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dby@Job:5:11 @ Setting up on high those that are low; and mourners are exalted to prosperity.

dby@Job:6:7 @ What my soul refuseth to touch, that is as my loathsome food.

dby@Job:7:12 @ Am I a sea, or a sea-monster, that thou settest a watch over me?

dby@Job:7:15 @ So that my soul chooseth strangling, death, rather than my bones.

dby@Job:7:17 @ What is man, that thou makest much of him? and that thou settest thy heart upon him?

dby@Job:7:20 @ Have I sinned, what do I unto thee, thou Observer of men? Why hast thou set me as an object of assault for thee, so that I am become a burden to myself?

dby@Job:9:7 @ Who commandeth the sun, and it riseth not, and he sealeth up the stars;

dby@Job:9:11 @ Lo, he goeth by me, and I see [him] not; and he passeth along, and I perceive him not.

dby@Job:9:19 @ Be it a question of strength, lo, [he is] strong; and be it of judgment, who will set me a time?

dby@Job:10:16 @ And it increaseth: thou huntest me as a fierce lion; and ever again thou shewest thy marvellous power upon me.

dby@Job:11:6 @ And that he would shew thee the secrets of wisdom, how that they are the double of what is realised; and know that +God passeth by [much] of thine iniquity!

dby@Job:12:23 @ He increaseth the nations, and destroyeth them; he spreadeth out the nations, and bringeth them in;

dby@Job:12:24 @ He taketh away the understanding of the chiefs of the people of the earth, and causeth them to wander in a pathless waste.

dby@Job:13:27 @ And thou puttest my feet in the stocks, and markest all my paths; thou settest a bound about the soles of my feet; --

dby@Job:14:12 @ So man lieth down, and riseth not again; till the heavens be no more, they do not awake, nor are raised out of their sleep.

dby@Job:14:13 @ Oh that thou wouldest hide me in Sheol, that thou wouldest keep me secret until thine anger be past, that thou wouldest appoint me a set time, and remember me, --

dby@Job:14:20 @ Thou prevailest for ever against him, and he passeth away; thou changest his countenance, and dismissest him.

dby@Job:16:8 @ Thou hast shrivelled me up! it is become a witness; and my leanness riseth up against me, it beareth witness to my face.

dby@Job:16:12 @ I was at rest, but he hath shattered me; he hath taken me by the neck and shaken me to pieces, and set me up for his mark.

dby@Job:19:8 @ He hath hedged up my way that I cannot pass, and he hath set darkness in my paths.

dby@Job:24:14 @ The murderer riseth with the light, killeth the afflicted and needy, and in the night is as a thief.

dby@Job:24:22 @ He draweth also the mighty with his power; he riseth up, and no [man] is sure of life.

dby@Job:24:23 @ [God] setteth him in safety, and he resteth thereon; but his eyes are upon their ways.

dby@Job:27:7 @ Let mine enemy be as the wicked, and he that riseth up against me as the unrighteous.

dby@Job:28:16 @ It is not set in the balance with gold of Ophir, with the precious onyx, and the sapphire.

dby@Job:28:19 @ The topaz of Ethiopia shall not be compared to it, neither shall it be set in the balance with pure gold.

dby@Job:30:1 @ But now they that are younger than I have me in derision, whose fathers I would have disdained to set with the dogs of my flock.

dby@Job:30:13 @ They mar my path, they set forward my calamity, without any to help them;

dby@Job:31:14 @ What then should I do when �God riseth up? and if he visited, what should I answer him?

dby@Job:34:24 @ He breaketh in pieces mighty men without inquiry, and setteth others in their stead;

dby@Job:36:5 @ Lo, �God is mighty, but despiseth not [any]; mighty in strength of understanding:

dby@Job:36:7 @ He withdraweth not his eyes from the righteous, but with kings on the throne doth he even set them for ever; and they are exalted.

dby@Job:37:15 @ Dost thou know how +God hath disposed them, and how he causeth the lightning of his cloud to flash?

dby@Job:37:21 @ And now [men] see not the light as it gleameth, it is [hidden] in the skies. But the wind passeth by and cleareth them.

dby@Job:38:5 @ Who set the measures thereof -- if thou knowest? or who stretched a line upon it?

dby@Job:38:10 @ When I cut out for it my boundary, and set bars and doors,

dby@Job:41:25 @ When he raiseth himself up, the mighty are afraid: they are beside themselves with consternation.

