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nasb@Joshua:0:7" @Only be strong and very courageous; be careful to do according to all the law which Moses My servant commanded you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, so that you may have success wherever you go.

nasb@Joshua:0:8" @ This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success.

nasb@Joshua:0:9" @Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go."

nasb@Joshua:0:17" @Just as we obeyed Moses in all things, so we will obey you; only may the LORD your God be with you as He was with Moses.

nasb@Joshua:1:16 @She said to them, " Go to the hill country, so that the pursuers will not happen upon you, and hide yourselves there for three days until the pursuers return. Then afterward you may go on your way."

nasb@Joshua:2:4" @However, there shall be between you and it a distance of about 2,000 cubits by measure. Do not come near it, that you may know the way by which you shall go, for you have not passed this way before."

nasb@Joshua:2:7 @Now the LORD said to Joshua, "This day I will begin to exalt you in the sight of all Israel, that they may know that just as I have been with Moses, I will be with you.

nasb@Joshua:2:24 @that all the peoples of the earth may know that the hand of the LORD is mighty, so that you may fear the LORD your God forever."

nasb@Joshua:5:8 @Now the LORD said to Joshua, " Do not fear or be dismayed. Take all the people of war with you and arise, go up to Ai; see, I have given into your hand the king of Ai, his people, his city, and his land.

nasb@Joshua:7:25 @Joshua then said to them, " Do not fear or be dismayed! Be strong and courageous, for thus the LORD will do to all your enemies with whom you fight."

nasb@Joshua:14:4" @Provide for yourselves three men from each tribe that I may send them, and that they may arise and walk through the land and write a description of it according to their inheritance; then they shall return to me.

nasb@Joshua:15:3 @that the manslayer who kills any person unintentionally, without premeditation, may flee there, and they shall become your refuge from the avenger of blood.

nasb@Joshua:15:4 @'He shall flee to one of these cities, and shall stand at the entrance of the gate of the city and state his case in the hearing of the elders of that city; and they shall take him into the city to them and give him a place, so that he may dwell among them.

nasb@Joshua:15:9 @These were the appointed cities for all the sons of Israel and for the stranger who sojourns among them, that whoever kills any person unintentionally may flee there, and not die by the hand of the avenger of blood until he stands before the congregation.

nasb@Joshua:17:22" @The Mighty One, God, the LORD, the Mighty One, God, the LORD! He knows, and may Israel itself know. If it was in rebellion, or if in an unfaithful act against the LORD do not save us this day!

nasb@Joshua:17:23" @If we have built us an altar to turn away from following the LORD, or if to offer a burnt offering or grain offering on it, or if to offer sacrifices of peace offerings on it, may the LORD Himself require it.

nasb@Joshua:17:24" @But truly we have done this out of concern, for a reason, saying, 'In time to come your sons may say to our sons, "What have you to do with the LORD, the God of Israel?

nasb@Joshua:17:25" @For the LORD has made the Jordan a border between us and you, you sons of Reuben and sons of Gad; you have no portion in the LORD." So your sons may make our sons stop fearing the LORD.'

nasb@Joshua:18:6" @ Be very firm, then, to keep and do all that is written in the book of the law of Moses, so that you may not turn aside from it to the right hand or to the left,

nasb@Judges:1:3 @Then Judah said to Simeon his brother, "Come up with me into the territory allotted me, that we may fight against the Canaanites; and I in turn will go with you into the territory allotted you." So Simeon went with him.

nasb@Judges:5:30 @Then the men of the city said to Joash, "Bring out your son, that he may die, for he has torn down the altar of Baal, and indeed, he has cut down the Asherah which was beside it."

nasb@Judges:5:39 @Then Gideon said to God, " Do not let Your anger burn against me that I may speak once more; please let me make a test once more with the fleece, let it now be dry only on the fleece, and let there be dew on all the ground."

nasb@Judges:6:11 @and you will hear what they say; and afterward your hands will be strengthened that you may go down against the camp." So he went with Purah his servant down to the outposts of the army that was in the camp.

nasb@Judges:7:7 @Now when they told Jotham, he went and stood on the top of Mount Gerizim, and lifted his voice and called out. Thus he said to them, "Listen to me, O men of Shechem, that God may listen to you.

nasb@Judges:7:15" @The bramble said to the trees, 'If in truth you are anointing me as king over you, come and take refuge in my shade; but if not, may fire come out from the bramble and consume the cedars of Lebanon.'

nasb@Judges:9:6 @and they said to Jephthah, "Come and be our chief that we may fight against the sons of Ammon."

nasb@Judges:9:8 @The elders of Gilead said to Jephthah, "For this reason we have now returned to you, that you may go with us and fight with the sons of Ammon and become head over all the inhabitants of Gilead."

nasb@Judges:9:27 @'I therefore have not sinned against you, but you are doing me wrong by making war against me; may the LORD, the Judge, judge today between the sons of Israel and the sons of Ammon.'"

nasb@Judges:9:37 @She said to her father, "Let this thing be done for me; let me alone two months, that I may go to the mountains and weep because of my virginity, I and my companions."

nasb@Judges:11:8 @Then Manoah entreated the LORD and said, "O Lord, please let the man of God whom You have sent come to us again that he may teach us what to do for the boy who is to be born."

nasb@Judges:11:15 @Then Manoah said to the angel of the LORD, "Please let us detain you so that we may prepare a young goat for you."

nasb@Judges:11:17 @Manoah said to the angel of the LORD, " What is your name, so that when your words come to pass, we may honor you?"

nasb@Judges:12:13" @But if you are unable to tell me, then you shall give me thirty linen wraps and thirty changes of clothes." And they said to him, "Propound your riddle, that we may hear it."

nasb@Judges:13:12 @They said to him, "We have come down to bind you so that we may give you into the hands of the Philistines." And Samson said to them, "Swear to me that you will not kill me."

nasb@Judges:14:5 @The lords of the Philistines came up to her and said to her, " Entice him, and see where his great strength lies and how we may overpower him that we may bind him to afflict him. Then we will each give you eleven hundred pieces of silver."

nasb@Judges:14:6 @So Delilah said to Samson, "Please tell me where your great strength is and how you may be bound to afflict you."

nasb@Judges:14:10 @Then Delilah said to Samson, "Behold, you have deceived me and told me lies; now please tell me how you may be bound."

nasb@Judges:14:13 @Then Delilah said to Samson, "Up to now you have deceived me and told me lies; tell me how you may be bound." And he said to her, "If you weave the seven locks of my hair with the web [and fasten it with a pin, then I will become weak and be like any other man."

