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NT-GOSPEL.filter - rotherham saying:

rotherham@Matthew:1:20 @ But, when, these things, he had pondered, lo! a messenger of the Lord, by dream, appeared to him, saying, Joseph, son of David! do not fear to take unto thee Mary thy wife, for, that which, in her, hath been begotten, is of, Holy, Spirit.

rotherham@Matthew:1:22 @ But, all this, hath come to pass, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord, through the prophet, saying:

rotherham@Matthew:2:2 @ saying Where is he that hath been born king of the Jews? for we saw his star in the east, and have come to bow down to him.

rotherham@Matthew:2:13 @ Now, when they had retired, lo! a messenger of the Lord, appeareth by dream unto Joseph, saying, Arise, take unto thee the child and its mother, and flee into Egypt, and be there, until I tell thee, for Herod is about to seek the child, to destroy it.

rotherham@Matthew:2:15 @ and was there, until the death of Herod, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying, Out of Egypt, called I my son.

rotherham@Matthew:2:17 @ Then was fulfilled, that which was spoken through Jeremiah the prophet, saying:

rotherham@Matthew:2:20 @ saying Arise! and take unto thee the child and its mother, and be journeying into the land of Israel, for they are dead, who were seeking the life of the child.

rotherham@Matthew:3:2 @ saying, Repent ye, for the kingdom of the heavens hath drawn near.

rotherham@Matthew:3:3 @ For, this, is he who was spoken of through Isaiah the prophet, saying, A voice, of one crying aloud! In the wilderness, prepare ye the way of the Lord, straight, be making his paths.

rotherham@Matthew:3:9 @ and think not to be saying within yourselves, As our father, we have, Abraham; for, I say unto you, that God is able, out of these stones, to raise up children unto Abraham.

rotherham@Matthew:3:14 @ But, he, would have hindered him, saying I, have, need, by thee, to be immersed, and dost, thou, come unto me?

rotherham@Matthew:3:17 @ and lo! a voice out of the heavens, saying, This, is my Son, the Beloved, in whom I delight.

rotherham@Matthew:4:14 @ that it might be fulfilled, which was spoken through Isaiah the prophet, saying:

rotherham@Matthew:4:17 @ From that time, began Jesus to be making proclamation, and saying, Repent ye, for the kingdom of the heavens hath drawn near.

rotherham@Matthew:5:2 @ and, opening his mouth, he began teaching them, saying:

rotherham@Matthew:6:31 @ Do not then be anxious saying, What shall we eat? or What shall we drink? or Wherewithal shall we be arrayed?

rotherham@Matthew:8:2 @ And 1o! a leper, coming near, began to bow down to him saying, Lord! if thou be willing, thou canst cleanse me.

rotherham@Matthew:8:3 @ And, stretching forth the hand, he touched him, saying, I am willing, be cleansed! And, straightway, cleansed was his leprosy.

rotherham@Matthew:8:6 @ and saying, Lord! my servant, is laid prostrate in the house, a paralytic, fearfully tortured.

rotherham@Matthew:8:17 @ that it might be fulfilled, which was spoken through Isaiah the prophet, saying, Himself, our weaknesses, took, and, diseases, bare.

rotherham@Matthew:8:25 @ And, coming near, they aroused him, saying, Master! save, we perish!

rotherham@Matthew:8:27 @ But, the men, marveled, saying, Whence is this one, that, both the winds and the sea, unto him, give ear?

rotherham@Matthew:8:29 @ and lo! they cried aloud, saying, What have we in common with thee, O Son of God? Hast thou come hither, before the right time, to torment us?

rotherham@Matthew:8:31 @ and, the demons, began to beseech him, saying, If thou dost cast us out, send us away, into the herd of swine.

rotherham@Matthew:9:14 @ Then come near unto him the disciples of John, saying, Wherefore do, we, and the Pharisees, fast, whereas, thy disciples, fast not?

rotherham@Matthew:9:18 @ While, these things, he was speaking unto them, lo! a certain ruler, came, and began bowing down to him, saying, My daughter, just now died! But come, and lay thy hand upon, her, and she shall live.

rotherham@Matthew:9:21 @ For she kept saying within herself, If only I touch his mantle, I shall be made well!

rotherham@Matthew:9:23 @ And, Jesus, coming, into the house of the ruler, and seeing the flute-players and the multitude in confusion, was saying:

rotherham@Matthew:9:27 @ And, as Jesus, was passing aside from thence, there followed him, two blind men, crying aloud and saying, Have mercy on us, O Son of David!

rotherham@Matthew:9:29 @ Then touched he their eyes, saying, According to your faith, be it done unto you.

rotherham@Matthew:9:30 @ And their eyes were opened. And Jesus, sternly charged them, saying, Mind! let no one know!

rotherham@Matthew:9:33 @ And, the demon being cast out, the dumb man spoke; and the multitudes marvelled, saying, Never, was it seen thus, in Israel.

rotherham@Matthew:10:5 @ These twelve, Jesus sent forth, charging them, saying: Into any way to the nations, do not depart, and, into any city of Samaritans, do not enter;

rotherham@Matthew:10:7 @ And, as ye go, proclaim, saying, The kingdom of the heavens hath drawn near!

rotherham@Matthew:10:27 @ What I am saying to you in the darkness, tell ye in the light, and, what into the ear ye are hearing, proclaim ye on the housetops.

rotherham@Matthew:12:10 @ and lo! a man having, a withered hand, and they questioned him, saying, Is it allowable, on the sabbath, to heal? that they might accuse him.

rotherham@Matthew:12:17 @ that it might be fulfilled, which was spoken through Isaiah the prophet, saying:

rotherham@Matthew:12:23 @ And all the multitudes were beside themselves, and were saying, Can, this one, be, the Son of David?

rotherham@Matthew:12:38 @ Then, answered him, certain of the Scribes and Pharisees, saying, Teacher! we desire of thee, a sign, to behold.

rotherham@Matthew:13:3 @ And he spake unto them many things, in parables, saying: Lo! the sower went forth to sow,

rotherham@Matthew:13:24 @ Another parable, put he before them, saying The kingdom of the heavens hath become like a man sowing good seed in his field;

rotherham@Matthew:13:31 @ Another parable, put he before them, saying The kingdom of the heavens is like unto, a grain of mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field;

rotherham@Matthew:13:35 @ that it might be fulfilled, which was spoken through the prophet, saying I will open, in parables, my mouth, I will bring up things hidden from the foundation!

rotherham@Matthew:13:36 @ Then, dismissing the multitudes, he went into the house, and his disciples came near to him, saying Make quite plain to us the parable of the darnel of the field.

rotherham@Matthew:13:54 @ and, coming into his own city, began teaching them in their synagogue, so that with astonishment were they being struck, and were saying Whence, hath, this one, this wisdom, and the mighty works?

rotherham@Matthew:14:4 @ for John had been saying to him, It is not allowed thee, to have her.

rotherham@Matthew:14:15 @ And, evening, arriving, the disciples came unto him, saying The place is, a desert, and, the hour, hath already passed, dismiss the multitudes, that they may go away into the villages, and buy themselves food.

rotherham@Matthew:14:26 @ And, the disciples, seeing him, upon the lake walking, were troubled, saying It is, a ghost; and, by reason of their fear, they cried out.

rotherham@Matthew:14:27 @ And, straightway, Jesus spake unto them, saying Take courage! it is, I, be not afraid.

rotherham@Matthew:14:30 @ But, seeing the wind, he was affrighted, and, beginning to sink, cried out, saying Lord! save me!

rotherham@Matthew:14:33 @ And, they in the boat, bowed down to him, saying Truly, Gods Son, thou art!

