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OT-HISTORY.filter - geneva Iudah:

geneva@Exodus:35:30 @ Then Moses sayde vnto the children of Israel, Beholde, the Lord hath called by name Bezaleel the sonne of Vri, the sonne of Hur of the tribe of Iudah,

geneva@Exodus:38:22 @ So Bezaleel the sonne of Vri the sonne of Hur of the tribe of Iudah, made all that the Lord commanded Moses.

geneva@Numbers:1:7 @ Of Iudah, Nahshon the sonne of Amminadab:

geneva@Numbers:1:26 @ Of the sonnes of Iudah by their generations, by their families, and by the houses of their fathers, according to the nomber of their names, from twentie yere olde and aboue, all that went forth to warre:

geneva@Numbers:1:27 @ The nomber of them, I say, of the tribe of Iudah was three score and fourteene thousande, and sixe hundreth.

geneva@Numbers:2:3 @ On the East side towarde the rising of the sunne, shall they of the standerd of the hoste of Iudah pitch according to their armies: and Nahshon the sonne of Amminadab shalbe captaine of the sonnes of Iudah.

geneva@Numbers:7:12 @ So then on the first day did Nahshon the sonne of Amminadab of ye tribe of Iudah offer his offring.

geneva@Numbers:10:14 @ In the first place went the standerd of the hoste of the children of Iudah, according to their armies: and Nahshon the sonne of Amminabad was ouer his band.

geneva@Numbers:13:6 @ {\cf2 (13:7)} Of the tribe of Iudah, Caleb the sonne of Iephunneh:

geneva@Numbers:26:20 @ So were the sonnes of Iudah after their families: of Shelah came the familie of ye Shelanites: of Pharez, the familie of the Pharzites, of Zerah, the familie of the Zarhites.

geneva@Numbers:26:22 @ These are the families of Iudah, after their nombers, seuentie and sixe thousande and fiue hundreth.

geneva@Numbers:34:19 @ The names also of the men are these: Of the tribe of Iudah, Caleb ye sonne of Iephunneh.

geneva@Joshua:7:16 @ So Ioshua rose vp earely in the morning and brought Israel by their tribes: and the tribe of Iudah was taken.

geneva@Joshua:7:17 @ And he brought the families of Iudah, and tooke the familie of the Zarhites, and he brought the familie of the Zarhites, man by man, and Zabdi was taken.

geneva@Joshua:7:18 @ And he brought his houshold, man by man, and Achan ye sonne of Carmi, the sonne of Zabdi, the sonne of Zerah of the tribe of Iudah was take.

geneva@Joshua:11:21 @ And that same season came Ioshua, and destroyed the Anakims out of the mountaines: as out of Hebron, out of Debir, out of Anab, and out of all the mountaines of Iudah, and out of all the mountaines of Israel: Ioshua destroyed them vtterly with their cities.

geneva@Joshua:15:1 @ This then was the lot of the tribe of the children of Iudah by their families: euen to the border of Edom and the wildernesse of Zin, Southward on the Southcoast.

geneva@Joshua:15:12 @ And the Westborder is to the great Sea: so this border shalbe the bounds of the children of Iudah round about, according to their families.

geneva@Joshua:15:13 @ And vnto Caleb the sonne of Iephunneh did Ioshua giue a part among the children of Iudah, as the Lord commanded him, euen Kiriath-arba of the father of Anak, which is Hebron.

geneva@Joshua:15:20 @ This shalbe the inheritance of the tribe of the children of Iudah according to their families.

geneva@Joshua:15:21 @ And the vtmost cities of the tribe of the children of Iudah, toward the coastes of Edom Southward were Kabzeel, and Eder, and Iagur,

geneva@Joshua:18:14 @ So the border turneth, and compasseth the corner of the Sea Southward, from the mount that lyeth before Beth-horon Southward: and the endes thereof are at Kiriath-baal (which is Kiriath-iearim) a citie of the children of Iudah: this is the Westquarter.

geneva@Joshua:19:34 @ So this coast turneth Westwarde to Aznoth-tabor, and goeth out from thence to Hukkok, and reacheth to Zebulun on the Southside, and goeth to Asher on the Westside, and to Iudah by Iorden toward the sunne rising.

geneva@Joshua:20:7 @ Then they appointed Kedesh in Galil in mount Naphtali, and Shechem in mount Ephraim, and Kiriath-arba, (which is Hebron) in the mountaine of Iudah.

geneva@Joshua:21:9 @ And they gaue out of the tribe of the children of Iudah, & out of the tribe of the children of Simeo, these cities which are here named.

geneva@Joshua:21:11 @ So they gaue them Kiriath-arba of the father of Anok (which is Hebron) in the mountaine of Iudah, with the suburbes of the same round about it.

geneva@Judges:1:2 @ And the Lord said, Iudah shall goe vp: behold, I haue giuen the land into his hande.

geneva@Judges:1:4 @ Then Iudah went vp, and the Lorde deliuered the Canaanites and the Perizzites into their hands, and they slew of them in Bezek ten thousand men.

geneva@Judges:1:9 @ Afterwarde also the children of Iudah went downe to fight against the Canaanites, that dwelt in the mountaine, and towarde the South, and in the lowe countrey.

geneva@Judges:1:17 @ But Iudah went with Simeon his brother, and they slewe the Canaanites that inhabited Zephath, and vtterly destroied it, and called the name of the citie Hormah.

geneva@Judges:1:19 @ And the Lord was with Iudah, and he possessed the mountaines: for he could not driue out the inhabitantes of the valleis, because they had charrets of yron.

geneva@Judges:10:9 @ Moreouer, the children of Ammon went ouer Iorden to fight against Iudah, and against Beniamin, and against the house of Ephraim: so that Israel was sore tormented.

geneva@Judges:15:9 @ Then the Philistims came vp, and pitched in Iudah, and were spred abroad in Lehi.