nasb@Judges:14:25 @It so happened when they were in high spirits, that they said, "Call for Samson, that he may amuse us." So they called for Samson from the prison, and he entertained them. And they made him stand between the pillars.

nasb@Judges:14:26 @Then Samson said to the boy who was holding his hand, "Let me feel the pillars on which the house rests, that I may lean against them."

nasb@Judges:14:28 @Then Samson called to the LORD and said, "O Lord GOD, please remember me and please strengthen me just this time, O God, that I may at once be avenged of the Philistines for my two eyes."

nasb@Judges:15:9 @Micah said to him, "Where do you come from?" And he said to him, "I am a Levite from Bethlehem in Judah, and I am going to stay wherever I may find a place."

nasb@Judges:16:5 @They said to him, "Inquire of God, please, that we may know whether our way on which we are going will be prosperous."

nasb@Judges:17:5 @Now on the fourth day they got up early in the morning, and he prepared to go; and the girl's father said to his son-in-law, " Sustain yourself with a piece of bread, and afterward you may go."

nasb@Judges:17:9 @When the man arose to go along with his concubine and servant, his father-in-law, the girl's father, said to him, "Behold now, the day has drawn to a close; please spend the night. Lo, the day is coming to an end; spend the night here that your heart may be merry. Then tomorrow you may arise early for your journey so that you may go home."

nasb@Judges:17:22 @While they were celebrating, behold, the men of the city, certain worthless fellows, surrounded the house, pounding the door; and they spoke to the owner of the house, the old man, saying, "Bring out the man who came into your house that we may have relations with him."

nasb@Judges:17:24" @ Here is my virgin daughter and his concubine. Please let me bring them out that you may ravish them and do to them whatever you wish. But do not commit such an act of folly against this man."

nasb@Judges:18:10" @And we will take 10 men out of 100 throughout the tribes of Israel, and 100 out of 1,000, and 1,000 out of 10,000 to supply food for the people, that when they come to Gibeah of Benjamin, they may punish them for all the disgraceful acts that they have committed in Israel."

nasb@Judges:18:13" @Now then, deliver up the men, the worthless fellows in Gibeah, that we may put them to death and remove this wickedness from Israel." But the sons of Benjamin would not listen to the voice of their brothers, the sons of Israel.

nasb@Judges:18:32 @The sons of Benjamin said, "They are struck down before us, as at the first." But the sons of Israel said, "Let us flee that we may draw them away from the city to the highways."

nasb@Ruth:1:8 @And Naomi said to her two daughters-in-law, "Go, return each of you to her mother's house. May the LORD deal kindly with you as you have dealt with the dead and with me.

nasb@Ruth:1:9" @May the LORD grant that you may find rest, each in the house of her husband." Then she kissed them, and they lifted up their voices and wept.

nasb@Ruth:1:11 @But Naomi said, "Return, my daughters. Why should you go with me? Have I yet sons in my womb, that they may be your husbands?

nasb@Ruth:1:17" @Where you die, I will die, and there I will be buried. Thus may the LORD do to me, and worse, if anything but death parts you and me."

nasb@Ruth:2:2 @And Ruth the Moabitess said to Naomi, "Please let me go to the field and glean among the ears of grain after one in whose sight I may find favor." And she said to her, "Go, my daughter."

nasb@Ruth:2:4 @Now behold, Boaz came from Bethlehem and said to the reapers, " May the LORD be with you." And they said to him, "May the LORD bless you."

nasb@Ruth:2:12" @ May the LORD reward your work, and your wages be full from the LORD, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to seek refuge."

nasb@Ruth:2:14 @At mealtime Boaz said to her, "Come here, that you may eat of the bread and dip your piece of bread in the vinegar." So she sat beside the reapers; and he served her roasted grain, and she ate and was satisfied and had some left.

nasb@Ruth:2:16" @Also you shall purposely pull out for her some grain from the bundles and leave it that she may glean, and do not rebuke her."

nasb@Ruth:2:19 @Her mother-in-law then said to her, "Where did you glean today and where did you work? May he who took notice of you be blessed." So she told her mother-in-law with whom she had worked and said, "The name of the man with whom I worked today is Boaz."

nasb@Ruth:2:20 @Naomi said to her daughter-in-law, " May he be blessed of the LORD who has not withdrawn his kindness to the living and to the dead." Again Naomi said to her, "The man is our relative, he is one of our closest relatives."

nasb@Ruth:2:3 @Then Naomi her mother-in-law said to her, "My daughter, shall I not seek security for you, that it may be well with you?

nasb@Ruth:2:10 @Then he said, " May you be blessed of the LORD, my daughter. You have shown your last kindness to be better than the first by not going after young men, whether poor or rich.

nasb@Ruth:3:4" @So I thought to inform you, saying, ' Buy it before those who are sitting here, and before the elders of my people. If you will redeem it, redeem it; but if not, tell me that I may know; for there is no one but you to redeem it, and I am after you.'" And he said, "I will redeem it."

nasb@Ruth:3:6 @The closest relative said, "I cannot redeem it for myself, because I would jeopardize my own inheritance. Redeem it for yourself; you may have my right of redemption, for I cannot redeem it."

nasb@Ruth:3:11 @All the people who were in the court, and the elders, said, "We are witnesses. May the LORD make the woman who is coming into your home like Rachel and Leah, both of whom built the house of Israel; and may you achieve wealth in Ephrathah and become famous in Bethlehem.

nasb@Ruth:3:12" @Moreover, may your house be like the house of Perez whom Tamar bore to Judah, through the offspring which the LORD will give you by this young woman."

nasb@Ruth:3:14 @Then the women said to Naomi, "Blessed is the LORD who has not left you without a redeemer today, and may his name become famous in Israel.

nasb@Ruth:3:15" @May he also be to you a restorer of life and a sustainer of your old age; for your daughter-in-law, who loves you and is better to you than seven sons, has given birth to him."

nasb@1Samuel:1:17 @Then Eli answered and said, " Go in peace; and may the God of Israel grant your petition that you have asked of Him."

nasb@1Samuel:1:22 @But Hannah did not go up, for she said to her husband, "I will not go up until the child is weaned; then I will bring him, that he may appear before the LORD and stay there forever."

nasb@1Samuel:1:23 @Elkanah her husband said to her, "Do what seems best to you. Remain until you have weaned him; only may the LORD confirm His word." So the woman remained and nursed her son until she weaned him.

nasb@1Samuel:2:20 @Then Eli would bless Elkanah and his wife and say, "May the LORD give you children from this woman in place of the one she dedicated to the LORD." And they went to their own home.

