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OT-PROPHET.filter - akjv Israel:

akjv@Isaiah:1:3 @ The ox knows his owner, and the ass his master' crib: but Israel does not know, my people does not consider.

akjv@Isaiah:1:4 @ Ah sinful nation, a people laden with iniquity, a seed of evildoers, children that are corrupters: they have forsaken the LORD, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel to anger, they are gone away backward.

akjv@Isaiah:1:24 @ Therefore said the LORD, the LORD of hosts, the mighty One of Israel, Ah, I will ease me of my adversaries, and avenge me of my enemies:

akjv@Isaiah:4:2 @ In that day shall the branch of the LORD be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth shall be excellent and comely for them that are escaped of Israel.

akjv@Isaiah:5:7 @ For the vineyard of the LORD of hosts is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah his pleasant plant: and he looked for judgment, but behold oppression; for righteousness, but behold a cry.

akjv@Isaiah:5:19 @ That say, Let him make speed, and hasten his work, that we may see it: and let the counsel of the Holy One of Israel draw near and come, that we may know it!

akjv@Isaiah:5:24 @ Therefore as the fire devours the stubble, and the flame consumes the chaff, so their root shall be as rottenness, and their blossom shall go up as dust: because they have cast away the law of the LORD of hosts, and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.

akjv@Isaiah:7:1 @ And it came to pass in the days of Ahaz the son of Jotham, the son of Uzziah, king of Judah, that Rezin the king of Syria, and Pekah the son of Remaliah, king of Israel, went up toward Jerusalem to war against it, but could not prevail against it.

akjv@Isaiah:8:14 @ And he shall be for a sanctuary; but for a stone of stumbling and for a rock of offense to both the houses of Israel, for a gin and for a snare to the inhabitants of Jerusalem.

akjv@Isaiah:8:18 @ Behold, I and the children whom the LORD has given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the LORD of hosts, which dwells in mount Zion.

akjv@Isaiah:9:8 @ The Lord sent a word into Jacob, and it has lighted on Israel.

akjv@Isaiah:9:12 @ The Syrians before, and the Philistines behind; and they shall devour Israel with open mouth. For all this his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still.

akjv@Isaiah:9:14 @ Therefore the LORD will cut off from Israel head and tail, branch and rush, in one day.

akjv@Isaiah:10:17 @ And the light of Israel shall be for a fire, and his Holy One for a flame: and it shall burn and devour his thorns and his briers in one day;

akjv@Isaiah:10:20 @ And it shall come to pass in that day, that the remnant of Israel, and such as are escaped of the house of Jacob, shall no more again stay on him that smote them; but shall stay on the LORD, the Holy One of Israel, in truth.

akjv@Isaiah:10:22 @ For though your people Israel be as the sand of the sea, yet a remnant of them shall return: the consumption decreed shall overflow with righteousness.

akjv@Isaiah:11:12 @ And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth.

akjv@Isaiah:11:16 @ And there shall be an highway for the remnant of his people, which shall be left, from Assyria; like as it was to Israel in the day that he came up out of the land of Egypt.

akjv@Isaiah:12:6 @ Cry out and shout, you inhabitant of Zion: for great is the Holy One of Israel in the middle of you.

akjv@Isaiah:14:1 @ For the LORD will have mercy on Jacob, and will yet choose Israel, and set them in their own land: and the strangers shall be joined with them, and they shall join to the house of Jacob.

akjv@Isaiah:14:2 @ And the people shall take them, and bring them to their place: and the house of Israel shall possess them in the land of the LORD for servants and handmaids: and they shall take them captives, whose captives they were; and they shall rule over their oppressors.

akjv@Isaiah:17:3 @ The fortress also shall cease from Ephraim, and the kingdom from Damascus, and the remnant of Syria: they shall be as the glory of the children of Israel, said the LORD of hosts.

akjv@Isaiah:17:6 @ Yet gleaning grapes shall be left in it, as the shaking of an olive tree, two or three berries in the top of the uppermost bough, four or five in the outmost fruitful branches thereof, said the LORD God of Israel.

akjv@Isaiah:17:7 @ At that day shall a man look to his Maker, and his eyes shall have respect to the Holy One of Israel.

akjv@Isaiah:17:9 @ In that day shall his strong cities be as a forsaken bough, and an uppermost branch, which they left because of the children of Israel: and there shall be desolation.

akjv@Isaiah:19:24 @ In that day shall Israel be the third with Egypt and with Assyria, even a blessing in the middle of the land:

akjv@Isaiah:19:25 @ Whom the LORD of hosts shall bless, saying, Blessed be Egypt my people, and Assyria the work of my hands, and Israel my inheritance.

akjv@Isaiah:21:10 @ O my threshing, and the corn of my floor: that which I have heard of the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, have I declared to you.

akjv@Isaiah:21:17 @ And the residue of the number of archers, the mighty men of the children of Kedar, shall be diminished: for the LORD God of Israel has spoken it.

akjv@Isaiah:24:15 @ Why glorify you the LORD in the fires, even the name of the LORD God of Israel in the isles of the sea.

akjv@Isaiah:27:6 @ He shall cause them that come of Jacob to take root: Israel shall blossom and bud, and fill the face of the world with fruit.

akjv@Isaiah:27:12 @ And it shall come to pass in that day, that the LORD shall beat off from the channel of the river to the stream of Egypt, and you shall be gathered one by one, O you children of Israel.

akjv@Isaiah:29:19 @ The meek also shall increase their joy in the LORD, and the poor among men shall rejoice in the Holy One of Israel.

akjv@Isaiah:29:23 @ But when he sees his children, the work of my hands, in the middle of him, they shall sanctify my name, and sanctify the Holy One of Jacob, and shall fear the God of Israel.

akjv@Isaiah:30:11 @ Get you out of the way, turn aside out of the path, cause the Holy One of Israel to cease from before us.

akjv@Isaiah:30:12 @ Why thus said the Holy One of Israel, Because you despise this word, and trust in oppression and perverseness, and stay thereon:

akjv@Isaiah:30:15 @ For thus said the Lord GOD, the Holy One of Israel; In returning and rest shall you be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength: and you would not.

akjv@Isaiah:30:29 @ You shall have a song, as in the night when a holy solemnity is kept; and gladness of heart, as when one goes with a pipe to come into the mountain of the LORD, to the mighty One of Israel.

akjv@Isaiah:31:1 @ Woe to them that go down to Egypt for help; and stay on horses, and trust in chariots, because they are many; and in horsemen, because they are very strong; but they look not to the Holy One of Israel, neither seek the LORD!

akjv@Isaiah:31:6 @ Turn you to him from whom the children of Israel have deeply revolted.

akjv@Isaiah:37:16 @ O LORD of hosts, God of Israel, that dwell between the cherubim, you are the God, even you alone, of all the kingdoms of the earth: you have made heaven and earth.

akjv@Isaiah:37:21 @ Then Isaiah the son of Amoz sent to Hezekiah, saying, Thus said the LORD God of Israel, Whereas you have prayed to me against Sennacherib king of Assyria:

akjv@Isaiah:37:23 @ Whom have you reproached and blasphemed? and against whom have you exalted your voice, and lifted up your eyes on high? even against the Holy One of Israel.

akjv@Isaiah:40:27 @ Why say you, O Jacob, and speak, O Israel, My way is hid from the LORD, and my judgment is passed over from my God?

akjv@Isaiah:41:8 @ But you, Israel, are my servant, Jacob whom I have chosen, the seed of Abraham my friend.

akjv@Isaiah:41:14 @ Fear not, you worm Jacob, and you men of Israel; I will help you, said the LORD, and your redeemer, the Holy One of Israel.

akjv@Isaiah:41:16 @ You shall fan them, and the wind shall carry them away, and the whirlwind shall scatter them: and you shall rejoice in the LORD, and shall glory in the Holy One of Israel.

akjv@Isaiah:41:17 @ When the poor and needy seek water, and there is none, and their tongue fails for thirst, I the LORD will hear them, I the God of Israel will not forsake them.

akjv@Isaiah:41:20 @ That they may see, and know, and consider, and understand together, that the hand of the LORD has done this, and the Holy One of Israel has created it.

akjv@Isaiah:42:24 @ Who gave Jacob for a spoil, and Israel to the robbers? did not the LORD, he against whom we have sinned? for they would not walk in his ways, neither were they obedient to his law.

akjv@Isaiah:43:1 @ But now thus said the LORD that created you, O Jacob, and he that formed you, O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed you, I have called you by your name; you are mine.

akjv@Isaiah:43:3 @ For I am the LORD your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior: I gave Egypt for your ransom, Ethiopia and Seba for you.

akjv@Isaiah:43:14 @ Thus said the LORD, your redeemer, the Holy One of Israel; For your sake I have sent to Babylon, and have brought down all their nobles, and the Chaldeans, whose cry is in the ships.

