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dby@Isaiah:1:20 @ but if ye refuse and rebel, ye shall be devoured with the sword: for the mouth of Jehovah hath spoken.

dby@Isaiah:1:21 @ How is the faithful city become a harlot! It was full of judgment; righteousness used to lodge in it, but now murderers.

dby@Isaiah:1:28 @ But the ruin of the transgressors and of the sinners [shall be] together; and they that forsake Jehovah shall be consumed.

dby@Isaiah:5:2 @ And he dug it, and gathered out the stones thereof, and planted it with the choicest vine; and he built a tower in the midst of it, and also hewed out a winepress therein; and he looked that it should bring forth grapes, but it brought forth wild grapes.

dby@Isaiah:5:6 @ and I will make it a waste -- it shall not be pruned nor cultivated, but there shall come up briars and thorns; and I will command the clouds that they rain no rain upon it.

dby@Isaiah:5:12 @ And harp and lyre, tambour and flute, and wine are in their banquets; but they regard not the work of Jehovah, nor do they see the operation of his hands.

dby@Isaiah:6:13 @ But a tenth part shall still be therein, and it shall return and be eaten; as the terebinth and as the oak whose trunk [remaineth] after the felling: the holy seed shall be the trunk thereof.

dby@Isaiah:7:1 @ And it came to pass in the days of Ahaz, the son of Jotham, the son of Uzziah, king of Judah, [that] Rezin the king of Syria, and Pekah the son of Remaliah, king of Israel, came up to Jerusalem to make war against it, but they were not able to fight against it.

dby@Isaiah:7:15 @ Butter and honey shall he eat, that he may know to refuse the evil, and to choose the good.

dby@Isaiah:7:22 @ and it shall come to pass, from the abundance of milk they shall give, [that] he shall eat butter; for every one that remaineth in the midst of the land shall eat butter and honey.

dby@Isaiah:9:10 @ The bricks are fallen down, but we will build with hewn stones; the sycamore trees are cut down, but we will replace them with cedars.

dby@Isaiah:9:13 @ But the people turneth not unto him that smiteth them, and they do not seek Jehovah of hosts.

dby@Isaiah:10:4 @ They can but crouch under the prisoners, and they shall fall under the slain. For all this his anger is not turned away, and his hand is stretched out still.

dby@Isaiah:10:7 @ But he meaneth not so, neither doth his heart think so; for it is in his heart to extirpate and cut off nations not a few.

dby@Isaiah:10:20 @ And it shall come to pass in that day, [that] the remnant of Israel and such as are escaped of the house of Jacob shall no more again rely upon him that smote them; but they shall rely upon Jehovah, the Holy One of Israel, in truth.

dby@Isaiah:11:4 @ but with righteousness shall he judge the poor, and reprove with equity the meek of the earth: and he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked.

dby@Isaiah:11:14 @ but they shall fly upon the shoulder of the Philistines towards the west; together shall they spoil the sons of the east; they shall lay their hand upon Edom and Moab, and the children of Ammon shall obey them.

dby@Isaiah:13:21 @ But beasts of the desert shall lie there, and their houses shall be full of owls; and ostriches shall dwell there, and wild goats shall dance there.

dby@Isaiah:14:19 @ but thou art cast out of thy grave like an abominable branch, covered with the slain -- those thrust through with the sword, that go down to the stones of the pit: like a carcase trodden under foot.

dby@Isaiah:14:30 @ And the firstborn of the poor shall feed, and the needy shall lie down in safety; but I will kill thy root with famine, and thy remnant shall be slain.

dby@Isaiah:17:11 @ in the day of thy planting wilt thou make [them] to grow, and on the morrow wilt thou make thy seed to flourish; [but] the harvest will flee in the day of taking possession, and the sorrow will be incurable.

dby@Isaiah:17:13 @ The nations rush as the rushing of many waters; but he will rebuke them, and they shall flee far away, and shall be chased as the chaff of the mountains before the wind, and like a whirling [of dust] before the whirlwind:

dby@Isaiah:19:11 @ They are but fools, the princes of Zoan, the wise counsellors of Pharaoh: [their] counsel is become senseless. How say ye unto Pharaoh, I am the son of the wise, the son of ancient kings?

dby@Isaiah:20:4 @ so shall the king of Assyria lead away the captives of Egypt and the exiles of Ethiopia, young and old, naked and barefoot, and with buttocks uncovered, [to] the shame of Egypt.

dby@Isaiah:22:11 @ and ye have made a reservoir between the two walls for the water of the old pool: but ye have not had regard unto the maker thereof, neither have ye looked unto him that fashioned it long ago.

dby@Isaiah:23:8 @ Who hath purposed this against Tyre, the distributor of crowns, whose merchants were princes, whose dealers were the honourable of the earth?

dby@Isaiah:26:11 @ Jehovah, thy hand is lifted up, but they do not see: [yet] they shall see [thy] jealousy [for] the people, and be ashamed; yea, the fire which is for thine adversaries shall devour them.

dby@Isaiah:28:7 @ But these also have erred through wine, and through strong drink are they gone astray. The priest and the prophet have erred through strong drink; they are overpowered by wine, they are gone astray through strong drink; they have erred in vision, they have stumbled [in] judgment.

dby@Isaiah:28:12 @ to whom he said, This is the rest: cause the weary to rest; and this is the refreshing. But they would not hear.

dby@Isaiah:28:27 @ For the dill is not threshed with a threshing instrument, neither is a cart-wheel turned about upon the cummin; but dill is beaten out with a staff, and cummin with a rod.

dby@Isaiah:29:2 @ But I will distress Ariel, and there shall be sorrow and sadness; and it shall be unto me as an Ariel.

dby@Isaiah:29:9 @ Be astounded and astonished, blind yourselves and be blind! They are drunken, but not with wine; they stagger, but not with strong drink.

dby@Isaiah:29:13 @ And the Lord saith, Forasmuch as this people draw near with their mouth, and honour me with their lips, but their heart is removed far from me, and their fear of me is a commandment taught of men;

dby@Isaiah:30:1 @ Woe to the rebellious children, saith Jehovah, who take counsel, but not of me, and who make leagues, but not by my Spirit, that they may heap sin upon sin;

dby@Isaiah:30:5 @ They were all ashamed of a people [that] did not profit them, nor were a help or profit, but a shame, and also a reproach.

dby@Isaiah:30:15 @ For thus saith the Lord Jehovah, the Holy One of Israel: In returning and rest shall ye be saved, in quietness and confidence shall be your strength; but ye would not.

dby@Isaiah:30:16 @ And ye said, No, but we will flee upon horses, -- therefore shall ye flee; and, We will ride upon the swift, -- therefore shall they that pursue you be swift.

dby@Isaiah:30:20 @ And the Lord will give you the bread of adversity, and the water of oppression; yet thy teachers shall not be hidden any more, but thine eyes shall see thy teachers.

dby@Isaiah:31:2 @ But he also is wise, and he bringeth evil, and recalleth not his words; and he will arise against the house of evildoers, and against the help of workers of iniquity.

dby@Isaiah:31:8 @ And Asshur shall fall by the sword, not of a great man; and the sword, not of a mean man, shall devour him: and he shall flee from the sword, and his young men shall become tributary;

dby@Isaiah:32:8 @ But the noble deviseth noble things; and to noble things doth he stand.

dby@Isaiah:33:21 @ but there Jehovah is unto us glorious, -- a place of rivers, of broad streams: no galley with oars shall go there, neither shall gallant ship pass thereby.

dby@Isaiah:35:8 @ And a highway shall be there and a way, and it shall be called, The way of holiness: the unclean shall not pass through it; but it shall be for these. Those that go [this] way -- even fools, -- shall not err [therein].

dby@Isaiah:35:9 @ No lion shall be there, nor shall ravenous beast go up thereon, nor be found there; but the redeemed shall walk [there].

dby@Isaiah:36:5 @ Thou sayest, but it is a word of the lips, [There is] counsel and strength for war. Now on whom dost thou rely, that thou hast revolted against me?

dby@Isaiah:37:19 @ and have cast their gods into the fire; for they were no gods, but the work of men's hands, wood and stone; and they have destroyed them.

dby@Isaiah:37:28 @ But I know thine abode, and thy going out, and thy coming in, and thy raging against me.

dby@Isaiah:37:30 @ And this [shall be] the sign unto thee: there shall be eaten this year such as groweth of itself; and in the second year that which springeth of the same; but in the third year sow ye, and reap, and plant vineyards and eat the fruit thereof.

dby@Isaiah:38:17 @ Behold, instead of peace I had bitterness upon bitterness; but thou hast in love delivered my soul from the pit of destruction; for thou hast cast all my sins behind thy back.

