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rotherham@Matthew:2:13 @ Now, when they had retired, lo! a messenger of the Lord, appeareth by dream unto Joseph, saying, Arise, take unto thee the child and its mother, and flee into Egypt, and be there, until I tell thee, for Herod is about to seek the child, to destroy it.

rotherham@Matthew:3:4 @ But John, himself, had his raiment of camels hair, and a leathern girdle about his loins, while, his food, was locusts and wild honey.

rotherham@Matthew:3:5 @ Then, were going forth unto him Jerusalem, and all Judaea, and all the country round about the Jordan:

rotherham@Matthew:6:28 @ And, about clothing, why are ye anxious? Consider well the lilies of the field, how they grow, they toil not neither do they spin;

rotherham@Matthew:8:18 @ Now Jesus, seeing a multitude about him, gave orders to depart unto the other side.

rotherham@Matthew:14:21 @ And, they who did eat, were about five thousand, men, besides women and children.

rotherham@Matthew:17:22 @ And, as they were being gathered together in Galilee, Jesus said unto them The Son of Man is about to be delivered up into the hands of men;

rotherham@Matthew:18:6 @ And, whosoever shall cause to stumble one of these little ones who believe in me, it profiteth him, that there be hung a large mill-stone about his neck, and he be sunk in the wide main of the sea.

rotherham@Matthew:20:3 @ And, going forth about the third hour, he saw others, standing in the market-place, unemployed;

rotherham@Matthew:20:5 @ and, they, departed. And, again, going forth about the sixth and ninth hour, he did likewise.

rotherham@Matthew:20:6 @ And, about the eleventh, going forth, he found others, standing, and saith unto them Why, here, stand ye, all the day, unemployed?

rotherham@Matthew:20:17 @ And, Jesus, being about to go up unto Jerusalem, took unto him the twelve disciples, apart, and, in the way, he said unto them

rotherham@Matthew:20:22 @ But Jesus, answering, said Ye know not what ye are asking: Are ye able to drink the cup, which, I, am about to drink; They say unto him We are able.

rotherham@Matthew:22:16 @ And they sent forth to him their disciples, with the Herodians, saying, Teacher! we know that, true, thou art, and, the way of God, in truth, dost teach, and it concerneth thee not about anyone, for thou lookest not unto the face of men:

rotherham@Matthew:27:28 @ and, unclothing him, a scarlet scarf, put they about him,

rotherham@Matthew:27:46 @ And, about the ninth hour, Jesus uttered a cry, with a loud voice, saying Eloi! Eloi! lema sabachthanei? that is, My God! my God! to what end hast thou forsaken me?

rotherham@Mark:1:6 @ and John was clothed with camels-hair and a leathern girdle about his loins, and was eating locusts and wild honey;

rotherham@Mark:3:34 @ And, looking around on them who, about him, in a circle, were sitting, he saith, See! my mother and my brethren!

rotherham@Mark:4:10 @ And when he was alone they who were about him with the twelve questioned him as to the parables;

rotherham@Mark:4:19 @ and, the anxieties of the age, and the deceit of wealth, and the covetings about the remaining things, entering in, choke up the word, and, unfruitful, it becometh;

rotherham@Mark:5:13 @ and he suffered them. And the impure spirits, going out, entered into the swine, and the herd rushed down the cliff into the sea, about two thousand, and were choked in the sea.

rotherham@Mark:5:27 @ hearing the things about Jesus, came in the crowd from behind, and touched his mantle;

rotherham@Mark:5:42 @ And, straightway, the damsel arose, and was walking about; for she was twelve years of age. And they were beside themselves, straightway, with a great transport;

rotherham@Mark:6:48 @ And, seeing them distressed in the rowing, for the wind was against them, about the fourth watch of the night, he cometh unto them, walking upon the sea, and was wishing to pass by them.

rotherham@Mark:7:25 @ but, straightway, a woman hearing about him, whose daughter had an impure spirit, she came and fell down at his feet.

rotherham@Mark:8:9 @ Now they were about four thousand; and he dismissed them.

rotherham@Mark:9:42 @ And, whosoever shall cause to stumble one of these little ones that believe, it is, seemly, for him, rather, if there is hung a large millstone about his neck, and he is cast into the sea.

