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bes@Genesis:5:3 @ And Adam lived two hundred and thirty years, and begot a son after his own form, and after his own image, and he called his name Seth.

bes@Genesis:5:4 @ And the days of Adam, which he lived after his begetting Seth, were seven hundred years; and he begot sons and daughters.

bes@Genesis:5:5 @ And all the days of Adam which he lived were nine hundred and thirty years, and he died.

bes@Genesis:5:6 @ Now Seth lived two hundred and five years, and begot Enos.

bes@Genesis:5:7 @ And Seth lived after his begetting Enos, seven hundred and seven years, and he begot sons and daughters.

bes@Genesis:5:8 @ And all the days of Seth were nine hundred and twelve years, and he died.

bes@Genesis:5:9 @ And Enos lived an hundred and ninety years, and begot Cainan.

bes@Genesis:5:10 @ And Enos lived after his begetting Cainan, seven hundred and fifteen years, and he begot sons and daughters.

bes@Genesis:5:11 @ And all the days of Enos were nine hundred and five years, and he died.

bes@Genesis:5:12 @ And Cainan lived an hundred and seventy years, and he begot Maleleel.

bes@Genesis:5:13 @ And Cainan lived after his begetting Maleleel, seven hundred and forty years, and he begot sons and daughters.

bes@Genesis:5:14 @ And all the days of Cainan were nine hundred and ten years, and he died.

bes@Genesis:5:15 @ And Maleleel lived an hundred and sixty and five years, and he begot Jared.

bes@Genesis:5:16 @ And Maleleel lived after his begetting Jared, seven hundred and thirty years, and he begot sons and daughters.

bes@Genesis:5:17 @ And all the days of Maleleel were eight hundred and ninety and five years, and he died.

bes@Genesis:5:18 @ And Jared lived an hundred and sixty and two years, and begot Enoch:

bes@Genesis:5:19 @ and Jared lived after his begetting Enoch, eight hundred years, and he begot sons and daughters.

bes@Genesis:5:20 @ And all the days of Jared were nine hundred and sixty and two years, and he died.

bes@Genesis:5:21 @ And Enoch lived an hundred and sixty and five years, and begat Mathusala.

bes@Genesis:5:22 @ And Enoch was well-pleasing to God after his begetting Mathusala, two hundred years, and he begot sons and daughters.

bes@Genesis:5:23 @ And all the days of Enoch were three hundred and sixty and five years.

bes@Genesis:5:25 @ And Mathusala lived (note:)Alex. 187(:note) an hundred and sixty and seven years, and begot Lamech.

bes@Genesis:5:26 @ And Mathusala lived after his begetting Lamech (note:)Alex. 782(:note) eight hundred and two years, and begot sons and daughters.

bes@Genesis:5:27 @ And all the days of Mathusala which he lived, were nine hundred and sixty and nine years, and he died.

bes@Genesis:5:28 @ And Lamech lived an hundred and eighty and eight years, and begot a son.

bes@Genesis:5:30 @ And Lamech lived after his begetting Noe, five hundred and sixty and five years, and begot sons and daughters.

bes@Genesis:5:31 @ And all the days of Lamech were seven hundred and fifty-three years, and he died.

bes@Genesis:6:1 @ And Noe was five hundred years old, and he begot three sons, Sem, (note:)Alex. Chaph(:note) Cham, and Japheth.

bes@Genesis:6:4 @ And the Lord God said, My Spirit shall certainly not remain among these men for ever, because they are flesh, but their days shall be an hundred and twenty years.

bes@Genesis:6:16 @ And thus shalt thou make the ark; three hundred cubits the length of the ark, and fifty cubits the breadth, and thirty cubits the height of it.

bes@Genesis:7:6 @ And Noe was six hundred years old when the flood of water was upon the earth.