geneva@Judges:17:8 @ And the man departed out of the citie, euen out of Beth-lehem Iudah, to dwell where he coulde finde a place: and as he iourneyed, he came to mount Ephraim to the house of Michah

geneva@Judges:18:12 @ And they went vp, and pitched in Kiriath-iearim in Iudah: wherefore they called that place, Mahaneh-Dan vnto this day: and it is behinde Kiriath-iearim.

geneva@Judges:19:1 @ Also in those dayes, when there was no king in Israel, a certaine Leuite dwelt on the side of mount Ephraim, and tooke to wife a concubine out of Beth-lehem Iudah,

geneva@Judges:19:2 @ And his concubine played ye whore there, and went away from him vnto her fathers house to Beth-lehem Iudah, and there continued the space of foure moneths.

geneva@Ruth:1:2 @ And the name of the man was Elimelech, and the name of his wife, Naomi: and the names of his two sonnes, Mahlon, and Chilion, Ephrathites of Beth-lehem Iudah: and when they came into the land of Moab, they continued there.

geneva@Ruth:1:7 @ Wherefore shee departed out of the place where she was, and her two daughters in law with her, and they went on their way to returne vnto the land of Iudah.

geneva@Ruth:4:12 @ And that thine house be like the house of Pharez ( whom Thamar bare vnto Iudah) of the seede which the Lord shall giue thee of this yong woman.

geneva@1Samuel:11:8 @ And when he nombred them in Bezek, the children of Israel were three hundreth thousande men: and the men of Iudah thirtie thousand.

geneva@1Samuel:15:4 @ And Saul assembled ye people, and nombred them in Telaim, two hundreth thousande footemen, and ten thousand men of Iudah.

geneva@1Samuel:17:1 @ Nowe the Philistims gathered their armies to battell, & came together to Shochoh, which is in Iudah, and pitched betweene Shochoh and Azekah, in the coast of Dammim.

geneva@1Samuel:17:12 @ Nowe this Dauid was the sonne of an Ephrathite of Beth-lehem Iudah, named Ishai, which had eight sonnes: and this man was taken for an olde man in the daies of Saul.

geneva@1Samuel:17:52 @ And the men of Israel and Iudah arose, & shouted, and followed after the Philistims, vntill they came to the valley, & vnto the gates of Ekron: and the Philistims fell downe wounded by the way of Shaaraim, euen to Gath & to Ekron.

geneva@1Samuel:18:16 @ For all Israel and Iudah loued Dauid, because he went out and in before them.

geneva@1Samuel:22:5 @ And the Prophet Gad sayde vnto Dauid, Abide not in the holde, but depart and goe into the land of Iudah. Then Dauid departed & came into the forest of Hareth.

geneva@1Samuel:27:6 @ Then Achish gaue him Ziklag that same day: therefore Ziklag pertaineth vnto the kings of Iudah vnto this day.

geneva@1Samuel:30:14 @ We roued vpon the South of Chereth, & vpon the coast belonging to Iudah, and vpon the South of Caleb, and we burnt Ziklag with fire.

geneva@1Samuel:30:26 @ When Dauid therefore came to Ziklag, he sent of the pray vnto the Elders of Iudah and to his friends, saying, See there is a blessing for you of the spoyle of the enemies of the Lord.

geneva@2Samuel:2:4 @ Then the men of Iudah came, and there they anoynted Dauid King ouer the house of Iudah; they tolde Dauid, saying, that the men of Iabesh Gilead buried Saul.

geneva@2Samuel:2:10 @ Ish-bosheth Sauls sonne was fourtie yeere olde wen he began to reigne ouer Israel, and reigned two yeere: but the house of Iudah followed Dauid.

geneva@2Samuel:3:10 @ To remoue the kingdome from the house of Saul, that the throne of Dauid may be stablished ouer Israel, and ouer Iudah, euen from Dan to Beer-sheba.

geneva@2Samuel:5:5 @ In Hebron hee reigned ouer Iudah seuen yeere, and sixe moneths: and in Ierusalem hee reigned thirtie and three yeeres ouer all Israel and Iudah.

geneva@2Samuel:19:14 @ So he bowed the heartes of all the men of Iudah, as of one man: therefore they sent to the King, saying, Returne thou with all thy seruants.

geneva@2Samuel:19:15 @ So the King returned, and came to Iorden; Iudah came to Gilgal, for to goe to meete the King, and to conduct him ouer Iorde.

geneva@2Samuel:19:42 @ And all the men of Iudah answered the men of Israel, Because the King is neere of kin to vs: and wherefore now be ye angry for this matter? Haue we eaten of the Kings cost, or haue wee taken any bribes?

geneva@2Samuel:19:43 @ And the men of Israel answered the men of Iudah, and saide, Wee haue ten partes in the King, and haue also more right to Dauid then ye: Why then did ye despise vs, that our aduise should not bee first had in restoring our King? And the wordes of the men of Iudah were fiercer then the wordes of the men of Israel.

geneva@2Samuel:20:5 @ So Amasa went to assemble Iudah, but hee taried longer then the time which he had appoynted him.

geneva@2Samuel:21:2 @ Then ye King called the Gibeonites and said vnto them. (Now the Gibeonites were not of the children of Israel, but a remnant of the Amorites, vnto whom ye children of Israel had sworne: but Saul sought to slay them for his zeale toward the children of Israel and Iudah)

geneva@2Samuel:24:7 @ And came to the fortresse of Tyrus and to all the cities of the Hiuites and of the Canaanites, and went towarde the South of Iudah, euen to Beer-sheba.

geneva@1Kings:1:9 @ Then Adoniiah sacrificed sheepe and oxen, and fat cattel by the stone of Zoheleth, which is by En-rogel, and called all his brethren the kings sonnes, & al the men of Iudah ye Kings seruants,

geneva@1Kings:1:35 @ Then come vp after him, that hee may come and sit vpon my throne: and hee shall bee King in my steade: for I haue appointed him to be prince ouer Israel and ouer Iudah.

