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geneva@Genesis:24:65 @ (For shee had sayde to the seruant, Who is yonder man, that commeth in the fielde to meete vs? and the seruant had said, It is my master) So she tooke a vaile, and couered her.

geneva@Genesis:26:9 @ Then Abimelech called Izhak, and sayde, Loe, shee is of a suertie thy wife, and why saydest thou, She is my sister? To whom Izhak answered, Because I thought this, It may be that I shall dye for her.

geneva@Genesis:26:16 @ Then Abimelech sayde vnto Izhak, Get thee from vs, for thou art mightier then wee a great deale.

geneva@Genesis:26:22 @ Then he remoued thence, and digged an other well, for the which they stroue not: therefore called hee the name of it Rehoboth, and sayde, Because the Lorde hath nowe made vs roome, we shall increase vpon the earth.

geneva@Genesis:27:1 @ And when Izhak was olde, and his eyes were dimme (so that he coulde not see) he called Esau his eldest sonne, and sayde vnto him, My sonne; he answered him, I am here.

geneva@Genesis:27:11 @ But Iaakob sayde to Rebekah his mother, Beholde, Esau my brother is rough, and I am smoothe.

geneva@Genesis:27:20 @ Then Izhak said vnto his sonne, Howe hast thou founde it so quickly my sonne? Who sayde, Because the Lorde thy God brought it to mine hande.

geneva@Genesis:27:21 @ Againe sayde Izhak vnto Iaakob, Come neere nowe, that I may feele thee, my sonne, whether thou be that my sonne Esau or not.

geneva@Genesis:27:27 @ And hee came neere and kissed him. Then he smelled the sauour of his garmentes, and blessed him, and sayde, Behold, the smell of my sonne is as the smell of a fielde, which the Lorde hath blessed.

geneva@Genesis:27:32 @ But his father Izhak sayde vnto him, Who art thou? And he answered, I am thy sonne, euen thy first borne Esau.

geneva@Genesis:27:34 @ When Esau heard the wordes of his father, he cryed out with a great crye and bitter, out of measure, and sayde vnto his father, Blesse me, euen me also, my father.

geneva@Genesis:27:38 @ Then Esau sayde vnto his father, Hast thou but one blessing my father? blesse mee, euen me also, my father: and Esau lifted vp his voyce, and wept.

geneva@Genesis:27:39 @ Then Izhak his father answered, and sayde vnto him, Behold, the fatnesse of the earth shal be thy dwelling place, and thou shalt haue of the dewe of heauen from aboue.

geneva@Genesis:28:16 @ Then Iaakob awoke out of his sleepe, & sayde, Surely the Lorde is in this place, and I was not aware.

geneva@Genesis:29:8 @ But they sayde, We may not vntill all the flocks be brought together, and till men rolle the stone from the welles mouth, that we may water the sheepe.

geneva@Genesis:29:15 @ For Laban sayde vnto Iaakob, Though thou be my brother, shouldest thou therfore serue me for nought? tell me, what shalbe thy wages?

geneva@Genesis:29:18 @ And Iaakob loued Rahel, and sayde, I will serue thee seuen yeeres for Rahel thy yonger daughter.

geneva@Genesis:29:21 @ Then Iaakob sayde to Laban, Giue me my wife, that I may goe in to her: for my terme is ended.

geneva@Genesis:29:25 @ But when the morning was come, behold, it was Leah. Then sayde he to Laban, Wherefore hast thou done thus to mee? did not I serue thee for Rahel? wherfore then hast thou beguiled me?

geneva@Genesis:29:33 @ And she conceiued againe & bare a sonne, and sayde, Because the Lord heard that I was hated, he hath therefore giuen me this sonne also, & she called his name Simeon.

geneva@Genesis:30:13 @ Then sayde Leah, Ah, blessed am I, for the daughters will blesse me; she called his name, Asher.

geneva@Genesis:30:15 @ But shee answered her, Is it a small matter for thee to take mine husband, except thou take my sonnes mandrakes also? Then sayde Rahel, Therefore he shall sleepe with thee this night for thy sonnes mandrakes.

geneva@Genesis:30:16 @ And Iaakob came from the fielde in the euening, and Leah went out to meete him, and sayde, Come in to mee, for I haue bought and payed for thee with my sonnes mandrakes: and he slept with her that night.

geneva@Genesis:30:34 @ Then Laban sayde, Goe to, woulde God it might be according to thy saying.

geneva@Genesis:31:11 @ And the Angel of God sayde to mee in a dreame, Iaakob; I answered, Lo, I am here.

geneva@Genesis:31:12 @ And he sayde, Lift vp nowe thine eyes, and see all the hee goates leaping vpon ye shee goates that are partie coloured, spotted with litle and great spots: for I haue seene all that Laban doeth vnto thee.

geneva@Genesis:31:14 @ Then answered Rahel and Leah, and sayde vnto him, Haue wee any more porcion and inheritance in our fathers house?

geneva@Genesis:31:24 @ And God came to Laban the Aramite in a dreame by night, and sayde vnto him, Take heede that thou speake not to Iaakob ought saue good.

geneva@Genesis:31:26 @ Then Laban sayde to Iaakob, What hast thou done? thou hast euen stolen away mine heart and caried away my daughters as though they had bene taken captiues with the sworde.

geneva@Genesis:31:46 @ And Iaakob sayde vnto his brethren, Gather stones: who brought stones, and made an heape, and they did eate there vpon the heape.

geneva@Genesis:32:9 @ Moreouer Iaakob said, O God of my father Abraham, & God of my father Izhak: Lord, which saydest vnto me, Returne vnto thy coutrey and to thy kinred, and I will do thee good,

geneva@Genesis:32:12 @ For thou saydest; I will surely doe thee good, and make thy seede as the sande of the sea, which can not be nombred for multitude.

geneva@Genesis:41:15 @ Then Pharaoh sayde to Ioseph, I haue dreamed a dreame, and no man can interprete it, and I haue hearde say of thee, that when thou hearest a dreame, thou canst interprete it.

geneva@Genesis:41:17 @ And Pharaoh sayde vnto Ioseph, In my dreame, beholde, I stoode by the banke of the riuer:

geneva@Genesis:41:52 @ Also hee called the name of the second, Ephraim: For God, sayde he hath made me fruitfull in the land of mine affliction.

geneva@Genesis:42:9 @ And Ioseph remembred the dreames, which he dreamed of them) and he sayde vnto them, Ye are spies, and are come to see the weaknesse of the land.

geneva@Genesis:42:10 @ But they sayde vnto him, Nay, my lorde, but to bye vitayle thy seruants are come.

geneva@Genesis:42:14 @ Againe Ioseph sayde vnto them, This is it that I spake vnto you, saying, Ye are spies.

geneva@Genesis:42:33 @ Then the Lord of the countrey sayde vnto vs, Hereby shal I knowe if ye be true men: Leaue one of your brethren with me, and take foode for the famine of your houses and depart,

geneva@Genesis:43:8 @ Then sayde Iudah to Israel his father, Send the boy with mee, that we may rise and goe, and that we may liue and not dye, both we, and thou, and our children.

geneva@Genesis:43:16 @ And whe Ioseph saw Beniamin with them, he sayde to his stewarde, Bring these men home and kill meate, and make ready: for the men shal eate with me at noone.

geneva@Genesis:44:6 @ And when he ouertooke them, he sayde those wordes vnto them.

geneva@Genesis:44:23 @ Then saydest thou vnto thy seruants, Except your yonger brother come downe with you, looke in my face no more.

geneva@Genesis:44:25 @ And our father sayde vnto vs, Goe againe, bye vs a litle foode,

geneva@Genesis:45:3 @ Then Ioseph sayde to his brethren, I am Ioseph: doeth my father yet liue? But his brethren coulde not answere him, for they were astonished at his presence.

geneva@Genesis:45:4 @ Againe, Ioseph sayde to his brethren, Come neere, I pray you, to mee; they came neere; he sayde, I am Ioseph your brother, whom ye sold into Egypt.

geneva@Genesis:45:28 @ And Israel sayde, I haue inough: Ioseph my sonne is yet aliue: I wil go and see him yer I die.

geneva@Genesis:46:3 @ Then hee sayde, I am God, the God of thy father, feare not to goe downe into Egypt: for I will there make of thee a great nation.

geneva@Genesis:46:30 @ And Israel sayde vnto Ioseph, Now let me die, since I haue seene thy face, and that thou art yet aliue.

geneva@Genesis:47:1 @ Then came Ioseph and tolde Pharaoh, and sayde, My father, and my brethren, and their sheepe, and their cattell, and all that they haue, are come out of the land of Canaan, and behold, they are in the land of Goshen.

geneva@Genesis:47:4 @ They sayde moreouer vnto Pharaoh, For to soiourne in ye lande are we come: for thy seruants haue no pasture for their sheepe, so sore is ye famine in the lande of Canaan. Nowe therefore, we pray thee, let thy seruants dwel in the land of Goshen.

geneva@Genesis:47:8 @ Then Pharaoh sayde vnto Iaakob, Howe olde art thou?

geneva@Genesis:47:15 @ So when money fayled in the lande of Egypt, and in the lande of Canaan, then all the Egyptians came vnto Ioseph, and sayde, Giue vs bread: for why should we dye before thee? for our money is spent.

geneva@Genesis:47:29 @ Now when the time drewe neere that Israel must dye, he called his sonne Ioseph, and sayde vnto him, If I haue nowe founde grace in thy sight, put thine hand nowe vnder my thigh, and deale mercifully & truely with me: burie me not, I pray thee, in Egypt.

geneva@Genesis:48:3 @ Then Iaakob sayde vnto Ioseph, God almightie appeared vnto me at Luz in the land of Canaan, and blessed me.

