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bwe@Matthew:1:2 @ Jesus family line: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah, Perez (his mother was Tamar), Zezron, Ram, Amminadab, Nahshon, Salmon, Boaz (his mother was Rahab), Obed (his mother was Ruth), Jesse, David the king, Solomon (whose mother was Uriahs wife), Rehoboam, Abijah, Asa, Jehoshaphat, Joram, Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, Hezekiah, Manasseh, Amon, Josiah, Jeconiah and his brothers (at the time the people of Israel were carried away to Babylon), Shealtiel, Zerubbabel, Abiud, Eliakim, Azor, Zadok, Achim, Eliud, Eleazor, Matthan, Jacob and Joseph who was the husband of Mary. Mary was the mother of Jesus, who is called the Christ.

bwe@Matthew:1:18 @ This is the way Jesus Christ was born. Mary, his mother, was promised to Joseph to be his wife. But before they were married, she found out that she was going to have a baby. It was by the Holy Spirit.

bwe@Matthew:1:20 @ While he was thinking about this, he had a dream. An angel of the Lord came to him. He said, Joseph, Davids son, do not fear to take Mary to be your wife. Her baby is by the Holy Spirit.

bwe@Matthew:1:24 @ Joseph woke up and did what the angel of the Lord told him to do. He took Mary to be his wife.

bwe@Matthew:2:11 @ They went into the house, and there they saw the child and Mary his mother. They kneeled down and worshipped him. Then they opened their bags and gave him gifts. These gifts were gold, and frankincense and myrrh.

bwe@Matthew:2:12 @ In a dream they were told not to go back to Herod. So they went home by a different road.

bwe@Matthew:4:3 @ The one who tries to make people do wrong came and said to him, If you are Gods Son, tell these stones to be changed into bread.

bwe@Matthew:4:6 @ The devil said to him, If you are Gods Son, jump down. The holy writings say, "God will tell his angels to take care of you. They will hold you up in their hands so that you will not knock your foot on a stone."

bwe@Matthew:4:9 @ He said to Jesus, I will give you all these if you kneel down and worship me.

bwe@Matthew:5:13 @ You are like salt in the world. If salt has lost its taste, how can it be made salty again? Salt that has no taste is good for nothing. The only thing to do is to throw it out on the road.

bwe@Matthew:5:20 @ I tell you, you must do much better than the scribes and Pharisees. If you do not, then you will never go into the kingdom of heaven.

bwe@Matthew:5:23 @ Perhaps you are bringing your gift to God at his altar. There you remember that your brother has something against you.

bwe@Matthew:5:24 @ If so, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First, go to your brother and make things right with him. Then come and give your gift to God.

bwe@Matthew:5:25 @ If someone wants to take you to court, make an agreement with him quickly on the way. If you do not, he will take you to the judge. The judge will give you to the guard, and the guard will put you in prison.

bwe@Matthew:5:27 @ You have heard that the law says, "Do not commit adultery <FI>have another man or woman who is not your husband or wife<Fi>."

bwe@Matthew:5:28 @ But I tell you that if a man looks at a woman and he wants her, then he has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

bwe@Matthew:5:29 @ If your right eye makes you do wrong, take it out and throw it away. It is better to lose a part of your body, than for your whole body to be thrown into hell.

bwe@Matthew:5:30 @ If your right hand makes you do wrong, cut it off and throw it away. It is better to lose a part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell fire.

bwe@Matthew:5:31 @ The law said, "Any man who does not want to keep his wife must give her a paper to tell others she is no longer his wife."

bwe@Matthew:5:32 @ But I tell you, no man may send away his wife unless she has committed adultery. If he does send her away, he is making her commit adultery. And if a man marries a woman who has been sent away from her husband, he commits adultery.

bwe@Matthew:5:39 @ But I tell you, do not fight with anyone who does wrong to you. But if someone hits you on one side of your face, turn the other side to him also.

bwe@Matthew:5:40 @ If anyone takes you to court to get your shirt, let him have your coat also.

bwe@Matthew:5:41 @ If anyone wants you to help carry a load, go with him twice as far.

bwe@Matthew:5:46 @ If you love only those who love you, what reward will you get? Even the tax collectors do that.

bwe@Matthew:5:47 @ Do you speak to your brothers only? If so, you are not doing any better than other people. Even people who do not believe in God do that.

bwe@Matthew:6:1 @ Do not do good things so that people will see you do them. If you do, you will get no reward from your Father in heaven.

bwe@Matthew:6:14 @ If you forgive others for the wrong things they have done, then your Father in heaven will forgive you.

bwe@Matthew:6:15 @ But if you do not forgive others, your Father will not forgive you for the wrong things you have done.

bwe@Matthew:6:22 @ The body gets its light through the eyes. If you have good eyes, all your body will have light.

bwe@Matthew:6:23 @ But if your eyes are bad, all your body will be in darkness. If the light in you is dark, it will be very dark for you.

bwe@Matthew:6:25 @ So, I tell you this. Do not be troubled about what you will eat or drink to keep alive. Do not be troubled about what you will wear on your body. Life itself is worth more than food, and the body is worth more than clothes.

bwe@Matthew:6:30 @ God dresses the grass in the fields so it looks nice. It is in the field one day and the next day it is put on the fire. If God dresses the grass like that, he cares much more that you have clothes to wear. You do not believe in God very much!

bwe@Matthew:7:9 @ If your son asks for bread, will any of you give him a stone?

bwe@Matthew:7:10 @ Or if he asks for a fish, will you give him a snake?

bwe@Matthew:7:14 @ The gate is small and the road is not wide that goes to life. Not many people find it.

bwe@Matthew:7:29 @ He taught them as if he had the right to teach them. He did not teach like their scribes.

bwe@Matthew:8:2 @ A man who had leprosy <FI>a bad skin disease<Fi> came and kneeled in front of Jesus and worshipped him. He said to Jesus, Sir, I know you can heal me if you want to.

bwe@Matthew:8:4 @ Jesus said to him, Do not tell anyone about this. But go and let the priest look at you. Moses gave a law about the sacrifice you must give when you are healed. Give it, to prove to people you are healed.

bwe@Matthew:8:14 @ Jesus went into Peters house. There he saw the mother of Peters wife in bed, sick with fever.

bwe@Matthew:8:31 @ The bad spirits begged Jesus, If you drive us out of these men, let us go into the pigs.

bwe@Matthew:9:13 @ Go and learn what this means: "I want you to be kind. I do not want a sacrifice." I did not come to call good people. I came to call bad people to stop doing wrong things.

bwe@Matthew:9:16 @ No one sews a piece of new cloth on an old coat. If he does, the new cloth will tear the old coat. Then the hole is bigger than it was before.

bwe@Matthew:9:17 @ People do not put new wine into old wine skins. If they do, the old skins break. The wine is lost and the skins are spoiled. New wine is put into new skins. And so they are both saved.

bwe@Matthew:9:18 @ While Jesus was telling them these things, a ruler came to him. He bowed down in front of Jesus to worship him and said, My daughter has just died. But if you will come and put your hand on her, she will live.

bwe@Matthew:9:21 @ She said to herself, If only I touch his clothes, I will be well.

bwe@Matthew:10:8 @ Heal sick people. Bring dead people to life. Heal people who have leprosy. Drive bad spirits out of people You got it free, so give it free to others

bwe@Matthew:10:13 @ If the family is all right, let your blessing stay on it. If it is not all right, take your blessing away.

bwe@Matthew:10:25 @ The one who learns should want to be like his teacher. And the servant should want to be like his master. If they say the master belongs to the devil, they will say it all the more about those who work for him.

bwe@Matthew:10:32 @ If anyone tells people that he knows me, I will also tell the Father in heaven that I know him.

