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nsb@Genesis:1:9 @ Then God said: »Let the waters below the atmosphere be gathered into one place. Let the dry land appear.« It was so.

nsb@Genesis:1:14 @ Then God said: »Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night. Let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years.

nsb@Genesis:1:15 @ »Let them be for lights in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth.« It was so.

nsb@Genesis:1:16 @ God made the two great lights. The sun was to govern the day. The moon was to govern the night. He made the stars also.

nsb@Genesis:1:17 @ He placed the lights in the sky to shine on the earth.

nsb@Genesis:1:18 @ The lights were to govern the day and the night, and to separate light from darkness. God saw that it was good.

nsb@Genesis:1:24 @ God said: »Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, each according to its kind.« It was so.

nsb@Genesis:1:25 @ God made the wild animals according to their kinds. He made the livestock according to their kinds and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. God saw that it was good.

nsb@Genesis:1:26 @ Then God said: »Let us make man in our image, in our likeness. Let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth and over all the creatures that move along the ground.«

nsb@Genesis:1:28 @ God blessed them and said to them: »Be fruitful and increase in number. Fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and dominate the birds of the air. Have dominion over every living creature that moves on the ground.«

nsb@Genesis:2:5 @ No shrub of the field had yet appeared on the earth. No plant of the field had yet sprung up, for Jehovah God had not sent rain on the earth. There was no man to work the ground.

nsb@Genesis:2:7 @ Jehovah God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. The man became a living being.

nsb@Genesis:2:9 @ Jehovah God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground, trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

nsb@Genesis:2:10 @ A river watering the garden flowed from Eden. From there it was separated into four headwaters.

nsb@Genesis:2:12 @ The gold of that land is good. Bdellium and onyx stone are also there.

nsb@Genesis:2:15 @ Jehovah God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.

nsb@Genesis:2:16 @ Jehovah God commanded the man: »You are free to eat from any tree in the garden.

nsb@Genesis:2:18 @ Jehovah God said: »It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.«

nsb@Genesis:2:19 @ Then Jehovah God formed out of the ground all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air. He brought them to the man to let him name them. Whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name.

nsb@Genesis:2:20 @ So the man gave names to all the livestock, the birds of the air and all the beasts of the field. But no suitable helper was found for Adam.

nsb@Genesis:2:21 @ Jehovah God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep. While he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and closed up the place with flesh.

nsb@Genesis:2:22 @ Then Jehovah made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man. He brought her to the man.

nsb@Genesis:2:24 @ This is the reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife. They will become one flesh.

nsb@Genesis:3:1 @ Now the serpent was craftier than any of the wild animals Jehovah God had made. He said to the woman: »Did God really say, you must not eat from any tree in the garden?«

nsb@Genesis:3:2 @ The woman said to the serpent: »We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden.

nsb@Genesis:3:3 @ ‘»However, God did say: ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden. You must not touch it, or you will die.’«

nsb@Genesis:3:4 @ »You will not die,« the serpent said to the woman.

nsb@Genesis:3:6 @ When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.

nsb@Genesis:3:7 @ Then the eyes of both of them were opened. They realized they were naked. They sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.

nsb@Genesis:3:9 @ But Jehovah God called to the man: »Where are you?«

nsb@Genesis:3:11 @ And he said: »Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree that I commanded you not to eat from?«

nsb@Genesis:3:13 @ Then Jehovah God said to the Eve: »What is this you have done?« The woman answered: »The serpent deceived me, and I ate.«

nsb@Genesis:3:14 @ So Jehovah God said to the serpent: »Because you have done this you are cursed above all the livestock and all the wild animals! You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life.

nsb@Genesis:3:16 @ He said to the woman: »I will greatly increase your pains in childbirth; with pain you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.«

nsb@Genesis:3:17 @ He said to Adam: »Because you listened to your wife and ate from the tree about which I commanded you, ‘You must not eat of it,’ cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat of it all the days of your life.

nsb@Genesis:3:19 @ »You will eat your food by the sweat of your brow until you return to the ground. You came from the ground. For dust you are and to dust you will return.«

nsb@Genesis:3:22 @ Jehovah said: »The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.«

nsb@Genesis:3:23 @ Therefore Jehovah God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken.

nsb@Genesis:3:24 @ After he drove the man out, he placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life.

nsb@Genesis:4:1 @ Adam had sexual intercourse with his wife Eve. She became pregnant and gave birth to Cain. She said: »With the help of Jehovah I have brought forth a man.«

nsb@Genesis:4:2 @ Later she gave birth to his brother Abel. Now Abel kept flocks, and Cain worked the soil.

nsb@Genesis:4:3 @ As time went by, Cain brought some of the fruits of the soil as an offering to Jehovah.

nsb@Genesis:4:6 @ Jehovah said to Cain: »Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast?

nsb@Genesis:4:7 @ »If you do what is right, will not your attitude improve? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door. It desires to have you, but you must master it.«

nsb@Genesis:4:10 @ Jehovah said: »What have you done? Listen! Your brother’s blood cries out to me from the ground.

nsb@Genesis:4:11 @ »Now you are under a curse and driven from the ground, which opened its mouth to receive your brother’s blood from your hand.

nsb@Genesis:4:13 @ Cain said to Jehovah: »My punishment is more than I can bear.

nsb@Genesis:4:14 @ »You are driving me from the land today. I will be hidden from your presence. I will be a restless wanderer on the earth. And whoever finds me will kill me.«

nsb@Genesis:4:15 @ Jehovah replied to him: »If anyone kills Cain, he will suffer vengeance seven times over.« Then Jehovah put a mark on Cain so that no one who found him would kill him.

nsb@Genesis:4:17 @ Cain had intercourse with his wife. She became pregnant and gave birth to Enoch. Later Cain built a city. He named it after his son Enoch.

nsb@Genesis:4:18 @ To Enoch was born Irad, and Irad was the father of Mehujael, and Mehujael was the father of Methushael, and Methushael was the father of Lamech.

nsb@Genesis:4:20 @ Adah gave birth to Jabal; he was the father of those who live in tents and raise livestock.

nsb@Genesis:4:22 @ Zillah also had a son, Tubal-Cain, who forged all kinds of tools out of copper and iron. Tubal-Cain’s sister was Naamah.

nsb@Genesis:4:23 @ Lamech said to his wives: »Adah and Zillah, listen to me; wives of Lamech, hear my words. I have killed a man for wounding me, a young man for injuring me.

nsb@Genesis:4:25 @ Adam had intercourse with his wife again, and she gave birth to a son and named him Seth. She said: »God has granted me another child in place of Abel, since Cain killed him.«

nsb@Genesis:4:26 @ Seth also had a son, and he named him Enosh. At that time men began to call on the name of Jehovah.

nsb@Genesis:5:5 @ Altogether, Adam lived nine hundred and thirty years, and then he died.

nsb@Genesis:5:8 @ Altogether, Seth lived nine hundred and twelve years, and then he died.

nsb@Genesis:5:11 @ Enosh lived a total of nine hundred and five years, and then he died.

nsb@Genesis:5:14 @ Altogether, Kenan lived nine hundred and ten years, and then he died.

nsb@Genesis:5:17 @ Mahalalel lived a total of eight hundred and ninety-five years, and then he died.

nsb@Genesis:5:20 @ Jared lived a total of nine hundred and sixty-two years, and then he died.

nsb@Genesis:5:23 @ Altogether, Enoch lived three hundred and sixty-five years.

nsb@Genesis:5:24 @ Enoch walked with God. Then he was no more, because God took him away.

nsb@Genesis:5:27 @ Altogether, Methuselah lived nine hundred and sixty-nine years, and then he died.

nsb@Genesis:5:29 @ He named him Noah. He said: »He will comfort us in the labor and painful toil of our hands caused by the ground Jehovah has cursed.«

nsb@Genesis:5:31 @ Lamech lived a total of seven hundred seventy-seven years, and then he died.

nsb@Genesis:6:1 @ Men began to increase in number on the earth and daughters were born to them.

nsb@Genesis:6:13 @ God said to Noah: »I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them. I am going to destroy them with the earth.

nsb@Genesis:6:15 @ »This is how you are to build it: The ark is to be four hundred and fifty feet long, seventy-five feet wide, and forty-five feet high.

nsb@Genesis:6:16 @ »Build a roof on it and finish the ark to within eighteen inches of the top. Put a door in the side of the ark and make lower, middle, and upper decks.

nsb@Genesis:6:17 @ »I am going to bring floodwaters on the earth to destroy all life under the heavens. Every creature that has the breath of life in it, everything on earth will perish.

nsb@Genesis:6:19 @ »Bring into the ark two of all living creatures, male and female, to keep them alive with you.

nsb@Genesis:6:20 @ »Two of every kind of bird, of every kind of animal, and of every kind of creature that moves along the ground will come to you to be kept alive.

nsb@Genesis:6:21 @ »Take every kind of food that is to be eaten and store it away as food for you and for them.«

nsb@Genesis:7:1 @ Jehovah said to Noah: »Go into the ark, you and your whole family. For I have found you righteous in this generation.

nsb@Genesis:7:3 @ »Also take seven of every kind of bird, male and female, to keep their various kinds alive throughout the earth.

nsb@Genesis:7:7 @ Noah and his sons and his wife and his sons’ wives entered the ark to escape the waters of the flood.

nsb@Genesis:7:9 @ male and female came to Noah and entered the ark, as God had commanded Noah.

nsb@Genesis:7:13 @ Noah and his sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, together with his wife and the wives of his three sons, entered the ark.

nsb@Genesis:7:14 @ They had with them every wild animal according to its kind, all livestock according to their kinds, every creature that moves along the ground according to its kind, and every bird according to its kind, everything with wings.

nsb@Genesis:7:15 @ Pairs of all creatures that have the breath of life in them came to Noah and entered the ark.

nsb@Genesis:7:20 @ The waters rose and covered the mountains to a depth of more than twenty feet.

nsb@Genesis:7:21 @ Every living thing that moved on the earth perished: birds, livestock, wild animals, all the creatures that swarm over the earth, and all mankind.

nsb@Genesis:8:1 @ God remembered Noah and all the wild animals and the livestock that were with him in the ark. He sent a wind over the earth, and the waters receded.

nsb@Genesis:8:2 @ The springs of the deep and the floodgates of the skies were closed. So the rain stopped falling from the sky.

nsb@Genesis:8:4 @ On the seventeenth day of the seventh month the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat.

nsb@Genesis:8:5 @ The waters continued to recede until the tenth month. On the first day of the tenth month, the tops of the mountains became visible.

nsb@Genesis:8:8 @ Then he sent out a dove to see if the water had receded from the surface of the ground.

nsb@Genesis:8:9 @ The dove, however, could find no place to set its feet because there was water over all the surface of the earth. It returned to Noah in the ark. He reached out his hand and held the dove and brought it back to himself in the ark.

nsb@Genesis:8:11 @ When the dove returned to him in the evening, there in its beak was a freshly plucked olive leaf! Then Noah knew that the water had receded from the earth.

nsb@Genesis:8:12 @ He waited seven more days and sent the dove out again, but this time it did not return to him.

nsb@Genesis:8:15 @ God said to Noah:

nsb@Genesis:8:18 @ Noah came out, together with his sons and his wife and his sons’ wives.

nsb@Genesis:8:20 @ Noah built an altar to Jehovah and, taking some of all the clean animals and clean birds, he sacrificed burnt offerings on it.

nsb@Genesis:9:8 @ Then God said to Noah and to his sons with him:

nsb@Genesis:9:10 @ "and with every living creature that was with you, the birds, the livestock, and all the wild animals, all those that came out of the ark with you, every living creature on earth.

nsb@Genesis:9:11 @ »I establish my covenant with you: Never again will the waters of a flood destroy all life. Never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth.«

nsb@Genesis:9:12 @ God said: »This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come:

nsb@Genesis:9:15 @ »I will remember my covenant with you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters flood to destroy all life.

nsb@Genesis:9:22 @ Ham, father of Canaan, saw his father’s nakedness and told his two brothers outside.

nsb@Genesis:9:23 @ Shem and Japheth took a garment and laid it across their shoulders. Then they walked in backward and covered their father’s nakedness. Their faces were turned the other way so that they would not see their father’s nakedness.

nsb@Genesis:9:24 @ Noah awoke from his wine and found out what his youngest son had done to him.

nsb@Genesis:9:25 @ He said: »Canaan is cursed! He will be a lowly slave to his brothers.«

nsb@Genesis:9:27 @ »May God extend the territory of Japheth. And may Japheth live in the tents of Shem, and may Canaan be his slave.«

nsb@Genesis:9:29 @ Noah lived a total of nine hundred and fifty years, and then he died.

nsb@Genesis:10:3 @ The sons of Gomer: Ashkenaz, Riphath, and Togarmah.

nsb@Genesis:10:5 @ From these the maritime peoples spread out into their territories by their clans within their nations, each with its own language.

nsb@Genesis:10:8 @ Cush was the father of Nimrod, who grew to be a mighty warrior on the earth.

nsb@Genesis:10:11 @ From that land he went to Assyria, where he built Nineveh, Rehoboth-Ir, Calah,

nsb@Genesis:10:14 @ Pathrusites, Casluhites, and Caphtorites.

nsb@Genesis:10:19 @ and the borders of Canaan reached from Sidon toward Gerar as far as Gaza, and then toward Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, and Zeboiim, as far as Lasha.

nsb@Genesis:10:20 @ These are the sons of Ham by their clans and languages, in their territories and nations.

nsb@Genesis:10:21 @ Sons were also born to Shem, whose older brother was Japheth. Shem was the ancestor of all the sons of Eber.

nsb@Genesis:10:25 @ Two sons were born to Eber. One was named Peleg, because in his time the earth was divided. His brother was named Joktan.

nsb@Genesis:10:30 @ The region where they lived stretched from Mesha toward Sephar, in the eastern hill country.

nsb@Genesis:10:31 @ These are the sons of Shem by their clans and languages, in their territories and nations.

nsb@Genesis:10:32 @ These are the clans of Noah’s sons, according to their lines of descent, within their nations. From these the nations spread out over the earth after the flood.

nsb@Genesis:11:3 @ They said to each other: »Let us make bricks and bake them thoroughly.« They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar.

nsb@Genesis:11:4 @ Then they said: »Let us build ourselves a city, with a lofty tower that reaches into space, so that we may make a name for ourselves and not be scattered over the face of the whole earth.«

nsb@Genesis:11:5 @ But Jehovah came down to see the city and the tower that the men were building.

nsb@Genesis:11:6 @ Jehovah said: »If they become one people speaking the same language, nothing will be impossible for them. They have begun to do this.

nsb@Genesis:11:8 @ Jehovah scattered them from there over all the earth. They stopped building the city.

nsb@Genesis:11:31 @ Terah took his son Abram, his grandson Lot, son of Haran, and his daughter-in-law Sarai, the wife of his son Abram, and together they set out from Ur of the Chaldeans to go to Canaan. But when they came to Haran, they settled there.

nsb@Genesis:12:1 @ Jehovah said to Abram: »Leave your country, your people, and your father’s household, and go to the land I will show you.

nsb@Genesis:12:2 @ »I will make you into a great nation. I will bless you. I will make your name great. You will be a blessing.

nsb@Genesis:12:4 @ So Abram left, just as Jehovah told him. Lot went with him. Abram was seventy-five years old when he set out from Haran.

nsb@Genesis:12:5 @ He took his wife Sarai, his nephew Lot, all the possessions they had accumulated and the people they had acquired in Haran. They set out for the land of Canaan and soon arrived there.

nsb@Genesis:12:7 @ Jehovah appeared to Abram and said: »I will give this land to your offspring.« He built an altar there to Jehovah, who had appeared to him.

nsb@Genesis:12:8 @ From there he went on toward the hills east of Bethel and pitched his tent. Bethel was on the west and Ai on the east. He built an altar to Jehovah and called on the name of Jehovah.

nsb@Genesis:12:9 @ Abram continued toward the Negev.

nsb@Genesis:12:10 @ There was a famine in the land. Abram went down to Egypt to live there for a while, because the famine was severe.

nsb@Genesis:12:11 @ He was about to enter Egypt. He said to his wife Sarai: »I know what a beautiful woman you are.

nsb@Genesis:12:14 @ When Abram came to Egypt, the Egyptians saw that she was a very beautiful woman.

nsb@Genesis:12:15 @ Pharaoh’s officials saw her. They praised her to Pharaoh. She was taken into his palace.

nsb@Genesis:12:18 @ So Pharaoh summoned Abram. »What have you done to me?« he asked. »Why did you not tell me she was your wife?

nsb@Genesis:12:19 @ »Why did you say: ‘She is my sister,’ so that I took her to be my wife? Now then, here is your wife. Take her and go!«

nsb@Genesis:12:20 @ Pharaoh gave orders about Abram to his men, and they sent him on his way, with his wife and everything he had.

nsb@Genesis:13:1 @ Abram went up from Egypt to the Negev, with his wife and everything he had, and Lot went with him.

nsb@Genesis:13:2 @ Abram had become very wealthy in livestock and in silver and gold.

nsb@Genesis:13:3 @ He traveled from place to place from the Negev until he came to Bethel, to the place between Bethel and Ai where his tent had been earlier.

nsb@Genesis:13:6 @ But the land could not support them while they stayed together. Their possessions were so great that they were not able to stay together.

nsb@Genesis:13:8 @ Abram said to Lot: »Let us not have any quarreling between you and me, or between your herdsmen and mine, for we are brothers.

nsb@Genesis:13:9 @ »Is not the whole land before you? Let us part company. If you go to the left, I will go to the right. If you go to the right, I will go to the left.«

nsb@Genesis:13:10 @ Lot looked up and saw that the district of the Jordan River was well watered, like the garden of Jehovah, like the land of Egypt, toward Zoar. This was before Jehovah destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah.

nsb@Genesis:13:11 @ So Lot chose for himself the whole plain of the Jordan and set out toward the east. The two men parted company:

nsb@Genesis:13:14 @ After Lot had parted from Abram, Jehovah said to Abram: »Lift up your eyes from where you are and look north and south, east and west.

nsb@Genesis:13:15 @ »All the land that you see I will give to you and your offspring from generation to generation.

nsb@Genesis:13:17 @ »Go walk through the length and breadth of the land that I am giving to you.«

nsb@Genesis:13:18 @ Abram moved his tents and went to live near the great trees of Mamre at Hebron. He built an altar to Jehovah there.

nsb@Genesis:14:7 @ They turned back and came to En-mishpat, and subdued all the country of the Amalekites, and also the Amorites who lived in Hazazon-tamar.

nsb@Genesis:14:10 @ The Valley of Siddim was full of bitumen pits. As the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah fled, some fell into them. The rest fled to the hill country.

nsb@Genesis:14:11 @ The enemy took all the goods of Sodom and Gomorrah, and all their food provisions, and went their way.

nsb@Genesis:14:13 @ Then one who had escaped came and told Abram the Hebrew. He was living by the oaks of Mamre the Amorite, brother of Eshcol and of Aner. They were Abram’s allies.

nsb@Genesis:14:15 @ He divided his forces against them by night. He and his servants routed them and pursued them to Hobah, north of Damascus.

nsb@Genesis:14:17 @ As soon as the king of Sodom returned from defeating Chedorlaomer and the kings who were with him, he went out to meet Abram at the King's Valley of Shaveh.

nsb@Genesis:14:20 @ »Blessed be God Most High, who has delivered your enemies into your hand!« Abram gave him one tenth of everything.

nsb@Genesis:14:21 @ Then the king of Sodom said to Abram: »Give me the people, but take the goods for yourself.«

nsb@Genesis:14:22 @ But Abram said to the king of Sodom: »I have sworn to Jehovah, God Most High, maker of heaven and earth:

nsb@Genesis:14:23 @ "I will take nothing. Not a thread or a sandal strap. You will not be able to say: 'I have made Abram rich.’

nsb@Genesis:15:1 @ The word of Jehovah came to Abram in a vision: »Do not be afraid, Abram; I am your shield. Your reward shall be very great.«

nsb@Genesis:15:3 @ Abram also said: »You have given me no offspring. So a slave born in my house is to be my heir.«

nsb@Genesis:15:4 @ The word of Jehovah came to him: »This man shall not be your heir. No one but your very own issue shall be your heir.«

nsb@Genesis:15:5 @ He brought him outside and said: »Look toward heaven and count the stars. Are you able to count them?« He continued: »So shall your descendants be.«

nsb@Genesis:15:7 @ Then God said to him: »I AM JEHOVAH, who brought you from Ur of the Chaldeans, to give you this land to possess.«

nsb@Genesis:15:9 @ He said to him: »Bring me a heifer three years old, a female goat three years old, a ram three years old, a turtledove, and a young pigeon.«

nsb@Genesis:15:13 @ Jehovah said to Abram: »Know this for sure; your offspring will be strangers in a land that is not theirs. They will be slaves there, and they shall be oppressed for four hundred years.

