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rsv@Genesis:3:6 @ So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate; and she also gave some to her husband, and he ate.

rsv@Genesis:5:29 @ and called his name Noah, saying, "Out of the ground which the LORD has cursed this one shall bring us relief from our work and from the toil of our hands."

rsv@Genesis:9:2 @ The fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every bird of the air, upon everything that creeps on the ground and all the fish of the sea; into your hand they are delivered.

rsv@Genesis:10:4 @ The sons of Javan: Eli'shah, Tarshish, Kittim, and Do'danim.

rsv@Genesis:14:20 @ and blessed be God Most High, who has delivered your enemies into your hand!" And Abram gave him a tenth of everything.

rsv@Genesis:15:2 @ But Abram said, "O Lord GOD, what wilt thou give me, for I continue childless, and the heir of my house is Elie'zer of Damascus?"

rsv@Genesis:15:6 @ And he believed the LORD; and he reckoned it to him as righteousness.

rsv@Genesis:25:24 @ When her days to be delivered were fulfilled, behold, there were twins in her womb.

rsv@Genesis:32:11 @ Deliver me, I pray thee, from the hand of my brother, from the hand of Esau, for I fear him, lest he come and slay us all, the mothers with the children.

rsv@Genesis:32:16 @ These he delivered into the hand of his servants, every drove by itself, and said to his servants, "Pass on before me, and put a space between drove and drove."

rsv@Genesis:32:32 @ Therefore to this day the Israelites do not eat the sinew of the hip which is upon the hollow of the thigh, because he touched the hollow of Jacob's thigh on the sinew of the hip.

rsv@Genesis:34:19 @ And the young man did not delay to do the thing, because he had delight in Jacob's daughter. Now he was the most honored of all his family.

rsv@Genesis:36:31 @ These are the kings who reigned in the land of Edom, before any king reigned over the Israelites.

rsv@Genesis:37:21 @ But when Reuben heard it, he delivered him out of their hands, saying, "Let us not take his life."

rsv@Genesis:37:25 @ Then they sat down to eat; and looking up they saw a caravan of Ish'maelites coming from Gilead, with their camels bearing gum, balm, and myrrh, on their way to carry it down to Egypt.

rsv@Genesis:37:27 @ Come, let us sell him to the Ish'maelites, and let not our hand be upon him, for he is our brother, our own flesh." And his brothers heeded him.

rsv@Genesis:37:28 @ Then Mid'ianite traders passed by; and they drew Joseph up and lifted him out of the pit, and sold him to the Ish'maelites for twenty shekels of silver; and they took Joseph to Egypt.

rsv@Genesis:38:27 @ When the time of her delivery came, there were twins in her womb.

rsv@Genesis:39:1 @ Now Joseph was taken down to Egypt, and Pot'i-phar, an officer of Pharaoh, the captain of the guard, an Egyptian, bought him from the Ish'maelites who had brought him down there.

rsv@Genesis:42:34 @ Bring your youngest brother to me; then I shall know that you are not spies but honest men, and I will deliver to you your brother, and you shall trade in the land.'"

rsv@Genesis:45:26 @ And they told him, "Joseph is still alive, and he is ruler over all the land of Egypt." And his heart fainted, for he did not believe them.

rsv@Exodus:1:19 @ The midwives said to Pharaoh, "Because the Hebrew women are not like the Egyptian women; for they are vigorous and are delivered before the midwife comes to them."

rsv@Exodus:2:19 @ They said, "An Egyptian delivered us out of the hand of the shepherds, and even drew water for us and watered the flock."

rsv@Exodus:3:8 @ and I have come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them up out of that land to a good and broad land, a land flowing with milk and honey, to the place of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Amorites, the Per'izzites, the Hivites, and the Jeb'usites.

rsv@Exodus:4:1 @ Then Moses answered, "But behold, they will not believe me or listen to my voice, for they will say, `The LORD did not appear to you.'"

rsv@Exodus:4:5 @ "that they may believe that the LORD, the God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has appeared to you."

rsv@Exodus:4:8 @ "If they will not believe you," God said, "or heed the first sign, they may believe the latter sign.

