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orthjbc@Matthew:1:21 @ And she shall bear BEN (note:)Son(:note) and you will call SHMO his name Yehoshua [trans. note: see ZECHARYAH strkjv@3:8; strkjv@6:11-12; NEHEMYAH strkjv@8:17; EZRA strkjv@3:8 where the TZEMACH or MOSHIACH is indicated by the personal name YEHOSHUA, which in Aramaic is YESHUA * ], because he will bring his people yeshu'a rescue, salvation, deliverance from their peysha'im rebellions, transgressions."

orthjbc@Matthew:1:23 @ HINEI, HA'ALMAH HARAH V'YOLEDET BEN V'KARAT SHMO IMMANU-EL (note:)"Behold, the Virgin * will be `with child` and will bear Son and will call his name Immanu-El" YESHAYAH strkjv@7:14(:note), which translated means "Hashem is with us."

orthjbc@Matthew:2:6 @ `And YOU, BEIT-LECHEM,(note:)"Bethlehem," MICHOH strkjv@5:1[2](:note) in eretz Yehudah, are by no means least among the shtetlach towns or ruling [clans] of Yehudah; because out of you will come a Moshel Governor who will be the Ro'eh Ami Yisroel Shepherd of my people Israel.`"

orthjbc@Matthew:2:23 @ And Yosef made his home in the shtetl (note:)Jewish community, village(:note) called Natzeret, so that that which was spoken by the Neviim might be fulfilled, "He will be called a Natzri." *

orthjbc@Matthew:3:11 @ "I give you a tevilah (note:)immersion(:note) in a mikveh mayim for teshuva, but Hu HaBah He who Comes, i.e. Moshiach after me has more koach power than me. I am not worthy to remove his sandals. He will give you a tevilah immersion with the Ruach Hakodesh and aish fire.

orthjbc@Matthew:3:12 @ "The winnowing fork is in his hand, and he will clear out his threshing floor, and he will gather his wheat into the barn; but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable aish (note:)fire(:note)." THE TEVILAH OF THE KOHEN MOSHIACH IN THE MIKVEH MAYIM OF THE YARDEN RIVER SEE TEHILLIM strkjv@110:1-4; VAYIKRA strkjv@16:4,24; DANIEL strkjv@9:24

orthjbc@Matthew:4:6 @ and says to Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, "If you are the Ben HaElohim, then throw yourself down, for katuv (note:)it is written(:note), MALACHAV Y'TZAV-VEH LACH "His angels he will command concerning you") "and upon their hands they will lift you up lest you strike your foot against a stone," TEHILLIM strkjv@91:11-12.

orthjbc@Matthew:4:9 @ And Hasatan said to Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, "All these things I will give to you, if you will fall down V'TISHTACHAVEH (note:)`and you will bow down` to, [DEVARIM strkjv@5:9](:note) me."

orthjbc@Matthew:4:19 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach says, "Come, follow me, and I will make you daiyagei adam (note:)fishers of men(:note)."

orthjbc@Matthew:5:4 @ Ashrey are the AVELIM (note:)"the ones mourning,"YESHAYAH strkjv@61:2(:note), for they will be comforted.

orthjbc@Matthew:5:5 @ Ashrey are the ANAVIM ("humble," YESHAYAH strkjv@29:19; TZEFANYAH (note:)ZEPH) strkjv@2:3(:note), for YIRESHU A'RETZ "they will inherit the land," TEHILLIM strkjv@37:11.

orthjbc@Matthew:5:6 @ Ashrey are the ones hungering and thirsting for Tzidkat Hashem (note:)Righteousness, DANIEL strkjv@9:24(:note), for they will be satisfied.

orthjbc@Matthew:5:7 @ Ashrey are the merciful, for they will be shown rachamim (note:)mercy(:note).

orthjbc@Matthew:5:8 @ Ashrey are those of LEV TAHOR (note:)"pure heart," TEHILLIM strkjv@51:12 [10](:note), for they will see Hashem.

orthjbc@Matthew:5:9 @ Ashrey are the peace makers, for they will be called bnei haElohim (note:)sons of G-d(:note).

orthjbc@Matthew:5:13 @ You are the melach ha'aretz (note:)salt of the earth(:note), but if the salt becomes tasteless, in what way will it become salty again? It is no longer good for anything, but is thrown out and trampled by men. MOSHIACH'S NER TAMID SHINING THROUGH HIS TALMIDIM

orthjbc@Matthew:5:18 @ For, omein, truly I say to you, until Shomayim and ha'aretz pass away, not one yod, not one tag (note:)ornamental flourish(:note), will pass from the Torah until everything is accomplished.

orthjbc@Matthew:5:19 @ Therefore, whoever annuls one of the least of these mitzvot (note:)divine commandments(:note) and so teaches bnei Adam, shall be called katon least in the Malchut HaShomayim, but whoever practices and teaches them, this one will be called gadol great in the Malchut HaShomayim. *

orthjbc@Matthew:5:20 @ For I say unto you that unless your Tzidkat Hashem (note:)Righteousness(:note) exceeds that of the Sofrim and Perushim, you will certainly not enter the Malchut HaShomayim. REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH AND THE ASERES HA-DIBROS

orthjbc@Matthew:5:22 @ But I say to you, that everyone who harbors ka'as (note:)anger(:note) against his ach b'Moshiach, his chaver, shall be subject to mishpat judgment; and whoever shall say to his ach b'Moshiach, `Shlemiel!` `Good for nothing!` will be subject to the Sanhedrin; and whoever shall say `Shoteh` `Fool` shall be subject to Aish Gehinnom Fire of Hell.

orthjbc@Matthew:5:41 @ And whoever will force you to go one mile, go with him two.

orthjbc@Matthew:6:4 @ so that your tzedakah may be in secret, and your Av haRo'eh b'seter (note:)Father the One seeing in secret(:note) will give you sachar reward b'seter in secret. REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH TEACHES HIS TALMIDIM HOW TO DAVEN

orthjbc@Matthew:6:6 @ But you, whenever you daven, enter into the secret place, your secret cheder,* and, having shut your door, offer tefillos to your Av Asher b'Seter (note:)Father Who is in Secret(:note), and your Av haRo'eh b'seter Father the One seeing in secret will give you sachar.

orthjbc@Matthew:6:7 @ But when you daven, do not babble on and on maarich (note:)long-winded(:note) and vacuously and without kavanah like the Goyim. For the Goyim think that in their verbosity their techinnah prayers of supplication will be heard.

orthjbc@Matthew:6:10 @ `Tavo malchutechah` (note:)`Thy Kingdom come`(:note) `Ye'aseh r'tzonechah` `Thy will be done` `k'moh vaShomayim ken ba'aretz` `on earth as it is in heaven`.

orthjbc@Matthew:6:14 @ For if you give men mechila (note:)forgiveness(:note) for their chata'im sins, so also your Av sh'baShomayim will give selicha forgiveness to you.

orthjbc@Matthew:6:15 @ But if you do not give men mechila (note:)forgiveness(:note), neither will your chata'im receive selicha from your Av. REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH ON UNDERGOING A TZOM FAST

orthjbc@Matthew:6:18 @ so that your tzom is concealed from bnei Adam but not from your Av Asher b'Seter (note:)Father Who is in Secret(:note), and your Av haRo'eh b'seter Father the One seeing in secret will give you sachar. REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH ON OTZAROT IN SHOMAYIM

orthjbc@Matthew:6:21 @ For where your otzar (note:)treasure(:note) is, there also will be your lev heart.

orthjbc@Matthew:6:22 @ The eye is the menorah of the basar. Therefore, if your eye is unblurred, then your whole basar will be lighted.

orthjbc@Matthew:6:23 @ But if yours is the 'ayin horo (note:)evil eye(:note), your whole basar will be in choshech darkness.

orthjbc@Matthew:6:24 @ No one is able to serve two adonim (note:)masters(:note). For either he will have sin'ah hatred for the one and ahavah love for the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve Hashem and Mammon Money.

orthjbc@Matthew:6:30 @ And if Hashem thus clothes the grass of the field that exists today and tomorrow is thrown into an oven, how much more will he clothe you, you ones of little emunah.

orthjbc@Matthew:6:33 @ But seek first the Malchut Hashem and his Tzidkat Hashem, and all these things will be added to you.

orthjbc@Matthew:6:34 @ Therefore, do not have a LEV ROGEZ (note:)DEVARIM strkjv@28:65(:note) for tomorrow, for makhar tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough tsimmes difficulties of its own."

orthjbc@Matthew:7:2 @ For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged, and with what measure you measure, it will be measured to you.

orthjbc@Matthew:7:4 @ Or how will you say to your brother, let me take the speck out from your eye, and--hinei!--the beam is in your own eye.

orthjbc@Matthew:7:5 @ Tzevu'a (note:)hypocrite(:note), first take the beam out of your eye, and then you will see clearly enough to take out the speck from the eye of your brother.

orthjbc@Matthew:7:6 @ Do not give the kodesh (note:)the holy(:note) to kelevim dogs nor throw your pearls before chazirim, lest they will trample them with their feet and turn around and tear you into pieces.

orthjbc@Matthew:7:8 @ For everyone asking receives, and the one searching finds, and to the one knocking the delet will be opened.

orthjbc@Matthew:7:9 @ Or what man is there among you the ben of whom will ask for lechem (note:)bread(:note), and he will give him a stone.

orthjbc@Matthew:7:10 @ Or if he asks for a dag (note:)fish(:note), will give him a nachash snake?

orthjbc@Matthew:7:12 @ Therefore, everything that you wish bnei Adam do for you, thus also you do for them. For this is the Torah and the Nevi'im. WITHOUT KEDUSHAH NO MAN WILL SEE HASHEM

orthjbc@Matthew:7:16 @ By their perot (note:)fruits(:note) you will know them; surely grapes are not gathered from thorns nor figs from thistles, are they?

orthjbc@Matthew:7:21 @ Not all the ones saying to me, `Adoneinu, Adoneinu,` will enter the Malchut HaShomayim, but the one doing ratson Avi sh'baShomayim (note:)the will of my Father in Heaven [Mt.26:39,42](:note).

orthjbc@Matthew:7:22 @ Many will say to me [Moshiach] on that Day [the Yom HaDin, the Day of Judgment], `Adoneinu, Adoneinu, did we not speak as nevi'im in your Name? Did we not cast out shedim (note:)evil spirits, demons(:note) in your Name? Did we not accomplish many niflaot miracles in your Name?`

orthjbc@Matthew:7:23 @ And then I will tell them to their face, `I never knew you. Depart from me, you workers of mufkarut (note:)lawlessness(:note)` [TEHILLIM strkjv@6:98].

orthjbc@Matthew:8:3 @ And, having stretched out his hand, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach touched him, saying, "I am willing. Be made tahor."

orthjbc@Matthew:8:7 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach says to him, "I am coming. I will give him refu'ah (note:)healing(:note)."

orthjbc@Matthew:8:8 @ The centurion answered, "Adoneinu, * I am not worthy that you might come under my roof, but only say the dvar, and my servant will receive the refu'ah (note:)healing(:note).

orthjbc@Matthew:8:11 @ And I say to you, that many from the mizrach (note:)east(:note) and the ma'arav west will come and will sit bimesibba reclining at tish with Avraham and Yitzchak and Ya'akov in the Malchut HaShomayim.

orthjbc@Matthew:8:12 @ But the Bnei HaMalchut will be thrown out into the outer choshech (note:)darkness(:note), where there will be weeping and grinding of teeth."

orthjbc@Matthew:8:19 @ A sofer (note:)scribe/Torah-teacher(:note) approached Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach and said, "Rebbe, I will follow you wherever you go."

orthjbc@Matthew:9:15 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to them, "Surely the Bnei haChuppah (note:)wedding invitees(:note) are not able to act as avelim mourners as long as the Chosson Bridegroom is with them. But the days will come when the Chosson is taken away from them, and then they will undergo tzomot.

orthjbc@Matthew:9:18 @ While Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was speaking these things to them--hinei--one of the nichbadim (note:)dignitaries(:note) [of the shul] came and fell down before Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, saying, "The bat daughter of me has just become niftar, but come lay your hand upon her and she will live."

orthjbc@Matthew:9:21 @ For she was saying to herself, "If only I might touch his garment, I will receive refu'ah (note:)healing(:note)."

orthjbc@Matthew:10:15 @ Omein, I say to you, it will be more tolerable on Yom HaDin (note:)the Day of Judgment(:note) for S'dom and Amora than for that town. COMING TZOROS TROUBLES

orthjbc@Matthew:10:17 @ And beware of bnei Adam, for they will deliver you up to the sanhedriyot (note:)local councils/courts(:note), and in their shuls they will subject you to the shot whip.

orthjbc@Matthew:10:18 @ And before moshelim (note:)governors(:note) and also melachim kings you will be led for my sake [for the sake of Moshiach], for an edut testimony to them and to the Goyim.

orthjbc@Matthew:10:19 @ But when they deliver you up, do not be of a LEV ROGEZ (note:)anxious heart, DEVARIM strkjv@28:65(:note) worried about how or what you are to say; for it will be given to you in that hour what you are to speak.

orthjbc@Matthew:10:21 @ And brother will deliver up to death his own brother, even an abba his own yeled. And yeladim will stand up against their horim (note:)parents(:note) and put them to death.

orthjbc@Matthew:10:22 @ And you will be under the sinas chinam (note:)baseless hatred(:note) of kol bnei Adam on account of my name; but the one enduring ad es Ketz until the time of the End will receive the Yeshu'at Eloheinu the Salvation of our G-d.

orthjbc@Matthew:10:23 @ But when they persecute you in one city, flee to the other; for omein, I say to you, by no means will you complete the arim (note:)towns(:note) of Yisroel until the Bias HaMoshiach Coming of the Moshiach, the Ben HaAdam, Daniel strkjv@7:13-14.

orthjbc@Matthew:10:26 @ Therefore, do not fear them; for nothing has been veiled which will not be unveiled; and nothing has been hidden which will not be made known.

orthjbc@Matthew:10:29 @ Are not two sparrows sold for the least valuable copper coin? And yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from Avichem!

orthjbc@Matthew:10:32 @ Therefore, everyone who shall declare publicly the Ani Ma'amin of me [as Moshiach], before bnei haAdam, I will make hoda'ah (note:)acknowledgment(:note) of him before Avi sh'baShomayim.

orthjbc@Matthew:10:33 @ But everyone who makes hakhchashah (note:)denial(:note) of me [as Moshiach], I also will make hakhchasha denial of him before Avi sh'baShomayim.

orthjbc@Matthew:10:36 @ And the OIYVEI ISH ANSHEI VEITOH (note:)`the enemies of a man will be the members of his own household,` MICHOH strkjv@7:6(:note).

orthjbc@Matthew:10:39 @ The one who has found his nefesh will lose it; the one who has lost his nefesh for my sake [lema'an Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach] will find it. REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH AND THE SACHAR FROM HASHEM

orthjbc@Matthew:10:41 @ The one who gives the Baruch Haba to a navi in the name of a navi will receive the sachar of a navi, and the one who gives the Baruch Haba to a tzaddik in the name of a tzaddik will receive the sachar of a tzaddik.

orthjbc@Matthew:10:42 @ And whoever in the name of a talmid [of Moshiach] gives only a cup of cold water to one of these little ones [the least of the talmidim of Moshiach], omein, I say to you, he will by no means lose his sachar (note:)reward(:note)."

orthjbc@Matthew:11:10 @ This is he about whom it has been written, HINNENI SHOLEIACH MALACHI (note:)"Behold, I will send my messenger"(:note) before your face, UPINNAH DERECH LEFANAI "and he will prepare the way before me," [SHEMOT strkjv@23:20; MALACHI strkjv@3:1].

orthjbc@Matthew:11:14 @ And, if you are willing to accept it, he is the "Eliyahu," who is to come [MALACHI strkjv@3:23].

orthjbc@Matthew:11:16 @ But to what will I compare this generation? It is like yeladim sitting in the marketplaces, calling out to one another,

orthjbc@Matthew:11:22 @ Nevertheless, I say to you, it will be more bearable for Tzorand Tzidon than for you on Yom HaDin * (note:)the Day of Judgment(:note).

orthjbc@Matthew:11:24 @ Nevertheless, I say to you, it will be more bearable for the land of S'dom on Yom HaDin than for you." IN SPITE OF APICURSIM (note:)NONBELIEVERS(:note), REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH OFFERS THANKS TO RABBONO SHEL OLAM

orthjbc@Matthew:11:28 @ "Come to me, all you who are burden-weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you Shabbos menuchah (note:)rest(:note).

orthjbc@Matthew:11:29 @ "Take my ol (note:)yoke(:note) upon you and learn from me, for I am anav humble and lowly in lev heart, and you will find menuchah rest [RUTH strkjv@1:9] for your nefashot (souls, YIRMEYAH strkjv@6:16].

orthjbc@Matthew:12:11 @ But Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to them, "What man will there be among you, who owns a kevesh (note:)sheep(:note), and if it falls into a pit on Shabbos, will not take hold of it and lift it out?

orthjbc@Matthew:12:18 @ HEN AVDI ETMACH BO, BECHIRI RATZTAH NAFSHI, NATATI RUCHI 'ALAV, MISHPAT LAGOYIM YOTZI (note:)"Here is my Servant, whom I uphold, my Chosen One in whom my Soul delights, I will put my Spirit on him, he will bring Justice to the Nations," YESHAYAH strkjv@42:1(:note)

orthjbc@Matthew:12:19 @ LO YITZAK V'LO YISSAH V'LO YASHMI'A BACHUTZ KOLO (note:)"He will not shout nor cry out nor raise the sound of his voice in the street."(:note)

orthjbc@Matthew:12:20 @ KANEH RATZUTZ LO YISHBOR UFISHTAH CHEHAH LO YECHABENAH LE-EMET YOTZI MISHPAT (note:)"A bruised reed he will not break nor a smoldering wick will he snuff out"(:note) until Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach leads mishpat justice to victory.

