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bbe@Genesis:2:2 @And on the seventh day God came to the end of all his work; and on the seventh day he took his rest from all the work which he had done.

bbe@Genesis:2:3 @And God gave his blessing to the seventh day and made it holy: because on that day he took his rest from all the work which he had made and done.

bbe@Genesis:2:15 @And the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to do work in it and take care of it.

bbe@Genesis:2:19 @And from the earth the Lord God made every beast of the field and every bird of the air, and took them to the man to see what names he would give them: and whatever name he gave to any living thing, that was its name.

bbe@Genesis:2:21 @And the Lord God sent a deep sleep on the man, and took one of the bones from his side while he was sleeping, joining up the flesh again in its place:

bbe@Genesis:2:22 @And the bone which the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman, and took her to the man.

bbe@Genesis:3:6 @And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and a delight to the eyes, and to be desired to make one wise, she took of its fruit, and gave it to her husband.

bbe@Genesis:3:12 @And the man said, The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me the fruit of the tree and I took it.

bbe@Genesis:3:13 @And the Lord God said to the woman, What have you done? And the woman said, I was tricked by the deceit of the snake and I took it.

bbe@Genesis:3:17 @And to Adam he said, Because you gave ear to the voice of your wife and took of the fruit of the tree which I said you were not to take, the earth is cursed on your account; in pain you will get your food from it all your life.

bbe@Genesis:5:24 @And Enoch went on in God's ways: and he was not seen again, for God took him.

bbe@Genesis:6:2 @The sons of God saw that the daughters of men were fair; and they took wives for themselves from those who were pleasing to them.

bbe@Genesis:8:9 @But the dove saw no resting-place for her foot, and came back to the ark, for the waters were still over all the earth; and he put out his hand, and took her into the ark.

bbe@Genesis:8:13 @And in the six hundred and first year, on the first day of the first month, the waters were dry on the earth: and Noah took the cover off the ark and saw that the face of the earth was dry.

bbe@Genesis:9:21 @And he took of the wine of it and was overcome by drink; and he was uncovered in his tent.

bbe@Genesis:9:23 @And Shem and Japheth took a robe, and putting it on their backs went in with their faces turned away, and put it over their father so that they might not see him unclothed.

bbe@Genesis:11:9 @So it was named Babel, because there the Lord took away the sense of all languages and from there the Lord sent them away over all the face of the earth.

bbe@Genesis:11:29 @And Abram and Nahor took wives for themselves: the name of Abram's wife was Sarai, and the name of Nahor's wife was Milcah, the daughter of Haran, the father of Milcah and Iscah.

bbe@Genesis:11:31 @And Terah took Abram, his son, and Lot, the son of Haran, and Sarai, his daughter-in-law, the wife of his son Abram and they went out from Ur of the Chaldees, to go to the land of Canaan; and they came to Haran, and were there for some time.

bbe@Genesis:12:5 @And Abram took Sarai, his wife, and Lot, his brother's son, and all their goods and the servants which they had got in Haran, and they went out to go to the land of Canaan.

bbe@Genesis:12:19 @Why did you say that she was your sister? so that I took her for my wife: now, take your wife and go on your way.

bbe@Genesis:13:11 @So Lot took for himself all the valley of Jordan, and went to the east, and they were parted from one another.

bbe@Genesis:14:11 @And the four kings took all the goods and food from Sodom and Gomorrah and went on their way.

bbe@Genesis:14:12 @And in addition they took Lot, Abram's brother's son, who was living in Sodom, and all his goods.

bbe@Genesis:14:14 @And Abram, hearing that his brother's son had been made a prisoner, took a band of his trained men, three hundred and eighteen of them, sons of his house, and went after them as far as Dan.

bbe@Genesis:14:18 @And Melchizedek, king of Salem, the priest of the Most High God, took bread and wine,

bbe@Genesis:15:5 @And he took him out into the open air, and said to him, Let your eyes be lifted to heaven, and see if the stars may be numbered; even so will your seed be.

bbe@Genesis:15:7 @And he said to him, I am the Lord, who took you from Ur of the Chaldees, to give you this land for your heritage.

bbe@Genesis:15:10 @All these he took, cutting them in two and putting one half opposite the other, but not cutting the birds in two.

bbe@Genesis:16:3 @So after Abram had been living for ten years in the land of Canaan, Sarai took Hagar, her Egyptian servant, and gave her to Abram for his wife.

