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bwe@Matthew:3:12 @ He has a cleaning fan in his hand and will fan his grain very clean. He will put the grain into his storehouse. But he will burn the chaff in the fire that never dies.

bwe@Matthew:4:6 @ The devil said to him, If you are Gods Son, jump down. The holy writings say, "God will tell his angels to take care of you. They will hold you up in their hands so that you will not knock your foot on a stone."

bwe@Matthew:4:24 @ The people in all the country of Syria heard about him. They brought all who were sick in any way, or had bad spirits in them, and those who could not walk or use their hands. Jesus healed them.

bwe@Matthew:5:30 @ If your right hand makes you do wrong, cut it off and throw it away. It is better to lose a part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell fire.

bwe@Matthew:6:3 @ But when you give money to poor people, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.

bwe@Matthew:8:3 @ Jesus put out his hand and touched him. He said, I want to. Be healed. Right away his leprosy was healed.

bwe@Matthew:8:15 @ Jesus took hold of her hand and the fever left her. She got up and began to do things for Jesus.

bwe@Matthew:9:18 @ While Jesus was telling them these things, a ruler came to him. He bowed down in front of Jesus to worship him and said, My daughter has just died. But if you will come and put your hand on her, she will live.

bwe@Matthew:9:25 @ The people were told to go outside. When they were out, he went in and took the girls hand. The girl got up.

bwe@Matthew:12:10 @ There was a man whose hand was thin and weak. The people asked Jesus, Is it right to heal a man on the Sabbath day? They wanted to find something wrong about Jesus.

bwe@Matthew:12:13 @ Then he said to the man, Hold out your hand. The man held out his hand and it was made well like the other hand.

bwe@Matthew:14:31 @ Right away Jesus put out his hand and took hold of him. He said, You do not believe very much in me! Why did you not believe?

bwe@Matthew:15:2 @ They asked him, Why do your disciples break the law our fathers made? They do not wash their hands before they eat.

bwe@Matthew:15:20 @ These things make a person dirty. To eat with hands that are not washed does not make him dirty.

bwe@Matthew:18:8 @ If your hand or your foot makes you do wrong, cut it off and throw it away! It is better for you to enter into life without hands or feet than to have two hands and two feet and be thrown into the fire that burns for ever.

bwe@Matthew:19:13 @ Then people brought children to Jesus. They wanted him to put his hands on them and ask God to bless them. The disciples tried to stop the people.

bwe@Matthew:19:15 @ So he put his hands on the children. Then he went away.

bwe@Matthew:22:13 @ Then the king said to his servants, "Tie his hands and his feet. Put him in a dark place outside. People there will cry and grind <FI>make a noise with<Fi> their teeth."

bwe@Matthew:26:23 @ Jesus answered them, The man who is putting his hand in the dish with me is the one who will give me over.

bwe@Matthew:26:51 @ One of the men who was with Jesus took his sword in his hand. He hit the servant of the high priest and cut off his ear.

bwe@Matthew:26:64 @ Jesus answered him, Yes, I am. Also I tell you that after this you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the One who has all power. You will see him coming on the clouds in the sky!

bwe@Matthew:26:67 @ Then they spat on Jesus face and hit him. Others slapped him with their hands.

bwe@Matthew:27:24 @ Pilate saw that he was not doing any good. And the people were making a lot of loud noise. So he washed his hands in water in front of the people. Then he said, I will not say this man must be killed. You must do that.

bwe@Matthew:27:29 @ They made a big ring of thorns like a crown and put it on his head. They put a stick in his right hand. Then they kneeled down in front of him and made fun of him. They shouted, Greetings, King of the Jews!

bwe@Matthew:28:9 @ As they were going, Jesus met them. He said Greetings! The women bowed down in front of him and put their hands on his feet.

bwe@Mark:1:31 @ Jesus went to her. He took her hand and helped her up. The fever left her right away, and she began to do things to help them.

bwe@Mark:1:41 @ Jesus was very sorry for him. He put out his hand and touched him. He said, I want to. Be healed.

bwe@Mark:3:1 @ Jesus went into the meeting house again. A man was there whose right hand was thin and weak.