rotherham@Mark:10:32 @ Now they were in the way, going up unto Jerusalem, and Jesus was going on before them, and they were in amazement; and, they who followed, were in fear. And, taking unto himself, again, the twelve, he began to be saying unto them, as to the things about to befall him

rotherham@Mark:12:14 @ And, coming, they say unto him Teacher! we know that, true, thou art, and it concerneth thee not about anyone, for thou lookest not unto the face of men; but, in truth, the way of God, dost teach: Is it allowable to give tax unto Caesar, or not? Should we give, or should we not give?

rotherham@Mark:12:38 @ And, in his teaching, he was saying Beware of the Scribes, who desire, in robes, to be walking about, and salutations in the markets,

rotherham@Mark:13:4 @ Tell us, When, these things, shall be, and, what the sign, when all these things shall be about to be concluded.

rotherham@Mark:14:51 @ And, a certain young man, was following with him, having cast about himself a fine Indian cloth, over his naked body, and they are securing him;

rotherham@Mark:15:36 @ And one, running, filled a sponge with vinegar, and, putting it about a reed, was giving him to drink, saying Stay! let us see whether Elijah is coming, to take him down!

rotherham@Mark:15:46 @ And, buying a fine Indian cloth, he took him down, and wrapped him about with the cloth, and laid him in a tomb, which had been hewn out of a rock, and rolled near a stone upon the door of the tomb.

rotherham@Luke:1:56 @ And Mary abode with her about three months, and returned unto her house.

rotherham@Luke:2:9 @ And, a messenger of the Lord, stood over them, and, a glory of the Lord, shone round about them; and they feared, a great fear.

rotherham@Luke:3:3 @ and he came into all the country about the Jordan, proclaiming an immersion of repentance into remission of sins:

rotherham@Luke:3:23 @ And, Jesus himself, was, when he began, about thirty years of age, being the son, as was supposedof Joseph, of Heli:

rotherham@Luke:7:3 @ But, hearing about Jesus, he sent forth unto him elders of the Jews, requesting him that he would come and bring his servant safely through.

rotherham@Luke:8:29 @ for he was about to charge the impure spirit to come out from the man. For, many times, had it snatched him away; and he used to be bound with chains and fetters, for a safe-guard, and was wont to break in pieces the bonds, and to be driven by the demon into the deserts.

rotherham@Luke:8:42 @ because he had, an only-begotten daughter, about twelve years old, and, she, was dying. Now, as he withdrew, the multitudes, were hemming him in.

rotherham@Luke:9:14 @ For there were about five thousand men. And he said unto his disciples Make them recline, in companies of about fifty each.

rotherham@Luke:9:28 @ And it came to pass, after these words, about eight days, taking with him Peter and John and James, he went up into the mountain to pray.

rotherham@Luke:9:31 @ who, appearing in glory, were speaking as to his departure, which he was about to fulfil in Jerusalem.

rotherham@Luke:9:44 @ Lay, ye, up in your ears, these words; for, the Son of Man, is about to be delivered up, into the hands of men.

rotherham@Luke:10:1 @ And, after these things, the Lord appointed seventy two others, and sent them forth, two and two before his face, into every city and place whither, he himself, was about to come.

rotherham@Luke:10:40 @ But, Martha, was distracted about much ministering, and, coming near, said Lord! carest thou not that, my sister, hath left me to be ministering, alone? Speak to her, then, that she help me.

rotherham@Luke:10:41 @ But the Lord, answering, said to her Martha! Martha! thou art anxious and troubled about many things:

rotherham@Luke:13:8 @ And, he, answering, saith unto him Sir! let it alone this year also, until such time as I dig about it, and throw in manure,

rotherham@Luke:17:2 @ It profiteth him, if, a mill-stone, is hung about his neck, and he is cast into the sea, than that he cause, one, of these little ones, to stumble.

rotherham@Luke:19:4 @ And, running forward unto the front, he got up a sycamore-tree, that he might see him; for, by that way, was he about to pass.

rotherham@Luke:20:46 @ Be taking heed of the Scribes Who desire to walk about in long robes, and are fond of salutations in the markets, and first seats in the synagogues, and first couches in the chief meals,

rotherham@Luke:21:7 @ And they questioned him, saying Teacher! when, therefore, will these things be? And, what the sign, when these things shall be about to come to pass?

rotherham@Luke:21:34 @ But be taking heed unto yourselves, lest once your hearts be made heavywith debauch and drunkenness and anxieties about livelihood, and that day come upon you suddenly,

rotherham@Luke:21:36 @ But be watching in every season, making supplication, that ye may gain full vigour, to escape all these things that are about to be coming to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.

