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OT-POET.filter - rsv thy:

rsv@Job:1:11 @ But put forth thy hand now, and touch all that he has, and he will curse thee to thy face."

rsv@Job:2:5 @ But put forth thy hand now, and touch his bone and his flesh, and he will curse thee to thy face."

rsv@Job:7:8 @ The eye of him who sees me will behold me no more; while thy eyes are upon me, I shall be gone.

rsv@Job:7:17 @ What is man, that thou dost make so much of him, and that thou dost set thy mind upon him,

rsv@Job:7:20 @ If I sin, what do I do to thee, thou watcher of men? Why hast thou made me thy mark? Why have I become a burden to thee?

rsv@Job:10:3 @ Does it seem good to thee to oppress, to despise the work of thy hands and favor the designs of the wicked?

rsv@Job:10:5 @ Are thy days as the days of man, or thy years as man's years,

rsv@Job:10:7 @ although thou knowest that I am not guilty, and there is none to deliver out of thy hand?

rsv@Job:10:8 @ Thy hands fashioned and made me; and now thou dost turn about and destroy me.

rsv@Job:10:12 @ Thou hast granted me life and steadfast love; and thy care has preserved my spirit.

rsv@Job:10:13 @ Yet these things thou didst hide in thy heart; I know that this was thy purpose.

rsv@Job:10:17 @ thou dost renew thy witnesses against me, and increase thy vexation toward me; thou dost bring fresh hosts against me.

rsv@Job:13:20 @ Only grant two things to me, then I will not hide myself from thy face:

rsv@Job:13:21 @ withdraw thy hand far from me, and let not dread of thee terrify me.

rsv@Job:13:24 @ Why dost thou hide thy face, and count me as thy enemy?

rsv@Job:14:3 @ And dost thou open thy eyes upon such a one and bring him into judgment with thee?

rsv@Job:14:13 @ Oh that thou wouldest hide me in Sheol, that thou wouldest conceal me until thy wrath be past, that thou wouldest appoint me a set time, and remember me!

rsv@Job:14:15 @ Thou wouldest call, and I would answer thee; thou wouldest long for the work of thy hands.

rsv@Job:17:3 @ "Lay down a pledge for me with thyself; who is there that will give surety for me?

rsv@Job:21:14 @ They say to God, `ey say to God, "Depart from us! We do not desire the knowledge of thy ways.

rsv@Job:30:21 @ Thou hast turned cruel to me; with the might of thy hand thou dost persecute me.

rsv@Job:42:11 @ Then came to him all his brothers and sisters and all who had known him before, and ate bread with him in his house; and they showed him sympathy and comforted him for all the evil that the LORD had brought upon him; and each of them gave him a piece of money and a ring of gold.

rsv@Psalms:3:8 @ Arise, O LORD! Deliver me, O my God! For thou dost smite all my enemies on the cheek, thou dost break the teeth of the wicked. [ (Psalms strkjv@3:9) Deliverance belongs to the LORD; thy blessing be upon thy people! [Selah] ]

rsv@Psalms:4:7 @ There are many who say, "O that we might see some good! Lift up the light of thy countenance upon us, O LORD!"

rsv@Psalms:5:6 @ The boastful may not stand before thy eyes; thou hatest all evildoers.

rsv@Psalms:5:8 @ But I through the abundance of thy steadfast love will enter thy house, I will worship toward thy holy temple in the fear of thee.

rsv@Psalms:5:9 @ Lead me, O LORD, in thy righteousness because of my enemies; make thy way straight before me.

rsv@Psalms:5:12 @ But let all who take refuge in thee rejoice, let them ever sing for joy; and do thou defend them, that those who love thy name may exult in thee. [ (Psalms strkjv@5:13) For thou dost bless the righteous, O LORD; thou dost cover him with favor as with a shield. ]

rsv@Psalms:6:2 @ O LORD, rebuke me not in thy anger, nor chasten me in thy wrath.

rsv@Psalms:6:5 @ Turn, O LORD, save my life; deliver me for the sake of thy steadfast love.

rsv@Psalms:7:7 @ Arise, O LORD, in thy anger, lift thyself up against the fury of my enemies; awake, O my God; thou hast appointed a judgment.

rsv@Psalms:7:8 @ Let the assembly of the peoples be gathered about thee; and over it take thy seat on high.

rsv@Psalms:8:2 @ O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is thy name in all the earth! Thou whose glory above the heavens is chanted

rsv@Psalms:8:3 @ by the mouth of babes and infants, thou hast founded a bulwark because of thy foes, to still the enemy and the avenger.

rsv@Psalms:8:4 @ When I look at thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars which thou hast established;

rsv@Psalms:8:7 @ Thou hast given him dominion over the works of thy hands; thou hast put all things under his feet,

rsv@Psalms:8:9 @ the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea, whatever passes along the paths of the sea. [ (Psalms strkjv@8:10) O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is thy name in all the earth! ]

rsv@Psalms:9:2 @ I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart; I will tell of all thy wonderful deeds.

rsv@Psalms:9:3 @ I will be glad and exult in thee, I will sing praise to thy name, O Most High.

rsv@Psalms:9:11 @ And those who know thy name put their trust in thee, for thou, O LORD, hast not forsaken those who seek thee.

rsv@Psalms:9:15 @ that I may recount all thy praises, that in the gates of the daughter of Zion I may rejoice in thy deliverance.

rsv@Psalms:10:1 @ Why dost thou stand afar off, O LORD? Why dost thou hide thyself in times of trouble?

rsv@Psalms:10:5 @ His ways prosper at all times; thy judgments are on high, out of his sight; as for all his foes, he puffs at them.

rsv@Psalms:10:12 @ Arise, O LORD; O God, lift up thy hand; forget not the afflicted.

rsv@Psalms:10:14 @ Thou dost see; yea, thou dost note trouble and vexation, that thou mayest take it into thy hands; the hapless commits himself to thee; thou hast been the helper of the fatherless.

rsv@Psalms:10:17 @ O LORD, thou wilt hear the desire of the meek; thou wilt strengthen their heart, thou wilt incline thy ear

rsv@Psalms:13:2 @ How long, O LORD? Wilt thou forget me for ever? How long wilt thou hide thy face from me?

rsv@Psalms:13:6 @ But I have trusted in thy steadfast love; my heart shall rejoice in thy salvation. [ (Psalms strkjv@13:7) I will sing to the LORD, because he has dealt bountifully with me. ]

rsv@Psalms:15:2 @ O LORD, who shall sojourn in thy tent? Who shall dwell on thy holy hill?

rsv@Psalms:16:11 @ For thou dost not give me up to Sheol, or let thy godly one see the Pit. [ (Psalms strkjv@16:12) Thou dost show me the path of life; in thy presence there is fulness of joy, in thy right hand are pleasures for evermore. ]

rsv@Psalms:17:3 @ From thee let my vindication come! Let thy eyes see the right!

rsv@Psalms:17:5 @ With regard to the works of men, by the word of thy lips I have avoided the ways of the violent.

rsv@Psalms:17:6 @ My steps have held fast to thy paths, my feet have not slipped.

rsv@Psalms:17:7 @ I call upon thee, for thou wilt answer me, O God; incline thy ear to me, hear my words.

rsv@Psalms:17:8 @ Wondrously show thy steadfast love, O savior of those who seek refuge from their adversaries at thy right hand.

rsv@Psalms:17:9 @ Keep me as the apple of the eye; hide me in the shadow of thy wings,

rsv@Psalms:17:14 @ Arise, O LORD! confront them, overthrow them! Deliver my life from the wicked by thy sword,

rsv@Psalms:17:15 @ from men by thy hand, O LORD, from men whose portion in life is of the world. May their belly be filled with what thou hast stored up for them; may their children have more than enough; may they leave something over to their babes. [ (Psalms strkjv@17:16) As for me, I shall behold thy face in righteousness; when I awake, I shall be satisfied with beholding thy form. ]

rsv@Psalms:18:4 @ I call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised, and I am saved from my enemies.

rsv@Psalms:18:16 @ Then the channels of the sea were seen, and the foundations of the world were laid bare, at thy rebuke, O LORD, at the blast of the breath of thy nostrils.

rsv@Psalms:18:26 @ With the loyal thou dost show thyself loyal; with the blameless man thou dost show thyself blameless;

rsv@Psalms:18:27 @ with the pure thou dost show thyself pure; and with the crooked thou dost show thyself perverse.

rsv@Psalms:18:36 @ Thou hast given me the shield of thy salvation, and thy right hand supported me, and thy help made me great.

