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OT-POET.filter - strkjv uwsh:

strkjv@Job:5:12 @ He disappointeth the devices of the crafty, so that their hands cannot perform their enterprise.

strkjv@Job:6:12 @ Is my strength the strength of stones? or is my flesh of brass?

strkjv@Job:6:13 @ Is not my help in me? and is wisdom driven quite from me?

strkjv@Job:6:20 @ They were confounded because they had hoped; they came thither, and were ashamed.

strkjv@Job:7:5 @ My flesh is clothed with worms and clods of dust; my skin is broken, and become loathsome.

strkjv@Job:11:6 @ And that he would shew thee the secrets of wisdom, that they are double to that which is! Know therefore that God exacteth of thee less than thine iniquity deserveth.

strkjv@Job:12:16 @ With him is strength and wisdom: the deceived and the deceiver are his.

strkjv@Job:19:3 @ These ten times have ye reproached me: ye are not ashamed that ye make yourselves strange to me.

strkjv@Job:20:2 @ Therefore do my thoughts cause me to answer, and for this I make haste.

strkjv@Job:20:24 @ He shall flee from the iron weapon, and the bow of steel shall strike him through.

strkjv@Job:23:12 @ Neither have I gone back from the commandment of his lips; I have esteemed the words of his mouth more than my necessary food.

strkjv@Job:24:7 @ They cause the naked to lodge without clothing, that they have no covering in the cold.

strkjv@Job:24:10 @ They cause him to go naked without clothing, and they take away the sheaf from the hungry ra#eb#;

strkjv@Job:26:3 @ How hast thou counselled him that hath no wisdom? and how hast thou plentifully declared the thing as it is?

strkjv@Job:27:16 @ Though he heap up silver as the dust, and prepare raiment as the clay;

strkjv@Job:28:2 @ Iron is taken out of the earth, and brass is molten out of the stone.

strkjv@Job:28:19 @ The topaz of Ethiopia shall not equal it, neither shall it be valued with pure gold.

strkjv@Job:30:18 @ By the great force of my disease is my garment changed: it bindeth me about as the collar of my coat.

strkjv@Job:30:22 @ Thou liftest me up to the wind; thou causest me to ride upon it, and dissolvest my substance .

strkjv@Job:31:5 @ If I have walked with vanity, or if my foot hath hasted to deceit;

strkjv@Job:31:19 @ If I have seen any perish for want of clothing, or any poor without covering;

strkjv@Job:38:9 @ When I made the cloud the garment thereof, and thick darkness a swaddlingband for it,

strkjv@Job:38:14 @ It is turned as clay to the seal; and they stand as a garment.

strkjv@Job:39:15 @ And forgetteth that the foot may crush them, or that the wild beast may break them.

strkjv@Job:40:18 @ His bones are as strong pieces of brass; his bones are like bars of iron.

strkjv@Job:41:13 @ Who can discover the face of his garment? or who can come to him with his double bridle?

strkjv@Job:41:27 @ He esteemeth iron as straw, and brass as rotten wood.

strkjv@Psalms:6:10 @ Let all mine enemies be ashamed and sore vexed: let them return and be ashamed suddenly.

strkjv@Psalms:7:1 @Shiggaion of David, which he sang unto the LORD, concerning the words of Cush the Benjamite ben# Ben-y@miyniy#.O LORD my God, in thee do I put my trust: save me from all them that persecute me, and deliver me:

strkjv@Psalms:14:6 @ Ye have shamed the counsel of the poor, because the LORD is his refuge.

strkjv@Psalms:18:34 @ He teacheth my hands to war, so that a bow of steel is broken by mine arms.

strkjv@Psalms:22:5 @ They cried unto thee, and were delivered: they trusted in thee, and were not confounded.

strkjv@Psalms:22:18 @ They part my garments among them, and cast lots upon my vesture.

strkjv@Psalms:22:19 @ But be not thou far from me, O LORD: O my strength, haste thee to help me.

strkjv@Psalms:25:2 @ O my God, I trust in thee: let me not be ashamed, let not mine enemies triumph over me.