bwe@Matthew:10:35 @ I came to take away peace between a man and his father. I came to take away peace between a daughter and her mother. I came to take away peace between a mans wife and his mother.

bwe@Matthew:10:39 @ Anyone who tries to keep his life, will lose it. Anyone who gives up his life for my sake, will find it.

bwe@Matthew:10:42 @ And if any one as a disciple gives a drink of cold water to one of my children, he will not lose his reward. I tell you the truth.

bwe@Matthew:11:14 @ If you will believe it, this man is the Elijah who would come.

bwe@Matthew:11:21 @ He said, Chorazin! You will have trouble! Bethsaida! You will have trouble! If the big works I did in you had been done in the cities of Tyre and Sidon, the people there would have stopped their wrong ways long ago. They would wear the clothes people wear to show they are sad. They would sit in ashes.

bwe@Matthew:11:23 @ Capernaum, will you be lifted up to the sky? No, you will go down to death. If the big things I did in you had been done in the city of Sodom, it would be standing now.

bwe@Matthew:12:7 @ You do not know what this means, "I want you to be kind; I do not want a sacrifice." If you knew, then you would not have said what they did was wrong. What they did was not wrong.

bwe@Matthew:12:11 @ Jesus said to them, If one of you had a sheep and it fell into a hole on the Sabbath day, would you not take hold of it and pull it out?

bwe@Matthew:12:25 @ Jesus knew what they were thinking. He said to them, If one part of any country fights against the other part of the country, that country is broken down. If one part of any city or family fights against the other part of it, it cannot stand.

bwe@Matthew:12:26 @ If Satan drives out Satan, he fights against himself. How then will his kingdom stand?

bwe@Matthew:12:27 @ If I drive out bad spirits by Beelzebub, how do your own people drive them out? Let them judge you.

bwe@Matthew:12:28 @ But if I drive out bad spirits by Gods Spirit, then Gods kingdom is here with you now.

bwe@Matthew:12:29 @ If anyone wants to go into a strong mans house and steal his things, he must first tie the strong man. Then he can steal his things.

bwe@Matthew:13:15 @ The hearts of these people have no feeling. They do not hear well with their ears. And they have shut their eyes. They do not want to see with their eyes. They do not want to hear with their ears. They do not want to understand in their hearts. They do not want to turn to me. If they did turn, I would heal them."

bwe@Matthew:13:19 @ People listen to the message about the kingdom of heaven. If anyone does not understand it, the devil comes along and takes the message out of his heart. That person is like the seed which fell on the road.

bwe@Matthew:13:29 @ "No," said the man. "If you pull up the weeds, then the good plants will come up with them.

bwe@Matthew:14:3 @ Herod had taken John and tied him up. He put him in prison. He did this because of Herodias. She was the wife of his brother Philip.

bwe@Matthew:14:4 @ John had said to Herod, It is not right for you to have her for your wife.

bwe@Matthew:14:28 @ Peter said, Lord, if it is you, tell me to come to you on the water.

bwe@Matthew:15:5 @ But you say, "Tell your father or your mother that you have given to God what you were going to give to them." You say, "If anyone says that, then he does not need to help his father or mother."

bwe@Matthew:15:14 @ Leave them alone. They are blind men who are trying to lead blind men. If a blind man leads a blind man, they will both fall into a hole.

bwe@Matthew:15:31 @ Jesus called his disciples to him. He said, I share the suffering of the people. They have been with me for three days and they have nothing to eat. I do not want to send them away hungry. If they go away hungry, they will get weak and fall on the way.

bwe@Matthew:16:24 @ Then Jesus told his disciples, If anyone wants to come with me, he must leave what he himself wants to do. He must be willing to carry his cross and come with me.

bwe@Matthew:16:25 @ Anyone who wants to keep his life will lose it. And anyone who gives up his life for my sake will find it.

bwe@Matthew:16:26 @ What good will it do a man if he gets the whole world for himself, but loses his life? What can a person give to get back his life?

bwe@Matthew:17:4 @ Peter said to Jesus, Lord, this is a good place for us. If you want, we will make three places here, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.

bwe@Matthew:17:20 @ Jesus said to them, Because you do not believe enough. I tell you the truth. If your strength to believe were as much as a little mustard seed, you could say to this hill, "Go, move over to that place!" And it would move. Nothing is too hard for you to do.

bwe@Matthew:18:3 @ He said, I tell you the truth. If your hearts do not change and become like hearts of children, you will never go into the kingdom of heaven.

bwe@Matthew:18:5 @ If anyone takes in a child like this for my sake, he takes in me.

bwe@Matthew:18:6 @ These little children believe in me. If anyone makes one of them do wrong, he will be punished. He will have worse trouble than if a big stone were tied to his neck and he were thrown into the deep sea.

bwe@Matthew:18:8 @ If your hand or your foot makes you do wrong, cut it off and throw it away! It is better for you to enter into life without hands or feet than to have two hands and two feet and be thrown into the fire that burns for ever.

bwe@Matthew:18:9 @ If your eye makes you do wrong, pull it out and throw it away! It is better for you to enter into life with one eye, than to have two eyes and be thrown into the hell fire.

bwe@Matthew:18:15 @ If your brother does something wrong to you, go to him. Talk alone to him and tell him what he has done. If he listens to you, you have kept your brother as a friend.

bwe@Matthew:18:16 @ But if he does not listen to you, take one or two others with you to talk to him. Then two or three people will hear every word and can prove what was said.

bwe@Matthew:18:17 @ If he does not listen to them, tell the church. If he does not listen to the church, treat him as one who does not believe in God and as bad as a tax collector.

bwe@Matthew:18:19 @ I tell you another thing. If two of you on earth agree together to ask for something, my Father in heaven will do it for them.

bwe@Matthew:18:25 @ He could not pay it. So his master said, "Go sell him, his wife, his children, and everything he has, and pay me!"

bwe@Matthew:18:35 @ That is like what my Father in heaven will do to every one of you, if you do not forgive your brother from your heart.

bwe@Matthew:19:3 @ The Pharisees came to Jesus to test him. They asked, Is it right for a man to send his wife away from him for any reason?

bwe@Matthew:19:5 @ God said, "A man must leave his father and mother and must stay with his wife. The two of them will be like one person."

bwe@Matthew:19:7 @ They said to Jesus, Then why did Moses make this law? He said that a man may give his wife a paper to show that he does not want her any more. Then he may send her away.

bwe@Matthew:19:9 @ But I tell you this. No man may send his wife away unless she has committed adultery. If he does, and if he marries another woman, he commits adultery. And if a man marries a woman who has been sent away by her husband, he commits adultery.

bwe@Matthew:19:10 @ The disciples said to him, If a man and woman are like that, then it is better not to marry.

bwe@Matthew:19:17 @ Jesus said, Why do you ask me about what is good? Only God is good. If you want to live for ever, you must keep Gods laws.

bwe@Matthew:19:21 @ Jesus said, If you want to be all right, go and sell everything you have. Give the money to poor people. For this you will be rich in heaven. Then come and go with me.

bwe@Matthew:19:29 @ If anyone has left his house, his brothers, his sisters, his father, his mother, his children, or his farms for my sake, he will receive a hundred times as much as he has left. And he will live for ever.

bwe@Matthew:20:20 @ Then Zebedees wife came with her sons to Jesus. She bowed down in front of him and asked him to do something for her.

bwe@Matthew:20:28 @ The Son of Man did not come to have others help him. But he came to help others. He came to give his life to make many people free.

bwe@Matthew:21:3 @ If anyone says anything to you, tell him, "The Lord needs them. He will send them back soon."

bwe@Matthew:21:24 @ Jesus answered them, I will ask you a question also. If you answer me, I will answer you. I will tell you what right I have to do these things.

bwe@Matthew:21:25 @ Who gave John the right to baptise people? Did God or did men? So they talked it over together. They said, If we say, "God gave John the right to do it," he will say to us, "Then why did you not believe him?"