rsv@Psalms:18:50 @ For this I will extol thee, O LORD, among the nations, and sing praises to thy name. [ (Psalms strkjv@18:51) Great triumphs he gives to his king, and shows steadfast love to his anointed, to David and his descendants for ever. ]

rsv@Psalms:19:12 @ Moreover by them is thy servant warned; in keeping them there is great reward.

rsv@Psalms:19:14 @ Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me! Then I shall be blameless, and innocent of great transgression. [ (Psalms strkjv@19:15) Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer. ]

rsv@Psalms:21:2 @ In thy strength the king rejoices, O LORD; and in thy help how greatly he exults!

rsv@Psalms:21:6 @ His glory is great through thy help; splendor and majesty thou dost bestow upon him.

rsv@Psalms:21:7 @ Yea, thou dost make him most blessed for ever; thou dost make him glad with the joy of thy presence.

rsv@Psalms:21:13 @ For you will put them to flight; you will aim at their faces with your bows. [ (Psalms strkjv@21:14) Be exalted, O LORD, in thy strength! We will sing and praise thy power. ]

rsv@Psalms:22:23 @ I will tell of thy name to my brethren; in the midst of the congregation I will praise thee:

rsv@Psalms:23:5 @ Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil; for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.

rsv@Psalms:25:5 @ Make me to know thy ways, O LORD; teach me thy paths.

rsv@Psalms:25:6 @ Lead me in thy truth, and teach me, for thou art the God of my salvation; for thee I wait all the day long.

rsv@Psalms:25:7 @ Be mindful of thy mercy, O LORD, and of thy steadfast love, for they have been from of old.

rsv@Psalms:25:8 @ Remember not the sins of my youth, or my transgressions; according to thy steadfast love remember me, for thy goodness' sake, O LORD!

rsv@Psalms:25:12 @ For thy name's sake, O LORD, pardon my guilt, for it is great.

rsv@Psalms:26:4 @ For thy steadfast love is before my eyes, and I walk in faithfulness to thee.

rsv@Psalms:26:7 @ I wash my hands in innocence, and go about thy altar, O LORD,

rsv@Psalms:26:8 @ singing aloud a song of thanksgiving, and telling all thy wondrous deeds.

rsv@Psalms:26:9 @ O LORD, I love the habitation of thy house, and the place where thy glory dwells.

rsv@Psalms:27:9 @ Thou hast said, "Seek ye my face." My heart says to thee, "Thy face, LORD, do I seek."

rsv@Psalms:27:10 @ Hide not thy face from me. Turn not thy servant away in anger, thou who hast been my help. Cast me not off, forsake me not, O God of my salvation!

rsv@Psalms:27:12 @ Teach me thy way, O LORD; and lead me on a level path because of my enemies.

rsv@Psalms:28:3 @ Hear the voice of my supplication, as I cry to thee for help, as I lift up my hands toward thy most holy sanctuary.

rsv@Psalms:28:9 @ The LORD is the strength of his people, he is the saving refuge of his anointed. [ (Psalms strkjv@28:10) O save thy people, and bless thy heritage; be thou their shepherd, and carry them for ever. ]

rsv@Psalms:30:8 @ By thy favor, O LORD, thou hadst established me as a strong mountain; thou didst hide thy face, I was dismayed.

rsv@Psalms:30:10 @ "What profit is there in my death, if I go down to the Pit? Will the dust praise thee? Will it tell of thy faithfulness?

rsv@Psalms:31:2 @ In thee, O LORD, do I seek refuge; let me never be put to shame; in thy righteousness deliver me!

rsv@Psalms:31:3 @ Incline thy ear to me, rescue me speedily! Be thou a rock of refuge for me, a strong fortress to save me!

rsv@Psalms:31:4 @ Yea, thou art my rock and my fortress; for thy name's sake lead me and guide me,

rsv@Psalms:31:6 @ Into thy hand I commit my spirit; thou hast redeemed me, O LORD, faithful God.

rsv@Psalms:31:8 @ I will rejoice and be glad for thy steadfast love, because thou hast seen my affliction, thou hast taken heed of my adversities,

rsv@Psalms:31:16 @ My times are in thy hand; deliver me from the hand of my enemies and persecutors!

rsv@Psalms:31:17 @ Let thy face shine on thy servant; save me in thy steadfast love!

rsv@Psalms:31:20 @ O how abundant is thy goodness, which thou hast laid up for those who fear thee, and wrought for those who take refuge in thee, in the sight of the sons of men!

rsv@Psalms:31:21 @ In the covert of thy presence thou hidest them from the plots of men; thou holdest them safe under thy shelter from the strife of tongues.

rsv@Psalms:31:23 @ I had said in my alarm, "I am driven far from thy sight." But thou didst hear my supplications, when I cried to thee for help.

rsv@Psalms:32:5 @ For day and night thy hand was heavy upon me; my strength was dried up as by the heat of summer. [Selah]

rsv@Psalms:33:22 @ Let thy steadfast love, O LORD, be upon us, even as we hope in thee.

rsv@Psalms:35:24 @ Bestir thyself, and awake for my right, for my cause, my God and my Lord!

rsv@Psalms:35:25 @ Vindicate me, O LORD, my God, according to thy righteousness; and let them not rejoice over me!

rsv@Psalms:35:28 @ Let those who desire my vindication shout for joy and be glad, and say evermore, "Great is the LORD, who delights in the welfare of his servant!" [ (Psalms strkjv@35:29) Then my tongue shall tell of thy righteousness and of thy praise all the day long. ]

rsv@Psalms:36:6 @ Thy steadfast love, O LORD, extends to the heavens, thy faithfulness to the clouds.

rsv@Psalms:36:7 @ Thy righteousness is like the mountains of God, thy judgments are like the great deep; man and beast thou savest, O LORD.

rsv@Psalms:36:8 @ How precious is thy steadfast love, O God! The children of men take refuge in the shadow of thy wings.

rsv@Psalms:36:9 @ They feast on the abundance of thy house, and thou givest them drink from the river of thy delights.

rsv@Psalms:36:10 @ For with thee is the fountain of life; in thy light do we see light.

rsv@Psalms:36:11 @ O continue thy steadfast love to those who know thee, and thy salvation to the upright of heart!

rsv@Psalms:38:2 @ O LORD, rebuke me not in thy anger, nor chasten me in thy wrath!

rsv@Psalms:38:3 @ For thy arrows have sunk into me, and thy hand has come down on me.

rsv@Psalms:38:4 @ There is no soundness in my flesh because of thy indignation; there is no health in my bones because of my sin.

rsv@Psalms:39:6 @ Behold, thou hast made my days a few handbreadths, and my lifetime is as nothing in thy sight. Surely every man stands as a mere breath! [Selah]

rsv@Psalms:39:11 @ Remove thy stroke from me; I am spent by the blows of thy hand.

rsv@Psalms:39:13 @ "Hear my prayer, O LORD, and give ear to my cry; hold not thy peace at my tears! For I am thy passing guest, a sojourner, like all my fathers. [ (Psalms strkjv@39:14) Look away from me, that I may know gladness, before I depart and be no more!" ]

rsv@Psalms:40:6 @ Thou hast multiplied, O LORD my God, thy wondrous deeds and thy thoughts toward us; none can compare with thee! Were I to proclaim and tell of them, they would be more than can be numbered.

rsv@Psalms:40:9 @ I delight to do thy will, O my God; thy law is within my heart."

rsv@Psalms:40:11 @ I have not hid thy saving help within my heart, I have spoken of thy faithfulness and thy salvation; I have not concealed thy steadfast love and thy faithfulness from the great congregation.

rsv@Psalms:40:12 @ Do not thou, O LORD, withhold thy mercy from me, let thy steadfast love and thy faithfulness ever preserve me!

rsv@Psalms:40:17 @ But may all who seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee; may those who love thy salvation say continually, "Great is the LORD!" [ (Psalms strkjv@40:18) As for me, I am poor and needy; but the Lord takes thought for me. Thou art my help and my deliverer; do not tarry, O my God! ]

rsv@Psalms:41:13 @ But thou hast upheld me because of my integrity, and set me in thy presence for ever. [ (Psalms strkjv@41:14) Blessed be the LORD, the God of Israel, from everlasting to everlasting! Amen and Amen. ]

rsv@Psalms:42:8 @ Deep calls to deep at the thunder of thy cataracts; all thy waves and thy billows have gone over me.

rsv@Psalms:43:3 @ Oh send out thy light and thy truth; let them lead me, let them bring me to thy holy hill and to thy dwelling!

