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bwe@Matthew:2:9 @ After they heard what the king said, they went away. And the star, which they had seen rising, went in front of them. It stopped above the place where the child was.

bwe@Matthew:4:16 @ And he said, The people who lived in darkness have seen a great Light. Light has come to those who lived in a land covered by the dark shadow of death.

bwe@Matthew:9:33 @ Jesus drove the bad spirit out of the man. Then he could talk. The people were very much surprised. They said, Nothing like this has ever been seen in the country of Israel.

bwe@Matthew:10:26 @ So do not be afraid of people. Everything that is hidden will be seen. Everything that is hidden will be known.

bwe@Matthew:23:5 @ They do all their work to be seen by people. They wear bigger and bigger boxes with Gods word in. And they make wider and wider borders on their gowns.

bwe@Matthew:24:27 @ When lightning shines in the east, it can be seen in the west. It will be like that when the Son of Man comes.

bwe@Mark:2:12 @ Right away the man stood up in front of them. He took up his mat and went home. They were all very much surprised, and they praised God. They said, We have never seen anything like this before.

bwe@Mark:4:22 @ Everything that is hidden will be seen. Everything that is secret will be known and come out to be seen.

bwe@Mark:5:16 @ Those who had seen it told them what had happened to the man who used to have many bad spirits. And they told about the pigs.

bwe@Mark:16:10 @ She went and told the disciples that she had seen him. They were still crying because Jesus was dead.

bwe@Mark:16:11 @ Mary told them that he was living. She had seen him. But they would not believe it.

bwe@Luke:1:22 @ When he came out, he could not talk to them. They knew that he had seen something in the temple. He made signs to them with his hands and did not talk.

bwe@Luke:2:20 @ Then the men who were taking care of the sheep went back. They praised and thanked God for all they had heard and seen. It was just as they had been told it would be.

bwe@Luke:2:26 @ The Holy Spirit had shown him that he would not die before he had seen the Lords Christ.

bwe@Luke:2:30 @ I have seen with my own eyes the one you have sent to save people.

bwe@Luke:5:26 @ The people were all surprised and they praised God. They did not know what to think. They said, We have seen things today that are hard to believe.

bwe@Luke:7:22 @ He answered Johns disciples, Go tell John what you have seen and heard. Blind people see. The lame people walk. People with leprosy are healed. People who could not hear can hear. Dead people are alive again. Poor people hear the good news.

bwe@Luke:8:17 @ Everything that is hidden will be seen. Everything that is secret will be known and come out to be seen.

bwe@Luke:8:36 @ Those who had seen it told the people how the man had been saved from the bad spirits.

bwe@Luke:9:36 @ The talking stopped. Then Jesus was left alone. The disciples did not say anything. They did not tell anyone at that time what they had seen.

bwe@Luke:12:2 @ Everything that is covered up will be seen. Everything that is hidden will be known.

bwe@Luke:17:30 @ That is the way it will be on the day when the Son of Man is seen.

bwe@Luke:19:37 @ He came near the top of the hill called the Mount of Olives. Then all the people who believed in him began to be happy. They sang out loudly, and praised God in a loud voice for all the big works they had seen.

bwe@Luke:24:45 @ You are the men who have seen these things, and will tell people about them.

bwe@John:1:18 @ No one has ever seen God. But his only Son is very near to his Fathers heart. He has told us plainly about God.

bwe@John:3:11 @ I tell you the truth. We know what we are talking about. We talk about the things we have seen. But you will not believe what we tell you.

bwe@John:3:32 @ He tells what he has seen and heard, but no one wants to believe what he says.

bwe@John:4:44 @ When he came to Galilee, the people of that country were glad to see him. They had seen all the things he did when he was at the feast in Jerusalem. They had been at the feast also.

bwe@John:6:22 @ The people who stayed back on the land had seen one boat only. They had seen the disciples get in it and go away without Jesus.

bwe@John:6:36 @ But I said to you that you have seen me, and yet you will not believe in me.

bwe@John:6:46 @ But no person has seen my Father. The only one who has seen him is the one who comes from God. He has seen my Father.

bwe@John:8:38 @ I tell you about the things that I have seen where my Father is, and you do what you have seen your father do.

bwe@John:9:8 @ His neighbours and other people had seen him when he was blind. They said, Is not this the same man who used to sit here and beg?