bwe@Matthew:21:26 @ But if we say, "Men gave him the right to do it," we have the people to fear, because all the people say that John was a prophet.

bwe@Matthew:21:44 @ If anyone falls on this stone, he will be broken to pieces. But if this stone falls on anyone, it will crush him.

bwe@Matthew:22:24 @ They came to ask him a question. They said, Teacher, Moses gave us this law: "If a man dies and has no children, then his brother must marry the wife and raise a family for his brother."

bwe@Matthew:22:25 @ There were seven brothers among us. The first one married. He died and left no children. So his brother married the wife.

bwe@Matthew:22:28 @ Now then, when people rise from death, which of the seven brothers will have her for his wife? They all married her.

bwe@Matthew:23:16 @ You blind leaders will have trouble. You say that if anyone makes a promise in the name of the temple, he does not have to keep that promise. But if anyone makes a promise in the name of the gold on the temple, he must keep that promise.

bwe@Matthew:23:18 @ And you say that if anyone makes a promise in the name of Gods altar, he does not have to keep that promise. But if anyone makes a promise in the name of the sacrifice, he must keep that promise.

bwe@Matthew:23:19 @ You fools and blind people! Which is greater, the sacrifice or the place that makes the sacrifice holy?

bwe@Matthew:23:20 @ So if anyone makes a promise by Gods altar, he makes his promise by it and by all that is on it.

bwe@Matthew:23:21 @ If anyone makes a promise by the temple, he makes his promise by the temple and by God who lives in the temple.

bwe@Matthew:23:22 @ If anyone makes a promise by heaven, he makes his promise by Gods big chair called a throne and by God who sits on the throne.

bwe@Matthew:23:30 @ You say, "If we had lived in the days of our fathers, we would not have helped to kill the prophets of God."

bwe@Matthew:24:1 @ Jesus left the temple and was going away. His disciples came to him. They wanted to show him the different buildings that were a part of the temple.

bwe@Matthew:24:7 @ One tribe will fight against another tribe. And one country will fight against another country. The people will have no food to eat. Many people will be sick. The earth will shake in many different places.

bwe@Matthew:24:22 @ No person would be saved if the Lord did not cut the time of trouble shorter. He will cut it shorter for the sake of his chosen people.

bwe@Matthew:24:23 @ If anyone says to you then, "Look, here is the Christ!" or "There he is!" do not believe it.

bwe@Matthew:24:24 @ People will come and say they are the Christ. People will come and say they are prophets. But they are not true. They will show big signs and do wonderful things to fool people. They will fool Gods chosen people if they can.

bwe@Matthew:24:26 @ So if people say to you, "He is in the wilderness," do not go there. If they say, "He is hiding somewhere," do not believe it.

bwe@Matthew:24:43 @ And remember this. The owner of the house does not know at what time of the night a man will come to steal something. If he knew, he would watch and not let the man break into his house.

bwe@Matthew:24:48 @ But if the servant is bad, he will say to himself, "My master will not come just now."

bwe@Matthew:26:15 @ He said, What will you give me if I help you catch Jesus? They gave him thirty pieces of silver money.

bwe@Matthew:26:24 @ The Son of Man will go away just as the holy writings tell about him. But the man who gives him over will have trouble. It would have been better for that man if he had not been born!

bwe@Matthew:26:33 @ Peter said, Even if all the others leave you, I will never leave you.

bwe@Matthew:26:35 @ Peter said, Even if I must die with you, I will never say I do not know you! All the disciples said the same thing.

bwe@Matthew:26:39 @ Jesus went on a little further. He bowed down with his face to the ground. He talked to God and said, My Father, if it can be, let this cup of trouble pass by me. But do not do what I want. May what you want be done.

bwe@Matthew:26:42 @ Jesus went away again. He talked to God and said, My Father, if you do not want this cup to pass by me, but you want me to drink it, I will do what you want.

bwe@Matthew:26:68 @ They said, Christ, tell us, if you know who hit you!

bwe@Matthew:27:19 @ While Pilate was sitting in the court to judge the case, his wife sent a message to him. She said, Do nothing to that good man. I have been troubled very much in a dream about him today.

bwe@Matthew:27:40 @ They said, You are the man who said you could break down the temple and build it again in three days. Save yourself! If you are really Gods Son, come down from the cross.

bwe@Matthew:27:42 @ They said, He saved other people but he cannot save himself! If he is the King of the people of Israel, he should come down from the cross now. Then we will believe in him.

bwe@Matthew:27:43 @ He trusted in God. If God wants him, he can save him now. He said, "I am Gods Son."

bwe@Matthew:27:49 @ The other people said, Wait. We will see if Elijah will come and save him.

bwe@Matthew:28:14 @ If the ruler hears about this, then we will talk to him so that he will not punish you.

bwe@Mark:1:22 @ They were very much surprised at his teaching because he taught them as if he had the right to teach them. He did not teach them like their teachers called scribes.

bwe@Mark:1:30 @ Simons wifes mother was sick and was lying down. She had a fever. Right away they told Jesus about her.

bwe@Mark:1:40 @ A man who was sick with leprosy <FI>a bad skin disease<Fi> came to him. He kneeled down and begged Jesus saying, I know you can heal me if you want to.

bwe@Mark:1:44 @ He said, Do not tell anyone about this. But go and let the priest look at you. Moses gave a law about the gift you must give to God when you are healed. Give it to prove to people that you are healed.

bwe@Mark:2:21 @ No person sews a piece of new cloth on an old coat. If he does, the new cloth will tear the old coat. Then the hole is bigger than it was before.

bwe@Mark:2:22 @ No person puts new wine into old wine skins. If he does, the new wine will break the skins. Then the wine will be lost and the skins will be spoiled. New wine is put into new skins.

bwe@Mark:3:2 @ The Pharisees watched Jesus to see if he would heal the man on the Sabbath day. They wanted to find something wrong about Jesus.

bwe@Mark:3:24 @ If one part of a country fights against another part of the country, that country cannot be strong.

bwe@Mark:3:25 @ If one part of a family fights against the other part of the family, it cannot stand.

bwe@Mark:3:26 @ If Satan fights against himself and the bad spirits fight against each other, he cannot stand. It will be the end of him.

bwe@Mark:3:27 @ If anyone wants to go into a strong mans house and steal his things, he must first tie the strong man. Then he can steal his things.

bwe@Mark:4:12 @ They may look and look, but they will not see. They may listen and listen, but they will not understand. If they did understand, they would turn back to God and he would forgive them for the wrong things they have done.

bwe@Mark:5:28 @ She said to herself, If only I touch his clothes, I will be well.

bwe@Mark:6:17 @ Herod had sent his people to catch John. They tied him and put him in prison to please Herodias. Herod had married her, but she was his brother Philips wife.

bwe@Mark:6:18 @ John had told Herod, It is wrong for you to have your brothers wife.

bwe@Mark:6:23 @ He made a promise which he would not break. He said, Anything that you ask me for I will give you, even if you ask me for half of my kingdom.

bwe@Mark:6:40 @ The people sat down in groups. Some groups were a hundred people and some were fifty people.

bwe@Mark:7:11 @ You say, "Tell your father or your mother that what you were going to give to them is Corban." (That means a gift to God.)

bwe@Mark:8:3 @ If I send them home hungry, they will get weak and fall on the way. Some of them have come a long way.

bwe@Mark:8:34 @ Jesus called the people and the disciples to him. He said, If anyone wants to come with me he must leave what he himself wants to do. He must be ready to carry his own cross and come with me.

bwe@Mark:8:35 @ Anyone who tries to keep his life will lose it. And anyone who gives up his life for my sake and for the sake of the good news will find it.

bwe@Mark:8:36 @ What good will it do a man if he gets the whole world for himself but loses his soul?