dby@Isaiah:40:8 @ The grass withereth, the flower fadeth; but the word of our God abideth for ever.

dby@Isaiah:40:24 @ Scarcely are they planted, scarcely are they sown, scarcely hath their stock taken root in the earth, but he also bloweth upon them and they wither, and the whirlwind taketh them away as stubble.

dby@Isaiah:40:31 @ but they that wait upon Jehovah shall renew [their] strength: they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not tire; they shall walk, and not faint.

dby@Isaiah:41:8 @ But thou, Israel, my servant, Jacob, whom I have chosen, the seed of Abraham, my friend

dby@Isaiah:42:19 @ Who is blind, but my servant? and deaf, as my messenger whom I sent? Who is blind as he in whom I have trusted, and blind as Jehovah's servant,

dby@Isaiah:42:22 @ But this is a people robbed and spoiled; they are all of them snared in holes, and hidden in prison-houses; they are become a prey, and none delivereth, -- a spoil, and none saith, Restore.

dby@Isaiah:43:1 @ But now thus saith Jehovah, that created thee, O Jacob, and he that formed thee, O Israel: Fear not, for I have redeemed thee, I have called [thee] by thy name; thou art mine.

dby@Isaiah:43:22 @ -- But thou hast not called upon me, Jacob; for thou hast been weary of me, O Israel:

dby@Isaiah:43:24 @ Thou hast bought me no sweet cane with money, neither hast thou filled me with the fat of thy sacrifices; but thou hast made me to toil with thy sins, thou hast wearied me with thine iniquities.

dby@Isaiah:44:11 @ Behold, all his fellows shall be ashamed; and the workmen are but men. Let them all be gathered together, let them stand up: they shall fear, they shall be ashamed together.

dby@Isaiah:44:12 @ The iron-smith [hath] a chisel, and he worketh in the coals, and he fashioneth it with hammers, and worketh it with his strong arm; -- but he is hungry, and his strength faileth; he hath not drunk water, and he is faint.

dby@Isaiah:47:8 @ And now hear this, thou voluptuous one, that dwellest carelessly, that sayest in thy heart, It is I, and there is none but me; I shall not sit as a widow, neither shall I know loss of children:

dby@Isaiah:47:10 @ For thou hast confided in thy wickedness: thou hast said, None seeth me. Thy wisdom and thy knowledge, it hath seduced thee; and thou hast said in thy heart, It is I, and there is none but me.

dby@Isaiah:47:11 @ But evil shall come upon thee -- thou shalt not know from whence it riseth; and mischief shall fall upon thee, which thou shalt not be able to ward off; and desolation that thou suspectest not shall come upon thee suddenly.

dby@Isaiah:48:10 @ Behold, I have refined thee, but not as silver; I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction.

dby@Isaiah:49:14 @ But Zion said, Jehovah hath forsaken me, and the Lord hath forgotten me.

dby@Isaiah:49:15 @ Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? Even these forget, but I will not forget thee.

dby@Isaiah:50:7 @ But the Lord Jehovah will help me: therefore shall I not be confounded; therefore have I set my face like a flint, and I know that I shall not be ashamed.

dby@Isaiah:51:6 @ Lift up your eyes to the heavens, and look on the earth beneath: for the heavens shall vanish away like smoke, and the earth shall grow old like a garment, and they that dwell therein shall die in like manner; but my salvation shall be for ever, and my righteousness shall not be abolished.

dby@Isaiah:51:8 @ For the moth shall eat them up like a garment, and the worm shall eat them like wool; but my righteousness shall be for ever, and my salvation from generation to generation.

dby@Isaiah:51:21 @ Therefore hear now this, thou afflicted, and drunken, but not with wine:

dby@Isaiah:53:5 @ But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon him, and with his stripes we are healed.

dby@Isaiah:53:7 @ He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, but he opened not his mouth; he was led as a lamb to the slaughter, and was as a sheep dumb before her shearers, and he opened not his mouth.

dby@Isaiah:53:9 @ And [men] appointed his grave with the wicked, but he was with the rich in his death, because he had done no violence, neither was there guile in his mouth.

dby@Isaiah:54:7 @ For a small moment have I forsaken thee; but with great mercies will I gather thee.

dby@Isaiah:54:8 @ In the outpouring of wrath have I hid my face from thee for a moment; but with everlasting loving-kindness will I have mercy on thee, saith Jehovah, thy Redeemer.

dby@Isaiah:54:10 @ For the mountains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but my loving-kindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall my covenant of peace be removed, saith Jehovah, that hath mercy on thee.

dby@Isaiah:54:15 @ Behold, they shall surely gather together, [but] not by me: whosoever gathereth together against thee shall fall because of thee.

dby@Isaiah:55:10 @ For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater:

dby@Isaiah:55:11 @ so shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall do that which I please, and it shall accomplish that for which I send it.

dby@Isaiah:57:3 @ But draw near hither, ye sons of the sorceress, the seed of the adulterer and the harlot.

dby@Isaiah:57:10 @ Thou wast wearied by the multitude of thy ways; [but] thou saidst not, It is of no avail. Thou didst find a quickening of thy strength; therefore thou wast not sick [of it].

dby@Isaiah:57:13 @ When thou criest, let them that are gathered by thee deliver thee! But a wind shall carry them all away, a breath shall take them; but he that putteth his trust in me shall inherit the land, and possess my holy mountain.

dby@Isaiah:57:20 @ But the wicked are like the troubled sea, which cannot rest, and whose waters cast up mire and dirt.

dby@Isaiah:59:2 @ but your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid [his] face from you, that he doth not hear.

dby@Isaiah:59:9 @ Therefore is justice far from us, and righteousness overtaketh us not: we wait for light, and behold darkness; for brightness, [but] we walk in obscurity.

dby@Isaiah:59:11 @ We roar all like bears, and mourn grievously like doves: we look for judgment, and there is none; for salvation, [but] it is far from us.

dby@Isaiah:60:2 @ For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the peoples; but Jehovah will arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen on thee.

dby@Isaiah:60:10 @ And the sons of the alien shall build up thy walls, and their kings shall minister unto thee. For in my wrath I smote thee, but in my favour have I had mercy on thee.

dby@Isaiah:60:18 @ Violence shall no more be heard in thy land, wasting nor destruction within thy borders; but thou shalt call thy walls Salvation, and thy gates Praise.

dby@Isaiah:60:19 @ The sun shall be no more thy light by day, neither for brightness shall the moon give light unto thee; but Jehovah shall be thine everlasting light, and thy God thy glory.

dby@Isaiah:61:6 @ But as for you, ye shall be called priests of Jehovah; it shall be said of you: Ministers of our God. Ye shall eat the wealth of the nations, and into their glory shall ye enter.

dby@Isaiah:62:4 @ Thou shalt no more be termed, Forsaken; neither shall thy land any more be termed, Desolate: but thou shalt be called, My delight is in her, and thy land, Married; for Jehovah delighteth in thee, and thy land shall be married.

dby@Isaiah:63:10 @ But they rebelled and grieved his holy Spirit: and he turned to be their enemy; himself, he fought against them.

dby@Isaiah:63:11 @ But he remembered the days of old, Moses [and] his people: Where is he that brought them up out of the sea with the shepherds of his flock? Where is he that put his holy Spirit within him,

dby@Isaiah:63:18 @ Thy holy people have possessed [it] but a little while: our adversaries have trodden down thy sanctuary.

dby@Isaiah:65:6 @ Behold, it is written before me: I will not keep silence, but will recompense, even recompense into their bosom,

dby@Isaiah:65:11 @ But ye who forsake Jehovah, who forget my holy mountain, who prepare a table for Gad, and fill up mixed wine unto Meni:

dby@Isaiah:65:12 @ I will even assign you to the sword, and ye shall all bow down in the slaughter; because I called, and ye did not answer, I spoke, and ye did not hear; but ye did what was evil in mine eyes, and chose that wherein I delight not.

dby@Isaiah:65:18 @ But be glad and rejoice for ever in that which I create. For behold, I create Jerusalem a rejoicing, and her people a joy.

dby@Isaiah:66:2 @ Even all these things hath my hand made, and all these things have been, saith Jehovah. But to this man will I look: to the afflicted and contrite in spirit, and who trembleth at my word.

dby@Isaiah:66:4 @ I also will choose their calamities, and will bring their fears upon them; because I called, and none answered, I spoke, and they did not hear, but did that which was evil in mine eyes, and chose that wherein I delight not.

dby@Isaiah:66:5 @ Hear the word of Jehovah, ye that tremble at his word: Your brethren that hated you, that cast you out for my name's sake, said, Let Jehovah be glorified, and let us see your joy! but they shall be ashamed.

