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diaglotnt@Matthew:1:23 @ Lo, the virgin in womb shall have, and shall bear a son, and they shall call the name of him Emmanuel; which is being translated, with us a God.)

diaglotnt@Matthew:2:7 @ Then Herod privately having called the wise–men, learned exactly from them the time of the appearing a star,

diaglotnt@Matthew:3:3 @ This for is he spoken of by Esaias the prophet, saying: A voice crying out in the desert; make you ready the way of a Lord, straight make ye the beaten tracks of him.

diaglotnt@Matthew:3:11 @ I indeed dip you in water, into reformation; he but after of me coming, mightier of me is, of whom not I am worthy the sandals to carry; he you will dip in spirit holy and fire.

diaglotnt@Matthew:3:16 @ And having dipped the Jesus went up immediately from the water; and lo, were opened to him the heavens, and was seen the spirit of the God descending like a dove, and coming on him.

diaglotnt@Matthew:4:20 @ They and immediately leaving the nets, followed him.

diaglotnt@Matthew:5:1 @ Seeing and the multitudes, he went up to the mountain; and having seated himself, came to him the disciples of him;

diaglotnt@Matthew:5:14 @ You are the light of the world. Not possible a city to hide upon a hill being situated;

diaglotnt@Matthew:5:43 @ You have heard, that it was said: Thou shalt love the neighbor of thee, and hate the enemy of thee.

diaglotnt@Matthew:6:24 @ No one is able two lords to serve; either for the one he will hate, and the other he will love; or one he will cling to, and the other he will slight. Not you are able God to serve and mammon.

diaglotnt@Matthew:7:13 @ Enter you in through the strait gate; for wide the gate, and broad the road that leading into the perdition; and many are those entering through her.

diaglotnt@Matthew:7:14 @ How strait the gate, and difficult the road that leading into the life; and few are they finding her.

diaglotnt@Matthew:8:2 @ And lo, a leper coming prostrated to him, saying: O sir, if thou wilt, thou art able me to cleanse.

diaglotnt@Matthew:8:3 @ And putting forth the hand, he touched him the Jesus, saying: I will, be thou cleaned. And immediately was cleaned of him the leprosy.

diaglotnt@Matthew:8:32 @ And he said to them: Go. They and coming out they went to the swine. And lo, rushed whole the herd down the steep place into the lake, and died in the waters.

diaglotnt@Matthew:8:33 @ They and feeding them fled, and arriving at the city, related all, and that of those being demonized.

diaglotnt@Matthew:8:34 @ And lo, whole the city went out to a meeting to the Jesus; and seeing him, they entreated, that he would depart from the coast of them.

diaglotnt@Matthew:9:18 @ These of him speaking, of them, lo, a ruler certain coming prostrated to him, saying: That the daughter of me now is dead; but coming lay the hand of thee upon her, and she shall live.

diaglotnt@Matthew:10:21 @ Will give up and a brother a brother to death them; and you will be being hated by rise up children against parents, and deliver to death them;

diaglotnt@Matthew:10:22 @ and you will be being hated by all for the name of me. The but persevering to end, the same shall be saved.

diaglotnt@Matthew:11:4 @ And answering the Jesus said to them: Going away relate to John what you hear and see;

diaglotnt@Matthew:11:11 @ Indeed I say to you, not has risen among born of woman greater, of John the dipper; the but less in the kingdom of the heavens, greater of him is.

diaglotnt@Matthew:12:5 @ Or not have you read in the law, that to the sabbaths the priests in the temple the sabbath violate, and blameless are?

diaglotnt@Matthew:12:6 @ I say but to you, that of the temple greater is here.

diaglotnt@Matthew:12:41 @ Men Ninevites shall stand up in the judgment against the generation of this, and shall give judgment against her; for they reformed at the preaching of Jonas; and lo, a greater of Jonas here.

diaglotnt@Matthew:12:42 @ Queen of south shall rise up in the judgment against the generation of this, and shall give judgment against her; for she came from the ends of the earth to her the wisdom of Solomon; and lo, a greater of Solomon here.

diaglotnt@Matthew:12:45 @ Then it goes, and takes with itself seven other spirits, more wicked of itself, and they entering finds an abode there; and becomes the last (state) of the man that worse of the first. Thus will be and the generation this the wicked.

diaglotnt@Matthew:13:2 @ and were gathered to him crowds great, so that he into the ship entering to be seated; and all the crowds on the shore stood.

diaglotnt@Matthew:13:4 @ And in the sowing it, some indeed fell on the path; and came the birds, and ate them.

diaglotnt@Matthew:13:5 @ Others and fell on the rocky ground where not it had earth much; and immediately sprung up, through the not to have a depth of earth;

diaglotnt@Matthew:13:21 @ not he has but a root in himself, but transient is; arising and trial or persecution through the word, immediately he is offended.

diaglotnt@Matthew:13:32 @ Which less indeed is of all of the seeds; when but it may be grown, greater of the herbs is, and becomes a tree, so that to come the birds of the heaven, and to make nests in the branches of it.

diaglotnt@Matthew:13:49 @ So it will be in the end of the age. Shall go forth the messengers, and shall separate the wicked from among the just,

diaglotnt@Matthew:14:8 @ She and, being incited by the mother of her, Give to me, she said, here upon a plate the head of John the dipper.

diaglotnt@Matthew:14:11 @ And was brought the head of him on a plate, and it was given to the little girl; and she brought it to the mother of her.

diaglotnt@Matthew:14:20 @ And they ate all, and were filled; and they took up the over and above of the fragments, twelve baskets full.

diaglotnt@Matthew:14:22 @ And immediately he urged the disciples to enter into the ship, and to go before him to the other side, while he should dismiss the crowds.

diaglotnt@Matthew:14:27 @ Immediately but spake to them the Jesus, saying: Take courage, I am; not be afraid.

diaglotnt@Matthew:14:28 @ Answering and him the Peter said: O lord, if thou art, bid me to thee to come upon the water.

diaglotnt@Matthew:14:29 @ He and said: Come. And descending from the boat the Peter, he walked upon the water, to come to the Jesus.

diaglotnt@Matthew:14:31 @ Immediately and the Jesus stretching out the hand, took hold of him, and says to him: O distrustful man, for why didst thou doubt?

diaglotnt@Matthew:14:33 @ They and in the ship, coming prostrated to him saying: Certainly of a God a son thou art.

diaglotnt@Matthew:15:5 @ You but say: Whoever may say to the father or the mother, A gift, whatever out of me thou mightest be profited;

diaglotnt@Matthew:15:25 @ She then coming prostrated to him, saying: O lord, give aid to me.

diaglotnt@Matthew:15:27 @ She but said: True, O Lord: even for the dogs eatest of the crumbs of the falling from the table of the masters of them.

diaglotnt@Matthew:15:37 @ And they ate all, were filled; and they took up that over and above of the fragments, seven large baskets full.

diaglotnt@Matthew:16:18 @ Also I and to thee say, that thou art a rock, and upon this the rock I will build of me the church, and gates of hades not shall prevail against her.

diaglotnt@Matthew:16:19 @ And I will give to thee the keys of the kingdom of the heavens; and whatever thou mayest bind upon the earth, shall be bound in the heavens; and whatever thou mayest loose upon the earth, shall be loosed in the heavens.

diaglotnt@Matthew:17:1 @ And after days six takes the Jesus the Peter, and James, and John the brother of him; and leads up them into a mountain high privately.

diaglotnt@Matthew:17:15 @ and saying: O lord, have pity on me the son; for he is moon–struck, and sadly suffers; often for he falls into the fire, and often into the water.

diaglotnt@Matthew:17:25 @ He says: Yes. And when he was come into the house, anticipated him the Jesus, saying: Which to thee seems right, Simon? The kings of the earth from whom do they take taxes or census? from the sons of them, or from the aliens?

diaglotnt@Matthew:17:27 @ That but not we may offend them, going to the sea, cast thou a hook, and the ascending first fish take up; and opening the mouth of him, thou wilt find a stater; that taking, give to them for me and thee.

diaglotnt@Matthew:18:1 @ In that the hour came the disciples to the Jesus, saying: Who then greater is in the kingdom of the heaven?

diaglotnt@Matthew:18:4 @ Whoever therefore may humble himself as the little child this, he is the greater in the kingdom of the heavens.

diaglotnt@Matthew:18:6 @ Who but ever may insnare one of the little–ones these, of the believing into me, it is appropriate to him, that should be hung a millstone upper on the neck of him, and he should be sunk in the depth of the sea.

diaglotnt@Matthew:18:18 @ Indeed i say to you, whatever you may bind on the earth, shall be having been bound in the heaven; and whatever you may loose on the earth, shall be having been loosed in the heaven.

diaglotnt@Matthew:18:19 @ Again I say to you, that if two of you may agree upon the earth, about any matter, whatever they may ask, it shall be to them from the Father of me, of that in heavens.

diaglotnt@Matthew:18:26 @ Falling down therefore the slave he prostrated to him, saying: O lord, have patience with me, and all to thee I will pay.

diaglotnt@Matthew:18:31 @ Seeing and the fellow–slaves of him that having been done, were grieved much; and going they related to the lord of them all that having been done.

diaglotnt@Matthew:20:4 @ and to them he said: Go and you into the vineyard; and whatever may be just, I will give you. They and went away.

diaglotnt@Matthew:20:7 @ They say to him: Because no one us hired. He says to them: Go also you into the vineyard; and whatever maybe just, you shall receive.

diaglotnt@Matthew:20:17 @ And going up the Jesus to Jerusalem, he took the twelve disciples privately in the way, and said to them:

diaglotnt@Matthew:20:34 @ Being moved with pity and the Jesus, he touched the eyes of them; and immediately saw again of them the eyes; and they followed him.

diaglotnt@Matthew:21:2 @ You may go to the village the over against you, and immediately you will find an ass having been bound, and a foal with her; having loosed bring to me.

diaglotnt@Matthew:21:3 @ And if any (one) to you should say any (thing), you shall say: That the lord of them need has; immediately and he will need them.

diaglotnt@Matthew:21:8 @ The and greater crowd spread of themselves the mantles in the way; others and cut off branches from the trees, and scattered in the way.

diaglotnt@Matthew:21:19 @ And seeing a fig–tree one by the way, he came to her, and nothing found in her except leaves alone; and he says to her: No more by thee fruit may be produced to the age. And withered immediately the fig–tree.

diaglotnt@Matthew:21:22 @ And all, whatever you shall ask in the prayer, believing you shall receive.

diaglotnt@Matthew:21:36 @ Again he sent other slaves, greater the first; and they did to them in like manner.

diaglotnt@Matthew:23:3 @ All therefore, whatever they say to you to observe observe you and do you; according to but the works of them not do you; They say for, and not they do.

diaglotnt@Matthew:23:11 @ The but greater of you, shall be of you a servant.

diaglotnt@Matthew:23:17 @ O fools and blind; which for greater is? the gold, or the temple, that sanctifying the gold?

diaglotnt@Matthew:23:19 @ O fools and blind; which for greater? the gift, or the altar, that sanctifying the gift?

diaglotnt@Matthew:24:3 @ Sitting and of him upon the mountain of the olive tree, came to him the disciples privately saying: Tell to us, when these (things) shall be? and what the sign of the thy presence and of the end of the age?

diaglotnt@Matthew:24:9 @ Then they shall deliver up you to affliction, and shall kill you; and you shall be being hated by all of the nations on account of the name of me.

diaglotnt@Matthew:24:10 @ And then shall be caused to stumble many; and each other shall deliver up, and shall hate each other.

diaglotnt@Matthew:24:29 @ Immediately but after the affliction of the days those, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon not shall give the light of her, and the stars shall fall from the heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken.

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:15 @ and to him indeed he gave five talents, to him and two, to him and one; to each according to the own power; and went abroad immediately.

