv@14:3]

orthjbc@Luke:17:15 @ And one of them, having seen that he had received refu'ah, returned with a kol gadol, saying "Baruch Hashem!"

orthjbc@Luke:17:20 @ Now having been asked by the Perushim, "When comes the Malchut Hashem?" he replied, "The Malchut Hashem is not coming with things observable,

orthjbc@Luke:18:14 @ "I say to you, this one, rather than the other one, went down to his bais having been made yitzdak im Hashem. Because everyone lifting himself up will be brought low, but the one bringing himself low will be uplifted." REBBE MELECH HAMOSHIACH ON THE SUBJECT OF CHINUCH HABANOS (note:)MT strkjv@19:13-15; MK strkjv@10:13-16(:note)

orthjbc@Luke:18:15 @ Now also they were bringing to Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach ollelim (note:)infants(:note) that he might place his hands on them. But having seen this, the talmidim were rebuking them.

orthjbc@Luke:18:22 @ And having heard, Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach said to him, "Still one thing for you is lacking. Everything as much as you have, sell and distribute to the aniyim (note:)poor(:note), and you will have otzar treasure in Shomayim, and come follow me [Moshiach]."

orthjbc@Luke:18:23 @ But having heard these things he became very sad. For he had much kesef.

orthjbc@Luke:18:24 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, when he saw him become agmat nefesh, said, "How difficult it is for the ones having osher to enter into the Malchut Hashem. [Mishle strkjv@11:28]

orthjbc@Luke:18:26 @ But the ones having heard said, "Then who is able to come to Yeshu'at Eloheinu?"

orthjbc@Luke:18:28 @ And Kefa said, "Hinei, we having left everything to follow you."

orthjbc@Luke:18:31 @ And having taken the Shneym Asar aside in a yechidus, he said to them, "Hinei, we are making another aliyah leregel to Yerushalayim, and all the things having been written by the Nevi'im about the Ben HaAdam (note:)Moshiach, Daniel strkjv@7:13-14(:note) will be fulfilled. [Yeshayah 53]

orthjbc@Luke:18:33 @ and, having laid the shot (note:)whip(:note) on him, they will kill him and on the Yom HaShlishi there will be Moshiach's Techiyas HaMesim."

orthjbc@Luke:18:36 @ And having heard a multitude traveling through, he was asking what this might be.

orthjbc@Luke:18:40 @ And stopping, Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach commanded the ivver to be led to him. Having drawn near, he asked him, "What for you do you wish that I may do?"

orthjbc@Luke:19:1 @ And having entered, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was passing through Yericho.

orthjbc@Luke:19:4 @ And having run ahead to the front, he climbed up onto an aitz (note:)tree(:note), a sycamore, that he might see Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, because by that derech way he was about to pass by. [Melachim Alef strkjv@10:27, Divrey Hayamim Alef strkjv@27:28, Yeshayah strkjv@9:10]

orthjbc@Luke:19:5 @ And as he came to the place, having looked up, Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach said to him, "Zakkai, hurry and come down, for hayom in your bais it is necessary for me to remain."

orthjbc@Luke:19:6 @ And having hurried, he came down and welcomed Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach with simcha.

orthjbc@Luke:19:7 @ And everyone, having seen this, were beginning to kvetsh (note:)complain(:note), saying, "With a choteh he entered to rest."

orthjbc@Luke:19:13 @ "And having summoned aseret avadim of his, he gave them asarah minas and he said to them, `Conduct esek (note:)business(:note) until I come.'

orthjbc@Luke:19:15 @ "And it came about when he returned, having received the royal power of his malchut, he summoned to his presence these avadim to whom he had given the kesef, that he might have da'as of what they had gained by trading.

orthjbc@Luke:19:16 @ "And having come, the rishon (note:)first(:note) saying, `Adoni, with your mina asarah minas more were gained.'

orthjbc@Luke:19:24 @ "And to the ones having stood nearby he said, `Take from him the mina and give it to the one having asarah minas.'

orthjbc@Luke:19:26 @ `I say to you that to everyone having, more will be given, but from the one not having, even what he has will be taken away.

orthjbc@Luke:19:28 @ And having said these things, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was traveling ahead making his aliyah leregel to Yerushalayim. REBBE MELECH HAMOSHIACH'S TRIUMPHAL ENTRY INTO YERUSHALAYIM (note:)MT strkjv@21:1-11; MK strkjv@11:1-10; LK strkjv@19:28-38; JO strkjv@12:12-16; ZECH. strkjv@14:4(:note)

orthjbc@Luke:19:30 @ saying, "Go to the shtetl ahead of you, in which entering you will find an AYIR having been tied, upon which none among bnei Adam ever sat, and having untied it, bring it here.

orthjbc@Luke:19:32 @ And having departed, the ones having been sent found it just as Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach told them.

orthjbc@Luke:19:35 @ And they led it to him and, having thrown their kaftans on the AYIR, they put Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach on it.

orthjbc@Luke:19:41 @ And as he came near, having seen the Ir, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach wept over it, [Yeshayah strkjv@22:4]

orthjbc@Luke:19:45 @ And having entered into the Beis HaMikdash, Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach began to throw out the sellers,

orthjbc@Luke:20:2 @ and they spoke, saying to him, "Tell us by what shlita (note:)authority(:note) you do these things, or who is the one having given to you this shlita authority?"

orthjbc@Luke:20:10 @ "And in season he sent to the koremim (note:)vine-keepers(:note) an eved that from the p'ri of the kerem they will give to him. But the koremim vine-keepers sent him away empty, having beaten him.

orthjbc@Luke:20:12 @ "And he proceeded to send an eved shlishi. And also this one, having wounded, they threw out.

orthjbc@Luke:20:14 @ "But having seen him, the koremim (note:)vine-keepers(:note) were reasoning with one another saying, `This one is the Bechor, the heir. Let us kill him, that the bechorah may become ours.'

orthjbc@Luke:20:15 @ "And having driven him outside the kerem, they killed him. What then will the Ba'al HaKerem do to them?

orthjbc@Luke:20:16 @ "He will come and will destroy these koremim (note:)vine-keepers(:note) and and will give the kerem to others." And having heard this, HaAm Yisroel said, "Chas v'Shalom!"

orthjbc@Luke:20:17 @ But having looked at them, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said, "What then is this which has been written: EVEN MA'ASU HAY'TAH LEROSH PINAH (note:)"The Stone they rejected became the capstone"(:note)? [Tehillim strkjv@118:22]

orthjbc@Luke:20:18 @ "Everyone having fallen upon that even (note:)stone(:note) will be broken into pieces, and upon whomever it falls, it will crush him" [Yeshayah strkjv@8:14,15; Daniel strkjv@2:34f]

orthjbc@Luke:20:20 @ And having watched carefully, they sent spies pretending themselves to be tzaddikim, that they might catch him in his dvar, so as to deliver him to the rulers and the manhigim under the Moshel.

orthjbc@Luke:20:23 @ But having noticed their arum (note:)crafty(:note) manner, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to them,

orthjbc@Luke:20:26 @ And they were not able to catch him in his dvar before the people and, having marveled at his teshuvah (note:)answer(:note), they were silent. THE SHEILAH QUESTION ABOUT THE TECHIYAS HAMESIM--A VAIN EFFORT TO CHALLENGE THE CHOCHMAH OF REBBE MELECH HAMOSHIACH MT strkjv@22:23-33; MK strkjv@12:18-27; LK strkjv@20:27-40

orthjbc@Luke:20:27 @ And some of the Tz'dukim having approached (note:)the Tz'dukim are the ones speaking against the Techiyas HaMesim who say it is not to be(:note), they set a sheilah before him,

orthjbc@Luke:20:35 @ "but the ones having been considered worthy to attain to the Olam HaBah and the Techiyas HaMesim neither marry nor are given in marriage.

orthjbc@Luke:21:1 @ And having looked up, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach saw the ashirim putting into Beis Hamikdash Otzar (note:)Treasury(:note) their matanot gifts.

orthjbc@Luke:22:4 @ And having departed, Yehudah spoke with the Rashei Hakohanim and Guard of the Beis Hamikdash how he might hand him over to them.

orthjbc@Luke:22:8 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach sent Kefa and Yochanan having said, "Go and make our preparations that we may eat and have the Pesach Seder."

orthjbc@Luke:22:12 @ "And that one will show you a large upstairs cheder (note:)room(:note) having been furnished. There prepare the Seder."

orthjbc@Luke:22:13 @ And having departed they found things just as Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach had told them and they prepared the Seder.

orthjbc@Luke:22:17 @ And having taken a [Kiddush Cup) kos, having made the beracha, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said, "Take this and share it among yourselves,

orthjbc@Luke:22:19 @ And having taken matzah and having made the ha-Motzi, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach offered the betzi'at halechem and gave it to them, saying, "This is my guf (note:)body(:note) being given for you; this do in zikaron of me. [Vayikra strkjv@5:7; strkjv@6:23; Yechezkel strkjv@43:21; Yeshayah strkjv@53:8]

orthjbc@Luke:22:22 @ "Because the Ben HaAdam (note:)Moshiach, Daniel strkjv@7:13-14(:note) indeed goes according to the thing having been determined, but oy to that man through whom he is betrayed."

orthjbc@Luke:22:25 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to them, "The melachim (note:)kings(:note) of the Goyim domineer them and the ones having shlita over the goyim are called "benefactors."

orthjbc@Luke:22:28 @ "But you are the ones having remained with me in the my nisyonot (note:)temptations(:note).

orthjbc@Luke:22:36 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to them, "But now the one having a money belt, let him take it; likewise also a bag; and the one not having, let him sell his kaftan and let him buy a cherev.

orthjbc@Luke:22:39 @ And having gone out he went according to his kvius (note:)regimen(:note) to the Mount of Olives, and his talmidim followed him also.

orthjbc@Luke:22:40 @ And having come to the place, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to them, "Daven and offer tefillos, lest you enter lidey nisayon."

orthjbc@Luke:22:41 @ And he had withdrawn from them about a stone's throw and having fallen down he was davening,

orthjbc@Luke:22:44 @ And having been in agony, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was davening more fervently; and his sweat became like drops of blood falling down upon the ground.

orthjbc@Luke:22:45 @ And having got up from davening and having come to the talmidim, he found them sleeping, because of agmat nefesh.

orthjbc@Luke:22:49 @ But having seen what was coming, the ones around Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said, "Adoni, should we strike with the cherev?"

orthjbc@Luke:22:51 @ And, in reply, Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach said, "Blaib shtein! (note:)Stop!(:note) No more of this!" And having touched the ear, he healed him.

orthjbc@Luke:22:52 @ And Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach said to the ones having come against him, the Rashei Hakohenim and the Beis Hamikdash shomrim and the Ziknei HaAm, "Do you have the chutzpah to come out as against a ganav with charavot and clubs?

orthjbc@Luke:22:54 @ And having seized Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, they led him away and brought him into the bais of the Rashei Hakohanim. And Kefa was following from a distance.

orthjbc@Luke:22:55 @ And some kindled a hadlakah (note:)bonfire(:note) in the middle of the courtyard, and having sat down together, Kefa was sitting in their midst.

orthjbc@Luke:22:58 @ And after a short while, another, having seen him, said, "And you are of them!" But Kefa said, "Ben Adam, I am not!"

orthjbc@Luke:22:61 @ And having turned, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu looked at Kefa, and Kefa was reminded of the dvar of Moshiach Adoneinu when he said to him, "Before the tarnegol crows hayom you will make hakhchashah (note:)denial(:note) of me shalosh pe'amim."

orthjbc@Luke:22:62 @ And having gone outside Kefa wept bitterly.

orthjbc@Luke:22:63 @ And the men, the ones having Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach in custody were ridiculing him and beating him.

orthjbc@Luke:22:64 @ And having blindfolded him, they were setting a sh'eilah in front of him, saying, "Give a dvar nevu'ah, who is the one having given you a klap (note:)blow(:note)?"

orthjbc@Luke:23:7 @ And having learned that, that he is under the jurisdiction of Herod, he sent him to Herod, who was also in Yerushalayim during those days.

orthjbc@Luke:23:8 @ And Herod, having laid eyes on Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach, had great simcha. For he was for a long time wanting to see him, because he keeps hearing things about him and he was hoping to watch some ot (note:)miraculous sign(:note) being performed by him.

orthjbc@Luke:23:11 @ And having treated him with contempt, Herod with his chaiyalim (note:)soldiers(:note) also ridiculed him, having clothed him in an elegant royal robe. So they thus sent back him to Pilate.

orthjbc@Luke:23:16 @ "Therefore, having disciplined him, I will release him."

orthjbc@Luke:23:22 @ And a pa'am shlishit, Pilate said to them, "But what ra'ah did this one do? No crime worthy of mavet did I find in him. Therefore, having disciplined him I will release him."

orthjbc@Luke:23:26 @ And as they led him away, having seized a certain Shimon, a Cyrenian, coming in from the country, they put upon him Moshiach's aitz to carry, following Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach.

orthjbc@Luke:23:28 @ And having turned to them, Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach said, "Banot HaYerushalayim, do not weep for me; weep for yourselves and for your yeladim,

orthjbc@Luke:23:39 @ And one of the criminals having been hanged with him was speaking Chillul Hashem gadfanut against him, saying, "Are you not the Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach?

orthjbc@Luke:23:46 @ And having cried out with a kol gadol, Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach said, "Abba, B'YADCHA AFKED RUCHI ("Into your hands I commit my ruach" Tehillim strkjv@31:6(note:)5)(:note). And this having said, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach breathed out his last. [Tehillim strkjv@31:5]

orthjbc@Luke:23:53 @ And, having taken down the guf (note:)body(:note), he wrapped it in a linen [tachrichim] and placed it in a hewn kever tomb where not anyone was yet been laid. [Tehillim strkjv@16:9-10; Iyov strkjv@19:25-27; Yeshayah strkjv@53:11]

orthjbc@Luke:23:56 @ And having returned, they prepared spices and ointments. And on Shabbos they rested according to the mitzvah. [Shemot strkjv@12:16; strkjv@20:10]

orthjbc@Luke:24:2 @ But they found the even (note:)stone(:note) having been rolled away from the kever tomb,

orthjbc@Luke:24:3 @ and, having entered, they did not find the guf (note:)body(:note) of the Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu. [Tehillim strkjv@16:9-10; Iyov strkjv@19:25-27; Yeshayah strkjv@26:19; strkjv@53:11]

orthjbc@Luke:24:5 @ And having become terrified, the nashim bowed their faces to the ground. They said to the nashim, "Why are you seeking haChai (note:)the One living(:note) among HaMesim?

orthjbc@Luke:24:9 @ And having returned from the kever (note:)tomb(:note), they reported all these things to the Achad Asar the Eleven and to all the others.

orthjbc@Luke:24:23 @ "and not having found the guf (note:)body(:note) of him, they came saying also to have seen a chazon vision, appearance of malachim who say he lives. [Bereshis strkjv@47:18; Tehillim strkjv@16:9-10; Iyov strkjv@19:25-27; Yeshayah strkjv@53:11]

orthjbc@Luke:24:27 @ And having begun from Moshe Rabbenu and from all the Nevi'im, he explained to them in all the Kitvei Hakodesh the things concerning himself. [Bereshis strkjv@3:15; Bamidbar strkjv@21:9; Devarim strkjv@18:15; Yeshayah strkjv@7:14; strkjv@9:6; 40;10,11; 53; Yechezkel strkjv@34:23; Daniel strkjv@9:24; Michoh strkjv@7:20; Malachi strkjv@3:1]

orthjbc@Luke:24:30 @ And it came about, while he was reclining at tish with them, having taken the matzot, he made the ha-Motzi, and, having offered the betzi'at halechem, he was giving it to them.

orthjbc@Luke:24:37 @ But having been startled and having been terrified, they were thinking they saw a ruach (note:)spirit(:note).

orthjbc@Luke:24:39 @ "You see my hands and my feet that I am myself. Touch me and see, because a ruach does not have basar and atzamot (note:)bones(:note) as you see me having."

orthjbc@Luke:24:40 @ And having said this, he showed them his hands and his feet.

orthjbc@Luke:24:43 @ And having taken it, in front of them, he ate it.

orthjbc@Luke:24:44 @ And he said to them, "These are my dvarim which I spoke to you while still being with you, that it is necessary that all the things having been written in the Torah of Moshe [Rabbenu] and the Nevi'im and the Tehillim about me to be fulfilled." [Tehillim 2; 16; 22; 69; 72; 89; 110; 118;]

orthjbc@Luke:24:50 @ And he led them outside as far as Beit-Anyah, and having lifted up his hands, he said a berakhah over them.

orthjbc@Luke:24:52 @ And they, having reverenced him in worship [Daniel strkjv@7:14; strkjv@3:18], returned to Yerushalayim with simcha gedolah.

orthjbc@John:1:6 @ There came an ish haElohim, a man of G-d, having been sent from Hashem. His name was Yochanan.


orthjbc@John:1:51 @ And he says to Natan'el, "Omein, omein, I say to you, you will see Shomayim having been opened and malachim (note:)angels(:note) of Hashem ascending and descending on the Ben HaAdam." [Daniel strkjv@7:13-14; Zafanyah strkjv@3:15; Bereshis strkjv@28:12].

orthjbc@John:2:9 @ And when the Rosh HaMesibba tasted the mayim having become yayin, and when he did not have da'as of where it came from (note:)but the mesharetim had da'as, the ones having drawn the water(:note), the Rosh HaMesibba summoned the Chosson Bridegroom.

orthjbc@John:2:15 @ And having made a shot (note:)whip(:note) out of ropes Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach drove all of them out of the Beis Hamikdash, both the sheep and the cattle. He also poured out the coins of the machalifei hakesafim money changers and overturned their tishen tables.

orthjbc@John:3:8 @ "The ruach (note:)wind, Spirit(:note) blows where it wishes, and the sound of it you hear, but you do not have da'as of where it comes from and where it goes [Kohelet strkjv@11:5]; so it is with everyone having been born of the Ruach Hakodesh." [Yechezkel strkjv@37:9]

orthjbc@John:3:13 @ "And no one has ascended into Shomayim except the one having descended out of Shomayim, the Ben HaAdam [Daniel strkjv@7:13-14; Mishle strkjv@30:4; Devarim strkjv@30:12].

orthjbc@John:3:15 @ "that everyone having emunah [Bereshis strkjv@15:6; Bamidbar strkjv@14:11; Shemot strkjv@14:31] in him may have Chayyei Olam [Daniel strkjv@12:2; Yeshayah strkjv@52:13].

orthjbc@John:3:29 @ "The one having the Kallah (note:)bride(:note) is the Chosson Bridegroom, i.e. Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach but the Shoshvin the Chosson's best man, the one having stood and hearing him with simcha, rejoices because of the kol voice of the Chosson Bridegroom. Therefore, this simcha of mine has been made sheleimah complete.

orthjbc@John:4:6 @ Now a be'er (note:)well(:note) of Ya'akov was there. Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, having become weary from his nesi'ah journey was sitting there at the be'er. The sha'ah hour, time was about hashishit the sixth, noon.

orthjbc@John:4:34 @ Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach says to them, "My okhel (note:)food(:note) is that I may do the ratson will of the One having sent me and may complete ma'aseh HaElohim [his work, Kohelet strkjv@11:5].

orthjbc@John:4:47 @ This man, having heard that Yehoshua comes from the land of Yehudah into the Galil, went to Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach and was asking him to come down and cure his ben. For the yeled was about to die.

orthjbc@John:4:54 @ Now this was ot hasheni (note:)the second miraculous sign(:note) that Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach did after having come from the land of Yehudah to the Galil.

orthjbc@John:5:2 @ Now there is in Yerushalayim at the Sha'ar HaTzon (note:)Sheepgate(:note) [Nechemyah strkjv@3:1,32; strkjv@12:39] a pool, the one being called in Aramaic, Beit-Zata, having chamasha colonnades.

orthjbc@John:5:5 @ and there was a certain man there SHELOSHIM U'SHEMONEH SHANAH [Devarim strkjv@2:14] having been in his machla (note:)illness(:note).

orthjbc@John:5:6 @ Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, seeing this man lying there, and having da'as that the man had been in this condition for a long time already, says to him, "Do you want to have refu'ah [Yeshayah strkjv@53:5]?"

orthjbc@John:5:10 @ So those of Yehudah were saying to the one having been granted refu'ah (note:)healing(:note), "It is Shabbos, so it is asur prohibited, it is chillul Shabbos [desecration of Shabbat] for you to carry your mat." [Nechemyah strkjv@13:15-22; Yirmeyah strkjv@17:21]

orthjbc@John:5:11 @ But the man in reply said to them, "The One having given me refu'ah, that One said to me, "Take up your mat and walk!"

orthjbc@John:5:13 @ But the one having been granted refu'ah (note:)healing(:note) did not have da'as who it is, for Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach slipped away-- there being a multitude in the place.

orthjbc@John:5:15 @ The man went away and reported to the Yehudim that Yehoshua is the one having granted him his refu'ah,

orthjbc@John:5:24 @ "Omein, omein, I say to you, that the one, hearing my dvar and having emunah in the One who sent me, has Chayyei Olam and does not come into the Mishpat Hashem, but has been transferred out of mavet (note:)death(:note) into Chayyim Life.

orthjbc@John:5:25 @ "Omein, omein I say to you, that a sha'ah (note:)hour(:note) is coming and now is, when the Mesim dead ones will hear the kol voice of the Ben HaElohim and the ones having heard will live.

orthjbc@John:5:29 @ "and will come out, the ones having practiced haTov to a Techiyas haMesim of Chayyim (note:)Life(:note), the ones having practised haRah to a Techiyas haMesim of Mishpat Judgment. [Daniel strkjv@12:2]

orthjbc@John:5:30 @ "I am not able to do from myself anything. As I hear I judge, and mine is mishpat-tzedek [Yeshayah strkjv@28:6], because I do not seek my own ratson (note:)will(:note) but the ratson will of the One having sent me.[Bamidbar strkjv@16:28] THE SOLEMN EDUT FOR REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH

orthjbc@John:5:46 @ "For if you were having emunah in Moshe, you would have had emunah in me, for he himself wrote concerning me.[Bereshis strkjv@3:15; Devarim strkjv@18:15]

orthjbc@John:6:5 @ Therefore, having lifted up his eyes, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach saw that a great multitude is coming to Him, and he says to Philippos, "From where may we buy lechem that these ones may eat?"

orthjbc@John:6:11 @ Therefore, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach took the loaves and, having made the berakhah, distributed to the ones bimesibba (note:)reclining [at tish](:note); likewise also he distributed of the dagim fish as much as they were wanting.

orthjbc@John:6:13 @ Therefore, what they gathered filled Sheneym Asar (note:)Twelve(:note) baskets of shirayim from the chamash barley loaves which were shirayim leftover by the ones having eaten. REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH THE BAAL MOFET MIRACLE WORKER, BRINGS ABOUT THE NES MIRACLE OF WALKING ON THE WATER MT strkjv@14:22-36; MK strkjv@6:45-56

orthjbc@John:6:14 @ Therefore, the anashim, having seen what ot [miraculous sign] he did, were saying, "This one is omein the Navi, Hu HaBah, the one coming into the Olam Hazeh." [Devarim strkjv@18:15,18]

orthjbc@John:6:15 @ Therefore, Yehoshua, having had da'as that they are about to come and to seize him that they might force Malkhut (note:)Kingship(:note) on him, departed alone again to the mountain, withdrawing by himself.