geneva@1Kings:2:32 @ And the Lorde shall bring his blood vpon his owne head: for he smote two men more righteous and better then he, and slew them with the sword, & my father Dauid knew not: to wit, Abner the sonne of Ner, captaine of the hoste of Israel, and Amasa the sonne of Iether captaine of the hoste of Iudah.

geneva@1Kings:12:17 @ Howbeit ouer the children of Israel, which dwelt in the cities of Iudah, did Rehoboam reigne still.

geneva@1Kings:12:20 @ And when all Israel had heard that Ieroboam was come againe, they sent and called him vnto the assemblie, and made him King ouer all Israel: none followed the house of Dauid, but the tribe of Iudah onely.

geneva@1Kings:12:23 @ Speake vnto Rehoboam the sonne of Salomon King of Iudah, and vnto all the house of Iudah and Beniamin, and the remnant of the people, saying,

geneva@1Kings:13:12 @ And their father sayde vnto them, What way went he? and his sonnes shewed him what waye the man of God went, which came from Iudah.

geneva@1Kings:13:14 @ And went after the man of God, & found him sitting vnder an oke: and he saide vnto him, Art thou the man of God that camest from Iudah? And he sayd, Yea.

geneva@1Kings:14:22 @ And Iudah wrought wickednesse in the sight of the Lorde: and they prouoked him more with their sinnes, which they had committed, then all that which their fathers had done.

geneva@1Kings:15:1 @ And in the eighteene yere of King Ieroboam the sonne of Nebat, reigned Abiiam ouer Iudah.

geneva@1Kings:15:7 @ The rest also of the actes of Abiiam, and all that he did, are they not written in the booke of the Chronicles of the Kings of Iudah? There was also warre betweene Abiiam, and Ieroboam.

geneva@1Kings:15:9 @ And in the twentie yeere of Ieroboam King of Israel reigned Asa ouer Iudah.

geneva@1Kings:15:22 @ Then king Asa assembled al Iudah, none excepted; they tooke the stones of Ramah, and the timber thereof, wherewith Baasha had buylt, & King Asa built with them Geba of Beniamin and Mizpah.

geneva@1Kings:15:25 @ And Nadab the sonne of Ieroboam began to reigne ouer Israel the second yere of Asa King of Iudah, and reigned ouer Israel two yeere.

geneva@1Kings:15:28 @ Euen in the third yeere of Asa King of Iudah did Baasha slay him, & reigned in his steade.

geneva@1Kings:16:8 @ In the sixe and twentie yeere of Asa king of Iudah began Elah ye sonne of Baasha to reigne ouer Israel in Tirzah, and reigned two yeere.

geneva@1Kings:16:10 @ And Zimri came and smote him & killed him, in the seuen and twentie yeere of Asa king of Iudah, and reigned in his stead.

geneva@1Kings:16:23 @ In the one and thirtie yeere of Asa King of Iudah bega Omri to reigne ouer Israel, & reigned twelue yeere. Sixe yeere reigned he in Tirzah.

geneva@1Kings:16:29 @ Nowe Ahab the sonne of Omri began to reigne ouer Israel, in the eyght & thirtie yeere of Asa king of Iudah: and Ahab the sonne of Omri reigned ouer Israel in Samaria two & twety yere.

geneva@1Kings:19:3 @ When he sawe that, he arose, and went for his life, and came to Beer-sheba, which is in Iudah, and left his seruant there.

geneva@1Kings:22:29 @ So the King of Israel and Iehoshaphat the King of Iudah went vp to Ramoth Gilead.

geneva@1Kings:22:41 @ And Iehoshaphat the sonne of Asa began to reigne vpon Iudah in the fourth yeere of Ahab King of Israel.

geneva@1Kings:22:45 @ Concerning the rest of the actes of Iehoshaphat, and his worthy deedes that he did, and his battels which he fought, are they not written in the booke of the Chronicles of the Kings of Iudah?

geneva@1Kings:22:51 @ Ahaziah the sonne of Ahab began to reigne ouer Israel in Samaria, the seuenteenth yeere of Iehoshaphat King of Iudah, and reigned two yeeres ouer Israel.

geneva@2Kings:8:19 @ Yet the Lord would not destroy Iudah, for Dauid his seruants sake, as he had promised him to giue him a light, and to his children for euer.

geneva@2Kings:8:23 @ Concerning the rest of the actes of Ioram and all that hee did, are they not written in the booke of the Chronicles of the Kings of Iudah?

geneva@2Kings:8:25 @ In the twelft yere of Ioram the sonne of Ahab King of Israel did Ahaziah the sonne of Iehoram King of Iudah begin to reigne.

geneva@2Kings:9:21 @ Then Iehoram sayd, Make ready: and his charet was made ready; Iehoram King of Israel and Ahaziah King of Iudah went out eyther of them in his charet against Iehu, and met him in the fielde of Naboth the Izreelite.

geneva@2Kings:10:13 @ He met with the brethre of Ahaziah king of Iudah, and sayd, Who are ye? And they answered, We are the brethren of Ahaziah, and goe downe to salute the children of the King and the children of the Queene.

geneva@2Kings:12:19 @ Concerning the rest of the acts of Ioash & all that he did, are they not written in the booke of the Chronicles of the Kings of Iudah?

geneva@2Kings:13:1 @ In the three and twentieth yeere of Ioash the sonne of Ahaziah King of Iudah, Iehoahaz the sonne of Iehu began to reigne ouer Israel in Samaria, and he reigned seuenteene yeere.

geneva@2Kings:13:12 @ Concerning the rest of the actes of Ioash and all that he did, and his valiant deedes, and how he fought against Amaziah King of Iudah, are they not written in the booke of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel?

geneva@2Kings:14:1 @ The second yeere of Ioash sonne of Iehoahaz King of Israel reigned Amaziah the sonne of Ioash King of Iudah.

geneva@2Kings:14:11 @ But Amaziah would not heare: therefore Iehoash King of Israel went vp: and he and Amaziah King of Iudah sawe one another in the face at Beth-shemesh which is in Iudah.

