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bbe@Matthew:2:11 @And they came into the house, and saw the young child with Mary, his mother; and falling down on their faces they gave him worship; and from their store they gave him offerings of gold, perfume, and spices.

bbe@Matthew:3:10 @And even now the axe is put to the root of the trees; every tree then which does not give good fruit is cut down, and put into the fire

bbe@Matthew:3:16 @And Jesus, having been given baptism, straight away went up from the water; and, the heavens opening, he saw the Spirit of God coming down on him as a dove;

bbe@Matthew:4:6 @If you are the Son of God, let yourself go down; for it is in the Writings, He will give his angels care over you; and, In their hands they will keep you up, so that your foot may not be crushed against a stone.

bbe@Matthew:4:9 @And he said to him, All these things will I give you, if you will go down on your face and give me worship.

bbe@Matthew:7:19 @Every tree which does not give good fruit is cut down and put in the fire.

bbe@Matthew:7:25 @And the rain came down and there was a rush of waters and the winds were driving against that house, but it was not moved; because it was based on the rock.

bbe@Matthew:7:27 @And the rain came down and there was a rush of waters and the winds were driving against that house; and it came down and great was its fall.

bbe@Matthew:8:1 @And when he had come down from the mountain, great numbers of people came after him.

bbe@Matthew:8:32 @And he said to them, Go. And they came out, and went into the pigs; and the herd went rushing down a sharp slope into the sea and came to their end in the water.

bbe@Matthew:11:23 @And you, Capernaum, were you not to be lifted up to heaven? you will go down into hell: for if the works of power which were done in you had been done in Sodom, it would have been here to this day.

bbe@Matthew:11:28 @Come to me, all you who are troubled and weighted down with care, and I will give you rest.

bbe@Matthew:14:30 @But when he saw the wind he was in fear and, starting to go down, he gave a cry, saying, Help, Lord.

bbe@Matthew:14:32 @And when they had got into the boat, the wind went down.

bbe@Matthew:15:3 @And in answer he said to them, Why do you, yourselves, go against the word of God on account of the teaching which has been handed down to you?

bbe@Matthew:15:30 @And there came to him great numbers of people having with them those who were broken in body, or blind, or without voice, or wounded, or ill in any way, and a number of others; they put them down at his feet and he made them well:

bbe@Matthew:17:6 @And at these words the disciples went down on their faces in great fear.

bbe@Matthew:17:9 @And when they were coming down from the mountain, Jesus gave them orders, saying, Let no man have word of what you have seen, till the Son of man has come again from the dead.

bbe@Matthew:17:14 @And when they came to the people, a man went down on his knees to him, saying,

bbe@Matthew:17:27 @But, so that we may not be a cause of trouble to them, go to the sea, and let down a hook, and take the first fish which comes up; and in his mouth you will see a bit of money: take that, and give it to them for me and you.

bbe@Matthew:18:26 @So the servant went down on his face and gave him worship, saying, Lord, give me time to make payment and I will give you all.

bbe@Matthew:18:29 @So that servant went down on his face, requesting him and saying, Give me time and I will make payment to you.

bbe@Matthew:21:8 @And all the people put their clothing down in the way; and others got branches from the trees, and put them down in the way.

bbe@Matthew:21:44 @Any man falling on this stone will be broken, but he on whom it comes down will be crushed to dust.

bbe@Matthew:22:7 @But the king was angry; and he sent his armies, and those who had put his servants to death he gave to destruction, burning down their town with fire.

bbe@Matthew:24:2 @But he, answering, said to them, See you not all these things? truly I say to you that here there will not be one stone resting on another, which will not be pulled down.

bbe@Matthew:24:17 @Let not him who is on the house-top go down to take anything out of his house:

bbe@Matthew:24:29 @But straight away, after the trouble of those days, the sun will be made dark and the moon will not give her light and the stars will come down from heaven and the powers of heaven will be moved:

bbe@Matthew:26:39 @And he went forward a little, and falling down on his face in prayer, he said, O my Father, if it is possible, let this cup go from me; but let not my pleasure, but yours be done.

bbe@Matthew:27:5 @And he put down the silver in the Temple and went out, and put himself to death by hanging.

bbe@Matthew:27:29 @And they made a crown of thorns and put it on his head, and put a rod in his right hand, and they went down on their knees before him, and made sport of him, saying, Long life to the King of the Jews.