bes@Genesis:7:11 @ In the six hundredth year of the life of Noe, in the second month, on the twenty-seventh day of the month, on this day all the fountains of the abyss were broken up, and the (note:)Or, bars, or, cataracts(:note) flood-gates of heaven were opened.

bes@Genesis:7:24 @ And the water was raised over the earth an hundred and fifty days.

bes@Genesis:8:3 @ And the water subsided, and went off the earth, and after an hundred and fifty days the water was diminished, and the ark rested in the seventh month, on the twenty-seventh day of the month, on the mountains of Ararat.

bes@Genesis:8:13 @ And it came to pass in the six hundred and first year of the life of Noe, in the first month, on the first day of the month, the water subsided from off the earth, and Noe opened the covering of the ark which he had made, and he saw that the water had subsided from the face of the earth.

bes@Genesis:9:28 @ And Noe lived after the flood three hundred and fifty years.

bes@Genesis:9:29 @ And all the days of Noe were nine hundred and fifty years, and he died.

bes@Genesis:11:10 @ And these are the generations of Sem: and Sem was a hundred years old when he begot Arphaxad, the second year after the flood.

bes@Genesis:11:11 @ And Sem lived, after he had begotten Arphaxad, five hundred years, and begot sons and daughters, and died.

bes@Genesis:11:12 @ And Arphaxad lived a hundred and thirty-five years, and begot Cainan.

bes@Genesis:11:13 @ And Arphaxad lived after he had begotten Cainan, (note:)Alex. 480(:note) four hundred years, and begot sons and daughters, and died. And Cainan lived a hundred and thirty years and begot Sala; and Canaan lived after he had begotten Sala, three hundred and thirty years, and begot sons and daughters, and died.

bes@Genesis:11:14 @ And Sala lived an hundred and thirty years, and begot Heber.

bes@Genesis:11:15 @ And Sala lived after he had begotten Heber, three hundred and thirty years, and begot sons and daughters, and died.

bes@Genesis:11:16 @ And Heber lived an hundred and thirty-four years, and begot Phaleg.

bes@Genesis:11:17 @ And Heber lived after he had begotten Phaleg (note:)Alex. 370(:note) two hundred and seventy years, and begot sons and daughters, and died.

bes@Genesis:11:18 @ And Phaleg lived and hundred and thirty years, and begot Ragau.

bes@Genesis:11:19 @ And Phaleg lived after he had begotten Ragau, two hundred and nine years, and begot sons and daughters, and died.

bes@Genesis:11:20 @ And Ragau lived and hundred thirty and two years, and begot Seruch.

bes@Genesis:11:21 @ And Raau lived after he had begotten Seruch, two hundred and seven years, and begot sons and daughters, and died.

bes@Genesis:11:22 @ And Seruch lived a hundred and thirty years, and begot Nachor.

bes@Genesis:11:23 @ And Seruch lived after he had begotten Nachor, two hundred years, and begot sons and daughters, and died.

bes@Genesis:11:24 @ And Nachor lived (note:)Alex. 79 years(:note) a hundred and seventy-nine years, and begot Tharrha.

bes@Genesis:11:25 @ And Nachor lived after he had begotten Tharrha, (note:)Alex. 129(:note) an hundred and twenty-five years, and begot sons and daughters, and he died.

bes@Genesis:11:32 @ And all the days of Tharrha in the land of Charrhan were two hundred and five years, and Tharrha died in Charrhan.

bes@Genesis:14:14 @ And Abram having heard that Lot his nephew had been taken captive, numbered his own home-born servants three hundred and eighteen, and pursued after them to Daniel.

bes@Genesis:15:13 @ And it was said to Abram, Thou shalt surely know that thy seed shall be a sojourner in a land not their won, and they shall enslave them, and afflict them, and humble them four hundred years.

bes@Genesis:17:17 @ And Abraam fell upon his face, and laughed; and spoke in his heart, saying, Shall there be a child to one who is a hundred years old, and shall Sarrha who is ninety years old, bear?