geneva@Genesis:48:11 @ And Israel sayde vnto Ioseph, I had not thought to haue seene thy face: yet lo, God hath shewed me also thy seede.

geneva@Genesis:48:15 @ Also he blessed Ioseph and sayde, The God, before whom my fathers Abraham and Izhak did walke, the God, which hath fed me al my life long vnto this day, blesse thee.

geneva@Genesis:48:18 @ And Ioseph sayde vnto his father, Not so, my father, for this is the eldest: put thy right hand vpon his head.

geneva@Genesis:50:11 @ And when the Canaanites the inhabitants of the lande sawe the mourning in Goren Atad, they sayde, This is a great mourning vnto the Egyptians: wherefore the name thereof was called Abel Mizraim, which is beyond Iorden.

geneva@Genesis:50:18 @ Also his brethren came vnto him, and fell downe before his face, and sayde, Beholde, we be thy seruants.

geneva@Exodus:1:9 @ And he sayde vnto his people, Beholde, the people of the children of Israel are greater and mightier then we.

geneva@Exodus:1:16 @ And sayde, When ye doe the office of a midwife to the women of the Ebrewes, and see them on their stooles, if it be a sonne, then yee shall kill him: but if it be a daughter, then let her liue.

geneva@Exodus:1:18 @ Then the King of Egypt called for the midwiues, and sayde vnto them, Why haue yee done thus, and haue preserued aliue the men children?

geneva@Exodus:2:6 @ Then she opened it, and sawe it was a childe: and beholde, the babe wept: so she had compassion on it, and sayde, This is one of the Ebrewes children.

geneva@Exodus:2:9 @ To whome Pharaohs daughter sayde, Take this childe away, and nurce it for me, and I wil reward thee. Then the woman tooke the childe and nurced him.

geneva@Exodus:8:1 @ Afterward the Lorde sayde vnto Moses, Goe vnto Pharaoh, and tell him, Thus saith the Lorde, Let my people goe, that they may serue me:

geneva@Exodus:11:4 @ Also Moses sayde, Thus sayth the Lord, About midnight will I goe out into the middes of Egypt.

geneva@Exodus:12:31 @ And hee called to Moses and to Aaron by night, and saide, Rise vp, get you out from among my people, both yee, and the children of Israel, and goe serue the Lorde as ye haue sayde.

geneva@Exodus:14:5 @ Then it was told the King of Egypt, that the people fled: and the heart of Pharaoh and of his seruants was turned against the people, and they sayde, Why haue we this done, and haue let Israel go out of our seruice?

geneva@Exodus:14:11 @ And they sayde vnto Moses, Hast thou brought vs to die in the wildernes, because there were no graues in Egypt? wherefore hast thou serued vs thus, to carie vs out of Egypt?

geneva@Exodus:14:13 @ Then Moses sayde to the people, Feare ye not, stand still, and beholde the saluation of the Lord which he will shew to you this day. For the Egyptians, whome ye haue seene this day, ye shall neuer see them againe.

geneva@Exodus:14:26 @ Then the Lord sayde to Moses, Stretche thine hand vpon the Sea, that the waters may returne vpon the Egyptians, vpon their charets and vpon their horsemen.

geneva@Exodus:16:6 @ Then Moses and Aaron sayde vnto all the children of Israel, At euen ye shal know, that the Lord brought you out of the land of Egypt:

geneva@Exodus:16:23 @ And he answered them, This is that, which the Lord hath sayde, To morowe is the rest of the holy Sabbath vnto the Lorde: bake that to day which ye wil bake, and seethe that which ye wil seethe, and all that remaineth, lay it vp to be kept till the morning for you.

geneva@Exodus:16:28 @ And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses, Howe long refuse yee to keepe my commaundementes, and my lawes?

geneva@Exodus:18:14 @ And when Moses father in law saw all that he did to the people, he sayde, What is this that thou doest to the people? why sittest thou thy selfe alone, and all the people stande about thee from morning vnto euen?

geneva@Exodus:19:23 @ And Moses sayde vnto the Lord, The people can not come vp into the mount Sinai: for thou hast charged vs, saying, Set markes on the mountaine, and sanctifie it.

geneva@Exodus:20:19 @ And sayde vnto Moses, Talke thou with vs, and we will heare: but let not God talke with vs, lest we die.

geneva@Exodus:20:22 @ And the Lorde sayde vnto Moses, Thus thou shalt say vnto the children of Israel, Ye haue seene that I haue talked with you from heauen.

geneva@Exodus:32:23 @ And they sayde vnto me, Make vs gods to go before vs: for we knowe not what is become of this Moses (the man that brought vs out of the land of Egypt.)

geneva@Exodus:32:24 @ Then I sayde to them, Ye that haue golde, plucke it off: and they brought it me, & I did cast it into the fire, and thereof came this calfe.

geneva@Exodus:32:26 @ And Moses stoode in ye gate of the campe, and sayde, Who pertaineth to the Lorde? let him come to mee; all the sonnes of Leui gathered themselues vnto him.

geneva@Exodus:32:30 @ And when the morning came, Moses sayde vnto the people, Yee haue committed a grieuous crime: but now I wil goe vp to the Lord, if I may pacifie him for your sinne.

geneva@Exodus:33:17 @ And the Lord sayde vnto Moses, I will doe this also that thou hast saide: for thou hast founde grace in my sight, and I knowe thee by name.

geneva@Exodus:35:30 @ Then Moses sayde vnto the children of Israel, Beholde, the Lord hath called by name Bezaleel the sonne of Vri, the sonne of Hur of the tribe of Iudah,

geneva@Leviticus:9:6 @ (For Moses had sayde, This is the thing, which the Lord commaunded that ye should do, and the glory of the Lord shal appeare vnto you)

geneva@Numbers:10:36 @ And when it rested, hee sayde, Returne, O Lord, to the many thousands of Israel.

geneva@Numbers:22:9 @ Then God came vnto Balaam, and sayde, What men are these with thee?

geneva@Numbers:22:18 @ And Balaam answered, and sayde vnto the seruants of Balak, If Balak woulde giue me his house full of siluer and golde, I can not goe beyonde the worde of the Lorde my God, to doe lesse or more.

geneva@Numbers:23:3 @ Then Balaam sayde vnto Balak, Stande by the burnt offring, and I will goe, if so be that the Lorde will come and meete me: and whatsoeuer he sheweth me, I will tell thee: so he went forth alone.

geneva@Numbers:23:13 @ And Balak sayde vnto him, Come, I pray thee, with mee vnto another place, whence thou mayest see them, & thou shalt see but the vtmost part of them, and shalt not see them all: therefore curse them out of that place for my sake.

geneva@Numbers:23:15 @ After, he sayde vnto Balak, Stande here by thy burnt offring, & I wil meete the Lord yonder.

geneva@Numbers:23:17 @ And when he came to him, beholde, hee stoode by his burnt offering, and the princes of Moab with him: so Balak sayde vnto him, What hath the Lord sayd?

geneva@Numbers:23:18 @ And he vttered his parable, and sayde, Rise vp, Balak, and heare: hearken vnto me, thou sonne of Zippor.

geneva@Numbers:23:25 @ Then Balak sayde vnto Balaam, Neither curse, nor blesse them at all.

geneva@Numbers:23:29 @ Then Balaam sayde vnto Balak, Make me here seuen altars, and prepare me here seuen bullocks, and seuen rammes.

geneva@Numbers:24:15 @ And he vttered his parable, and sayd, Balaam the sonne of Beor hath sayde, and the man whose eyes were shut vp, hath sayd,

geneva@Deuteronomy:3:2 @ And the Lorde sayde vnto me, Feare him not, for I will deliuer him, and all his people, and his land into thine hand, and thou shalt doe vnto him as thou diddest vnto Sihon King of the Amorites, which dwelt at Heshbon.

geneva@Deuteronomy:18:17 @ And the Lord sayde vnto me, They haue well spoken.

geneva@Deuteronomy:33:13 @ And of Ioseph hee sayde, Blessed of the Lord is his land for the sweetenesse of heauen, for the dewe, and for the depth lying beneath,

geneva@Joshua:21:45 @ There failed nothing of all the good things, which the Lord hath sayde vnto the house of Israel, but all came to passe.

geneva@Judges:6:10 @ And I sayde vnto you, I am the Lord your God: feare not the gods of the Amorites in whose lande you dwell: but ye haue not obeyed my voyce.

geneva@Judges:6:18 @ Depart not hence, I pray thee, vntil I come vnto thee, and bring mine offring, and lay it before thee; he sayde, I will tary vntill thou come againe.

geneva@Judges:6:22 @ And when Gideon perceiued that it was an Angel of the Lord, Gideon then sayde, Alas, my Lord God: for because I haue seene an Angell of the Lord face to face, I shall die.

geneva@Judges:6:39 @ Againe, Gideon sayde vnto God, Be not angry with me, that I may speake once more: let me prooue once againe, I pray thee, with the fleece: let it now be drie onely vpon the fleece, and let dewe be vpon all the ground.

geneva@Judges:7:14 @ And his fellow answered, and sayde, This is nothing els saue the sworde of Gideon the sonne of Ioash a man of Israel: for into his hande hath God deliuered Midian and all the hoste.

geneva@Judges:8:7 @ Gideon then sayde, Therefore when the Lorde hath deliuered Zebah and Zalmunna into mine hand, I will teare your flesh with thornes of the wildernes and with breers.

geneva@Judges:8:20 @ Then he sayde vnto Iether his first borne sonne, Vp, & slay them: but the boy drew not his sword: for he feared, because he was yet yong.