rotherham@Matthew:15:1 @ Then, there come unto Jesus from Jerusalem Pharisees and Scribes, saying

rotherham@Matthew:15:7 @ Hypocrites! well prophesied concerning you, Isaiah, saying

rotherham@Matthew:15:22 @ And lo! a Canaanite woman, from those bounds, coming forth, began crying out, saying, Have mercy on me, Lord, Son of David! My daughter, is miserably demonized.

rotherham@Matthew:15:23 @ But, he, answered her no a word. And his disciples, coming forward began requesting him, saying Dismiss her, because she is crying out after us.

rotherham@Matthew:15:25 @ And, she, coming, began bowing down to him, saying, Lord! help me.

rotherham@Matthew:16:7 @ And, they, began to deliberate among themselves, saying Because, loaves, we took not.

rotherham@Matthew:16:13 @ And, Jesus coming into the parts of Caesarea of Philip, began questioning his disciples, saying Who are men saying that, the Son of Man, is?

rotherham@Matthew:16:22 @ And, taking him aside, Peter began to rebuke him, saying Mercy on thee Lord! In nowise, shall, this, befall thee.

rotherham@Matthew:17:5 @ While yet he was speaking, lo! a brightly shining cloud, overshadowed them, and lo! a voice, out of the cloud, saying This, is, my Son, the Beloved, in whom I delight, Be hearkening to him.

rotherham@Matthew:17:9 @ And, as they were coming down out of the mountain, Jesus commanded them, saying Unto no one, may ye tell the vision, until the Son of Man, from among the dead shall arise.

rotherham@Matthew:17:10 @ And the disciples questioned him, saying Why then do, the Scribes, say, that, Elijah, must needs come, first?

rotherham@Matthew:17:15 @ and saying Lord! have mercy upon my son, because he is lunatic, and in a grievous condition; For, many times, falleth he into the fire, and, many times, into the water.

rotherham@Matthew:17:25 @ He saith Yea. And, coming into the house, Jesus anticipated him, saying, How, to thee, doth it seem, Simon? The kings of the earth, of whom receive they dues or tax? from their sons, or from the aliens?

rotherham@Matthew:18:1 @ In that hour came, the disciples unto Jesus, saying Who then is, greatest, in the kingdom of the heavens?

rotherham@Matthew:18:26 @ The servant therefore, falling down, began to do homage unto him, saying Have patience with me, and, all, will I pay thee.

rotherham@Matthew:18:28 @ But that servant, going out, found one of his fellow-servants, who owed him, a hundred denaries, and, laying hold of him, he began seizing him by the throat, saying, Pay! if anything thou owest.

rotherham@Matthew:18:29 @ His fellow servant, therefore, falling down, began beseeching him, saying, Have patience with me! And I will pay thee.

rotherham@Matthew:19:3 @ And there came unto him Pharisees, testing him, and saying, Whether is it allowed a man to divorce his wife, for every cause?

rotherham@Matthew:19:25 @ And, hearing it, the disciples were being struck with the greatest astonishment, saying Who then can be saved?

rotherham@Matthew:20:11 @ And, having received it, they began to murmur against the householder, saying

rotherham@Matthew:20:30 @ and lo! two blind men, sitting beside the road, hearing that Jesus was passing by, cried aloud saying Lord! have mercy on us! Son of David!

rotherham@Matthew:20:31 @ But the multitude rebuked them, that they might hold their peace. But, they, the more, cried aloud, saying Lord, have mercy on us! Son of David!

rotherham@Matthew:21:2 @ saying unto them Be going into the village that is over against you, and, straightway, ye shall find an ass, bound, and a colt with her, loose them, and lead them unto me.

rotherham@Matthew:21:4 @ But, this, hath come to pass, that it might be fulfilled, which was spoken through the prophet, saying:

rotherham@Matthew:21:9 @ and the multitudes, they who were going before him and they who were following after, were crying aloud, saying Hosanna! to the Son of David, Blessed is he that is coming in the name of the Lord, Hosanna in the highest.

rotherham@Matthew:21:10 @ And, when he entered into Jerusalem, all the city was startled, saying Who is this?

rotherham@Matthew:21:11 @ And, the multitudes, were saying This, is the prophet Jesus, He from Nazareth of Galilee.

rotherham@Matthew:21:15 @ But the Chief-priests and the Scribes, seeing, the marvels that he wrought, and the boys who were crying aloud in the temple, and saying, Hosanna to the Son of David! were greatly displeased;

rotherham@Matthew:21:16 @ and said unto him Hearest thou what these are saying? And, Jesus, saith unto them Yea: Have ye never read, Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings, hast thou prepared praise?

rotherham@Matthew:21:20 @ And the disciples, seeing it, marvelled, saying How instantly, did the fig-tree wither away.

rotherham@Matthew:21:23 @ And, when he, entered, the temple, the Chief-priests and the Elders of the people, came unto him as he was teaching, saying, By what authority, these things, art thou doing? and, who, to thee, gave, this authority?

rotherham@Matthew:21:25 @ The immersion by John, whence was it? Of heaven, or of men? But, they, began to deliberate among themselves, saying If we say, Of heaven; He will say unto us, Wherefore then did ye not believe him?

rotherham@Matthew:21:37 @ Afterwards, however, he sent forth unto them his son, saying, They will pay deference unto my son!

rotherham@Matthew:22:1 @ And, answering, Jesus, again, spake in parables unto them, saying:

rotherham@Matthew:22:4 @ Again, sent he other servants, saying Say to the invited, Lo! my dinner, have I prepared, mine oxen and my fatlings, are slain, and, all things, are, ready: Come ye into the marriage-feast.

rotherham@Matthew:22:16 @ And they sent forth to him their disciples, with the Herodians, saying, Teacher! we know that, true, thou art, and, the way of God, in truth, dost teach, and it concerneth thee not about anyone, for thou lookest not unto the face of men:

rotherham@Matthew:22:24 @ saying Teacher! Moses, said, If any man die not having children, his brother shall marry his wife, and raise up seed unto his brother.

rotherham@Matthew:22:31 @ But, as touching the resurrection of the dead Have ye not read what was spoken unto you by God, saying

rotherham@Matthew:22:41 @ Now, the Pharisees having come together, Jesus questioned them, saying

rotherham@Matthew:22:43 @ He saith unto them How then doth, David, in spirit, call him, Lord, saying

rotherham@Matthew:23:2 @ saying Upon Moses seat, have sat down, the Scribes and the Pharisees:

rotherham@Matthew:24:3 @ And, as he was sitting upon the Mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him, privately, saying Tell us, when these things shall be, and what the sign of thy presence, and the conclusion of the age.

rotherham@Matthew:24:5 @ For, many, will come upon my name, saying I, am the Christ, and will, deceive many.

rotherham@Matthew:25:9 @ But the prudent, answered, saying Lest once, by any means, there be not enough for us and you, be going rather unto them that sell, and buy for yourselves

rotherham@Matthew:25:11 @ But, afterwards, came the other virgins also, saying Lord! Lord! open unto us!

rotherham@Matthew:25:20 @ And he who the five talents had received, coming forward, brought other five talents, saying, Lord! five talents, to me, thou didst deliver up: See! other five talents, I gained.

rotherham@Matthew:25:37 @ Then, will the righteous answer him, saying: Lord! when, saw we theehungry, and fed thee, or thirsty, and gave thee drink?

rotherham@Matthew:25:44 @ Then, will, they also, answer, saying: Lord! when saw we theehungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and ministered not unto thee?

rotherham@Matthew:25:45 @ Then, will he answer them, saying: Verily, I say unto you Inasmuch as ye did it not, unto one of these least, neither unto me, did ye it.

rotherham@Matthew:26:5 @ They were saying, however: Not during the feast, lest, an uproar, arise among the people.

rotherham@Matthew:26:8 @ And the disciples, seeing it, were greatly displeased, saying To what end, this loss?

rotherham@Matthew:26:17 @ And, on the first of the days of unleavened bread, the disciples came unto Jesus, saying Where wilt thou, that we make ready for thee to eat the passover?

