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bbe@Matthew:3:9 @And say not to yourselves, We have Abraham for our father; because I say to you that God is able from these stones to make children for Abraham.

bbe@Matthew:4:6 @If you are the Son of God, let yourself go down; for it is in the Writings, He will give his angels care over you; and, In their hands they will keep you up, so that your foot may not be crushed against a stone.

bbe@Matthew:6:19 @Make no store of wealth for yourselves on earth, where it may be turned to dust by worms and weather, and where thieves may come in by force and take it away.

bbe@Matthew:6:20 @But make a store for yourselves in heaven, where it will not be turned to dust and where thieves do not come in to take it away:

bbe@Matthew:7:4 @Or how will you say to your brother, Let me take out the grain of dust from your eye, when you yourself have a bit of wood in your eye?

bbe@Matthew:14:16 @But Jesus said to them, There is no need for them to go away; give them food yourselves.

bbe@Matthew:15:3 @And in answer he said to them, Why do you, yourselves, go against the word of God on account of the teaching which has been handed down to you?

bbe@Matthew:16:8 @And Jesus, seeing it, said, O you of little faith, why are you reasoning among yourselves, because you have no bread?

bbe@Matthew:19:18 @He says to him, Which? And Jesus said, Do not put anyone to death, Do not be untrue in married life, Do not take what is not yours, Do not give false witness,

bbe@Matthew:19:19 @Give honour to your father and your mother: and, Have love for your neighbour as for yourself.

bbe@Matthew:20:14 @Take what is yours, and go away; it is my pleasure to give to this last, even as to you.

bbe@Matthew:22:39 @And a second like it is this, Have love for your neighbour as for yourself.

bbe@Matthew:23:13 @But a curse is on you, scribes and Pharisees, false ones! because you are shutting the kingdom of heaven against men: for you do not go in yourselves, and those who are going in, you keep back.

bbe@Matthew:23:15 @A curse is on you, scribes and Pharisees, false ones! for you go about land and sea to get one disciple and, having him, you make him twice as much a son of hell as yourselves.

bbe@Matthew:23:31 @So that you are witnesses against yourselves that you are the sons of those who put the prophets to death.

bbe@Matthew:25:9 @But the wise made answer, saying, There may not be enough for us and you; it would be better for you to go to the traders and get oil for yourselves

bbe@Matthew:25:25 @And I was in fear, and went away, and put your talent in the earth: here is what is yours.

bbe@Matthew:26:39 @And he went forward a little, and falling down on his face in prayer, he said, O my Father, if it is possible, let this cup go from me; but let not my pleasure, but yours be done.

bbe@Matthew:27:40 @You who would give the Temple to destruction and put it up again in three days, get yourself free: if you are the Son of God, come down from the cross.

bbe@Mark:1:44 @See that you say nothing to any man: but go and let the priest see you, and make yourself clean by an offering of the things ordered by Moses, for a witness to them.

bbe@Mark:6:31 @And he said to them, Come away by yourselves to a quiet place, and take a rest for a time. Because there were a great number coming and going, and they had no time even for food.

bbe@Mark:6:37 @But he said to them in answer, Give them food yourselves. And they said to him, Are we to go and get bread for two hundred pence, and give it to them?

bbe@Mark:8:17 @And Jesus, hearing it, said to them, Why are you reasoning among yourselves because you have no bread? do you still not see, and is it still not clear to you? are your hearts so hard?

bbe@Mark:9:50 @Salt is good; but if the taste goes from it, how will you make it salt again? Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace one with another.

bbe@Mark:10:19 @You have knowledge of what is said in the law, Do not put any one to death, Do not be untrue in married life, Do not take what is not yours, Do not give false witness, Do not get money by deceit, Give honour to your father and mother.

bbe@Mark:12:31 @The second is this, Have love for your neighbour as for yourself. There is no other law greater than these.

bbe@Mark:14:36 @And he said, Abba, Father, all things are possible to you; take away this cup from me: but even so let not my pleasure, but yours be done.

bbe@Mark:15:30 @Keep yourself from death, and come down from the cross.

bbe@Luke:3:8 @Make clear by your acts that your hearts have been changed; and do not say to yourselves, We have Abraham for our father: for I say to you that God is able from these stones to make children of Abraham.

bbe@Luke:4:7 @If then you will give worship to me, it will all be yours.

bbe@Luke:4:9 @And he took him to Jerusalem and put him on the highest point of the Temple and said to him, If you are the Son of God, let yourself go down from here; for it is said in the Writings,

bbe@Luke:6:20 @And turning his eyes to his disciples he said, Happy are you who are poor: for the kingdom of God is yours.

bbe@Luke:6:37 @Be not judges of others, and you will not be judged: do not give punishment to others, and you will not get punishment yourselves: make others free, and you will be made free:

bbe@Luke:6:42 @How will you say to your brother, Brother, let me take the grain of dust out of your eye, when you yourself do not see the bit of wood in your eye? O false one! first take the wood out of your eye and then you will see clearly to take the dust out of your brother's eye.

bbe@Luke:7:6 @And Jesus went with them. And when he was not far from the house, the man sent friends to him, saying, Lord, do not give yourself trouble: for I am not important enough for you to come into my house:

bbe@Luke:9:13 @But he said, Give them food yourselves. And they said, We have only five cakes of bread and two fishes, if we do not go and get food for all these people.