bwe@Mark:8:37 @ What can a person give to get back his soul? People have gone away from God and are full of wrong ways. If anyone in this time is ashamed of me and the things I say, the Son of Man also will be ashamed of that person when he comes. The Son of Man will come with his holy angels, and be great like his Father.

bwe@Mark:9:22 @ Often it has thrown him in the fire and in the water. It has tried to kill him. If you can do anything for him, show us that you share our suffering by helping us.

bwe@Mark:9:23 @ Jesus said to him, You say, "If you can." Anything can be done for the person who believes.

bwe@Mark:9:37 @ If anyone takes in a child like this for my sake, he takes in me. If anyone takes in me, he takes in the One who sent me.

bwe@Mark:9:41 @ I tell you the truth. If anyone gives you a cup of water to drink because you belong to Christ, he will not lose his reward

bwe@Mark:9:42 @ These little children believe in me. If anyone makes one of them do wrong, he will be punished. He will have worse trouble than if a big stone were tied to his neck and he were thrown into the deep sea.

bwe@Mark:9:43 @ If your hand makes you do wrong, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life with one hand than to have two hands and go into hell. Hell fire never dies.

bwe@Mark:9:45 @ If your foot makes you do wrong, cut it off. It is better for you to enter life with one foot than to have two feet and be thrown into hell. Hell fire never dies.

bwe@Mark:9:47 @ If your eye makes you do wrong, take it out. It is better for you to go into Gods kingdom with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into hell.

bwe@Mark:9:49 @ Everyone must be tested by fire. Every sacrifice must have salt on it.

bwe@Mark:9:50 @ Salt is good. But if the salt has lost its taste, how can it be made salty again? You must have salt in yourselves and live in peace with one another.

bwe@Mark:10:2 @ The Pharisees came to him and asked, Is it right for a man to send his wife away from him? They asked this to test Jesus.

bwe@Mark:10:7 @ That is why a man must leave his father and mother and stay with his wife.

bwe@Mark:10:11 @ So Jesus said, If any man sends away his wife and marries another woman, he commits adultery against her. <FI>He takes another woman who is not his wife.<Fi>

bwe@Mark:10:12 @ If a woman sends away her husband and marries another man, she commits adultery.

bwe@Mark:10:15 @ I tell you the truth. If anyone does not believe in the kingdom of God like a child, he will never go in.

bwe@Mark:10:30 @ Jesus said, I tell you the truth. If any man has left his house, or his brothers, or his sisters, his mother, or his father, or his children, or farms, for my sake and for the sake of the good news, he will receive his pay in this life. He will have a hundred times as many houses, and brothers, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and farms. He will have trouble also. But in the next world he will live for ever.

bwe@Mark:10:45 @ The Son of Man did not come to have others help him. But he came to help others. He came to give his life to make many people free.

bwe@Mark:11:3 @ If anyone asks you, "Why are you doing this?" tell him, "The Lord needs it. He will send it back soon."

bwe@Mark:11:13 @ He saw a fig tree a little way off with leaves on it. So he went to see if it had figs. He came to the tree. There was no fruit on it, only leaves. It was not the time for figs.

bwe@Mark:11:26 @ But if you do not forgive others, your Father in heaven will not forgive you for the wrong things you have done.

bwe@Mark:11:29 @ Jesus said, I will ask you a question. If you answer me, I will answer you and tell you what right I have to do these things.

bwe@Mark:11:31 @ So they talked it over together. They said, If we say, "God gave John the right," he will say, "Then why did you not believe him?"

bwe@Mark:11:32 @ But what if we say, "Men gave him the right to do it"? They feared the people because they all believed that John was a prophet of God.

bwe@Mark:12:19 @ Teacher, they said, Moses gave us this law: if a man dies and leaves a wife but no children, then his brother must marry the wife and raise a family for his brother.

bwe@Mark:12:21 @ e second brother married the wife. He also died and left no child. It was the same with the third one.

bwe@Mark:12:23 @ Now then when people rise from death, whose wife will she be? All seven of them had married her.

bwe@Mark:12:33 @ Love God with all your heart. Love him with all your understanding. Love him with all your strength. That is much better than to burn offerings and make sacrifices. Love your neighbour as you love yourself. That is better than any of these offerings and sacrifices.

bwe@Mark:13:8 @ One tribe will fight against another tribe. And one country will fight against another country. The earth will shake in many different places. People will have no food to eat. These troubles are only the beginning of the troubles that will come.

bwe@Mark:13:20 @ No person would be saved if the Lord did not make the time of trouble shorter. He will make it shorter for the sake of his chosen people.

bwe@Mark:13:21 @ If anyone says to you then, "Look, here is the Christ!" or, "There he is!" do not believe it.

bwe@Mark:13:22 @ People will come and say they are the Christ. People will come and say they are prophets of God. But they are not true to themselves. They will show big signs and do wonderful things that will fool people. They will fool Gods chosen people if they can.

bwe@Mark:13:35 @ So watch! You do not know when the master of the house will come. You do not know if he will come in the evening, or at midnight, or when the cock calls, or in the morning.

bwe@Mark:13:36 @ Watch, so that you will not be sleeping if he comes quickly.

bwe@Mark:14:21 @ The Son of Man will go just as the holy writings tell about him. But the man who gives him over will have trouble. It would have been better for that man if he had not been born!

bwe@Mark:14:29 @ Peter said, Even if all the others leave you, I will never leave you.

bwe@Mark:14:31 @ Peter said, Even if I must die with you, I will never say I do not know you! They all said the same thing.

bwe@Mark:14:35 @ Jesus went on a little farther. He fell on the ground and asked God that, if it could be so, this big trouble might pass by him.

bwe@Mark:14:65 @ Some people began to spit on him. They covered his face and hit him. They laughed at him and said, Tell us if you know who hit you! The guards took him away and hit him as they went.

bwe@Mark:15:18 @ Then they began to speak to him as if he were a king. They shouted, Greetings, King of the Jews!

bwe@Mark:15:19 @ They hit him on the head with a stick and spat on him. They kneeled down before him as if to give him great respect.

bwe@Mark:15:32 @ If he is the Christ, the king of the people of Israel, he should come down from the cross now. We want to see it and believe! The bad men who were also nailed to crosses said the same things to him.

bwe@Mark:15:36 @ One man ran to get something called a sponge. He made it wet with sour wine and put it on the end of a stick. With it he gave Jesus a drink. He said, We will see if Elijah will come and take him down!

bwe@Mark:15:44 @ Pilate was surprised to hear that Jesus was dead already. He called the captain and asked him if Jesus was dead.

bwe@Mark:16:12 @ After this, Jesus came to two disciples. He looked like a different person. They were walking out in the country.

bwe@Mark:16:18 @ They will take up snakes. If they drink poison, it will not make them sick. They will put their hands on sick people and sick people will get well again.

bwe@Luke:1:5 @ When Herod was king of Judea, there was a priest named Zechariah. He was one of a group of priests, and Abijah was their leader. Zechariahs wife Elizabeth came from the family of Aaron.

bwe@Luke:1:13 @ But the angel said, Do not be afraid, Zechariah. You have been talking to God. He has heard you. Your wife Elizabeth will have a son. Name him John.

bwe@Luke:1:18 @ Then Zechariah said to the angel, How can I know that this will happen? I am an old man and my wife is also old.

bwe@Luke:1:24 @ After that, his wife Elizabeth found she was going to have a baby. For five months she stayed away from people.

bwe@Luke:1:27 @ The angel was sent to a young woman there. Her name was Mary. She was promised to a man named Joseph, to be his wife. He was of Davids family line.

bwe@Luke:2:5 @ He went to have his name written in the book. Joseph took Mary with him. She was promised to Joseph to be his wife. She was going to have a baby.