geneva@2Kings:14:12 @ And Iudah was put to the worse before Israel, and they fledde euery man to their tents.

geneva@2Kings:14:13 @ But Iehoash King of Israel tooke Amaziah King of Iudah, the sonne of Iehoash the sonne of Ahaziah, at Beth-shemesh, and came to Ierusalem, and brake downe the wall of Ierusalem from the gate of Ephraim to the corner gate, foure hundreth cubites.

geneva@2Kings:14:15 @ Concerning the rest of the acts of Iehoash which he did and his valiant deedes, and how he fought with Amaziah King of Iudah, are they not written in the booke of the Chronicles of the Kings of Israel?

geneva@2Kings:14:17 @ And Amaziah the sonne of Ioash King of Iudah, liued after the death of Iehoash sonne of Iehoahaz King of Israel fifteene yeere.

geneva@2Kings:14:18 @ Concerning the rest of the actes of Amaziah, are they not written in the booke of the Chronicles of the Kings of Iudah?

geneva@2Kings:14:23 @ In the fifteenth yeere of Amaziah the sonne of Ioash King of Iudah, was Ieroboam the sonne of Ioash made King ouer Israel in Samaria, and reigned one and fourtie yeere.

geneva@2Kings:15:1 @ In the seuen and twentieth yeere of Ieroboam King of Israel, began Azariah, sonne of Amaziah King of Iudah to reigne.

geneva@2Kings:15:6 @ Concerning the rest of the actes of Azariah, and all that he did, are they not written in the booke of the Chronicles of the Kings of Iudah?

geneva@2Kings:15:13 @ Shallum the sonne of Iabesh began to reigne in the nine and thirtieth yeere of Vzziah King of Iudah: and he reigned the space of a moneth in Samaria.

geneva@2Kings:15:17 @ The nine and thirtieth yeere of Azariah King of Iudah, beganne Menahem the sonne of Gadi to reigne ouer Israel, and reigned ten yeeres in Samaria.

geneva@2Kings:15:23 @ In ye fiftieth yere of Azariah king of Iudah, began Pekahiah the sonne of Menahem to reigne ouer Israel in Samaria, & reigned two yere.

geneva@2Kings:15:27 @ In the two and fiftieth yere of Azariah King of Iudah began Pekah the sonne of Remaliah to reigne ouer Israel in Samaria, and reigned twentie yeere.

geneva@2Kings:15:32 @ In the second yere of Pekah the sonne of Remaliah King of Israel, began Iotham sonne of Vzziah King of Iudah to reigne.

geneva@2Kings:15:36 @ Concerning the rest of the acts of Iotham, and all that hee did, are they not written in the booke of the Chronicles of the kings of Iudah?

geneva@2Kings:16:19 @ Concerning the rest of the actes of Ahaz, which he did, are they not written in the booke of the Chronicles of the Kings of Iudah?

geneva@2Kings:17:1 @ In the twelft yeere of Ahaz King of Iudah began Hoshea the sonne of Elah to reigne in Samaria ouer Israel, and reigned nine yeeres.

geneva@2Kings:17:13 @ Notwithstanding the Lord testified to Israel, and to Iudah by all the Prophets, & by all the Seers, saying, Turne from your euill wayes, and keepe my commandements & my statutes, according to all the Lawe, which I commanded your fathers, and which I sent to you by my seruants the Prophets.

geneva@2Kings:17:19 @ Yet Iudah kept not the commandements of the Lord their God, but walked according to the facion of Israel, which they vsed.

geneva@2Kings:18:1 @ Now in the third yeere of Hoshea, sonne of Elah King of Israel, Hezekiah the sonne of Ahaz king of Iudah began to reigne.

geneva@2Kings:18:5 @ He trusted in the Lorde God of Israel: so that after him was none like him among all the Kings of Iudah, neither were there any such before him.

geneva@2Kings:18:13 @ Moreouer, in the fourteenth yeere of King Hezekiah, Saneherib King of Asshur came vp against all the strong cities of Iudah, and tooke them.

geneva@2Kings:18:16 @ At the same season did Hezekiah pul off the plates of the doores of the Temple of the Lord, and the pillars (which the sayd Hezekiah King of Iudah had couered ouer) and gaue them to the King of Asshur.

geneva@2Kings:20:20 @ Concerning the rest of the actes of Hezekiah, and all his valiant deedes, and howe he made a poole and a cundite, and brought water into the citie, are they not written in the booke of the Chronicles of the Kings of Iudah?

geneva@2Kings:21:11 @ Because that Manasseh King of Iudah hath done such abominations, and hath wrought more wickedly then al that the Amorites (which were before him) did, and hath made Iudah sinne also with his idoles,

geneva@2Kings:21:17 @ Concerning the rest of the actes of Manasseh, and all that hee did, and his sinne that he sinned, are they not written in the booke of the Chronicles of the Kings of Iudah?

geneva@2Kings:21:25 @ Concerning the rest of the actes of Amon, which he did, are they not written in the booke of the Chronicles of the Kings of Iudah?

geneva@2Kings:22:16 @ Thus sayth the Lorde, Behold, I wil bring euill vpon this place, & on the inhabitants thereof, euen al the words of the booke which ye King of Iudah hath read,

geneva@2Kings:22:18 @ But to the King of Iudah, who sent you to inquire of the Lord, so shal ye say vnto him, Thus sayeth the Lorde God of Israel, The wordes that thou hast heard, shal come to passe.

geneva@2Kings:23:2 @ And the King went vp into the house of the Lord, with all the men of Iudah and all the inhabitants of Ierusalem with him, and the Priests & Prophets, and all the people both smal and great: and he reade in their eares all the wordes of the booke of the couenant, which was found in the house of the Lord.

geneva@2Kings:23:8 @ Also he brought all the priests out of the cities of Iudah, and defiled the hie places where the Priests had burnt incense, euen from Geba to Beer-sheba, and destroyed the hie places of the gates, that were in the entring in of the gate of Ioshua the gouernour of the citie, which was at the left hand of the gate of the citie.