rsv@Psalms:44:3 @ thou with thy own hand didst drive out the nations, but them thou didst plant; thou didst afflict the peoples, but them thou didst set free;

rsv@Psalms:44:4 @ for not by their own sword did they win the land, nor did their own arm give them victory; but thy right hand, and thy arm, and the light of thy countenance; for thou didst delight in them.

rsv@Psalms:44:6 @ Through thee we push down our foes; through thy name we tread down our assailants.

rsv@Psalms:44:9 @ In God we have boasted continually, and we will give thanks to thy name for ever. [Selah]

rsv@Psalms:44:13 @ Thou hast sold thy people for a trifle, demanding no high price for them.

rsv@Psalms:44:18 @ All this has come upon us, though we have not forgotten thee, or been false to thy covenant.

rsv@Psalms:44:19 @ Our heart has not turned back, nor have our steps departed from thy way,

rsv@Psalms:44:23 @ Nay, for thy sake we are slain all the day long, and accounted as sheep for the slaughter.

rsv@Psalms:44:24 @ Rouse thyself! Why sleepest thou, O Lord? Awake! Do not cast us off for ever!

rsv@Psalms:44:25 @ Why dost thou hide thy face? Why dost thou forget our affliction and oppression?

rsv@Psalms:44:26 @ For our soul is bowed down to the dust; our body cleaves to the ground. [ (Psalms strkjv@44:27) Rise up, come to our help! Deliver us for the sake of thy steadfast love! ]

rsv@Psalms:48:10 @ We have thought on thy steadfast love, O God, in the midst of thy temple.

rsv@Psalms:48:11 @ As thy name, O God, so thy praise reaches to the ends of the earth. Thy right hand is filled with victory;

rsv@Psalms:48:12 @ let Mount Zion be glad! Let the daughters of Judah rejoice because of thy judgments!

rsv@Psalms:51:2 @ Have mercy on me, O God, according to thy steadfast love; according to thy abundant mercy blot out my transgressions.

rsv@Psalms:51:5 @ Against thee, thee only, have I sinned, and done that which is evil in thy sight, so that thou art justified in thy sentence and blameless in thy judgment.

rsv@Psalms:51:10 @ Hide thy face from my sins, and blot out all my iniquities.

rsv@Psalms:51:12 @ Cast me not away from thy presence, and take not thy holy Spirit from me.

rsv@Psalms:51:13 @ Restore to me the joy of thy salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit.

rsv@Psalms:51:14 @ Then I will teach transgressors thy ways, and sinners will return to thee.

rsv@Psalms:51:15 @ Deliver me from bloodguiltiness, O God, thou God of my salvation, and my tongue will sing aloud of thy deliverance.

rsv@Psalms:51:16 @ O Lord, open thou my lips, and my mouth shall show forth thy praise.

rsv@Psalms:51:19 @ Do good to Zion in thy good pleasure; rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, [ (Psalms strkjv@51:20) then wilt thou delight in right sacrifices, in burnt offerings and whole burnt offerings; then bulls will be offered on thy altar. ]

rsv@Psalms:52:9 @ But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God. I trust in the steadfast love of God for ever and ever. [ (Psalms strkjv@52:10) I will thank thee for ever, because thou hast done it. I will proclaim thy name, for it is good, in the presence of the godly. ]

rsv@Psalms:54:2 @ Save me, O God, by thy name, and vindicate me by thy might.

rsv@Psalms:54:6 @ He will requite my enemies with evil; in thy faithfulness put an end to them.

rsv@Psalms:54:7 @ With a freewill offering I will sacrifice to thee; I will give thanks to thy name, O LORD, for it is good. [ (Psalms strkjv@54:8) For thou hast delivered me from every trouble, and my eye has looked in triumph on my enemies. ]

rsv@Psalms:55:2 @ Give ear to my prayer, O God; and hide not thyself from my supplication!

rsv@Psalms:56:9 @ Thou hast kept count of my tossings; put thou my tears in thy bottle! Are they not in thy book?

rsv@Psalms:57:2 @ Be merdiful to me, O God, be merciful to me, for in thee my soul takes refuge; in the shadow of thy wings I will take refuge, till the storms of destruction pass by.

rsv@Psalms:57:6 @ Be exalted, O God, above the heavens! Let thy glory be over all the earth!

rsv@Psalms:57:11 @ For thy steadfast love is great to the heavens, thy faithfulness to the clouds. [ (Psalms strkjv@57:12) Be exalted, O God, above the heavens! Let thy glory be over all the earth! ]

rsv@Psalms:59:5 @ for no fault of mine, they run and make ready. Rouse thyself, come to my help, and see!

rsv@Psalms:59:12 @ Slay them not, lest my people forget; make them totter by thy power, and bring them down, O Lord, our shield!

rsv@Psalms:59:17 @ But I will sing of thy might; I will sing aloud of thy steadfast love in the morning. For thou hast been to me a fortress and a refuge in the day of my distress. [ (Psalms strkjv@59:18) O my Strength, I will sing praises to thee, for thou, O God, art my fortress, the God who shows me steadfast love. ]

rsv@Psalms:60:4 @ Thou hast made thy people suffer hard things; thou hast given us wine to drink that made us reel.

rsv@Psalms:60:6 @ That thy beloved may be delivered, give victory by thy right hand and answer us!

rsv@Psalms:61:5 @ Let me dwell in thy tent for ever! Oh to be safe under the shelter of thy wings! [Selah]

rsv@Psalms:61:6 @ For thou, O God, hast heard my vows, thou hast given me the heritage of those who fear thy name.

rsv@Psalms:61:8 @ May he be enthroned for ever before God; bid steadfast love and faithfulness watch over him! [ (Psalms strkjv@61:9) So will I ever sing praises to thy name, as I pay my vows day after day. ]

rsv@Psalms:63:3 @ So I have looked upon thee in the sanctuary, beholding thy power and glory.

rsv@Psalms:63:4 @ Because thy steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise thee.

rsv@Psalms:63:5 @ So I will bless thee as long as I live; I will lift up my hands and call on thy name.

rsv@Psalms:63:8 @ for thou hast been my help, and in the shadow of thy wings I sing for joy.

rsv@Psalms:63:9 @ My soul clings to thee; thy right hand upholds me.

rsv@Psalms:65:5 @ Blessed is he whom thou dost choose and bring near, to dwell in thy courts! We shall be satisfied with the goodness of thy house, thy holy temple!

rsv@Psalms:65:7 @ who by thy strength hast established the mountains, being girded with might;

rsv@Psalms:65:9 @ so that those who dwell at earth's farthest bounds are afraid at thy signs; thou makest the outgoings of the morning and the evening to shout for joy.

rsv@Psalms:65:12 @ Thou crownest the year with thy bounty; the tracks of thy chariot drip with fatness.

rsv@Psalms:66:4 @ Say to God, "How terrible are thy deeds! So great is thy power that thy enemies cringe before thee.

rsv@Psalms:66:5 @ All the earth worships thee; they sing praises to thee, sing praises to thy name." [Selah]

rsv@Psalms:66:14 @ I will come into thy house with burnt offerings; I will pay thee my vows,

rsv@Psalms:67:3 @ that thy way may be known upon earth, thy saving power among all nations.

rsv@Psalms:68:8 @ O God, when thou didst go forth before thy people, when thou didst march through the wilderness, [Selah]

rsv@Psalms:68:10 @ Rain in abundance, O God, thou didst shed abroad; thou didst restore thy heritage as it languished;

rsv@Psalms:68:11 @ thy flock found a dwelling in it; in thy goodness, O God, thou didst provide for the needy.

rsv@Psalms:68:19 @ Thou didst ascend the high mount, leading captives in thy train, and receiving gifts among men, even among the rebellious, that the LORD God may dwell there.

rsv@Psalms:68:25 @ Thy solemn processions are seen, O God, the processions of my God, my King, into the sanctuary--

rsv@Psalms:68:29 @ Summon thy might, O God; show thy strength, O God, thou who hast wrought for us.

rsv@Psalms:68:30 @ Because of thy temple at Jerusalem kings bear gifts to thee.

rsv@Psalms:69:8 @ For it is for thy sake that I have borne reproach, that shame has covered my face.

rsv@Psalms:69:10 @ For zeal for thy house has consumed me, and the insults of those who insult thee have fallen on me.

rsv@Psalms:69:14 @ But as for me, my prayer is to thee, O LORD. At an acceptable time, O God, in the abundance of thy steadfast love answer me. With thy faithful help

rsv@Psalms:69:17 @ Answer me, O LORD, for thy steadfast love is good; according to thy abundant mercy, turn to me.

rsv@Psalms:69:18 @ Hide not thy face from thy servant; for I am in distress, make haste to answer me.