orthjbc@Matthew:12:21 @ And in his Name, HaGoyim will put their tikvah (note:)hope(:note) [YESHAYAH strkjv@42:2-3]. REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH BEN DOVID AND BA'AL-ZIBBUL

orthjbc@Matthew:12:25 @ But knowing their thoughts, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to them, "Every malchut that is divided against itself is made desolate, and every ir (note:)city(:note) and bais house that is divided against itself will not stand.

orthjbc@Matthew:12:26 @ And if Hasatan casts out Hasatan, he is divided against himself. How, therefore, will the Malchut Hasatan stand?

orthjbc@Matthew:12:27 @ And if I by Ba'al-zibbul cast out the shedim, by whom do your banim (note:)sons(:note) cast them out? Therefore, they will be your shofetim judges.

orthjbc@Matthew:12:29 @ Or how is someone able to enter the Bayit haGibbor (note:)the house of the strong man(:note) and confiscate his furnishings unless he binds the Gibbor strong man first. Then he will plunder the Bayit haGibbor.

orthjbc@Matthew:12:31 @ Therefore, I say to you, every chet (note:)sin(:note) and gidduf blasphemy will be forgiven men, but whoever commits Chillul Hashem desecration of the Name against the Ruach Hakodesh will not be forgiven.

orthjbc@Matthew:12:32 @ And whoever speaks a word against the Ben HaAdam (note:)Moshiach(:note) will be granted selicha forgiveness, but whoever speaks against the Ruach Hakodesh, selicha forgiveness will be granted him neither in the Olam Hazeh nor in the Olam Haba.

orthjbc@Matthew:12:33 @ Either make the aitz (note:)tree(:note) tov good and its p'ri fruit will be tov, or make the aitz nishchat corrupt and its p'ri will be rah; for by its p'ri the aitz is known.

orthjbc@Matthew:12:36 @ But I say to you, that for every careless lashon horah (note:)evil speech(:note) that men speak, they will be called to account on the Yom HaDin the Day of Judgment.

orthjbc@Matthew:12:37 @ For by your dvarim you will be pronounced tzodek (note:)righteous(:note), and by your dvarim you will be chiyev pronounced guilty, condemned. REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH AND THE SIGN OF YONAH

orthjbc@Matthew:12:39 @ But Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach answered them, "Dor rah um'naef (note:)an evil and adulterous generation(:note) seeks for a miraculous ot sign, but no ot will be given it except the ot of Yonah HaNavi.

orthjbc@Matthew:12:40 @ For just as Yonah was in the belly of the fish SHLOSHAH YAMIM U'SHLOSHAH LAILAH (note:)`three days and three nights,` YONAH strkjv@1:17(:note), so will be Ben HaAdam Moshiach in the heart of the earth SHLOSHAH YAMIM U'SHLOSHAH LAILOT three days and three nights.

orthjbc@Matthew:12:41 @ The men of Nineveh will stand up at the Mishpat * with this generation and they will condemn it, for the men of Nineveh made teshuva at the preaching of Yonah, and, hinei, something much greater than Yonah is here.

orthjbc@Matthew:12:42 @ The Queen of the South will be made to stand up alive at the Mishpat with this generation and will condemn it, for she came from the ends of the earth to listen to the chochmah of Shlomo and, hinei, something much greater than Solomon is here.

orthjbc@Matthew:12:44 @ Then it says, Into my haunt I will return from where I came out. And having come out, it finds the bais standing empty, having been swept and having been put beseder (note:)in order(:note).

orthjbc@Matthew:12:45 @ Then it goes and takes along with itself seven other ruchot more evil than itself and, having entered the residence, it sets up house there and the last state of that man has become worse than the first. Thus it will be with this evil generation also."

orthjbc@Matthew:12:50 @ For whoever does the ratson (note:)will(:note) of Avi sh'baShomayim see Mt.6:10; strkjv@26:39, he is my ach and achot and em." *

orthjbc@Matthew:13:12 @ For whoever has, [more] will be given to him,and he will have an abundance. But whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him (note:)see Mt.25:14-29(:note).

orthjbc@Matthew:13:14 @ And in them is fulfilled the nevu'ah (note:)prophecy(:note) of Yeshayah, saying, SHIM'U SHAMO'A V'AL TAVINU UREU RA'O V'AL TEIDA'U "In hearing you will hear and by no means understand, and seeing you will see and by no means perceive".

orthjbc@Matthew:13:15 @ HASHMEIN LEV HA'AM HAZEH V'AZNAV HACHBEID V'EINAV HASHA, PEN YIREH V'EINAV UVE'AZNAV YISHMAH U'LEVAVO YAVIN, V'SHAV N'RAFAH LOH. ("For the heart of this people has been made dull, and with [their] ears they are hard of hearing, and their eyes are shut, lest they see with the their eyes and with [their] ears they hear, and with the lev (note:)heart) they understand and they turn and I will give them refu'ah [healing]," YESHAYAH strkjv@6:9-10(:note)

orthjbc@Matthew:13:30 @ Permit both to grow together until the katzir (note:)harvest(:note); and in time of the katzir, I will say to the kotzerim reapers, "Collect first the weeds, and bind them into bundles to burn them. But the wheat gather into my barn." * ANOTHER MASHAL

orthjbc@Matthew:13:35 @ so that might be fulfilled what was spoken through the Navi, saying, EFT'CHA V'MASHAL PI A'VIAH CHIDOT MINI-KEDEM (note:)"I will open my mouth with parables, I will utter things having been hidden from the foundation of the world," TEHILLIM strkjv@78:2(:note)

orthjbc@Matthew:13:40 @ As the weeds are pulled up and gathered and are consumed with Aish (note:)Fire(:note), so also it will be at the Kets HaOlam.

orthjbc@Matthew:13:41 @ The Ben HaAdam (note:)Moshiach(:note) will send forth his malachim, and they will pull up and gather out of the Moshiach's Malchut all the things making meshummad apostate and the ones who are without Torah and antinomian.

orthjbc@Matthew:13:42 @ And Moshiach's malachim will throw them into the furnace of Aish; there will be weeping and grinding of the teeth.

orthjbc@Matthew:13:43 @ Then the tzaddikim will shine as the shemesh in the Malchut of their Father. The one having ears, let him hear.

orthjbc@Matthew:13:49 @ Thus it will be at the Kets HaOlam Hazeh. The malachim will go out and they will separate the resha'im from among the tzaddikim.

orthjbc@Matthew:13:50 @ And they will throw the resha'im into the furnace of Aish. In that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

orthjbc@Matthew:15:13 @ But Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, in reply, said, "Every plant which Avi sh'baShomayim did not plant will be uprooted.

orthjbc@Matthew:15:14 @ Leave them. They are blind morei derech (note:)guides/teachers(:note) of [the] blind. And if the ivver blind man leads the iverim blind, both will fall into a pit."

orthjbc@Matthew:16:2 @ But in reply, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to them, "When it is erev, you say, `It will be fair weather, for the sky is fiery red.`

orthjbc@Matthew:16:3 @ And in the boker (note:)morning(:note), `There will be stormy weather today, for the sky is overcast fiery red and threatening.` You know enough to distinquish the signs of the appearance of the sky, but you can't discern the signs of the times.

orthjbc@Matthew:16:4 @ A dor rah um'naef (note:)an evil and adulterous generation(:note) demands an ot sign, and no ot will be given it except the ot of Yonah HaNavi." And having left them, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach went away. REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH WARNS ABOUT TEACHING THAT PUFFS UP WITH BLINDING GA'AVAH PRIDE

orthjbc@Matthew:16:18 @ And I also say to you that you are Shimon Kefa [rock] and upon this rock I will build my Kehillah (note:)the Community of Moshiach(:note) and the sha'arei She'ol gates of She'ol shall not overpower it.

orthjbc@Matthew:16:19 @ I will give you the maftechot Malchut HaShomayim (note:)keys of the Kingdom of Heaven(:note); and whatever you shall bind as asur prohibited on ha'aretz shall be bound as asur prohibited in Shomayim, and whatever you shall loose as mutar permitted on ha'aretz shall be loosed as mutar permitted in Shomayim."

orthjbc@Matthew:16:26 @ For what will a man be benefited if he acquires the whole world and forfeits his nefesh, or what will a man give in exchange for his neshamah?

orthjbc@Matthew:16:27 @ For the Ben HaAdam (note:)Moshiach(:note) is about to come in the kavod of his Av with his malachim and will then recompense every man according to his ma'asim deeds.

orthjbc@Matthew:17:4 @ And Kefa said in reply to Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, "Adoni, it is good for us to be here. If you wish, I will make shalosh succot (note:)three tabernacles(:note) here: one for you, and one for Moshe, and one for Eliyahu."

orthjbc@Matthew:17:11 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said in reply, "Eliyahu does indeed have his Bias (note:)Coming(:note) and will restore all things.

orthjbc@Matthew:17:12 @ But I say to you, that Eliyahu already came, and they did not know him, but did to him whatever they willed (note:)Mt. strkjv@6:10(:note). So also the Ben HaAdam Moshiach is about to suffer by them."

orthjbc@Matthew:17:23 @ and they will kill him, and Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach will undergo the Techiyas HaMesim on the Yom HaShlishi." And Moshiach's talmidim were deeply moved with agmat nefesh.

orthjbc@Matthew:17:27 @ But, lest we give them offense, go to the yam (note:)sea(:note), and cast in a hook, and take the first dag fish that comes up; and when you open its mouth, you will find a stater coin. Take that and give it to them for you and me."

orthjbc@Matthew:18:14 @ Thus it is not the ratson Hashem, the will of your Av sh'baShomayim, that one of these little ones perish. HOW SIN IS BOUND AND SETTLED IN THE BET DIN OF MOSHIACH'S KEHILLAH IF YOU HAVE A TVIA (note:)GRIEVANCE(:note) AGAINST YOUR ACH B'MOSHIACH

orthjbc@Matthew:18:18 @ Omein, I say to you, whatever you bind as asur (note:)prohibited(:note) on ha'aretz will have been bound in Shomayim, and whatever you permit as mutar on ha'aretz is mutar permitted in Shomayim.

orthjbc@Matthew:18:19 @ Again, omein I say to you, that if two of you will be in agreement about anything on ha'aretz that you petition for, it will be done for them by Avi sh'baShomayim.

orthjbc@Matthew:18:21 @ Then, having approached, Kefa said to Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, "Adoni, how often will my brother sin against me and I will grant to him selicha (note:)forgiveness(:note)? As many as shevah seven times?"

orthjbc@Matthew:18:26 @ Therefore, crying out for rachamim and falling down before him, the servant said, `Have zitzfleisch (note:)patience(:note) with me and I will pay back to you everything!`

orthjbc@Matthew:18:29 @ And, falling down, the servant said to the debtor,`Have zitzfleisch (note:)patience(:note) with me and I will repay you.`

orthjbc@Matthew:18:30 @ But the debtor was not willing. Then the debtor went and threw the servant into the beit hasohar (note:)prison(:note) until he should repay the debt.

orthjbc@Matthew:18:35 @ Thus also Avi sh'baShomayim will do to you, unless you grant selicha (note:)forgiveness(:note), each one to his brother from your lev heart."

orthjbc@Matthew:19:5 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said, "Because of this, YA'AZAV ISH ES AVIV V'ES IMMO V'DAVAK B'ISHTO V'HAYU L'VASAR ECHAD ("a man will leave his father and his mother and will be joined to his isha (note:)wife), and the two will be one flesh," BERESHIT strkjv@2:24(:note).

orthjbc@Matthew:19:21 @ Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to him, "If you wish to be tamim (note:)perfect(:note), if you wish to have shelemut perfection, completeness, then go and sell your possessions and give to the anyim poor and you will have otzar treasure in Shomayim. Then come and follow me."

orthjbc@Matthew:19:23 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to his talmidim, "Omein, I say to you that a rich person with difficulty will enter into the Malchut HaShomayim.

orthjbc@Matthew:19:28 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to them, "Omein, I say to you, that you, the ones having followed me, when the Bri'ah (note:)Creation(:note) becomes Chadasha New, when the Ben HaAdam Moshiach sits upon his Kisei Kavod Throne of Glory, you also will sit upon the Shneym Asar Kisot Twelve Thrones judging the Shneym Asar Shivtei Yisroel the Twelve Tribes of Israel.

orthjbc@Matthew:19:29 @ And anyone who left bais or achim or achayot or Av or Em or banim or sadot (note:)fields(:note) on account of me Moshiach and my Name Yehoshua, will receive a hundred times over and will inherit Chayyei Olam.

orthjbc@Matthew:19:30 @ And many who are Rishonim (note:)first ones(:note) will be Acharonim last ones, and the Acharonim, Rishonim."

orthjbc@Matthew:20:4 @ and he said to those, `You go also into the kerem. And whatever is right, this is what your pay will be.'

orthjbc@Matthew:20:16 @ Thus the Rishonim will be Acharonim, and the Acharonim will be Rishonim." REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH AND HIS THIRD NEVU'AH CONCERNING HIS MAVET AND TECHIYAS HAMESIM

orthjbc@Matthew:20:18 @ "Hinei! We are going up to Yerushalayim, and the Ben HaAdam (note:)Moshiach(:note) will be handed over to the Rashei Hakohanim and the Sofrim scribes, Torah-teachers, or rabbonim, and they will condemn him to death.

orthjbc@Matthew:20:19 @ And they will hand Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach over to the Goyim in order to mock and to whip and to hang him up pierced al Aitz (note:)on the Tree(:note), and on the Yom HaShlishi Third Day there will be Moshiach's Techiyas HaMesim." ARE YOU ABLE TO SHARE MOSHIACH'S KOS?

orthjbc@Matthew:20:23 @ Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach says to them, "Indeed, you will drink my Kos, but to sit on the right and on the left of me, this is not mine to grant, but it is for those for whom it has been prepared by my (note:)Moshiach's(:note) Av."

orthjbc@Matthew:20:26 @ But it will not be thus among you. For whoever wishes to be gadol among you will become your mesharet (note:)servant,minister(:note). *

orthjbc@Matthew:20:27 @ And whoever wishes among you to be rishon (note:)first(:note) will be your eved servant."

orthjbc@Matthew:21:2 @ saying to them, "Go into the village ahead of you, and immediately you will find a donkey having been tied and a colt with her; untie them and bring them to me.

orthjbc@Matthew:21:3 @ "And if anyone should say to you anything, you say, `The Adon has need of them.' And he will send them immediately."

orthjbc@Matthew:21:19 @ And observing the aitz te'enah (note:)fig tree(:note) on the way, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach went up to it and found nothing on it, except leaves, and Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach says to it, "No longer from you will there ever be p'ri fruit!" And the aitz te'enah fig tree withered then and there.

orthjbc@Matthew:21:21 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said in reply, "Omein, I say to you, if you have emunah and do not doubt, not only will you do what was done to the aitz te'enah, but also if you say to this mountain, `Be lifted up and be thrown into the sea,' it will happen."

orthjbc@Matthew:21:22 @ And, when you daven, all things whatever you may with emunah make techinah (note:)petition, supplication(:note), with emunah you will receive. THE SAMCHUT OF REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH IS QUESTIONED

orthjbc@Matthew:21:24 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said in reply to them, "I also will ask you a question, which, if you will tell me, I also will tell you by what samchut I do these things...

orthjbc@Matthew:21:25 @ the tevilah in the mikveh mayim that Yochanan administered...it was from where, from Shomayim or from bnei Adam (note:)the sons of Men(:note)?" And they were discussing it among themselves, saying, "If we say, from Shomayim, he will say to us, `Why then do you not believe him?`

orthjbc@Matthew:21:27 @ And in reply to him, they said, "We do not know." And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to them, "Neither will I tell you by what samchut I do these things." REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH GIVES A MASHAL THAT TEACHES TRUE TESHUVA

orthjbc@Matthew:21:29 @ But the first son said in reply, `I will not.` But later, having changed his mind, he went.

orthjbc@Matthew:21:30 @ And having approached the other son, the man spoke similarly. But the second son, in reply, said, `I will go, Adoni.` Yet he did not go.

orthjbc@Matthew:21:31 @ Which of the two did the ratson haAv (note:)the will of the Father(:note)? They say, "The rishon the first." Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach says to them, "Omein, I say to you, that the mochesim tax-collectors and the zonot prostitutes are going in ahead of you into the Malchut Hashem.

orthjbc@Matthew:21:37 @ Lemaskana (note:)finally, at last(:note), the Ba'al Bayit sent to the koremim his Ben, saying, `They will respect my Ben.`

orthjbc@Matthew:21:40 @ Therefore, when the Ba'al HaKerem (note:)Owner of the Vineyard(:note) comes, what will he do to those koremim vine-keepers?"

orthjbc@Matthew:21:41 @ They say to Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, "Those resha'im (note:)evildoers(:note) the Ba'al HaKerem will bring to a terrible niftar decease and the Kerem the Ba'al HaKerem will lease to other koremim, who will render unto the Ba'al haKerem the P'RI B'ITO `fruit in its season, `TEHILLIM strkjv@1:3."

orthjbc@Matthew:21:43 @ For this reason, I say to you, the Malchut Hashem will be taken from you and it will be given to a people that produces its p'ri."

orthjbc@Matthew:21:44 @ [And the one having fallen on this stone will be crushed; and on whom ever it falls it will crush him.]

orthjbc@Matthew:22:13 @ Then the King said to the servants, `Bind him feet and hands and expell him into the outer choshech, where there will be weeping and grinding of teeth. REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH AND THE YECHIDE SEGULAH (note:)CHOSEN FEW(:note)

orthjbc@Matthew:22:28 @ In the Techiyas HaMesim, therefore, she will be the woman of which of the seven? For all had her."

