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NT-EPISTLES.filter - rotherham king:

rotherham@Romans:1:9 @ For God is, my witness, unto whom I am rendering divine service in my spirit, in the glad message of his Son, how incessantly, I am making mention of you

rotherham@Romans:1:10 @ At all times in my prayers, making supplicationif, by some means, even now, at any time, I may have a way opened, in the will of God, to come unto you;

rotherham@Romans:2:7 @ Unto them, on the one hand, who, by way of endurance in good work, are seeking, glory, honour and incorruption, life age-abiding,

rotherham@Romans:2:17 @ If, however, thou, art taking the name of Jew, and resting thyself upon law, and boasting in God,

rotherham@Romans:2:18 @ And art taking note of his will, and testing the things that differwhen receiving oral instruction out of the law,

rotherham@Romans:3:5 @ But, if, our unrighteousness, commendeth, Gods righteousness, what shall we say? Surely, not unrighteous, is God who visiteth with his anger? After the manner of men, I am speaking,

rotherham@Romans:6:6 @ Of this taking notethat, our old man, was crucified together with him in order that the sinful body might be made powerless, that we should, no longer, be in servitude to sin;

rotherham@Romans:6:19 @ In human fashion am I speaking, because of the weakness of your flesh; for, just as ye presented your members as servants unto impurity and unto lawlessness for lawlessness, so now, present ye your members as servants unto righteousness for sanctification.

rotherham@Romans:6:21 @ What fruit, therefore, had ye thenin things for which ye now are taking shame to yourselves? For, the end of those things, is death.

rotherham@Romans:7:1 @ Or are ye ignorant, brethren, for unto them that understand the law am I speaking, that, the law, hath lordship over a men as long as he liveth?

rotherham@Romans:7:8 @ Howbeit sin taking, occasionthrough the commandment, wrought out in me all manner of coveting; for, apart from law, sin is dead;

rotherham@Romans:7:11 @ For, sin, taking occasionthrough the commandment, completely deceived me and, through it, slew me:

rotherham@Romans:7:15 @ For, that which I am working out, I do not approve, for not, what I wish, the same I practise, but, what I hate, the same I do:

rotherham@Romans:7:17 @ Now, however, no longer am, I, working it out, but the, sin, that dwelleth in me:

rotherham@Romans:7:18 @ I know, in fact, that there dwelleth not in me, that is, in my flesh, anything good; for, the wishing, lieth near me, but, the working out of what is right, not!

rotherham@Romans:7:20 @ Now, if what I wish not, the same, I do, no longer am, I, working it out, but the, sin, that dwelleth in me.

rotherham@Romans:7:23 @ But I behold a diverse law in my members, warring against the law of my mind and taking me captive in the law of sin which existeth in my members:

rotherham@Romans:8:34 @ Who is he that condemneth? Christ Jesus who died?Nay! rather was raised from among the dead, who is on the right hand of God, who also is making intercession in our behalf?

rotherham@Romans:10:3 @ For, not knowing Gods righteousness and, their own, seeking to establish, unto the righteousness of God, have they not submitted;

rotherham@Romans:10:20 @ Isaiah, however, waxeth daring, and saith, I have been found by them who after me were not seeking, manifest have I become unto them who for me were not enquiring;

rotherham@Romans:11:3 @ Lord! Thy prophets, have they slain, thine altars, have they overthrown, and, I, am left alone, and they are seeking my life!

rotherham@Romans:11:11 @ I say then Did they stumble in order that they might fall? Far be it! But, by their fall, salvation unto the nations, to the end of provoking them to jealousy.

rotherham@Romans:11:13 @ Unto you, however, am I speaking, you of the nations; inasmuch, indeed, then, as, I, am an apostle to the nations, my ministry, I glorify,

rotherham@Romans:11:15 @ For, if, the casting away of them, hath become the reconciling of a world, what shall, the taking of them in addition, be, but life from among the dead?

rotherham@Romans:14:15 @ If, in fact, because of food, thy brother is being grieved, no longer, by the rule of love, art thou walking: do not, by thy food, that man, be destroying, on whose behalf Christ died!

rotherham@Romans:14:17 @ For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in Holy Spirit;

rotherham@1Corinthians:1:26 @ For be looking at the calling of you, brethren, that not many wise, according to flesh. Not many powerful, not many high-born:

rotherham@1Corinthians:3:3 @ For ye are yet fleshly. For, whereas there are, among you, jealousy and strife, are ye not, fleshly, and, after the manner of men, walking?

rotherham@1Corinthians:4:8 @ Already, ye have become full, already, ye are become rich, apart from us, ye are become kings! And I would indeed ye had become kings, that, we also, with you, might have together become kings!