rotherham@Matthew:26:22 @ And, being exceedingly grieved, they began to be saying to him, each one Can it be, I, Lord?

rotherham@Matthew:26:27 @ And, taking a cup, and giving thanks, he gave unto them, saying Drink of it, all of you;

rotherham@Matthew:26:39 @ And, going forward a little, he fell upon his face, offering prayer, and saying My Father! If it is possible, let this cup pass from me, Nevertheless, not as, I, will, but as, thou, wilt.

rotherham@Matthew:26:42 @ Again, a second time, departing he prayed, saying: My Father! If it is impossible for this to pass, except I, drink, it, Accomplished, be, thy will.

rotherham@Matthew:26:44 @ And, leaving them, he, again, departed, and prayed a third time, the same word, saying again.

rotherham@Matthew:26:48 @ And, he who was delivering him up, gave them a sign, saying Whomsoever I shall kiss, he, it is, secure him.

rotherham@Matthew:26:65 @ Then, the High-priest rent asunder his garments, saying He hath spoken profanely! What further need have we, of witnesses? Lo! now, ye have heard the profanity!

rotherham@Matthew:26:68 @ saying Prophesy unto us, O Christ! Who is he that struck thee?

rotherham@Matthew:26:69 @ Now, Peter, was sitting without, in the court; and there came unto him a certain female servant, saying Thou also, wast with Jesus, the Galilaean.

rotherham@Matthew:26:70 @ But, he, denied before all, saying I know not what thou sayest.

rotherham@Matthew:27:4 @ saying I have sinned, in delivering up righteous blood. But, they, said What is that to us? thou, shalt see to it for thyself.

rotherham@Matthew:27:9 @ Then, was fulfilled, that which was spoken through Jeremiah the prophet, saying: And they took the thirty pieces of silver, as the value of him whom they had valued, whom they had valued, of Israels sons,

rotherham@Matthew:27:11 @ Now, Jesus, stood before the governor; and the governor questioned him, saying Thou, art the king of the Jews? And, Jesus, said Thou, sayest.

rotherham@Matthew:27:19 @ And, as he was sitting upon the judgment seat, his wife sent unto him, saying: Have thou nothing to do with that righteous man, for, many things, have I suffered this day, by dream, because of him.

rotherham@Matthew:27:23 @ But, he, said Indeed! what evil hath he done? But, they, vehemently, were crying aloud, saying Let him be crucified!

rotherham@Matthew:27:24 @ And Pilate, seeing, that, nothing, it availed, but rather, a tumult, was arising, taking water, washed his hands of it before the multitude, saying Innocent, am I, of the blood of this man, Ye, shall see to it for yourselves.

rotherham@Matthew:27:29 @ and, plaiting a crown out of thorns, they put it upon his head, and a reed in his right hand, and, kneeling before him, began to mock him, saying Joy to thee, King of the Jews!

rotherham@Matthew:27:40 @ and saying The man that taketh down the Temple and in three days buildeth it! Save, thyself! If thou art Gods, Son, come down from the cross.

rotherham@Matthew:27:41 @ Likewise, the High-priests, also, mocking, with the Scribes and Elders, were saying: Others, he saved, Himself, he cannot save:

rotherham@Matthew:27:46 @ And, about the ninth hour, Jesus uttered a cry, with a loud voice, saying Eloi! Eloi! lema sabachthanei? that is, My God! my God! to what end hast thou forsaken me?

rotherham@Matthew:27:54 @ Now, the centurion, and those with him watching Jesus, seeing the earthquake and the things coming to pass, were violently affrighted, saying Truly, Gods Son, was, he!

rotherham@Matthew:27:63 @ saying Sir! we have been put in mind that, that deceiver, said, while yet living, After three days, will I, arise.

rotherham@Matthew:28:9 @ And lo! Jesus, met them, saying Joy to you! And, they, going forward, held his feet, and worshipped him.

rotherham@Matthew:28:13 @ saying Say ye, His disciples, coming, by night, stole him, while we were sleeping;

rotherham@Matthew:28:18 @ And Jesus, coming near, spake unto them, saying All authority, in heaven and on earth, hath been given unto me;

rotherham@Mark:1:7 @ and he proclaimed, saying He that is mightier than I cometh after me, of whom I am not worthy to stoop and unloose the strap of his sandals:

rotherham@Mark:1:15 @ and saying The season is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God hath drawn near, Repent ye, and have faith in the glad-message.

rotherham@Mark:1:24 @ saying What have we in common with thee, Jesus of Nazareth? Hast thou come to destroy us? I know thee, who thou art, The Holy One of God.

rotherham@Mark:1:25 @ And Jesus rebuked him, saying Be silenced, and come forth out of him!

rotherham@Mark:1:27 @ and they were amazed, one and all, so that they began to discuss among themselves, saying What is this? New teaching! With authority, to the impure spirits also, he giveth orders, and they obey him!

rotherham@Mark:1:40 @ And there cometh unto him, a leper, beseeching him and kneeling, saying unto him If thou be willing, thou canst cleanse me;

rotherham@Mark:2:12 @ And he arose, and, straightway taking up the couch, went forth before all, so that all were beside themselves and were glorifying God, saying Thus, we never saw it!

rotherham@Mark:2:16 @ And the Scribes and Pharisees, seeing that he was eating with the sinners and the tax-collectors, began saying unto his disciples With the tax-collectors and sinners, is he eating?

rotherham@Mark:2:24 @ And, the Pharisees, were saying, See! why are they doing, on the Sabbath, what is not allowed?

rotherham@Mark:2:27 @ And he was saying unto them The Sabbath, for man, was made, and not, man, for, the Sabbath:

rotherham@Mark:3:21 @ And they who were near to him, hearing of it, went out to secure him, for they were saying He is beside himself!

rotherham@Mark:3:22 @ And, the Scribes who from Jerusalem had come down, were saying He hath, Beelzebul; and In the ruler of the demons, casteth he out the demons.

rotherham@Mark:3:30 @ because they were saying An impure spirit, he hath!

rotherham@Mark:4:2 @ And he began to teach them, in parables, many things, and was saying unto them, in his teaching

rotherham@Mark:4:9 @ And he was saying He that hath ears to hear, let him hear!

rotherham@Mark:4:11 @ and he was saying unto them To you, the sacred secret hath been given of the kingdom of God, whereas, to them who are outside, in parables are all things coming to pass, that

rotherham@Mark:4:21 @ And he was saying unto them Doth the lamp come that under the measure it should be put, or under the couch? Is it not that upon the lampstand it may be put?

rotherham@Mark:4:24 @ And he was saying unto them Be taking heed what ye are hearing: with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured unto you, and added unto you;

rotherham@Mark:4:26 @ And he was saying Thus, is the kingdom of God: As a man may cast seed upon the earth,

rotherham@Mark:4:30 @ And he was saying How shall we liken the kingdom of God, or, in what parable, shall we put it?

rotherham@Mark:4:41 @ And they were caused to fear a great fear, and were saying one to another Who then is, this, that, both the wind and the sea, give ear unto him?

rotherham@Mark:5:8 @ For he was saying to him Go forth thou impure spirit, out of the man;

rotherham@Mark:5:12 @ and they besought him, saying Send us into the swine, that, into them, we may enter;

rotherham@Mark:5:23 @ and beseecheth him much, saying My little daughter is at her last!that, coming, thou wouldest lay thy hands upon her, that she may be made well, and live;

rotherham@Mark:5:28 @ for she was saying If I can touch so much as his mantle, I shall be made well;

rotherham@Mark:5:30 @ And, straightway, Jesus, taking note in himself of the power which, out of him, went forth, turning round in the crowd, was saying Who hath touched my garments?

rotherham@Mark:5:31 @ and his disciples were saying to him Thou seest the crowd pressing upon thee, and sayest thou Who hath touched me?