bbe@Matthew:27:40 @You who would give the Temple to destruction and put it up again in three days, get yourself free: if you are the Son of God, come down from the cross.

bbe@Matthew:27:42 @A saviour of others, he has no salvation for himself. If he is the King of Israel, let him now come down from the cross, and we will have faith in him.

bbe@Matthew:28:2 @And there was a great earth-shock; for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, rolling back the stone, took his seat on it.

bbe@Mark:1:10 @And straight away, coming up out of the water, he saw the heavens broken open and the Spirit coming down on him as a dove:

bbe@Mark:1:32 @And in the evening, at sundown, they took to him all who were diseased, and those who had evil spirits.

bbe@Mark:1:40 @And a leper came to him and, going down on his knees before him, made a request, saying, If it is your pleasure, you have the power to make me clean.

bbe@Mark:2:4 @And when they were unable to get near him because of all the people, they got the roof uncovered where he was: and when it was broken up, they let down the bed on which the man was.

bbe@Mark:3:10 @For he had made such a great number well that all those who were diseased were falling down before him for the purpose of touching him

bbe@Mark:3:11 @And the unclean spirits, whenever they saw him, went down before him, crying out, and saying, You are the Son of God.

bbe@Mark:3:22 @And the scribes who came down from Jerusalem, said, He has Beelzebub, and, By the ruler of evil spirits he sends evil spirits out of men.

bbe@Mark:4:39 @And he came out of his sleep, and gave strong orders to the wind, and said to the sea, Peace, be at rest. And the wind went down, and there was a great calm.

bbe@Mark:5:3 @He was living in the place of the dead: and no man was able to keep him down, no, not with a chain;

bbe@Mark:5:13 @And he let them do it. And the unclean spirits came out and went into the pigs; and the herd went rushing down a sharp slope into the sea, about two thousand of them; and they came to their death in the sea.

bbe@Mark:5:22 @And one of the rulers of the Synagogue, Jairus by name, came, and seeing him, went down at his feet,

bbe@Mark:6:51 @And he went to them into the boat, and the wind went down, and they were full of wonder in themselves;

bbe@Mark:7:3 @Now the Pharisees, and all the Jews, do not take food without washing their hands with care, keeping the old rule which has been handed down to them:

bbe@Mark:7:4 @And when they come from the market-place, they take no food till their hands are washed; and a number of other orders there are, which have been handed down to them to keep--washings of cups and pots and brass vessels.

bbe@Mark:7:9 @And he said to them, Truly you put on one side the law of God, so that you may keep the rules which have been handed down to you.

bbe@Mark:7:25 @But a woman, whose little daughter had an unclean spirit, having had news of him, came straight away and went down at his feet.

bbe@Mark:9:9 @And while they were coming down from the mountain, he gave them orders not to give word to any man of the things they had seen, till the Son of man had come back from the dead.

bbe@Mark:9:18 @And wherever it takes him, it puts him down violently, streaming at the lips and twisted with pain; and his strength goes from him; and I made a request to your disciples to send it out, and they were not able.

bbe@Mark:9:20 @And they took him to him: and when he saw him, the spirit in him straight away became violent; and he went down on the earth, rolling about and streaming at the lips

bbe@Mark:10:17 @And while he was going out into the way, a man came running to him, and went down on his knees, saying, Good Master, what have I to do so that I may have eternal life?

bbe@Mark:11:8 @And a great number put down their clothing in the way; and others put down branches which they had taken from the fields.

bbe@Mark:13:15 @And let him who is on the house-top not go down, or go in, to take anything out of his house:

bbe@Mark:14:35 @And he went forward a little, and falling down on the earth, made request that, if possible, the hour might go from him.

bbe@Mark:14:66 @And while Peter was down in the open square of the building, one of the servant-girls of the high priest came;

bbe@Mark:15:19 @And they gave him blows on the head with a stick and put shame on him and, going down on their knees, gave him worship

bbe@Mark:15:30 @Keep yourself from death, and come down from the cross.

bbe@Mark:15:32 @Let the Christ, the King of Israel, come down now from the cross, so that we may see and have belief. And those who were put on crosses with him said evil things against him.

bbe@Mark:15:36 @And one of them went quickly and, getting a sponge full of bitter wine, put it on a rod, and gave it to him for drink, saying, Let be; let us see if Elijah will come to take him down.