bwe@Mark:3:3 @ He spoke to the man whose hand was thin and weak. He said, Stand here.

bwe@Mark:3:5 @ Jesus was angry as he looked at them. And he was sad that their hearts were so hard. Then he said to the man, Hold out your hand. The man did so, and it was made well like the other hand.

bwe@Mark:5:23 @ He said, My little daughter is dying. I beg you, come and put your hands on her so that she will be healed and live.

bwe@Mark:5:41 @ He took her hand and said, Talitha cumi! That means, Little girl, I tell you, get up!

bwe@Mark:6:5 @ Jesus could not do any big works in that place. But he put his hands on a few sick people and healed them.

bwe@Mark:7:2 @ They saw some of the disciples eating food. They had not washed their hands before they ate. The Pharisees said that was wrong.

bwe@Mark:7:3 @ They and all the Jews keep the laws made by men. God did not give them those laws. They do not eat until they wash their hands very well.

bwe@Mark:7:5 @ The Pharisees and the scribes asked Jesus, Why do your disciples not keep the law our fathers made? Why do they eat with hands that are not clean?

bwe@Mark:7:31 @ The people brought a man to Jesus who could not hear and could not talk well. They begged Jesus to put his hand on him.

bwe@Mark:8:23 @ Jesus took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the village. He spat on his eyes and put his hands on him. Then he asked, Do you see anything?

bwe@Mark:8:25 @ Jesus put his hands on him again. He made him look up. Then he was healed and could see everybody clearly.

bwe@Mark:9:27 @ But Jesus took his hand and helped him to get up. The boy stood up.

bwe@Mark:9:43 @ If your hand makes you do wrong, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life with one hand than to have two hands and go into hell. Hell fire never dies.

bwe@Mark:10:13 @ They brought children to Jesus. They wanted him to put his hands on them. The disciples tried to stop the people.

bwe@Mark:10:16 @ Jesus took the children up in his arms. He put his hands on them and blessed them.

bwe@Mark:10:40 @ But I cannot choose who will sit at my right hand or at my left. It has been planned who will sit there.

bwe@Mark:14:20 @ Jesus answered them, It is one of you twelve. It is the one who puts his hand in the same dish with me.

bwe@Mark:14:58 @ They said, We heard him say, "I will break down this temple which people have built with hands. In three days I will build another temple but not with hands."

bwe@Mark:14:62 @ Jesus answered, Yes, I am. You will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the One who has all power. You will see him coming on the clouds of the sky!

bwe@Mark:16:18 @ They will take up snakes. If they drink poison, it will not make them sick. They will put their hands on sick people and sick people will get well again.

bwe@Luke:1:22 @ When he came out, he could not talk to them. They knew that he had seen something in the temple. He made signs to them with his hands and did not talk.

bwe@Luke:3:17 @ He has a cleaning fan in his hand and will fan his grain very clean. He will put the grain into his storehouse. But he will burn the chaff in the fire that never goes out.

bwe@Luke:4:11 @ And "They will hold you up in their hands so that you will not knock your foot on a stone."

bwe@Luke:4:40 @ When the sun went down, the people brought to Jesus all who were sick in any way. He put his hands on every one of them and healed them.

bwe@Luke:5:13 @ Jesus put out his hand and touched the man. He said, I want you to be healed. Right away the man was free from leprosy.

bwe@Luke:6:1 @ Jesus was walking through the grain fields on a Sabbath day. His disciples picked some of the grain as they went along. They cleaned it by rubbing it in their hands, and ate it.

bwe@Luke:6:6 @ On another Sabbath day, Jesus went into the meeting house and taught. A man was there whose right hand was thin and weak.

bwe@Luke:6:8 @ But Jesus knew what they were thinking. He spoke to the man whose hand was thin and weak. He said, Come and stand here in front The man stood up.

bwe@Luke:6:10 @ He looked around at them all. Then he said to the man, Hold out your hand. The man did so and it was made well like the other hand.

bwe@Luke:8:54 @ He took her hand and called out, Little girl, get up.

bwe@Luke:11:21 @ A strong man has something in his hand to fight. He guards his place. He will not lose his things.

