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bwe@Matthew:4:15 @ He talked about, The country of Zebulun and the country of Naphtali, the road by the sea, the land on the other side of the Jordan River, Galilee where the people are not Jews.

bwe@Matthew:17:18 @ Jesus talked to the bad spirit and he came out of the boy. The boy was healed.

bwe@Matthew:20:11 @ They took it, but they were angry and talked against the man who owned the farm.

bwe@Matthew:21:25 @ Who gave John the right to baptise people? Did God or did men? So they talked it over together. They said, If we say, "God gave John the right to do it," he will say to us, "Then why did you not believe him?"

bwe@Matthew:23:1 @ Then Jesus talked to the people and to his disciples.

bwe@Matthew:26:1 @ When Jesus had finished telling all these things, he talked to his disciples.

bwe@Matthew:26:39 @ Jesus went on a little further. He bowed down with his face to the ground. He talked to God and said, My Father, if it can be, let this cup of trouble pass by me. But do not do what I want. May what you want be done.

bwe@Matthew:26:42 @ Jesus went away again. He talked to God and said, My Father, if you do not want this cup to pass by me, but you want me to drink it, I will do what you want.

bwe@Matthew:26:44 @ He left them and went away again. He talked with God the third time and said the same words.

bwe@Matthew:27:7 @ They talked the matter over and bought a field that belonged to a man who made pots. They bought it for a place in which to bury strangers.

bwe@Matthew:27:20 @ The chief priests and leaders talked to the people. They told them to ask Pilate to let Barabbas go free, but to kill Jesus.

bwe@Matthew:28:5 @ The angel talked to the women. He said, Do not fear. I know you are looking for Jesus, who was nailed to a cross.

bwe@Matthew:28:12 @ The chief priests had a meeting with the leaders of the people and talked the matter over. They gave much money to the soldiers.

bwe@Matthew:28:18 @ Jesus came and talked to them. He said, All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me.

bwe@Mark:1:35 @ The next morning Jesus got up long before daylight. He went out to a place by himself. There he talked with God.

bwe@Mark:1:39 @ Then Jesus talked to the people in all the meeting houses in all the country of Galilee. He also made the bad spirits come out of people.

bwe@Mark:1:43 @ Jesus talked strongly to him and sent him away.

bwe@Mark:3:22 @ The scribes who came from Jerusalem also talked about Jesus. They said, Beelzebub, the chief of bad spirits, is in this man. He drives out bad spirits by the help of Beelzebub.

bwe@Mark:3:23 @ Jesus called the people and talked to them in stories. He asked, How can Satan drive out Satan?

bwe@Mark:8:16 @ The disciples talked to one another about the matter. They said, He says that because we have no bread.

bwe@Mark:8:33 @ Jesus turned around and saw the disciples. Then he talked to Peter. He said, Get away from me, Satan! You are not thinking the way God thinks, but the way people think.

bwe@Mark:9:25 @ Jesus saw many people come running together. He talked to the bad spirit: You bad spirit who stops the boy from hearing and talking! I tell you, come out of him and do not go into him again!

bwe@Mark:11:31 @ So they talked it over together. They said, If we say, "God gave John the right," he will say, "Then why did you not believe him?"

bwe@Mark:15:1 @ As soon as it was morning, the chief priests, leaders, and the scribes talked together. They tied Jesus and took him before Pilate to be judged.

bwe@Mark:15:11 @ But the chief priests talked to the people. They told them to ask Pilate to let Barabbas go free.

bwe@Mark:16:19 @ So after the Lord Jesus had talked to them, he went up into heaven and sat down beside God.

bwe@Mark:16:20 @ Then the disciples went and told the good news everywhere. The Lord worked with them. He made their words come true by the signs that happened after they talked.

bwe@Luke:1:65 @ Everyone who lived around there began to wonder at these things. And everywhere in the hill country of Judea, all these things were talked about.

bwe@Luke:2:37 @ Then her husband died. Now she had been alone for eighty-four years. She did not leave the temple, but worshipped day and night. She talked with God and fasted <FI>did not eat food for a time<Fi>.

bwe@Luke:2:38 @ While Simeon was talking to Mary, Anna also came along and thanked God. She talked about Jesus to all the people who were waiting for the one who would set Jerusalem free.