akjv@Isaiah:43:15 @ I am the LORD, your Holy One, the creator of Israel, your King.

akjv@Isaiah:43:22 @ But you have not called on me, O Jacob; but you have been weary of me, O Israel.

akjv@Isaiah:43:28 @ Therefore I have profaned the princes of the sanctuary, and have given Jacob to the curse, and Israel to reproaches.

akjv@Isaiah:44:1 @ Yet now hear, O Jacob my servant; and Israel, whom I have chosen:

akjv@Isaiah:44:5 @ One shall say, I am the LORD'; and another shall call himself by the name of Jacob; and another shall subscribe with his hand to the LORD, and surname himself by the name of Israel.

akjv@Isaiah:44:6 @ Thus said the LORD the King of Israel, and his redeemer the LORD of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God.

akjv@Isaiah:44:21 @ Remember these, O Jacob and Israel; for you are my servant: I have formed you; you are my servant: O Israel, you shall not be forgotten of me.

akjv@Isaiah:44:23 @ Sing, O you heavens; for the LORD has done it: shout, you lower parts of the earth: break forth into singing, you mountains, O forest, and every tree therein: for the LORD has redeemed Jacob, and glorified himself in Israel.

akjv@Isaiah:45:3 @ And I will give you the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that you may know that I, the LORD, which call you by your name, am the God of Israel.

akjv@Isaiah:45:4 @ For Jacob my servant' sake, and Israel my elect, I have even called you by your name: I have surnamed you, though you have not known me.

akjv@Isaiah:45:11 @ Thus said the LORD, the Holy One of Israel, and his Maker, Ask me of things to come concerning my sons, and concerning the work of my hands command you me.

akjv@Isaiah:45:15 @ Truly you are a God that hide yourself, O God of Israel, the Savior.

akjv@Isaiah:45:17 @ But Israel shall be saved in the LORD with an everlasting salvation: you shall not be ashamed nor confounded world without end.

akjv@Isaiah:45:25 @ In the LORD shall all the seed of Israel be justified, and shall glory.

akjv@Isaiah:46:3 @ Listen to me, O house of Jacob, and all the remnant of the house of Israel, which are borne by me from the belly, which are carried from the womb:

akjv@Isaiah:46:13 @ I bring near my righteousness; it shall not be far off, and my salvation shall not tarry: and I will place salvation in Zion for Israel my glory.

akjv@Isaiah:47:4 @ As for our redeemer, the LORD of hosts is his name, the Holy One of Israel.

akjv@Isaiah:48:1 @ Hear you this, O house of Jacob, which are called by the name of Israel, and are come forth out of the waters of Judah, which swear by the name of the LORD, and make mention of the God of Israel, but not in truth, nor in righteousness.

akjv@Isaiah:48:2 @ For they call themselves of the holy city, and stay themselves on the God of Israel; The LORD of hosts is his name.

akjv@Isaiah:48:12 @ Listen to me, O Jacob and Israel, my called; I am he; I am the first, I also am the last.

akjv@Isaiah:48:17 @ Thus said the LORD, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel; I am the LORD your God which teaches you to profit, which leads you by the way that you should go.

akjv@Isaiah:49:3 @ And said to me, You are my servant, O Israel, in whom I will be glorified.

akjv@Isaiah:49:5 @ And now, said the LORD that formed me from the womb to be his servant, to bring Jacob again to him, Though Israel be not gathered, yet shall I be glorious in the eyes of the LORD, and my God shall be my strength.

akjv@Isaiah:49:6 @ And he said, It is a light thing that you should be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to restore the preserved of Israel: I will also give you for a light to the Gentiles, that you may be my salvation to the end of the earth.

akjv@Isaiah:49:7 @ Thus said the LORD, the Redeemer of Israel, and his Holy One, to him whom man despises, to him whom the nation abhors, to a servant of rulers, Kings shall see and arise, princes also shall worship, because of the LORD that is faithful, and the Holy One of Israel, and he shall choose you.

akjv@Isaiah:52:12 @ For you shall not go out with haste, nor go by flight: for the LORD will go before you; and the God of Israel will be your rear guard.

akjv@Isaiah:54:5 @ For your Maker is your husband; the LORD of hosts is his name; and your Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; The God of the whole earth shall he be called.

akjv@Isaiah:55:5 @ Behold, you shall call a nation that you know not, and nations that knew not you shall run to you because of the LORD your God, and for the Holy One of Israel; for he has glorified you.

akjv@Isaiah:56:8 @ The Lord GOD, which gathers the outcasts of Israel said, Yet will I gather others to him, beside those that are gathered to him.

akjv@Isaiah:60:9 @ Surely the isles shall wait for me, and the ships of Tarshish first, to bring your sons from far, their silver and their gold with them, to the name of the LORD your God, and to the Holy One of Israel, because he has glorified you.

akjv@Isaiah:60:14 @ The sons also of them that afflicted you shall come bending to you; and all they that despised you shall bow themselves down at the soles of your feet; and they shall call you; The city of the LORD, The Zion of the Holy One of Israel.

akjv@Isaiah:63:7 @ I will mention the loving kindnesses of the LORD, and the praises of the LORD, according to all that the LORD has bestowed on us, and the great goodness toward the house of Israel, which he has bestowed on them according to his mercies, and according to the multitude of his loving kindnesses.

akjv@Isaiah:63:16 @ Doubtless you are our father, though Abraham be ignorant of us, and Israel acknowledge us not: you, O LORD, are our father, our redeemer; your name is from everlasting.

akjv@Isaiah:66:20 @ And they shall bring all your brothers for an offering to the LORD out of all nations on horses, and in chariots, and in litters, and on mules, and on swift beasts, to my holy mountain Jerusalem, said the LORD, as the children of Israel bring an offering in a clean vessel into the house of the LORD.

akjv@Jeremiah:2:3 @ Israel was holiness to the LORD, and the first fruits of his increase: all that devour him shall offend; evil shall come on them, said the LORD.

akjv@Jeremiah:2:4 @ Hear you the word of the LORD, O house of Jacob, and all the families of the house of Israel:

akjv@Jeremiah:2:14 @ Is Israel a servant? is he a home born slave? why is he spoiled?

akjv@Jeremiah:2:26 @ As the thief is ashamed when he is found, so is the house of Israel ashamed; they, their kings, their princes, and their priests, and their prophets.

akjv@Jeremiah:2:31 @ O generation, see you the word of the LORD. Have I been a wilderness to Israel? a land of darkness? why say my people, We are lords; we will come no more to you?

akjv@Jeremiah:3:6 @ The LORD said also to me in the days of Josiah the king, Have you seen that which backsliding Israel has done? she is gone up on every high mountain and under every green tree, and there has played the harlot.

akjv@Jeremiah:3:8 @ And I saw, when for all the causes whereby backsliding Israel committed adultery I had put her away, and given her a bill of divorce; yet her treacherous sister Judah feared not, but went and played the harlot also.

akjv@Jeremiah:3:11 @ And the LORD said to me, The backsliding Israel has justified herself more than treacherous Judah.

akjv@Jeremiah:3:12 @ Go and proclaim these words toward the north, and say, Return, you backsliding Israel, said the LORD; and I will not cause my anger to fall on you: for I am merciful, said the LORD, and I will not keep anger for ever.

akjv@Jeremiah:3:18 @ In those days the house of Judah shall walk with the house of Israel, and they shall come together out of the land of the north to the land that I have given for an inheritance to your fathers.

akjv@Jeremiah:3:20 @ Surely as a wife treacherously departs from her husband, so have you dealt treacherously with me, O house of Israel, said the LORD.

akjv@Jeremiah:3:21 @ A voice was heard on the high places, weeping and supplications of the children of Israel: for they have perverted their way, and they have forgotten the LORD their God.

akjv@Jeremiah:3:23 @ Truly in vain is salvation hoped for from the hills, and from the multitude of mountains: truly in the LORD our God is the salvation of Israel.

akjv@Jeremiah:4:1 @ If you will return, O Israel, said the LORD, return to me: and if you will put away your abominations out of my sight, then shall you not remove.

akjv@Jeremiah:5:11 @ For the house of Israel and the house of Judah have dealt very treacherously against me, said the LORD.

akjv@Jeremiah:5:15 @ See, I will bring a nation on you from far, O house of Israel, said the LORD: it is a mighty nation, it is an ancient nation, a nation whose language you know not, neither understand what they say.

akjv@Jeremiah:6:9 @ Thus said the LORD of hosts, They shall thoroughly glean the remnant of Israel as a vine: turn back your hand as a grape gatherer into the baskets.

akjv@Jeremiah:7:3 @ Thus said the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, Amend your ways and your doings, and I will cause you to dwell in this place.

akjv@Jeremiah:7:12 @ But go you now to my place which was in Shiloh, where I set my name at the first, and see what I did to it for the wickedness of my people Israel.

akjv@Jeremiah:7:21 @ Thus said the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Put your burnt offerings to your sacrifices, and eat flesh.

akjv@Jeremiah:9:15 @ Therefore thus said the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Behold, I will feed them, even this people, with wormwood, and give them water of gall to drink.

akjv@Jeremiah:9:26 @ Egypt, and Judah, and Edom, and the children of Ammon, and Moab, and all that are in the utmost corners, that dwell in the wilderness: for all these nations are uncircumcised, and all the house of Israel are uncircumcised in the heart.

akjv@Jeremiah:10:1 @ Hear you the word which the LORD speaks to you, O house of Israel:

akjv@Jeremiah:10:16 @ The portion of Jacob is not like them: for he is the former of all things; and Israel is the rod of his inheritance: The LORD of hosts is his name.

akjv@Jeremiah:11:3 @ And say you to them, Thus said the LORD God of Israel; Cursed be the man that obeys not the words of this covenant,

akjv@Jeremiah:11:10 @ They are turned back to the iniquities of their forefathers, which refused to hear my words; and they went after other gods to serve them: the house of Israel and the house of Judah have broken my covenant which I made with their fathers.

akjv@Jeremiah:11:17 @ For the LORD of hosts, that planted you, has pronounced evil against you, for the evil of the house of Israel and of the house of Judah, which they have done against themselves to provoke me to anger in offering incense to Baal.

akjv@Jeremiah:12:14 @ Thus said the LORD against all my evil neighbors, that touch the inheritance which I have caused my people Israel to inherit; Behold, I will pluck them out of their land, and pluck out the house of Judah from among them.

akjv@Jeremiah:13:11 @ For as the girdle sticks to the loins of a man, so have I caused to stick to me the whole house of Israel and the whole house of Judah, said the LORD; that they might be to me for a people, and for a name, and for a praise, and for a glory: but they would not hear.

akjv@Jeremiah:13:12 @ Therefore you shall speak to them this word; Thus said the LORD God of Israel, Every bottle shall be filled with wine: and they shall say to you, Do we not certainly know that every bottle shall be filled with wine?

akjv@Jeremiah:14:8 @ O the hope of Israel, the savior thereof in time of trouble, why should you be as a stranger in the land, and as a wayfaring man that turns aside to tarry for a night?

akjv@Jeremiah:16:9 @ For thus said the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Behold, I will cause to cease out of this place in your eyes, and in your days, the voice of mirth, and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride.

akjv@Jeremiah:16:14 @ Therefore, behold, the days come, said the LORD, that it shall no more be said, The LORD lives, that brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt;

akjv@Jeremiah:16:15 @ But, The LORD lives, that brought up the children of Israel from the land of the north, and from all the lands where he had driven them: and I will bring them again into their land that I gave to their fathers.

akjv@Jeremiah:17:13 @ O LORD, the hope of Israel, all that forsake you shall be ashamed, and they that depart from me shall be written in the earth, because they have forsaken the LORD, the fountain of living waters.

akjv@Jeremiah:18:6 @ O house of Israel, cannot I do with you as this potter? said the LORD. Behold, as the clay is in the potter' hand, so are you in my hand, O house of Israel.

akjv@Jeremiah:18:13 @ Therefore thus said the LORD; Ask you now among the heathen, who has heard such things: the virgin of Israel has done a very horrible thing.

akjv@Jeremiah:19:3 @ And say, Hear you the word of the LORD, O kings of Judah, and inhabitants of Jerusalem; Thus said the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Behold, I will bring evil on this place, the which whoever hears, his ears shall tingle.

akjv@Jeremiah:19:15 @ Thus said the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Behold, I will bring on this city and on all her towns all the evil that I have pronounced against it, because they have hardened their necks, that they might not hear my words.

akjv@Jeremiah:21:4 @ Thus said the LORD God of Israel; Behold, I will turn back the weapons of war that are in your hands, with which you fight against the king of Babylon, and against the Chaldeans, which besiege you without the walls, and I will assemble them into the middle of this city.

akjv@Jeremiah:23:2 @ Therefore thus said the LORD God of Israel against the pastors that feed my people; You have scattered my flock, and driven them away, and have not visited them: behold, I will visit on you the evil of your doings, said the LORD.

akjv@Jeremiah:23:6 @ In his days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely: and this is his name whereby he shall be called, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.

akjv@Jeremiah:23:7 @ Therefore, behold, the days come, said the LORD, that they shall no more say, The LORD lives, which brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt;

akjv@Jeremiah:23:8 @ But, The LORD lives, which brought up and which led the seed of the house of Israel out of the north country, and from all countries where I had driven them; and they shall dwell in their own land.

akjv@Jeremiah:23:13 @ And I have seen folly in the prophets of Samaria; they prophesied in Baal, and caused my people Israel to err.

akjv@Jeremiah:24:5 @ Thus said the LORD, the God of Israel; Like these good figs, so will I acknowledge them that are carried away captive of Judah, whom I have sent out of this place into the land of the Chaldeans for their good.

akjv@Jeremiah:25:15 @ For thus said the LORD God of Israel to me; Take the wine cup of this fury at my hand, and cause all the nations, to whom I send you, to drink it.

akjv@Jeremiah:25:27 @ Therefore you shall say to them, Thus said the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Drink you, and be drunken, and spew, and fall, and rise no more, because of the sword which I will send among you.

akjv@Jeremiah:27:4 @ And command them to say to their masters, Thus said the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Thus shall you say to your masters;

akjv@Jeremiah:27:21 @ Yes, thus said the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, concerning the vessels that remain in the house of the LORD, and in the house of the king of Judah and of Jerusalem;

akjv@Jeremiah:28:2 @ Thus speaks the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, saying, I have broken the yoke of the king of Babylon.

akjv@Jeremiah:28:14 @ For thus said the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; I have put a yoke of iron on the neck of all these nations, that they may serve Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon; and they shall serve him: and I have given him the beasts of the field also.

akjv@Jeremiah:29:4 @ Thus said the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, to all that are carried away captives, whom I have caused to be carried away from Jerusalem to Babylon;

akjv@Jeremiah:29:8 @ For thus said the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Let not your prophets and your diviners, that be in the middle of you, deceive you, neither listen to your dreams which you cause to be dreamed.

akjv@Jeremiah:29:21 @ Thus said the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, of Ahab the son of Kolaiah, and of Zedekiah the son of Maaseiah, which prophesy a lie to you in my name; Behold, I will deliver them into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon; and he shall slay them before your eyes;

akjv@Jeremiah:29:23 @ Because they have committed villainy in Israel, and have committed adultery with their neighbors'wives, and have spoken lying words in my name, which I have not commanded them; even I know, and am a witness, said the LORD.

akjv@Jeremiah:29:25 @ Thus speaks the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, saying, Because you have sent letters in your name to all the people that are at Jerusalem, and to Zephaniah the son of Maaseiah the priest, and to all the priests, saying,

akjv@Jeremiah:30:2 @ Thus speaks the LORD God of Israel, saying, Write you all the words that I have spoken to you in a book.

akjv@Jeremiah:30:3 @ For, see, the days come, said the LORD, that I will bring again the captivity of my people Israel and Judah, said the LORD: and I will cause them to return to the land that I gave to their fathers, and they shall possess it.

akjv@Jeremiah:30:4 @ And these are the words that the LORD spoke concerning Israel and concerning Judah.

akjv@Jeremiah:30:10 @ Therefore fear you not, O my servant Jacob, said the LORD; neither be dismayed, O Israel: for, see, I will save you from afar, and your seed from the land of their captivity; and Jacob shall return, and shall be in rest, and be quiet, and none shall make him afraid.

akjv@Jeremiah:31:1 @ At the same time, said the LORD, will I be the God of all the families of Israel, and they shall be my people.

akjv@Jeremiah:31:2 @ Thus said the LORD, The people which were left of the sword found grace in the wilderness; even Israel, when I went to cause him to rest.

akjv@Jeremiah:31:4 @ Again I will build you, and you shall be built, O virgin of Israel: you shall again be adorned with your tabrets, and shall go forth in the dances of them that make merry.

akjv@Jeremiah:31:7 @ For thus said the LORD; Sing with gladness for Jacob, and shout among the chief of the nations: publish you, praise you, and say, O LORD, save your people, the remnant of Israel.

akjv@Jeremiah:31:9 @ They shall come with weeping, and with supplications will I lead them: I will cause them to walk by the rivers of waters in a straight way, wherein they shall not stumble: for I am a father to Israel, and Ephraim is my firstborn.

akjv@Jeremiah:31:10 @ Hear the word of the LORD, O you nations, and declare it in the isles afar off, and say, He that scattered Israel will gather him, and keep him, as a shepherd does his flock.

akjv@Jeremiah:31:21 @ Set you up markers, make you high heaps: set your heart toward the highway, even the way which you went: turn again, O virgin of Israel, turn again to these your cities.

akjv@Jeremiah:31:23 @ Thus said the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; As yet they shall use this speech in the land of Judah and in the cities thereof, when I shall bring again their captivity; The LORD bless you, O habitation of justice, and mountain of holiness.

akjv@Jeremiah:31:27 @ Behold, the days come, said the LORD, that I will sow the house of Israel and the house of Judah with the seed of man, and with the seed of beast.

akjv@Jeremiah:31:31 @ Behold, the days come, said the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah:

akjv@Jeremiah:31:33 @ But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, said the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.

akjv@Jeremiah:31:36 @ If those ordinances depart from before me, said the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever.

akjv@Jeremiah:31:37 @ Thus said the LORD; If heaven above can be measured, and the foundations of the earth searched out beneath, I will also cast off all the seed of Israel for all that they have done, said the LORD.

akjv@Jeremiah:32:14 @ Thus said the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Take these evidences, this evidence of the purchase, both which is sealed, and this evidence which is open; and put them in an earthen vessel, that they may continue many days.

akjv@Jeremiah:32:15 @ For thus said the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Houses and fields and vineyards shall be possessed again in this land.

akjv@Jeremiah:32:20 @ Which have set signs and wonders in the land of Egypt, even to this day, and in Israel, and among other men; and have made you a name, as at this day;

akjv@Jeremiah:32:21 @ And have brought forth your people Israel out of the land of Egypt with signs, and with wonders, and with a strong hand, and with a stretched out arm, and with great terror;

akjv@Jeremiah:32:30 @ For the children of Israel and the children of Judah have only done evil before me from their youth: for the children of Israel have only provoked me to anger with the work of their hands, said the LORD.

akjv@Jeremiah:32:32 @ Because of all the evil of the children of Israel and of the children of Judah, which they have done to provoke me to anger, they, their kings, their princes, their priests, and their prophets, and the men of Judah, and the inhabitants of Jerusalem.

akjv@Jeremiah:32:36 @ And now therefore thus said the LORD, the God of Israel, concerning this city, whereof you say, It shall be delivered into the hand of the king of Babylon by the sword, and by the famine, and by the pestilence;

akjv@Jeremiah:33:4 @ For thus said the LORD, the God of Israel, concerning the houses of this city, and concerning the houses of the kings of Judah, which are thrown down by the mounts, and by the sword;

akjv@Jeremiah:33:7 @ And I will cause the captivity of Judah and the captivity of Israel to return, and will build them, as at the first.

akjv@Jeremiah:33:14 @ Behold, the days come, said the LORD, that I will perform that good thing which I have promised to the house of Israel and to the house of Judah.

akjv@Jeremiah:33:17 @ For thus said the LORD; David shall never want a man to sit on the throne of the house of Israel;

akjv@Jeremiah:34:2 @ Thus said the LORD, the God of Israel; Go and speak to Zedekiah king of Judah, and tell him, Thus said the LORD; Behold, I will give this city into the hand of the king of Babylon, and he shall burn it with fire:

akjv@Jeremiah:34:13 @ Thus said the LORD, the God of Israel; I made a covenant with your fathers in the day that I brought them forth out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slaves, saying,

akjv@Jeremiah:35:13 @ Thus said the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Go and tell the men of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, Will you not receive instruction to listen to my words? said the LORD.

akjv@Jeremiah:35:17 @ Therefore thus said the LORD God of hosts, the God of Israel; Behold, I will bring on Judah and on all the inhabitants of Jerusalem all the evil that I have pronounced against them: because I have spoken to them, but they have not heard; and I have called to them, but they have not answered.

akjv@Jeremiah:35:18 @ And Jeremiah said to the house of the Rechabites, Thus said the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Because you have obeyed the commandment of Jonadab your father, and kept all his precepts, and done according to all that he has commanded you:

akjv@Jeremiah:35:19 @ Therefore thus said the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Jonadab the son of Rechab shall not want a man to stand before me for ever.

akjv@Jeremiah:36:2 @ Take you a roll of a book, and write therein all the words that I have spoken to you against Israel, and against Judah, and against all the nations, from the day I spoke to you, from the days of Josiah, even to this day.

akjv@Jeremiah:37:7 @ Thus said the LORD, the God of Israel; Thus shall you say to the king of Judah, that sent you to me to inquire of me; Behold, Pharaoh' army, which is come forth to help you, shall return to Egypt into their own land.

akjv@Jeremiah:38:17 @ Then said Jeremiah to Zedekiah, Thus said the LORD, the God of hosts, the God of Israel; If you will assuredly go forth to the king of Babylon' princes, then your soul shall live, and this city shall not be burned with fire; and you shall live, and your house:

akjv@Jeremiah:39:16 @ Go and speak to Ebedmelech the Ethiopian, saying, Thus said the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Behold, I will bring my words on this city for evil, and not for good; and they shall be accomplished in that day before you.

akjv@Jeremiah:41:9 @ Now the pit wherein Ishmael had cast all the dead bodies of the men, whom he had slain because of Gedaliah, was it which Asa the king had made for fear of Baasha king of Israel: and Ishmael the son of Nethaniah filled it with them that were slain.

akjv@Jeremiah:42:9 @ And said to them, Thus said the LORD, the God of Israel, to whom you sent me to present your supplication before him;

akjv@Jeremiah:42:15 @ And now therefore hear the word of the LORD, you remnant of Judah; Thus said the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; If you wholly set your faces to enter into Egypt, and go to sojourn there;

akjv@Jeremiah:42:18 @ For thus said the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; As my anger and my fury has been poured forth on the inhabitants of Jerusalem; so shall my fury be poured forth on you, when you shall enter into Egypt: and you shall be an execration, and an astonishment, and a curse, and a reproach; and you shall see this place no more.

akjv@Jeremiah:43:10 @ And say to them, Thus said the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Behold, I will send and take Nebuchadrezzar the king of Babylon, my servant, and will set his throne on these stones that I have hid; and he shall spread his royal pavilion over them.

akjv@Jeremiah:44:2 @ Thus said the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; You have seen all the evil that I have brought on Jerusalem, and on all the cities of Judah; and, behold, this day they are a desolation, and no man dwells therein,

akjv@Jeremiah:44:7 @ Therefore now thus said the LORD, the God of hosts, the God of Israel; Why commit you this great evil against your souls, to cut off from you man and woman, child and suckling, out of Judah, to leave you none to remain;

akjv@Jeremiah:44:11 @ Therefore thus said the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Behold, I will set my face against you for evil, and to cut off all Judah.

akjv@Jeremiah:44:25 @ Thus said the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, saying; You and your wives have both spoken with your mouths, and fulfilled with your hand, saying, We will surely perform our vows that we have vowed, to burn incense to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings to her: you will surely accomplish your vows, and surely perform your vows.

akjv@Jeremiah:45:2 @ Thus said the LORD, the God of Israel, to you, O Baruch:

akjv@Jeremiah:46:25 @ The LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, said; Behold, I will punish the multitude of No, and Pharaoh, and Egypt, with their gods, and their kings; even Pharaoh, and all them that trust in him:

akjv@Jeremiah:46:27 @ But fear not you, O my servant Jacob, and be not dismayed, O Israel: for, behold, I will save you from afar off, and your seed from the land of their captivity; and Jacob shall return, and be in rest and at ease, and none shall make him afraid.

akjv@Jeremiah:48:1 @ Against Moab thus said the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Woe to Nebo! for it is spoiled: Kiriathaim is confounded and taken: Misgab is confounded and dismayed.

akjv@Jeremiah:48:13 @ And Moab shall be ashamed of Chemosh, as the house of Israel was ashamed of Bethel their confidence.

akjv@Jeremiah:48:27 @ For was not Israel a derision to you? was he found among thieves? for since you spoke of him, you skipped for joy.

akjv@Jeremiah:49:1 @ Concerning the Ammonites, thus said the LORD; Has Israel no sons? has he no heir? why then does their king inherit Gad, and his people dwell in his cities?

akjv@Jeremiah:49:2 @ Therefore, behold, the days come, said the LORD, that I will cause an alarm of war to be heard in Rabbah of the Ammonites; and it shall be a desolate heap, and her daughters shall be burned with fire: then shall Israel be heir to them that were his heirs, said the LORD.

akjv@Jeremiah:50:4 @ In those days, and in that time, said the LORD, the children of Israel shall come, they and the children of Judah together, going and weeping: they shall go, and seek the LORD their God.

akjv@Jeremiah:50:17 @ Israel is a scattered sheep; the lions have driven him away: first the king of Assyria has devoured him; and last this Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon has broken his bones.

akjv@Jeremiah:50:18 @ Therefore thus said the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Behold, I will punish the king of Babylon and his land, as I have punished the king of Assyria.

akjv@Jeremiah:50:19 @ And I will bring Israel again to his habitation, and he shall feed on Carmel and Bashan, and his soul shall be satisfied on mount Ephraim and Gilead.

akjv@Jeremiah:50:20 @ In those days, and in that time, said the LORD, the iniquity of Israel shall be sought for, and there shall be none; and the sins of Judah, and they shall not be found: for I will pardon them whom I reserve.

akjv@Jeremiah:50:29 @ Call together the archers against Babylon: all you that bend the bow, camp against it round about; let none thereof escape: recompense her according to her work; according to all that she has done, do to her: for she has been proud against the LORD, against the Holy One of Israel.

akjv@Jeremiah:50:33 @ Thus said the LORD of hosts; The children of Israel and the children of Judah were oppressed together: and all that took them captives held them fast; they refused to let them go.

akjv@Jeremiah:51:5 @ For Israel has not been forsaken, nor Judah of his God, of the LORD of hosts; though their land was filled with sin against the Holy One of Israel.

akjv@Jeremiah:51:19 @ The portion of Jacob is not like them; for he is the former of all things: and Israel is the rod of his inheritance: the LORD of hosts is his name.

akjv@Jeremiah:51:33 @ For thus said the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; The daughter of Babylon is like a threshing floor, it is time to thresh her: yet a little while, and the time of her harvest shall come.

akjv@Jeremiah:51:49 @ As Babylon has caused the slain of Israel to fall, so at Babylon shall fall the slain of all the earth.

akjv@Lamentations:2:1 @ How has the LORD covered the daughter of Zion with a cloud in his anger, and cast down from heaven to the earth the beauty of Israel, and remembered not his footstool in the day of his anger!

akjv@Lamentations:2:3 @ He has cut off in his fierce anger all the horn of Israel: he has drawn back his right hand from before the enemy, and he burned against Jacob like a flaming fire, which devours round about.

akjv@Lamentations:2:5 @ The LORD was as an enemy: he has swallowed up Israel, he has swallowed up all her palaces: he has destroyed his strong holds, and has increased in the daughter of Judah mourning and lamentation.

akjv@Ezekiel:2:3 @ And he said to me, Son of man, I send you to the children of Israel, to a rebellious nation that has rebelled against me: they and their fathers have transgressed against me, even to this very day.

akjv@Ezekiel:3:1 @ Moreover he said to me, Son of man, eat that you find; eat this roll, and go speak to the house of Israel.

akjv@Ezekiel:3:4 @ And he said to me, Son of man, go, get you to the house of Israel, and speak with my words to them.

akjv@Ezekiel:3:5 @ For you are not sent to a people of a strange speech and of an hard language, but to the house of Israel;

akjv@Ezekiel:3:7 @ But the house of Israel will not listen to you; for they will not listen to me: for all the house of Israel are impudent and hardhearted.

akjv@Ezekiel:3:17 @ Son of man, I have made you a watchman to the house of Israel: therefore hear the word at my mouth, and give them warning from me.

akjv@Ezekiel:4:3 @ Moreover take you to you an iron pan, and set it for a wall of iron between you and the city: and set your face against it, and it shall be besieged, and you shall lay siege against it. This shall be a sign to the house of Israel.

akjv@Ezekiel:4:4 @ Lie you also on your left side, and lay the iniquity of the house of Israel on it: according to the number of the days that you shall lie on it you shall bear their iniquity.

akjv@Ezekiel:4:5 @ For I have laid on you the years of their iniquity, according to the number of the days, three hundred and ninety days: so shall you bear the iniquity of the house of Israel.

akjv@Ezekiel:4:13 @ And the LORD said, Even thus shall the children of Israel eat their defiled bread among the Gentiles, where I will drive them.

akjv@Ezekiel:5:4 @ Then take of them again, and cast them into the middle of the fire, and burn them in the fire; for thereof shall a fire come forth into all the house of Israel.

akjv@Ezekiel:6:2 @ Son of man, set your face toward the mountains of Israel, and prophesy against them,

akjv@Ezekiel:6:3 @ And say, You mountains of Israel, hear the word of the Lord GOD; Thus said the Lord GOD to the mountains, and to the hills, to the rivers, and to the valleys; Behold, I, even I, will bring a sword on you, and I will destroy your high places.

akjv@Ezekiel:6:5 @ And I will lay the dead carcasses of the children of Israel before their idols; and I will scatter your bones round about your altars.

akjv@Ezekiel:6:11 @ Thus said the Lord GOD; Smite with your hand, and stamp with your foot, and say, Alas for all the evil abominations of the house of Israel! for they shall fall by the sword, by the famine, and by the pestilence.

akjv@Ezekiel:7:2 @ Also, you son of man, thus said the Lord GOD to the land of Israel; An end, the end is come on the four corners of the land.

akjv@Ezekiel:8:4 @ And, behold, the glory of the God of Israel was there, according to the vision that I saw in the plain.

akjv@Ezekiel:8:6 @ He said furthermore to me, Son of man, see you what they do? even the great abominations that the house of Israel commits here, that I should go far off from my sanctuary? but turn you yet again, and you shall see greater abominations.

akjv@Ezekiel:8:10 @ So I went in and saw; and behold every form of creeping things, and abominable beasts, and all the idols of the house of Israel, portrayed on the wall round about.

akjv@Ezekiel:8:11 @ And there stood before them seventy men of the ancients of the house of Israel, and in the middle of them stood Jaazaniah the son of Shaphan, with every man his censer in his hand; and a thick cloud of incense went up.

akjv@Ezekiel:8:12 @ Then said he to me, Son of man, have you seen what the ancients of the house of Israel do in the dark, every man in the chambers of his imagery? for they say, the LORD sees us not; the LORD has forsaken the earth.

akjv@Ezekiel:9:3 @ And the glory of the God of Israel was gone up from the cherub, whereupon he was, to the threshold of the house. And he called to the man clothed with linen, which had the writer' inkhorn by his side;

akjv@Ezekiel:9:8 @ And it came to pass, while they were slaying them, and I was left, that I fell on my face, and cried, and said, Ah Lord GOD! will you destroy all the residue of Israel in your pouring out of your fury on Jerusalem?

akjv@Ezekiel:9:9 @ Then said he to me, The iniquity of the house of Israel and Judah is exceeding great, and the land is full of blood, and the city full of perverseness: for they say, The LORD has forsaken the earth, and the LORD sees not.

akjv@Ezekiel:10:19 @ And the cherubim lifted up their wings, and mounted up from the earth in my sight: when they went out, the wheels also were beside them, and every one stood at the door of the east gate of the LORD' house; and the glory of the God of Israel was over them above.

akjv@Ezekiel:10:20 @ This is the living creature that I saw under the God of Israel by the river of Chebar; and I knew that they were the cherubim.

akjv@Ezekiel:11:5 @ And the Spirit of the LORD fell on me, and said to me, Speak; Thus said the LORD; Thus have you said, O house of Israel: for I know the things that come into your mind, every one of them.

akjv@Ezekiel:11:10 @ You shall fall by the sword; I will judge you in the border of Israel; and you shall know that I am the LORD.

akjv@Ezekiel:11:11 @ This city shall not be your caldron, neither shall you be the flesh in the middle thereof; but I will judge you in the border of Israel:

akjv@Ezekiel:11:13 @ And it came to pass, when I prophesied, that Pelatiah the son of Benaiah died. Then fell I down on my face, and cried with a loud voice, and said, Ah Lord GOD! will you make a full end of the remnant of Israel?

akjv@Ezekiel:11:15 @ Son of man, your brothers, even your brothers, the men of your kindred, and all the house of Israel wholly, are they to whom the inhabitants of Jerusalem have said, Get you far from the LORD: to us is this land given in possession.

akjv@Ezekiel:11:17 @ Therefore say, Thus said the Lord GOD; I will even gather you from the people, and assemble you out of the countries where you have been scattered, and I will give you the land of Israel.

akjv@Ezekiel:11:22 @ Then did the cherubim lift up their wings, and the wheels beside them; and the glory of the God of Israel was over them above.

akjv@Ezekiel:12:6 @ In their sight shall you bear it on your shoulders, and carry it forth in the twilight: you shall cover your face, that you see not the ground: for I have set you for a sign to the house of Israel.

akjv@Ezekiel:12:9 @ Son of man, has not the house of Israel, the rebellious house, said to you, What do you?

akjv@Ezekiel:12:10 @ Say you to them, Thus said the Lord GOD; This burden concerns the prince in Jerusalem, and all the house of Israel that are among them.

akjv@Ezekiel:12:19 @ And say to the people of the land, Thus said the Lord GOD of the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and of the land of Israel; They shall eat their bread with carefulness, and drink their water with astonishment, that her land may be desolate from all that is therein, because of the violence of all them that dwell therein.

akjv@Ezekiel:12:22 @ Son of man, what is that proverb that you have in the land of Israel, saying, The days are prolonged, and every vision fails?

akjv@Ezekiel:12:23 @ Tell them therefore, Thus said the Lord GOD; I will make this proverb to cease, and they shall no more use it as a proverb in Israel; but say to them, The days are at hand, and the effect of every vision.

akjv@Ezekiel:12:24 @ For there shall be no more any vain vision nor flattering divination within the house of Israel.

akjv@Ezekiel:12:27 @ Son of man, behold, they of the house of Israel say, The vision that he sees is for many days to come, and he prophesies of the times that are far off.

akjv@Ezekiel:13:2 @ Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel that prophesy, and say you to them that prophesy out of their own hearts, Hear you the word of the LORD;

akjv@Ezekiel:13:4 @ O Israel, your prophets are like the foxes in the deserts.

akjv@Ezekiel:13:5 @ You have not gone up into the gaps, neither made up the hedge for the house of Israel to stand in the battle in the day of the LORD.

akjv@Ezekiel:13:9 @ And my hand shall be on the prophets that see vanity, and that divine lies: they shall not be in the assembly of my people, neither shall they be written in the writing of the house of Israel, neither shall they enter into the land of Israel; and you shall know that I am the Lord GOD.

akjv@Ezekiel:13:16 @ To wit, the prophets of Israel which prophesy concerning Jerusalem, and which see visions of peace for her, and there is no peace, said the Lord GOD.

akjv@Ezekiel:14:1 @ Then came certain of the elders of Israel to me, and sat before me.

akjv@Ezekiel:14:4 @ Therefore speak to them, and say to them, Thus said the Lord GOD; Every man of the house of Israel that sets up his idols in his heart, and puts the stumbling block of his iniquity before his face, and comes to the prophet; I the LORD will answer him that comes according to the multitude of his idols;

akjv@Ezekiel:14:5 @ That I may take the house of Israel in their own heart, because they are all estranged from me through their idols.

akjv@Ezekiel:14:6 @ Therefore say to the house of Israel, Thus said the Lord GOD; Repent, and turn yourselves from your idols; and turn away your faces from all your abominations.

akjv@Ezekiel:14:7 @ For every one of the house of Israel, or of the stranger that sojournes in Israel, which separates himself from me, and sets up his idols in his heart, and puts the stumbling block of his iniquity before his face, and comes to a prophet to inquire of him concerning me; I the LORD will answer him by myself:

akjv@Ezekiel:14:9 @ And if the prophet be deceived when he has spoken a thing, I the LORD have deceived that prophet, and I will stretch out my hand on him, and will destroy him from the middle of my people Israel.

akjv@Ezekiel:14:11 @ That the house of Israel may go no more astray from me, neither be polluted any more with all their transgressions; but that they may be my people, and I may be their God, said the Lord GOD.

akjv@Ezekiel:17:2 @ Son of man, put forth a riddle, and speak a parable to the house of Israel;

akjv@Ezekiel:17:23 @ In the mountain of the height of Israel will I plant it: and it shall bring forth boughs, and bear fruit, and be a goodly cedar: and under it shall dwell all fowl of every wing; in the shadow of the branches thereof shall they dwell.

akjv@Ezekiel:18:2 @ What mean you, that you use this proverb concerning the land of Israel, saying, The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children' teeth are set on edge?

akjv@Ezekiel:18:3 @ As I live, said the Lord GOD, you shall not have occasion any more to use this proverb in Israel.

akjv@Ezekiel:18:6 @ And has not eaten on the mountains, neither has lifted up his eyes to the idols of the house of Israel, neither has defiled his neighbor' wife, neither has come near to a menstruous woman,

akjv@Ezekiel:18:15 @ That has not eaten on the mountains, neither has lifted up his eyes to the idols of the house of Israel, has not defiled his neighbor' wife,

akjv@Ezekiel:18:25 @ Yet you say, The way of the LORD is not equal. Hear now, O house of Israel; Is not my way equal? are not your ways unequal?

akjv@Ezekiel:18:29 @ Yet said the house of Israel, The way of the LORD is not equal. O house of Israel, are not my ways equal? are not your ways unequal?

akjv@Ezekiel:18:30 @ Therefore I will judge you, O house of Israel, every one according to his ways, said the Lord GOD. Repent, and turn yourselves from all your transgressions; so iniquity shall not be your ruin.

akjv@Ezekiel:18:31 @ Cast away from you all your transgressions, whereby you have transgressed; and make you a new heart and a new spirit: for why will you die, O house of Israel?

akjv@Ezekiel:19:1 @ Moreover take you up a lamentation for the princes of Israel,

akjv@Ezekiel:19:9 @ And they put him in ward in chains, and brought him to the king of Babylon: they brought him into holds, that his voice should no more be heard on the mountains of Israel.

akjv@Ezekiel:20:1 @ And it came to pass in the seventh year, in the fifth month, the tenth day of the month, that certain of the elders of Israel came to inquire of the LORD, and sat before me.

akjv@Ezekiel:20:3 @ Son of man, speak to the elders of Israel, and say to them, Thus said the Lord GOD; Are you come to inquire of me? As I live, said the Lord GOD, I will not be inquired of by you.

akjv@Ezekiel:20:5 @ And say to them, Thus said the Lord GOD; In the day when I chose Israel, and lifted up my hand to the seed of the house of Jacob, and made myself known to them in the land of Egypt, when I lifted up my hand to them, saying, I am the LORD your God;

akjv@Ezekiel:20:13 @ But the house of Israel rebelled against me in the wilderness: they walked not in my statutes, and they despised my judgments, which if a man do, he shall even live in them; and my sabbaths they greatly polluted: then I said, I would pour out my fury on them in the wilderness, to consume them.

akjv@Ezekiel:20:27 @ Therefore, son of man, speak to the house of Israel, and say to them, Thus said the Lord GOD; Yet in this your fathers have blasphemed me, in that they have committed a trespass against me.

akjv@Ezekiel:20:30 @ Why say to the house of Israel, Thus said the Lord GOD; Are you polluted after the manner of your fathers? and commit you prostitution after their abominations?

akjv@Ezekiel:20:31 @ For when you offer your gifts, when you make your sons to pass through the fire, you pollute yourselves with all your idols, even to this day: and shall I be inquired of by you, O house of Israel? As I live, said the Lord GOD, I will not be inquired of by you.

akjv@Ezekiel:20:38 @ And I will purge out from among you the rebels, and them that transgress against me: I will bring them forth out of the country where they sojourn, and they shall not enter into the land of Israel: and you shall know that I am the LORD.

akjv@Ezekiel:20:39 @ As for you, O house of Israel, thus said the Lord GOD; Go you, serve you every one his idols, and hereafter also, if you will not listen to me: but pollute you my holy name no more with your gifts, and with your idols.

akjv@Ezekiel:20:40 @ For in my holy mountain, in the mountain of the height of Israel, said the Lord GOD, there shall all the house of Israel, all of them in the land, serve me: there will I accept them, and there will I require your offerings, and the first fruits of your oblations, with all your holy things.

akjv@Ezekiel:20:42 @ And you shall know that I am the LORD, when I shall bring you into the land of Israel, into the country for the which I lifted up my hand to give it to your fathers.

akjv@Ezekiel:20:44 @ And you shall know that I am the LORD when I have worked with you for my name' sake, not according to your wicked ways, nor according to your corrupt doings, O you house of Israel, said the Lord GOD.

akjv@Ezekiel:21:2 @ Son of man, set your face toward Jerusalem, and drop your word toward the holy places, and prophesy against the land of Israel,

akjv@Ezekiel:21:3 @ And say to the land of Israel, Thus said the LORD; Behold, I am against you, and will draw forth my sword out of his sheath, and will cut off from you the righteous and the wicked.

akjv@Ezekiel:21:12 @ Cry and howl, son of man: for it shall be on my people, it shall be on all the princes of Israel: terrors by reason of the sword shall be on my people: smite therefore on your thigh.

akjv@Ezekiel:21:25 @ And you, profane wicked prince of Israel, whose day is come, when iniquity shall have an end,

akjv@Ezekiel:22:6 @ Behold, the princes of Israel, every one were in you to their power to shed blood.

akjv@Ezekiel:22:18 @ Son of man, the house of Israel is to me become dross: all they are brass, and tin, and iron, and lead, in the middle of the furnace; they are even the dross of silver.

akjv@Ezekiel:24:21 @ Speak to the house of Israel, Thus said the Lord GOD; Behold, I will profane my sanctuary, the excellency of your strength, the desire of your eyes, and that which your soul pities; and your sons and your daughters whom you have left shall fall by the sword.

akjv@Ezekiel:25:3 @ And say to the Ammonites, Hear the word of the Lord GOD; Thus said the Lord GOD; Because you said, Aha, against my sanctuary, when it was profaned; and against the land of Israel, when it was desolate; and against the house of Judah, when they went into captivity;

akjv@Ezekiel:25:6 @ For thus said the Lord GOD; Because you have clapped your hands, and stamped with the feet, and rejoiced in heart with all your despite against the land of Israel;

akjv@Ezekiel:25:14 @ And I will lay my vengeance on Edom by the hand of my people Israel: and they shall do in Edom according to my anger and according to my fury; and they shall know my vengeance, said the Lord GOD.

akjv@Ezekiel:27:17 @ Judah, and the land of Israel, they were your merchants: they traded in your market wheat of Minnith, and Pannag, and honey, and oil, and balm.

akjv@Ezekiel:28:24 @ And there shall be no more a pricking brier to the house of Israel, nor any grieving thorn of all that are round about them, that despised them; and they shall know that I am the Lord GOD.

akjv@Ezekiel:28:25 @ Thus said the Lord GOD; When I shall have gathered the house of Israel from the people among whom they are scattered, and shall be sanctified in them in the sight of the heathen, then shall they dwell in their land that I have given to my servant Jacob.

akjv@Ezekiel:29:6 @ And all the inhabitants of Egypt shall know that I am the LORD, because they have been a staff of reed to the house of Israel.

akjv@Ezekiel:29:16 @ And it shall be no more the confidence of the house of Israel, which brings their iniquity to remembrance, when they shall look after them: but they shall know that I am the Lord GOD.

akjv@Ezekiel:29:21 @ In that day will I cause the horn of the house of Israel to bud forth, and I will give you the opening of the mouth in the middle of them; and they shall know that I am the LORD.

akjv@Ezekiel:33:7 @ So you, O son of man, I have set you a watchman to the house of Israel; therefore you shall hear the word at my mouth, and warn them from me.

akjv@Ezekiel:33:10 @ Therefore, O you son of man, speak to the house of Israel; Thus you speak, saying, If our transgressions and our sins be on us, and we pine away in them, how should we then live?

akjv@Ezekiel:33:11 @ Say to them, As I live, said the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn you, turn you from your evil ways; for why will you die, O house of Israel?

akjv@Ezekiel:33:20 @ Yet you say, The way of the Lord is not equal. O you house of Israel, I will judge you every one after his ways.

akjv@Ezekiel:33:24 @ Son of man, they that inhabit those wastes of the land of Israel speak, saying, Abraham was one, and he inherited the land: but we are many; the land is given us for inheritance.

akjv@Ezekiel:33:28 @ For I will lay the land most desolate, and the pomp of her strength shall cease; and the mountains of Israel shall be desolate, that none shall pass through.

akjv@Ezekiel:34:2 @ Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel, prophesy, and say to them, Thus said the Lord GOD to the shepherds; Woe be to the shepherds of Israel that do feed themselves! should not the shepherds feed the flocks?

akjv@Ezekiel:34:13 @ And I will bring them out from the people, and gather them from the countries, and will bring them to their own land, and feed them on the mountains of Israel by the rivers, and in all the inhabited places of the country.

akjv@Ezekiel:34:14 @ I will feed them in a good pasture, and on the high mountains of Israel shall their fold be: there shall they lie in a good fold, and in a fat pasture shall they feed on the mountains of Israel.

akjv@Ezekiel:34:30 @ Thus shall they know that I the LORD their God am with them, and that they, even the house of Israel, are my people, said the Lord GOD.

akjv@Ezekiel:35:5 @ Because you have had a perpetual hatred, and have shed the blood of the children of Israel by the force of the sword in the time of their calamity, in the time that their iniquity had an end:

akjv@Ezekiel:35:12 @ And you shall know that I am the LORD, and that I have heard all your blasphemies which you have spoken against the mountains of Israel, saying, They are laid desolate, they are given us to consume.

akjv@Ezekiel:35:15 @ As you did rejoice at the inheritance of the house of Israel, because it was desolate, so will I do to you: you shall be desolate, O mount Seir, and all Idumea, even all of it: and they shall know that I am the LORD.

akjv@Ezekiel:36:1 @ Also, you son of man, prophesy to the mountains of Israel, and say, You mountains of Israel, hear the word of the LORD:

akjv@Ezekiel:36:4 @ Therefore, you mountains of Israel, hear the word of the Lord GOD; Thus said the Lord GOD to the mountains, and to the hills, to the rivers, and to the valleys, to the desolate wastes, and to the cities that are forsaken, which became a prey and derision to the residue of the heathen that are round about;

akjv@Ezekiel:36:6 @ Prophesy therefore concerning the land of Israel, and say to the mountains, and to the hills, to the rivers, and to the valleys, Thus said the Lord GOD; Behold, I have spoken in my jealousy and in my fury, because you have borne the shame of the heathen:

akjv@Ezekiel:36:8 @ But you, O mountains of Israel, you shall shoot forth your branches, and yield your fruit to my people of Israel; for they are at hand to come.

akjv@Ezekiel:36:10 @ And I will multiply men on you, all the house of Israel, even all of it: and the cities shall be inhabited, and the wastes shall be built:

akjv@Ezekiel:36:12 @ Yes, I will cause men to walk on you, even my people Israel; and they shall possess you, and you shall be their inheritance, and you shall no more from now on bereave them of men.

akjv@Ezekiel:36:17 @ Son of man, when the house of Israel dwelled in their own land, they defiled it by their own way and by their doings: their way was before me as the uncleanness of a removed woman.

akjv@Ezekiel:36:21 @ But I had pity for my holy name, which the house of Israel had profaned among the heathen, where they went.

akjv@Ezekiel:36:22 @ Therefore say to the house of Israel, thus said the Lord GOD; I do not this for your sakes, O house of Israel, but for my holy name' sake, which you have profaned among the heathen, where you went.

akjv@Ezekiel:36:32 @ Not for your sakes do I this, said the Lord GOD, be it known to you: be ashamed and confounded for your own ways, O house of Israel.

akjv@Ezekiel:36:37 @ Thus said the Lord GOD; I will yet for this be inquired of by the house of Israel, to do it for them; I will increase them with men like a flock.

akjv@Ezekiel:37:11 @ Then he said to me, Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel: behold, they say, Our bones are dried, and our hope is lost: we are cut off for our parts.

akjv@Ezekiel:37:12 @ Therefore prophesy and say to them, Thus said the Lord GOD; Behold, O my people, I will open your graves, and cause you to come up out of your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel.

akjv@Ezekiel:37:16 @ Moreover, you son of man, take you one stick, and write on it, For Judah, and for the children of Israel his companions: then take another stick, and write on it, For Joseph, the stick of Ephraim and for all the house of Israel his companions:

akjv@Ezekiel:37:19 @ Say to them, Thus said the Lord GOD; Behold, I will take the stick of Joseph, which is in the hand of Ephraim, and the tribes of Israel his fellows, and will put them with him, even with the stick of Judah, and make them one stick, and they shall be one in my hand.

akjv@Ezekiel:37:21 @ And say to them, Thus said the Lord GOD; Behold, I will take the children of Israel from among the heathen, where they be gone, and will gather them on every side, and bring them into their own land:

akjv@Ezekiel:37:22 @ And I will make them one nation in the land on the mountains of Israel; and one king shall be king to them all: and they shall be no more two nations, neither shall they be divided into two kingdoms any more at all.

akjv@Ezekiel:37:28 @ And the heathen shall know that I the LORD do sanctify Israel, when my sanctuary shall be in the middle of them for ever more.

akjv@Ezekiel:38:8 @ After many days you shall be visited: in the latter years you shall come into the land that is brought back from the sword, and is gathered out of many people, against the mountains of Israel, which have been always waste: but it is brought forth out of the nations, and they shall dwell safely all of them.

akjv@Ezekiel:38:14 @ Therefore, son of man, prophesy and say to Gog, Thus said the Lord GOD; In that day when my people of Israel dwells safely, shall you not know it?

akjv@Ezekiel:38:16 @ And you shall come up against my people of Israel, as a cloud to cover the land; it shall be in the latter days, and I will bring you against my land, that the heathen may know me, when I shall be sanctified in you, O Gog, before their eyes.

akjv@Ezekiel:38:17 @ Thus said the Lord GOD; Are you he of whom I have spoken in old time by my servants the prophets of Israel, which prophesied in those days many years that I would bring you against them?

akjv@Ezekiel:38:18 @ And it shall come to pass at the same time when Gog shall come against the land of Israel, said the Lord GOD, that my fury shall come up in my face.

akjv@Ezekiel:38:19 @ For in my jealousy and in the fire of my wrath have I spoken, Surely in that day there shall be a great shaking in the land of Israel;

akjv@Ezekiel:39:2 @ And I will turn you back, and leave but the sixth part of you, and will cause you to come up from the north parts, and will bring you on the mountains of Israel:

akjv@Ezekiel:39:4 @ You shall fall on the mountains of Israel, you, and all your bands, and the people that is with you: I will give you to the ravenous birds of every sort, and to the beasts of the field to be devoured.

akjv@Ezekiel:39:7 @ So will I make my holy name known in the middle of my people Israel; and I will not let them pollute my holy name any more: and the heathen shall know that I am the LORD, the Holy One in Israel.

akjv@Ezekiel:39:9 @ And they that dwell in the cities of Israel shall go forth, and shall set on fire and burn the weapons, both the shields and the bucklers, the bows and the arrows, and the hand staves, and the spears, and they shall burn them with fire seven years:

akjv@Ezekiel:39:11 @ And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will give to Gog a place there of graves in Israel, the valley of the passengers on the east of the sea: and it shall stop the noses of the passengers: and there shall they bury Gog and all his multitude: and they shall call it The valley of Hamongog.

akjv@Ezekiel:39:12 @ And seven months shall the house of Israel be burying of them, that they may cleanse the land.

akjv@Ezekiel:39:17 @ And, you son of man, thus said the Lord GOD; Speak to every feathered fowl, and to every beast of the field, Assemble yourselves, and come; gather yourselves on every side to my sacrifice that I do sacrifice for you, even a great sacrifice on the mountains of Israel, that you may eat flesh, and drink blood.

akjv@Ezekiel:39:22 @ So the house of Israel shall know that I am the LORD their God from that day and forward.

akjv@Ezekiel:39:23 @ And the heathen shall know that the house of Israel went into captivity for their iniquity: because they trespassed against me, therefore hid I my face from them, and gave them into the hand of their enemies: so fell they all by the sword.

akjv@Ezekiel:39:25 @ Therefore thus said the Lord GOD; Now will I bring again the captivity of Jacob, and have mercy on the whole house of Israel, and will be jealous for my holy name;

akjv@Ezekiel:39:29 @ Neither will I hide my face any more from them: for I have poured out my spirit on the house of Israel, said the Lord GOD.

akjv@Ezekiel:40:2 @ In the visions of God brought he me into the land of Israel, and set me on a very high mountain, by which was as the frame of a city on the south.

akjv@Ezekiel:40:4 @ And the man said to me, Son of man, behold with your eyes, and hear with your ears, and set your heart on all that I shall show you; for to the intent that I might show them to you are you brought here: declare all that you see to the house of Israel.

akjv@Ezekiel:43:2 @ And, behold, the glory of the God of Israel came from the way of the east: and his voice was like a noise of many waters: and the earth shined with his glory.

akjv@Ezekiel:43:7 @ And he said to me, Son of man, the place of my throne, and the place of the soles of my feet, where I will dwell in the middle of the children of Israel for ever, and my holy name, shall the house of Israel no more defile, neither they, nor their kings, by their prostitution, nor by the carcasses of their kings in their high places.

akjv@Ezekiel:43:10 @ You son of man, show the house to the house of Israel, that they may be ashamed of their iniquities: and let them measure the pattern.

akjv@Ezekiel:44:2 @ Then said the LORD to me; This gate shall be shut, it shall not be opened, and no man shall enter in by it; because the LORD, the God of Israel, has entered in by it, therefore it shall be shut.

akjv@Ezekiel:44:6 @ And you shall say to the rebellious, even to the house of Israel, Thus said the Lord GOD; O you house of Israel, let it suffice you of all your abominations,

akjv@Ezekiel:44:9 @ Thus said the Lord GOD; No stranger, uncircumcised in heart, nor uncircumcised in flesh, shall enter into my sanctuary, of any stranger that is among the children of Israel.

akjv@Ezekiel:44:10 @ And the Levites that are gone away far from me, when Israel went astray, which went astray away from me after their idols; they shall even bear their iniquity.

akjv@Ezekiel:44:12 @ Because they ministered to them before their idols, and caused the house of Israel to fall into iniquity; therefore have I lifted up my hand against them, said the Lord GOD, and they shall bear their iniquity.

akjv@Ezekiel:44:15 @ But the priests the Levites, the sons of Zadok, that kept the charge of my sanctuary when the children of Israel went astray from me, they shall come near to me to minister to me, and they shall stand before me to offer to me the fat and the blood, said the Lord GOD:

akjv@Ezekiel:44:22 @ Neither shall they take for their wives a widow, nor her that is put away: but they shall take maidens of the seed of the house of Israel, or a widow that had a priest before.

akjv@Ezekiel:44:28 @ And it shall be to them for an inheritance: I am their inheritance: and you shall give them no possession in Israel: I am their possession.

akjv@Ezekiel:44:29 @ They shall eat the meat offering, and the sin offering, and the trespass offering: and every dedicated thing in Israel shall be theirs.

akjv@Ezekiel:45:6 @ And you shall appoint the possession of the city five thousand broad, and five and twenty thousand long, over against the oblation of the holy portion: it shall be for the whole house of Israel.

akjv@Ezekiel:45:8 @ In the land shall be his possession in Israel: and my princes shall no more oppress my people; and the rest of the land shall they give to the house of Israel according to their tribes.

akjv@Ezekiel:45:9 @ Thus said the Lord GOD; Let it suffice you, O princes of Israel: remove violence and spoil, and execute judgment and justice, take away your exactions from my people, said the Lord GOD.

akjv@Ezekiel:45:15 @ And one lamb out of the flock, out of two hundred, out of the fat pastures of Israel; for a meat offering, and for a burnt offering, and for peace offerings, to make reconciliation for them, said the Lord GOD.

akjv@Ezekiel:45:16 @ All the people of the land shall give this oblation for the prince in Israel.

akjv@Ezekiel:45:17 @ And it shall be the prince' part to give burnt offerings, and meat offerings, and drink offerings, in the feasts, and in the new moons, and in the sabbaths, in all solemnities of the house of Israel: he shall prepare the sin offering, and the meat offering, and the burnt offering, and the peace offerings, to make reconciliation for the house of Israel.

akjv@Ezekiel:47:13 @ Thus said the Lord GOD; This shall be the border, whereby you shall inherit the land according to the twelve tribes of Israel: Joseph shall have two portions.

akjv@Ezekiel:47:18 @ And the east side you shall measure from Hauran, and from Damascus, and from Gilead, and from the land of Israel by Jordan, from the border to the east sea. And this is the east side.

akjv@Ezekiel:47:21 @ So shall you divide this land to you according to the tribes of Israel.

akjv@Ezekiel:47:22 @ And it shall come to pass, that you shall divide it by lot for an inheritance to you, and to the strangers that sojourn among you, which shall beget children among you: and they shall be to you as born in the country among the children of Israel; they shall have inheritance with you among the tribes of Israel.

akjv@Ezekiel:48:11 @ It shall be for the priests that are sanctified of the sons of Zadok; which have kept my charge, which went not astray when the children of Israel went astray, as the Levites went astray.

akjv@Ezekiel:48:19 @ And they that serve the city shall serve it out of all the tribes of Israel.

akjv@Ezekiel:48:29 @ This is the land which you shall divide by lot to the tribes of Israel for inheritance, and these are their portions, said the Lord GOD.

akjv@Ezekiel:48:31 @ And the gates of the city shall be after the names of the tribes of Israel: three gates northward; one gate of Reuben, one gate of Judah, one gate of Levi.

akjv@Daniel:1:3 @ And the king spoke to Ashpenaz the master of his eunuchs, that he should bring certain of the children of Israel, and of the king' seed, and of the princes;

akjv@Daniel:9:7 @ O LORD, righteousness belongs to you, but to us confusion of faces, as at this day; to the men of Judah, and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and to all Israel, that are near, and that are far off, through all the countries where you have driven them, because of their trespass that they have trespassed against you.

akjv@Daniel:9:11 @ Yes, all Israel have transgressed your law, even by departing, that they might not obey your voice; therefore the curse is poured on us, and the oath that is written in the law of Moses the servant of God, because we have sinned against him.

akjv@Daniel:9:20 @ And whiles I was speaking, and praying, and confessing my sin and the sin of my people Israel, and presenting my supplication before the LORD my God for the holy mountain of my God;

akjv@Hosea:1:1 @ The word of the LORD that came to Hosea, the son of Beeri, in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, and in the days of Jeroboam the son of Joash, king of Israel.