rotherham@Luke:22:23 @ And, they, began to be enquiring together, among themselves, as to which, then, it could be, from among them, who, this thing, was about to perpetrate!

rotherham@Luke:22:41 @ And, he, was torn from them about a stones throw; and, bending his knees, he began to pray,

rotherham@Luke:22:49 @ And they who were about him, seeing what would be, said Lord! shall we smite with the sword?

rotherham@Luke:22:59 @ And, about one hour having passed, a certain other, began stoutly to insist, saying Of a truth, this one also, was with him; for indeed he is, a Galilaean.

rotherham@Luke:23:11 @ And Herod with his soldiery, having set him at nought, and mocked him, threw about him a gorgeous robe, and sent him back unto Pilate.

rotherham@Luke:23:44 @ And it was already about the sixth hour, and, darkness, came upon the whole land, until the ninth hour,

rotherham@Luke:23:54 @ And it was a day of preparation, and, a Sabbath, was about to dawn.

rotherham@Luke:24:14 @ and, they, were conversing one with another, about all these things which had occurred.

rotherham@John:1:39 @ He saith unto them Be coming, and ye shall see. They came, therefore, and saw where he abode, and, with him, they abode that day. It was about the tenth, hour.

rotherham@John:3:9 @ Nicodemus answered, and said unto him How, can these things, come about?

rotherham@John:4:6 @ Now Jacobs fountain was there. Jesus, therefore, having become toil-worn with the journey, was sitting thus, upon the fountain. It was about the sixth hour.

rotherham@John:6:6 @ But, this, he was saying, to test him; for, he himself, knew, what he was about to do.

rotherham@John:6:10 @ Jesus said Make the people recline. Now there was much grass in the place. So the men reclined, to the number of about five thousand.

rotherham@John:6:15 @ Jesus, therefore, getting to know that they were about to come, and seize him, that they might make him king, retired again into the mountain, himself, alone.

rotherham@John:6:19 @ Having therefore rowed about twenty-five or thirty furlongs, they observe Jesus, walking upon the sea, and, near the boat, coming; and they were affrighted.

rotherham@John:6:71 @ Now he was speaking of Judas, son of Simon Iscariot: for, the same, was about to deliver him up, one of the twelve.

rotherham@John:7:12 @ and there was great, murmuring, about him among the multitudes: some, indeed, were saying Good, is he! but, others, were saying Not so! but he is leading the multitude astray.

rotherham@John:7:13 @ No one, nevertheless, was speaking, openly, about him, because of their fear of the Jews.

rotherham@John:7:35 @ The Jews, therefore, said unto themselves Whither, is, this one, about to go, that we shall not find him? Unto the dispersion of the Greeks, is he about to go, and teach the Greeks?

rotherham@John:7:39 @ Now, this, spake he concerning the Spirit which they who believed on him were about to receive; for, not yet, was there Spirit, because, Jesus, not yet, was glorified!

rotherham@John:11:18 @ Now Bethany was near Jerusalem, about fifteen furlongs off;

rotherham@John:11:44 @ He that was dead came forth, bound feet and hands with bandages, and, his face, with a napkin, was bound about. Jesus saith unto them Loose him, and let him go.

rotherham@John:11:51 @ This, however, from himself, he spake not, but, being, High-priest, for that year, he prophesied, that Jesus was about to die for the nation;

rotherham@John:12:4 @ But Judas Iscariot, one of his disciples, he that was about to deliver him up, saith

rotherham@John:12:33 @ But, this, he was saying, signifying, by what manner of death, he was about to die.

rotherham@John:14:22 @ Judas, not the Iscariot, saith unto him Lord! what hath happened, that, unto us, thou art about to manifest thyself, and, not unto the world?

rotherham@John:16:21 @ A woman, as soon as she is about to bring forth, hath, grief, because her hour hath come; but, as soon as she hath given birth to the child, no longer, remembereth she the anguish, by reason of the joy, that a human being into the world hath been born.

rotherham@John:18:32 @ that, the word of Jesus, might be fulfilled, which he spake, signifying, by what manner of death, he was about to die.

rotherham@John:19:2 @ And, the soldiers, plaiting a crown out of thorns, placed it upon his head, and, a purple robe, cast they about him;

rotherham@John:19:14 @ Now it was the preparation of the passover, it was about the sixth hour. And he saith unto the Jews See! your King!

