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lont@Matthew:2:16 @ Then Herod, finding that he had been deceived by the magicians, was highly incensed and dispatched emissaries who slew, by his order, all the male children in Bethlehem, and in all its territory, from those entering the second year, down to the time of which he had procured exact information from the magicians.

lont@Matthew:3:10 @ And even now the ax lies at the root of the trees; every tree, therefore, which produces not good fruit, is cut down, and turned into fuel.

lont@Matthew:4:6 @ «said to him, If thou be God's Son, throw thyself down; for it is written,» 'He will give his angels the charge of thee: they shall uphold thee in their arms, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.'

lont@Matthew:5:1 @ Jesus, seeing so great a confluence, repaired to a mountain, and having sat down, his disciples came to him.

lont@Matthew:8:1 @ Being come down from the mountain, followed by a great multitude,

lont@Matthew:8:32 @ He answered, And when they were cast out, they went into the swine; on which the whole herd rushed down a precipice into the sea, and perished in the waters.

lont@Matthew:9:1 @ Then having gone aboard the bark, he repassed, and went to his own city;

lont@Matthew:12:16 @ enjoining them not to make him known.

lont@Matthew:13:2 @ but so great a multitude flocked about him, that he went into a bark, and sat down there, while all the people stood on the shore.

lont@Matthew:13:54 @ Jesus being come into his own country, taught the inhabitants in their synagogue; and they said with astonishment, Whence has this man this wisdom, and this power of working miracles?

lont@Matthew:15:29 @ Jesus having left that place, came nigh to the sea of Galilee, and repaired to a mountain, where he sat down;

lont@Matthew:17:9 @ As they went down from the mountain, Jesus commanded them, saying,

lont@Matthew:26:35 @ Peter replied, Although I should die with you, I never will disown you. And all the disciples said the same.

lont@Matthew:27:5 @ After which, having thrown down the money in the temple, he went away, and strangled himself.

lont@Matthew:27:29 @ and crowned him with a wreath of thorns, and put a rod in his right hand, and kneeling before him in mockery. cried, Hail, King of the Jews!

lont@Matthew:27:31 @ When they had mocked him, they disrobed him again, and having put his own raiment on him, led him away to crucify him.

lont@Matthew:27:36 @ And having sat down there, they guarded him.

lont@Matthew:27:40 @ and saying, You who could demolish the temple, and rebuild it in three days; if you be God's Son, come down from the cross.

lont@Matthew:27:60 @ and deposited it in his own tomb, which he had newly caused to be hewn in the rock; and having rolled a great stone to the entrance, he went away.

lont@Mark:1:7 @ And he proclaimed, saying, One mightier than I comes after me, whose shoe-latchet I am unworthy to stoop down and untie.

lont@Mark:2:1 @ After many days, he returned to Capernaum; and when it was known that he was in the house,

lont@Mark:2:4 @ who, not being able to come nigh him for the crowd, uncovered the place where Jesus was; and, through the opening, let down the conch, on which the paralytic lay.

lont@Mark:3:12 @ But he strictly charged them not to make him known.

lont@Mark:5:13 @ Jesus immediately permitted them. Then the unclean spirits being gone out, entered into the swine; and the herd, in number about two thousand, rushed down a precipice into the sea, and were choked.

lont@Mark:6:1 @ Jesus, leaving that place, went to his own country, accompanied by his disciples.

lont@Mark:6:56 @ And whatever village, or city, or town he entered, they laid the diseased in the streets, and besought him, that they might touch, were it but a tuft of his mantle; and whosoever touched him, were healed.

lont@Mark:7:33 @ Jesus having taken him aside from the crowd, spit upon his own fingers, and put them into the man's ears, and touched his tongue.

lont@Mark:9:9 @ As they went down from the mountain, he charged them not to relate to any person what they had seen, till the Son of Man was risen from the dead.

lont@Mark:9:22 @ and often it has thrown him both into the fire, and into the water, to destroy him; but if you can do anything, have compassion upon us and help us.

lont@Mark:9:35 @ Then having sat down, he called the twelve, and said to them,

lont@Mark:10:50 @ Then throwing down his mantle, he sprang up, and went to Jesus.

lont@Mark:11:8 @ And many spread their mantles in the way; others cut down sprays from the trees, and strowed them in the way.

lont@Mark:14:31 @ But Peter insisted on it, adding, Although I should die with you, I will never disown you. And all the rest said the same.

lont@Mark:15:17 @ they arrayed him in purple, and crowned him with a wreath of thorns,

lont@Mark:15:20 @ And when they had mocked him, the stripped him of the purple, and dressed him in his own clothes, and took him away to be crucified.