rsv@Psalms:69:25 @ Pour out thy indignation upon them, and let thy burning anger overtake them.

rsv@Psalms:69:30 @ But I am afflicted and in pain; let thy salvation, O God, set me on high!

rsv@Psalms:70:5 @ May all who seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee! May those who love thy salvation say evermore, "God is great!" [ (Psalms strkjv@70:6) But I am poor and needy; hasten to me, O God! Thou art my help and my deliverer; O LORD, do not tarry! ]

rsv@Psalms:71:2 @ In thy righteousness deliver me and rescue me; incline thy ear to me, and save me!

rsv@Psalms:71:8 @ My mouth is filled with thy praise, and with thy glory all the day.

rsv@Psalms:71:15 @ My mouth will tell of thy righteous acts, of thy deeds of salvation all the day, for their number is past my knowledge.

rsv@Psalms:71:16 @ With the mighty deeds of the Lord GOD I will come, I will praise thy righteousness, thine alone.

rsv@Psalms:71:17 @ O God, from my youth thou hast taught me, and I still proclaim thy wondrous deeds.

rsv@Psalms:71:18 @ So even to old age and gray hairs, O God, do not forsake me, till I proclaim thy might to all the generations to come. Thy power

rsv@Psalms:71:19 @ and thy righteousness, O God, reach the high heavens. Thou who hast done great things, O God, who is like thee?

rsv@Psalms:71:22 @ I will also praise thee with the harp for thy faithfulness, O my God; I will sing praises to thee with the lyre, O Holy One of Israel.

rsv@Psalms:71:24 @ And my tongue will talk of thy righteous help all the day long, for they have been put to shame and disgraced who sought to do me hurt.

rsv@Psalms:72:2 @ Give the king thy justice, O God, and thy righteousness to the royal son!

rsv@Psalms:72:3 @ May he judge thy people with righteousness, and thy poor with justice!

rsv@Psalms:73:16 @ If I had said, "I will speak thus," I would have been untrue to the generation of thy children.

rsv@Psalms:73:25 @ Thou dost guide me with thy counsel, and afterward thou wilt receive me to glory.

rsv@Psalms:73:28 @ For lo, those who are far from thee shall perish; thou dost put an end to those who are false to thee. [ (Psalms strkjv@73:29) But for me it is good to be near God; I have made the Lord GOD my refuge, that I may tell of all thy works. ]

rsv@Psalms:74:2 @ O God, why dost thou cast us off for ever? Why does thy anger smoke against the sheep of thy pasture?

rsv@Psalms:74:3 @ Remember thy congregation, which thou hast gotten of old, which thou hast redeemed to be the tribe of thy heritage! Remember Mount Zion, where thou hast dwelt.

rsv@Psalms:74:4 @ Direct thy steps to the perpetual ruins; the enemy has destroyed everything in the sanctuary!

rsv@Psalms:74:5 @ Thy foes have roared in the midst of thy holy place; they set up their own signs for signs.

rsv@Psalms:74:8 @ They set thy sanctuary on fire; to the ground they desecrated the dwelling place of thy name.

rsv@Psalms:74:11 @ How long, O God, is the foe to scoff? Is the enemy to revile thy name for ever?

rsv@Psalms:74:12 @ Why dost thou hold back thy hand, why dost thou keep thy right hand in thy bosom?

rsv@Psalms:74:14 @ Thou didst divide the sea by thy might; thou didst break the heads of the dragons on the waters.

rsv@Psalms:74:19 @ Remember this, O LORD, how the enemy scoffs, and an impious people reviles thy name.

rsv@Psalms:74:20 @ Do not deliver the soul of thy dove to the wild beasts; do not forget the life of thy poor for ever.

rsv@Psalms:74:21 @ Have regard for thy covenant; for the dark places of the land are full of the habitations of violence.

rsv@Psalms:74:22 @ Let not the downtrodden be put to shame; let the poor and needy praise thy name.

rsv@Psalms:74:23 @ Arise, O God, plead thy cause; remember how the impious scoff at thee all the day! [ (Psalms strkjv@74:24) Do not forget the clamor of thy foes, the uproar of thy adversaries which goes up continually! ]

rsv@Psalms:75:2 @ We give thanks to thee, O God; we give thanks; we call on thy name and recount thy wondrous deeds.

rsv@Psalms:76:7 @ At thy rebuke, O God of Jacob, both rider and horse lay stunned.

rsv@Psalms:76:8 @ But thou, terrible art thou! Who can stand before thee when once thy anger is roused?

rsv@Psalms:77:12 @ I will call to mind the deeds of the LORD; yea, I will remember thy wonders of old.

rsv@Psalms:77:13 @ I will meditate on all thy work, and muse on thy mighty deeds.

rsv@Psalms:77:14 @ Thy way, O God, is holy. What god is great like our God?

rsv@Psalms:77:15 @ Thou art the God who workest wonders, who hast manifested thy might among the peoples.

rsv@Psalms:77:16 @ Thou didst with thy arm redeem thy people, the sons of Jacob and Joseph. [Selah]

rsv@Psalms:77:18 @ The clouds poured out water; the skies gave forth thunder; thy arrows flashed on every side.

rsv@Psalms:77:19 @ The crash of thy thunder was in the whirlwind; thy lightnings lighted up the world; the earth trembled and shook.

rsv@Psalms:77:20 @ Thy way was through the sea, thy path through the great waters; yet thy footprints were unseen. [ (Psalms strkjv@77:21) Thou didst lead thy people like a flock by the hand of Moses and Aaron. ]

rsv@Psalms:79:2 @ O God, the heathen have come into thy inheritance; they have defiled thy holy temple; they have laid Jerusalem in ruins.

rsv@Psalms:79:3 @ They have given the bodies of thy servants to the birds of the air for food, the flesh of thy saints to the beasts of the earth.

rsv@Psalms:79:6 @ How long, O LORD? Wilt thou be angry for ever? Will thy jealous wrath burn like fire?

rsv@Psalms:79:7 @ Pour out thy anger on the nations that do not know thee, and on the kingdoms that do not call on thy name!

rsv@Psalms:79:9 @ Do not remember against us the iniquities of our forefathers; let thy compassion come speedily to meet us, for we are brought very low.

rsv@Psalms:79:10 @ Help us, O God of our salvation, for the glory of thy name; deliver us, and forgive our sins, for thy name's sake!

rsv@Psalms:79:11 @ Why should the nations say, "Where is their God?" Let the avenging of the outpoured blood of thy servants be known among the nations before our eyes!

rsv@Psalms:79:12 @ Let the groans of the prisoners come before thee; according to thy great power preserve those doomed to die!

rsv@Psalms:79:13 @ Return sevenfold into the bosom of our neighbors the taunts with which they have taunted thee, O Lord! [ (Psalms strkjv@79:14) Then we thy people, the flock of thy pasture, will give thanks to thee for ever; from generation to generation we will recount thy praise. ]

rsv@Psalms:80:3 @ before E'phraim and Benjamin and Manas'seh! Stir up thy might, and come to save us!

rsv@Psalms:80:4 @ Restore us, O God; let thy face shine, that we may be saved!

rsv@Psalms:80:5 @ O LORD God of hosts, how long wilt thou be angry with thy people's prayers?

rsv@Psalms:80:8 @ Restore us, O God of hosts; let thy face shine, that we may be saved!

rsv@Psalms:80:16 @ the stock which thy right hand planted.

rsv@Psalms:80:17 @ They have burned it with fire, they have cut it down; may they perish at the rebuke of thy countenance!

rsv@Psalms:80:18 @ But let thy hand be upon the man of thy right hand, the son of man whom thou hast made strong for thyself!

rsv@Psalms:80:19 @ Then we will never turn back from thee; give us life, and we will call on thy name! [ (Psalms strkjv@80:20) Restore us, O LORD God of hosts! let thy face shine, that we may be saved! ]

rsv@Psalms:83:2 @ O God, do not keep silence; do not hold thy peace or be still, O God!

rsv@Psalms:83:3 @ For lo, thy enemies are in tumult; those who hate thee have raised their heads.

rsv@Psalms:83:4 @ They lay crafty plans against thy people; they consult together against thy protected ones.

rsv@Psalms:83:16 @ so do thou pursue them with thy tempest and terrify them with thy hurricane!

rsv@Psalms:83:17 @ Fill their faces with shame, that they may seek thy name, O LORD.

rsv@Psalms:84:2 @ How lovely is thy dwelling place, O LORD of hosts!

rsv@Psalms:84:4 @ Even the sparrow finds a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may lay her young, at thy altars, O LORD of hosts, my King and my God.