rotherham@1Corinthians:4:12 @ And toil, working with our own hands: being reviled, we bless, being persecuted, we hold on,

rotherham@1Corinthians:4:20 @ For, not in speech, is the kingdom of God, but, in power.

rotherham@1Corinthians:6:5 @ With a view to shame you, am I speaking. So, is it possible that there is among younot so much as one wise man, who shall be able to judge between his brethren,

rotherham@1Corinthians:6:7 @ Already, indeed, it is an utter defeat for you, that ye are having, law-suits, one with another. Wherefore are ye not rather taking wrong? Wherefore are ye not rather suffering yourselves to be defrauded?

rotherham@1Corinthians:6:9 @ Or know ye not that, wrong-doers, shall not inherit, Gods kingdom? Be not deceiving yourselves: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor sodomites,

rotherham@1Corinthians:6:10 @ Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortionersshall inherit, Gods kingdom.

rotherham@1Corinthians:7:17 @ If notas the Lord hath distributedunto each one, as God hath called, each one, so, let him be walking; and, so, in all the assemblies, I ordain.

rotherham@1Corinthians:8:9 @ But be taking heed, lest, by any means, your right, itself, become, an occasion of stumbling, unto the weak;

rotherham@1Corinthians:9:6 @ Or have, only I and Barnabas, not a right to forbear working?

rotherham@1Corinthians:9:10 @ Or, for our sakes altogether, is he saying it? For our sakes, it was written; because, he that ploweth, ought, to plow, in hope, and, he that thresheth, in hope of partaking.

rotherham@1Corinthians:9:12 @ If, others, of this right, over you, are partaking, things, do we conceal, lest we should cause any hindrance unto the glad message of the Christ.

rotherham@1Corinthians:10:7 @ Neither become ye, idolaters, as some of them, as it is written The people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to be making sport;

rotherham@1Corinthians:10:18 @ Be looking at Israel after the flesh: are not, they who eat the sacrifices, joint partakers with the altar?

rotherham@1Corinthians:10:21 @ Ye cannot be drinkinga cup of the Lord, and a cup of demons; ye cannot be partaking of, a table of the Lord, and a table of demons.

rotherham@1Corinthians:10:24 @ Let, no one, be seeking, what concerneth himself, but that which concerneth some one else.

rotherham@1Corinthians:10:25 @ Whatsoever, in the market, is sold, eat, asking no question, for conscience sake;

rotherham@1Corinthians:10:27 @ If one of them who believe not invite you, and ye are disposed to go, whatsoever is set before you, eat, asking no question, for conscience sake.

rotherham@1Corinthians:10:33 @ Even as, I also, in all things do please all, not seeking my own profit, but that of the many, that they may be saved.

rotherham@1Corinthians:11:21 @ For, each one, taketh beforehand, his own supper, in your eating, and, one, indeed, is hungry, whereas, another, is drinking to excess.

rotherham@1Corinthians:11:22 @ What! have ye not houses for your eating and drinking? or, the assembly of God, do ye despise, and, put to shame them who have nothing? What am I to say to you? Shall I praise you? In this, I praise you not.

rotherham@1Corinthians:11:25 @ In the same manner, the cup also, after they had taken supper, saying This cup, is, the new covenant in my blood, this, do ye, as often soever as ye may be drinking it, in remembrance of me.

rotherham@1Corinthians:11:26 @ For, as often as ye may be eating this loaf, and, the cup, may be drinking, The death of the Lord, do ye announce, until he come.

rotherham@1Corinthians:11:27 @ So that, whosoever may be eating the loaf, or drinking the cup of the Lord, in an unworthy manner, shall be responsible for the body and blood of the Lord.

rotherham@1Corinthians:11:29 @ For, he that is eating and drinking, judgment unto himself, doth eat and drink, if he be not setting apart the body.

rotherham@1Corinthians:12:3 @ Wherefore, I give you to knowthat, no one, in Gods Spirit speaking, saith Accursed Jesus! and, no one, can say Lord Jesus! save in Holy Spirit.

rotherham@1Corinthians:12:24 @ Whereas, our comely parts, have, no need. But, God, hath tempered the body together, unto that which was lacking, giving more abundant honour;

rotherham@1Corinthians:13:1 @ Although with the tongues of men, I be speaking, and of messengers, and have not, love, I have become resounding brass, or a clanging cymbal;

rotherham@1Corinthians:14:2 @ For, he that speaketh with a tongue, not unto men, doth speak, but, unto God, for, no one, understandeth, although, in spirit, he is speaking sacred secrets;

rotherham@1Corinthians:14:6 @ But, now, brethrenif I come unto you speaking with tongues, what shall I profit, you, except I speak, unto you, either by way of revelation, or knowledge, or prophesying, or teaching?