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:32 @ and will be gathered in presence of him all the nations; and he will separate them from each other, as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats;

diaglotnt@Matthew:25:40 @ And answering the king will say to them: Indeed I say to you, in whatever you did, to one of these of the brothers of me of the least, to me you did.

diaglotnt@Matthew:26:49 @ And immediately approaching to the Jesus, he said to him: Hail rabbi; and kissed him.

diaglotnt@Matthew:27:2 @ And binding him, they led, and delivered up him to Pontius Pilate the governor.

diaglotnt@Matthew:27:13 @ Then says to him the Pilate: Not thou hearest, how many things of thee they bear witness against?

diaglotnt@Matthew:27:17 @ Having being assembled then of them, said to them the Pilate: Which wish you I release to you? Barabbas or Jesus, the being called Anointed?

diaglotnt@Matthew:27:19 @ Being seated and of him upon the tribunal, sent to him the wife of him, saying: Nothing to thee and to the just one that; many things for I suffered this day in a dream because of him.

diaglotnt@Matthew:27:22 @ He says to them the Pilate: What then shall I do Jesus, the being called Anointed? They say to him all: Let him be crucified.

diaglotnt@Matthew:27:24 @ Seeing and the Pilate that nothing profits, but rather a tumult is made, taking water, he washed the hands before the crowd, saying: Innocent I am from the blood of the just of this; you shall see.

diaglotnt@Matthew:27:36 @ And being seated they watched him there.

diaglotnt@Matthew:27:48 @ And immediately running one of them, and taking a sponge, filling and of vinegar, and attaching to a reed, gave to drink him.

diaglotnt@Matthew:27:58 @ He coming to the Pilate requested the body of the Jesus. Then the Pilate ordered to be given the body.

diaglotnt@Matthew:27:62 @ The now next day, which is after the preparation, were assembled the high–priests and the Pharisees to the Pilate,

diaglotnt@Matthew:27:65 @ Said to them the Pilate: You have a guard; go you, make fast as you know.

diaglotnt@Matthew:28:9 @ As and they went to inform the disciples of him, and lo, the Jesus met them, saying: Hail you. They and having approached laid hold of him the feet, and prostrated to him.

diaglotnt@Matthew:28:17 @ And seeing him, they prostrated to him; they but doubted.

diaglotnt@Matthew:28:20 @ teaching them to observe all, whatever I have charged you. And lo, I with you am all the days, till the end of the age.

diaglotnt@Mark:1:3 @ A voice crying out in the desert; Make you ready the way of a lord, straight make you the beaten ways of him.

diaglotnt@Mark:1:8 @ I indeed dipped you in water; he but will dip you in spirit holy.

diaglotnt@Mark:1:10 @ And immediately ascending from the water, he saw rending the heavens, and the spirit, as a dove, descending upon him.

diaglotnt@Mark:1:12 @ And immediately the spirit him casts into the desert.

diaglotnt@Mark:1:18 @ And immediately leaving the nets of them, they followed him.

diaglotnt@Mark:1:20 @ and immediately he called them. And leaving the father of them Zebedee in the ship with the hirelings, they went after him.

diaglotnt@Mark:1:21 @ And they went into Capernaum; and immediately to the sabbath going into the synagogue, he taught.

diaglotnt@Mark:1:30 @ The and mother–in–law of Simon was laid down having a fever; and immediately they spoke to him about her.

diaglotnt@Mark:1:31 @ And coming he raised her, having laid hold of the hand of her; and left her the fever immediately; and ministered to them.

diaglotnt@Mark:1:42 @ And having said of him, immediately departed from him the leprosy, and he was cleansed.

diaglotnt@Mark:1:43 @ And having strictly charged him, immediately he sent forth him,

diaglotnt@Mark:2:2 @ And immediately were gathered together many, so as no longer to contain not even the places near the door; and he spake to them the word.

diaglotnt@Mark:2:8 @ And immediately knowing the Jesus to the spirit of himself, that thus they reasoned among themselves, said to them: Why these (things) reason you in the hearts of you?

diaglotnt@Mark:2:12 @ And he was raised immediately, and taking up the bed, went out in presence of all; so as to astonish all, and to glorify the God, saying: That never thus we saw.

diaglotnt@Mark:3:6 @ And coming out the Pharisees, immediately with the Herodians a council held against him, how him they might destroy.

diaglotnt@Mark:3:28 @ Indeed I say to you, that all will be forgiven to the sons of the men the sins, and the evil speakings, whatever they may revile;

diaglotnt@Mark:4:4 @ And it happened in the sowing, this indeed fell on the path; and came the birds, and ate it.

diaglotnt@Mark:4:5 @ Another and fell on the rocky ground, where not it had earth much; and immediately it sprung up, through the not to have a depth of earth.

diaglotnt@Mark:4:15 @ These and are they by the path, where is sown the word, and when they may hear, immediately comes the adversary, and takes the word that having been sown in the hearts of them.

diaglotnt@Mark:4:16 @ And these are like those on the rocky ground being sown, who, when they may hear the word, immediately with joy they receive it;

diaglotnt@Mark:4:17 @ and not they have a root in themselves, but for a reason they are; then occurring trial or persecution through the word, immediately they are offended.

diaglotnt@Mark:4:27 @ and should sleep and wake night and day, and the seed should germinate and grow up, as not knows he.

diaglotnt@Mark:4:29 @ When but may be ripe the fruit, immediately he sends the sickle, for is ready the harvest.

diaglotnt@Mark:4:32 @ and when it may be shown, it springs up and becomes of all herbs greater, and produces branches great, so as to be under the shadow of it the birds of the heaven to build nests.

diaglotnt@Mark:4:34 @ Without but a parable not he spoke to them; privately but to the disciples of himself he explained all.

diaglotnt@Mark:5:2 @ And having come to him out of the ship, immediately met him out of the tombs a man in spirit unclean,

diaglotnt@Mark:5:6 @ Seeing and the Jesus from a distance, he ran, and prostrated to him;

diaglotnt@Mark:5:13 @ And gave leave to them immediately the Jesus. And having come out the spirits the unclean entered into the swine; and rushed the herd down the precipice into the sea; they were and about two thousand; and were choked in the sea.

diaglotnt@Mark:5:16 @ And related to them those having seen, how it happened to the one being demonized, and about the swine.

diaglotnt@Mark:5:19 @ And not he suffered him, but he says to him: Go into the house of thee to the friends, and relate to them, how much to thee the Lord has done, and has pitied thee.

diaglotnt@Mark:5:26 @ and many things having suffered under many physicians, and having spent the things of her all, and nothing having seen benefited, but rather into the worse state having come,

diaglotnt@Mark:5:29 @ And immediately was dried up the source of the blood of her; and knew to the body, that was saved from the scourge.

diaglotnt@Mark:5:30 @ And immediately the Jesus knowing in himself the out of himself power having gone out, having turned round in the crowd, said: Who of me touched the clothes?

diaglotnt@Mark:5:36 @ The but Jesus immediately, having heard the word being spoken, says to the synagogue–ruler: Not fear, only believe thou.

diaglotnt@Mark:5:41 @ And having grasped the hand of the child, he says to her: Talitha, cumi; which is being translated: The girl, to thee I say, arise.

diaglotnt@Mark:5:42 @ And immediately arose the girl, and walked about; she was for years twelve. And they were astonished with an astonishment great.

diaglotnt@Mark:6:22 @ and having entered of the daughter of her of the Herodias, and dancing, and having pleased the Herod and those reclining at table, said the king to the little girl: Ask me, whatever thou wilt, and I will give to thee.

diaglotnt@Mark:6:23 @ And he swore to her: That whatever me thou mayst ask, I will give to thee, till half of the kingdom of me.

diaglotnt@Mark:6:25 @ And coming in immediately with haste to the king, she asked, saying: I will that to me thou wouldst give instantly on a plate the head of John the dipper.

diaglotnt@Mark:6:27 @ And immediately sending the king a guardsman, he ordered to be brought the head of him. He and going forth cut off the head of him in the prison;

diaglotnt@Mark:6:28 @ and brought the head of him on a plate, and gave her to the little girl; and the little girl gave her to the mother of herself.

diaglotnt@Mark:6:31 @ And he said to them: Come you yourselves privately into a desert place, and rest you a little. Were for those coming and those going many; and not even to eat they had leisure.

diaglotnt@Mark:6:32 @ And they went into a desert place to the ship privately.

diaglotnt@Mark:6:42 @ And they ate all, and were filled.

diaglotnt@Mark:6:44 @ And were those having eaten the loaves, five thousand men.

diaglotnt@Mark:6:45 @ And immediately he urged the disciples of himself to step into the ship, and to go before to the other side to Bethsaida, while he should dismiss the crowd.

diaglotnt@Mark:6:50 @ All for him saw, and were terrified. And immediately he spoke with them, and says to them: Take courage; I am, not be afraid.

diaglotnt@Mark:6:54 @ And coming out of them out of the ship, immediately knowing him,

diaglotnt@Mark:7:11 @ You but say: If should say man to the father or the mother, Corban (which is, a gift), whatever out of me thou mightest be profited;

diaglotnt@Mark:7:28 @ She but answered, and says to him: Yes, sir; even for the dogs under the table eatest from of the crumbs of the children.

diaglotnt@Mark:7:33 @ And having taken him from the crowd privately, he put the fingers of himself into the ears of him, and spitting he touched the tongue of him;

diaglotnt@Mark:7:35 @ And immediately were opened of him the ears; and was loosed the bond of the tongue of him, and he spoke plainly.

diaglotnt@Mark:8:8 @ They ate and, and were filled; and they took up over and above of fragments, seven large baskets.

diaglotnt@Mark:8:9 @ Were and those having eaten, about four thousand; and he dismissed them.

diaglotnt@Mark:8:10 @ And immediately entering into the ship with the disciples of himself, he came into the parts of Dalmanutha.

diaglotnt@Mark:9:2 @ And after days six takes the Jesus the Peter, and the James and John, and leads up them into a mountain high privately alone; and he was transfigured in the presence of them

diaglotnt@Mark:9:9 @ Coming down and of them from the mountain, he charged them, that to no one they should relate what they saw, except when the son of the man out of dead ones should be raised.

diaglotnt@Mark:9:13 @ But I say to you, that both Elias has come, and they have done to him whatever they wished, even as it is written about him.

diaglotnt@Mark:9:15 @ And immediately all the crowd, seeing him, were awe–struck, and running to saluted him.

diaglotnt@Mark:9:20 @ And they brought him to him. And seeing him, immediately the spirit convulsed him; and falling upon the ground, he rolled, foaming.

diaglotnt@Mark:9:22 @ and often him both into fire has cast and into waters, that it might destroy him; but if any thing thou canst do, give aid to us, having pity on us.

diaglotnt@Mark:9:24 @ And immediately crying out the father of the child, with tears he said: I believe help thou of me the unbelief.

diaglotnt@Mark:9:28 @ And having come him into a house, the disciples of him asked him privately: That we not were able to cast out it?

diaglotnt@Mark:9:34 @ but were silent; with one another for they had disputed on the way, who greater.

diaglotnt@Mark:9:41 @ Who for ever may give drink to you a cup of water, in name, because of Anointed you are, indeed I say to you, not not he may lose the reward of himself.

diaglotnt@Mark:10:21 @ He but Jesus looking on him, loved him, and said to him: One to thee lacks; go, whatever thou hast sell, and give to the poor; and thou shalt have treasure in heaven; and hither, follow me, take up the cross.

diaglotnt@Mark:10:35 @ And come to him James and John, the sons of Zebedee, saying: O teacher, we wish, that whatever we may ask, thou mayst do for us.

diaglotnt@Mark:10:52 @ The and Jesus said to him: Go; the faith of thee has saved thee. And immediately he saw again, and followed him in the way.

diaglotnt@Mark:11:2 @ Go you into the town that opposite you; and immediately entering into her, you will find a colt having been tied, upon which no one of men has sat; having loosed him lead you.

diaglotnt@Mark:11:3 @ And if any one to you should say: Why do you this? say you: That the master of him need has; and immediately him he will send here.

diaglotnt@Mark:11:23 @ Indeed for I say to you, that whoever may say to the mountain this: Be lifted up, and cast into the sea; and not should doubt in the heart of himself, but should believe that what he says comes to pass; it shall be to him whatever he may say.

diaglotnt@Mark:11:24 @ Through this I say to you, all things whatever praying you desire, believe you that you receive, and it shall be to you.

diaglotnt@Mark:12:31 @ And second like, this: Thou shalt love the neighbor of thee as thyself. Greater of these another commandment not is.