lont@Mark:15:30 @ save yourself, and come down from the cross!

lont@Mark:15:36 @ One at the same time ran, and dipped a sponge in vinegar, and having fastened it to a stick, presented it to him to drink, saying, Let alone, we shall see whether Elijah will come to take him down.

lont@Mark:15:46 @ who having bought linen, and taking Jesus down, wrapped him in the linen; and laid him in a tomb, hewn out of the rock.

lont@Mark:16:19 @ Now, after the Lord had spoken to them, he was taken up into heaven, and sat down at the right hand of God.

lont@Luke:1:52 @ He pulls down potentates from their thrones, and exalts the lowly.

lont@Luke:1:58 @ and her neighbors and relations who heard that the Lord had shown her great kindness, rejoiced with her.

lont@Luke:1:80 @ Meantime the child grew, and acquired strength of mind, and continued in the deserts, until the time when he made himself known to Israel.

lont@Luke:2:3 @ When all went to be registered, every one of his own city,

lont@Luke:2:35 @ (yes, you own soul shall be pierced as with a javelin;) that the thoughts of many hearts may be disclosed.

lont@Luke:2:39 @ After they had performed everything required by the law of the Lord, they returned to Galilee, to their own city Nazareth.

lont@Luke:3:9 @ And even now the ax lies at the root of the trees. Every tree, therefore, which produces not good fruit, is cut down, and thrown into the fire.

lont@Luke:4:9 @ Then he brought him to Jerusalem, and placing him on the battlement of the temple, said to him, If thou be God's Son, throw thyself down hence;

lont@Luke:4:14 @ Then Jesus, by the impulse of the Spirit, returned to Galilee, and his renown spread throughout the whole country,

lont@Luke:4:20 @ And having closed the book, and returned it to the servant, he sat down. And the eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed upon him.

lont@Luke:4:29 @ and breaking up, drove him out of the city, and brought him to the brow of the mountain on which their city was built, that they might throw him down headlong.

lont@Luke:4:35 @ And Jesus rebuked him, saying, On this, the demon, having thrown him into the middle of the assembly, came out without harming him.

lont@Luke:5:3 @ he went aboard one of them, which was Simon's; and desiring him to put off a little from the land, sat down, and taught the people out of the bark.

lont@Luke:5:5 @ Simon answered, Master, we have toiled all night, and have caught nothing; nevertheless, at your word, I will let down the net.

lont@Luke:5:17 @ One day, as he was teaching, and Pharisees, and doctors of law, who had come from Jerusalem, and from every town of Galilee and Judea, were sitting by, the power of the Lord was exerted in the sure of the sick.

lont@Luke:5:19 @ but finding it impracticable, by reason of the crowd, they got upon the roof, and let him down through the tiling, with the little bed, in the midst before him.

lont@Luke:5:29 @ And Levi made him a great entertainment in his own house, where there was a great company of publicans and others, at table with them.

lont@Luke:6:17 @ Afterward, Jesus, coming down with them, stopped on a plain, where a company of his disciples, with a vast multitude from all parts of Judea, Jerusalem, and the maritime country of Tyre and Sidon,

lont@Luke:7:39 @ The Pharisee, who had invited him, observing this, said within himself, If this man were a prophet, he would have known who this woman is that touches him, and of what character, for she is a sinner.

lont@Luke:8:33 @ Then the demons having quitted the man, entered into the swine; and the herd rushed down a precipice into the lake, and were drowned.

lont@Luke:8:47 @ Then the woman perceiving that she was discovered, came trembling, and having thrown herself prostrate, declared to him, before all the people, why she had touched him, and how she had been immediately healed:

lont@Luke:9:11 @ But the multitude, having known it, followed him; and he, receiving them, spoke to them concerning the Reign of God; and he healed those who had need of healing.

lont@Luke:9:12 @ When the day began to decline, the twelve, accosting him, said, Dismiss the people, that they may go to the nearest towns and villages, and provide themselves lodging and food; for we are in a desert.

lont@Luke:9:37 @ The next day, when they were come down from the mountain, a great multitude met him.

lont@Luke:9:42 @ And as he was coming, the demon dashed him down in convulsions. And Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit, and having cured the child, delivered him to his father.

lont@Luke:9:54 @ His disciples, James and John, observing this, said, Master, shall we call down fire from heaven to consume them, as Elijah did?

lont@Luke:11:54 @ laying snares for him, in order to draw from his own mouth, matter of accusation against him.