dby@Jeremiah:1:7 @ But Jehovah said unto me, Say not, I am a child; for thou shalt go to whomsoever I shall send thee, and whatsoever I command thee thou shalt speak.

dby@Jeremiah:1:19 @ And they shall fight against thee, but they shall not prevail against thee: for I am with thee, saith Jehovah, to deliver thee.

dby@Jeremiah:2:11 @ Hath a nation changed [its] gods? and they are no gods; -- but my people have changed their glory for that which doth not profit.

dby@Jeremiah:2:25 @ Withhold thy foot from being unshod, and thy throat from thirst. But thou saidst, There is no hope; no, for I love strangers, and after them will I go.

dby@Jeremiah:2:32 @ Doth a virgin forget her ornaments, a bride her attire? But my people have forgotten me days without number.

dby@Jeremiah:2:34 @ Yea, in thy skirts is found the blood of the souls of the innocent poor, whom thou didst not encounter breaking in, but [it is found] upon all these.

dby@Jeremiah:3:1 @ They say, If a man put away his wife, and she go from him, and become another man's, shall he return unto her again? Would not that land be utterly polluted? But thou hast committed fornication with many lovers; yet return to me, saith Jehovah.

dby@Jeremiah:3:3 @ And the showers have been withholden, and there hath been no latter rain; but thou hast a harlot's forehead, thou refusest to be ashamed.

dby@Jeremiah:3:7 @ And I said, After she hath done all these [things], she will return unto me; but she returned not. And her sister Judah, the treacherous, saw [it].

dby@Jeremiah:3:8 @ And I saw that when for all the causes wherein backsliding Israel committed adultery I had put her away, and given her a bill of divorce, yet the treacherous Judah, her sister, feared not, but went and committed fornication also.

dby@Jeremiah:3:10 @ And even for all this her treacherous sister Judah hath not returned unto me with her whole heart, but with falsehood, saith Jehovah.

dby@Jeremiah:3:24 @ But shame hath devoured the labour of our fathers from our youth; their flocks and their herds, their sons and their daughters.

dby@Jeremiah:4:22 @ For my people is foolish, they have not known me; they are sottish children, and they have no intelligence; they are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge.

dby@Jeremiah:4:27 @ For thus saith Jehovah: The whole land shall be a desolation; but I will not make a full end.

dby@Jeremiah:5:3 @ Jehovah, are not thine eyes upon fidelity? Thou hast smitten them, but they are not sore; thou hast consumed them, they have refused to receive correction: they have made their faces harder than a rock; they have refused to return.

dby@Jeremiah:5:5 @ I will go unto the great men, and will speak unto them; for they know the way of Jehovah, the judgment of their God; but these have altogether broken the yoke, have burst the bonds.

dby@Jeremiah:5:10 @ Go up upon her walls, and destroy; but make not a full end; take away her battlements, for they are not Jehovah's.

dby@Jeremiah:5:22 @ Will ye not fear me? saith Jehovah. Will ye not tremble at my presence, who have set the sand a bound for the sea by a perpetual decree, and it shall not pass it? and its waves toss themselves, but they do not prevail; and they roar, yet can they not pass over it?

dby@Jeremiah:5:23 @ But this people hath a stubborn and a rebellious heart; they have turned aside and are gone.

dby@Jeremiah:5:31 @ the prophets prophesy falsehood, and the priests rule by their means; and my people love [to have it] so. But what will ye do in the end thereof?

dby@Jeremiah:6:16 @ Thus saith Jehovah: Stand in the ways and see, and ask for the ancient paths, which is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. But they said, We will not walk [therein].

dby@Jeremiah:6:17 @ Also I have set watchmen over you: -- Hearken ye to the sound of the trumpet. But they said, We will not hearken.

dby@Jeremiah:7:5 @ But if ye thoroughly amend your ways and your doings, if ye really do justice between a man and his neighbour,

dby@Jeremiah:7:23 @ but I commanded them this thing, saying, Hearken unto my voice, and I will be your God, and ye shall be my people; and walk in all the way that I command you, that it may be well with you.

dby@Jeremiah:7:24 @ But they hearkened not, nor inclined their ear, but walked in the counsels, in the stubbornness of their evil heart, and went backward and not forward.

dby@Jeremiah:7:26 @ but they have not hearkened unto me, nor inclined their ear; and they have hardened their neck: they have done worse than their fathers.

dby@Jeremiah:7:27 @ And thou shalt speak all these words unto them, but they will not hearken unto thee; and thou shalt call unto them, but they will not answer thee.

dby@Jeremiah:7:32 @ Therefore, behold, days are coming, saith Jehovah, when it shall no more be said, Topheth, and Valley of the son of Hinnom, but the valley of slaughter; for they shall bury in Topheth, till there be no place.

dby@Jeremiah:8:7 @ Even a stork in the heavens knoweth her appointed times, and the turtle-dove and the swallow and the crane observe the time of their coming; but my people know not the judgment of Jehovah.

dby@Jeremiah:9:8 @ Their tongue is a murderous arrow; it speaketh deceit. [A man] speaketh peaceably to his neighbour with his mouth, but in his heart he layeth his ambush.

dby@Jeremiah:9:14 @ but have walked after the stubbornness of their own heart, and after the Baals, as their fathers taught them;

dby@Jeremiah:9:24 @ but let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I [am] Jehovah, who exercise loving-kindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth; for in these things I delight, saith Jehovah.

dby@Jeremiah:10:8 @ But they are one and all senseless and foolish; the teaching of vanities is a stock.

dby@Jeremiah:10:10 @ But Jehovah Elohim is truth; he is the living God, and the King of eternity. At his wrath the earth trembleth, and the nations cannot abide his indignation.

dby@Jeremiah:10:24 @ Jehovah, correct me, but with judgment; not in thine anger, lest thou bring me to nothing.

dby@Jeremiah:11:8 @ But they have not hearkened, nor inclined their ear, but have walked every one in the stubbornness of their evil heart; and I have brought upon them all the words of this covenant, which I commanded [them] to do, and they have not done.

dby@Jeremiah:11:12 @ Then shall the cities of Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem go and cry unto the gods unto whom they have burned incense; but they shall not save them at all in the time of their trouble.

dby@Jeremiah:11:20 @ But thou, Jehovah of hosts, who judgest righteously, who triest the reins and the heart, let me see thy vengeance on them: for unto thee have I revealed my cause.

dby@Jeremiah:12:2 @ Thou hast planted them, they also have taken root: they advance, yea, they bring forth fruit: thou art near in their mouth, but far from their reins.

dby@Jeremiah:12:3 @ But thou, Jehovah, knowest me; thou hast seen me, and proved my heart toward thee. Drag them out like sheep for the slaughter, and set them apart for the day of slaughter.

dby@Jeremiah:13:1 @ Thus said Jehovah unto me: Go and buy thee a linen girdle, and put it upon thy loins; but dip it not in water.

dby@Jeremiah:13:11 @ For as a girdle cleaveth to the loins of a man, so have I caused to cleave unto me the whole house of Israel and the whole house of Judah, saith Jehovah; that they might be unto me for a people, and for a name, and for a praise, and for a glory: but they would not hear.

dby@Jeremiah:13:16 @ Give glory to Jehovah your God, before he cause darkness, and before your feet stumble upon the mountains of twilight; and ye shall look for light, but he will turn it into the shadow of death, and make [it] gross darkness.

dby@Jeremiah:15:19 @ Therefore thus saith Jehovah: If thou return, then will I bring thee again, thou shalt stand before me; and if thou take forth the precious from the vile, thou shalt be as my mouth. Let them return unto thee; but return not thou unto them.

dby@Jeremiah:15:20 @ And I will make thee unto this people a strong brazen wall; and they shall fight against thee, but they shall not prevail against thee: for I am with thee, to save thee and to deliver thee, saith Jehovah;

dby@Jeremiah:16:15 @ but, [As] Jehovah liveth, who brought up the children of Israel from the land of the north, and from all the lands whither he had driven them. For I will bring them again into their land, which I gave unto their fathers.

dby@Jeremiah:16:18 @ But first I will recompense their iniquity and their sin double, because they have profaned my land with the carcases of their detestable things, and with their abominations have they filled mine inheritance.

dby@Jeremiah:17:6 @ And he shall be like the heath in the desert, and shall not see when good cometh; but he shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, a salt land and not inhabited.

dby@Jeremiah:17:8 @ For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, and that spreadeth out its roots by the stream, and he shall not see when heat cometh, but his leaf shall be green; and in the year of drought he shall not be careful, neither shall he cease to yield fruit.