bbe@Mark:15:46 @And he got a linen cloth and, taking him down, put the linen cloth round him, and put him in a place for the dead which had been cut out of a rock; and a stone was rolled against the door.

bbe@Luke:1:2 @As they were handed down to us by those who saw them from the first and were preachers of the word,

bbe@Luke:1:52 @He has put down kings from their seats, lifting up on high the men of low degree.

bbe@Luke:1:63 @And he sent for writing materials and put down: His name is John; and they were all surprised.

bbe@Luke:2:34 @And Simeon gave them his blessing and said to Mary, his mother, See, this child will be the cause of the downfall and the lifting up of great numbers of people in Israel, and he will be a sign against which hard words will be said;

bbe@Luke:2:51 @And he went down with them and came to Nazareth; and did as he was ordered: and his mother kept all these words in her heart.

bbe@Luke:3:9 @And even now the axe is put to the root of the trees; and every tree which does not have good fruit will be cut down and put into the fire.

bbe@Luke:3:22 @The Holy Spirit came down in the form of a dove, and a voice came from heaven, saying, You are my dearly loved Son, with whom I am well pleased.

bbe@Luke:4:9 @And he took him to Jerusalem and put him on the highest point of the Temple and said to him, If you are the Son of God, let yourself go down from here; for it is said in the Writings,

bbe@Luke:4:29 @And they got up and took him out of the town to the edge of the mountain on which their town was, so that they might send him down to his death.

bbe@Luke:4:31 @And he came down to Capernaum, a town of Galilee; and he was giving them teaching on the Sabbath.

bbe@Luke:4:35 @And Jesus said to him, Be quiet, and come out of him. And when the evil spirit had put him down on the earth in the middle of them, he came out of him, having done him no damage.

bbe@Luke:4:40 @And at sundown all those who had anyone ill with any sort of disease, took them to him, and he put his hands on every one of them and made them well.

bbe@Luke:5:4 @And when his talk was ended, he said to Simon, Go out into deep water, and let down your nets for fish.

bbe@Luke:5:5 @And Simon, answering, said, Master, we were working all night and we took nothing: but at your word I will let down the nets.

bbe@Luke:5:7 @And they made signs to their friends in the other boat to come to their help. And they came, and the two boats were so full that they were going down.

bbe@Luke:5:8 @But Simon, when he saw it, went down at the knees of Jesus and said, Go away from me, O Lord, for I am a sinner.

bbe@Luke:5:12 @And it came about that while he was in one of the towns, there was a leper there: and when he saw Jesus he went down on his face in prayer to him, saying, Lord, if it is your pleasure, you have power to make me clean

bbe@Luke:5:19 @And because of the mass of people, there was no way to get him in; so they went up on the top of the house and let him down through the roof, on his bed, into the middle in front of Jesus.

bbe@Luke:6:17 @And he came down with them to a level place, and a great band of his disciples, and a very great number of people from all Judaea and Jerusalem and from the parts of Tyre and Sidon by the sea, came to give hearing to him, and to be made well from their diseases;

bbe@Luke:6:38 @Give, and it will be given to you; good measure, crushed down, full and running over, they will give to you. For in the same measure as you give, it will be given to you again.

bbe@Luke:6:49 @But he who gives hearing, without doing, is like a man building a house on the earth without a base for it; and when the force of the river came against it, straight away it came down; and the destruction of that house was great.

bbe@Luke:8:23 @But while they were sailing he went to sleep: and a storm of wind came down on the sea, and the boat became full of water and they were in danger.

bbe@Luke:8:28 @And when he saw Jesus, he gave a loud cry and went down on the earth before him and in a loud voice said, What have I to do with you, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? Do not be cruel to me.

bbe@Luke:8:33 @And the evil spirits came out of the man and went into the pigs: and the herd went rushing down a sharp slope into the water and came to destruction.

bbe@Luke:8:41 @Then there came a man named Jairus, who was a ruler in the Synagogue: and he went down at the feet of Jesus, desiring him to come to his house;

bbe@Luke:8:47 @And when the woman saw that she was not able to keep it secret, she came, shaking with fear, and falling down before him she made clear before all the people the reason for her touching him, and how she was made well straight away.

bbe@Luke:9:37 @And on the day after, when they came down from the mountain, a great band of people came to him.

