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lesserot@Hosea:4:4 @ Yet let no man strive, let no man reprove another: and thy people are contentious equally with the priest.

lesserot@Hosea:4:5 @ Therefore shalt thou stumble in the daytime, and the prophet also shall stumble with thee in the night; and I will destroy thy mother.

lesserot@Hosea:4:6 @ My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because thou hast rejected knowledge, so will I also reject thee, that thou shalt not be a priest to me; and as thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, so will I myself also forget thy children.

lesserot@Hosea:6:5 @ Therefore did I hew down by means of the prophets; I slew them by the words of my mouth: and thy punishments go forth like the light.

lesserot@Hosea:8:1 @ Set the cornet to thy mouth. like the eagle against the house of the Lord: because they have transgressed my covenant, and against my law have they trespassed.

lesserot@Hosea:8:5 @ Thy calf, O Samaria, hath caused thy rejection; my anger is kindled against them: how long will it be that they cannot cleanse themselves?

lesserot@Hosea:9:1 @ Rejoice not, O Israel, for gladness, as other people; for thou art gone astray, unfaithful to thy God: thou hast loved the wages of sin upon every corn–filled threshing–floor.

lesserot@Hosea:9:7 @ Come are the days of the visitation, come are the days of thy recompense; this shall Israel experience: a fool was the prophet, mad the inspired man, because of the greatness of thy iniquity, and the great hatefulness.

lesserot@Hosea:10:13 @ ye have ploughed wickedness, iniquity have ye reaped, ye have eaten the fruit of lies; because thou didst trust in thy own way, in the multitude of thy mighty men:

lesserot@Hosea:10:14 @ Therefore shall a tumult arise among thy people, and all thy fortresses shall be wasted, as Shalman devastated Beth–arbel on the day of battle, the mother was dashed in pieces upon her children.

lesserot@Hosea:13:4 @ Yet I am the Lord thy God from the land of Egypt: and no god but me shalt thou know, and there is no saviour beside me.

lesserot@Hosea:13:9 @ Thou hast destroyed thyself, O Israel; for against me, against thy helper

lesserot@Hosea:13:10 @ Where then is now thy king, that he may save thee in all thy cities? and thy judges, since thou saidst, Give me a king, and princes?

lesserot@Hosea:13:14 @ From the power of the grave would I ransom them, from death would I redeem them; where are thy plagues, O death, where is thy pestilence, O grave? compassion shall be hidden from my eyes.

lesserot@Joel:2:17 @ Between the porch and the altar let the priests weep, the ministers of the Lord, and let them say, Spare, O Lord, thy people, and give not up thy heritage to reproach, for nations to make a by–word of them: wherefore should they say among the people, Where is their God?

lesserot@Amos:3:11 @ Therefore thus hath said the Lord Eternal, The adversary and surroundeth the land: and he shall bring down from thee thy strength, and thy palaces shall be plundered.

lesserot@Amos:4:12 @ Therefore thus will I do unto thee, O Israel: because then I will do this unto thee, prepare to meet thy God, O Israel.

lesserot@Amos:5:17 @ And in all vineyards there is lamentation; for I will pass through thy midst, saith the Lord.

lesserot@Amos:5:23 @ Remove thou from around me the noise of thy songs: and the playing of thy psalteries I will not hear.

lesserot@Amos:7:17 @ Therefore thus hath said the Lord, Thy wife will play the harlot in the city, and thy sons and thy daughters shall fall by the sword, and thy land shall be divided out by the line; and thou shalt die in an unclean land; and Israel shall surely be led forth into exile out of their land.

lesserot@Amos:8:14 @ Those that swear by the guilt of Samaria, and say, As thy god liveth, O Dan; and, As liveth the worshipped idol of Beer–sheba’, ––yea, they shall fall, and never rise up again.

lesserot@Obadiah:1:3 @ The presumption of thy heart hath beguiled thee, thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is high; that saith in his heart, Who shall bring me down to the ground?