orthjbc@Matthew:23:4 @ And they tie up heavy [extra-Biblical, Mt.4:4; strkjv@15:3,6-9; strkjv@22:29] loads, hard to bear, and they place them upon the shoulders of men, but they, with so much as a finger, are not willing to lift the oppressive burdens. DO NOT SEEK AFTER CHASHIVUS OR A CHASHUVE POSITION IN THE KEHILLAH

orthjbc@Matthew:23:11 @ And the greatest among you will be your mesharet (note:)servant/ minister(:note).

orthjbc@Matthew:23:12 @ But whoever will lift up himself will be humbled, and whoever will humble himself will be lifted up.

orthjbc@Matthew:23:34 @ For this reason--hinei!--I send to you Nevi'im and Chachamim and Sofrim, some of whom you will kill and some you will pierce al aitz (note:)on the tree(:note) and some you will subject to the shot whip in your shuls, and you will drive them out from city to city,


orthjbc@Matthew:23:37 @ Yerushalayim, Yerushalayim, the ones that kill the Nevi'im and stone those having been sent to you! How often have I wanted to gather your yeladim, as a hen gathers her chickens under her wings, but you were not willing!

orthjbc@Matthew:23:38 @ Hinei! Look! KI LECHARBAHYIH' YEH HABEIT HAZEH (`for this House will become a ruin` (note:)i.e. churban), YIRMEYAH strkjv@22:5(:note).

orthjbc@Matthew:23:39 @ For I say to you, by no means will you see me (note:)Moshiach(:note) from now until you say, BARUCH HABA B'SHEM ADONAI `Blessed is the One who comes in the Name of Adonoi`.

orthjbc@Matthew:24:2 @ But Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said in reply to them, "Do you not see all these things? Omein, I say to you, by no means will be left here one stone upon another, for all will be demolished."

orthjbc@Matthew:24:3 @ And while Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was sitting upon the Mount of Olives, his talmidim approached him privately, saying, "Tell us when these things will be and what about the ot (note:)sign(:note) of the Bias Moshiach, of your Coming, and the kets haOlam Hazeh?"

orthjbc@Matthew:24:5 @ For many will come in my Name, saying `I am the Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach.` And they will deceive many.

orthjbc@Matthew:24:7 @ For there will be an intifada of ethnic group against ethnic group, and malchut against malchut. And there will be famines and earthquakes in place after place.

orthjbc@Matthew:24:9 @ Then they will hand you over to tzoros and they will kill you and you will be hated by all the ethnic groups on account of the Name of me (note:)Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua(:note).

orthjbc@Matthew:24:10 @ And then many will be led into chet (note:)sin(:note), and others they will hand over and they will hate others.

orthjbc@Matthew:24:11 @ And many nevi'ei sheker (note:)false prophets(:note) will arise and will deceive many.

orthjbc@Matthew:24:12 @ And because of the increased hefkerut (note:)lawlessness, anarchy --Mt.7:23(:note), the agape love of many will become cold.

orthjbc@Matthew:24:13 @ But the one having endured to HaKets (note:)the End(:note), this one will receive Yeshu'at Eloheinu the Salvation of our G-d.

orthjbc@Matthew:24:14 @ And this Besuras HaGeulah of the Malchut will be announced in kol haOlam (note:)all the world(:note) as an edut testimony to all the Goyim, and then will come haKets the End. REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH ON THE TZARAH GEDOLAH

orthjbc@Matthew:24:21 @ For then will be Tzarah Gedolah (note:)Great Tribulation*(:note) such as has not been from Reshit HaOlam Beginning of the World until now nor will it by any means happen again.

orthjbc@Matthew:24:22 @ And if those days were not cut short, kol basar (note:)all flesh(:note) would not be saved. But, on account of the Kedoshim, the Bechirim Chosen Ones, those days will be cut short.

orthjbc@Matthew:24:24 @ For meshichei sheker (note:)false moshiachs(:note) will arise, and nevi'ei sheker false prophets, and they will give otot gedolim great signs and moftim wonders, so as to deceive, if possible, even the Bechirim Chosen ones.

orthjbc@Matthew:24:27 @ For as lightning goes out from the mizrach (note:)east(:note) and shines to as far as the ma'arav west, thus will be the Bias HaMoshiach coming of the Messiah, the Ben HaAdam, the Son of Man--DANIEL strkjv@7:13-14. *

orthjbc@Matthew:24:28 @ Wherever the place of the Geviya (note:)Corpse(:note) is, there will be gathered together the nesharim vultures, eagles [popularly]. THE BIAS HAMOSHIACH; THE GEULAH SHELEMAH THE FINAL REDEMPTION AS THE MOSHIACH'S MALACHIM COME FOR THE KIBUZ GALUYOT THE INGATHERING OF THE EXILES

orthjbc@Matthew:24:29 @ Immediately after the Tzarah (note:)Tribulation--Mt.24:21(:note) of those days, the shemesh sun will be darkened, and the yare'ach moon will not give its light. And the kochavim stars will fall from Shomayim, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.

orthjbc@Matthew:24:30 @ And then will appear the Ot Ben Adam (note:)the Sign of the Son of Man(:note) in Shomayim. All the tribes of kol ha'aretz all the earth will see the Ben HaAdam Moshiach and his Bias, his Coming, on the ananim of Shomayim clouds of glory of Heaven with gevurah power and great kavod glory.

orthjbc@Matthew:24:31 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach will send his malachim with a loud blast of the Shofar, and the malachim will gather together Moshiach's Bechirim from the four winds, from one end of Shomayim to the other." MOSHIACH'S HINT FOR MECHASHVEI KITSIN (note:)RECKONERS OF THE END OF DAYS, ESCHATOLOGISTS(:note)

orthjbc@Matthew:24:34 @ Omein, I say to you, that this dor (note:)generation(:note) will by no means pass away until all these things come about.

orthjbc@Matthew:24:35 @ Shomayim v'ha'Aretz (note:)Heaven and Earth(:note) will pass away, but my Dvar Word will by no means pass away.

orthjbc@Matthew:24:37 @ For as in the days of Noach, thus will be the Bias HaMoshiach, the Coming of the Ben HaAdam.

orthjbc@Matthew:24:39 @ And they did not know until HaMabbul came and took away everything--thus also will be the Bias HaMoshiach, the Coming of the Ben HaAdam.

orthjbc@Matthew:24:40 @ Then two men will be in the field, one is snatched away, and one is left behind (note:)not retained(:note).

orthjbc@Matthew:24:42 @ So be shomer, be on your guard, because you do not know on which day will be the Bias of Adoneichem (note:)your L-rd(:note).

orthjbc@Matthew:24:44 @ For this reason also you be shomer, for in the hour when you do not think, then will be the Bias HaMoshiach (note:)the Coming of the Ben HaAdam(:note). THE FAITHFUL EVED VERSUS THE UNFAITHFUL EVED

orthjbc@Matthew:24:47 @ Omein, I say to you, the Adon will ordain him to oversee all his possessions.

orthjbc@Matthew:24:50 @ the Adon of that slave will come on a day which he does not expect, and at an hour which he does not know.

orthjbc@Matthew:24:51 @ And the Adon will cut in two that slave, and the slaves' portion he will put with the tzevu'im (note:)hypocrites(:note). There will be weeping and grinding of teeth."

orthjbc@Matthew:25:1 @ Then the Malchut HaShomayim will be compared to eser almot (note:)ten virgins(:note), who, having taken their menorahs, went out to meet the Chosson Bridegroom.

orthjbc@Matthew:25:21 @ And his Adon said to him, `Shkoyach (note:)well done(:note), eved tov v'ne'eman! good and faithful servant! A few things you were faithful over, over many things I will ordain you. Enter into the simcha of your Adon.

orthjbc@Matthew:25:23 @ His Adon said to him, `Shkoyach (note:)well done(:note), eved tov v'ne'eman! A few things you were faithful over, over many things I will ordain you. Enter into the simcha of your Adon.`

orthjbc@Matthew:25:29 @ For to everyone having, it will be given and he will have abundance, but from the one not having, even what he has will be taken from him.

orthjbc@Matthew:25:30 @ And as for the useless slave, throw him into the outer choshech. There will be weeping and grinding of teeth. REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH AND THE YOM HADIN OF THE NATIONS

orthjbc@Matthew:25:31 @ And when the Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach (note:)Ben HaAdam(:note) comes, in his kavod and all his malachim with him, then he will sit upon his Kissei Kavod Glorious Throne.

orthjbc@Matthew:25:32 @ And there will be assembled all the Goyim, and He will separate them from each other as the Ro'eh (note:)the Shepherd(:note) separates the Kevasim Sheep from the Izzim Goats.

orthjbc@Matthew:25:33 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach will put the Kevasim on the right of him, but the Izzim on his left.

orthjbc@Matthew:25:34 @ Then HaMelech HaMoshiach will say to the ones on his right, `Come! Baruchei Avi (note:)Blessed of my Father(:note), receive the bechorah inheritance, the Malchut prepared for you from before Hivvased HaOlam the establishing of the world.

orthjbc@Matthew:25:37 @ Then the tzaddikim will answer Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, `Adoneinu, when did we see you hungering and we fed you, or thirsting and we gave you drink?

orthjbc@Matthew:25:40 @ And, in reply, Rebbe HaMelech HaMoshiach will say to them, `Omein, I say to you, in as much as you did it to one of the least of these achim of mine, you did it to me.`

orthjbc@Matthew:25:41 @ Then Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach will say also to the ones on his left, `Depart from me, the ones having been cursed, into the Aish Olam having been prepared for Hasatan and his malachim.

orthjbc@Matthew:25:44 @ Then also they will answer, saying, `Adoneinu, when did we see you hungering or thirsting or a sojourner or naked or sick or in the beit hasohar and we did not minister to you?

orthjbc@Matthew:25:45 @ Then Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach will answer them, saying, `Omein, I say to you, in as much as you did not do it for one of these least ones, neither for me did you do it.

orthjbc@Matthew:25:46 @ And these will go away into Onesh Olam (note:)Eternal Punishment*(:note), but the tzaddikim into Chayyei Olam Eternal Life.`

orthjbc@Matthew:26:13 @ Omein, I say to you, wherever this Besuras HaGeulah is preached b'chol HaOlam (note:)in all the world(:note), in her zechirah remembrance it will be spoken also what was done by her."

orthjbc@Matthew:26:15 @ and said, `What are you willing to give me? And I will hand him over to you.' And they weighed out for him sheloshim shiklei kesef (note:)thirty pieces of silver(:note).

orthjbc@Matthew:26:21 @ And as they were eating with their Rebbe, he said, "Omein, I say to you that one of you will be my betrayer." THE TIME OF CHESHBON HANEFESH OF THE SHLUCHIM AND THE BEDIKAS CHOMETZ OF DENIAL AND BETRAYAL

orthjbc@Matthew:26:26 @ And at the Seudah, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, having taken matzah, having made the ha-Motzi, he offered the betzi'at halechem (note:)breaking of the bread(:note), giving it to the talmidim, and said, "Take and eat, this is my basar." * THE FINAL KIDDUSH IN ZIKARON REMEMBRANCE OF REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH WHOSE TZAVA'AH LAST WILL IS THE BRIT CHADASHA KAPPARAH FOR OUR SELICHA FORGIVENESS AND DEVEKUS COMMUNION WITH G-D

orthjbc@Matthew:26:29 @ And I say to you, I will by no means drink from now on of this p'ri hagefen (note:)fruit of the vine(:note) until that Day when I drink it with you chadash new in the Malchut Avi Kingdom of my Father." MOSHIACH'S L'HITRAOT AND THE FINAL MIZMOR HYMN, THE LAST TISH NIGGUN OF OUR REBBE MELECH HAMOSHIACH

orthjbc@Matthew:26:31 @ Then Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach says to them, "All of you will be offended at me [Moshiach] during this night, for it has been written, HACH ES HARO'EH UTEFUTSEN HATSON (note:)"Strike the Shepherd and the sheep will be scattered" ZECHARYAH strkjv@13:7(:note).

orthjbc@Matthew:26:32 @ But after I undergo Techiyas HaMesim I will go ahead of you to the Galil." [Mt.28:7]

orthjbc@Matthew:26:33 @ And, in reply, Kefa said to Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, "If everyone will be offended at you, I never will be offended."

orthjbc@Matthew:26:34 @ Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to him, "Omein, I say to you that balailah hazeh (note:)during this night(:note), before a tarnegol cock crows, you will make hakhchashah denial of me [as Moshiach] shalosh pa'amim three times."

orthjbc@Matthew:26:35 @ Kefa says to Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, "Even if it is necessary for me to die with you, by no means will I deny you. "Likewise all the talmidim spoke also. THE FINAL TEMPTATION OF REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH; THE ADAM HECHADASH IN THE GAN HANISYONOS (note:)GARDEN OF TEMPTATION(:note) GAINS THE ESCHATOLOGICAL MESSIANIC NITZACHON VICTORY

orthjbc@Matthew:26:39 @ And having gone forward a short distance, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach fell upon his face, davening and saying, "Avi, if it is possible, let this Kos * pass from me. But not as I will but as you will (note:)Mt.6:10; strkjv@12:50(:note)." MISHMAROT WATCHMEN FALL ASLEEP

orthjbc@Matthew:26:41 @ Stay awake and offer tefillos, lest you enter lidey nisayon (note:)Mt.6:13(:note). Indeed the ruach is willing but the basar is weak."

orthjbc@Matthew:26:52 @ Then Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach says to him, "Return your sword into its place; for all who take the sword will die by the sword.

orthjbc@Matthew:26:53 @ Or do you think that I am not able to call upon Avi, and He will provide me now more than Shneym Asar legions of malachim?

orthjbc@Matthew:26:64 @ Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach says to him, "You said it. But I say to you, `From now on you will see the Ben HaAdam (note:)Moshiach(:note) sitting at the right hand of Gevurah Power and his Bias Coming will be with ANENEI HASHOMAYIM "clouds of Heaven," strkjv@DANIEL7:13-14.`"

orthjbc@Matthew:26:75 @ And Kefa remembered the word which Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach had said: "Before a tarnegol (note:)cock(:note) crows you will deny me shalosh pa'amim three times." And Kefa went out and wept bitterly.

orthjbc@Matthew:27:34 @ they gave him wine to drink mingled with gall. And, after tasting it, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was unwilling to drink. THE HAGBA (note:)LIFTING UP(:note) OF REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH

orthjbc@Matthew:27:49 @ But the rest of them said, "Wait. We will see whether Eliyahu will come to save him."

orthjbc@Matthew:27:64 @ Therefore, give orders for the kever to be made secure until the Yom HaShlishi (note:)the Third Day(:note), lest his talmidim come and steal him away and say to the people, `He has stood up alive from the dead.` And the last deception will be worse than the first."

orthjbc@Matthew:28:7 @ "And go quickly, tell his talmidim about Moshiach's Techiyas HaMesim. And--hinei!--he is going ahead of you into the Galil. There you will see him. Hinei! I have told you!"

orthjbc@Matthew:28:14 @ "And if this should come to the Governor's ears, we will win him over and keep you out of trouble."

orthjbc@Mark:1:2 @ Just as it has been written in Yeshayah HaNavi, HINNENI SHOLEIACH MALACHI (note:)"Behold, I send my messenger"(:note) before your face, UPINNAH DERECH LEFANAI "and he will prepare the way before me," [SHEMOT strkjv@23:20; MALACHI strkjv@3:1], he will prepare your way.

orthjbc@Mark:1:8 @ I give you a tevilah in a mikveh mayim, but he (note:)Moshiach(:note) will give you a tevilah in the Ruach Hakodesh." [Yeshayah strkjv@44:3; Yoel strkjv@2:28] MOSHIACH'S TEVILAH IN THE MIKVEH MAYIM OF THE YARDEN RIVER MT.3:13-17; MK strkjv@1:9-11; LK strkjv@3:21-23

orthjbc@Mark:1:17 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to them, "Come, follow me [as my talmidim], and I will make you to become daiyagei adam (note:)fishers of men(:note)."

orthjbc@Mark:1:40 @ And an ish metzorah (note:)leper(:note) comes to him begging him and kneeling down and saying, "If you are willing, you are able to make me tahor clean."

orthjbc@Mark:1:41 @ And being filled with rachmei Shomayim [and] stretching out his hand, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach touched [the man] and says to him, "I am willing. Be made tahor (note:)cleansed(:note)."

orthjbc@Mark:2:20 @ But yamim will come when the Chosson is taken away from them, and then they will undergo tzomot HaYom HaHu.

orthjbc@Mark:2:21 @ No one sews a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment; otherwise, the patch will pull away from it, the new from the old, and a worse tear results.

orthjbc@Mark:2:22 @ And no one puts yayin chadash (note:)new wine(:note) into old wineskins; otherwise, the yayin will burst the wineskins and the yayin is lost and so are the wineskins. Instead, yayin chadash new wine [is put] into new wineskins. REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH AND SHABBOS MT strkjv@12:1-14; MK strkjv@2:23-3:6; LK strkjv@6:1-11

orthjbc@Mark:3:2 @ And they were watching Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach [to see] if on Shabbatot he will heal him, in order that they might accuse him.

orthjbc@Mark:3:25 @ And if a bais is divided against itself, it will not be possible for that bais to stand.

orthjbc@Mark:3:27 @ But no one is able, having entered into the house of the strong man to plunder his possessions, unless first, he binds the strong man, and then he will plunder the house of the strong man. [Yeshayah strkjv@49:24,25]

orthjbc@Mark:3:28 @ Omein, I say to you that everything--the averos and the Chillul Hashem, whatever they may commit--of the bnei Adam will be granted selicha.

orthjbc@Mark:4:13 @ And Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach says to them, "Do you not have da'as of the meaning of this mashal? Then how will you have binah of all the meshalim?

orthjbc@Mark:4:24 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was saying to them, "Pay attention! By what measure you measure it will be measured to you, and still more will be added to you.

orthjbc@Mark:4:25 @ For whoever has, it will be given to him, and whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him."

