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rotherham@Matthew:1:21 @ Moreover she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name Jesus, for, he, will save his people from their sins.

rotherham@Matthew:2:11 @ and, coming into the house, they saw the child, with Mary its mother, and, falling down, prostrated themselves unto it, and, opening their treasures, offered unto it giftsgold and frankincense and myrrh;

rotherham@Matthew:2:12 @ and, being instructed by dream, not to return unto Herod, by another way, retired they unto their own country.

rotherham@Matthew:3:6 @ and were being immersed in the Jordan river, by him, openly confessing their sins.

rotherham@Matthew:4:8 @ Again, the adversary taketh him with him, into an exceeding high mountain, and pointeth out to him all the kingdoms of the world, and their glory;

rotherham@Matthew:4:21 @ And, going forward from thence, he saw other two brethren James the son of Zebedee, and John his brotherin the boat with Zebedee their father, putting in order their nets, and he called them.

rotherham@Matthew:4:22 @ And, they, straightway, leaving the boat and their father, followed him.

rotherham@Matthew:4:23 @ And Jesus was going round throughout all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and proclaiming the glad-message of the kingdom, and curing every disease, and every infirmity, among the people.

rotherham@Matthew:5:3 @ Happy, the destitute, in spirit; for, theirs, is the kingdom of the heavens;

rotherham@Matthew:5:10 @ Happy, they who have been persecuted for righteousness sake; for, theirs, is the kingdom of the heavens.

rotherham@Matthew:6:2 @ When, therefore, thou mayest be doing an alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, just as, the hypocrites, do in the synagogues and in the streetsthat they may be glorified by men, Verily, I say unto you, they are getting back their reward.

rotherham@Matthew:6:5 @ And, when ye may be praying, ye shall not be as the hypocrites, because they love, in the synagogues, and at the corners of the broad ways, to take their stand and pray, that they may shine before men; Verily, I say unto you, they are getting back their reward.

rotherham@Matthew:6:7 @ And, being at prayer, use not vain repetitions, just like the nations, for they think, that, in their much speaking, they shall be hoard;

rotherham@Matthew:6:14 @ For, if ye forgive men their faults, Your Father who is in the heavens, will forgive, even you;

rotherham@Matthew:6:15 @ But, if ye forgive not men their faults, neither will your Father forgive, your faults.

rotherham@Matthew:6:16 @ And, when ye may he fasting, become not ye, as the hypocrites, of sullen countenance, for they darken their looks, that they may appear, unto men, to be fasting: Verily, I say unto you, they are getting back their reward.

rotherham@Matthew:7:6 @ Do not give what is holy unto dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest once they trample, them, down with their feet, and, turning, tear, you.

rotherham@Matthew:7:16 @ By their fruits, shall ye find, them, out, unless perhaps men gatherfrom thorns, grapes! or, from thistles, figs!

rotherham@Matthew:7:20 @ After all then, by their fruits, shall ye find, them, out.

rotherham@Matthew:7:29 @ for he was teaching them as one having, authority, and not as their Scribes.

rotherham@Matthew:8:22 @ But, Jesus, saith unto him, Be following me, and leave, the dead, to bury, their own dead.

rotherham@Matthew:8:34 @ And lo! all the city, came out to meet Jesus, and, seeing him, they besought that he would pass on from their bounds.

rotherham@Matthew:9:2 @ And lo! they were bringing unto him a paralytic, on a couch, laid prostrate; and Jesus, seeing, their faith, said to the paralytic, Take courage! child, forgiven are thy sins.

rotherham@Matthew:9:4 @ And Jesus, knowing, their inward thoughts, said, To what end are ye cherishing evil thoughts within your hearts?

rotherham@Matthew:9:29 @ Then touched he their eyes, saying, According to your faith, be it done unto you.

rotherham@Matthew:9:30 @ And their eyes were opened. And Jesus, sternly charged them, saying, Mind! let no one know!

rotherham@Matthew:9:35 @ And Jesus was going round all the cities and the villages, teaching in their synagogues, and proclaiming the glad-message of the kingdom, and curing every disease, and every infirmity.

rotherham@Matthew:10:17 @ But beware of men; for they will deliver you up into high-councils, and, in their synagogues, will they scourge you,

rotherham@Matthew:11:1 @ And it came to pass, when Jesus had finished giving instructions to his twelve disciples, he passed on from thence, to be teaching and proclaiming in their cities.

rotherham@Matthew:11:7 @ But, as these were going their way, Jesus began to say unto the multitudes, concerning John, What went ye forth into the wilderness to gaze at? A reed, by a wind, shaken?

rotherham@Matthew:12:9 @ And, passing on from thence, he came into their synagogue;

rotherham@Matthew:12:25 @ And, knowing their inward thoughts, he said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself, is laid waste, and, no city or house divided against itself, will stand;

rotherham@Matthew:13:15 @ For the heart of this people hath become dense, and, with their ears, heavily have they heard, and, their eyes, have they closed, lest, once they should see with their eyes, and, with their ears, should hear, and, with their hearts, should understand, and return; when I would certainly heal them.

rotherham@Matthew:13:43 @ Then, the righteous, will shine forth as the sun, in the kingdom of their Father. He that hath ears, let him hear!

rotherham@Matthew:13:54 @ and, coming into his own city, began teaching them in their synagogue, so that with astonishment were they being struck, and were saying Whence, hath, this one, this wisdom, and the mighty works?

rotherham@Matthew:13:58 @ And he did not, there, many mighty works, because of their unbelief.

rotherham@Matthew:14:14 @ And, coming forth, he saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion a over them, and cured their sick.

rotherham@Matthew:14:26 @ And, the disciples, seeing him, upon the lake walking, were troubled, saying It is, a ghost; and, by reason of their fear, they cried out.

rotherham@Matthew:15:2 @ Wherefore do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the elders? for they wash not their hands, when they eat bread!

rotherham@Matthew:15:8 @ This people, with the lips, do, honour, me, while, their heart, far off, holdeth from me;

rotherham@Matthew:15:27 @ And, she, said, True, Lord! for, even the little dogs, eat of the crumbs which are falling from the table of, their masters.

rotherham@Matthew:17:6 @ And, hearing it, the disciples fell upon their face, and were caused to fear exceedingly.

rotherham@Matthew:17:8 @ And, lifting up their eyes, no one, saw they, save Jesus, himself, alone.

rotherham@Matthew:17:25 @ He saith Yea. And, coming into the house, Jesus anticipated him, saying, How, to thee, doth it seem, Simon? The kings of the earth, of whom receive they dues or tax? from their sons, or from the aliens?

rotherham@Matthew:18:10 @ Beware! do not despise one of these little ones; For I say unto youthat, their messengers in the heavens, do, continually, behold the face of my Father in the heavens.

rotherham@Matthew:18:20 @ For, where there are two or three, gathered together into my name, there, am I, in their midst.

rotherham@Matthew:18:31 @ His fellow-servants, therefore, seeing, the things that were done, were grieved exceedingly, and went and made quite plain to their master all the things which had been done.