bbe@Genesis:17:23 @And Abraham took Ishmael, his son, and all whose birth had taken place in his house, and all his servants whom he had made his for a price, every male of his house, and on that very day he gave them circumcision in the flesh of their private parts as God had said to him

bbe@Genesis:18:7 @And running to the herd, he took a young ox, soft and fat, and gave it to the servant and he quickly made it ready;

bbe@Genesis:18:8 @And he took butter and milk and the young ox which he had made ready and put it before them, waiting by them under the tree while they took food.

bbe@Genesis:19:3 @But he made his request more strongly, so they went with him into his house; and he got food ready for them, and made unleavened bread, of which they took.

bbe@Genesis:19:10 @But the men put out their hands and took Lot into the house to them, shutting the door again

bbe@Genesis:19:16 @But while he was waiting, the men took him and his wife and his daughters by the hand, for the Lord had mercy on them, and put them outside the town.

bbe@Genesis:20:2 @And Abraham said of Sarah, his wife, She is my sister: and Abimelech, king of Gerar, sent and took Sarah.

bbe@Genesis:21:5 @Now Abraham was a hundred years old when the birth of Isaac took place.

bbe@Genesis:21:27 @And Abraham took sheep and oxen and gave them to Abimelech, and the two of them made an agreement together.

bbe@Genesis:22:3 @And Abraham got up early in the morning, and made ready his ass, and took with him two of his young men and Isaac, his son, and after the wood for the burned offering had been cut, he went on his way to the place of which God had given him word.

bbe@Genesis:22:6 @And Abraham put the wood for the burned offering on his son's back, and he himself took the fire and the knife in his hand, and the two of them went on together.

bbe@Genesis:22:10 @And stretching out his hand, Abraham took the knife to put his son to death.

bbe@Genesis:22:13 @And lifting up his eyes, Abraham saw a sheep fixed by its horns in the brushwood: and Abraham took the sheep and made a burned offering of it in place of his son.

bbe@Genesis:23:2 @And Sarah's death took place in Kiriath-arba, that is, Hebron, in the land of Canaan: and Abraham went into his house, weeping and sorrowing for Sarah.

bbe@Genesis:23:16 @And Abraham took note of the price fixed by Ephron in the hearing of the children of Heth, and gave him four hundred shekels in current money.

bbe@Genesis:24:7 @The Lord God of heaven, who took me from my father's house and from the land of my birth, and made an oath to me, saying, To your seed I will give this land: he will send his angel before you and give you a wife for my son in that land.

bbe@Genesis:24:10 @And the servant took ten of his master's camels, and all sorts of good things of his master's, and went to Mesopotamia, to the town of Nahor.

bbe@Genesis:24:22 @And when the camels had had enough, the man took a gold nose-ring, half a shekel in weight, and two ornaments for her arms of ten shekels weight of gold;

bbe@Genesis:24:28 @So the girl went running and took the news of these things to her mother's house

bbe@Genesis:24:32 @Then the man came into the house, and Laban took their cords off the camels and gave them dry grass and food, and he gave to him and the men who were with him water for washing their feet.

bbe@Genesis:24:46 @And straight away she took down her vessel from her arm, and said, Take a drink, and I will get water for your camels.

bbe@Genesis:24:53 @Then he took jewels of silver and jewels of gold and fair robes and gave them to Rebekah: and he gave things of value to her mother and her brother.

bbe@Genesis:24:54 @Then he and the men who were with him had food and drink, and took their rest there that night; and in the morning he got up, and said, Let me now go back to my master.

bbe@Genesis:24:61 @So Rebekah and her servant-women went with the man, seated on the camels; and so the servant took Rebekah and went on his way.

bbe@Genesis:24:65 @And said to the servant, Who is that man coming to us through the field? And the servant said, It is my master: then she took her veil, covering her face with it.

bbe@Genesis:24:67 @And Isaac took Rebekah into his tent and she became his wife; and in his love for her, Isaac was comforted after his father's death.

bbe@Genesis:25:1 @And Abraham took another wife named Keturah.

bbe@Genesis:25:18 @And their country was from Havilah to Shur which is east of Egypt: they took their place to the east of all their brothers.

bbe@Genesis:25:20 @Isaac was forty years old when he took Rebekah, the daughter of Bethuel the Aramaean of Paddan-aram, and the sister of Laban the Aramaean, to be his wife.