lesserot@Obadiah:1:4 @ Though thou wert to rise as high as the eagle, and though thou set thy nest among the stars, thence will I bring thee down, saith the Lord.

lesserot@Obadiah:1:7 @ Up to the border have accompanied thee all the men of thy confederacy; beguiled, overcome thee have the men that were at peace with thee: thy bread have struck thee secretly a wound. There is no understanding in him.

lesserot@Obadiah:1:9 @ And thy mighty men, O Theman, shall be dismayed, in order that every one from the mount of Esau may be cut off by slaughter.

lesserot@Obadiah:1:10 @ Because of thy violence against thy brother Jacob shall shame cover thee, and thou shalt be cut off for ever.

lesserot@Obadiah:1:12 @ But thou shouldst not have looked on at the day of thy brother, on the day that he was delivered up to strangers; neither shouldst thou have rejoiced over the children of Judah on the day of their destruction; nor should thou have spoken proudly on the day of distress.

lesserot@Obadiah:1:15 @ For near is the day of the Lord over all the nations: as thou hast done, shall it be done unto thee; thy deeds shall return upon thy own head.

lesserot@Jonah:1:6 @ So the ship–master came near unto him, and said unto him, Why dost thou sleep? arise, call upon thy God: perhaps it be that God will think of us, that we may not be lost.

lesserot@Jonah:1:8 @ Then said they unto him, Tell us, we pray thee, thou for whose cause this evil hath happened unto us, What is thy business? and whence comest thou? what is thy country? and of what people art thou?

lesserot@Micah:1:10 @ Tell it not at Gath, weep ye not loudly: in Bethle’aphrah roll thyself in the dust.

lesserot@Micah:1:16 @ Make thyself bald, and cut off thy hair for the children of thy delight; enlarge thy baldness like the eagle; because they are gone into exile from thee.

lesserot@Micah:4:9 @ Now why dost thou cry aloud? is there no king in thee? is thy counsellor lost? that pangs have seized on thee as on a woman in travail?

lesserot@Micah:4:10 @ Be in pain, and labor to bring forth, O daughter of Zion, like a woman in travail; for now shalt thou go forth out of the town, and thou shalt dwell in the field, and thou shalt go as far as Babylon; there shalt thou be delivered; there will the Lord redeem thee from the grasp of thy enemies.

lesserot@Micah:4:13 @ Arise and thresh, O daughter of Zion; for I will render thy horn iron, and thy hoofs will I render copper, and thou shalt beat in pieces many people: and I will devote unto the Lord their ill–gotten gain, and their substance unto the Lord of the whole earth.

lesserot@Micah:6:1 @ Do but hear now what the Lord saith, Arise, contend thou before the mountains, and let the hills hear thy voice.

lesserot@Micah:6:8 @ He hath told thee, O man, what is good; and what the Lord doth require of thee: but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with thy God.

lesserot@Micah:6:9 @ The voice of the Lord calleth unto the city,––and wisdom shall see thy name:––hear ye the rod, and who hath ordained it.

lesserot@Micah:6:13 @ Therefore have I also smitten thee with sore wounds, making desolate because of thy sins.

lesserot@Micah:6:15 @ Thou wilt indeed sow, but thou shalt not reap; thou wilt indeed tread out olives, but thou shalt not anoint thyself with oil; and the juice of the grapes, but thou shalt not drink wine.

lesserot@Micah:6:16 @ For there are observed the statutes of ‘Omri, and all the works of the house of Achab, and ye walk in their counsels: in order that I should give thee up unto desolation, and thy inhabitants to derision; and ye shall bear the reproach of my people.

lesserot@Micah:7:4 @ The best of them is like a brier; the most upright is than a thorn–hedge: the day of thy watchmen, thy punishment, is come; now shall be perplexity among them.

lesserot@Micah:7:5 @ Trust ye not in a friend, put ye not confidence in a confidant: from her that lieth in thy bosom guard the doors of thy mouth.

