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asv@Job:2:12 @And when they lifted up their eyes afar off, and knew him not, they lifted up their voice, and wept; and they rent every one his robe, and sprinkled dust upon their heads toward heaven.

asv@Job:5:7 @But man is born unto trouble, As the sparks fly upward.

asv@Job:5:20 @In famine he will redeem thee from death; And in war from the power of the sword.

asv@Job:6:17 @What time they wax warm, they vanish; When it is hot, they are consumed out of their place.

asv@Job:7:1 @Is there not a warfare to man upon earth? And are not his days like the days of a hireling?

asv@Job:10:17 @Thou renewest thy witnesses against me, And increasest thine indignation upon me: Changes and warfare are with me.

asv@Job:11:13 @If thou set thy heart aright, And stretch out thy hands toward him;

asv@Job:14:14 @If a man die, shall he live again? All the days of my warfare would I wait, Till my release should come.

asv@Job:15:11 @Are the consolations of God too small for thee, Even the word that is gentle toward thee?

asv@Job:18:2 @How long will ye hunt for words? Consider, and afterwards we will speak.

asv@Job:23:8 @Behold, I go forward, but he is not there; And backward, but I cannot perceive him;

asv@Job:30:13 @They mar my path, They set forward my calamity, Even men that have no helper.

asv@Job:31:20 @If his loins have not blessed me, And if he hath not been warmed with the fleece of my sheep;

asv@Job:32:13 @Beware lest ye say, We have found wisdom; God may vanquish him, not man:

asv@Job:33:6 @Behold, I am toward God even as thou art: I also am formed out of the clay.

asv@Job:37:17 @How thy garments are warm, When the earth is still by reason of the south wind?

asv@Job:38:23 @Which I have reserved against the time of trouble, Against the day of battle and war?

asv@Job:38:36 @Who hath put wisdom in the inward parts? Or who hath given understanding to the mind?

asv@Job:39:14 @For she leaveth her eggs on the earth, And warmeth them in the dust,

asv@Job:39:26 @Is it by thy wisdom that the hawk soareth, (And) stretcheth her wings toward the south?

asv@Psalms:5:7 @But as for me, in the abundance of thy lovingkindness will I come into thy house: In thy fear will I worship toward thy holy temple.

asv@Psalms:5:9 @For there is no faithfulness in their mouth; Their inward part is very wickedness; Their throat is an open sepulchre; They flatter with their tongue.

asv@Psalms:7:4 @If I have rewarded evil unto him that was at peace with me; (Yea, I have delivered him that without cause was mine adversary;)

asv@Psalms:15:5 @He that putteth not out his money to interest, Nor taketh reward against the innocent. He that doeth these things shall never be moved.

asv@Psalms:18:20 @Jehovah hath rewarded me according to my righteousness; According to the cleanness of my hands hath he recompensed me.

asv@Psalms:18:26 @With the pure thou wilt show thyself pure; And with the perverse thou wilt show thyself froward.

asv@Psalms:18:34 @He teacheth my hands to war; So that mine arms do bend a bow of brass.

asv@Psalms:19:11 @Moreover by them is thy servant warned: In keeping them there is great reward.

asv@Psalms:25:15 @Mine eyes are ever toward Jehovah; For he will pluck my feet out of the net.

asv@Psalms:27:3 @Though a host should encamp against me, My heart shall not fear: Though war should rise against me, Even then will I be confident.

asv@Psalms:28:2 @Hear the voice of my supplications, when I cry unto thee, When I lift up my hands toward thy holy oracle.

asv@Psalms:31:23 @Oh love Jehovah, all ye his saints: Jehovah preserveth the faithful, And plentifully rewardeth him that dealeth proudly.

asv@Psalms:34:15 @The eyes of Jehovah are toward the righteous, And his ears are open unto their cry.

asv@Psalms:35:8 @Let destruction come upon him unawares; And let his net that he hath hid catch himself: With destruction let him fall therein.

asv@Psalms:35:12 @They reward me evil for good, To the bereaving of my soul.

asv@Psalms:40:5 @Many, O Jehovah my God, are the wonderful works which thou hast done, And thy thoughts which are to us-ward; They cannot be set in order unto thee; If I would declare and speak of them, They are more than can be numbered.

asv@Psalms:40:14 @Let them be put to shame and confounded together That seek after my soul to destroy it: Let them be turned backward and brought to dishonor That delight in my hurt.