nasb@1Samuel:2:36 @'Everyone who is left in your house will come and bow down to him for a piece of silver or a loaf of bread and say, "Please assign me to one of the priest's offices so that I may eat a piece of bread."'"

nasb@1Samuel:3:17 @He said, "What is the word that He spoke to you? Please do not hide it from me. May God do so to you, and more also, if you hide anything from me of all the words that He spoke to you."

nasb@1Samuel:4:3 @When the people came into the camp, the elders of Israel said, " Why has the LORD defeated us today before the Philistines? Let us take to ourselves from Shiloh the ark of the covenant of the LORD, that it may come among us and deliver us from the power of our enemies."

nasb@1Samuel:6:8" @Take the ark of the LORD and place it on the cart; and put the articles of gold which you return to Him as a guilt offering in a box by its side. Then send it away that it may go.

nasb@1Samuel:7:8 @Then the sons of Israel said to Samuel, " Do not cease to cry to the LORD our God for us, that He may save us from the hand of the Philistines."

nasb@1Samuel:8:20 @that we also may be like all the nations, that our king may judge us and go out before us and fight our battles."

nasb@1Samuel:9:26 @And they arose early; and at daybreak Samuel called to Saul on the roof, saying, "Get up, that I may send you away." So Saul arose, and both he and Samuel went out into the street.

nasb@1Samuel:9:27 @As they were going down to the edge of the city, Samuel said to Saul, "Say to the servant that he might go ahead of us and pass on, but you remain standing now, that I may proclaim the word of God to you."

nasb@1Samuel:10:3 @The elders of Jabesh said to him, "Let us alone for seven days, that we may send messengers throughout the territory of Israel. Then, if there is no one to deliver us, we will come out to you."

nasb@1Samuel:10:10 @Then the men of Jabesh said, " Tomorrow we will come out to you, and you may do to us whatever seems good to you."

nasb@1Samuel:10:12 @Then the people said to Samuel, " Who is he that said, 'Shall Saul reign over us?' Bring the men, that we may put them to death."

nasb@1Samuel:10:7" @So now, take your stand, that I may plead with you before the LORD concerning all the righteous acts of the LORD which He did for you and your fathers.

nasb@1Samuel:10:17" @ Is it not the wheat harvest today? I will call to the LORD, that He may send thunder and rain. Then you will know and see that your wickedness is great which you have done in the sight of the LORD by asking for yourselves a king."

nasb@1Samuel:10:19 @Then all the people said to Samuel, " Pray for your servants to the LORD your God, so that we may not die, for we have added to all our sins this evil by asking for ourselves a king."

nasb@1Samuel:12:44 @Saul said, " May God do this to me and more also, for you shall surely die, Jonathan."

nasb@1Samuel:12:25" @Now therefore, please pardon my sin and return with me, that I may worship the LORD."

nasb@1Samuel:12:30 @Then he said, "I have sinned; but please honor me now before the elders of my people and before Israel, and go back with me, that I may worship the LORD your God."

nasb@1Samuel:14:10 @Again the Philistine said, " I defy the ranks of Israel this day; give me a man that we may fight together."

nasb@1Samuel:14:11 @When Saul and all Israel heard these words of the Philistine, they were dismayed and greatly afraid.

nasb@1Samuel:14:37 @And David said, " The LORD who delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear, He will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine." And Saul said to David, " Go, and may the LORD be with you."

nasb@1Samuel:14:46" @This day the LORD will deliver you up into my hands, and I will strike you down and remove your head from you. And I will give the dead bodies of the army of the Philistines this day to the birds of the sky and the wild beasts of the earth, that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel,

nasb@1Samuel:14:47 @and that all this assembly may know that the LORD does not deliver by sword or by spear; for the battle is the LORD'S and He will give you into our hands."

nasb@1Samuel:15:21 @Saul thought, "I will give her to him that she may become a snare to him, and that the hand of the Philistines may be against him." Therefore Saul said to David, " For a second time you may be my son-in-law today."

nasb@1Samuel:16:15 @Then Saul sent messengers to see David, saying, "Bring him up to me on his bed, that I may put him to death."

nasb@1Samuel:17:5 @So David said to Jonathan, "Behold, tomorrow is the new moon, and I ought to sit down to eat with the king. But let me go, that I may hide myself in the field until the third evening.

nasb@1Samuel:17:13" @If it please my father to do you harm, may the LORD do so to Jonathan and more also, if I do not make it known to you and send you away, that you may go in safety. And may the LORD be with you as He has been with my father.

nasb@1Samuel:17:14" @If I am still alive, will you not show me the lovingkindness of the LORD, that I may not die?

nasb@1Samuel:17:16 @So Jonathan made a covenant with the house of David, saying, " May the LORD require it at the hands of David's enemies."

nasb@1Samuel:17:29 @for he said, 'Please let me go, since our family has a sacrifice in the city, and my brother has commanded me to attend. And now, if I have found favor in your sight, please let me get away that I may see my brothers.' For this reason he has not come to the king's table."

nasb@1Samuel:20:21 @Saul said, "May you be blessed of the LORD, for you have had compassion on me.

nasb@1Samuel:21:12" @ May the LORD judge between you and me, and may the LORD avenge me on you; but my hand shall not be against you.

nasb@1Samuel:21:15" @ The LORD therefore be judge and decide between you and me; and may He see and plead my cause and deliver me from your hand."

nasb@1Samuel:21:19" @For if a man finds his enemy, will he let him go away safely? May the LORD therefore reward you with good in return for what you have done to me this day.

nasb@1Samuel:22:22" @ May God do so to the enemies of David, and more also, if by morning I leave as much as one male of any who belong to him."

nasb@1Samuel:23:24" @Now behold, as your life was highly valued in my sight this day, so may my life be highly valued in the sight of the LORD, and may He deliver me from all distress."

nasb@1Samuel:24:5 @Then David said to Achish, "If now I have found favor in your sight, let them give me a place in one of the cities in the country, that I may live there; for why should your servant live in the royal city with you?"

nasb@1Samuel:25:7 @Then Saul said to his servants, "Seek for me a woman who is a medium, that I may go to her and inquire of her." And his servants said to him, "Behold, there is a woman who is a medium at En-dor."

nasb@1Samuel:25:15 @Then Samuel said to Saul, "Why have you disturbed me by bringing me up?" And Saul answered, "I am greatly distressed; for the Philistines are waging war against me, and God has departed from me and no longer answers me, either through prophets or by dreams; therefore I have called you, that you may make known to me what I should do."