dby@Jeremiah:17:16 @ But as for me, I have not hastened from being a shepherd in following thee, neither have I desired the fatal day, thou knowest: that which came out of my lips was before thy face.

dby@Jeremiah:17:18 @ Let them be ashamed that persecute me, but let not me be ashamed; let them be dismayed, but let not me be dismayed; bring upon them the day of evil, and break them with a double breaking.

dby@Jeremiah:17:22 @ and carry forth no burden out of your houses on the sabbath day, neither do any work; but hallow ye the sabbath day, as I commanded your fathers,

dby@Jeremiah:17:23 @ but they hearkened not, neither inclined their ear, but hardened their neck, that they might not hear nor receive instruction.

dby@Jeremiah:17:27 @ But if ye will not hearken unto me, to hallow the sabbath day and not to bear a burden and enter in through the gates of Jerusalem on the sabbath day, then will I kindle a fire in the gates thereof, and it shall devour the palaces of Jerusalem, and it shall not be quenched.

dby@Jeremiah:18:12 @ But they say, There is no hope; for we will walk after our own devices, and we will each one do [according to] the stubbornness of his evil heart.

dby@Jeremiah:18:23 @ And thou, Jehovah, knowest all their counsel against me to slay me. Forgive not their iniquity, neither blot out their sin from thy sight, but let them be overthrown before thee: deal with them in the time of thine anger.

dby@Jeremiah:19:6 @ therefore behold, days come, saith Jehovah, that this place shall no more be called Topheth, nor Valley of the son of Hinnom, but the valley of slaughter.

dby@Jeremiah:20:3 @ And it came to pass the next day, that Pashur brought forth Jeremiah out of the stocks; and Jeremiah said unto him, Jehovah hath not called thy name Pashur, but Magor-missabib.

dby@Jeremiah:20:9 @ And I said, I will not make mention of him, nor speak any more in his name: but it was in my heart as a burning fire shut up in my bones; and I became wearied with holding in, and I could not.

dby@Jeremiah:20:11 @ But Jehovah is with me as a mighty terrible one; therefore my persecutors shall stumble and shall not prevail; they shall be greatly ashamed, for they have not prospered: it shall be an everlasting confusion that shall not be forgotten.

dby@Jeremiah:21:9 @ He that abideth in this city shall die by the sword, and by the famine, and by the pestilence; but he that goeth out, and deserteth to the Chaldeans that besiege you, he shall live, and his life shall be unto him for a prey.

dby@Jeremiah:22:5 @ But if ye will not hear these words, I have sworn by myself, saith Jehovah, that this house shall become a waste.

dby@Jeremiah:22:10 @ Weep not for the dead, neither bemoan him; [but] weep sore for him that goeth away, for he shall return no more, nor see his native country.

dby@Jeremiah:22:17 @ But thine eyes and thy heart are only on thine extortion, and on the blood of the innocent, to shed it, and on oppression and on violence, to do it.

dby@Jeremiah:22:21 @ I spoke unto thee in thy prosperity; [but] thou saidst, I will not hear. This hath been thy way from thy youth, that thou hearkenedst not unto my voice.

dby@Jeremiah:23:8 @ but, [As] Jehovah liveth, who brought up and who led back the seed of the house of Israel out of the north country, and from all countries whither I had driven them. And they shall dwell in their own land.

dby@Jeremiah:23:22 @ But if they had stood in my council, and had caused my people to hear my words, then would they have turned them from their evil way and from the wickedness of their doings.

dby@Jeremiah:23:38 @ But since ye say, The burden of Jehovah, therefore thus saith Jehovah: Because ye say this word, The burden of Jehovah, and I have sent unto you, saying, Ye shall not say, The burden of Jehovah;

dby@Jeremiah:25:3 @ From the thirteenth year of Josiah the son of Amon, the king of Judah, even unto this day, these three and twenty years, the word of Jehovah hath come unto me, and I have spoken unto you, rising early and speaking; but ye have not hearkened.

dby@Jeremiah:25:4 @ And Jehovah hath sent unto you all his servants the prophets, rising early and sending; but ye have not hearkened, nor inclined your ear to hear,

dby@Jeremiah:25:7 @ But ye have not hearkened unto me, saith Jehovah; that ye might provoke me to anger with the work of your hands, to your own hurt.

dby@Jeremiah:26:5 @ to hearken unto the words of my servants the prophets, whom I have sent unto you, even rising early and sending [them], but ye have not hearkened,

dby@Jeremiah:26:14 @ But as for me, behold, I am in your hand; do unto me as seemeth good and right in your eyes:

dby@Jeremiah:26:21 @ and Jehoiakim the king, and all his mighty men, and all the princes, heard his words, and the king sought to put him to death; but Urijah heard it, and he was afraid, and fled, and went into Egypt.

dby@Jeremiah:27:11 @ But the nation that bringeth its neck under the yoke of the king of Babylon and serveth him, will I let remain still in its own land, saith Jehovah; and they shall till it, and dwell therein.

dby@Jeremiah:27:18 @ But if they be prophets, and if the word of Jehovah be with them, let them now make intercession to Jehovah of hosts, that the vessels which are left in the house of Jehovah, and in the house of the king of Judah, and at Jerusalem, go not to Babylon.

dby@Jeremiah:29:19 @ because they have not hearkened to my words, saith Jehovah, wherewith I sent unto them my servants the prophets, rising early and sending; but ye have not hearkened, saith Jehovah.

dby@Jeremiah:29:20 @ But ye, all ye of the captivity, whom I have sent from Jerusalem to Babylon, hear the word of Jehovah.

dby@Jeremiah:30:7 @ Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob's trouble; but he shall be saved out of it.

dby@Jeremiah:30:9 @ But they shall serve Jehovah their God, and David their king, whom I will raise up unto them.

dby@Jeremiah:30:11 @ For I am with thee, saith Jehovah, to save thee: for I will make a full end of all the nations whither I have scattered thee; yet of thee will I not make a full end, but I will correct thee with judgment, and will not hold thee altogether guiltless.

dby@Jeremiah:32:23 @ And they came in and possessed it: but they hearkened not unto thy voice, neither walked in thy law; they have done nothing of all that thou commandedst them to do; so that thou hast caused all this evil to come upon them.

dby@Jeremiah:33:5 @ They come to fight with the Chaldeans, but to fill them with the dead bodies of the men whom I have slain in mine anger and in my fury, and for all whose wickedness I have hid my face from this city.

dby@Jeremiah:34:3 @ And thou shalt not escape out of his hand, but shalt certainly be taken, and given into his hand; and thine eyes shall behold the eyes of the king of Babylon, and his mouth shall speak with thy mouth, and thou shalt go to Babylon.

dby@Jeremiah:34:11 @ But afterwards they turned, and caused the bondmen and the bondmaids whom they had let go free, to return, and brought them into subjection for bondmen and for bondmaids.

dby@Jeremiah:34:14 @ At the end of seven years ye shall let go every man his brother, a Hebrew, who hath sold himself unto thee; when he hath served thee six years, thou shalt let him go free from thee. But your fathers hearkened not unto me, neither inclined their ear.

dby@Jeremiah:34:16 @ but ye have turned and profaned my name, and caused every man his bondman, and every man his bondmaid, whom ye had set at liberty at their pleasure, to return, and ye have brought them into subjection, to be unto you for bondmen and for bondmaids.

dby@Jeremiah:35:7 @ neither shall ye build house, nor sow seed, nor plant vineyard, nor shall ye have [any]; but all your days ye shall dwell in tents, that ye may live many days in the land where ye sojourn.

dby@Jeremiah:35:10 @ but we have dwelt in tents, and have obeyed and done according to all that Jonadab our father commanded us.

dby@Jeremiah:35:14 @ The words of Jonadab the son of Rechab, that he commanded his sons not to drink wine, are performed; and to this day they have drunk none, for they have obeyed their father's commandment. But I have spoken unto you, rising early and speaking, and ye have not hearkened unto me.

dby@Jeremiah:35:15 @ And I have sent unto you all my servants the prophets, rising early and sending, saying, Return ye now every man from his evil way, and amend your doings, and go not after other gods to serve them; and ye shall dwell in the land that I have given to you and to your fathers: but ye have not inclined your ear nor hearkened unto me.

dby@Jeremiah:35:16 @ Yea, the sons of Jonadab the son of Rechab have performed the commandment of their father which he commanded them, but this people hath not hearkened unto me;

dby@Jeremiah:35:17 @ therefore thus saith Jehovah the God of hosts, the God of Israel: Behold, I will bring upon Judah and upon all the inhabitants of Jerusalem all the evil that I have pronounced against them, because I have spoken unto them, but they have not hearkened, and I have called unto them, but they have not answered.