nsb@Genesis:15:15 @ »As for yourself, you shall go to your ancestors in peace. You shall be buried at a good old age.

nsb@Genesis:15:17 @ The sun went down and it was dark. A smoking fire pot and a flaming torch passed between these pieces.

nsb@Genesis:15:18 @ On that day Jehovah made a covenant with Abram. He said: »To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the river Euphrates,

nsb@Genesis:16:2 @ She said to Abram: »Jehovah has kept me from having children. Go sleep with my maidservant. Perhaps I can build a family through her.« Abram agreed to what Sarai said.

nsb@Genesis:16:3 @ After Abram lived in Canaan ten years, Sarai, his wife, gave her Egyptian maidservant Hagar to her husband to be his wife.

nsb@Genesis:16:4 @ Abram had intercourse with Hagar, and she conceived. When she knew she was pregnant, she began to despise her mistress.

nsb@Genesis:16:5 @ Then Sarai said to Abram: »You are responsible for the wrong I am suffering. I put my servant in your arms; she knows she is pregnant and she despises me. May Jehovah judge between you and me.«

nsb@Genesis:16:7 @ The angel of Jehovah found Hagar near a spring in the desert. It was the spring that is beside the road to Shur.

nsb@Genesis:16:9 @ Then the angel of Jehovah told her: »Go back to your mistress and submit to her.

nsb@Genesis:16:10 @ »I will so increase your descendants that they will be too numerous to count.«

nsb@Genesis:16:12 @ »He will be a wild donkey of a man. His hand will be against everyone and everyone’s hand against him. He will live in hostility toward all his brothers.«

nsb@Genesis:16:13 @ She called the name of Jehovah, who spoke to her: »You are the God who sees me, for she said, ‘I have not seen the one who sees me.’"

nsb@Genesis:16:15 @ Hagar bore Abram a son. Abram gave the name Ishmael to the son she had borne.

nsb@Genesis:17:1 @ Abram was ninety-nine years old. Jehovah appeared to him and said: »I am God Almighty. Walk before me and be blameless.

nsb@Genesis:17:3 @ Abram fell on his face and God said to him:

nsb@Genesis:17:7 @ »I will establish my covenant as a long lasting covenant between us. It will be for your descendants after you, for the generations to come. I will be your God and the God of your descendants after you.

nsb@Genesis:17:8 @ »The whole land of Canaan, where you are now a guest, I will give a long lasting possession to you and your descendants after you. I will be their God.«

nsb@Genesis:17:9 @ Then God said to Abraham: »As for you, you must keep my covenant, you and your descendants after you for the generations to come.

nsb@Genesis:17:10 @ »This is my covenant with you and your descendants after you, the covenant you are to keep: Every male among you shall be circumcised.

nsb@Genesis:17:11 @ »You are to undergo circumcision. It will be the sign of the covenant between us.

nsb@Genesis:17:12 @ »For the generations to come every male among you who is eight days old must be circumcised. This includes those born in your household or bought with money from a foreigner, those who are not your offspring.

nsb@Genesis:17:13 @ »Whether born in your household or bought with your money, they must be circumcised. My covenant in your flesh is to be a long lasting covenant.

nsb@Genesis:17:17 @ Abraham fell to his face. He laughed and said to himself: »Will a son be born to a man a hundred years old? Will Sarah bear a child at the age of ninety?«

nsb@Genesis:17:18 @ Abraham said to God: »If only Ishmael might live under your blessing!«

nsb@Genesis:17:20 @ »Concerning Ishmael, I have heard you: I will surely bless him. I will make him fruitful and will greatly increase his numbers. He will be the father of twelve rulers, and I will make him into a great nation.

nsb@Genesis:17:21 @ »But my covenant I will establish with Isaac. Sarah will bear him to you by this time next year.«

nsb@Genesis:17:23 @ On that very day Abraham took his son Ishmael and all those born in his household or bought with his money, every male in his household, and circumcised them, as God told him.

nsb@Genesis:18:1 @ Jehovah appeared again to Abraham by the oak grove of Mamre. He was sitting in the tent door in the heat of the day.

nsb@Genesis:18:2 @ He looked up and noticed three men coming toward him. He ran from the tent door to meet them, and bowed to the ground.

nsb@Genesis:18:5 @ »I will bring a bite to eat to refresh you. Stay a while before you continue your journey.« They responded: »Very well, do as you have said.«

nsb@Genesis:18:6 @ Abraham hurried into the tent to Sarah and said: »Quick! Make ready three measures of fine meal; knead it and make cakes.«

nsb@Genesis:18:7 @ Then Abraham ran to the herd. He selected a fat calf and told a servant to butcher it and prepare it.

nsb@Genesis:18:8 @ He took butter and milk and the calf that he had prepared, and set it before them. He stood by them under the tree as they ate.

nsb@Genesis:18:9 @ Then they said to him: »Where is Sarah your wife«? He responded: »Here, in the tent.«

nsb@Genesis:18:12 @ Therefore Sarah laughed within herself. She said to herself: "After I have grown old, shall I have a baby? My lord is old also."

nsb@Genesis:18:13 @ Jehovah said to Abraham: »Why did Sarah laugh, saying, 'Shall I surely bear a child, since I am old?'

nsb@Genesis:18:14 @ »Is anything too hard for Jehovah? At the appointed time I will return to you, according to the time of life. Sarah shall have a son!«

nsb@Genesis:18:16 @ Then the men stood up from their meal and started in the direction of Sodom. Abraham went with them to send them on the way.

nsb@Genesis:18:19 @ »I have chosen him, that he may command his children and his household; and that they may remain in the righteous and just way of Jehovah. Jehovah will bring to Abraham what he told him.«

nsb@Genesis:18:21 @ »I will go down now and see whether they have done the bad things I have been told. Then I will know.«

nsb@Genesis:18:22 @ The men left there and went toward Sodom. Abraham still stood before Jehovah.

nsb@Genesis:18:27 @ Then Abraham answered and said: »Indeed now, I who am only dust and ashes have taken it upon myself to speak to Jehovah:

nsb@Genesis:18:31 @ Abraham then said: »Indeed now, I have taken it upon myself to speak to Jehovah: Suppose twenty should be found there?« God replied: »I will not destroy it for the sake of twenty.«

nsb@Genesis:18:33 @ Jehovah went his way as soon as he finished speaking with Abraham. Abraham returned to his place.

nsb@Genesis:19:1 @ That evening the two angels came to the entrance of the city of Sodom. Lot was sitting there as they arrived. When he saw them, he got up to greet them. Then he welcomed them and bowed low to the ground.

nsb@Genesis:19:2 @ »My lords,« he said, »come to my home to wash your feet, and be my guests for the night. You may get up in the morning as early as you like and be on your way again.« »Oh no,« they said, »We will spend the night out here in the city square.«

nsb@Genesis:19:4 @ They prepared to retire for the night when suddenly all the men of Sodom, young and old, came from all over the city and surrounded the house.

nsb@Genesis:19:5 @ They shouted to Lot: »Where are the men who came to spend the night with you? Bring them out so we can have sex with them!«

nsb@Genesis:19:6 @ Lot stepped outside to talk to them, shutting the door behind him.

nsb@Genesis:19:9 @ »Stand back!« they shouted. »Who do you think you are? We let you settle among us, and now you are trying to tell us what to do! We will treat you far worse than those other men!« They pushed Lot and began breaking down the door.

nsb@Genesis:19:13 @ »We will destroy the city completely. The stench of the place has reached Jehovah. He has sent us to destroy it.«

nsb@Genesis:19:14 @ Lot rushed out to tell his sons-in-law: »Hurry! Get out of the city! Jehovah is going to destroy it.« But the young men thought he was only joking.

nsb@Genesis:19:15 @ At dawn the next morning the angels became insistent. They said to Lot: »Hurry! Take your wife and your two daughters who are here. Get out of here right now, or you will be caught in the destruction of the city.«

nsb@Genesis:19:16 @ Lot still hesitated. So the angels seized his hand and the hands of his wife and two daughters and rushed them to safety outside the city, for Jehovah was merciful.

nsb@Genesis:19:17 @ »Run for your lives!« The angels warned. »Do not stop and do not look behind you! Escape to the mountains, or you will die.«

nsb@Genesis:19:19 @ »You have been so kind to me and saved my life, and you have granted me such mercy. But I cannot go to the mountains. Disaster would catch up to me there, and I would soon die.

nsb@Genesis:19:21 @ The angel said to him: »All right, I will grant you this request too. I will not destroy the city you are talking about.

nsb@Genesis:19:23 @ The sun had just risen over the land as Lot came to Zoar.

nsb@Genesis:19:26 @ Lot’s wife looked back and turned into a pillar of salt.

nsb@Genesis:19:27 @ Early the next morning Abraham came to the place where he had stood in front of Jehovah.

nsb@Genesis:19:28 @ He looked toward Sodom and Gomorrah and all the land in the Plain. He saw smoke rising from the land like the thick smoke of a furnace.

nsb@Genesis:19:29 @ When God destroyed the cities of the valley where Lot was living, he kept Abraham in mind and allowed Lot to escape to safety.

nsb@Genesis:19:30 @ Lot was afraid to stay in Zoar. So he and his two daughters moved up into the hills and lived in a cave.

nsb@Genesis:19:31 @ The older daughter said to her sister: »Our father is getting old. There are no men in the whole world to marry us so we can have children.

nsb@Genesis:19:33 @ That night they gave him wine to drink. The older daughter had intercourse with him. But he was so drunk that he did not know it.

nsb@Genesis:19:34 @ The next day the older daughter said to her sister: »I slept with him last night. Let us get him drunk again tonight, and you sleep with him. Then each of us will have a child by our father.«

nsb@Genesis:19:37 @ The older daughter had a son, whom she named Moab. He was the ancestor of the present-day Moabites.

nsb@Genesis:19:38 @ The younger daughter also had a son, whom she named Ben-ammi. He was the ancestor of the present-day Ammonites.

nsb@Genesis:20:1 @ Abraham moved from Mamre to the southern part of Canaan and lived between Kadesh and Shur. Later, while he was living in Gerar,

nsb@Genesis:20:2 @ he said that his wife Sarah was his sister. So King Abimelech of Gerar had Sarah brought to him.

nsb@Genesis:20:3 @ God appeared to the king in a dream and said: »You are going to die, because you have taken this woman. She is already married.«

nsb@Genesis:20:6 @ God said to him in a dream: »Yes, I know that you did this with a clear conscience. In fact, I kept you from sinning against me. That is why I did not let you touch her.

nsb@Genesis:20:7 @ »Give the man’s wife back to him now. He is a prophet. He will pray for you, and you will live. But if you do not give her back, you and all who belong to you are doomed to die.«

nsb@Genesis:20:8 @ So Abimelech got up early in the morning. He called all his servants and told them everything. The men were very afraid.

nsb@Genesis:20:9 @ Then Abimelech called Abraham. He said to him: »What have you done to us? And how have I sinned against you? You have brought a great sin on me and on my kingdom. You have done to me things that ought not to be done.«

nsb@Genesis:20:13 @ »When God had me leave my father’s home and travel around, I said to her: 'Do me a favor: Wherever we go, say that I am your brother.'"

nsb@Genesis:20:14 @ Abimelech took sheep, cattle, and male and female slaves and gave them to Abraham. He also gave his wife Sarah back to him.

nsb@Genesis:20:16 @ He said to Sarah: »Do not forget that I have given your brother twenty-five pounds of silver. This is to silence any criticism against you from everyone with you. You are completely cleared.«

nsb@Genesis:20:17 @ Abraham prayed to God, and God healed Abimelech, his wife, and his female slaves so that they could have children.

nsb@Genesis:20:18 @ Jehovah had made it impossible for any woman in Abimelech’s household to have children because of Abraham’s wife Sarah.

nsb@Genesis:21:1 @ Jehovah was gracious to Sarah, as he had said. Jehovah did for Sarah what he had promised.

nsb@Genesis:21:2 @ Sarah became pregnant and bore a son to Abraham in his old age. It was at the very time God had promised him.

nsb@Genesis:21:3 @ Abraham gave the name Isaac to the son Sarah bore him.

nsb@Genesis:21:5 @ Abraham was a hundred years old when his son Isaac was born to him.

nsb@Genesis:21:7 @ She added: »Who would have said to Abraham that Sarah would nurse children? Yet I have borne him a son in his old age.«

nsb@Genesis:21:9 @ Sarah saw that the son whom Hagar the Egyptian had borne to Abraham was laughing in mockery.

nsb@Genesis:21:10 @ She said to Abraham: »Get rid of that slave woman and her son.«

nsb@Genesis:21:12 @ God said to Abraham: »Do not be upset about the boy and your slave. Listen to what Sarah says, because through Isaac your descendants will carry on your name.

nsb@Genesis:21:13 @ »I will make the slave’s son into a nation also, because he is your child.«

nsb@Genesis:21:14 @ Early the next morning Abraham took bread and a container of water and gave them to Hagar, putting them on her shoulder. He also gave her the boy and sent her on her way. So she left and wandered around in the desert near Beer-sheba.

nsb@Genesis:21:17 @ God heard the lad crying. The angel of God called to Hagar from heaven and said to her: »What is the matter with you, Hagar? Do not fear! God has heard the voice of the lad where he is.

nsb@Genesis:21:21 @ He lived in the wilderness of Paran. His mother took a wife for him from the land of Egypt.

nsb@Genesis:21:22 @ Abimelech and Phicol, the commander of his army, spoke to Abraham. They said: »God is with you in all that you do.

nsb@Genesis:21:23 @ »Swear to me here by God that you will not deal falsely with me or with my offspring or with my posterity. Consider the kindness that I have shown to you. Please show it to me and to the land in which you have sojourned.«

nsb@Genesis:21:25 @ Abraham complained to Abimelech because of the well of water that the servants of Abimelech had seized.

nsb@Genesis:21:26 @ Abimelech said: »I do not know who has done this thing. You did not tell me, nor did I hear of it until today.«

nsb@Genesis:21:27 @ Abraham took sheep and oxen and gave them to Abimelech. The two of them made a covenant.

nsb@Genesis:21:30 @ He said: »You shall take these seven ewe lambs from my hand so that it may be a witness to me, that I dug this well.«

nsb@Genesis:21:31 @ Therefore he called that place Beer-sheba, because there the two of them took an oath.

nsb@Genesis:21:32 @ They made a covenant at Beer-sheba. Abimelech and Phicol, the commander of his army, arose and returned to the land of the Philistines.

nsb@Genesis:22:1 @ God tested Abraham. He said to him: »Abraham!« Abraham replied: »Here I am.«

nsb@Genesis:22:2 @ »Take your son, your only son, whom you love, Isaac, and go to the land of Moriah. Offer him as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I will tell you.«

nsb@Genesis:22:3 @ Early the next morning Abraham saddled his donkey. He took two of his servants and his son Isaac with him. He had cut the wood for the burnt offering. Then he set out for the place that God had told him about.

nsb@Genesis:22:5 @ He said to the servants: »Stay here with the donkey. The boy and I will go over there and worship. Then we will come back to you.«

nsb@Genesis:22:6 @ Abraham made Isaac carry the wood for the sacrifice. Abraham carried a knife and live coals for starting the fire. As they walked along together,

nsb@Genesis:22:8 @ Abraham answered: »God will provide one.« And the two of them walked on together.

nsb@Genesis:22:9 @ They came to the place God had told him about. Abraham built an altar and arranged the wood on it. He tied up his son and placed him on the altar, on top of the wood.

nsb@Genesis:22:10 @ Then he picked up the knife to kill him.

nsb@Genesis:22:12 @ »Do not hurt the boy or harm him in any way!« The angel said. »Now I know that you truly obey God, because you were willing to offer him your only son.«

nsb@Genesis:22:13 @ Abraham looked up and saw a ram caught by its horns in the bushes. So he took the ram and sacrificed it in place of his son.

nsb@Genesis:22:14 @ Abraham named that place »Jehovah Will Provide.« It is still said today: »It will be provided on the mountain of Jehovah.«

nsb@Genesis:22:15 @ The angel of Jehovah called to Abraham from heaven a second time.

nsb@Genesis:22:16 @ He said: »I am taking an oath on my own name, declares Jehovah, that because you have done this and have not refused to give me your son, your only son,

nsb@Genesis:22:18 @ ‘»All the nations will ask me to bless them as I have blessed your descendants. This is because you obeyed my command.’«

nsb@Genesis:22:19 @ Abraham and Isaac went back to the servants who had come with him. They returned to Abraham’s home in Beer-sheba.

nsb@Genesis:22:20 @ Abraham’s brother Nahor had married Milcah, and Abraham was later told that they had eight sons.

nsb@Genesis:22:23 @ Bethuel became the father of Rebekah. These are the eight children Milcah bore to Nahor, Abraham’s brother.

nsb@Genesis:23:2 @ Sarah died in Kiriath-arba in the land of Canaan. Abraham went to mourn for Sarah and to cry because of her death.

nsb@Genesis:23:3 @ Abraham left the side of his dead wife and spoke to the Hittites.

nsb@Genesis:23:4 @ He said: »I am a stranger with no permanent home. Let me have some of your property for a tomb that I can bury my dead wife.«

nsb@Genesis:23:6 @ »Listen to us, my lord. You are a mighty leader among us. Bury your dead in one of our best tombs. Not one of us will withhold from you his tomb for burying your dead.«

nsb@Genesis:23:7 @ Abraham got up and bowed to the people of that region, the Hittites.

nsb@Genesis:23:8 @ He said: »If you are willing to let me bury my wife here, please ask Ephron son of Zohar

nsb@Genesis:23:9 @ to sell me Machpelah Cave. It is near the edge of his field. Ask him to sell it to me for its full price here in your presence. Then I can own it as a burial ground.«

nsb@Genesis:23:11 @ »Hear me my lord, I give you the field, including the cave. It is yours. With my own people as witnesses, I freely give it to you as a burial place for your dead.«

nsb@Genesis:23:13 @ He spoke to Ephron in the hearing of the people of the land. He said: »If you will only please listen to me. I will give the price of the field. Accept it from me that I may bury my dead there.«

nsb@Genesis:23:15 @ »My lord, listen to me. It is a piece of land worth four hundred shekels of silver. What is that between you and me? So bury your dead.«

nsb@Genesis:23:16 @ Abraham listened to Ephron. Abraham weighed out for Ephron the silver that he had named in the hearing of the sons of Heth, four hundred shekels of silver, commercial standard.

nsb@Genesis:23:17 @ Ephron’s field at Machpelah, east of Mamre, was sold to Abraham.

nsb@Genesis:23:18 @ His property included the field with the cave in it as well as all the trees inside the boundaries of the field. The Hittites together with all who had entered the city gate were the official witnesses for the agreement.

nsb@Genesis:23:20 @ The Hittites sold the field and its cave to Abraham as his property to be used as a tomb.

nsb@Genesis:24:2 @ Abraham said to the senior servant of his household who was in charge of all that he owned: »Take a solemn oath.

nsb@Genesis:24:3 @ »I want you to swear by Jehovah God of heaven and earth that you will not get my son a wife from the daughters of the Canaanites among whom I am living.

nsb@Genesis:24:4 @ »Instead, you will go to the land of my relatives and get a wife for my son Isaac.«

nsb@Genesis:24:5 @ The servant asked: »What if the young woman will not leave home to come with me to this land? Shall I send your son back to the land you came from?«

nsb@Genesis:24:7 @ »Jehovah, the God of heaven, took me from my father’s house and from the land of my birth. He spoke to me and swore to me. He said: I will give this land to your descendants. He will send his angel before you. You will take a wife for my son from there.

nsb@Genesis:24:8 @ »You will be free from this oath if the woman is not willing to follow you. Only do not take my son back there.«

nsb@Genesis:24:9 @ The servant placed his hand under the thigh of Abraham his master. He swore to him concerning this matter.

nsb@Genesis:24:10 @ The servant took ten camels from the camels of his master, and then set out with a variety of good things of his master’s in his hand. He arose and went to Mesopotamia, to the city of Nahor.

nsb@Genesis:24:11 @ He made the camels kneel down outside the city by the well of water at evening time. This is the time when women go out to draw water.

nsb@Genesis:24:12 @ He said: »O Jehovah, the God of my master Abraham, please grant me success today. Show loving-kindness to my master Abraham.

nsb@Genesis:24:13 @ »I am standing by the spring. The daughters of the men of the city are coming out to draw water.

nsb@Genesis:24:14 @ »Let there be the girl to whom I say: ‘Please let down your jar so that I may drink,' and who answers: 'Drink, and I will water your camels also.' May she be the one whom you have appointed for your servant Isaac. By this I will know that you have shown loving-kindness to my master.«

nsb@Genesis:24:16 @ The girl was a very attractive virgin. No man had ever had sexual intercourse with her. She went to the spring and filled her jar, and came back.