orthjbc@John:6:17 @ And having embarked into a sirah (note:)boat(:note), they were going across the sea to K'far-Nachum. And choshech darkness already had come and Yehoshua had not yet come to them.

orthjbc@John:6:19 @ Therefore, having rowed about esrim v'chamash or sheloshim stadia, they see Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach walking on the sea and coming near the sirah (note:)boat(:note), and they were gefeirlich horribly frightened. [Iyov strkjv@9:8]

orthjbc@John:6:25 @ And having found him across the sea, they said to him, "Rebbe, when did you come here?"

orthjbc@John:6:38 @ "For I have come down from Shomayim not that I may do the ratson (note:)will(:note) of me, but the ratson of the One having sent me.

orthjbc@John:6:41 @ Therefore, those of Yehudah were murmuring about Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, because he said, "Ani hu [Shemot strkjv@3:14] the lechem having come down out of Shomayim."

orthjbc@John:6:45 @ "It has been written in the Nevi'im, "V'CHOL BANAYIHK LIMUDI HASHEM" ("They shall all be taught of G-d" [Yeshayah strkjv@54:13; see Yirmeyah strkjv@31:33,34] Everyone having heard from HaAv and having learned comes to me.

orthjbc@John:6:47 @ "Omein, omein, I say to you, the one having emunah has Chayyei Olam.


orthjbc@John:6:51 @ "Ani hu the lechem haChai (note:)the bread living(:note) having come down out of Shomayim. If anyone eats of this lechem he will live l'olam forever. And indeed, the lechem which I will give on behalf of the Chayyim life of the Olam Hazeh is the basar of me. [Tehillim strkjv@16:9-10; Yeshayah strkjv@53:1-12]

orthjbc@John:6:58 @ "This is the lechem out of Shomayim having come down, not as the Avot ate and died; the one feeding on this lechem will live l'olam."

orthjbc@John:6:60 @ Therefore, many of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach's talmidim, having heard, said, "Hard is this dvar Torah. Who is able to hear it?" [Yeshayah strkjv@53:1]

orthjbc@John:6:61 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, having da'as in himself that his talmidim are grumbling about this, said to them, "Does this cause a michshol (note:)stumbling block(:note) for you?

orthjbc@John:6:64 @ "But there are of you some who do not have emunah (note:)faith(:note)." For from Bereshis Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach had da'as of who are the ones not having emunah and who is the one betraying him.


orthjbc@John:7:9 @ And having said these things, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach remained in the Galil. REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH AND THE FESTIVAL OF SUKKOT

orthjbc@John:7:15 @ Therefore, those of Yehudah were marveling, saying, "How has this man binah (note:)understanding(:note) of a Yeshiva yode'a sefer scholar, not having learned?"

orthjbc@John:7:16 @ Therefore, in reply, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said, "My Torah (note:)Teaching(:note) is not mine but of the One having sent me.

orthjbc@John:7:18 @ "The one speaking from himself seeks his own kavod (note:)glory(:note), but he who is seeking the kavod of the One having sent him, this one is ne'eman and there is no avlah injustice in him.

orthjbc@John:7:33 @ Therefore, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said, "Yet a little time I am with you and I go away to the One having sent me.

orthjbc@John:7:39 @ But this Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said about the Ruach Hakodesh which the ones having emunah (note:)faith(:note) in him were about to receive, for the Ruach Hakodesh had not yet been given, because Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach had not yet received kavod. [Yoel strkjv@2:28 3:1] AM YISRAEL IS DIVIDED

orthjbc@John:7:40 @ Some of the multitude, therefore, having heard these dvarim were saying, "This man is omein the Navi." [Devarim strkjv@18:15]

orthjbc@John:7:50 @ Rav Nakdimon, the one having come to Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach earlier, being one of their own, says to them,

orthjbc@John:8:2 @ And at shakhar (note:)dawn(:note), Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach came again into the Beis Hamikdash and kol haAm all the people were coming to Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, and having sat, he was giving them a shiur.

orthjbc@John:8:3 @ And the Sofrim and the Perushim led an isha (note:)woman(:note) having been caught in ni'uf adultery and, having stood her in the midst [Bamidbar strkjv@5:12f],

orthjbc@John:8:6 @ But this they were saying to put a nisayon (note:)test(:note) before Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach that they might have something about which to accuse him, but Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, having stooped down with his finger, was writing in the ground.

orthjbc@John:8:8 @ And again, having stooped down, he was writing in the ground.

orthjbc@John:8:9 @ And the ones having heard were departing, one by one, beginning with the zekenim, and Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was left alone with the isha (note:)woman(:note) being in the midst.

orthjbc@John:8:10 @ And having stood up, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to her, "Isha, where are they? Does no one condemn you?"

orthjbc@John:8:16 @ "But even if I judge, my mishpat is emes, because it is not I alone but the one having sent me, HaAv.

orthjbc@John:8:18 @ "Ani hu the one giving solemn edut (note:)testimony(:note) about myself and the One having sent me, HaAv, gives solemn edut about me."

orthjbc@John:8:26 @ "I have much to speak regarding you, much about you worthy of haresha'ah (note:)condemnation(:note), but the One having sent me is ne'eman and I--what I heard from Him--these things I speak in the Olam Hazeh."

orthjbc@John:8:29 @ "And the One having sent me is with me [Mishle strkjv@8:30]. He did not leave me alone, because I always do the things that please Him." [Yeshayah strkjv@50:5; strkjv@43:10 Targum Ha-Shivim (note:)Septuagint(:note)]

orthjbc@John:9:4 @ "It is necessary for us to work the pe'ulot of the One having sent me while it is Yom. Lailah comes when no one is able to work. [Yirmeyah strkjv@13:16]

orthjbc@John:9:6 @ Having said these things, he spat on the ground and made clay out of the saliva and he anointed the the clay upon his eyes,

orthjbc@John:9:11 @ In reply, the man said, "The one called Yehoshua took clay and anointed my eyes and said to me, "Go to Shiloach [Melachim Bais strkjv@5:10] and wash. Therefore, having gone, and having washed, I saw!"

orthjbc@John:9:32 @ "Never vi-bahlt (note:)since(:note) the Bri'at HaOlam the Creation of the World it was heard that anyone opened the eyes of a ivver blind man having been born thus.

orthjbc@John:9:35 @ Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach heard that they threw him out, and, having found him, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said, "Do you have emunah (note:)faith(:note) in the Ben HaAdam?"

orthjbc@John:11:4 @ And having heard this, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said, "This machla (note:)illness, krenk(:note) is not unto mavet death, but for the kavod Hashem, that the Ben HaElohim may receive kavod through it."

orthjbc@John:11:17 @ Having arrived, therefore, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach discovered El'azar had already been in the kever (note:)tomb(:note) arba'ah yamim four days.

orthjbc@John:11:25 @ Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to her, "Ani hu the Techiyas haMesim and the Chayyim (note:)Life(:note): the one having emunah in me, even if he should die, will live,

orthjbc@John:11:28 @ And having said this, she withdrew and summoned Miryam her achot, telling her privately, "Rabbeinu and Moreinu is here, and summons you."

orthjbc@John:11:43 @ And having said these things, with a kol gadol, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach cried out, "El'azar, come out!"

orthjbc@John:11:44 @ Then the niftar, having been bound feet and hands with the linen cloths of the tachrichim, and with his face covered with a mitznefet (note:)head wrapping(:note), came out. Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach says to them, "Untie him and let him go." THE PLOT TO KILL REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH

orthjbc@John:11:45 @ Therefore, many of those of Yehudah, the ones having come to Miryam and having seen the things which Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach did, put their emunah in him. [Shemot strkjv@14:31]

orthjbc@John:11:52 @ and not on behalf of Am Yisroel only but also the yeladim of Hashem, the ones having been scattered, that he may gather into echad.[Yeshayah strkjv@49:6]

orthjbc@John:12:3 @ Then Miryam having taken a pound of mishcha (note:)ointment(:note) of genuine expensive spikenard, anointed the feet of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach and wiped off with her hair his feet and the bais was filled with the aroma of the mishcha.

orthjbc@John:12:12 @ On the next day the great multitude, the one having come to the Chag (note:)Feast(:note), having heard that Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach is coming to Yerushalayim,

orthjbc@John:12:24 @ "Omein, omein, I say to you, unless the gargeer hakhitah (note:)grain of wheat(:note) having fallen into the ground, dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, much p'ri it bears.

orthjbc@John:12:36 @ "While you have the Ohr (note:)Light(:note), walk in the Ohr Light that you may become Bnei HaOhr." THE LACK OF EMUNAH OF THOSE OF YEHUDAH These things spoke Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach. And, having gone away, he was hidden from them.

orthjbc@John:12:44 @ But Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach cried out, "The ma'amin in me does not have emunah in me, but in the One having sent me.

orthjbc@John:12:45 @ "And the one seeing me sees the One having sent me.

orthjbc@John:12:49 @ "Because I do not speak on my own, but the one having sent me--HaAv--he has given me a mitzvoh of what I may say and what I may speak.

orthjbc@John:13:1 @ Now before the Chag (note:)Feast(:note) of the Pesach, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, having da'as that his sha'ah hour, time had come, his sha'ah when he should pass from the Olam Hazeh to HaAv, having had ahavah for his own in the Olam Hazeh, he had ahavah for them to haKetz.

orthjbc@John:13:2 @ And seudah taking place, Hasatan already having put into the lev of Yehudah Ben Shimon from K'riot that he should betray him,

orthjbc@John:13:3 @ and Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach having had da'as that HaAv had given into his hands all things, and that from Hashem Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach came forth and to Hashem he is going,

orthjbc@John:13:4 @ he rises from the seudah and put aside his kaftan and having girded himself with a towel,

orthjbc@John:13:10 @ Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach says to him, "The one having been bathed does not have need except his feet to wash, but is wholly tahor, and you are tehorim, though not all."

orthjbc@John:13:20 @ "Omein, omein, I say to you, the one receiving whomever I may send receives me, and the one receiving me, receives the One having sent me." THE NAMING OF THE BETRAYER AND MALSHIN (note:)INFORMER, MOISER(:note)MT strkjv@26:21-25; MK strkjv@14:18-21; LK strkjv@22:21-23; SICH IBERFREGEN SELF-QUESTIONING BEGINS AROUND THE TISH; SAMAEL SAMEKH MEM THE DEVIL ENTERS THE MALSHIN INFORMER YEHUDAH

orthjbc@John:13:21 @ Having said these things, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was spiritually troubled and he gave solemn edut (note:)testimony(:note), and said, "Omein, omein, I say to you, that one of you will betray me."

orthjbc@John:13:25 @ Having leaned back, then, that one thus near the chest of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, says to him, "Adoni, who is it?"

orthjbc@John:13:26 @ Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach answers, "That one it is to whom I will dip the [maror into the charoset] morsel and will give to him." Having dipped, therefore, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach takes the [maror-charoset-matzah] morsel and gives to Yehudah Ben Shimon from K'riot.

orthjbc@John:13:30 @ Therefore, having taken the morsel, that man went out immediately. And it was lailah (note:)night(:note). IMMANUEL YESHAYAH strkjv@7:14; YOCHANAN strkjv@1:1 THE BEN HAADAM TO RECEIVE KAVOD IN HASHEM

orthjbc@John:14:9 @ Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach says to Philippos, "So long a time with you I am and you have not had da'as of me, Philippos? The one having seen me has seen [Elohim] HaAv [Colossians.1:15; Yeshayah strkjv@9:5(note:)6(:note)] How do you say, `Show us HaAv?'


orthjbc@John:14:21 @ "The one having the mitzvot of me and being shomer mitzvot, that one is the one having ahavah for me. And the one having ahavah for me will receive ahavah from HaAv of me, and I will have ahavah for him and I will manifest myself to him."

orthjbc@John:14:24 @ "The one not having ahavah (note:)love, agape(:note) for me is not shomer regarding the dvarim of me and the dvar which you hear is not mine but that of HaAv having sent me. [Devarim strkjv@18:18]

orthjbc@John:14:28 @ "You heard me say to you, "I am going" [14:12], and "I am coming to you" [14:18]. If you were having ahavah for me you would have simcha, because I go to HaAv, for HaAv is greater than me [Yochanan strkjv@1:1,14].

orthjbc@John:15:21 @ "But all these things they will do to you on account of the Shem of me [Yeshayah strkjv@66:5], because they do not have da'as of the One having sent me.

orthjbc@John:15:23 @ "The one having sin'as chinom (note:)hatred without cause(:note) for me Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach has sin'as chinom for HaAv of me.

orthjbc@John:15:25 @ "But this was that the dvar having been written in their Torah might be fulfilled, "SONE'AI CHINOM ATZMU" (note:)"They are many hating me without cause"(:note). [Tehillim strkjv@69:4-5; strkjv@35:19; strkjv@109:3]

orthjbc@John:16:8 @ "And having come, that one will expose and convict [in court] the Olam Hazeh concerning Chet and concerning Tzedek and concerning Mishpat:

orthjbc@John:17:1 @ These things said Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach. And having lifted up his eyes to Shomayim, said, "Avi, the sha'ah (note:)hour, time(:note) has come. Give kavod to your Ben HaElohim, that HaBen may give kavod to you,

orthjbc@John:17:4 @ "I have given you kavod on ha'aretz, having completed the melakhah (note:)task(:note) which you have given me, that I should do.

orthjbc@John:17:5 @ "And now You give me kavod, Avi, along with Yourself with the kavod which I was having with You before HaOlam came to be [Yochanan strkjv@1:1-3].

orthjbc@John:18:1 @ These things having said, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach went out with his talmidim across the Kidron Valley, [Shmuel Bais strkjv@15:23] where there was a Gahn (note:)Garden(:note) into which Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach entered with his talmidim. THE HANDING OVER OF THE SEH HAELOHIM, REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH THE PESACH KORBAN MT strkjv@26:47-56; MK strkjv@14:43-52; LK strkjv@22:47-53

orthjbc@John:18:3 @ Then, Yehudah from K'riot, having taken the band of chaiyalim (note:)soldiers(:note) and avadim of the Rashei Hakohanim and of the Perushim, comes there with torches and lamps and weapons.

orthjbc@John:18:4 @ Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, therefore, having had da'as of everything coming upon him, went out and says to them, "Whom do you seek?"

orthjbc@John:18:10 @ Then Shimon Kefa, having a cherev (note:)sword(:note), drew it and struck the eved of the Kohen Gadol and cut off his right ear. The name of the eved was Malchus.

orthjbc@John:18:14 @ Now Caiapha was the one having given counsel to those of Yehudah that it is a bedievedike thing (note:)expedient(:note) for one man to die for the people. KEFA MAKES HAKHCHASHAH DENIAL OF REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH MT strkjv@26:58,69-75; strkjv@14:54,66-72; LK strkjv@22:54-62

orthjbc@John:18:21 @ "Why do you put a sh'eilah (note:)question(:note) to me? Put a sh'eilah to the ones having heard what I spoke to them. Hinei, these ones have da'as of what things I said."

orthjbc@John:18:22 @ But these things having said, one of the mesharetim, one standing nearby, struck Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, saying, "Is this the way to answer the Kohen Gadol?" [Shemot strkjv@22:27]

orthjbc@John:18:38 @ Pilate says to Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, "What is HaEmes?" REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH SENTENCED TO DIE BUT BAR-ABBA IS RELEASED (note:)A "SON OF THE FATHER" DIES AND A "SON OF THE FATHER" IS RELEASED; BAR-ABBA MEANS "SON OF THE FATHER"(:note); MOSHIACH MA SHE-EIN KEIN BAR-ABBA And having said this, again Pilate went out to those of Yehudah, and says to them, "I find in him no avon offense, no cause for punishment, in him.

orthjbc@John:19:2 @ And the [Roman] chaiyalim (note:)soldiers(:note), having woven a wreath out of thorns, put it on his rosh and a purple [royal] robe they threw around Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach.

orthjbc@John:19:11 @ In reply, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach answered him, "You do not have samchut (note:)authority(:note) against me at all, except it had been given to you from above; therefore, the avon is gadol, is even greater, the avon of the one having handed me over to you."

orthjbc@John:19:13 @ Therefore, Pilate, having heard these dvarim, led Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach out, and Pilate sat down upon a tribunal (note:)seat of judgment(:note) in a place being called "The Pavement" In Aramaic, Gabta.

orthjbc@John:19:26 @ Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, therefore, having seen his Em (note:)Mother(:note) and the talmid haahuv having stood by, says to his Em, "Isha, hinei your ben!"

orthjbc@John:19:28 @ After this, having had da'as that already everything has become shleimah, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, that the Kitvei Hakodesh may be fulfilled, says, "Ani tzameh (note:)I thirst(:note)" [Tehillim strkjv@22:1615].

orthjbc@John:19:29 @ A k'li (note:)vessel(:note) full of sour wine chometz vinegar was set there [Tehillim strkjv@69:2221]: the sponge full of vinegar having been wrapped around a hyssop branch [Shemot strkjv@12:22], they brought it to his mouth.

orthjbc@John:19:30 @ Therefore, when Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach received the vinegar, he said, "Nishlam! (note:)"It is finished!"(:note) [Iyov strkjv@19:26-27 Targum Ha-Shivim Septuagint] and having bowed his rosh, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach gave up his neshamah. THE REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH'S OWN CHEVRAH KADDISHA FORMS TO MAKE PREPARATIONS FOR THE KEVURAH OF THE NIFTAR MT strkjv@27:57-60; MK strkjv@15:42-46; LK strkjv@23:50-54

orthjbc@John:19:33 @ But having come to Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, when they saw that he was already niftar (note:)deceased(:note), they did not break his legs.

orthjbc@John:19:39 @ And also Rav Nakdimon came, the one having come first to Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach balailah, bearing a mixture of myrrh and aloes, about one hundred pounds.

orthjbc@John:20:1 @ Now on the Yom Rishon, Miryam of Magdala comes early, while it was still dark, to the kever (note:)tomb(:note) and sees the stone having been taken from the kever tomb.

orthjbc@John:20:5 @ and having stooped down, the talmid ha'ahuv sees the tachrichim linen cloths lying there. However, he did not enter the kever. SHIMON KEFA IS THE FIRST ED RE'IYAH (note:)EYE WITNESS(:note) TO ENTER THE EMPTY KEVER TOMB

orthjbc@John:20:7 @ And also the mitznefet (note:)head wrapping(:note), which had been upon the rosh of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, the mitznefet not lying with the tachrichim, but apart, having been folded up in one place.

orthjbc@John:20:8 @ Then, therefore, entered also the other talmid, the one having come first to the kever (note:)tomb(:note), and he saw and had emunah faith.

orthjbc@John:20:19 @ On that Yom Rishon, when it was erev, and the delatot (note:)doors(:note) having been shut where the talmidim were, because of fear of those of Yehudah, then came Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach and stood in the midst and says to them, "Shalom Aleichem!"

orthjbc@John:20:20 @ And having said this, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach showed his hands and his side to them. Therefore, the talmidim were filled with simcha at having seen Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu.

orthjbc@John:20:22 @ And having said, Moshiach breathed on them and says to them, "Receive the Ruach Hakodesh." REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH'S SHLUCHIM AND THE POWER VESTED IN THEM BY HIM TO ESTABLISH AND DISCIPLINE HIS KEHILLAH

orthjbc@John:20:29 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach says to him, "Because you have seen me, you have emunah (note:)faith(:note)? Ashrey Happy are the ones not having seen and having emunah." THE PURPOSE OF THE SEFER BOOK

orthjbc@John:21:4 @ Now early morning already having come, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach stood on the shore. The talmidim had not, however, realized it was he.

orthjbc@John:21:7 @ Therefore, the talmid ha'ahuv says to Shimon Kefa, "It is Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu!" Therefore, Shimon Kefa, having heard this, strapped his gartel around his kaftan, for he was unclothed, and threw himself into the sea.

orthjbc@John:21:12 @ Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach says to them, "Come, eat!" Now not one of the talmidim was daring to ask him, "Who are you?" having had da'as that it is Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu.

orthjbc@John:21:14 @ This was now the shlishit (note:)third(:note) time Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, having been made to stand up alive from the mesim, was manifested to the talmidim. REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH SAYS "FEED MY SHEEP"; THE DEATH AL KIDDUSH HA-SHEM MARTYRDOM OF SHIMON KEFA FORESEEN IN A DVAR HANEVU'AH

orthjbc@John:21:20 @ Having turned, Kefa sees the talmid ha'ahuv following them, who also was reclining at tish during the seudah upon the kheyk (note:)bosom(:note) of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, and this talmid was the one who had said "Adoni, who is the one betraying you?"

orthjbc@John:21:21 @ Then Kefa, having seen this one, says to Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, "Adoni, and what about this man?"

orthjbc@John:21:24 @ This is the talmid, the ones giving solemn edut (note:)testimony(:note) about these things, and one having written these things and we have da'as that his edut is Emes.

orthjbc@Acts:1:2 @ until HaYom, when he made aliyah ascent to Shomayim, having given Moshiach's mitzvot through the Ruach HaKodesh to the Shluchim whom he chose,

orthjbc@Acts:1:6 @ And at yechidus, having come together, they were asking him saying, "Adoneinu, is it at this time that you are restoring the Malchut Hashem to Am Yisroel?"

orthjbc@Acts:1:9 @ And having said these things, while they were looking on, in an aliyah ascent to Shomayim, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was taken up, and an anan (note:)cloud(:note) took him away from their eyes.

orthjbc@Acts:1:11 @ Also, these said, "Men of the Galil, why do you stand looking into Shomayim? This Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua, the one having been taken up from you into Shomayim, will also come again in like manner as you saw him going into Shomayim." THE CHOICE OF SUCCESSOR FOR YEHUDAH FROM K'RIOT

orthjbc@Acts:1:15 @ And at this time, having stood up, Kefa, in the midst of the achim b'Moshiach, [there were 120 persons in the place]

orthjbc@Acts:1:18 @ (Now this man therefore acquired a sadeh out of the sachar [reward] of his peysha and, having fallen headlong, he plotst [burst] open in the middle and all the inward parts of him were poured out.

orthjbc@Acts:1:24 @ And having davened, they said, "Adonoi, you have da'as of the levavot of Kol B'nei Adam. Therefore, show which of these two you chose [Shmuel Alef strkjv@14:41]

orthjbc@Acts:2:14 @ But Kefa, having stood with the Achad Asar, lifted up his voice and declared to them, "Anashim Yehudim! And the ones inhabiting Yerushalayim, have da'as of all this and be goires to my dvarim.

orthjbc@Acts:2:22 @ "Anshei Yisroel, listen to these dvarim: Yehoshua of Natzeret, a man having been attested by Hashem to you by gevurot and moftim which Hashem did through him in your midst, just as you yourselves have da'as--

orthjbc@Acts:2:24 @ "But Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach in fact Hashem made to stand up alive again, having destroyed the chevlei haMavet, because it was impossible for Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach to be held by death's ko'ach.

orthjbc@Acts:2:30 @ "Therefore, being a Navi and having da'as that with a shevu'ah (note:)an oath(:note) HASHEM swore to him that from his loins his zera would sit upon his KISSEH. [Tehillim strkjv@132:11; strkjv@89:3-4; Shmuel Bais strkjv@7:12-13]

orthjbc@Acts:2:33 @ "Having been exalted to the right hand of Hashem and having received the havtachah of the Ruach Hakodesh from HaAv, Moshiach poured out this which you also see and hear.

orthjbc@Acts:2:44 @ And all the ma'aminim hameshichiyim were together and they were having all things in common.

orthjbc@Acts:2:47 @ praising Hashem, and having favor with all the people while G-d was adding to their number yom yom those receiving Yeshu'at Eloheinu.