bes@Genesis:21:5 @ And Abraam was a hundred years old when Isaac his son was born to him.

bes@Genesis:23:1 @ And the life of Sarrha was an hundred and twenty-seven years.

bes@Genesis:23:15 @ Nay, my lord, I have heard indeed, the land is worth four hundred silver didrachms, but what can this be between me and thee? nay, do thou bury thy dead.

bes@Genesis:23:16 @ And Abraam hearkened to Ephron, and Abraam rendered to Ephron the money, which he mentioned in the ears of the sons of Chet, four hundred didrachms of silver approved with merchants.

bes@Genesis:25:7 @ And these were the years of the days of the life of Abraam as many as he lived, a hundred and seventy-five years.

bes@Genesis:25:17 @ And these are the years of the life of Ismael, a hundred and thirty-seven years; and he failed and died, and was added to his (note:)Gr. family(:note) fathers.

bes@Genesis:26:12 @ And Isaac sowed in that land, and he found in that year barley and hundred-fold, and the Lord blessed him.

bes@Genesis:32:6 @ And the messengers returned to Jacob, saying, We came to thy brother Esau, and lo! he comes to meet thee, and four hundred men with him.

bes@Genesis:32:14 @ two hundred she-goats, twenty he-goats, two hundred sheep, twenty rams,

bes@Genesis:33:1 @ And Jacob (note:)Gr. looked up with(:note) lifted up his eyes, and beheld, and lo! Esau his brother coming, and four hundred men with him; and Jacob divided the children to Lea and to Rachel, and the two handmaidens.

bes@Genesis:33:19 @ And he bought the portion of the field, where he pitched his tent, of Emmor the father of Sychem, for a hundred lambs.

bes@Genesis:35:28 @ And the days of Isaac which he lived were an hundred and eighty years.

bes@Genesis:45:22 @ And he gave to them all two sets of raiment apiece; but to Benjamin he gave three hundred pieces of gold, and five changes of raiment.

bes@Genesis:47:9 @ And Jacob said to Pharao, The days of the years of my life, wherein I sojourn, are a hundred and thirty years; few and evil have been the days of the years of my life, they have not attained to the days of the life of my fathers, in which days they sojourned.

bes@Genesis:47:28 @ And Jacob survived seventeen years in the land of Egypt; and Jacob’s days of the years of his life were a hundred and forty-seven years.

bes@Genesis:50:22 @ And Joseph dwelt in Egypt, he and his brethren, and all the family of his father; and Joseph lived a hundred and ten years.

bes@Genesis:50:26 @ And Joseph died, aged an hundred and ten years; and (note:)Gr. buried him(:note) they prepared his corpse, and put him in a coffin in Egypt.

bes@Exodus:6:16 @ And these are the names of the sons of Levi according to their kindreds, Gedson, Caath, and Merari; and the years of the life of Levi were a hundred and thirty-seven.

bes@Exodus:6:18 @ Ambram and Issaar, Chebron, and Oziel; and the years of the life of Caath were a (note:)Alex. 130(:note) hundred and thirty-three years.

bes@Exodus:6:20 @ And Ambram took to wife Jochabed the daughter of his father’s brother, and she bore to him both Aaron and Moses, and Mariam their sister: and the years of the life of Ambram were a (note:)Alex. 136(:note) hundred and thirty-two years.

bes@Exodus:12:37 @ And the children Israel (note:)Gr. having departed(:note) departed from Ramesses to Socchoth, to the full number of six hundred thousand footmen, even men, besides the baggage.

bes@Exodus:12:40 @ And the sojourning of the children of Israel, (note:)Gr. which(:note) while they sojourned in the land of Egypt and the land of Chanaan, was four hundred and thirty years.

bes@Exodus:12:41 @ And it came to pass after the four hundred and thirty years, all the forces of the Lord came forth out of the land of Egypt by night.

