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ylt@Job:1:7 @And Jehovah saith unto the Adversary, 'Whence comest thou?' And the Adversary answereth Jehovah and saith, 'From going to and fro in the land, and from walking up and down on it.'

ylt@Job:2:2 @And Jehovah saith unto the Adversary, 'Whence camest thou?' And the Adversary answereth Jehovah and saith, 'From going to and fro in the land, and from walking up and down in it.'

ylt@Job:3:13 @For now, I have lain down, and am quiet, I have slept -- then there is rest to me,

ylt@Job:4:20 @From morning to evening are beaten down, Without any regarding, for ever they perish.

ylt@Job:6:21 @Surely now ye have become the same! Ye see a downfall, and are afraid.

ylt@Job:7:4 @If I lay down then I said, 'When do I rise!' And evening hath been measured, And I have been full of tossings till dawn.

ylt@Job:7:9 @Consumed hath been a cloud, and it goeth, So he who is going down to Sheol cometh not up.

ylt@Job:7:21 @Thou dost not take away my transgression, And cause to pass away mine iniquity, Because now, for dust I lie down: And Thou hast sought me -- and I am not!

ylt@Job:11:18 @And thou hast trusted because their is hope, And searched -- in confidence thou liest down,

ylt@Job:12:14 @Lo, He breaketh down, and it is not built up, He shutteth against a man, And it is not opened.

ylt@Job:14:7 @For there is of a tree hope, if it be cut down, That again it doth change, That its tender branch doth not cease.

ylt@Job:14:12 @And man hath lain down, and riseth not, Till the wearing out of the heavens they awake not, Nor are roused from their sleep.

ylt@Job:17:16 @[To] the parts of Sheol ye go down, If together on the dust we may rest.

ylt@Job:18:7 @Straitened are the steps of his strength, And cast him down doth his own counsel.

ylt@Job:19:6 @Know now, that God turned me upside down, And His net against me hath set round,

ylt@Job:19:10 @He breaketh me down round about, and I go, And removeth like a tree my hope.

ylt@Job:20:11 @His bones have been full of his youth, And with him on the dust it lieth down.

ylt@Job:21:13 @They wear out in good their days, And in a moment [to] Sheol go down.

ylt@Job:21:26 @Together -- on the dust they lie down, And the worm doth cover them over.

ylt@Job:22:16 @Who have been cut down unexpectedly, A flood is poured out on their foundation.

ylt@Job:22:29 @For they have made low, And thou sayest, 'Lift up.' And the bowed down of eyes he saveth.

ylt@Job:27:19 @Rich he lieth down, and he is not gathered, His eyes he hath opened, and he is not.

ylt@Job:30:13 @They have broken down my path, By my calamity they profit, 'He hath no helper.'

ylt@Job:30:17 @At night my bone hath been pierced in me, And mine eyelids do not lie down.

ylt@Job:32:15 @(They have broken down, They have not answered again, They removed from themselves words.

ylt@Job:33:24 @Then He doth favour him and saith, 'Ransom him from going down to the pit, I have found an atonement.'

ylt@Job:38:16 @Hast thou come in to springs of the sea? And in searching the deep Hast thou walked up and down?

ylt@Job:38:37 @Who doth number the clouds by wisdom? And the bottles of the heavens, Who doth cause to lie down,

ylt@Job:38:40 @When they bow down in dens -- Abide in a thicket for a covert?

ylt@Job:39:3 @They bow down, Their young ones they bring forth safely, Their pangs they cast forth.

ylt@Job:39:15 @And she forgetteth that a foot may press it, And a beast of the field tread it down.

ylt@Job:40:12 @See every proud one -- humble him, And tread down the wicked in their place.

ylt@Job:40:21 @Under shades he lieth down, In a secret place of reed and mire.

ylt@Job:41:1 @Dost thou draw leviathan with an angle? And with a rope thou lettest down -- his tongue?

ylt@Job:41:9 @Lo, the hope of him is found a liar, Also at his appearance is not one cast down?

