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bwe@Matthew:2:9 @ After they heard what the king said, they went away. And the star, which they had seen rising, went in front of them. It stopped above the place where the child was.

bwe@Matthew:5:24 @ If so, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First, go to your brother and make things right with him. Then come and give your gift to God.

bwe@Matthew:6:2 @ So when you give money to poor people, do not send men in front of you to blow trumpets or horns. Some people do this in the meeting houses and on the streets so that people will praise them. They are not true to themselves. I tell you the truth. They have their pay already.

bwe@Matthew:8:2 @ A man who had leprosy <FI>a bad skin disease<Fi> came and kneeled in front of Jesus and worshipped him. He said to Jesus, Sir, I know you can heal me if you want to.

bwe@Matthew:9:18 @ While Jesus was telling them these things, a ruler came to him. He bowed down in front of Jesus to worship him and said, My daughter has just died. But if you will come and put your hand on her, she will live.

bwe@Matthew:14:33 @ Then the men in the boat bowed down in front of Jesus. They said, You really are the Son of God.

bwe@Matthew:15:24 @ But the woman came and bowed down in front of Jesus and worshipped him. She said, Sir, help me.

bwe@Matthew:15:29 @ Many people came to him. They brought sick people with them. Some were lame. Some were hurt. Some were blind. Some could not talk. And there were many others. They laid them down in front of Jesus. And he healed them.

bwe@Matthew:17:2 @ Jesus was changed in front of them. His face was bright like the sun. His clothes were white, like light.

bwe@Matthew:17:14 @ They came to the people. A man came and kneeled in front of Jesus.

bwe@Matthew:18:2 @ Jesus called a child to him. He had the child stand in front of them.

bwe@Matthew:18:26 @ So the servant bowed down in front of him. He begged, "Sir, give me time. I will pay everything."

bwe@Matthew:18:29 @ Then this servant bowed down in front of him. He begged, "Give me time. I will pay you."

bwe@Matthew:20:20 @ Then Zebedees wife came with her sons to Jesus. She bowed down in front of him and asked him to do something for her.

bwe@Matthew:21:2 @ He said to them, Go into the village in front of you. As soon as you go in, you will find a donkey for riding, and her young one. They are tied there. Untie them and bring them to me.

bwe@Matthew:21:9 @ People in front of him and people behind him shouted, Praise the Son of David! God bless him who comes in the name of the Lord! Praise him in heaven!

bwe@Matthew:23:6 @ They want to sit in the best places at the feasts. They want to have the front seats in the meeting houses.

bwe@Matthew:25:32 @ All the nations will be gathered in front of him. He will put them in two groups like a man who takes care of sheep. He puts the sheep on one side of him and he puts the goats on the other side of him.

bwe@Matthew:26:70 @ But Peter said in front of them all, I do not know what you are talking about.

bwe@Matthew:27:24 @ Pilate saw that he was not doing any good. And the people were making a lot of loud noise. So he washed his hands in water in front of the people. Then he said, I will not say this man must be killed. You must do that.

bwe@Matthew:27:29 @ They made a big ring of thorns like a crown and put it on his head. They put a stick in his right hand. Then they kneeled down in front of him and made fun of him. They shouted, Greetings, King of the Jews!

bwe@Matthew:28:9 @ As they were going, Jesus met them. He said Greetings! The women bowed down in front of him and put their hands on his feet.

bwe@Matthew:28:17 @ When they saw him, they bowed down in front of him. But some people were not sure.

bwe@Mark:2:12 @ Right away the man stood up in front of them. He took up his mat and went home. They were all very much surprised, and they praised God. They said, We have never seen anything like this before.

bwe@Mark:5:6 @ Jesus was still far from him, but when he saw Jesus he ran to him. He kneeled down in front of Jesus and worshipped him.

bwe@Mark:5:33 @ The woman was afraid and trembled. She knew what had happened to her. She kneeled down in front of Jesus and told him the truth about herself.

bwe@Mark:9:2 @ Six days after this, Jesus took Peter, James, and John with him. He led them up a hill by themselves. Jesus was changed in front of them.

bwe@Mark:9:36 @ Jesus took a child and had him stand in front of them. Then he took the child in his arms and said,

bwe@Mark:10:32 @ Jesus and his disciples were on the road to Jerusalem. Jesus was walking in front of them. The disciples were surprised. And the people who came behind were afraid. He took the twelve disciples and began to tell them what was going to happen to him.

bwe@Mark:11:2 @ He said, Go into the village in front of you. As soon as you go in, you will find an animal tied. No one has ever sat on it. Untie it and bring it to me.

bwe@Mark:11:9 @ People in front of him and people behind him shouted, Praise God! God bless him who comes in the name of the Lord!

bwe@Mark:12:39 @ They want to sit in the front seats in the meeting houses. They want to sit in the best places at feasts.

bwe@Mark:15:39 @ The captain who stood in front of Jesus saw that he died. He said, Surely, this man was Gods Son.

bwe@Luke:2:46 @ On the third day they found him in the temple. He was sitting in front of the teachers of the law. He was listening to them and asking them questions.

bwe@Luke:4:35 @ Jesus said to him, Be quiet! Come out of him! The bad spirit threw the man down in front of them. He came out of the man and did not hurt him.

bwe@Luke:5:8 @ When Simon Peter saw this, he kneeled down in front of Jesus. He said, Lord, leave me because I am a bad man!

bwe@Luke:5:18 @ Some men brought a sick man on his bed. The man could not move his arms or legs. They tried to bring him in and put him in front of Jesus.

bwe@Luke:5:19 @ But they could not get in the house where Jesus was, because there were so many people. So they went up on the roof. Then through a hole in the roof they let down the bed with the sick man on it, until he was in front of Jesus.