dby@Psalms:2:2 @ The kings of the earth set themselves, and the princes plot together, against Jehovah and against his anointed:

dby@Psalms:3:6 @ I will not fear for myriads of the people that have set themselves against me round about.

dby@Psalms:4:3 @ But know that Jehovah hath set apart the pious [man] for himself: Jehovah will hear when I call unto him.

dby@Psalms:8:1 @ {To the chief Musician. Upon the Gittith. A Psalm of David.} Jehovah our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth! who hast set thy majesty above the heavens.

dby@Psalms:8:8 @ The fowl of the heavens, and the fishes of the sea, [whatever] passeth through the paths of the seas.

dby@Psalms:10:3 @ For the wicked boasteth of his soul's desire, and he blesseth the covetous; he contemneth Jehovah.

dby@Psalms:12:5 @ Because of the oppression of the afflicted, because of the sighing of the needy, now will I arise, saith Jehovah, I will set [him] in safety, at whom they puff.

dby@Psalms:16:8 @ I have set Jehovah continually before me; because [he is] at my right hand, I shall not be moved.

dby@Psalms:17:11 @ They have now encompassed us in our steps; their eyes have they set, bowing down to the earth.

dby@Psalms:18:33 @ Who maketh my feet like hinds' [feet], and setteth me upon my high places;

dby@Psalms:19:4 @ Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their language to the extremity of the world. In them hath he set a tent for the sun,

dby@Psalms:20:5 @ We will triumph in thy salvation, and in the name of our God will we set up our banners. Jehovah fulfil all thy petitions!

dby@Psalms:21:3 @ For thou hast met him with the blessings of goodness; thou hast set a crown of pure gold on his head.

dby@Psalms:22:12 @ Many bulls have encompassed me; Bashan's strong ones have beset me round.

dby@Psalms:27:5 @ For in the day of evil he will hide me in his pavilion; in the secret of his tent will he keep me concealed: he will set me high upon a rock.

dby@Psalms:31:8 @ And hast not shut me up into the hand of the enemy: thou hast set my feet in a large place.

dby@Psalms:36:4 @ He deviseth wickedness up on his bed; he setteth himself in a way that is not good: he abhorreth not evil.

dby@Psalms:40:2 @ And he brought me up out of the pit of destruction, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock; he hath established my goings:

dby@Psalms:41:12 @ But as for me, thou upholdest me in mine integrity, and settest me before thy face for ever.

dby@Psalms:49:5 @ Wherefore should I fear in the days of adversity, [when] the iniquity of my supplanters encompasseth me? --

dby@Psalms:50:21 @ These [things] hast thou done, and I kept silence; thou thoughtest that I was altogether as thyself: [but] I will reprove thee, and set [them] in order before thine eyes.

dby@Psalms:52:2 @ Thy tongue deviseth mischievous things, like a sharp razor, practising deceit.

dby@Psalms:54:3 @ For strangers are risen up against me, and the violent seek after my life: they have not set God before them. Selah.

dby@Psalms:56:1 @ {To the chief Musician. On Jonathelem-rechokim. Of David. Michtam; when the Philistines took him in Gath.} Be gracious unto me, O God; for man would swallow me up: all the day long fighting he oppresseth me.

dby@Psalms:58:8 @ Let them be as a snail that melteth as it passeth away; [like] the untimely birth of a woman, let them not see the sun.

dby@Psalms:62:10 @ Put not confidence in oppression, and become not vain in robbery; if wealth increase, set not your heart upon it.

dby@Psalms:66:9 @ Who hath set our soul in life, and suffereth not our feet to be moved.

dby@Psalms:69:29 @ But I am afflicted and sorrowful: let thy salvation, O God, set me secure on high.

dby@Psalms:69:33 @ For Jehovah heareth the needy, and despiseth not his prisoners.

dby@Psalms:73:6 @ Therefore pride encompasseth them as a neck-chain, violence covereth them [as] a garment;

dby@Psalms:73:9 @ They set their mouth in the heavens, and their tongue walketh through the earth.

dby@Psalms:73:18 @ Truly thou settest them in slippery places, thou castest them down in ruins.

dby@Psalms:74:4 @ Thine adversaries roar in the midst of thy place of assembly; they set up their signs [for] signs.

dby@Psalms:74:7 @ They have set on fire thy sanctuary, they have profaned the habitation of thy name to the ground.

dby@Psalms:74:17 @ Thou hast set all the borders of the earth; summer and winter -- thou didst form them.