bbe@Luke:9:42 @And while he was coming, he was pushed violently down and twisted by the evil spirit. But Jesus gave sharp orders to the unclean spirit, and made the boy well, and gave him back to his father.

bbe@Luke:10:15 @And you, Capernaum, were you not lifted up to heaven? you will go down to hell.

bbe@Luke:10:30 @And Jesus, answering him, said, A certain man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and he got into the hands of thieves, who took his clothing and gave him cruel blows, and when they went away, he was half dead.

bbe@Luke:10:31 @And by chance a certain priest was going down that way: and when he saw him, he went by on the other side.

bbe@Luke:12:18 @And he said, This I will do: I will take down my store-houses and make greater ones, and there I will put all my grain and my goods.

bbe@Luke:13:7 @And he said to the gardener, See, for three years I have been looking for fruit from this tree, and I have not had any: let it be cut down; why is it taking up space?

bbe@Luke:13:9 @And if, after that, it has fruit, it is well; if not, let it be cut down.

bbe@Luke:14:11 @For every man who gives himself a high place will be put down, but he who takes a low place will be lifted up.

bbe@Luke:16:6 @And he said, A hundred measures of oil. And he said, Take your account straight away and put down fifty.

bbe@Luke:16:7 @Then he said to another, What is the amount of your debt? And he said, A hundred measures of grain. And he said to him, Take your account and put down eighty.

bbe@Luke:17:16 @And, falling down on his face at the feet of Jesus, he gave the credit to him; and he was a man of Samaria.

bbe@Luke:17:29 @But on the day when Lot went out of Sodom, fire came down from heaven and destruction came on them all.

bbe@Luke:17:31 @On that day, if anyone is on the roof of the house, and his goods are in the house, let him not go down to take them away; and let him who is in the field not go back to his house.

bbe@Luke:19:5 @And when Jesus came to the place, looking up, he said to him, Zacchaeus, be quick and come down, for I am coming to your house today.

bbe@Luke:19:6 @And he came down quickly, and took him into his house with joy.

bbe@Luke:19:21 @Because I was in fear of you, for you are a hard man: you take up what you have not put down, and get in grain where you have not put seed.

bbe@Luke:19:22 @He said to him, By the words of your mouth you will be judged, you bad servant. You had knowledge that I am a hard man, taking up what I have not put down and getting in grain where I have not put seed;

bbe@Luke:19:36 @And while he went on his way they put their clothing down on the road in front of him.

bbe@Luke:20:18 @Everyone falling on that stone will be broken, but the man on whom the stone comes down will be crushed to dust.

bbe@Luke:21:6 @As for these things which you see, the days will come when not one stone will be resting on another, but all will be broken down.

bbe@Luke:23:30 @And they will say to the mountains, Come down on us, and to the hills, Be a cover over us.

bbe@Luke:23:53 @And he took it down, and folding it in a linen cloth, he put it in a place cut in the rock for a dead body; and no one had ever been put in it.

bbe@Luke:24:5 @And while their faces were bent down to the earth in fear, these said to them, Why are you looking for the living among the dead?

bbe@John:1:32 @And John gave this witness, saying, I saw the Spirit coming down from heaven like a dove and resting on him.

bbe@John:1:33 @I had no knowledge who he was, but he who sent me to give baptism with water said to me, The one on whom you see the Spirit coming down and resting, it is he who gives baptism with the Holy Spirit.

bbe@John:1:52 @And he said to him, Truly I say to you all, You will see heaven opening and God's angels going up and coming down on the Son of man.

bbe@John:2:12 @After this he went down to Capernaum, with his mother, his brothers, and his disciples, and they were there not more than two or three days.

bbe@John:3:13 @And no one has ever gone up to heaven but he who came down from heaven, the Son of man.

bbe@John:4:28 @Then the woman put down her water-pot and went into the town, and said to the people,

bbe@John:4:47 @When it came to his ears that Jesus had come from Judaea into Galilee, he went to him and made a request that he would come down to his son, who was near to death, and make him well.

bbe@John:4:49 @The man said, Sir, come down before my boy is dead.

bbe@John:4:51 @And while he was going down, his servants came to him and said, Your boy is living.

bbe@John:5:7 @The ill man said in answer, Sir, I have nobody to put me into the bath when the water is moving; and while I am on the way down some other person gets in before me.