rsv@Psalms:84:5 @ Blessed are those who dwell in thy house, ever singing thy praise! [Selah]

rsv@Psalms:84:11 @ For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand elsewhere. I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of wickedness.

rsv@Psalms:85:2 @ LORD, thou wast favorable to thy land; thou didst restore the fortunes of Jacob.

rsv@Psalms:85:3 @ Thou didst forgive the iniquity of thy people; thou didst pardon all their sin. [Selah]

rsv@Psalms:85:4 @ Thou didst withdraw all thy wrath; thou didst turn from thy hot anger.

rsv@Psalms:85:5 @ Restore us again, O God of our salvation, and put away thy indignation toward us!

rsv@Psalms:85:6 @ Wilt thou be angry with us for ever? Wilt thou prolong thy anger to all generations?

rsv@Psalms:85:7 @ Wilt thou not revive us again, that thy people may rejoice in thee?

rsv@Psalms:85:8 @ Show us thy steadfast love, O LORD, and grant us thy salvation.

rsv@Psalms:86:2 @ Incline thy ear, O LORD, and answer me, for I am poor and needy.

rsv@Psalms:86:3 @ Preserve my life, for I am godly; save thy servant who trusts in thee. Thou art my God;

rsv@Psalms:86:5 @ Gladden the soul of thy servant, for to thee, O Lord, do I lift up my soul.

rsv@Psalms:86:10 @ All the nations thou hast made shall come and bow down before thee, O Lord, and shall glorify thy name.

rsv@Psalms:86:12 @ Teach me thy way, O LORD, that I may walk in thy truth; unite my heart to fear thy name.

rsv@Psalms:86:13 @ I give thanks to thee, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify thy name for ever.

rsv@Psalms:86:14 @ For great is thy steadfast love toward me; thou hast delivered my soul from the depths of Sheol.

rsv@Psalms:86:17 @ Turn to me and take pity on me; give thy strength to thy servant, and save the son of thy handmaid. [ (Psalms strkjv@86:18) Show me a sign of thy favor, that those who hate me may see and be put to shame because thou, LORD, hast helped me and comforted me. ]

rsv@Psalms:88:3 @ Let my prayer come before thee, incline thy ear to my cry!

rsv@Psalms:88:6 @ like one forsaken among the dead, like the slain that lie in the grave, like those whom thou dost remember no more, for they are cut off from thy hand.

rsv@Psalms:88:8 @ Thy wrath lies heavy upon me, and thou dost overwhelm me with all thy waves. [Selah]

rsv@Psalms:88:12 @ Is thy steadfast love declared in the grave, or thy faithfulness in Abaddon?

rsv@Psalms:88:13 @ Are thy wonders known in the darkness, or thy saving help in the land of forgetfulness?

rsv@Psalms:88:15 @ O LORD, why dost thou cast me off? Why dost thou hide thy face from me?

rsv@Psalms:88:16 @ Afflicted and close to death from my youth up, I suffer thy terrors; I am helpless.

rsv@Psalms:88:17 @ Thy wrath has swept over me; thy dread assaults destroy me.

rsv@Psalms:89:2 @ I will sing of thy steadfast love, O LORD, for ever; with my mouth I will proclaim thy faithfulness to all generations.

rsv@Psalms:89:3 @ For thy steadfast love was established for ever, thy faithfulness is firm as the heavens.

rsv@Psalms:89:6 @ Let the heavens praise thy wonders, O LORD, thy faithfulness in the assembly of the holy ones!

rsv@Psalms:89:9 @ O LORD God of hosts, who is mighty as thou art, O LORD, with thy faithfulness round about thee?

rsv@Psalms:89:11 @ Thou didst crush Rahab like a carcass, thou didst scatter thy enemies with thy mighty arm.

rsv@Psalms:89:13 @ The north and the south, thou hast created them; Tabor and Hermon joyously praise thy name.

rsv@Psalms:89:14 @ Thou hast a mighty arm; strong is thy hand, high thy right hand.

rsv@Psalms:89:15 @ Righteousness and justice are the foundation of thy throne; steadfast love and faithfulness go before thee.

rsv@Psalms:89:16 @ Blessed are the people who know the festal shout, who walk, O LORD, in the light of thy countenance,

rsv@Psalms:89:17 @ who exult in thy name all the day, and extol thy righteousness.

rsv@Psalms:89:18 @ For thou art the glory of their strength; by thy favor our horn is exalted.

rsv@Psalms:89:20 @ Of old thou didst speak in a vision to thy faithful one, and say: "I have set the crown upon one who is mighty, I have exalted one chosen from the people.

rsv@Psalms:89:39 @ But now thou hast cast off and rejected, thou art full of wrath against thy anointed.

rsv@Psalms:89:40 @ Thou hast renounced the covenant with thy servant; thou hast defiled his crown in the dust.

rsv@Psalms:89:47 @ How long, O LORD? Wilt thou hide thyself for ever? How long will thy wrath burn like fire?

rsv@Psalms:89:50 @ Lord, where is thy steadfast love of old, which by thy faithfulness thou didst swear to David?

rsv@Psalms:89:51 @ Remember, O Lord, how thy servant is scorned; how I bear in my bosom the insults of the peoples,

rsv@Psalms:89:52 @ with which thy enemies taunt, O LORD, with which they mock the footsteps of thy anointed. [ (Psalms strkjv@89:53) Blessed be the LORD for ever! Amen and Amen. ]

rsv@Psalms:90:5 @ For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, or as a watch in the night.

rsv@Psalms:90:8 @ For we are consumed by thy anger; by thy wrath we are overwhelmed.

rsv@Psalms:90:9 @ Thou hast set our iniquities before thee, our secret sins in the light of thy countenance.

rsv@Psalms:90:10 @ For all our days pass away under thy wrath, our years come to an end like a sigh.

rsv@Psalms:90:12 @ Who considers the power of thy anger, and thy wrath according to the fear of thee?

rsv@Psalms:90:14 @ Return, O LORD! How long? Have pity on thy servants!

rsv@Psalms:90:15 @ Satisfy us in the morning with thy steadfast love, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days.

rsv@Psalms:90:17 @ Let thy work be manifest to thy servants, and thy glorious power to their children. [ (Psalms strkjv@90:18) Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish thou the work of our hands upon us, yea, the work of our hands establish thou it. ]

rsv@Psalms:92:2 @ It is good to give thanks to the LORD, to sing praises to thy name, O Most High;

rsv@Psalms:92:3 @ to declare thy steadfast love in the morning, and thy faithfulness by night,

rsv@Psalms:92:5 @ For thou, O LORD, hast made me glad by thy work; at the works of thy hands I sing for joy.

rsv@Psalms:92:6 @ How great are thy works, O LORD! Thy thoughts are very deep!

rsv@Psalms:92:10 @ For, lo, thy enemies, O LORD, for, lo, thy enemies shall perish; all evildoers shall be scattered.

rsv@Psalms:93:2 @ thy throne is established from of old; thou art from everlasting.

rsv@Psalms:93:5 @ Thy decrees are very sure; holiness befits thy house, O LORD, for evermore.

rsv@Psalms:94:5 @ They crush thy people, O LORD, and afflict thy heritage.

rsv@Psalms:94:12 @ Blessed is the man whom thou dost chasten, O LORD, and whom thou dost teach out of thy law

rsv@Psalms:94:18 @ When I thought, "My foot slips," thy steadfast love, O LORD, held me up.

rsv@Psalms:94:19 @ When the cares of my heart are many, thy consolations cheer my soul.

rsv@Psalms:97:8 @ Zion hears and is glad, and the daughters of Judah rejoice, because of thy judgments, O God.

rsv@Psalms:99:3 @ Let them praise thy great and terrible name! Holy is he!

rsv@Psalms:102:3 @ Do not hide thy face from me in the day of my distress! Incline thy ear to me; answer me speedily in the day when I call!

rsv@Psalms:102:11 @ because of thy indignation and anger; for thou hast taken me up and thrown me away.

rsv@Psalms:102:13 @ But thou, O LORD, art enthroned for ever; thy name endures to all generations.

rsv@Psalms:102:15 @ For thy servants hold her stones dear, and have pity on her dust.

rsv@Psalms:102:16 @ The nations will fear the name of the LORD, and all the kings of the earth thy glory.

rsv@Psalms:102:26 @ Of old thou didst lay the foundation of the earth, and the heavens are the work of thy hands.

