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bwe@Matthew:5:20 @ I tell you, you must do much better than the scribes and Pharisees. If you do not, then you will never go into the kingdom of heaven.

bwe@Matthew:6:30 @ God dresses the grass in the fields so it looks nice. It is in the field one day and the next day it is put on the fire. If God dresses the grass like that, he cares much more that you have clothes to wear. You do not believe in God very much!

bwe@Matthew:7:2 @ The way you judge others, that is the way you will be judged. How much you give to others is how much will be given to you.

bwe@Matthew:7:11 @ You are wrong, and yet you know how to give good things to your children. Much more, your Father in heaven will give good things to those who ask him.

bwe@Matthew:8:6 @ He said, Sir, one of my servants is in bed at my house. He cannot move and has much pain.

bwe@Matthew:8:26 @ Jesus said to them, Why do you fear? You do not believe in God very much! Then Jesus got up. He said to the winds and the sea, Stop! Then all was quiet.

bwe@Matthew:9:8 @ Many people saw this and were much surprised. They praised God who had given such power to men.

bwe@Matthew:9:33 @ Jesus drove the bad spirit out of the man. Then he could talk. The people were very much surprised. They said, Nothing like this has ever been seen in the country of Israel.

bwe@Matthew:9:37 @ Then Jesus said to his disciples, The harvest is much. But there are not many people to gather it.

bwe@Matthew:11:9 @ Why did you go out? To see a prophet of God? Yes, I tell you, and he is much more than a prophet.

bwe@Matthew:11:18 @ John came. He does not eat or drink much. People say, "He has a bad spirit in him!"

bwe@Matthew:11:19 @ The Son of Man came. He eats and drinks. People say, "This man eats and drinks too much! He is a friend with tax collectors and bad people!" But a man is proved to be wise by what he has done.

bwe@Matthew:12:12 @ A man is worth much more than a sheep. So it is right to do good things on the Sabbath day.

bwe@Matthew:13:5 @ Some seed fell on the stony ground. Not much earth covered the stones. The seed started to grow right away because it was not deep in the ground.

bwe@Matthew:13:23 @ Some seed fell on good ground. That is like a person who hears the message and understands it. Much good comes from it. Some people are like the seed that gave a hundred more seeds. Some people are like the seed that gave sixty. Some people are like the seed that gave thirty.

bwe@Matthew:13:54 @ He went back to his home town and he taught people in their meeting house. They were very much surprised and said, Where did he learn all this? Where did he get the power to do these big works?

bwe@Matthew:14:31 @ Right away Jesus put out his hand and took hold of him. He said, You do not believe very much in me! Why did you not believe?

bwe@Matthew:15:21 @ Jesus left that place and went to the country of Tyre and Sidon. 22A woman of the people of Canaan was in that country. She called out, Sir, you are the Son of David. Help me! My daughter is being troubled very much by a bad spirit.

bwe@Matthew:15:27 @ Then Jesus answered, Woman, you believe very much. The thing you want me to do will be done. And her daughter was healed at that very time.

bwe@Matthew:16:8 @ Jesus knew what they were saying. He said to them, You dont believe very much in me. Why are you saying to each other, "We have no bread".

bwe@Matthew:16:21 @ From that time on, Jesus began to teach his disciples. He said, I must go to Jerusalem. I will have much trouble from the leaders, the chief priests, and the scribes. I will be killed. On the third day, I will be raised from death.

bwe@Matthew:17:6 @ When the disciples heard it, they bowed their faces to the ground. They were very much afraid.

bwe@Matthew:17:15 @ He said, Sir, help my son. A bad spirit is in him and he has much trouble. Often he falls into the fire, and often he falls into the water.

bwe@Matthew:17:20 @ Jesus said to them, Because you do not believe enough. I tell you the truth. If your strength to believe were as much as a little mustard seed, you could say to this hill, "Go, move over to that place!" And it would move. Nothing is too hard for you to do.

bwe@Matthew:17:23 @ They will kill him. But he will be raised on the third day. This troubled the disciples very much.

bwe@Matthew:18:28 @ That same servant went out and met another servant. This man owed him a much smaller sum of money. He caught him by the throat and said, Pay me what you owe me!"

bwe@Matthew:19:25 @ When the disciples heard this, they were very much surprised. They said, Then who can be saved?

bwe@Matthew:19:29 @ If anyone has left his house, his brothers, his sisters, his father, his mother, his children, or his farms for my sake, he will receive a hundred times as much as he has left. And he will live for ever.

bwe@Matthew:24:30 @ Then people will see the sign of the Son of Man in the sky. Then all the people of the earth will cry. They will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds in the sky. He will have much power and will be very great.

bwe@Matthew:24:39 @ The people did not know until much water came and killed them all. When the Son of Man comes, it will be like that.