bwe@Luke:4:14 @ Jesus had the power of the Spirit when he went back to Galilee. People talked about him in all that part of the country.

bwe@Luke:5:16 @ Many times Jesus went away to the desert and talked with God.

bwe@Luke:6:11 @ The Pharisees were very angry and they talked together about what they could do to Jesus.

bwe@Luke:6:12 @ About that time Jesus went out of the city on the hill to talk with God. He talked with God all night.

bwe@Luke:9:11 @ But the people found out and they followed him. He was glad to see them and talked to them about Gods kingdom. He healed those who were sick.

bwe@Luke:9:31 @ Light was shining from them. They talked about his leaving this world. That would happen when he was in Jerusalem.

bwe@Luke:9:43 @ All the people were surprised to see that God has so much power. While the people were wondering about everything Jesus did, he talked to his disciples.

bwe@Luke:13:17 @ When he said that, all those who had talked against him were ashamed. All the other people were very glad for all the wonderful things Jesus did.

bwe@Luke:16:1 @ Jesus also talked to his disciples. He said, A rich man had a manager in charge of his things. People told the rich man that the manager was wasting his things.

bwe@Luke:20:5 @ They talked it over together. They said, If we say, "God gave John the right to do it," he will say, "Then why did you not believe him?"

bwe@Luke:20:45 @ Then Jesus talked to his disciples while all the people could hear him.

bwe@Luke:21:5 @ Some people were talking about how nice the temple looked. They talked about the fine stones and the things people gave to make the temple.

bwe@Luke:22:4 @ Judas went away and talked things over with the chief priests and captains. He told them how he could help them catch Jesus.

bwe@Luke:22:32 @ But I have talked to God about you, Simon, so that you will keep on believing in me. And when you come back, then help your brothers to be strong.

bwe@Luke:22:44 @ His heart was troubled very much. So he talked with God more than before. His sweat was like big drops of blood falling on the ground.

bwe@Luke:23:20 @ Pilate talked to the people again. He wanted to let Jesus go free.

bwe@Luke:24:31 @ They said to each other, It was like a fire burning in our hearts when he talked to us on the road and told us the meaning of the holy writings!

bwe@John:1:15 @ John talked about him. He called out saying, Here is the man I told you about. I said that the one who is coming after me is greater than I am, because he lived before I lived.

bwe@John:5:10 @ So the leaders of the Jews talked to the man who was healed. They said, It is the Sabbath day. It is not right for you to carry your bed.

bwe@John:5:37 @ And my Father who sent me has himself talked about me. You have never heard him speak and you do not know what he is like.

bwe@John:6:8 @ One of Jesus disciples, Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter, talked to Jesus.

bwe@John:7:13 @ But they were afraid of the Jewish leaders, so no one talked about him out in the open.

bwe@John:7:46 @ The soldiers replied, No person has ever talked like he does!

bwe@John:8:12 @ Then Jesus talked to the people in the temple. He said, I am the Light of the world. The one who comes with me will never walk in the dark, but he will have light that gives life.

bwe@John:8:21 @ Jesus talked to them again. He said, I am going away. You will try to find me and will die doing wrong things. You cannot come where I am going.

bwe@John:9:29 @ We know that God talked to Moses. But this man, we do not know where he comes from.

bwe@John:11:56 @ They were looking around for Jesus. As they were standing in the temple they talked to one another. They said, What do you think? Do you think that he will come to the feast?

bwe@John:12:17 @ Many people were with Jesus when he called Lazarus out of the grave and raised him from death. They had talked about what he did.

bwe@John:12:29 @ Some people were standing near. When they heard the voice, they said, It is thundering. Other people said, An angel talked to him.

bwe@John:16:17 @ Some of the disciples talked among themselves and said, He says, "Very soon now, you will not see me. A little while after that, you will see me." And he says, "Because I go to my Father." What does he mean by "a little while"?

bwe@John:18:14 @ This was the same Caiaphas that had talked to the leaders of the Jews. He had said, It is better for one man to die for the people.

bwe@John:18:16 @ But Peter stood by the gate outside. The other disciple who knew the high priest talked to the servant at the door and brought in Peter.