rotherham@1Corinthians:14:9 @ So, also, ye, through means of the tongue, except ye give intelligible discourse, how shall it be known what is being spoken? for ye will be speaking, to the air.

rotherham@1Corinthians:14:11 @ If, then, I do not know the meaning of the language, I shall be, unto him that is speaking, a foreigner, and, he that is speaking, shall be, in my case, a foreigner.

rotherham@1Corinthians:14:18 @ I give thanks unto God!More than ye all, am I speaking with tongues;

rotherham@1Corinthians:14:23 @ If, then, the whole assembly come together with one consent, and, all, are speaking with tongues, and there come in persons unskilled or unbelieving, will they not say that ye are raving?

rotherham@1Corinthians:14:27 @ If, with a tongue, one is speaking, let it be by two, or, at the most, three, and by turns; and let, one, be translating;

rotherham@1Corinthians:14:28 @ But, if there be none to translate, let him keep silence in assembly, and, unto himself, be speaking, and, unto God!

rotherham@1Corinthians:14:34 @ As for the women, in the assemblies, let them be silent, for it is not permitted them to be speaking; but let them be in submission, even as, the law, saith.

rotherham@1Corinthians:14:35 @ If, however, they are wishing to learn something, at home, their own husbands, let them question; for it is a shame for a woman to be speaking in assembly.

rotherham@1Corinthians:14:39 @ So, then, my brethren, be zealous to prophesy, and do not forbid, to be speaking with tongues;

rotherham@1Corinthians:15:24 @ Afterwards, the endwhensoever he delivereth up the kingdom unto his God and Father, whensoever he shall bring to nought all rule and all authority and power;

rotherham@1Corinthians:15:34 @ Wake up to sobriety, in righteousness, and be not committing sin; for some have, an ignorance of God: for shame, unto you, am I speaking!

rotherham@1Corinthians:15:50 @ And, this, I say, brethren, that, flesh and blood, cannot inherit, Gods kingdom. Neither doth, corruption, inherit, incorruption.

rotherham@2Corinthians:2:13 @ I had no relief in my spirit, because I found not Titus my brother; but, taking my leave of them, I came away into Macedonia.

rotherham@2Corinthians:4:2 @ But have renounced the hidden things of shame, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully, but, by the manifestation of the truth, commending ourselves unto every conscience of men, in the sight of God.

rotherham@2Corinthians:4:17 @ For, the momentary lightness of thee tribulation, in a manner yet more and more excelling, is working out for us, an age-abiding weight of glory,

rotherham@2Corinthians:4:18 @ So long as we are not looking out for the visible things, but for the invisible; for, the visible things, are temporary, whereas, the invisible, are age-abiding.

rotherham@2Corinthians:5:7 @ By faith, are we walking, not by sight;

rotherham@2Corinthians:6:10 @ as grieving, yet, ever, rejoicing, as destitute, yet making, many, rich, as holding, nothing, and yet firmly holding, all things.

rotherham@2Corinthians:8:9 @ For ye are taking knowledge of the favour of our Lord Jesus Christ, how that, for your sakes, he became destitutealthough he was, rich, in order that, ye, by his destitution, might be enriched.

rotherham@2Corinthians:10:2 @ I entreat, however, that, when present, I may not be bold with the assurance wherewith I think to be daring against some who account of us as though, according to flesh, we were walking,

rotherham@2Corinthians:10:7 @ The things that lie on the surface, ye are looking at: if anyone hath come to trust in himself that he is, Christs, this, let him reckon, again, with himselfthat, even as, he, is Christs, so, also are, we.

rotherham@2Corinthians:11:21 @ By way of disparagement, am I speaking, as though, we, had been weak! whereas, in whatsoever anyone dareth, in foolishness I speak, I also, dare:

rotherham@2Corinthians:11:23 @ Ministers of Christ, are they? As one deranged I am talking, I, above measure!in toils, superabundantly, in prisons, superabundantly, in stripes, to excess, in deaths, oft,

rotherham@2Corinthians:11:31 @ The God and Father of our Lord Jesus, knoweth He who is blessed unto the agesthat I am not speaking falsely:

rotherham@2Corinthians:11:32 @ In Damascus, the governor under Aretas the king, was guarding the city of Damascenes, to apprehend me,

rotherham@2Corinthians:12:19 @ All this time, think ye, that, unto you, we are making a defence? Before God in Christ, we speak; but all these things, beloved, for your upbuilding.

rotherham@2Corinthians:13:3 @ Since, a test, ye are seeking, of the speaking in me of Christ; who, unto you, is not weak, but is powerful in you,

rotherham@2Corinthians:13:11 @ Finally, brethren, farewell! Be getting restored, be taking encouragement, be of one mind, live in peace, and, the God of love and peace, will be with you.