nsb@Genesis:24:17 @ The servant ran to meet her and said: »Please give me a drink of water.«

nsb@Genesis:24:18 @ »Drink, my lord,« she said. She quickly lowered her jar to her hand and gave him a drink.

nsb@Genesis:24:19 @ When she finished giving him a drink, she said: »I will also keep drawing water for your camels until they have had enough to drink.«

nsb@Genesis:24:20 @ She quickly emptied her jar into the water trough. Then she ran back to the well to draw more water. She drew enough for all his camels.

nsb@Genesis:24:21 @ The man quietly watched her to see whether or not Jehovah made his trip successful.

nsb@Genesis:24:22 @ When the camels had finished drinking, the man took out a gold nose ring weighing a fifth of an ounce and two gold bracelets weighing four ounces.

nsb@Genesis:24:23 @ He said: »Please tell me who your father is. Is there room in his house for my men and me to spend the night?«

nsb@Genesis:24:25 @ »There is plenty of straw and fodder at our house. There is also a place for you to stay.«

nsb@Genesis:24:27 @ He said: »Praise Jehovah, the God of my master Abraham. He has faithfully kept his promise to my master. Jehovah has led me straight to my master’s relatives.«

nsb@Genesis:24:28 @ The young woman ran to her mother’s house and told the entire story.

nsb@Genesis:24:29 @ Rebecca’s brother was named Laban. He ran outside to go to the well where Abraham’s servant was.

nsb@Genesis:24:30 @ Laban had seen the nose ring and the bracelets on his sister’s arms and had heard her say what the man told her. He went to Abraham’s servant, who was standing by his camels at the well,

nsb@Genesis:24:32 @ The man went into the house. Laban unloaded the camels and gave them straw and fodder. Then he brought water for Abraham’s servant and his men to wash their feet.

nsb@Genesis:24:33 @ Food was brought. The man said: »I will not eat until I have said what I have to say.« Laban responded: »Go ahead and speak.«

nsb@Genesis:24:37 @ »I solemnly promised my master I would do what he said. He told me: ‘Do not choose a wife for my son from the women in this land of Canaan.

nsb@Genesis:24:38 @ »‘Go back to the land where I was born and find a wife for my son from among my relatives.’

nsb@Genesis:24:39 @ »I asked my master: ‘What if the young woman refuses to come with me?’

nsb@Genesis:24:40 @ »He said to me: ‘Jehovah, before whom I have walked, will send his angel with you to make your journey successful. You will take a wife for my son from my relatives and from my father’s house.

nsb@Genesis:24:41 @ »‘If my relatives do not give her to you, then you will be free from my oath.’«

nsb@Genesis:24:42 @ »I came to the spring today. I prayed to Jehovah: ‘God of my master Abraham, if now you will make my journey successful,

nsb@Genesis:24:43 @ »‘make it be that the maiden who comes out to draw, and to whom I say, »Please let me drink a little water from your jar,«

nsb@Genesis:24:44 @ »And she will say to me, »You drink, and I will draw for your camels also,« let her be the woman whom Jehovah has appointed for my master’s son.’

nsb@Genesis:24:45 @ »Before I had finished speaking in my heart, Rebekah came out with her jar on her shoulder. She went down to the spring and drew, and I said to her, ‘Please let me drink.’

nsb@Genesis:24:47 @ »Then I asked her: ‘Whose daughter are you?’ She said: ‘The daughter of Bethuel, Nahor’s son, whom Milcah bore to him.’ I put the ring on her nose, and the bracelets on her wrists.

nsb@Genesis:24:48 @ »I bowed low and worshiped Jehovah, and praised Jehovah, the God of my master Abraham. He guided me in the right way to take the daughter of my master’s kinsman for his son.

nsb@Genesis:24:49 @ »If you are going to deal kindly and truly with my master, tell me. If not, let me know, that I may turn to the right hand or the left.«

nsb@Genesis:24:50 @ Laban and Bethuel replied: »The matter comes from Jehovah. We cannot speak to you bad or good.

nsb@Genesis:24:52 @ Abraham’s servant heard their answer. Then he bowed down to Jehovah.

nsb@Genesis:24:53 @ The servant took out gold and silver jewelry and clothes and gave them to Rebekah. He also gave expensive presents to her brother and mother.

nsb@Genesis:24:54 @ He and the men who were with him ate and drank and spent the night. When they got up in the morning, he said: »Let me go back to my master.«

nsb@Genesis:24:56 @ He said: »Do not make us stay. Jehovah has made my journey a success. Let me go back to my master.«

nsb@Genesis:24:57 @ They answered: »Let us call her and find out what she has to say.«

nsb@Genesis:24:58 @ They called Rebecca and asked: »Do you want to go with this man?« »Yes,« she answered.

nsb@Genesis:24:59 @ They allowed Rebecca and her old family servant to go with Abraham’s servant and his men.«

nsb@Genesis:24:61 @ Rebecca and her young women got ready. They mounted the camels to go with Abraham’s servant, and they all started out.

nsb@Genesis:24:62 @ Isaac had come into the wilderness of »The Well of the Living One Who Sees Me.« He was staying in the southern part of Canaan.

nsb@Genesis:24:63 @ He went out in the early evening to take a walk in the fields. He saw camels coming.

nsb@Genesis:24:65 @ She asked Abraham’s servant: »Who is that man walking toward us in the field?« »He is my master,« the servant answered. So she took her veil and covered her face.

nsb@Genesis:24:66 @ The servant told Isaac everything he had done.

nsb@Genesis:24:67 @ Isaac brought Rebecca into the tent that his mother Sarah had lived in. She became his wife. Isaac loved Rebecca. He was comforted for the loss of his mother.

nsb@Genesis:25:5 @ Abraham left everything he owned to Isaac.

nsb@Genesis:25:6 @ While Abraham was still alive, he gave gifts to the sons of Hagar and Keturah. He also sent their sons to live in the east far from his son Isaac.

nsb@Genesis:25:8 @ Then he took his last breath and died at a very old age. After a long and full life, he joined his ancestors in death.

nsb@Genesis:25:12 @ This is the genealogy of Ishmael, Abraham’s son, whom Hagar the Egyptian, Sarah’s maid, bore to Abraham.

nsb@Genesis:25:16 @ These are the sons of Ishmael and these are their names, by their villages, and by their camps: twelve leaders according to their tribes.

nsb@Genesis:25:17 @ Ishmael lived one hundred and thirty-seven years. Then he died and was gathered to his ancestors.

nsb@Genesis:25:18 @ His descendants lived as nomads from the region of Havilah to Shur. This is near Egypt, in the direction of Assyria. He died in the presence of all his brothers.

nsb@Genesis:25:21 @ Isaac prayed to Jehovah for his wife because she was childless. Jehovah answered his prayer. His wife Rebekah became pregnant.

nsb@Genesis:25:22 @ She was going to have twins. Before they were born they struggled against each other in her womb. She said: »Why should something like this happen to me?« She asked Jehovah for an answer.

nsb@Genesis:25:23 @ Jehovah said: »Two nations are within you. You will give birth to two rival peoples. One will be stronger than the other. The older will serve the younger.«

nsb@Genesis:25:24 @ The time came for her to give birth. She gave birth to twin sons.

nsb@Genesis:25:26 @ The second one was born holding on tightly to the heel of Esau. He was named Jacob. Isaac was sixty years old when they were born.

nsb@Genesis:25:30 @ He said to Jacob: »I am starving! Give me some of that red stuff.«

nsb@Genesis:25:31 @ Jacob answered: »I will give it to you if you give me your birthright as the firstborn son.«

nsb@Genesis:25:32 @ Esau said: »All right! I am about to die. What good are rights as firstborn to me?«

nsb@Genesis:25:33 @ Jacob answered: »First make a vow that you will give me your birthright.« Esau made the vow and gave his rights as firstborn to Jacob.

nsb@Genesis:26:1 @ There was another famine in the land besides the earlier one during the time of Abraham. Isaac went to Abimelech, king of the Philistines, at Gerar.

nsb@Genesis:26:2 @ Jehovah appeared to Isaac and said: »Isaac, stay away from Egypt! I will show you where I want you to go.

nsb@Genesis:26:3 @ »You will live there as a foreigner. I will be with you and bless you. I will keep my promise to your father Abraham by giving this land to you and your descendants.

nsb@Genesis:26:4 @ »I will give you as many descendants as there are stars in the sky. I will give your descendants all of this land. They will be a blessing to every nation on earth.

nsb@Genesis:26:5 @ »This is because Abraham did everything I told him to do.«

nsb@Genesis:26:6 @ Isaac moved to Gerar.

nsb@Genesis:26:7 @ His wife Rebekah was very beautiful. He was afraid that someone might kill him to get her. So he told everyone that Rebekah was his sister.

nsb@Genesis:26:11 @ So Abimelech charged all the people, saying: »He who touches this man or his wife will certainly be put to death.«

nsb@Genesis:26:13 @ He became rich, and continued to grow richer until he became very wealthy.

nsb@Genesis:26:15 @ The Philistines stopped up all the wells that his father’s servants had dug in the days of Abraham his father. They filled them with dirt.

nsb@Genesis:26:16 @ Abimelech said to Isaac: »Go away from us. You are too powerful for us.«

nsb@Genesis:26:18 @ Then Isaac dug the water wells that had been dug in the days of his father Abraham. The Philistines had stopped them up after the death of Abraham. He gave them the same names his father had given them.

nsb@Genesis:26:21 @ They dug another well. And they quarreled over that one too. So Isaac named it Sitnah.

nsb@Genesis:26:23 @ He went from there to Beer-sheba.

nsb@Genesis:26:24 @ That night Jehovah appeared to Isaac. Jehovah said: »I am the God of your father Abraham. Do not be afraid, because I am with you. I will bless you and increase the number of your descendants for my servant Abraham’s sake.«

nsb@Genesis:26:26 @ Abimelech came from Gerar with Ahuzzath, his friend, and Phicol, the commander of his army, to see Isaac.

nsb@Genesis:26:27 @ Isaac asked: »Why have you now come to see me? You were so unfriendly to me before and made me leave your country.«

nsb@Genesis:26:28 @ They answered: »Now we know that Jehovah is with you. We think that there should be a solemn agreement between us. We want you to promise

nsb@Genesis:26:29 @ »that you will not harm us. We did not harm you. We were kind to you and let you go peacefully. Now it is clear that Jehovah has blessed you.«

nsb@Genesis:26:31 @ Early the next morning each man made his promise and sealed it with a vow. Isaac said good-bye to them. They parted as friends.

nsb@Genesis:26:32 @ That day Isaac’s servants told him about the well they dug. They said: »We have found water.«

nsb@Genesis:26:33 @ Isaac named the well Shibah. The town is still called Beer-sheba.

nsb@Genesis:26:35 @ These two women brought a lot of grief to his parents, Isaac and Rebekah.

nsb@Genesis:27:1 @ Isaac was old and going blind. He called his older son Esau and said to him: »Son!« Esau answered: »Here I am.«

nsb@Genesis:27:3 @ »Please take your hunting equipment, your quiver and bow, and go out into the open country and hunt some wild game for me.

nsb@Genesis:27:4 @ »Prepare a good-tasting meal for me. Prepare it the way I like it. Bring it to me to eat so that I will bless you before I die.«

nsb@Genesis:27:5 @ Rebekah listened while Isaac was speaking to his son Esau. Esau went into the open country to hunt for some wild game to bring back.

nsb@Genesis:27:6 @ Rebekah said to her son Jacob: »I have just heard your father speak to your brother Esau.

nsb@Genesis:27:7 @ »He said: ‘Bring me some wild game, and prepare a good-tasting meal for me to eat. Then I will bless you in the presence of Jehovah before I die.’

nsb@Genesis:27:8 @ »Now listen to me, Son, and do what I tell you.

nsb@Genesis:27:9 @ »Go to the flock and pick out two fat young goats. I will cook them and make some of that food your father likes so much.

nsb@Genesis:27:10 @ »You take it to him to eat. Then he will give you his blessing before he dies.«

nsb@Genesis:27:11 @ Jacob said to his mother: »You know that Esau is a hairy man. I have smooth skin.

nsb@Genesis:27:12 @ »Perhaps my father will touch me and find out that I am deceiving him. That way, I will bring a curse on myself instead of a blessing.«

nsb@Genesis:27:14 @ So Jacob brought the meat to his mother. And she cooked the tasty food that his father liked.

nsb@Genesis:27:15 @ Then she took Esau’s best clothes and dressed Jacob in them.

nsb@Genesis:27:18 @ He went to his father and said: »Father?« »Yes,« he answered. »Who are you, Son?«

nsb@Genesis:27:19 @ Jacob answered: »I am your older son Esau. I have done as you told me. Please sit up and eat some of the meat that I brought you. Then you can give me your blessing.«

nsb@Genesis:27:21 @ Isaac said to Jacob: »Please come closer. Let me touch you. Are you really Esau?«

nsb@Genesis:27:22 @ Jacob went closer. His father touched him. He said: »You sound like Jacob, but your hands feel hairy like Esau’s.«

nsb@Genesis:27:25 @ So Isaac told him: »Serve me the wild meat. I can give you my blessing.« Jacob gave him some meat, and he ate it. He also gave him some wine, and he drank it.

nsb@Genesis:27:26 @ Then his father Isaac said to him: »Come close, my son, and kiss me.«

nsb@Genesis:27:29 @ »May peoples serve you. And nations bow down to you. Be master of your brothers. And may your mother’s sons bow down to you. Cursed be those who curse you. Blessed be those who bless you.«

nsb@Genesis:27:31 @ He also prepared a good-tasting meal and brought it to his father. Then he said to his father: »Please, Father, eat some of the meat I have hunted for you so that you will bless me.«

nsb@Genesis:27:33 @ Isaac began to tremble and shake all over. He asked: »Who was it, then, who killed an animal and brought it to me? I ate it just before you came. I gave him my final blessing, and so it is his forever.«

nsb@Genesis:27:36 @ Esau said: »This is the second time that he has cheated me. No wonder his name is Jacob. He took my rights as the firstborn son. Now he has taken my blessing. Have you saved a blessing for me?«

nsb@Genesis:27:38 @ Esau pleaded: »Father, please! Do you have only one blessing, Father? Bless me too, Father!« Esau broke down and wept.

nsb@Genesis:27:39 @ Then Isaac said to him: »You will live off the land and what it yields.

nsb@Genesis:27:41 @ So Esau bore a grudge against Jacob because of the blessing with which his father had blessed him. Esau said to himself: »The days of mourning for my father are near. Then I will kill my brother Jacob.«

nsb@Genesis:27:42 @ When Rebekah heard about Esau’s plans to kill Jacob, she called her younger son, Jacob. She said: »Your brother Esau is comforting himself by planning to kill you.

nsb@Genesis:27:43 @ »Go quickly, my son. Run away to my brother Laban in Haran.

nsb@Genesis:27:45 @ »When your brother’s anger is gone and he has forgotten what you did to him, I will let you know. Then you may come back. Why should I lose both of you in one day?«

nsb@Genesis:27:46 @ Rebekah said to Isaac: »I cannot stand Hittite women! I would rather die than see Jacob marry one of them.«

nsb@Genesis:28:1 @ Isaac called Jacob, blessed him, and told him: »Do not marry a Canaanite.

nsb@Genesis:28:2 @ »Go to Mesopotamia instead, to the home of your grandfather Bethuel. Marry one of the young women there, one of your uncle Laban’s daughters.

nsb@Genesis:28:4 @ »He will bless you and your descendants as he blessed Abraham. You may take possession of this land, in which you have lived and which God gave to Abraham!«

nsb@Genesis:28:5 @ Isaac then sent Jacob to stay with Rebekah’s brother Laban, the son of Bethuel the Aramean.

nsb@Genesis:28:6 @ Esau found out that his father Isaac had blessed Jacob and had warned him not to marry any of the Canaanite women. He also learned that Jacob had been sent to find a wife in northern Syria.

nsb@Genesis:28:7 @ Jacob did as his father and mother said. He went to Paddan-aram.

nsb@Genesis:28:8 @ It was clear to Esau that his father despised the local Canaanite women.

nsb@Genesis:28:9 @ So Esau went to Ishmael and took Mahalath, the daughter of Abraham’s son Ishmael, the sister of Nebaioth, to be his wife in addition to the wives he had.

nsb@Genesis:28:10 @ Jacob left Beer-sheba and traveled toward Haran.

nsb@Genesis:28:11 @ As soon as the sun went down he stopped for the night. He took one of the stones from that place, put it under his head, and lay down there.

nsb@Genesis:28:12 @ He had a dream in which he saw a stairway set up on the earth with its top reaching up to heaven. He saw the angels of God going up and coming down on it.

nsb@Genesis:28:13 @ Jehovah was standing above the stairway. He proclaimed: »I am Jehovah, the God of your grandfather Abraham and the God of Isaac. I will give the land on which you are lying to you and your descendants.

nsb@Genesis:28:14 @ »Your descendants will be like the dust on the earth. You will spread out to the west and to the east, to the north and to the south. Every family on earth will be blessed through you and through your descendants.

nsb@Genesis:28:15 @ »Remember, I am with you. I will watch over you wherever you go. I will also bring you back to this land. I will not leave you until I do what I have promised you.«

nsb@Genesis:28:17 @ He was filled with reverence. He said: »This is an awesome place! Certainly, this is the house of God and the gateway to the heavens!«

nsb@Genesis:28:18 @ Early the next morning Jacob took the stone he had under his head. He set it up as a marker and poured oil on top of it.

nsb@Genesis:28:20 @ Jacob made a vow. He said: »If God will be with me and will watch over me on my trip and give me food to eat and clothes to wear,

nsb@Genesis:28:21 @ »and if I return safely to my father’s home, then Jehovah will be my God.

nsb@Genesis:28:22 @ »This stone I placed as a marker will be the house of God. I will certainly give you a tenth of everything you give me.«

nsb@Genesis:29:2 @ Suddenly he came upon a well out in the fields. There were three flocks of sheep lying around it. The flocks were watered from this well. It had a large stone over the opening.

nsb@Genesis:29:3 @ When all the flocks came together there, the shepherds would roll the stone back and water them. Then they would put the stone back in place.

nsb@Genesis:29:7 @ »It is still the heat of the day. It is not time for livestock to be gathered. Would you like to water the sheep so they can get back to grazing?«

nsb@Genesis:29:8 @ They said: »We cannot, until all the flocks are gathered, and they roll the stone from the mouth of the well. Then we water the sheep.«

nsb@Genesis:29:10 @ Jacob saw Rachel, daughter of his uncle Laban, with his uncle Laban’s sheep. He came forward and rolled the stone off the opening of the well and watered his uncle Laban’s sheep.

nsb@Genesis:29:12 @ Jacob told Rachel that he was her father’s nephew and that he was Rebekah’s son. She ran and told her father.

nsb@Genesis:29:13 @ As soon as Laban heard the news about his sister’s son Jacob, he ran to meet him. He embraced and kissed him and brought him into his home. Then Jacob told Laban all that had happened.

nsb@Genesis:29:15 @ Laban said to Jacob: »You should not work for me for nothing just because you are my relative. How much pay do you want?«

nsb@Genesis:29:19 @ Laban answered: »It is better that I give her to you than to anyone else. Stay here with me.«

nsb@Genesis:29:21 @ Jacob said to Laban: »Give me my wife for the time is completed. I want to marry Rachel now!«

nsb@Genesis:29:23 @ In the evening when it was dark, he took Leah, his daughter, and gave her to him. Jacob slept with her.

nsb@Genesis:29:24 @ Laban gave Zilpah, his servant-girl, to Leah, to be her maid.

nsb@Genesis:29:25 @ »What have you done to me?« Jacob asked Laban: »Did I work for you in return for Rachel? Why did you cheat me?«

nsb@Genesis:29:26 @ Laban answered: »It is not our custom to give the younger daughter in marriage before the older one.

nsb@Genesis:29:27 @ »Finish the week of wedding festivities with this daughter. Then we will give you the other one too. But you will have to work for me another seven years.«

nsb@Genesis:29:28 @ Jacob did that. He finished the week with Leah. Then Laban gave his daughter Rachel to him as his wife.

nsb@Genesis:29:29 @ Laban gave his slave Bilhah to his daughter Rachel as her slave.

nsb@Genesis:29:30 @ Jacob slept with Rachel too. He loved Rachel more than Leah. So he worked for Laban another seven years.

nsb@Genesis:29:31 @ Jehovah saw that Leah was loved less, so he made it possible for her to have children. But Rachel had none.

nsb@Genesis:29:32 @ Leah became pregnant and gave birth to a son. She named him Reuben, because she said: »Certainly, Jehovah has seen my misery. Now my husband will love me!«

nsb@Genesis:29:33 @ She became pregnant again and gave birth to another son. She said: »Certainly, Jehovah has heard that I am unloved. He has also given me this son.« She named him Simeon.

nsb@Genesis:29:34 @ She became pregnant again and gave birth to another son. She said: »Now at last my husband will become attached to me because I have given him three sons.« She named him Levi.