bwe@Luke:2:24 @ They also came to make a sacrifice as an offering to God. The law of the Lord said, A pair of doves or two young pigeons.

bwe@Luke:2:35 @ (Yes, a long knife will cut your heart too.) What people think will be made known.

bwe@Luke:3:1 @ Tiberius Caesar had been king for fifteen years. Pontius Pilate was the ruler of Judea. Herod was the ruler of Galilee. Herods brother Philip was the ruler of Iturea and Trachonitis. Lysanias was the ruler of Abilene.

bwe@Luke:3:19 @ John told Herod the ruler that he had done wrong things. He told him he should not have his brothers wife, Herodias. He also told him about all the other wrong things he had done.

bwe@Luke:4:3 @ The devil said to him, If you are Gods Son, tell this stone to be changed into bread.

bwe@Luke:4:7 @ So, if you worship and give honour to me, all will be yours.

bwe@Luke:4:9 @ The devil took Jesus to Jerusalem. He put him on a high part of the temple. He said to him, If you are Gods Son, jump down.

bwe@Luke:4:32 @ They were surprised at his teaching because he taught them as if he had the right to teach them.

bwe@Luke:4:38 @ Jesus left the meeting house and went to Simons house. The mother of Simons wife was sick with a bad fever. They asked Jesus to help her.

bwe@Luke:5:12 @ Jesus was in one of the cities and a man was there who had leprosy, a bad skin disease. When he saw Jesus, he bowed his face to the ground. He begged Jesus saying, Sir, I know you can heal me if you want to.

bwe@Luke:5:14 @ Jesus said to him, Do not tell anyone about this. But go and let the priest look at you. Moses gave a law about the sacrifice you must give when you are healed. Give it to prove to the people that you are healed.

bwe@Luke:5:36 @ Jesus told them a short story. He said, No one takes a piece from a new coat and sews it on an old coat. If he does, the new coat will have a hole. And the new piece will not be like the old coat.

bwe@Luke:5:37 @ No one puts new wine into old wineskins. If he does, the new wine will break the skins. The wine will be lost and the skins will be spoiled.

bwe@Luke:6:7 @ The scribes and Pharisees watched Jesus to see if he would heal the man on the Sabbath day. They wanted to find something wrong about Jesus.

bwe@Luke:6:29 @ If someone hits you on one side of your face, turn the other side also. If someone takes your coat, let him have your shirt also.

bwe@Luke:6:32 @ If you love those who love you, what good is there in that? Even bad people love those who love them.

bwe@Luke:6:33 @ If you do good things to those who do good things to you, what good is there in that? Bad people do the same.

bwe@Luke:6:34 @ If you lend to those who will give to you, what good is there in that? Even bad people lend to bad people, if they think they will get the same from them.

bwe@Luke:7:39 @ The Pharisee who had asked Jesus to his house saw this. He said to himself, If this man were a prophet of God, he would know what kind of woman is touching him. She is a bad woman.

bwe@Luke:7:41 @ Jesus said, There was a man who used to lend money to people. Two people owed him money. One man owed him five hundred pieces of silver money. The other owed him fifty pieces.

bwe@Luke:8:3 @ Another one was Joanna, the wife of Chuza, who worked for Herod. Another one was Susanna. And there were many others who gave what they could to help him.

bwe@Luke:8:14 @ Some seeds fell among the weeds. They are like people who hear the word. But they think about the things of this world. They want to get money and things to be happy in this life. As they go on in life, these things push the message out of their hearts and no good comes from them.

bwe@Luke:8:55 @ Her life came back and she got up right away. He told them to give her something to eat.

bwe@Luke:9:14 @ There were about five thousand men. He said to his disciples, Tell the people to sit down in groups of fifty.

bwe@Luke:9:23 @ And He said to all the people, If anyone wants to come with me, he must leave what he himself wants to do. Every day he must take up his cross <FI>be ready to die<Fi> and come with me.

bwe@Luke:9:24 @ Anyone who tries to keep his life will lose it. And anyone who gives up his life for my sake will find it.

bwe@Luke:9:25 @ What good will it do a man if he gets the whole world for himself but loses his life or spoils it?

bwe@Luke:9:26 @ If anyone is ashamed of me and the things I say, the Son of man will be ashamed of that person when he comes. The Son of man will come with his holy angels and be great like his Father.

bwe@Luke:9:29 @ As he was talking with God, he was changed. His face was different. His clothes became very white and shining.

bwe@Luke:9:48 @ Then he said, If anyone takes in a child like this for my sake, he takes in me. And if anyone takes in me, he takes in the one who sent me. The one who takes the least or lowest place among you is the greatest.

bwe@Luke:10:6 @ If a man of peace is there, your blessing will stay with him. If not, your blessing will come back to you.

bwe@Luke:10:13 @ Chorazin, you will have trouble! Bethsaida, you will have trouble! If the big works I did in you had been done in the cities of Tyre and Sidon, the people there would have stopped doing bad things long ago. They would wear the clothes people wear to show they are sad, and would sit in ashes.

bwe@Luke:10:15 @ Capernaum, will you be lifted up to the sky? No, you will go down to the place of the dead.

bwe@Luke:10:34 @ He went to him and tied up the sores he had from the beating. He washed them with oil and wine. Then he lifted the man up and set him on his own animal to ride. He took him to the house for strangers. And he cared for him.

bwe@Luke:10:35 @ The next day he gave two pieces of money to the man who was in charge of the house for strangers. He said, "Take care of this man. If it costs you more than this, I will pay you when I come back.

bwe@Luke:11:11 @ Which of you fathers will give your son a snake if he asks for a fish?

bwe@Luke:11:12 @ Will you give him a scorpion <FI>an insect with a sting<Fi> if he asks for an egg?

bwe@Luke:11:17 @ But Jesus knew what they were thinking. So he said, If one part of any country fights against the other part of the country, that country is spoiled. And if one part of any family fights against the other part of the family, it cannot stand.

bwe@Luke:11:18 @ If Satan fights against himself, how will his kingdom stand? You say I drive out bad spirits by the help of Beelzebub.

bwe@Luke:11:19 @ If I drive out bad spirits by the help of Beelzebub, by whose help do your own people drive them out? Your own people will judge you for this!

bwe@Luke:11:20 @ But if I drive out bad spirits by the help of God, then know this, Gods kingdom is here with you now.

bwe@Luke:11:36 @ If no part of your body is dark, it will all be light. It will be like a lamp that shines to give you light.

bwe@Luke:12:8 @ And I tell you. If anyone tells people that he knows me, the Son of Man will also tell the angels of God that he knows him.

bwe@Luke:12:9 @ But if anyone tells people he does not know me, the Son of Man will also tell the angels of God that he does not know that person.

bwe@Luke:12:15 @ Then he said to the people, Take care. Do not be greedy in any way to get more and more things. Even if a man has much more than he needs, it cannot give him life.

bwe@Luke:12:23 @ Life itself is worth more than food, and the body is worth more than clothes.

bwe@Luke:12:26 @ If you cannot do a small thing like that, why do you trouble yourself about the other things?

bwe@Luke:12:28 @ God dresses the grass in the fields so it looks nice. It is in the field one day and the next day it is burned. If God dresses the grass like that, he cares much more that you have clothes to wear. You do not believe in God very much!

bwe@Luke:12:38 @ He may come in the middle of the night or when it is nearly morning. But if they are watching for the master, they will be happy.

bwe@Luke:12:39 @ And remember this. If the owner of a house knew at what time a man would come to steal, he would not let the man break into his house.

bwe@Luke:12:43 @ His master will bless that servant if he is doing this when he comes!

bwe@Luke:12:46 @ If he does that, his master will come on a day when he is not looking for him. He will not know the time when his master is coming. His master will punish him very much and put him away with those he cannot trust.