rsv@Exodus:4:9 @ If they will not believe even these two signs or heed your voice, you shall take some water from the Nile and pour it upon the dry ground; and the water which you shall take from the Nile will become blood upon the dry ground."

rsv@Exodus:4:31 @ And the people believed; and when they heard that the LORD had visited the people of Israel and that he had seen their affliction, they bowed their heads and worshiped.

rsv@Exodus:5:18 @ Go now, and work; for no straw shall be given you, yet you shall deliver the same number of bricks."

rsv@Exodus:5:23 @ For since I came to Pharaoh to speak in thy name, he has done evil to this people, and thou hast not delivered thy people at all."

rsv@Exodus:6:6 @ Say therefore to the people of Israel, `I am the LORD, and I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians, and I will deliver you from their bondage, and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with great acts of judgment,

rsv@Exodus:6:23 @ Aaron took to wife Eli'sheba, the daughter of Ammin'adab and the sister of Nahshon; and she bore him Nadab, Abi'hu, Elea'zar, and Ith'amar.

rsv@Exodus:9:7 @ And Pharaoh sent, and behold, not one of the cattle of the Israelites was dead. But the heart of Pharaoh was hardened, and he did not let the people go.

rsv@Exodus:14:31 @ And Israel saw the great work which the LORD did against the Egyptians, and the people feared the LORD; and they believed in the LORD and in his servant Moses.

rsv@Exodus:15:27 @ Then they came to Elim, where there were twelve springs of water and seventy palm trees; and they encamped there by the water.

rsv@Exodus:16:1 @ They set out from Elim, and all the congregation of the people of Israel came to the wilderness of Sin, which is between Elim and Sinai, on the fifteenth day of the second month after they had departed from the land of Egypt.

rsv@Exodus:18:4 @ and the name of the other, Elie'zer (for he said, "The God of my father was my help, and delivered me from the sword of Pharaoh").

rsv@Exodus:18:8 @ Then Moses told his father-in-law all that the LORD had done to Pharaoh and to the Egyptians for Israel's sake, all the hardship that had come upon them in the way, and how the LORD had delivered them.

rsv@Exodus:18:9 @ And Jethro rejoiced for all the good which the LORD had done to Israel, in that he had delivered them out of the hand of the Egyptians.

rsv@Exodus:18:10 @ And Jethro said, "Blessed be the LORD, who has delivered you out of the hand of the Egyptians and out of the hand of Pharaoh.

rsv@Exodus:18:11 @ Now I know that the LORD is greater than all gods, because he delivered the people from under the hand of the Egyptians, when they dealt arrogantly with them."

rsv@Exodus:19:9 @ And the LORD said to Moses, "Lo, I am coming to you in a thick cloud, that the people may hear when I speak with you, and may also believe you for ever." Then Moses told the words of the people to the LORD.

rsv@Exodus:22:4 @ "If a man delivers to his neighbor money or goods to keep, and it is stolen out of the man's house, then, if the thief is found, he shall pay double.

rsv@Exodus:22:7 @ "If a man delivers to his neighbor an ass or an ox or a sheep or any beast to keep, and it dies or is hurt or is driven away, without any one seeing it,

rsv@Exodus:23:31 @ And I will set your bounds from the Red Sea to the sea of the Philistines, and from the wilderness to the Euphra'tes; for I will deliver the inhabitants of the land into your hand, and you shall drive them out before you.

rsv@Leviticus:9:12 @ And he killed the burnt offering; and Aaron's sons delivered to him the blood, and he threw it on the altar round about.

rsv@Leviticus:9:13 @ And they delivered the burnt offering to him, piece by piece, and the head; and he burned them upon the altar.

rsv@Leviticus:9:18 @ He killed the ox also and the ram, the sacrifice of peace offerings for the people; and Aaron's sons delivered to him the blood, which he threw upon the altar round about,

rsv@Leviticus:11:18 @ the water hen, the pelican, the carrion vulture,

rsv@Leviticus:24:10 @ Now an Israelite woman's son, whose father was an Egyptian, went out among the people of Israel; and the Israelite woman's son and a man of Israel quarreled in the camp,

rsv@Leviticus:24:11 @ and the Israelite woman's son blasphemed the Name, and cursed. And they brought him to Moses. His mother's name was Shelo'mith, the daughter of Dibri, of the tribe of Daniel.