bbe@John:6:16 @When evening came the disciples went down to the sea;

bbe@John:6:33 @The bread of God is the bread which comes down out of heaven and gives life to the world.

bbe@John:6:38 @For I have come down from heaven, not to do my pleasure, but the pleasure of him who sent me.

bbe@John:6:41 @Now the Jews said bitter things about Jesus because of his words, I am the bread which came down from heaven.

bbe@John:6:42 @And they said, Is not this Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we have seen? How is it then that he now says, I have come down from heaven?

bbe@John:6:58 @This is the bread which has come down from heaven. It is not like the food which your fathers had: they took of the manna, and are dead; but he who takes this bread for food will have life for ever.

bbe@John:8:6 @They said this, testing him, so that they might have something against him. But Jesus, with his head bent down, made letters on the floor with his finger.

bbe@John:10:12 @He who is a servant, and not the keeper or the owner of the sheep, sees the wolf coming and goes in flight, away from the sheep; and the wolf comes down on them and sends them in all directions:

bbe@John:11:32 @When Mary came to where Jesus was and saw him, she went down at his feet, saying, Lord, if you had been here my brother would not be dead.

bbe@John:21:6 @And he said to them, Let down the net on the right side of the boat and you will get some. So they put it in the water and now they were not able to get it up again because of the great number of fish.

bbe@Acts:3:2 @And a certain man who from birth had had no power in his legs, was taken there every day, and put down at the door of the Temple which is named Beautiful, requesting money from those who went into the Temple;

bbe@Acts:5:5 @And at these words, Ananias went down on the earth, and his life went from him: and great fear came on all who were present.

bbe@Acts:5:10 @And straight away she went down at his feet, and her life went from her: and the young men came in and saw her dead, and they took her out and put her in the earth with her husband.

bbe@Acts:6:14 @For he has said in our hearing that this Jesus of Nazareth will put this place to destruction and make changes in the rules which were handed down to us by Moses

bbe@Acts:7:15 @And Jacob went down to Egypt, and came to his end there, and so did our fathers;

bbe@Acts:7:34 @Truly, I have seen the sorrows of my people in Egypt, and their cries have come to my ears, and I have come down to make them free: and now, come, I will send you to Egypt.

bbe@Acts:7:60 @And going down on his knees, he said in a loud voice, Lord, do not make them responsible for this sin. And when he had said this, he went to his rest.

bbe@Acts:8:5 @And Philip went down to Samaria and was teaching them about Christ.

bbe@Acts:8:38 @And he gave orders for the carriage to be stopped, and the two of them went down into the water, and Philip gave him baptism.

bbe@Acts:9:4 @And he went down on the earth, and a voice said to him, Saul, Saul, why are you attacking me so cruelly?

bbe@Acts:9:25 @But his disciples took him by night and let him down from the wall in a basket.

bbe@Acts:9:40 @But Peter made them all go outside, and went down on his knees in prayer; and turning to the body, he said, Tabitha, get up. And, opening her eyes, she saw Peter and got up.

bbe@Acts:10:11 @And he saw the heavens opening, and a vessel coming down, like a great cloth let down on the earth,

bbe@Acts:10:20 @Go down, then, and go with them, doubting nothing, for I have sent them.

bbe@Acts:10:21 @And Peter went down to the men, and said, I am the man you are looking for: why have you come?

bbe@Acts:10:25 @And when Peter came in, Cornelius came to him and, falling down at his feet, gave him worship.

bbe@Acts:11:5 @I was in the town of Joppa, at prayer: and falling into a deep sleep, I saw in a vision a vessel like a great cloth let down from heaven, and it came down to me:

bbe@Acts:12:10 @And when they had gone past the first and second watchmen they came to the iron door into the town, which came open by itself: and they went out and down one street; and then the angel went away.

bbe@Acts:12:19 @And Herod, when he sent for him, and he was not there, after questioning the watchmen, gave orders that they were to be put to death. Then he went down from Judaea to Caesarea for a time.

bbe@Acts:13:4 @So, being sent out by the Holy Spirit, they went down to Seleucia; and from there they went by ship to Cyprus.

bbe@Acts:13:11 @And now, see, the hand of the Lord is on you, and you will be blind and not able to see the sun for a time. And straight away a dark mist came down on him; and he went about looking for a guide.

bbe@Acts:13:29 @And when they had done all the things said in the Writings about him, they took him down from the tree, and put him in the place of the dead.