bwe@John:18:20 @ Jesus answered him, I have talked so that anyone who wanted to could hear me. I have always taught in the meeting houses and in the temple. That is where the Jews always go. I have not said anything in a secret way.

bwe@Acts:1:24 @ Then the people talked to God. They said, Lord, you know what is in everybodys heart. Show us which of these two men you have chosen to have a part in this work and to be an apostle. For Judas left this work and went to the place where he belonged.

bwe@Acts:2:42 @ They kept on being taught by the apostles. And they kept on being with them. They ate bread together and talked with God.

bwe@Acts:3:12 @ When Peter saw this, he talked to the people. He said, Men of Israel, why are you so surprised at this? Do you think that we have power or are good enough to make this man walk? Why do you look at us that way?

bwe@Acts:4:15 @ They told Peter and John to leave the court. Then they talked the matter over among themselves.

bwe@Acts:4:24 @ When they heard it, they talked to God together. They said, Lord, you are God. You made the sky, and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them.

bwe@Acts:4:31 @ When they had talked to God, the room they were in shook. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit. And they spoke the word of God without fear.

bwe@Acts:6:6 @ These men were brought before the apostles. When the apostles had talked with God, they put their hands on their heads <FI>to bless them<Fi>.

bwe@Acts:6:12 @ They talked to the people, the leaders, and the scribes, and made them angry. They went quickly and caught Stephen and took him into the court.

bwe@Acts:7:58 @ They put him out of the city and threw stones at him. (Those who had talked against him laid their clothes down by the feet of a young man named Saul.)

bwe@Acts:8:24 @ Simon said, Ask the Lord for me, so that none of the things you have talked about will happen to me.

bwe@Acts:9:27 @ But Barnabas took him and brought him to the apostles. He told them, Saul has seen the Lord on the road. The Lord has talked to him. After that he told Gods word in the name of Jesus, without fear at Damascus.

bwe@Acts:9:29 @ He talked to the Jews who spoke the Greek language. But they did not agree with Saul, and so they made plans to kill him.

bwe@Acts:9:40 @ Peter put them all out. He kneeled down and talked to God. He turned to the body and said, Tabitha, get up. She opened her eyes. When she saw Peter, she sat up.

bwe@Acts:10:2 @ He was a good man. He and all the people of his house obeyed God. He gave many gifts to the poor. He always talked with God.

bwe@Acts:10:27 @ Peter talked to him and went in with him. He saw many people who had come together.

bwe@Acts:10:37 @ You yourselves know the story of what happened all through Judea. It started in Galilee after the baptism which John talked about.

bwe@Acts:11:23 @ When he reached there, he saw what had been done by the power of God. He was very glad. He talked to them. He begged them all to keep on following the Lord with all their heart.

bwe@Acts:13:3 @ The men fasted and talked to God. Then they laid their hands on Barnabas and Paul and sent them on their way.

bwe@Acts:13:24 @ Before he came, John <FI>the baptiser<Fi> talked to all the people of Israel. He said they should stop doing wrong things and be baptised.

bwe@Acts:13:45 @ The leaders of the Jews saw that many people came. They were very jealous. They talked back to Paul and said he was not telling the truth. They also said wrong things about him.

bwe@Acts:13:50 @ But the leaders of the Jews talked to the leading women who worshipped God and to the chief men of Antioch. They made plenty of trouble for Paul and Barnabas. They made them leave that part of the country.

bwe@Acts:14:12 @ They named Barnabas, Jupiter. And they named Paul, Mercury, because he was the one who talked.

bwe@Acts:14:22 @ They talked to the disciples to help them. They told them to keep on believing. They said, We must go through much trouble to get into Gods kingdom.

bwe@Acts:14:23 @ They chose leaders for them in every church. They talked with God and fasted. When they were finished, they gave the leaders over to the Lords care, because they believed in him.

bwe@Acts:15:24 @ We have heard that some of our people visited you and talked to you. They taught things that troubled you and made you believe wrong things. They said, "You must be circumcised like the Jews and keep the law." We did not tell them to teach you this.

bwe@Acts:16:4 @ They went from town to town and talked to the people. They told them what the apostles and church leaders at Jerusalem had said should be done. So the church people became stronger in what they believed. Every day more people joined the church.