lesserot@Micah:7:10 @ Then she that is my enemy will see it, and shame shall cover her, who said unto me, Where is the Lord thy God? My eyes shall complacently see her: now shall she be trodden down as the mire of the streets.

lesserot@Micah:7:11 @ The day that thy fences are to be built––that same day, the ordained, is yet far removed.

lesserot@Micah:7:14 @ Feed thy people with thy rod, the flock of thy heritage, which dwell in solitude in the wood, in the midst of Carmel: let them feed in Bashan and Gil’ad, as in the days of old.

lesserot@Micah:7:15 @ As in the days of thy coming out of the land of Egypt will I let them see marvelous things.

lesserot@Nahum:1:13 @ For now will I break his yoke from off thee, and thy bonds will I tear asunder.

lesserot@Nahum:1:14 @ But against thee hath the Lord decreed, that no heir of thy name shall be any more: out of the house of thy gods will I cut off the graven and the molten image; I will prepare thy grave; for thou art made vile.

lesserot@Nahum:3:5 @ Behold, I will be against thee, saith the Lord of hosts; and I will lay thy skirts open over thy face, and I will let nations see thy nakedness, and kingdoms thy shame.

lesserot@Nahum:3:9 @ Ethiopia the numerous, and Egypt that was without end, Put and Lubim were thy helpers.

lesserot@Nahum:3:12 @ All thy strong–holds shall be like fig–trees with the first ripe figs, which, if they be shaken, will fall into the mouth of the eater.

lesserot@Nahum:3:13 @ Behold, thy people are become women in the midst of thee: unto thy enemies are the gates of thy land set wide open; the fire hath devoured thy bars.

lesserot@Nahum:3:14 @ Water for the siege draw for thyself, fortify thy strongholds: go into the clay, and tread the mortar, make strong the brick–kiln.

lesserot@Nahum:3:15 @ There shall the fire devour thee; the sword shall cut thee off, it shall devour thee up like the cankerworm: thou make thyself many as the cankerworm; make thyself many as the locusts.

lesserot@Nahum:3:16 @ thou hadst multiplied thy merchants more than the stars of heaven: the cankerworm spreadeth itself out, and flieth away.

lesserot@Nahum:3:17 @ Thy crowned ones are like the locusts, and thy leaders like the swarms of locusts, which camp in the hedges on a cold day, but when the sun ariseth they flee away, and their place is not known where they are.

lesserot@Nahum:3:18 @ Thy shepherds slumber, O king of Assyria; thy valiant men are at rest: scattered are thy people upon the mountains, and there is none that gathereth them.

lesserot@Nahum:3:19 @ There is no healing for thy breach; fatal is thy wound: all that hear the report of thee will clap their hands over thee; for over whom did not thy wickedness pass continually?

lesserot@Habakkuk:2:10 @ Thou hast counselled shame to thy house, by cutting off many people, and sinning thy soul.

lesserot@Habakkuk:2:15 @ Woe unto him that maketh his neighbors drink, that pourest out thy poisonous, and makest them also drunken, in order to look on their nakedness!

lesserot@Habakkuk:2:16 @ Thou art filled with shame instead of glory; drink thou also, and let thy nakedness be uncovered: there shall be turned around thee the cup of the Lord’s right hand, and filthy spittle shall be on thy glory.

lesserot@Habakkuk:3:2 @ O Lord, I have heard thy fame, was afraid: O Lord, thy work––in the midst of the years revive thou it, in the midst of the years make it known; in wrath remember mercy.

lesserot@Habakkuk:3:8 @ Was the Lord wroth against the rivers? yea, was against the rivers thy anger? was against the sea thy wrath that thou rodest upon thy horses, thy chariots of victory!

lesserot@Habakkuk:3:9 @ Laid quite bare is thy bow, like severe rods of punishment thy word, Selah: into rivers thou splittest the earth.