rsv@Leviticus:26:25 @ And I will bring a sword upon you, that shall execute vengeance for the covenant; and if you gather within your cities I will send pestilence among you, and you shall be delivered into the hand of the enemy.

rsv@Leviticus:26:26 @ When I break your staff of bread, ten women shall bake your bread in one oven, and shall deliver your bread again by weight; and you shall eat, and not be satisfied.

rsv@Numbers:1:5 @ And these are the names of the men who shall attend you. From Reuben, Eli'zur the son of Shed'eur;

rsv@Numbers:1:9 @ from Zeb'ulun, Eli'ab the son of Helon;

rsv@Numbers:1:10 @ from the sons of Joseph, from E'phraim, Eli'shama the son of Ammi'hud, and from Manas'seh, Gama'liel the son of Pedah'zur;

rsv@Numbers:1:14 @ from Gad, Eli'asaph the son of Deu'el;

rsv@Numbers:2:7 @ Then the tribe of Zeb'ulun, the leader of the people of Zeb'ulun being Eli'ab the son of Helon,

rsv@Numbers:2:10 @ "On the south side shall be the standard of the camp of Reuben by their companies, the leader of the people of Reuben being Eli'zur the son of Shed'eur,

rsv@Numbers:2:14 @ Then the tribe of Gad, the leader of the people of Gad being Eli'asaph the son of Reu'el,

rsv@Numbers:2:18 @ "On the west side shall be the standard of the camp of E'phraim by their companies, the leader of the people of E'phraim being Eli'shama the son of Ammi'hud,

rsv@Numbers:3:24 @ with Eli'asaph, the son of La'el as head of the fathers' house of the Gershonites.

rsv@Numbers:3:30 @ with Eli-za'phan the son of Uz'ziel as head of the fathers' house of the families of the Ko'hathites.

rsv@Numbers:7:24 @ On the third day Eli'ab the son of Helon, the leader of the men of Zeb'ulun:

rsv@Numbers:7:29 @ and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five male lambs a year old. This was the offering of Eli'ab the son of Helon.

rsv@Numbers:7:30 @ On the fourth day Eli'zur the son of Shed'eur, the leader of the men of Reuben:

rsv@Numbers:7:35 @ and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five male lambs a year old. This was the offering of Eli'zur the son of Shed'eur.

rsv@Numbers:7:42 @ On the sixth day Eli'asaph the son of Deu'el, the leader of the men of Gad:

rsv@Numbers:7:47 @ and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five male lambs a year old. This was the offering of Eli'asaph the son of Deu'el.

rsv@Numbers:7:48 @ On the seventh day Eli'shama the son of Ammi'hud, the leader of the men of E'phraim:

rsv@Numbers:7:53 @ and for the sacrifice of peace offerings, two oxen, five rams, five male goats, and five male lambs a year old. This was the offering of Eli'shama the son of Ammi'hud.

rsv@Numbers:10:16 @ And over the host of the tribe of the men of Zeb'ulun was Eli'ab the son of Helon.

rsv@Numbers:10:18 @ And the standard of the camp of Reuben set out by their companies; and over their host was Eli'zur the son of Shed'eur.

rsv@Numbers:10:20 @ And over the host of the tribe of the men of Gad was Eli'asaph the son of Deu'el.

rsv@Numbers:10:22 @ And the standard of the camp of the men of E'phraim set out by their companies; and over their host was Eli'shama the son of Ammi'hud.

rsv@Numbers:14:8 @ If the LORD delights in us, he will bring us into this land and give it to us, a land which flows with milk and honey.

rsv@Numbers:14:11 @ And the LORD said to Moses, "How long will this people despise me? And how long will they not believe in me, in spite of all the signs which I have wrought among them?

rsv@Numbers:16:1 @ Now Korah the son of Izhar, son of Kohath, son of Levi, and Dathan and Abi'ram the sons of Eli'ab, and On the son of Peleth, sons of Reuben,

rsv@Numbers:16:12 @ And Moses sent to call Dathan and Abi'ram the sons of Eli'ab; and they said, "We will not come up.

