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wbs@Isaiah:1:1 @ The vision of Isaiah the son of Amoz, which he saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah.

wbs@Isaiah:2:2 @ And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mount of the LORD'S house shall be established on the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow to it.

wbs@Isaiah:2:11 @ The lofty looks of man shall be humbled, and the haughtiness of men shall be abased, and the LORD alone shall be exalted in that day.

wbs@Isaiah:2:12 @ For the day of the LORD of hosts shall be upon every one that is proud and lofty, and upon every one that is lifted up; and he shall be brought low:

wbs@Isaiah:2:17 @ And the loftiness of man shall be abased, and the haughtiness of men shall be made low: and the LORD alone shall be exalted in that day.

wbs@Isaiah:2:20 @ In that day a man shall cast his idols of silver, and his idols of gold, which they made each one for himself to worship, to the moles and to the bats;

wbs@Isaiah:3:7 @ In that day shall he swear, saying, I will not be a healer; for in my house is neither bread nor clothing: make me not a ruler of the people.

wbs@Isaiah:3:18 @ In that day the Lord will take away the show of their tinkling ornaments about their feet, and their cauls, and their round tires like the moon.

wbs@Isaiah:4:1 @ And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach.

wbs@Isaiah:4:2 @ In that day shall the branch of the LORD be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth shall be excellent and comely for them that have escaped of Israel.

wbs@Isaiah:4:5 @ And the LORD will create upon every dwelling place of mount Zion, and upon her assemblies, a cloud and smoke by day, and the shining of a flaming fire by night: for upon all the glory shall be a defense.

wbs@Isaiah:4:6 @ And there shall be a tabernacle for a shade in the day time from the heat, and for a place of refuge, and for a covert from storm and from rain.

wbs@Isaiah:5:30 @ And in that day they shall roar against them like the roaring of the sea: and if one looketh to the land, behold darkness and sorrow, and the light is darkened in its heavens.

wbs@Isaiah:7:1 @ And it came to pass in the days of Ahaz the son of Jotham, the son of Uzziah, king of Judah, that Rezin the king of Syria, and Pekah the son of Remaliah, king of Israel, went up towards Jerusalem to war against it, but could not prevail against it.

wbs@Isaiah:7:17 @ The LORD will bring upon thee, and upon thy people, and upon thy father's house, days that have not come, from the day that Ephraim departed from Judah; even the king of Assyria.

wbs@Isaiah:7:18 @ And it shall come to pass in that day, that the LORD will hiss for the fly that is in the uttermost part of the rivers of Egypt, and for the bee that is in the land of Assyria.

wbs@Isaiah:7:20 @ In the same day will the Lord shave with a razor that is hired, namely, by them beyond the river, by the king of Assyria, the head, and the hair of the feet: and it shall also consume the beard.

wbs@Isaiah:7:21 @ And it shall come to pass in that day, that a man shall nourish a young cow, and two sheep;

wbs@Isaiah:7:23 @ And it shall come to pass in that day, that every place shall be, where there were a thousand vines at a thousand pieces of silver, it shall even be for briers and thorns.

wbs@Isaiah:9:4 @ For thou hast broken the yoke of his burden, and the staff of his shoulder, the rod of his oppressor, as in the day of Midian.

wbs@Isaiah:9:14 @ Therefore the LORD will cut off from Israel head and tail, branch and rush, in one day.

wbs@Isaiah:10:3 @ And what will ye do in the day of visitation, and in the desolation which shall come from far? to whom will ye flee for help? and where will ye leave your glory?

wbs@Isaiah:10:17 @ And the light of Israel shall be for a fire, and his Holy One for a flame: and it shall burn and devour his thorns and his briers in one day;

wbs@Isaiah:10:20 @ And it shall come to pass in that day, that the remnant of Israel, and such as have escaped of the house of Jacob, shall no more again lean upon him that smote them; but shall lean upon the LORD, the Holy One of Israel, in truth.

wbs@Isaiah:10:27 @ And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.

wbs@Isaiah:10:32 @ As yet shall he remain at Nob that day: he shall shake his hand against the mount of the daughter of Zion, the hill of Jerusalem.