nsb@Genesis:29:35 @ Leah became pregnant again and gave birth to another son. She said: »This time I will praise Jehovah.« So she named him Judah. Then she stopped having children.

nsb@Genesis:30:1 @ Rachel had not borne Jacob any children. As a result, she became jealous of her sister and said to Jacob: »Give me children, or I will die.«

nsb@Genesis:30:12 @ Leah’s slave Zilpah gave birth to her second son for Jacob.

nsb@Genesis:30:14 @ During the wheat harvest Reuben went out into the fields. He found some mandrake plants. He brought them to his mother Leah. Rachel said to Leah: »Please, give me some of your son’s mandrake plants.«

nsb@Genesis:30:15 @ Leah replied: »Is it not enough that you took my husband? Are you also going to take my son’s mandrake plants?« Rachel responded: »Very well, Jacob can go to bed with you tonight in return for your son’s mandrake plants.«

nsb@Genesis:30:16 @ Jacob came in from the fields that evening. Leah went out to meet him. »You are to sleep with me,« she said. »You are my reward for my son’s mandrake plants.« So he went to bed with her that night.

nsb@Genesis:30:17 @ God answered Leah’s prayer. She became pregnant and gave birth to her fifth son for Jacob.

nsb@Genesis:30:18 @ Leah said: »God has given me my reward, because I gave my slave to my husband.« So she named him Issachar.

nsb@Genesis:30:19 @ She became pregnant again and gave birth to her sixth son for Jacob.

nsb@Genesis:30:22 @ Then God remembered Rachel. God listened to her and opened her womb.

nsb@Genesis:30:23 @ So she conceived and gave birth to a son. She said: »God has taken away my reproach.«

nsb@Genesis:30:25 @ When Rachel gave birth to Joseph, Jacob said to Laban: »Send me away, that I may go to my own place and to my own country.

nsb@Genesis:30:29 @ Jacob responded: »You know how much work I have done for you and what has happened to your livestock under my care.

nsb@Genesis:30:30 @ »The little that you had before I came has grown to a large amount. Jehovah has blessed you wherever I have been. When may I do something for my own family?«

nsb@Genesis:30:31 @ Laban asked: »What should I give you?« Jacob answered: »Do not give me anything. Instead, do something for me. Then I will go back to taking care of and watching your flocks again.

nsb@Genesis:30:32 @ »Let me go through all of your flocks today and take every speckled and spotted sheep, every black lamb, and every spotted and speckled goat. They will be my wages.

nsb@Genesis:30:33 @ »My honesty will speak for itself whenever you come to check on my wages. Any goat I have that is not speckled or spotted or any lamb that is not black will be considered stolen.«

nsb@Genesis:30:35 @ Laban took out the striped and spotted male goats, all the speckled and spotted female goats, and every black lamb. He had his sons take charge of them that same day.

nsb@Genesis:30:36 @ They moved away from Jacob with this flock as far as he could travel in three days. Jacob took care of the rest of Laban’s flocks.

nsb@Genesis:30:37 @ Jacob took green branches of poplar, almond, and plane trees and stripped off some of the bark so that the branches had white stripes on them.

nsb@Genesis:30:38 @ He placed these branches in front of the flocks at their drinking troughs. He put them there, because the animals mated when they came to drink.

nsb@Genesis:31:1 @ Jacob heard that Laban’s sons were saying: »Jacob has taken everything that belonged to our father. He has gained all his wealth from him.«

nsb@Genesis:31:2 @ He also noticed that Laban did not appear as friendly to him as before.

nsb@Genesis:31:3 @ Jehovah said to Jacob: »Go back to the land of your ancestors and to your relatives. I will be with you.«

nsb@Genesis:31:4 @ Then Jacob sent a message to Rachel and Leah to come out to the open country where his flocks were.

nsb@Genesis:31:5 @ He said to them: »I have seen that your father’s attitude toward me is not as friendly as before. The God of my father has been with me.

nsb@Genesis:31:9 @ »This way God has taken sheep and goats from your father and given them to me.

nsb@Genesis:31:11 @ »Then the angel of God said to me in the dream, ‘Jacob.’ I said, here I am.

nsb@Genesis:31:12 @ »He said, ‘Look up and see, now, that all the male goats that are mating are striped, speckled, or spotted, because I have seen everything that Laban is doing to you.

nsb@Genesis:31:13 @ »‘I am the God of Bethel. That is where you anointed a pillar and made a vow to me. Arise and leave this land. Return to the land of your birth.’«

nsb@Genesis:31:16 @ »For all the riches that God took away from our father belong to us and to our children. Do what God told you to do.«

nsb@Genesis:31:18 @ He drove all his livestock ahead of him. He took all the possessions that he had accumulated. He took his own livestock that he had accumulated in Paddan-aram and went back to his father Isaac in Canaan.

nsb@Genesis:31:19 @ When Laban went to shear his sheep, Rachel stole her father’s household idols.

nsb@Genesis:31:21 @ He left in a hurry with all that belonged to him. He crossed the Euphrates River and went toward the mountains of Gilead.

nsb@Genesis:31:22 @ Three days after he left, Laban was told that Jacob had fled.

nsb@Genesis:31:23 @ Laban took his men with him and pursued Jacob for seven days until he caught up with him in the hill country of Gilead.

nsb@Genesis:31:24 @ In a dream that night God came to Laban. God said: »Be careful not to threaten Jacob in any way.«

nsb@Genesis:31:26 @ Laban said to Jacob: »Why did you deceive me and carry off my daughters like women captured in war?

nsb@Genesis:31:27 @ »Why did you deceive me and slip away without telling me? If you had told me, I would have sent you on your way with rejoicing and singing to the music of tambourines and harps.

nsb@Genesis:31:28 @ »You did not even let me give a kiss to my sons and my daughters. This was a foolish thing you did.

nsb@Genesis:31:29 @ »It is in my power to do you harm. But the God of your father came to me this night. He said, ‘Take care that you say nothing good or bad to Jacob.’

nsb@Genesis:31:32 @ »As for your gods, if anyone of us has them, let him be put to death. Make a search in front of us all for what is yours, and take it.« Jacob had no knowledge that Rachel had taken them.

nsb@Genesis:31:33 @ So Laban went into Jacob’s tent and into Leah’s tent, and into the tents of the two servant-women, but they were not there. He left Leah’s tent and went into Rachel’s.

nsb@Genesis:31:34 @ Rachel took the images. She put them in the camels’ basket and was seated on them. Laban searched through the tent and did not find them.

nsb@Genesis:31:35 @ Rachel said to her father: »Do not be angry, Father, but I cannot get up to greet you. I am having my period.« So even though Laban had made a thorough search, he did not find the idols.

nsb@Genesis:31:36 @ Jacob lost his temper. »What crime have I committed?« he asked angrily. »What law have I broken that gives you the right to hunt me down?

nsb@Genesis:31:37 @ »Now that you have searched through all my belongings, what household article have you found that belongs to you? Put it out here where your men and mine can see it. Let them decide which one of us is right.

nsb@Genesis:31:38 @ »I have been with you now for twenty years. Your sheep and your goats have not failed to reproduce. I have not even eaten any rams from your flocks.

nsb@Genesis:31:39 @ »I always absorbed the loss when wild animals killed a sheep. I did not take it to you to show that it was not my fault. You demanded that I make good anything that was stolen during the day or during the night.

nsb@Genesis:31:40 @ »Many times I suffered from the heat during the day and from the cold at night. I was not able to sleep.

nsb@Genesis:31:43 @ Then Laban answered Jacob: »These are my daughters, my grandchildren, and my flocks. Everything you see is mine! Yet, what can I do today for my daughters or for their children?

nsb@Genesis:31:45 @ Jacob took a stone and set it up as a marker.

nsb@Genesis:31:46 @ Jacob said to his relatives: »Gather some stones.« They took stones, put them into a pile, and ate there by the pile of stones.

nsb@Genesis:31:48 @ Laban said: »This pile of stones stands as a witness between you and me today.« This is why it was named Galeed,

nsb@Genesis:31:49 @ and also Mizpah, because he said: »May Jehovah watch between you and me when we are unable to see each other.

nsb@Genesis:31:51 @ Laban also said to Jacob: »Here is the pile of stones. Here is the marker that I have set up between you and me.

nsb@Genesis:31:52 @ »This pile of stones and this marker stand as witnesses that I will not go past the pile of stones to harm you, and that you will not go past the pile of stones or marker to harm me.

nsb@Genesis:31:54 @ He offered a sacrifice on the mountain. He invited his relatives to eat the meal with him. They ate with him and spent the night on the mountain.

nsb@Genesis:32:3 @ Jacob sent messengers ahead of him to his brother Esau in Seir, the country of Edom.

nsb@Genesis:32:4 @ He informed them to say: »Your obedient servant, Jacob, reports to my master Esau that I have been staying with Laban and that I have delayed my return until now.

nsb@Genesis:32:6 @ When the messengers returned to Jacob, they said: »We went to your brother Esau. He is already on his way to meet you. He has four hundred men with him.«

nsb@Genesis:32:7 @ Jacob was frightened and worried. He divided the people who were with him into two groups. He also divided his sheep, goats, cattle, and camels.

nsb@Genesis:32:8 @ He thought: »If Esau comes and attacks the first group, the other may be able to escape.«

nsb@Genesis:32:9 @ Then Jacob prayed: »O God of my father Abraham, the God of my father Isaac, O Jehovah, you said to me: ‘Go back to your country and your family and I will be good to you.’

nsb@Genesis:32:10 @ »I am less than nothing in comparison with all your love and your faithfulness to me your servant. I only had a stick in my hand when I traveled across Jordan. Now I have become two armies.

nsb@Genesis:32:12 @ »You said, ‘I will make sure that you are prosperous and that your descendants will be as many as the grains of sand on the seashore. No one will be able to count them because there are so many.’«

nsb@Genesis:32:16 @ He placed servants in charge of each herd. He said to his servants: »Go ahead of me, and maintain a distance between the herds.«

nsb@Genesis:32:17 @ He commanded the first servant: »When my brother Esau meets you and asks you, ‘To whom do you belong, and where are you going, and whose animals are these ahead of you?’

nsb@Genesis:32:18 @ »Say, ‘They belong to your servant Jacob. This is a gift sent to you. Jacob is directly behind us.’«

nsb@Genesis:32:19 @ He also commanded the second servant, the third, and all the others who followed the herds. He said: »Say the same thing to Esau when you find him.

nsb@Genesis:32:20 @ »Be sure to say, ‘Jacob is right behind us.’« He thought: »I will make peace with him by giving him this gift that I am sending ahead of me. After that, I will see him, and he will welcome me back.«

nsb@Genesis:32:22 @ That same night Jacob got up, took his two wives, his two concubines, and his eleven children, and crossed the ford of the Jabbok River.

nsb@Genesis:32:25 @ The man saw that he was not able to overcome Jacob. He gave him a blow in the hollow part of his thigh, so that his leg was damaged.

nsb@Genesis:32:26 @ He said to him: »Let me go now, for the dawn is near.« But Jacob said: »I will not let you go till you have given me your blessing.«

nsb@Genesis:32:30 @ Jacob named that place Peniel, because he said: »I have seen God face to face, yet my life was saved.«

nsb@Genesis:32:32 @ Therefore, even today the people of Israel do not eat the muscle of the thigh attached to the hip socket. This is because God touched the socket of Jacob’s thigh at the muscle.

nsb@Genesis:33:3 @ Jacob went ahead of them. He bowed down to the ground seven times as he approached his brother.

nsb@Genesis:33:4 @ Esau ran to meet him. He threw his arms around him, and kissed him. They both cried.

nsb@Genesis:33:5 @ Esau looked around and saw the women and the children. He asked: »Who are these people with you?« Jacob answered: »These are the children whom God has been good enough to give me.«

nsb@Genesis:33:8 @ Esau asked: »What about that other group I met? What do you mean by all this company?« Jacob answered: »It was to gain your favor.«

nsb@Genesis:33:11 @ »Take my offering then, with my blessing. God has been very good to me and I have enough.« So at his strong request, he took it.

nsb@Genesis:33:12 @ Esau said: »Let us go on our journey together. I will go in front.«

nsb@Genesis:33:13 @ Jacob responded: »My lord knows that the children are frail and that the flocks and herds that are nursing are a care to me. If they are driven hard one day, all the flocks will die.

nsb@Genesis:33:14 @ »Please let my lord pass on before his servant. I will proceed at my leisure, according to the pace of the cattle that are before me and according to the pace of the children, until I come to my lord at Seir.«

nsb@Genesis:33:16 @ So Esau returned that day on his way to Seir.

nsb@Genesis:33:17 @ Jacob moved on to Succoth. He built a house there for himself and made shelters for his livestock. That is why the place is named Succoth.

nsb@Genesis:33:18 @ Jacob traveled safely from Paddan-aram to the city of Shechem in Canaan. He camped within sight of the city.

nsb@Genesis:34:1 @ One day Dinah, the daughter of Jacob and Leah, went to visit some of the Canaanite women.

nsb@Genesis:34:3 @ He found the young woman so attractive that he fell in love with her. So he tried to win her affection.

nsb@Genesis:34:4 @ He told his father: »I want you to get Dinah for me as my wife.«

nsb@Genesis:34:5 @ Jacob learned that his daughter had been disgraced. Since his sons were out in the fields with his livestock, he did nothing until they came back.

nsb@Genesis:34:6 @ Shechem’s father Hamor went out to talk with Jacob.

nsb@Genesis:34:8 @ Hamor said to him: »My son Shechem has fallen in love with your daughter. Please let him marry her.

nsb@Genesis:34:13 @ Jacob’s sons wanted to get even with Shechem and his father because of what happened to their sister.

nsb@Genesis:34:14 @ So they tricked them by saying: »You are not circumcised! It would be a disgrace for us to let you marry Dinah now.

nsb@Genesis:34:16 @ »Then we will give our daughters to you. And we will take your daughters for us. We will live with you as one people.

nsb@Genesis:34:19 @ The young man did not delay to do what was required. This was because he had delight in Jacob’s daughter. He was the most honored of all his family.

nsb@Genesis:34:20 @ Hamor and his son Shechem went to their city gate to speak to the men of their city. They said:

nsb@Genesis:34:21 @ »These people are friendly toward us. So let them live in our land and move about freely in the area. Look, there is plenty of room in this land for them. We can marry their daughters and let them marry ours.

nsb@Genesis:34:22 @ »These people will consent to live with us and become one nation on one condition: Every male must be circumcised, as they are.

nsb@Genesis:34:23 @ »Then all their livestock and everything else they own will be ours. So let us agree that they can live among us.«

nsb@Genesis:34:25 @ Three days later the men who had been circumcised were still weak from pain. So Simeon and Levi, two of Dinah’s brothers, attacked with their swords and killed every man in town.

nsb@Genesis:34:26 @ They also killed Hamor and Shechem. Then they took Dinah and left.

nsb@Genesis:34:28 @ They took their flocks and their herds, their asses and whatever was in the city and in the field.

nsb@Genesis:34:29 @ They captured their wives and all their little ones. They took all the wealth that was in their houses.

nsb@Genesis:34:30 @ Then Jacob said to Simeon and Levi: »You have brought trouble on me by making me loathsome to the inhabitants of the land, the Canaanites and the Per’izzites. My numbers are few. If they gather themselves against me and attack my household I will be destroyed.«

nsb@Genesis:35:1 @ God said to Jacob: »Go to Bethel and dwell there. Make an altar to God who appeared to you when you fled from your brother Esau.«

nsb@Genesis:35:2 @ Jacob said to his family and those who were with him: »Get rid of the foreign gods that you have. Wash yourselves until you are ritually clean. Change your clothes.

nsb@Genesis:35:3 @ »After that let us go to Bethel. I will make an altar there to God, who answered me when I was troubled and who has been with me wherever I have gone.«

nsb@Genesis:35:5 @ Jacob and his family traveled through Canaan. God terrified the people in the towns so much that no one dared bother them.

nsb@Genesis:35:7 @ Jacob built an altar there and called it God of Bethel. That was the place where God appeared to him when he was running from Esau.

nsb@Genesis:35:9 @ God appeared to Jacob again when he came from Paddan-aram. He blessed him.

nsb@Genesis:35:10 @ God said to him: »Your name is Jacob. You shall no longer be called Jacob. Israel shall be your name.« Thus He called him Israel.

nsb@Genesis:35:12 @ »The land that I gave to Abraham and Isaac I will give to you. I will give the land to your descendants after you.«

nsb@Genesis:35:14 @ So Jacob set up a memorial, a stone marker, to mark the place where God had spoken with him. He poured a wine offering and olive oil on it.

nsb@Genesis:35:16 @ After that they moved from Bethel. When there was still some distance to go to Ephrath, Rachel went into labor. She had severe labor pains.

nsb@Genesis:35:19 @ Rachel died and was buried on the way to Bethlehem.

nsb@Genesis:35:20 @ Jacob set up a stone as a marker for her grave. The same marker is at Rachel’s grave today.

nsb@Genesis:35:21 @ Israel moved on again. He pitched his tent by the tower of Eder.

nsb@Genesis:35:22 @ While Israel lived in that region, Reuben went to bed with his father’s concubine Bilhah. Israel heard about it. Jacob had twelve sons.

nsb@Genesis:35:27 @ Jacob came home to his father Isaac, to Mamre’s city, Kiriath-arba. Abraham and Isaac had lived there for a while.

nsb@Genesis:35:29 @ Isaac took his last breath and died. He joined his ancestors in death at a very old age. His sons Esau and Jacob buried him.

nsb@Genesis:36:4 @ Now Adah bore Eliphaz to Esau, and Basemath bore Reuel.

nsb@Genesis:36:5 @ And Oholibamah bore Jeush, Jaalam, and Korah. These were the sons of Esau who were born to him in the land of Canaan.

nsb@Genesis:36:6 @ Then Esau took his wives, his sons, his daughters, and all the persons of his household, his cattle and all his animals, and all his goods which he had gained in the land of Canaan, and went to a country away from the presence of his brother Jacob.

nsb@Genesis:36:7 @ For their possessions were too great for them to dwell together, and the land where they were strangers could not support them because of their livestock.

nsb@Genesis:36:12 @ Timna was the concubine of Eliphaz, Esau’s son, and she bore Amalek to Eliphaz. These were the sons of Adah, Esau’s wife.

nsb@Genesis:36:14 @ These were the sons of Oholibamah, Esau’s wife, the daughter of Anah, and the daughter of Zibeon. And she bore to Esau: Jeush, Jaalam, and Korah.

nsb@Genesis:36:30 @ Chief Dishon, Chief Ezer, and Chief Dishan. These were the chiefs of the Horites, according to their chiefs in the land of Seir.

nsb@Genesis:36:40 @ These were the names of the sheiks of Esau, according to their families and their places, by their names: Chief Timnah, Chief Alvah, Chief Jetheth,

nsb@Genesis:36:43 @ Chief Magdiel, and Chief Iram. These were the sheiks of Edom, according to their dwelling places in the land of their possession. Esau was the father of the Edomites.

nsb@Genesis:37:1 @ Jacob continued to live in the land of Canaan, where his father had lived.

nsb@Genesis:37:2 @ This is the story of Jacob and his descendants. Joseph was a seventeen-year-old young man. He took care of the flocks with the sons of Bilhah and Zilpah, his father’s wives. Joseph told his father about the bad things his brothers were doing.

nsb@Genesis:37:4 @ Joseph’s brothers saw that their father loved him more than any of them. They hated Joseph and could not speak to him in a friendly way.

nsb@Genesis:37:5 @ One time Joseph had a dream. He told his brothers about it and they hated him even more.

nsb@Genesis:37:6 @ He said: »Please listen to the dream I had.

nsb@Genesis:37:7 @ »We were all in the field tying up sheaves of wheat. My sheaf got up and stood up straight. Yours formed a circle around mine and bowed down to it.«

nsb@Genesis:37:8 @ »Do you think you are going to be a king and rule over us?« his brothers asked. So they hated him even more because of his dreams and because of what he said about them.

nsb@Genesis:37:9 @ Joseph had another dream and told his brothers: »I had another dream, in which I saw the sun, the moon, and eleven stars bowing down to me.«

nsb@Genesis:37:10 @ He also told the dream to his father. His father scolded him. »What kind of a dream is that? Do you think that your mother, your brothers, and I are going to come and bow down to you?«

nsb@Genesis:37:12 @ His brothers went to Shechem to take care of their father’s flock.

nsb@Genesis:37:13 @ His father Jacob said to him: »I want you to go to your brothers. They are with the sheep near Shechem.« »Yes, I will go,« Joseph answered.

nsb@Genesis:37:17 @ »They are not here anymore,« the man replied. »I heard them say they were going to Dothan.« Joseph soon found his brothers in Dothan.

nsb@Genesis:37:18 @ Before he arrived, they saw him coming and made plans to kill him.