bwe@Matthew:26:7 @ While Jesus sat at the table, a woman came to him. She had a bottle of oil. It smelled very nice and cost much money. She put the oil on Jesus head.

bwe@Matthew:26:9 @ The oil might have been sold for much money. Then the money could have been given to poor people.

bwe@Matthew:26:75 @ Then Peter remembered that Jesus had said, Before the cock calls, you will say three times that you do not know me. Then Peter went out and cried very much.

bwe@Matthew:27:14 @ But Jesus did not answer him, not even one word. Pilate was very much surprised about this.

bwe@Matthew:27:19 @ While Pilate was sitting in the court to judge the case, his wife sent a message to him. She said, Do nothing to that good man. I have been troubled very much in a dream about him today.

bwe@Matthew:27:54 @ The Roman captain and some of his soldiers were guarding Jesus on the cross. When they saw the earth shake and the other things happen, they were very much afraid. They said, Surely this man was Gods Son.

bwe@Matthew:28:2 @ The earth shook very much because an angel of the Lord came down from heaven. He came and rolled the big stone away from the grave and sat on it.

bwe@Matthew:28:12 @ The chief priests had a meeting with the leaders of the people and talked the matter over. They gave much money to the soldiers.

bwe@Mark:1:22 @ They were very much surprised at his teaching because he taught them as if he had the right to teach them. He did not teach them like their teachers called scribes.

bwe@Mark:2:12 @ Right away the man stood up in front of them. He took up his mat and went home. They were all very much surprised, and they praised God. They said, We have never seen anything like this before.

bwe@Mark:4:5 @ Some seed fell on the stony ground. Not much ground covered the stones. The seed started to grow right away because it was not deep in the ground.

bwe@Mark:4:20 @ But some seed fell on good ground. That is like people who hear the message and understand it. Much good comes from it. Some people are like the seed that made thirty seeds. Some people are like the seed that gave sixty. Some people are like the seed that gave a hundred.

bwe@Mark:4:24 @ And Jesus said, Take care how you listen. How much you give to others is how much will be given to you. You who obey God will get more than you give.

bwe@Mark:4:33 @ Jesus told the people many stories like this. He told them as much of Gods words as they were able to understand.

bwe@Mark:5:38 @ They came to the rulers house. Jesus saw that there was trouble. People were crying and making much noise because the rulers daughter had died.

bwe@Mark:5:39 @ When he came into the house, he said to them, Why do you make so much noise and cry? The girl is not dead, but is sleeping.

bwe@Mark:5:42 @ The girl got up right away and walked around. She was twelve years old. The people were very much surprised.

bwe@Mark:6:2 @ On the Sabbath day he began to teach in the meeting house again. Many people who heard him were very much surprised and said, Where did he learn all this? Where did he get the power to do these big works?

bwe@Mark:6:38 @ He said, Go and see how much bread you have. When they knew, they told him, We have five loaves of bread and two fish.

bwe@Mark:6:50 @ They all saw him and were very much afraid. He spoke to them right away. He said, Be glad! It is I. Do not fear.

bwe@Mark:6:51 @ Then he got in the boat with them. The wind stopped. They were very much surprised and did not know what to say.

bwe@Mark:7:36 @ The people were very much surprised. They said, He has done everything well. The people who could not hear can hear. The people who could not talk can talk.

bwe@Mark:8:31 @ Then he began to teach them. He said, The Son of Man will have much trouble. The leaders, the chief priests, and the scribes will not believe him. He will be killed. After three days he will rise.

bwe@Mark:9:6 @ Peter did not know what to say because they were very much afraid.

bwe@Mark:9:12 @ He said, Elijah does come first. He will get everything ready. But why do the holy writings say that the Son of Man must have much trouble? They say, "He will have much trouble and the people will not respect him."

bwe@Mark:9:15 @ The people were all very much surprised when they saw Jesus. They ran to him and greeted him.

bwe@Mark:10:26 @ They were very much surprised. They said, Then who can be saved?

bwe@Mark:12:17 @ So he said, Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and give to God what belongs to God. The Pharisees and Herods people were much surprised at Jesus.

bwe@Mark:12:33 @ Love God with all your heart. Love him with all your understanding. Love him with all your strength. That is much better than to burn offerings and make sacrifices. Love your neighbour as you love yourself. That is better than any of these offerings and sacrifices.

bwe@Mark:12:41 @ Jesus sat down in the temple near the place where people put in their money. He saw how the people put in money. Many rich people put in much money.

bwe@Mark:13:26 @ Then people will see the sign of the Son of Man in the clouds. He will have much power and be very great.

bwe@Mark:14:3 @ When Jesus was in the town of Bethany, he was in Simons house. Simon had leprosy. While Jesus sat at the table, a woman came to him. She had a bottle of oil. It smelled very nice and cost much money. She broke the bottle and poured the oil on Jesus head.