orthjbc@Acts:3:7 @ And having grasped him by the yad yamin, Kefa lifted him up, and immediately the man's feet and ankles were strengthened.

orthjbc@Acts:3:20 @ "in order that times of rest may come from the presence of the Adon, and that he may send the one having been proclaimed beforehand to you, that is, the Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach,

orthjbc@Acts:4:4 @ And many of the ones having listened to the dvar Hashem had emunah; and the number of the men came be lav davka (note:)approximately(:note) chameshet alafim.

orthjbc@Acts:4:8 @ Then Kefa, having been filled with the Ruach Hakodesh, said to them, "Sarei HaAm and Zekenim,

orthjbc@Acts:4:13 @ Now observing the bittachon of Kefa and Yochanan, and having perceived that they are not yeshiva trained Torah teachers, they were marvelng and began to recognize them, that they had been with Yehoshua.

orthjbc@Acts:4:15 @ And having ordered the Shluchim to step outside the Sanhedrin chambers, they began conferring with one another,

orthjbc@Acts:4:18 @ And, having summoned them, they commanded them not to give drashot or shiurim b'Shem Yehoshua at all. [Amos strkjv@7:13]

orthjbc@Acts:4:23 @ And, after having been released, the Moshiach's Shluchim came to their own, and reported all the things the Rashei Hakohanim and the Zekenim had said to them.

orthjbc@Acts:4:24 @ And having heard this, the people lifted their voices to Hashem with one mind, and said, "Rabbono shel Olam, you are the one BARAH ES HASHOMAYIM V'ES HA'ARETZ and the yam and all that is in them, [Bereshis strkjv@1:1; Nechemyah strkjv@9:6; Iyov strkjv@41:11; Yeshayah strkjv@37:16; Tehillim strkjv@146:6; Shemot strkjv@20:11]

orthjbc@Acts:4:32 @ Now the velt (note:)community(:note) of the ones having had emunah were achdut in lev heart and nefesh soul, and not one was saying that any of the possessions belonging to him was his own, but everything to them was in common.

orthjbc@Acts:4:36 @ And Yosef, a Levi from Cyprus, a man having been named Bar-Nabba, by the Moshiach's Shluchim, a name which being translated means, "Son of Encouragement,"

orthjbc@Acts:5:2 @ and he, with his wife in collusion as to da'as, misappropriated from the price, and, having brought a certain part, laid it at the feet of the Moshiach's Shluchim. [Yehoshua strkjv@7:11]

orthjbc@Acts:5:5 @ And hearing these dvarim, having fallen down, Chananyah died; and there came great yirat Shomayim upon all the ones listening. [Tehillim strkjv@5:6]

orthjbc@Acts:5:6 @ And having got up, the bochrim threw a tachrichim over him and, having carried him out, they buried him in a kever.

orthjbc@Acts:5:7 @ And there was an interval of lav davka (note:)approximately(:note) shloshah sha'ot and then his isha, not having da'as of what had happened, entered.

orthjbc@Acts:5:9 @ And Kefa said to her, "Why was it agreed by the two of you to put the Ruach Hakodesh of Hashem to the test? --Hinei-- the feet of the ones having buried your ish are at the petach (note:)doorway(:note), and they will carry you out."

orthjbc@Acts:5:10 @ And she fell immediately at his feet and died. And, the bochrim, having entered, found her dead; and, having carried her out, they buried her with her ish.

orthjbc@Acts:5:19 @ And a malach Adonoi (note:)an angel of Hashem(:note), opened the doors of the beis hasohar balailah, and having led them out, said, [Bereshis strkjv@16:7; Shemot strkjv@3:2; Tehillim strkjv@34:7]

orthjbc@Acts:5:21 @ And having heard, the Moshiach's Shluchim entered the Beis Hamikdash at Shachrit and were giving shiurim. And when the Kohen Gadol and the ones with him had come, they called together the Sanhedrin and all the assembly of Zekenim of the bnei Yisroel, and they sent to the beis hasohar for the prisoners to be brought to them.

orthjbc@Acts:5:22 @ But their mesharetim, having come, did not find them in the beis hasohar. And having returned, they reported these things

orthjbc@Acts:5:30 @ "Elohei Avoteinu made Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua to stand up alive again, the very one whom you killed, having hung him on an aitz (note:)tree(:note). [Devarim strkjv@21:22]

orthjbc@Acts:5:33 @ And the ones having heard were cut to the quick and in fury were deciding to do away with them. AN EITZA FROM RABBAN GAMLI'EL

orthjbc@Acts:5:40 @ And having called together the Moshiach's Shluchim and having flogged them, they warned them not to speak in the Shem of Yehoshua, and they released them.

orthjbc@Acts:6:2 @ And the Sheneym Asar, having called the multitude of the talmidim together, said, "It is not desirable for us to neglect the dvar Hashem in order to serve tishen.

orthjbc@Acts:6:6 @ whom they placed before the Moshiach's Shluchim. And having davened, Moshiach's Shluchim gave them s'michah, laying their hands on them. [Bamidbar strkjv@8:10; strkjv@27:18]

orthjbc@Acts:6:15 @ And having stared intently at him, all the ones sitting in the Sanhedrin saw his ponem like the face of a malach.

orthjbc@Acts:7:4 @ "Then having departed from the land of the Chaldeans, he settled in Charan. And from there, after the mavet of his Av, he was settled by Hashem here in this land in which we now are living, [Bereshis strkjv@12:5]

orthjbc@Acts:7:14 @ "And having sent, Yosef summoned Ya'akov his Abba and all his mishpochah, SHIVIM (note:)Bereshis strkjv@46:27(:note) nefashot souls. [Bereshis strkjv@45:9,10; strkjv@46:26,27; Shemot strkjv@1:5; Devarim strkjv@10:22]

orthjbc@Acts:7:24 @ "And having seen one of them being treated unjustly he retaliated and brought yashrus (note:)justice(:note) for the one being oppressed by striking down the Egyptian. [Shemot strkjv@2:12]

orthjbc@Acts:7:31 @ "And Moshe Rabbenu having seen this, was mishpoyel (note:)standing in awe(:note) at the chazon and, as he was approaching it to look more closely, there came the kol voice of Hashem, [Shemot strkjv@3:1-4]

orthjbc@Acts:7:35 @ "This Moshe whom they denied having said MI SAMECHA L'SAR V'SHOFET? (note:)"Who made you a ruler and a judge?"(:note) is the one whom G-d sent to be both SAR ruler and GO'EL redeemer with the help of the malach having appeared to him in the thorn bush. [Shemot strkjv@2:14]

orthjbc@Acts:7:38 @ "This is the one having been in the kahal (note:)assembly(:note) in the midbar together with the malach speaking to him at the mountain of Sinai, who was with Avoteinu; he is the one who received torat chayyim to give to us. [Shemot strkjv@19:17; Vayikra strkjv@27:34; Devarim strkjv@32:45-47]

orthjbc@Acts:7:40 @ "having said to Aharon, ASEH LANU ELOHIM ASHER YELEKHU LEFANENU, KI ZEH MOSHE ASHER HE''ELANU MEERETZ MITZRAYIM LO YADA'U MEH HAYAH LO (note:)"Make for us g-ds who will go before us; for this Moses who led us out of the land of Egypt--we do not know what happened to him"(:note). [Shemot strkjv@32:1,23]

orthjbc@Acts:7:45 @ "And having received it in their turn, Avoteinu brought it in with Yehoshua (note:)Joshua(:note) upon dispossessing of the land of the Goyim, which Hashem drove out from the presence of Avoteinu until the yamim of Dovid. [Yehoshua strkjv@3:14-17; strkjv@18:1;23:9; strkjv@24:18; Tehillim strkjv@44:2; Shmuel Bais strkjv@7:2,6; Bereshis strkjv@17:8; strkjv@48:4; Devarim strkjv@32:49]

orthjbc@Acts:7:52 @ "Which of the Nevi'im (note:)prophets(:note) did your Avot not persecute? And they killed the ones having announced beforehand about the Bias HaMoshiach, the coming of the Tzaddik of whom now you became bogedim betrayers and rotzechim murderers;

orthjbc@Acts:7:55 @ But being full of the Ruach Hakodesh and having gazed into Shomayim, Stefanos saw the kavod (note:)glory(:note) of Hashem and Yehoshua standing limin Hashem.

orthjbc@Acts:7:56 @ And Stefanos said, "Hinei! I see the Shomayim having been opened and the Ben HaAdam (note:)Moshiach, Daniel strkjv@7:13-14(:note) standing limin Hashem."

orthjbc@Acts:7:57 @ And having cried out with a kol gadol, they shut their oznayim and they rushed down with one impulse upon Stefanos

orthjbc@Acts:7:58 @ and having driven Stefanos outside the Ir (note:)City(:note), they were stoning him. And the edim took off their garments at the feet of a bochur named Sha'ul. [Vayikra strkjv@24:14,16; Devarim strkjv@17:7]

orthjbc@Acts:7:60 @ And having fallen down, he cried out in a kol gadol, "Adoneinu, may this aveirah not be held against them!" And having said this, Stefanos fell asleep.

orthjbc@Acts:8:4 @ The ones therefore having been scattered went about preaching the dvar Hashem.

orthjbc@Acts:8:5 @ Now Philippos having gone down to the city of Shomron was preaching to them the Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach.

orthjbc@Acts:8:7 @ For many had ruchot teme'ot coming out, crying out with a kol gadol, and many having been paralyzed and many pisechim (note:)lame ones(:note) were given refu'ah shleimah.

orthjbc@Acts:8:13 @ And Shimon himself also had emunah, and, having submitted to Moshiach's tevilah of teshuva, was following Philippos, and, seeing otot and and niflaot and moftim hagedolim taking place, he was constantly mishpoyel (note:)standing in awe(:note). MOSHIACH'S SHLUCHIM COME DOWN TO SHOMRON TO REGULARIZE THE MA'AMINIM HAMESHICHIYIM WITH THE TEVILAH OF THE RUACH HAKODESH 2:4; strkjv@10:45-46

orthjbc@Acts:8:15 @ who, having come down, davened for them that they might receive the Ruach Hakodesh.

orthjbc@Acts:8:25 @ The ones then having testified and spoken the dvar Adonoi were returning to Yerushalayim and to many villages of the Shomronim preaching the Besuras HaGeulah. PHILIPPOS AND THE ETHIOPIAN EUNUCH; THE BEGINNING OF THE FALASHA HITORERUT WHEN THE KETA (note:)PASSAGE(:note) CONVENIENTLY OMITTED FROM THE MODERN HAFTORAH RE'EH IS NOT OMITTED FROM THE BINAH OF A SINCERE INQUIRER SEEKING THE TRUE ORTHODOX JEWISH FAITH

orthjbc@Acts:8:27 @ And having got up, Philippos went. And, hinei, an Ethiopian man, a eunuch, a court official of the Kandake of the Ethiopians. He was over all of her Otzrot (note:)treasury(:note) and had come worshiping to Yerushalayim, [Tehillim strkjv@68:31; strkjv@87:4; Zefanyah strkjv@3:10; Yeshayah strkjv@56:3-5; Melachim Alef strkjv@8:41-43]

orthjbc@Acts:8:30 @ And having run, Philippos heard him reading Yeshayah HaNavi, and Philippos said, "So do you have binah of you are reading?"

orthjbc@Acts:8:32 @ Now the keta (note:)passage(:note) of the Tanakh which he was reading was this: KASEH LATEVACH YUVAL "He [Moshiach] was led as a lamb to the slaughter" and as a Seh Lamb, Yeshayah strkjv@53:7 before the one having sheared it is silent, LO YIFTACH PIV "He does not open his mouth".

orthjbc@Acts:8:35 @ And having opened his mouth, and beginning from this keta (note:)passage(:note) of the Kitvei Hakodesh, Philippos began to preach and fier ois elucidate Yehoshua to him.

orthjbc@Acts:9:1 @ Now Sha'ul still breathing a threat even of retzach (note:)murder(:note) keneged against the talmidim of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu having approached the Kohen Gadol,

orthjbc@Acts:9:17 @ And Chananyah departed and entered into the bais and having placed his hands upon Rav Sha'ul, he said, "Ach b'Moshiach Sha'ul, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu has sent me. I'm referring to Yehoshua, the one who appeared to you on the derech by which you were coming. He sent me that you may see again and may be filled with the Ruach Hakodesh."

orthjbc@Acts:9:18 @ And immediately fell from his eyes something like scales, and Rav Sha'ul saw again, and, having got up, he submitted to Moshiach's tevilah of teshuvah. RAV SHA'UL DELIVERS DRASHOT IN THE SHULS AT DAMASCUS

orthjbc@Acts:9:19 @ And having received okhel (note:)food(:note), Rav Sha'ul regained strength. Now he was with the talmidim in Damascus several yamim.

orthjbc@Acts:9:25 @ But Moshiach's talmidim had taken him b'lailah and they let him down through an opening in the wall, having lowered him in a large basket. [Shmuel Alef strkjv@19:12] RAV SHA'UL AT YERUSHALAYIM; HE IS MESHADECH (note:)INTRODUCED(:note) TO THE OTHER SHLUCHIM OF REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH

orthjbc@Acts:9:26 @ And having arrived in Yerushalayim, Rav Sha'ul was trying to associate with the Moshiach's talmidim, and they were all afraid of him, not believing that he is a talmid.

orthjbc@Acts:9:27 @ But Bar-Nabba, having taken hold of him, brought him to Moshiach's Shluchim and told them how on the derech he saw the Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu, who had spoken to Rav Sha'ul, and how in Damascus Rav Sha'ul spoke with ometz lev (note:)boldness(:note) b'Shem Yehoshua.

orthjbc@Acts:9:30 @ But having learned of this, the Achim b'Moshiach brought Rav Sha'ul down to Caesarea and sent him away to Tarsus.

orthjbc@Acts:9:37 @ And it came about in yamim hahem that this one, having become ill, passed away. When the women had washed her body, they laid it in the upper story.

orthjbc@Acts:9:38 @ And since Lud was near to Yafo, Moshiach's talmidim, having heard that Kefa was there, sent shnei anashim to him, summoning Kefa that he not delay in coming to them.

orthjbc@Acts:9:40 @ But Kefa, having put everyone outside, and having fallen down, davened. And when he turned to the niftar, he said, "Tavitha, get up!" And she opened her eynayim and, having seen Kefa, she sat up.

orthjbc@Acts:9:41 @ And having given his hand to her, he made her to stand up alive again; and, having called the Moshiach's kedoshim and the almanot, Kefa presented her chayyah (note:)living(:note).

orthjbc@Acts:10:3 @ Cornelius clearly saw in a chazon (note:)vision(:note) lav davka approximately at the ninth hour of the day three o'clock in the afternoon a malach Hashem having come to him and having said to him, "Cornelius!" [Tehillim strkjv@55:17]

orthjbc@Acts:10:4 @ And having looked intently at him and having become afraid, Cornelius said, "What is it, Adon?" The malach said to him, "Your tefillos and your giving tzedakah have ascended as a zekaron (note:)memorial offering(:note) before Hashem. [Tehillim strkjv@20:3]

orthjbc@Acts:10:8 @ and, having explained everything to them, sent them to Yafo.

orthjbc@Acts:10:11 @ and he sees Shomayim having been opened, and a certain object descending like a large linen cloth lowered by four corners upon haAretz.

orthjbc@Acts:10:23 @ Therefore, having invited them in, Kefa gave them hachnosas orchim (note:)hospitality, lodging(:note). And on the next day Kefa got up and went away with them, and some of the Achim b'Moshiach from Yafo accompanied him.

orthjbc@Acts:10:24 @ And on the next day, Moshiach's Shliach Shimon Kefa entered into Caesarea, and Cornelius was expecting them, having called together his krovey mishpokhot (note:)relatives(:note) and close friends.

orthjbc@Acts:10:27 @ And as he conversed with Cornelius, Kefa entered and finds many having assembled,

orthjbc@Acts:10:33 @ "At once I sent for you and you did well having come. Now, therefore, we all are present before Hashem to hear all the things that have been commanded to you by Adonoi." SHIMON KEFA SPEAKS IN CORNELIUS' HOUSE

orthjbc@Acts:10:37 @ "--you know the thing which took place throughout all Yehudah, having begun from the Galil after the tevilah of teshuvah which Yochanan preached,

orthjbc@Acts:10:39 @ "We are edim (note:)witnesses(:note) of all things which he did both in the countryside of Yehudah and in Yerushalayim. And they also put him to death, having hung him on an aitz tree. [Devarim strkjv@21:22]

orthjbc@Acts:10:42 @ "Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach gave mitzvah to us to preach to the people and to bear solemn edut (note:)testimony(:note) that this one is the one having been appointed by Hashem as shofet judge of haChayyim and haMesim.

orthjbc@Acts:11:11 @ "--Hineh-- at once shloshah anashim stood at the bais in which I was, having been sent from Caesarea to me.

orthjbc@Acts:11:12 @ "And the Ruach Hakodesh said to me to accompany them without having hesitated and these sheshet haAchim b'Moshiach came with me also, and we entered into the bais of the ish.

orthjbc@Acts:11:13 @ "He reported to us how he saw the malach in his bais having stood and having said, `Send to Yafo and summon Shimon, the one being called Kefa,

orthjbc@Acts:11:18 @ And having heard these things, they remained silent and glorified Hashem, saying `Then also to the Nations Hashem has given teshuva unto Chayyim.' THE BRIT CHADASHA KEHILLAH AT ANTIOCH

orthjbc@Acts:11:19 @ Then the ones, that is, those having been scattered because of the tzoros that happened in connection with Stefanos, came to Phoenicia and Cyprus and Antioch, speaking to no one the dvar Hashem except only to Yehudim.

orthjbc@Acts:11:20 @ And there were some of them, anashim of Cyprus and Cyrene, who having come to Antioch, were speaking also to the Yevanim (note:)Greeks(:note), proclaiming the Besuras HaGeulah of Adoneinu Yehoshuah.

orthjbc@Acts:11:21 @ The hand of Adonoi was on them and a large number, having had emunah, turned to Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu.

orthjbc@Acts:11:23 @ who having come, and having seen the Chen v'Chesed Hashem, rejoiced and was encouraging every one devoted of lev to remain true to Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu.

orthjbc@Acts:11:26 @ and, having found him, he brought him to Antioch. And it came about that for an entire year, they met with Moshiach's Kehillah there, and taught a large multitude. And it was in Antioch the talmidim were first called ma'aminim hameshichiyim (note:)messianic believers(:note).

orthjbc@Acts:11:28 @ One of them, by name Agav, having got up, indicated through the Ruach Hakodesh a great famine was about to come all over the world. And this famine actually occurred during the time of Claudius.

orthjbc@Acts:11:30 @ which also they did, having sent to the Ziknei HaKehillot by the hand of Bar-Nabba and Sha'ul.

orthjbc@Acts:12:3 @ Having seen that this was pleasing to the Judeans, Herod proceeded to arrest Kefa also. This happened during the yamim of Chag HaMatzot. [Shemot strkjv@12:15; strkjv@23:25]

orthjbc@Acts:12:4 @ When he had Kefa seized, he put him in the beis hasohar, having handed him over to four squads of chaiyalim to guard him, intending after Pesach to bring him before the people.

orthjbc@Acts:12:7 @ Then--hinei--a malach HaAdon approached and ohr (note:)light(:note) shone in the cheder room, and, having struck the side of Kefa, he awoke him, saying, "Get up quickly!" And the kaval chain/fetter fell off his hands. [Tehillim strkjv@107:14]

orthjbc@Acts:12:9 @ And having gone out, Kefa was following the malach, and he did not have da'as that the thing happening was grahda (note:)as a matter of fact(:note) real, but he was thinking he was seeing a chazon through the malach.

orthjbc@Acts:12:10 @ And having gone through the shomrim, the rishonim and the sheniyyim, they came upon the Sha'ar HaBarzel leading to the Ir Kodesh. This was opened to them by itself. And having gone out, they went along one rehkov (note:)street(:note), and immediately the malach went away from him.

orthjbc@Acts:12:11 @ And Kefa, having come to himself, said, "Now I have da'as for sure that HaAdon sent out his malach and delivered me from the hand of Herod and from all the expectation of the Judean people." [Tehillim strkjv@34:7; Daniel strkjv@3:28; strkjv@6:22]

orthjbc@Acts:12:12 @ Having realized this, Kefa came upon the bais of Miryam the em (note:)mother(:note) of Yochanan, the one being called Markos, where there were many having been assembled and davening.

orthjbc@Acts:12:14 @ And having recognized the kol of Kefa, from simcha she did not open the gate but, having run inside, she reported that Kefa stood at the gate.

orthjbc@Acts:12:16 @ But Kefa continued knocking. And having opened the gate, they saw him, and were mishpoyel (note:)standing in awe(:note).

orthjbc@Acts:12:17 @ And having motioned to them with his hand to be silent, he told them how HaAdon led him out from the beis hasohar. Then Kefa said, "Report to Ya'akov and to the Achim b'Moshiach these things." And having gone out, Kefa went to another place.

orthjbc@Acts:12:19 @ Now Herod, having sought after him and not having found him, after questioning the shomrim, commanded them to be led away to execution. Then Herod went down from Yehudah to Caesarea, and was staying there. THE MAVET OF HEROD

orthjbc@Acts:12:20 @ Now Herod was gor (note:)very(:note) angry with the people of Tzor and those of Tzidon and with one mind they were coming to him; and, having won over Blastus, the king's chamberlain, they were requesting shalom, because their country was fed by the king's country. [Melachim Alef strkjv@5:9,11; Yechezkel strkjv@27:17]

orthjbc@Acts:12:21 @ Now on the appointed day, Herod, having clothed himself with royal malbush (note:)clothing(:note) and having sat down on the kisseh hamishpat, was delivering a pubic address to them.

orthjbc@Acts:12:23 @ Immediately, a malach Adonoi struck him, because he did not give the kavod to Hashem. And, having become eaten with worms, Herod died. [Shmuel Alef strkjv@25:38; Shmuel Bais strkjv@24:16,17; Melachim Bais strkjv@19:35]

orthjbc@Acts:12:25 @ And Bar-Nabba and Sha'ul returned from Yerushalayim, having fulfilled their shlichut to deliver the tzedakah and having taken along with them [back to Antioch], Yochanan the one called Markos.

orthjbc@Acts:13:3 @ Then, having continued the tzom and having davened and having laid their hands upon them, they sent them off. THE MOSHIACH'S SHLUCHIM PREACH IN CYPRUS AND ENCOUNTER A SHABTSITVAINIK (note:)FALSE PROPHET(:note) WHO, AS A ENEMY OF MOSHIACH, TRIES TO HINDER THE PREACHING OF THE BESURAS HAGEULAH

orthjbc@Acts:13:4 @ They, then, having been sent out by the Ruach Hakodesh, went down to Seleucia, and from there sailed away to Cyprus.

orthjbc@Acts:13:5 @ Having arrived in Salamis, they were proclaiming the dvar Hashem in the shuls, with Yochanan Markos also as ozer (note:)helper(:note).

orthjbc@Acts:13:6 @ Having passed through the whole island as far as Paphos, they found a certain ish, a magician, a Jewish navi sheker, to whom was the name Bar-Yehoshua,

orthjbc@Acts:13:7 @ who was with the proconsul Sergius Paulus, an ish of seychel. This one, having summoned Bar-Nabba and Sha'ul, sought to hear the dvar Hashem.