geneva@Judges:8:23 @ And Gideon sayde vnto them, I will not reigne ouer you, neither shal my childe reigne ouer you, but the Lord shal reigne ouer you.

geneva@Judges:9:10 @ Then the trees sayde to the fig tree, Come thou, and be King ouer vs.

geneva@Judges:9:13 @ But the Vine sayde vnto them, Should I leaue my wine, whereby I cheare God and man, and goe to aduance me aboue the trees?

geneva@Judges:9:28 @ Then Gaal the sonne of Ebed sayde, Who is Abimelech? and who is Shechem, that wee should serue him? Is he not the sonne of Ierubbaal? and Zebul is his officer? Serue rather the men of Hamor the father of Shechem: for why should we serue him?

geneva@Judges:9:48 @ And Abimelech gate him vp to mounte Zalmon, hee and all the people that were with him: and Abimelech tooke axes with him, and cut downe boughes of trees, and tooke them, and bare them on his shoulder, and sayde vnto the folke that were with him, What ye haue seene me doe, make haste, and doe like me.

geneva@Judges:11:38 @ And he sayde, Goe: and he sent her away two moneths: so she went with her companions, and lamented her virginitie vpon the moutaines.

geneva@Judges:13:12 @ Then Manoah sayde, Nowe let thy saying come to passe: but howe shall we order the childe and doe vnto him?

geneva@Judges:15:2 @ And her father sayde, I thought that thou hadst hated her: therefore gaue I her to thy companion. Is not her yonger sister fayrer then shee? take her, I pray thee, in stead of the other.

geneva@Judges:15:12 @ Againe they sayd vnto him, Wee are come to binde thee, and to deliuer thee into the hande of the Philistims; Samson sayde vnto them, Sweare vnto me, that yee will not fall vpon me your selues.

geneva@Judges:16:24 @ Also when the people saw him, they praysed their god: for they sayde, Our god hath deliuered into our hands our enemie and destroyer of our countrey, which hath slayne many of vs.

geneva@Judges:18:25 @ And the children of Dan sayde vnto him, Let not thy voyce be heard among vs, least angrie fellowes runne vpon thee, and thou lose thy life with the liues of thine housholde.

geneva@Judges:19:17 @ And when he had lift vp his eyes, he sawe a wayfairing man in the streetes of the citie: then this olde man sayde, Whither goest thou, and whence camest thou?

geneva@Judges:19:20 @ And the olde man sayde, Peace bee with thee: as for all that thou lackest, shalt thou finde with me: onely abide not in the streete al night.

geneva@Judges:21:3 @ And sayde, O Lorde God of Israel, why is this come to passe in Israel, that this day one tribe of Israel should want?

geneva@1Samuel:1:14 @ And Eli sayde vnto her, Howe long wilt thou be drunken? Put away thy drunkennesse from thee.

geneva@1Samuel:12:4 @ Then they sayde, Thou hast done vs no wrong, nor hast hurt vs, neither hast thou taken ought of any mans hand.

geneva@1Samuel:12:6 @ Then Samuel sayde vnto the people, It is the Lord that made Moses and Aaron, and that brought your fathers out of the land of Egypt.

geneva@1Samuel:13:9 @ And Saul sayde, Bring a burnt offering to me and peace offrings: and he offered a burnt offering.

geneva@1Samuel:13:19 @ Then there was no smith founde throughout all the land of Israel: for the Philistims sayde, Lest the Ebrewes make them swordes or speares.

geneva@1Samuel:15:24 @ Then Saul sayde vnto Samuel, I haue sinned: for I haue transgressed the commaundement of the Lord, and thy wordes, because I feared the people, and obeyed their voyce.

geneva@1Samuel:15:33 @ And Samuel sayde, As thy sworde hath made women childlesse, so shall thy mother bee childelesse among other women; Samuel hewed Agag in pieces before the Lord in Gilgal.

geneva@1Samuel:16:11 @ Finally, Samuel said vnto Ishai, Are there no more children but these? And hee sayde, There remaineth yet a litle one behinde, that keepeth the sheepe. Then Samuel saide vnto Ishai, Sende and set him: for we will not sit downe, till he be come hither.

geneva@1Samuel:17:28 @ And Eliab his eldest brother heard when he spake vnto the men, and Eliab was verie angrie with Dauid, and sayde, Why camest thou downe hither? and with whome hast thou left those fewe sheepe in the wildernesse? I knowe thy pride and the malice of thine heart, that thou art come downe to see the battell.

geneva@1Samuel:17:39 @ Then girded Dauid his sword vpon his rayment, and began to go: for he neuer proued it: and Dauid sayde vnto Saul, I can not goe with these: for I am not accustomed. wherefore Dauid put them off him.

geneva@1Samuel:17:56 @ Then the King sayde, Enquire thou whose sonne this yong man is.

geneva@1Samuel:17:58 @ And Saul sayde to him, Whose sonne art thou, thou yong man? And Dauid answered, I am the sonne of thy seruant Ishai the Bethlehemite.

geneva@1Samuel:18:8 @ Therefore Saul was exceeding wroth, and the saying displeased him, & he sayde, They haue ascribed vnto Dauid ten thousand, & to me they haue ascribed but a thousand, & what can he haue more saue the kingdome?

geneva@1Samuel:20:2 @ And he sayde vnto him, God forbid, thou shalt not die: beholde, my father will do nothing great nor small, but he will shewe it me: and why should my father hide this thing from me? He will not doe it.

geneva@1Samuel:20:11 @ And Ionathan sayde to Dauid, Come and let vs goe out into the fielde: and they twaine went out into the fielde.

geneva@1Samuel:20:12 @ Then Ionathan sayde to Dauid, O Lorde God of Israel, when I haue groped my fathers minde to morow at this time, or within this three dayes, and if it be well with Dauid, and I then send not vnto thee, and shewe it thee,

geneva@1Samuel:20:37 @ And when the boy was come to the place where the arrowe was that Ionathan had shot, Ionathan cryed after the boy, and sayde, Is not the arrowe beyond thee?

geneva@1Samuel:22:5 @ And the Prophet Gad sayde vnto Dauid, Abide not in the holde, but depart and goe into the land of Iudah. Then Dauid departed & came into the forest of Hareth.

geneva@1Samuel:22:13 @ Then Saul sayde vnto him, Why haue yee conspired against me, thou & the sonne of Ishai, in that thou hast giuen him vitaile, and a sworde, and hast asked counsell of God for him, that he should rise against me, and lye in wayte as appeareth this day?

geneva@1Samuel:22:14 @ And Ahimelech answered the King, and sayde, Who is so faithfull among all thy seruants as Dauid, being also the Kings sonne in lawe, and goeth at thy commandement, and is honourable in thine house?

geneva@1Samuel:22:18 @ Then the King sayde to Doeg, Turne thou and fall vpon the Priests; Doeg the Edomite turned, and ran vpon the Priestes, and slewe that same daye foure score and fiue persons that did weare a linen Ephod.

geneva@1Samuel:23:10 @ Then sayde Dauid, O Lord God of Israel, thy seruat hath heard, that Saul is about to come to Keilah to destroy the citie for my sake.

geneva@1Samuel:23:11 @ Wil the lordes of Keilah deliuer me vp into his hand? and will Saul come downe, as thy seruant hath heard? O Lord God of Israel, I beseech thee, tell thy seruant; the Lord sayde, He will come downe.

geneva@1Samuel:23:12 @ Then said Dauid, Will the lords of Keilah deliuer me vp, and the men that are with me, into the hand of Saul? And the Lord sayde, They will deliuer thee vp.

geneva@1Samuel:26:18 @ And he sayde, Wherefore doeth my lorde thus persecute his seruant? for what haue I done? or what euill is in mine hand?

geneva@1Samuel:28:2 @ And Dauid said to Achish, Surely thou shalt knowe, what thy seruant can doe; Achish sayde to Dauid, Surely I will make thee keeper of mine head for euer.

geneva@2Samuel:3:7 @ And Saul had a concubine named Rizpah, the daughter of Aiiah; Ish-bosheth sayde to Abner, Wherefore hast thou gone in to my fathers concubine?

geneva@2Samuel:3:21 @ Then Abner sayde vnto Dauid, I will rise vp, and goe gather all Israel vnto my lorde the King, that they may make a couenant with thee, and that thou mayest reigne ouer all that thine heart desireth. Then Dauid let Abner depart, who went in peace.

geneva@2Samuel:4:10 @ When one tolde me, and sayde that Saul was dead, (thinking to haue brought good tydings) I tooke him and slewe him in Ziklag, who thought that I woulde haue giuen him a rewarde for his tidings:

geneva@2Samuel:5:2 @ And in time past when Saul was our King, thou leddest Israel in and out: and the Lord hath sayde to thee, Thou shalt feede my people Israel, and thou shalt be a captaine ouer Israel.

geneva@2Samuel:5:20 @ Then Dauid came to Baal-perazim, & smote them there, and sayde, The Lorde hath deuided mine enemies asunder before mee, as waters be deuided asunder: therefore he called the name of that place, Baal-perazim.

geneva@2Samuel:7:3 @ Then Nathan sayde vnto the King, Go, and doe all that is in thine heart: for the Lord is with thee.

geneva@2Samuel:7:18 @ Then King Dauid went in, and sate before the Lorde, and sayde, Who am I, O Lorde God, and what is mine house, that thou hast brought me hitherto?

geneva@2Samuel:7:25 @ Nowe therefore, O Lorde God, confirme for euer the word that thou hast spoken concerning thy seruant and his house, and doe as thou hast sayde.

geneva@2Samuel:9:6 @ Nowe when Mephibosheth the sonne of Ionathan, the sonne of Saul was come vnto Dauid, he fel on his face, and did reuerence; Dauid sayde, Mephibosheth? And he answered, Beholde thy seruant.