rotherham@Galatians:1:10 @ For am I, even now, persuading, men, or God? Or am I seeking to please, men? If I had been still pleasing, men, Christs servant, had I not been!

rotherham@Galatians:1:14 @ And was making advancement, in Judaism, above many contemporaries in my nation, being, surpassingly zealous, of my paternal instructions.

rotherham@Galatians:2:1 @ After that, fourteen years later, I, again, went up unto Jerusalem, with Barnabas, taking with me Titus also;

rotherham@Galatians:2:14 @ But, when I saw that they were not walking with straightforwardness as regardeth the truth of the glad-message, I said unto Cephas, before all: If, thou, although, a Jew, like them of the nations, and not like the Jews, dost live, how dost thou compel, them of the nations, to live like Jews?

rotherham@Galatians:2:17 @ Now, if in seeking to be declared righteous in Christ we, ourselves also, were found sinners, is Christ, therefore, a minister, of sin? Far be it!

rotherham@Galatians:3:7 @ Be taking note, thereforethat, they who are of faith, the same, are, sons, of Abraham;

rotherham@Galatians:3:15 @ Brethren! in human fashion, am I speaking: yet still, a mans confirmed covenant, no one setteth aside or addeth unto:

rotherham@Galatians:5:16 @ I say, moreoverby Spirit, be walking, and, fleshly coveting, ye will in nowise fulfil;

rotherham@Galatians:5:21 @ envyings, drunkenness, revellings; and such things as these: as to which I forewarn you, even as I have forewarned you, that, they who such things as these do practise, shall not inherit, Gods kingdom.

rotherham@Galatians:6:1 @ Brethren! if a man should even be overtaken in any fault, ye, the spiritual, be restoring such a one, in a spirit of meekness, looking to thyself, lest, even thou, be put to the test.

rotherham@Galatians:6:10 @ Hence, then, as we have opportunity, let us be working what is good, towards all, but, especially, towards the family of the faith.

rotherham@Ephesians:1:5 @ marking us out beforehand unto sonship, through Jesus Christ, for himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,

rotherham@Ephesians:1:9 @ making known to us the sacred secret of his will, according to his good pleasure which he purposed in him,

rotherham@Ephesians:1:16 @ Cease not giving thanks in your behalf, making mention in my prayers,

rotherham@Ephesians:2:15 @ The enmity, in his fleshthe law of commandments in decreesbringing to nought, that, the two, he might create in himself, into one man of new mould, making peace.

rotherham@Ephesians:4:19 @ Who, indeed, having become past feeling, have delivered, themselves, up, with wantonness, unto making a trade of all impurity with greed.

rotherham@Ephesians:4:25 @ Wherefore, stripping off what is false, be speaking truth each one with his neighbour, because we are members one of another;

rotherham@Ephesians:4:28 @ Let, the stealer, no more, steal, but rather let him be toiling, working with his hands the thing that is good, that he may have to be giving away to him that hath need;

rotherham@Ephesians:4:31 @ All bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and outcry, and profane speaking, let it be taken away from you, with all baseness;

rotherham@Ephesians:5:4 @ And shamelessness and foolish talking, or jesting, which things are beneath you, but, rather, giving of thanks;

rotherham@Ephesians:5:5 @ For, this, ye know, if ye take notethat no fornicator, or impure or greedy person, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of the Christ and God.

rotherham@Ephesians:5:8 @ For ye were, at one time, darkness, but, now, are ye light in the Lord, as children of light, be walking,

rotherham@Ephesians:5:15 @ Be taking heed, therefore, exactly how ye are walking, not as unwise, but as wise,

rotherham@Ephesians:5:19 @ Speaking to yourselves, with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs; singing, and striking the strings, with your heart unto the Lord;

rotherham@Ephesians:5:32 @ This sacred secret, is, great, I, however, am speaking as to Christ and as to the assembly;

rotherham@Ephesians:6:4 @ And ye fathers, be not provoking your children to anger, but be nourishing them up in the discipline and admonition of the Lord.

rotherham@Philippians:1:4 @ At all times, in every supplication of mine, in behalf of you all, with joy, my supplication, making,

rotherham@Philippians:1:14 @ And, the most of the brethren in the Lord, assured by my bonds, are becoming more abundantly bold to be fearlessly speaking the word of God:

rotherham@Philippians:2:4 @ Not, to your own things, severally looking, but, to the things of others, severally:

rotherham@Philippians:2:7 @ But, himself, emptied, taking, a servants form, coming to be, in mens likeness;

rotherham@Philippians:2:12 @ So, then, my belovedeven as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but, now, much more, in my absence, with fear and trembling, your own salvation, be working out;

rotherham@Philippians:2:22 @ But, of the proof of him, be taking note, that, as child, with father, with me, hath he done service for the glad-message;

rotherham@Philippians:3:17 @ Imitators together of me, become ye, brethren, and keep an eye on them who, thus, are walking, even as ye have, us, for, an ensample.