lont@Luke:13:11 @ a woman was present, who, for eighteen years, had a spirit of infirmity, by which she was so bowed down that she could not so much as look up.

lont@Luke:19:6 @ And he made haste, and came down, and received him joyfully.

lont@Luke:19:33 @ As they were loosing the colt, the owners said to them, Why loose you the colt?

lont@Luke:19:35 @ So they brought him to Jesus, and having thrown their mantles upon the colt, set Jesus on it.

lont@Luke:22:41 @ Then, being withdrawn from them about a stone's cast; he kneeled down and prayed,

lont@Luke:22:55 @ When they had kindled a fire in the middle of the court, and were sitting round it, Peter sat down among them.

lont@Luke:22:57 @ But he disowned him, saying, Woman, I know him not.

lont@Luke:22:71 @ Then they cried, What further need have we of evidence? We have heard enough ourselves, from his own mouth.

lont@Luke:23:53 @ And having taken it down, he wrapped it in linen, and laid it in a tomb cut in stone, in which no man had ever been deposited.

lont@Luke:24:12 @ Peter, however, arose and ran to the tomb; and stooping down, saw nothing there but the linen lying. And he went away, musing with astonishment on what had happened.

lont@Luke:24:35 @ These also recounted what had happened on the road, and how he was made known to them in breaking the loaf.

lont@John:1:11 @ He came to his own land, and his own people did not receive him;

lont@John:1:18 @ No one ever saw God; it is the only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, who has made him known.

lont@John:1:33 @ For my part, I should not have known him, had not He, who sent me to immerse in water, told me, Upon whom you shall see the Spirit descending, and remaining, the same is He who immerses in the Holy Spirit.

lont@John:1:41 @ The first he met, was his own brother, Simon; to whom he said, We have found the Messiah, (a name equivalent to Christ.)

lont@John:3:4 @ Nicodemus replied, How can a grown man be born? Can he enter his mother's womb anew, and be born?

lont@John:3:34 @ for he whom God has commissioned, relates God's own words; for to him God gives not the Spirit by measure.

lont@John:4:6 @ Now Jacob's well was there. And Jesus, wearied with the journey, sat down by the well, it being about the sixth hour.

lont@John:4:44 @ for he had himself declared that a prophet is not regarded in his own country.

lont@John:5:7 @ The diseased man answered, Sir, I have no person to put me into the bath, when the water is agitated; but while I am going, another gets down before me.

lont@John:6:3 @ And Jesus went up on a mountain; where he sat down with his disciples.

lont@John:7:4 @ For whoever courts renown, does nothing in secret: since you perform such things, show yourself to the world.

lont@John:7:53 @ Then every man went to his own house;

lont@John:8:2 @ Early in the morning he returned to the temple, and all the people having come to him, he sat down and taught them.

lont@John:8:6 @ They said this to try him, that they might have matter for accusing him. But Jesus, having stooped down, was writing with his finger, upon the ground.

lont@John:8:8 @ Again, having stooped down, he wrote upon the ground.

lont@John:11:57 @ Now the chief priests and the Pharisees had issued an order, that whosoever knew where he was, he should make it known, that they might apprehend him.

lont@John:13:1 @ Jesus having perceived, before the feast of the passover, that his time to remove out of this world to his Father, was come; and having loved his own, who were in the world, he loved them to the last.

lont@John:13:37 @ Peter replied, Master, why can not I follow you presently? I will lay down my life for your sake!

lont@John:18:15 @ Meantime Simon Peter, and another disciple, followed Jesus. That disciple, being known to the high priest, entered his court with Jesus.

lont@John:18:16 @ But Peter stood without, at the door. Therefore the other disciple, who was known to the high priest, went out, and spoke to the portress, and brought in Peter.

lont@John:18:35 @ Pilate replied, Am I am Jew? Your own nation, yes, the chief priests have delivered you to me. What have you done?

lont@John:19:2 @ And the soldiers crowned him with a wreath of thorn, which they had platted; and having thrown a purple mantle about him,

lont@John:19:5 @ Jesus then went forth, wearing the crown of thorns, and the purple mantle, and Pilate said to them, Behold the man!

lont@John:19:13 @ Pilate, on hearing these words, ordered Jesus to be brought forth, and sat down on the tribunal, in a place named The Pavement; in Hebrew, Gabbatha.

lont@John:19:27 @ Then he said to the disciple, And from that hour, the disciple took her to his own house.

lont@John:20:5 @ and stooping down, he saw the linen rollers lying, but went not in.

lont@John:20:11 @ But Mary stood without, near the sepulcher, weeping. As she wept, stooping down to look into the sepulcher,