wbs@Isaiah:11:10 @ And in that day there shall be a root of Jesse, which shall stand for an ensign of the people; to it shall the Gentiles seek: and his rest shall be glorious.

wbs@Isaiah:11:11 @ And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord will set his hand again the second time to recover the remnant of his people, which shall be left, from Assyria, and from Egypt, and from Pathros, and from Cush, and from Elam, and from Shinar, and from Hamath, and from the isles of the sea.

wbs@Isaiah:11:16 @ And there shall be a highway for the remnant of his people, which shall be left, from Assyria; as it was to Israel in the day that he came up from the land of Egypt.

wbs@Isaiah:12:1 @ And in that day thou shalt say, O LORD, I will praise thee: though thou wast angry with me, thy anger is turned away, and thou hast comforted me.

wbs@Isaiah:12:4 @ And in that day shall ye say, Praise the LORD, call upon his name, declare his doings among the people, make mention that his name is exalted.

wbs@Isaiah:13:6 @ Howl ye; for the day of the LORD is at hand; it shall come as a destruction from the Almighty.

wbs@Isaiah:13:9 @ Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate: and he will destroy its sinners out of it.

wbs@Isaiah:13:13 @ Therefore I will shake the heavens, and the earth shall remove out of her place, in the wrath of the LORD of hosts, and in the day of his fierce anger.

wbs@Isaiah:13:22 @ And the wild beasts of the isles shall cry in their desolate houses, and dragons in their pleasant palaces: and her time is near to come, and her days shall not be prolonged.

wbs@Isaiah:14:3 @ And it shall come to pass in the day that the LORD shall give thee rest from thy sorrow, and from thy fear, and from the hard bondage in which thou wast made to serve,

wbs@Isaiah:16:3 @ Take counsel, execute judgment; make thy shadow as the night in the midst of the noon-day; hide the outcasts; discover not him that wandereth.

wbs@Isaiah:17:4 @ And in that day it shall come to pass, that the glory of Jacob shall be diminished, and the fatness of his flesh shall become lean.

wbs@Isaiah:17:7 @ At that day shall a man look to his Maker, and his eyes shall have respect to the Holy One of Israel.

wbs@Isaiah:17:9 @ In that day shall his strong cities be as a forsaken bough, and an uppermost branch, which they left because of the children of Israel: and there shall be desolation.

wbs@Isaiah:17:11 @ In the day shalt thou make thy plant to grow, and in the morning shalt thou make thy seed to flourish: but the harvest shall be a heap in the day of grief and of desperate sorrow.

wbs@Isaiah:19:16 @ In that day shall Egypt be like women: and it shall be afraid and fear because of the shaking of the hand of the LORD of hosts, which he shaketh over it.

wbs@Isaiah:19:18 @ In that day shall five cities in the land of Egypt speak the language of Canaan, and swear to the LORD of hosts; one shall be called, The city of destruction.

wbs@Isaiah:19:19 @ In that day shall there be an altar to the LORD in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar at its border to the LORD.

wbs@Isaiah:19:21 @ And the LORD shall be known to Egypt, and the Egyptians shall know the LORD in that day, and shall do sacrifice and oblation; yes, they shall vow a vow to the LORD, and perform it.

wbs@Isaiah:19:23 @ In that day shall there be a highway from Egypt to Assyria, and the Assyrian shall come into Egypt, and the Egyptian into Assyria, and the Egyptians shall serve with the Assyrians.

wbs@Isaiah:19:24 @ In that day shall Israel be the third with Egypt and with Assyria, even a blessing in the midst of the land:

wbs@Isaiah:20:6 @ And the inhabitant of this isle shall say in that day, Behold, such is our expectation, whither we flee for help to be delivered from the king of Assyria: and how shall we escape?

wbs@Isaiah:21:8 @ And he cried, a lion: My lord, I stand continually upon the watch-tower in the day time, and I am set in my ward whole nights.

wbs@Isaiah:22:5 @ For it is a day of trouble, and of treading down, and of perplexity by the Lord GOD of hosts in the valley of vision, breaking down the walls, and of crying to the mountains.

wbs@Isaiah:22:8 @ And he uncovered the coverings of Judah, and thou didst look in that day to the armor of the house of the forest.