bwe@Luke:12:48 @ But if a servant did not know and did something bad, he will be beaten only a little. To whom much has been given, from him much will be asked. When people give much to anyone, they will ask more from him.

bwe@Luke:12:52 @ From now, if there are five in a family, they will be against each other. Three of them will be against the other two. And two of them will be against the other three.

bwe@Luke:12:53 @ A father will be against his son, and the son will be against his father. The mother will be against her daughter, and the daughter will be against her mother. A mans mother will be against his wife, and his wife will be against his mother.

bwe@Luke:12:58 @ If someone wants to take you to court, make an agreement with him quickly on the way. If you do not, he will take you to the judge. The judge will give you to the guard, and the guard will put you in prison.

bwe@Luke:13:1 @ Some people were there at that time who told Jesus what Pilate had done. He had killed some of the people of Galilee and put their blood with the blood of their sacrifices to God.

bwe@Luke:13:3 @ I tell you, "No!" But if you do not stop doing wrong things, then you will all die as they did.

bwe@Luke:13:5 @ I tell you, "No!" But if you do not stop doing wrong things, you will all die as they did.

bwe@Luke:13:9 @ If it has fruit on it next year, that will be good. But if it has no fruit, you can have it cut down."

bwe@Luke:14:5 @ Jesus said to them, If your horse or cow falls into a hole, which one of you will not pull him out right away on the Sabbath day?

bwe@Luke:14:26 @ Many people were going with Jesus. He turned to them and said, If any man comes to me, he must hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sister. Yes, he must hate himself too. If he does not, he cannot be my disciple.

bwe@Luke:14:27 @ If anyone does not carry his cross <FI>is not ready to die<Fi> and come with me, he cannot be my disciple.

bwe@Luke:14:28 @ When any of you wants to build a high house, you sit down first and see how much it will cost. You want to see if you have enough money to finish it.

bwe@Luke:14:29 @ If you do not have enough money, you will not be able to finish it after you have made the foundation. Then all the people who see it will laugh at you.

bwe@Luke:14:32 @ If he cannot fight him, he will send some men to meet the other king while he is still far away. He will try to make peace with him.

bwe@Luke:14:34 @ Salt is good. But if the salt has lost its taste, how can it be made salty again?

bwe@Luke:15:8 @ What woman will not do this? She has ten pieces of silver money. If she loses one of them, she lights a lamp and sweeps the house. She looks for the money until she finds it.

bwe@Luke:16:6 @ He answered, "A hundred tins of oil." The manager said, "Take your paper. Sit down right now and write on it fifty."

bwe@Luke:16:11 @ So if you could not be trusted to use money, which is bad, who will trust you to use true riches?

bwe@Luke:16:12 @ If you could not be trusted with what belonged to another person, who will give you something for yourself?

bwe@Luke:16:18 @ If a man sends away his wife and marries another woman, he commits adultery. And if the man marries a woman who has been sent away by her husband, he commits adultery.

bwe@Luke:16:26 @ But that is not all. A wide hole is between you and us. No one can go from here to you if he wanted to. And no one can come from where you are to us."

bwe@Luke:16:30 @ He answered, "No, father Abraham! But if a man who had died went to them, they would stop their wrong ways."

bwe@Luke:16:31 @ Abraham said, "If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, then they will not believe, even if a man were raised from death."

bwe@Luke:17:3 @ Take care! If your brother does something bad, tell him what he has done. If he is sorry, then forgive him.

bwe@Luke:17:4 @ Maybe he will do wrong to you seven times in one day. But if he comes to you seven times in one day and says, "I am sorry for what I did," then you must forgive him.

bwe@Luke:17:6 @ The Lord said, If you believe as much as a little mustard seed, then you can say to this tree, "Come up by the roots and plant yourself in the sea." And it would obey you.

bwe@Luke:17:7 @ If your servant is working in the field or taking care of sheep, what will you say to him when he comes in from the field? Will you say, "Come now and sit down to eat"?

bwe@Luke:17:32 @ Remember what happened to Lots wife.

bwe@Luke:17:33 @ Anyone who wants to keep his life will lose it. And anyone who gives up his life will keep it.

bwe@Luke:18:5 @ But this woman is troubling me. So I will save her from her enemy. If I do not, she will keep coming until I am tired."

bwe@Luke:18:17 @ I tell you the truth. If anyone does not believe in the kingdom of God like a child, he will never go in.

bwe@Luke:18:20 @ You know the laws, "Do not commit adultery. <FI>Do not take a man or woman who is not your husband or wife.<Fi> Do not kill. Do not steal. Do not tell lies. Respect your father and your mother."

bwe@Luke:18:30 @ Jesus said to them, I tell you the truth. If any man has left his house, or his wife, or his brothers, or his father, or his mother, or his children for the sake of the kingdom of God, he will receive many times as much as he has left. He will receive that in this world. And in the next world he will live for ever.

bwe@Luke:19:8 @ Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord, Look, Lord, I will give to the poor people half of all I have. And if I have cheated anyone, I will give him back four times as much as I took.

bwe@Luke:19:31 @ If anyone asks you, "Why are you untying it?" tell him, "The Lord needs it."

bwe@Luke:19:40 @ Jesus answered, I tell you, if they do not speak like this the stones will call out.

bwe@Luke:20:5 @ They talked it over together. They said, If we say, "God gave John the right to do it," he will say, "Then why did you not believe him?"

bwe@Luke:20:6 @ But if we say, "Men gave him the right to do it," then the people will kill us with stones. They believe that John was a prophet of God.

bwe@Luke:20:18 @ Everyone who falls on that stone will be broken to pieces. But if that stone falls on anyone, it will crush him.

bwe@Luke:20:20 @ So they watched for a chance to catch him. And they sent men to spy on him. These men acted as if they were good men. They did this because they wanted to catch him in something that he said. They wanted to give him over to the ruler who would judge and punish him.

bwe@Luke:20:28 @ They came to ask Jesus a question. Teacher, they said, Moses gave us this law: "If a man dies and leaves a wife but no children, then his brother must marry the wife and raise a family for his brother."

bwe@Luke:20:30 @ The second one married the wife.

bwe@Luke:20:33 @ Now then, when people rise from death, whose wife will she be? All seven of them had married her.

bwe@Luke:21:19 @ If you keep on being true to me, you will live for ever.

bwe@Luke:21:28 @ When these things begin to happen, look up. Lift up your heads. You will soon be free.

bwe@Luke:21:34 @ But take care. Do not think too much about eating, drinking, and things in this life. If you do, that day will come and catch you like a trap.

bwe@Luke:22:42 @ He said, Father, if you will, take this cup away from me. But do not do what I want but what you want.

bwe@Luke:22:64 @ They tied something over his eyes. Then they hit him in the face and said, Tell us if you know who hit you!

bwe@Luke:22:67 @ They said, If you are the Christ, tell us. Jesus said, If I tell you, you will not believe.

bwe@Luke:22:68 @ And if I ask you anything, you will not answer.

bwe@Luke:23:31 @ If this is what people do when the wood is new, what will they do when it is old?

bwe@Luke:23:35 @ The people stood around watching. But the rulers made fun of him. They said, He saved other people. He should save himself if he is Gods Christ, Gods chosen one!

bwe@Luke:23:37 @ They said, If you are the King of the Jews, save yourself!

bwe@Luke:23:39 @ One of the bad men who was hanging there said wrong things against Jesus. He said If you are the Christ, why do you not save yourself and us?

bwe@Luke:24:27 @ They came near the village to which they were going. It looked as if he was going on further.

bwe@John:1:4 @ Life was in the Word. That life was Light for people.

bwe@John:1:25 @ So they asked him, If you are not the Christ, nor Elijah, nor the Prophet, why then are you baptizing?