strkjv@Psalms:25:3 @ Yea, let none that wait on thee be ashamed: let them be ashamed which transgress without cause.

strkjv@Psalms:25:20 @ O keep my soul, and deliver me: let me not be ashamed; for I put my trust in thee.

strkjv@Psalms:31:1 @To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David.In thee, O LORD, do I put my trust; let me never #H5769be ashamed: deliver me in thy righteousness.

strkjv@Psalms:31:17 @ Let me not be ashamed, O LORD; for I have called upon thee: let the wicked be ashamed, and let them be silent in the grave sh@#owl#.

strkjv@Psalms:34:10 @ The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but they that seek the LORD shall not want any good thing.

strkjv@Psalms:35:4 @ Let them be confounded and put to shame that seek after my soul: let them be turned back and brought to confusion that devise my hurt.

strkjv@Psalms:35:13 @ But as for me, when they were sick, my clothing was sackcloth: I humbled my soul with fasting; and my prayer returned into mine own bosom.

strkjv@Psalms:35:26 @ Let them be ashamed and brought to confusion together that rejoice at mine hurt: let them be clothed with shame and dishonour that magnify themselves against me.

strkjv@Psalms:37:19 @ They shall not be ashamed in the evil time: and in the days of famine they shall be satisfied.

strkjv@Psalms:38:22 @ Make haste to help me, O Lord my salvation t@shuw#ah#.

strkjv@Psalms:40:13 @ Be pleased, O LORD, to deliver me: O LORD, make haste to help me.

strkjv@Psalms:40:14 @ Let them be ashamed and confounded together that seek after my soul to destroy it; let them be driven backward and put to shame that wish me evil.

strkjv@Psalms:44:7 @ But thou hast saved us from our enemies, and hast put them to shame that hated us.

strkjv@Psalms:45:1 @To the chief Musician upon Shoshannim, for the sons of Korah, Maschil, A Song of loves.My heart is inditing a good matter: I speak of the things which I have made touching the king: my tongue is the pen of a ready writer.

strkjv@Psalms:45:13 @ The kings daughter is all glorious within: her clothing is of wrought gold.

strkjv@Psalms:51:18 @ Do good in thy good pleasure unto Zion: build thou the walls of Jerusalem.

strkjv@Psalms:53:5 @ There were they in great fear, where no fear was: for God hath scattered the bones of him that encampeth against thee: thou hast put them to shame, because God hath despised them.

strkjv@Psalms:55:8 @ I would hasten my escape from the windy storm and tempest ca#ar#.

strkjv@Psalms:55:11 @ Wickedness is in the midst thereof: deceit and guile depart not from her streets.

strkjv@Psalms:60:1 @To the chief Musician upon Shushaneduth Shuwshan, Michtam of David, to teach; when he strove with Aramnaharaim #Aram Naharayim# and with Aramzobah #Aram, when Joab returned, and smote of Edom in the valley of salt twelve sh@nayim# thousand.O God, thou hast cast us off, thou hast scattered us, thou hast been displeased; O turn thyself to us again.

strkjv@Psalms:68:29 @ Because of thy temple at Jerusalem shall kings bring presents unto thee.

strkjv@Psalms:68:31 @ Princes shall come out of Egypt; Ethiopia shall soon stretch out her hands unto God.

strkjv@Psalms:69:1 @To the chief Musician upon Shoshannim, A Psalm of David.Save me, O God; for the waters are come in unto my soul.

strkjv@Psalms:69:6 @ Let not them that wait on thee, O Lord GOD of hosts, be ashamed for my sake: let not those that seek thee be confounded for my sake, O God of Israel Yisra#el#.

strkjv@Psalms:69:11 @ I made sackcloth also my garment; and I became a proverb to them.

strkjv@Psalms:69:20 @ Reproach hath broken my heart; and I am full of heaviness: and I looked for some to take pity, but there was none; and for comforters, but I found none.

strkjv@Psalms:70:1 @To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David, to bring to remembrance.# Make haste, O God, to deliver me; make haste to help me, O LORD.