geneva@2Kings:23:12 @ And the altars that were on the top of the chamber of Ahaz, which the Kings of Iudah had made, and the altars which Manasseh had made in the two courts of the house of the Lord did the King breake downe, and hasted thence, & cast the dust of them in the brooke Kedron.

geneva@2Kings:23:17 @ Then he sayde, What title is that which I see? And the men of the citie sayd vnto him, It is the sepulchre of the man of God, which came from Iudah, and tolde these things that thou hast done to the altar of Beth-el.

geneva@2Kings:23:24 @ Iosiah also tooke away them that had familiar spirits, and the soothsayers, and the images, and the idoles, and al the abominations that were espied in the lande of Iudah and in Ierusalem, to performe the wordes of the Lawe, which were written in the booke that Hilkiah the Priest found in the house of the Lord.

geneva@2Kings:23:27 @ Therefore the Lorde saide, I will put Iudah also out of my sight, as I haue put away Israel, and will cast off this citie Ierusalem, which I haue chosen, and the house whereof I said, My name shalbe there.

geneva@2Kings:23:28 @ Concerning the rest of the actes of Iosiah, and all that hee did, are they not written in the booke of the Chronicles of the Kings of Iudah?

geneva@2Kings:24:2 @ And the Lorde sent against him bandes of the Caldees, and bands of the Aramites, & bands of the Moabites, and bandes of the Ammonites, and he sent them against Iudah to destroy it, according to the worde of the Lord, which he spake by his seruants the Prophets.

geneva@2Kings:24:5 @ Concerning the rest of the actes of Iehoiakim, and all that he did, are they not written in the booke of the Chronicles of the Kinges of Iudah?

geneva@2Kings:25:21 @ And the King of Babel smote them, & slew them at Riblah in the land of Hamath. So Iudah was caried away captiue out of his owne land.

geneva@2Kings:25:22 @ Howbeit there remained people in the land of Iudah, whom Nebuchad-nezzar King of Babel left, and made Gedaliah the sonne of Ahikam the sonne of Shaphan ruler ouer them.

geneva@1Chronicles:2:1 @ These are the sonnes of Israel, Reuben, Simeon, Leui and Iudah, Isshachar, & Zebulun,

geneva@1Chronicles:2:4 @ And Thamar his daughter in law bare him Pharez, and Zerah: so al the sonnes of Iudah were fiue.

geneva@1Chronicles:4:21 @ The sonnes of Shelah, the sonne of Iudah were Er the father of Lecah, and Laadah the father of Mareshah, & the families of the householdes of them that wrought fine linnen in the house of Ashbea.

geneva@1Chronicles:4:27 @ And Shimei had sixteene sonnes, and sixe daughters, but his brethren had not many children, neither was all their familie like to the children of Iudah in multitude.

geneva@1Chronicles:4:41 @ And these described by name, came in the dayes of Hezekiah king of Iudah, & smote their tents, and the inhabitants that were found there, and destroyed them vtterly vnto this day, and dwelt in their roume, because there was pasture there for their sheepe.

geneva@1Chronicles:5:17 @ All these were rekoned by genealogies in the dayes of Iotham King of Iudah, and in the dayes of Ieroboam King of Israel.

geneva@1Chronicles:6:65 @ And they gaue by lot out of the tribe of the children of Iudah, and out of the tribe of the children of Simeon, and out of the tribe of the children of Beniamin, these cities, which they called by their names.

geneva@1Chronicles:9:3 @ And in Ierusalem dwelt of the children of Iudah, and of the children of Beniamin, & of the children of Ephraim, and Manasseh.

geneva@1Chronicles:9:4 @ Vthai the sonne of Amihud the sonne of Omri, the sonne of Imri, the sonne of Bani: of the children of Pharez, the sonne of Iudah.

geneva@1Chronicles:12:16 @ And there came of the children of Beniamin, and Iudah to the hold vnto Dauid,

geneva@1Chronicles:12:24 @ The children of Iudah that bare shield and speare, were sixe thousand and eight hundreth armed to the warre.

geneva@1Chronicles:13:6 @ And Dauid went vp and all Israel to Baalath, in Kiriath-iearim, that was in Iudah, to bring vp from thence the Arke of God the Lorde that dwelleth betweene the Cherubims, where his Name is called on.

geneva@1Chronicles:27:18 @ Ouer Iudah, Elihu of the brethren of Dauid: ouer Issachar, Omri the sonne of Michael:

geneva@2Chronicles:2:7 @ Sende me nowe therefore a cunning man that can worke in golde, in siluer, & in brasse, and in yron, & in purple, and crimosin & blue silke, & that can graue in grauen worke with the cunning men that are with me in Iudah & in Ierusalem, whom Dauid my father hath prepared.

geneva@2Chronicles:10:17 @ Howbeit Rehoboam reigned ouer the children of Israel, that dwelt in the cities of Iudah.

geneva@2Chronicles:11:3 @ Speake vnto Rehoboam, the sonne of Salomon King of Iudah, and to all Israel that are in Iudah, and Beniamin, saying,

geneva@2Chronicles:11:10 @ And Zorah, and Aialon, and Hebron, which were in Iudah and Beniamin, strong cities.

geneva@2Chronicles:11:12 @ And in all cities he put shieldes & speares, and made them exceeding strong: so Iudah and Beniamin were his.

geneva@2Chronicles:11:14 @ For the Leuites left their suburbes & their possession, and came to Iudah and to Ierusalem: for Ieroboam and his sonnes had cast them out from ministring in the Priestes office vnto the Lorde.

geneva@2Chronicles:12:4 @ And he tooke the strong cities which were of Iudah, and came vnto Ierusalem.