wbs@Isaiah:22:12 @ And in that day did the Lord GOD of hosts call to weeping, and to mourning, and to baldness, and to girding with sackcloth:

wbs@Isaiah:22:20 @ And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will call my servant Eliakim the son of Hilkiah:

wbs@Isaiah:22:25 @ In that day, saith the LORD of hosts, shall the nail that is fastened in the sure place be removed, and be cut down, and fall; and the burden that was upon it shall be cut off: for the LORD hath spoken it.

wbs@Isaiah:23:7 @ Is this your joyous city, whose antiquity is of ancient days? her own feet shall carry her far off to sojourn.

wbs@Isaiah:23:15 @ And it shall come to pass in that day, that Tyre shall be forgotten seventy years, according to the days of one king: after the end of seventy years shall Tyre sing as a harlot.

wbs@Isaiah:24:21 @ And it shall come to pass in that day, that the LORD shall punish the host of the high ones that are on high, and the kings of the earth upon the earth.

wbs@Isaiah:24:22 @ And they shall be gathered, as prisoners are gathered in the pit, and shall be shut up in the prison, and after many days shall they be visited.

wbs@Isaiah:25:9 @ And it shall be said in that day, Lo, this is our God; we have waited for him, and he will save us: this is the LORD, we have waited for him, we will be glad and rejoice in his salvation.

wbs@Isaiah:26:1 @ In that day shall this song be sung in the land of Judah; We have a strong city; salvation will God appoint for walls and bulwarks.

wbs@Isaiah:27:1 @ In that day the LORD with his keen and great and strong sword will punish leviathan the piercing serpent, even leviathan that crooked serpent; and he will slay the dragon that is in the sea.

wbs@Isaiah:27:2 @ In that day sing ye to her, A vineyard of red wine.

wbs@Isaiah:27:3 @ I the LORD do keep it; I will water it every moment: lest any hurt it, I will keep it night and day.

wbs@Isaiah:27:8 @ In measure, when it shooteth forth, thou wilt debate with it: he stayeth his rough wind in the day of the east wind.

wbs@Isaiah:27:12 @ And it shall come to pass in that day, that the LORD shall gather from the channel of the river to the stream of Egypt, and ye shall be gathered one by one, O ye children of Israel.

wbs@Isaiah:27:13 @ And it shall come to pass in that day, that the great trumpet shall be blown, and they shall come who were ready to perish in the land of Assyria, and the outcasts in the land of Egypt, and shall worship the LORD on the holy mount at Jerusalem.

wbs@Isaiah:28:5 @ In that day will the LORD of hosts be for a crown of glory, and for a diadem of beauty, to the residue of his people,

wbs@Isaiah:28:19 @ From the time that it goeth forth it shall take you: for morning by morning shall it pass over, by day and by night: and it shall be a vexation only to understand the report.

wbs@Isaiah:28:24 @ Doth the plowman plow all day to sow? doth he open and break the clods of his ground?

wbs@Isaiah:29:18 @ And in that day shall the deaf hear the words of the book, and the eyes of the blind shall see out of obscurity, and out of darkness.

wbs@Isaiah:30:23 @ Then shall he give the rain of thy seed, with which thou shalt sow the ground; and bread of the increase of the earth, and it shall be fat and plenteous: in that day shall thy cattle feed in large pastures.

wbs@Isaiah:30:25 @ And there shall be upon every high mountain, and upon every high hill, rivers and streams of waters in the day of the great slaughter, when the towers fall.

wbs@Isaiah:30:26 @ Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be seven-fold, as the light of seven days, in the day that the LORD bindeth up the breach of his people, and healeth the stroke of their wound.

wbs@Isaiah:31:7 @ For in that day every man shall cast away his idols of silver, and his idols of gold, which your own hands have made to you for a sin.

wbs@Isaiah:32:10 @ Many days and years shall ye be troubled, ye careless women: for the vintage shall fail, the gathering shall not come.

wbs@Isaiah:34:8 @ For it is the day of the LORD'S vengeance, and the year of recompenses for the controversy of Zion.

wbs@Isaiah:34:10 @ It shall not be quenched night nor day; the smoke of it shall ascend for ever: from generation to generation it shall lie waste; none shall pass through it for ever and ever.