rotherham@Matthew:19:12 @ For there, are, eunuchs, who, from their mothers womb, were born so, and there, are, eunuchs, who were made eunuchs, by men, and there, are, eunuchs, who have made, themselves, eunuchs, for the sake the kingdom of the heavens: He that is able to find room, let him find room.

rotherham@Matthew:20:31 @ But the multitude rebuked them, that they might hold their peace. But, they, the more, cried aloud, saying Lord, have mercy on us! Son of David!

rotherham@Matthew:20:34 @ And, moved with compassion, Jesus touched their eyes, and, straightway, they recovered sight, and followed him.

rotherham@Matthew:21:3 @ And, if anyone, unto you, say aught, ye shall say Their Lord, hath, need, and, straightway, he will send them.

rotherham@Matthew:21:7 @ and led the ass and the colt, and laid upon them their garments, and he took his seat upon them.

rotherham@Matthew:21:8 @ And, the chief multitude, spread their own mantles in the way, and, others, were cutting off young branches from the trees, and spreading them in the way;

rotherham@Matthew:21:41 @ They say unto him Miserable men! Miserably, will he destroy them; and will let out, the vineyard, to other husbandmen, who will render unto him the fruits in their seasons.

rotherham@Matthew:22:7 @ And, the king, was provoked to anger, and, sending his armies, destroyed those murderers, and, their city, set on fire.

rotherham@Matthew:22:16 @ And they sent forth to him their disciples, with the Herodians, saying, Teacher! we know that, true, thou art, and, the way of God, in truth, dost teach, and it concerneth thee not about anyone, for thou lookest not unto the face of men:

rotherham@Matthew:22:18 @ But Jesus, taking note of their wickedness, said Why are ye tempting me, hypocrites?

rotherham@Matthew:23:3 @ All things, therefore, whatsoever they tell you, do and observe, but, according to their works, do ye not, for they, say, and do not, perform.

rotherham@Matthew:23:4 @ But they bind together heavy burdens, and lay upon mens shoulders, whereas, they, with their finger, are not willing to move them.

rotherham@Matthew:23:5 @ But, all their works, they do, to be gazed at, by men, for they make broad their amulets, and make large their fringes,

rotherham@Matthew:23:30 @ and say If we had been in the days of our fathers, we would not have been their partners in the blood of the prophets:

rotherham@Matthew:24:30 @ And, then, will be displayed The sign of the Son of Man in heaven, and, then, will smite their breastsall the tribes of the earth; and they will see the Son of Mancoming upon the clouds of heaven, with great power and glory.

rotherham@Matthew:24:31 @ And he will send forth his messengers, with a great trumpet, and they will gather together his chosen Out of the four winds, from heavens bounds, unto their bounds.

rotherham@Matthew:25:1 @ Then, will the kingdom of the heavens become like unto, ten virgins, who, taking their torches, went forth to meet the bridegroom.

rotherham@Matthew:25:3 @ For, the foolishthough they took, their torches, took not with them, oil:

rotherham@Matthew:25:4 @ But, the prudent, took oil in their vessels, with their torches.

rotherham@Matthew:25:7 @ Then, arose all those virgins, and trimmed their torches.

rotherham@Matthew:26:43 @ And coming, he, again, found them sleeping, for their eyes had become heavy.

rotherham@Matthew:26:50 @ But, Jesus, said unto him Friend! wherefore art thou here? Then, coming forward, they thrust their hands upon Jesus, and secured him.

rotherham@Matthew:27:39 @ And, they who were passing by, were reviling him, shaking their heads,

rotherham@Mark:1:5 @ and there were going out unto him all the Judaea country and all they of Jerusalem, and were being immersed by him in the Jordan river, openly confessing their sins;

rotherham@Mark:1:20 @ and, straightway, he called them, and, leaving their father Zebedee in the boat, with the hired men, they came away after him.

rotherham@Mark:1:23 @ And, straightway, there was in their synagogue, a man in an impure spirit, and he cried out aloud,

rotherham@Mark:1:39 @ and he came, making proclamation, into their synagogues, throughout the whole of Galilee, and, was casting the demons out.

rotherham@Mark:2:5 @ and, Jesus, seeing their faith, saith unto the paralytic Child! forgiven are thy sins!

rotherham@Mark:2:6 @ Now there were certain of the Scribes there, sitting and deliberating in their hearts,

rotherham@Mark:3:5 @ And, looking round upon them with anger, being at the same time grieved on account of the hardening of their heart, he saith unto the man Stretch forth thy hand! and he stretched it forth, and his hand, was restored.

rotherham@Mark:5:17 @ And they began to beseech him, to depart from their bounds.

rotherham@Mark:6:6 @ And he marvelled because of their unbelief. And he was going round the villages in a circuit, teaching.

rotherham@Mark:6:52 @ for they understood not by the loaves, but their, heart, had been, hardened.

rotherham@Mark:7:3 @ For, the Pharisees, and all the Jews, unless with care they wash their hands, eat not, holding fast the tradition of the elders;

rotherham@Mark:7:6 @ But, he, said unto them Well, prophesied Isaiah concerning you, ye hypocrites, as it is written This people, with the lips do honour me, while, their heart, far off, holdeth from me,

rotherham@Mark:8:3 @ and, if dismiss them fasting unto their home, they will be exhausted in the way, and, certain of them, are, from afar.

rotherham@Mark:9:48 @ Where, their worm, dieth not, and, the fire, is not quenched,

rotherham@Mark:10:42 @ And Jesus, calling them near, saith unto them Ye know that, they who think to rule the nations, lord it over them, and, their great ones, wield authority over them;

rotherham@Mark:11:7 @ And they bring the colt unto Jesus, and throw upon him their mantles, and he took his seat upon him.

rotherham@Mark:11:8 @ And, many, spread out, their mantles, along the way, and, others, young branches, cutting them out of the fields.

rotherham@Mark:12:15 @ But, he, knowing their hypocrisy, said unto them Why are ye, tempting, me? Bring me a denary, that I may see it.

rotherham@Mark:12:44 @ For, they all, out of their surplus, cast in, but, she, out of her deficiency, all, as much as she had, cast in, the whole of her living.

rotherham@Mark:14:40 @ And, again, coming, he found them sleeping, for their eyes were being, weighed down, and they knew not what to answer him.

rotherham@Mark:14:46 @ And, they, thrust their hands on him, and secured him.

rotherham@Mark:15:19 @ and were striking him on the head with a reed, and were spitting at him, and, bowing their knees, were doing him homage.

rotherham@Mark:15:29 @ And, the passers-by, were reviling him, shaking their heads, and saying Aha! thou who wast pulling down the shrine, and building one in three days!

rotherham@Luke:1:7 @ and they had no child, inasmuch as Elizabeth was barren, and, both, had become, advanced in their days.

rotherham@Luke:1:16 @ And, many of the Sons of Israel, shall he turn towards the Lord their God;

rotherham@Luke:1:20 @ And lo! thou shalt be silent, and not able to speak until the day when these things shall come to pass; because thou didst not believe in my words, the which shall be fulfilled for their season.

