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nkjv@Genesis:7:23 @ So He destroyed all living things which were on the face of the ground: both man and cattle, creeping thing and bird of the air. They were destroyed from the earth. Only Noah and those who were with him in the ark remained alive.

nkjv@Genesis:8:22 @ "While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, And day and night Shall not cease."

nkjv@Genesis:14:10 @ Now the Valley of Siddim was full of asphalt pits; and the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah fled; some fell there, and the remainder fled to the mountains.

nkjv@Genesis:24:21 @ And the man, wondering at her, remained silent so as to know whether the LORD had made his journey prosperous or not.

nkjv@Genesis:38:11 @ Then Judah said to Tamar his daughter-in-law, "Remain a widow in your father's house till my son Shelah is grown." For he said, "Lest he also die like his brothers." And Tamar went and dwelt in her father's house.

nkjv@Genesis:44:33 @ Now therefore, please let your servant remain instead of the lad as a slave to my lord, and let the lad go up with his brothers.

nkjv@Genesis:49:24 @ But his bow remained in strength, And the arms of his hands were made strong By the hands of the Mighty God of Jacob (From there is the Shepherd, the Stone of Israel),

nkjv@Exodus:8:9 @ And Moses said to Pharaoh, "Accept the honor of saying when I shall intercede for you, for your servants, and for your people, to destroy the frogs from you and your houses, that they may remain in the river only."

nkjv@Exodus:8:11 @ And the frogs shall depart from you, from your houses, from your servants, and from your people. They shall remain in the river only."

nkjv@Exodus:8:31 @ And the LORD did according to the word of Moses; He removed the swarms of flies from Pharaoh, from his servants, and from his people. Not one remained.

nkjv@Exodus:10:5 @ And they shall cover the face of the earth, so that no one will be able to see the earth; and they shall eat the residue of what is left, which remains to you from the hail, and they shall eat every tree which grows up for you out of the field.

nkjv@Exodus:10:15 @ For they covered the face of the whole earth, so that the land was darkened; and they ate every herb of the land and all the fruit of the trees which the hail had left. So there remained nothing green on the trees or on the plants of the field throughout all the land of Egypt.

nkjv@Exodus:10:19 @ And the LORD turned a very strong west wind, which took the locusts away and blew them into the Red Sea. There remained not one locust in all the territory of Egypt.

nkjv@Exodus:12:10 @ You shall let none of it remain until morning, and what remains of it until morning you shall burn with fire.

nkjv@Exodus:14:28 @ Then the waters returned and covered the chariots, the horsemen, and all the army of Pharaoh that came into the sea after them. Not so much as one of them remained.

nkjv@Exodus:16:23 @ Then he said to them, "This is what the LORD has said: "Tomorrow is a Sabbath rest, a holy Sabbath to the LORD. Bake what you will bake today, and boil what you will boil; and lay up for yourselves all that remains, to be kept until morning."'

nkjv@Exodus:16:29 @ See! For the LORD has given you the Sabbath; therefore He gives you on the sixth day bread for two days. Let every man remain in his place; let no man go out of his place on the seventh day."

nkjv@Exodus:21:21 @ Notwithstanding, if he remains alive a day or two, he shall not be punished; for he is his property.

nkjv@Exodus:23:18 @ "You shall not offer the blood of My sacrifice with leavened bread; nor shall the fat of My sacrifice remain until morning.

nkjv@Exodus:26:12 @ The remnant that remains of the curtains of the tent, the half curtain that remains, shall hang over the back of the tabernacle.

nkjv@Exodus:26:13 @ And a cubit on one side and a cubit on the other side, of what remains of the length of the curtains of the tent, shall hang over the sides of the tabernacle, on this side and on that side, to cover it.

nkjv@Exodus:29:34 @ And if any of the flesh of the consecration offerings, or of the bread, remains until the morning, then you shall burn the remainder with fire. It shall not be eaten, because it is holy.

nkjv@Leviticus:4:7 @ And the priest shall put some of the blood on the horns of the altar of sweet incense before the LORD, which is in the tabernacle of meeting; and he shall pour the remaining blood of the bull at the base of the altar of the burnt offering, which is at the door of the tabernacle of meeting.