rsv@Psalms:102:28 @ but thou art the same, and thy years have no end. [ (Psalms strkjv@102:29) The children of thy servants shall dwell secure; their posterity shall be established before thee. ]

rsv@Psalms:104:2 @ who coverest thyself with light as with a garment, who hast stretched out the heavens like a tent,

rsv@Psalms:104:3 @ who hast laid the beams of thy chambers on the waters, who makest the clouds thy chariot, who ridest on the wings of the wind,

rsv@Psalms:104:4 @ who makest the winds thy messengers, fire and flame thy ministers.

rsv@Psalms:104:7 @ At thy rebuke they fled; at the sound of thy thunder they took to flight.

rsv@Psalms:104:13 @ From thy lofty abode thou waterest the mountains; the earth is satisfied with the fruit of thy work.

rsv@Psalms:104:24 @ O LORD, how manifold are thy works! In wisdom hast thou made them all; the earth is full of thy creatures.

rsv@Psalms:104:28 @ When thou givest to them, they gather it up; when thou openest thy hand, they are filled with good things.

rsv@Psalms:104:29 @ When thou hidest thy face, they are dismayed; when thou takest away their breath, they die and return to their dust.

rsv@Psalms:104:30 @ When thou sendest forth thy Spirit, they are created; and thou renewest the face of the ground.

rsv@Psalms:106:4 @ Remember me, O LORD, when thou showest favor to thy people; help me when thou deliverest them;

rsv@Psalms:106:5 @ that I may see the prosperity of thy chosen ones, that I may rejoice in the gladness of thy nation, that I may glory with thy heritage.

rsv@Psalms:106:7 @ Our fathers, when they were in Egypt, did not consider thy wonderful works; they did not remember the abundance of thy steadfast love, but rebelled against the Most High at the Red Sea.

rsv@Psalms:106:47 @ Save us, O LORD our God, and gather us from among the nations, that we may give thanks to thy holy name and glory in thy praise.

rsv@Psalms:108:5 @ For thy steadfast love is great above the heavens, thy faithfulness reaches to the clouds.

rsv@Psalms:108:6 @ Be exalted, O God, above the heavens! Let thy glory be over all the earth!

rsv@Psalms:108:7 @ That thy beloved may be delivered, give help by thy right hand, and answer me!

rsv@Psalms:109:22 @ But thou, O GOD my Lord, deal on my behalf for thy name's sake; because thy steadfast love is good, deliver me!

rsv@Psalms:109:27 @ Help me, O LORD my God! Save me according to thy steadfast love!

rsv@Psalms:109:28 @ Let them know that this is thy hand; thou, O LORD, hast done it!

rsv@Psalms:109:29 @ Let them curse, but do thou bless! Let my assailants be put to shame; may thy servant be glad!

rsv@Psalms:111:7 @ The works of his hands are faithful and just; all his precepts are trustworthy,

rsv@Psalms:115:1 @ Not to us, O LORD, not to us, but to thy name give glory, for the sake of thy steadfast love and thy faithfulness!

rsv@Psalms:116:16 @ O LORD, I am thy servant; I am thy servant, the son of thy handmaid. Thou hast loosed my bonds.

rsv@Psalms:119:4 @ Thou hast commanded thy precepts to be kept diligently.

rsv@Psalms:119:5 @ O that my ways may be steadfast in keeping thy statutes!

rsv@Psalms:119:6 @ Then I shall not be put to shame, having my eyes fixed on all thy commandments.

rsv@Psalms:119:7 @ I will praise thee with an upright heart, when I learn thy righteous ordinances.

rsv@Psalms:119:8 @ I will observe thy statutes; O forsake me not utterly!

rsv@Psalms:119:9 @ How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to thy word.

rsv@Psalms:119:10 @ With my whole heart I seek thee; let me not wander from thy commandments!

rsv@Psalms:119:11 @ I have laid up thy word in my heart, that I might not sin against thee.

rsv@Psalms:119:12 @ Blessed be thou, O LORD; teach me thy statutes!

rsv@Psalms:119:13 @ With my lips I declare all the ordinances of thy mouth.

rsv@Psalms:119:14 @ In the way of thy testimonies I delight as much as in all riches.

rsv@Psalms:119:15 @ I will meditate on thy precepts, and fix my eyes on thy ways.

rsv@Psalms:119:16 @ I will delight in thy statutes; I will not forget thy word.

rsv@Psalms:119:17 @ Deal bountifully with thy servant, that I may live and observe thy word.

rsv@Psalms:119:18 @ Open my eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law.

rsv@Psalms:119:19 @ I am a sojourner on earth; hide not thy commandments from me!

rsv@Psalms:119:20 @ My soul is consumed with longing for thy ordinances at all times.

rsv@Psalms:119:21 @ Thou dost rebuke the insolent, accursed ones, who wander from thy commandments;

rsv@Psalms:119:22 @ take away from me their scorn and contempt, for I have kept thy testimonies.

rsv@Psalms:119:23 @ Even though princes sit plotting against me, thy servant will meditate on thy statutes.

rsv@Psalms:119:24 @ Thy testimonies are my delight, they are my counselors.

rsv@Psalms:119:25 @ My soul cleaves to the dust; revive me according to thy word!

rsv@Psalms:119:26 @ When I told of my ways, thou didst answer me; teach me thy statutes!

rsv@Psalms:119:27 @ Make me understand the way of thy precepts, and I will meditate on thy wondrous works.

rsv@Psalms:119:28 @ My soul melts away for sorrow; strengthen me according to thy word!

rsv@Psalms:119:29 @ Put false ways far from me; and graciously teach me thy law!

rsv@Psalms:119:30 @ I have chosen the way of faithfulness, I set thy ordinances before me.

rsv@Psalms:119:31 @ I cleave to thy testimonies, O LORD; let me not be put to shame!

rsv@Psalms:119:32 @ I will run in the way of thy commandments when thou enlargest my understanding!

rsv@Psalms:119:33 @ Teach me, O LORD, the way of thy statutes; and I will keep it to the end.

rsv@Psalms:119:34 @ Give me understanding, that I may keep thy law and observe it with my whole heart.

rsv@Psalms:119:35 @ Lead me in the path of thy commandments, for I delight in it.

rsv@Psalms:119:36 @ Incline my heart to thy testimonies, and not to gain!

rsv@Psalms:119:37 @ Turn my eyes from looking at vanities; and give me life in thy ways.

rsv@Psalms:119:38 @ Confirm to thy servant thy promise, which is for those who fear thee.

rsv@Psalms:119:39 @ Turn away the reproach which I dread; for thy ordinances are good.

rsv@Psalms:119:40 @ Behold, I long for thy precepts; in thy righteousness give me life!

rsv@Psalms:119:41 @ Let thy steadfast love come to me, O LORD, thy salvation according to thy promise;

rsv@Psalms:119:42 @ then shall I have an answer for those who taunt me, for I trust in thy word.

rsv@Psalms:119:43 @ And take not the word of truth utterly out of my mouth, for my hope is in thy ordinances.

rsv@Psalms:119:44 @ I will keep thy law continually, for ever and ever;

rsv@Psalms:119:45 @ and I shall walk at liberty, for I have sought thy precepts.

rsv@Psalms:119:46 @ I will also speak of thy testimonies before kings, and shall not be put to shame;

rsv@Psalms:119:47 @ for I find my delight in thy commandments, which I love.

rsv@Psalms:119:48 @ I revere thy commandments, which I love, and I will meditate on thy statutes.

rsv@Psalms:119:49 @ Remember thy word to thy servant, in which thou hast made me hope.

rsv@Psalms:119:50 @ This is my comfort in my affliction that thy promise gives me life.

rsv@Psalms:119:51 @ Godless men utterly deride me, but I do not turn away from thy law.

rsv@Psalms:119:52 @ When I think of thy ordinances from of old, I take comfort, O LORD.

rsv@Psalms:119:53 @ Hot indignation seizes me because of the wicked, who forsake thy law.

rsv@Psalms:119:54 @ Thy statutes have been my songs in the house of my pilgrimage.

rsv@Psalms:119:55 @ I remember thy name in the night, O LORD, and keep thy law.

rsv@Psalms:119:56 @ This blessing has fallen to me, that I have kept thy precepts.

rsv@Psalms:119:57 @ The LORD is my portion; I promise to keep thy words.

rsv@Psalms:119:58 @ I entreat thy favor with all my heart; be gracious to me according to thy promise.

rsv@Psalms:119:59 @ When I think of thy ways, I turn my feet to thy testimonies;

rsv@Psalms:119:60 @ I hasten and do not delay to keep thy commandments.

rsv@Psalms:119:61 @ Though the cords of the wicked ensnare me, I do not forget thy law.

