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bwe@Info @ DESCRIPTION: The Bible in Worldwide English (BWE)\par This New Testament was originally prepared by Annie Cressman, who died in 1993. She was a Canadian Bible teacher in Liberia in West Africa. Whilst teaching students in a Bible School where the language used was English, she found that she was spending more time explaining the meaning of the English than she was teaching the Bible itself. So she decided to write this simple version in easy English so that her students could easily understand.\par\par In 1959 the Full Gospel Publishing House in Toronto, Canada, printed a trial edition of the Gospel of Mark. A further edition was published in 1962 by the American Bible Society. The whole New Testament was first published by SOON Publications in India in 1969 in hardback form. This was assisted by Operation Mobilisation (OM) and was reprinted in 1971.\par\par The vision to reprint a new edition of the whole New Testament has now been carried out by SOON in conjunction with EPH and OM. Where a change to more modern words has been made, this has been kept in line with the the Authorised Version.

bwe@Matthew:6:9 @ So talk to your God like this: "Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy.

bwe@Matthew:18:15 @ If your brother does something wrong to you, go to him. Talk alone to him and tell him what he has done. If he listens to you, you have kept your brother as a friend.

bwe@Matthew:19:20 @ The young man said, I have kept all those laws. What more must I do?

bwe@Mark:6:20 @ So Herodias hated John. She wanted to kill him. But she could not because Herod liked John. He knew that John did what was right and was a good man. So he kept John safe. When he heard John speak he was troubled in his heart, and yet he was glad to hear him.

bwe@Mark:9:10 @ So they kept these things to themselves, asking each other what he meant about rising from death.

bwe@Mark:10:20 @ The man answered Jesus. He said, Teacher, I have kept all those laws since I was a boy.

bwe@Luke:2:19 @ Mary remembered all these things and kept thinking about them.

bwe@Luke:11:2 @ Jesus said, When you talk with God, say, "Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy. May your kingdom come.

bwe@Luke:12:20 @ But God said to him, "You are a fool! Tonight you will die. Then who will have all the things you have kept for yourself?"

bwe@Luke:18:21 @ The man said, I have kept all these laws since I was a boy.

bwe@Luke:19:20 @ Then another servant came and said, "Sir, here is your money. I hid it in a cloth and kept it.

bwe@John:2:10 @ He said, Other people give the good wine at the beginning of the feast. When people have had all they want, then they give the wine which is not so good. But you have kept the good wine until now.

bwe@John:8:7 @ They kept on asking him. He stood up and said to them, The one among you who has never done any wrong thing may throw the first stone at her.

bwe@John:8:20 @ When Jesus said these words he was teaching in the temple. He was in the place where the money is kept. No one caught him because it was not yet his time.

bwe@John:12:7 @ Then Jesus said, Leave her alone. She has kept this oil for the time when they will bury me.

bwe@John:17:19 @ I have made myself clean and kept myself for them, so that they may be clean and be kept for you also by the truth.

bwe@Acts:2:42 @ They kept on being taught by the apostles. And they kept on being with them. They ate bread together and talked with God.

bwe@Acts:2:46 @ And every day the believers kept on gathering in the temple. They ate bread in each others homes. They ate their food gladly and with open hearts. They praised God. All the people respected them. Day by day, the Lord added to the church those who were saved.

bwe@Acts:5:1 @ A man named Ananias and his wife, Sapphira, sold a field. He brought some of the money to the apostles. But he kept the rest of it. His wife knew what he had done.

bwe@Acts:5:3 @ Peter said, Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart? Why do you lie to the Holy Spirit? You have kept some of the money which you got for the field.

bwe@Acts:5:42 @ Every day, in the temple and in homes, they kept on teaching and talking about Jesus Christ.

bwe@Acts:7:45 @ Our fathers brought that tent with them when they came to this country. Joshua was their leader. God put aside the people who lived here first. Our fathers kept that tent with them until the time of David.

bwe@Acts:7:53 @ You received the law given by angels, but you have not kept it.

bwe@Acts:7:59 @ They kept on throwing stones at Stephen. He spoke to God and said, Oh, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.

bwe@Acts:12:5 @ So Peter was kept in prison. And the church people asked God to help him.

bwe@Acts:12:15 @ They said, You are crazy. But she kept on saying that Peter was really there. Then they said, It must be his angel.

bwe@Acts:12:16 @ Peter kept on knocking. When they opened the door and saw him, they were very much surprised.

bwe@Acts:13:43 @ The meeting was finished. There were many Jews, also those who were not Jews but worshipped God. They followed Paul and Barnabas. Paul and Barnabus kept talking to the people and told them to keep on living in the way that will bring Gods blessing.

bwe@Acts:16:17 @ This girl kept on following Paul and us. She was shouting, These men are servants of the High God. They are telling us how to be saved.

bwe@Acts:20:9 @ A young man named Eutychus sat in the window. He became very sleepy. When Paul kept talking so long, Eutychus was very deep in sleep and fell down from the third floor. When the people picked him up he was dead.

bwe@Acts:20:16 @ Paul decided not to stop at Ephesus. He did not want to spend time in Asia Minor. He kept going as fast as he could, because he hoped to be at the feast in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost.