nsb@Genesis:37:19 @ They said to one another: »Look, here comes the hero of those dreams!

nsb@Genesis:37:20 @ »Let us kill him and throw him into a water pit. We can say that some wild animal ate him. Then we will see what happens to those dreams.«

nsb@Genesis:37:21 @ Reuben heard this and tried to protect Joseph from them. »Let us not kill him,« he said.

nsb@Genesis:37:22 @ »Do not murder him or even harm him. Just throw him into a dry well out here in the desert.« Reuben planned to rescue Joseph later and take him back to his father.

nsb@Genesis:37:23 @ When Joseph came to his brothers, they pulled off his fancy coat.

nsb@Genesis:37:24 @ They put him into a water pit. It had no water in it.

nsb@Genesis:37:25 @ As they sat down to eat, they saw a caravan of Ishmaelites coming from Gilead. Their camels were carrying the materials for cosmetics, medicine, and embalming. They were on their way to take them to Egypt.

nsb@Genesis:37:27 @ »Let us sell him to the Ishmaelites. Let us not hurt him, because he is our brother, our own flesh and blood.« His brothers agreed.

nsb@Genesis:37:28 @ Some of the Midianite traders approached. The brothers pulled Joseph out of the well and sold him for twenty pieces of silver to the Ishmaelites. They took him to Egypt.

nsb@Genesis:37:29 @ Reuben came back to the pit and found that Joseph was not there. He tore his clothes in sorrow.

nsb@Genesis:37:30 @ He returned to his brothers and said: »The boy is not there! What am I going to do?«

nsb@Genesis:37:32 @ They took the robe to their father and said: »We found this. Does it belong to your son?«

nsb@Genesis:37:33 @ He recognized it and said: »Yes, it is his! Some wild animal has killed him. My son Joseph has been torn to pieces!«

nsb@Genesis:37:34 @ Jacob tore his clothes in sorrow and put on sackcloth. He mourned for his son a long time.

nsb@Genesis:37:35 @ All his sons and daughters came to comfort him. However, he refused to be comforted. He said: »I will go down to the grave still mourning for my son.« So he continued to mourn for his son Joseph.

nsb@Genesis:37:36 @ Meanwhile, in Egypt the Midianites sold Joseph to Potiphar, one of the king’s officers, who was the captain of the palace guard.

nsb@Genesis:38:1 @ At that time Judah left his brothers and went to stay with a man named Hirah, who was from the town of Adullam.

nsb@Genesis:38:4 @ She became pregnant again and gave birth to another son and named him Onan.

nsb@Genesis:38:8 @ Then Judah said to Er’s brother Onan: »Go sleep with your brother’s widow. Fulfill your obligation to her as her husband’s brother. That way your brother may have descendants.«

nsb@Genesis:38:9 @ Onan knew that the children would not belong to him. So when he had intercourse with his brother’s widow, he let the semen spill on the ground, assuring that there would be no children for his brother.

nsb@Genesis:38:11 @ Judah said to his daughter-in-law Tamar: »Return to your father’s house and remain a widow until my son Shelah grows up.« He said this because he was afraid that Shelah would be killed, as his brothers had been. So Tamar went back home.

nsb@Genesis:38:12 @ After some time Judah’s wife died. When he finished mourning, he and his friend Hirah of Adullam went to Timnah, where his sheep were being sheared.

nsb@Genesis:38:13 @ Tamar found out that her father-in-law Judah was going to Timnah to shear his sheep.

nsb@Genesis:38:14 @ She realized that Shelah was now a grown man. She had not been allowed to marry him. So she decided to dress in something other than her widow’s clothes and to cover her face with a veil. Then she sat outside the town of Enaim on the road to Timnah.

nsb@Genesis:38:16 @ and asked her to sleep with him. She asked: »What will you give me if I do?«

nsb@Genesis:38:17 @ He answered: »One of my young goats.« Then she asked: »What will you give me to keep until you send the goat?«

nsb@Genesis:38:18 @ »What do you want?« he asked. »The ring on that cord around your neck,« she replied. »I also want the special walking stick you have with you.« So he gave them to her. They slept together and she became pregnant.

nsb@Genesis:38:19 @ After returning home, Tamar took off the veil and dressed in her widow’s clothes again.

nsb@Genesis:38:20 @ Judah sent the young goat by his friend the Adullamite, to receive the pledge from the woman’s hand. But he did not find her.

nsb@Genesis:38:22 @ So he went back to Judah and said: »I did not find her. Besides, the men who lived there said there has not been any temple prostitute here.«

nsb@Genesis:38:23 @ Then Judah said: »Let her keep what she has, or we will become a laughingstock. After all, I did send her this young goat, but you did not find her.«

nsb@Genesis:38:24 @ Three months later Judah was told: »Your daughter-in-law Tamar is guilty of prostitution, and as a result she is now pregnant.« Judah said: »Bring her out and have her burned to death!«

nsb@Genesis:38:25 @ As she was being brought out, she sent a message to her father-in-law. »I am pregnant by the man who owns these,« she said. She added: »See if you recognize whose seal and cord and staff these are.«

nsb@Genesis:38:26 @ Judah recognized them and said: »She is more righteous than I, since I would not give her to my son Shelah.« He did not sleep with her again.

nsb@Genesis:38:27 @ When the time came for her to give birth, there were twin boys in her womb.

nsb@Genesis:38:28 @ As she was giving birth, one of them put out his hand. The midwife took a scarlet thread and tied it on his wrist and said: »This one came out first.«

nsb@Genesis:39:1 @ Joseph had been taken to Egypt. Potiphar, one of Pharaoh’s Egyptian officials and captain of the guard, bought him from the Ishmaelites who had taken him there.

nsb@Genesis:39:6 @ Potiphar turned over everything he had to the care of Joseph. He did not concern himself with anything except the food he ate. Joseph was well built and good-looking.

nsb@Genesis:39:7 @ Soon his master’s wife began to desire Joseph and asked him to go to bed with her.

nsb@Genesis:39:8 @ He refused, and said to her: »My master does not have to concern himself with anything in the house, because I am here. He has put me in charge of everything he has.

nsb@Genesis:39:10 @ She kept asking Joseph day after day. He refused to go to bed with her or be with her.

nsb@Genesis:39:11 @ One day he went into the house to do his work. None of the household servants were there.

nsb@Genesis:39:12 @ She grabbed him by his coat and said: »Come to bed with me!« But he ran outside and left his coat in her hand.

nsb@Genesis:39:14 @ she called her household servants and said to them: »Look! My husband brought this Hebrew here to fool around with us. He came in and tried to go to bed with me. I screamed as loud as I could.

nsb@Genesis:39:17 @ She said: »That Hebrew slave of yours tried to rape me!

nsb@Genesis:39:21 @ Jehovah helped him and was good to him. He even made the jailer like Joseph so much that

nsb@Genesis:40:4 @ The captain of the guard assigned them to Joseph. He took care of them. After they had been confined for some time,

nsb@Genesis:40:6 @ Joseph saw that they were upset when he came to them in the morning.

nsb@Genesis:40:7 @ He asked these officials of Pharaoh who were with him in his master’s prison: »Why do you look so unhappy today?«

nsb@Genesis:40:8 @ »We both had dreams,« they answered him, »but there is no one to tell us what they mean.« »Is it not God who can tell what dreams mean?« Joseph asked them. »Tell me all about them.«

nsb@Genesis:40:9 @ So the chief cupbearer told Joseph his dream. He said: »In my dream a grapevine with three branches appeared in front of me.

nsb@Genesis:40:10 @ »Soon after it sprouted it blossomed. Then its clusters ripened into grapes.

nsb@Genesis:40:11 @ »Pharaoh’s cup was in my hand. I took the grapes and squeezed them into it. I put the cup in Pharaoh’s hand.«

nsb@Genesis:40:12 @ »This is what it means,« Joseph said to him. »The three branches are three days.

nsb@Genesis:40:13 @ »In the next three days Pharaoh will release you and restore you to your position. You will put Pharaoh’s cup in his hand as you used to do when you were his cupbearer.

nsb@Genesis:40:14 @ »Remember me when things go well for you. Please do me a favor. Mention me to Pharaoh, and get me out of this prison.

nsb@Genesis:40:15 @ »I was in fact kidnapped from the land of the Hebrews. And here I have done nothing that they should have put me into the dungeon.«

nsb@Genesis:40:16 @ When the chief baker saw that he had interpreted favorably, he said to Joseph: »I also saw in my dream three baskets of white bread on my head.

nsb@Genesis:40:17 @ »The top basket contained all sorts of baked food for Pharaoh. The birds were eating them out of the basket on my head.«

nsb@Genesis:40:21 @ He restored the chief cupbearer to his office, and he put the cup into Pharaoh’s hand.

nsb@Genesis:40:22 @ He did indeed hang the chief baker, just as Joseph had interpreted to them.

nsb@Genesis:41:2 @ Suddenly, seven nice-looking well-fed cows came up from the river and began to graze among the reeds.

nsb@Genesis:41:3 @ Seven other cows came up from the river behind them. These cows were sickly and skinny. They stood behind the first seven cows on the riverbank.

nsb@Genesis:41:8 @ The king was upset the next morning. So he called his magicians and wise men and told them what he had dreamed. None of them could tell him what the dreams meant.

nsb@Genesis:41:9 @ The king’s chief cupbearer said: »Now I remember what I was supposed to do.

nsb@Genesis:41:12 @ »A young Hebrew, who was a servant of the captain of the guard, was there with us at the time. When we told him our dreams, he explained what each of them meant.

nsb@Genesis:41:13 @ »Everything happened just as he said it would. I got my job back, and the cook was put to death.«

nsb@Genesis:41:14 @ So the king sent for Joseph. He was quickly brought out of jail. He shaved, changed his clothes, and went to the king.

nsb@Genesis:41:15 @ The king said: »I had a dream. No one can explain what it means. I am told that you can interpret dreams.«

nsb@Genesis:41:17 @ The king told Joseph: »I dreamed as I stood on the bank of the Nile River,

nsb@Genesis:41:24 @ »The thin heads of grain swallowed the seven good heads. I told this to the magicians, but no one could tell me what it meant.«

nsb@Genesis:41:25 @ Joseph said to Pharaoh: »Pharaoh had the same dream twice. God has told Pharaoh what he is going to do.

nsb@Genesis:41:28 @ »It is just as I said to Pharaoh. God has shown Pharaoh what he is going to do.

nsb@Genesis:41:34 @ »Make arrangements to appoint supervisors over the land. Take a fifth of Egypt’s harvest during the seven good years.

nsb@Genesis:41:35 @ »Have them collect all the food during these good years. Store up grain under Pharaoh’s control, to be kept for food in the cities.

nsb@Genesis:41:38 @ and he said to them: »We will never find a better man than Joseph. He is a man who has God’s Spirit in him.«

nsb@Genesis:41:39 @ The king said to Joseph: »God has shown you all this. Therefore it is obvious that you have greater wisdom and insight than anyone else.

nsb@Genesis:41:40 @ »I will put you in charge of my country. All my people will obey your orders. Your authority will be second only to mine.

nsb@Genesis:41:42 @ Pharaoh took his signet ring from his hand and put it on Joseph’s hand. He clothed him in garments of fine linen and put the gold necklace around his neck.

nsb@Genesis:41:44 @ Moreover, Pharaoh said to Joseph: »Though I am Pharaoh, yet without your permission no one shall raise his hand or foot in all the land of Egypt.«

nsb@Genesis:41:46 @ Now Joseph was thirty years old when he stood before Pharaoh, king of Egypt. Joseph went out from the presence of Pharaoh and went through all the land of Egypt.

nsb@Genesis:41:49 @ Thus Joseph stored up grain in great abundance, like the sand of the sea. He finally stopped measuring it, for it was beyond measure.

nsb@Genesis:41:50 @ Before the year of famine came, there were born to Joseph two sons, whom Asenath, the daughter of Potiphera, priest of On, bore to him.

nsb@Genesis:41:53 @ The seven years when there was plenty of food in Egypt came to an end.

nsb@Genesis:41:55 @ When the Egyptians became hungry, they cried out to the king for food. So he ordered them to go to Joseph and do what he told them.

nsb@Genesis:41:56 @ The famine grew worse and spread over the entire country. Joseph opened all the storehouses and sold grain to the Egyptians.

nsb@Genesis:41:57 @ People came to Egypt from all over the world to buy grain from Joseph, because the famine was severe everywhere.

nsb@Genesis:42:1 @ When Jacob learned that there was grain in Egypt, he said to his sons: »Why are you doing nothing?«

nsb@Genesis:42:3 @ Then ten of Joseph’s brothers went to Egypt to buy grain.

nsb@Genesis:42:4 @ Jacob would not send Joseph’s brother Benjamin with the other brothers. He was afraid that something would happen to him.

nsb@Genesis:42:5 @ Israel’s sons left with the others who were going to buy grain. This is because there was also famine in Canaan.

nsb@Genesis:42:6 @ As governor of the country, Joseph was selling grain to everyone. So when Joseph’s brothers arrived, they bowed in front of him with their faces touching the ground.

nsb@Genesis:42:7 @ Joseph recognized his brothers the moment he saw them. Even so, he acted as if he did not know them and spoke harshly to them: »Where did you come from?« They answered: »From Canaan, to buy food.«

nsb@Genesis:42:9 @ He remembered the dreams he had dreamed about them and said: »You are spies! You have come to find out where our country is weak.«

nsb@Genesis:42:10 @ »No!« they answered. »We have come as your slaves, to buy food.

nsb@Genesis:42:12 @ Joseph said to them: »No! You have come to find out where our country is weak.«

nsb@Genesis:42:17 @ He put all of them together in prison for three days.

nsb@Genesis:42:18 @ On the third day, Joseph said: »Do this and live, for I too respect God.

nsb@Genesis:42:20 @ »and bring your youngest brother to me. We will verify your words and you will not die.« They complied.

nsb@Genesis:42:21 @ They said to one another: »Truly we are guilty concerning our brother, because we saw his distress when he pleaded with us, yet we would not listen. Therefore this distress has come upon us.«

nsb@Genesis:42:23 @ They did not know that Joseph understood. There was an interpreter between them.

nsb@Genesis:42:24 @ He turned away from them and wept. When he returned to them and spoke to them, he took Simeon from them and bound him before their eyes.

nsb@Genesis:42:25 @ Joseph gave orders to fill their bags with grain and to restore every man’s money in his sack. They were to give them provisions for the journey. And thus it was done for them.

nsb@Genesis:42:27 @ They stopped for the night. One of them opened his sack to feed his donkey and his money was right inside his sack.

nsb@Genesis:42:28 @ He said to his brothers: »My money has been put back! It is right here in my sack!« They wanted to die. They trembled and turned to each other and asked: »What has God done to us?«

nsb@Genesis:42:29 @ They came to their father Jacob in Canaan. Then they told him all that had happened to them. They said:

nsb@Genesis:42:30 @ »The governor of that land spoke harshly to us and treated us like spies.«

nsb@Genesis:42:31 @ We told him: »We are honest men, not spies.

nsb@Genesis:42:33 @ »The governor of that land said to us, ‘This is how I will know that you are honest men: Leave one of your brothers with me. Take food for your starving families and go.

nsb@Genesis:42:34 @ »‘But bring me your youngest brother. Then I will know that you are not spies but honest men. I will give your brother back to you, and you will be able to move about freely in this country.’«

nsb@Genesis:42:36 @ Their father Jacob said to them: »You are going to make me lose all my children! Joseph is no longer with us. Simeon is no longer with us. Now you want to take Benjamin. Everything is against me!«

nsb@Genesis:42:37 @ So Reuben said to his father: »You may put my two sons to death if I do not bring him back to you. Let me take care of him. I will bring him back to you.«

nsb@Genesis:42:38 @ Jacob replied: »My son will not go with you. His brother is dead, and he is the only one left. If any harm comes to him on the trip you are taking, the grief would drive this gray-haired old man to his grave!«

nsb@Genesis:43:2 @ When they finished eating the grain they brought from Egypt, Israel said to his sons: »Go back and buy us a little more food.«

nsb@Genesis:43:3 @ Judah said to him: »The man gave us strict warning! He said: ‘You will not be allowed to see me again unless your brother is with you.’

nsb@Genesis:43:5 @ ‘»If you will not let him go, we will not go. The man said to us: ‘You will not be allowed to see me again unless your brother is with you.’«

nsb@Genesis:43:8 @ Then Judah said to his father Israel: »Send the boy along with me. Let us get going so that we will not starve to death.

nsb@Genesis:43:9 @ »I guarantee that he will come back. You can hold me responsible for him. If I do not bring him back to you and place him here in front of you, you can blame me the rest of my life.

nsb@Genesis:43:11 @ Their father Israel said: »If that is the way it has to be, then take the man a gift. Put some of the best products of the land in your bags. Take a little balm, a little honey, gum, myrrh, pistachio nuts, and almonds.

nsb@Genesis:43:12 @ »Take twice as much money with you, because you must take back the money that was returned in the top of your sacks. Maybe it was a mistake.

nsb@Genesis:43:14 @ »May God Almighty cause the man to have pity on you, so that he will give Benjamin and your other brother back to you. As for me, if I must lose my children, I must lose them.«

nsb@Genesis:43:15 @ So the brothers took the gifts and twice as much money, and set out for Egypt with Benjamin. There they presented themselves to Joseph.

nsb@Genesis:43:16 @ He saw Benjamin and told the servant in charge of his house: »Take these men to my house. Slaughter an animal and cook it, so they can eat with me at noon.«

nsb@Genesis:43:17 @ The servant did as he was told. He took the brothers to Joseph’s house.

nsb@Genesis:43:19 @ When they arrived at Joseph’s house, they said to the servant in charge:

nsb@Genesis:43:20 @ »We came to Egypt once before to buy grain.

nsb@Genesis:43:21 @ »When we stopped for the night, we each found in our grain sacks the exact amount we had paid. We have brought that money back.

nsb@Genesis:43:22 @ »We brought enough money to buy more grain. We do not know who put the money in our sacks.«

nsb@Genesis:43:23 @ »It is all right,« the servant replied. »Do not worry. The God you and your father worship must have put the money there, because your money came first to me.« Then he brought Simeon out to them.

nsb@Genesis:43:24 @ The servant took them into Joseph’s house. He gave them water to wash their feet. He also tended their donkeys.

nsb@Genesis:43:25 @ The brothers prepared their gifts so they could give them to Joseph at noon. For they had heard they were going to eat there.

nsb@Genesis:43:26 @ Joseph came home and they gave him the gifts they had brought. They bowed down to him.

nsb@Genesis:43:28 @ They answered: »Your servant our father is still alive and well.« Again they bowed down to Joseph.

nsb@Genesis:43:29 @ Joseph looked around and saw his brother Benjamin. He said: »This must be the youngest brother you told me about. God bless you, my son.«

nsb@Genesis:43:30 @ Right away he rushed off to his room and cried because of his love for Benjamin.

nsb@Genesis:43:31 @ After washing his face and returning, he was able to control himself. He said: »Serve the meal!«

nsb@Genesis:43:32 @ Joseph was served at a table by himself. His brothers were served at another. The Egyptians sat at yet another table. This is because Egyptians felt it was disgusting to eat with Hebrews.

nsb@Genesis:43:33 @ To the surprise of Joseph’s brothers, they were seated in front of him according to their ages, from the oldest to the youngest.

nsb@Genesis:44:1 @ Later, Joseph told the servant in charge of his house: »Fill the men’s grain sacks with as much as they can hold and put their money in the sacks.

nsb@Genesis:44:2 @ »Also put my silver cup in the sack of the youngest brother.« The servant did as he was told.

nsb@Genesis:44:3 @ When it was light the men took their donkeys and left.

nsb@Genesis:44:4 @ They just left the city and were not far off, when Joseph said to the man in charge of his house: »Follow the men and when you overtake them, say to them: ‘Why have you repaid evil for good?

nsb@Genesis:44:6 @ When he caught up with them, he repeated these words to them.

nsb@Genesis:44:8 @ »You know that we brought back to you from the land of Canaan the money we found in the top of our sacks. Why should we steal silver or gold from your master’s house?

nsb@Genesis:44:12 @ Joseph’s servant started searching the sacks. They began with the one that belonged to the oldest brother. When he came to Benjamin’s sack, he found the cup.

nsb@Genesis:44:13 @ This upset the brothers so much that they began tearing their clothes in sorrow. Then they loaded their donkeys and returned to the city.

nsb@Genesis:44:14 @ When Judah and his brothers got there, Joseph was still at home. So they bowed down to Joseph.

nsb@Genesis:44:17 @ He said: »It is far from me that I should do this. The man in whose hand the cup is found, he shall be my servant. As for you, you go in peace to your father.«

nsb@Genesis:44:18 @ Judah went up to Joseph and said: »Please, Sir, let me speak openly with you. Do not be angry with me, although you are equal to Pharaoh.