nkjv@Leviticus:4:18 @ And he shall put some of the blood on the horns of the altar which is before the LORD, which is in the tabernacle of meeting; and he shall pour the remaining blood at the base of the altar of burnt offering, which is at the door of the tabernacle of meeting.

nkjv@Leviticus:4:30 @ Then the priest shall take some of its blood with his finger, put it on the horns of the altar of burnt offering, and pour all the remaining blood at the base of the altar.

nkjv@Leviticus:4:34 @ The priest shall take some of the blood of the sin offering with his finger, put it on the horns of the altar of burnt offering, and pour all the remaining blood at the base of the altar.

nkjv@Leviticus:6:16 @ And the remainder of it Aaron and his sons shall eat; with unleavened bread it shall be eaten in a holy place; in the court of the tabernacle of meeting they shall eat it.

nkjv@Leviticus:7:16 @ But if the sacrifice of his offering is a vow or a voluntary offering, it shall be eaten the same day that he offers his sacrifice; but on the next day the remainder of it also may be eaten;

nkjv@Leviticus:7:17 @ the remainder of the flesh of the sacrifice on the third day must be burned with fire.

nkjv@Leviticus:8:32 @ What remains of the flesh and of the bread you shall burn with fire.

nkjv@Leviticus:10:12 @ And Moses spoke to Aaron, and to Eleazar and Ithamar, his sons who were left: "Take the grain offering that remains of the offerings made by fire to the LORD, and eat it without leaven beside the altar; for it is most holy.

nkjv@Leviticus:11:37 @ And if a part of any such carcass falls on any planting seed which is to be sown, it remains clean.

nkjv@Leviticus:16:16 @ So he shall make atonement for the Holy Place, because of the uncleanness of the children of Israel, and because of their transgressions, for all their sins; and so he shall do for the tabernacle of meeting which remains among them in the midst of their uncleanness.

nkjv@Leviticus:19:6 @ It shall be eaten the same day you offer it, and on the next day. And if any remains until the third day, it shall be burned in the fire.

nkjv@Leviticus:19:13 @ "You shall not cheat your neighbor, nor rob him. The wages of him who is hired shall not remain with you all night until morning.

nkjv@Leviticus:25:27 @ then let him count the years since its sale, and restore the remainder to the man to whom he sold it, that he may return to his possession.

nkjv@Leviticus:25:28 @ But if he is not able to have it restored to himself, then what was sold shall remain in the hand of him who bought it until the Year of Jubilee; and in the Jubilee it shall be released, and he shall return to his possession.

nkjv@Leviticus:25:51 @ If there are still many years remaining, according to them he shall repay the price of his redemption from the money with which he was bought.

nkjv@Leviticus:25:52 @ And if there remain but a few years until the Year of Jubilee, then he shall reckon with him, and according to his years he shall repay him the price of his redemption.

nkjv@Leviticus:27:18 @ But if he dedicates his field after the Jubilee, then the priest shall reckon to him the money due according to the years that remain till the Year of Jubilee, and it shall be deducted from your valuation.

nkjv@Numbers:9:18 @ At the command of the LORD the children of Israel would journey, and at the command of the LORD they would camp; as long as the cloud stayed above the tabernacle they remained encamped.

nkjv@Numbers:9:20 @ So it was, when the cloud was above the tabernacle a few days: according to the command of the LORD they would remain encamped, and according to the command of the LORD they would journey.

nkjv@Numbers:9:21 @ So it was, when the cloud remained only from evening until morning: when the cloud was taken up in the morning, then they would journey; whether by day or by night, whenever the cloud was taken up, they would journey.

nkjv@Numbers:9:22 @ Whether it was two days, a month, or a year that the cloud remained above the tabernacle, the children of Israel would remain encamped and not journey; but when it was taken up, they would journey.

nkjv@Numbers:9:23 @ At the command of the LORD they remained encamped, and at the command of the LORD they journeyed; they kept the charge of the LORD, at the command of the LORD by the hand of Moses.