bbe@Acts:14:11 @And when the people saw what Paul had done, they said in a loud voice, in the language of Lycaonia, The gods have come down to us in the form of men.

bbe@Acts:14:25 @And, after preaching the word in Perga, they went down to Attalia;

bbe@Acts:15:1 @Now certain men came down from Judaea, teaching the brothers and saying that without circumcision, after the rule of Moses, there is no salvation.

bbe@Acts:15:16 @After these things I will come back, and will put up the tent of David which has been broken down, building up again its broken parts and making it complete:

bbe@Acts:15:30 @So they, being sent away, came down to Antioch, and having got the people together, they gave them the letter.

bbe@Acts:16:8 @And going past Mysia, they came down to Troas.

bbe@Acts:16:29 @And he sent for lights and came rushing in and, shaking with fear, went down on his face before Paul and Silas,

bbe@Acts:18:5 @And when Silas and Timothy came down from Macedonia, Paul was completely given up to the word, preaching to the Jews that the Christ was Jesus.

bbe@Acts:18:19 @And they came down to Ephesus and he left them there: and he himself went into the Synagogue and had a discussion with the Jews.

bbe@Acts:18:22 @And when he had come to land at Caesarea, he went to see the church, and then went down to Antioch.

bbe@Acts:19:27 @And there is danger, not only that our trade may be damaged in the opinion of men, but that the holy place of the great goddess Diana may be no longer honoured, and that she to whom all Asia and the world give worship, will be put down from her high position.

bbe@Acts:19:35 @And when the chief secretary had got the people quiet, he said, Men of Ephesus, is any man without knowledge that the town of Ephesus is the keeper of the holy place of the great Diana, who was sent down from Jupiter?

bbe@Acts:20:10 @And Paul went down and, falling on him, took him in his arms and said, Do not be troubled, for his life is in him.

bbe@Acts:20:36 @And having said these words, he went down on his knees in prayer with them all.

bbe@Acts:21:10 @And while we were waiting there for some days, a certain prophet, named Agabus, came down from Judaea.

bbe@Acts:21:32 @And straight away he took some armed men and went quickly down to them: and the Jews, seeing them, gave no more blows to Paul.

bbe@Acts:22:7 @And when I went down on the earth, a voice came to my ears saying to me, Saul, Saul, why are you attacking me so cruelly?

bbe@Acts:23:15 @So now, will you and the Sanhedrin make a request to the military authorities to have him sent down to you, as if you were desiring to go into the business in greater detail; and we, before ever he gets to you, will be waiting to put him to death.

bbe@Acts:23:28 @And, desiring to get at the reason for their attack on him, I took him down to their Sanhedrin:

bbe@Acts:24:22 @But Felix, who had a more detailed knowledge of the Way, put them off, saying, When Lysias, the chief captain, comes down, I will give attention to your business.

bbe@Acts:25:6 @And when he had been with them not more than eight or ten days, he went down to Caesarea; and on the day after, he took his place on the judge's seat, and sent for Paul.

bbe@Acts:25:7 @And when he came, the Jews who had come down from Jerusalem came round him, and made all sorts of serious statements against him, which were not supported by the facts.

bbe@Acts:26:14 @And when we had all gone down on the earth, a voice came to me, saying in the Hebrew language, Saul, Saul, why are you attacking me so cruelly? It is hard for you to go against the impulse which is driving you.

bbe@Acts:27:8 @And sailing down the side of it, as well as we were able, we came to a certain place named Fair Havens, near which was the town of Lasea.

bbe@Acts:27:13 @And when the south wind came softly, being of the opinion that their purpose might be effected, they let the ship go and went sailing down the side of Crete, very near to the land

bbe@Acts:27:14 @But after a little time, a very violent wind, named Euraquilo, came down from it with great force.

bbe@Acts:27:17 @And having got it up, they put cords under and round the ship; but fearing that they might be pushed on to the Syrtis, they let down the sails and so went running before the wind.

bbe@Acts:27:28 @And they let down the lead, and saw that the sea was a hundred and twenty feet deep; and after a little time they did it again and it was ninety feet.

bbe@Acts:27:29 @Then, fearing that by chance we might come on to the rocks, they let down four hooks from the back of the ship, and made prayers for the coming of day.