rotherham@John:19:29 @ A vessel, was standing, full of vinegar. A sponge, therefore, full of the vinegar, put about, hyssop, brought they unto his mouth.

rotherham@John:19:39 @ There came, moreover, Nicodemus also, he that came unto him by night at the first, bearing a roll of myrrh and aloes, about a hundred pounds weight.

rotherham@John:21:7 @ That disciple, therefore, whom Jesus loved, saith unto Peter It is, the Lord! Simon Peter, therefore, hearing that it was the Lord, girded about him, his upper garment, for he was naked; and cast himself into the sea;

rotherham@John:21:8 @ but, the other disciples, came, by the little boat, for they were not farther from the land than about two hundred cubits off, dragging the net of fishes.

rotherham@John:21:20 @ Peter, turning about, beholdeth the disciple whom Jesus loved, following, who also reclined during the supper upon his breast, and said Lord, who is it that is delivering thee up?

rotherham@Acts:1:15 @ And, in these days, Peter, standing up in the midst of the brethren, said, and there was a multitude of names, of one accord, about a hundred and twenty,

rotherham@Acts:2:41 @ They, therefore, who welcomed his word, were immersed; and there were added, on that day, about three thousand souls.

rotherham@Acts:3:3 @ Who, seeing Peter and John about to enter into the temple, was requesting to receive, an alms.

rotherham@Acts:4:4 @ Howbeit, many of them that heard the word, believed; and the number of the men became about five thousand.

rotherham@Acts:5:6 @ But the young men, rising up, wrapped him about, and, bearing him forth, buried him.

rotherham@Acts:5:7 @ And it came to pass, after about three hours interval, that his wife, not knowing what had happened, came in.

rotherham@Acts:5:35 @ And said unto them Men of Israel! be taking heed unto yourselves, what ye are about to inflict upon these men.

rotherham@Acts:5:36 @ For, before these days, there rose up one Theudas, affirming, himself, to be somebody, unto whom was inclined a number of men, about four hundred; who was slain, and, all as many as had been trusting in him, were disbanded, and came to nothing.

rotherham@Acts:10:3 @ Saw, in a vision, manifestly, as if about the ninth hour of the day, a messenger of God, coming in unto him, and saying unto him Cornelius!

rotherham@Acts:10:9 @ Now, on the morrow, as those men were journeying, and, unto the city, drawing near, Peter went up on the housetop to pray, about the sixth hour;

rotherham@Acts:10:25 @ And, when it came about that Peter entered, Cornelius met him, and, falling at his feet, did homage.

rotherham@Acts:10:38 @ How God anointed him with Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed by the adversary, because, God, was with him.

rotherham@Acts:12:6 @ And, when Herod was about to bring him forth, on that night, was Peter sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains, guards, also, before the door, were keeping the prison.

rotherham@Acts:12:9 @ And, coming out, he began following, and knew not that it was true which was coming about through means of the messenger; but supposed that, a vision, he was beholding.

rotherham@Acts:13:11 @ Now, therefore, lo! the hand of the Lord is upon thee, and thou shalt be blind, not seeing the sun, until a fitting time. And, instantly, there fell upon him a mist and darkness; and, going about, he was seeking such as might lead him by the hand.

rotherham@Acts:13:18 @ And, for the time of about forty years, bare with their manners in the desert;

rotherham@Acts:13:19 @ And, overthrowing seven nations in the land of Canaan, gave them their land as an inheritanceabout four hundred and fifty years.

rotherham@Acts:14:10 @ Said, with a loud voice Stand up on thy feet, erect! And he sprang up, and began to walk about.

rotherham@Acts:15:6 @ And the Apostles and Elders were gathered together to see about this matter.

rotherham@Acts:16:27 @ And, the prison-keeper, being wakened and seeing that the doors of the prison had been opened, drawing his sword, was about to kill himself, supposing the prisoners to have fled.

rotherham@Acts:17:31 @ inasmuch as he hath appointed a day, in which he is about to be judging the habitable earth in righteousness, by a man whom he hath pointed out, offering faith unto all, by raising him from among the dead?

rotherham@Acts:18:14 @ But, as Paul was about to open his mouth, Gallio said unto the Jews If, indeed, it had been some wrong or wicked recklessness, O Jews, with reason, in that case, should I have been bearing with you.