bwe@Mark:15:5 @ But Jesus said nothing. Pilate was very much surprised about this.

bwe@Mark:16:5 @ So they went in the grave. They saw a young man dressed in a white gown. He sat at the right side. They were very much surprised.

bwe@Luke:1:66 @ All those who heard them thought much about them. They said, What will this child be some day? They said this because the power of the Lord was with him.

bwe@Luke:2:9 @ An angel of the Lord came to them and a bright light from the Lord shone all around them. They were very much afraid.

bwe@Luke:4:36 @ All the people were very much surprised. They said to each other, What kind of talk is this? He can make bad spirits obey him. He tells them to come out and they come out.

bwe@Luke:5:7 @ They called their friends in the other boat to come and help them. They came. They filled both boats with so much fish, they began to go down.

bwe@Luke:5:9 @ He was very much surprised to see how many fish they had caught. All those who were with him were surprised too.

bwe@Luke:6:38 @ Give to people and they will give to you. They will fill your cup, press it down, shake it, and let it run over. That is what they will give to you. How much you give to others is how much God will give to you.

bwe@Luke:7:4 @ They came to Jesus and begged him very much. They said, He is a good man. You should come and do this for him.

bwe@Luke:7:16 @ Everyone was very much surprised. They praised God. They said, A great prophet of God has come to us. God has remembered his people.

bwe@Luke:7:26 @ What did you go out to see? A prophet of God? Yes, I tell you, and he is much more than a prophet.

bwe@Luke:7:34 @ The Son of Man came. He eats and drinks. You say, "This man eats and drinks too much! He is a friend of tax collectors and bad people!"

bwe@Luke:7:37 @ In that city was a bad woman. When she knew that Jesus was eating at the Pharisees house, she came and brought a bottle of oil. It was oil that smelled very sweet and cost much money.

bwe@Luke:7:47 @ So I tell you, she has done many wrong things, but she has been forgiven because she loved me so much. But one who has been forgiven a little loves me only a little

bwe@Luke:8:8 @ But some seed fell on good ground and it grew well. Those plants gave a hundred times as much grain as the man sowed. When Jesus had said this, he called out, Everyone who has ears to hear, listen!

bwe@Luke:8:15 @ Some seeds fell on good ground. They are like people who hear the word and remember it. Their hearts are honest and good. These people keep on believing, and much good comes from them.

bwe@Luke:8:37 @ All the people in the country around the Gadarenes asked Jesus to go away from them to some other place. They were very much afraid. So Jesus got into a boat and went back.

bwe@Luke:8:56 @ Her parents were very much surprised. Jesus said, Do not tell anyone what has happened.

bwe@Luke:9:22 @ Then he went on to say, The Son of Man will have much trouble. The leaders of the people, the chief priests, and the scribes will not believe him. He will be killed. On the third day he will be raised from death.

bwe@Luke:9:34 @ As he said this, a cloud came over them. They were very much afraid when the cloud came around them.

bwe@Luke:9:43 @ All the people were surprised to see that God has so much power. While the people were wondering about everything Jesus did, he talked to his disciples.

bwe@Luke:10:2 @ He said to them, The harvest is much, but there are not many people to gather it. So talk to the Lord of this harvest and ask him to send out people to his harvest.

bwe@Luke:11:13 @ You are wrong and yet you know how to give good things to your children. Much more, the Father in heaven will give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him.

bwe@Luke:12:15 @ Then he said to the people, Take care. Do not be greedy in any way to get more and more things. Even if a man has much more than he needs, it cannot give him life.

bwe@Luke:12:19 @ Then I will say to myself, Man, you have much in your storehouses for many years. Rest now. Eat, drink, and have a good time."

bwe@Luke:12:24 @ Think of the birds. They do not plant, cut, or keep any food. Yet God feeds them. You are worth much more than the birds!

bwe@Luke:12:28 @ God dresses the grass in the fields so it looks nice. It is in the field one day and the next day it is burned. If God dresses the grass like that, he cares much more that you have clothes to wear. You do not believe in God very much!

bwe@Luke:12:46 @ If he does that, his master will come on a day when he is not looking for him. He will not know the time when his master is coming. His master will punish him very much and put him away with those he cannot trust.

bwe@Luke:12:47 @ A servant knew what his master wanted. But he was not ready. He did not do what his master wanted him to do. So he will be beaten much.

bwe@Luke:12:48 @ But if a servant did not know and did something bad, he will be beaten only a little. To whom much has been given, from him much will be asked. When people give much to anyone, they will ask more from him.

bwe@Luke:14:28 @ When any of you wants to build a high house, you sit down first and see how much it will cost. You want to see if you have enough money to finish it.