ylt@Psalms:3:5 @I -- I have lain down, and I sleep, I have waked, for Jehovah sustaineth me.

ylt@Psalms:4:8 @In peace together I lie down and sleep, For Thou, O Jehovah, alone, In confidence dost cause me to dwell!

ylt@Psalms:7:5 @An enemy pursueth my soul, and overtaketh, And treadeth down to the earth my life, And my honour placeth in the dust. Selah.

ylt@Psalms:7:16 @Return doth his perverseness on his head, And on his crown his violence cometh down.

ylt@Psalms:10:10 @He is bruised -- he boweth down, Fallen by his mighty ones hath the afflicted.

ylt@Psalms:18:9 @And He inclineth the heavens, and cometh down, And thick darkness [is] under His feet.

ylt@Psalms:18:34 @Teaching my hands for battle, And a bow of brass was brought down by my arms.

ylt@Psalms:22:29 @And the fat ones of earth have eaten, And they bow themselves, Before Him bow do all going down to dust, And he [who] hath not revived his soul.

ylt@Psalms:23:2 @In pastures of tender grass He causeth me to lie down, By quiet waters He doth lead me.

ylt@Psalms:28:1 @By David. Unto Thee, O Jehovah, I call, My rock, be not silent to me! Lest Thou be silent to me, And I have been compared With those going down to the pit.

ylt@Psalms:28:5 @For they attend not to the doing of Jehovah, And unto the work of His hands. He throweth them down, And doth not build them up.

ylt@Psalms:30:3 @Jehovah, Thou hast brought up from Sheol my soul, Thou hast kept me alive, From going down [to] the pit.

ylt@Psalms:30:9 @'What gain [is] in my blood? In my going down unto corruption? Doth dust thank Thee? doth it declare Thy truth?

ylt@Psalms:35:14 @As [if] a friend, as [if] my brother, I walked habitually, As a mourner for a mother, Mourning I have bowed down.

ylt@Psalms:37:24 @When he falleth, he is not cast down, For Jehovah is sustaining his hand.

ylt@Psalms:38:2 @For Thine arrows have come down on me, And Thou lettest down upon me Thy hand.

ylt@Psalms:38:6 @I have been bent down, I have been bowed down -- unto excess, All the day I have gone mourning.

ylt@Psalms:41:8 @A thing of Belial is poured out on him, And because he lay down he riseth not again.

ylt@Psalms:43:2 @For thou [art] the God of my strength. Why hast Thou cast me off? Why mourning do I go up and down, In the oppression of an enemy?

ylt@Psalms:44:5 @By Thee our adversaries we do push, By Thy name tread down our withstanders,

ylt@Psalms:49:17 @For at his death he receiveth nothing, His honour goeth not down after him.

ylt@Psalms:52:5 @Also -- God doth break thee down for ever, Taketh thee, and pulleth thee out of the tent, And He hath uprooted thee Out of the land of the living. Selah.

ylt@Psalms:55:15 @Desolations [are] upon them, They go down [to] Sheol -- alive, For wickedness [is] in their dwelling, in their midst.

ylt@Psalms:55:23 @And Thou, O God, dost bring them down To a pit of destruction, Men of blood and deceit reach not to half their days, And I -- I do trust in Thee!

ylt@Psalms:56:7 @By iniquity they escape, In anger the peoples put down, O God.

ylt@Psalms:57:4 @My soul [is] in the midst of lions, I lie down [among] flames -- sons of men, Their teeth [are] a spear and arrows, And their tongue a sharp sword.

ylt@Psalms:57:6 @A net they have prepared for my steps, Bowed down hath my soul, They have digged before me a pit, They have fallen into its midst. Selah.

ylt@Psalms:58:6 @O God, break their teeth in their mouth, The jaw-teeth of young lions break down, O Jehovah.

ylt@Psalms:58:7 @They are melted as waters, They go up and down for themselves, His arrow proceedeth as they cut themselves off.

ylt@Psalms:59:11 @Slay them not, lest my people forget, Shake them by Thy strength, And bring them down, O Lord our shield.