bwe@John:3:2 @ One night Nicodemus came to Jesus. He said, Master, we know you are a teacher sent by God. We know this because no person could do the big works you are doing if God did not help him.

bwe@John:3:3 @ Jesus said, I tell you the truth. No person can see Gods kingdom if he is not born again.

bwe@John:3:5 @ Jesus said, I tell you the truth. This new birth is by water and by the Spirit. No person can enter Gods kingdom if he has not been born that way.

bwe@John:3:12 @ You do not believe what I have told you about things on earth. So how will you believe if I tell you about things in heaven?

bwe@John:3:14 @ Moses lifted up a snake on a piece of wood in the desert. So the Son of Man must be lifted up.

bwe@John:3:16 @ God loved the world so very, very much that he gave his only Son. Because he did that, everyone who believes in him will not lose his life, but will live for ever.

bwe@John:3:29 @ The wife belongs to the man who has married her. The mans best friend may stand and listen. And when he hears what that man says, he is very glad for him. So what I hear makes me very glad in the same way.

bwe@John:3:33 @ If a person believes what the one from heaven says, then he also says God is true.

bwe@John:4:9 @ Jesus answered her, You do not know what God gives people. And you do not know who is asking you for a drink. If you knew him, then it is you who would have asked for a drink of water. He would give you living water.

bwe@John:4:13 @ But anyone who drinks the water that I will give him will never be thirsty. The water I give him will become a well inside of him that will never be dry. It will give him life for ever.

bwe@John:4:47 @ Jesus said to him, If you do not see some signs and big works, then you will not believe.

bwe@John:5:3 @ Many sick people were lying on these places. Some of them were blind. Some were lame. Some were very thin and stiff so that they could not move by themselves. All of them were waiting for the water to move.

bwe@John:5:14 @ After that, Jesus saw the man in the temple. He said to him, See, you are healed. Do no more wrong things. If you do, something worse may happen to you.

bwe@John:5:21 @ My Father raises people who were dead, and gives them life. So his Son gives life to anyone he wants to.

bwe@John:5:24 @ I tell you the truth. The person who hears what I say and believes in him that sent me will live for ever. He will not be judged. He has already passed from death to life.

bwe@John:5:26 @ My Father has life in himself. And so he has made his Son to have life in himself.

bwe@John:5:31 @ If I talk about myself, then what I say is not true.

bwe@John:5:40 @ And yet you will not come to me for that life.

bwe@John:5:43 @ I have come in my Fathers name, but you will not receive me. If another person comes in his own name, then you will receive him.

bwe@John:5:46 @ If you really believed Moses, you would believe me too, because he wrote about me.

bwe@John:5:47 @ But if you do not believe what he wrote, how will you believe what I say?

bwe@John:6:7 @ Philip answered him, It would take nearly a years wages to buy enough food for them, even if each one gets only a little.

bwe@John:6:27 @ Do not work for the food that spoils, but work for the food that will never spoil, the food that will give you life for ever. The Son of Man will give you that food. God my Father has chosen him to do that.

bwe@John:6:33 @ He who comes down from heaven is the bread that God gives. He is the one who gives life to the world.

bwe@John:6:35 @ Jesus said, I am the bread that gives life. Anyone who comes to me will never be hungry. Anyone who believes in me will never be thirsty.

bwe@John:6:44 @ No one can come to me if my Father does not draw him. He sent me. I myself will raise up the one who comes to me. I will bring him back to life on the last day.

bwe@John:6:48 @ I am the bread that gives life.

bwe@John:6:51 @ I am the bread that gives life. I came down from heaven. If anyone eats this bread, he will live for ever. I will give bread so that the world may live. I am that bread.

bwe@John:6:53 @ Jesus said, I tell you the truth. If you do not eat the Son of Man and do not drink his blood, you will not have life.

bwe@John:6:57 @ My Father is living. He sent me. I have my life from him. In the same way, the person who eats of me will live because of me.

bwe@John:6:62 @ What would you do if you saw the Son of Man go up to the place where he came from?

bwe@John:6:63 @ It is the Spirit that gives life. The flesh does not help. The words I say to you are Spirit and life.

bwe@John:7:4 @ When a person wants people to know about him, he does not hide what he is doing. If you are doing these big things, let the world see you.

bwe@John:7:17 @ If any man wants to do what God wants him to do, he will know the teaching. He will know if it is Gods teaching or if I am speaking from my own mind.

bwe@John:7:23 @ You do it on the Sabbath day so that you will not break the law of Moses. If you do that, then why are you angry with me because I healed a man on the Sabbath day?

bwe@John:7:37 @ The last day of the feast was a big day. On that day Jesus stood up and shouted, If anyone is thirsty, he may come to me and drink.

bwe@John:7:38 @ If anyone believes in me, the holy writings say, "Rivers of water that give life will flow out of his heart."

bwe@John:7:39 @ This is what Jesus meant: those who believe in him would receive the Spirit. At that time no one had received the Holy Spirit because Jesus had not yet been lifted up to heaven

bwe@John:8:12 @ Then Jesus talked to the people in the temple. He said, I am the Light of the world. The one who comes with me will never walk in the dark, but he will have light that gives life.

bwe@John:8:14 @ Jesus said to them, Even if I do talk about myself, what I say is true. I know where I come from and I know where I am going. But you do not know where I came from, or where I am going.

bwe@John:8:16 @ But even if I do judge, I judge right. I am not alone. My Father who sent me is with me.

bwe@John:8:19 @ They asked him, Where is your Father? He said, You do not know me and you do not know my Father. If you knew me, you would know my Father also.

bwe@John:8:24 @ That is why I said, "You will die doing wrong things." If you do not believe that I am who I said I am, then you will die doing wrong things.

bwe@John:8:28 @ So Jesus said, When you have lifted up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am he. You will know that I do nothing by my own power, but I talk the way my Father taught me.

bwe@John:8:31 @ Jesus said to the Jews who believed in him, If you obey my word, you are truly my disciples.

bwe@John:8:36 @ So if the Son makes you free, you will be truly free.

bwe@John:8:39 @ They answered him, Abraham is our father. Jesus said, If you were Abrahams children, you would do what Abraham did.

bwe@John:8:42 @ Jesus said to them, If God were your Father you would love me, because I have come from God. I did not come by my own power. God sent me.

bwe@John:8:51 @ I tell you the truth. If anyone obeys my word, he will never die.

bwe@John:8:52 @ The leaders of the Jews said to him, Now we know it is true that a bad spirit is in you. Abraham died. So did the prophets. And yet you say, "If anyone obeys my word, he will never die."

bwe@John:8:54 @ Jesus answered, If I make myself great, then I am not great. But my Father makes me great. You say he is your God.

bwe@John:8:55 @ But you do not know God. I know him. If I say, "I do not know him," I am a liar, just as you people are. But I know him and I obey his word.

bwe@John:8:57 @ The Jewish leaders said to him, You are not fifty years old yet. How could Abraham see you?

bwe@John:9:22 @ The parents said this because they were afraid of the Jewish leaders. They knew that the leaders of the Jews had already agreed that if anyone said Jesus is the Christ, they would be put out of the meeting place.

bwe@John:9:25 @ He answered them, I do not know if he is a bad man or not. But one thing I do know. I know that first I was blind, but now I can see.

bwe@John:9:33 @ If this man did not come from God, he could not do anything like this.

bwe@John:9:41 @ Jesus answered them, If you agreed that you were blind, you would not be bad people. But you say, "We can see." So then you are still bad people.

bwe@John:10:10 @ The thief comes only to steal the sheep and to kill them and spoil them. I have come so that people may live and that they may enjoy life to the full.

bwe@John:10:24 @ The Jews came around Jesus and said, How long will you keep us wondering about this matter? If you are really the Christ, then tell us plainly.

bwe@John:10:28 @ I give them life that lasts for ever. They will never die. No one will take them out of my hand.