bwe@Luke:16:5 @ So he called to him everyone who owed his master something. He asked the first man, "How much do you owe my master?"

bwe@Luke:16:7 @ Then he asked the next man, "How much do you owe?" He said, "A hundred bags of grain." The manager said, "Take your paper and write on it eighty."

bwe@Luke:17:6 @ The Lord said, If you believe as much as a little mustard seed, then you can say to this tree, "Come up by the roots and plant yourself in the sea." And it would obey you.

bwe@Luke:17:25 @ But first he will have much trouble. The people who are living now will not believe in him.

bwe@Luke:17:27 @ People ate and drank. They married and gave their daughters to be married. All this went on until the day when Noah went into his house built on a boat. Then there was much water and all the people outside the boat died.

bwe@Luke:18:30 @ Jesus said to them, I tell you the truth. If any man has left his house, or his wife, or his brothers, or his father, or his mother, or his children for the sake of the kingdom of God, he will receive many times as much as he has left. He will receive that in this world. And in the next world he will live for ever.

bwe@Luke:19:8 @ Zacchaeus stood up and said to the Lord, Look, Lord, I will give to the poor people half of all I have. And if I have cheated anyone, I will give him back four times as much as I took.

bwe@Luke:19:15 @ But he was given the power to rule and came back. Then he called the servants to whom he had given the money. He wanted to know how much money each one had made by trading.

bwe@Luke:19:24 @ Some men were standing there. He said to them, "Take the money from him. Give it to the man who has ten times as much."

bwe@Luke:19:25 @ They said, "Sir, he has ten times as much already!"

bwe@Luke:21:11 @ In some places the earth will shake very much. In many places the people will have no food to eat. And many people will be sick. There will be things to make people fear. There will be big signs in the sky.

bwe@Luke:21:25 @ There will be signs in the sun, moon, and stars. And there will be much trouble for the people on earth. They will not know what to do. It will be like the sound of big waves of the sea.

bwe@Luke:21:27 @ Then people will see the sign of the Son of Man in a cloud. He will have much power and will be very great.

bwe@Luke:21:34 @ But take care. Do not think too much about eating, drinking, and things in this life. If you do, that day will come and catch you like a trap.

bwe@Luke:22:15 @ He said to them, I have wanted very much to eat this Passover Feast with you before my troubles come.

bwe@Luke:22:44 @ His heart was troubled very much. So he talked with God more than before. His sweat was like big drops of blood falling on the ground.

bwe@Luke:22:62 @ Peter went out and cried very much.

bwe@John:1:16 @ He was full of loving kindness, and we have all received so much kindness from him.

bwe@John:3:16 @ God loved the world so very, very much that he gave his only Son. Because he did that, everyone who believes in him will not lose his life, but will live for ever.

bwe@John:3:23 @ John was also baptizing people in the river at Aenon, near the town of Salim. There was much water. People came to him and were baptized.

bwe@John:5:18 @ This was why the leaders of the Jews tried much more to kill Jesus. He had broken the law of the Sabbath day. And also he called God his Father. In that way, he was making himself equal with God.

bwe@John:6:10 @ Jesus said, Tell the people to sit down. Much grass was there. The number of men who sat down was about five thousand.

bwe@John:7:15 @ The Jews were very much surprised. How can this man know books? He never went to school.

bwe@John:11:33 @ Jesus saw her crying. He saw the Jews who came with her crying also. Then his heart was troubled very much.

bwe@John:11:36 @ Look, the Jews said. He truly loved him very much!

bwe@John:11:38 @ Jesus heart was troubled very much again. Then he came to the grave. It was a hole in the side of a large rock. A stone covered the hole.

bwe@John:12:3 @ Mary had a jar of oil. It smelled very nice and cost much money. She put some of it on Jesus feet. Then she wiped his feet with her hair. The smell of oil went all through the house.

bwe@John:13:17 @ Do you understand what I have told you? If you do, you will have much happiness for doing it.

bwe@John:14:30 @ After this I will not talk much with you. The ruler of this world is coming. He has no power over me.

bwe@John:15:8 @ If you do much good and become my disciples, you will make my Fathers name great.

bwe@John:16:21 @ Any woman is sad just before her baby is born. She has much pain because the time has come for the baby to be born. But as soon as the baby is born, she forgets the pain she had. She is very glad because a person has been born into the world.

bwe@John:16:33 @ I have told you these things so that you may have peace. I give you peace. The world will trouble you much. But be glad. I have power over the world.

bwe@John:17:26 @ I have told them who you are. I will tell them again and again. Then they will love each other as much as you have loved me. And I will live in them.

bwe@John:19:7 @ The leaders of the Jews answered him, We have a law. That law says he should die, because he calls himself the Son of God. When Pilate heard what they said, he was very much afraid.