rotherham@Mark:5:35 @ While yet he is speaking, they come from the synagogue-rulers, saying Thy daughter, is dead! Why, further, annoy the teacher?

rotherham@Mark:6:2 @ And, when it was Sabbath, he began to be teaching in the synagogue, and, the greater part, as they heard, were being struck with astonishment, saying Whence hath this man these things?and What the wisdom which hath been given to this man?and Such mighty works as these, through his hands, are coming to pass!

rotherham@Mark:6:4 @ And Jesus was saying unto them A prophet is not without honour, save in his own city and among his kinsfolk, and in his house;

rotherham@Mark:6:10 @ and he was saying unto them Wheresoever ye shall enter into a house, there, abide, until ye go forth from thence;

rotherham@Mark:6:14 @ And King Herod heard, for, famous, had become his name; and he was saying John the Immerser hath arisen from among the dead, and, for this cause, are the powers working mightily in him;

rotherham@Mark:6:15 @ But, others, were saying It is Elijah, and, others were saying A prophet, like one of the prophets!

rotherham@Mark:6:16 @ But, when Herod heard, he was saying He whom I beheaded John, the same, hath been raised.

rotherham@Mark:6:18 @ For John had been saying to Herod It is not allowed thee, to have, the wife of thy brother.

rotherham@Mark:6:25 @ And, coming in straightway, with hast, unto the king, she asked, saying I desire, that, forthwith, thou give me, upon a charger, the head the Immerser.

rotherham@Mark:6:35 @ And, already, a late hour, having arrived, his disciples came unto him and were saying, A desert, is the place, and it is, already, a late hour:

rotherham@Mark:7:9 @ And he was saying to them Well, do ye set aside the commandment of God, that, your own tradition, ye may observe;

rotherham@Mark:7:14 @ And, again calling near the multitude, he was saying unto them Hearken to me, all! and understand:

rotherham@Mark:7:20 @ And he was saying That which, out of the man, cometh forth, that, defileth the man;

rotherham@Mark:7:27 @ And he was saying to her Suffer, the children, first, to be fed; for it is not seemly to take the bread of the children, and, unto the little dogs, to cast it;

rotherham@Mark:7:37 @ And, superabundantly, were they being struck with astonishment, saying Well, hath he, all things, done, both, the deaf, he causeth to hear, and, the dumb, to speak.

rotherham@Mark:8:15 @ And he began charging them, saying Mind! beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, and of the leaven of Herod!

rotherham@Mark:8:20 @ When the seven, unto the four thousand, how many hampers, full measure, of broken pieces, ye took up? And they say unto him Seven. And he was saying unto them

rotherham@Mark:8:24 @ and, looking up, he was saying I see men, because, like trees, I behold them walking

rotherham@Mark:8:26 @ And he sent him away unto his house, saying Not even into the village, mayest thou enter.

rotherham@Mark:8:27 @ And forth went Jesus and his disciples, into the villages of Caesarea of Philip. And, in the way, he was questioning his disciples, saying unto them Who, are men saying that I am?

rotherham@Mark:8:28 @ And they answered him, saying John the Immerser, and, others, Elijah, and, others, One of the prophets.

rotherham@Mark:9:1 @ And he was saying to them: Verily, say unto you There, are, certain of those here standing, who shall in nowise taste of death, until they see the kingdom of God, already come in power.

rotherham@Mark:9:11 @ And they began to question him, saying The Scribes, say, that, Elijah, must needs come, first?

rotherham@Mark:9:24 @ Straightway crying out, the father of the child was saying I have faith! help my, want, of faith.

rotherham@Mark:9:25 @ And Jesus, seeing that a multitude is running together, rebuked the impure spirit, saying unto it Thou dumb and deaf spirit, I, give orders unto thee: Come forth out of him, and do not, any more, enter into him.

rotherham@Mark:9:26 @ And, crying out, and greatly mangling him, it came forth; and he became as if dead, so that, the more part, were saying He is dead!

rotherham@Mark:9:31 @ for he was teaching his disciples and saying unto them, The Son of Man, is to be delivered up, into the hands of men, and they will slay him, and, being slain, after three days, will he arise.

rotherham@Mark:10:26 @ And, they, were being exceedingly struck with astonishment, saying unto him Who, then, can, be saved?

rotherham@Mark:10:28 @ Peter began to be saying unto him Lo! we, have left all, and followed thee!

rotherham@Mark:10:32 @ Now they were in the way, going up unto Jerusalem, and Jesus was going on before them, and they were in amazement; and, they who followed, were in fear. And, taking unto himself, again, the twelve, he began to be saying unto them, as to the things about to befall him

rotherham@Mark:10:35 @ And there come near unto him, James and John, the two sons of Zebedee, saying unto him Teacher! we desire, that, whatsoever we shall ask thee, thou wilt do for us.

rotherham@Mark:10:47 @ And, hearing that it was, Jesus the Nazarene, he began to be crying aloud, and saying O Son of David! Jesus! have mercy on me.

rotherham@Mark:10:49 @ And, coming to a stand, Jesus said Call him! And they call the blind man, saying unto him Take courage! rise! he calleth thee!

rotherham@Mark:11:5 @ And, certain of them that were there standing, were saying unto them What are ye doing, loosing the colt?

rotherham@Mark:11:17 @ and was teaching, and saying Is it not written, My house, a house of prayer, shall be called, for all the nations? but, ye, have made it, A den of robbers.

rotherham@Mark:11:28 @ and were saying unto him By what authority, these things, art thou doing? And who to thee hath given this authority that, these things, thou shouldst be doing?

rotherham@Mark:11:31 @ And they were deliberating among themselves, saying If we say, Of heaven, he will say, Wherefore then did ye not believe him?

rotherham@Mark:12:6 @ Yet one, had he, a son beloved: he sent him forth last unto them, saying They will pay deference unto my son!

rotherham@Mark:12:18 @ And there come Sadducees unto him, who, indeed say Resurrection, there is none! and they were questioning him, saying

rotherham@Mark:12:26 @ But, as touching the dead, that they, do rise, Have ye not read in the book of Moses, at the Bush, how God spake unto him, saying I the God of Abraham, and God of Isaac, and God of Jacob:

rotherham@Mark:12:35 @ And Jesus, answering, was saying, as he taught in the temple How say the Scribes that, the Christ, is, Son of David?

rotherham@Mark:12:38 @ And, in his teaching, he was saying Beware of the Scribes, who desire, in robes, to be walking about, and salutations in the markets,

rotherham@Mark:13:5 @ And, Jesus, began to be saying unto them Beware, lest anyone, deceive, you;

rotherham@Mark:13:6 @ For, many, will come on my name, saying, I, am he! and, will deceive, many.

rotherham@Mark:14:2 @ for they were saying Not in the feast, lest there be an uproar of the people.

rotherham@Mark:14:19 @ They began to be grieved, and to be saying unto him, one by one, Can it be, I?

rotherham@Mark:14:31 @ But he, most vehemently, was saying Even though I must needs die with thee, in nowise, will I, deny thee. Likewise, indeed, were, all besides, saying.

rotherham@Mark:14:36 @ and was saying Abba! O Father! All things, are possible to thee: Bear aside this cup from me; but not what, I, will, but what, thou,.

rotherham@Mark:14:39 @ And, again, departing, he prayed, the same thing, saying.

rotherham@Mark:14:44 @ He that is delivering him up hath given an agreed sign unto them, saying Whomsoever I shall kiss, he, it is! Secure him, and be leading away, safely.

rotherham@Mark:14:57 @ And some, standing up, were bearing false-witness against him, saying

rotherham@Mark:14:58 @ We, heard him saying, I, will pull down this shrine, the one made by hand, and, in three days, another, not made by hand, will I raise.

rotherham@Mark:14:60 @ And, the High-priest rising up into the midst, questioned Jesus, saying Answerest thou, nothing? What are these, against thee, witnessing?