bwe@Acts:16:13 @ On the Sabbath day we went out of the city to the river. We thought this was a place where people met to talk with God. So we sat down and talked to the women who had come there.

bwe@Acts:16:16 @ One day we were going to the meeting place where people talked with God. We met a girl who had a bad spirit. She used to tell people what was going to happen. Her masters received much money when she did this.

bwe@Acts:16:32 @ They talked to him and all the people in the house. They told them the word of the Lord.

bwe@Acts:16:40 @ When Paul and Silas came out of prison, they went back to Lydias house. They saw their Christian brothers and talked to them. This helped the Christians to believe more strongly. Then Paul and Silas went on their way.

bwe@Acts:17:13 @ The leaders of the Jews in Thessalonica heard that Paul told the word of God to the people at Berea. They came to Berea and talked to the people. They said things that made the people very angry against Paul.

bwe@Acts:17:17 @ In the meeting place he talked with the Jews and those who believed in the true God. In the market every day, he talked to people he met there.

bwe@Acts:18:4 @ Every Sabbath day he talked with the people in the meeting place for the Jews. He tried to talk so that the Jews and the Greeks would believe.

bwe@Acts:18:6 @ But the people talked back to Paul. And they said wrong things about him. Paul shook his clothes and said to them, If you are lost, it is your own fault, not mine! From now on I will go to those who are not Jews.

bwe@Acts:18:19 @ When they reached the city of Ephesus, Paul left the others there. He himself went to the meeting place and talked with the Jews.

bwe@Acts:18:25 @ This man had been taught the way of the Lord. He was strong in spirit as he talked to people. What he taught them about the Lord was true. But he knew only about the baptism of John.

bwe@Acts:18:28 @ He talked strongly with the Jews before the people. He proved to them from the holy writings that Jesus is the Christ.

bwe@Acts:19:8 @ Paul went into the meeting place. For three months he talked without fear to the people there. He tried to talk so that people would obey God.

bwe@Acts:19:9 @ Some of them were fixed in their minds and would not believe. They said, The Christian way is not good They said this in front of all the people. So Paul left them and took the disciples away. He talked and answered the questions of the people every day in the school of a man named Tyrannus.

bwe@Acts:19:26 @ Now you see and hear how this man Paul has talked. He has turned away many people in Ephesus. Not only that, but he has turned away the hearts of many people in almost all of Asia Minor. He says that things made by mens hands are not really gods.

bwe@Acts:20:1 @ When everything was quiet, Paul called the disciples. He talked to them so they would not be afraid. Then he said goodbye and left. He went to Macedonia.

bwe@Acts:20:2 @ He went through that country and talked to the people. He helped them to believe more strongly. Then he went to Greece.

bwe@Acts:20:7 @ On the first day of the week the disciples met together to break bread. Paul was ready to leave the next day. He talked a long time to the people at the meeting until long into the night. They were gathered in an upstairs room with many lights.

bwe@Acts:20:11 @ Then Paul went upstairs again. He broke bread and ate some food. He talked for a long time, until daybreak. After that, he left.

bwe@Acts:20:36 @ When Paul had said this, he kneeled down and talked to God with them all.

bwe@Acts:21:5 @ When the seven days had passed, we left and went on our way. All of the men, women, and children went with us out of the city. There by the sea we kneeled down and talked to God.

bwe@Acts:21:12 @ When we heard this, both we and the people there talked to Paul and begged him not to go to Jerusalem.

bwe@Acts:21:40 @ So the officer let him talk. Paul stood on the steps and put up his hand. Then all the people were very quiet. He talked to them in the Jews language.

bwe@Acts:22:20 @ And I stood by and let people kill Stephen. He was one who talked for you. I looked after the clothes of the men who killed him."

bwe@Acts:24:25 @ Paul talked about what is right, about living the right way, and about the time when all people will be judged. Felix was very much afraid when he heard these things. He said to Paul, You may go now. When I have time, I will call you again.

bwe@Acts:24:26 @ He hoped that Paul would give him money to free him. And so he often sent for Paul and talked with him.

bwe@Acts:25:7 @ When Paul came in, the Jewish leaders who had come from Jerusalem stood around Paul. They talked much against him. But they could not prove that the things they said were true.