nsb@Genesis:44:20 @ »We answered, ‘We have a father who is old and a younger brother born to him when he was already old. The boy’s brother is dead. He is the only one of his mother’s sons left, and his father loves him.’

nsb@Genesis:44:21 @ ‘Then you said to us, ‘Bring him here to me so that I can see him myself.’

nsb@Genesis:44:23 @ »Then you said you will not be admitted to my presence again unless your youngest brother comes with you.’

nsb@Genesis:44:24 @ »We went back and told our father what you said.

nsb@Genesis:44:25 @ »He told us to return and buy a little food.

nsb@Genesis:44:26 @ »We answered, ‘We cannot go. We will not be admitted to the man’s presence unless our youngest brother is with us. We can go only if our youngest brother also goes.’

nsb@Genesis:44:28 @ »‘One has already left me. He must have been torn to pieces by wild animals, because I have not seen him since he left.

nsb@Genesis:44:29 @ »‘If you take this one from me now and something happens to him, the sorrow you would cause me would kill me, as old as I am.’

nsb@Genesis:44:30 @ »That is why Benjamin must be with us when I go back to my father. He loves him so much

nsb@Genesis:44:32 @ »I promised my father I would bring him home safely. If I do not, I told my father he could blame me the rest of my life.

nsb@Genesis:44:34 @ »How can I face my father if Benjamin is not with me? I could not bear to see my father in such sorrow.«

nsb@Genesis:45:1 @ Joseph could no longer control himself in front of those standing near him. He sent them out of the room and when he was alone with his brothers he made himself known to them. / Joseph could no longer control his feelings in front of his servants. He sent them out of the room. When he was alone with his brothers, he told them: »I am Joseph!«

nsb@Genesis:45:3 @ Joseph said to his brothers: »I am Joseph! Is my father still alive?« His brothers could not answer him because they were afraid of him.

nsb@Genesis:45:4 @ »Please come closer to me,« Joseph said to his brothers. They came closer. He said: »I am Joseph, the brother you sold into slavery in Egypt!

nsb@Genesis:45:5 @ »Dear brothers, do not be sad or angry with yourselves that you sold me. God sent me ahead of you to save lives.

nsb@Genesis:45:7 @ »God sent me ahead of you to make sure that you would have descendants on the earth, and to save your lives in an amazing way.

nsb@Genesis:45:8 @ »It was not you who sent me here, but God. He has made me like a father to Pharaoh. He made me lord over his entire household, and ruler of Egypt.

nsb@Genesis:45:9 @ »Hurry back to my father and tell him, ‘This is what your son Joseph says: »God has made me lord of Egypt. Come here to me immediately!

nsb@Genesis:45:11 @ »‘»I will provide for you in Egypt. For there will be five more years of famine. Then you, your family, and all who belong to you will not lose all that you have.« ’

nsb@Genesis:45:12 @ »You and my brother Benjamin can see for yourselves that I am the one who is speaking to you.

nsb@Genesis:45:17 @ The king said to Joseph: »Tell your brothers to load their animals and to return to the land of Canaan.

nsb@Genesis:45:18 @ »Have them get their father and their families and come back here. I will give them the best of the land in Egypt. They will have more than enough to live on.

nsb@Genesis:45:19 @ »Tell them to take wagons with them from Egypt to bring their wives and small children and to bring their father with them.

nsb@Genesis:45:21 @ The sons of Israel did as they were told. Joseph gave them wagons filled with food for the trip, as the king had ordered.

nsb@Genesis:45:22 @ Joseph gave some new clothes to each of his brothers. He gave Benjamin five new outfits and three hundred pieces of silver.

nsb@Genesis:45:23 @ To his father he sent ten donkeys loaded with the best things in Egypt. And ten other donkeys loaded with grain and bread and other food for the return trip.

nsb@Genesis:45:24 @ Then he sent his brothers off and told them: »Do not argue on the way home!«

nsb@Genesis:45:26 @ they told their father that Joseph was still alive and was the ruler of Egypt. But their father was so surprised that he could not believe them.

nsb@Genesis:45:27 @ Then they told him everything Joseph said. When he saw the wagons Joseph had sent, he felt much better.

nsb@Genesis:45:28 @ He said: »Now I can believe you! My son Joseph must really be alive. I will get to see him before I die.«

nsb@Genesis:46:1 @ Jacob packed up everything he owned and left for Egypt. On the way he stopped near the town of Beer-sheba and offered sacrifices to the God his father Isaac had worshiped.

nsb@Genesis:46:2 @ That night, God spoke to him and said: »Jacob! Jacob!« »Here I am,« Jacob answered.

nsb@Genesis:46:3 @ God said: »I am God! I am the same God your father worshiped. Do not be afraid to go to Egypt. I will give you so many descendants that one day they will become a nation.

nsb@Genesis:46:4 @ »I will go to Egypt with you. I will make sure you come back again. Joseph will close your eyes when you die.«

nsb@Genesis:46:5 @ Jacob left Beer-sheba. Israel’s sons put their father Jacob, their children, and their wives in the wagons Pharaoh had sent to bring him back.

nsb@Genesis:46:6 @ They took their livestock and the possessions they had acquired in Canaan. Jacob and all his family arrived in Egypt.

nsb@Genesis:46:13 @ The sons of Issachar were Tola, Puvah, Iob, and Shimron.

nsb@Genesis:46:15 @ These were the sons Leah gave to Jacob in Paddan-aram, in addition to his daughter Dinah. The total number of these sons and daughters was thirty-three.

nsb@Genesis:46:18 @ These were the descendants of Zilpah, whom Laban gave to his daughter Leah. She gave birth to these children for Jacob. The total was sixteen.

nsb@Genesis:46:20 @ In Egypt, Manasseh and Ephraim were born to Joseph by Asenath, daughter of Potiphera, priest from the city of On.

nsb@Genesis:46:22 @ These were the sons of Rachel who were born to Jacob. The total was fourteen.

nsb@Genesis:46:25 @ These were the descendants of Bilhah, whom Laban gave to his daughter Rachel. She gave birth to these sons for Jacob. The total was seven.

nsb@Genesis:46:26 @ The total number of Jacob’s direct descendants who went with him to Egypt was sixty-six. This did not include the wives of Jacob’s sons.

nsb@Genesis:46:27 @ Joseph had two sons who were born in Egypt. There were a total of seventy people in Jacob’s household who went to Egypt.

nsb@Genesis:46:28 @ Jacob sent Judah ahead to ask Joseph to meet them in Goshen. When they arrived,

nsb@Genesis:46:29 @ Joseph got in his chariot and went to Goshen to meet his father. When they met, Joseph threw his arms around his father’s neck and cried for a long time.

nsb@Genesis:46:30 @ Jacob said to Joseph: »Now I am ready to die. Now that I have seen you and know that you are still alive.«

nsb@Genesis:46:31 @ Joseph said to his brothers and the rest of his father’s family: »I must go and tell the king that my brothers and all my father’s family, who were living in Canaan, have come to me.

nsb@Genesis:46:32 @ »I will tell him that you are shepherds and take care of livestock. And that you have brought your flocks and herds and everything else that belongs to you.

nsb@Genesis:46:34 @ »Be sure to tell him that you have taken care of livestock all your lives, just as your ancestors did. In this way he will let you live in the region of Goshen. Joseph said this because Egyptians will have nothing to do with shepherds.

nsb@Genesis:47:1 @ Joseph took five of his brothers and went to the king. He told him: »My father and my brothers have come from Canaan with their flocks, their herds, and all that they own. They are now in the region of Goshen.«

nsb@Genesis:47:2 @ Then he presented his brothers to the king.

nsb@Genesis:47:3 @ The king asked: »What is your occupation?« »We are shepherds, Sir, just as our ancestors were,« they answered.

nsb@Genesis:47:4 @ »We have come to live in this country. The famine is so severe in the land of Canaan that there is no pasture for our flocks. Please give us permission to live in the region of Goshen.«

nsb@Genesis:47:5 @ The king said to Joseph: »Now that your father and your brothers have arrived,

nsb@Genesis:47:6 @ »the land of Egypt is theirs. Let them settle in the region of Goshen, the best part of the land. If there are any capable men among them, put them in charge of my own livestock.«

nsb@Genesis:47:7 @ Joseph brought his father Jacob and presented him to the king. Jacob gave the king his blessing.

nsb@Genesis:47:9 @ Jacob answered: »My life of wandering has lasted a hundred and thirty years. Those years have been few and difficult, unlike the long years of my ancestors in their wanderings.«

nsb@Genesis:47:14 @ They bought grain from Joseph. Joseph collected all the money and took it to the palace.

nsb@Genesis:47:15 @ When all the money in Egypt and Canaan was spent, the Egyptians came to Joseph and said: »Give us food! Do not let us die. Do something! Our money is all gone.«

nsb@Genesis:47:16 @ Joseph answered: »Bring your livestock. I will give you food in exchange for it if your money is all gone.«

nsb@Genesis:47:17 @ They brought their livestock to Joseph. He gave them food in exchange for their horses, sheep, goats, cattle, and donkeys. That year he supplied them with food in exchange for all their livestock.

nsb@Genesis:47:18 @ The following year they said to him: »We will not hide the fact from you, Sir, that our money is all gone and our livestock belongs to you. There is nothing left to give you except our bodies and our lands.

nsb@Genesis:47:19 @ »Do not let us die. Do something! Do not let our fields be deserted. Buy us and buy our land in exchange for food. We will be the king’s slaves. He will own our land. Give us grain to keep us alive and seed so that we can plant our fields.«

nsb@Genesis:47:20 @ Joseph bought all the land in Egypt for the king. Every Egyptian was forced to sell his land, because the famine was so severe. All the land became the king’s property.

nsb@Genesis:47:21 @ He removed the people into the cities from one end of the borders of Egypt to the other.

nsb@Genesis:47:22 @ The only land he did not buy was the land that belonged to the priests. The king gave the priests an allowance to live on. So they did not have to sell their lands.

nsb@Genesis:47:23 @ Joseph said to the people: »I have now bought you and your lands for the king. Here is seed for you to sow in your fields.

nsb@Genesis:47:24 @ »You must give one-fifth to the king at the time of harvest. You can use the rest for seed and for food for yourselves and your families.«

nsb@Genesis:47:25 @ They answered: »You have saved our lives. You have been good to us. We will be the king’s slaves.«

nsb@Genesis:47:26 @ Joseph made it a law for the land of Egypt that one-fifth of the harvest should belong to the king. This law still remains in force today. Only the lands of the priests did not become the king’s property.

nsb@Genesis:47:29 @ When the time drew near for him to die, he called for his son Joseph and said to him: »Place your hand under my thighs and make a solemn vow that you will not bury me in Egypt.

nsb@Genesis:47:30 @ »I want to be buried where my fathers are. Carry me out of Egypt and bury me where they are buried.« Joseph answered: »I will do as you say.«

nsb@Genesis:48:1 @ Later Joseph was told that his father was ill. So he took his two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim, and went to see Jacob.

nsb@Genesis:48:2 @ Jacob was told that his son Joseph had come to see him. He gathered his strength and sat up in bed.

nsb@Genesis:48:3 @ Jacob said to Joseph: »Almighty God appeared to me at Luz in the land of Canaan and blessed me.

nsb@Genesis:48:4 @ »He promised: ‘I will give you a large family with many descendants that will grow into a nation. I am giving you this land that will belong to you and your family from generation to generation.’«

nsb@Genesis:48:5 @ Jacob went on to say: »Joseph, your two sons Ephraim and Manasseh were born in Egypt. But I accept them as my own, just as Reuben and Simeon are mine.

nsb@Genesis:48:7 @ »Your mother Rachel died in Canaan after we left northern Syria and before we reached Bethlehem. I had to bury her along the way.«

nsb@Genesis:48:9 @ »They are my sons. God has given them to me here in Egypt.« »Bring them to me,« Jacob said. »I want to give them my blessing.« Joseph brought the boys to him.

nsb@Genesis:48:10 @ Israel’s eyesight was failing because of old age. He could hardly see. So Joseph brought his sons close to his father. Israel hugged them and kissed them.

nsb@Genesis:48:11 @ Israel said to Joseph: »I never expected to see you again. Now God has even let me see your sons.«

nsb@Genesis:48:12 @ Joseph took them off his father’s lap and bowed with his face touching the ground.

nsb@Genesis:48:13 @ Then Joseph took both of them, Ephraim on his right, facing Israel’s left, and Manasseh on his left, facing Israel’s right, and brought them close to him.

nsb@Genesis:48:15 @ Jacob blessed Joseph. He said: »May God, in whose presence my grandfather Abraham and my father Isaac walked, may this God who has been my shepherd all my life to this very day,

nsb@Genesis:48:17 @ Joseph saw that his father had put his right hand on Ephraim’s head. Joseph did not like it. So he took his father’s hand in order to move it from Ephraim’s head to Manasseh’s.

nsb@Genesis:48:18 @ He said to his father: »That is not right, Father! This is the firstborn. Put your right hand on his head.«

nsb@Genesis:48:19 @ His father refused and said: »I know, Son, I know! Manasseh, too, will become a nation. He, too, will be important. Nevertheless, his younger brother will be more important than he. His descendants will become many nations.«

nsb@Genesis:48:21 @ Then Israel said to Joseph: »I am about to die. God will be with you. He will bring you back to the land of your fathers.

nsb@Genesis:48:22 @ »I am giving you one more mountain ridge than your brothers. I took it from the Amorites with my own sword and bow.«

nsb@Genesis:49:1 @ Jacob called for his sons. He said: »Gather around, and I will tell you what will happen to you in the future.

nsb@Genesis:49:2 @ »Come together and listen, sons of Jacob. Listen to your father Israel.

nsb@Genesis:49:5 @ »Simeon and Levi are brothers. They use their weapons to commit violence.

nsb@Genesis:49:9 @ »Judah is like a lion, killing his victim and returning to his den. He is like a lion stretching out and lying down. No one dares disturb him.

nsb@Genesis:49:11 @ »He will tie his donkey to a grapevine, his colt to the best vine. He will wash his clothes in wine, his garments in the blood of grapes.

nsb@Genesis:49:15 @ »When he sees that his resting place is good and that the land is pleasant, he will bend his back to the burden and will become a slave laborer.

nsb@Genesis:49:29 @ Jacob told his sons: »Soon I will die. I want you to bury me in Machpelah Cave.

nsb@Genesis:49:30 @ »Abraham bought the cave from Ephron the Hittite to use as a burial place. It is near the field of Machpelah. It is also near the town of Mamre in Canaan.

nsb@Genesis:49:33 @ Jacob finished giving these instructions to his sons. He pulled his feet into his bed. He took his last breath and joined his ancestors in death.

nsb@Genesis:50:2 @ Then Joseph gave orders to embalm his father’s body.

nsb@Genesis:50:3 @ It took forty days, which is the normal time for embalming. The Egyptians mourned for him seventy days.

nsb@Genesis:50:4 @ When the time of mourning was over, Joseph said to the king’s officials: »Please take this message to the king:

nsb@Genesis:50:5 @ »When my father was about to die, he made me promise him that I would bury him in the tomb that he had prepared in the land of Canaan. Please, let me go and bury my father. Then I will come back.«

nsb@Genesis:50:7 @ So Joseph went to bury his father. All the king’s officials, the senior men of his court, and all the leading men of Egypt went with Joseph.

nsb@Genesis:50:13 @ They carried his body to Canaan and buried it in the cave at Machpelah east of Mamre. He was buried in the field Abraham bought from Ephron the Hittite for a burial ground.

nsb@Genesis:50:14 @ After the funeral, Joseph, his brothers, and everyone else returned to Egypt.

nsb@Genesis:50:15 @ After Jacob died, Joseph’s brothers said to each other: »What if Joseph still hates us and wants to get even with us for all the cruel things we did to him?«

nsb@Genesis:50:16 @ Thus they sent word to Joseph, saying: »Your father gave us orders before his death. He said,

nsb@Genesis:50:17 @ »‘You are to say to Joseph: »Let the wrongdoing of your brothers be overlooked, and the evil they did to you. If it is your pleasure, forgive the sin of the servants of your father’s God.« ’« Upon hearing these words Joseph was overcome with weeping.

nsb@Genesis:50:19 @ Joseph replied to them: »Do not be afraid! I cannot take God’s place.

nsb@Genesis:50:20 @ »Even though you planned evil against me, God planned good to come out of it. This was to keep many people alive, as he is doing now.

nsb@Genesis:50:21 @ »You have nothing to fear. I will take care of you and your children.« So he reassured them with kind words that touched their hearts.

nsb@Genesis:50:22 @ Joseph continued to live in Egypt with his father’s family. He was a hundred and ten years old when he died.

nsb@Genesis:50:23 @ Joseph lived long enough to see Ephraim’s children and grandchildren. He also lived to see the children of Manasseh’s son Machir. He welcomed them into his family.

nsb@Genesis:50:24 @ Before Joseph died, he told his brothers: »I will not live much longer. God will take care of you. He will lead you out of Egypt to the land he promised Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

nsb@Genesis:50:25 @ »Promise me that you will take my body with you when God leads you to that land.«

nsb@Exodus:1:1 @ These are the names of the sons of Israel who came with their families and with Jacob to Egypt:

nsb@Exodus:1:5 @ Joseph was already in Egypt. The total number of Jacob’s descendants was seventy.

nsb@Exodus:1:8 @ A new king, who knew nothing about Joseph, began to rule in Egypt.

nsb@Exodus:1:9 @ He said to his people: »There are too many Israelites! They are stronger than we are.

nsb@Exodus:1:10 @ »We must outsmart them or they will increase in number. If war breaks out they will leave the country and join our enemies to fight against us.«

nsb@Exodus:1:11 @ So the Egyptians put slave masters over them in order to oppress them through forced labor. They built Pithom and Rameses as supply cities for Pharaoh.

nsb@Exodus:1:13 @ They forced the Israelites to work hard as slaves.

nsb@Exodus:1:15 @ The king of Egypt spoke to the Hebrew midwives. Shiphrah and Puah were among them.

nsb@Exodus:1:16 @ He said: »When you help the Hebrew women give birth on the birth stool, if it is a son you shall put him to death. If it is a daughter, then she shall live.«

nsb@Exodus:1:19 @ The midwives replied to Pharaoh: »Because the Hebrew women are not as the Egyptian women. They are vigorous and give birth before the midwife can get to them.«

nsb@Exodus:1:20 @ God was good to the midwives, and the people multiplied, and became very mighty.

nsb@Exodus:1:22 @ Then Pharaoh commanded all his people: Every son who is born must be thrown into the Nile River. However, keep every daughter alive.

nsb@Exodus:2:3 @ When she could not hide him any longer, she took a basket made of papyrus reeds and coated it with tar and pitch. She put the baby in it and set it among the papyrus reeds near the bank of the Nile River.

nsb@Exodus:2:4 @ The baby’s sister stood at a distance to see what would happen to him.

nsb@Exodus:2:5 @ The king’s daughter came to the river to bathe. Her servants walked along the bank. Suddenly she noticed the basket in the papyrus reeds and sent a slave woman to get it.

nsb@Exodus:2:7 @ His sister asked her: »Shall I go and call a Hebrew woman to nurse the baby for you?«

nsb@Exodus:2:9 @ Pharaoh’s daughter told her: »Take care of this child, and I will pay you. The baby’s mother carried him home and took care of him.«

nsb@Exodus:2:10 @ When he was old enough, she took him to the king’s daughter, who adopted him. She named him Moses because she said: »I pulled him out of the water.«

nsb@Exodus:2:11 @ After Moses had grown up, he went out to where his own people were hard at work. He saw an Egyptian beating one of them.

nsb@Exodus:2:12 @ Moses looked around to see if anyone was watching. Then he killed the Egyptian and hid his body in the sand.

nsb@Exodus:2:13 @ The next day when Moses went out, he saw two Hebrews fighting. So he went to the man who started the fight and asked: »Why are you beating up one of your own people?«

nsb@Exodus:2:14 @ The man replied: »Who made you a prince or a judge over us? Are you intending to kill me as you killed the Egyptian?« Moses was afraid and said: »Surely the matter has become known.«

nsb@Exodus:2:15 @ When Pharaoh heard of this matter, he tried to kill Moses. But Moses fled from the presence of Pharaoh and settled in the land of Midian by a well.

nsb@Exodus:2:16 @ The priest of Midian had seven daughters. They came to draw water and filled the troughs to water their father’s flock.

nsb@Exodus:2:17 @ Then the shepherds came and drove them away. Moses stood up and helped them water their flock.

nsb@Exodus:2:18 @ When they returned to Reuel their father, he said, »Why have you come back so soon today?«

nsb@Exodus:2:21 @ Moses was content to live with the man. He gave Moses his daughter Zipporah.

nsb@Exodus:2:23 @ Time went by and the king of Egypt died. The Israelites still groaned because they were slaves. So they cried out, and their cries for help went up to God.

