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bbe@Genesis:1:5 @Naming the light, Day, and the dark, Night. And there was evening and there was morning, the first day.

bbe@Genesis:1:8 @And God gave the arch the name of Heaven. And there was evening and there was morning, the second day.

bbe@Genesis:1:13 @And there was evening and there was morning, the third day.

bbe@Genesis:1:19 @And there was evening and there was morning, the fourth day.

bbe@Genesis:1:23 @And there was evening and there was morning, the fifth day.

bbe@Genesis:1:31 @And God saw everything which he had made and it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.

bbe@Genesis:2:2 @And on the seventh day God came to the end of all his work; and on the seventh day he took his rest from all the work which he had done.

bbe@Genesis:2:3 @And God gave his blessing to the seventh day and made it holy: because on that day he took his rest from all the work which he had made and done.

bbe@Genesis:3:8 @And there came to them the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the evening wind: and the man and his wife went to a secret place among the trees of the garden, away from the eyes of the Lord God.

bbe@Genesis:4:15 @And the Lord said, Truly, if Cain is put to death, seven lives will be taken for his. And the Lord put a mark on Cain so that no one might put him to death.

bbe@Genesis:4:24 @If seven lives are to be taken as punishment for Cain's death, seventy-seven will be taken for Lamech's.

bbe@Genesis:5:7 @And he went on living after the birth of Enosh for eight hundred and seven years, and had sons and daughters:

bbe@Genesis:5:12 @And Kenan was seventy years old when he became the father of Mahalalel:

bbe@Genesis:5:25 @And Methuselah was a hundred and eighty-seven years old when he became the father of Lamech:

bbe@Genesis:5:26 @And after the birth of Lamech, Methuselah went on living for seven hundred and eighty-two years, and had sons and daughters:

bbe@Genesis:5:31 @And all the years of Lamech's life were seven hundred and seventy-seven: and he came to his end.

bbe@Genesis:6:7 @And the Lord said, I will take away man, whom I have made, from the face of the earth, even man and beast and that which goes on the earth and every bird of the air; for I have sorrow for having made them.

bbe@Genesis:7:2 @Of every clean beast you will take seven males and seven females, and of the beasts which are not clean, two, the male and his female;

bbe@Genesis:7:3 @And of the birds of the air, seven males and seven females, so that their seed may still be living on the face of the earth.

bbe@Genesis:7:4 @For after seven days I will send rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights, for the destruction of every living thing which I have made on the face of the earth.

bbe@Genesis:7:10 @And after the seven days, the waters came over all the earth.

bbe@Genesis:7:11 @In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month, all the fountains of the great deep came bursting through, and the windows of heaven were open;

bbe@Genesis:8:4 @And on the seventeenth day of the seventh month the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat.

bbe@Genesis:8:10 @And after waiting another seven days, he sent the dove out again;

bbe@Genesis:8:11 @And the dove came back at evening, and in her mouth was an olive-leaf broken off: so Noah was certain that the waters had gone down on the earth.

bbe@Genesis:8:12 @And after seven days more, he sent the dove out again, but she did not come back to him.

bbe@Genesis:8:14 @And on the twenty-seventh day of the second month the earth was dry.

bbe@Genesis:11:21 @And after the birth of Serug, Reu went on living for two hundred and seven years, and had sons and daughters:

bbe@Genesis:11:26 @And Terah was seventy years old when he became the father of Abram, Nahor, and Haran.

bbe@Genesis:12:4 @So Abram went as the Lord had said to him, and Lot went with him: Abram was seventy-five years old when he went away from Haran.

bbe@Genesis:15:5 @And he took him out into the open air, and said to him, Let your eyes be lifted to heaven, and see if the stars may be numbered; even so will your seed be.

bbe@Genesis:16:13 @And to the Lord who was talking with her she gave this name, You are a God who is seen; for she said, Have I not even here in the waste land had a vision of God and am still living?

bbe@Genesis:21:28 @And Abraham put seven young lambs of the flock on one side by themselves.

bbe@Genesis:21:29 @Then Abimelech said, What are these seven lambs which you have put on one side?