nkjv@Numbers:11:26 @ But two men had remained in the camp: the name of one was Eldad, and the name of the other Medad. And the Spirit rested upon them. Now they were among those listed, but who had not gone out to the tabernacle; yet they prophesied in the camp.

nkjv@Numbers:14:38 @ But Joshua the son of Nun and Caleb the son of Jephunneh remained alive, of the men who went to spy out the land.

nkjv@Numbers:24:19 @ Out of Jacob One shall have dominion, And destroy the remains of the city."

nkjv@Numbers:25:1 @ Now Israel remained in Acacia Grove, and the people began to commit harlotry with the women of Moab.

nkjv@Numbers:31:19 @ And as for you, remain outside the camp seven days; whoever has killed any person, and whoever has touched any slain, purify yourselves and your captives on the third day and on the seventh day.

nkjv@Numbers:31:32 @ The booty remaining from the plunder, which the men of war had taken, was six hundred and seventy-five thousand sheep,

nkjv@Numbers:32:32 @ We will cross over armed before the LORD into the land of Canaan, but the possession of our inheritance shall remain with us on this side of the Jordan."

nkjv@Numbers:33:55 @ But if you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land from before you, then it shall be that those whom you let remain shall be irritants in your eyes and thorns in your sides, and they shall harass you in the land where you dwell.

nkjv@Numbers:35:25 @ So the congregation shall deliver the manslayer from the hand of the avenger of blood, and the congregation shall return him to the city of refuge where he had fled, and he shall remain there until the death of the high priest who was anointed with the holy oil.

nkjv@Numbers:35:28 @ because he should have remained in his city of refuge until the death of the high priest. But after the death of the high priest the manslayer may return to the land of his possession.

nkjv@Numbers:36:12 @ They were married into the families of the children of Manasseh the son of Joseph, and their inheritance remained in the tribe of their father's family.

nkjv@Deuteronomy:1:46 @ "So you remained in Kadesh many days, according to the days that you spent there.

nkjv@Deuteronomy:2:34 @ We took all his cities at that time, and we utterly destroyed the men, women, and little ones of every city; we left none remaining.

nkjv@Deuteronomy:3:3 @ "So the LORD our God also delivered into our hands Og king of Bashan, with all his people, and we attacked him until he had no survivors remaining.

nkjv@Deuteronomy:3:11 @ "For only Og king of Bashan remained of the remnant of the giants. Indeed his bedstead was an iron bedstead. (Is it not in Rabbah of the people of Ammon?) Nine cubits is its length and four cubits its width, according to the standard cubit.

nkjv@Deuteronomy:13:17 @ So none of the accursed things shall remain in your hand, that the LORD may turn from the fierceness of His anger and show you mercy, have compassion on you and multiply you, just as He swore to your fathers,

nkjv@Deuteronomy:16:4 @ And no leaven shall be seen among you in all your territory for seven days, nor shall any of the meat which you sacrifice the first day at twilight remain overnight until morning.

nkjv@Deuteronomy:19:20 @ And those who remain shall hear and fear, and hereafter they shall not again commit such evil among you.

nkjv@Deuteronomy:20:16 @ "But of the cities of these peoples which the LORD your God gives you as an inheritance, you shall let nothing that breathes remain alive,

nkjv@Deuteronomy:21:13 @ She shall put off the clothes of her captivity, remain in your house, and mourn her father and her mother a full month; after that you may go in to her and be her husband, and she shall be your wife.

nkjv@Deuteronomy:21:23 @ his body shall not remain overnight on the tree, but you shall surely bury him that day, so that you do not defile the land which the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance; for he who is hanged is accursed of God.

nkjv@Deuteronomy:22:2 @ And if your brother is not near you, or if you do not know him, then you shall bring it to your own house, and it shall remain with you until your brother seeks it; then you shall restore it to him.

nkjv@Deuteronomy:32:36 @ "For the LORD will judge His people And have compassion on His servants, When He sees that their power is gone, And there is no one remaining, bond or free.

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