orthjbc@Mark:5:28 @ For she was saying, "If I may touch even the garments of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, I will receive refu'ah."

orthjbc@Mark:6:22 @ And when his daughter entered and danced, she pleased Herod and the ones reclining at the seudah with him. And the king said to the the girl, "Ask me whatever you wish and I will give [it] to you."

orthjbc@Mark:6:23 @ And he made an shevu'ah (note:)oath(:note) to her solemnly, "Whatever you ask me, I will give you, up to half of my Malchut. [Esther strkjv@5:3,6; strkjv@7:2]

orthjbc@Mark:6:26 @ And having become very sad, the king, on account of his shevu'ah and on account of the ones reclining at the seudah [with him], was unwilling to refuse her.

orthjbc@Mark:8:3 @ and if I send them away hungry to their batim, they will give out on the way; and some of them have come from faraway."

orthjbc@Mark:8:4 @ And his talmidim answered him, "From where will anyone be able to find enough lechem to feed these ones here in the midbar?" [Bamidbar strkjv@11:21]

orthjbc@Mark:8:35 @ "For whoever wishes to save his nefesh will lose it; but whoever loses his nefesh for my sake and for the sake of the Besuras HaGeulah will save it.

orthjbc@Mark:8:38 @ "For whoever feels bushah (note:)shame(:note) regarding me and my dvarim in this dor hano'ef v'hachoteh adulterous and sinful generation, the Ben HaAdam will also have bushah regarding him, when Moshiach comes in the kavod of his Av with the malakhim hakedoshim."

orthjbc@Mark:9:19 @ In reply to them, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach says, "O dor with emunah, how long will I be with you? How long will I put up with you? Bring the bochur to me!"

orthjbc@Mark:9:31 @ For Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was teaching his talmidim and was saying to them, "The Ben HaAdam [Moshiach, Daniel strkjv@7:13-14] is to be betrayed into the hands of bnei Adam, and MOSHIACH YIKARET (note:)"Moshiach will be violently killed," Daniel strkjv@9:26(:note), and when he has been killed, he will rise in his Techiyas HaMesim on Yom HaShelishi."

orthjbc@Mark:9:39 @ But Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said, "Do not stop him, for no one who will accomplish nifla'ot bishmi (note:)in my name(:note) will be able soon afterward to speak lashon hora about me.

orthjbc@Mark:9:50 @ "Melach is tov, but if the melach becomes unsalty, by what [means] will you make it salty again? Have melach in yourselves. And among yourselves let there be shalom."

orthjbc@Mark:10:8 @ VHAYU L'VASAR ECHAD" (" A man will leave his father and his mother and he will be joined to his isha (note:)wife), and the two will be one flesh;"(:note) [Bereshis strkjv@2:24] For this reason, they are no longer Shenayim but Basar Echad.

orthjbc@Mark:10:15 @ "Omein, I say to you, whoever is not mekabel Malchut Hashem as a yeled would be mekabel Malchut Hashem, will by no means enter it."

orthjbc@Mark:10:21 @ And looking at him and having ahavah for his neshamah, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to him, "One thing you lack: go and sell all your possessions and give to the aniyim (note:)poor(:note), and you will have otzar treasure in Shomayim; and come, follow me [as my talmid].

orthjbc@Mark:10:23 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, looking around, says to his talmidim, "How difficult it will be for the ashirim to enter the Malchut Hashem!" [Tehillim strkjv@52:7, strkjv@62:10]

orthjbc@Mark:10:31 @ "And many Rishonim will be Acharonim; and the Acharonim, will be Rishonim." REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH AND HIS THIRD NEVU'AH CONCERNING HIS MAVET AND TECHIYAS HAMESIM (note:)MT strkjv@20:17-19; MK strkjv@10:32-34; LK strkjv@18:31-34(:note)

orthjbc@Mark:10:33 @ saying, "Hinei, we are making aliyah leregel to Yerushalayim, and the Ben Adam will be betrayed to the Rashei Hakohanim and the Sofrim (note:)Scribes(:note) and they will condemn him with onesh mavet and will hand him over to the Goyim,

orthjbc@Mark:10:34 @ "And they will mock him and spit on him and scourge him and will kill [him], and on the Yom HaShelishi he in his Techiyas HaMesim stand up alive again." YOCHANAN AND YA'AKOV: SELFISH AMBITION AND THE KOS OF REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH (note:)MT strkjv@20:20-28; MK strkjv@10:35-45(:note)

orthjbc@Mark:11:2 @ and says to them, "Go into the shtetl ahead of you, and ofen ort (note:)immediately(:note) as you enter it, you will find an AYIR colt, Zecharyah strkjv@9:9 tied there, on which no one of men yet has ever sat; untie it and bring it here. [Bamidbar strkjv@19:2, Devarim strkjv@21:3, Shmuel Alef strkjv@6:7]

orthjbc@Mark:11:3 @ And if anyone says to you, `Why are you doing this?` you say `The Adon has need of it and will send it again here.`"

orthjbc@Mark:11:23 @ "Omein, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, be lifted up and be thrown into the sea, and does not waver in his lev but has emunah that what he says happens, so it will be for him.

orthjbc@Mark:11:24 @ "For this reason, I say to you, everything for which you daven tefillos, everything you request in prayer, have emunah that you have received it, and so it will be for you.

orthjbc@Mark:11:29 @ But Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to them, "I will ask you one dvar (note:)question(:note), and you answer me and I will tell you by what kind of samchut I do these things:

orthjbc@Mark:11:31 @ And they were discussing among themselves, saying, "If we say, from Shomayim, he will say, `Why then did you not with him have emunah?'

orthjbc@Mark:11:33 @ And in reply to Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, they say, "We do not have da'as." And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach says to them, "Neither will I tell you by what kind of samchut I do these things."

orthjbc@Mark:12:6 @ "Still he had one BEN AHUV [9:7]. Lemaskana (note:)finally(:note) the Ba'al Bayit sent him to them saying, `They will respect BENI.`

orthjbc@Mark:12:7 @ "But those koremim said to themselves, `This one is the Yoresh (note:)Heir(:note), the Bechor. Come, let us kill him, and the nachalah, the bechorah will be ours.`

orthjbc@Mark:12:9 @ "What then will the Ba'al Bayit of the kerem do? He will come and destroy the koremim and will give the kerem to others.

orthjbc@Mark:12:23 @ "In the Techiyas HaMesim, when they are made to stand up alive, of which of them will she be [the] isha? For shiva had her [as] wife."

orthjbc@Mark:12:40 @ "Beware particularly of the ones devouring the batim (note:)houses(:note) of the almanot and making a grand show of davening long tefillos. Mishpat will fall more heavily on these." REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH COMMENTS ON THE ALMANAH AND HER TWO MITES MK strkjv@12:41-44;LK strkjv@21:1-4

orthjbc@Mark:13:2 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to him, "Do you see these great binyanim? Not one even (note:)stone(:note) will be left resting on another even stone. All will be thrown down!"

orthjbc@Mark:13:4 @ "Tell us when these things will be and what [will be] the ot (note:)sign(:note) when all these things are about to be consummated?"

orthjbc@Mark:13:6 @ For many will come in my name [arrogating my title and authority as Moshiach] saying "I am [here]." And they will deceive many. [Yirmeyah strkjv@29:8]

orthjbc@Mark:13:8 @ "For there will be an intifada of ethnic group against ethnic group and malchut against malchut, there will be earthquakes in place after place, [and] there will be famines. These things are but the beginning of the Chevlei [Moshiach].

orthjbc@Mark:13:9 @ "But as for yourselves, take heed and be careful. For they will hand you over to the sanhedrin and in the shuls you will be beaten and before moshlim (note:)governors(:note) and melachim kings you will take your stand for the sake of me [Moshiach] as a solemn edut testimony to them.

orthjbc@Mark:13:12 @ "And ach will hand over ach to mavet, and Av [his] own yeled, and yeladim will rise up against horim and cause them to be condemned with onesh mavet. [Michoh strkjv@7:6]

orthjbc@Mark:13:13 @ "And everyone will hate you with sinas chinam (note:)baseless hatred(:note) because of my name [Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua]. But the one having endured to HaKetz this one will be receive Yeshu'at Eloheinu.

orthjbc@Mark:13:19 @ "For in those days will be Tzarah Gedolah (note:)Great Tribulation(:note) of such a kind as has not happened from [the] Reshit HaOlam Beginning of Creation which Hashem created until now and never again will be. [Daniel strkjv@9:26; strkjv@12:1; Yoel strkjv@2:2]

orthjbc@Mark:13:22 @ "For meshichei sheker (note:)false moshiachs(:note) will arise, and nevi'ei sheker false prophets, and they will perform otot and moftim so as to deceive and lead stray, if possible, the Bechirim. [Devarim strkjv@13:6,7,11,14]

orthjbc@Mark:13:24 @ "But after the Tzarah [13:19] of yamim hahem, the shemesh will be darkened, and the yare'ach will not give the ohr (note:)light(:note) of it,

orthjbc@Mark:13:25 @ "and the kokhavim (note:)stars(:note) will be falling out of Shomayim, and the kokhot, the ones in Shomayim [i.e. the cosmic structure], will be shaken. [Yeshayah strkjv@13:10; strkjv@34:4; Yechezkel strkjv@32:7-8; Amos strkjv@8:9; Yoel strkjv@3:3f 2:30f]

orthjbc@Mark:13:26 @ "And then you will see the BEN HAADAM BA BA'ANANIM (note:)"the Son of Man [Moshiach] coming in clouds" Daniel strkjv@7:13-14(:note) with gevurah rabbah and kavod.

orthjbc@Mark:13:27 @ "And then he will send the malachim and he will gather together his Bechirim [13:20] from the four winds, from the ends (note:)extremities(:note) of ha'aretz to the ends extremities of Shomayim. [Zecharyah strkjv@2:6] REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH FORETELLS THE KETS HAOLAM HAZEH KAYITS HARVEST OF KLAL YISROEL, ESPECIALLY OF THE RELIGIOUS GEDOLIM WHO THEN WILL BE NO LONGER IN THE WINTER OF THE CURSE OF REJECTION [MARKOS strkjv@11:21] AS AT THE TIME OF THE CHURBAN, WHICH REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH ALSO FORETOLD [MARKOS strkjv@13:2]

orthjbc@Mark:13:31 @ "Shomayim and ha'aretz will pass away, but the dvarim of me [Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach] will by no means pass away.[Yeshayah strkjv@40:8]

orthjbc@Mark:14:9 @ "And, omein, I say to you, wherever the Besuras HaGeulah is proclaimed in kol ha'aretz, also what this isha did will be spoken in zikaron of her." BETRAYING THE REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH: THE ACT OF YEHUDAH FROM K'RIOT (note:)MT strkjv@26:14-16; MK strkjv@14:10-11; LK strkjv@22:3-6(:note)

orthjbc@Mark:14:13 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach sends two of his talmidim and he says to them, "Go into the city, and you will meet a man carrying a jar of water; follow him;

orthjbc@Mark:14:15 @ And he will show you a large upstairs room having been furnished and ready. And there prepare for us."

orthjbc@Mark:14:18 @ And while they were at tish in a yechidus, reclining and eating, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said, "Omein, I say to you, that one of you will betray me, OKHEL LACHEMI ("the one eating my bread" Tehillim strkjv@41:10 (note:)9(:note). THE TIME OF CHESHBON HANEFESH OF THE SHLUCHIM AND THE BEDIKAS CHOMETZ OF DENIAL AND BETRAYAL

orthjbc@Mark:14:22 @ And at the Seudah, while they were eating, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, having taken the matzah, having made the ha-Motzi, he offered the betzi'at halechem (note:)breaking of the bread(:note) and gave to them, and said, "Take and eat, this is my BASAR. [SHEMOT strkjv@12:8]" THE FINAL KIDDUSH IN ZACHOR REMEMBRANCE OF REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH WHOSE TZAVVAAH LAST WILL IS THE BRIT CHADASHA KAPPARAH FOR OUR SELICHA FORGIVENESS AND DEVEKUS COMMUNION WITH G-D

orthjbc@Mark:14:25 @ "Omein, I say to you, that no longer will I by any means drink of the p'ri hagefen (note:)fruit of the vine(:note) until Yom HaHu when I drink it chadash new in the Malchut Hashem."

orthjbc@Mark:14:26 @ And having sung the Hallel, they went out to the Mount of Olives. REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH'S TALMIDIM TOLD THAT THEY WILL BE SCATTERED (note:)MT strkjv@26:31-35; MK strkjv@14:27-31; LK strkjv@22:31-38(:note); KEFA ASSERTS THAT EVEN IF ALL BECOME SHMAD DESERTERS, NEVERTHELESS HE WILL STAND FIRM; THE HAKHCHASHAH FORETOLD

orthjbc@Mark:14:27 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach says to them, "All of you will fall away, for it has been written, "I will strike down ES HARO'EH UTEFUTEN HATZON (note:)"the Shepherd and the sheep will be scattered"(:note). [Zecharyah strkjv@13:7]

orthjbc@Mark:14:28 @ "But after I am made to stand up alive (note:)Moshiach's Techiyas HaMesim(:note), I will go before you into the Galil."

orthjbc@Mark:14:29 @ But Shimon Kefa said to him, "Even if everyone will fall away, yet I will not."

orthjbc@Mark:14:30 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach says to him, "Omein, I say to you, that you today, balailah hazeh (note:)during this night(:note) before the tarnegol crows twice, you will make hakhchashah denial of me shalosh pa'amim three times.

orthjbc@Mark:14:31 @ But Kefa kept saying with vehemence, "If it is neccessary for me to die for you al kiddush ha-Shem, by no means will I make hakhchashah (note:)denial(:note) of you." And likewise also everyone declared. THE FINAL TEMPTATION OF REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH; THE ADAM HECHADASH IN THE GAN HANISYONOS GARDEN OF TEMPTATION GAINS THE ESCHATOLOGICAL MESSIANIC TITZACHON VICTORYBERESHIS strkjv@3:1-6; MT strkjv@26:36-40; MK strkjv@14:32-42; LK strkjv@22:39-46; JO strkjv@18:1

orthjbc@Mark:14:36 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was saying, "Abba, Avi, all things [are] possible for you. Take away this KOS [YESHAYAH strkjv@51:17] from me. But not what I will, but what you [will]."

orthjbc@Mark:14:58 @ "We heard him saying, `I will bring churban to this Beis Hamikdash made with human hands, and, after shalosha yamim, another, not made with hands, I will build."

orthjbc@Mark:14:62 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said, "Ani hu, and you will see the BEN HAADAM [Daniel strkjv@7:13-14] YOSHEV LIMIN HaGevurah [Tehilllim strkjv@110:1] UVA IM ANENEI HASHOMAYIM" (note:)"the Ben HaAdam [Moshiach] sitting at the right hand of power and coming with the clouds of heaven"(:note).

orthjbc@Mark:14:72 @ And ofen ort (note:)immediately(:note), for a second time, a tarnegol crowed. And then Kefa remembered the dvar that Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach had spoken to him, "Before a tarnegol crows twice, shalosh pe'amim three times you will make hakhchashah denial of me." Markos strkjv@14:30. And having broken down, Kefa was weeping.

orthjbc@Mark:16:3 @ And they were saying to themselves, "Who will roll away the stone for us from the entrance of the kever?"

orthjbc@Mark:16:7 @ But go tell his talmidim and Kefa that he goes before you into the Galil. There you will see him, just as he told you."

orthjbc@Mark:16:16 @ "The one having had emunah and having submitted to a tevilah of teshuva will be delivered in the Yeshu'at Eloheinu, but the one not having emunah will come under the gezar din (note:)verdict(:note) of haresha'ah condemnation as guilty.

orthjbc@Mark:16:17 @ "And these otot will accompany those that have emunah. Bishmi (note:)In my name(:note) they will cast out shedim; they will speak with leshonot chadashot Acts strkjv@2:4;

orthjbc@Mark:16:18 @ "And with their hands they will pick up nechashim (note:)Acts strkjv@28:3-5(:note); and, if any deadly poison they drink, it will in no way harm them; upon [the] cholim they will lay their hands and they will bring them refu'ah." REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH IS TAKEN UP INTO SHOMAYIM LK strkjv@24:50-53; ACTS strkjv@1:9-11

orthjbc@Luke:1:13 @ But the malach said to him, "Do not have pachad, Zecharyah. Your tefillah was heard and your isha, Elisheva, will bear a ben to you and you will call his shem Yochanan.

orthjbc@Luke:1:14 @ "And he will be a simcha to you and sasson, and there will be sasson rav at his huledet.

orthjbc@Luke:1:15 @ "And he will be gadol before Hashem, and he will not drink yayin or strong drink, and he will be filled with the Ruach Hakodesh from the womb of his em (note:)mother(:note), [Bamidbar strkjv@6:3; Vayikra strkjv@10:9; Shofetim strkjv@13:4; Yirmeyah strkjv@1:5]

orthjbc@Luke:1:16 @ "and many of the Bnei Yisroel he will turn back in teshuva to Hashem Eloheihem.