geneva@2Samuel:10:5 @ When it was told vnto Dauid, he sent to meete them (for the men were exceedingly ashamed) and the King sayde, Tary at Iericho, vntill your beards be growen, then returne.

geneva@2Samuel:10:11 @ And he sayde, If the Aramites be stronger then I, thou shalt helpe me, and if the children of Ammon be too strong for thee, I will come and succour thee.

geneva@2Samuel:12:5 @ Then Dauid was exceeding wroth with the man, and sayde to Nathan, As the Lorde liueth, the man that hath done this thing, shall surely dye,

geneva@2Samuel:12:18 @ So on the seuenth day the child dyed: and the seruants of Dauid feared to tell him that the childe was dead: for they sayde, Beholde, while the childe was aliue, we spake vnto him, and he woulde not hearken vnto our voyce: how then shall we say vnto him, The childe is dead, to vexe him more?

geneva@2Samuel:12:19 @ But when Dauid sawe that his seruantes whispered, Dauid perceiued that the childe was dead: therefore Dauid sayde vnto his seruants, Is the childe dead? And they sayd, He is dead.

geneva@2Samuel:12:22 @ And he sayde, While the childe was yet aliue, I fasted, and wept: for I sayde, Who can tell whether God will haue mercy on me, that the childe may liue?

geneva@2Samuel:13:4 @ Who sayde vnto him, Why art thou the Kings sonne so leane from day to day? wilt thou not tell me? Then Amnon answered him, I loue Tamar my brother Absaloms sister.

geneva@2Samuel:13:15 @ Then Amnon hated her exceedingly, so that the hatred wherewith he hated her, was greater then the loue, wherewith hee had loued her: and Amnon sayde vnto her, Vp, get thee hence.

geneva@2Samuel:13:22 @ And Absalom sayde vnto his brother Amnon neither good nor bad: for Absalom hated Amnon, because he had forced his sister Tamar.

geneva@2Samuel:13:32 @ And Ionadab the sonne of Shimeah Dauids brother answered and sayde, Let not my lord suppose that they haue slayne all the yong men the Kings sonnes: for Amnon onely is dead, because Absalom had reported so, since hee forced his sister Tamar.

geneva@2Samuel:14:10 @ And the King sayde, Bring him to me that speaketh against thee, and he shall touche thee no more.

geneva@2Samuel:14:18 @ Then the King answered, and said vnto the woman, Hide not from me, I pray thee, the thing that I shall aske thee; the woman sayde, Let my lord the King now speake.

geneva@2Samuel:14:22 @ And Ioab fell to the grounde on his face, and bowed himselfe, & thanked the King. Then Ioab sayde, This day thy seruant knoweth, that I haue found grace in thy sight, my lord the King, in that the King hath fulfilled the request of his seruant.

geneva@2Samuel:15:21 @ And Ittai answered the King, and sayde, As the Lorde liueth, and as my lord the King liueth, in what place my lord the King shalbe, whether in death or life, euen there surely will thy seruant bee.

geneva@2Samuel:15:27 @ The King sayde againe vnto Zadok the Priest, Art not thou a Seer? returne into the citie in peace, and your two sonnes with you: to wit, Ahimaaz thy sonne, and Ionathan the sonne of Abiathar.

geneva@2Samuel:16:3 @ And the king sayde, But where is thy masters sonne? Then Ziba answered the King, Beholde, he remayneth in Ierusalem: for he sayde, This day shall the house of Israel restore me the kingdome of my father.

geneva@2Samuel:16:7 @ And thus sayde Shimei when hee cursed, Come forth, come foorth thou murtherer, and wicked man.

geneva@2Samuel:18:28 @ And Ahimaaz called, and sayde vnto the King, Peace be with thee: and he fell downe to the earth vpon his face before the King, and saide, Blessed be the Lorde thy God, who hath shut vp the men that lift vp their handes against my lorde the King.

geneva@2Samuel:20:9 @ And Ioab sayde to Amasa, Art thou in health, my brother? & Ioab tooke Amasa by the beard with the right hand to kisse him.

geneva@1Kings:1:53 @ Then King Salomon sent, & they brought him from the altar, and he came and did obeisance vnto King Salomon; Salomon sayde vnto him, Go to thine house.

geneva@1Kings:2:20 @ Then she sayd, I desire a small request of thee, say me not nay. Then the King sayde vnto her, Aske on, my mother: for I will not say thee nay.

geneva@1Kings:2:30 @ And Benaiah came to the Tabernacle of the Lord, & sayd vnto him, Thus sayth the King, Come out; he sayde, Nay, but I will die here. Then Benaiah brought the King worde againe, saying, Thus sayd Ioab, & thus he answered me.

geneva@1Kings:2:36 @ Afterwarde the King sent, & called Shimei, and sayde vnto him, Buylde thee an house in Ierusalem, and dwell there, and depart not thence any whither.

geneva@1Kings:2:42 @ And the King sent and called Shimei, and sayde vnto him, Did I not make thee to sweare by the Lorde, and protested vnto thee, saying, That day that thou goest out, and walkest any whither, knowe assuredly that thou shalt dye the death? And thou saydest vnto mee, The thing is good, that I haue heard.

geneva@1Kings:3:22 @ Then the other woman sayd, Nay, but my sonne liueth, and thy sonne is dead. Againe she sayde, No, but thy sonne is dead, and mine aliue: thus they spake before the King.

geneva@1Kings:3:23 @ Then sayde the King, She sayth, This that liueth is my sonne, and the dead is thy sonne: and the other sayth, Nay, but the dead is thy sonne, and the liuing is my sonne.

geneva@1Kings:3:25 @ And the King sayde, Deuide ye the liuing child in twaine, & giue the one halfe to the one, and the other halfe to the other.

geneva@1Kings:3:27 @ Then the King answered, and sayde, Giue her the liuing childe, and slay him not: this is his mother.

geneva@1Kings:9:13 @ Therefore hee sayde, What cities are these which thou hast giuen me, my brother? And hee called them the land of Cabul vnto this day.

geneva@1Kings:10:6 @ And shee sayde vnto the King, It was a true worde that I heard in mine owne lande of thy sayings, and of thy wisedome.

geneva@1Kings:11:21 @ And when Hadad heard in Egypt, that Dauid slept with his fathers, and that Ioab the captaine of the hoste was dead, Hadad sayde to Pharaoh, Let me depart, that I may goe to mine owne countrey.

geneva@1Kings:12:6 @ And King Rehoboam tooke counsell with the olde men that had stande before Salomon his father, while he yet liued, and sayde, What counsell giue ye, that I may make an answere to this people?

geneva@1Kings:13:7 @ Then the King sayde vnto the man of God, Come home with mee, that thou mayest dyne, and I will giue thee a reward.

geneva@1Kings:13:12 @ And their father sayde vnto them, What way went he? and his sonnes shewed him what waye the man of God went, which came from Iudah.

geneva@1Kings:13:26 @ And when the Prophet that brought him backe againe from the waye, hearde thereof, hee sayde, It is the man of God, who hath bene disobedient vnto the commandement of the Lorde: therefore the Lorde hath deliuered him vnto the lion, which hath rent him and slayne him, according to the worde of the Lorde, which hee spake vnto him.

geneva@1Kings:17:11 @ And as she was going to fet it, he called to her, and sayde, Bring me, I pray thee, a morsell of bread in thine hand.

geneva@1Kings:18:34 @ And said, Fill foure barrels with water, and powre it on the burnt offring and on the wood. Againe he said, Doe so againe; they did so the second time; he sayde, Doe it the third time; they did it the third time.

geneva@1Kings:18:41 @ And Eliiah sayde vnto Ahab, Get thee vp, eate and drinke, for there is a sound of much rayne.

geneva@1Kings:20:9 @ Wherefore hee sayde vnto the messengers of Ben-hadad, Tell my lorde the King, All that thou didddest sende for to thy seruant at the first time, that I will doe, but this thing I may not do; the messengers departed, and brought him an answere.

geneva@1Kings:20:14 @ And Ahab sayd, By whome? And he sayde, Thus sayth the Lord, By the seruants of the princes of the prouinces. He sayde againe, Who shall order the battel? And he answered, Thou.

geneva@1Kings:20:18 @ And he sayde, Whether they be come out for peace, take them aliue: or whether they bee come out to fight, take them yet aliue.

geneva@1Kings:20:37 @ Then he founde another man, and sayde, Smite mee, I pray thee; the man smote him, and in smiting wounded him.

geneva@1Kings:22:30 @ And the King of Israel sayde to Iehoshaphat, I will change mine apparell, and will enter into the battell, but put thou on thine apparell; the King of Israel changed himselfe, and went into the battel.

geneva@1Kings:22:34 @ Then a certaine man drewe a bow mightily and smote the King of Israel betweene the ioyntes of his brigandine. Wherefore he sayde vnto his charet man, Turne thine hand and cary me out of the hoste: for I am hurt.

geneva@1Kings:22:49 @ Then sayde Ahaziah the sonne of Ahab vnto Iehoshaphat, Let my seruants goe with thy seruants in the ships, But Iehoshaphat would not.

geneva@2Kings:2:14 @ After, he tooke the cloke of Eliiah, that fell from him, and smote the waters, and sayde, Where is the Lord God of Eliiah? And so he also, after he had striken the waters, so that they were deuided this way and that way, went ouer, euen Elisha.

geneva@2Kings:3:10 @ Therefore the King of Israel sayde, Alas, that the Lord hath called these three Kings, to giue them into the hand of Moab.

geneva@2Kings:4:3 @ And he sayde, Goe, and borowe thee vessels abroad of all thy neighbours, emptie vessels, and spare not.

