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wmth@Matthew:3:8 @ Therefore let your lives prove your change of heart;

wmth@Matthew:3:15 @ »Let it be so on this occasion,« Jesus replied; »for so we ought to fulfil every religious duty.« Then he consented;

wmth@Matthew:5:6 @ »Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be completely satisfied.«

wmth@Matthew:5:16 @ Just so let your light shine before all men, in order that they may see your holy lives and may give glory to your Father who is in Heaven.

wmth@Matthew:5:17 @ »Do not for a moment suppose that I have come to abrogate the Law or the Prophets: I have not come to abrogate them but to give them their completion.«

wmth@Matthew:5:37 @ But let your language be, `Yes, yes,' or `No, no.' Anything in excess of this comes from the Evil one.

wmth@Matthew:5:40 @ If any one wishes to go to law with you and to deprive you of your under garment, let him take your outer one also.

wmth@Matthew:5:48 @ You however are to be complete in goodness, as your Heavenly Father is complete.

wmth@Matthew:6:3 @ But when you are giving in charity, let not your left hand perceive what your right hand is doing,

wmth@Matthew:6:10 @ let Thy kingdom come; let Thy will be done, as in Heaven so on earth;

wmth@Matthew:9:29 @ So He touched their eyes and said, »According to your faith let it be to you.«

wmth@Matthew:9:30 @ Then their eyes were opened. And assuming a stern tone Jesus said to them, »Be careful to let no one know.«

wmth@Matthew:13:47 @ »Again the Kingdom of the Heavens is like a draw-net let down into the sea, which encloses fish of all sorts.«

wmth@Matthew:16:24 @ Then Jesus said to His disciples, »If any one desires to follow me, let him renounce self and take up his cross, and so be my follower.

wmth@Matthew:19:6 @ Thus they are no longer two, but `one'! What therefore God has joined together, let not man separate.«

wmth@Matthew:19:12 @ There are men who from their birth have been disabled from marriage, others who have been so disabled by men, and others who have disabled themselves for the sake of the Kingdom of the Heavens. He who is able to receive this, let him receive it.«

wmth@Matthew:19:14 @ Jesus however said, »Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them; for it is to those who are childlike that the Kingdom of the Heavens belongs.«

wmth@Matthew:20:33 @ »Sir, let our eyes be opened,« they replied.

wmth@Matthew:21:33 @ »Listen to another parable. There was a householder who planted a vineyard, made a fence round it, dug a wine-tank in it, and built a strong lodge; then let the place to vine-dressers, and went abroad.«

wmth@Matthew:21:38 @ »But the vine-dressers, when they saw the son, said to one another,« `Here is the heir: come, let us kill him and get his inheritance.'

wmth@Matthew:24:15 @ »When you have seen (to use the language of the Prophet Daniel) the standing in the Holy Place« –let the reader observe those words–

wmth@Matthew:24:16 @ »then let those who are in Judaea escape to the hills;«

wmth@Matthew:24:17 @ let him who is on the roof not go down to fetch what is in his house;

wmth@Matthew:24:18 @ nor let him who is outside the city stay to pick up his outer garment.

wmth@Matthew:26:39 @ Going forward a short distance He fell on His face and prayed. »My Father,« He said, »if it is possible, let this cup pass away from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as Thou willest.«

wmth@Matthew:26:46 @ Rouse yourselves. Let us be going. My betrayer is close at hand.«

wmth@Matthew:27:22 @ »What then,« said Pilate, »shall I do with Jesus, the so-called Christ?« With one voice they shouted, »Let him be crucified!«

wmth@Matthew:27:23 @ »Why, what crime has he committed?« asked Pilate. But they kept on furiously shouting, »Let him be crucified!«

wmth@Matthew:27:42 @ »He saved others,« they said, »himself he cannot save! He is the King of Israel! Let him now come down from the cross, and we will believe in him.

wmth@Matthew:27:43 @ His trust is in God: let God deliver him now, if He will have him; for he said, `I am God's Son.'«

wmth@Matthew:27:49 @ while the rest said, »Let us see whether Elijah is coming to deliver him.«

wmth@Mark:1:38 @ »Let us go elsewhere, to the neighbouring country towns,« He replied, »that I may proclaim my Message there also; because for that purpose I came from God.«

wmth@Mark:3:5 @ Grieved and indignant at the hardening of their hearts, He looked round on them with anger, and said to the man, »Stretch out your arm.« He stretched it out, and the arm was completely restored.

wmth@Mark:4:35 @ The same day, in the evening, He said to them, »Let us cross to the other side.«

wmth@Mark:6:56 @ And enter wherever He might –village or town or hamlet– they laid their sick in the open places, and entreated Him to let them touch were it but the tassel of His robe; and all, whoever touched Him, were restored to health.