bwe@Acts:25:12 @ So Festus talked the matter over with the court. Then he said to Paul, You have asked to go to Caesar. All right, you will go to Caesar!

bwe@Acts:25:15 @ When I was in Jerusalem, the chief priest and leaders of the Jews came to me. They talked against him, and they asked me to punish him.

bwe@Acts:25:24 @ Then Festus said, King Agrippa and all you men here with us, you see this man. All the Jewish leaders, both in Jerusalem and here, came together and talked about him. They shouted, "He must die!"

bwe@Acts:26:22 @ God has always helped me up to today. I have stood and talked to both small people and great people. I have said nothing more than what the prophets and Moses said would happen.

bwe@Acts:26:31 @ They left the room and talked the matter over. They said, This man is not doing anything wrong for which he ought to be in prison or die.

bwe@Acts:27:39 @ In the morning they saw land. But they did not know what country it was. They saw a sandy place. So they talked it over and thought they would try to get the boat on it.

bwe@Acts:28:8 @ The father of Publius was sick with fever, and blood was coming from his body. Paul went to see him. He talked to God and put his hands on the man. He healed him.

bwe@Acts:28:23 @ So they chose a certain day. On that day many of them came to the house where Paul was staying. He told them about Gods kingdom. He tried to make them understand about Jesus by the things that were written in the law of Moses and in the books of the prophets. He talked from morning until evening.

bwe@Romans:1:30 @ They said wrong things about people. They hated God. They did not respect people. They were proud. They talked big. They even thought of new wrong things to do. They did not obey their parents.

bwe@Romans:11:2 @ God has not left his people whom he knew from the first. Do you not know what the holy writings say about the prophet Elijah? He talked to God against the people of Israel.

bwe@1Corinthians:3:1 @ My brothers, I could not talk to you at first as to people who have the Spirit of God. But I talked to you as people who have the spirit of this world. I talked to you as people who are very new-born, baby Christians.

bwe@1Corinthians:13:11 @ When I was a child, I talked like a child. I understood like a child. I thought like a child. But when I became a man, I stopped doing things like a child.

bwe@2Corinthians:4:13 @ We believe the same way as the one who wrote, I believed, and so I talked. We also believe, and so we talk to you.

bwe@Philippians:1:18 @ But it does not matter. Every way, in the wrong way or in the right way, Christ is talked about. I will be glad because of that.

bwe@1Thessalonians:2:5 @ We never said nice things about people that were not true. You know this. We never talked to get something out of it for ourselves. God knows this.

bwe@1Thessalonians:2:11 @ You know how we talked to each of you as a father talks to his children. We comforted, helped, and taught you.

bwe@Hebrews:1:1 @ Long ago, God talked to our fathers through the prophets. He talked many times and in many ways.

bwe@Hebrews:1:2 @ In these last days, he talked to us through his Son. God chose him to be the one to whom he would give all things. God also made the world by this Son.

bwe@Hebrews:4:8 @ If Joshua had led those people to rest, God would not have talked later about another day.

bwe@Hebrews:5:7 @ When Jesus was a man, he talked to God who was able to save him from death. He called loudly to him with tears. God heard him because he honoured and respected God.

bwe@Hebrews:11:22 @ Joseph believed God. When he died, he remembered Gods promise and talked about the time the people of Israel would leave Egypt. He told them what to do with his bones when they left Egypt.

bwe@Hebrews:12:25 @ Take care that you listen to God who is talking now. The people were punished when they would not listen to the One who talked on earth. And we will be punished much worse if we will not listen to the One who talks from heaven.

bwe@James:5:18 @ Then he talked to God again. And it rained. Plants grew on the earth.

bwe@1Peter:3:16 @ Keep your hearts clean. Then when people say wrong things about you, they will be ashamed because they have talked wrongly about your good Christian life.

bwe@2Peter:2:16 @ But he was told to stop doing wrong. The animal he was riding talked with a mans voice. It tried to make the prophet stop his foolish way.

bwe@Jude:1:11 @ They will have trouble! They have lived like Cain. They have done wrong things for pay like Balaam. They have talked against those who are over them. Korah did that. And so they will die as he did.