nsb@Exodus:2:24 @ God heard their groaning. He remembered his promise to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

nsb@Exodus:3:1 @ One day Moses was taking care of the flock of his father-in-law Jethro, the priest of Midian. He led the flock across the desert to Sinai, the holy mountain.

nsb@Exodus:3:2 @ There the angel of Jehovah appeared to him in a flame of fire coming from the middle of a bush. Moses saw that the bush was on fire but that it was not burning up.

nsb@Exodus:3:4 @ Jehovah saw that Moses came closer. He called to him from the middle of the bush: »Moses! Moses!« Moses answered: »Yes, here I am.«

nsb@Exodus:3:6 @ »I am the God of your ancestors, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.« Moses covered his face, because he was afraid to look at God.

nsb@Exodus:3:8 @ »I have come down to rescue them from the Egyptians. I will bring my people out of Egypt into a country where there is good land, rich with milk and honey. I will give them the land where the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites now live.

nsb@Exodus:3:9 @ »My people have begged for my help. I have seen how cruel the Egyptians are to them.

nsb@Exodus:3:10 @ »Now go to Pharaoh! I am sending you to lead my people out of his country.«

nsb@Exodus:3:11 @ But Moses said: »Who am I to go to Pharaoh and lead your people out of Egypt?«

nsb@Exodus:3:12 @ God said: »I will be with you! This shall be the sign to you that it is I who have sent you: when you have brought the people out of Egypt, you shall worship God at this mountain.«

nsb@Exodus:3:13 @ Then Moses said to God: »Behold, I am going to the sons of Israel. I will say to them: ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you.’ Now they may ask me: ‘What is His name?’ What shall I say to them?’«

nsb@Exodus:3:14 @ God then said to Moses: » I WILL BE WHO I WILL BE.« You shall say to the sons of Israel: »I WILL BE, has sent me to you.’«

nsb@Exodus:3:15 @ God, further said to Moses: »You shall say to the sons of Israel: ‘JEHOVAH, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you.’ THIS IS MY NAME FOREVER! This is my memorial-name to all generations.

nsb@Exodus:3:16 @ Go and gather the elders of Israel together and say to them: JEHOVAH, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, has appeared to me. He said: »I am indeed concerned about you and what has been done to you in Egypt.«

nsb@Exodus:3:17 @ »So I said: ‘I will bring you up out of the affliction of Egypt to the land of the Canaanite and the Hittite and the Amorite and the Perizzite and the Hivite and the Jebusite, to a land flowing with milk and honey.« ’

nsb@Exodus:3:18 @ »They will listen to what you say. You with the elders of Israel will approach the king of Egypt. You will say to him: ‘Jehovah the God of the Hebrews, has met with us. So now, please, let us go a three days journey into the wilderness, that we may sacrifice to Jehovah our God.’

nsb@Exodus:3:19 @ »I know that the king of Egypt will not permit you to go, except under compulsion.

nsb@Exodus:4:1 @ Moses responded: »What if they will not believe me or listen to what I say? For they may say: ‘Jehovah has not appeared to you.’«

nsb@Exodus:4:4 @ Jehovah said to Moses: »Reach down and pick it up by the tail.« So Moses reached down and caught it. Suddenly it became a walking stick again.

nsb@Exodus:4:5 @ Jehovah said: »Do this to prove to the Israelites that Jehovah, the God of their ancestors, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, has appeared to you.«

nsb@Exodus:4:6 @ Jehovah spoke to Moses again: »Put your hand inside your robe.« Moses obeyed. When he took his hand out, it was diseased, covered with white spots, like snow.

nsb@Exodus:4:7 @ Jehovah said: »Put your hand inside your robe again.« He did so, and when he took it out this time, it was healthy, just like the rest of his body.

nsb@Exodus:4:9 @ »If in spite of these two signs they still will not believe you, and if they refuse to listen to what you say, take some water from the Nile and pour it on the ground. The water will turn into blood.«

nsb@Exodus:4:10 @ Moses said: »O Jehovah I am not a man of words. I have never been so, and am not now, even after what you have said to your servant. Talking is hard for me, and I am slow of tongue.«

nsb@Exodus:4:11 @ Jehovah said to him: »Who has made man’s mouth? Or who makes him mute or deaf, or seeing or blind? Is it not I, Jehovah?

nsb@Exodus:4:12 @ »Now then go, and I, even I, will be with your mouth. I will teach you what you are to say.«

nsb@Exodus:4:14 @ Then the anger of Jehovah burned against Moses, and He said: »Is there not your brother Aaron the Levite? I know that he speaks fluently. He is coming out to meet you. When he sees you, he will be glad in his heart.

nsb@Exodus:4:15 @ »You are to speak to him and put the words in his mouth. I will be with your mouth and his mouth. I will teach you what you are to do.

nsb@Exodus:4:16 @ Moreover, he shall speak for you to the people. He will be as a mouth for you and you will be as God to him.

nsb@Exodus:4:18 @ Moses departed and returned to Jethro his father-in-law and said to him: »Please, let me go, that I may return to my brothers who are in Egypt, and see if they are still alive.« Jethro said to Moses: »Go in peace.«

nsb@Exodus:4:19 @ Jehovah said to Moses in Midian: »Go back to Egypt, for all the men who were seeking your life are dead.«

nsb@Exodus:4:20 @ So Moses took his wife and his sons and mounted them on a donkey and returned to the land of Egypt. Moses also took the staff of God in his hand.

nsb@Exodus:4:21 @ Jehovah said to Moses: »When you go back to Egypt see that you perform before Pharaoh all the wonders that I have put in your power. I will harden his heart so that he will not let the people go.«

nsb@Exodus:4:22 @ »Say to Pharaoh: ‘Thus says Jehovah, Israel is my son, my firstborn.

nsb@Exodus:4:23 @ »‘So I said to you: ‘Let My son go that he may serve me. But you have refused to let him go. Behold, I will kill your son, your firstborn.« ’«

nsb@Exodus:4:24 @ Now it came about at the lodging place on the way that Jehovah met him and sought to put him to death.

nsb@Exodus:4:25 @ Zipporah took a flint and cut off her son’s foreskin and threw it at Moses’ feet. She said: »You are indeed a bridegroom of blood to me.«

nsb@Exodus:4:27 @ Jehovah said to Aaron: »Go to meet Moses in the wilderness.« So he went and met him at the mountain of God and kissed him.

nsb@Exodus:4:28 @ Moses told Aaron all the words Jehovah sent him to tell Moses, and all the signs that he had commanded him to do.

nsb@Exodus:4:29 @ Then Moses and Aaron went to Egypt and assembled all the elders of the people of Israel.

nsb@Exodus:4:30 @ Aaron told them everything Jehovah had said to Moses. He also did the miraculous signs for the people.

nsb@Exodus:5:1 @ Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh. They said: »Jehovah, the God of Israel, says: ‘Let My people go that they may celebrate a feast to me in the wilderness.’«

nsb@Exodus:5:2 @ But Pharaoh responded: »Who is Jehovah, that I should obey his voice to let Israel go? I do not know Jehovah, and besides, I will not let Israel go.«

nsb@Exodus:5:3 @ Then they said: »The God of the Hebrews met with us. Please, let us go on a three-day journey into the wilderness. Then we may sacrifice to Jehovah our God. Otherwise he will fall upon us with pestilence or with the sword.«

nsb@Exodus:5:4 @ The king of Egypt replied: »Moses and Aaron, why do you distract the people from their work? Get back to work!«

nsb@Exodus:5:5 @ Pharaoh added: »Look how many people there are in the land! Do you want them to quit working?«

nsb@Exodus:5:6 @ Pharaoh gave these orders to the slave drivers and foremen:

nsb@Exodus:5:7 @ »Do not give the people any more straw to make bricks as you have been doing. Let them gather their own straw.

nsb@Exodus:5:8 @ »Insist that they make the same number of bricks they were making before. Making fewer bricks will not be acceptable. They are lazy! That is why they are crying: Let us go offer sacrifices to our God.

nsb@Exodus:5:9 @ »Make the work harder for these people so that they will be too busy to listen to lies.«

nsb@Exodus:5:10 @ The slave drivers and the Israelite foremen went out and said to the Israelites: »The king has said that he will not supply you with any more straw.

nsb@Exodus:5:13 @ The slave bosses were hard on them. They kept saying: »Each day you have to make as many bricks as you did when you were given straw.«

nsb@Exodus:5:14 @ The bosses beat the men in charge of the slaves and said: »Why did you not force the slaves to make as many bricks yesterday and today as they did before?«

nsb@Exodus:5:15 @ Finally, the men in charge of the slaves went to the king and asked: »Why are you treating us like this?

nsb@Exodus:5:16 @ »No one brings us any straw. Yet we are still ordered to make the same number of bricks. We are beaten with whips, and your own people are to blame.«

nsb@Exodus:5:17 @ The king replied: »You are lazy. You are just lazy! That is why you keep asking me to let you go and sacrifice to Jehovah.

nsb@Exodus:5:18 @ »Get back to work! You will not be given straw, but you must still make the same number of bricks.«

nsb@Exodus:5:19 @ The Israelite foremen realized they were in trouble when they were told: »Do not make fewer bricks each day than you are supposed to

nsb@Exodus:5:21 @ They said: »May Jehovah see what you have done and judge you! You have made Pharaoh and his officials hate us. You have given them an excuse to kill us.«

nsb@Exodus:5:22 @ Moses went back to Jehovah and asked: »Why have you brought this trouble on your people? Why did you send me?

nsb@Exodus:5:23 @ »Ever since I went to Pharaoh to speak for you, he has treated your people cruelly, and you have done nothing at all to rescue your people.«

nsb@Exodus:6:1 @ Jehovah said to Moses: »Now you will see what I will do to Pharaoh. I will show him my power. He will let my people go! I will show him my power, and he will throw them out of his country.«

nsb@Exodus:6:2 @ God spoke further to Moses and said to him: »I am Jehovah.

nsb@Exodus:6:3 @ »I appeared to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, as God Almighty, but by my name, Jehovah, I did not make myself known to them.

nsb@Exodus:6:4 @ »I also established my covenant with them, to give them the land of Canaan, the land in which they lived as foreigners.

nsb@Exodus:6:8 @ »I will bring you to the land I solemnly swore to give to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. I will give it to you as your own possession. I am Jehovah!’«

nsb@Exodus:6:9 @ Moses reported this to the Israelites. But they would not listen to him. For they were so discouraged by their backbreaking work.

nsb@Exodus:6:10 @ Then Jehovah told Moses:

nsb@Exodus:6:12 @ But Moses replied: »I am not a powerful speaker. If the sons of Israel will not listen to me, why should the king of Egypt?«

nsb@Exodus:6:13 @ Jehovah sent Aaron and Moses with a message for the sons of Israel and for the king. He also ordered Aaron and Moses to free the people from Egypt.

nsb@Exodus:6:16 @ These are the names of the sons of Levi according to their generations: Gershon and Kohath and Merari. Levi lived one hundred and thirty-seven years.

nsb@Exodus:6:17 @ The sons of Gershon: Libni and Shimei, according to their families.

nsb@Exodus:6:19 @ The sons of Merari: Mahli and Mushi. These are the families of the Levites according to their generations.

nsb@Exodus:6:25 @ Aaron’s son Eleazar married one of the daughters of Putiel, and she bore him Phinehas. These are the heads of the fathers’ households of the Levites according to their families.

nsb@Exodus:6:26 @ It was the same Aaron and Moses to whom Jehovah said: »Bring out the sons of Israel from the land of Egypt according to their hosts.«

nsb@Exodus:6:27 @ They were the ones who spoke to Pharaoh king of Egypt about bringing out the sons of Israel from Egypt. It was the same Moses and Aaron.

nsb@Exodus:6:28 @ On the day when Jehovah spoke to Moses in the land of Egypt,

nsb@Exodus:6:29 @ Jehovah said to Moses: »I am Jehovah! Speak to Pharaoh king of Egypt all that I speak to you.«

nsb@Exodus:6:30 @ But Moses protested to Jehovah: »I am unskilled in speech. How then will Pharaoh listen to me?«

nsb@Exodus:7:1 @ Jehovah said to Moses: »See, I make you as God to Pharaoh, and your brother Aaron shall be your prophet.

nsb@Exodus:7:2 @ »You shall speak all that I command you. Your brother Aaron shall speak to Pharaoh that he let the sons of Israel go out of his land.

nsb@Exodus:7:4 @ »Pharaoh will not listen to you. Then I will use my power to punish Egypt severely. I will bring my people, the sons of Israel, out of Egypt in organized family groups.

nsb@Exodus:7:7 @ Moses was eighty years old and Aaron was eighty-three when they talked to Pharaoh.

nsb@Exodus:7:8 @ Jehovah said to Moses and Aaron:

nsb@Exodus:7:9 @ »Pharaoh will say: ‘Give me a sign to prove that God has sent you.’ Tell Aaron: ‘Take your shepherd’s staff and throw it down in front of Pharaoh. It will become a large snake.’

nsb@Exodus:7:10 @ Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh. They did as Jehovah commanded. Aaron threw his staff down in front of Pharaoh and his officials. It became a large snake.

nsb@Exodus:7:13 @ Pharaoh continued to be stubborn. Just as Jehovah had predicted, he would not listen to them.

nsb@Exodus:7:14 @ Jehovah said to Moses: »Pharaoh is being stubborn. He will not let my people go.

nsb@Exodus:7:15 @ »In the morning meet Pharaoh when he is on his way to the Nile. Wait for him on the bank of the river. Take the staff that turned into a snake.

nsb@Exodus:7:16 @ »Say to Pharaoh: ‘Jehovah the God of the Hebrews sent me to tell you, Let my people go to worship me in the wilderness. So far you have not listened.’«

nsb@Exodus:7:17 @ »Jehovah says: ‘This is the way you will recognize that I am Jehovah: I will strike the Nile with this staff in my hand. The water will turn into blood.

nsb@Exodus:7:18 @ ‘The fish in the Nile will die. The river will stink. The Egyptians will not be able to drink any water from the Nile.« ’«

nsb@Exodus:7:19 @ Jehovah then spoke to Moses: »Tell Aaron, Take your staff and stretch out your hand over the waters of Egypt; its rivers, canals, ponds, and all its reservoirs. They will turn into blood. There will be blood everywhere in Egypt, even in the buckets of wood and stone pitchers.«

nsb@Exodus:7:20 @ Moses and Aaron did as Jehovah commanded. Aaron raised his staff and struck the Nile in front of Pharaoh and his officials. All the water in the river turned into blood.

nsb@Exodus:7:22 @ But the Egyptian magicians did the same thing using their magic spells. So Pharaoh continued to be stubborn. He would not listen to Moses and Aaron, just as Jehovah predicted.

nsb@Exodus:7:23 @ Pharaoh turned and went back to his palace. This did not change his mind and heart.

nsb@Exodus:7:24 @ All the Egyptians dug along the Nile for water to drink because they could not drink any of the water from the river.

nsb@Exodus:8:1 @ Then Jehovah said to Moses: »Approach Pharaoh and say to him, ‘Jehovah says: »Let My people go, that they may serve me.

nsb@Exodus:8:2 @ »‘»But if you refuse to let them go, behold, I will afflict your whole territory with frogs.

nsb@Exodus:8:3 @ »‘»The Nile will swarm with frogs. They will come up and go into your house and into your bedroom and on your bed. They will go into the houses of your servants and on your people, and into your ovens and into your kneading bowls.

nsb@Exodus:8:5 @ Jehovah also said to Moses: »Say to Aaron, ‘Stretch out your hand with your staff over the rivers, over the streams and over the pools. Make frogs come up on the land of Egypt.’«

nsb@Exodus:8:7 @ »But the magicians used their secret powers to do the same thing.

nsb@Exodus:8:8 @ »The king sent for Moses and Aaron and told them: If you ask Jehovah to take these frogs away from me and my people, I will let your people go and offer sacrifices to him.«

nsb@Exodus:8:9 @ Moses answered: »You choose the time when I am to pray for the frogs to stop bothering you, your officials, and your people, and for them to leave your houses and be found only in the river.«

nsb@Exodus:8:10 @ The king replied: »Do it tomorrow!« »As you wish:« Moses agreed. »Then everyone will discover that there is no god like Jehovah!

nsb@Exodus:8:12 @ Moses and Aaron left the palace. Moses begged Jehovah to do something about the frogs he had sent as punishment for the king.

nsb@Exodus:8:14 @ The Egyptians piled them up in large mounds, until the land began to stink with them.

nsb@Exodus:8:15 @ The king saw that the frogs were dead. He became stubborn again and, just as Jehovah had said, the king would not listen to Moses and Aaron.

nsb@Exodus:8:16 @ Jehovah said to Moses: »Tell Aaron, »Strike the ground with your stick. The dust will change into gnats in all of Egypt.’«

nsb@Exodus:8:17 @ So Aaron struck the ground with his stick. The dust in Egypt was turned into gnats. They swarmed over the people and the animals.

nsb@Exodus:8:18 @ The magicians tried to use their magic to make gnats appear, but they failed. There were gnats everywhere!

nsb@Exodus:8:19 @ The magicians said to the king: »It is the finger of God!« But the king was stubborn. Just as Jehovah predicted, the king would not listen to Moses and Aaron.

nsb@Exodus:8:20 @ Jehovah said to Moses: »Early tomorrow morning, go and meet the king as he goes to the river. Tell him that Jehovah says: ‘Let my people go, so that they can serve me.

nsb@Exodus:8:23 @ »‘»I will put a dividing line between my people and your people. This sign will happen tomorrow.« ’«

nsb@Exodus:8:24 @ Jehovah did what he said. Dense swarms of flies came into Pharaoh’s palace and into the houses of his officials. All over Egypt the flies ruined everything.

nsb@Exodus:8:25 @ Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron. He said: »Go, sacrifice to your God here in this country.«

nsb@Exodus:8:26 @ Moses replied: »It is not right to do that. The sacrifices we offer to Jehovah our God are disgusting to Egyptians. If they see us offer sacrifices that they consider disgusting, will they not stone us to death?

nsb@Exodus:8:27 @ »We need to travel three days into the desert to offer sacrifices to Jehovah our God, as he told us to do.«

nsb@Exodus:8:28 @ Pharaoh said: »I will let you go, but do not go far. You may offer sacrifices to Jehovah your God in the desert and pray for me.«

nsb@Exodus:8:29 @ Moses answered: »As soon as I leave you, I will pray to Jehovah. Tomorrow the swarms of flies will go away from you, your officials, and your people. But you must stop tricking us by not letting the people go to offer sacrifices to Jehovah.«

nsb@Exodus:8:30 @ Moses left Pharaoh and prayed to Jehovah.

nsb@Exodus:9:1 @ Then Jehovah said to Moses: »Go to Pharaoh, and tell him, this is what Jehovah the God of the Hebrews says: Let my people go to serve me.

nsb@Exodus:9:2 @ »If you refuse to let them go and continue to hold them in slavery,

nsb@Exodus:9:3 @ Jehovah will bring a terrible plague on your livestock, including your horses, donkeys, camels, cattle, sheep, and goats.

nsb@Exodus:9:4 @ »‘»Jehovah will distinguish between Israel’s livestock and the livestock of the Egyptians. The animals belonging to the Israelites will not die.« ’«

nsb@Exodus:9:5 @ Jehovah set a definite time: »I, Jehovah, choose tomorrow as the time when I will do this.«

nsb@Exodus:9:7 @ The king asked what had happened. He was told that none of the animals of the Israelites had died. He was stubborn and would not let the people go.

nsb@Exodus:9:8 @ Then Jehovah said to Moses and Aaron: »Take a few handfuls of ashes from a furnace. Moses is to throw them into the air in front of the king.

nsb@Exodus:9:10 @ They got some ashes and stood before the king. Moses threw them into the air. They produced boils that became open sores on the people and the animals.

nsb@Exodus:9:11 @ The magicians were not able to appear before Moses, because they were covered with boils, like all the other Egyptians.

nsb@Exodus:9:12 @ Jehovah hardened the heart of Pharaoh and he did not listen to Moses and Aaron. Everything happened just as Jehovah had told Moses.

nsb@Exodus:9:13 @ Jehovah told Moses to get up early the next morning and say to the king: »God of the Hebrews commands you to let his people go, so they can serve him!

nsb@Exodus:9:14 @ »If you do not, he will send his worst plagues to strike you, your officials, and everyone else in your country. Then you will find out that no one can oppose Jehovah.

nsb@Exodus:9:16 @ »I have allowed you to remain, in order to show you my power and in order to proclaim my name through all the earth.

nsb@Exodus:9:18 @ »At this time tomorrow, I will send a very heavy hail, such as has not been seen in Egypt from the day it was founded until now.

nsb@Exodus:9:19 @ »Bring your livestock and whatever you have in the field to safety. Every man and beast that is found in the field and is not brought home will die from the hail.«

nsb@Exodus:9:20 @ The ones among the servants of Pharaoh who respected the word of Jehovah made his servants and his livestock flee into the houses.