geneva@2Chronicles:13:14 @ Then Iudah looked, and beholde, the battel was before and behinde them, and they cried vnto the Lorde, and the Priests blewe with the trumpets,

geneva@2Chronicles:13:15 @ And the men of Iudah gaue a shoute: and euen as the men of Iudah shouted, God smote Ieroboam and also Israel before Abiiah and Iudah.

geneva@2Chronicles:13:16 @ And the children of Israel fledde before Iudah, & God deliuered them into their hande.

geneva@2Chronicles:14:4 @ And commanded Iudah to seeke the Lord God of their fathers, and to doe according to the Lawe and the comandement.

geneva@2Chronicles:14:6 @ He built also strong cities in Iudah, because the lande was in rest, and he had no warre in those yeeres: for the Lord had giuen him rest.

geneva@2Chronicles:14:8 @ And Asa had an armie of Iudah that bare shieldes and speares, three hundreth thousande, and of Beniamin that bare shieldes and drewe bowes, two hundreth and foure score thousande: all these were valiant men.

geneva@2Chronicles:14:12 @ So the Lord smote the Ethiopians before Asa and before Iudah, and the Ethiopians fled.

geneva@2Chronicles:15:2 @ And he went out to meete Asa, and said vnto him, O Asa, and all Iudah, and Beniamin, heare ye me. The Lorde is with you, while ye be with him: and if ye seeke him, he wil be founde of you, but if ye forsake him, he will forsake you.

geneva@2Chronicles:15:8 @ And when Asa heard these wordes, and the prophesie of Obed the Prophet, he was encouraged, and tooke away the abominations out of all the lande of Iudah, and Beniamin, and out of the cities which he had taken of mount Ephraim, and he renued the altar of the Lorde, that was before the porche of the Lorde.

geneva@2Chronicles:15:9 @ And he gathered all Iudah and Beniamin, and the strangers with them out of Ephraim, and Manasseh, and out of Simeon: for there fell many to him out of Israel, when they sawe that the Lorde his God was with him.

geneva@2Chronicles:16:6 @ Then Asa the King tooke all Iudah, and caryed away the stones of Ramah and the tymber thereof, wherewith Baasha did builde, and he built therewith Geba and Mizpah.

geneva@2Chronicles:16:7 @ And at that same time Hanani the Seer came to Asa King of Iudah, and saide vnto him, Because thou hast rested vpon the king of Aram, and not rested in the Lorde thy God, therefore is the hoste of the King of Aram escaped out of thine hande.

geneva@2Chronicles:16:11 @ And behold, the actes of Asa first and last, loe, they are written in the booke of the Kings of Iudah and Israel.

geneva@2Chronicles:17:2 @ And he put garisons in all the strong cities of Iudah, and set bandes in the lande of Iudah and in the cities of Ephraim, which Asa his father had taken.

geneva@2Chronicles:17:5 @ Therefore the Lorde stablished the kingdome in his hande, and all Iudah brought presents to Iehoshaphat, so that he had of riches and honour in abundance.

geneva@2Chronicles:17:9 @ And they taught in Iudah, and had the booke of the Lawe of the Lorde with them, and went about throughout all the cities of Iudah, and taught the people.

geneva@2Chronicles:17:12 @ So Iehoshaphat prospered and grewe vp on hie: and he built in Iudah palaces and cities of store.

geneva@2Chronicles:17:13 @ And he had great workes in the cities of Iudah, and men of warre, and valiant men in Ierusalem.

geneva@2Chronicles:17:14 @ And these are the nombers of them after the house of their fathers, In Iudah were captaines of thousands, Adnah the captaine, & with him of valiant men three hundreth thousande.

geneva@2Chronicles:18:3 @ And Ahab King of Israel saide vnto Iehoshaphat King of Iudah, Wilt thou goe with mee to Ramoth Gilead? And hee answered him, I am as thou art, and my people as thy people, and wee will ioyne with thee in the warre.

geneva@2Chronicles:18:28 @ So the King of Israel and Iehoshaphat the King of Iudah went vp to Ramoth Gilead.

geneva@2Chronicles:19:1 @ And Iehoshaphat the King of Iudah returned safe to his house in Ierusalem.

geneva@2Chronicles:19:5 @ And hee set iudges in the lande throughout all the strong cities of Iudah, citie by citie,

geneva@2Chronicles:20:4 @ And Iudah gathered them selues together to aske counsel of the Lord: they came euen out of all the cities of Iudah to inquire of the Lord,

geneva@2Chronicles:20:5 @ And Iehoshaphat stoode in the Congregation of Iudah and Ierusalem in the house of the Lord before the new court,

geneva@2Chronicles:20:17 @ Ye shall not neede to fight in this battell: stand still, moue not, and behold the saluation of the Lord towardes you: O Iudah, and Ierusalem, feare ye not, neither be afraid: to morow goe out against them, and the Lord wilbe with you.

geneva@2Chronicles:20:24 @ And when Iudah came towarde Mizpah in the wildernes, they looked vnto the multitude: & behold, the carkeises were fallen to the earth, and none escaped.

geneva@2Chronicles:20:27 @ Then euery man of Iudah and Ierusalem returned with Iehoshaphat their head, to goe againe to Ierusalem with ioy: for the Lorde had made them to reioyce ouer their enemies.

geneva@2Chronicles:20:31 @ And Iehoshaphat reigned ouer Iudah, and was fiue and thirtie yeere olde, when he began to reigne: and reigned fiue and twentie yeere in Ierusalem, and his mothers name was Azubah the daughter of Shilhi.

geneva@2Chronicles:20:35 @ Yet after this did Iehoshaphat King of Iudah ioyne himselfe with Ahaziah King of Israel, who was giuen to do euill.

geneva@2Chronicles:21:3 @ And their father gaue them great giftes of siluer and of golde, and of precious things, with strong cities in Iudah, but the kingdome gaue he to Iehoram: for he was the eldest.

geneva@2Chronicles:21:8 @ In his dayes Edom rebelled from vnder the hand of Iudah, and made a King ouer them.