rsv@Psalms:119:62 @ At midnight I rise to praise thee, because of thy righteous ordinances.

rsv@Psalms:119:63 @ I am a companion of all who fear thee, of those who keep thy precepts.

rsv@Psalms:119:64 @ The earth, O LORD, is full of thy steadfast love; teach me thy statutes!

rsv@Psalms:119:65 @ Thou hast dealt well with thy servant, O LORD, according to thy word.

rsv@Psalms:119:66 @ Teach me good judgment and knowledge, for I believe in thy commandments.

rsv@Psalms:119:67 @ Before I was afflicted I went astray; but now I keep thy word.

rsv@Psalms:119:68 @ Thou art good and doest good; teach me thy statutes.

rsv@Psalms:119:69 @ The godless besmear me with lies, but with my whole heart I keep thy precepts;

rsv@Psalms:119:70 @ their heart is gross like fat, but I delight in thy law.

rsv@Psalms:119:71 @ It is good for me that I was afflicted, that I might learn thy statutes.

rsv@Psalms:119:72 @ The law of thy mouth is better to me than thousands of gold and silver pieces.

rsv@Psalms:119:73 @ Thy hands have made and fashioned me; give me understanding that I may learn thy commandments.

rsv@Psalms:119:74 @ Those who fear thee shall see me and rejoice, because I have hoped in thy word.

rsv@Psalms:119:75 @ I know, O LORD, that thy judgments are right, and that in faithfulness thou hast afflicted me.

rsv@Psalms:119:76 @ Let thy steadfast love be ready to comfort me according to thy promise to thy servant.

rsv@Psalms:119:77 @ Let thy mercy come to me, that I may live; for thy law is my delight.

rsv@Psalms:119:78 @ Let the godless be put to shame, because they have subverted me with guile; as for me, I will meditate on thy precepts.

rsv@Psalms:119:79 @ Let those who fear thee turn to me, that they may know thy testimonies.

rsv@Psalms:119:80 @ May my heart be blameless in thy statutes, that I may not be put to shame!

rsv@Psalms:119:81 @ My soul languishes for thy salvation; I hope in thy word.

rsv@Psalms:119:82 @ My eyes fail with watching for thy promise; I ask, "When wilt thou comfort me?"

rsv@Psalms:119:83 @ For I have become like a wineskin in the smoke, yet I have not forgotten thy statutes.

rsv@Psalms:119:84 @ How long must thy servant endure? When wilt thou judge those who persecute me?

rsv@Psalms:119:85 @ Godless men have dug pitfalls for me, men who do not conform to thy law.

rsv@Psalms:119:86 @ All thy commandments are sure; they persecute me with falsehood; help me!

rsv@Psalms:119:87 @ They have almost made an end of me on earth; but I have not forsaken thy precepts.

rsv@Psalms:119:88 @ In thy steadfast love spare my life, that I may keep the testimonies of thy mouth.

rsv@Psalms:119:89 @ For ever, O LORD, thy word is firmly fixed in the heavens.

rsv@Psalms:119:90 @ Thy faithfulness endures to all generations; thou hast established the earth, and it stands fast.

rsv@Psalms:119:91 @ By thy appointment they stand this day; for all things are thy servants.

rsv@Psalms:119:92 @ If thy law had not been my delight, I should have perished in my affliction.

rsv@Psalms:119:93 @ I will never forget thy precepts; for by them thou hast given me life.

rsv@Psalms:119:94 @ I am thine, save me; for I have sought thy precepts.

rsv@Psalms:119:95 @ The wicked lie in wait to destroy me; but I consider thy testimonies.

rsv@Psalms:119:96 @ I have seen a limit to all perfection, but thy commandment is exceedingly broad.

rsv@Psalms:119:97 @ Oh, how I love thy law! It is my meditation all the day.

rsv@Psalms:119:98 @ Thy commandment makes me wiser than my enemies, for it is ever with me.

rsv@Psalms:119:99 @ I have more understanding than all my teachers, for thy testimonies are my meditation.

rsv@Psalms:119:100 @ I understand more than the aged, for I keep thy precepts.

rsv@Psalms:119:101 @ I hold back my feet from every evil way, in order to keep thy word.

rsv@Psalms:119:102 @ I do not turn aside from thy ordinances, for thou hast taught me.

rsv@Psalms:119:103 @ How sweet are thy words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!

rsv@Psalms:119:104 @ Through thy precepts I get understanding; therefore I hate every false way.

rsv@Psalms:119:105 @ Thy word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

rsv@Psalms:119:106 @ I have sworn an oath and confirmed it, to observe thy righteous ordinances.

rsv@Psalms:119:107 @ I am sorely afflicted; give me life, O LORD, according to thy word!

rsv@Psalms:119:108 @ Accept my offerings of praise, O LORD, and teach me thy ordinances.

rsv@Psalms:119:109 @ I hold my life in my hand continually, but I do not forget thy law.

rsv@Psalms:119:110 @ The wicked have laid a snare for me, but I do not stray from thy precepts.

rsv@Psalms:119:111 @ Thy testimonies are my heritage for ever; yea, they are the joy of my heart.

rsv@Psalms:119:112 @ I incline my heart to perform thy statutes for ever, to the end.

rsv@Psalms:119:113 @ I hate double-minded men, but I love thy law.

rsv@Psalms:119:114 @ Thou art my hiding place and my shield; I hope in thy word.

rsv@Psalms:119:116 @ Uphold me according to thy promise, that I may live, and let me not be put to shame in my hope!

rsv@Psalms:119:117 @ Hold me up, that I may be safe and have regard for thy statutes continually!

rsv@Psalms:119:118 @ Thou dost spurn all who go astray from thy statutes; yea, their cunning is in vain.

rsv@Psalms:119:119 @ All the wicked of the earth thou dost count as dross; therefore I love thy testimonies.

rsv@Psalms:119:120 @ My flesh trembles for fear of thee, and I am afraid of thy judgments.

rsv@Psalms:119:122 @ Be surety for thy servant for good; let not the godless oppress me.

rsv@Psalms:119:123 @ My eyes fail with watching for thy salvation, and for the fulfilment of thy righteous promise.

rsv@Psalms:119:124 @ Deal with thy servant according to thy steadfast love, and teach me thy statutes.

rsv@Psalms:119:125 @ I am thy servant; give me understanding, that I may know thy testimonies!

rsv@Psalms:119:126 @ It is time for the LORD to act, for thy law has been broken.

rsv@Psalms:119:127 @ Therefore I love thy commandments above gold, above fine gold.

rsv@Psalms:119:128 @ Therefore I direct my steps by all thy precepts; I hate every false way.

rsv@Psalms:119:129 @ Thy testimonies are wonderful; therefore my soul keeps them.

rsv@Psalms:119:130 @ The unfolding of thy words gives light; it imparts understanding to the simple.

rsv@Psalms:119:131 @ With open mouth I pant, because I long for thy commandments.

rsv@Psalms:119:132 @ Turn to me and be gracious to me, as is thy wont toward those who love thy name.

rsv@Psalms:119:133 @ Keep steady my steps according to thy promise, and let no iniquity get dominion over me.

rsv@Psalms:119:134 @ Redeem me from man's oppression, that I may keep thy precepts.

rsv@Psalms:119:135 @ Make thy face shine upon thy servant, and teach me thy statutes.

rsv@Psalms:119:136 @ My eyes shed streams of tears, because men do not keep thy law.

rsv@Psalms:119:137 @ Righteous art thou, O LORD, and right are thy judgments.

rsv@Psalms:119:138 @ Thou hast appointed thy testimonies in righteousness and in all faithfulness.

rsv@Psalms:119:139 @ My zeal consumes me, because my foes forget thy words.

rsv@Psalms:119:140 @ Thy promise is well tried, and thy servant loves it.

rsv@Psalms:119:141 @ I am small and despised, yet I do not forget thy precepts.

rsv@Psalms:119:142 @ Thy righteousness is righteous for ever, and thy law is true.

rsv@Psalms:119:143 @ Trouble and anguish have come upon me, but thy commandments are my delight.

rsv@Psalms:119:144 @ Thy testimonies are righteous for ever; give me understanding that I may live.

rsv@Psalms:119:145 @ With my whole heart I cry; answer me, O LORD! I will keep thy statutes.

rsv@Psalms:119:146 @ I cry to thee; save me, that I may observe thy testimonies.

rsv@Psalms:119:147 @ I rise before dawn and cry for help; I hope in thy words.

rsv@Psalms:119:148 @ My eyes are awake before the watches of the night, that I may meditate upon thy promise.