bwe@John:9:37 @ Jesus said, You have already seen him. The person who is talking to you now, he is the Son of God.

bwe@John:12:37 @ Even though they had seen Jesus doing many big works, they did not believe in him.

bwe@John:12:38 @ What the prophet Isaiah said came true. He said, Lord, who has believed what we told them? Who has believed even though they have seen the power of Gods hand?

bwe@John:14:7 @ If you knew me, you would have known my Father also. But from now on you do know him because you have seen him.

bwe@John:14:9 @ Jesus said to him, Philip, you mean to say that I have been with you all this time and yet you do not know me? The person who has seen me has seen my Father also. Why do you say, "Show us your Father"?

bwe@John:15:24 @ No other person has ever done the work that I have done. If they had, then what they did would not be a wrong thing. But now they have seen me and hated me and my Father also.

bwe@John:20:18 @ Mary Magdalene went to the disciples. She said, I have seen the Lord! And she told them what he had said to her.

bwe@John:20:25 @ The other disciples told him about it. They said, We have seen the Lord! Thomas said, I will not believe unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands. I will not believe unless I put my finger on the mark and feel his side with my hand.

bwe@John:20:29 @ Jesus said to him, You yourself have seen me. Is that why you now believe? God will bless people who believe though they have not seen me.

bwe@Acts:4:20 @ As for us, we must tell the things we have seen and heard.

bwe@Acts:7:34 @ I have looked and seen the trouble my people have in Egypt. I have heard them crying and I have come to make them free. Now come, I will send you to Egypt."

bwe@Acts:9:12 @ In a vision he has seen a man named Ananias coming to him. He has seen him put his hands on him so that he may see again.

bwe@Acts:9:27 @ But Barnabas took him and brought him to the apostles. He told them, Saul has seen the Lord on the road. The Lord has talked to him. After that he told Gods word in the name of Jesus, without fear at Damascus.

bwe@Acts:10:17 @ I have seen a strange thing, Peter said to himself. I wonder what it all means. He was thinking about all this. And the men whom Cornelius sent had asked the way to Simons house. Now they stood at the gate.

bwe@Acts:10:19 @ Peter was still thinking about what he had seen. Then the Spirit of God said to him, Three men are looking for you.

bwe@Acts:11:13 @ He told us that he had seen Gods angel standing in his house. The angel said to him, "Send men to Joppa to call Simon whose other name is Peter.

bwe@Acts:16:10 @ After Paul had seen the vision, we tried to leave for Macedonia right away. We believed that the Lord had called us to tell the people there the good news.

bwe@Acts:21:29 @ They said this because they had seen a man from Ephesus named Trophimus. He was in the city with Paul. And they thought that Paul had brought him into the temple.

bwe@Acts:22:15 @ You will speak for him. You will tell all the people what you have seen and heard.

bwe@Romans:8:19 @ The whole world is waiting for the time when the sons of God will be seen.

bwe@Romans:8:24 @ That is what we hoped for when we were saved. When the thing hoped for is seen, there is no more hoping. When a person sees a thing, how can he hope for it?

bwe@1Corinthians:2:9 @ The holy writings say, No eye has seen the things God has made ready for those who love him. No ear has heard about them. No persons heart has ever thought of them.

bwe@1Corinthians:3:13 @ But the day will come when everyones work can be seen. Their work will be tested by fire and the fire will show what kind of work each one did.

bwe@1Corinthians:9:1 @ Am I not free? Am I not an apostle? Have I not seen Jesus our Lord? Are you people not proof of the work I do for the Lord?

bwe@2Corinthians:4:10 @ We always feel as if our body is dying, just as Jesus died. Then the life of Jesus also can be seen in our body.

bwe@2Corinthians:4:11 @ While we live we are always ready to die for Jesus. And so the life of Jesus is also seen in our bodies which will die.

bwe@2Corinthians:4:17 @ We are not looking at things that can be seen, but at things that cannot be seen. The things which can be seen last only a little while. But the things which cannot be seen last for ever.

bwe@2Corinthians:5:11 @ No, we are not praising ourselves again. But we are telling you this so that you may really be proud of us. Then you will be ready to answer people who are proud of themselves. They are proud of the things which can be seen.But in their hearts they have nothing to be proud of.