nasb@1Samuel:25:22" @So now also, please listen to the voice of your maidservant, and let me set a piece of bread before you that you may eat and have strength when you go on your way."

nasb@1Samuel:26:4 @But the commanders of the Philistines were angry with him, and the commanders of the Philistines said to him, "Make the man go back, that he may return to his place where you have assigned him, and do not let him go down to battle with us, or in the battle he may become an adversary to us. For with what could this man make himself acceptable to his lord? Would it not be with the heads of these men?

nasb@1Samuel:26:7" @Now therefore return and go in peace, that you may not displease the lords of the Philistines."

nasb@1Samuel:26:8 @David said to Achish, " But what have I done? And what have you found in your servant from the day when I came before you to this day, that I may not go and fight against the enemies of my lord the king?"

nasb@1Samuel:27:22 @Then all the wicked and worthless men among those who went with David said, "Because they did not go with us, we will not give them any of the spoil that we have recovered, except to every man his wife and his children, that they may lead them away and depart."

nasb@2Samuel:2:5 @David sent messengers to the men of Jabesh-gilead, and said to them, " May you be blessed of the LORD because you have shown this kindness to Saul your lord, and have buried him.

nasb@2Samuel:2:6" @Now may the LORD show lovingkindness and truth to you; and I also will show this goodness to you, because you have done this thing.

nasb@2Samuel:3:9" @ May God do so to Abner, and more also, if as the LORD has sworn to David, I do not accomplish this for him,

nasb@2Samuel:3:21 @Abner said to David, "Let me arise and go and gather all Israel to my lord the king, that they may make a covenant with you, and that you may be king over all that your soul desires." So David sent Abner away, and he went in peace.

nasb@2Samuel:3:29" @ May it fall on the head of Joab and on all his father's house; and may there not fail from the house of Joab one who has a discharge, or who is a leper, or who takes hold of a distaff, or who falls by the sword, or who lacks bread."

nasb@2Samuel:3:35 @Then all the people came to persuade David to eat bread while it was still day; but David vowed, saying, " May God do so to me, and more also, if I taste bread or anything else before the sun goes down."

nasb@2Samuel:3:39" @I am weak today, though anointed king; and these men the sons of Zeruiah are too difficult for me. May the LORD repay the evildoer according to his evil."

nasb@2Samuel:6:10" @I will also appoint a place for My people Israel and will plant them, that they may live in their own place and not be disturbed again, nor will the wicked afflict them any more as formerly,

nasb@2Samuel:6:26 @that Your name may be magnified forever, by saying, 'The LORD of hosts is God over Israel'; and may the house of Your servant David be established before You.

nasb@2Samuel:6:29" @Now therefore, may it please You to bless the house of Your servant, that it may continue forever before You. For You, O Lord GOD, have spoken; and with Your blessing may the house of Your servant be blessed forever."

nasb@2Samuel:8:1 @Then David said, "Is there yet anyone left of the house of Saul, that I may show him kindness for Jonathan's sake?"

nasb@2Samuel:8:3 @The king said, "Is there not yet anyone of the house of Saul to whom I may show the kindness of God?" And Ziba said to the king, " There is still a son of Jonathan who is crippled in both feet."

nasb@2Samuel:8:10" @You and your sons and your servants shall cultivate the land for him, and you shall bring in the produce so that your master's grandson may have food; nevertheless Mephibosheth your master's grandson shall eat at my table regularly." Now Ziba had fifteen sons and twenty servants.

nasb@2Samuel:9:12" @ Be strong, and let us show ourselves courageous for the sake of our people and for the cities of our God; and may the LORD do what is good in His sight."

nasb@2Samuel:10:15 @He had written in the letter, saying, "Place Uriah in the front line of the fiercest battle and withdraw from him, so that he may be struck down and die."

nasb@2Samuel:10:22 @He said, "While the child was still alive, I fasted and wept; for I said, ' Who knows, the LORD may be gracious to me, that the child may live.'

nasb@2Samuel:11:5 @Jonadab then said to him, "Lie down on your bed and pretend to be ill; when your father comes to see you, say to him, 'Please let my sister Tamar come and give me some food to eat, and let her prepare the food in my sight, that I may see it and eat from her hand.'"

nasb@2Samuel:11:6 @So Amnon lay down and pretended to be ill; when the king came to see him, Amnon said to the king, "Please let my sister Tamar come and make me a couple of cakes in my sight, that I may eat from her hand."

nasb@2Samuel:11:10 @Then Amnon said to Tamar, "Bring the food into the bedroom, that I may eat from your hand." So Tamar took the cakes which she had made and brought them into the bedroom to her brother Amnon.

nasb@2Samuel:12:7" @Now behold, the whole family has risen against your maidservant, and they say, 'Hand over the one who struck his brother, that we may put him to death for the life of his brother whom he killed, and destroy the heir also.' Thus they will extinguish my coal which is left, so as to leave my husband neither name nor remnant on the face of the earth."

nasb@2Samuel:12:17" @Then your maidservant said, 'Please let the word of my lord the king be comforting, for as the angel of God, so is my lord the king to discern good and evil. And may the LORD your God be with you.'"

nasb@2Samuel:12:32 @Absalom answered Joab, "Behold, I sent for you, saying, 'Come here, that I may send you to the king, to say, "Why have I come from Geshur? It would be better for me still to be there."' Now therefore, let me see the king's face, and if there is iniquity in me, let him put me to death."

nasb@2Samuel:13:21 @But Ittai answered the king and said, "As the LORD lives, and as my lord the king lives, surely wherever my lord the king may be, whether for death or for life, there also your servant will be."

nasb@2Samuel:14:17 @Furthermore, Ahithophel said to Absalom, "Please let me choose 12,000 men that I may arise and pursue David tonight.

nasb@2Samuel:16:13" @Say to Amasa, 'Are you not my bone and my flesh? May God do so to me, and more also, if you will not be commander of the army before me continually in place of Joab.'"

nasb@2Samuel:16:26 @So he answered, "O my lord, the king, my servant deceived me; for your servant said, 'I will saddle a donkey for myself that I may ride on it and go with the king,' because your servant is lame.

nasb@2Samuel:16:37" @Please let your servant return, that I may die in my own city near the grave of my father and my mother. However, here is your servant Chimham, let him cross over with my lord the king, and do for him what is good in your sight."

nasb@2Samuel:17:16 @Then a wise woman called from the city, "Hear, hear! Please tell Joab, 'Come here that I may speak with you.'"

