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OT-POET.filter - kjv Pray:

kjv@Job:4:7 @ Remember, I pray thee, who ever perished, being innocent? or where were the righteous cut off?

kjv@Job:6:29 @ Return, I pray you, let it not be iniquity; yea, return again, my righteousness is in it.

kjv@Job:8:8 @ For enquire, I pray thee, of the former age, and prepare thyself to the search of their fathers:

kjv@Job:15:4 @ Yea, thou castest off fear, and restrainest prayer before God.

kjv@Job:16:17 @ Not for any injustice in mine hands: also my prayer is pure.

kjv@Job:21:15 @ What is the Almighty, that we should serve him? and what profit should we have, if we pray unto him?

kjv@Job:22:22 @ Receive, I pray thee, the law from his mouth, and lay up his words in thine heart.

kjv@Job:22:27 @ Thou shalt make thy prayer unto him, and he shall hear thee, and thou shalt pay thy vows.

kjv@Job:32:21 @ Let me not, I pray you, accept any man's person, neither let me give flattering titles unto man.

kjv@Job:33:1 @ Wherefore, Job, I pray thee, hear my speeches, and hearken to all my words.

kjv@Job:33:26 @ He shall pray unto God, and he will be favourable unto him: and he shall see his face with joy: for he will render unto man his righteousness.

kjv@Job:42:8 @ Therefore take unto you now seven bullocks and seven rams, and go to my servant Job, and offer up for yourselves a burnt offering; and my servant Job shall pray for you: for him will I accept: lest I deal with you after your folly, in that ye have not spoken of me the thing which is right, like my servant Job.

kjv@Job:42:10 @ And the LORD turned the captivity of Job, when he prayed for his friends: also the LORD gave Job twice as much as he had before.

kjv@Psalms:4:1 @ Hear me when I call, O God of my righteousness: thou hast enlarged me when I was in distress; have mercy upon me, and hear my prayer.

kjv@Psalms:5:2 @ Hearken unto the voice of my cry, my King, and my God: for unto thee will I pray.

kjv@Psalms:5:3 @ My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O LORD; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up.

kjv@Psalms:6:9 @ The LORD hath heard my supplication; the LORD will receive my prayer.

kjv@Psalms:17:1 @ Hear the right, O LORD, attend unto my cry, give ear unto my prayer, that goeth not out of feigned lips.

kjv@Psalms:32:6 @ For this shall every one that is godly pray unto thee in a time when thou mayest be found: surely in the floods of great waters they shall not come nigh unto him.

kjv@Psalms:35:13 @ But as for me, when they were sick, my clothing was sackcloth: I humbled my soul with fasting; and my prayer returned into mine own bosom.

kjv@Psalms:39:12 @ Hear my prayer, O LORD, and give ear unto my cry; hold not thy peace at my tears: for I am a stranger with thee, and a sojourner, as all my fathers were.

kjv@Psalms:42:8 @ Yet the LORD will command his lovingkindness in the daytime, and in the night his song shall be with me, and my prayer unto the God of my life.

kjv@Psalms:54:2 @ Hear my prayer, O God; give ear to the words of my mouth.

kjv@Psalms:55:1 @ Give ear to my prayer, O God; and hide not thyself from my supplication.

kjv@Psalms:55:17 @ Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud: and he shall hear my voice.

kjv@Psalms:61:1 @ Hear my cry, O God; attend unto my prayer.

kjv@Psalms:64:1 @ Hear my voice, O God, in my prayer: preserve my life from fear of the enemy.

kjv@Psalms:65:2 @ O thou that hearest prayer, unto thee shall all flesh come.

kjv@Psalms:66:19 @ But verily God hath heard me; he hath attended to the voice of my prayer.

kjv@Psalms:66:20 @ Blessed be God, which hath not turned away my prayer, nor his mercy from me.

kjv@Psalms:69:13 @ But as for me, my prayer is unto thee, O LORD, in an acceptable time: O God, in the multitude of thy mercy hear me, in the truth of thy salvation.

kjv@Psalms:72:15 @ And he shall live, and to him shall be given of the gold of Sheba: prayer also shall be made for him continually; and daily shall he be praised.

kjv@Psalms:72:20 @ The prayers of David the son of Jesse are ended.

kjv@Psalms:80:4 @ O LORD God of hosts, how long wilt thou be angry against the prayer of thy people?

kjv@Psalms:84:8 @ O LORD God of hosts, hear my prayer: give ear, O God of Jacob. Selah.

kjv@Psalms:86:6 @ Give ear, O LORD, unto my prayer; and attend to the voice of my supplications.

kjv@Psalms:88:2 @ Let my prayer come before thee: incline thine ear unto my cry;

kjv@Psalms:88:13 @ But unto thee have I cried, O LORD; and in the morning shall my prayer prevent thee.

kjv@Psalms:102:1 @ Hear my prayer, O LORD, and let my cry come unto thee.

kjv@Psalms:102:17 @ He will regard the prayer of the destitute, and not despise their prayer.

kjv@Psalms:109:4 @ For my love they are my adversaries: but I give myself unto prayer.

kjv@Psalms:109:7 @ When he shall be judged, let him be condemned: and let his prayer become sin.

kjv@Psalms:119:76 @ Let, I pray thee, thy merciful kindness be for my comfort, according to thy word unto thy servant.

kjv@Psalms:122:6 @ Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.

kjv@Psalms:141:2 @ Let my prayer be set forth before thee as incense; and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice.

kjv@Psalms:141:5 @ Let the righteous smite me; it shall be a kindness: and let him reprove me; it shall be an excellent oil, which shall not break my head: for yet my prayer also shall be in their calamities.

kjv@Psalms:143:1 @ Hear my prayer, O LORD, give ear to my supplications: in thy faithfulness answer me, and in thy righteousness.

kjv@Proverbs:15:8 @ The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the LORD: but the prayer of the upright is his delight.

kjv@Proverbs:15:29 @ The LORD is far from the wicked: but he heareth the prayer of the righteous.

kjv@Proverbs:28:9 @ He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be abomination.

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