bes@Exodus:14:7 @ having also taken six hundred chosen chariots, and all the cavalry of the Egyptians, and rulers over all.

bes@Exodus:18:21 @ And do thou look out for thyself out of all the people able men, fearing God, righteous men, hating pride, and thou shalt set over (note:)Gr. them(:note) the people captains of thousands and captains of hundreds, and captains of fifties, and captains of tens.

bes@Exodus:18:25 @ And Moses chose out able men out of all Israel, and he made them captains of thousands and captains of hundreds, and captains of fifties and captains of tens over (note:)Gr. them(:note) the people.

bes@Exodus:27:9 @ And thou shalt make a court for the tabernacle, curtains of the court of fine linen spun on the south side, the length of a hundred cubits for one side.

bes@Exodus:27:11 @ Thus shall there be to the side toward the north curtains of a hundred cubits in length; and their pillars twenty, and their sockets twenty of brass, and the rings and the clasps of the pillars, and their sockets overlaid with silver.

bes@Exodus:27:18 @ And the length of the court shall be a hundred cubits on each side, and the breadth fifty on each side, and the height five cubits of fine linen spun, and their sockets of brass.

bes@Exodus:30:23 @ Do thou also take sweet herbs, the flower of choice myrrh five hundred shekels, and the half of this two hundred and fifty shekels of sweet-smelling cinnamon, and two hundred and fifty shekels of sweet-smelling calamus,

bes@Exodus:30:24 @ and of (note:)Gr. iris(:note) cassia five hundred shekels of the sanctuary, and a hin of olive oil.

bes@Exodus:37:7 @ And they made the court toward the south; the curtains of the court of fine linen twined, a hundred cubits (note:)Or, on each side(:note) every way,

bes@Exodus:37:9 @ and on the north side a hundred every way, and on the south side a hundred every way, and their posts twenty and their sockets twenty.

bes@Exodus:39:1 @ All the gold that was employed for the works according to all the fabrication of the holy things, was of the gold of the (note:)Gr. first-fruits(:note) offerings, twenty-nine talents, and Alex. 730 shekels seven hundred and twenty shekels according to the holy shekel.

bes@Exodus:39:2 @ And the offering of silver from the men that were numbered of the congregation a hundred talents, and a thousand seven hundred and seventy-five shekels, one drachm apiece, even the half shekel, according to the holy shekel.

bes@Exodus:39:3 @ Every one that passed the survey from twenty years old and upwards to the number of six hundred thousand, and three thousand five hundred and fifty.

bes@Exodus:39:4 @ And the hundred talents of silver went to the casting of the hundred chapiters of the tabernacle, and to the chapiters of the veil;

bes@Exodus:39:5 @ a hundred chapiters to the hundred talents, a talent to a chapiter.

bes@Exodus:39:6 @ And the thousand seven hundred and seventy-five shekels he formed into hooks for the pillars, and he gilt their chapiters and adorned them.

bes@Exodus:39:7 @ And the brass of the offering was (note:)Alex. 470 talents(:note) seventy talents, and Alex. 2400 shekels a thousand five hundred shekels;

bes@Leviticus:26:8 @ And five of you shall chase a hundred, and a hundred of you shall chase tens of thousands; and your enemies shall fall before you by the sword.

bes@Numbers:1:21 @ the numbering of them of the tribe of Ruben, was forty-six thousand and four hundred.

bes@Numbers:1:23 @ the numbering of them of the tribe of Symeon, was fifty-nine thousand and three hundred.

bes@Numbers:1:25 @ the numbering of them of the tribe of Juda, was seventy-four thousand and six hundred.

bes@Numbers:1:27 @ the numbering of them of the tribe of Issachar, was fifty-four thousand and (note:)Alex. 500(:note) four hundred.

bes@Numbers:1:29 @ the numbering of them of the tribe of Zabulon, was fifty-seven thousand and four hundred.