nasb@2Samuel:18:3 @Thus David said to the Gibeonites, "What should I do for you? And how can I make atonement that you may bless the inheritance of the LORD?"

nasb@2Samuel:20:2 @The king said to Joab the commander of the army who was with him, "Go about now through all the tribes of Israel, from Dan to Beersheba, and register the people, that I may know the number of the people."

nasb@2Samuel:20:3 @But Joab said to the king, " Now may the LORD your God add to the people a hundred times as many as they are, while the eyes of my lord the king still see; but why does my lord the king delight in this thing?"

nasb@2Samuel:20:21 @Then Araunah said, "Why has my lord the king come to his servant?" And David said, "To buy the threshing floor from you, in order to build an altar to the LORD, that the plague may be held back from the people."

nasb@2Samuel:20:23" @Everything, O king, Araunah gives to the king." And Araunah said to the king, "May the LORD your God accept you."

nasb@1Kings:1:2 @So his servants said to him, "Let them seek a young virgin for my lord the king, and let her attend the king and become his nurse; and let her lie in your bosom, that my lord the king may keep warm."

nasb@1Kings:1:31 @Then Bathsheba bowed with her face to the ground, and prostrated herself before the king and said, " May my lord King David live forever."

nasb@1Kings:1:36 @Benaiah the son of Jehoiada answered the king and said, "Amen! Thus may the LORD, the God of my lord the king, say.

nasb@1Kings:1:37" @ As the LORD has been with my lord the king, so may He be with Solomon, and make his throne greater than the throne of my lord King David!"

nasb@1Kings:1:47" @Moreover, the king's servants came to bless our lord King David, saying, 'May your God make the name of Solomon better than your name and his throne greater than your throne!' And the king bowed himself on the bed.

nasb@1Kings:2:3" @Keep the charge of the LORD your God, to walk in His ways, to keep His statutes, His commandments, His ordinances, and His testimonies, according to what is written in the Law of Moses, that you may succeed in all that you do and wherever you turn,

nasb@1Kings:2:4 @so that the LORD may carry out His promise which He spoke concerning me, saying, ' If your sons are careful of their way, to walk before Me in truth with all their heart and with all their soul, you shall not lack a man on the throne of Israel.'

nasb@1Kings:2:17 @Then he said, "Please speak to Solomon the king, for he will not refuse you, that he may give me Abishag the Shunammite as a wife."

nasb@1Kings:2:23 @Then King Solomon swore by the LORD, saying, "May God do so to me and more also, if Adonijah has not spoken this word against his own life.

nasb@1Kings:2:31 @The king said to him, " Do as he has spoken and fall upon him and bury him, that you may remove from me and from my father's house the blood which Joab shed without cause.

nasb@1Kings:2:33" @ So shall their blood return on the head of Joab and on the head of his descendants forever; but to David and his descendants and his house and his throne, may there be peace from the LORD forever."

nasb@1Kings:8:29 @that Your eyes may be open toward this house night and day, toward the place of which You have said, 'My name shall be there,' to listen to the prayer which Your servant shall pray toward this place.

nasb@1Kings:8:40 @that they may fear You all the days that they live in the land which You have given to our fathers.

nasb@1Kings:8:43 @hear in heaven Your dwelling place, and do according to all for which the foreigner calls to You, in order that all the peoples of the earth may know Your name, to fear You, as do Your people Israel, and that they may know that this house which I have built is called by Your name.

nasb@1Kings:8:50 @and forgive Your people who have sinned against You and all their transgressions which they have transgressed against You, and make them objects of compassion before those who have taken them captive, that they may have compassion on them

nasb@1Kings:8:52 @that Your eyes may be open to the supplication of Your servant and to the supplication of Your people Israel, to listen to them whenever they call to You.

nasb@1Kings:8:57" @May the LORD our God be with us, as He was with our fathers; may He not leave us or forsake us,

nasb@1Kings:8:58 @that He may incline our hearts to Himself, to walk in all His ways and to keep His commandments and His statutes and His ordinances, which He commanded our fathers.

nasb@1Kings:8:59" @And may these words of mine, with which I have made supplication before the LORD, be near to the LORD our God day and night, that He may maintain the cause of His servant and the cause of His people Israel, as each day requires,

nasb@1Kings:8:60 @so that all the peoples of the earth may know that the LORD is God; there is no one else.

nasb@1Kings:11:21 @But when Hadad heard in Egypt that David slept with his fathers and that Joab the commander of the army was dead, Hadad said to Pharaoh, "Send me away, that I may go to my own country."

nasb@1Kings:11:36 @'But to his son I will give one tribe, that My servant David may have a lamp always before Me in Jerusalem, the city where I have chosen for Myself to put My name.

nasb@1Kings:12:9 @So he said to them, "What counsel do you give that we may answer this people who have spoken to me, saying, 'Lighten the yoke which your father put on us'?"

nasb@1Kings:13:6 @The king said to the man of God, "Please entreat the LORD your God, and pray for me, that my hand may be restored to me." So the man of God entreated the LORD, and the king's hand was restored to him, and it became as it was before.

nasb@1Kings:13:18 @He said to him, " I also am a prophet like you, and an angel spoke to me by the word of the LORD, saying, 'Bring him back with you to your house, that he may eat bread and drink water.'" But he lied to him.

nasb@1Kings:16:10 @So he arose and went to Zarephath, and when he came to the gate of the city, behold, a widow was there gathering sticks; and he called to her and said, "Please get me a little water in a jar, that I may drink."

nasb@1Kings:16:12 @But she said, " As the LORD your God lives, I have no bread, only a handful of flour in the bowl and a little oil in the jar; and behold, I am gathering a few sticks that I may go in and prepare for me and my son, that we may eat it and die."

nasb@1Kings:16:13 @Then Elijah said to her, "Do not fear; go, do as you have said, but make me a little bread cake from it first and bring it out to me, and afterward you may make one for yourself and for your son.

nasb@1Kings:17:37" @Answer me, O LORD, answer me, that this people may know that You, O LORD, are God, and that You have turned their heart back again."

nasb@1Kings:18:2 @Then Jezebel sent a messenger to Elijah, saying, " So may the gods do to me and even more, if I do not make your life as the life of one of them by tomorrow about this time."

nasb@1Kings:19:10 @Ben-hadad sent to him and said, "May the gods do so to me and more also, if the dust of Samaria will suffice for handfuls for all the people who follow me."