rotherham@Mark:14:65 @ And some began to be spitting at him, and, covering up his face, and to be buffeting him, and saying to him Prophesy! And, the attendants, with smart blows, took him.

rotherham@Mark:14:68 @ But, he, denied, saying I neither know, nor do I well understand what, thou, sayest; and went out into the porch.

rotherham@Mark:14:69 @ And, the maid-servant, seeing him, began, again, to be saying unto the by-standers This one, is, from among them.

rotherham@Mark:14:70 @ But, he, again, was denying. And, after a little again, the by-standers, were saying unto Peter Truly, thou, art, from among them; for thou art, a Galilaean, also.

rotherham@Mark:15:4 @ And, Pilate, again, was questioning him, saying Answerest thou, nothing? See! of how many things, they are accusing thee!

rotherham@Mark:15:9 @ But, Pilate, answered them, saying Will ye, I release unto you, the King of the Jews?

rotherham@Mark:15:12 @ But, Pilate, again answering, was saying unto them What then shall I do with him whom ye call, the King of the Jews?

rotherham@Mark:15:14 @ But, Pilate, was saying unto them Why! what, evil, hath he done? And, they, vehemently, cried out Crucify him!

rotherham@Mark:15:29 @ And, the passers-by, were reviling him, shaking their heads, and saying Aha! thou who wast pulling down the shrine, and building one in three days!

rotherham@Mark:15:31 @ Likewise, the High-priests also, mocking one to another, with the Scribes, were saying Others, he saved, himself, he cannot save!

rotherham@Mark:15:35 @ And, some of the by-standers, having heard, were saying See! Elijah, he calleth!

rotherham@Mark:15:36 @ And one, running, filled a sponge with vinegar, and, putting it about a reed, was giving him to drink, saying Stay! let us see whether Elijah is coming, to take him down!

rotherham@Mark:16:3 @ And they were saying one to another Who, shall roll away for us the stone, out of the door of the tomb?

rotherham@Luke:1:24 @ And, after these days, Elizabeth his wife conceived, and she disguised herself five months, saying

rotherham@Luke:1:63 @ And, asking for a small tablet, he wrote, saying John, is his name! and they marvelled all.

rotherham@Luke:1:67 @ And, Zachariah his father, was filled with Holy Spirit, and prophesied, saying:

rotherham@Luke:2:13 @ And, suddenly, there came to be, with the messenger, the throng of the heavenly host, praising God, and saying

rotherham@Luke:3:7 @ He was saying, therefore, unto the multitudes who were going forth to be immersed by him Broods of vipers! who suggested to you, to flee from the coming wrath?

rotherham@Luke:3:8 @ Bring forth, therefore, fruits worthy of repentance, and do not begin to be saying within yourselves, As our father, we have, Abraham; for, I say unto you God is able, out of these stones, to raise up children unto Abraham.

rotherham@Luke:3:10 @ And the multitude began to question him saying What, then, shall we do?

rotherham@Luke:3:14 @ Then were questioning him, soldiers also, saying What shall, even we, do? And he said unto them Molest ye, no one, neither accuse falsely; and be content with your supplies.

rotherham@Luke:3:16 @ John answered, saying unto all I, indeed, in water, am immersing you, but he that is mightier than I, cometh, the thong of whose sandals I am not worthy to unloose, he, will immerse you m Holy Spirit and fire:

rotherham@Luke:4:21 @ and he began to be saying to them This day, is fulfilled this scripture, in your ears.

rotherham@Luke:4:22 @ And, all, were bearing witness to him, and marvelling at the words of favour which were proceeding out of his mouth; and they were saying Is not, this, the, son of Joseph?

rotherham@Luke:4:35 @ And Jesus rebuked it, saying Hold thy peace! and go forth from him. And the demon, throwing him into the midst, went forth from him, doing him no hurt.

rotherham@Luke:4:36 @ And amazement came upon all, and they began to converse one with another, saying What is this word, that, with authority and power, he giveth orders unto the impure spirits, and they go forth?

rotherham@Luke:4:41 @ And demons also were going forth from many; crying aloud, and saying Thou, art the Son of God. And, rebuking them, he suffered them not be talking; because they knew him to be, The Christ.

rotherham@Luke:5:8 @ And Simon, beholding, fell down at the knees of Jesus, saying Depart from me! Because, a sinful man, am I, O Lord!

rotherham@Luke:5:12 @ And it came to pass, while he was in one of the cities, that lo! there was a man full of leprosy; and, seeing Jesus, he fell on his face, and entreated him, saying Lord! if thou be willing, thou canst cleanse me.

rotherham@Luke:5:13 @ And, stretching forth the hand, he touched him, saying I am willing: Be cleansed! And, straightway, the leprosy departed from him.

rotherham@Luke:5:21 @ And the Scribes and the Pharisees began to reason, saying Who is this that speaketh profanities? Who can forgive, sins, save, God alone?

rotherham@Luke:5:26 @ And, astonishment, seized one and all, and they began glorifying God, and were filled with fear, saying We have seen unaccountable things, to-day!

rotherham@Luke:5:30 @ And the Pharisees and their Scribes began murmuring unto his disciples, saying Wherefore, with the tax-collectors and sinners, are ye eating and drinking?

rotherham@Luke:6:5 @ And he was saying to them The Son of Man is, Lord of the Sabbath.

rotherham@Luke:6:20 @ And, he, lifting up his eyes towards his disciples, was saying: Happy, ye destitute, for, yours, is the kingdom of God.

rotherham@Luke:7:1 @ After he had completed all his sayings within the hearing of the people, he entered into Capernaum.

rotherham@Luke:7:4 @ And, they, coming near unto Jesus, began beseeching him earnestly, saying Worthy, is he for whom thou mayest do this,

rotherham@Luke:7:6 @ And, Jesus, was journeying with them. But, he, by this time, being not far from the house, the centurion sent friends, saying unto him Lord! do not trouble thyself, for I am of no consideration, that, under my roof, thou shouldst enter.

rotherham@Luke:7:16 @ And fear seized them, all, and they began to glorify God, saying A great prophet, hath been raised up amongst us! and God hath visited his people!

rotherham@Luke:7:19 @ And, calling unto him certain two of his disciples, John sent unto the Lord, saying Art, thou, the Coming One, or, a different one, are we to expect?

rotherham@Luke:7:20 @ And, coming near unto him, the men said John the Immerser, hath sent us unto thee, saying, Art, thou, the Coming One, or, another, are we to expect?

rotherham@Luke:7:39 @ But the Pharisee who had invited him, seeing it, spake within himself, saying, This one, if he were the prophet, would have been taking note, who and of what sort, is the woman, who is even touching him, that she is, a sinner.

rotherham@Luke:7:49 @ And they who were reclining together, began to be saying within themselves Who is, this, that, even forgiveth sins?

rotherham@Luke:8:8 @ And, other, fell into good ground; and, growing, brought forth fruit, a hundredfold. These things, saying, he went on to cry aloud He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.

rotherham@Luke:8:24 @ And, coming near, they roused him up, saying Master! Master! we perish! And, he, roused up, rebuked the wind, and the surging of the water; and they ceased, and it became a calm.

rotherham@Luke:8:25 @ And he said unto them Where was your faith? But, struck with fear, they marvelled, saying one to another Who then is, this, that, even unto the winds, he giveth orders, and unto the water, and they hearken unto him.

rotherham@Luke:8:38 @ And the man from whom the demons had gone forth, began to beg of him, that he might be with him; but he dismissed him, saying

rotherham@Luke:8:49 @ While yet he is speaking, there cometh one from the synagogue rulers, saying Thy daughter, is dead: No further, be troubling the teacher.

rotherham@Luke:8:54 @ But, he, grasping her hand, called aloud, saying O girl! arise!

rotherham@Luke:9:18 @ And, it came to pass, when he was praying in solitude, the disciples, were with him. And he questioned them, saying Who do the multitudes say that I am?