orthjbc@Luke:1:17 @ "And he will go forth before Adonoi in the Ruach and Ko'ach of Eliyahu, "VEHESHIV LEV AVOT AL BANIM" (note:)"And he will turn the heart of the fathers to the children" Malachi strkjv@3:24 [4:6](:note) and those without mishma'at obedience to the chochmah of the tzaddikim to prepare for Adonoi an Am People having been made ready." [Malachi strkjv@4:5,6]

orthjbc@Luke:1:18 @ And Zecharyah said to the malach, "Just how will I have da'as that this is so? For I am old and my isha is advanced in her yamim." [Bereshis strkjv@15:8; strkjv@17:17]

orthjbc@Luke:1:20 @ "And --hinei!--, you will be ilem (note:)mute(:note) and not be able to speak, until the yom when these things come to pass, because you did not have emunah in my dvarim, which will be fulfilled in their time." [Shemot strkjv@4:11; Yechezkel strkjv@3:26]

orthjbc@Luke:1:31 @ "And--hinei--in your womb you will conceive and bear BEN [Yeshayah strkjv@7:14] and you will call SHMO Yehoshua. [Zecharyah strkjv@6:11-12]

orthjbc@Luke:1:32 @ "He will be gadol and will be called Ben HaElyon. Adonoi Elohim will give him the kisse Dovid Aviv,

orthjbc@Luke:1:33 @ "and he will rule over the Beis Yakov l'Olam va'ed, and his Malchut will never come to an end." [Shmuel Bais strkjv@7:16; Tehillim strkjv@89:3,4; Yeshayah strkjv@9:7; Yirmeyah strkjv@33:17; Daniel strkjv@2:44; strkjv@7:14,27; Michoh strkjv@4:7]

orthjbc@Luke:1:34 @ But Miryam said to the malach, "How will be this, vi-bahlt (note:)since(:note) I do not have da'as of an ish?"

orthjbc@Luke:1:35 @ And in reply, the malach said to her, "The Ruach Hakodesh will come upon you and the gevurah of HaElyon will overshadow you. Therefore, also, the one being born will be called HaKadosh, Ben HaElohim.

orthjbc@Luke:1:37 @ "For nothing will be impossible with Hashem."

orthjbc@Luke:1:45 @ "And ashrey is the one having had emunah that there will be a fulfillment to the things having been spoken to Miryam by Hashem."

orthjbc@Luke:1:48 @ "For HASHEM VISHAFAL YIREH (note:)Tehillim strkjv@138:6(:note), he looked upon the humble state of his shifcha bond maid for--hinei-- from now on kol hadorot ishruni "all generations will call me happy,"-- Bereshis strkjv@30:13 [Tehillim strkjv@138:6]

orthjbc@Luke:1:60 @ And in reply, his em (note:)mother(:note) said, "Lo, but he will be called Yochanan."

orthjbc@Luke:1:66 @ All who heard these things pondered them in their levavot, saying, "What then will this yeled become?" For, indeed, the yad Hashem was with him. [Bereshis strkjv@39:2]

orthjbc@Luke:1:76 @ "And you also, yeled, will be called Navi HaElyon; for you will go LIFNEI HAADON to prepare the DERECH HASHEM. [Malachi strkjv@3:1; Yeshayah strkjv@40:3]

orthjbc@Luke:1:78 @ "through the rav rachamim of Eloheinu, by which will visit us the rising SHEMESH [Moshiach] from Shomayim, [Malachi strkjv@4:2]

orthjbc@Luke:2:10 @ And the malach said to them, "Do not have pachad; for-- hinei --I announce Besuras HaGeulah to you of great simcha which will be for kol Am Berit;

orthjbc@Luke:2:12 @ "And this will be HaOt [The Sign] to you: you will find an olal (note:)infant(:note) wrapped in cloths and lying in an evus." [Shmuel Alef strkjv@2:34; Melachim Bais strkjv@19:29; Tehillim strkjv@86:17; Yeshayah strkjv@7:14]

orthjbc@Luke:2:34 @ And Shim'on said a berakhah over them and said to Miryam his em, "Hinei--this one is destined for the michshol (note:)stumbling(:note) and tekumah revival of RABBIM [Yeshayah strkjv@53:11-12] in Yisroel and for an Ot that will be opposed against which there will be mitnaggedim, opponents. [Yeshayah strkjv@8:14; strkjv@53:3]

orthjbc@Luke:2:35 @ "and a cherev will pierce the neshamah of you yourself also so that the machshavot of many levavot will be revealed." CHANAH THE TZADDEKES (note:)PIOUS AND RIGHTEOUS WOMAN(:note)

orthjbc@Luke:3:5 @ KOL GEY YINNASE V'KHOL HAR V'GEVAH YISHPALU (note:)"Every valley will be filled in and every mountain and hill will be leveled off"(:note), V'HAYAH HE'AKOV LEMISHOR V'HARKHASIM L'VIKAH "The crooked will be made straight the rough paths made into smooth roads";

orthjbc@Luke:3:6 @ V'RA'U KHOL BASAR ES YESHU'AT ELOHEINU (note:)"And all basar will see the salvation of our G-d"(:note). [Yeshayah strkjv@40:3-5; Tehillim strkjv@98:2; Yeshayah strkjv@42:16; strkjv@52:10]

orthjbc@Luke:3:16 @ Yochanan answered everyone, saying, "I give you a tevilah with a mikveh mayim, but Hu HaBa (note:)Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach(:note) has more ko'ach power than me; I am not worthy to untie the strap of his sandals. He will give you a tevilah with the Ruach Hakodesh and with aish.

orthjbc@Luke:3:17 @ "The winnowing fork is in his hand to clean out his threshing floor and to gather the wheat into his barn, but the MOTZ (note:)"chaff," Tehillim strkjv@1:4(:note) he will burn up with an AISH LO TIKHBEH fire not [ever] extinguished--Yeshayah strkjv@66:24. [Yeshayah strkjv@30:24; Ruth strkjv@3:2]

orthjbc@Luke:4:4 @ And Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach answered Hasatan, "It has been written, LO 'AL HALECHEM L'VADOH Y'CHE-YEH HAADAM, (note:)"Not by bread alone will man live." [Devarim strkjv@8:3](:note)

orthjbc@Luke:4:6 @ and Hasatan said to Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach, "To you I will give all this shilton and their kavod, because it has been given to me; and to whomever I desire, I give it.

orthjbc@Luke:4:7 @ "Therefore, if you will KOREI'A U'MISHTACHAVEH (note:)"bow down and worship," ESTHER strkjv@3:5(:note) before me, everything will be yours."

orthjbc@Luke:4:10 @ For it has been written, MALACHAV Y'TZAV-VEH LACH ("His angels he will command concerning you" to protect you,

orthjbc@Luke:4:11 @ "and upon their hands they will lift you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone." [Tehillim strkjv@91:11,12]

orthjbc@Luke:4:23 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to them, "Muz zain (note:)no doubt(:note) you will speak this mashal to me: `Rofeh, heal yourself.` Everything we heard that happened in K'far-Nachum, do also here in your shtetl."

orthjbc@Luke:5:5 @ And in reply, Shimon said, "Adoni, throughout the whole lailah we have labored and caught nothing, but on account of your dvar I will let down the nets."

orthjbc@Luke:5:10 @ and likewise also Ya'akov and Yochanan the banim of Zavdai, who were business shuttafim (note:)partners(:note) with Shimon. And Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach said to Shimon, "Do not be afraid. From now on you will catch bnei Adam."

orthjbc@Luke:5:12 @ And it came about, while he was in one of the shtetlach --hinei!--there was an ish metzorah (note:)a leper(:note) full of leprosy. And having seen Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach, having fallen on his face, he begged him saying, "Adoni, if you are willing, you are able to make me tahor."

orthjbc@Luke:5:13 @ And having stretched out his hand, Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach touched him, saying, "I am willing. Be made tahor." And, ofen ort (note:)immediately(:note), the leprosy departed from him.

orthjbc@Luke:5:35 @ "But yamim will come when the Chosson is taken away from them; then, in those yamim, they will undergo tzomot." A DERECH CHADASHA IN REBBE MELECH HAMOSHIACH IS NECESSARY FOR JUDAISM'S BRIT CHADASHA, EVEN THOUGH SOME ARE COMPLACENT AND CONTENT WITH WHAT IS NOT CHADASH (note:)SEE ACTS CHAPTERS 15 AND 21(:note)

orthjbc@Luke:5:36 @ Now Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was telling also a mashal to them: "No one tears a piece from a new garment, and sews it as a patch on old garment. Otherwise, both the new will be torn, and the patch from the new will not match the old.

orthjbc@Luke:5:37 @ "And no one puts yayin chadash into old wineskins; otherwise, the new wine will burst the wineskins and it will be spilled and the wineskins will be destroyed.

orthjbc@Luke:6:21 @ "Ashrey are the ones ra'evim (note:)hungering(:note) now, for you will eat your fill. Ashrey are the ones weeping now, for you will laugh [Yeshayah strkjv@55:1,2; strkjv@61:2,3]

orthjbc@Luke:6:25 @ "Oy to you, the ones having been well fed now, for you will hunger. Oy, the ones laughing now, for you will mourn and weep. [Yeshayah strkjv@65:13; Mishle strkjv@14:13]

orthjbc@Luke:6:35 @ "But show ahavah to your oyvim and do mitzvahs and Gemilut Chasadim, expecting nothing in return. And your sachar will be rav. And you will be bnei Elyon (note:)sons of the Most High(:note), because he is kind to anashim ra'im and those without hodayah.

orthjbc@Luke:6:37 @ "Judge not, lest you be judged. And do not condemn, and by no means may you be condemned. If you pardon with mechila (note:)forgiveness(:note), you will be pardoned with selicha forgiveness.

orthjbc@Luke:6:38 @ "Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, having been pressed down and having been shaken, overflowing, will be put into your lap. For by what measure you measure it will be measured in return to you." [Tehillim strkjv@79:12; Yeshayah strkjv@65:6,7]

orthjbc@Luke:6:39 @ Now Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach told also a mashal to them. "Surely an ivver (note:)blind man(:note) is not able to guide an ivver, is he? Will not both fall into a pit?

orthjbc@Luke:6:40 @ "A talmid is not above his moreh (note:)teacher(:note). But everyone, having been fully trained, will be like his moreh teacher.

orthjbc@Luke:6:42 @ "How are you able to say to your ach, "Ach, let me remove the speck in your eye,' while you yourself are not seeing the log in your own eye? Tzevu'a, remove first the log from your eye, and then you will see clearly to take out the speck in the eye of your ach. THE SOURCE OF LASHON HORAH: THE AITZ AND ITS P'RI

orthjbc@Luke:6:44 @ "For each aitz by its own p'ri will be known. For not from thorns do they gather figs nor from a thorn bush do they pick grapes.

orthjbc@Luke:6:47 @ "Everyone coming to me and hearing my divrei Torah and putting them into practice, I will show you to whom he is likened.

orthjbc@Luke:7:7 @ "Therefore, I did not consider myself worthy to come to you. But just say the dvar, and my eved will receive refu'ah. [Tehillim strkjv@107:20]

orthjbc@Luke:7:27 @ "This one is he about whom it has been written,--HINENI SHOLEIACH MALAKHI ("Behold, I send my messenger before your face, who will prepare your derech in front of you" [Malachi strkjv@3:1]

orthjbc@Luke:7:31 @ "Therefore, to what will I compare the people of haDor hazeh (note:)this generation(:note) and what are they like?

orthjbc@Luke:7:42 @ "Not being able to repay, the creditor graciously forgave both debts. Therefore which of them will have more ahavah for him?"

orthjbc@Luke:8:3 @ and Yochanah the wife of Kuza, the steward of Herod; Shoshanah, and many others who were giving maamadot (note:)contributions(:note) for Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach from their private means. THE MASHALIM OF REBBE MELECH HAMOSHIACH MT strkjv@13:1-53; MK strkjv@4:1-34; LK strkjv@8:4-18 WILL YOU OR WON'T YOU BEAR P'RI IN MOSHIACH?

orthjbc@Luke:8:17 @ "For nothing is nistar (note:)hidden(:note) which will not become nikar evident, nor anything nelam hidden which shall not be made known and come to ohr light.

orthjbc@Luke:8:50 @ But when Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach heard this, he answered him, "Do not be afraid; only have emunah, and she will receive refu'ah."

orthjbc@Luke:9:24 @ "For whoever wishes to save his nefesh will lose it. But whoever loses his nefesh on account of me (note:)Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach(:note), this one will save it.

orthjbc@Luke:9:26 @ "For whoever is ashamed of me (note:)Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach(:note) and my dvarim, this one the Ben HaAdam Moshiach, Daniel strkjv@7:13-14 will be ashamed of, when Moshiach comes in his Kavod and the Kavod of HaAv of him and of the malachim hakedoshim.

orthjbc@Luke:9:27 @ "But I say to you, Omein, there are some standing here who will by no means taste mavet until they see the Malchut Hashem." A PREVIEW OF THE BIAS HAREBBE MELECH HAMOSHIACH (note:)MT strkjv@17:1-13; MK strkjv@9:2-13; LK strkjv@9:28-36(:note)

orthjbc@Luke:9:39 @ "and--hinei--a shed seizes him and suddenly lets out a shrai and throws the bochur into a convulsion with foam at the mouth and it mauls him and will scarcely depart from him.

orthjbc@Luke:9:41 @ And in reply, Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach said, "O perverse dor (note:)generation(:note) without emunah, until when will I be with you, and until when will I put up with you? Bring your ben here." [Devarim strkjv@32:5]

orthjbc@Luke:9:57 @ And as they were going on the road, a certain one said to Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach, "I will follow you wherever you go."

orthjbc@Luke:9:61 @ And another said also, "I will follow you, Adoni. But first allow me to say l'hitraot to the ones in my bais." [Melachim Alef strkjv@19:20]


orthjbc@Luke:10:12 @ "I (note:)Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach(:note) say to you, that for S'dom in Yom HaHu [Yom HaDin] it will be more bearable than it will be for that shtetl.

orthjbc@Luke:10:14 @ "But for Tzor and Tzidon it will be more bearable in the Yom HaDin than for you.

orthjbc@Luke:10:15 @ "And you, K'far-Nachum, surely not up to Shomayim will you be exalted? To Gehinnom you will descend!

orthjbc@Luke:10:28 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to him, "Your answer is frum. Richtik (note:)correct(:note). Do this and you will live."

orthjbc@Luke:10:35 @ And on the next day he produced two denarii and gave them to the keeper of the malon and said, "Take care of him, and whatever you spend additionally, I will take care of, when I return."

orthjbc@Luke:10:42 @ "but one is necessary. For Miryam chose haTov which will not be taken away from her."

orthjbc@Luke:11:5 @ And Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach said to them, "Who among you will have a chaver and will come to him at chatzot halailah (note:)midnight(:note), and say to him, `Chaver, lend me shalosh kikrot;

orthjbc@Luke:11:8 @ "I say to you, even if he will not get up and give him anything, because he is his chaver, at least because of his persistence he will get up and give to him as much as he needs.

orthjbc@Luke:11:11 @ "And what av among you is there who will ask his ben for a dag (note:)fish(:note), and instead of a dag fish will give to him a nachash snake?

orthjbc@Luke:11:12 @ "Or if the ben will ask for an beytzah (note:)egg(:note), will the av give him an akrav scorpion?

orthjbc@Luke:11:13 @ "If, therefore, you, though you are ra'im, have da'as of how to give matanot tovot to your yeladim, how much more will HaAv sh'baShomayim give the Ruach Hakodesh to the ones asking him." CHILLUL HASHEM AGAINST REBBE MELECH HAMOSHIACH

orthjbc@Luke:11:24 @ "When the ruach hatameh goes out from the ish, it goes through waterless places seeking a menukhah (note:)resting place(:note) and, not finding any, it says, `I will return to my bais from where I came out.

orthjbc@Luke:11:29 @ And as the multitudes are gathering even more, Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach began to say, "HaDor HaZeh (note:)this generation(:note) is a Dor Rah! It is seeking an ot, and an ot will not be given to it except the Ot HaYonah.

orthjbc@Luke:11:30 @ "For just as Yonah became to the Ninevites an ot, so also the Ben HaAdam will be an ot to HaDor HaZeh.

orthjbc@Luke:11:31 @ "The Queen of the South will be made to stand up alive at the [Yom HaDin] judgment with the men of HaDor HaZeh and she will declare a gezar din (note:)verdict(:note) of ashem guilty, of haresha'ah condemnation as guilty, because she came from the ends of the earth to hear the chochmah of Shlomo, and--hinei--one greater than Shlomo is here. [Melachim Alef strkjv@10:1; Divrey Hayamim Bais strkjv@9:1]

orthjbc@Luke:11:32 @ "Men of Nineveh will stand up at the mishpat (note:)judgment of the Yom HaDin(:note) with HaDor HaZeh and will condemn it, because they made teshuva at the preaching of Yonah, and--hinei--one greater than Yonah is here.

orthjbc@Luke:11:36 @ "If therefore, your whole guf (note:)body(:note) is full of ohr and not having any part choshech, it will be all full of ohr as when the menorah with the ohr light shines on you."

orthjbc@Luke:11:49 @ "Therefore, also the Chochmah of Hashem said, `I will send to them Nevi'im and Shluchim, some of whom they will kill and persecute, [Lu.20:9-19]

orthjbc@Luke:11:51 @ `from the blood of Hevel to the blood of Zecharyah who was killed al Kiddush ha-Shem between the Mitzbe'ach and the Beis Hashem;' ken, I tell you, it will be required from HaDor HaZeh." [Bereshis strkjv@4:8; Divrey Hayamim Bais strkjv@24:20,21]

orthjbc@Luke:12:2 @ "And nothing that men hide in a "cover up" is concealed which will not be revealed, and nothing held in secret which will not be laid bare.

orthjbc@Luke:12:3 @ "So then, what things you said in the choshech, will be heard in the ohr; and what you whispered in the ear in the secret chadarim (note:)rooms(:note) will be shouted from the roof tops.

orthjbc@Luke:12:5 @ "But I will show you Someone of whom you should have yir'ah; fear the one who after killing the body has the samchut to throw into Gehinnom. Ken, I say to you, have yir'ah of this One.

orthjbc@Luke:12:8 @ "And I say to you, whoever will declare publicly the Ani Ma'amin of me [as Moshiach] before bnei Adam, the Ben HaAdam [Moshiach, Daniel strkjv@7:13-14] will make hoda'ah (note:)acknowledgement(:note) of him before the malachim of Hashem.

orthjbc@Luke:12:9 @ "But the one having made hakhchashah (note:)denial(:note) of me [as the Ben HaAdam Moshiach, Daniel strkjv@7:13-14] before bnei Adam will be denied before the malachim of Hashem.