geneva@2Kings:4:9 @ And she sayde vnto her husband, Beholde, I know now, that this is an holy man of God that passeth by vs continually.

geneva@2Kings:4:24 @ Then she sadled an asse, and sayde to her seruant, Driue, and goe forward: staye not for me to get vp, except I bid thee.

geneva@2Kings:4:30 @ And the mother of the childe sayde, As the Lorde liueth, and as thy soule liueth, I will not leaue thee. Therefore he arose, and followed her.

geneva@2Kings:5:7 @ And when the King of Israel had read the letter, he rent his clothes, and sayde, Am I God, to kil and to giue life, that hee doth send to mee, that I should heale a man from his leprosie? wherfore consider, I pray you, and see howe he seeketh a quarel against me.

geneva@2Kings:5:17 @ Moreouer Naaman sayde, Shall there not be giuen to thy seruant two mules loade of this earth? for thy seruant will henceforth offer neither burnt sacrifice nor offring vnto any other god, saue vnto the Lord.

geneva@2Kings:5:20 @ And Gehazi the seruant of Elisha the man of God sayde, Beholde, my master hath spared this Aramite Naaman, receiuing not those things at his hand that he brought: as the Lord liueth, I will runne after him, and take somewhat of him.

geneva@2Kings:6:15 @ And when the seruant of the man of God arose earely to goe out, beholde, an hoste compassed the citie with horses and charets. Then his seruant sayde vnto him, Alas master, howe shall we doe?

geneva@2Kings:6:28 @ Also the King said vnto her, What ayleth thee? And she answered, This woman sayde vnto me, Giue thy sonne, that we may eate him to day, and we will eate my sonne to morowe,

geneva@2Kings:8:12 @ And Hazael sayde, Why weepeth my lord? And he answered, Because I knowe the euill that thou shalt do vnto the children of Israel: for their strong cities shalt thou set on fire, and their yong men shalt thou slay with the sworde, and shalt dash their infantes against the stones, and rent in pieces their women with child.

geneva@2Kings:9:5 @ And when he came in, behold, the captaines of the armie were sitting; he sayde, I haue a message to thee, O captaine; Iehu sayd, Vnto which of all vs? And he answered, To thee, O captaine.

geneva@2Kings:9:12 @ And they sayde, It is false, tell vs it nowe. Then he sayd, Thus and thus spake he to me, saying, Thus saieth the Lorde, I haue anointed thee for King ouer Israel.

geneva@2Kings:9:15 @ And King Ioram returned to bee healed in Izreel of the woundes, which the Aramites had giuen him, when hee fought with Hazael King of Aram) and Iehu sayde, If it be your mindes, let no man depart and escape out of the citie, to goe and tell in Izreel.

geneva@2Kings:9:18 @ So there went one on horseback to meete him, and sayde, Thus sayth the King, Is it peace? And Iehu sayd, What hast thou to do with peace? Turne behinde me; the watchman tolde, saying, The messenger came to them, but he commeth not againe.

geneva@2Kings:9:19 @ Then hee sent out another on horsebacke, which came to them, and sayde, Thus sayth the King, Is it peace? And Iehu answered, What hast thou to doe with peace? turne behinde me.

geneva@2Kings:10:16 @ And he sayde, Come with me, and see the zeale that I haue for the Lord: so they made him ride in his charet.

geneva@2Kings:13:15 @ Then Elisha sayde vnto him, Take a bowe and arrowes; he tooke vnto him bowe and arrowes.

geneva@2Kings:13:16 @ And he sayde to the King of Israel, Put thine hand vpon the bowe; he put his hand vpon it; Elisha put his hands vpon the Kings hands,

geneva@2Kings:13:18 @ Againe he said, Take the arrowes; he tooke them; he sayde vnto the King of Israel, Smite the ground; he smote thrise, and ceased.

geneva@2Kings:18:19 @ And Rabshakeh sayde vnto them, Tell ye Hezekiah, I pray you, Thus saith the great King, euen the great King of Asshur, What confidence is this wherein thou trustest?

geneva@2Kings:23:17 @ Then he sayde, What title is that which I see? And the men of the citie sayd vnto him, It is the sepulchre of the man of God, which came from Iudah, and tolde these things that thou hast done to the altar of Beth-el.

geneva@1Chronicles:10:4 @ Then sayde Saul to his armour bearer, Drawe out thy sworde, and thrust me thorowe therewith, lest these vncircumcised come and mocke at me: but his armour bearer would not, for he was sore afraid: therefore Saul tooke the sword and fell vpon it.

geneva@1Chronicles:11:2 @ And in time past, euen when Saul was King, thou leddest Israel out & in: and the Lord thy God sayde vnto thee, Thou shalt feede my people Israel, and thou shalt be captaine ouer my people Israel.

geneva@1Chronicles:12:17 @ And Dauid went out to meete them, and answered and sayde vnto them, If yee be come peaceably vnto me to helpe me, mine heart shall be knit vnto you, but if you come to betray me to mine aduersaries, seeing there is no wickednes in mine handes, the God of our fathers beholde it, and rebuke it.

geneva@1Chronicles:21:11 @ So Gad came to Dauid, and sayde vnto him, Thus saith the Lord, Take to thee

geneva@1Chronicles:23:25 @ For Dauid sayde, The Lord God of Israel hath giuen rest vnto his people, that they may dwell in Ierusalem for euer.

geneva@1Chronicles:27:23 @ But Dauid tooke not the nober of them from twentie yeere olde and vnder, because the Lord had sayde that he would increase Israel like vnto the starres of the heauens.

geneva@1Chronicles:28:3 @ But God sayde vnto me, Thou shalt not buylde an house for my Name, because thou hast bene a man of warre, and hast shed blood.

geneva@2Chronicles:1:7 @ The same night did God appeare vnto Salomon, and sayde vnto him, Aske what I shall giue thee.

geneva@2Chronicles:1:8 @ And Salomon sayde vnto God, Thou hast shewed great mercy vnto Dauid my father and hast made me to reigne in his stead.

geneva@2Chronicles:6:8 @ But the Lorde sayde to Dauid my father, Whereas it was in thine heart to buylde an house vnto my Name, thou diddest well, that thou wast so minded.

geneva@2Chronicles:10:5 @ And he sayde to them, Depart yet three dayes, then come againe vnto me; the people departed.

geneva@2Chronicles:18:6 @ But Iehoshaphat sayde, Is there heere neuer a Prophet more of the Lorde that wee might inquire of him?

geneva@2Chronicles:18:17 @ And the King of Israel sayde to Iehoshaphat, Did I not tell thee, that he would not prophesie good vnto me, but euill?

geneva@2Chronicles:18:25 @ And the King of Israel sayde, Take ye Michaiah, and cary him to Amon the gouernour of the citie, and to Ioash the Kings sonne,

geneva@2Chronicles:23:3 @ And al the Congregation made a couenant with the King in the house of God: and he sayde vnto them, Behold, the Kings sonne must reigne, as the Lord hath sayd of the sonnes of Dauid.

geneva@2Chronicles:29:18 @ Then they went in to Hezekiah ye King, and sayde, We haue clensed all the house of the Lord and the altar of burnt offring, with all the vessels thereof, and the shewbread table, with all the vessels thereof:

geneva@2Chronicles:29:31 @ And Hezekiah spake, and sayde, Now ye haue consecrate your selues to the Lord: come neere and bring the sacrifices and offerings of prayse into the house of the Lord; the Congregation brought sacrifices; and offrings of prayses, and euery man that was willing in heart, offred burnt offrings.

geneva@2Chronicles:34:15 @ Therefore Hilkiah answered and sayde to Shaphan the chaceler, I haue found the booke of the Law in the house of the Lord: & Hilkiah gaue the booke to Shaphan.

geneva@Ezra:5:15 @ And he sayde vnto him, Take these vessels and goe thy way, and put them in the Temple that is in Ierusalem, and let the house of God be buylt in his place.

geneva@Nehemiah:1:5 @ And sayde, O Lorde God of heauen, the great and terrible God, that keepeth couenant and mercy for them that loue him, and obserue his commandements,

geneva@Nehemiah:2:5 @ And sayde vnto the King, If it please the King, and if thy seruant haue found fauour in thy sight, I desire that thou wouldest send me to Iudah vnto the city of the sepulchres of my fathers, that I may buyld it.

geneva@Nehemiah:4:11 @ Also our aduersaries had sayde, They shall not knowe, neither see, till we come into the middes of them and slay them, and cause the worke to cease.

geneva@Esther:3:11 @ And the King sayde vnto Haman, Let the siluer be thine, and the people to doe with them as it pleaseth thee.

geneva@Esther:4:10 @ Then Ester sayde vnto Hatach, and commaunded him to say vnto Mordecai,

geneva@Esther:5:5 @ And the King sayd, Cause Haman to make haste that he may doe as Ester hath sayde. So the King and Haman came to the banket that Ester had prepared.

geneva@Esther:5:12 @ Haman sayde moreouer, Yea, Ester the Queene did let no man come in with the King to the banket that she had prepared, saue me: and to morowe am I bidden vnto her also with the King.

geneva@Esther:8:7 @ And the King Ahashuerosh sayde vnto the Queene Ester, & to Mordecai the Iewe, Behold, I haue giuen Ester the house of Haman, whome they haue hanged vpon the tree, because he layd hand vpon the Iewes.

geneva@Job:2:2 @ Then the Lord sayde vnto Satan, Whence commest thou? And Satan answered the Lorde, and sayd, From compassing the earth to and fro, and from walking in it.