bwe@Acts:23:34 @ He read the letter. Then he asked Paul what country he came from. He heard that Paul was from Cilicia. Then he said, I will hear all you have to say when the men who have made the complaint come here. He ordered Paul to be kept in the house which is called Herods palace.

bwe@Acts:25:4 @ Festus said, Paul is being kept in prison in Caesarea. I myself am going there soon.

bwe@Acts:25:21 @ But Paul asked to wait and let Caesar judge his case. So I had him put in prison to be kept there until I can send him to Caesar.

bwe@Acts:27:20 @ For many days we could not see the sun or the stars. The bad storm kept on. We did not think that we would be saved.

bwe@Romans:2:16 @ This will be on the day when God judges the things men have kept secret. Jesus Christ will be the judge. That is part of the good news I tell people.

bwe@Romans:4:6 @ David also says that God blesses a man. God calls him a good man but not because he has kept the law.

bwe@Romans:15:8 @ What I say is this. Christ came to serve the Jews. He did this to prove that what God said was true. He proved that God kept his promises to the fathers.

bwe@Romans:16:25 @ Praise God! He is able to make you stand firm. That is the good news that I tell. That is what the message about Jesus Christ says. The message was kept secret for a long time in the past. But it has now been made known.

bwe@1Corinthians:2:10 @ God has shown these things to us by his Spirit. The Spirit understands everything, even the things that God has kept secret.

bwe@1Corinthians:4:5 @ So do not judge me before it is time. Wait until the Lord comes. The things which have been kept hidden in the dark he will bring out into the light. He will show what is in peoples hearts. At that time God will tell each man how good his work is.

bwe@Galatians:3:22 @ But the holy writings say it is like this. The whole world is in prison, kept there by the wrong things they have done. This was done so that people who believe in Jesus Christ would have the blessing. This blessing was promised to those who believe.

bwe@Galatians:3:23 @ Before one came for us to believe in, the law held us in prison like slaves. We were kept there until the one to believe in should come.

bwe@Colossians:3:3 @ Your old life died with Christ and your new life is kept with Christ in God.

bwe@1Thessalonians:5:20 @ May God himself, who gives peace, make you pure and clean. You are set apart and belong only to him. And may your spirit and soul and body all together be kept free from fault until our Lord Jesus Christ comes.

bwe@1Timothy:5:12 @ And that will be wrong for them because they have not kept their first promise.

bwe@2Timothy:2:21 @ So if a person keeps himself clean from these things, he will be like a dish that is used for a fine work. It is kept as a better dish for the head man of the house, and it is ready for any good thing he wants to use it for.

bwe@2Timothy:4:7 @ I have fought the kind of fight that is good. I have reached the mark on the road that God wanted me to reach. And I have kept on believing in him.

bwe@Hebrews:4:1 @ We still have Gods promise that people will go into his resting place. So let us take care that not one of you will be kept out.

bwe@Hebrews:6:15 @ Abraham kept on believing God. And so he got what God had promised him.

bwe@Hebrews:9:1 @ The first agreement had laws about worship. And it had a holy place on earth where the agreement was kept.

bwe@Hebrews:13:4 @ Everyone must respect marriage. And the bed must be kept clean. God will punish those who use their bodies for wrong sex.

bwe@James:5:3 @ Your gold and silver are all spoiled. The wrong in them will prove that you have done wrong. The wrong will burn you up like fire. You have kept all these things and now time is almost ended.

bwe@1Peter:1:4 @ Because we are Gods children, one day we shall receive special blessings. They cannot be spoiled in any way, and they will last for ever. They are kept safe in heaven for you.

bwe@2Peter:1:4 @ Because of these things, he has promised us things that are worth very much and are very great. He has promised these things to us so that by them you may become like God too. By them you will be kept free from the selfish desires of the people in the world. These desires lead to death.

bwe@2Peter:2:4 @ God punished the angels who did wrong. He put them into the darkest part of hell. They must be kept there until the time when they will be judged.

bwe@2Peter:2:17 @ These men are like wells with no water in them. They are like fog that is blown away by a strong wind. A very dark place has been kept to put them in.

bwe@2Peter:3:7 @ The sky and the earth that are here now are being kept because God spoke. They are kept to be burned up. This will happen on the day when God judges people and they will die.

bwe@Jude:1:1 @ I am Jude. I am a servant of Jesus Christ and I am a brother of James. I send greetings to you whom God the Father has called. He has loved you and kept you safe for Jesus Christ.

bwe@Jude:1:13 @ These men are like big waves on the sea. Big waves cause much trouble. And these men also show the wrong things they do. They are like stars that have fallen from their place in the sky. A very dark place has been kept for ever in which to put these men.

bwe@Revelation:2:13 @ He says, "I know where you live. You live where Satan rules. But you keep my name and you have never said that you do not believe in me. You kept on believing in me even in the time of Antipas. He said he believed in me and was true to me. He was killed among you where Satan lives.

bwe@Revelation:11:19 @ Then the temple of God in heaven was opened. The box where his agreement was kept was seen inside the temple. And there was lightning, loud noises, and thunder. The earth shook and much rain, like stones, fell.

bwe@Revelation:15:4 @ After this I looked. The temple in heaven was open. It was the place where Gods agreement was kept.