orthjbc@Luke:12:10 @ "And everyone who will say a dvar against the Ben HaAdam (note:)Moshiach, Daniel strkjv@7:13-14(:note), he will be given selicha. But the one having committed Chillul Hashem gidduf blasphemy against the Ruach Hakodesh will not be given selicha." WHEN THEY BRING YOU BEFORE BATEI MISHPAT COURTS OF LAW

orthjbc@Luke:12:12 @ "For the Ruach Hakodesh will be your rabbi teaching you in the same hour what it is necessary to say." [Shemot strkjv@4:12] COVETOUSNESS AND THE MASHAL OF THE RICH MAN (note:)ON THE FOLLY OF GASHMIUS [MATERIALISM](:note)

orthjbc@Luke:12:17 @ "And he was thinking to himself saying, `What should I do? Because I do not have a place where I will store my crops.'

orthjbc@Luke:12:18 @ "And he said, `This I will do, I will tear down my asim (note:)barns(:note) and I will build larger asim. And there I will gather all my grain and my produce.

orthjbc@Luke:12:19 @ `And I will say to my neshamah, "Neshamah, you have an ample store of goods for many years to come. Take your ease, LE'EKHOL, V'LISHTOT, V'LISHMO'ACH ("to eat, to drink, and to be merry" (note:)Kohelet strkjv@8:15(:note)

orthjbc@Luke:12:20 @ "But Hashem said to him, `Goilem! Halailah hazeh your nashamah is required of you. Now to whom will be given what you prepared?' [Yirmeyah strkjv@17:11; Iyov strkjv@27:8; Tehillim strkjv@39:6; strkjv@49:10]

orthjbc@Luke:12:28 @ "And if Hashem so enrobes the grass of the field, which is here hayom and thrown into the aish makhar (note:)tomorrow(:note), how much more will Hashem enrobe you, you ones of little emunah.

orthjbc@Luke:12:31 @ "But seek the Malchut Hashem, and these things will be added to you.

orthjbc@Luke:12:34 @ "For where your otzar is, there also will be your lev." REFERENCE TO THE BIAS HAMOSHIACH

orthjbc@Luke:12:37 @ "Ashrey are those avadim (note:)servants(:note), whom, having come, the Adon will find keeping shomer. Omein, I say to you, that he will fasten his gartel, and have those avadim sit down to tish, and he will come and serve them.

orthjbc@Luke:12:42 @ And HaAdon said, "Who then is the sochen hane'eman and navon (note:)faithful and wise steward(:note) whom HaAdon will appoint over his avadim to give them their food allowance at the proper time?

orthjbc@Luke:12:43 @ "Ashrey is that eved, whom, having come, his Adon will find doing thus.

orthjbc@Luke:12:44 @ "Omein, I say to you, that he will appoint him over all that he has.

orthjbc@Luke:12:46 @ "HaAdon of that eved will come on a day which he does not expect and at an hour of which he does not have da'as, and will cut him in pieces and assign him the Apikoros' portion with the unbelievers.

orthjbc@Luke:12:47 @ "That eved, who had da'as of the ratzon of his Adon and did not get prepared or do according to his ratzon, will be beaten with klap (note:)blow(:note) not a few. [Devarim strkjv@25:2]

orthjbc@Luke:12:48 @ "But the one not having had da'as, but having done things worthy of a klap, will receive but a few. But to everyone to whom much was given, much will be required from him, and to whom was entrusted much, even more achraius (note:)accountability(:note) will be required." [Vayikra strkjv@5:17; Bamidbar strkjv@15:27-30] REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH'S DESIRE FOR HIS TEVILAH OF MAVET TO BE COMPLETED LK strkjv@12:49-59 AND THE DIVISION BETWEEN THOSE WITH HITKHADESHUT AND THOSE WITHOUT HITKHADESHUT

orthjbc@Luke:12:52 @ "For there will be from now chamesh in one bais having been divided, shalosha against shenayim and shenayim against shalosha,

orthjbc@Luke:12:53 @ "`AV will be divided against BEN and BEN against AV, EM (note:)mother(:note) against BAT and BAT against EM, KALLAH BACHAMOT daughter-in-law against mother-in-law and CHAMOT against KALLAH.'" [Michoh strkjv@7:6]

orthjbc@Luke:12:55 @ "And when there is a south wind blowing, you say `It will be kham (note:)hot(:note),' and it happens.

orthjbc@Luke:12:58 @ "For as you go with your ish riv (note:)opponent in a lawsuit(:note) to appear before the magistrate, on the derech make an effort to settle with him, lest he drag you to the shofet, and the shofet will hand over you to the shoter, and the shoter will throw you into the beit hasohar.

orthjbc@Luke:13:3 @ "Lo, I say, but unless you make teshuva, you will all likewise perish.

orthjbc@Luke:13:5 @ "Lo, I tell you, but unless you make teshuva, you will all likewise perish."

orthjbc@Luke:13:9 @ `And if indeed it produces p'ri in the future; otherwise, you will cut down it.'" REFU'AH ON SHABBOS (note:)LK strkjv@13:10-21(:note); PIKKU'ACH NEFESH DOCHEH SHABBOS THE DUTY OF SAVING LIFE OVERRIDES THE SHABBOS LAWS

orthjbc@Luke:13:21 @ "It is like se'or (note:)leaven(:note), which an isha took and hid in shalosh measures of wheat flour until the whole batch was leavened." A QUESTION FOR REBBE MELECH HAMOSHIACH: WILL THOSE WHO RECEIVE THE YESHUAT ELOHEINU BE FEW? LK strkjv@13:22-35 REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH PREDICTS THE EMUNAH OF YISROEL IN HIM AND HIS BIAS HAMOSHIACH ARE CONNECTED

orthjbc@Luke:13:24 @ "Strive to enter through the delet hatzarut (note:)door of narrowness(:note), because many, I say to you, will seek to enter and they will not be able to.

orthjbc@Luke:13:25 @ "After the Ba'al Bayit gets us and shuts the delet, and you begin to stand outside and to knock on the delet, saying, `Adoneinu, open up for us!' and in reply, he will say to you, `I do not have da'as of you, of from where you are from.'

orthjbc@Luke:13:26 @ "Then you will begin to say, `We ate and drank in your presence, and in our rehkovot you taught.'

orthjbc@Luke:13:27 @ "And he will speak, saying to you, `I do not know you, from where you are from. Go away from me, kol po'alei resha!'

orthjbc@Luke:13:28 @ "There will be weeping and gnashing of the teeth, when you will see Avraham Avinu and Yitzchak and Ya'akov and all the Nevi'im in the Malchut Hashem, but yourselves being thrown out.

orthjbc@Luke:13:29 @ "And they will come from mizrach and ma'arav and from tzafon and darom and they will bimesibba recline at tish in the Malchut Hashem.

orthjbc@Luke:13:30 @ "And--hinei--there are some acharonim who will be rishonim and there are some rishonim who will be acharonim."

orthjbc@Luke:13:34 @ "O Yerushalayim, Yerushalayim, she who kills the Nevi'im and stones the ones sent to her! How often I wanted to gather your yeladim just as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing!

orthjbc@Luke:14:5 @ And to them Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said, "Who of you having a ben or an ox fall into a well, and will not ofen ort (note:)immediately(:note) pull him out on Shabbos?"

orthjbc@Luke:14:10 @ "But when you are invited, go and recline at tish in the moshav shafel, so that when the one who has invited you comes, he may say to you, "Chaver, move up to a higher place; then you will have kavod in the sight of all who are with you at the tish.

orthjbc@Luke:14:14 @ "and birkat Shomayim will befall you, because they do not have the means to repay you; for you will be repaid in the Yom Tekumat haTzadikkim."

orthjbc@Luke:14:15 @ And when a certain one of those reclining at tish with Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach heard these things, he said to him, "Ashrey is he who will eat lechem in the Malchut Hashem!" [Yeshayah strkjv@25:6]


orthjbc@Luke:14:31 @ "Or what melech, going out to engage another melech in milkhamah (note:)war(:note), will not first sit down and consider if he is able with aseret alafim ten thousand to meet the one with esrim elef twenty thousand coming against him?

orthjbc@Luke:14:34 @ "Therefore, melach (note:)salt(:note) is tov; but if even melach should become tasteless, with what will it be seasoned?

orthjbc@Luke:15:7 @ "I say to you that in the same way there will be more simcha in Shomayim over one chot'eh who becomes a ba'al teshuva than over tishim v'tish'ah tzaddikim who have no need of teshuvah.

orthjbc@Luke:15:8 @ "Or what isha having asaret (note:)ten(:note) drachmas, if she loses one drachma, will not light a licht candle and sweep the bais and search carefully until she finds it?

orthjbc@Luke:15:18 @ "I will get up and go to my abba, and I will say, `Avi, I sinned against Shomayim and in your sight. [Vayikra strkjv@26:40]

orthjbc@Luke:16:11 @ "If, then, you were not ne'eman with unrighteous mammon, who will entrust you with true riches?

orthjbc@Luke:16:12 @ "And if you were not ne'eman with that which belongs to another, who will give you what is your own?

orthjbc@Luke:16:13 @ "No eved is able to serve two adonim; for either he will have sin'ah (note:)hatred(:note) toward the one and he will have ahavah toward the other, or one he will be devoted to and the other he will despise. You are not able to serve Hashem and Mammon."

orthjbc@Luke:16:30 @ "But he said, `Lo, Avraham Avinu, but if someone from the Mesim should go to them, they will make teshuva.

orthjbc@Luke:16:31 @ "But Avraham said to him, `If Moshe Rabbeinu and the Nevi'im they do not listen to, neither if someone from the Mesim should come back again will they be persuaded.'"

orthjbc@Luke:17:4 @ "And if shevah pe'amim (note:)seven times(:note) during the yom he sins against you and shevah pe'amim he turns around to you saying, `I make teshuva,' you will grant him selicha.

orthjbc@Luke:17:7 @ "But who among you, having an eved plowing or tending kevesim, when he comes in from the sadeh, will say to him, `Here, come ofen ort (note:)immediately(:note) and recline at tish.'

orthjbc@Luke:17:21 @ nor will they say `Hinei, here it is,' or `There it is,' for hinei, the Malchut Hashem is within you."

orthjbc@Luke:17:22 @ And he said to the talmidim, "Yamim are coming when you will long to see one of the yamim of the Ben HaAdam (note:)Moshiach, Daniel strkjv@7:13-14(:note) and you will not see it.

orthjbc@Luke:17:23 @ "They will say to you, `Hinei, there it is!' or, `Hinei, here it is!' Do not go out after them nor pursue them.

orthjbc@Luke:17:24 @ "For as the lightning flashing out of one part under Shomayim lights up the other part under Shomayim, thus will be the Ben HaAdam (note:)Moshiach, Daniel strkjv@7:13-14(:note) in his Yom.

orthjbc@Luke:17:26 @ "And just as it was in the yamim of Noach, thus will it be also in the yamim of the Ben HaAdam (note:)Moshiach, Daniel strkjv@7:13-14(:note). [Bereshis strkjv@6:5-8; strkjv@7:6-24]

orthjbc@Luke:17:30 @ "So it will be on the yom when the Ben HaAdam (note:)Moshiach, Daniel strkjv@7:13-14(:note) is revealed.

orthjbc@Luke:17:33 @ "Whoever seeks to preserve his Chayyim will lose it, but whoever loses it, will preserve it.

orthjbc@Luke:17:34 @ "I say to you, in this lailah there will be two in one bed: one will be taken and the other will be left.

orthjbc@Luke:17:35 @ "There will be two grinding at the same place: one will be taken, but the other will be left."

orthjbc@Luke:17:37 @ And in reply they say to him, "Where, Adoneinu?" But Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to them, "Where the guf (note:)body(:note) is, there also the nesharim vultures, eagles [popularly] will be gathered together."

orthjbc@Luke:18:4 @ "And for a zman he was not willing. But after these things he said to himself, `If indeed Hashem I do not fear nor bnei Adam I respect,

orthjbc@Luke:18:5 @ `yet because this almanah causes me tzoros and is such a nudge, I will grant yashrus (note:)justice(:note) to her, lest in the end she may wear me out by her constant coming.'"

orthjbc@Luke:18:7 @ "Now will not Hashem by all means do mishpat for his Bechirim crying out to him yomam valailah? Will he delay long in bringing them help? [Shemot strkjv@22:23; Tehillim strkjv@88:1]

orthjbc@Luke:18:8 @ "I say to you that Hashem will bring about their mishpat swiftly, but when the Ben HaAdam (note:)Moshiach, Daniel strkjv@7:13-14(:note) comes, will he then find emunah faith on ha'aretz?" WOE TO YOU WHEN YOU THINK YOU ARE ONE OF THE BAALEI BATIM UPRIGHT AND RESPECTED PEOPLE AND ONLY OTHERS ARE CHOTE'IM, NOT YOURSELF! YOUR PRAYER MUST BE, "ADONOY, RACHEM NA AL CHOTEH KAMONI!"

orthjbc@Luke:18:13 @ "But the moches (note:)tax-collector(:note) stood at a distance and was not willing even to lift up his eynayim to Shomayim but was beating his chest, saying, `Adonoi, rachem na al choteh kamoni! L-rd, have mercy on a sinner like me!' [Yeshayah strkjv@66:2; Yirmeyah strkjv@31:19]

orthjbc@Luke:18:14 @ "I say to you, this one, rather than the other one, went down to his bais having been made yitzdak im Hashem. Because everyone lifting himself up will be brought low, but the one bringing himself low will be uplifted." REBBE MELECH HAMOSHIACH ON THE SUBJECT OF CHINUCH HABANOS (note:)MT strkjv@19:13-15; MK strkjv@10:13-16(:note)

orthjbc@Luke:18:22 @ And having heard, Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach said to him, "Still one thing for you is lacking. Everything as much as you have, sell and distribute to the aniyim (note:)poor(:note), and you will have otzar treasure in Shomayim, and come follow me [Moshiach]."

orthjbc@Luke:18:30 @ "who will not receive many times as much in this zman and in the Olam HaBah, Chayyei Olam." REBBE MELECH HAMOSHIACH AND HIS THIRD NEVU'AH CONCERNING HIS MAVET AND TECHIYAS HAMESIM; THE BINAH OF THIS NOT YET MEFURSAM (note:)REVEALED(:note) TO MOSHIACH'S TALMIDIM MT strkjv@20:17-19; MK strkjv@10:32-34

orthjbc@Luke:18:31 @ And having taken the Shneym Asar aside in a yechidus, he said to them, "Hinei, we are making another aliyah leregel to Yerushalayim, and all the things having been written by the Nevi'im about the Ben HaAdam (note:)Moshiach, Daniel strkjv@7:13-14(:note) will be fulfilled. [Yeshayah 53]

orthjbc@Luke:18:32 @ "For he (note:)the Ben HaAdam Moshiach(:note) will be delivered up to the goyim and he will be ridiculed and he will be mistreated and he will be spat upon,

orthjbc@Luke:18:33 @ and, having laid the shot (note:)whip(:note) on him, they will kill him and on the Yom HaShlishi there will be Moshiach's Techiyas HaMesim."

orthjbc@Luke:19:22 @ "He says to him, `From your own mouth I will judge you, eved rasha. You had da'as that I am a big machmir (note:)stickler(:note), taking what I did not deposit and reaping what I did not sow?

orthjbc@Luke:19:26 @ `I say to you that to everyone having, more will be given, but from the one not having, even what he has will be taken away.

orthjbc@Luke:19:30 @ saying, "Go to the shtetl ahead of you, in which entering you will find an AYIR having been tied, upon which none among bnei Adam ever sat, and having untied it, bring it here.

orthjbc@Luke:19:31 @ "And if someone asks you, `Why are you untying it?' you will say this, `Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu has need of it.'

orthjbc@Luke:19:40 @ And in reply Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said, "I say to you if these will be silent, the avanim (note:)stones(:note) will cry out." [Chabakuk strkjv@2:11]

orthjbc@Luke:19:43 @ "Because yamim will come upon you and your oyevim will construct a siege against you and they will surround you and will hem you in from all directions. [Yeshayah strkjv@29:3; Yirmeyah strkjv@6:6; Yechezkel strkjv@4:2; strkjv@28:6]

orthjbc@Luke:19:44 @ And they will dash you to the ground and your yeladim with you, and they will not leave an even (note:)stone(:note) upon an even stone within you, because you did not have da'as of the zman of your pekuddat visitation." [Tehillim strkjv@137:9] REBBE MELECH HAMOSHIACH CLEANSES THE BEIS HAMIKDASH--THE AITZ TE'ENAH IS CURSED MT strkjv@21:18-19; MT strkjv@11:12-18; LK strkjv@19:45-48

orthjbc@Luke:20:3 @ And in reply, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to them, "I will also confront you will a sh'eilah, and you tell me:

orthjbc@Luke:20:5 @ And they reasoned to themselves saying, "If we say, from Shomayim, he will say, why did you not believe him?

orthjbc@Luke:20:6 @ "But if we say, from bnei Adam, HaAm all will subject us to sequilah (note:)stoning(:note), for HaAm Yisroel are all convinced that Yochanan is a navi."

orthjbc@Luke:20:10 @ "And in season he sent to the koremim (note:)vine-keepers(:note) an eved that from the p'ri of the kerem they will give to him. But the koremim vine-keepers sent him away empty, having beaten him.

orthjbc@Luke:20:13 @ "And the Adon of the kerem, said, `What should I do? I will send Beni Ahuvi. Perhaps this one they will respect.'

orthjbc@Luke:20:15 @ "And having driven him outside the kerem, they killed him. What then will the Ba'al HaKerem do to them?

orthjbc@Luke:20:16 @ "He will come and will destroy these koremim (note:)vine-keepers(:note) and and will give the kerem to others." And having heard this, HaAm Yisroel said, "Chas v'Shalom!"