dby@Jeremiah:36:5 @ And Jeremiah commanded Baruch, saying, I am shut up, I cannot go into the house of Jehovah; but go thou in,

dby@Jeremiah:36:20 @ And they went in unto the king into the court, but they laid up the roll in the chamber of Elishama the scribe; and they told all the words in the ears of the king.

dby@Jeremiah:36:25 @ Moreover, Elnathan and Delaiah and Gemariah had made intercession to the king that he would not burn the roll; but he would not hear them.

dby@Jeremiah:36:26 @ And the king commanded Jerahmeel the son of Hammelech, and Seraiah the son of Azriel, and Shelemiah the son of Abdeel, to take Baruch the scribe and Jeremiah the prophet; but Jehovah hid them.

dby@Jeremiah:37:10 @ For though ye had smitten the whole army of the Chaldeans that fight against you, and there remained [but] wounded men among them, [yet] should they rise up every man in his tent, and burn this city with fire.

dby@Jeremiah:37:14 @ And Jeremiah said, It is false: I am not deserting to the Chaldeans. But he hearkened not to him; and Irijah laid hold on Jeremiah, and brought him to the princes.

dby@Jeremiah:38:2 @ Thus saith Jehovah: He that remaineth in this city shall die by the sword, by the famine, and by the pestilence; but he that goeth forth to the Chaldeans shall live; and he shall have his life for a prey, and shall live.

dby@Jeremiah:38:4 @ And the princes said unto the king, Let this man, we pray thee, be put to death; for why should he weaken the hands of the men of war that remain in this city, and the hands of all the people, in speaking to them according to these words? for this man seeketh not the welfare of this people, but the hurt.

dby@Jeremiah:38:6 @ Then they took Jeremiah, and cast him into the dungeon of Malchijah the son of Hammelech, which was in the court of the guard, and they let down Jeremiah with cords. And in the dungeon there was no water, but mire; and Jeremiah sank in the mire.

dby@Jeremiah:38:18 @ But if thou wilt not go forth to the king of Babylon's princes, then shall this city be given into the hand of the Chaldeans, and they shall burn it with fire, and thou shalt not escape out of their hand.

dby@Jeremiah:38:21 @ But if thou refuse to go forth, this is the word which Jehovah hath shewn me:

dby@Jeremiah:39:10 @ But Nebuzar-adan the captain of the body-guard left [certain] of the people, the poor who had nothing, in the land of Judah, and gave them vineyards and fields at the same time.

dby@Jeremiah:39:12 @ Take him, and keep an eye upon him, and do him no harm; but do unto him even as he shall say unto thee.

dby@Jeremiah:39:18 @ for I will certainly save thee, and thou shalt not fall by the sword, but thou shalt have thy life for a prey; for thou hast put thy confidence in me, saith Jehovah.

dby@Jeremiah:40:4 @ And now, behold, I loose thee this day from the chains that are upon thy hand. If it seem good in thy sight to come with me to Babylon, come, and I will keep mine eye upon thee; but if it seem ill unto thee to come with me to Babylon, forbear. See, all the land is before thee: whither it seemeth good and right in thy sight to go, thither go.

dby@Jeremiah:40:14 @ and said unto him, Dost thou indeed know that Baalis the king of the children of Ammon hath sent Ishmael the son of Nethaniah to smite thee to death? But Gedaliah the son of Ahikam believed them not.

dby@Jeremiah:40:16 @ But Gedaliah the son of Ahikam said unto Johanan the son of Kareah, Thou shalt not do this thing; for thou speakest falsely of Ishmael.

dby@Jeremiah:41:8 @ But ten men were found among them that said unto Ishmael, Do not kill us, for we have hidden stores in the field, of wheat, and of barley, and of oil, and of honey. So he forbore, and did not kill them among their brethren.

dby@Jeremiah:41:15 @ But Ishmael the son of Nethaniah escaped from Johanan with eight men, and went to the children of Ammon.

dby@Jeremiah:42:13 @ But if ye say, We will not dwell in this land; so as not to hearken unto the voice of Jehovah your God,

dby@Jeremiah:42:14 @ saying, No; but we will go into the land of Egypt, where we shall see no war, nor hear the sound of the trumpet, nor have hunger for bread; and there will we dwell;

dby@Jeremiah:42:21 @ And I have this day declared [it] to you; but ye have not obeyed the voice of Jehovah your God, nor anything for which he hath sent me unto you.

dby@Jeremiah:43:3 @ but Baruch the son of Nerijah is setting thee on against us, to deliver us into the hand of the Chaldeans, that they may put us to death, and carry us away captives into Babylon.

dby@Jeremiah:43:5 @ but Johanan the son of Kareah, and all the captains of the forces, took all the remnant of Judah, that were returned from all nations whither they had been driven, to sojourn in the land of Judah;

dby@Jeremiah:44:5 @ But they hearkened not, nor inclined their ear to turn from their wickedness, to burn no incense unto other gods.

dby@Jeremiah:44:14 @ and none of the remnant of Judah, that have come into the land of Egypt to sojourn there, shall escape or remain, so as to return into the land of Judah, whither they have a desire to return to dwell there; for none shall return but such as shall escape.

dby@Jeremiah:44:17 @ but we will certainly do every word that is gone forth out of our mouth, to burn incense to the queen of the heavens, and to pour out drink-offerings to her, as we have done, we and our fathers, our kings and our princes, in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem; and we had plenty of bread, and were well, and saw no evil.

dby@Jeremiah:44:18 @ But since we left off burning incense to the queen of the heavens, and pouring out drink-offerings to her, we have wanted everything, and have been consumed by the sword and by the famine.

dby@Jeremiah:45:5 @ And seekest thou great things for thyself? seek [them] not; for behold, I will bring evil upon all flesh, saith Jehovah; but thy life will I give unto thee for a prey in all places whither thou shalt go.

dby@Jeremiah:46:17 @ There did they cry, Pharaoh king of Egypt is but a noise; he hath let the time appointed go by.

dby@Jeremiah:46:26 @ And I will give them into the hand of those that seek their life, and into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon, and into the hand of his servants; but afterwards it shall be inhabited, as in the days of old, saith Jehovah.

dby@Jeremiah:46:27 @ But thou, my servant Jacob, fear not, neither be dismayed, Israel: for behold, I will save thee from afar, and thy seed from the land of their captivity; and Jacob shall return, and be in rest and at ease, and none shall make [him] afraid.

dby@Jeremiah:46:28 @ Fear thou not, my servant Jacob, saith Jehovah: for I am with thee; for I will make a full end of all the nations whither I have driven thee, but I will not make a full end of thee; but I will correct thee with judgment, and I will not hold thee altogether guiltless.

dby@Jeremiah:48:47 @ But I will turn the captivity of Moab at the end of the days, saith Jehovah. Thus far is the judgement of Moab.

dby@Jeremiah:49:10 @ But I have made Esau bare, I have uncovered his secret places, that he is unable to hide himself: his seed is wasted, and his brethren, and his neighbours, and he is not.

dby@Jeremiah:49:12 @ For thus saith Jehovah: Behold, they whose judgment was not to drink of the cup shall assuredly drink; and thou indeed, shouldest thou be altogether unpunished? Thou shalt not go unpunished, but thou shalt surely drink.

dby@Jeremiah:49:39 @ But it shall come to pass at the end of the days, I will turn the captivity of Elam, saith Jehovah.

dby@Jeremiah:50:13 @ Because of the wrath of Jehovah, it shall not be inhabited, but it shall be wholly desolate; every one that goeth by Babylon shall be astonished, and shall hiss, because of all her plagues.

dby@Jeremiah:51:9 @ We have treated Babylon, but she is not healed: forsake her, and let us go every one into his own country; for her judgment reacheth unto the heavens, and is lifted up to the skies.

dby@Jeremiah:51:62 @ and say, Jehovah, thou hast spoken concerning this place, that thou wilt cut it off, so that none shall dwell in it, neither man nor beast, but that it shall be desolate for ever.

dby@Jeremiah:52:16 @ But Nebuzar-adan the captain of the body-guard left of the poor of the land for vinedressers and for husbandmen.

dby@Lamentations:1:1 @ How doth the city sit solitary [that] was full of people! She that was great among the nations is become as a widow; the princess among the provinces is become tributary!

dby@Lamentations:2:14 @ Thy prophets have seen vanity and folly for thee; and they have not revealed thine iniquity, to turn away thy captivity; but have seen for thee burdens of falsehood and causes of expulsion.

dby@Lamentations:3:32 @ but if he have caused grief, he will have compassion according to the multitude of his loving-kindnesses:

dby@Ezekiel:3:5 @ For thou art not sent to a people of strange language, and of difficult speech, [but] to the house of Israel;

dby@Ezekiel:3:7 @ But the house of Israel will not hearken unto thee, for none of them will hearken unto me. For all the house of Israel are hard of forehead and stiff of heart.

dby@Ezekiel:3:18 @ When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt certainly die; and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, that he may live: the same wicked [man] shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thy hand.

dby@Ezekiel:3:19 @ But if thou warn the wicked, and he turn not from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul.

dby@Ezekiel:3:20 @ And when a righteous [man] doth turn from his righteousness, and do what is wrong, and I lay a stumbling-block before him, he shall die; because thou hast not given him warning, he shall die in his sin, and his righteous acts which he hath done shall not be remembered; but his blood will I require at thy hand.

dby@Ezekiel:7:4 @ And mine eye shall not spare thee, neither will I have pity; but I will bring thy ways upon thee, and thine abominations shall be in the midst of thee; and ye shall know that I [am] Jehovah.

dby@Ezekiel:7:14 @ They have blown the trumpet and made all ready, but none goeth to the battle; for my fierce anger is upon all the multitude thereof.

dby@Ezekiel:7:20 @ And he set in majesty his beautiful ornament; but they made therein the images of their abominations [and] of their detestable things: therefore have I made it an impurity unto them.

dby@Ezekiel:7:25 @ Destruction cometh; and they shall seek peace, but there shall be none.

dby@Ezekiel:7:26 @ Mischief shall come upon mischief, and rumour shall be upon rumour; and they shall seek a vision from a prophet; but the law shall perish from the priest, and counsel from the elders.

dby@Ezekiel:9:6 @ Slay utterly the old man, the young man, and the maiden, and little children, and women; but come not near any man upon whom is the mark; and begin at my sanctuary. Then they began at the elders who were before the house.

dby@Ezekiel:10:11 @ When they went, they went upon their four sides; they turned not as they went, but to the place whither the head looked they followed it: they turned not as they went.

dby@Ezekiel:11:7 @ Therefore thus saith the Lord Jehovah: Your slain whom ye have laid in the midst of it, they are the flesh, and it is the cauldron; but you will I bring forth out of the midst of it.

dby@Ezekiel:11:12 @ and ye shall know that I [am] Jehovah, in whose statutes ye have not walked, neither have done mine ordinances, but have done after the ordinances of the nations that are round about you.

dby@Ezekiel:11:21 @ But as for them whose heart walketh well-pleased with their detestable things and their abominations, I will recompense their way upon their heads, saith the Lord Jehovah.

dby@Ezekiel:12:13 @ And I will spread my net upon him, and he shall be taken in my snare; and I will bring him to Babylon to the land of the Chaldeans; but he shall not see it, and there shall he die.

dby@Ezekiel:12:16 @ But I will leave a few men of them from the sword, from the famine, and from the pestilence; that they may declare all their abominations among the nations whither they shall come; and they shall know that I [am] Jehovah.

dby@Ezekiel:12:23 @ Tell them therefore, Thus saith the Lord Jehovah: I will make this proverb to cease, and they shall no more use it as a proverb in Israel; but say unto them, The days are at hand, and the accomplishment of every vision.

dby@Ezekiel:12:28 @ Therefore say unto them, Thus saith the Lord Jehovah: There shall none of my words be deferred any more, but the word that I have spoken shall be done, saith the Lord Jehovah.

dby@Ezekiel:14:14 @ though these three men, Noah, Daniel, and Job, should be in it, they should deliver [but] their own souls by their righteousness, saith the Lord Jehovah.

dby@Ezekiel:14:18 @ and these three men should be in it, [as] I live, saith the Lord Jehovah, they should deliver neither sons nor daughters, but they only themselves should be delivered.

dby@Ezekiel:14:20 @ and Noah, Daniel, and Job should be in it, [as] I live, saith the Lord Jehovah, they should deliver neither son nor daughter: they should [but] deliver their own souls by their righteousness.

dby@Ezekiel:14:22 @ But behold, there shall be left in it those that escape, who shall be brought out of [it], sons and daughters. Behold, they shall come forth unto you, and ye shall see their way and their doings; and ye shall be comforted concerning the evil that I have brought upon Jerusalem, as to all that I have brought upon it.

dby@Ezekiel:16:5 @ No eye pitied thee, to do any of these unto thee, to have compassion upon thee; but thou wast cast out in the open field, from abhorrence of thy person, in the day that thou wast born.

dby@Ezekiel:16:7 @ I caused thee to multiply, as the bud of the field; and thou didst increase and grow great, and thou camest to fulness of beauty; [thy] breasts were fashioned, and thy hair grew: but thou wast naked and bare.

dby@Ezekiel:16:15 @ But thou didst confide in thy beauty, and playedst the harlot because of thy renown, and pouredst out thy whoredoms on every one that passed by: his it was.

dby@Ezekiel:16:33 @ They give rewards to all harlots; but thou gavest thy rewards to all thy lovers, and rewardedst them, that they might come unto thee on every side for thy whoredoms.

dby@Ezekiel:16:43 @ Because thou hast not remembered the days of thy youth, but hast raged against me in all these [things], behold, therefore, I also will recompense thy way upon [thy] head, saith the Lord Jehovah, and thou shalt not commit this lewdness besides all thine abominations.

dby@Ezekiel:16:47 @ And thou hast not walked in their ways, nor done according to their abominations; but as though that were a very little, thou hast been more corrupt than they in all thy ways.

dby@Ezekiel:16:49 @ Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom: pride, fulness of bread, and careless ease was in her and in her daughters, but she did not strengthen the hand of the poor and needy.

dby@Ezekiel:16:51 @ And Samaria hath not sinned according to the half of thy sins; but thou hast multiplied thine abominations more than they, and hast justified thy sisters by all thine abominations which thou hast done.

dby@Ezekiel:16:61 @ And thou shalt remember thy ways, and be confounded, when thou shalt receive thy sisters who are older than thou, together with those who are younger than thou; for I will give them unto thee for daughters, but not by virtue of thy covenant.

dby@Ezekiel:17:15 @ But he rebelled against him in sending his ambassadors into Egypt, that they might give him horses and much people. Shall he prosper? shall he escape that doeth such things? shall he break the covenant, and yet escape?

dby@Ezekiel:18:11 @ and that doeth not any of those [duties], but also hath eaten upon the mountains, and defiled his neighbour's wife,

dby@Ezekiel:18:14 @ But lo, if he have begotten a son that seeth all his father's sins which he hath done, and considereth, and doeth not such like:

dby@Ezekiel:18:19 @ And ye say, Why doth not the son bear the iniquity of the father? But the son hath done judgment and justice, hath kept all my statutes, and hath done them; he shall certainly live.

dby@Ezekiel:18:29 @ But the house of Israel say, The way of the Lord is not equal. O house of Israel, are not my ways equal? Is it not your ways that are unequal?

dby@Ezekiel:19:12 @ But it was plucked up in fury, it was cast down to the ground, and the east wind dried up its fruit; its strong rods were broken and withered; the fire consumed them.

dby@Ezekiel:20:8 @ But they rebelled against me, and would not hearken unto me: none of them cast away the abominations of his eyes, neither did they forsake the idols of Egypt. Then I thought to pour out my fury upon them, so as to accomplish mine anger against them in the midst of the land of Egypt.

dby@Ezekiel:20:9 @ But I wrought for my name's sake, that it should not be profaned in the sight of the nations among whom they were, in whose sight I had made myself known unto them in bringing them forth out of the land of Egypt.

dby@Ezekiel:20:13 @ But the house of Israel rebelled against me in the wilderness: they walked not in my statutes, and they rejected mine ordinances, which if a man do, he shall live by them; and my sabbaths they greatly profaned: and I said I would pour out my fury upon them in the wilderness, to consume them.

dby@Ezekiel:20:14 @ But I wrought for my name's sake, that it should not be profaned in the sight of the nations, in whose sight I had brought them out.

dby@Ezekiel:20:17 @ But mine eye spared them so as not to destroy them, neither did I make a full end of them in the wilderness.

dby@Ezekiel:20:22 @ But I withdrew my hand, and wrought for my name's sake, that it should not be profaned in the sight of the nations, in whose sight I had brought them out.

dby@Ezekiel:20:38 @ And I will purge out from among you the rebels, and them that transgress against me; I will bring them forth out of the country where they sojourn, but they shall not enter into the land of Israel: and ye shall know that I [am] Jehovah.

dby@Ezekiel:20:39 @ As for you, O house of Israel, thus saith the Lord Jehovah: Go ye, serve every one his idols henceforth also, if none of you will hearken unto me; but profane my holy name no more with your gifts and with your idols.