rotherham@Luke:1:51 @ He hath wrought strength with his arm, He hath scattered men arrogant in the intention of their heart;

rotherham@Luke:1:77 @ Giving a knowledge of salvation unto his people, by a remission of their sins.

rotherham@Luke:2:8 @ And there were, shepherds, in the same country, dwelling in the fields, and keeping the watches of the night over their flock.

rotherham@Luke:2:22 @ And, when the days of their purification, according to the law of Moses, were fulfilled, they took him up into Jerusalem, to present unto the Lord,

rotherham@Luke:2:39 @ And, when they had finished all things that were according to the law of the Lord, they returned into Galilee, into their own city, Nazareth.

rotherham@Luke:2:44 @ but, supposing him to be in the company, went a days journey, and then began to seek for him among their kinsfolk and acquaintances,

rotherham@Luke:3:15 @ Now, as the people were in expectation, and all were deliberating in their hearts, concerning John, whether by any means, he, might be, the Christ,

rotherham@Luke:4:6 @ And the adversary said to him Unto thee, will I give this authority, all together, and their glory; because, unto me, hath it been delivered up, and, to whomsoever I please, I give it:

rotherham@Luke:4:15 @ and, he, began teaching in their synagogues, being glorified by all.

rotherham@Luke:4:29 @ And, rising up, they thrust him forth outside the city, and led him as far as a brow of the hill on which their city was built, so that they might throw him down headlong.

rotherham@Luke:5:2 @ and he saw two boats placed near the lake, and, the fishers, having gone away, from them, were washing their nets.

rotherham@Luke:5:6 @ And, when this they had done, they enclosed a very large number of fishes, and their nets began to break.

rotherham@Luke:5:7 @ And they made signs to their partners in the other boat, to come and help them; and they came, and filled both the boats, so that they began to sink.

rotherham@Luke:5:15 @ But the report concerning him the more went abroad, and many multitudes were coming together, to hear, and be getting cured from their infirmities;

rotherham@Luke:5:20 @ And, beholding their faith, he said O man! thy sins are forgiven thee.

rotherham@Luke:5:22 @ And Jesus, taking note of their reasonings, answering, said unto them Why are ye reasoning in your hearts?

rotherham@Luke:5:30 @ And the Pharisees and their Scribes began murmuring unto his disciples, saying Wherefore, with the tax-collectors and sinners, are ye eating and drinking?

rotherham@Luke:6:1 @ And it came to pass, on a Sabbath, that he was passing along through cornfields, and his disciples were plucking and eating the ears of corn, rubbing them with their hands.

rotherham@Luke:6:8 @ But, he, knew their reasonings, and said to the man who had the, withered, hand Arise, and stand forward in the midst! And, arising, he stood forward.

rotherham@Luke:6:17 @ and, coming down with them, he stood upon a level place, also a great multitude of his disciples, and a great throng of the people, from all Judaea and Jerusalem and the sea-coast of Tyre and Zidon, who had come to hearken unto him and to be healed from their diseases;

rotherham@Luke:6:23 @ be rejoiced in that day, and leap, for lo! your reward, is great in heaven; for, according to the same things, were their fathers doing unto the prophets.

rotherham@Luke:6:26 @ Alas! whensoever all men shall, speak well of you, for, according to the same things, were their fathers doing unto the false prophets.

rotherham@Luke:8:3 @ and Joana, wife of Chuza steward of Herod, and Susanna, and many others, who indeed were ministering unto them out of their possessions.

rotherham@Luke:8:12 @ And, those beside the pathway, are they who have heard; afterwards, cometh the adversary, and catcheth away the word from their heart, lest, believing, they should, be saved.

rotherham@Luke:9:36 @ And, when the voice came, there was found, Jesus alone. And they held their peace, and, unto no one, reported they, in those days, any of the things which they had seen.

rotherham@Luke:9:47 @ And, Jesus, perceiving the reasoning of their heart, taking a child, placed it near himself,

rotherham@Luke:9:52 @ and he sent messengers before his face, and, taking their journey, they entered into a village of Samaritans, so as to prepare for him.

rotherham@Luke:9:60 @ And he said unto him Leave, the dead, to bury their own dead; but, thou, departing, be declaring the kingdom of God.

rotherham@Luke:11:17 @ But, he, knowing their thoughts, said unto them Every kingdom, against itself divided, is laid waste, and, a house, against a house,, falleth;

rotherham@Luke:12:36 @ And, ye yourselves, like unto men awaiting their own lord, once he may break up out of the marriage-feast, that, when he cometh and knocketh, straightway, they may open unto him.

rotherham@Luke:13:1 @ Now there were present some, in that very season, bringing tidings to him, concerning the Galilaeans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices.

rotherham@Luke:13:14 @ But the synagogue-ruler, answering, being greatly displeased that, on the Sabbath, Jesus had healed, began saying unto the multitude Six days, there are, in which men ought to get their work done; On them, therefore, come and be healed, and, not on the day of rest.

rotherham@Luke:14:3 @ And Jesus, answering, spake unto the Lawyers and Pharisees, saying Is it allowed, on the Sabbath, to cure, or not? But, they, held their peace.

rotherham@Luke:16:4 @ I know what I will do, that, when I am removed out of the stewardship, they may welcome me into their own houses.

rotherham@Luke:16:8 @ And the lord praised the unrighteous steward, in that with forethought he acted: Because, the sons of this age, have more forethought than the sons of light, respecting their own generation.

rotherham@Luke:18:8 @ I tell you He will execute their vindication, quickly! nevertheless, though, the Son of Man, do come, will he, after all, find the faith on the earth?

rotherham@Luke:19:11 @ And, because they were hearing these things, he added and spake a parable, because of his being near Jerusalem, and their supposing that, instantly, was the kingdom of God to shine forth.

rotherham@Luke:19:35 @ And they brought him unto Jesus; and, throwing their mantles over the colt, they seated Jesus thereon.

rotherham@Luke:19:36 @ And, as he moved along, they were spreading their own mantles in the way.

rotherham@Luke:19:40 @ And he answered and said I tell you If, these, shall hold their peace, the stones, will cry out.

rotherham@Luke:20:19 @ And the Scribes and the High-priests sought to thrust on him their hands, in that very hour; and feared the people; for they perceived that, against them, spake he this parable.

rotherham@Luke:20:23 @ But, observing their villainy, he said unto them

rotherham@Luke:20:26 @ And they could not lay hold of the saying, before the people; and, marvelling at his answer, they held their peace.

rotherham@Luke:21:1 @ And, looking up, he saw the, rich, who were casting their gifts into the treasury,

rotherham@Luke:21:4 @ For, all these, out of their superfluity, have cast in among the gifts, but, she, out of her deficiency, all the living that she had, hath cast in.

rotherham@Luke:21:12 @ And before, all these things, they will thrust upon you their hands, and persecute you, delivering you up into the synagogues and prisons, when ye have been led away before kings and governors, for the sake of my name;

rotherham@Luke:22:45 @ And, arising from prayer, he came unto his disciples, and found them falling asleep by reason of their grief;

rotherham@Luke:22:66 @ And, when it became day, the Eldership of the people was gathered togetherboth High-priests and Scribes, and they led him away into their high-council, saying If, thou, art the Christ, tell us!