asv@Psalms:46:9 @He maketh wars to cease unto the end of the earth; He breaketh the bow, and cutteth the spear in sunder; He burneth the chariots in the fire.

asv@Psalms:48:13 @Mark ye well her bulwarks; Consider her palaces: That ye may tell it to the generation following.

asv@Psalms:49:11 @Their inward thought is, that their houses shall continue for ever, And their dwelling-places to all generations; They call their lands after their own names.

asv@Psalms:51:6 @Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts; And in the hidden part thou wilt make me to know wisdom.

asv@Psalms:55:21 @His mouth was smooth as butter, But his heart was war: His words were softer than oil, Yet were they drawn swords.

asv@Psalms:58:11 @So that men shall say, Verily there is a reward for the righteous: Verily there is a God that judgeth in the earth.

asv@Psalms:62:4 @They only consult to thrust him down from his dignity; They delight in lies; They bless with their mouth, but they curse inwardly. Selah

asv@Psalms:64:6 @They search out iniquities; We have accomplished, say they, a diligent search: And the inward thought and the heart of every one is deep.

asv@Psalms:66:5 @Come, and see the works of God; He is terrible in his doing toward the children of men.

asv@Psalms:68:30 @Rebuke the wild beast of the reeds, The multitude of the bulls, with the calves of the peoples, Trampling under foot the pieces of silver: He hath scattered the peoples that delight in war.

asv@Psalms:70:2 @Let them be put to shame and confounded That seek after my soul: Let them be turned backward and brought to dishonor That delight in my hurt.

asv@Psalms:73:24 @Thou wilt guide me with thy counsel, And afterward receive me to glory.

asv@Psalms:78:45 @He sent among them swarms of flies, which devoured them; And frogs, which destroyed them.

asv@Psalms:78:66 @And he smote his adversaries backward: He put them to a perpetual reproach.

asv@Psalms:85:4 @Turn us, O God of our salvation, And cause thine indignation toward us to cease.

asv@Psalms:86:13 @For great is thy lovingkindness toward me; And thou hast delivered my soul from the lowest Sheol.

asv@Psalms:89:49 @Lord, where are thy former lovingkindnesses, Which thou swarest unto David in thy faithfulness?

asv@Psalms:91:8 @Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold, And see the reward of the wicked.

asv@Psalms:95:11 @Wherefore I sware in my wrath, That they should not enter into my rest.

asv@Psalms:98:3 @He hath remembered his lovingkindness and his faithfulness toward the house of Israel: All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.

asv@Psalms:103:10 @He hath not dealt with us after our sins, Nor rewarded us after our iniquities.

asv@Psalms:103:11 @For as the heavens are high above the earth, So great is his lovingkindness toward them that fear him.

asv@Psalms:105:30 @Their land swarmed with frogs In the chambers of their kings.

asv@Psalms:105:31 @He spake, and there came swarms of flies, And lice in all their borders.

asv@Psalms:106:26 @Therefore he sware unto them, That he would overthrow them in the wilderness,

asv@Psalms:109:5 @And they have rewarded me evil for good, And hatred for my love.

asv@Psalms:109:18 @He clothed himself also with cursing as with his garment, And it came into his inward parts like water, And like oil into his bones.

asv@Psalms:109:20 @This is the reward of mine adversaries from Jehovah, And of them that speak evil against my soul.

asv@Psalms:116:12 @What shall I render unto Jehovah For all his benefits toward me?

asv@Psalms:117:2 @For his lovingkindness is great toward us; And the truth of Jehovah endureth for ever. Praise ye Jehovah. Psalm 118

asv@Psalms:120:7 @I am for peace: But when I speak, they are for war.

asv@Psalms:127:3 @Lo, children are a heritage of Jehovah; And the fruit of the womb is his reward.

asv@Psalms:129:5 @Let them be put to shame and turned backward, All they that hate Zion.

asv@Psalms:132:2 @How he sware unto Jehovah, And vowed unto the Mighty One of Jacob:

asv@Psalms:137:8 @O daughter of Babylon, that art to be destroyed, Happy shall he be, that rewardeth thee As thou hast served us.

asv@Psalms:138:2 @I will worship toward thy holy temple, And give thanks unto thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: For thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name.

asv@Psalms:139:13 @For thou didst form my inward parts: Thou didst cover me in my mother's womb.

asv@Psalms:140:2 @Who devise mischiefs in their heart; Continually do they gather themselves together for war.