diaglotnt@Mark:13:3 @ And sitting of him on the mountain of the olive trees, over against the temple, asked him privately Peter, and James, and John, and Andrew;

diaglotnt@Mark:13:9 @ Take heed but you yourselves; they will deliver up for you to sanhedrims, and to synagogues you will be beaten, and before governors and kings you will stand, on account of me, for a testimony to them.

diaglotnt@Mark:13:11 @ When but they may lead you deliver up, not be anxious beforehand what you should speak, nor be concerned; but whatever may be given to you in that the hour, this speak you; not for are you the speaking, but the spirit the holy.

diaglotnt@Mark:13:13 @ And you will be being hated by all through the name of me. He but persevering to end, this will be saved.

diaglotnt@Mark:13:19 @ Shall be for the days those affliction, such as not has been go great from a beginning of creation, which created the God, till the now, and not not may be.

diaglotnt@Mark:14:13 @ And he sends two of the disciples of himself, and he says to them: Go you into the city; and will meet you a man a pitcher of water carrying; follow him;

diaglotnt@Mark:14:43 @ And immediately, while of him speaking, comes Judas, one being of the twelve, and with him crowd great with swords and clubs, from the high–priests and the scribes and the elders.

diaglotnt@Mark:14:45 @ And coming, immediately approaching to him, he says: Rabbi, rabbi; and kissed him.

diaglotnt@Mark:15:1 @ And immediately on the morning a council having been held the high–priests with the elders and scribes, even whole the sanhedrim, binding the Jesus, carried and delivered up to the Pilate.

diaglotnt@Mark:15:2 @ And asked him the Pilate: Thou art the king of the Jews? He and answering said to him: Thou sayest.

diaglotnt@Mark:15:4 @ The and Pilate again asked him, saying: Not answerest thou nothing? see, how many things of thee they testify against.

diaglotnt@Mark:15:5 @ The but Jesus no longer nothing answered; so as to surprise the Pilate.

diaglotnt@Mark:15:9 @ The but Pilate answered them saying: Do you wish I shall release to you the King of the Jews?

diaglotnt@Mark:15:12 @ The but Pilate answering again said to them: What then you wish I shall do whom you call a king of the Jews?

diaglotnt@Mark:15:14 @ The and Pilate said to them: What for evil has he done? They but vehemently cried out: Crucify him.

diaglotnt@Mark:15:15 @ The then Pilate, being willing to the crowd the satisfaction to make, released to them the Barabbas, and delivered up the Jesus, having scourged, that he might be crucified.

diaglotnt@Mark:15:22 @ And they bring him to Golgotha place; which is being translated, of a skull a place.

diaglotnt@Mark:15:34 @ And the hour the ninth cried the Jesus with a voice loud, saying: Eloi, Eloi; lamma sabachthani? which is being translated: The God of me, the God of me; to what me hast thou left?

diaglotnt@Mark:15:43 @ came Joseph that from Arimathea, of rank a senator, who also himself was expecting the kingdom of the God, assuming courage went in to Pilate, and asked for the body of the Jesus.

diaglotnt@Mark:15:44 @ The and Pilate wondered, if already he was dead; and having called the centurion he asked him, if already he had died.

diaglotnt@Luke:1:3 @ it seemed right also to me, having traced from the first all accurately, in an orderly manner to thee to write, O most excellent Theophilus,

diaglotnt@Luke:1:29 @ She but at the word was greatly agitated, and pondered, what could be the salutation this.

diaglotnt@Luke:1:48 @ for he looked upon the low state of the handmaid of himself. Lo for, from the now will call happy me all the generations;

diaglotnt@Luke:1:64 @ Was opened and the mouth of him immediately, and the tongue of him and he spoke blessing the God.

diaglotnt@Luke:3:1 @ In year now fifteenth of the government of Tiberius Caesar, being governor Pontius Pilate of the Judea, and being tetrarch of the Galilee Herod, Philip and the brother of him being tetrarch of the Ituria and Trachonitis region, and Lysanias of the Abilene being tetrarch,

diaglotnt@Luke:3:4 @ as it is written in a book of words of Esaias the prophet, saying: A voice crying in the desert; Make you ready the way of a Lord, straight make you the beaten tracks of him.

diaglotnt@Luke:3:16 @ answered the John to all saying: I indeed in water dip you; comes but the mightier of me, of whom not I am worthy to loose the strap of the sandals of him; he you will dip in spirit holy and fire.

diaglotnt@Luke:4:2 @ days forty being tempted by the accuser. And not he ate nothing in the days those; and being ended of them, afterwards he was hungry.

diaglotnt@Luke:4:40 @ Setting and of the sun, all as many as had being afflicted with disease various, brought them to him; he and one by one separately of them the hands having placed, he healed them.

diaglotnt@Luke:5:12 @ And it happened in to the to be him in one of the cities, and lo, a man full of leprosy; and seeing the Jesus, having fallen on face, entreated him saying: O lord, if thou wilt, thou art able me to cleanse.

diaglotnt@Luke:5:13 @ And stretching out the hand, he touched him, saying: I will, be thou cleansed. And immediately the leprosy departed from him.

diaglotnt@Luke:5:39 @ And no one having drink old, immediately desires new; he says for: The old better is.

diaglotnt@Luke:6:1 @ It happened and in sabbath second–first to pass him through the grain–fields; and plucked the disciples of him the ears of grain, and ate, rubbing the hands.

diaglotnt@Luke:6:4 @ how he entered into the house of the God, and the loaves of the presence he took, and ate, and gave also to those with him; which not it is lawful to eat, if not alone the priests?

diaglotnt@Luke:6:22 @ Blessed are you, when may hate you the men, and when they may separate you, and they may revile, and may cast out the name of you as evil, on account of the son of the man.

diaglotnt@Luke:6:36 @ Be you therefore compassionate, even as also the Father of you compassionate is.

diaglotnt@Luke:6:49 @ He but having heard, and not having done, like he is to a man having built a house on the earth without a foundation; to which dashed against the stream; and immediately it feel, and became the ruin of the house that great.

diaglotnt@Luke:7:12 @ As and he drew near to the gate of the city, and lo, was being carried out a dead man, a son only born to the mother of himself, and she a widow; and a crowd of the city great was with her.

diaglotnt@Luke:7:22 @ And answering the Jesus said to them: Going away relate to John what you have seen and heard; that blind ones see again, lame ones are walking about, lepers are cleansed, deaf ones are hearing, dead ones are raised up, poor ones are addressed with glad tidings;

diaglotnt@Luke:7:28 @ I say for to you; a greater among offspring of women prophet of John the dipper not is; the but less in the kingdom of the God, greater of him is.

diaglotnt@Luke:7:44 @ And turning to the woman, to the Simon he said: Seest thou this the woman? I came of thee into the house; water for the feet of me not thou gavest; she but with the tears she wet of me the feet, and with the hairs of herself was wiped.

diaglotnt@Luke:8:5 @ Went out the sower of the sow the seed of himself; and in the sowing it, this indeed fell by the path; and it was trodden down, and the birds of the heaven ate it.

diaglotnt@Luke:8:24 @ Coming to and they awoke him, saying: O master, O master, we are perishing. He and arising rebuked the wind and the raging of the water; and they ceased, and there was a calm.

diaglotnt@Luke:8:25 @ He said and to them: Where is the faith of you? Fearing and they wondered, saying to one another: Who then this is, that even to the winds he gives a charge and to the water, and they hearken to him?

diaglotnt@Luke:8:39 @ Return to the house of thee, and relate, how much has done to thee the God. And he went away, through whole the city publishing, how much had done to him the Jesus.

diaglotnt@Luke:8:44 @ coming behind, touched the tuft of the mantle of him; and immediately stopped the flow of the blood of her.

diaglotnt@Luke:8:47 @ Seeing and the woman, that not she was unnoticed trembling came, and falling down to him, through what cause she touched him, related to him in presence of all of the people, and how she was cured immediately.

diaglotnt@Luke:8:55 @ And returned the breath of her, and she stood up immediately. And he commanded to her to be given to eat.

diaglotnt@Luke:9:4 @ And into whatever house you may enter, there remain, and thence depart.

diaglotnt@Luke:9:10 @ And having returned the apostles related to him what things they had done; and taking them he withdrew by himself into a place desert of a city being called Bethsaida.

diaglotnt@Luke:9:17 @ And they ate, and were satisfied all; and was taken up that having been left to them of fragments, baskets twelve.

diaglotnt@Luke:9:18 @ And it happened in the to be him praying in private, came to him the disciples; and he asked them, saying: Who me say the crowd to be?

diaglotnt@Luke:9:46 @ Arose and a dispute among them, that, which would be greater of them.

diaglotnt@Luke:10:23 @ And turning to the disciples, privately he said: Blessed the eyes, those seeing, what you see.

diaglotnt@Luke:10:35 @ And on the next day having come out, having taken out two denarii he gave to the inn keeper, and said to him: Take care of him; and whatever thou mayest expend more, I, in the return me, I will pay to thee.

diaglotnt@Luke:11:31 @ A queen of South will be raised in the judgment with the men of the generation this, and will condemn them; because she came from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom of Solomon; and lo, a greater of Solomon here.

diaglotnt@Luke:11:32 @ Men of Nineveh will stand up in the judgment with the generation this, and will condemn her; because they reformed at the preaching of Jonas; and lo, a greater of Jonas here.

diaglotnt@Luke:12:18 @ And he said: This will do; I will pull down of me the barns, and greater I will build; and I will collect there all the products of me, and the fruits of me;

diaglotnt@Luke:12:23 @ The life greater it is of the food; and the body of the clothing.

diaglotnt@Luke:12:36 @ and you like to men looking for the lord of themselves, when he will return from the marriage feasts; that having come and having knocked, immediately it may be opened to him.

diaglotnt@Luke:12:47 @ That and the slave who having known the will of the lord of himself, and not having prepared, neither having done according to the will of him shall be beaten many;

diaglotnt@Luke:12:48 @ he but not having known, having done and deserving of stripes shall be beaten few. To all and to whom is given much, much will be required from him; and to whom they have entrusted much, more they will ask him.

diaglotnt@Luke:12:54 @ He said and also to the crowd: When you see the cloud rising from west, immediately you say: A shower comes; and it happens so.

diaglotnt@Luke:13:1 @ Were present and some in to him the season, reporting to him concerning the Galileans, of whom the blood Pilate mingled with the sacrifices of them.

diaglotnt@Luke:13:13 @ And he placed to her the hands; and immediately she stood erect, and glorified the God.

diaglotnt@Luke:14:5 @ And answering to them said: Of any one of you an ass or an ox into a pit shall fall, and not immediately will draw out him in the day of the sabbath?

diaglotnt@Luke:14:26 @ If any one comes to me, and not hates the father of himself, and the mother, and the wife, and the children, and the brothers, and the sisters, still more and even the of himself life, not is able of me a disciple to be.

diaglotnt@Luke:15:20 @ And having arisen he went to the father of himself. While but of him at a distance being, saw him the father of him, and was moved with pity; and running he fell on the neck of him and repeatedly kissed him.

diaglotnt@Luke:16:13 @ No one domestic is able two lords to serve; either for the one he will hate, and the other he will love; or one he will cling to, and the other he will slight. Not you are able God to serve and mammon.

diaglotnt@Luke:16:20 @ A poor and certain was named Lazarus, who was laid at the gate of him being covered with sores,

diaglotnt@Luke:16:24 @ And he crying out said: O father Abraham, do thou pity me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of the finger of himself of water, and may cool the tongue of me; for I am in pain in the flame this.

diaglotnt@Luke:17:7 @ Which but of you a slave having ploughing or feeding cattle, who having come out of the field will say: Immediately going do thou recline?

diaglotnt@Luke:17:27 @ They ate, they drank, they married, they were given in marriage, till of which day entered Noah into the ark; and came the flood, and destroyed all.

diaglotnt@Luke:17:28 @ In like manner also as it happened in the days of Lot; they ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built;

diaglotnt@Luke:18:32 @ He will be delivered up for to the Gentiles, and will be derided, and will be shamefully treated, and will be spit on;

diaglotnt@Luke:19:11 @ Hearing and of them these things proceeding he spoke a parable, because the near him to be Jerusalem, and to think them, that immediately is about the kingdom of the God to appear.