nasb@1Kings:20:2 @Ahab spoke to Naboth, saying, " Give me your vineyard, that I may have it for a vegetable garden because it is close beside my house, and I will give you a better vineyard than it in its place; if you like, I will give you the price of it in money."

nasb@1Kings:21:7 @But Jehoshaphat said, "Is there not yet a prophet of the LORD here that we may inquire of him?"

nasb@1Kings:21:8 @The king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat, "There is yet one man by whom we may inquire of the LORD, but I hate him, because he does not prophesy good concerning me, but evil. He is Micaiah son of Imlah." But Jehoshaphat said, "Let not the king say so."

nasb@2Kings:3:11 @But Jehoshaphat said, " Is there not a prophet of the LORD here, that we may inquire of the LORD by him?" And one of the king of Israel's servants answered and said, " Elisha the son of Shaphat is here, who used to pour water on the hands of Elijah."

nasb@2Kings:4:22 @Then she called to her husband and said, "Please send me one of the servants and one of the donkeys, that I may run to the man of God and return."

nasb@2Kings:4:41 @But he said, "Now bring meal." He threw it into the pot and said, "Pour it out for the people that they may eat." Then there was no harm in the pot.

nasb@2Kings:4:42 @Now a man came from Baal-shalishah, and brought the man of God bread of the first fruits, twenty loaves of barley and fresh ears of grain in his sack. And he said, " Give them to the people that they may eat."

nasb@2Kings:4:43 @His attendant said, "What, will I set this before a hundred men?" But he said, "Give them to the people that they may eat, for thus says the LORD, 'They shall eat and have some left over.'"

nasb@2Kings:5:6 @He brought the letter to the king of Israel, saying, "And now as this letter comes to you, behold, I have sent Naaman my servant to you, that you may cure him of his leprosy."

nasb@2Kings:5:18" @In this matter may the LORD pardon your servant- when my master goes into the house of Rimmon to worship there, and he leans on my hand and I bow myself in the house of Rimmon, when I bow myself in the house of Rimmon, the LORD pardon your servant in this matter."

nasb@2Kings:5:2" @Please let us go to the Jordan and each of us take from there a beam, and let us make a place there for ourselves where we may live." So he said, "Go."

nasb@2Kings:5:13 @So he said, "Go and see where he is, that I may send and take him." And it was told him, saying, "Behold, he is in Dothan."

nasb@2Kings:5:17 @Then Elisha prayed and said, " O LORD, I pray, open his eyes that he may see." And the LORD opened the servant's eyes and he saw; and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

nasb@2Kings:5:20 @When they had come into Samaria, Elisha said, "O LORD, open the eyes of these men, that they may see." So the LORD opened their eyes and they saw; and behold, they were in the midst of Samaria.

nasb@2Kings:5:22 @He answered, "You shall not kill them. Would you kill those you have taken captive with your sword and with your bow? Set bread and water before them, that they may eat and drink and go to their master."

nasb@2Kings:5:28 @And the king said to her, " What is the matter with you?" And she answered, "This woman said to me, 'Give your son that we may eat him today, and we will eat my son tomorrow.'

nasb@2Kings:5:29" @ So we boiled my son and ate him; and I said to her on the next day, 'Give your son, that we may eat him'; but she has hidden her son."

nasb@2Kings:5:31 @Then he said, "May God do so to me and more also, if the head of Elisha the son of Shaphat remains on him today."

nasb@2Kings:7:7 @'You shall strike the house of Ahab your master, that I may avenge the blood of My servants the prophets, and the blood of all the servants of the LORD, at the hand of Jezebel.

nasb@2Kings:9:5 @let the priests take it for themselves, each from his acquaintance; and they shall repair the damages of the house wherever any damage may be found."

nasb@2Kings:15:32 @until I come and take you away to a land like your own land, a land of grain and new wine, a land of bread and vineyards, a land of olive trees and honey, that you may live and not die." But do not listen to Hezekiah when he misleads you, saying, "The LORD will deliver us."

nasb@2Kings:16:19" @Now, O LORD our God, I pray, deliver us from his hand that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that You alone, O LORD, are God."

nasb@2Kings:16:26 @'Therefore their inhabitants were short of strength, They were dismayed and put to shame; They were as the vegetation of the field and as the green herb, As grass on the housetops is scorched before it is grown up.

nasb@2Kings:19:4" @ Go up to Hilkiah the high priest that he may count the money brought in to the house of the LORD which the doorkeepers have gathered from the people.

nasb@1Chronicles:4:10 @Now Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, "Oh that You would bless me indeed and enlarge my border, and that Your hand might be with me, and that You would keep me from harm that it may not pain me!" And God granted him what he requested.

nasb@1Chronicles:11:17 @David went out to meet them, and said to them, "If you come peacefully to me to help me, my heart shall be united with you; but if to betray me to my adversaries, since there is no wrong in my hands, may the God of our fathers look on it and decide."

nasb@1Chronicles:11:19 @From Manasseh also some defected to David when he was about to go to battle with the Philistines against Saul. But they did not help them, for the lords of the Philistines after consultation sent him away, saying, "At the cost of our heads he may defect to his master Saul."

nasb@1Chronicles:12:2 @David said to all the assembly of Israel, "If it seems good to you, and if it is from the LORD our God, let us send everywhere to our kinsmen who remain in all the land of Israel, also to the priests and Levites who are with them in their cities with pasture lands, that they may meet with us;

nasb@1Chronicles:14:12 @and said to them, "You are the heads of the fathers' households of the Levites; consecrate yourselves both you and your relatives, that you may bring up the ark of the LORD God of Israel to the place that I have prepared for it.

nasb@1Chronicles:16:9" @I will appoint a place for My people Israel, and will plant them, so that they may dwell in their own place and not be moved again; and the wicked will not waste them anymore as formerly,

nasb@1Chronicles:16:27" @And now it has pleased You to bless the house of Your servant, that it may continue forever before You; for You, O LORD, have blessed, and it is blessed forever."

nasb@1Chronicles:18:13" @Be strong, and let us show ourselves courageous for the sake of our people and for the cities of our God; and may the LORD do what is good in His sight."

nasb@1Chronicles:20:2 @So David said to Joab and to the princes of the people, " Go, number Israel from Beersheba even to Dan, and bring me word that I may know their number."

nasb@1Chronicles:20:3 @Joab said, " May the LORD add to His people a hundred times as many as they are! But, my lord the king, are they not all my lord's servants? Why does my lord seek this thing? Why should he be a cause of guilt to Israel?"

nasb@1Chronicles:20:22 @Then David said to Ornan, "Give me the site of this threshing floor, that I may build on it an altar to the LORD; for the full price you shall give it to me, that the plague may be restrained from the people."