geneva@Job:4:1 @ Then Eliphaz the Temanite answered, and sayde,

geneva@Job:7:4 @ If I layed me downe, I sayde, When shall I arise? and measuring the euening I am euen full with tossing to and fro vnto the dawning of the day.

geneva@Job:11:1 @ Then answered Zophar the Naamathite, and sayde,

geneva@Job:12:1 @ Then Iob answered, and sayde,

geneva@Job:22:1 @ Then Eliphaz the Temanite answered, and sayde,

geneva@Job:26:1 @ Bvt Iob answered, and sayde,

geneva@Job:36:1 @ Elihu also proceeded and sayde,

geneva@Isaiah:37:6 @ And Isaiah sayde vnto them, Thus say vnto your master, Thus saith the Lorde, Be not afrayd of the wordes that thou hast heard, wherewith the seruants of the king of Asshur haue blasphemed me.

geneva@Jeremiah:3:7 @ And I sayde, when shee had done all this, Turne thou vnto me: but she returned not, as her rebellious sister Iudah sawe.

geneva@Jeremiah:3:19 @ But I sayde, Howe did I take thee for children and giue thee a pleasant lande, euen the glorious heritage of the armies of the heathen, and saide, Thou shalt call mee, saying, My father, and shalt not turne from me?

geneva@Jeremiah:13:6 @ And after many dayes, the Lorde sayde vnto mee, Arise, goe towarde Perath, and take the girdle from thence, which I commaunded thee to hide there.

geneva@Jeremiah:16:14 @ Behold therfore, saith the Lord, the dayes come that it shal no more be sayde, The Lord liueth, which brought vp the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt,

geneva@Jeremiah:19:14 @ Then came Ieremiah fro Topheth, where the Lord had sent him to prophecie, and he stood in the court of the Lordes house, and sayde to all the people,

geneva@Jeremiah:37:14 @ Then sayde Ieremiah, That is false, I flee not to the Caldeans: but he would not heare him: so Iriiah tooke Ieremiah, and brought him to the princes.

geneva@Jeremiah:38:12 @ And Ebed-melech the blacke More sayde vnto Ieremiah, Put now these olde rotten ragges and worne, vnder thine arme holes, betweene the coards; Ieremiah did so.

geneva@Jeremiah:38:25 @ But if ye princes vnderstand that I haue talked with thee, & they come vnto thee, & say vnto thee, Declare vnto vs nowe, what thou hast sayde vnto the King, hide it not from vs, & we will not slay thee: also what the King sayd vnto thee,

geneva@Lamentations:3:57 @ Thou drewest neere in the day that I called vpon thee: thou saydest, Feare not.

geneva@Ezekiel:9:7 @ And he sayde vnto them, Defile the house, and fill the courtes with the slaine, then goe foorth: and they went out, and slewe them in the citie.

geneva@Ezekiel:37:3 @ And he sayde vnto me, Sonne of man, can these bones liue? And I answered, O Lorde God, thou knowest.

geneva@Ezekiel:37:4 @ Againe he sayde vnto me, Prophecie vpon these bones and say vnto them, O ye dry bones, heare the word of the Lord.

geneva@Ezekiel:41:4 @ So he measured the length thereof twentie cubites, and the breadth twentie cubites before the Temple; he sayde vnto mee, This is the most holy place.

geneva@Daniel:2:3 @ And the King sayde vnto them, I haue dreamed a dreame, and my spirite was troubled to knowe the dreame.

geneva@Daniel:2:10 @ Then the Caldeans answered before the King, and sayde, There is no man vpon earth that can declare the Kings matter: yea, there is neither king nor prince nor lorde that asked such things at an inchanter or astrologian or Caldean.

geneva@Daniel:2:15 @ Yea, he answered and sayde vnto Arioch the kings captaine, Why is the sentence so hastie from the king? Then Arioch declared the thing to Daniel.

geneva@Daniel:2:20 @ And Daniel answered and sayde, The Name of God be praysed for euer and euer: for wisedome and strength are his,

geneva@Daniel:2:26 @ Then answered the King, and sayde vnto Daniel, whose name was Belteshazzar, Art thou able to shew me the dreame, which I haue seene, and the interpretation thereof?

geneva@Daniel:4:30 @ {\cf2 (4:27)} And the King spake and sayde, Is not this great Babel, that I haue built for the house of the kingdome by the might of my power, and for the honour of my maiestie?

geneva@Daniel:6:6 @ Therefore the rulers and these gouernours went together to the King, and sayde thus vnto him, King Darius, liue for euer.

geneva@Daniel:10:11 @ And he sayde vnto me, O Daniel, a man greatly beloued, vnderstand the wordes that I speake vnto thee, and stand in thy place: for vnto thee am I nowe sent; when hee had sayde this worde vnto me, I stood trembling.

geneva@Haggai:2:13 @ {\cf2 (2:14)} Then sayde Haggai, If a polluted person touch any of these, shall it be vncleane? And the Priests answered, and sayd, It shalbe vncleane.

geneva@Zechariah:1:9 @ Then sayd I, O my Lorde, what are these? And the Angel that talked with me, sayde vnto me, I wil shew thee what these be.

geneva@Zechariah:4:13 @ And hee answered me, and saide, Knowest thou not what these bee? And I sayde, No, my Lorde.

geneva@Matthew:9:12 @ Nowe when Iesus heard it, hee sayde vnto them, The whole neede not a Physition, but they that are sicke.

geneva@Matthew:11:2 @ And when Iohn heard in the prison the woorkes of Christ, he sent two of his disciples, and sayde vnto him,

geneva@Matthew:14:8 @ And shee being before instructed of her mother, sayde, Giue mee here Iohn Baptists head in a platter.

geneva@Matthew:19:18 @ He sayd to him, Which? And Iesus sayde, These, Thou shalt not kill: Thou shalt not commit adulterie: Thou shalt not steale: Thou shalt not beare false witnesse.

geneva@Matthew:19:26 @ And Iesus behelde them, and sayde vnto them, With men this is vnpossible, but with God all things are possible.

geneva@Matthew:22:20 @ And he sayde vnto them, Whose is this image and superscription?

geneva@Matthew:26:21 @ And as they did eate, he sayde, Verely I say vnto you, that one of you shall betraie me.

geneva@Matthew:26:33 @ But Peter aunswered, and sayde vnto him, Though that al men should be offended by thee, yet will I neuer be offended.

geneva@Matthew:26:34 @ Iesus sayde vnto him, Verely I say vnto thee, that this night, before the cocke crow, thou shalt denie me thrise.

geneva@Matthew:26:55 @ The same houre sayde Iesus to the multitude, Ye be come out as it were against a thiefe, with swordes and staues to take mee: I sate daily teaching in the Temple among you, and yee tooke me not.

geneva@Matthew:26:71 @ And when hee went out into the porche, another maide sawe him, and sayde vnto them that were there, This man was also with Iesus of Nazareth.

geneva@Matthew:26:73 @ So after a while, came vnto him they that stoode by, and sayde vnto Peter, Surely thou art also one of them: for euen thy speache bewraieth thee.

geneva@Matthew:26:75 @ Then Peter remembred the wordes of Iesus, which had sayde vnto him, Before the cocke crowe thou shalt denie me thrise. So he went out, and wept bitterly.

geneva@Matthew:27:4 @ Saying, I haue sinned, betraying the innocent bloud. But they sayde, What is that to vs? see thou to it.

geneva@Mark:1:37 @ And when they had found him, they sayde vnto him, All men seeke for thee.

geneva@Mark:2:8 @ And immediatly when Iesus perceiued in his spirite, that thus they reasoned with themselues, he sayde vnto them, Why reason yee these things in your hearts?

geneva@Mark:2:10 @ But that ye may knowe, that the Sonne of man hath authoritie in earth to forgiue sinnes, (he sayde vnto the sicke of the palsie.)

geneva@Mark:2:17 @ Now when Iesus heard it, hee sayde vnto them, The whole haue no neede of the Physicion, but the sicke. I came not to call the righteous, but the sinners to repentance.

geneva@Mark:2:27 @ And hee sayde to them, The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath.

geneva@Mark:6:38 @ Then he sayde vnto them, Howe many loaues haue ye? Goe and looke; when they knewe it, they sayd, Fiue, and two fishes.

geneva@Mark:7:18 @ And he sayde vnto them, What? Are ye without vnderstanding also? Doe ye not knowe that whatsoeuer thing from without entreth into a man, cannot defile him,

geneva@Mark:10:3 @ And he answered, and sayde vnto them, What did Moses commaund you?

geneva@Mark:10:18 @ Iesus sayde to him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, euen God.

geneva@Mark:10:21 @ And Iesus looked vpon him, & loued him, and sayde vnto him, One thing is lacking vnto thee. Go and sell all that thou hast, and giue to the poore, & thou shalt haue treasure in heauen, and come, followe me, and take vp the crosse.

geneva@Mark:10:52 @ Then Iesus sayde vnto him, Goe thy way: thy fayth hath saued thee; by and by, he receiued his sight, and folowed Iesus in the way.

geneva@Mark:11:6 @ And they sayde vnto them, as Iesus had commanded them: So they let them goe.

geneva@Mark:14:2 @ But they sayde, Not in the feast day, least there be any tumult among the people.

geneva@Mark:14:13 @ Then hee sent foorth two of his disciples, and sayde vnto them, Goe yee into the citie, and there shall a man meete you bearing a pitcher of water: followe him.

geneva@Mark:14:22 @ And as they did eate, Iesus tooke the bread, and when hee had giuen thankes, he brake it and gaue it to them, and sayde, Take, eate, this is my bodie.

geneva@Mark:14:67 @ And when shee sawe Peter warming him selfe, shee looked on him, and sayde, Thou wast also with Iesus of Nazareth.