strkjv@Psalms:70:2 @ Let them be ashamed and confounded that seek after my soul: let them be turned backward, and put to confusion, that desire my hurt.

strkjv@Psalms:70:5 @ But I am poor and needy: make haste unto me, O God: thou art my help and my deliverer; O LORD, make no tarrying.

strkjv@Psalms:71:1 @ In thee, O LORD, do I put my trust: let me never #H5769be put to confusion.

strkjv@Psalms:71:12 @ O God, be not far from me: O my God, make haste (8675) for my help.

strkjv@Psalms:71:13 @ Let them be confounded and consumed that are adversaries to my soul; let them be covered with reproach and dishonour that seek my hurt.

strkjv@Psalms:71:24 @ My tongue also shall talk of thy righteousness all the day long: for they are confounded, for they are brought unto shame, that seek my hurt.

strkjv@Psalms:79:1 @A Psalm of Asaph.O God, the heathen are come into thine inheritance; thy holy temple have they defiled; they have laid Jerusalem on heaps.

strkjv@Psalms:79:3 @ Their blood have they shed like water round about Jerusalem; and there was none to bury them.

strkjv@Psalms:80:1 @To the chief Musician upon Shoshannimeduth Shuwshan, A Psalm of Asaph.Give ear, O Shepherd of Israel Yisra#el#, thou that leadest Joseph like a flock tso#n#; thou that dwellest between the cherubims, shine forth.

strkjv@Psalms:82:3 @ Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy.

strkjv@Psalms:83:17 @ Let them be confounded and troubled for ever; yea, let them be put to shame, and perish:

strkjv@Psalms:86:17 @ Shew me a token for good; that they which hate me may see it, and be ashamed: because thou, LORD, hast holpen me, and comforted me.

strkjv@Psalms:87:4 @ I will make mention of Rahab and Babylon to them that know me: behold Philistia, and Tyre, with Ethiopia; this man was born there.

strkjv@Psalms:89:45 @ The days of his youth hast thou shortened: thou hast covered him with shame. Selah.

strkjv@Psalms:91:3 @ Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.

strkjv@Psalms:97:7 @ Confounded be all they that serve graven images, that boast themselves of idols: worship him, all ye gods.

strkjv@Psalms:102:21 @ To declare the name of the LORD in Zion, and his praise in Jerusalem;

strkjv@Psalms:102:26 @ They shall perish, but thou shalt endure: yea, all of them shall wax old like a garment; as a vesture shalt thou change them, and they shall be changed:

strkjv@Psalms:104:6 @ Thou coveredst it with the deep as with a garment: the waters stood above the mountains.

strkjv@Psalms:109:28 @ Let them curse, but bless thou: when they arise, let them be ashamed; but let thy servant rejoice.

strkjv@Psalms:115:7 @ They have hands, but they handle not: feet have they, but they walk not: neither speak they through their throat.

strkjv@Psalms:116:19 @ In the courts of the LORDS house, in the midst of thee, O Jerusalem. Praise ye the LORD.

strkjv@Psalms:119:31 @ I have stuck unto thy testimonies: O LORD, put me not to shame.

strkjv@Psalms:119:46 @ I will speak of thy testimonies also before kings, and will not be ashamed.

strkjv@Psalms:119:60 @ I made haste, and delayed not to keep thy commandments.

strkjv@Psalms:119:78 @ Let the proud be ashamed; for they dealt perversely with me without a cause: but I will meditate in thy precepts.

strkjv@Psalms:119:80 @ Let my heart be sound in thy statutes; that I be not ashamed.

strkjv@Psalms:119:116 @ Uphold me according unto thy word, that I may live: and let me not be ashamed of my hope.

strkjv@Psalms:122:2 @ Our feet shall stand within thy gates sha#ar#, O Jerusalem.

strkjv@Psalms:122:3 @ Jerusalem is builded as a city that is compact together:

strkjv@Psalms:122:6 @ Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.

strkjv@Psalms:125:2 @ As the mountains are round about Jerusalem, so the LORD is round about his people from henceforth even for ever.

strkjv@Psalms:127:5 @ Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate sha#ar#.