rotherham@Philippians:3:18 @ For, many, are walkingof whom I have often been telling you, and, now, even weeping, am telling, the enemies of the cross of the Christ;

rotherham@Philippians:4:8 @ For the rest, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are dignified, whatsoever things are righteous, whatsoever things are chaste, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report, if there be any virtue, and if any praise, the same, be taking into account;

rotherham@Philippians:4:11 @ Not that, as to coming short, I am speaking, for, I, have learned, in whatsoever circumstances I am, to be, independent:

rotherham@Philippians:4:14 @ Nevertheless, nobly, have ye done, in taking fellowship with me in my tribulation.

rotherham@Colossians:1:9 @ For this cause, we also, from the day when we heard, cease not, in your behalf, praying and askingthat ye may be filled unto the personal knowledge of his will, in all spiritual wisdom and discernment,

rotherham@Colossians:1:13 @ Who hath rescued us out of the authority of the darkness, and translated into the kingdom of the Son of his love;

rotherham@Colossians:1:20 @ And, through him, fully to reconcile all things unto him, making peace through the blood of his cross, through him whether the things upon the earth or the things in the heavens;

rotherham@Colossians:2:6 @ As, therefore, ye have accepted the Anointed Jesus as your Lord, in him, be walking,

rotherham@Colossians:2:7 @ Rooted, and being built up, in him, and making yourselves sure in your faith, even as ye have been taught, surpassing therein with thanksgiving.

rotherham@Colossians:2:8 @ Be taking heed, lest there shall be anyone leading, you, off as a spoil, through means of their philosophy, and an empty deceit, according to the instruction of men, according to the first principles of the world, and not according to Christ:

rotherham@Colossians:2:16 @ Let no one, therefore, be judging, you, in eating and in drinking, or in respect of feast, or new moon, or sabbath,

rotherham@Colossians:2:18 @ Let, no one, against you, be arbitrating, however wishful, in respect of lowliness of mind, and of a religious observance of the messengers: upon what things he hath seen, taking his stand, in vain, puffed up by his carnal mind,

rotherham@Colossians:3:1 @ If, therefore, ye have been raised together with the Christ, the things on high, be seeking, where, the Christ, ison the right hand of God, sitting;

rotherham@Colossians:3:23 @ Whatsoever ye may be doing, from the soul, be working at it, as unto the Lord, and not unto men,-

rotherham@Colossians:4:5 @ In wisdom, be walking towards them who are without, the opportunity, buying out for yourselves,

rotherham@Colossians:4:6 @ Your discourse being always with benefit, with salt, seasoned, that ye may know how it behoveth you, unto each one, to be making answer.

rotherham@Colossians:4:11 @ And Jesus, he that is called Justus, they being of the circumcision; these only, fellow-workers unto the kingdom of God, men who have been, unto me, a comfort.

rotherham@Colossians:4:17 @ And say to Archippus: be taking heed unto the ministry which thou hast accepted in the Lord, that, the same, thou fulfil.

rotherham@1Thessalonians:1:2 @ We are giving thanks unto God continually, concerning you all, making, mention, in our prayers,

rotherham@1Thessalonians:2:6 @ Nor, of men, seeking gloryeither from you, or from others, though we could have assumed, dignity, as Apostles of Christ;

rotherham@1Thessalonians:2:9 @ For ye remember, brethren, our toil and hardship: night and day, working, so as not to be a burden unto any of you, we proclaimed unto you the glad-message of God,

rotherham@1Thessalonians:2:12 @ To the end ye might be walking in a manner worthy of God, who is calling you unto his own kingdom and glory,

rotherham@1Thessalonians:2:13 @ And, for this cause, we, are also giving thanks unto God unceasingly, that, when ye received a spoken word from uswhich was Gods, ye welcomed itnot as a human word, but, even as it truly is, a divine word, which is also inwardly working itself in you who believe.

rotherham@1Thessalonians:2:16 @ Hindering us from speaking, unto the nations, that they might be saved, to the filling up of their own sins, continually; but anger hath overtaken them at length.

rotherham@1Thessalonians:3:3 @ That, no one, might be shrinking back in these tribulations. For ye, yourselves, know, that, hereunto, are we appointed;

rotherham@1Thessalonians:3:10 @ Night and day, making very abundant entreaties, that we may see your face, and fit in the things which are lacking in your faith?