geneva@2Chronicles:21:13 @ But hast walked in the way of the kings of Israel, & hast made Iudah & the inhabitantes of Ierusalem to go a whoring, as the house of Ahab went a whoring, & hast also slaine thy brethre of thy fathers house, which were better then thou,

geneva@2Chronicles:22:6 @ And he returned to be healed in Izreel, because of the woundes wherewith they had wounded him at Ramah, when he fought with Hazael King of Aram. Nowe Azariah the sonne of Iehoram King of Iudah went downe to see Iehoram the sonne of Ahab at Izreel, because hee was diseased.

geneva@2Chronicles:22:8 @ Therefore when Iehu executed iudgemet vpon the house of Ahab, and found the princes of Iudah and the sonnes of the brethren of Ahaziah that waited on Ahaziah, he slew them also.

geneva@2Chronicles:24:9 @ And they made proclamation thorow Iudah and Ierusalem, to bring vnto the Lord the taxe of Moses the seruant of God, layde vpon Israel in the wildernesse.

geneva@2Chronicles:24:18 @ And they left the house of the Lord God of their fathers, and serued groues and idoles: & wrath came vpon Iudah and Ierusalem, because of this their trespasse.

geneva@2Chronicles:24:23 @ And when the yeere was out, the host of Aram came vp against him, and they came against Iudah and Ierusalem, and destroyed all the princes of the people from among the people, and sent all the spoyle of them vnto the King of Damascus.

geneva@2Chronicles:25:10 @ So Amaziah separated them, to wit, the armie that was come to him out of Ephraim, to returne to their place: wherefore their wrath was kindled greatly against Iudah, and they returned to their places with great anger.

geneva@2Chronicles:25:18 @ But Ioash King of Israel sent to Amaziah King of Iudah, saying, The thistle that is in Lebanon, sent to the cedar that is in Lebanon, saying, Giue thy daughter to my sonne to wife: and the wilde beast that was in Lebanon went and trode downe the thistle.

geneva@2Chronicles:25:19 @ Thou thinkest: lo, thou hast smitten Edom, and thine heart lifteth thee vp to bragge: abide now at home: why doest thou prouoke to thine hurt, that thou shouldest fall, and Iudah with thee?

geneva@2Chronicles:25:21 @ So Ioash the King of Israel went vp: and he, and Amaziah King of Iudah saw one another in the face at Bethshemesh, which is in Iudah.

geneva@2Chronicles:25:22 @ And Iudah was put to the worse before Israel, and they fled euery man to his tents.

geneva@2Chronicles:25:23 @ But Ioash the King of Israel tooke Amaziah King of Iudah, the sonne of Ioash, the sonne of Iehoahaz in Bethshemesh, and brought him to Ierusalem, and brake downe the wall of Ierusalem, from the gate of Ephraim vnto the corner gate, foure hundreth cubites.

geneva@2Chronicles:25:25 @ And Amaziah the sonne of Ioash King of Iudah liued after the death of Ioash sonne of Iehoahaz King of Israel, fifteene yeere.

geneva@2Chronicles:25:26 @ Concerning the rest of the actes of Amaziah first and last, are they not written in the booke of the Kings of Iudah and Israel?

geneva@2Chronicles:25:28 @ And they brought him vpon horses, & buried him with his fathers in the citie of Iudah.

geneva@2Chronicles:27:4 @ Moreouer hee buylt cities in the mountaines of Iudah, and in the forests he buylt palaces and towres.

geneva@2Chronicles:27:7 @ Concerning the rest of the acts of Iotham, & all his warres & his wayes, loe, they are written in the booke of the Kings of Israel, and Iudah.

geneva@2Chronicles:28:17 @ (For the Edomites came moreouer, & slew of Iudah, and caryed away captiues.

geneva@2Chronicles:28:18 @ The Philistims also inuaded the cities in the low countrey, & toward the South of Iudah, and tooke Bethshemesh, and Aialon, and Gederoth and Shocho, with the villages thereof, and Timnah, with her villages, and Gimzo, with her villages, and they dwelt there.

geneva@2Chronicles:28:25 @ And in euery citie of Iudah hee made hie places, to burne incense vnto other gods, & prouoked to anger the Lord God of his fathers.

geneva@2Chronicles:28:26 @ Concerning the rest of his actes, and all his wayes first and last, beholde, they are written in the booke of the Kings of Iudah, and Israel.

geneva@2Chronicles:29:21 @ And they brought seuen bullockes, and seuen rammes, and seuen lambes, and seuen hee goates, for a sinne offring for the kingdome, & for the sanctuarie, and for Iudah; he commanded the Priests the sonnes of Aaron, to offer them on the altar of the Lord.

geneva@2Chronicles:30:25 @ And all the Congregation of Iudah reioyced with the Priestes and the Leuites, and all the Congregation that came out of Israel, and the strangers that came out of the land of Israel, and that dwelt in Iudah.

geneva@2Chronicles:31:20 @ And thus did Hezekiah throughout al Iudah, and did well, and vprightly, and truely before the Lorde his God.

geneva@2Chronicles:32:1 @ After these things faithfully described, Saneherib King of Asshur came and entred into Iudah, and besieged the strong cities, & thought to winne them for him selfe.

geneva@2Chronicles:32:32 @ Concerning the rest of the actes of Hezekiah, and his goodnesse, beholde, they are written in the vision of Ishiah the Prophet, the sonne of Amoz, in the booke of the Kings of Iudah and Israel.

geneva@2Chronicles:32:33 @ So Hezekiah slept with his fathers, and they buryed him in the highest sepulchre of the sonnes of Dauid: and all Iudah and the inhabitants of Ierusalem did him honour at his death: and Manasseh his sonne reigned in his stead.

geneva@2Chronicles:33:9 @ So Manasseh made Iudah and the inhabitants of Ierusalem to erre, and to doe worse then the heathen, whome the Lord had destroyed before the children of Israel.