ylt@Psalms:60:12 @In God we do mightily, And He treadeth down our adversaries!

ylt@Psalms:62:3 @Till when do ye devise mischief against a man? Ye are destroyed all of you, As a wall inclined, a hedge that is cast down.

ylt@Psalms:72:6 @He cometh down as rain on mown grass, As showers -- sprinkling the earth.

ylt@Psalms:74:6 @And now, its carvings together With axe and hatchet they break down,

ylt@Psalms:77:17 @Poured out waters have thick clouds, The skies have given forth a noise, Also -- Thine arrows go up and down.

ylt@Psalms:78:16 @And bringeth out streams from a rock, And causeth waters to come down as rivers.

ylt@Psalms:80:12 @Why hast Thou broken down its hedges, And all passing by the way have plucked it?

ylt@Psalms:80:16 @Burnt with fire -- cut down, From the rebuke of Thy face they perish.

ylt@Psalms:88:4 @I have been reckoned with those going down [to] the pit, I have been as a man without strength.

ylt@Psalms:89:23 @And I have beaten down before him his adversaries, And those hating him I plague,

ylt@Psalms:89:40 @Thou hast broken down all his hedges, Thou hast made his fenced places a ruin.

ylt@Psalms:89:44 @Hast caused [him] to cease from his brightness, And his throne to the earth hast cast down.

ylt@Psalms:90:6 @In the morning it flourisheth, and hath changed, At evening it is cut down, and hath withered.

ylt@Psalms:102:10 @From Thine indignation and Thy wrath, For Thou hast lifted me up, And dost cast me down.

ylt@Psalms:104:8 @They go up hills -- they go down valleys, Unto a place Thou hast founded for them.

ylt@Psalms:105:13 @And they go up and down, from nation unto nation, From a kingdom unto another people.

ylt@Psalms:107:23 @Those going down [to] the sea in ships, Doing business in many waters,

ylt@Psalms:107:26 @They go up [to] the heavens, they go down [to] the depths, Their soul in evil is melted.

ylt@Psalms:107:39 @And they are diminished, and bow down, By restraint, evil, and sorrow.

ylt@Psalms:108:13 @In God we do mightily, And He doth tread down our adversaries!

ylt@Psalms:115:17 @The dead praise not Jah, Nor any going down to silence.

ylt@Psalms:119:118 @Thou hast trodden down All going astray from Thy statutes, For falsehood [is] their deceit.

ylt@Psalms:119:136 @Rivulets of waters have come down mine eyes, Because they have not kept Thy law!

ylt@Psalms:133:2 @As the good oil on the head, Coming down on the beard, the beard of Aaron, That cometh down on the skirt of his robes,

ylt@Psalms:133:3 @As dew of Hermon -- That cometh down on hills of Zion, For there Jehovah commanded the blessing -- Life unto the age!

ylt@Psalms:139:2 @Thou -- Thou hast known my sitting down, And my rising up, Thou hast attended to my thoughts from afar.

ylt@Psalms:143:7 @Haste, answer me, O Jehovah, My spirit hath been consumed, Hide not Thou Thy face from me, Or I have been compared with those going down [to] the pit.

ylt@Psalms:144:5 @Jehovah, incline Thy heavens and come down, Strike against mountains, and they smoke.

ylt@Psalms:145:14 @Jehovah is supporting all who are falling, And raising up all who are bowed down.

ylt@Psalms:146:8 @Jehovah is loosing the prisoners, Jehovah is opening (the eyes of) the blind, Jehovah is raising the bowed down, Jehovah is loving the righteous,

ylt@Psalms:146:9 @Jehovah is preserving the strangers, The fatherless and widow He causeth to stand, And the way of the wicked He turneth upside down.

ylt@Proverbs:1:12 @We swallow them as Sheol -- alive, And whole -- as those going down [to] the pit,

ylt@Proverbs:3:24 @If thou liest down, thou art not afraid, Yea, thou hast lain down, And sweet hath been thy sleep.

ylt@Proverbs:5:5 @Her feet are going down to death, Sheol do her steps take hold of.

ylt@Proverbs:6:22 @In thy going up and down, it leadeth thee, In thy lying down, it watcheth over thee, And thou hast awaked -- it talketh [with] thee.

ylt@Proverbs:7:27 @The ways of Sheol -- her house, Going down unto inner chambers of death!

ylt@Proverbs:11:11 @By the blessing of the upright is a city exalted, And by the mouth of the wicked thrown down.

ylt@Proverbs:12:25 @Sorrow in the heart of a man boweth down, And a good word maketh him glad.

ylt@Proverbs:14:1 @Every wise woman hath builded her house, And the foolish with her hands breaketh it down.

ylt@Proverbs:14:19 @The evil have bowed down before the good, And the wicked at the gates of the righteous.

ylt@Proverbs:15:25 @The house of the proud Jehovah pulleth down, And He setteth up the border of the widow.

ylt@Proverbs:17:10 @Rebuke cometh down on the intelligent More than a hundred stripes on a fool.

ylt@Proverbs:18:8 @The words of a tale-bearer [are] as self-inflicted wounds, And they have gone down [to] the inner parts of the heart.

ylt@Proverbs:21:22 @A city of the mighty hath the wise gone up, And bringeth down the strength of its confidence.

ylt@Proverbs:23:31 @See not wine when it showeth itself red, When it giveth in the cup its colour, It goeth up and down through the upright.

ylt@Proverbs:23:34 @And thou hast been as one lying down in the heart of the sea, And as one lying down on the top of a mast.

ylt@Proverbs:24:31 @And lo, it hath gone up -- all of it -- thorns! Covered its face have nettles, And its stone wall hath been broken down.

ylt@Proverbs:24:33 @A little sleep -- a little slumber -- A little folding of the hands to lie down.

ylt@Proverbs:25:28 @A city broken down without walls, [Is] a man without restraint over his spirit!

ylt@Proverbs:26:22 @The words of a tale-bearer [are] as self-inflicted wounds, And they have gone down [to] the inner parts of the heart.

ylt@Proverbs:27:7 @A satiated soul treadeth down a honeycomb, And [to] a hungry soul every bitter thing [is] sweet.

ylt@Proverbs:29:4 @A king by judgment establisheth a land, And one receiving gifts throweth it down.

ylt@Proverbs:30:4 @Who went up to heaven, and cometh down? Who hath gathered the wind in his fists? Who hath bound waters in a garment? Who established all ends of the earth? What [is] His name? and what His son's name? Surely thou knowest!

ylt@Ecclesiastes:2:23 @For all his days are sorrows, and his travail sadness; even at night his heart hath not lain down; this also [is] vanity.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:3:3 @A time to slay, And a time to heal, A time to break down, And a time to build up.

ylt@Ecclesiastes:3:21 @Who knoweth the spirit of the sons of man that is going up on high, and the spirit of the beast that is going down below to the earth?

ylt@Ecclesiastes:4:11 @Also, if two lie down, then they have heat, but how hath one heat?

ylt@Ecclesiastes:12:4 @And doors have been shut in the street. When the noise of the grinding is low, And [one] riseth at the voice of the bird, And all daughters of song are bowed down.

ylt@Songs:1:7 @Declare to me, thou whom my soul hath loved, Where thou delightest, Where thou liest down at noon, For why am I as one veiled, By the ranks of thy companions?

ylt@Songs:2:3 @As a citron among trees of the forest, So [is] my beloved among the sons, In his shade I delighted, and sat down, And his fruit [is] sweet to my palate.

ylt@Songs:6:2 @My beloved went down to his garden, To the beds of the spice, To delight himself in the gardens, and to gather lilies.

ylt@Songs:6:11 @Unto a garden of nuts I went down, To look on the buds of the valley, To see whither the vine had flourished, The pomegranates had blossomed --

ylt@Songs:8:7 @Many waters are not able to quench the love, And floods do not wash it away. If one give all the wealth of his house for love, Treading down -- they tread upon it.