bbe@Genesis:25:34 @Then Jacob gave him bread and soup; and he took food and drink and went away, caring little for his birthright.

bbe@Genesis:26:31 @And early in the morning they took an oath one to the other: then Isaac sent them away and they went on their way in peace.

bbe@Genesis:26:34 @And when Esau was forty years old, he took as his wives Judith, the daughter of Beeri the Hittite, and Basemath, the daughter of Elon the Hittite:

bbe@Genesis:27:14 @So he went and got them and took them to his mother: and she made a meal to his father's taste.

bbe@Genesis:27:15 @And Rebekah took the fair robes of her oldest son, which were with her in the house, and put them on Jacob, her younger son:

bbe@Genesis:27:25 @And he said, Put it before me and I will take of my son's meat, so that I may give you a blessing. And he put it before him and he took it; and he gave him wine, and he had a drink.

bbe@Genesis:27:31 @And he made ready a meal, good to the taste, and took it to his father, and said to him, Let my father get up and take of his son's meat, so that you may give me a blessing.

bbe@Genesis:27:33 @And in great fear Isaac said, Who then is he who got meat and put it before me, and I took it all before you came, and gave him a blessing, and his it will be?

bbe@Genesis:27:35 @And he said, Your brother came with deceit, and took away your blessing.

bbe@Genesis:27:36 @And he said, Is it because he is named Jacob that he has twice taken my place? for he took away my birthright, and now he has taken away my blessing. And he said, Have you not kept a blessing for me?

bbe@Genesis:28:9 @So Esau went to Ishmael and took Mahalath, the daughter of Abraham's son Ishmael, the sister of Nebaioth, to be his wife in addition to the wives he had.

bbe@Genesis:28:11 @And coming to a certain place, he made it his resting-place for the night, for the sun had gone down; and he took one of the stones which were there, and putting it under his head he went to sleep in that place.

bbe@Genesis:28:18 @And early in the morning Jacob took the stone which had been under his head, and put it up as a pillar and put oil on it.

bbe@Genesis:28:20 @Then Jacob took an oath, and said, If God will be with me, and keep me safe on my journey, and give me food and clothing to put on,

bbe@Genesis:29:9 @While he was still talking with them, Rachel came with her father's sheep, for she took care of them.

bbe@Genesis:29:13 @And Laban, hearing news of Jacob, his sister's son, came running, and took Jacob in his arms, and kissing him, made him come into his house. And Jacob gave him news of everything.

bbe@Genesis:29:23 @And in the evening he took Leah, his daughter, and gave her to him, and he went in to her.

bbe@Genesis:29:30 @Then Jacob took Rachel as his wife, and his love for her was greater than his love for Leah; and he went on working for Laban for another seven years.

bbe@Genesis:30:14 @Now at the time of the grain-cutting, Reuben saw some love-fruits in the field, and took them to his mother Leah. And Rachel said to her, Let me have some of your son's love-fruits.

bbe@Genesis:30:35 @So that day he took all the he-goats which were banded or coloured, and all the she-goats which were marked or coloured or had white marks, and all the black sheep, and gave them into the care of his sons;

bbe@Genesis:30:36 @And sent them three days' journey away: and Jacob took care of the rest of Laban's flock.

bbe@Genesis:30:37 @Then Jacob took young branches of trees, cutting off the skin so that the white wood was seen in bands.

bbe@Genesis:31:13 @I am the God of Beth-el, where you put oil on the pillar and took an oath to me: now then, come out of this land and go back to the country of your birth.

bbe@Genesis:31:15 @Are we not as people from a strange country to him? for he took a price for us and now it is all used up.

bbe@Genesis:31:19 @Now Laban had gone to see to the cutting of the wool of his sheep; so Rachel secretly took the images of the gods of her father's house.

bbe@Genesis:31:23 @And taking the men of his family with him, he went after him for seven days and overtook him in the hill-country of Gilead.

bbe@Genesis:31:25 @Now when Laban overtook him, Jacob had put up his tent in the hill-country; and Laban and his brothers put up their tents in the hill-country of Gilead.

bbe@Genesis:31:45 @Then Jacob took a stone and put it up as a pillar.

bbe@Genesis:31:53 @May the God of Abraham and the God of Nahor, the God of their father, be our judge. Then Jacob took an oath by the Fear of his father Isaac.