orthjbc@Acts:13:9 @ But Rav Sha'ul, the one also called Paulos, having been filled with the Ruach Hakodesh, gazed at him,

orthjbc@Acts:13:12 @ Then, the proconsul, having seen what had happened, had emunah, being mishpoyel (note:)standing in awe(:note) at the torah about Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu.

orthjbc@Acts:13:13 @ And having put out to sea from Paphos, Rav Sha'ul and those with him came to Perga of Pamphylia. But Yochanan (note:)Markos(:note), having left them, returned to Yerushalayim.

orthjbc@Acts:13:14 @ But having gone on from Perga, they came to Pisidian Antioch, and, having entered the shul on Shabbos, they sat down.

orthjbc@Acts:13:16 @ And having got up and having motioned with his hand, Rav Sha'ul said, "Anshei Yisroel and Yirei Elohim, listen!

orthjbc@Acts:13:19 @ "and having destroyed SHIVAH GOYIM in eretz Canaan, he gave as a nachalah their land [Devarim strkjv@7:1; Yehoshua strkjv@14:2; strkjv@19:51; Tehillim strkjv@78:55]

orthjbc@Acts:13:22 @ "And after having removed Sha'ul, Hashem raised up Dovid as a Melech for them. About Dovid also Hashem spoke favorably, saying `I found Dovid Ben Yishai an ISH KILEVAVO ("a man after his [G-d's] heart"] who will do all my ratzon.' [Shmuel Alef strkjv@15:23; strkjv@16:13; Tehillim strkjv@89:20; Shmuel Alef strkjv@13:14; Yirmeyah strkjv@3:15; Yeshayah strkjv@44:28]

orthjbc@Acts:13:29 @ "When they finished all the things having been written about him, he was taken down from the aitz (note:)tree(:note), and they put him into a kever tomb.

orthjbc@Acts:13:31 @ "and he was seen over many yamim by the ones having come up with him from the Galil to Yerushalayim who now are his edim to the people.

orthjbc@Acts:13:33 @ "that Hashem has fulfilled this havtachah for us, their banim, having made to stand up alive again Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshuah, as also in the Tehillim it has been written, BENI ATAH, ANI HAYOM YELIDETICHA (note:)"You are my son; today I have become your father"(:note). [Tehillim strkjv@2:7]

orthjbc@Acts:13:39 @ "by this one everyone having emunah is justified.

orthjbc@Acts:13:40 @ "Be shomer then that the thing having been spoken by the Nevi'im (note:)prophets(:note) may not come upon you,

orthjbc@Acts:13:46 @ And having spoken with ometz lev (note:)boldness(:note), Rav Sha'ul and Bar-Nabba said, `To you it was necessary rishonah first for the dvar Hashem to be spoken; vi-bahlt since you reject it, and judge yourselves not worthy of Chayyim Olam, hinei, we are turning to the Goyim.

orthjbc@Acts:13:51 @ And having shaken off the dust of their feet against them, Rav Sha'ul and Bar-Nabba came to Iconium;

orthjbc@Acts:14:11 @ And the multitudes, when they saw what Rav Sha'ul did, shouted in the Lycaonian language, saying, "The g-ds, having been made like anashim, have come down to us."

orthjbc@Acts:14:14 @ But having heard this, the Moshiach's Shluchim Bar-Nabba and Rav Sha'ul tore their kaftans and rushed out into the crowd, crying out,

orthjbc@Acts:14:16 @ "In the dorot having passed, Hashem allowed all the Goyim to go their own way. [Tehillim strkjv@81:12; Michoh strkjv@4:5]

orthjbc@Acts:14:19 @ Then [disobedient] Yehudim came from Pisidian Antioch and Iconium and, having won over the crowds and having stoned Rav Sha'ul, they were dragging him outside the city, thinking he had died.

orthjbc@Acts:14:21 @ And having preached the Besuras HaGeulah in that city and having made many talmidim, they returned to Lystra and to Iconium and to Pisidian Antioch,

orthjbc@Acts:14:23 @ And having chosen for messianic s'michah Zekenim installed in every one of Moshiach's Kehillot, and having davened with tzomot, the Moshiach's Shluchim commended them to Adoneinu in whom they had had emunah.

orthjbc@Acts:14:24 @ And having gone through Pisidia, they came to Pamphylia.

orthjbc@Acts:14:25 @ And having spoken the dvar Hashem in Perga, they went down to Attalia;

orthjbc@Acts:15:3 @ Then having been sent on their way by the Kehillah, they were passing through both Phoenicia and Shomron telling in detail how the Nations were turning to Hashem and they were bringing great simcha to all the Achim b'Moshiach.

orthjbc@Acts:15:4 @ And having come to Yerushalayim, they were there received by Moshiach's Kehillah and the Moshiach's Shluchim and the Zekenim and they reported what things Hashem had done with them.

orthjbc@Acts:15:8 @ "And the One who has da'as of levavot, Hashem, bore solemn edut and stood as their witness, having given the non-Jews the tevilah in the Ruach Hakodesh just as Hashem did also to us Jews [Acts strkjv@2:4; strkjv@10:46].

orthjbc@Acts:15:16 @ `After these things I will return and V'AKIM ES SUKKAT DOVID HANOFELET VHARISOTAV AKIM U'VENITIHA (note:)"I will rebuild the tabernacle of Dovid which has fallen and the things having been torn down of it I will rebuild and I will restore it"(:note),

orthjbc@Acts:15:24 @ "Vi-bahlt (note:)since(:note) we heard that certain men had gone out from us, though not having any directives from us, and have given you mitzvot with dvarim unsettling your nefashot souls,

orthjbc@Acts:15:25 @ "it was mekabel to us, having come to achdut in mind and having chosen anashim to send to you, along with our beloved chaverim Bar-Nabba and Sha'ul--

orthjbc@Acts:15:30 @ Therefore, having been dismissed, they went down to Syrian Antioch, and having gathered together the multitude, they delivered the iggeret.

orthjbc@Acts:15:31 @ And having read it, there was a response of simcha gedolah at the exhortation.

orthjbc@Acts:15:33 @ And after they had spent considerable time, they were dismissed with shalom from the Achim b'Moshiach and sent back to the ones having dispatched them. [Shmuel Alef strkjv@1:17]

orthjbc@Acts:15:38 @ But Rav Sha'ul was insisting not to take along this one, the one having withdrawn from them from Pamphylia and not having gone with them to the avodas kodesh work of the Moshiach's Shlichut.

orthjbc@Acts:15:40 @ And Rav Sha'ul chose Sila and departed, having been commended to the Chen v'Chesed Hashem by the Achim b'Moshiach.

orthjbc@Acts:16:6 @ And they traveled through the regions of Phrygia and Galatia, having been forbidden by the Ruach Hakodesh to speak the dvar Hashem in [the Roman Province of] Asia.

orthjbc@Acts:16:7 @ And having come to the border of Mysia, they were trying to go toward Bithynia, and the Ruach of Moshiach did not permit them.

orthjbc@Acts:16:11 @ And having set sail from Troas, we ran a straight course to Samothrace, and, on the next day, to Neapolis;

orthjbc@Acts:16:13 @ And on Shabbos, we went outside the sha'ar to a river where there was a mikveh mayim, supposing there we would find a minyan davening, and having sat down, we were speaking with the nashim who had assembled.

orthjbc@Acts:16:16 @ And it came about when we were going to where they held the minyan, that a certain shifchah (note:)slave girl(:note) having a ruach of the python a shed, demon came out to meet us. She was bringing much profit to her adonim by divination. [Devarim strkjv@18:11; Shmuel Alef strkjv@28:3,7]

orthjbc@Acts:16:18 @ And this kviusdik (note:)constant(:note) thing she was doing for many yamim; but Rav Sha'ul, having become cheppered annoyed and having turned to the ruach shed, said, "I command you in ha-Shem of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua to come out from her!" And it came out in the same hour.

orthjbc@Acts:16:20 @ and having brought them to the chief magistrates, they said, "These anashim, being Jews, are disturbing our city,

orthjbc@Acts:16:22 @ And the multitude rose up together keneged (note:)against(:note) Rav Sha'ul and Sila; and the chief magistrates, having torn off the kaftans of Moshiach's Shluchim, were giving orders to beat them.

orthjbc@Acts:16:23 @ And having inflicted klop after klop upon these Jewish men, they threw Rav Sha'ul and Sila into the beis hasohar, giving orders to the soher (note:)jailer(:note) to guard them securely.

orthjbc@Acts:16:24 @ And the soher (note:)jailer(:note), having received such an order, threw them into the inner beis hasohar, and he fastened their feet in the stock. [Iyov strkjv@13:27; strkjv@33:11; Yirmeyah strkjv@20:2,3; strkjv@29:26]

orthjbc@Acts:16:27 @ And the soher, having awakened and having seen the delatot of the beis hasohar having been opened, drew his cherev (note:)sword(:note) and was about to commit suicide, thinking the prisoners had run away.

orthjbc@Acts:16:29 @ And having asked for lights, he rushed in and, starting to tremble with pachad, he fell down before Rav Sha'ul and Sila.

orthjbc@Acts:16:33 @ And having taken them in that hour of the lailah, the soher washed their wounds, and at once he was given Moshiach's tevilah of teshuvah, as well as his entire mishpochah.

orthjbc@Acts:16:40 @ And having come out from the beis hasohar, they came to Lydia, and having seen and encouraged the Achim b'Moshiach of the Kehillah that met in Lydia's bais, Rav Sha'ul and Sila departed.

orthjbc@Acts:17:1 @ Now having passed through Amphipolis and Apollonia, Rav Sha'ul and Sila came to Thessalonica, where there was a shul.

orthjbc@Acts:17:5 @ And the Yehudim without emunah, being filled with kinah, and having rounded up from the people of the market the gornisht and the no goodniks, and having formed a mob, were throwing the city into an uproar. And the crowd was seeking to bring out Moshiach's Shluchim and throw them to the mob, so they attacked the bais of Jason.

orthjbc@Acts:17:6 @ But not having found the Moshiach's Shluchim, they were dragging Jason and some other Achim b'Moshiach to the city manhigim, shouting, "These ones, who have been turning the Olam Hazeh upside down, have come here also!


orthjbc@Acts:17:19 @ And having taken hold of Rav Sha'ul, they brought him to the Areopagus, saying, "Are we able to have da'as of what this new teaching is, which is being spoken by you?

orthjbc@Acts:17:24 @ "Hashem, the One having made HaOlam and all the things in it, this One being Adon HaShomayim vaHaAretz, does not dwell in temples made by human hands. [Yeshayah strkjv@42:5 Devarim strkjv@10:14; Yeshayah strkjv@66:1; Melachim Alef strkjv@8:27]

orthjbc@Acts:17:31 @ "because he set a day in which he is about to bring MISHPAT (note:)Tehillim strkjv@9:8(:note) on the Olam Hazeh in tzedek [Daniel strkjv@9:25] by an ISH Zecharyah strkjv@6:12 whom he appointed, having furnished proof to all by having made him to stand up alive again from the Mesim." [Tehillim strkjv@9:8; strkjv@96:13; strkjv@98:9; Yeshayah strkjv@53:11 Megillot Yam HaMelah Dead Sea Scrolls]

orthjbc@Acts:18:2 @ And in Corinth Rav Sha'ul found some Messianic Jews, namely Aquila hailing from Pontus, having recently come from Italy, where Claudius ordered a decree of Jewish expulsion from Rome, and Priscilla, his isha. Rav Sha'ul went to see them.

orthjbc@Acts:18:22 @ And having come down to Caesarea and having gone up and greeted the [Yerushalayim] Kehillah of Moshiach, then Rav Sha'ul went down to Antioch.

orthjbc@Acts:18:23 @ And having spent some time, he embarked, passing through the area of Galatia and Phrygia, strengthening all the Moshiach's talmidim. RAV APOLLOS GIVES IMPORTANT MESSIANIC DRASHOT AT EPHESUS AND CORINTH AFTER HE IS REGULARIZED BY PRISCILLA AND AQUILA

orthjbc@Acts:18:26 @ And this rabbi began to speak with ometz lev in the shul. And having heard him, Priscilla and Aquila took him and more accurately instructed him in the Derech Hashem.

orthjbc@Acts:19:5 @ And having heard this, they were given Moshiach's tevilah of teshuva in ha-Shem of the Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu Yehoshua.

orthjbc@Acts:19:8 @ And having joined the minyan at the shul, Rav Sha'ul was speaking with ometz lev during the course of shloshah chodashim, debating and persuading concerning the things of the Malchut Hashem.

orthjbc@Acts:19:18 @ And many of the ones having come to emunah were making vidduy of their ma'asim, disclosing them.

orthjbc@Acts:19:28 @ And having listened and having become full of ka'as, the idol makers were crying out, saying, "Gedolah is Artemis of the Ephesians!"

orthjbc@Acts:19:29 @ And the city was filled with tohu (note:)chaos(:note), and they rushed with one impulse into the theater, having seized Gaius and Aristarchus, who were Macedonians and traveling fellow po'alim of Rav Sha'ul. THOSE TALMIDIM WITH RAV SHA'UL HAVE A CHSHASH UNEASY APPREHENSION ABOUT LETTING HIM ADDRESS THE RIOTOUS IDOLATORS IN THE EPHESIAN TOWN MEETING

orthjbc@Acts:19:34 @ But having known what the man was, that he was a Yehudi (note:)a Jew(:note), all in the theatre shouted in unison for lav davka approximately two hours crying out, "Gedolah is Artemis of the Ephesians."

orthjbc@Acts:19:41 @ And having said these things, the town clerk dismissed the kahal.

orthjbc@Acts:20:1 @ And after the uproar had ended, Rav Sha'ul summoned the Moshiach's talmidim and, having exhorted them, and having taken his leave, he departed to go to Macedonia.

orthjbc@Acts:20:2 @ And having traveled through those regions and having exhorted the Moshiach's talmidim there with many words, Rav Sha'ul came to Greece.

orthjbc@Acts:20:5 @ And these, having gone ahead, were waiting for us in Troas.

orthjbc@Acts:20:7 @ And on Yom Rishon, when we met for a firen tish (note:)it was Motzei Shabbos(:note), Rav Sha'ul was giving a shiur to them, since he would have to depart in the boker and was having to extend the message until chatzot halailah.

orthjbc@Acts:20:10 @ And having come down, Rav Sha'ul fell upon him, and, having embraced him, Rav Sha'ul said, "Do not be troubled, for his neshamah is in him." [Melachim Alef strkjv@17:21; Melachim Bais strkjv@4:34]

orthjbc@Acts:20:11 @ And having gone up and, at the Betzi'at HaLechem having partaken of it, and having spoken until Shacharis, thus Rav Sha'ul departed.

orthjbc@Acts:20:15 @ And from there, having sailed away, we arrived on the next day opposite Chios. And then the day following we crossed over to Samos, and, on the following day, we came to Miletus.

orthjbc@Acts:20:17 @ And from Miletus, having sent to Ephesus, Rav Sha'ul summoned the Ziknei Kehillah.

orthjbc@Acts:20:22 @ "And now, hinei, having been bound by the Ruach Hakodesh, I am going to Yerushalayim, not having da'as of the things that are going to happen to me there,

orthjbc@Acts:20:36 @ And having said these things, Rav Sha'ul fell down and, with them all, began davening.

orthjbc@Acts:20:37 @ And there was much weeping among them, and, having fallen upon the neck of Rav Sha'ul, they were kissing him,

orthjbc@Acts:21:1 @ And when it came about that we set sail, having parted from them, having run a straight course, we came to Cos. And on the next day we got to Rhodes, and from there to Patara.

orthjbc@Acts:21:2 @ And having found an oniyah crossing over to Phoenicia, we went on board and set sail.

orthjbc@Acts:21:3 @ And having come within sight of Cyprus, and leaving Cyprus behind on our left, we were sailing to Syria and we arrived in Tzor, for there the oniyah was unloading its cargo.

orthjbc@Acts:21:4 @ And after having searched for Moshiach's talmidim there, we stayed in Tzor shivah yamim. And Moshiach's talmidim were telling Rav Sha'ul by the Ruach Hakodesh not to make any aliyah to Yerushalayim.

orthjbc@Acts:21:6 @ And having bid them "Shalom," we embarked in the oniyah, and they returned to their own batim.

orthjbc@Acts:21:7 @ And when we had completed the voyage from Tzor, we arrived in Ptolemais, and, having given a "Shalom" greeting to the Achim b'Moshiach there, we stayed yom echad with them.

orthjbc@Acts:21:8 @ And on the next day, having left, we came to Caesarea; and entered the bais of Philippos, the maggid of the Besuras HaGeulah who was one of HaShivah [see strkjv@6:3]. And we stayed with him.

orthjbc@Acts:21:11 @ And when he came to us, he took Rav Sha'ul's gartel and, having bound his own feet and hands with it, Agav said, "So says the Ruach Hakodesh: this is the way the Yehudim in Yerushalayim will bind the man who owns this gartel, and they will hand him over to the Goyim." [Melachim Alef strkjv@22:11; Yeshayah strkjv@20:2-4; Yirmeyah strkjv@13:1-11]

orthjbc@Acts:21:14 @ And not persuading him, we remained silent, having said, "Let the ratzon Hashem be done."

orthjbc@Acts:21:15 @ And after these yamim, having made preparations, we were making an aliyah to Yerushalayim.

orthjbc@Acts:21:19 @ And having given them a "Shalom" greeting, Rav Sha'ul was explaining one by one the things Hashem did through his avodas kodesh as Moshiach's Shliach to the Goyim.

orthjbc@Acts:21:27 @ Now when the shivat yamim were about o be completed, unbelieving Yehudim from the Province of Asia [Ephesus], having seen Rav Sha'ul in the Beis Hamikdash, were stirring up all the multitude, and they laid their hands on him, [Yirmeyah strkjv@26:8]

orthjbc@Acts:22:3 @ "I am an ish Yehudi, born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but having been brought up in a yeshiva in this city of Yerushalayim at the feet of Rabban Gamliel, having learned with irreproachable frumkeit according to all machmir chumra strictness the Torah of Avoteinu, and I have a kinat Hashem just as all of you do today; [Melachim Alef strkjv@19:10]

orthjbc@Acts:22:26 @ And having heard this, the centurion approached the tribune and reported, saying, "What are you about to do? For this man has Roman citizenship."

orthjbc@Acts:22:27 @ And having approached, the tribune said to Rav Sha'ul, "Tell me, are you a Roman?" And Rav Sha'ul said, "Etiam." [Latin: "Yes, certainly."]

orthjbc@Acts:22:30 @ And on the next day, desiring to know something definite about why Rav Sha'ul was accused by the Yehudim, the tribune released him and ordered the Rashei Hakohanim and all the Sanhedrin to be assembled. Then, having brought down Rav Sha'ul, the tribune had him set him before them.

orthjbc@Acts:23:6 @ And Rav Sha'ul, having da'as that one kat is of Tzedukim (note:)Sadducees(:note) and the other of Perushim, was crying out in the Sanhedrin, `Anashim, Achim, I am a Parush ben Parush and it is for the tikvah of the Techiyas HaMesim that I am being judged."

orthjbc@Acts:23:23 @ And having summoned two of the centurions, the tribune said, "Prepare to leave for Caesarea by nine o'clock tonight the following: two hundred chaiyalim; seventy horsemen; and two hundred bowmen.

orthjbc@Acts:23:30 @ "And when I received information of a kesher (note:)plot(:note) keneged against the man, I sent him immediately to you, having given orders also to his accusers to state their case against Rav Sha'ul before your excellency."

orthjbc@Acts:23:32 @ And mimacharah (note:)on the next day(:note), having allowed the horsemen to go on with Rav Sha'ul, they returned to the barracks.

orthjbc@Acts:23:34 @ And having read it, and having asked from what province Rav Sha'ul hailed, the Moshel learned that he was from Cilicia.

orthjbc@Acts:24:5 @ "For having found this man a troublemaker and an inciter of riots among all the Yehudim throughout kol ha'aretz, a manhig of the kat [of Judaism], the Natzrati Kat.

orthjbc@Acts:24:14 @ "For Ani modeh this to you, that according to the Derech Hashem, which they call a `kat' [Judaism], I serve the Elohei Avoteinu, having emunah in everything written according to the Torah and the Nevi'im.

orthjbc@Acts:24:18 @ "And this is how they found me, having undergone hitkadeshut in the Beis Hamikdash, not with rioters nor with any disturbance.

orthjbc@Acts:25:1 @ Therefore Festus, having arrived in the Province, after shloshah yamim went up to Yerushalayim from Caesarea,

orthjbc@Acts:25:6 @ And having stayed with them no more than shmonah asarah yamim, Festus went down to Caesarea; the next day he sat on the Kes HaMishpat and ordered Rav Sha'ul to be brought in.

orthjbc@Acts:25:12 @ Then Festus, having talked with his council, answered, "To Caesar you have appealed, to Caesar you will go." RAV SHA'UL BEFORE AGRIPPA HAMELECH AND BERNICE

orthjbc@Acts:25:13 @ After several yamim had passed, Agrippa HaMelech and Bernice arrived in Caesarea, having paid their respects to Festus.

orthjbc@Acts:25:19 @ "Instead it was an internal matter having to do wiht questions regarding Orthodox Judaism, and certain disagreements they had with Rav Sha'ul, and regarding a certain Yehoshua who was niftar, but whom Rav Sha'ul asserted was alive.

orthjbc@Acts:25:27 @ "For it seems unreasonable to me sending a prisoner and not having charges to report against him."

orthjbc@Acts:26:1 @ And Agrippa said to Rav Sha'ul, "It is permitted for you to speak concerning yourself." Then Rav Sha'ul, having stretched out his hand, was making his hitstaddekut, saying,

orthjbc@Acts:26:18 @ `to open their eyes, to turn them from choshech to ohr and from the samchut of Hasatan to Hashem, that they receive selichat avon and nachalah among the ones having been set apart in kedusha by emunah in me.' [Yeshayah strkjv@35:5; Tehillim strkjv@18:28; Yeshayah strkjv@42:7,16] RAV SHA'UL'S SOLEMN EDUT TO YEHUDIM AND GOYIM

orthjbc@Acts:26:31 @ And having withdrawn, they were speaking to one another, saying, "This man does nothing worthy of the death penalty or imprisonment."

orthjbc@Acts:27:2 @ And having embarked in an oniyah of Adramyttium about to sail to the ports along the coast of Asia, we set sail, Aristarchus a Macedonian of Thessalonica being with us.

orthjbc@Acts:27:4 @ And from there, having put out to sea, we sailed under the lee of Cyprus because the winds were against us.

orthjbc@Acts:27:5 @ Then having sailed across the open sea along the coast of Cilicia and Pamphylia, we came down to Myra of Lycia.

orthjbc@Acts:27:15 @ And the oniyah, having been caught in it, and not being able to directly face the wind, we gave way to it and were driven.

orthjbc@Acts:27:21 @ And after having much loss of appetite, then Rav Sha'ul stood up in the midst of them, and said, "Anashim, you should have obeyed me and not put out to sea from Crete and thereby spared yourselves this hardship and this loss.

orthjbc@Acts:27:28 @ And having taken soundings, they found twenty fathoms and, having sailed a little vaiter (note:)farther(:note), again they took soundings, and they found fifteen fathoms.

orthjbc@Acts:27:33 @ Just before boker, Rav Sha'ul was urging everyone to take ochel (note:)food(:note), saying, "Today is the fourteenth day you have been held in suspense and are continuing without eating, having taken nothing.

orthjbc@Acts:27:35 @ And having said these things, and having taken lechem, Rav Sha'ul said the HaMotzi before all, and, after the betzi'at halechem, he began to eat.