dby@Psalms:78:7 @ And that they might set their hope in God, and not forget the works of �God, but observe his commandments;

dby@Psalms:78:39 @ And he remembered that they were flesh, a breath that passeth away and cometh not again.

dby@Psalms:78:43 @ How he set his signs in Egypt, and his miracles in the field of Zoan;

dby@Psalms:81:3 @ Blow the trumpet at the new moon, at the set time, on our feast day:

dby@Psalms:83:14 @ As fire burneth a forest, and as the flame setteth the mountains on fire,

dby@Psalms:85:13 @ Righteousness shall go before him, and shall set his footsteps on the way.

dby@Psalms:86:14 @ O God, the proud are risen against me, and the assembly of the violent seek after my soul, and they have not set thee before them.

dby@Psalms:89:25 @ And I will set his hand in the sea, and his right hand in the rivers.

dby@Psalms:90:8 @ Thou hast set our iniquities before thee, our secret [sins] in the light of thy countenance.

dby@Psalms:91:14 @ Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him; I will set him on high, because he hath known my name.

dby@Psalms:101:3 @ I will set no thing of Belial before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me.

dby@Psalms:101:7 @ He that practiseth deceit shall not dwell within my house; he that speaketh falsehoods shall not subsist in my sight.

dby@Psalms:102:7 @ I watch, and am like a sparrow alone upon the housetop.

dby@Psalms:102:13 @ Thou wilt rise up, thou wilt have mercy upon Zion: for it is the time to be gracious to her, for the set time is come.

dby@Psalms:103:16 @ For the wind passeth over it, and it is gone, and the place thereof knoweth it no more.

dby@Psalms:104:9 @ Thou hast set a bound which they may not pass over, that they turn not again to cover the earth.

dby@Psalms:104:22 @ The sun ariseth, they retreat, and lay them down in their dens.

dby@Psalms:105:27 @ They set his signs among them, and miracles in the land of Ham.

dby@Psalms:107:25 @ For he speaketh, and raiseth the stormy wind, which lifteth up the waves thereof:

dby@Psalms:107:38 @ And he blesseth them, so that they are multiplied greatly; and he suffereth not their cattle to decrease.

dby@Psalms:107:40 @ He poureth contempt upon nobles, and causeth them to wander in a pathless waste;

dby@Psalms:109:6 @ Set a wicked [man] over him, and let [the] adversary stand at his right hand;

dby@Psalms:112:4 @ Unto the upright there ariseth light in the darkness; he is gracious, and merciful, and righteous.

dby@Psalms:113:7 @ He raiseth up the poor out of the dust; from the dung-hill he lifteth up the needy,

dby@Psalms:113:8 @ To set [him] among nobles, among the nobles of his people.

dby@Psalms:118:5 @ I called upon Jah in distress; Jah answered me [and set me] in a large place.

dby@Psalms:119:30 @ I have chosen the way of faithfulness; thy judgments have I set [before me].

dby@Psalms:119:89 @ LAMED. For ever, O Jehovah, thy word is settled in the heavens.

dby@Psalms:119:118 @ Thou hast set at nought all them that wander from thy statutes; for their deceit is falsehood.

dby@Psalms:122:5 @ For there are set thrones for judgment, the thrones of the house of David.

dby@Psalms:132:11 @ Jehovah hath sworn [in] truth unto David; he will not turn from it: Of the fruit of thy body will I set upon thy throne;

dby@Psalms:135:7 @ Who causeth the vapours to ascend from the ends of the earth; who maketh lightnings for the rain; who bringeth the wind out of his treasuries:

dby@Psalms:139:5 @ Thou hast beset me behind and before, and laid thy hand upon me.

dby@Psalms:140:5 @ The proud have hidden a snare for me, and cords; they have spread a net by the way-side; they have set traps for me. Selah.

dby@Psalms:141:2 @ Let my prayer be set forth before thee as incense, the lifting up of my hands as the evening oblation.

dby@Psalms:141:3 @ Set a watch, O Jehovah, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips.

dby@Psalms:144:4 @ Man is like to vanity; his days are as a shadow that passeth away.

dby@Psalms:145:14 @ Jehovah upholdeth all that fall, and raiseth up all that are bowed down.

dby@Psalms:146:7 @ Who executeth judgment for the oppressed, who giveth bread to the hungry. Jehovah looseth the prisoners;

dby@Psalms:146:8 @ Jehovah openeth [the eyes of] the blind; Jehovah raiseth up them that are bowed down; Jehovah loveth the righteous;

dby@Psalms:147:6 @ Jehovah lifteth up the meek; he abaseth the wicked to the earth.