strkjv@Psalms:128:5 @ The LORD shall bless thee out of Zion: and thou shalt see the good of Jerusalem all the days of thy life.

strkjv@Psalms:129:5 @ Let them all be confounded and turned back that hate Zion.

strkjv@Psalms:135:21 @ Blessed be the LORD out of Zion, which dwelleth at Jerusalem. Praise ye the LORD.

strkjv@Psalms:137:5 @ If I forget thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning.

strkjv@Psalms:137:6 @ If I do not remember thee, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth; if I prefer not Jerusalem above my chief joy.

strkjv@Psalms:137:7 @ Remember, O LORD, the children of Edom in the day of Jerusalem; who said, Rase it, rase it, even to the foundation thereof.

strkjv@Psalms:141:1 @A Psalm of David.LORD, I cry unto thee: make haste unto me; give ear unto my voice, when I cry unto thee.

strkjv@Psalms:147:2 @ The LORD doth build up Jerusalem: he gathereth together the outcasts of Israel Yisra#el#.

strkjv@Psalms:147:12 @ Praise the LORD, O Jerusalem; praise thy God, O Zion.

strkjv@Proverbs:2:7 @ He layeth up (8675) sound wisdom for the righteous: he is a buckler to them that walk uprightly.

strkjv@Proverbs:3:21 @ My son, let not them depart from thine eyes: keep sound wisdom and discretion:

strkjv@Proverbs:6:5 @ Deliver thyself as a roe from the hand of the hunter, and as a bird from the hand of the fowler.

strkjv@Proverbs:8:14 @ Counsel is mine, and sound wisdom: I am understanding; I have strength.

strkjv@Proverbs:10:4 @ He becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand: but the hand of the diligent maketh rich.

strkjv@Proverbs:10:5 @ He that gathereth in summer is a wise son: but he that sleepeth in harvest is a son that causeth shame.

strkjv@Proverbs:12:4 @ A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband ba#al#: but she that maketh ashamed is as rottenness in his bones.

strkjv@Proverbs:13:7 @ There is that maketh himself rich, yet hath nothing: there is that maketh himself poor, yet hath great riches.

strkjv@Proverbs:13:8 @ The ransom of a mans life are his riches: but the poor heareth not rebuke g@#arah#.

strkjv@Proverbs:13:23 @ Much food is in the tillage of the poor ro#: but there is that is destroyed for want of judgment.

strkjv@Proverbs:14:20 @ The poor is hated even of his own neighbour: but the rich hath many friends.

strkjv@Proverbs:14:35 @ The kings favour is toward a wise servant: but his wrath is against him that causeth shame.

strkjv@Proverbs:17:2 @ A wise servant shall have rule over a son that causeth shame, and shall have part of the inheritance among the brethren.

strkjv@Proverbs:17:5 @ Whoso mocketh the poor reproacheth his Maker: and he that is glad at calamities shall not be unpunished.

strkjv@Proverbs:17:13 @ Whoso rewardeth evil for good, evil shall not depart (8675) from his house.

strkjv@Proverbs:18:1 @ Through desire a man, having separated himself, seeketh and intermeddleth with all wisdom.

strkjv@Proverbs:18:23 @ The poor useth intreaties; but the rich answereth roughly.

strkjv@Proverbs:19:1 @ Better is the poor that walketh in his integrity, than he that is perverse in his lips, and is a fool.

strkjv@Proverbs:19:7 @ All the brethren of the poor do hate him: how much more do his friends go far from him? he pursueth them with words, yet they are wanting to him.

strkjv@Proverbs:19:22 @ The desire of a man is his kindness: and a poor man is better than a liar.

strkjv@Proverbs:19:26 @ He that wasteth his father, and chaseth away his mother, is a son that causeth shame, and bringeth reproach.

strkjv@Proverbs:22:2 @ The rich and poor meet together: the LORD is the maker of them all.

strkjv@Proverbs:22:7 @ The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender #H3867.

strkjv@Proverbs:27:26 @ The lambs are for thy clothing, and the goats are the price of the field.