bbe@Acts:27:30 @Then the sailors made attempts secretly to get away from the ship, letting down a boat as if they were about to put down hooks from the front of the ship;

bbe@Acts:28:6 @But they had the idea that they would see him becoming ill, or suddenly falling down dead; but after waiting a long time, and seeing that no damage came to him, changing their opinion, they said he was a god.

bbe@Romans:1:18 @For there is a revelation of the wrath of God from heaven against all the wrongdoing and evil thoughts of men who keep down what is true by wrongdoing;

bbe@Romans:6:9 @Having knowledge that because Christ has come back from the dead, he will never again go down to the dead; death has no more power over him.

bbe@Romans:10:6 @But the righteousness which is of faith says these words, Say not in your heart, Who will go up to heaven? (that is, to make Christ come down:)

bbe@Romans:10:7 @Or, Who will go down into the deep? (that is, to make Christ come again from the dead:)

bbe@Romans:11:10 @Let their eyes be made dark so that they may not see, and let their back be bent down at all times.

bbe@Romans:15:4 @Now those things which were put down in writing before our time were for our learning, so that through quiet waiting and through the comfort of the holy Writings we might have hope.

bbe@1Corinthians:3:11 @For there is no other base for the building but that which has been put down, which is Jesus Christ.

bbe@1Corinthians:10:11 @Now these things were done as an example; and were put down in writing for our teaching, on whom the last days have come.

bbe@1Corinthians:11:2 @Now I am pleased to see that you keep me in memory in all things, and that you give attention to the teaching which was handed down from me to you.

bbe@1Corinthians:11:23 @For it was handed down to me from the Lord, as I gave it to you, that the Lord Jesus, on the night when Judas was false to him, took bread,

bbe@1Corinthians:14:25 @The secrets of his heart are made clear; and he will go down on his face and give worship to God, saying that God is truly among you.

bbe@1Corinthians:15:3 @For I gave to you first of all what was handed down to me, how Christ underwent death for our sins, as it says in the Writings;

bbe@2Corinthians:5:1 @For we are conscious that if this our tent of flesh is taken down, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal, in heaven.

bbe@2Corinthians:11:33 @And being let down in a basket from the wall through a window, I got free from his hands.

bbe@Galatians:1:14 @And I went farther in the Jews' religion than a number of my generation among my countrymen, having a more burning interest in the beliefs handed down from my fathers.

bbe@Ephesians:2:14 @For he is our peace, who has made the two into one, and by whom the middle wall of division has been broken down,

bbe@Ephesians:3:14 @For this cause I go down on my knees before the Father,

bbe@Ephesians:4:9 @(Now this, He went up, what is it but that he first went down into the lower parts of the earth?

bbe@Ephesians:4:10 @He who went down is the same who went up far over all the heavens so that he might make all things complete

bbe@Ephesians:4:26 @Be angry without doing wrong; let not the sun go down on your wrath;

bbe@Philippians:4:12 @It is the same to me if I am looked down on or honoured; everywhere and in all things I have the secret of how to be full and how to go without food; how to have wealth and how to be in need.

bbe@1Thessalonians:4:16 @Because the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a word of authority, with the voice of the chief angel, with the sound of a horn: and the dead in Christ will come to life first;

bbe@2Timothy:3:6 @For these are they who go secretly into houses, making prisoners of foolish women, weighted down with sin, turned from the way by their evil desires,

bbe@Hebrews:11:30 @By faith the walls of Jericho came down, after they had been circled for seven days.

bbe@Hebrews:12:12 @For this cause let the hands which are hanging down be lifted up, and let the feeble knees be made strong,

bbe@James:5:18 @And he made another prayer, and the heaven sent down rain and the earth gave her fruit.

bbe@1Peter:1:12 @And it was made clear to those prophets that they were God's servants not for themselves but for you, to give you word of the things which have now come to your ears from the preachers of the good news through the Holy Spirit sent down from heaven; things which even angels have a desire to see.

bbe@2Peter:2:4 @For if God did not have pity for the angels who did evil, but sent them down into hell, to be kept in chains of eternal night till they were judged;

bbe@2John:1:12 @Having much to say to you, it is not my purpose to put it all down with paper and ink: but I am hoping to come to you, and to have talk with you face to face, so that your joy may be full.

bbe@3John:1:13 @I had much to say to you, but it is not my purpose to put it all down with ink and pen: