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bbe@Job:5:15 @But he keeps safe from their sword those who have no father, and the poor from the power of the strong.

bbe@Job:5:20 @When there is need of food he will keep you from death, and in war from the power of the sword.

bbe@Job:6:23 @Or, Get me out of the power of my hater? or, Give money so that I may be free from the power of the cruel ones?

bbe@Job:9:24 @The land is given into the power of the evil-doer; the faces of its judges are covered; if not by him, then who has done it?

bbe@Job:12:13 @With him there is wisdom and strength; power and knowledge are his

bbe@Job:12:21 @He puts shame on chiefs, and takes away the power of the strong;

bbe@Job:16:11 @God gives me over to the power of sinners, sending me violently into the hands of evil-doers.

bbe@Job:21:7 @Why is life given to the evil-doers? why do they become old and strong in power?

bbe@Job:21:16 @Truly, is not their well-being in their power? (The purpose of the evil-doers is far from me.)

bbe@Job:22:8 @For it was the man with power who had the land, and the man with an honoured name who was living in it.

bbe@Job:23:6 @Would he make use of his great power to overcome me? No, but he would give attention to me.

bbe@Job:24:22 @But God by his power gives long life to the strong; he gets up again, though he has no hope of life.

bbe@Job:25:2 @Rule and power are his; he makes peace in his high places.

bbe@Job:26:2 @How have you given help to him who has no power! how have you been the salvation of the arm which has no strength!

bbe@Job:26:12 @By his power the sea was made quiet; and by his wisdom Rahab was wounded.

bbe@Job:26:14 @See, these are only the outskirts of his ways; and how small is that which comes to our ears about him! But the thunder of his acts of power is outside all knowledge.

bbe@Job:29:15 @I was eyes to the blind, and feet to him who had no power of walking.

bbe@Job:31:23 @For the fear of God kept me back, and because of his power I might not do such things.

bbe@Job:37:4 @After it a voice is sounding, thundering out the word of his power; he does not keep back his thunder-flames; from his mouth his voice is sounding.

bbe@Job:39:19 @Do you give strength to the horse? is it by your hand that his neck is clothed with power?

bbe@Job:40:9 @Put on the ornaments of your pride; be clothed with glory and power:

bbe@Job:41:12 @I will not keep quiet about the parts of his body, or about his power, and the strength of his frame.

bbe@Psalms:13:2 @How long is my soul to be in doubt, with sorrow in my heart all the day? how long will he who is against me be given power over me?

bbe@Psalms:21:13 @Be lifted up, O Lord, in your strength; so will we make songs in praise of your power.

bbe@Psalms:22:20 @Make my soul safe from the sword, my life from the power of the dog.

bbe@Psalms:24:8 @Who is the King of glory? The Lord of strength and power, the Lord strong in war.

bbe@Psalms:29:4 @The voice of the Lord is full of power; the voice of the Lord has a noble sound.

bbe@Psalms:33:16 @A king's salvation is not in the power of his army; a strong man does not get free by his great strength.

bbe@Psalms:33:17 @A horse is a false hope; his great power will not make any man free from danger.

bbe@Psalms:37:35 @I have seen the evil-doer in great power, covering the earth like a great tree.

bbe@Psalms:45:3 @Put on your sword, make it ready at your side, O strong chief, with your glory and power.

bbe@Psalms:45:4 @And go nobly on in your power, because you are good and true and without pride; and your right hand will be teaching you things of fear.

bbe@Psalms:45:6 @Your seat of power, O God, is for ever and ever; the rod of your kingdom is a rod of honour.

bbe@Psalms:47:9 @The rulers of the peoples have come together, with the people of the God of Abraham; because the powers of the earth are God's: he is lifted up on high.

bbe@Psalms:49:15 @But God will get back my soul; for he will take me from the power of death. (Selah.)

bbe@Psalms:56:13 @Because you have taken my soul from the power of death; and kept my feet from falling, so that I may be walking before God in the light of life.

bbe@Psalms:57:3 @He will send from heaven, and take me from the power of him whose desire is for my destruction. God will send out his mercy and his good faith.

bbe@Psalms:58:5 @Who will not be moved by the voice of the wonder-worker, however great are his powers.