rsv@Numbers:20:12 @ And the LORD said to Moses and Aaron, "Because you did not believe in me, to sanctify me in the eyes of the people of Israel, therefore you shall not bring this assembly into the land which I have given them."

rsv@Numbers:26:8 @ And the sons of Pallu: Eli'ab.

rsv@Numbers:26:9 @ The sons of Eli'ab: Nem'uel, Dathan, and Abi'ram. These are the Dathan and Abi'ram, chosen from the congregation, who contended against Moses and Aaron in the company of Korah, when they contended against the LORD,

rsv@Numbers:26:12 @ The sons of Simeon according to their families: of Nem'uel, the family of the Nem'uelites; of Jamin, the family of the Ja'minites; of Jachin, the family of the Ja'chinites;

rsv@Numbers:26:26 @ The sons of Zeb'ulun, according to their families: of Sered, the family of the Ser'edites; of Elon, the family of the E'lonites; of Jahleel, the family of the Jah'leelites.

rsv@Numbers:26:31 @ and of As'riel, the family of the As'rielites; and of Shechem, the family of the She'chemites;

rsv@Numbers:26:38 @ The sons of Benjamin according to their families: of Bela, the family of the Be'la-ites; of Ashbel, the family of the Ash'belites; of Ahi'ram, the family of the Ahi'ramites;

rsv@Numbers:26:45 @ Of the sons of Beri'ah: of Heber, the family of the He'berites; of Mal'chi-el, the family of the Mal'chi-elites.

rsv@Numbers:26:48 @ The sons of Naph'tali according to their families: of Jahzeel, the family of the Jah'zeelites; of Guni, the family of the Gunites;

rsv@Numbers:33:9 @ And they set out from Marah, and came to Elim; at Elim there were twelve springs of water and seventy palm trees, and they encamped there.

rsv@Numbers:33:10 @ And they set out from Elim, and encamped by the Red Sea.

rsv@Numbers:34:21 @ Of the tribe of Benjamin, Eli'dad the son of Chislon.

rsv@Numbers:34:25 @ Of the tribe of the sons of Zeb'ulun a leader, Eli-za'phan the son of Parnach.

rsv@Deuteronomy:1:32 @ Yet in spite of this word you did not believe the LORD your God,

rsv@Deuteronomy:9:23 @ And when the LORD sent you from Ka'desh-bar'nea, saying, `Go up and take possession of the land which I have given you,' then you rebelled against the commandment of the LORD your God, and did not believe him or obey his voice.

rsv@Deuteronomy:11:6 @ and what he did to Dathan and Abi'ram the sons of Eli'ab, son of Reuben; how the earth opened its mouth and swallowed them up, with their households, their tents, and every living thing that followed them, in the midst of all Israel;

rsv@Deuteronomy:14:17 @ and the pelican, the carrion vulture and the cormorant,

rsv@Deuteronomy:21:14 @ Then, if you have no delight in her, you shall let her go where she will; but you shall not sell her for money, you shall not treat her as a slave, since you have humiliated her.

rsv@Deuteronomy:28:54 @ The man who is the most tender and delicately bred among you will grudge food to his brother, to the wife of his bosom, and to the last of the children who remain to him;

rsv@Deuteronomy:28:56 @ The most tender and delicately bred woman among you, who would not venture to set the sole of her foot upon the ground because she is so delicate and tender, will grudge to the husband of her bosom, to her son and to her daughter,

rsv@Deuteronomy:28:63 @ And as the LORD took delight in doing you good and multiplying you, so the LORD will take delight in bringing ruin upon you and destroying you; and you shall be plucked off the land which you are entering to take possession of it.

rsv@Deuteronomy:30:9 @ The LORD your God will make you abundantly prosperous in all the work of your hand, in the fruit of your body, and in the fruit of your cattle, and in the fruit of your ground; for the LORD will again take delight in prospering you, as he took delight in your fathers,

rsv@Deuteronomy:32:39 @ "`See now that I, even I, am he, and there is no god beside me; I kill and I make alive; I wound and I heal; and there is none that can deliver out of my hand.

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