bbe@Genesis:21:30 @And he said, Take these seven lambs from me as a witness that I have made this water-hole.

bbe@Genesis:23:1 @Now the years of Sarah's life were a hundred and twenty-seven.

bbe@Genesis:24:11 @And he made the camels take their rest outside the town by the water-spring in the evening, at the time when the women came to get water.

bbe@Genesis:24:15 @And even before his words were ended, Rebekah, the daughter of Bethuel, the son of Milcah, who was the wife of Nahor, Abraham's brother, came out with her water-vessel on her arm.

bbe@Genesis:24:45 @And even while I was saying this to myself, Rebekah came out with her vessel on her arm; and she went down to the spring to get water; and I said to her, Give me a drink.

bbe@Genesis:24:63 @And when the evening was near, he went wandering out into the fields, and lifting up his eyes he saw camels coming.

bbe@Genesis:25:7 @Now the years of Abraham's life were a hundred and seventy-five.

bbe@Genesis:25:17 @And the years of Ishmael's life were a hundred and thirty-seven: and he came to his end, and was put to rest with his people.

bbe@Genesis:26:29 @That you will do us no damage, even as we put no hand on you, and did you nothing but good, and sent you away in peace: and now the blessing of the Lord is on you.

bbe@Genesis:27:34 @And hearing the words of his father, Esau gave a great and bitter cry, and said to his father, Give a blessing to me, even to me, O my father!

bbe@Genesis:27:38 @And Esau said to his father, Is that the only blessing you have, my father? give a blessing to me, even me! And Esau was overcome with weeping.

bbe@Genesis:29:18 @And Jacob was in love with Rachel; and he said, I will be your servant seven years for Rachel, your younger daughter.

bbe@Genesis:29:20 @And Jacob did seven years' work for Rachel; and because of his love for her it seemed to him only a very little time.

bbe@Genesis:29:23 @And in the evening he took Leah, his daughter, and gave her to him, and he went in to her.

bbe@Genesis:29:27 @Let the week of the bride-feast come to its end and then we will give you the other in addition, if you will be my servant for another seven years.

bbe@Genesis:29:30 @Then Jacob took Rachel as his wife, and his love for her was greater than his love for Leah; and he went on working for Laban for another seven years.

bbe@Genesis:30:16 @In the evening, when Jacob came in from the field, Leah went out to him and said, Tonight you are to come to me, for I have given my son's love-fruits as a price for you. And he went in to her that night.

bbe@Genesis:31:23 @And taking the men of his family with him, he went after him for seven days and overtook him in the hill-country of Gilead.

bbe@Genesis:31:28 @You did not even let me give a kiss to my sons and my daughters. This was a foolish thing to do.

bbe@Genesis:32:22 @And in the night he got up, and taking with him his two wives and the two servant-women and his eleven children, he went over the river Jabbok.

bbe@Genesis:32:32 @For this reason the children of Israel, even today, never take that muscle in the hollow of the leg as food, because the hollow of Jacob's leg was touched.

bbe@Genesis:33:3 @And he himself, going before them, went down on his face to the earth seven times till he came near his brother.

bbe@Genesis:37:2 @These are the generations of Jacob: Joseph, a boy seventeen years old, was looking after the flock, together with his brothers, the sons of Bilhah and Zilpah, his father's wives; and Joseph gave their father a bad account of them.

bbe@Genesis:37:9 @Then he had another dream, and gave his brothers an account of it, saying, I have had another dream: the sun and the moon and eleven stars gave honour to me.

bbe@Genesis:41:2 @And out of the Nile came seven cows, good-looking and fat, and their food was the river-grass.

bbe@Genesis:41:3 @And after them seven other cows came out of the Nile, poor-looking and thin; and they were by the side of the other cows.

bbe@Genesis:41:4 @And the seven thin cows made a meal of the seven fat cows. Then Pharaoh came out of his sleep.

bbe@Genesis:41:5 @But he went to sleep again and had a second dream, in which he saw seven heads of grain, full and good, all on one stem.

bbe@Genesis:41:6 @And after them came up seven other heads, thin and wasted by the east wind.