orthjbc@Acts:27:38 @ And having eaten enough ochel (note:)food(:note), they were lightening the oniyah by throwing the wheat overboard into the sea. THE WRECK OF THE ONIYAH; REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH IS TZUR YESHU'ATI

orthjbc@Acts:27:39 @ And when it became day, they were not recognizing the land, but a certain bay they were noticing, having a shore onto which they were wanting, if possible, to run aground the oniyah.

orthjbc@Acts:27:41 @ But having fallen into a channel, a place between two seas, they ran the oniyah aground, and, while the bow had stuck and remained immovable, the stern was being destroyed by the force of the waves.

orthjbc@Acts:27:42 @ Now the cheshbon (note:)plan(:note) of the chaiyalim was that they should kill the prisoners, lest anyone, having swum away, should escape.

orthjbc@Acts:28:1 @ And having been brought safely through, we then found out that the island is called Malta.

orthjbc@Acts:28:5 @ Then, having shaken off the nachash into the aish (note:)fire(:note), Rav Sha'ul suffered no ill effects.

orthjbc@Acts:28:8 @ And it came about that the abba of Publius was bedfast, suffering fevers and dysentery; Rav Sha'ul approached him, and having davened, laid his hands on him and administered refuah shleimah to him.

orthjbc@Acts:28:11 @ And after shloshah chodashim, we set sail in a oniyah, having spent the winter on the island. It was an Alexandrian oniyah marked by the insignia of the twin Achim.

orthjbc@Acts:28:12 @ And having put in at Syracuse, we stayed shloshah yamim.


orthjbc@Acts:28:18 @ "who, having examined me, were desiring to release me, because I had done nothing worthy of the death penalty.

orthjbc@Romans:2:14 @ For when Goyim, who have not the Torah, do by nature what the Torah requires, they not having the Torah are the Torah for themselves,

orthjbc@Romans:2:20 @ a rabbinic moreh (note:)teacher(:note) of the foolish, a melammed instructor of the young, having the embodiment of da'as knowledge and Emes Rom.1:25 in the Torah...

orthjbc@Romans:5:1 @ Therefore, having been acquitted and declared to be YITZDAK IM HASHEM (note:)IYOV strkjv@25:4(:note) because of our emunah faith, we have shalom peace in relation to Hashem though Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua Adoneinu,

orthjbc@Romans:5:9 @ How much more then, having now been acquitted and pronounced to be YITZDAK IM HASHEM (note:)IYOV strkjv@25:4(:note) on the basis of the Moshiach's DAM blood and sacrificial death, how much more then shall we be delivered through Him from eschatological Charon Af Hashem burning anger of G-d!

orthjbc@Romans:5:10 @ For if when we were (note:)G-d's(:note) oyevim enemies we were reconciled to Hashem through the mavet death of the Ben HaElohim [Moshiach], how much more, having been reconciled and no longer oyevim, shall we be delivered by His risen Chayyei olam!

orthjbc@Romans:6:9 @ knowing that Moshiach, having been raised from the mesim (note:)dead ones(:note), no longer dies, Mavet death no longer exercises control over Him.

orthjbc@Romans:6:18 @ Having been set free from Chet (note:)sin(:note), you became a servant of the Tzidkat Hashem the righteousness of G-d.

orthjbc@Romans:6:22 @ But now, having been set free from Chet (note:)sin(:note) and made an eved Hashem servant of G-d, you have your p'ri for Hashem, resulting in kedusha, and the end is Chayyei Olam eternal life. THE KNAS PENALTY OF AVEIRAH IS MAVET

orthjbc@Romans:7:6 @ But now we have been released from the dominating ownership of the Torah, having died to that by which we were confined, so that we might serve in hitkhadeshut haRuach [haKodesh] (note:)the newness of the Holy Spirit(:note) and not in the oldness of the chumra strict adherence to the letter of the law, legalismsee strkjv@2:29. THE PROBLEM OF INDWELLING CHET AND ITS EXISTENTIAL POWER; FOR WITHOUT THE MAVET OF THE OLD HUMANITY AND THE HITKHADESHUT OF THE NEW HUMANITY IN MOSHIACH, THE CHUKIM OF THE TORAH AROUSES THE TA'AVOT HACHET, FOR MY BASAR, MY FALLEN HUMANITY, IS NOT MERELY PLAGUED BY THE YETZER HARAH, THE EVIL INCLINATION; IT IS BLIND AND HOSTILE TO G-D, SOLD UNDER THE POWER OF SLAVEMASTER CHET, UNSPIRITUAL 7:14, WITHOUT ANY GOOD 7:18, UNDER THE INBORN SWAY OF BONDAGE TO SIN 7:14, AND BEETZEM IN FACT CONSTITUTES THE CONDITION WHEREIN THE SINFUL LUSTS ARE IN OPERATION 7:5.

orthjbc@Romans:8:15 @ For you did not receive a spirit of avdut, falling back into yir'ah (note:)fear(:note); but you received the Ruach Mishpat Banim the Ruach of having Ma'amad haBanim, standing as Sons, by which we cry, "Abba, Avinu"!

orthjbc@Romans:10:3 @ For, having no saving da'as of the Tzidkat Hashem (note:)the righteousness of G-d(:note), and seeking to establish their own that is, self-attained, exclusively Jewish they have not subjected themselves to the Tzidkat Hashem righteousness of G-d--1:17; strkjv@3:5,21,25-26; strkjv@6:18.

orthjbc@Romans:12:6 @ having matanot (note:)gifts(:note) which differ in accordance to the chesed unmerited favor, grace given to us. If we speak for G-d as nevi'im prophets, it should be in proportion to the emunah given to us.

orthjbc@1Corinthians:1:2 @ to the Kehillah (note:)congregation(:note) of Hashem existing in Corinth, to the ones having been set apart unto kedusha in Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, given the keri'ah to be kedoshim, with all the ones who in every place call on the name of Adoneinu, theirs and ours, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua.

orthjbc@1Corinthians:1:4 @ Modeh Ani (note:)I give thanks(:note) to my G-d always concerning you for the Chen v'Chesed Hashem having been given to you in Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua

orthjbc@1Corinthians:1:23 @ but, we proclaim Korban Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach and hu m'cholal mipeyshaeinu and hanging on haAitz haKillat HaShem (note:)the Tree of the Curse of G-d, Yehayah strkjv@53:5; Devarim strkjv@21:23(:note) having been pierced on the Aitz haKelalat Hashem Tree of the Curse of G-d--Devarim strkjv@21:23: to Jews, a michshol YESHAYAH strkjv@8:14; to Goyim, sichlut foolishness.

orthjbc@1Corinthians:2:12 @ Now we have not received the ruach (note:)spirit(:note) of the Olam Hazeh, but the Ruach Hakodesh from Hashem, that we may have da'as of the things having been freely given to us by Hashem,

orthjbc@1Corinthians:3:10 @ According to the Chen v'Chesed Hashem having been given to me as a bannai chacham (note:)wise builder(:note), I laid a yesod foundation, and another builds on it. But, let each one beware how he builds on it.

orthjbc@1Corinthians:4:19 @ but I will come shortly to you, im yirtzeh Hashem (note:)if the L-rd wills(:note), and I will find out not the lashon of the ones having been puffed up, but the ko'ach power.

orthjbc@1Corinthians:6:1 @ Does anyone of you having a dispute with an Ach b'Moshiach dare to be judged before the resha'im (note:)unrighteous, evildoers(:note) and not before the Bet Din of the kedoshim?

orthjbc@1Corinthians:7:10 @ But to the ones having entered bibrit hanisuim (note:)in covenant of marriage(:note), I charge, not I but Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu, an isha is not to separate from her ba'al husband. [Malachi strkjv@2:14-16]

orthjbc@1Corinthians:7:22 @ For, the one in Hashem having been called while a bond-servant is [Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach] Adoneinu's ben Chorim (note:)freedman(:note); likewise, the one having been called while a ben Chorim is the Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach's bond-servant.

orthjbc@1Corinthians:7:29 @ Now this I say, Achim b'Moshiach, the time [until haKetz] has been shortened. From now on, let those having nashim live as if not having nashim,

orthjbc@1Corinthians:7:30 @ and let the ones weeping as not weeping, and let the ones having simcha as not having simcha, and let the ones buying as not possessing,

orthjbc@1Corinthians:7:33 @ But the one having taken an isha cares for the things of the Olam Hazeh, how he may please his isha,

orthjbc@1Corinthians:7:37 @ But he who in his lev has settled the decision, not having the need [of conjugal intimacy], but having mastery concerning his own desire, and this he in his lev has decided, not to enter bibrit hanisuim with his betulah (note:)virgin(:note), he does well.

orthjbc@1Corinthians:8:10 @ For if anyone sees you, the one having da'as (note:)knowledge(:note), eating in the temple of an elil, will not the matzpun of him be strengthened so as to eat the okhel at the mitzbeach of avodah zarah sacrificed to an elil idol?

orthjbc@1Corinthians:9:7 @ Whoever heard of someone serving as a chaiyal (note:)soldier(:note) but having to pay his own wages for doing so? Who plants a kerem vineyard but does not eat the p'ri hakerem? And who serves as a ro'eh shepherd over a flock and of the chalav milk of the flock does not partake? [Devarim strkjv@20:6; Mishle strkjv@27:18]

orthjbc@1Corinthians:11:4 @ Every ben Adam davening or speaking forth a nevu'ah (note:)prophecy(:note) having anything hanging down over his rosh brings bushah shame upon his rosh.

orthjbc@1Corinthians:11:5 @ But every isha davening or speaking forth a nevu'ah (note:)prophecy(:note) in shul, begile rosh with head uncovered, brings bushah shame upon her rosh, for it is one and the same thing to uncover the rosh as it is for the rosh of the isha having been shaved. [Devarim strkjv@21:12]

orthjbc@1Corinthians:11:20 @ Therefore, your farbrengen gatherings in one kahal (note:)community(:note) are not for the purpose of having Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach's Tish.


orthjbc@1Corinthians:11:24 @ and, having made the ha-Motzi, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach offered the betzi'at halechem (note:)breaking of the bread(:note) and said, "This is my guf body [which ZAVACHTI I prepare korban sacrifice] on behalf of you. This do in zikaron remembrance of Me."

orthjbc@1Corinthians:14:25 @ what is hiding in his lev (note:)heart(:note) becomes manifest, and, having fallen on his face, he worships Hashem, declaring that G-d is among you Zecharyah strkjv@8:23; Yeshayah strkjv@45:14; Daniel strkjv@2:47. [Yeshayah strkjv@45:14; Zecharyah strkjv@8:23] ALL THINGS TO BE DONE IN THE KEHILLAH B'SEDER IN ORDER

orthjbc@1Corinthians:15:20 @ But in fact Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach has had His Techiyah! Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach is the Bikkurim (note:)"Firstfruits" --Bereshis strkjv@1:11-13; Shemot strkjv@23:16(:note), the Firstfruits of the ones having fallen asleep in Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach.




orthjbc@2Corinthians:1:19 @ For the Ben haElohim, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua, the One having been proclaimed among you by us, Sila and Timotiyos and I [Act strkjv@18:5], was not "Ken and Lo"; but in Him it is always "Ken."

orthjbc@2Corinthians:1:22 @ having put his chatam [seal of ownership--Bereshis strkjv@38:18; Yechezkel strkjv@9:4; Eph strkjv@1:13; strkjv@4:30; Rev strkjv@7:4] on us and having given the eravon (note:)pledge(:note) of the Ruach Hakodesh in our levavot hearts--Rom strkjv@8:16; II Cor. strkjv@5:5; Ephesians. strkjv@1:14. [Bereshis strkjv@38:18; Yechezkel strkjv@9:4; Chaggai strkjv@2:23] THE CONSTANT TOCHNIT HASHEM PURPOSEFUL AND WILLED PLAN OR GOAL OF HASHEM AFTER THE CHANGING PLANS OF THE SHLIACH [MISHLE strkjv@16:3,4,9]

orthjbc@2Corinthians:2:12 @ But having come to Troas for the Besuras Hageulah of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach and a delet (note:)door(:note) to me having been opened by the Adoneinu, [Yechezkel strkjv@20:14; Acts strkjv@14:27; I Cor.16:9; Colossians.4:3; Revelation. strkjv@3:8]

orthjbc@2Corinthians:3:3 @ And you show that you are an iggeret from Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, prepared by us, having been written not with ink but with the Ruach Hakodesh of the Elohim Chayyim, not on luchot of stone [Shemot strkjv@24:12; strkjv@31:18; strkjv@32:15,16; strkjv@34:1; Devarim strkjv@9:10,11] but on luchot of lev basar. [Mishle strkjv@3:3; strkjv@7:3; Yirmeyah strkjv@31:33; Yechezkel strkjv@11:19; strkjv@36:26] THE BRIT CHADASHA AND ITS AVODAS KODESH; WHEN MOSHE RABBEINU WENT IN BEFORE THE L-RD, MOSHE TOOK THE VEIL OFF; IN THE SAME WAY, WHOEVER TURNS TO THE L-RD, HAS THE VEIL TAKEN AWAY

orthjbc@2Corinthians:4:13 @ And having the same Ruach Hakodesh of emunah (note:)faith(:note) that is accordance with the kitvei Hakodesh, HE'EMANITI KIADABER "I believed, therefore I speak "TEHILLIM strkjv@116:10, we both believed and therefore we speak,

orthjbc@2Corinthians:4:14 @ having da'as that the one having raised Adoneinu Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua us also with Yehoshua will raise and will present us with you. [Romans. strkjv@8:11; I Cor. strkjv@6:14; strkjv@15:15,20]

orthjbc@2Corinthians:4:15 @ For all things are because of you [II Cor. strkjv@1:3-6] that the Chen v'Chesed Hashem, having increased through the many, may increase the hodayah (note:)thanksgiving(:note) to the kavod of Hashem. [1:6] LIVING BY EMUNAH 4:16 BECAUSE WHAT IS VISIBLE IS FOR THE YOM HACHURBAN BUT WHAT IS INVISIBLE IS FOR L'OLAMIM

orthjbc@2Corinthians:5:5 @ Now the one having prepared us for this very thing is Hashem, the One having given us the eravon (note:)pledge(:note) of the Ruach Hakodesh. [Rom strkjv@8:16,23; II Cor strkjv@1:22; Eph strkjv@1:13]

orthjbc@2Corinthians:5:18 @ And all things are of Hashem, who is the one having granted to us ritztzuy (note:)reconciliation(:note) to himself through Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach [Rom strkjv@5:10] and has given to us the sherut haRitztzuy the ministry of reconciliation,

orthjbc@2Corinthians:6:10 @ as having agmat nefesh but always having simcha [II Cor strkjv@7:4; Php strkjv@2:17; Col strkjv@1:24; I Thes strkjv@1:6] as poor but enriching many, as having nothing and yet possessing everything.

orthjbc@2Corinthians:7:1 @ Therefore, having these havtachot (note:)promises(:note), Chaverim, let us submit to his taharah, cleansing ourselves from every defilement of basar and ruach, perfecting kedushah holiness in yirat Shomayim. TESHUVA OPENS THE DELET TO CHAYYIM

orthjbc@2Corinthians:7:12 @ Then though I wrote an iggeret to you, it was not for the sake of the one having done resha, nor for the sake of the one who was beleidikt (note:)offended(:note), but for the sake of your kanous for us becoming manifest to you before Hashem.

orthjbc@2Corinthians:8:16 @ But Baruch Hashem, the One having given the same zerizut (note:)diligence(:note) for you in the lev heart of Titos,

orthjbc@2Corinthians:8:17 @ because of the chozek (note:)encouragement(:note) he received, and having more zerizut on his own accord, he went forth to you.

orthjbc@2Corinthians:8:22 @ And we sent with them our Ach b'Moshiach whom we have often tested and found having zerizut in much, and now having even more zerizut by his great bittachon in you.

orthjbc@2Corinthians:9:5 @ Therefore, I considered it necessary to encourage the Achim b'Moshiach, that they should go on ahead to you and, having arranged in advance the bountiful terumah (note:)contribution(:note) of the havtacha you made previously so that this mattanah would be ready so as to be a baracha and not an exaction.

orthjbc@2Corinthians:9:8 @ And Hashem is able to cause to abound to you all Chen v'Chesed Hashem that in everything, always, having all sufficiency, you may abound to every mitzvah.

orthjbc@2Corinthians:9:14 @ And, reciprocally, the Messianic Jews in Yerushalayim will daven in intercession for you, having great ahavah in Moshiach for you, because of the surpassing Chen v'Chesed Hashem upon you.

orthjbc@Galatians:1:4 @ the one having made a matnat Elohim of himself, on behalf of chattoteynu (note:)our sins(:note), so that he might rescue us out of the Olam Hazeh [Yom Tzarah], this age, this present evil age, according to the ratzon Hashem, even Avinu,

orthjbc@Galatians:1:9 @ As we have previously said, and now again I say, if any one preaches a "Besuras haGeulah" to you other than that which you received, let him be ARUR HAISH and be consigned to onesh Gehinnom. NOW, HAVING PRONOUNCED THE PUNISHMENT OF CHEREM, AM I TO BE JUDGED A MAN-PLEASER? YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW I BECAME A SHLIACH OF REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH!

orthjbc@Galatians:1:11 @ For I mefarsem (note:)make known(:note) to you, Achim B'Moshiach, the Besuras HaGeulah having been preached by me, that it is not according to Bnei Adam;

orthjbc@Galatians:2:1 @ Then, after arbah esrey shanim (note:)fourteen years(:note), again Acts strkjv@11:30 I went up to Yerushalayim with Bar-Nabba, having taken with me also Titos;

orthjbc@Galatians:2:7 @ But, on the contrary, having seen that I have been entrusted with the Besuras HaGeulah for those without the bris milah, just as Kefa was for those with the bris milah,

orthjbc@Galatians:2:8 @ for the One having worked in Kefa for a Shlichut of those with the bris milah also worked in me for the Goyim.

orthjbc@Galatians:2:9 @ And realizing the Chen v'Chesed Hashem having been given to me, Ya'akov and Kefa and Yochanan, the men of repute, the ones seeming to be Ammudei haKehillah (note:)Pillars of the Kehillah(:note), extended to me and to Bar-Nabba the yad yeminam right hands as a sign of Achavah B'Moshiach Brotherhood in Moshiach, that we should be for those of the Goyim, but they for those of the bris milah,

orthjbc@Galatians:2:20 @ But it is no longer Anochi (note:)I(:note) who lives, but Moshiach who lives in me, and the life I now live in the basar, I live by emunah, emunah in the Ben haElohim [Moshiach], the One having ahavah agape for me and having given himself over, on my behalf.

orthjbc@Galatians:3:1 @ O senseless Galatians, who bewitched you? It was before your eyes that Moshiach Yehoshua was publicly shown forth as having been pierced on the Aitz (note:)DEVARIM strkjv@21:23(:note).

orthjbc@Galatians:3:3 @ You lack seychel; having begun in the Ruach haKodesh, will you now be perfected in the basar?

orthjbc@Galatians:3:8 @ And the Kitvei haKodesh, having foreseen that Hashem would yatzdik (note:)justify(:note) the Goyim by emunah, preached the Besuras HaGeulah beforehand to Avraham Avinu, saying "VENIVRECHU VO KOL GOYEI HA'ARETZ "All the familes/peoples of the earth will be blessed in you" BERESHIS strkjv@18:18; strkjv@12:3.

orthjbc@Galatians:3:13 @ Moshiach redeemed us from the kelalah (note:)curse(:note) of the Torah, having become a kelalah curse on behalf of us, because it has been written, KILELAT HASHEM NIVLATO TALLUY AL HA-AITZ ("Curse of G-d is on the NEVELAH corpse) being hung on the tree" DEVARIM strkjv@21:23,

orthjbc@Galatians:3:15 @ Achim B'Moshiach, I speak according to human dimyon (note:)analogy(:note). Even a berit covenant having been confirmed by Bnei Adam no one sets aside or adds to it.

orthjbc@Galatians:3:25 @ But Emunah having come, we are no longer under an omenet.

orthjbc@Galatians:4:9 @ But, now, having known Hashem, or rather having been known by Hashem, how is it that you are returning to the weak and beggarly yesodot (note:)rudiments(:note) of Olam Hazeh to which again you want to renew your service as avadim?

orthjbc@Galatians:4:15 @ Where then is your birkat Shomayim (note:)blessedness(:note)? For I testify to you that if possible, having torn out your eynayeem eyes, you would have made a mattanah gift of them to me.

orthjbc@Galatians:4:27 @ For it has been written, RANNI AKARAH LO YALADAH PITZCHI RINNAH V'TZAHALI LO CHALAH KI RABBIM BENEI SHOMEMAH MIB'NEI VE'ULAH (note:)"Sing/rejoice, O barren, the one not giving birth, break forth into song and shout for joy, the one not suffering birth pains; because more are the children of the desolate woman than the one having the husband" YESHAYEH strkjv@54:1(:note).

orthjbc@Ephesians:1:5 @ having provided the yi'ud merosh (note:)predestination(:note) for us to be chosen as adopted bnei brit through Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua to himself, according to the chafetz of his ratzon,

orthjbc@Ephesians:1:9 @ having made hitgalut to us the raz of his ratzon, according to the chafetz of his ratzon, which Hashem purposed in Moshiach

orthjbc@Ephesians:1:11 @ In Moshiach we have also obtained a nachalah (note:)alloted inheritance, Tehillim strkjv@16:5-6(:note), having been predestined according to the tochnit Hashem purposeful and willed plan of G-d, who works all things after the counsel of his ratzon,

orthjbc@Ephesians:1:13 @ In Moshiach you also, having heard the message of HaEmes, the Besuras HaGeulah of Yeshu'at Eloheinu which is yours--having also had emunah, you received your chotam (note:)seal(:note) in Moshiach with the Ruach Hakodesh of havtachah,

orthjbc@Ephesians:1:15 @ Because of all of this, I, too, having heard of the emunah in Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu Yehoshua which is yours, and having heard of your ahavah (note:)agape(:note) for all the kedoshim,

orthjbc@Ephesians:1:20 @ which he exerted in Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, when he raised him in Moshiach's Techiyas HaMesim, having seated him at his yad yamin in Shomayim,

orthjbc@Ephesians:2:10 @ For we are his masterpiece, having been created in Moshiach Yehoshua for ma'asim tovim, which Hashem prepared beforehand, that we should walk our derech in them. [Yeshayah strkjv@29:23; strkjv@42:7; strkjv@60:21;] ACHDUT IN REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH ADONEINU, MOREINU, V'RABBEINU

orthjbc@Ephesians:2:12 @ have zikaron that you were at that time bazunder (note:)unrelated and separate(:note) from Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, having been alienated from the torat haEzrakhut the citizenship in the Am Berit, from Yisroel, zarim strangers to the Beritot HaHavtacha, farfalen lost and having no tikvah hope and without G-d in the Olam Hazeh. [Yeshayah strkjv@14:1; strkjv@65:1]

orthjbc@Ephesians:2:14 @ For Moshiach himself is our arbitrating shalom, who made the Shneym into Echad, having broken down the barrier of the Mechitzah, the Eyvah, in the basar of Moshiach,

orthjbc@Ephesians:2:15 @ the chok (note:)decree/law(:note) of mishpatim in ordinances having annulled that the Shneym he might create in himself into Adam Chadash Echad, arbitrating shalom,

orthjbc@Ephesians:2:16 @ and that Moshiach might bring the ritztzuy (note:)reconciliation, cessation of enmity(:note), reconciling to Hashem the Shneym into one gufaniyut corporeality [Bereshis strkjv@47:18; Tehillim strkjv@16:9-10; Iyov strkjv@19:25-27; Yeshayah strkjv@53:11] through the Moshiach's aitz, having put to death the Eyvah by it.