diaglotnt@Luke:19:14 @ The but citizens of him hated him, and sent an embassy after him, saying: Not we are willing this to reign over us.

diaglotnt@Luke:20:10 @ And in season he sent to the husbandmen a slave, that from of the fruit of the vineyard they might give to him; the but husbandmen, having beaten him, sent away empty.

diaglotnt@Luke:20:11 @ And he proceeded to send another slave; they but also this having beaten and having dishonored, sent away empty.

diaglotnt@Luke:20:47 @ they devour the houses of the widows, and for a show long they pray; the so will receive greater judgment.

diaglotnt@Luke:21:9 @ When and you may hear of wars and commotions, not you may be terrified, must for these come to pass first; but not immediately the end.

diaglotnt@Luke:21:14 @ Settle therefore in the hearts of you, not to premeditate to make a defence.

diaglotnt@Luke:21:17 @ And you will be being hated by all through the name of me.

diaglotnt@Luke:22:10 @ He and said to them: Lo, having entered of you into the city, will meet you a man a pitcher of water carrying; follow you him into the house, where he enters; and say you to the householder of the house:

diaglotnt@Luke:22:24 @ There had been and also a strife among them, the, which of them thinks to be greater.

diaglotnt@Luke:22:26 @ You but not so; but the greater among you, let him become as the younger; and the governor, as he serving.

diaglotnt@Luke:22:27 @ Which for greater? he reclining, or he serving? not he reclining? I but am in the midst of you as he serving.

diaglotnt@Luke:22:60 @ Said but the Peter: O man, not I know what thou sayest. And immediately, while speaking of him, crew a cock.

diaglotnt@Luke:23:1 @ And having stood up whole the multitude of them, they led him to the Pilate.

diaglotnt@Luke:23:3 @ The and Pilate asked him, saying: Thou art the king of the Jews? He and answering to him said: Thou sayest.

diaglotnt@Luke:23:4 @ The and Pilate said to the high–priests and the crowds: Nothing I find criminal in the man this.

diaglotnt@Luke:23:6 @ Pilate and having heard of Galilee, he asked: If the man a Galilean is.

diaglotnt@Luke:23:11 @ Having despised and him the Herod with the soldiers of himself, and having mocked, casting around him a robe splendid, sent again him to the Pilate.

diaglotnt@Luke:23:12 @ Became and friends the, both Pilate and the Herod in this the day with each other; formerly for in hatred being with themselves.

diaglotnt@Luke:23:13 @ Pilate and having summoned the high–priests and the chiefs and the people,

diaglotnt@Luke:23:20 @ Again therefore the Pilate spoke to, wishing to release the Jesus.

diaglotnt@Luke:23:24 @ The and Pilate decided to satisfy the request of them.

diaglotnt@Luke:23:52 @ this having gone to the Pilate, asked the body of the Jesus.

diaglotnt@Luke:24:9 @ and having returned from the tomb, they related these all to the eleven and to all the others.

diaglotnt@Luke:24:35 @ And they related the things in the way, and how he was known to them in the breaking of the loaf.

diaglotnt@Luke:24:38 @ And he said to them: Why having been agitated are you? and why reasonings rise in the hearts of you?

diaglotnt@Luke:24:52 @ And they having prostrated to him, returned to Jerusalem with joy great;

diaglotnt@John:1:26 @ Answered then the John, saying: I dip in water; midst but of you stands, whom you not know,

diaglotnt@John:1:31 @ And I not knew him; but that he might be manifested to the Israel, because of this am come I in the water dipping.

diaglotnt@John:1:33 @ And I not knew him; but he having sent me to dip in water, he to me said: On whom thou mayest see the spirit coming down, and abiding on him, this is he dipping in spirit holy.

diaglotnt@John:1:50 @ Answered Jesus and said to him: Because I said to thee; I saw thee underneath the fig–tree, believest thou? greater of these thou shalt see.

diaglotnt@John:2:5 @ Says the mother of him to the servants; whatever he may say to you, do you.

diaglotnt@John:2:6 @ Were and there water–pots of stone six being placed according to the mode of cleansing of the Jews, holding each measures two or three.

diaglotnt@John:2:7 @ Says to them the Jesus: Fill you the water–pots of water. And they filled them to top.

diaglotnt@John:2:9 @ When and tasted the ruler of the feast the water wine having become; (and not he knew whence it is; the but servants knew, those having drawn the water;) calls the bridegroom the ruler of the feast,

diaglotnt@John:3:5 @ Answered Jesus: Indeed indeed I say to thee, if not any one may be born out of water and spirit, not is able to enter into the kingdom of the God.

diaglotnt@John:3:20 @ Every one for the vile things doing, hates the light, and not comes to the light, that not may be detected the works of him.

diaglotnt@John:3:23 @ Was and also John dipping in Enon, near the Salim, because waters many was there; and they were coming, and were being dipped.

diaglotnt@John:4:7 @ Comes a woman of the Samaria, to draw water. Say to her the Jesus: Give to me a drink.

diaglotnt@John:4:9 @ Says then to him the woman that Samaritan: How thou, a Jew being, from me to drink askest, being a woman a Samaritan? (Not for associate with Jews Samaritans.)

diaglotnt@John:4:10 @ Answered Jesus and said to her: If thou hast known the gift of the God, and who is be saying to thee: Give to me to drink; thou wouldst ask him, and he would give thee water living.

diaglotnt@John:4:11 @ Says to him the woman: O lord, nothing to draw with thou hast, and the well is deep; whence then hast thou the water the living?

diaglotnt@John:4:12 @ Not thou greater art the father of us, Jacob? who gave to us the well, and he of it drank, and the sons of him, and the cattle of him.

diaglotnt@John:4:13 @ Answered Jesus and said to her: All the drinking of the water this, will thirst again;

diaglotnt@John:4:14 @ who but ever may drink of the water, of which I shall give to him, not not may thirst to the age; but the water, which I shall give him, shall be in him a well of water springing into life age–lasting.

diaglotnt@John:4:15 @ Says to him the woman: O lord, give to me this the water, that not I may thirst, nor may come in this place to draw.

diaglotnt@John:4:25 @ Says to him the woman: I know, that Messiah comes; (the being called Anointed;) when may come he, he will relate to us all.

diaglotnt@John:4:46 @ He came then again into the Cana of the Galilee, where he made the water wine. And was certain courtier, of whom the son was sick, in Capernaum.

diaglotnt@John:5:2 @ Is now in the Jerusalem, by the sheep–gate, a swimming bath, that being called in Hebrew Bethesda, five porches having.

diaglotnt@John:5:3 @ In these were lying a multitude great of those sick, blind, blame, withered waiting the of the water moving.

diaglotnt@John:5:4 @ A messenger for at a season went down in the swimming–bath, and agitated the water; he then first stepping in after the agitation of the water, sound became, who indeed was held by disease.

diaglotnt@John:5:7 @ Answered him he sick being: O sir, a man not I have, that when may be agitated the water, he may put me into the swimming–bath; in which but am coming I, another before me goes down.

diaglotnt@John:5:9 @ And immediately became sound the man, and took up the bed of himself, and walked. It was and a sabbath in that the day.

diaglotnt@John:5:20 @ The for Father loves the son, and all shows to him, what he does; and greater of these shows to him works, so that you may wonder.

diaglotnt@John:5:36 @ I but have the testimony greater of the John; the for works, which gave to me the Father, that I might finish them, these the works, which I do, testifies concerning me, because the Father me has sent.

diaglotnt@John:6:13 @ They collected therefore, and filled twelve baskets of fragments, out of the five loaves of the barley, which remained to those having eaten.

diaglotnt@John:6:18 @ The and sea, a wind great blowing was becoming agitated.

diaglotnt@John:6:21 @ They were willing therefore to receive him into the ship; and immediately the ship was at the land, to which they were going.

diaglotnt@John:6:23 @ (other but came boats from Tiberias near the place, where they ate the bread, having given thanks the Lord;)

diaglotnt@John:6:26 @ Answered them the Jesus and said: Indeed indeed I say to you: You seek me, not because you saw signs, but because you ate of the loaves, and were filled.

diaglotnt@John:6:31 @ The fathers of us the manna ate in the desert, as it is having been written: Bread from the heaven gave them to eat.

diaglotnt@John:6:49 @ The fathers of you ate the manna in the desert, and died:

diaglotnt@John:6:58 @ This is the bread, that from the heaven having come down; not as ate the fathers of you, and died; he eating this the bread, shall live into the age.

diaglotnt@John:7:7 @ Not is able the world to hate you; me but it hates, because I testify concerning it, that the works of it evil is.

diaglotnt@John:7:38 @ He believing into me, as said the scripture, rivers out of the belly of him shall flow of water living.

diaglotnt@John:8:53 @ Not thou greater art of the father of us Abraham, who died? and the prophets died; whom thyself makest thou?

diaglotnt@John:9:38 @ He and said: I believe, O sir; and he prostrated to him.

diaglotnt@John:10:29 @ The father of me, who has given to me, greater of all is; and no one is able to wrest out of the hand of the Father of me;

diaglotnt@John:11:22 @ but and now I know, that whatever things thou mayest ask the God, will give to thee the God.

diaglotnt@John:11:28 @ And these things saying, she went, and called Mary the sister of her privately, saying: The teacher is present, and calls thee.

diaglotnt@John:11:33 @ Jesus therefore when he saw her weeping, and those having come with her Jews weeping, he was agitated in the spirit, and troubled himself,

diaglotnt@John:11:38 @ Jesus therefore again being agitated in himself, comes to the tomb. It was now a cave, and a stone was lying on it.

diaglotnt@John:13:5 @ Afterward he puts water into the wash–basin, and began to wash the feet of the disciples, and to wipe with the towel with which he was having been girded.

diaglotnt@John:13:16 @ Indeed indeed I say to you, not is a slave greater of the lord of himself, nor a messenger greater of the sending him.

diaglotnt@John:13:30 @ Having taken then the little piece he immediately went out; it was and night.

diaglotnt@John:13:32 @ If the God was glorified in him, also the God will glorify him in himself, and immediately will glorify him.

diaglotnt@John:14:12 @ Indeed indeed I speak to you, he believing into me, the works which I do, also he shall do, and greater of these shall he do; because I to the Father of me am going,

diaglotnt@John:14:28 @ You heard, that I said to you: I am going away, and I am coming to you. If you loved me, you would rejoice, that I am going to the Father; because the Father of me greater of me is.

diaglotnt@John:15:7 @ If you abide in me and the words of me in you may abide, whatever you may wish you shall ask, and it shall be for you.

diaglotnt@John:15:13 @ Greater of this love no one has, that any one the life of himself may lay down in behalf of the friends of himself.

diaglotnt@John:15:16 @ Not you me did choose, but I chose you, and appointed you, that you might go and fruit might bear, and the fruit of you might abide; so that whatever you may ask the Father in the name of me, he may give to you.

diaglotnt@John:15:18 @ If the world you hates, you know, that me before you it has hated.

diaglotnt@John:15:19 @ If of the world you were, the world would the own kiss, because but of the world not you are, but I chose you out of the world, on account of this hates you the world.

diaglotnt@John:15:20 @ Remember you the world, of which I said to you. Not is a slave greater of the lord of himself. If me they persecuted, also you they will persecute; if the word of me they kept, also the yours they will keep.

diaglotnt@John:15:23 @ He me hating, also the Father of me hates.

diaglotnt@John:15:24 @ If the works, not I had done among them, which no one other has done, sin not they had; now but even they have seen, and have hated both me and that Father of me.

diaglotnt@John:15:25 @ But, that may be fulfilled the word of having been written in the law of them: That they hated me without cause.

diaglotnt@John:16:13 @ When but many may come he the spirit of the truth, he will lead you into all the truth. Not for he will speak from himself, but whatever he may hear, he will speak, and the things coming he will declare to you.

diaglotnt@John:16:23 @ and in that the day me not you will ask nothing; Indeed indeed I say to you, that whatever you may ask the Father in the name of me, he will give to you.

diaglotnt@John:17:7 @ Now they know, that all things whatever thou hast given me, from thee is;

diaglotnt@John:17:14 @ I have given to them the word of thee; and the world hated them, because not they are of the world, as I not am of the world.

diaglotnt@John:18:27 @ Again therefore denied the Peter; and immediately cock crew.