orthjbc@Luke:20:18 @ "Everyone having fallen upon that even (note:)stone(:note) will be broken into pieces, and upon whomever it falls, it will crush him" [Yeshayah strkjv@8:14,15; Daniel strkjv@2:34f]

orthjbc@Luke:20:47 @ "who devour the batim of the almanot and for the sake of appearance daven lengthy tefillos (note:)prayers(:note). The Din Judgment of them will be more severe."

orthjbc@Luke:21:6 @ "Yamim will come in which of these things which you see there will not be left an even (note:)stone(:note) upon an even stone which will not be thrown down."

orthjbc@Luke:21:7 @ And they questioned him, saying, "Rebbe, when therefore will these things be and what will be the ot (note:)miraculous sign(:note) when these things are about to take place?"

orthjbc@Luke:21:8 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said, "Beware, you should not be deceived. For many will come b'Shem of me saying, `I am he [I am the Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach]. And, the time has drawn near.' Do not follow after them.

orthjbc@Luke:21:10 @ Then Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was saying to them, "Ethnic group will have an intifada against ethnic group and malchut against malchut, [Divrey Hayamim Bais strkjv@15:6; Yeshayah strkjv@19:2]

orthjbc@Luke:21:11 @ "There will be great earthquakes and in various places ra'av and makkot, both horrible portents and great moftim in Shomayim. [Yeshayah strkjv@29:6; Yoel strkjv@2:30]

orthjbc@Luke:21:12 @ "But before all these things, they will lay their hands on you and bring redifot on you, handing you over to the shuls and the batei hasohar, being led away before melachim (note:)kings(:note) and moshelim because of my name Yehoshua/Yeshua.

orthjbc@Luke:21:13 @ "It will turn out for you to be an opportunity for edut (note:)testimony(:note).

orthjbc@Luke:21:15 @ "For I will give to you a peh and chochmah which they will not be able to resist or to contradict, all of your mitnaggedim (note:)opponents(:note).

orthjbc@Luke:21:16 @ "And you will be handed over also by horim and achim and kerovim and chaverim, and they will have some of you executed to die al kiddush ha-Shem,

orthjbc@Luke:21:17 @ "and you will be the focus of sinas chinam from everyone because of my name (note:)Yehoshua/Yeshua(:note).

orthjbc@Luke:21:18 @ "And not even a hair of your rosh will by any means perish.

orthjbc@Luke:21:19 @ "In your savlanut you will gain your nefashot (note:)souls(:note).

orthjbc@Luke:21:23 @ "Oy to the ones "with child" and to the ones nursing in yamim hahem. For there will be Tzarah Gedolah upon Eretz Yisroel and ka'as (note:)anger(:note) against this people,

orthjbc@Luke:21:24 @ "and they will fall by the edge of the cherev and they will all be led captive into the Golus, and Yerushalayim will be trampled down by the goyim, until the times of the Goyim are fulfilled. [Yeshayah strkjv@5:5; strkjv@63:18; Daniel strkjv@8:13]

orthjbc@Luke:21:25 @ "And there will be otot (note:)miraculous signs(:note) in the shemesh sun and the yare'ach moon and the kochavim stars, and upon ha'aretz there will be dismay among the Goyim, in perplexity at the sound of the sea and the surf, and

orthjbc@Luke:21:26 @ "bnei Adam will be fainting from pachad and from expectation of the things coming upon the Olam Hazeh, for the kochot (note:)powers(:note) of the heavens will be shaken.

orthjbc@Luke:21:27 @ "And then you will see the Ben HaAdam (note:)Moshiach, Daniel strkjv@7:13-14(:note) and his Bias HaMoshiach on an Anan with gevurah and kavod rav.

orthjbc@Luke:21:32 @ "Omein, I say to you, that HaDor HaZeh will not pass away until all these things may occur.

orthjbc@Luke:21:33 @ "HaShomayim and Ha'Aretz will pass away, but my dvarim will by no means pass away.

orthjbc@Luke:21:35 @ "as a mokesh (note:)trap(:note). For it will come upon all the ones dwelling on the pnei kol haAretz the face of all the Earth.

orthjbc@Luke:22:10 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to them, "Hinei! When you enter into HaIr, you will meet a man carrying a jar of mayim. Follow him into the bais into which he enters,

orthjbc@Luke:22:11 @ "And you will say to the Ba'al Bayit, `The Rabbi says to you, Where is the mekom linah (note:)guest room(:note) where I may conduct the Pesach Seder with my talmidim?'

orthjbc@Luke:22:12 @ "And that one will show you a large upstairs cheder (note:)room(:note) having been furnished. There prepare the Seder."


orthjbc@Luke:22:30 @ "that you may eat and drink at my tish in my Malchut, and you will sit upon kissot judging the Shneym Asar Shivtei Yisroel. REBBE MELECH HAMOSHIACH'S TALMIDIM TOLD THAT THEY WILL MAKE DENIAL OF REBBE MELECH HAMOSHIACH (note:)MT strkjv@26:31-35; MK strkjv@14:27-31; LK strkjv@22:31-38(:note)

orthjbc@Luke:22:34 @ But Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said, "I say to you a tarnegol (note:)cock(:note) will not crow hayom until shlosh pa'amim you, Kefa, will make hakhchashah denial to have da'as of me."

orthjbc@Luke:22:42 @ saying, "Avi, im yirtzeh Hashem, if you are willing, take this kos (note:)cup(:note) away from me. Nevertheless not the ratzon of me but r'tzonechah thy will be done." Mt.6:10

orthjbc@Luke:22:61 @ And having turned, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu looked at Kefa, and Kefa was reminded of the dvar of Moshiach Adoneinu when he said to him, "Before the tarnegol crows hayom you will make hakhchashah (note:)denial(:note) of me shalosh pe'amim."

orthjbc@Luke:22:67 @ saying, "If you are the Rebbe Melech HaMoshiach, tell us." But he said to them, "If I say this to you, you will by no means have emunah.

orthjbc@Luke:22:68 @ "And if I set a sh'eilah before you, you will by no means give teshuvah.

orthjbc@Luke:22:69 @ "But from now on the Ben HaAdam (note:)Moshiach, Daniel strkjv@7:13-14(:note) will be YOSHEV LIMIN as the gevurat Hashem. Tehillim strkjv@110:1

orthjbc@Luke:23:16 @ "Therefore, having disciplined him, I will release him."

orthjbc@Luke:23:22 @ And a pa'am shlishit, Pilate said to them, "But what ra'ah did this one do? No crime worthy of mavet did I find in him. Therefore, having disciplined him I will release him."

orthjbc@Luke:23:29 @ "because, hinei, yamim are coming in which they will say, `Ashrey are the barren and the wombs which did not bear and the breasts which did not nurse.'

orthjbc@Luke:23:30 @ "Then they will begin to say to the mountain, `Fall on us!' and to the hills, `Bury us.' [Hoshea strkjv@10:8; Yeshayah strkjv@2:19]

orthjbc@Luke:23:43 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to him, "Omein I say to you, hayom with me you will be in Gan-Eden."


orthjbc@John:1:13 @ the ones whose being born was not by the agency of natural descent, nor by the ratzon (note:)will(:note) of basar fallen human nature, nor by the ratzon of a gever male--rather, to the ones born of G-d Yochanan strkjv@3:3,7. THE MISHKAN OF THE SHEKHINAH THAT HASHEM HAS RAISED UP

orthjbc@John:1:42 @ Andrew led Shimon to Yehoshua. When Yehoshua gazed at Shimon, he said, "You are Shimon Bar Yonah. You will be called Kefa, which is translated Petros [Rock]." [Bereshis strkjv@17:5,15; strkjv@32:28; strkjv@35:10] THE KERI'AH (note:)CALL, SUMMONS(:note) OF PHILIPPOS AND NATAN'EL; NATAN'EL VIEWED BY MOSHIACH AS A SHAYNER YID

orthjbc@John:1:50 @ In reply, Yehoshua said to Natan'el, "Because I told you that I watched you beneath the aitz te'enah, do you have emunah (note:)faith(:note)? Greater than these things you will see."

orthjbc@John:1:51 @ And he says to Natan'el, "Omein, omein, I say to you, you will see Shomayim having been opened and malachim (note:)angels(:note) of Hashem ascending and descending on the Ben HaAdam." [Daniel strkjv@7:13-14; Zafanyah strkjv@3:15; Bereshis strkjv@28:12].

orthjbc@John:2:17 @ The talmidim of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach remembered that it had been written, "KINAT BETECHA AKHALATNI" (The zeal for the your bais will devour me" [TEHILLIM strkjv@69:9].

orthjbc@John:2:19 @ In reply, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to them "Bring churban to this heikhal and in shloshah yamim [Yonah strkjv@1:17; Hoshea strkjv@6:2] I will raise it."

orthjbc@John:2:20 @ Those of Yehudah then said, "In forty and six years this heikhal was built and you in shloshah yamim will raise it?"

orthjbc@John:3:12 @ "If I told you [pl.] about things of the Olam Hazeh and you have no emunah, how will you have emunah if I tell you about the things of the Olam Haba?

orthjbc@John:3:36 @ The one with emunah in HaBen (note:)Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach(:note) has Chayyei Olam; but the one disobeying HaBen will not see Chayyim, but the Charon Af of Hashem remains on him."

orthjbc@John:4:13 @ In reply, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said, "Everyone drinking from this mayim (note:)water(:note) will thirst again,

orthjbc@John:4:14 @ "but whoever drinks of the mayim (note:)water(:note) which I will give to him will never thirst again, but the mayim water which I will give him will become in him a makor fountain, Tehillim strkjv@36:10 [9] of mayim water, Yeshayah strkjv@12:3; strkjv@58:11 springing up into Chayyei Olam."

orthjbc@John:4:21 @ Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach says to her, "Have emunah (note:)faith(:note), believe me, Isha. A sha'ah hour, time comes when neither on this mountain nor in Yerushalayim [Malachi strkjv@1:11; Melachim Alef strkjv@8:27; Yeshayah strkjv@66:1] will you worship HaAv. [Yeshayah strkjv@63:16]

orthjbc@John:4:23 @ "But a sha'ah (note:)hour, time(:note) is coming, and now is, when those of the true avodas kodesh will worship HaAv in the Ruach Hakodesh and in Emes Truth, for indeed HaAv is seeking such to worship him.

orthjbc@John:4:25 @ The isha says to him, "I have da'as that Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach is coming, the one being called the Messiah. When Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach comes, he will proclaim to us everything."

orthjbc@John:4:34 @ Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach says to them, "My okhel (note:)food(:note) is that I may do the ratson will of the One having sent me and may complete ma'aseh HaElohim [his work, Kohelet strkjv@11:5].

orthjbc@John:4:48 @ Therefore, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to him, "Except you see otot (note:)miraculous signs(:note) and moftim wonders, you will never have emunah faith. [Daniel strkjv@4:2-3,37]

orthjbc@John:5:20 @ "For HaAv has ahavah for HaBen and all things He shows to Him which He does and ma'asim gedolim (note:)greater works(:note) than these He will show him that you may marvel.

orthjbc@John:5:21 @ "For just as HaAv raises the Mesim (note:)dead ones(:note) and makes them alive, so also HaBen makes alive whom he wills. [Devarim strkjv@32:39; Shmuel Alef strkjv@2:6; Melachim Bais strkjv@5:7; Hoshea strkjv@6:2]

orthjbc@John:5:25 @ "Omein, omein I say to you, that a sha'ah (note:)hour(:note) is coming and now is, when the Mesim dead ones will hear the kol voice of the Ben HaElohim and the ones having heard will live.

orthjbc@John:5:28 @ "Do not marvel at this. For a sha'ah (note:)hour, time(:note) is coming in which all the ones in the kevarim graves will hear the kol of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, [Yeshayah strkjv@26:19; Yechezkel strkjv@37:12]

orthjbc@John:5:29 @ "and will come out, the ones having practiced haTov to a Techiyas haMesim of Chayyim (note:)Life(:note), the ones having practised haRah to a Techiyas haMesim of Mishpat Judgment. [Daniel strkjv@12:2]

orthjbc@John:5:30 @ "I am not able to do from myself anything. As I hear I judge, and mine is mishpat-tzedek [Yeshayah strkjv@28:6], because I do not seek my own ratson (note:)will(:note) but the ratson will of the One having sent me.[Bamidbar strkjv@16:28] THE SOLEMN EDUT FOR REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH

orthjbc@John:5:38 @ "and the dvar Hashem you do not have abiding and dwelling in you, because you have no bittachon (note:)trust(:note), no emunah faith in the One whom Hashem has sent." [Yeshayah strkjv@26:10; strkjv@53:1; Yirmeyah strkjv@8:8] THE TRAGEDY OF THOSE WHO ARE OPEN TO PSEUDO-MESSIAHS BUT WILL NOT RECEIVE THE BIBLICALLY FORESEEN REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH OF THE NEVI'IM

orthjbc@John:5:43 @ "I have come b'Shem Avi and you do not accept me. If another comes in his own name, him you will accept.

orthjbc@John:5:45 @ "Do not think that I will accuse you before HaAv; however, there is one accusing you: Moshe, in whom you have set your tikvah. [Devarim strkjv@31:26-27]

orthjbc@John:5:47 @ "But if in the Kitvei Hakodesh of that one you lack emunah, how will you have emunah in my dvar?"

orthjbc@John:6:21 @ Therefore, the talmidim were willing to receive him into the sirah (note:)boat(:note). And immediately the sirah boat came to the shore to which they were going. [Tehillim strkjv@106:30 Targum Ha-Shivim Septuagint] REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH THE LECHEM PANIM THAT COMES DOWN FROM SHOMAYIM, REJECTED IN THE SHUL

orthjbc@John:6:27 @ "Do not work for the okhel (note:)food(:note) that is perishing, but for the okhal food remaining to Chayyei Olam, which the Ben HaAdam will give to you, for Elohim HaAv has set his chatam seal on this one" [Yeshayah strkjv@55:2].

orthjbc@John:6:35 @ Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to them "Ani hu [Shemot strkjv@3:14] the lechem haChayyim; the one coming to me never hungers, and the one with emunah in me will never thirst again.

orthjbc@John:6:37 @ "All which HaAv gives to me will come to me, and the one coming to me I will never turn away.

orthjbc@John:6:38 @ "For I have come down from Shomayim not that I may do the ratson (note:)will(:note) of me, but the ratson of the One having sent me.

orthjbc@John:6:39 @ "Now this is the ratson (note:)will(:note) of the One who sent me, that I should lose nothing of all which He has given me, but I will raise it up on the Yom HaAcharon Last Day. [Yeshayah strkjv@27:3; Yirmeyah strkjv@23:4]

orthjbc@John:6:40 @ "For this is the ratson (note:)will(:note) of HaAv of me: that everyone seeing HaBen and believing in him may have Chayyei Olam, and I will raise up him on Yom HaAcharon."

orthjbc@John:6:44 @ "No one is able to come to me unless HaAv who sent me should draw him, and I will raise him up in Yom HaAcharon. [Yirmeyah strkjv@31:3; Hoshea strkjv@11:4]

orthjbc@John:6:51 @ "Ani hu the lechem haChai (note:)the bread living(:note) having come down out of Shomayim. If anyone eats of this lechem he will live l'olam forever. And indeed, the lechem which I will give on behalf of the Chayyim life of the Olam Hazeh is the basar of me. [Tehillim strkjv@16:9-10; Yeshayah strkjv@53:1-12]

orthjbc@John:6:54 @ "The one feeding on my basar and drinking dahmi has Chayyei Olam and I will raise him up on the Yom HaAcharon.

orthjbc@John:6:57 @ "As HaAv haChai sent me and I live because of HaAv, so also whoever is feeding on me even that one will live because of me.

orthjbc@John:6:58 @ "This is the lechem out of Shomayim having come down, not as the Avot ate and died; the one feeding on this lechem will live l'olam."

orthjbc@John:6:68 @ In reply, Shimon Kefa said to Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, "Adoni, to whom will we go? You have the divrei haChayyei Olam.

orthjbc@John:7:3 @ His achim then said to him, "Leave here and go away into the land of Yehudah, that also your talmidim will see your ma'asim which you do.

orthjbc@John:7:17 @ "If anyone wants to do the ratson Hashem, he will have da'as about my Torah, whether it is of Hashem or I speak only from myself. [Tehillim strkjv@25:14; strkjv@92:16; Bamidbar strkjv@16:28]

orthjbc@John:7:31 @ From the multitude, however, many put their bittachon in him, and were saying, "The Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, whenever he comes, surely he will not do more otot (note:)miraculous signs(:note) than the things which this man did?" PERUSHIM MOVE TO ARREST REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH

orthjbc@John:7:34 @ "You will seek me and not find me and where Ani hu you are not able to come."

orthjbc@John:7:35 @ Therefore, those of Yehudah said to themselves, "Where is this man about to journey that we will not find him? Surely he is not about to sojourn to the Golus of the Yevanim (note:)Greeks(:note) to teach the Yevanim? [Mishle strkjv@1:28]

orthjbc@John:7:36 @ What is this dvar which he said, "You will seek me and will not find me and where Ani hu, you are not able to come?" REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH AND THE MABBU'A MAYIM CHAYYIM (note:)SPRING OF LIVING WATER(:note)

orthjbc@John:7:38 @ "The one with emunah in me, as the Kitvei Hakodesh said, `Out of the midst of him, rivers of MAYIM CHAYYIM [Zecharyah strkjv@14:8] will flow.'" [Mishle strkjv@18:4; Yeshayah strkjv@44:3; strkjv@58:11; strkjv@43:19f, Yechezkel strkjv@47:1-12; Yoel strkjv@4:18; Shir HaShirim strkjv@4:15].