rotherham@Luke:23:23 @ But they became urgent with loud voices, claiming to have him crucified; and their voices began to prevail.

rotherham@Luke:23:24 @ And, Pilate, consented, that their request should be granted;

rotherham@Luke:23:25 @ and released him who, for revolt and murder, had been cast into prison, whom they claimed, whereas, Jesus, delivered he up unto their will.

rotherham@Luke:23:48 @ And, all the multitudes who had been drawn together unto this spectacle, having looked upon the things that came to pass, smiting their breasts, began to return.

rotherham@Luke:23:51 @ (the same had not consented unto their plan and deed), from Arimathaea, a city of the Jews, who was awaiting the kingdom of God,

rotherham@Luke:24:5 @ And, they becoming afraid, and bending their faces unto the ground, they said unto them Why seek ye the Living One with the dead?

rotherham@Luke:24:16 @ but, their eyes, were held, so as not to know him.

rotherham@Luke:24:31 @ And, their, eyes were opened, and they knew him; and, he, vanished from them.

rotherham@Luke:24:36 @ Now, as, these very things, they were telling, he himself, stood in their midst

rotherham@Luke:24:45 @ Then, opened he their mind, to understand the Scriptures;

rotherham@John:3:19 @ And, this, is the judgment: That, the light, hath come into the world, and men loved, rather the darkness than the light, for, wicked, were their, works.

rotherham@John:4:38 @ I, sent you forth, to be reaping that whereon, ye, have not toiled: Others, have toiled, and, ye, into their toil, have entered.

rotherham@John:7:13 @ No one, nevertheless, was speaking, openly, about him, because of their fear of the Jews.

rotherham@John:10:39 @ They were therefore again seeking to take him; and he went forth out of their hand.

rotherham@John:11:19 @ and, many from among the Jews, had come unto Martha and Mary, that they might console them concerning their brother.

rotherham@John:12:40 @ He hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart; lest they should see with their eyes, and should understand with their heart, and should turn, and I should heal them.

rotherham@John:13:12 @ When, therefore, he had washed their feet, and taken his garments, and reclined, again said he unto them Are ye taking note, what I have done unto you?

rotherham@John:15:22 @ Had I not come and spoken unto them, Sin, had they none; but, now, have they no, excuse, for their sin.

rotherham@John:15:25 @ Butthat the word which, in their law, is written, might be fulfilled They hated me without cause.

rotherham@John:16:4 @ But, these things, have I told you, That, whensoever their hour shall come, ye may remember, that, thereof, I told you. These things, however, I told you not, from the beginning, because I was, with you;

rotherham@John:17:19 @ And, on their behalf, I, hallow myself, that, they also, may have become hallowed in truth.

rotherham@John:17:20 @ Not however concerning these alone, do I make request, but, concerning them also who believe, through their word, on me:

rotherham@John:18:8 @ Jesus answered I told you, I, am he. If, then, ye seek me, let these go their way:

rotherham@John:19:31 @ The Jews, therefore, since it was, a preparation, that the bodies might not remain upon the cross during the Sabbath, for that Sabbath day was, great, requested Pilate that their legs might be broken, and they be taken away.

rotherham@John:21:15 @ When, therefore, they had broken their fast, Jesus saith unto Simon Peter Simon, son of John! lovest thou me more than these? He saith unto him Yea, Lord! thou, knowest that I am fond of thee, he saith unto him Be feeding my lambs.

rotherham@Acts:1:9 @ And having said these things, as they were beholding, he was lifted up, and a cloud caught him away from their eyes.

rotherham@Acts:1:10 @ And, while they were looking steadfastly into heaven as he was going his way, then lo! two men had taken their stand beside them, in white garments,

rotherham@Acts:1:19 @ And it became known unto all them who were dwelling in Jerusalem, so that that field was called, in their language, Akeldama, that is, Field of Blood.

rotherham@Acts:2:45 @ and, their possessions and goods, were they selling and distributing them unto all, in so far as anyone had need.

rotherham@Acts:4:2 @ Being tired out because of their teaching the people, and announcing, in Jesus, the resurrection from among the dead;

rotherham@Acts:4:3 @ And they thrust on them their hands, and put them in custody for the morrow, for it was evening, already.

rotherham@Acts:4:16 @ Saying What are we to do with these men? For, indeed, that a notable sign hath come to pass through their means, unto all who are dwelling in Jerusalem, is manifest, and we cannot deny!

rotherham@Acts:4:23 @ But, when they had been let go, they came unto their own, and told as many things as, unto them, the High-priests and Elders, had said.

rotherham@Acts:4:29 @ As to the present things, then, O Lord, look upon their threats, and grant unto thy servants, with all freedom of utterance, to be speaking thy word,

rotherham@Acts:4:33 @ And, with great power, were the apostles giving forth their witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus; great favour also was upon them all.

rotherham@Acts:5:18 @ And thrust their hands upon the Apostles, and put them in a public ward.

rotherham@Acts:5:33 @ And, they, when they heard this, were cut to the heart, and were making up their minds to slay them.

rotherham@Acts:6:1 @ But, in these days, the disciples, multiplying, there arose a murmuring of the Grecian Jews against the Hebrews, in that, their widows, were being overlooked in the daily ministry.

rotherham@Acts:6:6 @ Whom they set before the Apostles, and, praying, they laid upon them their hands.

rotherham@Acts:7:19 @ The same, dealing craftily with our race, ill-treated our fathers, so as to cause their babes to be exposed, to the end they might not be suffered to live.

rotherham@Acts:7:34 @ I have, indeed seen, the ill-treatment of my people that is in Egypt, and, unto their groaning, have I hearkened, and have come down to rescue them. Now, therefore, come! I will send thee into Egypt.

rotherham@Acts:7:39 @ Unto whom, our fathers would not become obedient, but thrust him away, and turned in their hearts unto Egypt,

rotherham@Acts:7:41 @ And so they fell to calf-making in those days, and offered sacrifice unto the idol, and rejoiced in the works of their hands.

rotherham@Acts:7:54 @ And, while they were hearing these things, they were being pierced in their hearts, and began gnashing their teeth against him.

rotherham@Acts:7:57 @ And, crying out with a loud voice, they held their ears, and rushed with one accord upon him;

rotherham@Acts:7:58 @ And, thrusting him forth outside the city, proceeded to stone him. And, the witnesses, laid their garments at the feet of a young man named Saul.

rotherham@Acts:8:17 @ Then, proceeded they to lay their hands upon them, and they were receiving Holy Spirit.

rotherham@Acts:8:25 @ They, therefore, having fully borne witness, and spoken the word of the Lord, began their return unto Jerusalem, and, unto many villages of the Samaritans, were they telling the glad tidings.

rotherham@Acts:9:24 @ But their plot was made known unto Saul, and they were even narrowly watching the gates, both day and night, that they might kill him;

rotherham@Acts:11:18 @ And, having heard these things, they held their peace, and glorified God, saying Hence, even unto the nations, God hath granted repentance unto life.