nasb@1Chronicles:21:11" @Now, my son, the LORD be with you that you may be successful, and build the house of the LORD your God just as He has spoken concerning you.

nasb@1Chronicles:21:12" @ Only the LORD give you discretion and understanding, and give you charge over Israel, so that you may keep the law of the LORD your God.

nasb@1Chronicles:21:13" @ Then you will prosper, if you are careful to observe the statutes and the ordinances which the LORD commanded Moses concerning Israel. Be strong and courageous, do not fear nor be dismayed.

nasb@1Chronicles:21:14" @Now behold, with great pains I have prepared for the house of the LORD 100,000 talents of gold and 1,000,000 talents of silver, and bronze and iron beyond weight, for they are in great quantity; also timber and stone I have prepared, and you may add to them.

nasb@1Chronicles:21:16" @Of the gold, the silver and the bronze and the iron there is no limit. Arise and work, and may the LORD be with you."

nasb@1Chronicles:21:19" @Now set your heart and your soul to seek the LORD your God; arise, therefore, and build the sanctuary of the LORD God, so that you may bring the ark of the covenant of the LORD and the holy vessels of God into the house that is to be built for the name of the LORD."

nasb@1Chronicles:27:8" @So now, in the sight of all Israel, the assembly of the LORD, and in the hearing of our God, observe and seek after all the commandments of the LORD your God so that you may possess the good land and bequeath it to your sons after you forever.

nasb@1Chronicles:27:20 @Then David said to his son Solomon, " Be strong and courageous, and act; do not fear nor be dismayed, for the LORD God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you nor forsake you until all the work for the service of the house of the LORD is finished.

nasb@2Chronicles:1:10" @ Give me now wisdom and knowledge, that I may go out and come in before this people, for who can rule this great people of Yours?"

nasb@2Chronicles:1:11 @God said to Solomon, "Because you had this in mind, and did not ask for riches, wealth or honor, or the life of those who hate you, nor have you even asked for long life, but you have asked for yourself wisdom and knowledge that you may rule My people over whom I have made you king,

nasb@2Chronicles:2:14 @the son of a Danite woman and a Tyrian father, who knows how to work in gold, silver, bronze, iron, stone and wood, and in purple, violet, linen and crimson fabrics, and who knows how to make all kinds of engravings and to execute any design which may be assigned to him, to work with your skilled men and with those of my lord David your father.

nasb@2Chronicles:2:16" @ We will cut whatever timber you need from Lebanon and bring it to you on rafts by sea to Joppa, so that you may carry it up to Jerusalem."

nasb@2Chronicles:5:20 @that Your eye may be open toward this house day and night, toward the place of which You have said that You would put Your name there, to listen to the prayer which Your servant shall pray toward this place.

nasb@2Chronicles:5:31 @that they may fear You, to walk in Your ways as long as they live in the land which You have given to our fathers.

nasb@2Chronicles:5:33 @then hear from heaven, from Your dwelling place, and do according to all for which the foreigner calls to You, in order that all the peoples of the earth may know Your name, and fear You as do Your people Israel, and that they may know that this house which I have built is called by Your name.

nasb@2Chronicles:6:16" @For now I have chosen and consecrated this house that My name may be there forever, and My eyes and My heart will be there perpetually.

nasb@2Chronicles:9:9 @So he said to them, "What counsel do you give that we may answer this people, who have spoken to me, saying, 'Lighten the yoke which your father put on us'?"

nasb@2Chronicles:11:8" @But they will become his slaves so that they may learn the difference between My service and the service of the kingdoms of the countries."

nasb@2Chronicles:12:9" @ Have you not driven out the priests of the LORD, the sons of Aaron and the Levites, and made for yourselves priests like the peoples of other lands? Whoever comes to consecrate himself with a young bull and seven rams, even he may become a priest of what are no gods.

nasb@2Chronicles:15:9" @For the eyes of the LORD move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His. You have acted foolishly in this. Indeed, from now on you will surely have wars."

nasb@2Chronicles:17:6 @But Jehoshaphat said, "Is there not yet a prophet of the LORD here that we may inquire of him?"

nasb@2Chronicles:17:7 @The king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat, "There is yet one man by whom we may inquire of the LORD, but I hate him, for he never prophesies good concerning me but always evil. He is Micaiah, son of Imla." But Jehoshaphat said, "Let not the king say so."

nasb@2Chronicles:18:10" @ Whenever any dispute comes to you from your brethren who live in their cities, between blood and blood, between law and commandment, statutes and ordinances, you shall warn them so that they may not be guilty before the LORD, and wrath may not come on you and your brethren. Thus you shall do and you will not be guilty.

nasb@2Chronicles:19:15 @and he said, "Listen, all Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem and King Jehoshaphat- thus says the LORD to you, ' Do not fear or be dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours but God's.

nasb@2Chronicles:19:17 @'You need not fight in this battle; station yourselves, stand and see the salvation of the LORD on your behalf, O Judah and Jerusalem.' Do not fear or be dismayed; tomorrow go out to face them, for the LORD is with you."

nasb@2Chronicles:22:6" @But let no one enter the house of the LORD except the priests and the ministering Levites; they may enter, for they are holy. And let all the people keep the charge of the LORD.

nasb@2Chronicles:23:22 @Thus Joash the king did not remember the kindness which his father Jehoiada had shown him, but he murdered his son. And as he died he said, "May the LORD see and avenge!"

nasb@2Chronicles:27:23 @For he sacrificed to the gods of Damascus which had defeated him, and said, " Because the gods of the kings of Aram helped them, I will sacrifice to them that they may help me." But they became the downfall of him and all Israel.

nasb@2Chronicles:28:10" @Now it is in my heart to make a covenant with the LORD God of Israel, that His burning anger may turn away from us.

nasb@2Chronicles:29:6 @The couriers went throughout all Israel and Judah with the letters from the hand of the king and his princes, even according to the command of the king, saying, "O sons of Israel, return to the LORD God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, that He may return to those of you who escaped and are left from the hand of the kings of Assyria.

nasb@2Chronicles:29:8" @Now do not stiffen your neck like your fathers, but yield to the LORD and enter His sanctuary which He has consecrated forever, and serve the LORD your God, that His burning anger may turn away from you.