geneva@2Chronicles:34:9 @ And when they came to Hilkiah the hie Priest, they deliuered ye money that was brought into the house of God, which the Leuites that kept the doore, had gathered at the hand of Manasseh, and Ephraim, and of all the residue of Israel, and of all Iudah and Beniamin, and of the inhabitantes of Ierusalem.

geneva@2Chronicles:34:24 @ Thus saith the Lorde, Beholde, I will bring euill vpon this place, and vpon the inhabitantes thereof, euen all the curses, that are written in the booke which they haue read before the King of Iudah:

geneva@2Chronicles:34:26 @ But to the King of Iudah, who sent you to enquire of the Lord, so shal ye say vnto him, Thus saith the Lorde God of Israel, The words which thou hast heard, shal come to passe.

geneva@2Chronicles:34:29 @ Then the King sent and gathered all the Elders of Iudah and Ierusalem.

geneva@2Chronicles:35:18 @ And there was no Passeouer kept like that, in Israel, from the dayes of Samuel the Prophet: neyther did all the Kings of Israel keepe such a Passeouer as Iosiah kept, and the Priestes and the Leuites, and all Iudah, and Israel that were present, and the inhabitants of Ierusalem.

geneva@2Chronicles:35:21 @ But he sent messengers to him, saying, What haue I to doe with thee, thou King of Iudah? I come not against thee this day, but against the house of mine enemie, and God commanded me to make haste: leaue of to come against God, which is with me, least he destroy thee.

geneva@2Chronicles:35:27 @ And his deedes, first and last, behold, they are written in the booke of the Kings of Israel and Iudah.

geneva@2Chronicles:36:4 @ And the King of Egypt made Eliakim his brother King ouer Iudah and Ierusalem, and turned his name to Iehoiakim: and Necho tooke Iehoahaz his brother, and caryed him to Egypt.

geneva@2Chronicles:36:10 @ And when the yeere was out, King Nebuchadnezzar sent and brought him to Babel with the precious vessels of the house of the Lorde, and he made Zedekiah his brother King ouer Iudah and Ierusalem.

geneva@Ezra:1:3 @ Who is he among you of all his people with whome his God is? let him goe vp to Ierusalem which is in Iudah, and buylde the house of the Lorde God of Israel: he is the God, which is in Ierusalem.

geneva@Ezra:1:5 @ Then the chiefe fathers of Iudah & Beniamin, & the Priests & Leuites rose vp, with al them whose spirit God had raysed to goe vp, to builde the house of the Lord which is in Ierusalem.

geneva@Ezra:4:4 @ Wherefore the people of the land discouraged the people of Iudah, and troubled them in buylding,

geneva@Ezra:5:1 @ Then Haggai a Prophet & Zechariah the sonne of Iddo a Prophet prophecied vnto the Iewes that were in Iudah, and Ierusalem, in the name of the God of Israel, euen vnto them.

geneva@Ezra:9:9 @ For though we were bondmen, yet our God hath not forsaken vs in our bondage, but hath enclined mercy vnto vs in the sight of the Kings of Persia, to giue vs life, & to erect the house of our God, & to redresse the places thereof, and to giue vs a wall in Iudah and in Ierusalem.

geneva@Ezra:10:7 @ And they caused a proclamation to goe throughout Iudah and Ierusalem, vnto all them of the captiuitie, that they should assemble themselues vnto Ierusalem.

geneva@Ezra:10:23 @ And of the Leuites, Iozabad and Shimei, and Kelaiah, (which is Kelitah) Pethahiah, Iudah and Eliezer.

geneva@Nehemiah:2:5 @ And sayde vnto the King, If it please the King, and if thy seruant haue found fauour in thy sight, I desire that thou wouldest send me to Iudah vnto the city of the sepulchres of my fathers, that I may buyld it.

geneva@Nehemiah:2:7 @ After I saide vnto the King, If it please the King, let them giue mee letters to the captaines beyond the Riuer, that they may conuay me ouer, till I come into Iudah,

geneva@Nehemiah:4:10 @ And Iudah said, The strength of the bearers is weakened, and there is much earth, so that we are not able to build the wall.

geneva@Nehemiah:6:18 @ For there were many in Iudah, that were sworne vnto him: for he was the sonne in lawe of Shechaniah, the sonne of Arah: and his sonne Iehonathan had the daughter of Meshullam, the sonne of Berechiah.

geneva@Nehemiah:11:3 @ These now are the chiefe of the prouince, that dwelt in Ierusalem, but in the cities of Iudah, euery one dwelt in his owne possession in their cities of Israel, the Priestes and the Leuites, and the Nethinims, and the sonnes of Salomons seruants.

geneva@Nehemiah:11:9 @ And Ioel the sonne of Zichri was gouernour ouer them: and Iudah, the sonne of Senuah was the second ouer the citie:

geneva@Nehemiah:11:25 @ And in the villages in their landes, some of the children of Iudah dwelt in Kiriath-arba, and in the villages thereof, and in Dibon, and in the villages thereof, and in Iekabzeel. and in the villages thereof,

geneva@Nehemiah:11:36 @ And of the Leuites were diuisions in Iudah and in Beniamin.

geneva@Nehemiah:12:32 @ And after them went Hoshaiah, and halfe of the princes of Iudah,

geneva@Nehemiah:12:34 @ Iudah, Beniamin, and Shemaiah, and Ieremiah,

geneva@Nehemiah:13:12 @ Then brought all Iudah the tithes of corne and of wine, and of oyle vnto the treasures.

geneva@Nehemiah:13:16 @ There dwelt men of Tyrus also therein, which brought fish and all wares, and solde on the Sabbath vnto the children of Iudah euen in Ierusalem.

geneva@Nehemiah:13:17 @ Then reprooued I the rulers of Iudah, and sayd vnto them, What euil thing is this that yee doe, and breake the Sabbath day?

geneva@Esther:2:6 @ Which had bene caryed away from Ierusalem with the captiuitie that was caryed away with Ieconiah King of Iudah (whom Nebuchad-nezzar King of Babel had caryed away)