bbe@Genesis:41:7 @And the seven thin heads made a meal of the good heads. And when Pharaoh was awake he saw it was a dream.

bbe@Genesis:41:18 @And out of the Nile came seven cows, fat and good-looking, and their food was the river-grass;

bbe@Genesis:41:19 @Then after them came seven other cows, very thin and poor-looking, worse than any I ever saw in the land of Egypt;

bbe@Genesis:41:20 @And the thin cows made a meal of the seven fat cows who came up first;

bbe@Genesis:41:21 @And even with the fat cows inside them they seemed as bad as before. And so I came out of my sleep.

bbe@Genesis:41:22 @And again in a dream I saw seven heads of grain, full and good, coming up on one stem:

bbe@Genesis:41:23 @And then I saw seven other heads, dry, thin, and wasted by the east wind, coming up after them:

bbe@Genesis:41:24 @And the seven thin heads made a meal of the seven good heads; and I put this dream before the wise men, but not one of them was able to give me the sense of it.

bbe@Genesis:41:26 @The seven fat cows are seven years, and the seven good heads of grain are seven years: the two have the same sense.

bbe@Genesis:41:27 @The seven thin and poor-looking cows who came up after them are seven years; and the seven heads of grain, dry and wasted by the east wind, are seven years when there will be no food.

bbe@Genesis:41:29 @Seven years are coming in which there will be great wealth of grain in Egypt;

bbe@Genesis:41:30 @And after that will come seven years when there will not be enough food; and the memory of the good years will go from men's minds; and the land will be made waste by the bad years;

bbe@Genesis:41:36 @And let that food be kept in store for the land till the seven bad years which are to come in Egypt; so that the land may not come to destruction through need of food.

bbe@Genesis:41:47 @Now in the seven good years the earth gave fruit in masses.

bbe@Genesis:41:48 @And Joseph got together all the food of those seven years, and made a store of food in the towns: the produce of the fields round every town was stored up in the town.

bbe@Genesis:41:53 @And so the seven good years in Egypt came to an end.

bbe@Genesis:41:54 @Then came the first of the seven years of need as Joseph had said: and in every other land they were short of food; but in the land of Egypt there was bread.

bbe@Genesis:43:23 @Then the servant said, Peace be with you: have no fear: your God, even the God of your father, has put wealth in your bags for you: I had your money. Then he let Simeon come out to them.

bbe@Genesis:46:6 @And they took their cattle and all the goods which they had got in the land of Canaan, and came to Egypt, even Jacob and all his seed:

bbe@Genesis:46:8 @And these are the names of the children of Israel who came into Egypt, even Jacob and all his sons: Reuben, Jacob's oldest son;

bbe@Genesis:46:25 @These were the children of Bilhah, whom Laban gave to his daughter Rachel, seven persons.

bbe@Genesis:46:27 @And the sons of Joseph whom he had in Egypt were two. Seventy persons of the family of Jacob came into Egypt.

bbe@Genesis:47:28 @And Jacob was living in the land of Goshen for seventeen years; so the years of his life were a hundred and forty-seven.

bbe@Genesis:48:22 @And I have given you more than your brothers, even Shechem as your heritage, which I took from the Amorites with my sword and my bow.

bbe@Genesis:49:4 @But because you were uncontrolled, the first place will not be yours; for you went up to your father's bed, even his bride-bed, and made it unclean.

bbe@Genesis:49:6 @Take no part in their secrets, O my soul; keep far away, O my heart, from their meetings; for in their wrath they put men to death, and for their pleasure even oxen were wounded.

bbe@Genesis:49:25 @Even by the God of your father, who will be your help, and by the Ruler of all, who will make you full with blessings from heaven on high, blessings of the deep stretched out under the earth, blessings of the breasts and of the fertile body:

bbe@Genesis:49:27 @Benjamin is a wolf, searching for meat: in the morning he takes his food, and in the evening he makes division of what he has taken.

bbe@Genesis:50:3 @And the forty days needed for making the body ready went by: and there was weeping for him among the Egyptians for seventy days.

bbe@Genesis:50:10 @And they came to the grain-floor of Atad on the other side of Jordan, and there they gave the last honours to Jacob, with great and bitter sorrow, weeping for their father for seven days.