diaglotnt@John:18:29 @ Went out therefore the Pilate to them, and said: What accusation bring you against the man this?

diaglotnt@John:18:31 @ Said then to them the Pilate: Take him you, and according to the law of you judge him. Said therefore to him the Jews: To us not it is lawful to kill no one.

diaglotnt@John:18:33 @ Went then into the judgment hall again the Pilate, and called the Jesus, and said to him: Thou art the king of the Jews?

diaglotnt@John:18:35 @ Answered the Pilate: Not I a Jew am? the nation the thine and high–priests delivered up thee to me; what didst thou do?

diaglotnt@John:18:37 @ Said then to him the Pilate: Not then a king art thou? Answered the Jesus: Thou sayest; that a king am I. I for this have been born, and for this I have come into the world, that I may testify to the truth. Every one who being of the truth, hears of me the voice.

diaglotnt@John:18:38 @ Says to him the Pilate: What is truth? And this saying, again he went out to the Jews, and says to them: I not one fault find in him.

diaglotnt@John:19:1 @ Then therefore took the Pilate the Jesus, and scourged.

diaglotnt@John:19:4 @ Went again out the Pilate, and says to them: Lo, I bring to you him out, that you may know, that in him not one fault I find.

diaglotnt@John:19:6 @ When therefore saw him the high–priests and officers, they cried out saying: Crucify, crucify him. Says to them the Pilate: Take him you, and crucify; I for not find in him a fault.

diaglotnt@John:19:8 @ When therefore heard the Pilate this the word, more he was afraid;

diaglotnt@John:19:10 @ Says then to him the Pilate: To me not thou doest speak? not knowest thou, that authority I have to crucify thee; and authority I have to release thee?

diaglotnt@John:19:11 @ Answered Jesus: Not thou couldst have authority not any against me, if not it was to thee having been given from above; on account of this he delivering up me to thee, greater sin has.

diaglotnt@John:19:12 @ From this seeks the Pilate to release him. The but Jews cried out, saying: If this thou release, not thou art a friend of the Caesar; every one the king himself making, speaks against the Caesar.

diaglotnt@John:19:13 @ The therefore Pilate having heard this the word, brought out the Jesus, and sat down on the tribunal into a place being called Pavement, in Hebrew but Gabbatha;

diaglotnt@John:19:15 @ They but cried out: Away, away; crucify him. Says to them the Pilate: The king of you shall I crucify? Answered the high–priests: Not we have a king, if not Caesar.

diaglotnt@John:19:19 @ Wrote and also a title the Pilate, and placed upon the cross. It was and having been written: Jesus the Nazarene, the king of the Jews.

diaglotnt@John:19:21 @ Said therefore to the Pilate the high–priests of the Jews: Not write thou: The king of the Jews; but that he said: A king I am of the Jews.

diaglotnt@John:19:22 @ Answered the Pilate: What I have written, I have written.

diaglotnt@John:19:31 @ The then Jews (that not might remain on the cross the bodies in the sabbath; since a preparation it was; was for great the day that of the sabbath) asked the Pilate, that might be broken of them the legs, and they might be taken away.

diaglotnt@John:19:34 @ but one of the soldiers with a spear of him the side pierced, and immediately came out blood and water.

diaglotnt@John:19:38 @ After and these things, asked the Pilate the Joseph that from Arimathea, (being a disciple of the Jesus, having been hid but through the fear of the Jews,) that he might take away the body of the Jesus, and permitted the Pilate. He came therefore and took away the body of the Jesus.

diaglotnt@John:21:3 @ Says to them Simon Peter: I am going to fish. They say to him: Are going also we with thee. They went out, and entered into the ship immediately, and in that the night they caught nothing.

diaglotnt@Acts:1:5 @ that John indeed dipped in water, you but shall be dipped in spirit holy, not after many these days.

diaglotnt@Acts:1:20 @ It is written for in book of psalms: Let be the dwelling of him desolate, and not let be the dwelling in her; and, The charge of him let take another.

diaglotnt@Acts:1:21 @ It is necessary therefore of those having associated with us men in all time, in which went in and went out among us the Lord Jesus,

diaglotnt@Acts:3:7 @ And having taken him the right hand he rose up; immediately and were strengthened of him the feet and the ankle–bones.

diaglotnt@Acts:3:10 @ they knew and him, that he was who for the alms sitting at the beautiful gate of the temple; and they were filled with wonder and amazement at that having happened to him.

diaglotnt@Acts:3:13 @ The God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, the God of the fathers of us, glorified the servant of himself Jesus, whom you indeed delivered up, and denied him in face of Pilate, having judged he to release.

diaglotnt@Acts:3:23 @ It shall be and, every soul whatever not may hear the prophet that, shall be destroyed out of the people.

diaglotnt@Acts:4:17 @ But that not to more it may spread among the people, with a threat let us threaten them, no longer to speak in the name this to any man.

diaglotnt@Acts:4:21 @ They and having again threatened them dismissed them, nothing finding the how they might punish them, on account of the people; because all glorified the God on account of that having been done.

diaglotnt@Acts:4:23 @ Having been dismissed and they came to the own friends, and related what things to them the high–priests and the elders said.

diaglotnt@Acts:4:27 @ Were gathered for in truth in the city this against the holy servant of thee Jesus, whom thou didst anoint, Herod both and Pontius Pilate, with Gentiles and peoples of Israel,

diaglotnt@Acts:4:36 @ Joses and, he being surnamed Barnabas by the apostles, (which is being translated, a son of exhortation,) a Levite, a Cyprian by the birth,

diaglotnt@Acts:5:10 @ She fell and immediately at the feet of him, and breathed out; having come in and the younger ones found her dead, and having carried out they buried with the husband of her.

diaglotnt@Acts:5:21 @ Having heard and they entered at the dawn into the temple, and taught. Having come and the high–priest and those with him, they called together the high council even all the senate of the sons of Israel, and sent into the prison, to have brought them.

diaglotnt@Acts:5:40 @ They were persuaded and by him; and having called the apostles, having beaten they commanded not to speak in the name of the Jesus, and released them.

diaglotnt@Acts:6:15 @ And having gazed on him all those being seated in the high–council, saw the face of him like a face of a messenger.

diaglotnt@Acts:7:19 @ This having dealt deceitfully the family of us, ill–treated the fathers of us, of the to cause to be exposed the babes of them; in order that not they might be preserved.

diaglotnt@Acts:8:10 @ to whom they assented all from least to greatest, saying: This is the power of the God which is being called great.

diaglotnt@Acts:8:33 @ In the low estate of him the judgment of himself was taken away; the and generation of him who shall declare? because is taken away from the earth the life of him.

diaglotnt@Acts:8:36 @ As and they were going in the way, they came to a certain water, and said the eunuch: Lo, water; what hinders me to be dipped?

diaglotnt@Acts:8:37 @ And he ordered to stand the chariot; and they went down both into the water the, both Philip and the eunuch; and he dipped him.

diaglotnt@Acts:8:38 @ When and they came up out of the water, spirit of Lord seized the Philip; and now saw him no longer the eunuch; he went for the way of himself rejoicing.

diaglotnt@Acts:9:1 @ The and Saul still breathing of threatening and slaughter towards the disciples of the Lord, coming to the high–priest,

diaglotnt@Acts:9:9 @ and he was days three not seeing; and not ate, nor drank.

diaglotnt@Acts:9:18 @ And immediately fell from the eyes of him as it were scales, he recovered sight and; and having arisen he was dipped.

diaglotnt@Acts:9:20 @ And immediately in the synagogues he proclaimed the Jesus, that this is the son of the God.

diaglotnt@Acts:9:24 @ was made known but to the Saul the plot of them; they were watching and the gates day both and night, that him they might kill.

diaglotnt@Acts:9:27 @ Barnabas but having taken him, brought to the apostles, and related to them, how in the way he saw the Lord, and that he spoke to him, and how in Damascus he spoke boldly in the name of the Jesus.

diaglotnt@Acts:9:34 @ And said to him the Peter: Eneas, cures thee Jesus the Anointed; arise thou, and make the bed for thyself. And immediately he arose.

diaglotnt@Acts:9:36 @ In Joppa and certain was a female disciple by name Tabitha, which being translated is called Dorcas; she was full of good works and of alms which she did.

diaglotnt@Acts:10:8 @ and having related to them all things, he sent them into the Joppa.

diaglotnt@Acts:10:14 @ The but Peter said: By no means, O Lord; because never I ate any thing common or unclean.

diaglotnt@Acts:10:17 @ As and in himself was pondering the Peter, what might be the vision which he saw, even lo, the men those being sent from the Cornelius, having inquired for the house of Simon, stood at the gate;

diaglotnt@Acts:10:24 @ And on the morrow they entered into the Caesarea. The and Cornelius was expecting them, having assembled the relatives of himself and the intimate friends.

diaglotnt@Acts:10:33 @ Immediately therefore I sent to thee; thou and well didst having come. Now therefore all we before the God are present, to hear all the things having been commanded thee by the God.

diaglotnt@Acts:10:41 @ not to all the people, but to witnesses to those having been chosen before by the God, to us, who ate with and drank with him after that to have raised him out of the dead ones.

diaglotnt@Acts:10:47 @ Not the water to forbid is able any that not to be dipped these, who the spirit the holy received as even we?

diaglotnt@Acts:11:11 @ And lo, immediately three men stood at the house in which I was, having been sent from Caesarea to me.

diaglotnt@Acts:11:13 @ He related and to us, how he saw the messenger in the house of himself standing and saying to him: Send into Joppa, and send after Simon that having been surnamed Peter;

diaglotnt@Acts:11:16 @ I remembered and the words of the Lord, how he said: John indeed dipped in water, you but shall be dipped in spirit holy.

diaglotnt@Acts:12:10 @ Passing through and first guard and second, they came to the gate the iron that leading into the city, which self–moved opened to them; and having gone out went forward street one, and immediately stood the messenger from him.

diaglotnt@Acts:12:13 @ Having knocked and him the door of the gateway, came a female servant to listen, by name Rhoda;

diaglotnt@Acts:12:14 @ and knowing the voice of the Peter, from the joy not she opened the gate; having run in and told, to have stood the Peter before the gate.

diaglotnt@Acts:12:17 @ Having waved but to them the hand to be silent, he related to them, how the Lord him led out of the prison. Said and: Report you to James and to the brethren these things. And going out he went into another place.

diaglotnt@Acts:12:23 @ Immediately and struck him a messenger of Lord, because not he gave glory to the God; and being eaten of worms, he breathed out.

diaglotnt@Acts:13:2 @ Serving and of them the Lord and fasting, said the spirit the holy: Separate you indeed for me the Barnabas and the Saul for the work, which I have called them.

diaglotnt@Acts:13:8 @ Stood against but them Elymas the magian, (thus for it translated the name of him,) seeking to turn away the proconsul from the faith.

diaglotnt@Acts:13:11 @ And now lo, a hand of Lord on thee, and thou shalt be blind, not seeing the sun till a season. Immediately and fell on him a mist and darkness; and going about he sought guides.

diaglotnt@Acts:13:28 @ And no one cause of death having found, they asked Pilate to kill him.

diaglotnt@Acts:13:41 @ behold you the despisers, and wonder you, and disappear you; because a work I work in the days of you, a work, which not not you would believe, if one should narrate to you.

diaglotnt@Acts:14:13 @ The and priest of the Jupiter of that being before the city, bulls and garlands to the gates having brought, with the crowds wished to sacrifice.

diaglotnt@Acts:14:27 @ Having arrived and and having assembled the congregation, they related what things did the God with them, and that he opened to the Gentiles a door of faith.

diaglotnt@Acts:15:4 @ Having come and into Jerusalem, they were received by the congregation and the apostles and the elders, they related and what things the God did with them.

diaglotnt@Acts:15:7 @ Much and debate being, having arisen Peter said to them: Men brethren, you know, that from days former the God among us chose through the mouth of me to hear the Gentiles the word of the glad tidings, and to believe.

diaglotnt@Acts:15:14 @ Simon related, how first the God looked to take out the Gentiles a people for the name of himself.

diaglotnt@Acts:15:39 @ Occurred therefore a sharp contention, so as to separate them from one another, the and Barnabas having taken the Mark sailed to Cyprus.