bes@Numbers:1:31 @ the numbering of them of the tribe of Ephraim, was forty thousand and five hundred.

bes@Numbers:1:33 @ the numbering of them of the tribe of Manasse, was thirty-two thousand and two hundred.

bes@Numbers:1:35 @ the numbering of them of the tribe of Benjamin, was thirty-five thousand and four hundred.

bes@Numbers:1:37 @ the numbering of them of the tribe of Gad, was forty and five thousand and six hundred and fifty.

bes@Numbers:1:39 @ the numbering of them of the tribe of Dan, was sixty and two thousand and seven hundred.

bes@Numbers:1:41 @ the numbering of them of the tribe of Aser, was forty and one thousand and five hundred.

bes@Numbers:1:43 @ the numbering of them of the tribe of Nephthali, was fifty-three thousand and four hundred.

bes@Numbers:1:46 @ six hundred thousand and three thousand and five hundred and fifty.

bes@Numbers:2:4 @ His forces that were numbered, were seventy-four thousand and six hundred.

bes@Numbers:2:6 @ His forces that were numbered, were fifty-four thousand and four hundred.

bes@Numbers:2:8 @ His forces that were numbered, were fifty-seven thousand and four hundred.

bes@Numbers:2:9 @ All that were numbered of the camp of Juda were a hundred and eighty thousand and six thousand and four hundred: they shall move first with their forces.

bes@Numbers:2:11 @ His forces that were numbered, were forty-six thousand and five hundred.

bes@Numbers:2:13 @ His forces that were numbered, were fifty-nine thousand and three hundred.

bes@Numbers:2:15 @ His forces that were numbered, were forty-five thousand and six hundred and fifty.

bes@Numbers:2:16 @ All who were numbered of the camp of Ruben, were a hundred and fifty-one thousand and four hundred and fifty: they with their forces shall proceed in the second place.

bes@Numbers:2:19 @ His forces that were numbered, are forty thousand and five hundred.

bes@Numbers:2:21 @ His forces that were numbered, were thirty-two thousand and two hundred.

bes@Numbers:2:23 @ His forces that were numbered, were thirty-five thousand and four hundred.

bes@Numbers:2:24 @ All that were numbered of the camp of Ephraim, were one hundred and eight thousand and one hundred: they with their forces shall set out third.

bes@Numbers:2:26 @ His forces that were numbered, were sixty-two thousand and seven hundred.

bes@Numbers:2:28 @ His forces that were numbered, were forty-one thousand and five hundred.

bes@Numbers:2:30 @ His forces that were numbered were fifty-three thousand and four hundred.

bes@Numbers:2:31 @ All that were numbered of the camp of Dan, were a hundred and fifty-seven thousand and six hundred: they shall set out last according to their order.

bes@Numbers:2:32 @ This is the numbering of the children of Israel according to the houses of their families: all the numbering of the camps with their forces, was six hundred and three thousand, five hundred and fifty.

bes@Numbers:3:22 @ The numbering of them according to the number of every male from a month old and upwards, their numbering was seven thousand and five hundred.

bes@Numbers:3:28 @ Every male from a month old and upward, eight thousand and six hundred, keeping the charges of the holy things.

bes@Numbers:3:43 @ And all the male first-born in number by name, from a month old and upwards, were according to their numbering twenty-two thousand and two hundred and seventy-three.

bes@Numbers:3:46 @ And for the ransoms of the two hundred and seventy-three which exceed the Levites in number of the first-born of the sons of Israel;

bes@Numbers:3:50 @ He took the silver from the first-born of the sons of Israel, a thousand three hundred and sixty-five shekels, according to the holy shekel.

bes@Numbers:4:36 @ And the numbering of them according to their families was two thousand, (note:)Alex. 350(:note) seven hundred and fifty.

bes@Numbers:4:40 @ And the numbering of them according to their families, according to the houses of their lineage, was two thousand six hundred and thirty.