bbe@Psalms:59:2 @Take me out of the power of the workers of evil, and keep me safe from the men of blood.

bbe@Psalms:59:11 @Put them not to death, for so my people will keep the memory of them: let them be sent in all directions by your power; make them low, O Lord our saviour.

bbe@Psalms:59:16 @But I will make songs of your power; yes, I will give cries of joy for your mercy in the morning; because you have been my strength and my high tower in the day of my trouble.

bbe@Psalms:60:3 @By the power of your hand the earth is shaking and broken; make it strong again, for it is moved.

bbe@Psalms:62:11 @Once has God said, twice has it come to my ears, that power is God's:

bbe@Psalms:63:2 @To see your power and your glory, as I have seen you in the holy place.

bbe@Psalms:65:5 @You will give us an answer in righteousness by great acts of power, O God of our salvation; you who are the hope of all the ends of the earth, and of the far-off lands of the sea;

bbe@Psalms:65:6 @The God by whose strength the mountains are fixed; who is robed with power:

bbe@Psalms:66:3 @Say to God, How greatly to be feared are your works! because of your great power your haters are forced to put themselves under your feet.

bbe@Psalms:66:7 @He is ruling in power for ever; his eyes are watching the nations: may his haters have no strength against him. (Selah.)

bbe@Psalms:68:2 @Let them be like smoke before the driving wind; as wax turning soft before the fire, so let them come to an end before the power of God.

bbe@Psalms:68:18 @You have gone up on high, taking your prisoners with you; you have taken offerings from men; the Lord God has taken his place on the seat of his power.

bbe@Psalms:68:33 @To him who goes or the clouds of heaven, the heaven which was from earliest times; he sends out his voice of power.

bbe@Psalms:68:34 @Make clear that strength is God's: he is lifted up over Israel, and his power is in the clouds.

bbe@Psalms:68:35 @O God, you are to be feared in your holy place: the God of Israel gives strength and power to his people. Praise be to God.

bbe@Psalms:71:18 @Now when I am old and grey-headed, O God, give me not up; till I have made clear your strength to this generation, and your power to all those to come.

bbe@Psalms:73:8 @Their thoughts are deep with evil designs; their talk from their seats of power is of cruel acts.

bbe@Psalms:77:12 @I will give thought to all your work, while my mind goes over your acts of power.

bbe@Psalms:77:14 @You are the God who does works of power: you have made your strength clear to the nations.

bbe@Psalms:78:15 @The rocks of the waste land were broken by his power, and he gave them drink as out of the deep waters.

bbe@Psalms:78:20 @See, the rock was cut open by his power, so that the water came rushing out, and overflowing streams; is he able to give us bread? is he able to get meat for his people?

bbe@Psalms:78:26 @He sent an east wind from heaven, driving on the south wind by his power.

bbe@Psalms:78:42 @They did not keep in mind the work of his hand, or the day when he took them from the power of their haters;

bbe@Psalms:89:13 @Yours is an arm of power; strong is your hand and high your right hand.

bbe@Psalms:89:42 @You have given power to the right hand of his haters; you have made glad all those who are against him.

bbe@Psalms:90:11 @Who has knowledge of the power of your wrath, or who takes note of the weight of your passion?

bbe@Psalms:93:1 @The Lord is King; he is clothed with glory; the Lord is clothed with strength; power is the cord of his robe; the world is fixed, so that it may not be moved.

bbe@Psalms:93:2 @The seat of your power has been from the past; you are eternal.

bbe@Psalms:95:9 @When your fathers put me to the test and saw my power and my work.

bbe@Psalms:99:4 @The king's power is used for righteousness; you give true decisions, judging rightly in the land of Jacob.

bbe@Psalms:104:1 @Give praise to the Lord, O my soul. O Lord my God, you are very great; you are robed with honour and power.

bbe@Psalms:106:8 @But he was their saviour because of his name, so that men might see his great power.

bbe@Psalms:110:3 @Your people give themselves gladly in the day of your power; like the dew of the morning on the holy mountains is the army of your young men.

bbe@Psalms:111:6 @He has made clear to his people the power of his works, giving them the heritage of the nations.