diaglotnt@Acts:16:10 @ When and the vision he saw, immediately we sought to go out into the Macedonia, inferring that had called to us the Lord to announce glad tidings to them.

diaglotnt@Acts:16:15 @ When and she was dipped, and the house of her, she entreated us, saying: If you have judged me faithful to the Lord to be, having entered into the house of me, abide you. And she forced us.

diaglotnt@Acts:16:26 @ Suddenly and a shaking occurred great, so as to shake the foundations of the prison; were opened and immediately the doors all, and all the bonds were loosed.

diaglotnt@Acts:16:33 @ And having taken them in that the hour of the night, he washed from the stripes; and was dipped he and those of him all immediately.

diaglotnt@Acts:16:37 @ The but Paul said to them: Having beaten us publicly, uncondemned, men Romans being, they cast into prison, and now privately us do they cast out? No indeed, but having come themselves us let them lead out.

diaglotnt@Acts:16:39 @ And having come they entreated them, and having led out they asked to go out of the city.

diaglotnt@Acts:17:10 @ The and brethren immediately by the night sent away the both Paul and the Silas into Berea; who having arrived, into the synagogue of the Jews went.

diaglotnt@Acts:17:14 @ Immediately and then the Paul sent out the brethren to go as to the sea; remained and the, both Silas and the Timothy there.

diaglotnt@Acts:17:34 @ Some but men having associated with him, believed; among whom also Dionysius the Areopagite, and a woman by name Damaris, and others with them.

diaglotnt@Acts:18:25 @ This was having been instructed the way of the Lord; and being fervent in the spirit, he spoke and taught accurately the things concerning the Lord, being acquainted with only the dipping of John.

diaglotnt@Acts:18:26 @ This and began to speak boldly in the synagogue. Having heard and of him Aquila and Priscilla, took him, and more accurately to him explained the of the God way.

diaglotnt@Acts:19:9 @ When and some were hardened and disbelieved, speaking evil of the way in presence of the multitude, having departed from them, he separated the disciples, every day reasoning in the school of Tyrannus one.

diaglotnt@Acts:19:32 @ Some indeed therefore some thing cried; was for the assembly having been confused, and the greater not knew, for what purpose they were come together.

diaglotnt@Acts:20:4 @ Went with and him as far as the Asia Sopater of Pyrrhus a Berean. Of Thessalonians and, Aristarchus and Secundus, and Gaius of Derbe and Timothy; Asiatics and, Tychicus and Trophimus.

diaglotnt@Acts:20:37 @ Much and was weeping of all; and having fallen on the neck of the Paul, they affectionately kissed him;

diaglotnt@Acts:21:1 @ When and it happened to have sailed us having separated from them, having run a straight course we came to the Coos, the and next to the Rhodes, and thence to Patara.

diaglotnt@Acts:21:12 @ When and they heard these things, entreated we both and those of the place, of the not to go up him to Jerusalem.

diaglotnt@Acts:21:19 @ And having saluted them, he related one by one, which did the God among the Gentiles through the service of him.

diaglotnt@Acts:21:30 @ Was moved and the city whole, and was a running together of the people; and having taken hold of the Paul, they were dragging him outside of the temple, and immediately were closed the gates.

diaglotnt@Acts:21:32 @ who immediately having taken soldiers and centurions, ran down upon them. They and seeing the commander and the soldiers, ceased beating the Paul.

diaglotnt@Acts:22:29 @ Immediately then went away from him those being about him to examine. And the commander also was afraid, having ascertained that a Roman he is, and that he was him having been bound.

diaglotnt@Acts:23:15 @ Now therefore you make known to the commander with the sanhedrim, in order that him he may lead down to you, as being about to examine more accurately the things concerning him; we and, before of the to have come nigh him, ready we are of the to kill him.

diaglotnt@Acts:23:16 @ Having heard but the son of the sister of Paul the lying in wait, having come near and having gone into the castle, he related to the Paul.

diaglotnt@Acts:23:17 @ Having summoned and the Paul one of the centurions, he said: The young man this lead thou to the commander; he has for something to relate to him.

diaglotnt@Acts:23:19 @ Having taken and the hand of him the commander, and having related by himself, he inquired: What is it which thou hast to relate to me?

diaglotnt@Acts:23:20 @ he said and: That the Jews agreed together of the to ask thee, that to–morrow into the sanhedrim thou mayest lead down the Paul, as being about something more accurately to investigate concerning him.

diaglotnt@Acts:24:22 @ Put off but them the Felix, more accurately knowing the things concerning the way, saying: When Lysias the commander may come down, I will inquire into the things about you.

diaglotnt@Acts:25:2 @ Appeared before and him the high–priest and the chiefs of the Jews against the Paul, and entreated him,

diaglotnt@Acts:26:30 @ Arose and the king and the governor, the and Bernice, and those being seated with them;

diaglotnt@Acts:27:3 @ On the and next day we were brought to Sidon; humanely and the Julius to the Paul having treated, permitted to the friends having gone care to have obtained.

diaglotnt@Acts:27:12 @ Inconvenient and of the harbor being to winter in, the greater part placed a wish to be led out from thence also, if possibly they might be able having come to Phenice to winter, a harbor of the Crete looking towards south–west and towards north–west.

diaglotnt@Acts:28:17 @ It happened and after days three to have called together to him those being of the Jews chiefs. Having come together and of them, he said to them: Men brethren, I nothing against having done to the people or to the customs those paternal, a prisoner from Jerusalem I was delivered into the hands of the Romans;

diaglotnt@Acts:28:21 @ They and to him said: We neither letters concerning thee received from the Judea, neither having come any one of the brethren related or spoken anything concerning thee evil.

diaglotnt@Romans:1:8 @ First indeed I give thanks to the God of me through Jesus Anointed on account of all of you, because the faith of you is celebrated in whole the world.

diaglotnt@Romans:1:25 @ who exchanged the truth of the God in the falsehood and reverenced and served the created thing more than him having created, who is worthy of praise into the ages; so be it.

diaglotnt@Romans:1:30 @ revilers, God–haters, insolent ones, proud ones, boasters, inventors of evils, to parent disobedient,

diaglotnt@Romans:1:31 @ obstinate ones, covenant–breakers, unaffectionate ones, implacable ones, unmerciful ones;

diaglotnt@Romans:3:2 @ Much, according to every mode. First indeed for, because they were entreated with the oracles of the God.

diaglotnt@Romans:7:15 @ What for I work out, not I know; not for what I wish, this I practice; but what I hate, this I do.

diaglotnt@Romans:8:35 @ Who us will separate from the love of the Anointed? Affliction, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?

diaglotnt@Romans:8:39 @ nor height, nor depth, nor any creation other will be able us to separate from the love of the God, of that in Anointed Jesus the Lord of us.

diaglotnt@Romans:9:12 @ it was said to her: That the greater shall be subject to the lesser;

diaglotnt@Romans:9:13 @ as it has been written: The Jacob I loved, the but Esau I hated.

diaglotnt@Romans:9:15 @ To the for Moses he says: I will pity whom I pity, and compassionate whom I should compassionate.

diaglotnt@Romans:11:32 @ Shut up for the God the all for disobedience, so that the all he might compassionate.

diaglotnt@Romans:16:21 @ Salute you Timothy, the fellow–worker of me, and Lucius and Jason and Sosipater, the relatives of me.

diaglotnt@1Corinthians:3:6 @ I planted, Apollos watered, but the God caused to grow;

diaglotnt@1Corinthians:3:7 @ so neither he planting is anything, nor he watering, but he causing to grow God.

diaglotnt@1Corinthians:3:8 @ He planting but and he watering one are; each and the own reward will receive according to the own labor.

diaglotnt@1Corinthians:4:11 @ Till the present hour both we hunger, and we thirst, and we are naked, and we are beaten, and we are homeless,

diaglotnt@1Corinthians:5:9 @ I wrote to you in the letter, not to be associated with fornicators.

diaglotnt@1Corinthians:5:10 @ And not altogether with the fornicators of the world this, or with the covetous ones, or extortioners, or idolaters; since you are bound indeed from the world to come out.

diaglotnt@1Corinthians:5:11 @ Now but I wrote you, not to be associated, if any one, a brother being named, may be a fornicator, or a covetous person, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with the such like not even to eat;

diaglotnt@1Corinthians:6:2 @ Or not know you, that the saints the world will judge? and if by you is judged the world, inadequate are you for tribunals smallest?

diaglotnt@1Corinthians:6:9 @ Or not know you, that unjust ones of God a kingdom not shall inherit? Not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminates, nor Sodomites,

diaglotnt@1Corinthians:6:11 @ And these things some you were; but you washed yourselves, but you were separated, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, an in the spirit of the God of us.

diaglotnt@1Corinthians:7:10 @ To those but having been married I charge, not I, but the Lord, a wife from an husband not to be separated.

diaglotnt@1Corinthians:7:11 @ (if but even she should be separated, let her remain unmarried, or to the husband let her be reconciled;) and a husband a wife not to dismiss.

diaglotnt@1Corinthians:10:5 @ but not with the greater number of them was well–pleased the God; they were laid prostrate for in the desert.

diaglotnt@1Corinthians:10:8 @ Nor should we fornicate, as some of them fornicated, and fell in one day twenty–three thousands.

diaglotnt@1Corinthians:11:9 @ even for not was created man on account of the woman, but woman on account of the man.

diaglotnt@1Corinthians:13:13 @ Now but abides faith, hope, love, the three these; greater but of these the love.

diaglotnt@1Corinthians:14:5 @ I wish and all you to speak with tongues, rather but that you may prophesy; greater for the one prophesying than the one speaking with tongues, unless if not he should interpret, so that the congregation edification may receive.

diaglotnt@1Corinthians:14:16 @ Otherwise, if thou shouldst bless with the spirit, the one filling the place of the private person how shall say the so be it on the thy thanksgiving? since what thou sayest not he knows.

diaglotnt@1Corinthians:15:2 @ through which also you are being saved; (by a certain word I announced as glad tidings to you if you retain;) except if not inconsiderately you believed.

diaglotnt@1Corinthians:15:6 @ After that he was seen above by five hundred brethren at once, out of whom the greater number remain till now, some but also have fallen asleep.

diaglotnt@1Corinthians:15:24 @ then the end, when he should have delivered up the kingdom to the God and Father, when he should have abrogated all government and all authority and power.

diaglotnt@1Corinthians:16:12 @ Concerning and Apollos the brother, much I entreated him, that he would go to you with the brethren, and at all not was will, that now he should go; he will go but, when he may find opportunity.

diaglotnt@2Corinthians:6:9 @ as being ignorant, and being duly appreciated; as dying, and lo we live; as being corrected, and not put to death;

diaglotnt@2Corinthians:6:17 @ Wherefore come you out from midst of them and be you separated, says Lord, and of an unclean thing not touch you; and I will receive you,

diaglotnt@2Corinthians:11:25 @ thrice I was beaten with rods, once I was stoned, thrice I was shipwrecked, a night and day in the deep I have passed;)

diaglotnt@2Corinthians:12:7 @ And by the transcendency of the revelations that I not I should over–elated, was given to me a thorn in the flesh, a messenger adversary, that me it might buffet, that not I might be over–elated.

diaglotnt@2Corinthians:12:8 @ Concerning this thrice the Lord I entreated, that it might be removed from me;

diaglotnt@Galatians:1:16 @ to reveal the son of himself to me, so that I might announce him to the nations; immediately, not I consulted with flesh and blood,

diaglotnt@Galatians:2:2 @ I went up but according to a revelation, and submitted to them the glad tidings which I publish among the Gentiles; by private but to those appearing somewhat, lest for a vain thing I should run, or had run.

diaglotnt@Galatians:2:6 @ From but of those appearing to be something, of what sort once they were, nothing to me it brings; (a face God of a man not accepts;) to me for those appearing somewhat nothing communicated,

diaglotnt@Galatians:6:1 @ Brethren, if, even should be surprised a man in any fault, you the spiritual ones do you reinstate the such like with a spirit of meekness, watching thyself, lest also thou shouldst to tempted.

diaglotnt@Galatians:6:6 @ Let him communicate but the one being taught the world, to the one teaching, in all good things.