bwe@Luke:11:22 @ But when a stronger man comes, he catches the man who guards his house. He will take away what is in the mans hand. And he will take his things and give them to his friends.

bwe@Luke:11:38 @ The Pharisee saw that Jesus did not wash his hands before he ate. He was surprised.

bwe@Luke:13:13 @ Jesus put his hands on her, and right away she stood up straight. And she praised God.

bwe@Luke:15:22 @ But his father said to his servants, "Go quickly and bring the best clothes. Dress him. Put a ring on his hand. Put shoes on his feet.

bwe@Luke:18:15 @ People brought even small children to Jesus. They wanted him to put his hands on them. When the disciples saw it, they tried to stop the people.

bwe@Luke:22:21 @ There is a man who will give me over to my enemies. His hand is here at the table with me.

bwe@Luke:23:46 @ Jesus called out loud, Father, I put my spirit into your hands! When he had said this, he died.

bwe@Luke:24:38 @ Look at my hands and my feet. You can see that it is I myself. Touch me with your hands and see. A spirit does not have a body and bones as you see I have.

bwe@Luke:24:47 @ Jesus led the disciples out as far as the town of Bethany. He put up his hands and blessed them.

bwe@John:3:35 @ The Father loves his Son and has put everything in his hand.

bwe@John:7:30 @ Then the people wanted to catch him. But no one put a hand on him. It was not yet the time for that.

bwe@John:7:44 @ Some of them wanted to catch Jesus, but no one put hands on him.

bwe@John:10:28 @ I give them life that lasts for ever. They will never die. No one will take them out of my hand.

bwe@John:10:29 @ My Father gave the sheep to me. He is greater than anyone else. No one is able to take them out of my Fathers hand.

bwe@John:11:44 @ Out came the dead man! The cloth that they had buried him in was tied around his hands and feet. Another small cloth was tied around his face. Jesus said to the people, Take off the cloths and free him!

bwe@John:12:38 @ What the prophet Isaiah said came true. He said, Lord, who has believed what we told them? Who has believed even though they have seen the power of Gods hand?

bwe@John:13:3 @ Jesus knew that his Father had put everything into his hands. He knew he had come from God. He knew he was going back to God.

bwe@John:13:9 @ Simon Peter said to him, Lord, wash my feet, and my hands, and my head also!

bwe@John:19:3 @ They said, Greetings, King of the Jews! They beat him with their hands.

bwe@John:20:20 @ When he had said this, he showed them his hands and his side. The disciples were glad when they saw the Lord.

bwe@John:20:25 @ The other disciples told him about it. They said, We have seen the Lord! Thomas said, I will not believe unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands. I will not believe unless I put my finger on the mark and feel his side with my hand.

bwe@John:20:27 @ Then he said to Thomas, Put your finger here. Look at my hands. Feel my side with your hand. Do not doubt anymore, but believe.

bwe@John:21:18 @ I tell you the truth. When you were young, you put on your own belt. You went where you wanted to go. But when you are old, you will put out your hands. Others will put your belt on for you. They will take you where you do not want to go.

bwe@Acts:2:25 @ King David spoke about Jesus long ago. He said, "I saw the Lord before me always. He is at my right hand so that I may not be shaken.

bwe@Acts:2:34 @ David himself has not gone up into the heavens. What he said was, "The LORD God said to my Lord, Sit at my right hand till I bring your enemies down and put your feet on them."

bwe@Acts:3:7 @ He took the mans right hand and raised him up. Right away his feet and ankles became strong.

bwe@Acts:6:6 @ These men were brought before the apostles. When the apostles had talked with God, they put their hands on their heads <FI>to bless them<Fi>.

bwe@Acts:7:48 @ But even so, God is above all. He does not live in houses that people make with their hands. The prophet says,

bwe@Acts:7:56 @ Look, he said, I see the sky open. I see the Son of man standing at Gods right hand side.

bwe@Acts:8:17 @ Then the apostles put their hands on the people and they received the Holy Spirit.

bwe@Acts:8:18 @ Simon saw that the people received the Holy Spirit when the apostles put their hands on them. Then he brought money to the apostles.

