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bbe@Genesis:22:2 @And he said to him, Take your son, your dearly loved only son Isaac, and go to the land of Moriah and give him as a burned offering on one of the mountains of which I will give you knowledge.

bbe@Genesis:22:16 @Saying, I have taken an oath by my name, says the Lord, because you have done this and have not kept back from me your dearly loved only son,

bbe@Genesis:37:4 @And because his brothers saw that Joseph was dearer to his father than all the others, they were full of hate for him, and would not say a kind word to him.

bbe@Genesis:44:20 @And we said to my lord, We have an old father and a young child, whom he had when he was old; his brother is dead and he is the only son of his mother, and is very dear to his father.

bbe@Genesis:47:29 @And the time of his death came near, and he sent for his son Joseph and said to him, If now I am dear to you, put your hand under my leg and take an oath that you will not put me to rest in Egypt;

bbe@Exodus:21:5 @But if the servant says clearly, My master and my wife and children are dear to me; I have no desire to be free:

bbe@Deuteronomy:13:6 @If your brother, the son of your mother, or your son or your daughter or the wife of your heart, or the friend who is as dear to you as your life, working on you secretly says to you, Let us go and give worship to other gods, strange to you and to your fathers;

bbe@Deuteronomy:15:16 @But if he says to you, I have no desire to go away from you; because you and your family are dear to him and he is happy with you;

bbe@Deuteronomy:28:54 @That man among you who is soft and used to comfort will be hard and cruel to his brother, and to his dear wife, and to of those his children who are still living;

bbe@1Samuel:1:5 @But to Hannah he gave one part, though Hannah was very dear to him, but the Lord had not let her have children.

bbe@1Samuel:16:21 @And David came to Saul, waiting before him: and he became very dear to Saul, who made him his servant, giving him the care of his arms

bbe@1Samuel:18:1 @Now after David's talk with Saul was ended, the soul of Jonathan was joined with the soul of David, and David became as dear to him as his very life.

bbe@1Samuel:20:3 @But David took his oath again and said, Your father sees that I am dear to you; so he says to himself, Let Jonathan have no idea of this, for it will be a grief to him; but as the Lord is living, and as your soul is living, there is only a step between me and death.

bbe@1Samuel:20:17 @And Jonathan again took an oath to David, because of his love for him: for David was as dear to him as his very soul.

bbe@1Samuel:26:21 @Then Saul said, I have done wrong: come back to me, David my son: I will do you no more wrong, because my life was dear to you today truly, I have been foolish and my error is very great.

bbe@1Samuel:26:24 @And so, as your life was dear to me today, may my life be dear to the Lord, and may he make me free from all my troubles.

bbe@2Samuel:1:26 @I am full of grief for you, my brother Jonathan: very dear have you been to me: your love for me was a wonder, greater than the love of women.

bbe@2Samuel:12:24 @And David gave comfort to his wife Bath-sheba, and he went in to her and had connection with her: and she had a son to whom she gave the name Solomon. And he was dear to the Lord.

bbe@2Samuel:13:21 @But when King David had news of all these things he was very angry; but he did not make trouble for Amnon his son, for he was dear to David, being his oldest son.

bbe@2Samuel:19:6 @For your haters, it seems, are dear to you, and your friends are hated. For you have made it clear that captains and servants are nothing to you: and now I see that if Absalom was living and we had all been dead today, it would have been right in your eyes.

bbe@1Chronicles:28:19 @All this, said David, the design for all these things, has been made dear to me in writing by the hand of the Lord.

bbe@1Chronicles:29:3 @And because this house of God is dear to me, I give my private store of gold and silver to the house of my God, in addition to all I have got ready for the holy house;

bbe@2Chronicles:11:21 @Maacah, the daughter of Absalom, was dearer to Rehoboam than all his wives and his servant-wives: (for he had eighteen wives and sixty servant-wives, and was the father of twenty-eight sons and sixty daughters.)

bbe@Nehemiah:13:26 @Was it not in these things that Solomon, king of Israel, did wrong? among a number of nations there was no king like him, and he was dear to his God, and God made him king over all Israel: but even he was made to do evil by strange women.

bbe@Job:19:19 @All the men of my circle keep away from me; and those dear to me are turned against me.

bbe@Psalms:26:8 @Lord, your house has been dear to me, and the resting-place of your glory.

bbe@Psalms:41:9 @Even my dearest friend, in whom I had faith, who took bread with me, is turned against me.

bbe@Psalms:47:4 @He will give us our heritage, the glory of Jacob who is dear to him. (Selah.)

bbe@Psalms:88:18 @You have sent my friends and lovers far from me; I am gone from the memory of those who are dear to me.

bbe@Psalms:116:15 @Dear in the eyes of the Lord is the death of his saints.

bbe@Psalms:119:140 @Your word is of tested value; and it is dear to your servant.

bbe@Psalms:139:17 @How dear are your thoughts to me, O God! how great is the number of them!

bbe@Proverbs:1:22 @How long, you simple ones, will foolish things be dear to you? and pride a delight to the haters of authority? how long will the foolish go on hating knowledge?

bbe@Proverbs:3:12 @For to those who are dear to him the Lord says sharp words, and makes the son in whom he has delight undergo pain.

bbe@Proverbs:9:8 @Do not say sharp words to a man of pride, or he will have hate for you; make them clear to a wise man, and you will be dear to him.

bbe@Proverbs:15:9 @The way of the evil-doer is disgusting to the Lord, but he who goes after righteousness is dear to him.

bbe@Proverbs:16:13 @Lips of righteousness are the delight of kings; and he who says what is upright is dear to him.

bbe@Proverbs:18:21 @Death and life are in the power of the tongue; and those to whom it is dear will have its fruit for their food.

bbe@Proverbs:22:11 @He whose heart is clean is dear to the Lord; for the grace of his lips the king will be his friend.

bbe@Proverbs:24:4 @And by knowledge its rooms are full of all dear and pleasing things.

bbe@Songs:6:9 @My dove, my very beautiful one, is but one; she is the only one of her mother, she is the dearest one of her who gave her birth. The daughters saw her, and gave her a blessing; yes, the queens and the servant-wives, and they gave her praises.

bbe@Jeremiah:31:20 @Is Ephraim my dear son? is he the child of my delight? for whenever I say things against him, I still keep him in my memory: so my heart is troubled for him; I will certainly have mercy on him, says the Lord.

bbe@Daniel:9:23 @At the first word of your prayer a word went out, and I have come to give you knowledge; for you are a man dearly loved: so give thought to the word and let the vision be clear to you.

bbe@Daniel:10:11 @And he said to me, O Daniel, you man dearly loved, take in the sense of the words I say to you and get up on to your feet: for to you I am now sent; and when he had said this to me I got on to my feet, shaking with fear.

bbe@Hosea:9:15 @All their evil-doing is in Gilgal; there I had hate for them; because of their evil-doing I will send them out of my house; they will no longer be dear to me; all their rulers are uncontrolled.

bbe@Hosea:9:16 @The rod has come on Ephraim, their root is dry, let them have no fruit; even though they give birth, I will put to death the dearest fruit of their bodies.

bbe@Hosea:11:1 @When Israel was a child he was dear to me; and I took my son out of Egypt.

bbe@Micah:2:9 @The women of my people you have been driving away from their dearly loved children; from their young ones you are taking my glory for ever.

bbe@Zechariah:2:8 @For this is what the Lord of armies has said: In the way of glory he has sent me to the nations which have taken your goods: for anyone touching you is touching what is most dear to him.

bbe@Malachi:2:11 @Judah has been acting falsely, and a disgusting thing has been done in Jerusalem; for Judah has made unclean the holy place of the Lord which is dear to him, and has taken as his wife the daughter of a strange god.

bbe@Matthew:3:17 @And a voice came out of heaven, saying, This is my dearly loved Son, with whom I am well pleased.

bbe@Matthew:17:5 @While he was still talking, a bright cloud came over them: and a voice out of the cloud, saying, This is my dearly loved Son, with whom I am well pleased; give ear to him.

bbe@Mark:1:11 @And a voice came out of heaven, You are my dearly loved Son, with whom I am well pleased.

bbe@Mark:9:7 @And a cloud came over them; and a voice came out of the cloud, saying, This is my dearly loved Son, give ear to him.

bbe@Mark:12:6 @He still had one, a dearly loved son: he sent him last to them, saying, They will have respect for my son.

bbe@Luke:3:22 @The Holy Spirit came down in the form of a dove, and a voice came from heaven, saying, You are my dearly loved Son, with whom I am well pleased.

bbe@Luke:7:2 @And a certain captain had a servant who was very dear to him; this servant was ill and near to death.

bbe@Luke:20:13 @And the lord of the garden said, What am I to do? I will send my dearly loved son; they may give respect to him.

bbe@John:11:3 @So the sisters sent to him, saying, Lord, your dear friend is ill.

bbe@John:11:36 @So the Jews said, See how dear he was to him!

bbe@John:12:43 @For the praise of men was dearer to them than the approval of God.

bbe@John:13:23 @There was at table one of his disciples, the one dear to Jesus, resting his head on Jesus' breast.

bbe@John:13:33 @My dear children, I am only to be with you a little longer. Then you will be looking for me: and as I said to the Jews, so now I say to you, Where I am going you may not come.

bbe@John:14:23 @Jesus said to him in answer, If anyone has love for me, he will keep my words: and he will be dear to my Father; and we will come to him and make our living-place with him.

bbe@John:19:26 @So when Jesus saw his mother and the disciple who was dear to him, he said to his mother, Mother, there is your son!

bbe@John:21:7 @So the disciple who was dear to Jesus said to Peter, It is the Lord! Hearing that it was the Lord, Peter put his coat round him (because he was not clothed) and went into the sea.

bbe@John:21:17 @He said to him a third time, Simon, son of John, am I dear to you? Now Peter was troubled in his heart because he put the question a third time, Am I dear to you? And he said to him, Lord, you have knowledge of all things; you see that you are dear to me. Jesus said to him, Then give my sheep food.

bbe@John:21:20 @Then Peter, turning round, saw the disciple who was dear to Jesus coming after them--the disciple who was resting on his breast at the last meal, and said, Lord, who is it who will be false to you?

bbe@Acts:13:22 @And having put him on one side, he made David their king, to whom he gave witness, saying, I have taken David, the son of Jesse, a man dear to my heart, who will do all my pleasure.

bbe@Romans:12:19 @Do not give punishment for wrongs done to you, dear brothers, but give way to the wrath of God; for it is said in the holy Writings, Punishment is mine, I will give reward, says the Lord.

bbe@Romans:16:5 @And say a kind word to the church which is in their house. Give my love to my dear Epaenetus, who is the first fruit of Asia to Christ.

bbe@Romans:16:8 @Give my love to Ampliatus, who is dear to me in the Lord,

bbe@Romans:16:9 @Give my love to Urbanus, a worker in Christ with us, and to my dear Stachys.

bbe@Romans:16:12 @Give my love to Tryphaena and Tryphosa, workers in the Lord. Give my love to my dear Persis, who did much work in the Lord.

bbe@1Corinthians:4:14 @I am not saying these things to put you to shame, but so that, as my dear children, you may see what is right.

bbe@1Corinthians:4:17 @For this cause I have sent Timothy to you, who is my dear and true child in the Lord; he will make clear to you my ways in Christ, even as I am teaching everywhere in every church.

bbe@1Corinthians:10:14 @For this cause, my dear brothers, give no worship to false gods.

bbe@1Corinthians:15:58 @For this cause, my dear brothers, be strong in purpose and unmoved, ever giving yourselves to the work of the Lord, because you are certain that your work is not without effect in the Lord.

bbe@2Corinthians:7:1 @Because God, then, will give us such rewards, dear brothers, let us make ourselves clean from all evil of flesh and spirit, and become completely holy in the fear of God.

bbe@2Corinthians:12:19 @It may seem to you that all this time we have been attempting to put ourselves in the right; but we are saying these things before God in Christ. For all things, dear brothers, are for your profit.

bbe@Philippians:4:1 @So my brothers, well loved and very dear to me, my joy and crown, be strong in the Lord, my loved ones.

bbe@Colossians:3:12 @As saints of God, then, holy and dearly loved, let your behaviour be marked by pity and mercy, kind feeling, a low opinion of yourselves, gentle ways, and a power of undergoing all things;

bbe@Colossians:4:7 @Tychicus will give you news of all my business: he is a dear brother and true servant and helper in the word;

bbe@1Thessalonians:1:4 @Being conscious, my brothers, dear to God, that you have been marked out by God's purpose;

bbe@1Thessalonians:2:8 @Even so, being full of loving desire for you, we took delight in giving you not only God's good news, but even our lives, because you were dear to us.

bbe@1Timothy:6:2 @And let those whose masters are of the faith have respect for them because they are brothers, working for them the more readily, because those who take part in the good work are of the faith and are dear. Give orders and teaching about these things.

bbe@Philemon:1:1 @Paul, a prisoner of Jesus Christ, and Timothy our brother, to Philemon, our dear helper in the faith,

bbe@Philemon:1:16 @No longer as a servant, but more than a servant, a brother, very dear to me specially, but much more to you, in the flesh as well as in the Lord.

bbe@James:1:16 @Do not be turned from the right way, dear brothers.

bbe@James:1:19 @You have knowledge of this, dear brothers. But let every man be quick in hearing, slow in words, slow to get angry;

bbe@James:2:5 @Give ear, my dear brothers; are not those who are poor in the things of this world marked out by God to have faith as their wealth, and for their heritage the kingdom which he has said he will give to those who have love for him?

bbe@1Peter:4:12 @Dear brothers, do not be surprised, as if it was something strange, if your faith is tested as by fire:

bbe@2Peter:1:17 @For God the Father gave him honour and glory, when such a voice came to him out of the great glory, saying, This is my dearly loved Son, with whom I am well pleased.

bbe@Revelation:3:19 @To all those who are dear to me, I give sharp words and punishment: then with all your heart have sorrow for your evil ways.