bwe@Luke:5:25 @ Right away the man stood up in front of them. He took up his bed and went home praising God.

bwe@Luke:6:8 @ But Jesus knew what they were thinking. He spoke to the man whose hand was thin and weak. He said, Come and stand here in front The man stood up.

bwe@Luke:8:28 @ When he saw Jesus, he screamed loudly and bowed down in front of him. He called out loud, Jesus, Son of the Highest One! What do you want to do to me? I beg you, do not hurt me.

bwe@Luke:8:41 @ A man named Jairus came to him. He was a ruler in the meeting house. He bowed down in front of Jesus and begged him to come to his house.

bwe@Luke:8:47 @ The woman saw that he knew about her. So she came trembling and bowed down in front of him. She told him in front of all the people why she had touched him. She told him that she had been healed right away.

bwe@Luke:11:43 @ You Pharisees will have trouble! In the meeting houses you want to sit in the front seats. And in the market you want people to greet you.

bwe@Luke:14:2 @ man stood in front of him. He was sick. His body was filled with water.

bwe@Luke:17:16 @ He bowed down in front of Jesus and thanked him. He was a man from the country of Samaria.

bwe@Luke:18:39 @ The people in front said, Be quiet! But he shouted louder and said, Son of David! Help me!

bwe@Luke:19:27 @ But where are those people who hate me and did not want me to rule over them? Bring them here and kill them right here in front of me."

bwe@Luke:19:30 @ He said, Go into the village in front of you. As soon as you go in, you will find an animal tied up. No one has ever sat on it. Untie it and bring it to me.

bwe@Luke:20:26 @ They were not able to catch him in anything he said in front of the people. They were surprised at his answer and they could not say anything.

bwe@Luke:20:46 @ He said, Take care. Do not let the scribes fool you. They like to walk about dressed in long gowns. They want people to greet them in the market. They want to have the front seats in the meeting houses. They want to sit in the best places at feasts.

bwe@Luke:21:36 @ Watch all the time. Ask God to make you strong to do right so that you will not go through all these things that are going to happen. Ask him to make you able to stand in front of the Son of Man.

bwe@Luke:23:14 @ He said to them, You brought this man to me. You said he is leading your people to do wrong. I have asked questions here in front of you. I have found nothing wrong in this man.

bwe@Luke:24:40 @ He took the fish and ate it in front of them.

bwe@John:8:3 @ The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman to Jesus. They had caught her having sex with a man who was not her husband. They made the woman stand in front of them.

bwe@John:8:9 @ When the people heard what he said, they went out, one by one. The oldest one went out first. Jesus was left alone with the woman in front of him.

bwe@John:9:38 @ The man said, Sir, I do believe. He kneeled down in front of Jesus and worshipped him.

bwe@Acts:3:16 @ This man whom you see and know, believed in the name of Jesus Christ. This mans faith in that name has healed him. Yes, believing in Jesus Christ has made him well here in front of you all.

bwe@Acts:10:30 @ Cornelius answered, Four days ago, it was just at this time, three oclock. I was in my house talking with God. I had not eaten any food. A man stood in front of me wearing shining clothes.

bwe@Acts:14:13 @ There was a temple of Jupiter in front of the city. The priest of the temple brought animals and flowers to the gates to make a sacrifice. All the people were with him.

bwe@Acts:18:17 @ They caught a man. His name was Sosthenes. He was the head ruler of the meeting house. They beat him in front of the judge, but Gallio did nothing about it.

bwe@Acts:19:9 @ Some of them were fixed in their minds and would not believe. They said, The Christian way is not good They said this in front of all the people. So Paul left them and took the disciples away. He talked and answered the questions of the people every day in the school of a man named Tyrannus.

bwe@Acts:19:19 @ Many had been witch-doctors. They brought their books and burned them in front of all the people. All the books together had cost about 50,000 silver coins.

bwe@Acts:19:33 @ The Jews pushed Alexander forward. Some of the people put him in front. He put up his hand and wanted to talk to the people.

bwe@Acts:27:30 @ The boatmen wanted to get off and leave the boat. They even put down the small boat into the water. They said they were going to put more anchors out from the front of the big boat.

bwe@Acts:27:35 @ When he had said this, he stood in front of them all. He took some bread and thanked God for it. Then he broke it and began to eat it.

bwe@Acts:27:41 @ But they came to a place where there was sand under the water. The boat stuck in it. The front end stuck so badly that they could not make it go. The back end began to break up because the water beat it so hard.

bwe@Galatians:2:14 @ But I saw they were not doing right. They were not obeying the true teaching of the good news. So I said to Peter in front of them all, You are a Jew. But you live the way people do who are not Jews. How then can you force those who are not Jews to live the way the Jews do?

bwe@1Timothy:5:20 @ Talk to those who live a wrong life and tell them to stop it. Talk to them in front of all the church members. Then the others will be afraid to do it.

bwe@Hebrews:12:1 @ We have all these people all around us, proving to us that we should believe God. So then, like people running a race, we must take off everything that is heavy. We must put off all wrong, wrong things that get in our way. We must not stop running until we reach the mark that has been put in front of us.

bwe@Hebrews:12:2 @ We must keep our eyes on Jesus. He believed from first to last. What was put in front of him made him glad, so he did not give up when the people nailed him on a cross. He did not care about the shame. And now he is sitting beside God.

bwe@1John:3:19 @ And this is how we will know that we are true. This is why we will not be afraid in front of God.

bwe@1John:3:21 @ My dear brothers, if our hearts do not think we are wrong, we will not be afraid in front of God.