dby@Ezekiel:21:23 @ And this shall be a false divination in their sight, for them that have sworn oaths; but he will call to remembrance the iniquity, that they may be taken.

dby@Ezekiel:22:30 @ And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the fence, and stand in the breach before me for the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found none.

dby@Ezekiel:24:23 @ and your turbans shall be upon your heads, and your sandals upon your feet: ye shall not mourn nor weep; but ye shall waste away in your iniquities and moan one toward another.

dby@Ezekiel:28:9 @ Wilt thou then say before him that slayeth thee, I am God? but thou shalt be a man, and not �God, in the hand of him that pierceth thee.

dby@Ezekiel:33:6 @ But if the watchman see the sword coming, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned, if the sword come and take a person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.

dby@Ezekiel:33:8 @ When I say unto the wicked, Wicked [man], thou shalt certainly die; and thou speakest not to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked [man] shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thy hand.

dby@Ezekiel:33:9 @ But if thou warn the wicked of his way to turn from it, and he do not turn from his way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul.

dby@Ezekiel:33:11 @ Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord Jehovah, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live. Turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?

dby@Ezekiel:33:13 @ When I say to the righteous that he shall certainly live, and he trusteth to his righteousness and doeth what is wrong, none of his righteous acts shall be remembered; but in his unrighteousness which he hath done, in it shall he die.

dby@Ezekiel:33:17 @ Yet the children of thy people say, The way of the Lord is not equal: but as for them, their way is not equal.

dby@Ezekiel:33:31 @ And they come unto thee as a people cometh, and they sit before thee [as] my people, and they hear thy words, but they do them not; for with their mouth they shew much love, [but] their heart goeth after their dishonest gain.

dby@Ezekiel:33:32 @ And behold, thou art unto them as a lovely song, a pleasant voice, and one that playeth well on an instrument; and they hear thy words, but they do them not.

dby@Ezekiel:34:3 @ Ye eat the fat, and ye clothe you with the wool; ye kill them that are fattened: [but] ye feed not the flock.

dby@Ezekiel:34:4 @ The weak have ye not strengthened, nor have ye healed the sick, and ye have not bound up [what was] broken, neither have ye brought again that which was driven away, neither have ye sought for that which was lost; but with harshness and with rigour have ye ruled over them.

dby@Ezekiel:34:8 @ [As] I live, saith the Lord Jehovah, verily because my sheep have been a prey, and my sheep have been meat to every beast of the field, because there was no shepherd, and my shepherds searched not for my flock, but the shepherds fed themselves, and fed not my flock,

dby@Ezekiel:34:16 @ I will seek the lost, and bring again that which was driven away, and will bind up the broken, and will strengthen that which was sick; but I will destroy the fat and the strong: I will feed them with judgment.

dby@Ezekiel:34:18 @ Is it too small a thing unto you to have eaten up the good pastures, but ye must tread down with your feet the rest of your pastures; and to have drunk of the settled waters, but ye must foul the rest with your feet?

dby@Ezekiel:34:28 @ And they shall no more be a prey to the nations, neither shall the beast of the earth devour them; but they shall dwell in safety, and none shall make them afraid.

dby@Ezekiel:36:21 @ But I had pity for my holy name, which the house of Israel had profaned among the nations whither they went.

dby@Ezekiel:36:22 @ Therefore say unto the house of Israel, Thus saith the Lord Jehovah: I do not this for your sakes, O house of Israel, but for my holy name, which ye have profaned among the nations whither ye went.

dby@Ezekiel:37:8 @ And I looked, and behold, sinews and flesh came up upon them, and the skin covered them over; but there was no breath in them.

dby@Ezekiel:38:8 @ After many days shalt thou be visited; at the end of years thou shalt come into the land brought back from the sword [and] gathered out of many peoples, upon the mountains of Israel which have been a perpetual waste: but it is brought forth out from the peoples, and they shall all of them be dwelling in safety.

dby@Ezekiel:41:6 @ And the side-chambers were three, chamber over chamber, and thirty in order; and they entered into the wall which the house had for the side-chambers round about, that they might have hold; but they had not hold in the wall of the house.

dby@Ezekiel:42:6 @ For they were in three [stories], but had not pillars as the pillars of the courts; therefore [the third story] was straitened more than the lowest and the middle-most from the ground.

dby@Ezekiel:42:8 @ for the length of the cells that were against the outer court was fifty cubits; but behold, before the temple it was a hundred cubits.

dby@Ezekiel:42:14 @ When the priests enter in, they shall not go forth from the sanctuary into the outer court, but there they shall lay their garments wherein they minister, for they are holy; and they shall put on other garments, and shall approach to that which is for the people.

dby@Ezekiel:44:8 @ And ye have not kept the charge of my holy things, but have set keepers of my charge in my sanctuary for yourselves.

dby@Ezekiel:44:10 @ But the Levites who went away far from me, when Israel went astray, going astray from me after their idols, they shall even bear their iniquity;

dby@Ezekiel:44:11 @ but they shall be ministers in my sanctuary, having oversight at the gates of the house, and doing the service of the house: they shall slaughter the burnt-offering and the sacrifice for the people, and they shall stand before them to minister unto them.

dby@Ezekiel:44:13 @ And they shall not draw near unto me, to do the office of a priest unto me, nor to draw near to any of my holy things, [even] to the most holy; but they shall bear their confusion, and their abominations which they have committed.

dby@Ezekiel:44:15 @ But the priests, the Levites, the sons of Zadok, that kept the charge of my sanctuary when the children of Israel went astray from me, they shall approach unto me to minister unto me, and they shall stand before me to present unto me the fat and the blood, saith the Lord Jehovah.

dby@Ezekiel:44:22 @ And they shall not take for their wives a widow, nor her that is put away; but they shall take maidens of the seed of the house of Israel, or a widow that is the widow of a priest.

dby@Ezekiel:44:25 @ And they shall come at no dead person to become unclean; but for father, or for mother, or for son, or for daughter, for brother, or for sister that hath had no husband, they may become unclean.

dby@Ezekiel:45:8 @ As land shall it be his for a possession in Israel; and my princes shall no more oppress my people; but they shall give the land to the house of Israel according to their tribes.

dby@Ezekiel:46:1 @ Thus saith the Lord Jehovah: The gate of the inner court that looketh toward the east shall be shut the six working-days; but on the sabbath-day it shall be opened, and on the day of the new moon it shall be opened.

dby@Ezekiel:46:2 @ And the prince shall enter by the way of the porch of [that] gate from without, and shall stand by the post of the gate, and the priests shall offer his burnt-offering and his peace-offerings, and he shall worship at the threshold of the gate, and shall go forth: but the gate shall not be shut until the evening.

dby@Ezekiel:46:9 @ And when the people of the land come in before Jehovah in the set feasts, he that cometh in by the way of the north gate to worship shall go out by the way of the south gate; and he that cometh in by the way of the south gate shall go out by the way of the north gate: he shall not return by the way of the gate by which he came in, but shall go out straight before him.

dby@Ezekiel:46:17 @ But if he give a gift of his inheritance to one of his servants, it shall be his until the year of liberty; and it shall return to the prince: to his sons alone shall his inheritance remain.

dby@Ezekiel:47:11 @ But its marshes and its pools shall not be healed; they shall be given up to salt.

dby@Daniel:2:6 @ But if ye shew the dream and its interpretation, ye shall receive of me gifts and rewards and great honour; therefore shew me the dream and its interpretation.

dby@Daniel:2:9 @ but if ye do not make known unto me the dream, there is but one decree for you; for ye have prepared lying and corrupt words to speak before me, till the time be changed: therefore tell me the dream, and I shall know that ye can shew me its interpretation.

dby@Daniel:2:28 @ but there is a God in the heavens, who revealeth secrets, and maketh known to king Nebuchadnezzar what shall be at the end of days. Thy dream, and the visions of thy head upon thy bed are these:

dby@Daniel:2:30 @ And as for me, this secret is revealed to me, not by [any] wisdom that I have more than any living, but to the intent that the interpretation should be made known to the king, and that thou mightest know the thoughts of thy heart.

dby@Daniel:2:41 @ And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potter's clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay.

dby@Daniel:2:43 @ And whereas thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men; but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron doth not mingle with clay.

dby@Daniel:2:44 @ And in the days of these kings shall the God of the heavens set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed; and the sovereignty thereof shall not be left to another people: it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, but itself shall stand for ever.

dby@Daniel:3:15 @ Now if ye be ready at the time that ye hear the sound of the cornet, pipe, lute, sambuca, psaltery, and bagpipe, and all kinds of music, to fall down and worship the image that I have made, [well]: but if ye worship not, ye shall be cast that same hour into the midst of a burning fiery furnace: and who is the God that shall deliver you out of my hands?