bbe@Exodus:1:5 @All the offspring of Jacob were seventy persons: and Joseph had come to Egypt before them.

bbe@Exodus:1:10 @Let us take care for fear that their numbers may become even greater, and if there is a war, they may be joined with those who are against us, and make an attack on us, and go up out of the land.

bbe@Exodus:1:13 @And they gave the children of Israel even harder work to do:

bbe@Exodus:2:16 @Now the priest of Midian had seven daughters: and they came to get water for their father's flock.

bbe@Exodus:4:9 @And if they have no faith even in these two signs and will not give ear to your voice, then you are to take the water of the Nile and put it on the dry land: and the water you take out of the river will become blood on the dry land.

bbe@Exodus:4:10 @And Moses said to the Lord, O Lord, I am not a man of words; I have never been so, and am not now, even after what you have said to your servant: for talking is hard for me, and I am slow of tongue

bbe@Exodus:6:16 @And these are the names of the sons of Levi in the order of their generations: Gershon and Kohath and Merari: and the years of Levi's life were a hundred and thirty-seven.

bbe@Exodus:6:20 @And Amram took Jochebed, his father's sister, as wife; and she gave birth to Aaron and Moses: and the years of Amram's life were a hundred and thirty-seven.

bbe@Exodus:7:23 @Then Pharaoh went into his house, and did not take even this to heart.

bbe@Exodus:7:25 @And seven days went past, after the Lord had put his hand on the Nile.

bbe@Exodus:9:30 @But as for you and your servants, I am certain that even now the fear of the Lord God will not be in your hearts.

bbe@Exodus:10:12 @And the Lord said to Moses, Let your hand be stretched out over the land of Egypt so that the locusts may come up on the land for the destruction of every green plant in the land, even everything untouched by the ice-storm.

bbe@Exodus:12:15 @For seven days let your food be unleavened bread; from the first day no leaven is to be seen in your houses: whoever takes bread with leaven in it, from the first till the seventh day, will be cut off from Israel.

bbe@Exodus:12:16 @And on the first day there is to be a holy meeting and on the seventh day a holy meeting; no sort of work may be done on those days but only to make ready what is necessary for everyone's food.

bbe@Exodus:12:18 @In the first month, from the evening of the fourteenth day, let your food be unleavened bread till the evening of the twenty-first day of the month.

bbe@Exodus:12:19 @For seven days no leaven is to be seen in your houses: for whoever takes bread which is leavened will be cut off from the people of Israel, if he is from another country or if he is an Israelite by birth.

bbe@Exodus:13:2 @Let the first male child of every mother among the children of Israel be kept holy for me, even the first male birth among man or beast; for it is mine.

bbe@Exodus:13:6 @For seven days let your food be unleavened cakes; and on the seventh day there is to be a feast to the Lord.

bbe@Exodus:13:7 @Unleavened cakes are to be your food through all the seven days; let no leavened bread be seen among you, or any leaven, in any part of your land.

bbe@Exodus:15:27 @And they came to Elim where there were twelve water-springs and seventy palm-trees: and they put up their tents there by the waters.

bbe@Exodus:16:6 @And Moses and Aaron said to all the children of Israel, This evening it will be clear to you that it is the Lord who has taken you out of the land of Egypt:

bbe@Exodus:16:8 @And Moses said, The Lord will give you meat for your food at evening, and in the morning bread in full measure; for your outcry against the Lord has come to his ears: for what are we? your outcry is not against us but against the Lord.

bbe@Exodus:16:13 @And it came about that in the evening little birds came up and the place was covered with them: and in the morning there was dew all round about the tents.

bbe@Exodus:16:26 @For six days you will get it, but on the seventh day, the Sabbath, there will not be any.

bbe@Exodus:16:27 @But still on the seventh day some of the people went out to get it, and there was not any.

bbe@Exodus:16:29 @See, because the Lord has given you the Sabbath, he gives you on the sixth day bread enough for two days; let every man keep where he is; let no man go out of his place on the seventh day.

bbe@Exodus:16:30 @So the people took their rest on the seventh day.