bwe@John:10:37 @ If I am not doing my Fathers work, then do not believe me.

bwe@John:10:38 @ But if I am doing my Fathers work, believe the work that I do, even though you do not believe me. Then you will know and you will believe that my Father is in me and I am in him.

bwe@John:11:9 @ Jesus answered them, Are there not twelve hours in the day? If a person walks in the daylight, then he will not fall. He can see by the light that is in the world.

bwe@John:11:10 @ But if a person walks at night, he will fall because there is no light for him to see.

bwe@John:11:12 @ His disciples said, Lord, if he is sleeping then he will get well again.

bwe@John:11:21 @ Martha said to Jesus, Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.

bwe@John:11:25 @ Jesus said, I am the one who will raise people up and give them life. The person who believes in me will live, even though he has died.

bwe@John:11:32 @ Mary reached the place where Jesus was. When she saw him, she kneeled down before him and said, Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died.

bwe@John:11:40 @ Jesus said to her, Did I not tell you that if you believed God you would see that he is great?

bwe@John:11:48 @ If we do not stop him, everybody will believe on him. Then the Roman rulers will come and break down our holy town and our nation.

bwe@John:11:50 @ You do not understand. It is better for us if one person dies for the people. Then the whole nation will not be broken down.

bwe@John:11:52 @ Jesus would die, not only for those people, but he would gather together all of Gods people who are out in different places.

bwe@John:11:57 @ Both the chief priest and the Pharisees had told the people, If any man knows where he is, tell us. We want to catch him.

bwe@John:12:24 @ I tell you the truth. If a seed of grain is not put in the ground to die, it will be only a seed. But if it dies, it will bear many seeds.

bwe@John:12:25 @ Anyone who tries to keep his life will lose it. Anyone who gives up his life in this world will live for ever in the next world.

bwe@John:12:26 @ If anyone wants to do my work, he must go where I go. Then he and I will be together. My Father will honour everyone who works for me.

bwe@John:12:32 @ And as for me, if they lift me up from the earth, I will draw all people to me.

bwe@John:12:40 @ So they could not believe. Isaiah said also, God has made them blind. Their hearts have no feeling. They cannot see. They do not understand with their heart. They will not turn to God. If they did turn, he would heal them.

bwe@John:12:47 @ If anyone hears what I say and does not believe it, I do not judge him. I did not come to judge the world. I came to save the world.

bwe@John:12:50 @ I know that what he told me to say has power to give life for ever. So I say everything my Father has told me to say.

bwe@John:13:8 @ Peter said to him, You will never wash my feet! Jesus answered him, If I do not wash you, then you do not belong to me.

bwe@John:13:14 @ I am your Lord and Master and have washed your feet. If I do that, then you should wash one anothers feet.

bwe@John:13:17 @ Do you understand what I have told you? If you do, you will have much happiness for doing it.

bwe@John:13:32 @ If he has made Gods name great, God also will make him great by his own power. He will do it right away.

bwe@John:14:2 @ In my Fathers house are many rooms. If it were not so, I would have told you. I am going to make a place ready for you.

bwe@John:14:3 @ If I go to make a place ready for you, I will come again. I will come to take you so that you may be with me.

bwe@John:14:6 @ Jesus said to him, I am the way. I am the truth. I give life. No one can come to my Father unless I take him there.

bwe@John:14:7 @ If you knew me, you would have known my Father also. But from now on you do know him because you have seen him.

bwe@John:14:14 @ If you ask anything in my name, I will do it.

bwe@John:14:15 @ If you love me, you will obey me.

bwe@John:14:23 @ Jesus said to him, If a person loves me, he will obey me. My Father also will love him. And we will come to him and will live with him.

bwe@John:14:28 @ You heard me say, "I am going away and then I will come back to you." If you really loved me, then you would have been very glad that I am going to my Father. My Father is greater than I am.

bwe@John:15:4 @ But you must be in me and I will be in you. The branch cannot bear fruit by itself. It must be joined to the tree. And you cannot do any good thing if you are not joined to me.

bwe@John:15:5 @ I am the fruit tree and you are the branches. I will be in the person who is in me. That person will have a fruitful life. But you can do nothing without me.

bwe@John:15:6 @ If any person is not in me, he is cut off like a branch and dies. People gather the dry branches and throw them into the fire to be burned.

bwe@John:15:7 @ If you are in me and obey me, you may ask me for anything you want and I will give it to you.

bwe@John:15:8 @ If you do much good and become my disciples, you will make my Fathers name great.

bwe@John:15:10 @ If you obey me, I will love you always. That is what I have done. I have obeyed my Father. And he will love me always.

bwe@John:15:14 @ You are my friends if you do what I tell you to do.

bwe@John:15:16 @ You did not choose me, but I chose you. I gave you a big work to do. That work is to go out and do good things and to make the good things that you do remain strong. If you do that, my Father will do anything you ask in my name.

bwe@John:15:18 @ If the world hates you, remember that it hated me before it hated you.

bwe@John:15:19 @ If you belonged to this world, the world would love you. But you do not belong to the world. I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.

bwe@John:15:20 @ Remember what I told you. I said, "The servant is not better than his master." If the people in the world have troubled me, they will also trouble you. If they obey me, they will also obey you.

bwe@John:15:22 @ I came and spoke to them. If I had not done that, then what they did would not have been a wrong thing. But now they have no excuse for doing it.

bwe@John:15:24 @ No other person has ever done the work that I have done. If they had, then what they did would not be a wrong thing. But now they have seen me and hated me and my Father also.

bwe@John:16:7 @ Anyway, I am telling you the truth. It is better for you if I go away. If I do not go away, the one who is to help you will not come to you. But if I go away, I will send him to you.

bwe@John:17:3 @ You are the only true God. If they know you, and Jesus Christ whom you sent, they will live for ever.

bwe@John:18:8 @ Then Jesus answered, I have already told you that I am he. If you are looking for me, let these men go.

bwe@John:18:10 @ Simon Peter had a long knife or sword. He took it out and hit the servant of the high priest and cut off his right ear. The servants name was Malchus.

bwe@John:18:13 @ First they took him to Annas. He was the father of Caiaphas wife. Caiaphas was the high priest that year.

bwe@John:18:23 @ Jesus answered him, If I have said anything bad, tell me plainly what wrong thing I have said. If I have told the truth, why do you hit me?

bwe@John:18:30 @ They said to him, If he were not a very bad man, then we would not have brought him to you.

bwe@John:18:36 @ Jesus answered him, I am not a king in this world. If I were, my people would fight so that I would not be given to the Jews. But I am not a king in this world.

bwe@John:19:11 @ Jesus said, You would have no power over me if God did not give you power. So then, the man who gave me up to you has done something worse than you.

bwe@John:19:12 @ After that Pilate tried to let Jesus go free. But the Jews shouted, If you let this man free, you are not Caesars friend! Anyone who makes himself a king is fighting against Caesar!

bwe@John:19:25 @ Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother, his mothers sister, Mary the wife of Cleophas, and Mary Magdalene.

bwe@John:20:15 @ Jesus said to her, Woman, why are you crying? Who are you looking for? She thought he was the man who took care of the garden. So she said to him, Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have laid him. I will take him away.

bwe@John:21:11 @ Simon Peter went to the boat. He pulled the net to land. It was full of big fish. There were a hundred and fifty three fish. But even with so many fish the net did not break.

bwe@John:21:22 @ Jesus said to him, If I want him to wait till I come, what is that to you? I want you to come and follow me.

bwe@John:21:23 @ So the report went around among the brothers that that disciple would not die. Jesus had not said to him, You will not die. But he had said, If I want him to wait till I come, what is that to you?

bwe@John:21:25 @ Jesus did many other things also. If every one were written down, I think that the world would be too small to hold all the books that would need to be written. Yes, it is so!