bbe@Genesis:31:54 @And Jacob made an offering on the mountain, and gave orders to his people to take food: so they had a meal and took their rest that night on the mountain.

bbe@Genesis:32:13 @Then he put up his tent there for the night; and from among his goods he took, as an offering for his brother Esau,

bbe@Genesis:32:21 @So the servants with the offerings went on in front, and he himself took his rest that night in the tents with his people.

bbe@Genesis:32:23 @He took them and sent them over the stream with all he had

bbe@Genesis:33:11 @Take my offering then, with my blessing; for God has been very good to me and I have enough: so at his strong request, he took it.

bbe@Genesis:34:2 @And when Shechem, the son of Hamor the Hivite who was the chief of that land, saw her, he took her by force and had connection with her.

bbe@Genesis:34:25 @But on the third day after, before the wounds were well, two of the sons of Jacob, Simeon and Levi, Dinah's brothers, took their swords and came into the town by surprise and put all the males to death.

bbe@Genesis:34:26 @And Hamor and his son they put to death with the sword, and they took Dinah from Shechem's house and went away.

bbe@Genesis:34:28 @They took their flocks and their herds and their asses and everything in their town and in their fields,

bbe@Genesis:34:29 @And all their wealth and all their little ones and their wives; everything in their houses they took and made them waste.

bbe@Genesis:36:5 @Oholibamah was the mother of Jeush, Jalam, and Korah; these are the sons of Esau, whose birth took place in the land of Canaan.

bbe@Genesis:36:6 @Esau took his wives and his sons and his daughters, and all the people of his house, and his beasts and his cattle and all his goods which he had got together in the land of Canaan, and went into the land of Seir, away from his brother Jacob.

bbe@Genesis:37:23 @So when Joseph came to his brothers, they took off his long coat which he had on;

bbe@Genesis:37:24 @And they took him and put him in the hole: now the hole had no water in it.

bbe@Genesis:37:25 @Then seating themselves, they took their meal: and looking up, they saw a travelling band of Ishmaelites, coming from Gilead on their way to Egypt, with spices and perfumes on their camels.

bbe@Genesis:37:28 @And some traders from Midian went by; so pulling Joseph up out of the hole, they gave him to the Ishmaelites for twenty bits of silver, and they took him to Egypt.

bbe@Genesis:37:31 @Then they took Joseph's coat, and put on it some of the blood from a young goat which they had put to death,

bbe@Genesis:37:32 @And they took the coat to their father, and said, We came across this; is it your son's coat or not?

bbe@Genesis:38:2 @And there he saw the daughter of a certain man of Canaan named Shua, and took her as his wife.

bbe@Genesis:38:5 @Then she had another son, to whom she gave the name Shelah; she was at Chezib when the birth took place.

bbe@Genesis:38:6 @And Judah took a wife for his first son Er, and her name was Tamar.

bbe@Genesis:38:14 @She took off her widow's clothing, and covering herself with her veil, she took her seat near Enaim on the road to Timnah; for she saw that Shelah was now a man, but she had not been made his wife.

bbe@Genesis:38:15 @When Judah saw her he took her to be a loose woman of the town, because her face was covered.

bbe@Genesis:38:19 @Then she got up and went away and took off her veil and put on her widow's clothing.

bbe@Genesis:38:29 @But then he took his hand back again, and his brother came first to birth: and the woman said, What an opening you have made for yourself! So he was named Perez.

bbe@Genesis:39:20 @And Joseph's master took him and put him in prison, in the place where the king's prisoners were kept in chains, and he was there in the prison-house.

bbe@Genesis:40:11 @And Pharaoh's cup was in my hand, and I took the grapes and crushing them into Pharaoh's cup, gave the cup into Pharaoh's hand.

bbe@Genesis:41:14 @Then Pharaoh sent for Joseph, and they took him quickly out of prison; and when his hair had been cut and his dress changed, he came before Pharaoh.

bbe@Genesis:41:42 @Then Pharaoh took off his ring from his hand and put it on Joseph's hand, and he had him clothed with the best linen, and put a chain of gold round his neck;

bbe@Genesis:42:24 @And turning away from them, he was overcome with weeping; then he went on talking to them again and took Simeon and put chains on him before their eyes.

bbe@Genesis:42:35 @And when they took the grain out of their bags, it was seen that every man's parcel of money was in his bag; and when they and their father saw the money, they were full of fear.