rotherham@Acts:11:23 @ Who, arriving, and seeing the favour which was of God, rejoiced, and went on to beseech all, with the purpose of their heart, to abide in the Lord;

rotherham@Acts:12:17 @ But, making a sign to them with his hand to hold their peace, he related to them how, the Lord, had brought, him, forth out of the prison; and he said Carry tidings unto James and the brethren, as to these things. And, going out, he went his way unto some other place.

rotherham@Acts:12:20 @ Now he was bitterly hostile to them of Tyre and Zidon; but, with one accord, they came unto him, and, persuading Blastus, who was over the bed-chamber of the king, they were suing for peace; because their country was fed by the kings,

rotherham@Acts:13:3 @ Then, fasting and praying, and laying their hands upon them, they sent them away.

rotherham@Acts:13:17 @ The God of this people Israel, chose our fathers, and, the people, he exalted, by their sojourn in the land of Egypt, and, with a high arm, brought he them out of it;

rotherham@Acts:13:18 @ And, for the time of about forty years, bare with their manners in the desert;

rotherham@Acts:13:19 @ And, overthrowing seven nations in the land of Canaan, gave them their land as an inheritanceabout four hundred and fifty years.

rotherham@Acts:13:27 @ For, they who were dwelling in Jerusalem, and their rulers, not recognising him, have, by judging him, fulfilled, the very voices of the prophets which every sabbath are being read;

rotherham@Acts:13:50 @ But, the Jews, urged on the devout women of the higher class, and the chief men of the city, and roused up a persecution against Paul and Barnabas, and thrust them out from their bounds.

rotherham@Acts:13:51 @ But they, shaking off the dust of their feet against them, came into Iconium.

rotherham@Acts:14:3 @ A good while, therefore, tarried they, using boldness of speech upon the Lord, who was bearing witness unto his word of favour, granting signs and wonders to be coming to pass through their hands.

rotherham@Acts:14:5 @ But, when there took place an assault both of them of the nations and of the Jews, with their rulers, to maltreat and to stone them,

rotherham@Acts:14:11 @ And, the multitudes, seeing what Paul had done, lifted up their voice, in the speech of Lycaonia The gods, made like unto men, have come down unto us!

rotherham@Acts:14:14 @ But the apostles Barnabas and Paul, hearing of it, rending asunder their own mantles, sprang forward amidst the multitude, crying aloud,

rotherham@Acts:14:16 @ Who in the bygone generations suffered all the nations to be going on in their own ways,

rotherham@Acts:15:9 @ and made no distinction at all betwixt us and them, by their faith, purifying their hearts.

rotherham@Acts:15:12 @ And all the throng held their peace, and began to hearken unto Barnabas and Paul relating how many signs and wonders God had done among the nations, through them.

rotherham@Acts:15:13 @ And, after they held their peace, James answered, saying Brethren! hearken unto me.

rotherham@Acts:15:23 @ writing through their hand The Apostles and the Elder Brethren, unto the brethren throughout Antioch and Syria and Cilicia, who are from among the nations, wish joy!

rotherham@Acts:15:26 @ men who have given up their lives in behalf of the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

rotherham@Acts:16:19 @ And, her masters, seeing that their hope of gain had gone out, laying hold on Paul and Silas, dragged them into the market-place, unto the rulers;

rotherham@Acts:16:22 @ And the multitude rose up together against them, and, the magistrates, rending off them their mantles, were giving orders to beat them with rods;

rotherham@Acts:16:24 @ who, a charge like this receiving, thrust them into the inner prison, and, their feet, made he fast in the stocks.

rotherham@Acts:16:33 @ And, taking them with him, in that hour of the night, he bathed them from their stripes, and was immersed, he, and his, one and all, on the spot;

rotherham@Acts:17:4 @ And, some from among them, were persuaded, and cast in their lot with Paul and Silas; also, of the devout Greeks, a great throng, and, of the chief women, not a few.

rotherham@Acts:17:21 @ Now, all Athenians and the sojourning foreigners, unto nothing else, were devoting their leisure, than to be telling or hearing, something newer.

rotherham@Acts:17:26 @ he made also, of one, every nation of men to dwell upon all the face of the earth, marking out fitting opportunities, and the bounds of their dwelling place,

rotherham@Acts:17:33 @ Thus, Paul, came forth out of their midst.

rotherham@Acts:18:3 @ and, because he was of the same craft, he abode with them, and wrought, for they were tent-makers by their trade.

rotherham@Acts:19:18 @ Many also of them who had believed, were coming, making open confession, and renouncing their practices.

rotherham@Acts:21:6 @ we tare ourselves from each other, and we went on board the ship, while, they, returned unto their homes.

rotherham@Acts:21:21 @ Now they have heard it rumoured concerning thee, that, an apostacy, art thou teaching, from Moses, unto all the Jews, who are among the nations, telling them not to be circumcising their children, nor, by the customs, to be walking.

rotherham@Acts:21:24 @ Taking these unto thee, be purified with them, and spend something upon them, that they may shave their head; and all will get to know, that the things which they have heard rumoured concerning thee, are, nothing, on the contrary, thou thyself, dost keep the ranks, guarding the law.

rotherham@Acts:21:27 @ When, however, the seven days were on the point of being concluded, the Jews from Asia, observing him in the temple, began to urge-on all the multitude, and thrust upon them their hands,

rotherham@Acts:22:22 @ And they hearkened unto him as far as this word, and lifted up their voice, saying Away from the earth, with such a man as this, for it is not fit that he should live.

rotherham@Acts:22:23 @ Now, as they were both making an outcry and tearing their mantles, dust, also were throwing into the air,

rotherham@Acts:23:10 @ And, great dissension arising, the captain, fearing lest Paul would be torn in pieces by them, ordered the troop to go down, and take him by force out of their midst, to bring him into the castle.

rotherham@Acts:23:28 @ And, being minded to find out the cause for which they were accusing him, I took him down into their High-council,

rotherham@Acts:23:29 @ whom I found to be accused concerning questions of their law, but, of nothing worthy of death or bonds, to be charged.

rotherham@Acts:23:31 @ So the soldiers, according to their orders, taking up Paul, brought him by night unto Antipatris;

rotherham@Acts:25:18 @ Concerning whom, taking their stand, his accusers, no accusation at all, were bringing, of the evil things which, I, had been suspecting;

rotherham@Acts:25:19 @ but, certain questions concerning their own demon-worship, had they against him, and concerning one Jesus, who had died, whom Paul was affirming to be alive.

rotherham@Acts:26:18 @ To open their eyes; that they turn from darkness unto light, and the authority of Satan unto God, that they may receive remission of sins, and an inheritance among them who have been made holy by the faith respecting me.

rotherham@Acts:26:20 @ Butboth to them in Damascus, first, and in Jerusalem, unto all the country of Judaea also, and unto the nations, I carried tidingsthat they should repent, and turn unto God, and, works worthy of their repentance, should practise.