diaglotnt@Ephesians:1:20 @ which he exerted in the Anointed, having raised up him out of dead ones; and seated at right of himself in the heavenlies,

diaglotnt@Ephesians:2:6 @ and raised up together, and seated together in the heavenlies by Anointed Jesus, Ephesians

diaglotnt@Ephesians:3:9 @ and to enlighten all, what the administration of the secret of that having been hidden from the ages in the God in that the all things having created;

diaglotnt@Ephesians:4:8 @ (Therefore it says: Having ascended on high he captivated captivity, and he gave gifts to the men.

diaglotnt@Ephesians:4:18 @ having been darkened in the understanding, being alienated from the life of the God, through the ignorance that being in them, through the stupidity of the heart of them; Ephesians

diaglotnt@Ephesians:4:22 @ to put from you, according to the former course of life, the old man, that being corrupt according to the inordinate desires of the deceit;

diaglotnt@Ephesians:4:24 @ and be you clothed with the new man, that according to God having been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth.

diaglotnt@Ephesians:5:7 @ Not therefore become you associates of them.

diaglotnt@Ephesians:5:15 @ See you then, how accurately you walk; not as unwise ones, but as wise ones;

diaglotnt@Ephesians:5:26 @ so that her he might sanctify, having cleansed in the bath of the water by a word; Ephesians

diaglotnt@Ephesians:5:28 @ Thus are obligated the husbands to love the of themselves wives, as the of themselves bodies. He loving the of himself wife, himself loves;

diaglotnt@Ephesians:5:29 @ no one for ever the of himself flesh hated, but nourishes and cherishes her; as even the Anointed the congregation;

diaglotnt@Ephesians:6:4 @ and the fathers, not irritate you the children of you, but bring you up them in disciples and instruction of Lord.

diaglotnt@Ephesians:6:8 @ knowing, that whatever any each one may do good thing, this he will receive from Lord, whether a slave, or a freeman.

diaglotnt@Ephesians:6:14 @ Stand you therefore having girded the loins of you with truth, and having put on the breastplate of the righteousness,

diaglotnt@Philippians:1:14 @ and the greater number of the brethren in Lord, having been assured by the bonds of me, more abundantly are bold fearlessly the word to speak.

diaglotnt@Philippians:2:6 @ who in a form of God being, not a usurpation meditated the to be like to God, Phillippians

diaglotnt@Philippians:2:19 @ I hope but in Lord Jesus, Timothy shortly to send to you, that also I may be animated having ascertained the things concerning you.

diaglotnt@Philippians:2:23 @ Him indeed therefore I hope to send, as I would view attentively the things concerning me, immediately;

diaglotnt@Philippians:4:3 @ yes I ask also thee, yoke–fellow O true, help thou these women, who in the glad tidings co–operated earnestly with me, with and Clement and the remaining fellow–workers of me, of whom the names in book of life.

diaglotnt@Philippians:4:12 @ I know both to be brought low, I know and to abound; in every thing and in all things I have been initiated, both to be well–fed and to be hungry, both to abound and to be in need;

diaglotnt@Philippians:4:15 @ You know and also you, O Philippians, that in a beginning of the glad tidings, when I went out from Macedonia, no one with me congregation communicated in an account of giving and receiving, if not you only;

diaglotnt@Colossians:1:8 @ who also having related to us the of you love in spirit.

diaglotnt@Colossians:1:16 @ because in him were created the things all, the things in the heavens and the things on the earth, the things seen and the things unseen, whether thrones, or lordships, or governments, or authorities; the things all on account of him and for him have been created;

diaglotnt@Colossians:3:10 @ and having put on the new, that being renewed by exact knowledge according to an image of the one having created him;

diaglotnt@Colossians:3:17 @ and every thing, whatever you may do, in word or in work, all in name of Lord Jesus, giving thanks to the God and Father through him.

diaglotnt@Colossians:3:23 @ and every thing, whatever you may do, from soul work you, as to the Lord and not to men.

diaglotnt@1Thessalonians:2:2 @ but having previously suffered and having been injuriously treated, as you know, in Philippi, we were emboldened by the God of us to speak to you the glad tidings of the God with much striving.

diaglotnt@1Thessalonians:4:5 @ not in passion of inordinate desire, as even the Gentiles those not knowing the God;

diaglotnt@1Thessalonians:5:2 @ yourselves for accurately you know, that the day of Lord, as a thief in night, so comes.

diaglotnt@1Thessalonians:5:8 @ We but, of day being, should not drink, having put on a breastplate of faith and of love, and a helmet, a hope of salvation;

diaglotnt@2Thessalonians:2:4 @ he opposing and lifting up himself above all being called a god or an august object, so that him into the temple of the God to be seated, openly showing himself, that he is a god.

diaglotnt@2Thessalonians:3:7 @ Yourselves for know, now it behooves to imitate us; because not we were disorderly among you,

diaglotnt@2Thessalonians:3:9 @ Not because not we have authority, but that ourselves a pattern we might give to you for the to imitate us.

diaglotnt@1Timothy:1:3 @ As I entreated thee to remain in Ephesus, departing for Macedonia, that thou mayest charge some not other to teach,

diaglotnt@1Timothy:3:2 @ It behooves then the overseer unblamable to be, of one wife a husband, vigilant, sedate, orderly, hospitable, fit to teach;

diaglotnt@1Timothy:4:3 @ forbidding to marry, to abstain from foods, which the God created for a partaking of with thanksgiving by the faithful ones and they have known the truth.

diaglotnt@1Timothy:5:12 @ having condemnation, because the first fidelity they violated;

diaglotnt@1Timothy:5:13 @ at the same time and also idle ones they learn to go about the houses; not only but idle ones, but also praters and busy bodies, speaking the things not proper.

diaglotnt@1Timothy:5:23 @ No longer be thou a water drinker, but wine a little do thou use on account of the stomach of thee and the frequent of thee weaknesses.

diaglotnt@1Timothy:6:13 @ I charge thee in presence of the God, of that making alive the things all, and Anointed Jesus, of that one testifying before Pontius Pilate the good confession,

diaglotnt@1Timothy:6:15 @ which in seasons own he will show the blessed and only Potentate, the King of those being kings and Lord of those being lords,

diaglotnt@2Timothy:1:8 @ Not therefore thou mayest be ashamed of the testimony of the Lord of us, nor me the prisoner of him; but participate in suffering evil for the glad tidings according to power of God,

diaglotnt@2Timothy:1:10 @ having been manifested but now through the appearance of the savior of us Jesus Anointed, having rendered powerless indeed the death, having illuminated but life and incorruptibility by means of the glad tidings,

diaglotnt@2Timothy:3:6 @ Out of these for are those entering into the houses and leading captive little women having been laden with sins, being led away by inordinate desires various,

diaglotnt@Titus:1:7 @ It behooves for the overseer irreproachable to be, as of God a steward; not self–indulgent, not passionate, not a wine drinker, not a striker, not eager for base gains,

diaglotnt@Titus:3:3 @ Were for formerly also we, senseless ones, disobedient ones, erring ones, being enslaved to inordinate desires and pleasures various, in malice and envy passing through, odious ones, hating each other.

diaglotnt@Philemon:1:15 @ Perhaps for on account of this he was separated for an hour, so that an age him thou mightest receive;

diaglotnt@Hebrews:1:4 @ by so much greater having become of them messengers, by so much more excellent beyond them he has inherited a name.

diaglotnt@Hebrews:1:9 @ Thou didst love righteousness, and thou didst hate lawlessness; on account of this anointed thee the God of thee, oil of extreme joy beyond the associates of thee.

diaglotnt@Hebrews:2:17 @ Hence he was obliged in all things to the brethren to be made like, so that merciful he might be and faithful high–priest the things as to the God, in order to the to expiate the sin of the people.

diaglotnt@Hebrews:5:12 @ Even for being obligated to be teachers on account of the time, again need you have of the to teach you, certain the elements of the beginning of the oracles of the God; and you have become need having of milk, and not of solid food.

diaglotnt@Hebrews:6:13 @ To the for Abraham having promised the God, since by no one he had greater to swear, he swore by himself,

diaglotnt@Hebrews:6:16 @ Men indeed for by the greater swear, and all to them contradiction and end for confirmation the oath.

diaglotnt@Hebrews:7:2 @ to whom also a tenth from of all divided Abraham,) first indeed being translated a king of righteousness, then and also a king of Salem, (which is, a king of peace,)

diaglotnt@Hebrews:7:7 @ Without but all contradiction, the less by the greater is blessed.

diaglotnt@Hebrews:7:26 @ Such for to us was proper a high–priest, holy, free from sin, unstained, having been separated from the sinners, and more exalted of the heavens having become;

diaglotnt@Hebrews:8:11 @ And not not they may teach each one the fellow–citizen of himself, and each one the brother of himself, saying: Know you the Lord; because all shall know me, from least of them even to greatest of them.

diaglotnt@Hebrews:9:11 @ Anointed but being come, a high–priest of the future good things, by means of the greater and more perfect tabernacle, not made by hand, (that is, not of this the creation,)

diaglotnt@Hebrews:9:18 @ Hence not even the first without blood has been dedicated.

diaglotnt@Hebrews:9:19 @ Having spoken for every commandment according to law by Moses to all the people, having taken the blood of the young bullocks and of goats with water and wool scarlet and hyssop, itself both the book and all the people he sprinkled,

diaglotnt@Hebrews:10:20 @ which he consecrated for us a way recently killed and yet living, through the vail, (that is, the flesh of himself,)

diaglotnt@Hebrews:10:23 @ and having been bathed the body in water pure, we should hold fast the confession of the hope without declining; (faithful for the one having promised;)

diaglotnt@Hebrews:10:28 @ Having violated any one a law of Moses, without mercies by two or three witnesses dies;

diaglotnt@Hebrews:11:5 @ In faith Enoch was translated, of the not to see death; and not he was found, because translated him the God; before for the translation of him he had obtained testimony to have well pleased the God.

diaglotnt@Hebrews:11:23 @ In faith Moses being born was hidden three months by the parents of himself, because they saw beautiful the babe; and not they did fear the mandate of the king.

diaglotnt@Hebrews:11:26 @ greater wealth having regarded of the Egypt treasures the reproach of the Anointed; he looked away for towards the reward.

diaglotnt@Hebrews:11:35 @ received women from a resurrection the dead ones of themselves; others but were beaten to death, not having accepted the redemption, so that a better resurrection they might obtain.

diaglotnt@Hebrews:11:37 @ they were stoned, they were sawn a sunder, they were tempted, by slaughter of sword they died; they went about in sheepskins, in goat skins, being in want, being afflicted, being ill–treated,

diaglotnt@Hebrews:12:19 @ and of a trumpet to a sound, and to a voice of words of which those having heard entreated, not to be added to them a word;

diaglotnt@Hebrews:13:3 @ Be you mindful of the prisoners, as if having been bound together; of those being ill–treated, as also yourselves being in body.

diaglotnt@Hebrews:13:7 @ Remember you of those leading of you, who spoke to you the word of the God; of whom viewing attentively the result of the mode of life, imitate you the faith.

diaglotnt@Hebrews:13:12 @ Therefore also Jesus, so that he might sanctify through the own blood the people, outside of the gate suffered.

diaglotnt@James:1:6 @ Let him ask but in faith, not hesitating; the for one hesitating is like to a wave of sea being wind–agitated and being tossed.

diaglotnt@James:1:14 @ Each one but is tempted, by the own inordinate desire being drawn out and being entrapped;

diaglotnt@James:1:15 @ then the inordinate desire having conceived brings forth sin; the but sin having been perfected brings forth death.

diaglotnt@James:1:24 @ he viewed for himself, and went away, and immediately forgot what sort he was.

diaglotnt@James:3:1 @ Not many teachers become you, brethren of me, knowing, that greater condemnation we shall receive.

diaglotnt@James:3:12 @ Not is able, brethren of me, a fig tree olives to produce, or a vine figs? thus neither salt sweet to make water.

diaglotnt@James:4:6 @ Greater but it gives favor; therefore is says: The God to haughty ones sets himself in opposition, to lowly ones but he gives favor.

diaglotnt@James:5:2 @ The wealth of you has decayed, and the garments of you moth–eaten have become;

diaglotnt@James:5:11 @ Lo, we call happy those patiently enduring; the patience of Job you heard, and the end of Lord you saw, because very compassionate is the Lord and merciful.