nsb@Exodus:9:21 @ He who paid no regard to the word of Jehovah left his servants and his livestock in the field.

nsb@Exodus:9:22 @ Jehovah said to Moses: »Stretch out your hand toward the sky. Hail will fall on all the land of Egypt, on man and on beast and on every plant of the field, throughout the land of Egypt.«

nsb@Exodus:9:23 @ Moses stretched out his staff toward the sky. Then Jehovah sent thunder and hail, and fire ran down to the earth. Jehovah rained hail on the land of Egypt.

nsb@Exodus:9:24 @ It hailed, and lightning flashed while it hailed. This was the worst storm in all the land of Egypt since it had become a nation.

nsb@Exodus:9:28 @ »Pray to Jehovah! We have had enough of this thunder and hail! I promise to let you go. You do not have to stay here any longer.«

nsb@Exodus:9:29 @ Moses said to him: »As soon as I go out of the city, I will lift up my hands in prayer to Jehovah. The thunder will stop. There will be no more hail. Thus you may know that the earth belongs to Jehovah.

nsb@Exodus:9:33 @ Moses left the royal palace and the city. He lifted his arms in prayer to Jehovah. The thunder, hail, and drenching rain stopped.

nsb@Exodus:9:34 @ The king realized that the storm was over. He disobeyed once more. He and his officials were so stubborn

nsb@Exodus:9:35 @ that he refused to let the Israelites go. This was exactly what Jehovah said would happen.

nsb@Exodus:10:1 @ Jehovah told Moses: »Go back to the king. I have made him and his officials stubborn, so that I could work these signs.

nsb@Exodus:10:2 @ »I did this because I want you to tell your children and your grandchildren about the mighty things and the signs I have done in Egypt. Then all of you will know that I am Jehovah.«

nsb@Exodus:10:3 @ Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and said to him: »Thus says Jehovah, the God of the Hebrews, ‘How long will you refuse to humble yourself before me? Let my people go, that they may serve me.

nsb@Exodus:10:4 @ »‘If you refuse to let my people go, behold, tomorrow I will bring locusts into your territory.

nsb@Exodus:10:5 @ »‘They shall cover the surface of the land. No one will be able to see the land. They will also eat the rest of what has escaped and is left to you from the hail. They will eat every tree that sprouts for you out of the field.

nsb@Exodus:10:7 @ Pharaoh’s servants said to him: »How long shall this man be a snare to us? Let the men go so that they may serve Jehovah their God. Do you not yet know that Egypt is destroyed?«

nsb@Exodus:10:8 @ Moses and Aaron were brought again to Pharaoh. He said to them: »Go! Serve Jehovah your God. Who are the ones that shall go?«

nsb@Exodus:10:9 @ Moses said: »We will go with our young and with our old, with our sons and with our daughters. We will go with our flocks and with our herds. We must hold a feast to Jehovah.«

nsb@Exodus:10:10 @ He said to them: »May Jehovah be with you, as I send you and your little ones away. Watch out for evil is before you.

nsb@Exodus:10:12 @ Jehovah said to Moses: »Stretch out your hand over the land of Egypt for the locusts. Let them come up upon the land of Egypt and eat every herb of the land, all that the hail has left.«

nsb@Exodus:10:17 @ »Please forgive my sin one more time. Pray to Jehovah your God to take this deadly plague away from me.«

nsb@Exodus:10:18 @ Moses left Pharaoh and prayed to Jehovah.

nsb@Exodus:10:19 @ Jehovah changed the wind to a very strong west wind. It picked up the locusts and blew them into the Red Sea. Not one locust was left anywhere in Egypt.

nsb@Exodus:10:21 @ Jehovah then said to Moses: »Raise your hand toward the sky. Darkness thick enough to be felt will cover the land of Egypt.«

nsb@Exodus:10:22 @ Moses raised his hand toward the sky. Total darkness fell throughout Egypt for three days.

nsb@Exodus:10:25 @ Moses answered: »Then you would have to provide us with animals for sacrifices and burnt offerings to offer to Jehovah our God.

nsb@Exodus:10:26 @ »No, we will take our animals with us! Not one will be left behind. We must select the animals with which to worship Jehovah our God. We will not know what animals to sacrifice to him until we get there.«

nsb@Exodus:10:28 @ He said to Moses: »Get out of my sight! Do not let me ever see you again! On the day I do, you will die!«

nsb@Exodus:11:1 @ Jehovah said to Moses: »I will send only one more punishment on the king of Egypt and his people. After that he will let you leave. In fact, he will drive all of you out of here.

nsb@Exodus:11:2 @ »Speak to the people of Israel and tell all of them to ask their neighbors for gold and silver jewelry.«

nsb@Exodus:11:3 @ Jehovah made the Egyptians respect the Israelites. Indeed, the officials and all the people considered Moses to be a very great man.

nsb@Exodus:11:4 @ Moses approached the king. He said: »I have come to let you know what Jehovah is going to do. About midnight he will go through the land of Egypt,

nsb@Exodus:11:8 @ All these your servants will come down to me and bow themselves before me. They will say: »Go out, you and all the people who follow you. Then I will go out.« He went out from Pharaoh in hot anger.

nsb@Exodus:11:9 @ Then Jehovah said to Moses: »Pharaoh will not listen to you, so that my signs will be multiplied in the land of Egypt.«

nsb@Exodus:12:1 @ Jehovah said to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt:

nsb@Exodus:12:2 @ »This month shall be the beginning of months for you. It is to be the first month of the year to you.

nsb@Exodus:12:4 @ »‘A household may be too small to eat a whole animal. That household and the one next-door can share one animal. Choose your animal based on the number of people and what each person can eat.

nsb@Exodus:12:7 @ »‘Some of the blood must be put on the two doorposts and above the door of each house where the animals are to be eaten.

nsb@Exodus:12:8 @ »‘That night the animals are to be roasted and eaten, together with bitter herbs and unleavened bread made without yeast.

nsb@Exodus:12:13 @ »The blood will be a sign for you on the houses where you live. When I see the blood I will pass over you. No plague will befall you to destroy you when I strike the land of Egypt.

nsb@Exodus:12:14 @ »This day will be a memorial to you. You shall celebrate it as a feast to Jehovah. You are to celebrate it as a permanent ordinance throughout your generations.

nsb@Exodus:12:21 @ Moses called all the elders of Israel and said: »Take lambs according to your families and slay the Passover lamb.

nsb@Exodus:12:22 @ »Take a bunch of hyssop and dip it in the blood that is in the basin. Apply some of the blood that is in the basin to the lintel and the two doorposts. No one shall go outside the door of his house until morning.

nsb@Exodus:12:23 @ »Jehovah will pass through to strike the Egyptians. When he sees the blood on the top and sides of the doorframe, Jehovah will pass over the door and will not allow the destroyer to come in to your houses to kill you.

nsb@Exodus:12:24 @ »You shall observe this event as an ordinance for you and your children from generation to generation.

nsb@Exodus:12:26 @ »When your children ask you: What does this rite mean to you?

nsb@Exodus:12:27 @ »You shall say: ‘It is a Passover sacrifice to Jehovah who passed over the houses of the sons of Israel in Egypt when He killed the Egyptians, but spared our homes. The people bowed low and worshiped.’«

nsb@Exodus:12:29 @ At midnight Jehovah killed every firstborn male in Egypt from the firstborn son of Pharaoh who ruled the land to the firstborn son of the prisoner in jail, and also every firstborn animal.

nsb@Exodus:12:32 @ »Take your flocks and herds, too, as you asked. Just go! And bless me, too!«

nsb@Exodus:12:33 @ The Egyptians begged the people to leave the country quickly. They said: »We will all be dead soon!«

nsb@Exodus:12:35 @ The sons of Israel did what Moses told them. They asked the Egyptians for gold and silver jewelry and for clothes.

nsb@Exodus:12:36 @ Jehovah made the Egyptians generous to the people. They gave them what they asked for. So the sons of Israel stripped Egypt of its wealth.

nsb@Exodus:12:37 @ The Israelites left Rameses to go to Succoth. There were about six hundred thousand men on foot, plus all the women and children.

nsb@Exodus:12:39 @ With the dough they had brought from Egypt, they baked round, flat bread. The dough had not risen because they had been thrown out of Egypt and had no time to prepare food for the trip.

nsb@Exodus:12:42 @ It is a night to be observed for Jehovah for having brought them out from the land of Egypt. This night is for Jehovah and should be observed by all the sons of Israel throughout their generations.

nsb@Exodus:12:43 @ Jehovah said to Moses and Aaron: »This is the ordinance of the Passover: no foreigner is to eat of it.

nsb@Exodus:12:48 @ »The uncircumcised man may not eat it. If a foreigner has settled among you and wants to celebrate Passover to honor Jehovah, you must first circumcise all the males of his household. He is then to be treated like a native-born Israelite and may join in the festival.

nsb@Exodus:12:49 @ »The same regulations apply to native-born Israelites and to foreigners who settle among you.«

nsb@Exodus:13:1 @ Jehovah said to Moses:

nsb@Exodus:13:2 @ »Consecrate all the first-born males to me. Every first-born male Israelite and every first-born male animal belongs to me!«

nsb@Exodus:13:3 @ Moses said to the people: »Remember this day in the month of Abib. It is the day Jehovah’s mighty power rescued you from slavery in Egypt. Do not eat anything made with yeast.

nsb@Exodus:13:5 @ »Jehovah shall bring you into the land of the Canaanites, and the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites. He swore to your fathers to give you this land flowing with milk and honey. You shall observe this rite in this month.

nsb@Exodus:13:6 @ »You must eat unleavened bread seven days. The seventh day will be a feast to Jehovah.

nsb@Exodus:13:9 @ »This festival will be like a mark on your hand. It will be a reminder on your forehead that the teachings of Jehovah are always to be a part of your conversation! Jehovah used his mighty hand to bring you out of Egypt.

nsb@Exodus:13:11 @ »When Jehovah brings you to the land of the Canaanites and gives it to you, as he swore to you and your ancestors,

nsb@Exodus:13:12 @ sacrifice every firstborn male offspring to Jehovah. The firstborn male offspring of each of your animals belongs to Jehovah.

nsb@Exodus:13:13 @ »It will cost you a sheep or a goat to buy any firstborn donkey back from Jehovah. You must break the donkey’s neck if you do not buy it back. You must also buy every firstborn son back from Jehovah.

nsb@Exodus:13:14 @ »In the future when your children ask you, ‘What does this mean?’ tell them: ‘Jehovah used his mighty hand to bring us out of slavery in Egypt.’’«

nsb@Exodus:13:15 @ »Pharaoh was too stubborn to let us go. Because of this every firstborn male in Egypt-human and animal was killed. This is why we sacrifice every firstborn male to Jehovah and buy every firstborn son back from Jehovah.

nsb@Exodus:13:16 @ »This festival will be like a mark on your hand and like a band on your forehead, because Jehovah used his mighty hand to bring us out of Egypt.«

nsb@Exodus:13:17 @ »When the king of Egypt let the people go God did not take them on the road that goes up the coast to Philistia, although it was the shortest way. God thought: I do not want the people to change their minds and return to Egypt when they see that they are going to have to fight.«

nsb@Exodus:13:19 @ Moses took the body of Joseph with him. Joseph made the Israelites solemnly promise to do so. Joseph said: When God rescues you, you must carry my body with you from this place.

nsb@Exodus:13:21 @ Jehovah went in front of them in a pillar of cloud to show them the way during the day. He went in front of them in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel at night.

nsb@Exodus:14:1 @ Jehovah said to Moses:

nsb@Exodus:14:2 @ »Tell the Israelites to turn back and camp in front of Pi Hahiroth, between Migdol and the Red Sea, near Baal Zephon.

nsb@Exodus:14:4 @ »I will make him stubborn. He will pursue you. My victory over the king and his army will bring me honor. Then the Egyptians will know that I am Jehovah!« The Israelites did as they were told.

nsb@Exodus:14:5 @ The king of Egypt was told that the people had escaped. He and his officials changed their minds and said: »What have we done? We have let the Israelites escape, and we have lost them as our slaves!«

nsb@Exodus:14:7 @ He commanded his officers in charge of his six hundred best chariots and all his other chariots to start after the Israelites.

nsb@Exodus:14:11 @ They also complained to Moses: Was there not enough room in Egypt to bury us? Is that why you brought us out here to die in the desert? Why did you bring us out of Egypt?

nsb@Exodus:14:12 @ »Did we not say in Egypt: Leave us alone that we may serve the Egyptians? It would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the desert.«

nsb@Exodus:14:13 @ But Moses said to the people: »Do not fear! Stand by and see the salvation of Jehovah. He will accomplish this for you today. The Egyptians whom you have seen today, you will never see them again forever.

nsb@Exodus:14:15 @ Jehovah said to Moses: »Why are you crying out to me? Tell the sons of Israel to go forward.

nsb@Exodus:14:19 @ The angel of God, who had been going before the camp of Israel, moved and went behind them. The pillar of cloud moved from before them and stood behind them.

nsb@Exodus:14:21 @ Moses stretched out his hand over the sea. Jehovah swept the sea back by a strong east wind all night and turned the sea into dry land. The waters were divided.

nsb@Exodus:14:22 @ The Israelites went through the middle of the sea on dry ground. The water stood like a wall on their right and on their left.

nsb@Exodus:14:23 @ The Egyptians pursued them. Pharaoh’s horses, chariots, and cavalry followed them into the sea.

nsb@Exodus:14:24 @ Just before dawn, Jehovah looked down from the column of fire and smoke and threw the Egyptian camp into a panic.

nsb@Exodus:14:26 @ Jehovah then said to Moses: »Hold out your hand over the sea, and the water will flow back over the Egyptians and their chariots and drivers.«

nsb@Exodus:14:27 @ Moses held out his hand over the sea. At daybreak the water returned to its normal level. The Egyptians tried to escape from the water. But Jehovah threw them into the sea.

nsb@Exodus:14:28 @ The water returned and covered the chariots, the drivers, and all the Egyptian army that had followed the Israelites into the sea. None of them were left.

nsb@Exodus:14:31 @ The Israelites saw the great power with which Jehovah had defeated the Egyptians. So they stood in awe of Jehovah. They had faith in Jehovah and in his servant Moses.

nsb@Exodus:15:1 @ Moses and the Israelites sang this song to Jehovah: »I will sing to Jehovah, because he has won a glorious victory. He has thrown the horses and their riders into the sea.

nsb@Exodus:15:4 @ »He threw the chariots and army of Egypt’s king into the Red Sea, and he drowned the best of the king’s army.

nsb@Exodus:15:5 @ »The depths have covered them. They sank to the bottom just like boulders.

nsb@Exodus:15:8 @ »With a blast from your nostrils, the water piled up. The waves stood up like a dam. The deep water thickened in the middle of the sea.

nsb@Exodus:15:16 @ »Terror and dread fall upon them. By the greatness of your arm they are motionless as stone. Until your people pass over, O Jehovah, until the people pass over whom you have purchased.

nsb@Exodus:15:19 @ When Pharaoh’s horses, chariots, and cavalry went into the sea, Jehovah made the water of the sea flow back over them. The Israelites had gone through the sea on dry ground.

nsb@Exodus:15:20 @ The prophet Miriam, Aaron’s sister, took a tambourine in her hand. All the women, danced with tambourines, and followed her.

nsb@Exodus:15:21 @ Miriam sang to them: »Sing to Jehovah. He has won a glorious victory. He has thrown horses and their riders into the sea.«

nsb@Exodus:15:22 @ Moses led Israel away from the Red Sea into the desert of Shur. For three days they traveled in the desert without finding water.

nsb@Exodus:15:23 @ When they came to Marah, they could not drink the water because it tasted bitter. That is why the place was called Marah.

nsb@Exodus:15:25 @ Moses cried out to Jehovah. Jehovah showed him a piece of wood. He threw it into the water, and the water became sweet. Jehovah presented laws and rules for them to live by. He tested them there.

nsb@Exodus:15:26 @ He said: »If you will listen carefully to Jehovah your God and do what he considers right, if you pay attention to his commands and obey all his laws, I will never make you suffer any of the diseases I made the Egyptians suffer. I am Jehovah, who heals you.«

nsb@Exodus:15:27 @ Then they went to Elim. There were twelve springs and seventy palm trees. They camped there by the water.

nsb@Exodus:16:1 @ The whole congregation of Israelites moved from Elim to the desert of Sin, which is between Elim and Sinai. This was on the fifteenth day of the second month after they left Egypt.

nsb@Exodus:16:3 @ The Israelites said to them: »If only Jehovah had allowed us die in Egypt! There we sat by our pots of meat and ate all the food we wanted! You brought us out into this desert to let us all starve to death!«

nsb@Exodus:16:4 @ Jehovah said to Moses: »I am going to cause food to rain down from the sky for all of you. The people must go out every day and gather enough for that day. In this way I can test them to find out if they will follow my instructions.

nsb@Exodus:16:5 @ »They are to bring in twice as much as usual and prepare it on the sixth day.«

nsb@Exodus:16:6 @ Moses and Aaron said to all the Israelites: »This evening you will know that it was Jehovah who brought you out of Egypt.

nsb@Exodus:16:8 @ Moses said: »This will happen when Jehovah gives you meat to eat in the evening, and bread to eat in the morning. Jehovah hears your complaints against him. And what are we? Your complaints are not against us but against Jehovah.«

nsb@Exodus:16:9 @ Moses said to Aaron: »Say to all the congregation of the sons of Israel: ‘Come near before Jehovah for he has heard your complaints.’«

nsb@Exodus:16:10 @ Aaron was speaking to them, when everyone looked out toward the desert and saw the bright glory of Jehovah in a cloud.

nsb@Exodus:16:11 @ Jehovah said to Moses:

nsb@Exodus:16:12 @ »I have heard my people complain. I said to them: ‘Each evening you will have meat and each morning they will have more than enough bread.’ Then you will know that I am Jehovah their God.’«

nsb@Exodus:16:15 @ When the children of Israel saw, they said to one another: »What is this?« For they did not know what it was. Moses said to them: »This is the bread Jehovah has given you to eat.«

nsb@Exodus:16:16 @ This is what Jehovah has commanded: »Each man should gather according to what he can eat. You shall take two quarts for each person in your tent.«

nsb@Exodus:16:18 @ They measured it. Those who gathered much did not have too much. Some who gathered less did not have too little. Each had gathered just what he needed.

nsb@Exodus:16:19 @ Moses said: »No one is to keep any of it for tomorrow.«

nsb@Exodus:16:20 @ Some of them did not listen to Moses and saved part of it. The next morning it was full of worms and smelled rotten. Moses was angry with them.

nsb@Exodus:16:22 @ The sixth day they gathered twice as much food, four quarts for each person. All the leaders of the congregation came and told Moses about it. (Mark strkjv@15:42)

nsb@Exodus:16:23 @ Moses said: »Jehovah has commanded that tomorrow is a holy day of rest, dedicated to God. Bake today what you want to bake and boil what you want to boil. Whatever is left should be put aside and kept for tomorrow.«

nsb@Exodus:16:25 @ Moses said: »Eat this today, because today is the Sabbath, a day of rest dedicated to Jehovah. You will not find any food outside the camp.

nsb@Exodus:16:27 @ Some of the people went out on the seventh day to gather. They did not find any.

nsb@Exodus:16:28 @ Jehovah spoke to Moses: »How long do you refuse to keep my commandments and my instructions?

nsb@Exodus:16:33 @ Moses said to Aaron: »Take a jar, and put two quarts of manna in it. Place it before Jehovah, to be kept throughout your generations.«

nsb@Exodus:16:34 @ Aaron placed it before the Testimony, to be kept just as Jehovah commanded Moses.

nsb@Exodus:16:35 @ The children of Israel ate the manna forty years, until they came to an inhabited land. They ate the manna until they came to the border of the land of Canaan.

nsb@Exodus:17:1 @ The entire congregation of Israelites left the desert of Sin and traveled from place to place as Jehovah commanded them. They camped at Rephidim, but there was no water for the people to drink.

nsb@Exodus:17:2 @ So they complained to Moses about this: »Give us water to drink!« Moses said: »Why do you complain to me? Why do you test Jehovah?«

nsb@Exodus:17:3 @ The people were thirsty for water. They complained to Moses and asked: »Why did you bring us out of Egypt? Was it to make us, our children, and our livestock die of thirst?«

nsb@Exodus:17:4 @ Moses cried out to Jehovah: »What should I do with these people? They are almost ready to stone me!«

nsb@Exodus:17:5 @ Jehovah said to Moses: »Go in front of the people. Take the elders of Israel with you. Take your rod with which you struck the river, in your hand, and go.

nsb@Exodus:17:9 @ Moses said to Joshua: »Choose some of our men. Then fight the Amalekites. Tomorrow I will stand on top of the hill. I will hold in my hand the staff God told me to take along.«