bwe@Acts:8:19 @ He said, Give me this power, too, so that anyone on whom I put my hands will receive the Holy Spirit.

bwe@Acts:9:8 @ Saul got up off the ground. When he opened his eyes, he was blind. They took his hand and led him to Damascus.

bwe@Acts:9:12 @ In a vision he has seen a man named Ananias coming to him. He has seen him put his hands on him so that he may see again.

bwe@Acts:9:17 @ Then Ananias went. He went into the house and put his hands on Saul. He said, Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus came to you on the road while you were coming here. He has sent me to you so that you may see again, and that you may be filled with the Holy Spirit.

bwe@Acts:9:41 @ He took her hand and helped her get up. Then he called in Gods people and the women, and he gave her back to them alive.

bwe@Acts:12:7 @ An angel from the Lord came to him and a light shone in the prison. He hit Peters side and woke him up. Be quick, he said. Get up! His chains fell off his hands.

bwe@Acts:12:17 @ He put out his hand for them to be quiet. Then he told them how the Lord had brought him out of the prison. He said, Tell James and the brothers about this. Then he went away to another place.

bwe@Acts:13:3 @ The men fasted and talked to God. Then they laid their hands on Barnabas and Paul and sent them on their way.

bwe@Acts:13:11 @ See now, the Lords hand is upon you. You will be blind and will not be able to see the sun for a while. And right then something like a dark cloud came over Elymas eyes. He went around begging someone to take his hand and lead him.

bwe@Acts:13:16 @ Then Paul stood up and put out his hand. He said, Men of Israel and you who worship and fear God, please listen to me.

bwe@Acts:17:24 @ He made the world and everything in it. He is the Lord of the sky and the earth. He does not live in houses that people make with their hands.

bwe@Acts:17:25 @ Men cannot worship him by things they make with their hands because he does not need anything. He is the one who gives life and breath and everything else to all people.

bwe@Acts:17:29 @ Therefore we have all come from God. So we should not think that God is something made of gold, or silver, or stone. He is not made by mens hands.

bwe@Acts:19:6 @ Paul put his hands on them. Then the Holy Spirit came on them and they spoke in tongues of other lang-uages and spoke words from God.

bwe@Acts:19:26 @ Now you see and hear how this man Paul has talked. He has turned away many people in Ephesus. Not only that, but he has turned away the hearts of many people in almost all of Asia Minor. He says that things made by mens hands are not really gods.

bwe@Acts:19:33 @ The Jews pushed Alexander forward. Some of the people put him in front. He put up his hand and wanted to talk to the people.

bwe@Acts:20:34 @ You yourselves know that I worked with my own hands to pay for the things that I and my friends needed.

bwe@Acts:21:11 @ When he came to us, he took Pauls belt. He tied his own hands and feet with it. Then he said, The Holy Spirit has told me that in the same way the leaders of the Jews in Jerusalem will tie the man who owns this belt. They will give him over to the people who are not Jews.

bwe@Acts:21:40 @ So the officer let him talk. Paul stood on the steps and put up his hand. Then all the people were very quiet. He talked to them in the Jews language.

bwe@Acts:22:11 @ I could not see because the light was so bright. My friends led me by the hand to Damascus.

bwe@Acts:26:1 @ Then Agrippa said to Paul, You may speak for yourself. So Paul put out his hand and began to speak.

bwe@Acts:27:19 @ And the third day they threw off the things they used on the boat, with their own hands.

bwe@Acts:28:3 @ Paul gathered some sticks of wood. He put them on the fire. A bad snake came out of the heat and hung onto his hand.

bwe@Acts:28:4 @ The people of Malta saw the snake hanging on his hand. Oh, they said to each other. This man has no doubt killed someone. He did not die in the water, but it is not right for him to live.

bwe@Acts:28:8 @ The father of Publius was sick with fever, and blood was coming from his body. Paul went to see him. He talked to God and put his hands on the man. He healed him.

bwe@Romans:10:21 @ But he says about the Jews, All day I held out my hands to a people who did not obey me, who said wrong things against me.

bwe@1Corinthians:4:12 @ We work hard with our hands. People curse us, but we bless them. They trouble us much, but we must take it.