orthjbc@Ephesians:2:17 @ And having come, Moshiach preached shalom to you, the ones in the outermost courts, and shalom to the ones near; [Tehillim strkjv@148:14; Yeshayah strkjv@57:19]

orthjbc@Ephesians:2:20 @ having been built upon the yesod (note:)foundation(:note) of the Shluchim and Nevi'im, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua himself being the ROSH PINAH Tehillim strkjv@118:22,

orthjbc@Ephesians:3:2 @ if indeed you heard of the pakuddat Hashem of the Chen v'Chesed Hashem having been given to me for you,

orthjbc@Ephesians:3:7 @ of which I became a keli kodesh (note:)minister(:note) according to the matnat Hashem of the Chen v'Chesed of G-d having been bestowed upon me, according to the working of his gevurah.

orthjbc@Ephesians:4:10 @ The One who descended is himself also the One having ascended far above all the Shomayim, that he might fill all things. [Mishle strkjv@30:1-4] ON THE AVODAS KODESH MINISTRY OF THE BRIT CHADASHA KEHILLAH; ON THE ACHDUT (note:)UNITY(:note) OF MOSHIACH AND HAGUF HAMOSHIACH ON HA'ARETZ, THE BRIT CHADASHA KEHILLAH

orthjbc@Ephesians:4:18 @ their binah (note:)understanding(:note) being in choshech, having been alienated from the life of Hashem because of the ignorance existing in them, because of the KESHI stubbornness, hardness DEVARIM strkjv@9:27 of their levavot, [Devarim strkjv@29:4]

orthjbc@Ephesians:4:19 @ who, having put away remorse, gave themselves over to zimah (note:)lewdness(:note) for the practice of every kind of tumah with chamdanut.

orthjbc@Ephesians:4:24 @ and to enrobe yourself in the Adam HeChadash (note:)the new humanity(:note) having been created according to the demut Hashem in tzidkat Eloheinu and in the kedushah of HaEmes.

orthjbc@Ephesians:5:26 @ that he might bring her to kedusha, having given her tohorah (note:)purification(:note) by the tevilah of the mayim in the dvar,

orthjbc@Ephesians:6:8 @ having da'as that whatever ma'aseh tov each one does, this he will receive back from Hashem, whether he is an eved or a Ben Chorim.

orthjbc@Ephesians:6:9 @ And, adonim, do the same things to them, forbearing threatening, having da'as that both their and your Adon is in Shomayim, and ein masso panim im Hashem (note:)there is no partiality with Hashem(:note). [Iyov strkjv@31:13,14]

orthjbc@Ephesians:6:13 @ Therefore, take up the whole armor of Hashem, that you may be able to withstand in the Yom HaRah and, having done all, to stand.

orthjbc@Ephesians:6:14 @ Stand, therefore, having girded your waist with HaEmes and having put on the breastplate of Tzedek, [Yeshayah strkjv@11:5; Tehillim strkjv@132:9; Yeshayah strkjv@59:17]

orthjbc@Ephesians:6:15 @ and having put as shoes on your feet that which makes you ready to be a maggid of the Besuras HaGeulah. [Yeshayah strkjv@52:7]

orthjbc@Philippians:1:11 @ having been filled with the p'ri Tzedek (note:)fruit of righteousness(:note) through Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua to the kavod Hashem and his tiferet. SHA'UL LIFTS THE KOS OF L'CHAYIM: "TO ME TO LIVE IS REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH"; THE MATURE KNOW THAT HE IS KOVUA ESTABLISHED, FIRMLY SET BY HASHEM IN ROME FOR THE APOLOGETIC DEFENSE OF THE BESURAS HAGEULAH

orthjbc@Philippians:1:14 @ And most of the Achim b'Adoneinu, having been strengthened in bittachon by my kaval (note:)chain/fetter(:note), are more readily willing to dare to fearlessly proclaim the Dvar Hashem.

orthjbc@Philippians:1:16 @ These latter proclaim Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach out of a ruach of ahavah, having da'as that the purpose of my divinely destined appointment here is for the apologetic defense of the Besuras HaGeulah.

orthjbc@Philippians:1:18 @ Nu? Whether the maggidim are or are not perfect in their intent, the significant thing is that Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach is preached! And in this I have simcha. And I will go right on having simcha! AS HAMOSHIACH'S SHLIACH TO THE GOYIM CONTEMPLATES HIS POSSIBLE IMMINENT KIDDUSH HA-SHEM MARTYRDOM, HIS FINAL CONCLUSION IS GAM HU LI LISHU'AH (note:)IYOV strkjv@13:16(:note) THROUGH THE TECHINAH SUPPLICATION OF THE KEHILLAH AND THROUGH THE DIVINE EZRAH; HOWEVER, WHETHER IN LIFE OR IN DEATH, MIMUH NIFSHACH EITHER WAY, HE WINS IN MOSHIACH

orthjbc@Philippians:1:23 @ I am kleir. I am pulled two drakhim (note:)ways(:note) by a happy dilemma, on the one tzad side having the desire to depart and be with Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, for this is much better [II Cor.5:8].

orthjbc@Philippians:1:25 @ And having been convinced of this fact, I have da'as that I blaib (note:)remain, continue unchanged(:note) and will continue with all of you, for your advancement 1:12 and simcha of the [orthodox Jewish] Emunah [cf. strkjv@1:27; I Tim.3:9; strkjv@4:1,6; strkjv@5:8; strkjv@6:10,21; Jude 3],

orthjbc@Philippians:1:28 @ And, I might add, not having pakhad (note:)fear, terror(:note) in reaction to anything as far as the mitnaggedim the ones opposing are concerned, which is a proof to them of their churban destruction, but of your Yeshu'ah (salvation--1:19; strkjv@2:12], and this from Hashem.

orthjbc@Philippians:1:30 @ with your having the same struggle, which you saw in me [Acts strkjv@16:22] and now hear to be in me [1:13].

orthjbc@Philippians:2:2 @ then make my simcha (note:)joy(:note) shleimah complete by having the same lev, the same ahavah, an agudah union, association with one neshamah, thinking the same makhshavot thoughts,

orthjbc@Philippians:2:7 @ but poured out and emptied himself [II Cor.8:9], taking the demut of the mode of being of a servant [Yeshayah strkjv@52:13-53:12], and was born in the likeness of bnei Adam [Joh.1:14; Romans.8:3; Hebrews.2:14-17], and having been found in appearance as an Adam,

orthjbc@Philippians:2:30 @ because he came near to death on account of the avodas HaMoshiach, having risked his life, that he might make up for the ministry to me that you could not give.

orthjbc@Philippians:3:4 @ Even though I could be having bittachon also in the basar. If any other person thinks he has grounds to have bittachon in the basar, I have more (note:)II Cor.11:18-12:10(:note): *

orthjbc@Philippians:3:9 @ and be found in him, not having my own Tzedek (note:)self-achieved righteousness, a self-righteousness(:note) based on chumra legalism [a misinterpretation of the Torah], but the Tzedek [Yirmeyah strkjv@33:16] through emunah [Romans.3:21-22] in Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, the Tzidkat Hashem based upon emunah [Bereshis strkjv@15:6; Rom.9:30].

orthjbc@Philippians:4:18 @ But I have all things and I abound; I have been filled, having received from Epaphroditus the things from you, a RE'ACH HANNICHOACH (note:)"a pleasant aroma" Bereshis strkjv@8:21(:note), an acceptable, sacrifice well-pleasing to Hashem [Shemot strkjv@29:18; Yechezkel strkjv@20:41]. HASHEM RO'I LO EH'CH'SAR TEHILLIM strkjv@23:1

orthjbc@Colossians:1:4 @ having heard of your emunah in Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua and the ahavah which you have for all the kedoshim

orthjbc@Colossians:1:20 @ and through Moshiach to bring ritztzuy (note:)reconciliation, cessation of enmity/hostility between a wrathful holy G-d and sinful men(:note) between all things and himself, having made shalom through the dahm of the kapparah of the aitz of Moshiach [Devarim strkjv@21:23; Yeshayah strkjv@52:15; Vayikra strkjv@16:15-16], whether the things on haAretz or the things in haShomayim.

orthjbc@Colossians:1:21 @ And you, once having been alienated and oyvim (note:)enemies(:note) in the mind by ma'asim hara'im evil deeds,

orthjbc@Colossians:1:23 @ provided you remain in the [correct orthodox Jewish] Emunah [Faith, the Emunah of the true Dat haYehudit], having been founded in it and securely established and not moving away from the tikvah (note:)hope(:note) of the Besuras HaGeulah which you heard, the Besuras HaGeulah which has been proclaimed in kol hanivrah all creation under Shomayim, the Besuras HaGeulah of which I, Sha'ul, became a keli kodesh minister. THE AVODAS KODESH OF REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH'S SHLIACH IN THE BRIT CHADASHA KEHILLAH AND THE NATURE OF THAT MINISTRY

orthjbc@Colossians:1:26 @ the raz (note:)mystery, G-d(:note) having been hidden from olamim and from dor v'dor, but now made manifest to the kedoshim of Moshiach,

orthjbc@Colossians:2:2 @ that their levavot may be given chozek (note:)strength(:note), having been united together in ahavah and in all osher wealth of the full assurance of binah binah, resulting in the da'as of the raz of Hashem, namely Moshiach,

orthjbc@Colossians:2:7 @ having been rooted and built up in Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach and being firmly founded in the emunah as you were given Messianic [orthodox] lernen [study], abounding in hodayah (note:)thanksgiving(:note).

orthjbc@Colossians:2:12 @ having been buried together with him in Moshiach's tevilah, with whom also you were raised together through your emunah and bittachon in the ma'aseh of Hashem who raised Moshiach from the mesim.

orthjbc@Colossians:2:13 @ And you -- being dead in your pesha'im (note:)Yeshayah strkjv@53:8(:note) and your orlat basar uncircumcision of flesh-- he made alive together, you together with Moshiach, having granted you selicha forgiveness for all your pesha'im;

orthjbc@Colossians:2:14 @ having erased the hand-signed certificate of guilt-indebtedness (note:)choiv, debt(:note), the heavenly indictment against us in the maleh chukat haTorah full statute requirement of the Torah, which was against us. Moshiach has done away with this opposing record, having nailed it to the aitz.

orthjbc@Colossians:2:15 @ Having disarmed the rulers and the authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, having triumphed over them by Moshiach's aitz [Devarim strkjv@21:23; strkjv@27:26]. RAV SHA'UL IS NOT CONDEMNING ANY YOM TOV AS SUCH BUT THE USE OF THESE TO TEACH WHAT CONTRADICTS THE TRUE MESSIANIC JEWISH FAITH OF ORTHODOX SECOND TEMPLE APOCALYPTIC TORAH JUDAISM

orthjbc@Colossians:3:9 @ Do not speak skeker to one another, having disrobed from the Adam hakadmoni (note:)old [unregenerated] humanity(:note) with his ma'asim works,

orthjbc@Colossians:3:10 @ and instead enrobe with the Adam HaChadash (note:)the new humanity(:note), the one being renewed in da'as in accordance with the demut 1:15; Bereshis strkjv@1:26-27; Php strkjv@2:6 of the one having created him.

orthjbc@Colossians:3:24 @ having da'as that from Adoneinu you will receive the sachar of the nachalah (note:)alloted inheritance, strkjv@1:12, Tehillim strkjv@16:5-6(:note). Serve Adoneinu Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach.

orthjbc@1Thessalonians:1:6 @ And you became imitators of us and of the L-rd, having received the Dvar Hashem (note:)the Word of the L-rd(:note) in much redifah persecution with the simcha of the Ruach HaKodesh,

orthjbc@1Thessalonians:2:2 @ On the contrary, having suffered before and having been shamefully persecuted (note:)as you know(:note) in Philippi, we had the chozek b'Eloheynu strength in our G-d to speak to you the Besuras HaGeulah of Hashem in the face of tzorrim rabbim great and oppressive enemy opposition.

orthjbc@1Thessalonians:2:8 @ Thus having yearned for you, it was our good pleasure to share with you not only the Besuras HaGeulah of Hashem, but also our very lives, because you became beloved chaverim to us.

orthjbc@1Thessalonians:5:8 @ But we, being Bnei Yom, let us be bnei zililut da'as (note:)sons of sober-mindedness(:note), having clothed ourselves with the choshen breastplate of emunah and ahavah agape and as a KOVAH YESHAYAH strkjv@59:17 the tikvah of Yeshu'at Eloheynu.

orthjbc@1Timothy:1:12 @ Modeh ani (note:)I give thanks(:note) to the one having empowered me, Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua Adoneinu, because he considered me chayil [worthy, Ruth strkjv@2:1; Mishle strkjv@31:10], having appointed me to the rabbanut of Moshiach Messianic ministry.

orthjbc@1Timothy:2:14 @ And Adam was not deceived, but the isha, having been deceived, has come to be in averah (note:)transgression(:note).

orthjbc@1Timothy:3:4 @ He must be a ba'al bayit who can manage his own household well, having his banim (note:)children(:note) in submission with all respect.

orthjbc@1Timothy:3:6 @ He must not be a neophyte in the emunah [of Moshiach], lest, having become a ba'al gaavah (note:)a haughty person(:note), he might fall into the din Hasatan the judgment/verdict of the Adversary.

orthjbc@1Timothy:3:13 @ For the ones having served well in the avodas hakodesh of shammashim acquire for themselves a good standing and much bittachon in emunah in Moshiach Yehoshua. THE SOD OF CHASSIDUS IN MOSHIACH

orthjbc@1Timothy:5:10 @ being commended by ma'asim tovim, having brought up banim, having showed hachnosas orchim, having washed the feet of the kedoshim, having given nichum (note:)comforting(:note) to the oppressed, having devoted herself to every ma'aseh tov.

orthjbc@1Timothy:5:12 @ having harsha'ah (note:)condemnation/conviction(:note), because their first havtachah promise they violated.

orthjbc@1Timothy:6:4 @ he has succombed to gaa'vah (note:)conceit(:note), having understood nothing, but having a morbid craving for controversies and disputes over devarim out of which comes kinah envy, madon strife, lashon hora evil speaking, chashadot merusha'im evil suspicions,

orthjbc@1Timothy:6:5 @ and constant friction between men corrupted in their minds and having become bereft of haEmes, thinking chassidus to be a means of financial gain.

orthjbc@1Timothy:6:8 @ but having mazon (note:)food(:note) and begadim clothes, with these we will be satisfied.

orthjbc@1Timothy:6:13 @ I charge you before Hashem, the one giving Chayyim to all things, and before Moshiach Yehoshua, the one having testified before Pontius Pilate the edut hatovah (note:)good witness(:note),

orthjbc@2Timothy:1:9 @ the one having granted us Yeshu'at Eloheynu and having called us with a keri'ah kedosha (note:)holy calling(:note), not according to the ma'asim mitzvot of us but according to his own tachlis and chesed having been given to us in Moshiach Yehoshua before Yamim haOlam,

orthjbc@2Timothy:1:10 @ but having been manifested now through the appearing of Moshieynu Moshiach Yehoshua, who nullified death and also brought Chayyim and al-killayon (note:)incorruptibility(:note) to light through the Besuras HaGeulah,

orthjbc@2Timothy:2:19 @ Al kol panim (note:)Nevertheless(:note), the solid yesod of Hashem stands firm and zicher certain, having this seal: V'YODA' Hashem ES ASHER LO "Hashem KNOWS THE ONES WHO ARE HIS" BAMIDBAR strkjv@16:5; and let everyone who names the name of Hashem depart from 'avel iniquity/gross injustice

orthjbc@2Timothy:2:21 @ If anyone makes himself tahor from these things he will be a k'li (note:)vessel(:note) for honorable use, having been set aside as kadosh, useful to the Adon, ready for every ma'aseh tov.

orthjbc@2Timothy:2:26 @ and that they may come to their senses, escaping the mashchit (note:)trap(:note) of Hasatan, after having been captured by him to do his will.

orthjbc@2Timothy:3:5 @ having an outward form of yirat Shamayim but the ko'ach of chassidus having denied. Turn away from these.

orthjbc@2Timothy:3:17 @ that the ish haElohim may be proficient, having been equipped for every one of the ma'asim mitzvot.

orthjbc@2Timothy:4:10 @ For Demas forsook me. Having loved the Olam Hazeh, he departed for Thessalonica; Crescens, to Galatia; Titos to Dalmatia.

orthjbc@Titus:1:8 @ Rather, the Mashgiach Ruchani must be a man who practices hachnosas orchim (note:)hospitality(:note), an ohev es haTov a lover of the good, having seychel, a tzaddik, kadosh holy, kovesh es yitzro self-controlled,

orthjbc@Titus:1:15 @ All things are tahor to the tahorim; but, to the ones having been defiled and taking the side of the Apikoros, nothing is tahor, but has been made tameh, both lev and matzpun.

orthjbc@Titus:2:8 @ along with dibur (note:)speech(:note) that is orthodox [in Moshiach] and beyond reproach, that the mitnagged may be ashamed, having no lashon hora to say against you.

orthjbc@Titus:3:7 @ that, having been acquitted betzedek by the chesed of Hashem, we might become yoreshim (note:)heirs(:note) in the tikvah HaChayei HaOlam.

orthjbc@Philemon:1:10 @ I appeal to you concerning beni, having "fathered" him (note:)to a new birth(:note) while in bais hasohar prison--that is, Onesimus trans. note: means "Useful"

orthjbc@Hebrews:2:8 @ KOL SHTAH TACHAT RAGLAV (note:)"Putting everything under his feet" Tehillim strkjv@8:5-7(:note). Now while Hashem subjected all things to him, he left nothing unsubjected to him, though now we do not yet see all things having been subjected to him.

orthjbc@Hebrews:2:9 @ But this is what we do see: Yehoshua, for a short time having been "made lower than the malachim," has, because of the innuyim (note:)suffering(:note) of mavet death, been "crowned with KAVOD V'HADAR" Tehillim strkjv@8:6 in order that by the Chen v'Chesed Hashem on behalf of all he might taste mavet.

orthjbc@Hebrews:2:14 @ Therefore, als (note:)since(:note) the yeladim have shared in the basar vadahm and Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach likewise shared in the same things, that through mavet he might destroy the one having power over mavet, that is, Hasatan,

orthjbc@Hebrews:3:2 @ He being ne'eman (note:)faithful(:note) to the One having given Him s'michah as also Moshe Rabbeinu was ne'eman faithful in kol Hashem's Beit.

orthjbc@Hebrews:3:4 @ For every Beis is built by someone, but the One having built everything is Hashem.

orthjbc@Hebrews:3:16 @ Now who were they who heard and yet rebelled? Was it not all the ones having gone out from Mitzrayim (note:)Egypt(:note) under Moshe Rabbeinu?

orthjbc@Hebrews:3:17 @ And with whom was Hashem angry ARBA'IM SHANAH? Was it not with the ones having sinned, whose "PEGARIM" (note:)"corpses" Bamidbar strkjv@14:29(:note) lay where they had "fallen BAMIDBAR "in the desert" --Bamidbar strkjv@14:29?


orthjbc@Hebrews:5:5 @ So also Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach did not seize kavod for himself to become a Kohen Gadol, but the One having said to him, "BENI ATAH, ANI HAYOM YELIDTICHA," (note:)"My Son you are; Today I have become your Father." Tehillim strkjv@2:7(:note)

orthjbc@Hebrews:5:9 @ And having been made shalem (note:)complete(:note), to all those with mishma'at toward Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, he became the source of Yeshu'at Eloheinu Olamim,

orthjbc@Hebrews:5:10 @ having been designated by Hashem as Kohen Gadol AL DIVRATI MALKI-TZEDEK [Tehillim strkjv@110:4].

orthjbc@Hebrews:5:12 @ For indeed by this time you ought to be morim saying shiurim, but instead you have need again to be taught the orthodox Jewish basic ikkarim (note:)principles(:note) of the dvrei Hashem, and you have become one having need of chalav and not solid okhel.

orthjbc@Hebrews:6:4 @ For it is impossible for those who once received the Ohr Hashem, having tasted of the matanah of Shomayim and having become Chavrusa partners of the Ruach Hakodesh,

orthjbc@Hebrews:6:5 @ and having tasted the dvar Hashem haTov and the nifla'ot of the Olam Habah,

orthjbc@Hebrews:6:6 @ and then, having fallen away, and become shmad--it is impossible to renew them again to teshuva, because they have pierced to themselves the Ben HaElohim on the Aitz haKelalat Hashem and have again held him up to contempt and open bushah.

orthjbc@Hebrews:6:10 @ For Hashem is not unjust so as to forget your po'al (note:)work(:note) and the ahavah which you have shown toward ha-Shem of him, having rendered klei kodesh ministry service to the kedoshim, yes, and you are still serving them.

orthjbc@Hebrews:6:15 @ And thus, having waited with zitzfleishch, Avraham Avinu obtained the havtachah (note:)promise(:note).

orthjbc@Hebrews:6:20 @ where Yehoshua has entered as a foroisgeier (note:)forerunner(:note) on behalf of us, having become a KOHEN L'OLAM AL DIVRATI MALKI-TZEDEK "Kohen forever according to the order of Malki-Tzedek" --Tehillim strkjv@110:4.

orthjbc@Hebrews:7:1 @ For this MALKI-TZEDEK MELECH SHALEM KOHEN L'EL ELYON, the one "having met Avraham Avinu ACHAREI SHUVO (note:)"after returning"(:note) from the slaughter of HAMELAKHIM V'YEVAREKHEHU "the kings and having blessed him", Bereshis strkjv@14:17-20

orthjbc@Hebrews:7:3 @ Without Av, without Em, without Yichus, having neither a techillah (note:)beginning(:note) leyamim to days of him nor a Ketz HaChayyim, but resembling HaBen HaElohim, he remains a KOHEN L'OLAM ("a kohen perpetually, Tehillim strkjv@110:4.

orthjbc@Hebrews:7:6 @ But, this man, though not tracing his descent from them, has received ma'aser from Avraham Avinu and has given a berakhah to the one having the havtachot (note:)promises(:note).

orthjbc@Hebrews:8:5 @ however, the avodas kodesh ministry of these kohanim is service of a copy and shadow of the things in Shomayim, just as Moshe Rabbeinu was warned, when he was about to complete the Mishkan for "URE'EH" (note:)"Now see to it"(:note), Hashem says, "VA'ASEH BETAVNITAM ASHER ATAH MAREH BAHAR" "that you will make it according to the pattern having been shown to you on the mountain"--Shemot strkjv@25:40.

orthjbc@Hebrews:9:4 @ having a golden Mitzbe'ach of ketoret (note:)incense(:note) and the Aron HaBrit having been covered on all sides with gold, and in which was a golden jar holding the manna and the rod of Aharon which budded, and the Luchot haBrit the tablets of the Covenant, the Decalogue, Aseret HeDebrot.

orthjbc@Hebrews:9:6 @ Now these things having been prepared, the kohanim go continually into the Mishkan, the hachitzon (note:)the outer one(:note), performing the avodas kodesh sherut.

orthjbc@Hebrews:9:12 @ not through the dahm of se'irim and of agalim but through his own dahm he entered the Kodesh HaKodashim once and for all, having secured for us the Geulah Olamim.