rotherham@Acts:26:21 @ Because of these things, Jews seized me in the temple, and were attempting to slay me with their own hands.

rotherham@Acts:27:13 @ And, a south wind blowing softly, supposing they had secured their purpose, weighing anchor, they began to sail close in shore along Crete.

rotherham@Acts:27:19 @ and, on the third day, with their own hands, the tackling of the ship, they cast away.

rotherham@Acts:27:43 @ but, the centurion, being minded to bring Paul safely through, hindered them of their purpose, and ordered such as were able to swim, to cast themselves overboard and, get first to the land,

rotherham@Acts:28:6 @ whereas, they, were expecting, that he was about to become inflamed, or to fall down suddenly dead; but, when they had been long expecting, and had observed, nothing unusual, happening unto him, they changed their minds, and began to say he was a god.

rotherham@Acts:28:27 @ For the heart of this people, hath become dense, and, with their ears, heavily, have they heard, and, their eyes, have they closed, lest once they should see with their eyes, and, with their ears, should hear, and, with their hearts, should understand, and return, when I would certainly heal them.

rotherham@Romans:1:21 @ Inasmuch as, having come to know God, not, as God, did they glorify him, or give him thanks, but were made fruitless in their reasonings, and darkened was their undiscerning heart,

rotherham@Romans:1:24 @ Wherefore God gave them up in the covetings of their hearts unto impurity, so as to be dishonouring their bodies among them,

rotherham@Romans:1:26 @ For this cause, God gave them up unto dishonourable passions; for, even their females, exchanged away the natural use into that which is against nature,

rotherham@Romans:1:27 @ In like manner also, even the males, leaving the natural use of the female, flamed out in their eager desire one for another, males with males, the indecency, effecting, and, the necessary recompence of their error, within themselves, duly receiving;

rotherham@Romans:2:15 @ Who, indeed, shew the work of the law written in their hearts, their conscience therewith bearing witness, and, between one another, their reasonings accusingor, even excusing, them:

rotherham@Romans:3:3 @ For what? If some distrusted, shall their distrust make, the trust of God, void?

rotherham@Romans:3:13 @ A sepulchre opened, is their throat, with their tongues, have they used deceit, the poison of asps, is under their lips,

rotherham@Romans:3:15 @ Swift, are their feet to shed blood;

rotherham@Romans:3:16 @ Destruction and misery, are in their ways,

rotherham@Romans:3:18 @ There is no fear of God before their eyes.

rotherham@Romans:3:30 @ If, at all events, God is one, who will declare righteousthe circumcision by faith, and the uncircumcision through their faith.

rotherham@Romans:8:5 @ For, they who according to flesh have their being, the things of the flesh do prefer, but, they according to the spirit, the things of the spirit;

rotherham@Romans:8:8 @ They, moreover, who in flesh have their being, cannot please, God.

rotherham@Romans:10:1 @ Brethren! the delight of my own heart and my supplication God-ward in their behalf, are for salvation;

rotherham@Romans:10:3 @ For, not knowing Gods righteousness and, their own, seeking to establish, unto the righteousness of God, have they not submitted;

rotherham@Romans:10:18 @ But I say: Have they not heard? Yea indeed, into all the earth, hath gone forth their sound, and, unto the ends of the inhabited world, their declarations.

rotherham@Romans:11:9 @ And, David, saith Let their table be turned into a snare, and into gin, and into a trap, and into a recompense unto them,

rotherham@Romans:11:10 @ Darkened be their eyes, not to see, and, their back, do thou continually bow down.

rotherham@Romans:11:11 @ I say then Did they stumble in order that they might fall? Far be it! But, by their fall, salvation unto the nations, to the end of provoking them to jealousy.

rotherham@Romans:11:12 @ If, moreover, their fail, is the riches of a world, and their loss, the riches of nations, how much rather their fullness?

rotherham@Romans:11:20 @ Well: by their want of faith, they have been broken out, and, thou, by thy faith, dost stand!Regard not lofty things, but be afraid;

rotherham@Romans:11:23 @ Whereas, they also, unless they abide still in their want of faith, shall be grafted in, for God is, able, again to engraft them!

rotherham@Romans:11:24 @ For, if, thou, out of the naturally wild olive was cut out, and, beyond nature, hast been engrafted into the good olive, how much rather, shall these, the natural be engrafted into their own olive tree?

rotherham@Romans:11:27 @ And, this, for them, is the covenant from me, as soon as I take away their sins.

rotherham@Romans:11:28 @ As touching the joyful-message, indeed, they are enemies for your sake, but, as touching the election, beloved for their fathers sake;

rotherham@Romans:11:30 @ For, just as, ye, at one time had not yielded unto God, and yet now have received mercy by their refusal to yield,

rotherham@Romans:12:19 @ Not avenging, yourselves, beloved, but give place unto their anger; for it is written Mine, is avenging, I, will recompense; saith the Lord;

rotherham@Romans:13:7 @ Render unto all their dues, unto whom tribute, tribute, unto whom tax, tax, unto whom fear, fear, unto whom honour, honour.

rotherham@Romans:15:4 @ Whatsoever things, in fact, were written aforetime, all for our own instruction were written, in order that, through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures, we might have their hope.

rotherham@Romans:15:27 @ They have been well-pleased, indeed, and, their debtors, they are; for, if, with their spiritual things the nations have come into fellowship, they are bound also with their own carnal things to minister publicly unto them.

rotherham@Romans:16:4 @ Who, indeed, for my life, their own neck laid down, unto whomnot, I only, give thanks, but also all the assemblies of the nations;

rotherham@Romans:16:5 @ also the assembly at their house. Salute ye Epaenetus, my beloved, who is a first-fruit of Asia unto Christ.

rotherham@Romans:16:18 @ For, they who are such, unto our Lord Christ are not doing service, but unto their own belly, and, through their smooth and flattering speech, deceive the hearts of the innocent.

rotherham@1Corinthians:1:2 @ Unto the assembly of God which is in Corinth, sanctified in Christ Jesus, called saints, with all who call upon the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, in every place, their Lord and ours:

rotherham@1Corinthians:3:19 @ For, the wisdom of this world, is, foolishness with God; for it is written He that taketh the wise in their knavery,

rotherham@1Corinthians:8:7 @ Howbeit, not in all, is the knowledge; but, some, by their familiarity, until even now, with the idol, as an idol-sacrifice, eat it, and, their conscience, being, weak, is defiled.

rotherham@1Corinthians:8:12 @ But, in thus sinning against the brethren am wounding their conscience, seeing it is weak, against Christ, are ye sinning.

rotherham@1Corinthians:14:35 @ If, however, they are wishing to learn something, at home, their own husbands, let them question; for it is a shame for a woman to be speaking in assembly.

rotherham@1Corinthians:15:29 @ Else, what will they do, who are being immersed in behalf of the dead? If, not at all, are the dead to be raised, why are they even being immersed in their behalf?