bwe@1Corinthians:12:15 @ Perhaps the foot says, I am not the hand, so I do not belong to the body. But it is still a part of the body.

bwe@1Corinthians:12:21 @ The eye cannot say to the hand, I do not need you. And the head cannot say to the feet, I do not need you.

bwe@1Corinthians:15:24 @ After that the end will come. Christ will hand over the ruling power to God the Father. Christ will stop all other rulers, and everyone who has any rights and power.

bwe@1Corinthians:16:21 @ And I, Paul, write this greeting with my own hand.

bwe@2Corinthians:5:1 @ Our body is the house in which our spirit lives here on earth. When that house is destroyed, then God will give us another house. That house is not made by mans hand. But God made it. It will last for ever in heaven.

bwe@2Corinthians:6:7 @ We have told you the truth with the power of God. These are the right things to use in our fight, and we have used them with both hands.

bwe@Galatians:3:19 @ Why then was the law made? God gave it after he made the promise, because so many people were doing what was wrong. The law was to be in power only until the Son came, the one to whom the promise was made. The law was handed down by Gods angels with the help of a middle man.

bwe@Galatians:6:11 @ (See, I am writing this to you in big letters with my own hand.)

bwe@Ephesians:4:28 @ The person who used to steal must not steal now. But he must do some good work with his own hands. Then he will have something to give to the poor people.

bwe@Colossians:2:11 @ In Christ you were not circumcised by mens hands. But you were circumcised in Christs way when all the wrong things you did in your bodies were taken away.

bwe@Colossians:2:21 @ I mean laws like this: "Do not touch that. Do not eat this. Do not put your hand on that."

bwe@Colossians:3:1 @ Were you raised from death with Christ? Then look for the things which are in heaven. There Christ is sitting at the right hand of God.

bwe@Colossians:4:18 @ I, Paul, write this greeting with my own hand. Remember that I am in prison. God bless you.

bwe@1Thessalonians:4:11 @ Please try to live a quiet life. Mind your own business. Work with your hands as we told you to do.

bwe@2Thessalonians:3:17 @ I, Paul, write these words of greeting with my own hand. This is the sign in all my letters that I wrote them.

bwe@1Timothy:2:8 @ So I want men in every place to talk to God. They must have clean lives when they lift up their hands to talk to God. They must not be angry. They must have faith in God.

bwe@1Timothy:4:14 @ Use the gift you have. It was given to you when the church leaders put their hands on your head and gave you a message from God.

bwe@1Timothy:5:22 @ Do not be in a hurry to place your hands on a man as a sign for him to be a leader. Do not take part in the wrong things another man does. Keep yourself clean.

bwe@2Timothy:1:6 @ That is why I am telling you again. You must use Gods gift. It was given to you when I put my hands on your head.

bwe@Philemon:1:19 @ I, Paul, write this with my own hand. I will repay it. I do not need to tell you that you have your life because of what I did for you.

bwe@Hebrews:1:10 @ He also said, Lord, you made the world in the beginning. The sky was made by your hands.

bwe@Hebrews:6:2 @ We must not go back to teaching about baptizing people in water, about putting hands on peoples heads, about people being raised from death, and about people being judged for ever.

bwe@Hebrews:8:9 @ It will not be like the agreement that I made with their fathers. I made that agreement the day I led them by the hand out of the country of Egypt. But they did not keep their part of my agreement, so I left them alone, the Lord says.

bwe@Hebrews:9:11 @ But Christ has come as the high priest of the good things which have come. He went through a greater and better house which was not made by mens hands. It is not a part of this world.

bwe@Hebrews:9:24 @ Christ did not go into a holy place made by mens hands. The holy places on earth only show in a little way what the true holy place in heaven is like. He went into heaven itself. Now he stands before God for our sake.

bwe@Hebrews:12:12 @ So lift up your hands that are hanging down. Make your weak knees strong.

bwe@James:4:8 @ Come to God and he will come to you. You bad people, make your hands clean! You love what is good and what is wrong at the same time. Make your hearts clean.