rotherham@1Thessalonians:4:11 @ And to be ambitious to be quiet, and to be attending to your own affairs, and to be working with your hands, even as, unto you, we gave charge

rotherham@2Thessalonians:1:5 @ A proof of the righteous judgment of God, to the end ye may be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, in behalf of which ye are also suffering:

rotherham@2Thessalonians:2:7 @ For, the secret, of lawlessness, already, is inwardly working itself, only, until, he that restraineth at present, shall be gone, out of the midst:

rotherham@2Thessalonians:2:9 @ Whose, presence, according to an inworking of Satan, with all manner of mighty work and sign and wonders of falsehood,

rotherham@2Thessalonians:2:11 @ And, for this cause, God sendeth them an inworking of error, to the end they should believe in the falsehood,

rotherham@2Thessalonians:3:8 @ Nor, as a free-gift, did eat, bread, from anyone, but, with toil and hardship, night and day, working, that we might not burden any of you;

rotherham@2Thessalonians:3:11 @ We hear, in fact, of some who are walking among you in a disorderly way, at nothing, working, yet too busily working!

rotherham@2Thessalonians:3:12 @ Now, such as these, we charge and exhort in the Lord Jesus Christ, that, with quietness, working, their own bread, they be eating.

rotherham@1Timothy:1:17 @ Now, unto the King of the ages, incorruptible, invisible, alone God, be honour and glory, unto the ages of ages, Amen!

rotherham@1Timothy:2:2 @ In behalf of kings, and all them who are, in eminent station; in order that, an undisturbed, and quiet life, we may lead, in all godliness and gravity:

rotherham@1Timothy:4:2 @ in hypocrisy, speaking falsehood, cauterised in their own conscience,

rotherham@1Timothy:5:4 @ Howbeit, if, any widow, hath, children or grandchildren, let them be learningfirst, unto their own house, to be shewing reverence, and, returns, to be making unto their progenitors; for, this, is acceptable before God;

rotherham@1Timothy:6:15 @ Which, in its own fit times, the happy and only Potentate will shewthe King of them that reign, and Lord of them that wield lordship,

rotherham@2Timothy:2:7 @ Think, as to what I am speaking; for the Lord will give thee discernment in all things.

rotherham@2Timothy:3:1 @ But, of this, be taking notethat, in last days, there will set in perilous seasons;

rotherham@2Timothy:4:1 @ I adjure before God, and Christ Jesus Who is about to be judging living and dead, both as to his forthshining and his kingdom,

rotherham@2Timothy:4:18 @ The Lord will rescue me from every wicked work, and will bring me safe into his heavenly kingdom: unto whom be the glory, unto the ages of ages. Amen.

rotherham@Titus:1:7 @ For it is needful that the overseer beunaccusable, as Gods steward, not self-willed, not soon angry, not given to wine, not ready to wound, not seeking gain by base means,

rotherham@Titus:2:10 @ not taking anything away, shewing, all good faith, that, the instruction which is of our Saviour God, they may adorn in all things.

rotherham@Titus:2:15 @ As to these things, be speaking and exhorting and reproving, with all manner of precept: let, no one, disregard thee!

rotherham@Philemon:1:4 @ I am giving thanks unto my Godalways, making mention, of thee, in my prayers,

rotherham@Hebrews:1:8 @ but, as to the Son, Thy throne, O God, is unto times age-abiding, and A sceptre of equity, is the sceptre of his kingdom,

rotherham@Hebrews:2:5 @ For, not unto messengers, hath he subjected the coming habitable earth of which we are speaking;

rotherham@Hebrews:2:17 @ Whence he was obliged, in every way, unto the brethren, to be made like, that he might become a merciful and faithful high-priest, in the things pertaining unto God, for the making of propitiation for the sins of the people.

rotherham@Hebrews:3:12 @ Be taking heed, brethren, lest at any time, there shall be in any one of you, a wicked heart of unbelief, in revolting from a Living God.

rotherham@Hebrews:4:8 @ For, if, unto them, Joshua had given rest, it had not in that case, concerning another day, been speaking, after, these things.

rotherham@Hebrews:5:13 @ For, every one partaking of milk, is unskilled in discourse of righteousness, for he is, a babe;

rotherham@Hebrews:7:1 @ For, this Melchizedek, king of Salem, priest of God Most High, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him,

rotherham@Hebrews:7:2 @ To whom even a tenth of all Abraham apportioned, first, indeed, when translated, King of Righteousness, but, after that, King of Salem also, which is King of Peace,

rotherham@Hebrews:7:20 @ And, inasmuch as not apart from oath-taking

rotherham@Hebrews:7:21 @ For, they, indeed, apart from oath-taking, have been made priests, but, he, with an oath-taking, through him that was saying unto him The Lord sware, and will not regret, Thou, art a priest, age-abidingly

rotherham@Hebrews:7:28 @ For, the law, constituteth, men, high-priests, having, weakness; but, the word of the oath-taking, which cometh after the law, A Son, age-abidingly, made perfect.