rotherham@1Corinthians:16:19 @ The assemblies of Asia salute you: Aquila and Priscilla, with the assembly meeting at their house, salute you much in the Lord:

rotherham@2Corinthians:3:14 @ But their thoughts were turned into stone: for, until this very day, the same veil, upon the reading of the old covenant, abideth, not to be removed, because, in Christ, it is to be done away;

rotherham@2Corinthians:3:15 @ But, until this day, whensoever Moses is read, a veil upon their heart, doth lie;

rotherham@2Corinthians:5:15 @ Having judged this, that, one, in behalf of all, died, hence, they all, died; and, in behalf of all, died he, in order that, they who live, no longer for themselves, should live, but for him who, in their behalf, died and rose again.

rotherham@2Corinthians:5:19 @ How that, God, was in Christ, reconciling, a world, unto himself, not reckoning, unto them, their offences, and hath put, in us, the reconciling discourse.

rotherham@2Corinthians:6:16 @ And what agreement hath a shrine of God with idols? For, we, are shrine of a God, that liveth: even as God hath saidwill dwell in them, and walk, and will be their God, and, they, shall be my people.

rotherham@2Corinthians:6:17 @ Wherefore come ye forth out of their midst, and be separated, saith Lord, and, one impure, do not touch; and, I, will give you welcome,

rotherham@2Corinthians:8:2 @ That, in a great testing of tribulation, the superabounding of their joy and their deep destitution, superabounded unto the riches of their liberality;

rotherham@2Corinthians:8:3 @ That, according to power, I bear witness, and beyond power, of their own accord,,

rotherham@2Corinthians:8:13 @ For, not that unto others should be relief, and unto you distress, but, by equality, in the present season, your surplus for their deficiency,

rotherham@2Corinthians:8:14 @ In order that their surplus may come to be for your deficiency: that there may come about an equality:

rotherham@2Corinthians:11:15 @ No great thing, therefore, if, his ministers also, are transfiguring themselves as ministers of righteousness!whose end, shall be according to their works.

rotherham@Galatians:2:13 @ And the rest of the Jews also used hypocrisy with him, so that, even Barnabas, was carried away by their hypocrisy.

rotherham@Ephesians:4:17 @ This, therefore, am I saying and protesting in the Lord: that, no longer, ye walk even as, the nations, walkin the vanity of their minds,

rotherham@Ephesians:4:18 @ Being darkened in their understanding, alienated from the life of Godby reason of the ignorance that existeth within them, by reason of their hearts being turned into stone,

rotherham@Ephesians:5:24 @ Nevertheless, as, the assembly, submitteth herself unto the Christ, so, the wives, unto their husbands, in everything:

rotherham@Ephesians:5:28 @ So, ought the husbands to be loving their own wives, as their own bodies, he that loveth his own wife, loveth himself,

rotherham@Ephesians:6:9 @ And ye masters, the same things, be doing towards them, forbearing your threatknowing that, both their and your Master, is in the heavens, and, respect of persons, there is none, with him.

rotherham@Philippians:2:21 @ For, they all, their own things, do seek, not the things of Christ Jesus;

rotherham@Philippians:3:19 @ Whose, end, is destruction, whose, God, is the belly, and, glory, is in their shame, who, upon the earthly things, are resolved.

rotherham@Colossians:2:2 @ In order that their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, even unto all the riches of the full assurance of their understanding, unto a personal knowledge of the sacred secret of God, Christ:

rotherham@Colossians:2:8 @ Be taking heed, lest there shall be anyone leading, you, off as a spoil, through means of their philosophy, and an empty deceit, according to the instruction of men, according to the first principles of the world, and not according to Christ:

rotherham@1Thessalonians:2:16 @ Hindering us from speaking, unto the nations, that they might be saved, to the filling up of their own sins, continually; but anger hath overtaken them at length.

rotherham@1Thessalonians:5:13 @ And to hold them in very high esteem, in love, their works sake. Be at peace among yourselves,

rotherham@2Thessalonians:3:12 @ Now, such as these, we charge and exhort in the Lord Jesus Christ, that, with quietness, working, their own bread, they be eating.

rotherham@1Timothy:1:19 @ Holding faith and a good conscience, which some, thrusting from them, concerning their faith, have made shipwreck:

rotherham@1Timothy:3:12 @ Let, ministers, be husbands of, one wife, over children, presiding, well, and over their own houses;

rotherham@1Timothy:4:2 @ in hypocrisy, speaking falsehood, cauterised in their own conscience,

rotherham@1Timothy:5:4 @ Howbeit, if, any widow, hath, children or grandchildren, let them be learningfirst, unto their own house, to be shewing reverence, and, returns, to be making unto their progenitors; for, this, is acceptable before God;

rotherham@1Timothy:5:12 @ Having, as sentence, that, their first faith, they have set at nought;

rotherham@1Timothy:6:1 @ Let, as many as are servants under a yoke, be counting, their own masters, worthy, of all honour, lest, the name of God and the teaching, be defamed.

rotherham@1Timothy:6:5 @ incessant quarrellings of men wholly corrupt in their mind and bereft of the truth, supposing godliness to be, a means of gain!

rotherham@1Timothy:6:17 @ Upon them who are rich in the present age, lay thou chargenot to be high-minded, nor to have set their hope on, riches, uncertainty, but on God, who offereth us all things richly for enjoying,

rotherham@2Timothy:2:17 @ And, their discourse, as a gangrene, will eat its way; of whom are Hymenaeus and Philetus,

rotherham@2Timothy:3:8 @ Moreover, like as, Jannes and Jambres, withstood Moses, so, these men also, withstand the truth, men utterly corrupted in their mind, disapproved concerning their faith;

rotherham@2Timothy:3:9 @ But they shall not force their way further, for, their folly, shall be, fully evident, unto all, as also, that of those men, became.

rotherham@2Timothy:3:13 @ Whereas, wicked men and howling impostors, will force their way to the worse, deceiving and being deceived.

rotherham@2Timothy:4:3 @ For there will be a seasonwhen, the healthful teaching, they will not endure, but, according to their own covetings, will, unto themselves, heap up teachers, because they have an itching ear,

rotherham@2Timothy:4:4 @ And, from the truth, indeed, their ear, will they turn away, while, unto stories, they will turn themselves aside.

rotherham@Titus:1:12 @ Said one from among them, a prophet, of their own!Cretans! always false, mischievous wild-beasts, idle gluttons:

rotherham@Titus:1:13 @ This witness, is true, for which cause, be reproving them sharply, that they may be healthy in their faith,

rotherham@Titus:1:15 @ All things, are pure, unto the pure, but, unto the polluted and faithless, nothing, is pure, but polluted are both their mind and conscience;

rotherham@Titus:1:16 @ God, they confess that they know, but, by their works, they deny him, being, abominable, and obdurate, and, as to any good work, found, worthless.

rotherham@Titus:2:2 @ That, aged men, be, sober, grave, sober-minded, healthy in their faith, love, endurance;

rotherham@Titus:2:4 @ That they may constrain the young women to be, lovers of their husbands, lovers of their children,

rotherham@Titus:2:5 @ soberminded, chaste, workers at home, good, submitting themselves to their own husbands, that, the word of God, be not defamed;

rotherham@Titus:2:9 @ Servants, unto their own masters, to be submitting themselves in all things, to be, well-pleasing, not gainsaying,

rotherham@Titus:3:13 @ Zenas the lawyer, and Apollos, do thou diligently set forward on their way, in order that, nothing, unto them, may be wanting.