rotherham@Acts:19:7 @ And all the men were about twelve.

rotherham@Acts:19:34 @ But, recognizing that he was a Jew, one voice arose from all for about two hours, as they cried aloud Great, is Diana of the Ephesians!

rotherham@Acts:20:3 @ and, spending three months, when a plot was laid against him by the Jews, as he was about to sail to Syria, he determined to turn back through Macedonia.

rotherham@Acts:20:7 @ And, on the first of the week, when we were gathered together to break bread, Paul went on to discourse with them, being about to depart on the morrow; and he prolonged his discourse until midnight.

rotherham@Acts:20:13 @ And, we, going forward unto the ship, set sail for Assos, from thence being about to take up Paul; for, so, had he arranged, being about, himself, to go on foot.

rotherham@Acts:20:25 @ And, now, lo! I, know that, no more, shall ye see my face, ye all, among whom I have gone about proclaiming the kingdom.

rotherham@Acts:22:6 @ But it befell me, as I was journeying and drawing nigh unto Damascus, that, about mid-daysuddenlyout of heaven, there flashed a great light all around me;

rotherham@Acts:22:29 @ Straightway, therefore, they who were about to put him to the test, withdrew from him; and, even the captain, was struck with fear, when he found out he was, a Roman, and because, him, he had bound.

rotherham@Acts:23:3 @ Then, Paul, unto him, said God is about to be smiting thee, thou whited wall! Dost, thou, then sit to judge me according to the law, and, unlawfully, orderest me to be smitten?

rotherham@Acts:23:15 @ Now, therefore, do, ye, with the High-council, make it appear unto the captain, that he should bring him down unto you, as though about to ascertain more exactly the things that concern him; and, we, or ever he come near, are ready to kill him.

rotherham@Acts:23:20 @ And he said The Jews, have agreed to request thee, that, to-morrow, thou wouldst bring, Paul, down into the High-council, as though about to ascertain something, more exact, concerning him.

rotherham@Acts:23:27 @ This man, having been apprehended by the Jews, and being about to be killed by them, I went down with the troop, and rescued; having learned that he was, a Roman.

rotherham@Acts:24:2 @ And, when he was called, Tertullus began to make accusation, saying Seeing that, great peace, we are obtaining through thee, and that, reforms, are being brought about for this nation through thy forethought,

rotherham@Acts:25:4 @ Festus, therefore, answered, that Paul should be kept in Caesarea, and that, he himself, was about, shortly, to be going out.

rotherham@Acts:25:7 @ And, when he presented himself, the Jews who, from Jerusalem, had come down, stood round about him, many and grievous charges, bringing against, which they were not able to prove,

rotherham@Acts:26:2 @ Concerning all things of which I am accused by Jews, King Agrippa, I have been counting myself happy, that, before thee, am I about, this day, to be making my defence;

rotherham@Acts:26:9 @ I, therefore, imagined to myself, that, against the name of Jesus the Nazarene, it was needful, many hostile things, to bring about,

rotherham@Acts:26:23 @ If, to suffer, the Christ was destined, if, the first of a resurrection of the dead, he is about to carry tidings, of light, both unto the people, and unto the nations.

rotherham@Acts:27:2 @ And, going on board a ship of Adramittium, about to sail unto the places along the coast of Asia, we put to sea, there being with us, Aristarchus, a Macedonian of Thessalonica;

rotherham@Acts:27:27 @ And, when, the fourteenth night, had come, and we were being driven to and fro in the Adriatic, about midnight, the sailors suspected that some country was, nearing, them;

rotherham@Acts:27:30 @ But, when, the sailors, were seeking to flee out of the ship, and had lowered the boat into the sea, by pretext, as though out of the prow they had been about to reach anchors,

rotherham@Acts:27:33 @ And, until day was about to dawn, Paul continued to beseech one and all to take some food, saying This day is, the fourteenth day, that, suspense, fasting, ye are completing, having helped yourselves, to nothing.

rotherham@Acts:27:37 @ Now we were, in the ship, in all, about seventy-six souls.

rotherham@Acts:28:6 @ whereas, they, were expecting, that he was about to become inflamed, or to fall down suddenly dead; but, when they had been long expecting, and had observed, nothing unusual, happening unto him, they changed their minds, and began to say he was a god.