diaglotnt@1Peter:2:20 @ What for credit, if sinning and being beaten you shall endure? but if doing good and suffering you shall endure, this pleasing with God.

diaglotnt@1Peter:2:23 @ who being reviled not reviled again, suffering not he threatened, delivered himself up but to the one judging righteously;

diaglotnt@1Peter:3:8 @ The but end, all of like mind, sympathizing ones, lovers of brethren, compassionate ones, humble–minded ones,

diaglotnt@1Peter:3:20 @ having disobeyed once, when was waiting the of the God patience, in days of Noah, being prepared an ark, in which a few (this is eight) lives were carried safely through water;

diaglotnt@1Peter:4:3 @ Sufficient for for us the having passed by time of the life the will of the Gentiles, to have–wrought, having walked in licentiousness, in inordinate desires, in excesses of wine, in revellings, in drinkings, and in unlawful idolatries;

diaglotnt@2Peter:1:4 @ (through which the greatest to us and precious promises have been given, so that through these you might become of a divine partakers nature having fled away from the in world, by inordinate desire corruption;)

diaglotnt@2Peter:2:1 @ Were but even false prophets among the people, as also among you will be false teachers, who will privately introduce heresies of destruction, even the having bought them sovereign Lord denying, bring on themselves swift destruction;

diaglotnt@2Peter:2:11 @ where messengers in strength and power greater being, not bring against them from Lord a railing judgment;

diaglotnt@2Peter:2:17 @ These are fountains without water, and fogs by a whirlwind being driven; for which the gloom of the darkness for an age has been kept.

diaglotnt@2Peter:3:5 @ It escapes notice for them this being willing, that heavens were of old, and earth out of water and through water having been placed together, by the of the God word,

diaglotnt@2Peter:3:6 @ by means of which things the then world by water having been deluged was destroyed;

diaglotnt@1John:3:13 @ Not do you wonder, brethren of me, if hates you the world.

diaglotnt@1John:3:20 @ because, if should condemn us the heart, that greater is the God of the heart of us, and knows all things.

diaglotnt@1John:3:22 @ and whatever we may ask, we receive from him, because the commandments of him we keep, and the things pleasing in presence of him we do.

diaglotnt@1John:4:4 @ You of the God are, dear children, and have overcome them; because greater is he in you, than he in the world.

diaglotnt@1John:4:20 @ If any one may say: That I love the God, and the brother of himself he may hate, a liar he is; the for not one loving the brother of himself, whom he has seen, the God, whom not he has seen, how is he able to love?

diaglotnt@1John:5:6 @ This is the one having come by means of water and blood, Jesus the Anointed; not by the water only, but by the water and the blood; and the spirit is the one testifying, because the spirit is the truth.

diaglotnt@1John:5:8 @ the spirit, and the water, and the blood; and the three for the one are.

diaglotnt@1John:5:9 @ If the testimony of the men we receive, the testimony of the God greater is; because this is the testimony of the God, which he has testified concerning the son of himself.

diaglotnt@1John:5:15 @ and if we know, that he hears us, whatever we may ask, we know, that we have the petitions which we have asked from him.

diaglotnt@3John:1:4 @ Greater of these not I have joy, that I hear the my children in truth walking.

diaglotnt@3John:1:5 @ O beloved one, faithfully thou doest whatever thou mayest work for the brethren and in the strangers,

diaglotnt@3John:1:11 @ O beloved one, not do thou imitate the evil thing, but the good thing. The one doing good, of the God is; the one doing evil, not has seen the God.

diaglotnt@3John:1:14 @ I hop but immediately to see thee, and mouth to mouth we will speak.

diaglotnt@Jude:1:4 @ Privily entered for some men, those of old having been previously designated for this the judgment, impious ones, the of the God of us favor changing into licentiousness, and the holy sovereign and Lord of us Jesus Anointed denying.

diaglotnt@Jude:1:12 @ These are in the love–feasts of you hidden rocks, feasting together without fear, themselves feeding; clouds without water, by winds being swept along; trees autumnal, unfruitful, twice having died, having been rooted;

diaglotnt@Revelation:1:15 @ and the feet of him like to fine white brass, as in a furnace having been set on fire; and the voice of him as a vice of waters many;

diaglotnt@Revelation:2:6 @ But that thou hast, that thou hatest the works of the Nicolaitans, which I also hate.

diaglotnt@Revelation:2:14 @ But I have against thee a few things, because thou hast there some holding the teaching of Balaam, who instructed the Balak to cast a stumbling–block before the sons of Israel, to eat idol sacrifices and to fornicate.

diaglotnt@Revelation:2:20 @ But I have against thee, because thou lettest alone the wife of thee Jezebel, the one calling herself a prophetess, and she teaches and seduces the my bond–servants, to fornicate and to eat idol sacrifices.

diaglotnt@Revelation:3:9 @ Lo, I give out of the assembly of the adversary those saying themselves Jews, to be, and not they are, but speak falsely; lo, I will make them, so that they may have come and may have prostrated before the feet of thee, and they may have known, that I loved thee;

diaglotnt@Revelation:4:2 @ And immediately I was in spirit; and lo, a throne was placed in the heaven, and on the throne one sitting;

diaglotnt@Revelation:4:11 @ worthy thou art, O Lord, to receive the glory and the honor and the power; because thou didst create the all things, and on account of the will of thee they were, and were created.

diaglotnt@Revelation:5:13 @ And every created thing which is in the heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and on the sea which is, and the things in them, all, I heard saying: To the one sitting on the throne and to the lamb the blessing and the honor and the glory and the might for the ages of the ages.

diaglotnt@Revelation:6:14 @ and the heaven was separated from as a scroll being rolled up, and every mountain and island out of the places of themselves were moved;

diaglotnt@Revelation:7:17 @ because the lamb the in the midst of the throne will tend them, and will them to of life fountains of waters; and will wipe away the God every tear from the eyes of them.

diaglotnt@Revelation:8:10 @ And the third messenger sounded, and fell from the heaven a star great burning like a lamp, and it fell on the third of the rivers, and on the fountains of the waters.

diaglotnt@Revelation:8:11 @ And the name of the star is called the Wormwood; and became the third of the waters into wormwood; and many of the men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.

diaglotnt@Revelation:9:9 @ and they had breastplates as breastplates iron, and the sound of the wings of them as sound of chariots of horses many rushing into battle.

diaglotnt@Revelation:9:14 @ saying to the sixth messenger the one having the trumpet: Loose thou the four messengers those having been bound by the river the great Euphrates.

diaglotnt@Revelation:9:17 @ And thus I saw the horses in the vision and those sitting of them, having breastplates fiery and hyacinthine and brimstone–like; and the heads of the horses as heads of lions, and out of the mouths of them goes out fire and smoke and brimstone.

diaglotnt@Revelation:10:6 @ and he swore by the one living for the ages of the ages, who created the heaven and the things in it, and the earth and the things in her, and the sea and the things in her, because time not yet shall be;

diaglotnt@Revelation:10:10 @ And I took the little scroll out of the hand of the messenger, and ate it; and it was in the mouth of me as honey, sweet; and when I ate it, was made bitter the belly of me.

diaglotnt@Revelation:11:6 @ These have the heaven authority to shut, so that not rain it may rain the days of the prophesy of them; and authority they have over the waters, to turn them into blood, and to smite the earth, as often as if they should will, with every plague.

diaglotnt@Revelation:12:15 @ And cast the serpent out of the mouth of herself after the woman water as a river, so that her borne a long by a river he might cause.

diaglotnt@Revelation:14:2 @ And I heard a voice out of the heaven as a voice of waters many, as a voice of thunder great; and the voice which I heard, as of harpers harping on the harps of themselves.

diaglotnt@Revelation:14:7 @ saying with a voice great: Fear you the God and give you to him glory, because is come the hour of the judgment of him; and worship you the one having made the heaven and the earth and the sea and fountains of water.

diaglotnt@Revelation:16:4 @ And the third poured out the bowl of himself into the rivers and into the fountains of the waters; and it became blood.

diaglotnt@Revelation:16:5 @ And I heard the messenger of the waters saying: Righteous art thou, the one existing and who was, the bountiful one, because these things thou hast judged;

diaglotnt@Revelation:16:12 @ And the sixth poured out the bowl of himself on the river the great Euphrates; and was dried up the water of it, so that might be prepared the way of the kings of those from risings of a sun.

diaglotnt@Revelation:17:1 @ And came one of the seven messengers of those having the seven bowls, and spoke with me, saying: Come hither, I will show to thee the judgment of the harlot the great, of that sitting on the waters the many;

diaglotnt@Revelation:17:15 @ And he says to me: The waters which thou sawest, where the harlot sits, peoples and crowds are, and nations and tongues.

diaglotnt@Revelation:17:16 @ And the ten horns which thou sawest, and the wild–beast, these will hate the harlot, and having made desolate will make her even naked, and the flesh of her will eat, and her will burn with fir.

diaglotnt@Revelation:18:1 @ And after these things I saw another messenger coming down from the heaven, having authority great; and the earth was illuminated from the glory of him.

diaglotnt@Revelation:18:2 @ And he cried out with a strong voice, saying: It is fallen, is fallen, Babylon the great, and is become a habitation of demons, and a haunt of every spirit impure, and a haunt of every bird unclean and having been hated;

diaglotnt@Revelation:18:3 @ because by the wine of the wrath of the fornication of her has been drunken all the nations, and the kings of the earth with her fornicated, and the merchants of the earth by the power of the luxuries of her were enriched.

diaglotnt@Revelation:18:4 @ And I heard another voice from the heaven, saying: Come you out from her, the people of me, so that not you may participate with the sins of her, and from the plagues of her so that not you may receive;

diaglotnt@Revelation:18:9 @ And shall weep and shall wail over her the kings of the earth, those with her having fornicated and having lived luxuriously, when they may see the smoke of the burning of her,

diaglotnt@Revelation:18:19 @ and they cast dust on the heads of themselves, and cried out weeping and mourning, saying: Woe, woe, the city the great, by which were enriched all those having ships on the sea by the preciousness of her, because in one hour she was made desolate.

diaglotnt@Revelation:19:6 @ And I heard as a voice of a crowd great, and as a sound of waters many, and as a voice of thunders strong, saying: Praise the Lord; because reigned Lord the God of us, the almighty.

diaglotnt@Revelation:20:9 @ And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and encircled the camp of the holy ones, and the city the beloved; and came down fire out of the heaven from the God, and ate up them;

diaglotnt@Revelation:21:6 @ And he said to me: I has been done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. I to the one thirsting will give from of the fountain of the water of the life gratis;

diaglotnt@Revelation:21:8 @ To the but cowards and faithless ones, and abominable ones, and murderers and fornicators, and sorcerers and idolaters, and all the liars, the portion of them in the lake in that burning with fire and brimstone, which is the death the second.

diaglotnt@Revelation:21:12 @ having a wall great and high, having gates twelve, and at the gates messengers twelve, and names having been written, which is the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel.

diaglotnt@Revelation:21:13 @ From east, gates three; from North, gates three; from South gates three; from west, gates three.

diaglotnt@Revelation:21:15 @ And the one talking with me, had a measure a reed golden, so that he might measure the city, and the gates of her, and the wall of her.

diaglotnt@Revelation:21:21 @ And the twelve gates, twelve pearls; in one of each of the gates was of one pearl. And the broad place of the city, gold pure as glass transparent.

diaglotnt@Revelation:21:25 @ and the gates of her not not may be shut day; (night for not will be there;)

diaglotnt@Revelation:22:1 @ And he showed to me a river of water of life bright as a crystal, proceeding out of the throne of the God and of the lamb.

diaglotnt@Revelation:22:14 @ Blessed those doing the commandments of him, so that shall be the authority of them over the wood of the life, and by the gates they may enter into the city.

diaglotnt@Revelation:22:15 @ Outside the dogs and the sorcerers and the fornicators and murderers and the idolaters, and every one the one loving and doing falsehood.

diaglotnt@Revelation:22:17 @ And the spirit and the bride say: Come thou; and the one hearing let him say: Come thou; and the one thirsting let him come, the one willing let him take water of life gratis.