rotherham@Hebrews:2:10 @ For it was becoming in him For the sake of whom are the all things, and by means of whom are the all things, when, many sons, unto glory, he would lead, The Princely Leader of their salvation, through sufferings, to make perfect.

rotherham@Hebrews:2:15 @ And might release theseas many as, by fear of death, were all their lifetime liable, to bondage.

rotherham@Hebrews:3:10 @ Wherefore I was sore vexed with this generation, and said, Always err they in their heart; howbeit, they, learned not my ways:

rotherham@Hebrews:5:14 @ But, to such as are mature, pertaineth, the strong food, to them who, by reason of habit, have their organs of perception well trained for discriminating both good and evil.

rotherham@Hebrews:7:5 @ And, they, indeed, from among the sons of Levi who the priesthood receive, have commandment to take tithes of the people, according to the law, that is, of their brethren, although sprung from the loins of Abraham;

rotherham@Hebrews:7:25 @ Whence he is able, even to be saving unto the very end, them who approach, through him, unto God; Since he evermore liveth to be interceding in their behalf.

rotherham@Hebrews:8:9 @ Not according to the covenant which I made with their fathers, in the day when I took them by their hand, to lead them forth out of the land of Egypt, because, they, abode not in my covenant, and, I, disregarded them, saith the Lord.

rotherham@Hebrews:8:10 @ Because, this, is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel, after those days, saith the Lord: giving my laws into their understanding, upon their hearts also, will I inscribe them: and I will become their God, and, they, shall become my people;

rotherham@Hebrews:8:12 @ Because, propitious, will I be as to their unrighteousnesses, and, of their sins, in nowise will I be mindful, any more.

rotherham@Hebrews:10:16 @ This is the covenant which I will covenant unto them after these days, saith the Lord, Giving my laws upon their hearts, upon their understandings also, will I inscribe them,

rotherham@Hebrews:10:17 @ of their sins, and of their lawlessnesses, I will in nowise be mindful any more.

rotherham@Hebrews:11:16 @ But, now, after a better one, are they reaching, that is, a heavenly; wherefore God is not ashamed of them, to be invoked as, their God, for he hath prepared for them, a city.

rotherham@Hebrews:11:35 @ Women received, by resurrection, their dead; but, others, were put to the rack, not accepting redemption, that, unto a better resurrection, they might attain:

rotherham@Hebrews:11:39 @ And, these all, though they obtained witness through their faith, yet bare not away, the promise:

rotherham@Hebrews:13:7 @ Be mindful of them who are guiding you, who, indeed, have spoken unto you, the word of God: the outgoing of whose behaviour, reviewing, be imitating, their faith.

rotherham@James:1:27 @ Religious observance, pure and undefiled with our God and Father, is, thisto be visiting orphans and widows in their affliction, unspotted, to keep, himself, from the world.

rotherham@James:3:3 @ Now, if, the horses bits, into their mouths, we thrust, to the end they may be yielding to us, their whole body also, do we turn about.

rotherham@James:5:3 @ Your gold and silver, have rusted away, and, their rust, shall be, witness against you, and shall eat your flesh, as fire! Ye have laid up treasure in days of extremity:

rotherham@1Peter:3:1 @ In like manner, ye wives, submitting yourselves unto your own husbands; in order that, if any are not yielding unto the word, through their wives behaviour, they may, without the word, be won,

rotherham@1Peter:3:5 @ For, so, at one time, the holy women also, who directed their hope towards God, used to adorn themselves, being in submission unto their own husbands:

rotherham@1Peter:3:12 @ Because, the eyes of the Lord, are towards the righteous, and his ears, unto their supplication, Whereas, the face of the Lord, is against them that are doing mischievous things.

rotherham@1Peter:3:14 @ Nevertheless, even if ye should suffer for righteousness sake, happy! Their fear, however, do not fear, neither be troubled;

rotherham@1Peter:4:19 @ So then, let, them who are even suffering, according to the will of God, unto a faithful Creator, be committing their souls, in well-doing.

rotherham@1Peter:5:1 @ Elders, therefore, among you, I exhort who am their co-elder and a witness of the sufferings of the Christ, who also, in the glory about to be revealed, have, a share;

rotherham@2Peter:2:2 @ And, many, will follow out their wanton ways, by reason of whom, the way of truth, will be defamed,

rotherham@2Peter:2:3 @ And, in greed, with forged words, will they, of you, make merchandise: for whom, the sentence from of old, is not idle, and, their destruction, doth not slumber.

rotherham@2Peter:2:8 @ For, in seeing and hearing, since he dwelt right among them, as a righteous man, he used to torment his soul, day by day, with their lawless deeds

rotherham@2Peter:2:10 @ Most of all, however, them who go their way, after the flesh, with a coveting of defilement, and who despise, lordship, daring! willful! before dignitaries, they tremble not, defaming,

rotherham@2Peter:2:12 @ These, however, as unreasoning creatures that have been bred as being, by nature, for capture and destruction, in the things they are ignorant of, uttering defamation, in their spoiling, shall also be made a spoil,

rotherham@2Peter:2:13 @ Doing wrong themselves, for a reward of wrong, accounting, a delight, their day-time delicacy, spots and blemishes, indulging in delicacies with their stratagems, as they carouse together with you,

rotherham@2Peter:2:18 @ For, great swelling words of vanity, uttering, they entice with carnal covetingsin wanton waysthem who are, well-nigh, escaping from the men who, in error, have their behaviour;

rotherham@2Peter:3:3 @ Of this, first, taking notethat there will come, in the last of the days, with scoffing, scoffers, after their own covetings, going on,

rotherham@2Peter:3:16 @ As also, in all letters, speaking in them concerning these things, in which are some things, hard to be understood, which, the uninstructed and unstable, wrest, as also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.

rotherham@Jude:1:6 @ Messengers also, even them who had not kept their own principality, but had forsaken their proper dwelling, unto the judgment of the great day in perpetual bonds under thick gloom, hath he reserved.

rotherham@Jude:1:8 @ In like manner, nevertheless, even these, in their dreamings, flesh indeed defile, while lordship they set aside, and dignities they defame.

rotherham@Jude:1:13 @ Wild waves of sea, foaming out their own infamies, wandering stars, for whom the gloom of darkness age-abiding hath been reserved.

rotherham@Jude:1:15 @ To execute judgment against all, and to convict all the ungodlyof all their works of ungodliness, which they committed in ungodliness, and of all the hard things which they have spoken against himsinners, ungodly!

rotherham@Jude:1:16 @ These, are murmurers, complainers, according to their covetings, going on, and, their mouth, speaketh great swelling words, holding persons in admiration, for profits sake.

rotherham@Jude:1:18 @ How that they used to say to you In the last time, there shall be mockers, according to their own ungodly covetings, going on.