bes@Numbers:4:44 @ And the numbering of them according to their families, according to the houses of their lineage, was three thousand and two hundred.

bes@Numbers:4:48 @ And they that were numbered were eight thousand (note:)Alex. 450(:note) five hundred and eighty.

bes@Numbers:7:13 @ And he brought his gift, one silver charger of a hundred and thirty shekels was its weight, one silver bowl, of seventy shekels according to the holy shekel; both full of fine flour kneaded with oil for a meat-offering.

bes@Numbers:7:19 @ And he brought his gift, one silver charger, its weight a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels according to the holy shekel; both full of fine flour kneaded with oil for a meat-offering.

bes@Numbers:7:25 @ He brought his gift, one silver charger, its weight a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels according to the holy shekel; both full of fine flour kneaded with oil for a meat-offering.

bes@Numbers:7:31 @ He brought his gift, one silver charger, its weight a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels according to the holy shekel; both full of fine flour kneaded with oil for a meat-offering.

bes@Numbers:7:37 @ He brought his gift, one silver charger, its weight one hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels according to the holy shekel; both full of fine flour kneaded with oil for a meat-offering.

bes@Numbers:7:43 @ He brought his gift, one silver charger, its weight a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels according to the holy shekel; both full of fine flour kneaded with oil for a meat offering.

bes@Numbers:7:49 @ He brought his gift, one silver charger, its weight was a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels according to the holy shekel; both full of fine flour kneaded with oil for a meat-offering.

bes@Numbers:7:55 @ He brought his gift, one silver charger, its weight one hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels according to the holy shekel; both full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat-offering.

bes@Numbers:7:61 @ He brought his gift, one silver charger, its weight a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels according to the holy shekel; both full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat-offering.

bes@Numbers:7:67 @ He brought his gift, one silver charger, its weight a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels according to the holy shekel; both full of fine flour kneaded with oil for a meat-offering.

bes@Numbers:7:73 @ He brought his gift, one silver charger, its weight a hundred and thirty shekels, one silver bowl of seventy shekels according to the holy shekel; both full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat-offering.

bes@Numbers:7:79 @ He brought his gift, one silver charger, its weight a hundred and thirty shekels; one silver bowl of seventy shekels according to the holy shekel; both full of fine flour mingled with oil for a meat offering.

bes@Numbers:7:86 @ Twelve golden censers full of incense: all the gold of the shekels, a hundred and twenty shekels.

bes@Numbers:11:21 @ And Moses said, The people among whom I am are six hundred thousand footmen; and thou saidst, I will give them flesh to eat, and they shall eat a whole month.

bes@Numbers:16:2 @ and rose up before Moses, and two hundred and fifty men of the sons of Israel, chiefs of the assembly, chosen councillors, and men of renown.

bes@Numbers:16:17 @ And take each man his censer, and ye shall put incense upon them, and shall bring each one his censer before the Lord, two hundred and fifty censers, and thou and Aaron shall bring each his censer.

bes@Numbers:16:35 @ And fire went forth from the Lord, and devoured the two hundred and fifty men that offered incense.

bes@Numbers:16:49 @ And they that died in the plague were fourteen thousand and seven hundred, besides those that died on account of Core.

bes@Numbers:26:7 @ These are the families of Ruben; and their numbering was forty-three thousand and seven hundred and thirty.

bes@Numbers:26:10 @ And the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up them and Core, when their assembly perished, when the fire devoured the two hundred and fifty, and they were (note:)Or, for a sign(:note) made a sign.

bes@Numbers:26:14 @ These are the families of Symeon according to their numbering, two and twenty thousand and two hundred.

bes@Numbers:26:18 @ These are the families of Juda according to their numbering, seventy-six thousand and five hundred.

bes@Numbers:26:21 @ These are the families of Issachar according to their numbering, sixty-four thousand and four hundred.