lesserot@Habakkuk:3:11 @ The sun and moon stood still in their dwelling: at the light of thy arrows they walked along, at the shining of the flaming glitter of thy spear.

lesserot@Habakkuk:3:13 @ Thou wentest forth to the assistance of thy people, to the assistance of thy anointed: thou didst wound the head out of the house of the wicked, destroy the foundation with the high–towering walls. Selah.

lesserot@Habakkuk:3:15 @ thou didst pass along over the sea with thy horses, over the piled up billows of great waters.

lesserot@Zephaniah:3:11 @ On that day shalt thou not be ashamed because of all thy doings, whereby thou hast transgressed against me; for then will I remove out of the midst of thee those that rejoice in thy pride, and thou shalt never more be haughty again on my holy mount.

lesserot@Zephaniah:3:14 @ Sing, O daughter of Zion; shout, O Israel; rejoice and be glad with all thy heart, O daughter of Jerusalem!

lesserot@Zephaniah:3:15 @ The Lord hath removed thy punishment, he hath cleared away thy enemy: the king of Israel, the Lord, is in the midst of thee; thou shalt not see evil any more.

lesserot@Zephaniah:3:16 @ On that day shall it be said to Jerusalem, Fear thou not: Zion, Let not thy hands become weak.

lesserot@Zephaniah:3:17 @ The Lord thy God is in the midst of thee, the mighty one who will save; he will be glad over thee with rejoicing; he will be silent in his love, he will exult over thee with song.

lesserot@Zechariah:3:3 @ Now Joshua was clothed with filthy garments, and was standing before the angel.

lesserot@Zechariah:3:4 @ And he commenced and said unto those that stood before him, saying; Take away the filthy garments from him. And he said unto him, Behold, I have caused thy iniquity to pass from off thee, and I clothe thee with festive garments.

lesserot@Zechariah:3:8 @ Do but hear, O Joshua the high priest, thou, and thy fellows that sit before thee; for distinguished men are they; for, behold, I will bring my servant Zemach.

lesserot@Zechariah:5:5 @ Then went forth the angel that spoke with me, and said unto me, Do but lift up thy eyes, and see what is this that goeth forth.

lesserot@Zechariah:9:9 @ Be greatly glad, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem! behold, thy King will come unto thee, righteous and victorious is he, lowly, and riding upon an ass, and upon a colt the foal of a she–ass.

lesserot@Zechariah:9:11 @ As for thee also, because of the blood of thy covenant, do I send forth thy prisoners out of the pit wherein there is no water.

lesserot@Zechariah:9:13 @ For I do bend Judah for me, grasp Ephraim a bow; and I will stir up thy sons, O Zion, against thy sons, O Javan, and I will render thee as the sword of a mighty man.

lesserot@Zechariah:11:1 @ Open thy doors, O Lebanon, and the fire shall eat on thy cedars.

lesserot@Zechariah:13:6 @ And should some one say unto him, What are these wounds between thy hands? Then will he say, Those with which I have been wounded in the house of my friends.

lesserot@Zechariah:14:1 @ Behold, a day is coming unto the Lord, when thy spoil shall be divided in the midst of thee.

lesserot@Malachi:1:6 @ A son honoreth his father, and a servant his master: if then I be a father, where is my honor? and if I be a master, where is my fear? saith the Lord of hosts unto you, O priests, that despise my name; and ye say, wherein have we despised thy name?

lesserot@Malachi:1:8 @ And if ye bring near the blind to sacrifice it, is this not evil? and if ye bring near the lame and the sick, is this not evil? do but present it unto thy governor, will he be pleased with thee, or receive thee with favor? saith the Lord of hosts.

lesserot@Malachi:2:14 @ Yet ye say, Wherefore? Because the Lord hath been witness between thee and the wife of thy youth, against whom thou hast indeed dealt treacherously: yet is she thy companion, and the wife of thy covenant.