strkjv@Proverbs:28:3 @ A poor man that oppresseth the poor is like a sweeping rain which leaveth no food.

strkjv@Proverbs:28:6 @ Better is the poor that walketh in his uprightness, than he that is perverse in his ways, though he be rich.

strkjv@Proverbs:28:27 @ He that giveth unto the poor shall not lack: but he that hideth his eyes shall have many a curse.

strkjv@Proverbs:29:13 @ The poor and the deceitful man meet together: the LORD lighteneth both their eyes.

strkjv@Proverbs:29:15 @ The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame.

strkjv@Proverbs:31:22 @ She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple.

strkjv@Proverbs:31:25 @ Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.

strkjv@Ecclesiastes:1:1 @ The words of the Preacher, the son of David, king in Jerusalem.

strkjv@Ecclesiastes:1:12 @ I the Preacher was king over Israel in Jerusalem.

strkjv@Ecclesiastes:1:16 @ I communed with mine own heart, saying, Lo, I am come to great estate, and have gotten more wisdom than all they that have been before me in Jerusalem: yea, my heart had great experience of wisdom and knowledge da#ath#.

strkjv@Ecclesiastes:2:7 @ I got me servants and maidens, and had servants born in my house; also I had great possessions of great and small cattle above all that were in Jerusalem before me:

strkjv@Ecclesiastes:2:9 @ So I was great, and increased more than all that were before me in Jerusalem: also my wisdom remained with me.

strkjv@Ecclesiastes:2:25 @ For who can eat, or who else can hasten hereunto, more than I?

strkjv@Ecclesiastes:4:14 @ For out of prison # he cometh to reign; whereas also he that is born in his kingdom becometh poor.

strkjv@Ecclesiastes:5:8 @ If thou seest the oppression of the poor, and violent perverting of judgment and justice in a province, marvel not at the matter: for he that is higher than the highest regardeth; and there be higher than they.

strkjv@Songs:1:5 @ I am black, but comely na#veh#, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, as the tents of Kedar, as the curtains of Solomon.

strkjv@Songs:2:1 @ I am the rose of Sharon, and the lily of the valleys.

strkjv@Songs:2:2 @ As the lily among thorns, so is my love among the daughters.

strkjv@Songs:2:7 @ I charge you, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, by the roes, and by the hinds of the field, that ye stir not up, nor awake my love, till he please.

strkjv@Songs:2:16 @ My beloved is mine, and I am his: he feedeth among the lilies.

strkjv@Songs:3:5 @ I charge you, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, by the roes, and by the hinds of the field, that ye stir not up, nor awake my love, till he please.

strkjv@Songs:3:10 @ He made the pillars thereof of silver, the bottom thereof of gold, the covering of it of purple, the midst thereof being paved with love, for the daughters of Jerusalem.

strkjv@Songs:4:5 @ Thy two breasts are like two young roes that are twins ta#owm#, which feed among the lilies.

strkjv@Songs:5:8 @ I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, if ye find my beloved, that ye tell him, that I am sick of love.

strkjv@Songs:5:13 @ His cheeks are as a bed of spices, as sweet flowers: his lips like lilies, dropping sweet smelling myrrh.

strkjv@Songs:5:16 @ His mouth is most sweet: yea, he is altogether lovely. This is my beloved, and this is my friend, O daughters of Jerusalem.

strkjv@Songs:6:2 @ My beloved is gone down into his garden, to the beds of spices, to feed in the gardens, and to gather lilies.

strkjv@Songs:6:3 @ I am my beloveds, and my beloved is mine: he feedeth among the lilies.

strkjv@Songs:6:4 @ Thou art beautiful, O my love ra#yah#, as Tirzah, comely as Jerusalem, terrible as an army with banners.

strkjv@Songs:7:2 @ Thy navel is like a round goblet, which wanteth not liquor: thy belly is like an heap of wheat set about with lilies.

strkjv@Songs:8:4 @ I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, that ye stir not up, nor awake my love, until he please.

strkjv@Isaiah:1:1 @ The vision of Isaiah the son of Amoz, which he saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah.

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