geneva@Mark:14:70 @ But hee denied it againe: and anon after, they that stoode by, sayde againe to Peter, Surely thou art one of them: for thou art of Galile, and thy speach is like.

geneva@Mark:15:2 @ Then Pilate asked him, Art thou the King of the Iewes? And hee answered, and sayde vnto him, Thou sayest it.

geneva@Luke:2:15 @ And it came to passe whe the Angels were gone away from them into heauen, that the shepheards sayde one to another, Let vs goe then vnto Beth-leem, and see this thing that is come to passe which the Lord hath shewed vnto vs.

geneva@Luke:5:10 @ And so was also Iames & Iohn the sonnes of Zebedeus, which were companions with Simon. Then Iesus sayde vnto Simon, Feare not: from henceforth thou shalt catch men.

geneva@Luke:6:2 @ And certaine of the Pharises sayde vnto them, Why doe ye that which is not lawfull to doe on the Sabbath dayes?

geneva@Luke:8:25 @ Then he sayde vnto them, Where is your fayth? And they feared, & wondered among them selues, saying, Who is this that commandeth both the windes and water, and they obey him!

geneva@Luke:8:46 @ And Iesus sayde, Some one hath touched me: for I perceiue that vertue is gone out of me.

geneva@Luke:8:49 @ While he yet spake, there came one from the ruler of the Synagogues house, which sayde to him, Thy daughter is dead: disease not the Master.

geneva@Luke:9:14 @ For they were about fiue thousand men. Then he sayde to his disciples, Cause them to sit downe by fifties in a company.

geneva@Luke:11:46 @ And he sayde, Wo be to you also, yee Lawyers: for yee lade men with burdens grieuous to be borne, and yee your selues touche not the burdens with one of your fingers.

geneva@Luke:15:12 @ And the yonger of them sayde to his father, Father, giue mee the portion of the goods that falleth to mee. So he deuided vnto them his substance.

geneva@Luke:15:27 @ And hee sayde vnto him, Thy brother is come, and thy father hath killed the fatte calfe, because he hath receiued him safe and sound.

geneva@Luke:16:7 @ Then said he to another, How much owest thou? And hee sayde, An hundreth measures of wheate. Then he saide to him, Take thy writing, and write foure score.

geneva@Luke:16:30 @ And he sayde, Nay, father Abraham: but if one came vnto them from the dead, they will amend their liues.

geneva@Luke:19:22 @ Then he sayde vnto him, Of thine owne mouth will I iudge thee, O euill seruant. Thou knewest that I am a straight man, taking vp that I layd not downe, & reaping that I did not sowe.

geneva@Luke:20:3 @ And he answered, and sayde vnto them, I also will aske you one thing: tell me therefore:

geneva@John:1:50 @ Iesus answered, and sayde vnto him, Because I sayde vnto thee, I sawe thee vnder the figtree, beleeuest thou? thou shalt see greater things then these.

geneva@John:2:7 @ And Iesus sayde vnto them, Fill the waterpots with water. Then they filled them vp to the brim.

geneva@John:2:8 @ Then he sayde vnto them, Draw out nowe and beare vnto the gouernour of the feast. So they bare it.

geneva@John:2:22 @ Assoone therefore as he was risen from the dead, his disciples remembred that hee thus sayde vnto them: and they beleeued the Scripture, and the worde which Iesus had saide.

geneva@John:3:28 @ Yee your selues are my witnesses, that I sayde, I am not that Christ, but that I am sent before him.

geneva@John:6:6 @ (And this he sayde to prooue him: for hee himselfe knewe what he would doe.)

geneva@John:6:25 @ And when they had founde him on the other side of the sea, they sayde vnto him, Rabbi, when camest thou hither?

geneva@John:6:67 @ Then sayde Iesus to the twelue, Will yee also goe away?

geneva@John:7:9 @ These things he sayde vnto them, and abode still in Galile.

geneva@John:8:42 @ Therefore Iesus sayde vnto them, If God were your Father, then woulde ye loue mee: for I proceeded foorth, and came from God, neither came I of my selfe, but he sent me.

geneva@John:9:11 @ He answered, and sayd, The man that is called Iesus, made clay, and anointed mine eyes, and sayde vnto me, Goe to the poole of Siloam and wash. So I went and washed, and receiued sight.

geneva@John:9:23 @ Therefore sayde his parents, Hee is olde ynough: aske him.

geneva@John:9:30 @ The man answered, and sayde vnto them, Doutlesse, this is a marueilous thing, that ye know not whence he is, and yet he hath opened mine eyes.

geneva@John:12:50 @ And I knowe that his commaundement is life euerlasting: the thinges therefore that I speake, I speake them so as the Father sayde vnto me.

geneva@John:18:5 @ They answered him, Iesus of Nazareth. Iesus sayde vnto them, I am hee. Nowe Iudas also which betraied him, stoode with them.

geneva@John:18:11 @ Then sayde Iesus vnto Peter, Put vp thy sworde into the sheath: shall I not drinke of the cuppe which my Father hath giuen me?

geneva@John:18:20 @ Iesus answered him, I spake openly to the world: I euer taught in the Synagogue and in the Temple, whither the Iewes resort continually, and in secret haue I sayde nothing.

geneva@John:18:21 @ Why askest thou mee? aske them which heard mee what I sayde vnto them: beholde, they knowe what I sayd.

geneva@John:18:33 @ So Pilate entred into the common hall againe, and called Iesus, and sayde vnto him, Art thou the king of the Iewes?

geneva@John:19:14 @ And it was the Preparation of the Passeouer, and about the sixt houre: and hee sayde vnto the Iewes, Beholde your King.

geneva@John:19:15 @ But they cried, Away with him, away with him, crucifie him. Pilate sayde vnto them, Shall I crucifie your King? The high Priestes answered, We haue no King but Cesar.

geneva@John:19:24 @ Therefore they sayde one to another, Let vs not deuide it, but cast lots for it, whose it shall be. This was that the Scripture might be fulfilled, which sayth, They parted my garments among them, and on my coate did cast lots. So the souldiers did these things in deede.

geneva@Acts:9:21 @ So that all that heard him, were amased, and sayde, Is not this hee, that made hauocke of them which called on this Name in Hierusalem, and came hither for that intent, that hee should bring them bound vnto the hie Priests?

geneva@Acts:10:19 @ And while Peter thought on the vision, the Spirit sayde vnto him, Beholde, three men seeke thee.

geneva@Acts:21:39 @ Then Paul sayde, Doubtlesse, I am a man which am a Iewe, and citizen of Tarsus, a famous citie of Cilicia, and I beseech thee, suffer mee to speake vnto the people.

geneva@Acts:22:10 @ Then I sayd, What shall I doe, Lord? And the Lorde sayde vnto me, Arise, and goe into Damascus: and there it shall be tolde thee of all things, which are appointed for thee to doe.

geneva@Acts:27:10 @ And sayde vnto them, Syrs, I see that this voiage will be with hurt & much damage, not of the lading and ship onely, but also of our liues.

geneva@2Corinthians:9:3 @ Nowe haue I sent the brethren, lest our reioycing ouer you shoulde bee in vaine in this behalfe, that yee (as I haue sayde) be readie:

geneva@Revelation:22:9 @ But he sayde vnto me, See thou doe it not: for I am thy fellowe seruaunt, and of thy brethren the Prophets, and of them which keepe the woordes of this booke: worship God.

geneva@Jdt:2:2 @ {\cf2 And when I sawe abundance of meat, I sayde to my sonne, Go, and bring what poore man soeuer thou shalt finde of our brethren which doeth remember God, and loe I will tarie for thee.}

geneva@Jdt:2:3 @ {\cf2 But hee came againe, and sayde, Father, one of our nation is strangled, and is cast out in the market place.}

geneva@Jdt:2:8 @ {\cf2 But my neighbours mocked mee, and sayde, Doeth he not feare, to die for this cause, who fled away, and yet, loe, he burieth the dead againe.}

geneva@Jdt:2:14 @ {\cf2 But shee sayde, It was giuen for a gift more then the wages, but I did not beleeue, and bade her to render it to the owners, and I did blush, because of her. Furthermore she said, where are thine almes, and thy righteousnes? behold, they all nowe appeare in thee.}

geneva@Jdt:3:10 @ {\cf2 When she heard these things, shee was very sorowful, so that she thought to haue strangled her selfe; she sayde, I am the onely daughter of my father, and if I do this, I shal slaunder him, and shal bring his age to the graue with sorow.}

geneva@Jdt:4:2 @ {\cf2 And sayde with himselfe, I haue wished for death: wherefore do I not call for my sonne Tobias that I may admonish him before I die?}

geneva@Jdt:5:8 @ {\cf2 Then he sayde vnto him, Goe, and tarie not: so he went in and sayde to his father, Beholde, I haue founde one, which will goe with me. Then he sayde, Call him vnto me, that I may knowe of what tribe he is, and whether he be faithfull to goe with thee.}

geneva@Jdt:5:10 @ {\cf2 Then Tobit sayde vnto him, Brother, shewe me of what tribe and familie thou art.}

geneva@Jdt:5:13 @ {\cf2 Then Tobit sayde, Thou art welcome, brother: be not now angry with me, because I haue enquired to knowe thy kinred, & thy familie: for thou art my brother of an honest & good stocke: for I know Ananias & Ionathas, sonnes of that great Samaias: for we went together to Ierusalem to worship, & offred the first borne, & the tenthes of the fruites, & they were not deceiued with the error of our brethren my brother, thou art of a great stocke.}