orthjbc@Hebrews:9:28 @ so he, having been offered up once in order that HU NASA CHET RABBIM (note:)"he bore the sin of many"--Yeshayah strkjv@53:12(:note) and shall appear sheynit a second time for Yeshu'at Eloheinu without reference to chet for those who expectantly khakeh lebo'o shel await the arrival of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach.

orthjbc@Hebrews:10:2 @ Otherwise, would these zevakhim (note:)sacrifices(:note) not have stopped being offered, because the worshipers, having experienced tohorah purification, cleansing even once, would no longer have had consciousness of averos?

orthjbc@Hebrews:10:12 @ but Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, having offered up one korban for chatta'im for all time, YASHAV LIMIN HASHEM (note:)"Sat down at the right hand of G-d"--Tehillim strkjv@110:1(:note),

orthjbc@Hebrews:10:19 @ Therefore, Achim b'Moshiach, having bittachon for haSha'ar laHashem (note:)gate to approach G-d's presence, access of the tzaddikim--Tehillim strkjv@118:20(:note) into the Kodesh HaKodashim by HaDahm HaYehoshua,

orthjbc@Hebrews:10:22 @ let us approach and draw near to Hashem with a lev shalem, with full assurance and bittachon of emunah, our levavot having been sprinkled clean (note:)tehorim(:note) [YAZZEH, "MOSHIACH WILL SPRINKLE," Yeshayah strkjv@52:15] from an evil matzpun conscience and our bodies plunged kluhr pure into a tevilah in a mikveh mayim [Yechezkel strkjv@36:25-26].

orthjbc@Hebrews:10:23 @ Let us, without wavering, hold firmly to the Ani Ma'amin of the Tikveteinu (note:)our Hope(:note), for Ne'eman is the One having given the havtachah promise.

orthjbc@Hebrews:10:26 @ For when we intentionally commit chet b'yad ramah ["wilful sin with a high hand of defiance" Bamidbar strkjv@15:30] after having received the full da'as of HaEmes, there remains no longer a korban for chattoteinu,

orthjbc@Hebrews:10:36 @ You are nitzrach (note:)needy(:note) of the kind of zitzfleisch patience that has endurance, in order that, having accomplished the ratzon Hashem, you will receive the havtachah promise,

orthjbc@Hebrews:11:7 @ By emunah Noach, having been warned about the things not yet visible to the eye of flesh, and being an ish of yirat Shomayim, built the Teva (note:)Ark(:note) for the Geulah of the Beis HaNoach. By his emunah he condemned the Olam Hazeh and he became the yoresh heir of the Tzedek Hashem that is credited to emunah. [Bereshis strkjv@15:6; Chabakuk strkjv@2:4]

orthjbc@Hebrews:11:8 @ By emunah Avraham Avinu, when he was called to go out to a place which he was about to receive as a nachalah (note:)inheritance(:note), responded with mishma'at obedience, and he went out, not having da'as of where he was going.

orthjbc@Hebrews:11:10 @ for Avraham Avinu was looking forward to HaIr (note:)The City(:note) having a yesod Olam eternally firm foundation, whose Planner and Builder is Hashem.

orthjbc@Hebrews:11:11 @ By emunah also Sarah, herself barren, received the ability to found a posterity, and she did so even beyond the normal age, als (note:)since(:note) she considered ne'eman faithful the One having given the Havtachah promise;

orthjbc@Hebrews:11:13 @ Yet all of these became niftarim (note:)deceased(:note) in emunah, not having received the havtachot promises, but having seen them and, as it were, they gave the havtachot a "Baruch Habah!" welcome from a distance, and they made the Ani Ma'amin hoda'ah confession that they were GERIM "strangers"--Tehillim strkjv@39:13 and TOSHAVIM "sojourners" in the Golus of the Olam Hazeh.

orthjbc@Hebrews:11:27 @ By emunah, Moshe Rabbeinu departed from Mitzrayim (note:)Egypt(:note), not having pachad fear of the ka'as anger of the king, for he persevered as seeing the One who is unseen.

orthjbc@Hebrews:11:39 @ And all these, having Hashem's commendation through their emunah, did not receive the havtachah (note:)promise(:note),

orthjbc@Hebrews:11:40 @ Hashem having foreseen something better for us, so that, apart from us, they should not be made shelemut.

orthjbc@Hebrews:12:19 @ and to the blast of a shofar and the sound of dvarim, which sound was such that the ones having heard begged that no further dvar be spoken to them.

orthjbc@Hebrews:13:2 @ Do not neglect hachnosas orchim (note:)hospitality(:note), for by this some without having da'as of it, have entertained malachim.

orthjbc@Hebrews:13:3 @ Have zikaron of the prisoners in the beis hasohar, as if having been bound with the kaval (note:)chain/fetter(:note) with them; and those being tortured as though you were also.

orthjbc@James:1:12 @ Ashrey is the one who stands up under nisayon (note:)trial(:note), because, having become approved, that one will be given the ateret haChayyim crown of Life, which Hashem gave as a havtachah promise to those having Ahavas Hashem. [Bereshis strkjv@22:1]

orthjbc@James:1:21 @ Therefore, having put away all filthiness and what remains of resha (note:)wickedness(:note) in shiflut lowliness and meekness receive the implanted Dvar Hashem being able to save your nefashot

orthjbc@James:1:25 @ But the one having peered into the Torah haShleimah, the Torah HaCherut, and there remaining entranced, not as a forgetful listener but one who is shomer mitzvot and goes into action--this one will have a beracha on his head in all his acts. [Tehillim strkjv@19:7]

orthjbc@James:2:11 @ For the One having said, LO TINAF (note:)"You shall not commit adultery"(:note) said also LO TIRTZACH "You shall not murder". Now if you do not commit adultery but you do murder, you have become an Over al mitzvot HaTorah transgressor of the Torah. [Shemot strkjv@20:13,14; Devarim strkjv@5:17,18]

orthjbc@James:2:13 @ For the Din (note:)Judgment(:note) will be without rachamim mercy to the one not having shown rachamim. Rachamim wins the nitzachon victory over haDin. EMUNAH AND MA'ASIM TOVIM ACTIVE IN AHAVAH

orthjbc@James:2:25 @ And likewise also Rachav the Zonah--was she not made YITZDAK IM HASHEM from ma'asim, having received the messengers and having sent them out a different way?

orthjbc@James:4:17 @ To the one having da'as, therefore, knowing to do tov and not doing it, to him is it chet.

orthjbc@James:5:7 @ Have zitzfleishch, therefore, Achim b'Moshiach until the Bias HaMoshiach, the Coming of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu. Hinei! The ikar (note:)farmer(:note) awaits the precious p'ri haAdamah fruit of the earth, having zitzfleishch patience for it until it receives the Yoreh first Autumn rain and the Malkosh Spring rain. [Devarim strkjv@11:14; Yirmeyah strkjv@5:24; Yoel strkjv@2:23]

orthjbc@James:5:11 @ Hinei! We call blessed the ones having endured: the savlanut (note:)long-suffering(:note) of Iyov you heard of and the toitzaa outcome from Hashem you saw, that Hashem is full of rachamim and channun. [Iyov strkjv@1:21,22; strkjv@2:10; strkjv@42:10,12-17; Shemot strkjv@34:6; Bamidbar strkjv@14:18; Tehillim strkjv@103:8]

orthjbc@James:5:14 @ Are there any cholim (note:)sick ones(:note) among you? Let him summon [for Bikkur Cholim visiting the sick] the ziknei haKehillah and let them daven tefillos over him, having applied the shemen mishchah anointing oil, b'Shem Adoneinu. [Tehillim strkjv@23:5; Yeshayah strkjv@1:6]

orthjbc@James:5:20 @ you should have da'as that the one having helped a choteh (note:)sinner(:note) to make teshuvah from the toyus of his derech, from setiyah HaDerech Hashem turning aside from the Way of Hashem will save the neshamah of him from mavet and will cover a multitude of chatta'im.

orthjbc@1Peter:1:4 @ We have also been born anew to a nachalah (note:)inheritance [3:9](:note) that is without shachat corruption--Tehillim strkjv@16:10 and undefiled and unfading, having been preserved in Shomayim for you,

orthjbc@1Peter:1:20 @ who, on the one hand, having been foreknown lifnei hivvased tevel (note:)before the foundation of the world(:note), but, on the other hand, having been manifested [5:4] at the Ketz Hayamim End of Days because of you.

orthjbc@1Peter:1:22 @ Having purified your nefashot (note:)souls(:note) by mishma'at obedience--1:2 to haEmes, resulting in ahavah shel achvah brotherly love without tzevi'ut hypocrisy, have fervent ahavah agap for one another, from a lev tahor. NEW BIRTH IN MOSHIACH WHO IS THE DVAR ELOHEYNU YAKUM L'OLAM

orthjbc@1Peter:2:1 @ Therefore, having put away all rishus (note:)malice(:note), all remiyah guile, fraud, deceit and tzevi'ut hypocrisy and kin'ah envy and all lashon hora,

orthjbc@1Peter:2:10 @ You, who once were LO AMMI (note:)"not my people"-HOSHEA strkjv@1:9(:note) but now are AMMI ATAH "my people you are"--HOSHEA strkjv@2:25, the AM Hashem "the people of G-d", the ones having not received rachamim, but now having received rachamim HOSHEA strkjv@2:25. CHIZZUK TO THOSE WHO ARE EXILES IN THE GOLUS OF OLAM HAZEH

orthjbc@1Peter:2:24 @ Moshiach, who himself NASAH ES CHATTOTEYNU (note:)"bore our sins" YESHAYAH strkjv@53:5,8,12(:note) in his basar [TEHILLIM strkjv@16:9-10; strkjv@22:1-32] on the Aitz [haChayim, the Tree of Life--BERESHIT strkjv@3:22] that, having become niftarim deceased ones to chattoteynu, we might become Kol Chai all living to Tzidkanut Righteousness; UVACHAVURATO NIRPA LANU "by whose wound you were healed"--YESHAYAH strkjv@53:5.

orthjbc@1Peter:3:8 @ Now, to say over, all of you be an agudah (note:)union(:note) in your thinking, have achdus, be sympathetic, having ahavah agap for the achim [Tehillim strkjv@133:1], being anshei rachamim, sh'fal ruach lowly of spirit,

orthjbc@1Peter:3:16 @ but with anavah (note:)meekness(:note) and yirat Shomayim, having a matzpun tahor clean conscience [3:21], so that, when you are maligned by lashon hora, your abusers may be humiliated by your midas chassidus quality of piety in Moshiach. ON TESHUVAH AND EMUNAH IN MOSHIACH OUR MEMALLE MAKOM SUBSTITUTE AND ON MOSHIACH'S TEVILAH IN THE MIKVEH MAYIM, WHICH IS A PLEDGE FOR A MATZPUN TAHOR AND WHICH WAS PREFIGURED BY THE MABBUL FLOOD WHEN MOSHIACH WENT TO THE RUCHOT IN MISHMAR

orthjbc@1Peter:3:18 @ Because, indeed, Moshiach suffered once on behalf of chata'im (note:)sins(:note), a tzaddik righteous one on behalf of the chatta'im unrighteous ones, sinners, that he might bring you to Hashem--he, having been, in the basar of Moshiach [Tehillim strkjv@16:9-10], put to death, yet, in the Ruach Hakodesh, having been made alive [4:6];

orthjbc@1Peter:3:19 @ in which also to the ruchot (note:)spirits(:note) in mishmar prison, having gone, Moshiach made the hachrazah proclamation, kyrygma

orthjbc@1Peter:3:22 @ who is at the right hand of Hashem, having gone into Shomayim, with malachim and rashuyot (note:)authorities(:note) and gevurot under his feet.

orthjbc@1Peter:4:1 @ Therefore, als (note:)since(:note) Moshiach underwent bodily sivlot sufferings [4:13], also you arm yourselves with the same way of thinking as Moshiach, because the one having suffered in the basar flesh has finished with chet sin

orthjbc@1Peter:5:10 @ Now the Elohei Kol haChesed (note:)the G-d of all Grace(:note), the one having bestowed upon you the keri'ah calling into his eternal kavod in Moshiach Yehoshua, will himself, after you have suffered tzoros for a little while, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen and establish you.

orthjbc@2Peter:1:1 @ Shimon Kefa, an eved and Shliach of Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua: to the ones having obtained, with us [Shluchim haMoshiach], equally precious [orthodox Jewish] emunah (note:)faith(:note) [the Emunah of the true Dat haYehudit] in the Tzedek Hashem [Daniel strkjv@9:24] of Eloheynu and Moshieynu Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua.

orthjbc@2Peter:1:4 @ so Hashem has given us precious havtachot gedolot (note:)great promises--3:4,9,13 cf.2:19(:note) that you might have devekut devotion, attachment/cleaving with, communion with your nefesh elohit with the very Shechinah of Hashem, having escaped [Chet Kadmon's] shachat (corruption--Tehillim strkjv@16:10] that is in Olam Hazeh because of ta'avah evil desire/lust. THE STEPS UPWARD FROM CORRUPTION TO CONFIRMATION OF ONE'S KERI'AH AND BECHIRAH IN MOSHIACH; THE MIDOS TRAITS OF A TRUE TALMID OF REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH

orthjbc@2Peter:1:9 @ For the one with whom these middos chassidus (note:)qualities of piety(:note) are not present is an ivver blind man, being shortsighted, having forgotten the tororat cleansing of his past averos sins.

orthjbc@2Peter:1:17 @ For having received from Elohim haAv kavod va'oz, the Bat Kol was conveyed to Moshiach by the Majestic Glory, "ZEH BENI AHUVI ASHER BO CHAFATSTI" (note:)"This is my Son, the beloved, with whom I am well pleased"--TEHILLIM strkjv@2:7; BERESHIS strkjv@22:2; YESHAYAH strkjv@42:1(:note).

orthjbc@2Peter:1:18 @ And this Bat Kol we heard out of Shomayim, having been brought with Moshiach upon the Har haKodesh.

orthjbc@2Peter:2:14 @ Having eyes full of ni'uf (note:)adultery(:note), ceaselessly committing averos sins, enticing unstable nefashot souls, having levavot trained in chomed covetous greed--banim mekulalim accursed children!

orthjbc@2Peter:2:15 @ Forsaking the Derech haYashar (note:)Straight Way(:note), they went astray, having followed the derech haBil'am Ben-B'or, who loved the sachar haresha reward of unrighteousness.

orthjbc@2Peter:2:16 @ But he had tochechah (note:)reproof(:note) for his own pesha transgression: a dumb chamor donkey, having spoken in a man's voice, hindered the madness of the meshuga navi.

orthjbc@2Peter:2:20 @ For if, having escaped the tumot (note:)defilements(:note) of Olam Hazeh by da'as of Adoneynu and Moshieynu Moshiach Yehoshua, they are again entangled in these, then their last state is worse for them than their first.

orthjbc@2Peter:2:21 @ For better it was for them not to have da'as of the derech haTzidkanut (note:)the Way of Righteousness(:note) than, having known it, to turn away from the mitzvah hakedosha holy commandment handed down to them.

orthjbc@2Peter:2:22 @ The word of the true mashal (note:)proverb(:note) has overtaken them: KECHELEV SHAV AL KE'O "As a dog having returned to its own vomit", and a "chazir swine is washed only to wallow in the mud" MISHLE strkjv@26:11.

orthjbc@2Peter:3:2 @ remember the divrei torah having been previously spoken by the Nevi'im haKedoshim and the mitzvot of Adoneynu and Moshieynu spoken by your shluchim.

orthjbc@2Peter:3:15 @ And regard the zitzfleisch (note:)patience(:note) of Adoneynu as Yeshu'at Eloheynu. So also our chaver and ach b'Moshiach Sha'ul, according to the chochmah wisdom having been given to him, wrote to you.

orthjbc@2Peter:3:17 @ Chaverim, you therefore, knowing beforehand, guard yourselves lest with the toyus (note:)error(:note) of the mufkarim lawless ones having been led away, you fall from your own stability.

orthjbc@1John:2:7 @ Chaverim, I do not write you a mitzvah chadasha, but a mitzvah yashanah, which you were having from the Reshit: the mitzvah yashanah is the dvar which you heard.

orthjbc@1John:3:3 @ And everyone having this tikvah (note:)hope(:note) in him keeps himself in tohorah purification, cleansing, even as that One is tahor [Tehillim strkjv@18:26]

orthjbc@1John:3:9 @ Everyone having been born of Hashem is not practicing chet, because his Zera makes maon in him, and he cannot abide sinning, because he is born of Hashem. [Tehillim strkjv@119:3]

orthjbc@1John:3:10 @ By this is made hitgalut the yeladim of Hashem and the yeladim of Hasatan; everyone not practicing tzedek is not of Hashem; also the one not having ahavah for his Ach b'Moshiach. HAVE AHAVAH FOR ONE ANOTHER

orthjbc@1John:3:14 @ We have da'as that we have passed out of mavet into Chayyim, because we have ahavah for the Achim b'Moshiach; the one not having ahavah makes his ma'on in death.

orthjbc@1John:4:2 @ By this we have da'as of the Ruach Hakodesh of Hashem: every ruach which makes hoda'ah (note:)confession(:note) of Yehoshua, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach as having come in the basar is of Hashem,

orthjbc@1John:4:6 @ We are of Hashem; the one having da'as of Hashem pays heed to us; he who is not of Hashem does not pay heed to us. From this we have da'as of the Ruach Hakodesh of Emes and the ruach of deceiving toyus (note:)error(:note). HASHEM IS AHAVAH; THE DERECH OF DEVEKUT

orthjbc@1John:4:7 @ Chaverim, let us have ahavah one for another, because ahavah is of Hashem, and everyone having ahavah has been born of Hashem and has da'as of Hashem.

orthjbc@1John:4:8 @ The one not having ahavah did not have da'as of Hashem, because Hashem is ahavah.

orthjbc@1John:4:20 @ If anyone says I have ahavah for Hashem and the Ach b'Moshiach he hates, he is a shakkeran (note:)liar(:note). For the one not having ahavah for the Ach b'Moshiach of him whom he has seen, how can he have ahavah for the Elohim whom he has not seen.

orthjbc@1John:4:21 @ And this mitzvah we have from him that the one having ahavah for Hashem should have ahavah also for the Ach b'Moshiach of him.

orthjbc@1John:5:1 @ Everyone with emunah that Yehoshua is the Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach has been born of Hashem, and everyone having ahavah for the One having given birth has also ahavah for the one having been born of him.

orthjbc@1John:5:6 @ This One is the One having come by mayim and dahm, Yehoshua, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, not by the mayim only but by the mayim and by the dahm; and the Ruach Hakodesh is the one giving solemn edut (note:)testimony(:note), because the Ruach Hakodesh is HaEmes.

orthjbc@1John:5:12 @ The one having HaBen has the Chayyim; the one not having HaBen HaElohim does not have Chayyim. THE DA'AS OF CHAYYEI OLAM

orthjbc@1John:5:18 @ We have da'as that everyone having been born of Hashem does not continually sin, but the One having been born of G-d (note:)Ben HaElohim Moshiach(:note) is shomer over him and Hasatan does not touch him.

orthjbc@Jude:1:5 @ Now I wish to remind you, though you are fully informed, that Hashem, who once saved a people from the land of Mitzrayim (note:)Egypt(:note), afterwards destroyed every Apikoros not having Emunah Faith.

orthjbc@Jude:1:6 @ And you know about the malachim (note:)angels(:note), not being content to keep their positions of Memshalet Rule/Dominion, having deserted their own station, these malachim Hashem has kept chained forever under choshech [see II Pet.2:4] for the Mishpat haYom haGadol, the Judgment of the Great Day [the Yom haDin, the Day of Judgment].

orthjbc@Jude:1:19 @ These [men] are the ones causing division, worldly men, not having the Ruach Hakodesh. BUILD YOURSELF UP ON THE KITVEI HAKODESH

orthjbc@Jude:1:21 @ Keep yourselves in the Ahavas Hashem, awaiting the rachamim of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu Yehoshua unto Chayyei Olam. HAVING RACHAMIM, BUT BEING MECHALEK (note:)DIFFERENTIATING(:note)

orthjbc@Revelation:1:12 @ Then I turned to see the kol which was speaking with me, and, having turned, I saw sheva golden menorot. [Zecharyah strkjv@4:2; Shemot strkjv@25:31-40]

orthjbc@Revelation:1:13 @ And in the midst of the menorot stood One like the Ben HaAdam [Daniel strkjv@7:13-14; Yechezkel strkjv@1:26], having been clothed in a kaftan (note:)long coat(:note) reaching to the feet and having been wrapped around at the chest with a golden gartel. [Daniel strkjv@7:13; Yechezkel strkjv@1:26; strkjv@9:2,11 Targum Ha-Shivim Septuagint; Daniel strkjv@10:5,16; Yeshayah strkjv@6:1]

orthjbc@Revelation:1:15 @ and the feet of him were like burnished bronze as if in a furnace having been made to glow, and the kol of him as the sound of mayim rabbim (note:)many waters(:note). [Daniel strkjv@10:6; Yechezkel strkjv@1:7,24; strkjv@43:2; Yeshayah strkjv@1:20; strkjv@49:2; Shofetim strkjv@5:31]

orthjbc@Revelation:2:7 @ The one having an ear let him hear what the Ruach Hakodesh says to the Kehillot. To the one who wins the nitzachon (note:)victory(:note) I will give to him to eat of the Aitz HaChayyim, which is in the Gan-Eden of Hashem, [Bereshis strkjv@2:9; strkjv@3:22,24; also Bereshis strkjv@2:8; Yechezkel strkjv@28:1; strkjv@31:8,9 Targum Ha-Shivim Septuagint] THE IGGERET HAKODESH TO THE KEHILLAH AT SMYRNA

orthjbc@Revelation:2:11 @ The one having ears let him hear what the Ruach Hakodesh says to the Kehillot. The one who wins the nitzachon (note:)victory(:note) never will be hurt by the Mavet HaSheyni. THE IGGERET HAKODESH TO THE KEHILLAH AT PERGAMUM

orthjbc@Revelation:2:12 @ And to the malach of the Kehillah at Pergamum, write: these things says the one having the sharp two-edged cherev: [Yeshayah strkjv@49:2]

orthjbc@Revelation:2:17 @ The one having an ear let him hear what the Ruach Hakodesh says to the Kehillot. To the one who wins the nitzachon (note:)victory(:note), I will give him some of the Manna having been hidden, and I will give Him an Even Levanah White Stone and upon it a Shem Chadash, of which no one has da'as, except the one receiving it. [Tehillim strkjv@78:24; Yeshayah strkjv@62:2; strkjv@65:15; strkjv@56:5] THE IGGERET HAKODESH TO THE KEHILLAH AT THYATIRA

orthjbc@Revelation:2:18 @ And to the malach of the Kehillah in Thyatira, write: these things says the Ben HaElohim, the One having his eynayim (note:)eyes(:note) like a flame of aish fire, [Daniel strkjv@7:9] and the feet of him like burnished bronze: [Daniel strkjv@10:6]

orthjbc@Revelation:2:29 @ The one having an ear let him hear what the Ruach Hakodesh says to the Kehillot.

orthjbc@Revelation:3:1 @ And to the malach of the Kehillah in Sardis, write: these things says the One having the sheva ruchot of Hashem and the shevat hakokhavim: I have da'as of your ma'asim, that nominally you are Chai but you are niftar.

orthjbc@Revelation:3:2 @ Be shomer and regarding the things remaining and the things on the point of mavet, be chazakim (note:)strong ones(:note). For, I have not found your ma'asim mitzvot having been shleimim before Elohai.