dby@Psalms:147:18 @ He sendeth his word, and melteth them; he causeth his wind to blow -- the waters flow.

dby@Proverbs:1:20 @ Wisdom crieth without; she raiseth her voice in the broadways;

dby@Proverbs:3:33 @ The curse of Jehovah is in the house of the wicked; but he blesseth the habitation of the righteous.

dby@Proverbs:6:14 @ deceits are in his heart; he deviseth mischief at all times, he soweth discords.

dby@Proverbs:6:18 @ a heart that deviseth wicked imaginations; feet that are swift in running to mischief;

dby@Proverbs:8:23 @ I was set up from eternity, from the beginning, before the earth was.

dby@Proverbs:8:25 @ Before the mountains were settled, before the hills was I brought forth;

dby@Proverbs:10:5 @ He that gathereth in summer is a wise son; he that sleepeth in harvest is a son that causeth shame.

dby@Proverbs:10:10 @ He that winketh with the eye causeth grief, and a prating fool shall fall.

dby@Proverbs:10:25 @ As a whirlwind passeth, so is the wicked no [more]; but the righteous is an everlasting foundation.

dby@Proverbs:11:12 @ He that despiseth his neighbour is void of heart; but a man of understanding holdeth his peace.

dby@Proverbs:11:24 @ There is that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is that withholdeth more than is right, but [it tendeth] only to want.

dby@Proverbs:13:13 @ Whoso despiseth the word shall be held by it; but he that feareth the commandment shall be rewarded.

dby@Proverbs:13:18 @ Poverty and shame shall be [to] him that refuseth instruction; but he that regardeth reproof shall be honoured.

dby@Proverbs:14:2 @ He that walketh in his uprightness feareth Jehovah; but he that is perverted in his ways despiseth him.

dby@Proverbs:14:21 @ He that despiseth his neighbour sinneth; but he that is gracious to the afflicted, happy is he.

dby@Proverbs:14:31 @ He that oppresseth the poor reproacheth his Maker; but he that honoureth Him is gracious to the needy.

dby@Proverbs:14:35 @ The king's favour is toward a wise servant; but his wrath is [against] him that causeth shame.

dby@Proverbs:15:2 @ The tongue of the wise useth knowledge aright; but the mouth of the foolish poureth out folly.

dby@Proverbs:15:5 @ A fool despiseth his father's instruction; but he that regardeth reproof becometh prudent.

dby@Proverbs:15:18 @ A furious man stirreth up contention; but he that is slow to anger appeaseth strife.

dby@Proverbs:15:20 @ A wise son maketh a glad father; but a foolish man despiseth his mother.

dby@Proverbs:15:32 @ He that refuseth instruction despiseth his own soul; but he that heareth reproof getteth sense.

dby@Proverbs:16:9 @ The heart of man deviseth his way, but Jehovah directeth his steps.

dby@Proverbs:16:21 @ The wise in heart is called intelligent, and the sweetness of the lips increaseth learning.

dby@Proverbs:16:23 @ The heart of the wise maketh his mouth intelligent, and upon his lips increaseth learning.

dby@Proverbs:17:2 @ A wise servant shall rule over a son that causeth shame, and shall have part in the inheritance among the brethren.

dby@Proverbs:18:18 @ The lot causeth contentions to cease, and parteth between the mighty.

dby@Proverbs:19:18 @ Chasten thy son, seeing there is hope; but set not thy soul upon killing him.

dby@Proverbs:19:26 @ He that ruineth [his] father and chaseth away [his] mother is a son that causeth shame and bringeth reproach.

dby@Proverbs:19:27 @ Cease, my son, to hear the instruction which causeth to stray from the words of knowledge.

dby@Proverbs:20:20 @ Whoso curseth his father or his mother, his lamp shall be put out in the blackest darkness.

dby@Proverbs:21:9 @ It is better to dwell in a corner of the housetop, than with a contentious woman, and a house in common.

dby@Proverbs:22:16 @ He that oppresseth the poor, it is to enrich him; he that giveth to the rich, [bringeth] only to want.

dby@Proverbs:22:28 @ Remove not the ancient landmark which thy fathers have set.

dby@Proverbs:23:5 @ wilt thou set thine eyes upon it, it is gone; for indeed it maketh itself wings and it flieth away as an eagle towards the heavens.