bbe@Luke:10:27 @And he, answering, said, Have love for the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and for your neighbour as for yourself.

bbe@Luke:11:46 @And he said, A curse is on you, teachers of the law! for while other men are crushed under the weight of the rules you make for them, you yourselves do not put so much as one finger to them.

bbe@Luke:11:52 @A curse is on you, teachers of the law! for you have taken away the key of knowledge: you did not go in yourselves, and you got in the way of those who were going in.

bbe@Luke:12:15 @And he said to them, Take care to keep yourselves free from the desire for property; for a man's life is not made up of the number of things which he has.

bbe@Luke:12:33 @Give what property you have in exchange for money, and give the money to the poor; make for yourselves money-bags which will not get old, wealth stored up in heaven which will be yours for ever, where thieves will not come nor worms put it to destruction.

bbe@Luke:13:28 @There will be weeping and cries of sorrow when you see Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and all the prophets, in the kingdom of God, but you yourselves are shut outside.

bbe@Luke:15:31 @And he said to him, Son, you are with me at all times, and all I have is yours.

bbe@Luke:16:9 @And I say to you, Make friends for yourselves through the wealth of this life, so that when it comes to an end, you may be taken into the eternal resting-places.

bbe@Luke:16:12 @And if you have not been true in your care of the property of other people, who will give you that which is yours?

bbe@Luke:17:3 @Give attention to yourselves: if your brother does wrong, say a sharp word to him; and if he has sorrow for his sin, let him have forgiveness.

bbe@Luke:17:8 @Will he not say, Get a meal for me, and make yourself ready and see to my needs till I have had my food and drink; and after that you may have yours?

bbe@Luke:18:20 @You have knowledge of what the law says: Do not be untrue to your wife, Do not put anyone to death, Do not take what is not yours, Do not give false witness, Give honour to your father and mother.

bbe@Luke:21:34 @But give attention to yourselves, for fear that your hearts become over-full of the pleasures of food and wine, and the cares of this life, and that day may come on you suddenly, and take you as in a net:

bbe@Luke:22:17 @And he took a cup and, having given praise, he said, Make division of this among yourselves;

bbe@Luke:22:46 @And he said, Why are you sleeping? Get up, and give yourselves to prayer, so that you may not be put to the test.

bbe@Luke:23:28 @But Jesus, turning to them, said, Daughters of Jerusalem, let not your weeping be for me, but for yourselves and for your children.

bbe@Luke:23:37 @And saying, If you are the King of the Jews, get yourself free.

bbe@Luke:23:39 @And one of the evil-doers on the cross, with bitter feeling, said to him, Are you not the Christ? Get yourself and us out of this.

bbe@John:1:22 @So they said to him, Who are you then? We have to give some answer to those who sent us. What have you to say about yourself?

bbe@John:3:28 @You yourselves give witness that I said, I am not the Christ. What I said was, I am sent before the Christ.

bbe@John:7:4 @Because no man does things secretly if he has a desire that men may have knowledge of him. If you do these things, let yourself be seen by all men.

bbe@John:8:13 @So the Pharisees said to him, The witness you give is about yourself: your witness is not true.

bbe@John:9:7 @And said to him, Go and make yourself clean in the bath of Siloam (the sense of the name is, Sent). So he went away and, after washing, came back able to see.

bbe@John:9:11 @His answer was: The man who is named Jesus put earth mixed with water on my eyes, and said to me, Go and make yourself clean in Siloam: so I went away and, after washing, am now able to see.

bbe@John:9:34 @Their answer was: You came to birth through sin; do you make yourself our teacher? And they put him out of the Synagogue.

bbe@John:10:33 @This was their answer: We are not stoning you for a good work but for evil words; because being a man you make yourself God.

bbe@John:14:22 @Judas (not Iscariot) said to him, How is it that you will let yourself be seen clearly by us and not by the world?

bbe@John:15:16 @You did not take me for yourselves, but I took you for myself; and I gave you the work of going about and producing fruit which will be for ever; so that whatever request you make to the Father in my name he may give it to you.

bbe@John:15:20 @Keep in mind the words I said to you, A servant is not greater than his lord. If they were cruel to me, they will be cruel to you; if they kept my words, they will keep yours.

bbe@John:17:6 @I have given knowledge of your name to the men whom you gave me out of the world: yours they were, and you gave them to me, and they have kept your words.

bbe@John:17:9 @My prayer is for them: my prayer is not for the world, but for those whom you have given to me, because they are yours

bbe@John:17:10 @(All mine are yours, and yours are mine) and I have glory in them.

bbe@John:18:31 @Then Pilate said to them, Take him yourselves and let him be judged by your law. But the Jews said to him, We have no right to put any man to death.

bbe@John:18:34 @Jesus made answer, Do you say this of yourself, or did others say it about me?

bbe@John:19:6 @So when the chief priests and the police saw him they gave a loud cry, To the cross! to the cross! Pilate said to them, Take him yourselves and put him on the cross: I see no crime in him.

bbe@John:21:18 @Truly I say to you, When you were young, you made yourself ready and went wherever you had a desire to go: but when you are old, you will put out your hands and another will make you ready, and you will be taken where you have no desire to go.

bbe@John:21:22 @Jesus said to him, If it is my desire for him to be here till I come back, what is that to you? come yourself after me.