asv@Psalms:144:1 @Blessed be Jehovah my rock, Who teacheth my hands to war, And my fingers to fight:

asv@Proverbs:2:15 @Who are crooked in their ways, And wayward in their paths:

asv@Proverbs:4:24 @Put away from thee a wayward mouth, And perverse lips put far from thee.

asv@Proverbs:11:18 @The wicked earneth deceitful wages; But he that soweth righteousness hath a sure reward.

asv@Proverbs:13:13 @Whoso despiseth the word bringeth destruction on himself; But he that feareth the commandment shall be rewarded.

asv@Proverbs:14:33 @Wisdom resteth in the heart of him that hath understanding; But that which is in the inward part of fools is made known.

asv@Proverbs:14:35 @The king's favor is toward a servant that dealeth wisely; But his wrath will be against him that causeth shame.

asv@Proverbs:15:24 @To the wise the way of life goeth upward, That he may depart from Sheol beneath.

asv@Proverbs:17:13 @Whoso rewardeth evil for good, Evil shall not depart from his house.

asv@Proverbs:17:20 @He that hath a wayward heart findeth no good; And he that hath a perverse tongue falleth into mischief.

asv@Proverbs:20:17 @Bread of falsehood is sweet to a man; But afterwards his mouth shall be filled with gravel.

asv@Proverbs:20:18 @Every purpose is established by counsel; And by wise guidance make thou war.

asv@Proverbs:22:4 @The reward of humility and the fear of Jehovah Is riches, and honor, and life.

asv@Proverbs:23:5 @Wilt thou set thine eyes upon that which is not? For riches certainly make themselves wings, Like an eagle that flieth toward heaven.

asv@Proverbs:23:18 @For surely there is a reward; And thy hope shall not be cut off.

asv@Proverbs:24:6 @For by wise guidance thou shalt make thy war; And in the multitude of counsellors there is safety.

asv@Proverbs:24:14 @So shalt thou know wisdom to be unto thy soul; If thou hast found it, then shall there be a reward, And thy hope shall not be cut off.

asv@Proverbs:24:20 @For there shall be no reward to the evil man; The lamp of the wicked shall be put out.

asv@Proverbs:24:27 @Prepare thy work without, And make it ready for thee in the field; And afterwards build thy house.

asv@Proverbs:25:6 @Put not thyself forward in the presence of the king, And stand not in the place of great men:

asv@Proverbs:25:22 @For thou wilt heap coals of fire upon his head, And Jehovah will reward thee.

asv@Proverbs:28:23 @He that rebuketh a man shall afterward find more favor Than he that flattereth with the tongue.

asv@Ecclesiastes:1:6 @The wind goeth toward the south, and turneth about unto the north; it turneth about continually in its course, and the wind returneth again to its circuits.

asv@Ecclesiastes:3:8 @a time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for peace.

asv@Ecclesiastes:3:21 @Who knoweth the spirit of man, whether it goeth upward, and the spirit of the beast, whether it goeth downward to the earth?

asv@Ecclesiastes:4:9 @Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor.

asv@Ecclesiastes:4:11 @Again, if two lie together, then they have warmth; but how can one be warm alone?

asv@Ecclesiastes:8:8 @There is no man that hath power over the spirit to retain the spirit; neither hath he power over the day of death; and there is no discharge in war: neither shall wickedness deliver him that is given to it.

asv@Ecclesiastes:9:5 @For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not anything, neither have they any more a reward; for the memory of them is forgotten.

asv@Ecclesiastes:9:14 @There was a little city, and few men within it; and there came a great king against it, and besieged it, and built great bulwarks against it.

asv@Ecclesiastes:9:18 @Wisdom is better than weapons of war; but one sinner destroyeth much good.

asv@Ecclesiastes:11:3 @If the clouds be full of rain, they empty themselves upon the earth; and if a tree fall toward the south, or toward the north, in the place where the tree falleth, there shall it be.

asv@Songs:1:6 @Look not upon me, because I am swarthy, Because the sun hath scorched me. My mother's sons were incensed against me; They made me keeper of the vineyards; But mine own vineyard have I not kept.

asv@Songs:3:8 @They all handle the sword, and are expert in war: Every man hath his sword upon his thigh, Because of fear in the night.

asv@Songs:6:12 @Before I was aware, my soul set me Among the chariots of my princely people.

asv@Songs:7:4 @Thy neck is like the tower of ivory; Thine eyes as the pools in Heshbon, By the gate of Bath-rabbim; Thy nose is like the tower of Lebanon Which looketh toward Damascus.

asv@Songs:7:10 @I am my beloved's; And his desire is toward me.