wmth@Mark:7:27 @ »Let the children first eat all they want,« He said; »it is not right to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs.«

wmth@Mark:8:34 @ Then calling to Him the crowd and also His disciples, He said to them, »If any one is desirous of following me, let him ignore self and take up his cross, and so be my follower.

wmth@Mark:9:5 @ when Peter said to Jesus, »Rabbi, we are thankful to you that we are here. Let us put up three tents–one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.«

wmth@Mark:10:9 @ What, therefore, God has joined together let not man separate.«

wmth@Mark:10:14 @ Jesus, however, on seeing this, was moved to indignation, and said to them, »Let the little children come to me: do not hinder them; for to those who are childlike the Kingdom of God belongs.

wmth@Mark:10:51 @ »What shall I do for you?« said Jesus. »Rabboni,« replied the blind man, »let me recover my sight.«

wmth@Mark:11:6 @ But on their giving the answer that Jesus had bidden them give, they let them take it.

wmth@Mark:11:14 @ and He said to the tree, »Let no one ever again eat fruit from thee!« And His disciples heard this.

wmth@Mark:12:1 @ Then He began to speak to them in figurative language. »There was once a man,« He said, »who planted a vineyard, fenced it round, dug a pit for the wine-tank, and built a strong lodge. Then he let the place to vine-dressers and went abroad.

wmth@Mark:12:7 @ »But those men –the vine-dressers– said to one another,« `Here is the heir: come, let us kill him, and then the property will one day be ours.'

wmth@Mark:13:14 @ »As soon, however, as you see the standing where he ought not« –let the reader observe these words– then let those in Judaea escape to the hills;

wmth@Mark:13:15 @ let him who is on the roof not come down and enter the house to fetch anything out of it;

wmth@Mark:13:16 @ and let not him who is in the field turn back to pick up his outer garment.

wmth@Mark:14:42 @ Rouse yourselves, let us be going: my betrayer is close at hand.«

wmth@Mark:15:32 @ This Christ, the King of Israel, let him come down now from the cross, that we may see and believe.« Even the men who were being crucified with Him heaped insults on Him.

wmth@Mark:15:36 @ Then a man ran to fill a sponge with sour wine, and he put it on the end of a cane and placed it to His lips, saying at the same time, »Wait! let us see whether Elijah will come and take him down.«

wmth@Luke:1:63 @ So he asked for a writing-tablet, and wrote, »His name is John.« And they all wondered.

wmth@Luke:2:15 @ Then, as soon as the angels had left them and returned to Heaven, the shepherds said to one another, »Let us now go over as far as Bethlehem and see this that has happened, which the Lord has made known to us.«

wmth@Luke:3:11 @ »Let the man who has two coats,« he answered, »give one to the man who has none; and let the man who has food share it with others.«

wmth@Luke:5:4 @ When He had finished speaking, He said to Simon, »Push out into deep water, and let down your nets for a haul.«

wmth@Luke:5:5 @ »Rabbi,« replied Peter, »all night long we have worked hard and caught nothing; but at your command I will let down the nets.«

wmth@Luke:5:19 @ But when they could find no way of doing so because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and let him down through the tiling –bed and all– into the midst, in front of Jesus.

wmth@Luke:6:40 @ There is no disciple who is superior to his teacher; but every one whose instruction is complete will be like his teacher.

wmth@Luke:6:42 @ How can you say to your brother, `Brother, let me take that splinter out of your eye,' when all the while you yourself do not see the beam in your own eye? Vain pretender! take the beam out of your own eye first, and then you will see clearly to take the splinter out of your brother's eye.

wmth@Luke:7:7 @ and therefore I did not deem myself worthy to come to you. Only speak the word, and let my young man be cured.

wmth@Luke:8:22 @ One day He went on board a boat–both He and his disciples; and He said to them, »Let us cross over to the other side of the Lake.« So they set sail.

wmth@Luke:9:23 @ And He said to all, »If any one is desirous of following me, let him ignore self and take up his cross day by day, and so be my follower.

wmth@Luke:9:33 @ And when they were preparing to depart from Him, Peter said to Jesus, »Rabbi, we are thankful to you that we are here. Let us put up three tents–one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.« He did not know what he was saying.

wmth@Luke:11:2 @ So He said to them, »When you pray, say, `Father may Thy name be kept holy; let Thy Kingdom come;

wmth@Luke:11:22 @ but as soon as another stronger than he attacks him and overcomes him, he takes away that complete armour of his in which he trusted, and distributes the plunder he has collected.