rotherham@Acts:28:10 @ who also, with many honours, honoured us, and, when we were about to sail, put on board such things as we might need.

rotherham@Acts:28:20 @ For this cause, therefore, have I called for you, to see and to speak with you; for, on account of the hope of Israel, this chain, have I about me!

rotherham@Romans:8:13 @ For, if according to flesh ye live, ye are about to die, whereas, if in spirit, the practices of the flesh, ye are putting to death, ye shall attain unto life;

rotherham@Romans:8:18 @ For I reckon that unworthy are the sufferings of the present season to be compared with the glory about to be revealed towards us;

rotherham@1Corinthians:7:36 @ If however anyone considereth it behaving unseemly towards his virginity, if he should be beyond the bloom of life, and, thus, it ought to come about, what he chooseth, let him do, he sinneth not: let them marry:

rotherham@2Corinthians:4:10 @ At all times, the putting to death of Jesus, in our body, bearing about, in order that, the life also of Jesus, in our body, may be made manifest;

rotherham@2Corinthians:8:14 @ In order that their surplus may come to be for your deficiency: that there may come about an equality:

rotherham@Galatians:3:14 @ In order that, unto the nations, the blessing of Abraham, might come about in Jesus Christ, in order that, the promise of the Spirit, we might receive through means of the faith.

rotherham@1Timothy:1:16 @ Nevertheless, on this account, was mercy shewn me, that, in me, the chief, Christ Jesus might shew forth his entire longsuffering, for an ensample of them about to believe on him unto life age-abiding.

rotherham@1Timothy:5:13 @ At the same time, to be idlers, are they learning, going about from house to house; and, not only idlers, but, gossips, also, and, busybodies, saying the things they ought not,

rotherham@1Timothy:6:4 @ He is beclouded, knowing, nothing, rightly, but is diseased about questionings, and word-battlesout of which spring envy, strife, defamations, wicked surmising,

rotherham@1Timothy:6:10 @ For, a root of all the vices, is the love of money, which, some, being eager for, have been seduced from the faith, and have pierced, themselves, about with many pangs.

rotherham@2Timothy:4:1 @ I adjure before God, and Christ Jesus Who is about to be judging living and dead, both as to his forthshining and his kingdom,

rotherham@Titus:3:9 @ But, foolish questionings, and genealogies, and strife, and contentions about matters of law, avoid, for they are unprofitable and vain.

rotherham@Hebrews:1:14 @ Are they not, all, spirits, doing public service, for ministry, sent forth, for the sake of them who are about to inherit salvation?

rotherham@Hebrews:8:5 @ Who, indeed, are rendering divine service, with a glimpse and shadow, of the heavenly things; even as Moses hath received intimation, when about to complete the tent, For see! saith he Thou shalt make all things according to the model which hath been pointed out to thee in the mount.

rotherham@Hebrews:10:27 @ But some fearful reception of judgment and fiery jealousy, about to devour the opposers.

rotherham@Hebrews:11:21 @ By faith, Jacob, when about to die, blessed each of the sons of Joseph; and bowed in worship on the top of his staff.

rotherham@Hebrews:11:37 @ They were stoned, were pierced through, were sawn asunder, by murder, with a sword, died, went about in sheep-skins, in goat-hides, being in want, suffering tribulation, enduring ill-treatment:

rotherham@James:2:12 @ So, be speaking, and, so, doing, as they who, through means of a law of freedom, are about to be judged;

rotherham@James:3:3 @ Now, if, the horses bits, into their mouths, we thrust, to the end they may be yielding to us, their whole body also, do we turn about.

rotherham@James:3:4 @ Lo! the ships also, large as they are, and, by rough winds, driven along, are turned about by a very small helm, whithersoever the impulse of the steersman inclineth.

rotherham@1Peter:1:9 @ Being about to bear away the end of your faitha salvation of souls:

rotherham@1Peter:5:1 @ Elders, therefore, among you, I exhort who am their co-elder and a witness of the sufferings of the Christ, who also, in the glory about to be revealed, have, a share;

rotherham@1Peter:5:8 @ Be sober! be watchful! Your slanderous adversary, as a roaring lion, is walking aboutseeking to devour:

rotherham@Jude:1:9 @ Whereas, Michael, the chief-messenger, when, with the adversary, disputing, he was reasoning about the body of Moses, durst not impose on him a defamatory sentence, but said The Lord rebuke thee!