dby@Daniel:3:18 @ But if not, be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image that thou hast set up.

dby@Daniel:4:7 @ Then came in the scribes, the magicians, the Chaldeans, and the astrologers; and I told the dream before them; but they did not make known unto me the interpretation of it.

dby@Daniel:4:8 @ But at the last Daniel came in before me, whose name is Belteshazzar, according to the name of my god, and in whom is the spirit of the holy gods; and before him I told the dream:

dby@Daniel:4:18 @ This dream I, king Nebuchadnezzar, have seen; and thou, Belteshazzar, tell the interpretation, forasmuch as all the wise men of my kingdom are not able to make known unto me the interpretation; but thou art able, for the spirit of the holy gods is in thee.

dby@Daniel:5:8 @ Then came in all the king's wise men, but they could not read the writing, nor make known to the king the interpretation.

dby@Daniel:5:15 @ And now the wise men, the magicians, have been brought in before me, that they should read this writing, and make known unto me the interpretation thereof; but they could not shew the interpretation of the thing.

dby@Daniel:5:16 @ But I have heard of thee, that thou canst give interpretations, and solve problems. Now if thou canst read the writing, and make known to me the interpretation thereof, thou shalt be clothed with purple, and have a chain of gold about thy neck, and shalt be the third ruler in the kingdom.

dby@Daniel:5:20 @ But when his heart was lifted up, and his spirit hardened unto presumption, he was deposed from the throne of his kingdom, and they took his glory from him;

dby@Daniel:5:23 @ but hast lifted up thyself against the Lord of the heavens; and they have brought the vessels of his house before thee, and thou and thy nobles, thy wives and thy concubines, have drunk wine in them; and thou hast praised the gods of silver and gold, of brass, iron, wood, and stone, which see not, nor hear, nor know; and the God in whose hand thy breath is, and whose are all thy ways, hast thou not glorified:

dby@Daniel:6:4 @ Then the presidents and the satraps sought to find a pretext against Daniel with respect to the kingdom; but they could not find any pretext or fault; inasmuch as he was faithful, neither was there any error or fault found in him.

dby@Daniel:6:11 @ But those men came in a body, and found Daniel praying and making supplication before his God.

dby@Daniel:6:13 @ Then they answered and said before the king, That Daniel, who is of the children of the captivity of Judah, regardeth not thee, O king, nor the decree that thou hast signed, but maketh his petition three times a day.

dby@Daniel:7:12 @ As for the rest of the beasts, their dominion was taken away; but their lives were prolonged for a season and a time.

dby@Daniel:7:18 @ But the saints of the most high [places] shall receive the kingdom, and they shall possess the kingdom for ever, even to the ages of ages.

dby@Daniel:7:27 @ But the kingdom and the dominion, and the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heavens, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most high [places]. His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him.

dby@Daniel:7:28 @ So far is the end of the matter. As for me Daniel, my thoughts much troubled me, and my countenance was changed in me; but I kept the matter in my heart.

dby@Daniel:8:8 @ And the he-goat became exceeding great; but when he was become strong, the great horn was broken; and in its stead came up four notable ones toward the four winds of the heavens.

dby@Daniel:8:22 @ Now that being broken, whereas four stood up in its stead, four kingdoms shall stand up out of the nation, but not with his power.

dby@Daniel:8:24 @ And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power; and he shall destroy marvellously, and shall prosper, and shall practise, and shall destroy the mighty ones, and the people of the saints.

dby@Daniel:8:25 @ And through his cunning shall he cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he will magnify [himself] in his heart, and by prosperity will corrupt many; and he will stand up against the Prince of princes: but he shall be broken without hand.

dby@Daniel:8:26 @ And the vision of the evening and the morning which hath been told is true; but close thou up the vision, for it is for many days [to come].

dby@Daniel:8:27 @ And I Daniel fainted, and was sick [certain] days: then I rose up, and did the king's business. And I was astonished at the vision, but none understood [it].

dby@Daniel:9:7 @ Thine, O Lord, is the righteousness, but unto us confusion of face, as at this day, to the men of Judah, and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and unto all Israel, that are near, and that are far off, in all the countries whither thou hast driven them, because of their unfaithfulness in which they have been unfaithful against thee.

dby@Daniel:9:18 @ Incline thine ear, O my God, and hear; open thine eyes and behold our desolations, and the city that is called by thy name: for we do not present our supplications before thee because of our righteousnesses, but because of thy manifold mercies.

dby@Daniel:10:1 @ In the third year of Cyrus king of Persia a thing was revealed unto Daniel, whose name was called Belteshazzar; and the thing is true, but the appointed time of trial is long; and he understood the thing, and had understanding of the vision.

dby@Daniel:10:7 @ And I Daniel alone saw the vision; and the men that were with me saw not the vision, but a great quaking fell on them, and they fled to hide themselves.

dby@Daniel:10:13 @ But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days; and behold, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia.

dby@Daniel:10:21 @ However, I will declare unto thee that which is set down in the scripture of truth; and there is not one that sheweth himself strong with me against these, but Michael your prince.

dby@Daniel:11:4 @ And when he shall stand up, his kingdom shall be broken, and shall be divided toward the four winds of the heavens; but not to his posterity, nor according to his dominion wherewith he ruled; for his kingdom shall be plucked up, even for others beside these.

dby@Daniel:11:5 @ And the king of the south, who is one of his princes, shall be strong; but [another] shall be stronger than he, and have dominion: his dominion shall be a great dominion.

dby@Daniel:11:6 @ And after the course of years they shall join affinity; and the king's daughter of the south shall come to the king of the north to make equitable conditions: but she shall not retain the strength of her arm; neither shall he stand, nor his arm; and she shall be given up, she and they that brought her, and he that begat her, and he that strengthened her in [those] times.

dby@Daniel:11:7 @ But out of a shoot from her roots shall one stand up in his place, who shall come to the army, and shall enter into the fortress of the king of the north, and shall deal against them, and shew himself mighty.

dby@Daniel:11:9 @ and [the same] shall come into the realm of the king of the south, but shall return into his own land.

dby@Daniel:11:11 @ And the king of the south shall be enraged, and shall come forth and fight with him, with the king of the north, who shall set forth a great multitude, but the multitude shall be given into his hand.

dby@Daniel:11:12 @ And when the multitude shall have been taken away, his heart shall be exalted; and he shall cast down myriads; but he shall not prevail.

dby@Daniel:11:14 @ And in those times shall many stand up against the king of the south; and the violent of thy people will exalt themselves to establish the vision; but they shall fall.

dby@Daniel:11:17 @ And he shall set his face to come with the strength of his whole kingdom, and upright ones with him; and he shall practise; and he shall give him the daughter of women, to corrupt her; but she shall not stand, neither shall she be for him.

dby@Daniel:11:18 @ And he shall turn his face unto the isles, and shall take many; but a captain for his own behalf shall cause the reproach offered by him to cease: he shall turn it upon him, without reproach for himself.

dby@Daniel:11:20 @ And in his place shall one stand up who shall cause the exactor to pass through the glory of the kingdom; but in a few days he shall be broken, neither in anger nor in battle.

dby@Daniel:11:21 @ And in his place shall stand up a vile person, to whom they shall not give the honour of the kingdom; but he shall come in peaceably and obtain the kingdom by flatteries.

dby@Daniel:11:25 @ And he shall stir up his power and his courage against the king of the south with a great army; and the king of the south shall engage in battle with an exceeding great and mighty army; but he shall not stand, for they shall plan devices against him.

dby@Daniel:11:27 @ And both these kings' hearts [shall meditate] mischief, and they shall speak lies at one table; but it shall not prosper; for yet the end shall be at the time appointed.

dby@Daniel:11:29 @ At the set time he shall return, and come towards the south; but not as the former time shall be the latter;

dby@Daniel:11:32 @ And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he pervert by flatteries; but the people that know their God shall be strong, and shall act.

dby@Daniel:11:34 @ And when they fall, they shall be helped with a little help; but many shall cleave to them with flatteries.

dby@Daniel:11:41 @ And he shall enter into the land of beauty, and many [countries] shall be overthrown; but these shall escape out of his hand: Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon.

dby@Daniel:11:44 @ But tidings out of the east and out of the north shall trouble him; and he shall go forth with great fury to exterminate, and utterly to destroy many.

dby@Daniel:12:8 @ And I heard, but I understood not. And I said, My lord, what shall be the end of these things?

dby@Daniel:12:10 @ Many shall be purified, and be made white, and be refined; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.

dby@Daniel:12:13 @ But do thou go thy way until the end; and thou shalt rest, and stand in thy lot at the end of the days.