dby@Proverbs:23:28 @ She also lieth in wait as a robber, and increaseth the treacherous among men.

dby@Proverbs:24:5 @ A wise man is strong, and a man of knowledge increaseth strength.

dby@Proverbs:24:8 @ He that deviseth to do evil shall be called a master of intrigues.

dby@Proverbs:24:16 @ For the righteous falleth seven times, and riseth up again; but the wicked stumble into disaster.

dby@Proverbs:24:26 @ He kisseth the lips who giveth a right answer.

dby@Proverbs:25:24 @ It is better to dwell in a corner of the housetop, than with a contentious woman, and a house in common.

dby@Proverbs:26:20 @ Where no wood is, the fire goeth out; and where there is no talebearer, the contention ceaseth.

dby@Proverbs:27:14 @ He that blesseth his friend with a loud voice, rising early in the morning, it shall be reckoned a curse to him.

dby@Proverbs:27:21 @ The fining-pot is for silver, and the furnace for gold; so let a man be to the mouth that praiseth him.

dby@Proverbs:28:3 @ A poor man who oppresseth the helpless is a sweeping rain which leaveth no food.

dby@Proverbs:28:8 @ He that by usury and unjust gain increaseth his substance gathereth it for him that is gracious to the poor.

dby@Proverbs:28:10 @ Whoso causeth the upright to go astray in an evil way, shall himself fall into his own pit; but the perfect shall inherit good.

dby@Proverbs:28:13 @ He that covereth his transgressions shall not prosper; but whoso confesseth and forsaketh [them] shall obtain mercy.

dby@Proverbs:29:8 @ Scornful men set the city in a flame; but the wise turn away anger.

dby@Proverbs:29:16 @ When the wicked increase, transgression increaseth; but the righteous shall see their fall.

dby@Proverbs:30:11 @ There is a generation that curseth their father, and doth not bless their mother;

dby@Proverbs:30:17 @ The eye that mocketh at a father, and despiseth to obey a mother, the ravens of the valley shall pick it out, and the young eagles shall eat it.

dby@Proverbs:31:15 @ And she riseth while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and the day's work to her maidens.

dby@Proverbs:31:28 @ Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband [also], and he praiseth her:

dby@Ecclesiastes:1:4 @ [One] generation passeth away, and [another] generation cometh, but the earth standeth for ever.

dby@Ecclesiastes:1:5 @ The sun also riseth, and the sun goeth down, and hasteth to its place where it ariseth.

dby@Ecclesiastes:1:18 @ For in much wisdom is much vexation, and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow.

dby@Ecclesiastes:3:11 @ He hath made everything beautiful in its time; also he hath set the world in their heart, so that man findeth not out from the beginning to the end the work that God doeth.

dby@Ecclesiastes:7:14 @ In the day of prosperity enjoy good, and in the day of adversity consider: God hath also set the one beside the other, to the end that man should find out nothing [of what shall be] after him.

dby@Ecclesiastes:7:26 @ and I found more bitter than death the woman whose heart is nets and snares, [and] whose hands are bands: whoso pleaseth God shall escape from her; but the sinner shall be caught by her.

dby@Ecclesiastes:8:3 @ Be not hasty to go out of his sight; persist not in an evil thing: for he doeth whatever pleaseth him,

dby@Ecclesiastes:8:11 @ Because sentence against an evil work is not executed speedily, therefore the heart of the children of men is fully set in them to do evil.

dby@Ecclesiastes:10:6 @ folly is set in great dignities, but the rich sit in a low place.

dby@Ecclesiastes:12:9 @ And moreover, because the Preacher was wise, he still taught the people knowledge; and he pondered, and sought out, [and] set in order many proverbs.

dby@Songs:5:12 @ His eyes are like doves by the water-brooks, Washed with milk, fitly set;

dby@Songs:5:14 @ His hands gold rings, set with the chrysolite; His belly is bright ivory, overlaid [with] sapphires;

dby@Songs:5:15 @ His legs, pillars of marble, set upon bases of fine gold: His bearing as Lebanon, excellent as the cedars;

dby@Songs:6:12 @ Before I was aware, My soul set me upon the chariots of my willing people.

dby@Songs:7:2 @ Thy navel is a round goblet, [which] wanteth not mixed wine; Thy belly a heap of wheat, set about with lilies;

dby@Songs:8:6 @ Set me as a seal upon thy heart, As a seal upon thine arm: For love is strong as death; Jealousy is cruel as Sheol: The flashes thereof are flashes of fire, Flames of Jah.