nasb@2Chronicles:29:18 @For a multitude of the people, even many from Ephraim and Manasseh, Issachar and Zebulun, had not purified themselves, yet they ate the Passover otherwise than prescribed. For Hezekiah prayed for them, saying, "May the good LORD pardon

nasb@2Chronicles:31:7" @ Be strong and courageous, do not fear or be dismayed because of the king of Assyria nor because of all the horde that is with him; for the one with us is greater than the one with him.

nasb@2Chronicles:35:23" @Thus says Cyrus king of Persia, 'The LORD, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of the earth, and He has appointed me to build Him a house in Jerusalem, which is in Judah. Whoever there is among you of all His people, may the LORD his God be with him, and let him go up!'"

nasb@Ezra:0:3 @'Whoever there is among you of all His people, may his God be with him! Let him go up to Jerusalem which is in Judah and rebuild the house of the LORD, the God of Israel; He is the God who is in Jerusalem.

nasb@Ezra:0:4 @'Every survivor, at whatever place he may live, let the men of that place support him with silver and gold, with goods and cattle, together with a freewill offering for the house of God which is in Jerusalem.'"

nasb@Ezra:3:15 @so that a search may be made in the record books of your fathers. And you will discover in the record books and learn that that city is a rebellious city and damaging to kings and provinces, and that they have incited revolt within it in past days; therefore that city was laid waste.

nasb@Ezra:3:21" @So, now issue a decree to make these men stop work, that this city may not be rebuilt until a decree is issued by me.

nasb@Ezra:5:10 @that they may offer acceptable sacrifices to the God of heaven and pray for the life of the king and his sons.

nasb@Ezra:5:12" @May the God who has caused His name to dwell there overthrow any king or people who attempts to change it, so as to destroy this house of God in Jerusalem. I, Darius, have issued this decree, let it be carried out with all diligence!"

nasb@Ezra:6:13 @I have issued a decree that any of the people of Israel and their priests and the Levites in my kingdom who are willing to go to Jerusalem, may go with you.

nasb@Ezra:6:18" @Whatever seems good to you and to your brothers to do with the rest of the silver and gold, you may do according to the will of your God.

nasb@Ezra:6:20" @The rest of the needs for the house of your God, for which you may have occasion to provide, provide for it from the royal treasury.

nasb@Ezra:6:21" @I, even I, King Artaxerxes, issue a decree to all the treasurers who are in the provinces beyond the River, that whatever Ezra the priest, the scribe of the law of the God of heaven, may require of you, it shall be done diligently,

nasb@Ezra:6:25" @You, Ezra, according to the wisdom of your God which is in your hand, appoint magistrates and judges that they may judge all the people who are in the province beyond the River, even all those who know the laws of your God; and you may teach anyone who is ignorant of them.

nasb@Ezra:7:8" @But now for a brief moment grace has been shown from the LORD our God, to leave us an escaped remnant and to give us a peg in His holy place, that our God may enlighten our eyes and grant us a little reviving in our bondage.

nasb@Ezra:7:12 @'So now do not give your daughters to their sons nor take their daughters to your sons, and never seek their peace or their prosperity, that you may be strong and eat the good things of the land and leave it as an inheritance to your sons forever.'

nasb@Nehemiah:1:11" @O Lord, I beseech You, may Your ear be attentive to the prayer of Your servant and the prayer of Your servants who delight to revere Your name, and make Your servant successful today and grant him compassion before this man." Now I was the cupbearer to the king.

nasb@Nehemiah:2:5 @I said to the king, "If it please the king, and if your servant has found favor before you, send me to Judah, to the city of my fathers' tombs, that I may rebuild it."

nasb@Nehemiah:2:7 @And I said to the king, "If it please the king, let letters be given me for the governors of the provinces beyond the River, that they may allow me to pass through until I come to Judah,

nasb@Nehemiah:2:8 @and a letter to Asaph the keeper of the king's forest, that he may give me timber to make beams for the gates of the fortress which is by the temple, for the wall of the city and for the house to which I will go." And the king granted them to me because the good hand of my God was on me.

nasb@Nehemiah:4:12 @When the Jews who lived near them came and told us ten times, "They will come up against us from every place where you may turn,"

nasb@Nehemiah:4:22 @At that time I also said to the people, "Let each man with his servant spend the night within Jerusalem so that they may be a guard for us by night and a laborer by day."

nasb@Nehemiah:5:2 @For there were those who said, "We, our sons and our daughters are many; therefore let us get grain that we may eat and live."

nasb@Nehemiah:5:8 @I said to them, "We according to our ability have redeemed our Jewish brothers who were sold to the nations; now would you even sell your brothers that they may be sold to us?" Then they were silent and could not find a word to say.

nasb@Nehemiah:5:13 @I also shook out the front of my garment and said, "Thus may God shake out every man from his house and from his possessions who does not fulfill this promise; even thus may he be shaken out and emptied." And all the assembly said, "Amen!" And they praised the LORD. Then the people did according to this promise.

nasb@Nehemiah:9:5 @Then the Levites, Jeshua, Kadmiel, Bani, Hashabneiah, Sherebiah, Hodiah, Shebaniah and Pethahiah, said, "Arise, bless the LORD your God forever and ever! O may Your glorious name be blessed And exalted above all blessing and praise!

nasb@Esther:1:19" @If it pleases the king, let a royal edict be issued by him and let it be written in the laws of Persia and Media so that it cannot be repealed, that Vashti may no longer come into the presence of King Ahasuerus, and let the king give her royal position to another who is more worthy than she.

nasb@Esther:2:3" @Let the king appoint overseers in all the provinces of his kingdom that they may gather every beautiful young virgin to the citadel of Susa, to the harem, into the custody of Hegai, the king's eunuch, who is in charge of the women; and let their cosmetics be given them.

nasb@Esther:4:11" @All the king's servants and the people of the king's provinces know that for any man or woman who comes to the king to the inner court who is not summoned, he has but one law, that he be put to death, unless the king holds out to him the golden scepter so that he may live. And I have not been summoned to come to the king for these thirty days."

nasb@Esther:5:4 @Esther said, "If it pleases the king, may the king and Haman come this day to the banquet that I have prepared for him."

nasb@Esther:5:5 @Then the king said, " Bring Haman quickly that we may do as Esther desires." So the king and Haman came to the banquet which Esther had prepared.

nasb@Esther:5:8 @if I have found favor in the sight of the king, and if it pleases the king to grant my petition and do what I request, may the king and Haman come to the banquet which I will prepare for them, and tomorrow I will do as the king says."

nasb@Esther:8:8" @Now you write to the Jews as you see fit, in the king's name, and seal it with the king's signet ring; for a decree which is written in the name of the king and sealed with the king's signet ring may not be revoked."