wmth@Luke:12:35 @ »Have your girdles on, and let your lamps be alight;

wmth@Luke:15:23 @ Fetch the fat calf and kill it, and let us feast and enjoy ourselves;

wmth@Luke:16:2 @ He called him and said, »`What is this I hear about you? Render an account of your stewardship, for I cannot let you hold it any longer.'

wmth@Luke:16:28 @ For I have five brothers. Let him earnestly warn them, lest they also come to this place of torment.'

wmth@Luke:16:29 @ »`They have Moses and the Prophets,' replied Abraham; `let them hear them.'«

wmth@Luke:17:31 @ »On that day, if a man is on the roof and his property indoors, let him not go down to fetch it; and, in the same way, he who is in the field, let him not turn back.«

wmth@Luke:18:16 @ Jesus however called the infants to Him. »Let the little children come to me,« He said; »do not hinder them; for it is to those who are childlike that the Kingdom of God belongs.

wmth@Luke:18:41 @ »What shall I do for you?« »Sir,« he replied, »let me recover my sight.«

wmth@Luke:20:9 @ Then He proceeded to speak a parable to the people. »There was a man,« He said, »who planted a vineyard, let it out to vine-dressers, and went abroad for a considerable time.

wmth@Luke:20:14 @ »But when the vine-dressers saw him, they discussed the matter with one another, and said,« `This is the heir: let us kill him, that the inheritance may be ours.'

wmth@Luke:21:21 @ Then let those who shall be in Judaea escape to the hills; let those who are in the city leave it, and those who are in the country not enter in.

wmth@Luke:22:26 @ With you it is not so; but let the greatest among you be as the younger, and the leader be like him who serves.

wmth@Luke:22:36 @ »But now,« said He, »let the one who has a purse take it, and he who has a bag must do the same. And let him who has no sword sell his outer garment and buy one.

wmth@Luke:23:35 @ and the people stood looking on. The Rulers, too, repeatedly uttered their bitter taunts. »This fellow,« they said, »saved others: let him save himself, if he is God's Anointed, the Chosen One.«

wmth@John:3:29 @ He who has the bride is the bridegroom; and the bridegroom's friend who stands by his side and listens to him, rejoices heartily on account of the bridegroom's happiness. Therefore this joy of mine is now complete.

wmth@John:5:36 @ »But the testimony which I have is weightier than that of John; for the work the Father has assigned to me for me to bring it to completion –the very work which I am doing– affords testimony concerning me that the Father has sent me.«

wmth@John:7:37 @ On the last day of the Festival –the great day– Jesus stood up and cried aloud. »Whoever is thirsty,« He said, »let him come to me and drink.

wmth@John:8:7 @ When however they persisted with their question, He raised His head and said to them, »Let the sinless man among you be the first to throw a stone at her.«

wmth@John:11:7 @ Then, after that, He said to the disciples, »Let us return to Judaea.«

wmth@John:11:15 @ »Lazarus is dead; and for your sakes I am glad I was not there, in order that you may believe. But let us go to him.«

wmth@John:11:16 @ »Let us go also,« Thomas, the Twin, said to his fellow disciples, »that we may die with him.«

wmth@John:11:44 @ The dead man came out, his hands and feet wrapped in cloths, and his face wrapped round with a towel. »Untie him,« said Jesus, »and let him go free.«

wmth@John:12:26 @ If a man wishes to be my servant, let him follow me; and where I am, there too shall my servant be. If a man wishes to be my servant, the Father will honour him.

wmth@John:14:1 @ »Let not your hearts be troubled. Trust in God: trust in me also.

wmth@John:14:27 @ Peace I leave with you: my own peace I give to you. It is not as the world gives its greetings that I give you peace. Let not your hearts be troubled or dismayed.

wmth@John:14:31 @ but it is in order that the world may know that I love the Father, and that it is in obedience to the command which the Father gave me that I thus act. Rise, let us be going.«

wmth@John:15:4 @ Continue in me, and let me continue in you. Just as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself –that is, if it does not continue in the vine– so neither can you if you do not continue in me.

wmth@John:18:8 @ »I have told you,« replied Jesus, »that I am he. If therefore you are looking for me, let these my disciples go their way.«

wmth@John:18:16 @ But Peter remained standing outside the door, till the disciple who was acquainted with the High Priest came out and induced the portress to let Peter in.

wmth@John:19:4 @ Once more Pilate came out and said to the Jews, »See, I am bringing him out to you to let you clearly understand that I find no crime in him.«

wmth@John:19:24 @ So they said to one another, »Do not let us tear it. Let us draw lots for it.« This happened that the Scripture might be fulfilled which says, That was just what the soldiers did.