rotherham@Hebrews:9:5 @ But, over-above it, Cherubim of glory overshadowing the propitiatory: concerning which things, it is not now to be speaking, particularly.

rotherham@Hebrews:9:8 @ The Holy Spirit making this evidentthat, not yet, hath been manifested, the way through the Holy place, so long as the first tent hath a standing.

rotherham@Hebrews:9:10 @ Only as to eatings, and drinkings, and diversified immersions, righteous-appointments of the flesh, which, until a season of rectifying, are in force.

rotherham@Hebrews:9:19 @ For, when every commandment according to the law had been spoken by Moses unto all the people, taking the blood of the calves and the goats, with water and scarlet wool and hyssop, both, the scroll itself, and all the people, he sprinkled;

rotherham@Hebrews:10:4 @ For it is impossible for blood of bulls and goats to be taking away sins.

rotherham@Hebrews:10:25 @ Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, according to the custom of some, but exhorting, and by so much the more as this, by as much as ye behold, the day, drawing near.

rotherham@Hebrews:11:4 @ By faith, a fuller sacrifice, did Abel, offer unto God, than Cain, through which, he received witness that he was righteous, there being a witnessing upon his gifts, by God; and, through it, though he died, he yet is speaking.

rotherham@Hebrews:11:23 @ By faith, Moses, when bornwas hid three months by his parents, because, they saw, that, goodly, was, the child, and were not affrighted, at the decree of the king.

rotherham@Hebrews:11:26 @ Accountingas greater riches than Egypts treasures, the reproach of the Anointed One; for he was looking away unto the recompense.

rotherham@Hebrews:11:27 @ By faith, he forsook Egyptnot put in fear of the wrath of the king; for, as seeing him who cannot be seen, he persevered.

rotherham@Hebrews:11:33 @ Who, through faithprevailed in contest over kingdoms, wrought righteousness, attained unto promises, shut the mouths of lions,

rotherham@Hebrews:11:36 @ Others, again, of mockings and scourgings, received trial, nay! further, of bonds and imprisonments:

rotherham@Hebrews:12:2 @ Looking away unto our faiths Princely-leader and perfecter, Jesus, who, in consideration of the joy lying before him, endured a cross, shame, despising! And, on the right hand of the throne of God, hath taken his seat.

rotherham@Hebrews:12:10 @ For, they, indeed, for a few days, according to that which seemed good to them, were administering discipline; but, he, unto that which is profitable, with view to our partaking of his holiness:

rotherham@Hebrews:12:13 @ And, straight tracks, be making for your feetthat the lame member may not be dislocated, but, be healed rather.

rotherham@Hebrews:12:24 @ And unto the mediator of a new covenant, Jesus, and unto the blood of sprinkling, more excellently speaking, than, Abel.

rotherham@Hebrews:12:28 @ Wherefore, seeing that, of a kingdom not to be shaken, we are receiving possession, let us have gratitudewhereby we may be rendering divine service well-pleasingly unto God, with reverence and awe;

rotherham@Hebrews:13:6 @ So that, taking courage, we may be saying The Lord, hasteth to my cry, I will not be put in fear: what shall, man, do unto me?

rotherham@Hebrews:13:9 @ With teachings, manifold and strange, be not carried aside; for it is, noble, that, with gratitude, should, the heart, be getting confirmed, not with matters of food, in which, they who are walking, have not been profited.

rotherham@Hebrews:13:14 @ For we have not here an abiding city, but, unto that which is to be, are we seeking our way.

rotherham@James:1:3 @ Taking note, that, the proving of your faith, worketh out endurance;

rotherham@James:1:5 @ But, if any of you is sinning short of wisdom, let him be asking of God, Who giveth unto all freely and upbraideth not, and it shall be given him;

rotherham@James:1:6 @ But let him be asking in faith, nothing, doubting, for, he that doubteth, is like a wave of the sea, wind-driven and storm-tossed,

rotherham@James:2:5 @ Hearken! my brethren beloved: Hath not, God, chosen the destitute in the world rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him?

rotherham@James:2:9 @ But, if ye are shewing respect of persons, sin, are ye working, being convicted by the law as transgressors!

rotherham@James:2:12 @ So, be speaking, and, so, doing, as they who, through means of a law of freedom, are about to be judged;

rotherham@James:2:22 @ Thou seest that, his faith, had been working together with his works, and by his works did his faith become full-grown,

rotherham@James:4:1 @ Whence wars and whence fightings among you? are they not from hencedue to your pleasures which are taking the field in your members?