bbe@Genesis:43:15 @So they took what their father said for the man, and twice as much money in their hands, and Benjamin, and went on their journey to Egypt, and came before Joseph.

bbe@Genesis:43:17 @And the servant did as Joseph said, and took the men into Joseph's house.

bbe@Genesis:43:24 @And the servant took them into Joseph's house, and gave them water for washing their feet; and he gave their asses food.

bbe@Genesis:43:34 @And Joseph sent food to them from his table, but he sent five times as much to Benjamin as to any of the others. And they took wine freely with him.

bbe@Genesis:44:6 @So he overtook them and said these words to them.

bbe@Genesis:45:14 @Then, weeping, he took Benjamin in his arms, and Benjamin himself was weeping on Joseph's neck.

bbe@Genesis:46:5 @Then Jacob went on from Beer-sheba; and the sons of Jacob took their father and their little ones and their wives in the carts which Pharaoh had sent for them.

bbe@Genesis:46:6 @And they took their cattle and all the goods which they had got in the land of Canaan, and came to Egypt, even Jacob and all his seed:

bbe@Genesis:46:7 @His sons and his sons' sons, his daughters and his daughters' sons and all his family he took with him into Egypt.

bbe@Genesis:47:2 @And he took five of his brothers to Pharaoh.

bbe@Genesis:47:12 @And Joseph took care of his father and his brothers and all his father's people, giving them food for the needs of their families.

bbe@Genesis:47:17 @So they took their cattle to Joseph and he gave them bread in exchange for their horses and flocks and herds and asses, so all that year he gave them food in exchange for their cattle.

bbe@Genesis:47:31 @And he said, Take an oath to me; and he took an oath to him: and Israel gave worship on the bed's head.

bbe@Genesis:48:1 @Now after these things, word came to Joseph that his father was ill: and he took with him his sons Manasseh and Ephraim.

bbe@Genesis:48:7 @And as for me, when I came from Paddan, death overtook Rachel on the way, when we were still some distance from Ephrath; and I put her to rest there on the road to Ephrath, which is Beth-lehem.

bbe@Genesis:48:12 @Then Joseph took them from between his knees, and went down on his face to the earth.

bbe@Genesis:48:22 @And I have given you more than your brothers, even Shechem as your heritage, which I took from the Amorites with my sword and my bow.

bbe@Genesis:50:13 @For they took him into the land of Canaan and put him to rest in the hollow rock in the field of Machpelah, which Abraham got with the field, for a resting-place, from Ephron the Hittite at Mamre.

bbe@Exodus:1:21 @And because the women who took care of the Hebrew mothers had the fear of God, he gave them families.

bbe@Exodus:2:1 @Now a man of the house of Levi took as his wife a daughter of Levi.

bbe@Exodus:2:4 @And his sister took her place at a distance to see what would become of him.

bbe@Exodus:2:9 @And Pharaoh's daughter said to her, Take the child away and give it milk for me, and I will give you payment. And the woman took the child and gave it milk at her breast.

bbe@Exodus:2:10 @And when the child was older, she took him to Pharaoh's daughter and he became her son, and she gave him the name Moses, Because, she said, I took him out of the water.

bbe@Exodus:2:15 @Now when Pharaoh had news of this, he would have put Moses to death. But Moses went in flight from Pharaoh into the land of Midian: and he took his seat by a water-spring.

bbe@Exodus:3:1 @Now Moses was looking after the flock of Jethro, his father-in-law, the priest of Midian: and he took the flock to the back of the waste land and came to Horeb, the mountain of God.

bbe@Exodus:4:4 @And the Lord said to Moses, Put out your hand and take it by the tail: (and he put out his hand and took a grip of it and it became a rod in his hand:)

bbe@Exodus:4:6 @Then the Lord said to him again, Put your hand inside your clothing. And he put his hand inside his robe: and when he took it out it was like the hand of a leper, as white as snow.

bbe@Exodus:4:7 @And he said, Put your hand inside your robe again. (And he put his hand into his robe again, and when he took it out he saw that it had become like his other flesh.)

bbe@Exodus:4:20 @And Moses took his wife and his sons and put them on an ass and went back to the land of Egypt: and he took the rod of God in his hand.

bbe@Exodus:4:25 @Then Zipporah took a sharp stone, and cutting off the skin of her son's private parts, and touching his feet with it, she said, Truly you are a husband of blood to me.