bwe@1John:1:1 @ The Word of life always was living, even from the beginning. We heard him. We saw him with our own eyes. We looked at him, and we touched him with our own hands. We are writing to you about this Word of life.

bwe@Revelation:1:16 @ In his right hand he had seven stars. Out of his mouth came a long knife or sword, sharp on both sides. His face shone like the sun when it is shining very brightly.

bwe@Revelation:1:17 @ When I saw him, I fell down in front of him as if I had died. He put his right hand on me and said, Do not be afraid. I am the First and the Last.

bwe@Revelation:1:20 @ You saw seven stars in my right hand. I will tell you the secret meaning of them and of the seven gold lamps. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches. The seven lamps are the seven churches.

bwe@Revelation:2:1 @ Write this to the angel of the church people in Ephesus: Here are the words of the one who holds the seven stars in his hand, the one who walks among the seven gold lamps.

bwe@Revelation:5:1 @ I saw a book in the right hand of the one who sat on the chief chair. It had writing on the front and the back. It was locked with seven locks.

bwe@Revelation:5:7 @ He went and took the book from the right hand of the One who sat on the throne.

bwe@Revelation:6:5 @ When the Lamb opened the third lock, I heard the third living being call, Come! I looked and saw a black horse. The man who rode on it had scales in his hand to weigh things.

bwe@Revelation:7:9 @ After this, I looked and saw many people. There were so many that no person could count them all. They were from every country, tribe, nation, and language. I saw them standing in front of the throne and the Lamb. They wore white clothes and they had palm branches in their hands.

bwe@Revelation:8:4 @ The sweet smelling smoke of the burning incense went up at the same time as the prayer words of Gods people. They went up from the hand of the angel that was standing in front of God.

bwe@Revelation:9:20 @ The other people were not killed by these big troubles. But they did not stop worshipping what they had made with their hands. They did not stop worshipping bad spirits and idols made of gold, silver, brass, stone, and wood. These idols cannot see or hear or walk.

bwe@Revelation:10:2 @ In his hand he had a small book that was open. He put his right foot on the sea, and his left foot on the land.

bwe@Revelation:10:5 @ The angel that I saw standing on the sea and on the land raised his right hand toward the sky.

bwe@Revelation:10:8 @ The voice I heard in the sky talked to me again. It said, Go to the angel who is standing on the sea and on the land. Take the open book from his hand.

bwe@Revelation:10:10 @ So I took the little book from the angels hand and ate it. It was sweet like honey in my mouth. But when I had eaten it, my belly was bitter.

bwe@Revelation:13:16 @ It makes all the people take a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads. That means all people, those who are great and those who are not great, the poor, free men, and slaves.

bwe@Revelation:14:10 @ A third angel followed the other two. He said in a loud voice, Any person who worships the beast or its idol, and takes its mark on his forehead or on his hand, will also feel Gods anger. He is very angry. That person will be burned with fire and dust that chokes people when it burns. He will be burned in front of the holy angels and the Lamb.

bwe@Revelation:14:14 @ I looked and saw a white cloud. I saw someone like the Son of Man sitting on the cloud. He had a big gold crown on his head and a sharp harvest knife in his hand.

bwe@Revelation:15:1 @ I saw another big and wonderful thing in the sky. I saw seven angels who carried the seven big troubles. They are the last troubles. When these troubles have come, Gods anger is ended. 2I saw something that looked like a sea of glass mixed with fire. And I saw those people who had won the fight against the beast, and its idol, and its mark, and the number of its name. They were standing on the sea of glass and they had the harps of God in their hands.

bwe@Revelation:17:4 @ The woman was wearing blue and red clothes. She was shining with gold, fine stones, and pearls. In her hand she held a gold cup. It was full of the wrong things she did and of her dirty ways of using sex.

bwe@Revelation:20:1 @ Then I saw an angel coming down from the sky. In his hand he had the key to the big hole that has no bottom, and a big chain.

bwe@Revelation:20:4 @ Then I saw thrones. Those who sat on them were given the right to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had their heads cut off because they told about Jesus and Gods word. They had not worshipped the beast or its idol. And they had not taken its mark on their foreheads or on their hands. They became alive again and ruled with Christ for a thousand years.