rotherham@James:4:11 @ Be not speaking one against another, brethren! He that speaketh against a brother, or judgeth his brother, speaketh against law, and judgeth law; Now, if, upon law, thou art passing judgment, thou art not a doer of law, but a judge!

rotherham@James:5:20 @ Be ye taking notethat, he that turneth back a sinner out of the error of his waywill save his soul out of death, and hide a multitude of sins.

rotherham@1Peter:1:8 @ Whom, not having seen, ye love, on whom, though at present not looking, but believing, ye exult with joy unspeakable and filled with glory,

rotherham@1Peter:1:17 @ And, if, as Father, ye are invoking him who, without respect of persons, judgeth according to each mans work, with reverence, for the time of your sojourning, behave ye;

rotherham@1Peter:2:13 @ Submit yourselves unto every human creation, for the Lords sake, whether unto a king, as one that protecteth,

rotherham@1Peter:2:17 @ Unto all men, give honour, unto the brotherhood, shew love, unto God, give reverence, the king, hold in honour.

rotherham@1Peter:2:23 @ Who, being reviled, was not reviling again, suffering, he was not threatening, but was making surrender unto him that judgeth righteously,

rotherham@1Peter:3:15 @ But, the Lord Christ, hallow ye in your hearts, ready always for a defence, unto every one that is asking you a reason concerning, the hope within you, nevertheless, with meekness and reverence:

rotherham@1Peter:4:3 @ For, sufficient, is the bygone timeto have wrought out, the will of the nations, having gone on in wanton ways, covetings, wine-drinkings, revellings, drinking-bouts, and impious idolatries:

rotherham@1Peter:4:13 @ But, in so far as ye are taking fellowship in the Christs sufferings, rejoice! in order that, in the revealing of his glory also, ye may rejoice with exultation:

rotherham@1Peter:5:8 @ Be sober! be watchful! Your slanderous adversary, as a roaring lion, is walking aboutseeking to devour:

rotherham@2Peter:1:10 @ Wherefore, all the more, brethren, give diligence to be making, firm, your calling and election; for, these things, doing, in nowise shall ye stumble at any time,

rotherham@2Peter:1:11 @ For, thus, shall richly be further supplied unto youthe entrance into the age-abiding kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

rotherham@2Peter:1:20 @ Of this, first, taking notethat, no prophecy of scripture, becometh, self-solving;

rotherham@2Peter:2:15 @ Forsaking a straight path, they have gone astray, following out the way of Balaam of Beor, who loved, a reward of wrong,

rotherham@2Peter:3:3 @ Of this, first, taking notethat there will come, in the last of the days, with scoffing, scoffers, after their own covetings, going on,

rotherham@2Peter:3:16 @ As also, in all letters, speaking in them concerning these things, in which are some things, hard to be understood, which, the uninstructed and unstable, wrest, as also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.

rotherham@2Peter:3:17 @ Ye, therefore, beloved, taking note beforehand, be on your guard, lest, with the error of the impious being led away, ye fall from your own steadfastness;

rotherham@1John:1:6 @ If we say We have, fellowship, with him! and, in darkness, are walking, we are dealing falsely, and not doing the truth;

rotherham@1John:1:7 @ Whereas, if, in the light, we are walking, as, he, is in the light, we have, fellowship one with another, and, the blood of Jesus his Son, is cleansing us from all sin.

rotherham@1John:1:10 @ If we say We have not sinned! false, are we making, him, and, his word, is not in us.

rotherham@1John:2:6 @ He that saith, that, in him, he abideth, ought, just as He walked, himself also, to be walking.

rotherham@1John:3:22 @ And, whatsoever we are asking, we are receiving from him, because, his commandments, are we keeping, and, the things that are pleasing before him, are we doing.

rotherham@2John:1:4 @ I rejoiced exceedingly, in that I had found, from among thy children, such as were walking in truth, even as, a commandment, we received from the Father.

rotherham@2John:1:6 @ And, this, is love, that we should be walking according to his commandments: This, is, the commandment, even as ye heard from the beginning, that, therein, ye should be walking.

rotherham@2John:1:8 @ Be taking heed unto yourselves, lest ye lose what things we earned, but, a full reward, ye may duly receive.

rotherham@3John:1:3 @ For I rejoiced exceedingly, at brethren coming and bearing witness unto thy truth, even as, thou, in truth, art walking.

rotherham@3John:1:4 @ I have no, greater, favour than these things, that I should be hearing that, my own children, in the truth, are walking.

rotherham@3John:1:7 @ For, in behalf of The Name, have they gone forth, taking, nothing, from them of the nations.

rotherham@3John:1:9 @ I wrote something unto the assembly; but, he who is fond of taking the first place among them Diotrephes, doth not make us welcome.