rotherham@Luke:9:22 @ saying The Son of Man must needs suffer, many things, and be rejected by the Elders and High priests and Scribes, and be slain, and, on the third day, arise.

rotherham@Luke:9:23 @ And he was saying, unto all If any one intendeth after me to come, Let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and be following me.

rotherham@Luke:9:34 @ Now, while he was saying these things, there came a cloud, and it began to overshadow them, and they were overcome with fear as they entered into the cloud.

rotherham@Luke:9:35 @ And, a voice, came out of the cloud, saying This, is my Son, the Chosen One: Unto him, be hearkening.

rotherham@Luke:9:38 @ And lo! a man from the multitude, uttered a cry, saying Teacher! I beg of thee, to look upon my son, because, my only begotten, he is.

rotherham@Luke:9:45 @ But, they, understood not this saying, and it had become veiled from them, that they might not grasp it, and they were afraid to question him, concerning this saying.

rotherham@Luke:10:2 @ And he was saying unto them The harvest, indeed, is, great, but, the labourers, few; beg ye, therefore, of the Lord of the harvest, that he would thrust forth, labourers, into his harvest.

rotherham@Luke:10:9 @ And be curing the sick that are, therein, and be saying unto them The kingdom of God hath drawn nigh upon you.

rotherham@Luke:10:17 @ And the seventy -two returned, with joy, saying Lord! even the demons, submit themselves unto us, in thy name!

rotherham@Luke:10:25 @ And lo! a certain lawyer, arose, putting him to the test, saying Teacher! by doing what, shall I inherit, life age-abiding?

rotherham@Luke:11:18 @ And, if, even Satan, against himself hath become divided, how shall his kingdom stand? because ye are saying that, in Beelzebul, am I casting out the demons.

rotherham@Luke:11:27 @ Now it came to pass, while he was saying these things, that a certain woman out of the multitude, lifting up her voice, said unto him Happy the womb that bare thee! And the breasts which thou didst suck!

rotherham@Luke:11:29 @ And, as the multitudes were thronging together, he began to be saying This generation, is, a wicked generation: A sign, it is seeking, and, a sign, shall not be given it, save the sign of Jonah.

rotherham@Luke:11:45 @ And, making answer, one of the Lawyers saith unto him, Teacher! these things, saying, us also, dost thou insult!

rotherham@Luke:12:1 @ Amongst which things, when the ten thousands of the multitude were gathered together, so that they were treading one upon another, he began to be saying, unto his disciples, first Be keeping yourselves free from the leaven of the Pharisees, the which is, hypocrisy.

rotherham@Luke:12:16 @ And he spake a parable unto them, saying A certain rich mans estate, bare well.

rotherham@Luke:12:17 @ And he began to deliberate within himself, saying What shall I do? because I have not where I can gather my fruits.

rotherham@Luke:12:54 @ And he went on to say, even unto the multitudes, Whensoever ye see a cloud springing up from the west, straightway, ye are saying A thunderstorm is coming! and it happeneth thus.

rotherham@Luke:13:14 @ But the synagogue-ruler, answering, being greatly displeased that, on the Sabbath, Jesus had healed, began saying unto the multitude Six days, there are, in which men ought to get their work done; On them, therefore, come and be healed, and, not on the day of rest.

rotherham@Luke:13:17 @ And, as he was saying, these, things, all who had been setting themselves against him were being put to shame; and, all the multitude, were rejoicing over all the glorious things which were being brought to pass by him.

rotherham@Luke:13:25 @ when once the householder shall rouse himself, and lock the door, and ye begin to stand, outside, and to knock at the door, saying Lord! open to us; and he shall answer and say unto you I know you not, whence ye are.

rotherham@Luke:13:27 @ And he will speak, saying unto you I know not whence ye are; Depart from me, all workers of unrighteous

rotherham@Luke:13:31 @ In that very hour, came near certain Pharisees, saying unto him, Go forth, and be journeying hence, because, Herod, desireth to slay thee.

rotherham@Luke:14:3 @ And Jesus, answering, spake unto the Lawyers and Pharisees, saying Is it allowed, on the Sabbath, to cure, or not? But, they, held their peace.

rotherham@Luke:14:7 @ And he went on to speak, unto the invited, a parable, observing how, the first couches, they were choosing; saying unto them

rotherham@Luke:14:30 @ saying This man, began to build, and was not able to finish!

rotherham@Luke:15:2 @ and both the Pharisees and the Scribes were murmuring, saying, This man, unto sinners, giveth welcome, and eateth with them.

rotherham@Luke:15:3 @ And he spake unto them this parable, saying

rotherham@Luke:15:6 @ and, coming unto his house, calleth together the friends and the neighbours, saying unto them Rejoice with me! because I have found my sheep that was lost!

rotherham@Luke:15:9 @ And, having found it, she calleth together her female friends and neighbours, saying Rejoice with me! because I have found the piece of silver which I had lost.

rotherham@Luke:16:5 @ And, calling unto him each one of the debtors of his own lord, he was saying unto the first, How much owest thou my lord?

rotherham@Luke:17:4 @ Even if, seven times a day, he sin against thee, and, seven times, turn to thee, saying, I repent, thou shalt forgive him.

rotherham@Luke:17:6 @ And the Lord said If ye have faith like a grain of mustard-seed, ye should be saying unto this mulberry-tree Be uprooted! and be planted in the sea, and it should obey you.

rotherham@Luke:17:13 @ and, they, lifted up a voice, saying Jesus! Master! have mercy on us!

rotherham@Luke:18:2 @ saying A certain judge, there was in a certain city, having, for God, no reverence, and, for man, no respect.

rotherham@Luke:18:3 @ And, a widow, there was, in that city; and she kept coming unto him, saying Vindicate me from mine adversary!

rotherham@Luke:18:13 @ But, the tax-collector, afar off, standing, would not so much as lift up, his eyes, unto heaven, but kept smiting his own breast saying O God! be propitiated unto me, the sinner!

rotherham@Luke:18:16 @ But, Jesus, called them near, saying Suffer, the children, to be coming unto me, and do not hinder them; for, of such, is the kingdom of God.

rotherham@Luke:18:18 @ And a certain, ruler, questioned him, saying Good Teacher! by doing what, shall I inherit life age-abiding?

rotherham@Luke:18:34 @ And, they, not one of these things, understood, and this saying was hidden from them, and the could not comprehend the things spoken.

rotherham@Luke:18:38 @ And he cried aloud, saying Jesus, son of David! have mercy upon me!

rotherham@Luke:19:7 @ And all, when they beheld, began to murmur, saying With a sinful man, hath he gone in to lodge!

rotherham@Luke:19:14 @ But, his citizens, hated him, and sent off an embassy after him, saying We desire not, this, man, to be made king over us!

rotherham@Luke:19:16 @ And the first came near, saying Lord! thy mina, hath made, ten minas.

rotherham@Luke:19:18 @ And the second came, saying Thy mina, lord, hath made five minas.

rotherham@Luke:19:20 @ And, the other, came, saying Lord, lo! thy mina, which I kept lying by in a napkin;

rotherham@Luke:19:30 @ saying Go your way unto the opposite village, in which, as ye are entering, ye shall find a colt, bound, whereon, no man, hath, ever sat, and, having loosed him, bring him.

rotherham@Luke:19:38 @ saying Blessed is he that cometh The king! In the name of the Lord! In heaven, peace! And glory in the highest!

rotherham@Luke:19:41 @ And, when he drew near, beholding the city, he wept over it, saying

rotherham@Luke:19:46 @ saying unto them It is written, And, my house, shall be, a house of prayer; but, ye, have made, it, a den of robbers.

rotherham@Luke:20:2 @ and spake, saying, unto him Tell us, by what authority, these things, thou art doing, and, who, is it, that gave thee this authority.