bes@Numbers:26:23 @ These are the families of Zabulon according to their numbering, sixty thousand and five hundred.

bes@Numbers:26:27 @ These are the families of the children of Gad according to their numbering, forty-four thousand and five hundred.

bes@Numbers:26:31 @ These are the families of Aser according to their numbering, forty-three thousand and (note:)Alex. 600(:note) four hundred.

bes@Numbers:26:38 @ These are the families of Manasse according to their numbering, (note:)Alex. 62,500(:note) fifty-two thousand and seven hundred.

bes@Numbers:26:41 @ These are the families of Ephraim according to their numbering, thirty-two thousand and five hundred: these are the families of the children of Joseph according to their families.

bes@Numbers:26:45 @ These are the sons of Benjamin by their families according to their numbering, thirty-five thousand and five hundred.

bes@Numbers:26:47 @ All the families of Samei according to their numbering, sixty-four thousand and (note:)Alex. 600(:note) four hundred.

bes@Numbers:26:50 @ These are the families of Nephthali, according to their numbering, forty thousand and three hundred.

bes@Numbers:26:51 @ This is the numbering of the children of Israel, six hundred and one thousand and seven hundred and thirty.

bes@Numbers:31:14 @ And Moses was angry with the captains of the host, the heads of thousands and the heads of hundreds who came from the battle-array.

bes@Numbers:31:28 @ And ye shall take a tribute for the Lord from the warriors that went out to battle; one soul out of five hundred, from the men, and from the cattle, even from the oxen, and from the sheep, and from the asses; and ye shall take from their half.

bes@Numbers:31:32 @ And that which remained of the spoil which the warriors took, was—of the sheep, six hundred and seventy-five thousand:

bes@Numbers:31:36 @ And the half, even the portion of them that went out to war, from the number of the sheep, was three hundred and thirty-seven thousand and five hundred.

bes@Numbers:31:37 @ And the tribute to the Lord from the sheep was six hundred and seventy-five.

bes@Numbers:31:39 @ And asses, thirty thousand and five hundred, and the tribute to the Lord, sixty-one:

bes@Numbers:31:43 @ And the half taken from the sheep, belonging to the congregation, was three hundred and thirty-seven thousand and five hundred.

bes@Numbers:31:45 @ asses, thirty thousand and five hundred;

bes@Numbers:31:48 @ And all those who were appointed to be officers of thousands of the host, captains of thousands and captains of hundreds, approached Moses, and said to Moses,

bes@Numbers:31:52 @ And all the wrought gold, even the offering that they offered to the Lord, was sixteen thousand and seven hundred and fifty shekels from the captains of thousands and the captains of hundreds.

bes@Numbers:31:54 @ And Moses and Eleazar the priest took the gold from the captains of thousands and captains of hundreds, and brought (note:)Gr. them(:note) the vessels into the tabernacle of witness, a memorial of the children of Israel before the Lord.

bes@Numbers:33:39 @ And Aaron was a hundred and twenty-three years old, when he died in mount Or.

bes@Deuteronomy:1:15 @ So I took of you wise and understanding and prudent men, and I set them to rule over you as rulers of thousands, and rulers of hundreds, and rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens, and (note:)Perhaps, recorders: more. lit. instructors in reading and writing(:note) officers to your judges.

bes@Deuteronomy:22:19 @ and shall fine him a hundred shekels, and shall give them to the father of the damsel, because he has brought forth an evil name against a virgin of Israel; and she shall be his wife: he shall never be able to put her away.

bes@Deuteronomy:31:2 @ and said to them, I am this day a hundred and twenty years old; I shall not be able any longer to come in or go out; and the Lord said to me, Thou shalt not go over this Jordan.

bes@Deuteronomy:34:7 @ And Moses was a hundred and twenty years old at his death; his eyes were not dimmed, nor were his natural powers destroyed.