bwe@Galatians:1:22 @ At that time the churches of Christ in Judea did not know me. They had never seen me.

bwe@Galatians:3:1 @ O you Galatians, have you no sense at all? Who has fooled you? You knew, just as if you had seen him with your own eyes, that Jesus Christ was killed on a cross.

bwe@Galatians:6:12 @ Some people want to do things that can be seen. They try to force you to be circumcised. They want to hide from trouble which would come to them if they talk about the cross of Christ.

bwe@Ephesians:5:13 @ But when the light shines on something, it can be seen. Anything that shows up wrong ways is light.

bwe@Colossians:1:15 @ The Son is like God who cannot be seen. He was his Son before anything was made.

bwe@Colossians:1:16 @ He made everything in the sky and on the earth. He made the things which can be seen and the things which cannot be seen. That means angels, kings, great powers, and rulers. They were all made by him and for him.

bwe@Colossians:2:1 @ I want you to know how much I care for you and those in the city of Laodicea, and even all those who have never seen me.

bwe@Colossians:2:18 @ Do not let anyone tell you that you are wrong and that to be humble you must worship angels. He talks about things he has not seen. He is very proud, but he has nothing to be proud of, because his thoughts come from his own mind.

bwe@Colossians:3:4 @ Christ is our life. When he comes again and is seen, then you will also be seen with him. And you will be great.

bwe@Colossians:4:13 @ I myself have seen how hard he has worked for you and for the people in the cities of Laodicea and Hierapolis.

bwe@2Thessalonians:2:3 @ Do not let anyone fool you in any way. Before the day of the Lord comes, many people will stop believing God. The Man of Evil will be seen. He is the evil one who will be destroyed for ever.

bwe@2Thessalonians:2:6 @ And you know what is holding that evil man back. He will not be seen until it is his time to be seen.

bwe@2Thessalonians:2:8 @ Then that evil man will be seen. The Lord Jesus will kill him with the breath from his mouth. The coming of the Lord Jesus will be so bright and wonderful that it will put the evil man to an end.

bwe@1Timothy:1:17 @ Give honour and praise for ever and ever to the one who is King for ever. He will never die. He cannot be seen. He is the only God. Yes, he is!

bwe@1Timothy:5:19 @ Do not listen to a complaint against a leader if what he has done has not been seen and proved by two or three people.

bwe@1Timothy:5:24 @ The wrong things some men do can be seen clearly and show that they should be punished. But wrong things other people do are not seen until later.

bwe@1Timothy:5:25 @ So also, the good things are seen clearly. Even when they are not seen at first, they will be seen later.

bwe@1Timothy:6:16 @ He alone has everlasting life. He lives in such light that no one can go near him. No person has ever seen him, or can see him. May he have honour and respect and have everlasting power. May it be so!

bwe@Hebrews:11:3 @ We believe in God, so that is how we know that God made the world by his word. The things we see were made out of things that cannot be seen.

bwe@Hebrews:11:27 @ He believed God and left Egypt. He was not afraid of the kings anger. He was strong because he saw the one who cannot be seen.

bwe@James:5:11 @ God blesses those who take their troubles quietly and keep on believing. You have heard about Jobs troubles and how he took them. And you have seen what the Lord did for him at the end. The Lord is very kind and helps people.

bwe@1Peter:1:8 @ You love him even though you have not seen him. You trust him even though you do not see him. And so you are very happy. No words can tell how happy you are. Your joy is very great.

bwe@1John:1:3 @ We tell you also what we have seen and heard. We tell you so that you also will belong with us. And we belong with the Father and the Son.

bwe@1John:3:6 @ Everyone who stays with him does not do wrong things. Everyone who does wrong things has never seen him and has never known him.

bwe@1John:4:12 @ No man has ever seen God. But God lives in us if we love one another. And in loving one another, his love is made perfect.

bwe@1John:4:14 @ And we have seen and we are telling you that the Father sent his Son to save the people in the world.

bwe@1John:4:20 @ If anyone says, I love God,and he hates his brother, he is telling a lie. If he does not love his brother whom he has seen, how can he love God whom he has not seen?

bwe@3John:1:9 @ My dear brother, do not do the wrong things people do, but do the good things people do. Anyone who does good things belongs to God. Anyone who does wrong things has never seen God.