rotherham@Luke:20:5 @ And they deliberated together by themselves, saying If we say, Of heaven, he will say, Wherefore did ye not believe him?

rotherham@Luke:20:14 @ But he husbandmen, seeing him, began to deliberate one with another, saying This, is, the heir: Let us slay him, that, ours, may be, the inheritance.

rotherham@Luke:20:21 @ And they questioned him, saying Teacher! we know that, rightly, thou speakest and teachest, and respectest no person, but, in truth, the way of God, dost teach:

rotherham@Luke:20:26 @ And they could not lay hold of the saying, before the people; and, marvelling at his answer, they held their peace.

rotherham@Luke:20:28 @ saying Teacher! Moses, wrote for us, If ones brother die, having a wife, and, he, be, childless, that his brother shall take the wife, and raise up seed unto his brother.

rotherham@Luke:21:5 @ And, certain saying, of the temple With beautiful stones and offerings, hath it been adorned! he said

rotherham@Luke:21:7 @ And they questioned him, saying Teacher! when, therefore, will these things be? And, what the sign, when these things shall be about to come to pass?

rotherham@Luke:21:8 @ And, he, said Be taking heed ye be not deceived; for, many, will come upon my name, saying I, am he, and The season, hath drawn near! Do not go after them.

rotherham@Luke:22:8 @ And he sent forth Peter and John, saying Go, and make ready, for us, the passover, that we may eat.

rotherham@Luke:22:19 @ And, taking a loaf, he gave thanks, and brake, and gave unto them, saying This is my body

rotherham@Luke:22:42 @ saying Father! if thou please, bear aside this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but thine, be accomplished.

rotherham@Luke:22:57 @ But, he, denied, saying I know him not, woman!

rotherham@Luke:22:59 @ And, about one hour having passed, a certain other, began stoutly to insist, saying Of a truth, this one also, was with him; for indeed he is, a Galilaean.

rotherham@Luke:22:60 @ But Peter said Man! I know not what thou art saying! And, instantly while yet he was speaking, a cock crew.

rotherham@Luke:22:64 @ and, blindfolding him, questioned him, saying Prophesy! which is he that smote thee?

rotherham@Luke:22:65 @ and, many other things, with profane speech, were they saying unto him.

rotherham@Luke:22:66 @ And, when it became day, the Eldership of the people was gathered togetherboth High-priests and Scribes, and they led him away into their high-council, saying If, thou, art the Christ, tell us!

rotherham@Luke:23:2 @ And they began to accuse him, saying This one, found we, perverting our nation, and forbidding to give, tribute unto Caesar, and affirming himself to be, an anointed king.

rotherham@Luke:23:3 @ And, Pilate, questioned him, saying Art, thou, the king of the Jews? And, he, answering him, said Thou, sayest.

rotherham@Luke:23:5 @ But, they, began to be urgent, saying He is stirring up the people, teaching along all Judaea, even beginning from Galilee unto this place.

rotherham@Luke:23:18 @ But they cried aloud, with the whole throng, saying Away with this man! and release unto us Barabbas:

rotherham@Luke:23:21 @ But, they, called out in return, saying Crucify! crucify him!

rotherham@Luke:23:35 @ And the people were standing, looking on. But the rulers were sneering, saying Others, he saved, let him save himself, if, this, is, the Christ of God, the Chosen.

rotherham@Luke:23:37 @ and saying If, thou, art the King of the Jews, save thyself.

rotherham@Luke:23:46 @ And, calling out with a loud voice, Jesus said Father! into thy hands, I commend my spirit. And, this, saying, he ceased to breathe.

rotherham@Luke:23:47 @ And the centurion, beholding that which came to pass, began to glorify God, saying In very deed, this man, was, righteous.

rotherham@Luke:24:7 @ Saying, as to the Son of Man, that he must needs be delivered up into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and, on the third day, arise.

rotherham@Luke:24:8 @ And they remembered his sayings;

rotherham@Luke:24:11 @ And these sayings appeared before them, as if idle talk, and they were minded to disbelieve them.

rotherham@Luke:24:23 @ and, not finding his body, came, sayingthat, a vision of messengers, they had seen, who were affirming him to be alive.

rotherham@Luke:24:29 @ And they constrained him, saying Abide with us; because it is, towards evening, and the day hath already declined. And he went in to abide with them.

rotherham@Luke:24:34 @ saying In truth, the Lord hath arisen, and hath appeared unto Simon!

rotherham@John:1:15 @ (John beareth witness concerning him, and hath cried aloud, sayingthe same, was he that said He who, after me, was coming, before me, hath advanced; because, my Chief, was he.)

rotherham@John:1:26 @ John answered them, saying I, immerse, in water. In the midst of you, standeth one, whom, ye, know not;

rotherham@John:1:32 @ And John bare witness, saying I have gazed upon the Spirit, descending like a dove, out of heaven, and it abode upon him.

rotherham@John:2:22 @ When, therefore, he had been raised from among the dead, his disciples remembered, that, this, he had been saying; and they believed in the Scripture, and in the word which Jesus had spoken.

rotherham@John:3:34 @ For, he whom God hath sent, the sayings of God, doth speak; for, not by measure, giveth he the Spirit.

rotherham@John:4:10 @ Jesus answered, and said unto her If thou hadst known the free gift of God, and who it is that is saying unto thee, Give me to drink, thou, wouldst have asked him, and he would have given thee living water.

rotherham@John:4:31 @ In the meantime, the disciples were requesting him, saying Rabbi! eat.

rotherham@John:4:35 @ Are, ye, not saying Yet, a fourmonth, it is, and, the harvest, cometh? Lo! I say unto you Lift up your eyes, and gaze at the fields, that, white, are they unto, harvest. Already,

rotherham@John:4:37 @ For, herein, doth the saying, hold good, One, is the sower, and, another, is the reaper.

rotherham@John:4:51 @ And, when he was even now going down, his servants, met him, saying, that, his boy, was living.

rotherham@John:5:10 @ The Jews, therefore, were saying, unto him who had been cured It is, Sabbath; and it is not allowable for thee to take up thy couch:

rotherham@John:5:47 @ But, if, in his writings, ye are not believing, how, in my sayings, will ye believe?

rotherham@John:6:6 @ But, this, he was saying, to test him; for, he himself, knew, what he was about to do.

rotherham@John:6:42 @ and were saying Is not, this, Jesus, the son of Joseph, of whom, we, know the father and the mother! How is it then, that he, now, saith: Out of heaven, have I come down?

rotherham@John:6:52 @ The Jews, therefore, began to strive one with another, saying How can this one, unto us, give his flesh to eat?

rotherham@John:7:11 @ The Jews, therefore, were seeking him in the feast, and were saying Where is that one?

rotherham@John:7:12 @ and there was great, murmuring, about him among the multitudes: some, indeed, were saying Good, is he! but, others, were saying Not so! but he is leading the multitude astray.

rotherham@John:7:15 @ The Jews, therefore, began to marvel, saying How, doth this one know, letters, not having learned?

rotherham@John:7:25 @ So then, some of them of Jerusalem were saying Is not, this, he whom they are seeking to kill?

rotherham@John:7:28 @ Jesus, therefore, cried aloud in the temple, teaching, and saying Both me, ye know, and ye know whence I am, and yet, of myself, have I not come, but he is real, who sent me, whom, ye, know not.

rotherham@John:7:31 @ But, from amongst the multitude, many, believed on him, and were saying The Christ, whensoever he cometh, greater signs, will he do, than those which, this one, did?

rotherham@John:7:37 @ Now, on the lastthe greatday of the feast, Jesus was standing, and he cried aloud, saying If any man thirst, let him come unto me and drink:

rotherham@John:7:40 @ Some from amongst the multitude, therefore, having hearkened unto these words, were saying This, is, in truth, the prophet.

rotherham@John:7:41 @ Others, were saying This, is, the Christ. But, others, were saying Out of Galilee, is, the Christ, to come?