bbe@Exodus:6:20 @And Amram took Jochebed, his father's sister, as wife; and she gave birth to Aaron and Moses: and the years of Amram's life were a hundred and thirty-seven.

bbe@Exodus:6:23 @And Aaron took as his wife Elisheba, the daughter of Amminadab, the sister of Nahshon; and she gave birth to Nadab and Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar.

bbe@Exodus:6:25 @And Eleazar, Aaron's son, took as his wife one of the daughters of Putiel; and she gave birth to Phinehas. These are the heads of the families of the Levites, in the order of their families.

bbe@Exodus:8:31 @And the Lord did as Moses said, and took away the cloud of flies from Pharaoh and from his servants and from his people; not one was to be seen.

bbe@Exodus:9:10 @So they took some dust from the fire, and placing themselves before Pharaoh, Moses sent it out in a shower up to heaven; and it became a skin-disease bursting out on man and on beast.

bbe@Exodus:10:15 @For all the face of the earth was covered with them, so that the land was black; and every green plant and all the fruit of the trees which was untouched by the ice-storm they took for food: not one green thing, no plant or tree, was to be seen in all the land of Egypt.

bbe@Exodus:10:19 @And the Lord sent a very strong west wind, which took up the locusts, driving them into the Red Sea; not one locust was to be seen in any part of Egypt.

bbe@Exodus:12:34 @And the people took their bread-paste before it was leavened, putting their basins in their clothing on their backs.

bbe@Exodus:12:36 @And the Lord had given the people grace in the eyes of the Egyptians so that they gave them whatever was requested. So they took away all their goods from the Egyptians.

bbe@Exodus:12:42 @It is a watch-night before the Lord who took them out of the land of Egypt: this same night is a watch-night to the Lord for all the children of Israel, through all their generations.

bbe@Exodus:12:51 @And on that very day the Lord took the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt by their armies.

bbe@Exodus:13:9 @And this will be for a sign to you on your hand and for a mark on your brow, so that the law of the Lord may be in your mouth: for with a strong hand the Lord took you out of Egypt.

bbe@Exodus:13:14 @And when your son says to you in time to come, What is the reason for this? say to him, By the strength of his hand the Lord took us out of Egypt, out of the prison-house:

bbe@Exodus:13:16 @And this will be for a sign on your hand and for a mark on your brow: for by the strength of his hand the Lord took us out of Egypt.

bbe@Exodus:13:18 @But God took the people round by the waste land near the Red Sea: and the children of Israel went up in fighting order out of the land of Egypt.

bbe@Exodus:13:19 @And Moses took the bones of Joseph with him, for Joseph had made the children of Israel take an oath, saying, God will certainly keep you in mind; and you are to take my bones away with you.

bbe@Exodus:14:6 @So he had his war-carriage made ready and took his people with him:

bbe@Exodus:14:7 @And he took six hundred carriages, all the carriages of Egypt, and captains over all of them.

bbe@Exodus:14:9 @But the Egyptians went after them, all the horses and carriages of Pharaoh, and his horsemen, and his army, and overtook them in their tents by the sea, by Pihahiroth, before Baal-zephon.

bbe@Exodus:14:19 @Then the angel of God, who had been before the tents of Israel, took his place at their back; and the pillar of cloud, moving from before them, came to rest at their back:

bbe@Exodus:15:20 @And Miriam, the woman prophet, the sister of Aaron, took an instrument of music in her hand; and all the women went after her with music and dances.

bbe@Exodus:15:22 @Then Moses took Israel forward from the Red Sea, and they went out into the waste land of Shur; and for three days they were in the waste land where there was no water.

bbe@Exodus:16:17 @And the children of Israel did so, and some took more and some less.

bbe@Exodus:16:21 @And they took it up morning by morning, every man as he had need: and when the sun was high it was gone

bbe@Exodus:16:22 @And on the sixth day they took up twice as much of the bread, two omers for every person: and all the rulers of the people gave Moses word of it.

bbe@Exodus:16:30 @So the people took their rest on the seventh day.

bbe@Exodus:16:32 @And Moses said, This is the order which the Lord has given: Let one omer of it be kept for future generations, so that they may see the bread which I gave you for your food in the waste land, when I took you out from the land of Egypt.

bbe@Exodus:17:12 @But Moses' hands became tired; so they put a stone under him and he took his seat on it, Aaron and Hur supporting his hands, one on one side and one on the other; so his hands were kept up without falling till the sun went down.