orthjbc@Revelation:3:6 @ The one having an ear let him hear what the Ruach Hakodesh says to the Kehillot. THE IGGERET HAKODESH TO THE KEHILLAH AT PHILADELPHIA

orthjbc@Revelation:3:7 @ And to the malach of the Kehillah in Philadelphia, write: these things says HaKadosh, HaAmiti, the One having the mafte'ach (note:)key(:note) of Dovid, the One opening and no one will shut, the one shutting and no one opens: [Yeshayah strkjv@22:22]

orthjbc@Revelation:3:8 @ "I have da'as of your ma'asim. Hinei! I have placed in front of you a delet (note:)door(:note), having been opened, which no one is able to shut. Because you have a little ko'ach power and have been shomer over the dvar of me

orthjbc@Revelation:3:13 @ The one having an ear let him hear what the Ruach Hakodesh says to the Kehillot. THE IGGERET HAKODESH TO THE KEHILLAH AT LAODICEA

orthjbc@Revelation:3:18 @ I counsel you to buy from me gold having been purified by aish (note:)fire(:note) that you may be ashir, and a kittel that you may be clothed in lavan and that the bushah of your nakedness not be made known, and salve to rub on the eynayim eyes of you that you may see.

orthjbc@Revelation:3:22 @ The one having an ear let him hear what the Ruach Hakodesh says to the Kehillot.

orthjbc@Revelation:4:1 @ After these things I looked, and--hinei!--a delet (note:)door(:note) having been opened in Shomayim, the kol harishon [1:10], the voice like a shofar that I heard speaking to me, said, "Come up here! And I will show you MAH DI LEHEVE "what will happen," Daniel strkjv@2:28f after these things."

orthjbc@Revelation:5:1 @ And I saw on the yad yamin of the One sitting on the kisseh a sefer having been written inside and on the back, having been sealed with sheva chotamot (note:)seven seals(:note). [Yechezkel strkjv@2:9,10; Yeshayah strkjv@29:11; Daniel strkjv@12:4]

orthjbc@Revelation:5:6 @ And I saw between the kisseh and the Arbah Chayyot and among the Zekenim a Seh (note:)Lamb, Yeshayah strkjv@53:7(:note) having stood as having been slain, having sheva karnayim, sheva eynayim, which are the sheva ruchot spirits of Hashem having been sent into kol ha'aretz. [Zecharyah strkjv@4:10]

orthjbc@Revelation:5:8 @ And when he received the sefer, the Arbah Chayyot and the esrim v'arba'ah Zekenim fell down before the Seh (note:)Lamb, Yeshayah strkjv@53:7(:note), each one having a nevel harp and golden ke'arot bowls full of ketoret incense, which are the tefillos prayers of the kedoshim; [Tehillim 141:]

orthjbc@Revelation:5:12 @ saying with a kol gadol, "Worthy is the Seh (note:)Lamb, Yeshayah strkjv@53:7(:note) having been slain, to receive the oz power and the osher wealth and the chochmah wisdom and the gevurah strength and hod honor and kavod glory and brakhah blessing."

orthjbc@Revelation:6:2 @ And I saw, and Hinei! a sus lavan (note:)white horse(:note), and the one sitting on it having a keshet bow, Yechezkel strkjv@39:2[3] and was given to him an atarah diadem and he went forth conquering, intent on conquest. [Zecharyah strkjv@1:8; strkjv@6:3,11; Tehillim strkjv@45:4]

orthjbc@Revelation:6:5 @ And when he opened the chotam hashlishi, I heard the HaShlishit of HaChayyot, saying, "Come!" And I saw and hinei! A sus shakhor (note:)black horse(:note), and the one sitting on it having a pair of scales in the yad of him. [Zecharyah strkjv@6:2]

orthjbc@Revelation:6:9 @ And when he opened the chotam hakhamishi, I saw underneath the Mitzbe'ach (note:)altar(:note) the nefashot souls of the ones having died al kiddush Ha-Shem, having been slain as martyrs because of the dvar Hashem and because of their solemn edut testimony which they had given. [Shemot strkjv@29:12; Vayikra strkjv@4:7]

orthjbc@Revelation:7:2 @ And I saw another malach coming up from the rising of the shemesh (note:)sun(:note), having a chotam of the Elohim Chayyim, and he cried with a kol gadol to the four malachim. These were the malachim to whom it was given to harm ha'aretz and hayam,

orthjbc@Revelation:7:4 @ And I heard the mispar of the ones having been sealed, 144,000, having been marked with the chotam from every shivtei Bnei Yisroel,

orthjbc@Revelation:7:5 @ of the shevet of Yehudah, 12,000 having been sealed; of the shevet of Re'uven, 12,000, of the shevet of Gad, 12,000,

orthjbc@Revelation:8:3 @ And another malach came and stood at the Mitzbe'ach (note:)altar(:note), having a golden makhtah incense bowl, and there was given to him much ketoret incense, Tehillim strkjv@141:2 to offer with the tefillos prayers of all the kedoshim at the golden Mitzbe'ach altar before the kisseh. [Shemot strkjv@30:1-6]

orthjbc@Revelation:8:6 @ And the shivat hamalachim having the shiva shofarot prepared themselves that they might sound the shofarot.

orthjbc@Revelation:8:7 @ And HaRishon sounded his shofar; and there came barad (note:)hail(:note) and aish fire having been mingled with dahm and it was thrown to ha'aretz, and a third of ha'aretz was burnt up, and a third of the aitz was burnt up and all green grass was burnt up. [Yechezkel strkjv@38:22]

orthjbc@Revelation:9:1 @ And the Malach HaKhamishi sounded his shofar; and I saw a kokhav having fallen out of Shomayim to ha'aretz. And was given to it the mafte'ach of the shaft of the Tehom (note:)Abyss(:note).

orthjbc@Revelation:9:7 @ And the appearances of the arbeh (note:)locusts(:note) were like susim horses having been prepared for milchamah war, and on the heads of them what looked like atarot diadems of gold and the faces were like the faces of bnei Adam. [Yoel strkjv@2:4; Daniel strkjv@7:8]

orthjbc@Revelation:9:14 @ saying to the Malach Hashishi, the one having the shofar, "Release the arba'at hamalachim having been bound at the great river, Euphrates. [Bereshis strkjv@15:18; Devarim strkjv@1:7; Yehoshua strkjv@1:4; Yeshayah strkjv@11:15]

orthjbc@Revelation:9:15 @ And the arba'at hamalachim were released, having been prepared for the sha'ah and the yom and chodesh and shanah, that they should kill a third of bnei Adam.

orthjbc@Revelation:9:17 @ And thus I saw the susim in my chazon (note:)vision, revelation, prophecy(:note) and the riders on them, having breastplates fiery red and hyacinth blue and sulfur yellow, and the heads of the susim like heads of arayot lions, and from the mouths of them goes forth aish fire and smoke and gofrit sulfur. [Tehillim strkjv@11:6; Yeshayah strkjv@30:33; Yechezkel strkjv@38:22]

orthjbc@Revelation:9:19 @ For the ko'ach (note:)power(:note) of the susim is in their mouths and in their tails, for their tails are like nekhashim serpents, having heads, and with them they inflict harm.

orthjbc@Revelation:10:1 @ And I saw another strong malach descending and coming down out of Shomayim, having been wrapped in an anan (note:)cloud(:note), and the keshet rainbow, Bereshis strkjv@9:16 was over his rosh and the face of him was as the shemesh sun and the feet of him as pillars of aish, [Yechezkel strkjv@1:28]

orthjbc@Revelation:10:5 @ And the malach, whom I saw having taken his stand on the yam and on ha'aretz, lifted his yad yamin to Shomayim [Devarim strkjv@32:40; Daniel strkjv@12:7]

orthjbc@Revelation:11:3 @ And I will give to my Sh'ney HaEdim and they will speak dvarim haNevu'ah one thousand two hundred and sixty days, having been clothed in sakkim (note:)sackcloth(:note). [Bereshis strkjv@37:34; Shmuel Bais strkjv@3:31; Nechemyah strkjv@9:1]

orthjbc@Revelation:12:1 @ And an ot gadol (note:)miraculous sign(:note) was seen in Shomayim, an ISHA Bereshis strkjv@3:15 having been clothed with the shemesh sun, and the yare'ach moon underneath the feet of her, and on the rosh of her an atarah diadem of kokhavim numbering Sheneym Asar, [Bereshis strkjv@37:9]

orthjbc@Revelation:12:2 @ And in her womb having a YELED (note:)CHILD, YESHAYAH strkjv@9:5(:note), and she cries out, suffering CHEVLEI and being in pain to give birth. [Yeshayah strkjv@26:17]

orthjbc@Revelation:12:3 @ And another ot (note:)miraculous sign(:note) was seen in Shomayim. And --hinei!-- a great red Dragon NACHASH BERESHIS strkjv@3:1, having sheva seven heads and eser ten horns and on the heads of it sheva seven keterim crowns. [Daniel strkjv@7:7,20]

orthjbc@Revelation:12:6 @ And the Isha fled into the wilderness, where she has there a place having been prepared by Hashem, that there she can be nourished a thousand two hundred and sixty yamim.

orthjbc@Revelation:12:12 @ Therefore be glad, Shomayim, and the ones whose mishkan is there, but oy to ha'aretz and to hayam, because Hasatan came down to you, having great ka'as (note:)anger(:note), having da'as that his time is short. [Tehillim strkjv@96:11; Yeshayah strkjv@44:23; strkjv@49:13]

orthjbc@Revelation:12:17 @ And the Dragon Nachash had great ka'as at the Isha and went away to make milkhamah (note:)war(:note) with the rest of her ZERA seed, Bereshis strkjv@3:15, Yeshayah strkjv@53:10, the ones keeping the mitzvot of Hashem and having the edut testimony of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach. And then the Dragon Nachash took his stand on the seashore sand of the yam.

orthjbc@Revelation:13:1 @ And I saw out of the yam a Chayyah coming up, having eser horns and sheva heads and on the horns of it asarah (note:)ten(:note) diadems and on the heads of it names of Chillul Hashem gidufim blasphemies. [Daniel strkjv@7:1-6; strkjv@11:36]

orthjbc@Revelation:13:8 @ And all the ones dwelling on ha'aretz will worship it, whose name has not been written in the Sefer HaChayyim of the Seh (note:)Lamb, Yeshayah strkjv@53:7(:note) having been slain from lifnei hivvased tevel before the foundaiton of the world.

orthjbc@Revelation:13:17 @ and that no one should be able to buy or to sell except the one having the tav [mark], the name of the Chayyah or the number of its name. RECHEN (note:)CALCULATE(:note) THE GEMATRIA TO DISCOVER THE IDENTITY OF THE ANTI-MOSHIACH: NOON, RESH, CHOLAM-VAV, FINAL NOON NERO PLUS KOOF, SAMECH, RESH CAESAR = SHESH ME'OT V'SHISHIM VASHESH 666

orthjbc@Revelation:13:18 @ Here is chochmah: the one having binah, let him do the gematria and get the mispar of the Chayyah, for it is the mispar of the ish [Anti-Moshiach], and the mispar of it is SHESH ME'OT V'SHISHIM VASHESH.

orthjbc@Revelation:14:1 @ And I looked, and --hinei!-- the Seh (note:)Lamb, Yeshayah strkjv@53:7(:note) having taken his stand on Mount Tziyon and with him the 144,000 having ha-Shem of him and ha-Shem of HaAv of him which had been written on the metsakhim of them.

orthjbc@Revelation:14:3 @ And they sing as it were a Shir Chadash before the kisseh and before the Arbah Chayyot and the Zekenim, and no one was being able to learn the Shir except the 144,000, the ones for whom the [kapparah] price had been paid for their Geulah [Vayikra strkjv@5:50-51] redemption, the ones having been purchased from kol ha'aretz.

orthjbc@Revelation:14:4 @ These are those who with nashim are not tameh (note:)unclean, defiled(:note), bochrim ki betullim they are, for these are the ones following the Seh Lamb, Yeshayah strkjv@53:7 wherever He goes. These chasidim had the [kapparah] price paid for their Geulah [Vayikra strkjv@25:50-51] redemption, the ones having been purchased from bnei Adam as the bikkurim to Hashem and to the Seh Lamb, Yeshayah strkjv@53:7. [Yirmeyah strkjv@2:3]

orthjbc@Revelation:14:6 @ And I saw another malach flying midair in Shomayim, having the eternal Besuras HaGeulah to proclaim to the ones sitting on ha'aretz and to every goy and shevet and lashon and am,

orthjbc@Revelation:14:10 @ such will drink of the yayin of the Chori Af of Hashem, having been mixed undiluted in the kos (note:)cup(:note) of his Chori Af, and such will be tormented by aish fire and gofrit sulfur before malachim hakedoshim and before the Seh Lamb, Yeshayah strkjv@53:7. [Yeshayah strkjv@51:17; Yirmeyah strkjv@25:15; strkjv@51:7]

orthjbc@Revelation:14:14 @ And I looked, and --hinei!-- an anan (note:)cloud(:note) lavan white, and on the anan there was One sitting like the Ben HaAdam having on the head of him a golden Keter Crown and in the yad of him a sharp MAGGAL sickle, Yoel strkjv@3:13. [Hoshea strkjv@6:11; Daniel strkjv@7:13]

orthjbc@Revelation:14:17 @ And another malach came out of the Beis Hamikdash in Shomayim, having also with him a sharp MAGGAL (note:)sickle, Yoel strkjv@3:13(:note).

orthjbc@Revelation:14:18 @ And another malach came out of the Mitzbe'ach (note:)altar(:note), having shilton authority over the aish, and he spoke with a kol gadol to the One having the sharp MAGGAL, saying, "Put forth your sharp MAGGAL and gather the clusters of the gefen vine of ha'aretz, because the grapes of it are ripe."

orthjbc@Revelation:15:1 @ And I saw another ot (note:)miraculous sign(:note) in Shomayim, great and marvelous, shiva seven malachim having sheva seven hamakkot plagues, the last ones, because by them is completed the Chori Af Hashem. [Vayikra strkjv@26:21]

orthjbc@Revelation:15:2 @ And I saw as it were a glassy yam, having been mingled with aish (note:)fire(:note) and I saw the menatzakhat overcomers of the Chayyah and of the Etzev of it and of the mispar of the name of it and I saw them having taken their stand on the glassy yam, holding nevalim of Hashem.

orthjbc@Revelation:15:6 @ And the shivat hamalachim having the sheva hamakkot came out of the Heikhal, having been clothed in linen, tahor (note:)clean(:note) and bright, and having been wrapped around the chests with golden gartels. [Yechezkel strkjv@9:2; Daniel strkjv@10:5]

orthjbc@Revelation:16:2 @ And HaRishon departed and poured out his ke'ara (note:)bowl(:note) onto ha'aretz, and a bad and rah evil sore came on the bnei Adam having the mark of the Chayyah and the ones worshiping the Etzev of it. [Shemot strkjv@9:9-11; Devarim strkjv@28:35]

orthjbc@Revelation:16:9 @ And bnei Adam were scorched with khom gadol, and they spoke Chillul Hashem gidufim (note:)blasphemies(:note) against ha-Shem of G-d, the One having the shilton authority over these makkot plagues and did not make teshuva to give Him kavod glory.

orthjbc@Revelation:17:1 @ And one of the shivat hamalachim having the sheva hamakkot (note:)plagues(:note) came and spoke with me saying, Bo! I will show you the mishpat judgment of the Zonah HaGedolah the Great Prostitute sitting on rabbim mayim, [Yeshayah strkjv@23:17; Yirmeyah strkjv@51:13]

orthjbc@Revelation:17:3 @ And he carried me away into the midbar in Ruach Hakodesh, and I saw an Isha sitting on a scarlet Chayyah (note:)Anti-Moshiach(:note) being filled with names of Chillul Hashem, gidufim, having sheva seven heads and eser horns.

orthjbc@Revelation:17:4 @ And the Isha had been clothed in purple and scarlet, and gilded with gold and precious stone and pearls, having a golden kos (note:)cup(:note) in her hand and the kos was full of the abominations and the uncleanesses of her zenut. [Yechezkel strkjv@28:13; Yirmeyah strkjv@51:7]

orthjbc@Revelation:17:7 @ And the malach, said to me, "Why did you marvel? I will tell you the Sod HaIsha (the mystery, raz of the woman And of the Chayyah having the sheva (note:)seven(:note) heads And the eser horns carring her.

orthjbc@Revelation:17:9 @ "This calls for a mind having chochmah. The sheva (note:)seven(:note) heads are sheva seven mountains. On these the Isha is sitting. also, they are shiva seven melachim kings;

orthjbc@Revelation:18:1 @ After these things I saw another malach coming down out of Shomayim having great samchut (authority; and ha'aretz was illuminated by the splendor of him. [Yechezkel strkjv@43:2]

orthjbc@Revelation:18:9 @ And the melachim (note:)kings(:note) of ha'aretz, will weep and wail over her, the ones having committed zenut with her and having lived in luxury, when they see the smoke of her burning. [Yirmeyah strkjv@51:8; Yechezkel strkjv@26:17,18]

orthjbc@Revelation:18:15 @ And the merchants of these things, the ones having become rich from her, will stand afar off because of the fear of her torment, and they will be weeping and wailing, [Yechezkel strkjv@27:31]

orthjbc@Revelation:18:16 @ saying,"Oy, oy, the Ir Hagedolah, the one having clothed herself with fine linen and purple and scarlet and having been gilded with gold and precious stone and pearl,

orthjbc@Revelation:18:19 @ And they threw dust on their heads and were crying out, weeping and wailing, saying,"Oy, oy, the Ir Hagedolah, by which from her wealth, all the ones having ships in the sea became rich, because in one hour she was laid waste." [Yehoshua strkjv@7:6; Ekhah strkjv@2:10; Yechezkel strkjv@27:30,31]

orthjbc@Revelation:18:24 @ and in her were found the dahm of nevi'im (note:)prophets(:note) and of kedoshim and of all the ones having been slain al Kiddush Hashem on ha'aretz. [Yirmeyah strkjv@51:49]

orthjbc@Revelation:19:9 @ And he says to me, write: "ashrey are the ones having been summoned to the Yom Nisu'im seudah of the Seh. (note:)Lamb, Yeshayah strkjv@53:7(:note) And he says to me, "These are divrei Hashem Emes."

orthjbc@Revelation:19:11 @ And I saw Shomayim having been opened, and --hinei!-- A lavan sus and the one riding on it is called ne'eman and Yashar, and in Tzedek [Daniel strkjv@9:25] he judges and makes milkhamah. [Shemot strkjv@15:3; Tehillim strkjv@96:13; Yeshayah strkjv@11:4]

orthjbc@Revelation:19:17 @ And I saw one malach having taken his stand in the shemesh (note:)sun(:note) and he cried out in a kol gadol, saying to all the birds flying in mid-heaven, "Bo! Gather to the Seudah Hagedolah of Hashem; [Yirmeyah strkjv@12:9; strkjv@46:10; Yechezkel strkjv@39:17; Yeshayah strkjv@34:6]

orthjbc@Revelation:19:20 @ And the Chayyah [Anti-Moshiach] was captured and, with it, the navi sheker, the one having performed the otot before it, by which he deceived the ones having received the tav of the Chayyah [Anti-Moshiach] and the ones worshiping its Etzev. These two were cast alive into the Agam HaAish burning with gofrit (note:)sulfur(:note). [Daniel strkjv@7:11]

orthjbc@Revelation:19:21 @ And the rest were killed with the cherev of the One sitting on the sus, the cherev having proceeded out of the PEH of him, and all the birds were fully fed by their basar.

orthjbc@Revelation:20:1 @ And I saw a malach coming down out of Shomayim having the mafte'ach (note:)key(:note) of the Tehom Abyss and a great chain in his hand,

orthjbc@Revelation:20:4 @ And I saw kisa'ot and they sat on them and mishpat (note:)judgment(:note) was given to them, and I saw the nefashot souls of the ones having been beheaded because of their edut testimony for Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach and because of the dvar Hashem and for those who did not worship the Chayyah [Anti-Moshiach] nor its Etzev and did not receive the tav on the metsakh and on the their hand, and they awakened to Chayyim Life and reigned with Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach elef shanim. [Daniel strkjv@7:9]

orthjbc@Revelation:20:6 @ Me'ushar and kadosh is the one having part in the Techiyah HaRishonah. On these ones the Mavet HaSheyni does not have shilton (note:)authority, samchut(:note), but they will be kohanim of Hashem Hashem and of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, and will reign with him haelef shanim. THE MAPPALAH FALL, DEFEAT OF HASATAN

orthjbc@Revelation:20:12 @ And I saw the mesim, the ketanim and gedolim, having taken their stand before the kisse and sfarim were opened and another Sefer was opened, which is the Sefer HaChayyim and the mesim were judged by the things having been written in the sfarim according to their ma'asim (note:)works(:note). [Daniel strkjv@7:10; Shemot strkjv@32:32; Devarim strkjv@29:20; Daniel strkjv@12:1; Malachi strkjv@3:16; Yirmeyah strkjv@17:10]

orthjbc@Revelation:20:15 @ And if anyone was not found having been written in the Sefer HaChayyim, he was cast into the Agam HaAish.

orthjbc@Revelation:21:2 @ And I saw the Ir Hakodesh, the Yerushalayim HaChadasha coming down and descending out of Shomayim from Hashem, having been made ready as a Kallah adorned for her Ba'al. [Nechemyah strkjv@11:18; Yeshayah strkjv@52:1]

orthjbc@Revelation:21:8 @ But for those of morech lev (note:)cowardliness(:note) and those without emunah and ones having become vile and rotzkhim murderers and zonim fornicators and mekhashfim sorcerers and ovdei haelilim idolaters and all the shakranit liars, their part will be in HaAgam burning with aish fire and gofrit sulfur, which is HaMavet HaSheyni. [Tehillim strkjv@5:6] THE YERUSHALAYIM HACHADASHA

orthjbc@Revelation:21:9 @ And one of the shevat hamalachim having the sheva ke'arot (note:)bowls(:note) being full of the last sheva makkot plagues, came and spoke with me, saying "Bo! I will show you the Kallah of the Seh Lamb, Yeshayah strkjv@53:7.

orthjbc@Revelation:21:11 @ having the kavod (note:)glory(:note) of Hashem, his Shekhinah was like a precious stone, even a jasper, clear as crystal, [Yeshayah strkjv@60:1,2; Yechezkel strkjv@43:2]

orthjbc@Revelation:21:12 @ having a great and high wall, having Sheneym Asar shi'arim, and at the shi'arim Sheneym Asar malachim, and Shemot (note:)Names(:note) were inscribed on them, which are the shemot of the Sheneym Asar shivtei habnei Yisroel tribes of the sons of Israel. [Yechezkel strkjv@48:30-34]

orthjbc@Revelation:21:27 @ And never may enter into it any thing tameh and anyone practicing to'evah (note:)abomination(:note) and sheker falsehood, but only the ones having been written in the Sefer HaChayyim Life of the Seh Lamb, Yeshayah strkjv@53:7. [Yeshayah strkjv@52:1; Yoel strkjv@3:17]

orthjbc@Revelation:22:19 @ and if anyone takes away from the dvarim of the sefer of this nevu'ah (note:)prophecy(:note), Hashem will take away his share of the Aitz HaChayyim and from the Ir HaKodesh of the things having been described in this sefer. [Devarim strkjv@4:2; strkjv@12:32; Mishle strkjv@30:6]