rsv@Psalms:119:149 @ Hear my voice in thy steadfast love; O LORD, in thy justice preserve my life.

rsv@Psalms:119:150 @ They draw near who persecute me with evil purpose; they are far from thy law.

rsv@Psalms:119:151 @ But thou art near, O LORD, and all thy commandments are true.

rsv@Psalms:119:152 @ Long have I known from thy testimonies that thou hast founded them for ever.

rsv@Psalms:119:153 @ Look on my affliction and deliver me, for I do not forget thy law.

rsv@Psalms:119:154 @ Plead my cause and redeem me; give me life according to thy promise!

rsv@Psalms:119:155 @ Salvation is far from the wicked, for they do not seek thy statutes.

rsv@Psalms:119:156 @ Great is thy mercy, O LORD; give me life according to thy justice.

rsv@Psalms:119:157 @ Many are my persecutors and my adversaries, but I do not swerve from thy testimonies.

rsv@Psalms:119:158 @ I look at the faithless with disgust, because they do not keep thy commands.

rsv@Psalms:119:159 @ Consider how I love thy precepts! Preserve my life according to thy steadfast love.

rsv@Psalms:119:160 @ The sum of thy word is truth; and every one of thy righteous ordinances endures for ever.

rsv@Psalms:119:161 @ Princes persecute me without cause, but my heart stands in awe of thy words.

rsv@Psalms:119:162 @ I rejoice at thy word like one who finds great spoil.

rsv@Psalms:119:163 @ I hate and abhor falsehood, but I love thy law.

rsv@Psalms:119:164 @ Seven times a day I praise thee for thy righteous ordinances.

rsv@Psalms:119:165 @ Great peace have those who love thy law; nothing can make them stumble.

rsv@Psalms:119:166 @ I hope for thy salvation, O LORD, and I do thy commandments.

rsv@Psalms:119:167 @ My soul keeps thy testimonies; I love them exceedingly.

rsv@Psalms:119:168 @ I keep thy precepts and testimonies, for all my ways are before thee.

rsv@Psalms:119:169 @ Let my cry come before thee, O LORD; give me understanding according to thy word!

rsv@Psalms:119:170 @ Let my supplication come before thee; deliver me according to thy word.

rsv@Psalms:119:171 @ My lips will pour forth praise that thou dost teach me thy statutes.

rsv@Psalms:119:172 @ My tongue will sing of thy word, for all thy commandments are right.

rsv@Psalms:119:173 @ Let thy hand be ready to help me, for I have chosen thy precepts.

rsv@Psalms:119:174 @ I long for thy salvation, O LORD, and thy law is my delight.

rsv@Psalms:119:175 @ Let me live, that I may praise thee, and let thy ordinances help me.

rsv@Psalms:119:176 @ I have gone astray like a lost sheep; seek thy servant, for I do not forget thy commandments.

rsv@Psalms:130:3 @ Lord, hear my voice! Let thy ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications!

rsv@Psalms:132:9 @ Arise, O LORD, and go to thy resting place, thou and the ark of thy might.

rsv@Psalms:132:10 @ Let thy priests be clothed with righteousness, and let thy saints shout for joy.

rsv@Psalms:132:11 @ For thy servant David's sake do not turn away the face of thy anointed one.

rsv@Psalms:135:9 @ who in thy midst, O Egypt, sent signs and wonders against Pharaoh and all his servants;

rsv@Psalms:135:13 @ Thy name, O LORD, endures for ever, thy renown, O LORD, throughout all ages.

rsv@Psalms:138:2 @ I give thee thanks, O LORD, with my whole heart; before the gods I sing thy praise;

rsv@Psalms:138:3 @ I bow down toward thy holy temple and give thanks to thy name for thy steadfast love and thy faithfulness; for thou hast exalted above everything thy name and thy word.

rsv@Psalms:138:5 @ All the kings of the earth shall praise thee, O LORD, for they have heard the words of thy mouth;

rsv@Psalms:138:8 @ Though I walk in the midst of trouble, thou dost preserve my life; thou dost stretch out thy hand against the wrath of my enemies, and thy right hand delivers me. [ (Psalms strkjv@138:9) The LORD will fulfil his purpose for me; thy steadfast love, O LORD, endures for ever. Do not forsake the work of thy hands. ]

rsv@Psalms:139:6 @ Thou dost beset me behind and before, and layest thy hand upon me.

rsv@Psalms:139:8 @ Whither shall I go from thy Spirit? Or whither shall I flee from thy presence?

rsv@Psalms:139:11 @ even there thy hand shall lead me, and thy right hand shall hold me.

rsv@Psalms:139:15 @ I praise thee, for thou art fearful and wonderful. Wonderful are thy works! Thou knowest me right well;

rsv@Psalms:139:17 @ Thy eyes beheld my unformed substance; in thy book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.

rsv@Psalms:139:18 @ How precious to me are thy thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!

rsv@Psalms:140:13 @ I know that the LORD maintains the cause of the afflicted, and executes justice for the needy. [ (Psalms strkjv@140:14) Surely the righteous shall give thanks to thy name; the upright shall dwell in thy presence. ]

rsv@Psalms:142:7 @ Give heed to my cry; for I am brought very low! Deliver me from my persecutors; for they are too strong for me! [ (Psalms strkjv@142:8) Bring me out of prison, that I may give thanks to thy name! The righteous will surround me; for thou wilt deal bountifully with me. ]

rsv@Psalms:143:2 @ Hear my prayer, O LORD; give ear to my supplications! In thy faithfulness answer me, in thy righteousness!

rsv@Psalms:143:3 @ Enter not into judgment with thy servant; for no man living is righteous before thee.

rsv@Psalms:143:6 @ I remember the days of old, I meditate on all that thou hast done; I muse on what thy hands have wrought.

rsv@Psalms:143:8 @ Make haste to answer me, O LORD! My spirit fails! Hide not thy face from me, lest I be like those who go down to the Pit.

rsv@Psalms:143:9 @ Let me hear in the morning of thy steadfast love, for in thee I put my trust. Teach me the way I should go, for to thee I lift up my soul.

rsv@Psalms:143:11 @ Teach me to do thy will, for thou art my God! Let thy good spirit lead me on a level path!

rsv@Psalms:143:12 @ For thy name's sake, O LORD, preserve my life! In thy righteousness bring me out of trouble! [ (Psalms strkjv@143:13) And in thy steadfast love cut off my enemies, and destroy all my adversaries, for I am thy servant. ]

rsv@Psalms:144:6 @ Bow thy heavens, O LORD, and come down! Touch the mountains that they smoke!

rsv@Psalms:144:7 @ Flash forth the lightning and scatter them, send out thy arrows and rout them!

rsv@Psalms:144:8 @ Stretch forth thy hand from on high, rescue me and deliver me from the many waters, from the hand of aliens,

rsv@Psalms:144:11 @ who givest victory to kings, who rescuest David thy servant.

rsv@Psalms:145:2 @ I will extol thee, my God and King, and bless thy name for ever and ever.

rsv@Psalms:145:3 @ Every day I will bless thee, and praise thy name for ever and ever.

rsv@Psalms:145:5 @ One generation shall laud thy works to another, and shall declare thy mighty acts.

rsv@Psalms:145:6 @ On the glorious splendor of thy majesty, and on thy wondrous works, I will meditate.

rsv@Psalms:145:7 @ Men shall proclaim the might of thy terrible acts, and I will declare thy greatness.

rsv@Psalms:145:8 @ They shall pour forth the fame of thy abundant goodness, and shall sing aloud of thy righteousness.

rsv@Psalms:145:11 @ All thy works shall give thanks to thee, O LORD, and all thy saints shall bless thee!

rsv@Psalms:145:12 @ They shall speak of the glory of thy kingdom, and tell of thy power,

rsv@Psalms:145:13 @ to make known to the sons of men thy mighty deeds, and the glorious splendor of thy kingdom.

rsv@Psalms:145:14 @ Thy kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and thy dominion endures throughout all generations. The LORD is faithful in all his words, and gracious in all his deeds.

rsv@Psalms:145:17 @ Thou openest thy hand, thou satisfiest the desire of every living thing.

rsv@Psalms:146:10 @ The LORD will reign for ever, thy God, O Zion, to all generations. Praise the LORD!

rsv@Proverbs:11:13 @ He who goes about as a talebearer reveals secrets, but he who is trustworthy in spirit keeps a thing hidden.

rsv@Songs:1:6 @ Do not gaze at me because I am swarthy, because the sun has scorched me. My mother's sons were angry with me, they made me keeper of the vineyards; but, my own vineyard I have not kept!

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