geneva@Jdt:5:16 @ {\cf2 So they agreed. Then said he to Tobias, Prepare thy selfe for the iourney, and goe you on Gods Name; when his sonne had prepared all things for the iourney, his father sayde, Goe thou with this man, and God which dwelleth in heauen, prosper your iourney, & the Angel of God keepe you companie. So they went forth both and departed, & the dogge of the yong man with them.}

geneva@Jdt:6:6 @ {\cf2 Then the yong man sayde to the Angel, Brother Azarias, what auaileth the heart, and the liuer, and the gall of the fish?}

geneva@Jdt:6:10 @ {\cf2 The Angel sayde to the yong man, Brother, to day we shall lodge with Raguel, who is thy cousin: he also hath one only daughter named Sarra: I will speake for her that she may be giue thee for a wife.}

geneva@Jdt:6:15 @ {\cf2 Then the Angel sayde vnto him, Doest thou not remember the preceptes which thy father gaue thee, that thou shouldest marry a wife of thine owne kinred? wherefore heare me, O my brother: for she shall be thy wife, neither be thou carefull of the euill spirit: for this same night shall she be giuen thee in marriage.}

geneva@Jdt:7:2 @ {\cf2 Then sayde Raguel to Edna his wife, Howe like is this yong man to Tobit my cousin!}

geneva@Jdt:7:4 @ {\cf2 Then he sayde to them, Doe ye knowe Tobit our kinsman? And they sayd, We know him. Then said he, Is he in good health?}

geneva@Jdt:7:5 @ {\cf2 And they sayde, Hee is both aliue, and in good health: and Tobias sayd, He is my father.}

geneva@Jdt:7:7 @ {\cf2 And blessed him, and sayde vnto him, Thou art the sonne of an honest and good man: but when he had heard that Tobit was blinde, he was sorowfull and wept.}

geneva@Jdt:7:9 @ {\cf2 So he communicated the matter with Raguel, and Raguel sayde to Tobias, Eate, and drinke, and make merry.}

geneva@Jdt:7:11 @ {\cf2 I haue giuen my daughter in marriage to seuen men, who dyed that night which they came in vnto her: neuerthelesse, be thou of a good courage and merry. But Tobias sayde, I will eate nothing here, vntill yee bring her hither, and betrothe her to me.}

geneva@Jdt:7:16 @ {\cf2 After, Raguel called his wife Edna, and sayde vnto her, Sister, prepare another chamber, and bring her in thither.}

geneva@Jdt:7:18 @ {\cf2 And sayde vnto her, Be of good comfort, my daughter: the Lorde of heauen and earth giue thee ioy for this thy sorowe: bee of good comfort my daughter.}

geneva@Jdt:8:6 @ {\cf2 Thou madest Adam, and gauest him Eua his wife for an helpe, and stay: of them came mankinde: thou hast sayde, It is not good, that a man should be alone: let vs make vnto him an ayde like vnto himselfe.}

geneva@Jdt:8:12 @ {\cf2 He sayde to his wife Edna, Sende one of the maides, and let them see whether he be aliue: if not, that I may bury him, and none knowe it.}

geneva@Jdt:8:20 @ {\cf2 For Raguel had sayde vnto him by an othe, that he shoulde not depart before that the foureteene dayes of the marriage were expired,}

geneva@Jdt:9:1 @ {\cf2 Then Tobias called Raphael, and sayde vnto him,}

geneva@Jdt:10:2 @ {\cf2 Tobit sayde, Are they not mocked? or is not Gabael dead, and there is no man to giue him the money?}

geneva@Jdt:10:4 @ {\cf2 Then his wife sayd to him, My sonne is dead, seeing he tarieth: and she began to bewayle him, and sayde,}

geneva@Jdt:10:7 @ {\cf2 But she sayd, Holde thy peace, and deceiue me not: my sonne is dead: and she went out euery day by the way, which they went, neither did shee eate meate on the day time, and did consume whole nightes in bewayling her sonne Tobias vntill the foureteene dayes of ye wedding were expired, which Raguel had sworne, that he should tary there. Then Tobias sayde to Raguel, Let mee goe: for my father and my mother looke no more to see me.}

geneva@Jdt:10:8 @ {\cf2 But his father in lawe sayde vnto him, Tarie with mee, and I will sende to thy father, and they shall declare him thine affaires.}

geneva@Jdt:10:9 @ {\cf2 But Tobias sayde, No, but let mee goe to my father.}

geneva@Jdt:10:12 @ {\cf2 And he sayd to his daughter, Honour thy father, and thy mother in lawe which are nowe thy parents, that I may heare good report of thee: and hee kissed them, Edna also sayde to Tobias, The Lord of heauen restore thee, my deare brother, and graunt that I may see thy children of my daughter Sarra, that I may reioyce before the Lord. Beholde nowe, I commit to thee my daughter, as a pledge doe not entreat her euill.}

geneva@Jdt:11:9 @ {\cf2 Then Anna ranne foorth, and fell on the necke of her sonne, and sayde vnto him, Seeing I haue seene thee, my sonne, from henceforth I am content to die, and they wept both.}

geneva@Jdt:11:14 @ {\cf2 And hee wept and sayde, Blessed art thou, O Lorde, and blessed be thy Name for euer, and blessed be all thine holy Angels.}

geneva@Jdt:12:1 @ {\cf2 Then Tobit called his sonne Tobias, and sayde vnto him, Prouide, my sonne, wages for ye man, which went with thee, & thou must giue him more.}

geneva@Jdt:12:5 @ {\cf2 So he called the Angel, and sayde vnto him, Take halfe of all that ye haue brought, and goe away in safetie.}

geneva@Jdt:14:3 @ {\cf2 And when he was very aged, hee called his sonne, & sixe of his sonnes sonnes, & sayde to him, My sonne, take thy children (for behold, I am aged, and am ready to depart out of this life)}

geneva@Jdt:14:11 @ {\cf2 Wherefore nowe, my sonne, consider what almes doeth, and howe righteousnes doeth deliuer. When he had sayde these things, he gaue vp the ghost in the bed, being an hundreth and eyght and fiftie yeere olde, and he buried him honourably.}

geneva@Wis:2:4 @ {\cf2 And when hee had ended his counsell, Nabuchodonosor king of the Assyrians called Olofernes his chiefe captaine, and which was next vnto him, and sayde vnto him,}

geneva@Wis:6:2 @ {\cf2 Because thou hast prophesied among vs to day, and hast sayde that the people of Ierusalem is able to fight, because their God will defende them: and who is God but Nabuchodonosor?}

geneva@Wis:8:11 @ {\cf2 And they came vnto her, and she sayde vnto them, Heare me, O ye gouernors of the inhabitantes of Bethulia: for your words that ye haue spoken before the people this day, are not right, touching this othe which yee made and pronounced betweene God and you, and haue promised to deliuer the citie to the enemies, vnlesse within these dayes the Lord turne to helpe you.}

geneva@Wis:10:7 @ {\cf2 And when they sawe her that her face was changed, and that her garment was changed, they marueyled greaely at her wonderfull beautie, and sayde vnto her,}

geneva@Wis:10:19 @ {\cf2 And they marueiled at her beautie, and wondred at the children of Israel because of her, and euery one sayde vnto his neighbour, Who would despise this people, that haue among them such women? surely it is not good that one man of them be left: for if they shoulde remaine, they might deceiue the whole earth.}

geneva@Wis:11:20 @ {\cf2 Then her wordes pleased Olofernes, and all his seruants, and they marueiled at her wisedom, and sayde,}

geneva@1Macc:2:7 @ {\cf2 And he sayde, Woe is me: wherefore was I borne, to see this destruction of my people, and the destruction of the holy citie, & thus to sit still? it is deliuered into the handes of the enemies,}

geneva@1Macc:2:19 @ {\cf2 Then Mattathias answered and sayde with a loude voyce, Though all nations that are vnder the Kings dominion, obey him, & fall away euery man from the religion of their fathers, and consent to his commandements,}

geneva@1Macc:2:37 @ {\cf2 But sayde, We will die all in our innocencie: the heauen and earth shal testifie for vs, that ye destroy vs wrongfully.}

geneva@1Macc:3:17 @ {\cf2 But when they sawe the army comming against them, they sayde to Iudas, Howe are wee able, being so fewe, to fight against so great a multitude, and so strong, seeing we be so weary, and haue fasted all this day?}

geneva@1Macc:3:58 @ {\cf2 And Iudas sayde, Arme your selues, and be valiant men, and be ready against the morning to fight with these nations, which are gathered together against vs, to destroy vs and our Sanctuarie.}

geneva@1Macc:7:15 @ {\cf2 Then he spake vnto them peaceably, and swore vnto them, and sayde, We will doe you no harme, neither your friendes:}

geneva@2Macc:6:24 @ {\cf2 For it becommeth not our age, sayde he, to dissemble, whereby many young persons might thinke, that Eleazar being foure score yere old and ten were nowe gone to another religion,}

geneva@2Macc:6:30 @ {\cf2 And as hee was ready to giue the ghost because of the strokes, he sighed and sayde, The Lorde that hath the holy knowledge, knoweth manifestly, that whereas I might haue beene deliuered fromdeath, I am scourged and suffer these sore paynes of my body: but in my minde I suffer them gladly for his religion.}

geneva@2Macc:7:18 @ {\cf2 After him also they brought the sixt, who being at the poynt of death, sayde, Deceiue not thy selfe foolishly: for we suffer these things, which are worthy to be wondered at for our owne sakes, because we haue offended our God.}

geneva@2Macc:9:4 @ {\cf2 And the being chased in his fume, he thought to impute to the Iewes their faute, which had put him to flight, and therefore commanded his charet man to driue continually, and to dispatch the iourney: for Gods iudgement compelled him: for hee had sayde thus in his pride, I will make Ierusalem a common burying place of the Iewes, when I come thither.}