bbe@Psalms:115:7 @They have hands without feeling, and feet without power of walking; and no sound comes from their throat.

bbe@Psalms:116:8 @You have taken my soul from the power of death, keeping my eyes from weeping, and my feet from falling.

bbe@Psalms:118:15 @The sound of joy and salvation is in the tents of the upright; the right hand of the Lord does works of power.

bbe@Psalms:118:16 @The right hand of the Lord is lifted up; the right hand of the Lord does works of power.

bbe@Psalms:139:6 @Such knowledge is a wonder greater than my powers; it is so high that I may not come near it.

bbe@Psalms:145:3 @Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; his power may never be searched out.

bbe@Psalms:145:6 @Men will be talking of the power and fear of your acts; I will give word of your glory.

bbe@Psalms:145:12 @So that the sons of men may have knowledge of his acts of power, and of the great glory of his kingdom.

bbe@Psalms:147:5 @Great is our Lord, and great his power; there is no limit to his wisdom.

bbe@Psalms:150:1 @Let the Lord be praised. Give praise to God in his holy place: give him praise in the heaven of his power.

bbe@Psalms:150:2 @Give him praise for his acts of power: give him praise in the measure of his great strength.

bbe@Proverbs:2:16 @To take you out of the power of the strange woman, who says smooth words with her tongue;

bbe@Proverbs:3:27 @Do not keep back good from those who have a right to it, when it is in the power of your hand to do it.

bbe@Proverbs:6:3 @Do this, my son, and make yourself free, because you have come into the power of your neighbour; go without waiting, and make a strong request to your neighbour.

bbe@Proverbs:8:15 @Through me kings have their power, and rulers give right decisions.

bbe@Proverbs:18:21 @Death and life are in the power of the tongue; and those to whom it is dear will have its fruit for their food.

bbe@Proverbs:20:28 @Mercy and good faith keep the king safe, and the seat of his power is based on upright acts.

bbe@Proverbs:21:31 @The horse is made ready for the day of war, but power to overcome is from the Lord.

bbe@Proverbs:24:7 @Wisdom is outside the power of the foolish: he keeps his mouth shut in the public place.

bbe@Proverbs:25:5 @Take away evil-doers from before the king, and the seat of his power will be made strong in righteousness.

bbe@Proverbs:26:7 @The legs of one who has no power of walking are hanging loose; so is a wise saying in the mouth of the foolish.

bbe@Proverbs:29:2 @When the upright have power, the people are glad; when an evil man is ruler, grief comes on the people.

bbe@Proverbs:29:14 @The king who is a true judge in the cause of the poor, will be safe for ever on the seat of his power.

bbe@Proverbs:29:16 @When evil men are in power, wrongdoing is increased; but the upright will have pleasure when they see their downfall.

bbe@Proverbs:30:2 @For I am more like a beast than any man, I have no power of reasoning like a man:

bbe@Ecclesiastes:2:19 @And who is to say if that man will be wise or foolish? But he will have power over all my work which I have done and in which I have been wise under the sun. This again is to no purpose.

bbe@Ecclesiastes:4:1 @And again I saw all the cruel things which are done under the sun; there was the weeping of those who have evil done to them, and they had no comforter: and from the hands of the evil-doers there went out power, but they had no comforter.

bbe@Ecclesiastes:5:19 @Every man to whom God has given money and wealth and the power to have pleasure in it and to do his part and have joy in his work: this is given by God.

bbe@Ecclesiastes:6:2 @A man to whom God gives money, wealth, and honour so that he has all his desires but God does not give him the power to have joy of it, and a strange man takes it. This is to no purpose and an evil disease.

bbe@Ecclesiastes:6:10 @That which is, has been named before, and of what man is there is knowledge. He has no power against one stronger than he.

bbe@Ecclesiastes:8:9 @All this have I seen, and have given my heart to all the work which is done under the sun: there is a time when man has power over man for his destruction.

bbe@Ecclesiastes:9:10 @Whatever comes to your hand to do with all your power, do it because there is no work, or thought, or knowledge, or wisdom in the place of the dead to which you are going.

bbe@Ecclesiastes:10:11 @If a snake gives a bite before the word of power is said, then there is no longer any use in the word of power.