rotherham@John:8:12 @ Again, therefore, unto them, spake Jesus, saying I, am the light of the world: He that followeth me, shall in nowise walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.

rotherham@John:8:19 @ They were saying unto him, therefore Where, is thy father? Jesus answered Neither, me, do ye know, nor yet my Father: If, me, ye had known, my Father also, had ye known.

rotherham@John:8:20 @ These sayings, spake he in the treasury, teaching in the temple, and yet, no one, seized him, because, not yet, had come his hour.

rotherham@John:8:22 @ The Jews, therefore, were saying Can it be that he will kill himself, that he saith, Whither, I, go, ye, cannot come?

rotherham@John:8:23 @ And he was saying unto them Ye, are, of the realms below, I, am, of the realms above: Ye, are, of this world, I, am not of this world.

rotherham@John:8:25 @ They were saying unto him, therefore Who art, thou? Jesus said unto them First and foremost, even what I speak unto you.

rotherham@John:8:31 @ Jesus was saying, therefore, unto the Jews who had believed on him If, ye, abide in my word, of a truth, my disciples, ye are;

rotherham@John:8:47 @ He that is of God, heareth, the sayings of God; therefore, do, ye, not hear, because, of God, ye are not.

rotherham@John:9:2 @ And his disciples questioned him, saying Rabbi! who sinned, this man or his parents, that, blind, he should be born?

rotherham@John:9:8 @ The neighbours, therefore, and they who used to observe him aforetimethat he was, a beggar, were saying Is not, this, he that used to sit and beg?

rotherham@John:9:9 @ Others, were saying Tis, the same. Others, were saying Nay! but he is, like him. He, was saying I, am he.

rotherham@John:9:10 @ So they were saying unto him How then were thine eyes opened?

rotherham@John:9:16 @ Certain from among the Pharisees, therefore, were saying This man is not, from God, because, the Sabbath, he keepeth not. Others, however were saying How can a sinful man, such signs as these, be doing? And there was, a division, among them.

rotherham@John:9:17 @ So they were saying unto the blind man, again, What dost, thou, say concerning him, in that he opened thine eyes? And, he, said A prophet, is he.

rotherham@John:9:19 @ and questioned them, saying Is, this, your son, of whom, ye, say, that blind, he was, born? How, then, seeth he, even now?

rotherham@John:10:20 @ But many from among them were saying A demon, he hath, and is raving, Why, unto him, do ye hearken?

rotherham@John:10:21 @ Others, said These sayings, are not those of one demonized, Can, a demon, open the eyes of, the blind?

rotherham@John:10:24 @ The Jews, therefore, surrounded him, and were saying unto him How long, holdest thou, our lives, in suspense? If, thou, art the Christ, tell us, plainly.

rotherham@John:10:36 @ Of him whom, the Father, hallowed and sent forth into the world, are, ye, saying Thou speakest profanely, because I said, Son of God, I am?

rotherham@John:10:41 @ And, many, came unto him, and were saying John, indeed, did not so much as, one sign; but, all things, whatsoever John said concerning this one, were, true.

rotherham@John:11:3 @ The sisters, therefore, sent out unto him, saying Lord, see! he whom thou tenderly lovest, is sick.

rotherham@John:11:28 @ And this saying, she went away, and called Mary her sister, secretly, saying The teacher, is present, and calleth thee.

rotherham@John:11:32 @ Mary, therefore, when she came where Jesus was, seeing him, fell at his feet, saying unto him Lord! if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died.

rotherham@John:11:36 @ The Jews, therefore, were saying See! how tenderly he loved him!

rotherham@John:11:47 @ The High-priests and Pharisees, therefore, brought together a high-council, and were saying What are we to do, in that, this man, doeth, many signs?

rotherham@John:11:56 @ They were therefore seeking Jesus, and were saying one to another, in the temple, standing How seemeth it unto you? that he will in nowise come unto the feast?

rotherham@John:12:21 @ These, therefore, came unto Philip, him who was from Bethsaida of Galilee, and were requesting him, saying Sir! We desire to see, Jesus.

rotherham@John:12:23 @ But, Jesus, answereth them, saying The hour hath come, that the Son of Man should be glorified!

rotherham@John:12:29 @ So, the multitude that was standing by, and heard it, were saying It hath, thundered. Others, were saying A messenger, unto him, hath spoken.

rotherham@John:12:33 @ But, this, he was saying, signifying, by what manner of death, he was about to die.

rotherham@John:12:47 @ And, if anyone shall hearken unto my sayings, and not guard them, I, am not judging him; for I came not that I might judge the world, but that I might save the world.

rotherham@John:12:48 @ He that setteth me aside, and receiveth not my sayings, hath that which is to judge him: The word that I spake, that, will judge him, in the last day.

rotherham@John:13:29 @ For, some, were thinking, since Judas held the bag, that Jesus was saying to him Buy the things of which we have, need, for the feast; or that, unto the destitute, he should give something.

rotherham@John:14:9 @ Jesus saith unto him So long a time as this, have I been, with you, and thou hast not come to know me, Philip? He that hath seen me, hath seen the Father. How art, thou, saying, Show us the Father?

rotherham@John:14:10 @ Believest thou not, that, I, am in the Father, and, the Father, is, in me? The things which I am saying unto you, from myself, I speak not; but, the Father, within me abiding, doeth his works.

rotherham@John:15:7 @ If ye abide in me, and, my sayings, in you, abide, whatsoever ye may be desiring, ask! and it shall be brought to pass for you.

rotherham@John:16:12 @ Yet many things, have I, unto you, to be saying, but ye cannot bear them, just now;

rotherham@John:16:17 @ Some of his disciples, therefore, said one to another What is this which he is saying to us: A little while, and ye behold me not, and, again a little while, and ye shall see me; and Because I go my way unto the Father?

rotherham@John:16:18 @ They were saying, therefore What is this which he saith: A little while? We know not what he is saying.

rotherham@John:18:22 @ And, when, these things, he had said, one of the officers who was standing by, gave a smart blow to Jesus, saying Thus, answerest thou, the High-priest?

rotherham@John:18:34 @ Jesus answered Of thyself, art, thou, this thing saying; or did, others, tell thee concerning me?

rotherham@John:18:38 @ Pilate saith unto him What, is truth? And, this saying, again, went he out to the Jews, and saith unto them, I, find in him, not a single fault.

rotherham@John:18:40 @ So they cried aloud again, saying Not this man, but Barabbas! Now, Barabbas, was, a robber.

rotherham@John:19:3 @ and kept coming unto him, and saying Joy to thee! O King of the Jews!and were giving unto him smart blows.

rotherham@John:19:6 @ When, therefore, the High-priests and the officers saw him, they cried aloud, saying Crucify! Crucify! Pilate saith unto them Ye, take him, and crucify; for, I, find not in him, a fault.

rotherham@John:19:12 @ For this cause, Pilate, began seeking to release him; but, the Jews, cried aloud saying If this man thou release, thou art not a friend of Caesar, for, every one who maketh himself king, speaketh against Caesar.

rotherham@John:19:21 @ The High-priests of the Jews, therefore, were saying unto Pilate Do not be writing, The King of the Jews; but that, he, said: King of the Jews, I am.

rotherham@John:20:14 @ These things saying, she turned round, and seeth Jesus standing, and knew not that it was, Jesus.

rotherham@John:20:20 @ and, this, saying he pointed out both his hands and his side unto them. The disciples, therefore, rejoiced, seeing the Lord.

rotherham@John:20:22 @ And, this, saying, he breathed strongly, and saith unto them Receive ye Holy Spirit:

rotherham@John:20:25 @ The other disciples, therefore, were saying unto him We have seen the Lord! But, he, said unto them Except I see, in his hands, the print of the nails, and press my finger into the print of the nails, and press my hand into his side, in nowise will I believe.