orthjbc@John:8:12 @ Then again Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach spoke to them, saying, "Ani hu HaOhr HaOlam Hazeh. The one following me will never walk in choshech (note:)darkness(:note), but will have the Ohr HaChayyim." [Yeshayah strkjv@9:1; strkjv@42:8; strkjv@49:6,:60:1,3 Mishle strkjv@4:18]

orthjbc@John:8:21 @ Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said, therefore, again to them, "I go away and you will seek me, and in your chet you will go to your mavet. Where I go you are not able to come." [Devarim strkjv@24:16; Yechezkel strkjv@3:18]

orthjbc@John:8:22 @ Therefore, those of Yehudah were saying, "Does he mean he will commit suicide, because he says "Where I go you are not able to come?""

orthjbc@John:8:24 @ "I said, therefore, to you that you will go to your mavet in your averos (note:)sins(:note), for if you do not have emunah faith that Ani Hu [Yeshayah strkjv@41:4; Shemot strkjv@3:14-16], you will die in your chatta'im."

orthjbc@John:8:28 @ Therefore, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to them, "When you perform the hagba (note:)lifting up(:note) of the Ben HaAdam, you will have da'as that Ani Hu [Yeshayah strkjv@41:4; Shemot strkjv@3:14-16], and from myself I do nothing, but as HaAv of me taught me, these things I speak.

orthjbc@John:8:32 @ "And you will have da'as of HaEmes (note:)the Truth(:note) and HaEmes will give you deror." [Vayikra strkjv@25:10; Yeshayah strkjv@61:1-3; strkjv@53:4-12]

orthjbc@John:8:33 @ They answered Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, "We are of the zera Avraham and to no one have we ever been enslaved. How do you say "You will become bnei Chorim (note:)freedmen(:note)"?" [Nechemyah strkjv@9:36]

orthjbc@John:8:51 @ "Omein, omein, I say to you, regarding the dvar of me, if anyone is shomer, he will not see mavet l'Olam."

orthjbc@John:8:52 @ Therefore, those of Yehudah said to Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, "Now we have da'as that you have a shed. Avraham died and the Nevi'im; yet you say if anyone keeps the `dvar of me' he will never taste mavet (note:)death(:note) l'Olam. [Zecharyah strkjv@1:5]

orthjbc@John:8:55 @ "And you have not had da'as of him. But I have had da'as of him. If I would say that I do not have da'as of him, I will be like you, a shakkeran (note:)liar(:note), but I have da'as of him, and I keep his dvar.

orthjbc@John:9:21 @ "but how he sees now we do not have da'as nor do we have da'as of who opened his eyes. Interrogate him. He is of age. He will speak for himself."

orthjbc@John:9:31 @ We have da'as that G-d does not listen to chote'im (note:)sinners(:note), but if anyone has chassidus and yirat shomayim and does the ratson will of him, this one G-d hears. [Tehillim strkjv@18:23-32; strkjv@34:15-16; strkjv@66:18; strkjv@145:19-20; strkjv@51:75; Mishle strkjv@15:8,29; Yeshayah strkjv@1:15; strkjv@59:1-2]

orthjbc@John:10:5 @ "But a zar (note:)stranger, foreigner(:note) they will never follow, but will flee from him, because they do not have da'as of the voice of zarim strangers, foreigners."

orthjbc@John:10:9 @ "I am the derech hasha'ar. Through me, if anyone enters, he will come to yeshu'at Eloheinu and will go in and will go out and will find mir'eh (note:)pasture(:note) [Bamidbar strkjv@27:17; Tehillim strkjv@118:20; strkjv@23:2]

orthjbc@John:10:16 @ "And another tzon I have which are not of this mikhla (note:)fold [enclosure](:note); those also it is necessary for me to bring, and my voice they will hear, and they will become eder echad with Ro'eh echad One flock with one Shepherd. [Yeshayah strkjv@56:8; Yechezkel strkjv@34:23; strkjv@37:24]

orthjbc@John:10:28 @ "And I give to them Chayyei Olam and they will never perish and no one will snatch them out of my hand. [Yeshayah strkjv@66:22]

orthjbc@John:11:12 @ Therefore, the talmidim said to him, "Adoni, if he has fallen asleep, he will be granted refu'ah (note:)healing(:note)."

orthjbc@John:11:22 @ But even now I have da'as that whatever you ask Hashem, Hashem will give you."

orthjbc@John:11:23 @ Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach says to her, "Achich yakum" (note:)"Your brother will stand up [up from the Mesim]"(:note).

orthjbc@John:11:24 @ Marta says to Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, "I have da'as that he will rise in the Techiyas HaMesim on the Yom haAcharon (note:)Last Day(:note)." [Daniel strkjv@12:2]

orthjbc@John:11:25 @ Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to her, "Ani hu the Techiyas haMesim and the Chayyim (note:)Life(:note): the one having emunah in me, even if he should die, will live,

orthjbc@John:11:40 @ Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach says to her, "Did I not tell you that if you have emunah (note:)faith(:note), you will see the kavod Hashem?"

orthjbc@John:11:48 @ "If we leave him thus, kol bnei Adam will have emunah (note:)faith(:note) in him, and the Romans will come and will take away from us both the Beis Hamikdash and the nation."

orthjbc@John:11:56 @ They were seeking, therefore, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach and were saying to one another while they stood in the Beit Hamikdash, "What does it appear to you? Surely he will not come to the Chag (note:)Feast(:note)!"

orthjbc@John:12:25 @ "The Ohev of his neshamah will lose it, but the Soneh (note:)Hater(:note) of his neshamah in the Olam Hazeh will keep it unto Chayyei Olam.

orthjbc@John:12:26 @ "If anyone serves me, let him follow me, and where I am, there also my eved (note:)servant(:note) will be. If anyone serves me, HaAv will honor him." ON THE HAGBA LIFTING UP OF REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH

orthjbc@John:12:28 @ "Avi, bring kavod to your Name." A kol (note:)voice(:note) came out of Shomayim, "I have both brought kavod to it and I will bring kavod to it again."

orthjbc@John:12:31 @ "Now is the mishpat (note:)judgment(:note) of the Olam Hazeh. Now the Sar HaOlam Hazeh will be cast out!

orthjbc@John:12:32 @ "And if I receive the HAGBA (note:)lifting up(:note) from ha'aretz, I will draw kol bnei Adam to myself." [Yeshayah strkjv@11:10]


orthjbc@John:12:43 @ For their ahavah was for the kavod anashim rather than the kavod Hashem. [Shmuel Alef strkjv@15:30] JUDGMENT WHEN THE AV BET DIN WILL BE REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH

orthjbc@John:12:48 @ "The one setting me aside and not receiving the dvarim has his Shofet: the dvar which I spoke will judge him on the Yom HaAcharon [i.e. the Yom HaDin].

orthjbc@John:13:7 @ In reply, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach says to him, "What I am doing you do not have da'as of now, but you will receive binah after these things."

orthjbc@John:13:8 @ Kefa says to him, "Never will you wash my feet l'Olam!" Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach answered him, "Unless I wash you you do not have a chelek [alloted portion of inheritance] with me." [Devarim strkjv@12:12]

orthjbc@John:13:21 @ Having said these things, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach was spiritually troubled and he gave solemn edut (note:)testimony(:note), and said, "Omein, omein, I say to you, that one of you will betray me."

orthjbc@John:13:26 @ Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach answers, "That one it is to whom I will dip the [maror into the charoset] morsel and will give to him." Having dipped, therefore, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach takes the [maror-charoset-matzah] morsel and gives to Yehudah Ben Shimon from K'riot.

orthjbc@John:13:32 @ "If Hashem receives kavod in Him, Hashem will also give him kavod in Himself, and Hashem will give Him kavod immediately.

orthjbc@John:13:33 @ "Yeladim, yet a little while I am immanu (note:)with you(:note); you will seek me, and as I said to those of Yehudah, "Where I go away, you are not able to come." Also to you I say this now. THE MITZVAH CHADASHA NEW COMMANDMENT [I YOCHANAN strkjv@2:7-8] REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH'S TALMIDIM TOLD THAT THEY WILL MAKE HAKHCHASHAH DENIAL OF HIM MT strkjv@26:31-35; MK strkjv@14:27-31; LK strkjv@22:31-38

orthjbc@John:13:35 @ "By this will kol Bnei Adam have da'as that my talmidim you are, if ahavah (note:)agape love(:note) you have one for the other. SHIMON KEFA'S DENIAL FORETOLD; REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH GOES WHERE NO TALMID CAN FOLLOW

orthjbc@John:13:36 @ Shimon Kefa says to Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, "Adoni, where are you going?" In reply, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach answered him, "Where I go, you are not able now to follow me, but you will follow later."

orthjbc@John:13:37 @ Kefa says to Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, "Adoni, why am I not able to follow you now? I will lay down my neshamah for you."

orthjbc@John:13:38 @ Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach answers, "Your neshamah for me will you lay down? Omein, omein, I say to you, a tarnegol will not crow until you make hakhchashah (note:)denial(:note) of me [as Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach] shloshah times."

orthjbc@John:14:3 @ "And if I go and prepare a makom for you, I am coming again and will receive you to myself that where I am there you may be also.

orthjbc@John:14:7 @ "If you have had da'as of me, also you will have had da'as of Avi. And from now on, you have had da'as of Him and have seen Him." A PIDYON NEFESH (note:)REQUEST(:note) OF PHILIPPOS

orthjbc@John:14:12 @ "Omein, omein, I say to you, the one believing in me the pe'ulot which I do he will do, and gedolot than these will he do, because I am going to HaAv.

orthjbc@John:14:13 @ "And whatever you ask b'Shem of me I will do, that HaAv may receive kavod in HaBen.


orthjbc@John:14:15 @ "If you have ahavah for me, you will be shomer mitzvot regarding my commandments. [Tehillim strkjv@103:18]

orthjbc@John:14:16 @ "And I will ask HaAv and another Melitz Yosher [Advocate, Counsellor, Helper in Court, strkjv@14:26; strkjv@15:26; strkjv@16:7; I Yochanan strkjv@2:1] he will give you that He may be with you l'Olam,

orthjbc@John:14:17 @ "the Ruach HaEmes, which the Olam Hazeh is not able to receive, because it does not see Him nor have da'as of Him. But you have da'as of Him, because He remains with you and He will be in you.

orthjbc@John:14:18 @ "I will not leave you yetomah (note:)orphans(:note). I am coming to you. [Melachim Alef strkjv@6:13]

orthjbc@John:14:19 @ "Yet a little time and the Olam Hazeh no longer sees me, but you see me. Because Ani Chai, so you will live also.

orthjbc@John:14:20 @ "On Yom Hahu (note:)that Day(:note) you will have da'as that I am in HaAv of me and you are in me and I am in you.

orthjbc@John:14:21 @ "The one having the mitzvot of me and being shomer mitzvot, that one is the one having ahavah for me. And the one having ahavah for me will receive ahavah from HaAv of me, and I will have ahavah for him and I will manifest myself to him."

orthjbc@John:14:23 @ In reply, Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to him, "If anyone has ahavah for me, of my dvar he will be shomer and HaAv of me will have ahavah (note:)agape(:note) for him and to him we will come and with him we will make a maon [see strkjv@14:1, me'onot, pl.] [Mishle strkjv@8:17; Yechezkel strkjv@37:27].

orthjbc@John:14:26 @ "But the Melitz Yosher (note:)Praklit, Advocate, Counsellor, Helper in Court(:note), the Ruach Hakodesh--which HaAv will send b'Shem of me--He will teach you all things and will remind you of all things which I told you.

orthjbc@John:14:30 @ "No longer many things I will speak with you, for the Sar HaOlam Hazeh is coming; and in me he does not have anything.

orthjbc@John:15:7 @ "If you remain in me and the dvarim of me remain in you, whatever you want, ask, and it will be done for you!

orthjbc@John:15:10 @ "If you are shomer of my mitzvot, you will remain in my ahavah, as I of the mitzvot of HaAv of me have been shomer, and I remain in His Ahavah.

orthjbc@John:15:20 @ "Put in zikaron (note:)remembrance(:note) the dvar which I told you, `An eved is not gadol greater than his Adon.' If they brought redifah persecution on me, they will also bring redifah on you. If of my dvar they were shomer, also of yours they will be shomer.

orthjbc@John:15:21 @ "But all these things they will do to you on account of the Shem of me [Yeshayah strkjv@66:5], because they do not have da'as of the One having sent me.

orthjbc@John:15:26 @ "But when the Melitz Yosher (note:)Praklit, Advocate, Counsellor, Helper in Court(:note) comes, whom I will send to you from HaAv, the Ruach Hakodesh, the Ruach HaEmes, who proceeds from HaAv, that one will gives solemn edut testimony about me.

orthjbc@John:15:27 @ "And you [Shluchim] will give solemn edut (note:)testimony(:note) also, because from the Reshit beginning you are with me."

orthjbc@John:16:2 @ "They will put you under the cherem ban in the shuls; a sha'ah (note:)hour, time(:note) is coming when everyone who kills you will suppose they are offering avodas kodesh to Hashem. [Yeshayah strkjv@66:5]

orthjbc@John:16:3 @ "And these things they will do because they did not have da'as of HaAv or of me.

orthjbc@John:16:7 @ "But I tell HaEmes (note:)the truth(:note), it is better for you that I go away. For if I do not go away, the Melitz Yosher Praklit, Advocate, Counsellor, Helper in Court will not come to you. But if go, I will send him the Ruach Hakodesh to you.

orthjbc@John:16:8 @ "And having come, that one will expose and convict [in court] the Olam Hazeh concerning Chet and concerning Tzedek and concerning Mishpat:

orthjbc@John:16:13 @ "But when that One has come, the Ruach Hakodesh, the Ruach HaEmes, He will guide you in all truth. [Tehillim strkjv@25:5] For He will not speak on His own, but what things He will hear, He will speak, and the things that are to come He will announce to you.

orthjbc@John:16:14 @ "That One will give kavod to me, because He will receive of what is mine, and will announce it to you.

orthjbc@John:16:15 @ "All things which HaAv has are mine; therefore, I said that of mine He receives and will announce it to you. AGMAT NEFESH WILL TURN TO SIMCHA

orthjbc@John:16:16 @ "A little time and you no longer see me. And again a little time, and you will see me."

orthjbc@John:16:17 @ Therefore, some of the talmidim of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to one another, "What is this which he says to us? `A little time and you do not see me.' And `Again a little time and you will see me'? And `Because I go to HaAv'"?

orthjbc@John:16:19 @ Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach knew that they were wanting to ask him. And he said to them, "About this you inquire of one another that I said, `A litle time and you do not see me. And again a little time and you will see me'"?

orthjbc@John:16:20 @ "Omein, omein, I say to you, that there will be bechi (note:)weeping(:note) and avelut mourning, but the Olam Hazeh will have simcha. You will have agmat nefesh, but your agmat nefesh grief will become simcha [Tehillim strkjv@30:6 5]

orthjbc@John:16:22 @ "Therefore, you have agmat nefesh (note:)grief(:note) now, [Yirmeyah strkjv@31:12] but again I will see you, and your levavot will have rinnah rejoicing [Yeshayah strkjv@66:14 Targum Ha-Shivim Septuagint] and the simcha of you no one takes from you.

orthjbc@John:16:23 @ "And on that day you will not ask me anything. Omein, omein, I say to you, whatever you ask HaAv b'Shem of me, He will give it to you.

orthjbc@John:16:24 @ "Until now you did not ask anything b'Shem of me. Ask and you will receive that the simcha of you may be shleimah." REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH HAS CONQUERED THE OLAM HAZEH

orthjbc@John:16:25 @ "Regarding these things I have spoken figuratively. [Tehillim strkjv@78:2; Yechezkel strkjv@20:49] A sha'ah comes when no longer I will speak figuratively to you, but will announce plainly to you concerning HaAv.

orthjbc@John:16:26 @ "On that day b'Shem of me you will ask, and I do not say to you that I will ask HaAv concerning you.

orthjbc@John:17:26 @ "And I have made known to them the Shem of You and will make it known, that the ahavah with which you loved me may be in them and I in them."

orthjbc@John:19:24 @ Therefore, they said to one another, "Let us not tear it but let us cast lots for it (note:)Esther strkjv@3:7(:note) to see whose it will be. They did this in order that the Kitvei Hakodesh might be fulfilled, that which says, "YECHALKU VEGADAI LAHEM V'AL LEVUSHI YAPILU GORAL" "They divide my garments among them and for my clothing they cast lots."[Tehillim strkjv@22:19 18, Shemot strkjv@28:32] Therefore the chaiyalim did these things.

orthjbc@John:19:37 @ And again the Kitvei Hakodesh says, "V'HIBITU ELAV ES ASHER DAKARU" (note:)"And they will look on him whom they pierced"(:note) [Zecharyah strkjv@12:10] THE KEVURAH OF THE REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH

orthjbc@John:20:15 @ Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach says to her, "Isha, why do you weep? Whom do you seek?" Miryam, supposing that he was the shomer hagahn (note:)the keeper of the garden(:note), says to him, "Adon, if you carried him away, tell me where you placed him, and I will take him." REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH'S HITGALUT TO MIRYAM

orthjbc@John:20:25 @ Therefore the other talmidim were saying to him, "Ra'i'nu es Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu (note:)We have seen Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Adoneinu!(:note) But T'oma said to them, "Unless I see in his hands the mark of the nails and I put my finger into the place of the nails and also put my hand into his side, I will never have emunah faith."

orthjbc@John:21:6 @ And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to them, "Throw the reshet (note:)net(:note) to the right side of the sirah boat, and you will find dagim." Therefore, they threw it. And now they were not strong enough to draw in the reshet, because of the multitude of dagim.

orthjbc@John:21:18 @ "Omein, omein, I say to you, then when you were young, you were girding yourself and were walking where you wanted, but when you grow old you will extend your hands and another will gird you and carry you where you do not wish to go."

orthjbc@John:21:19 @ And this Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said signifying by what mavet Shimon Kefa will glorify Hashem. After this, he said to him, "Follow me." REBBE, MELECH HAMOSHIACH AND THE TALMID HA'AHUV