wbs@Isaiah:37:3 @ And they said to him, Thus saith Hezekiah, This day is a day of trouble, and of rebuke, and of blasphemy: for the children are come to the birth, and there is not strength to bring forth.

wbs@Isaiah:38:1 @ In those days was Hezekiah sick with a mortal disease. And Isaiah the prophet the son of Amoz came to him, and said to him, Thus saith the LORD, Set thy house in order: for thou shalt die, and not live.

wbs@Isaiah:38:5 @ Go and say to Hezekiah, Thus saith the LORD, the God of David thy father, I have heard thy prayer, I have seen thy tears: behold, I will add to thy days fifteen years.

wbs@Isaiah:38:10 @ I said in the cutting off of my days, I shall go to the gates of the grave: I am deprived of the residue of my years.

wbs@Isaiah:38:12 @ My age hath departed, and is removed from me as a shepherd's tent: I have cut off like a weaver my life: he will cut me off with pining sickness: from day even to night wilt thou make an end of me.

wbs@Isaiah:38:13 @ I reckoned till morning, that, as a lion, so will he break all my bones: from day even to night wilt thou make an end of me.

wbs@Isaiah:38:19 @ The living, the living, he shall praise thee, as I do this day: the father to the children shall make known thy truth.

wbs@Isaiah:38:20 @ The LORD was ready to save me: therefore we will sing my songs to the stringed instruments all the days of our life in the house of the LORD.

wbs@Isaiah:39:6 @ Behold, the days come, that all that is in thy house, and that which thy fathers have laid up in store until this day, shall be carried to Babylon: nothing shall be left, saith the LORD.

wbs@Isaiah:39:8 @ Then said Hezekiah to Isaiah, Good is the word of the LORD which thou hast spoken. He said moreover, For there shall be peace and truth in my days.

wbs@Isaiah:43:13 @ Yes, before the day was, I am he; and there is none that can deliver out of my hand: I will work, and who shall hinder it?

wbs@Isaiah:47:9 @ But these two things shall come to thee in a moment in one day, the loss of children, and widowhood: they shall come upon thee in their perfection, for the multitude of thy sorceries, and for the great abundance of thy enchantments.

wbs@Isaiah:48:7 @ They are created now, and not from the beginning; even before the day when thou heardst them not; lest thou shouldst say, Behold, I knew them.

wbs@Isaiah:49:8 @ Thus saith the LORD, In an acceptable time have I heard thee, and in a day of salvation have I helped thee: and I will preserve thee, and give thee for a covenant of the people, to establish the earth, to cause to inherit the desolate heritages:

wbs@Isaiah:51:9 @ Awake, awake, put on thy strength, O arm of the LORD; awake, as in the ancient days, in the generations of old. Art thou not that which hath cut Rahab, and wounded the dragon?

wbs@Isaiah:51:13 @ And forgettest the LORD thy maker, that hath stretched forth the heavens, and laid the foundations of the earth; and hast feared continually every day because of the fury of the oppressor, as if he were ready to destroy? and where is the fury of the oppressor?

wbs@Isaiah:52:5 @ Now therefore, what have I here, saith the LORD, that my people is taken away for naught? they that rule over them make them to howl, saith the LORD; and my name continually every day is blasphemed.

wbs@Isaiah:52:6 @ Therefore my people shall know my name: therefore they shall know in that day that I am he that doth speak: behold, it is I.

wbs@Isaiah:53:10 @ Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise him; he hath put him to grief: when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin, he shall see his seed, he shall prolong his days, and the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand.

wbs@Isaiah:56:12 @ Come ye, say they, I will bring wine, and we will fill ourselves with strong drink; and to-morrow shall be as this day, and much more abundant.

wbs@Isaiah:58:3 @ Why have we fasted, say they, and thou seest not? why have we afflicted our soul, and thou takest no knowledge? Behold, in the day of your fast ye find pleasure, and exact all your labors.

wbs@Isaiah:58:4 @ Behold, ye fast for strife and debate, and to smite with the fist of wickedness: ye shall not fast as ye do this day, to make your voice to be heard on high.

wbs@Isaiah:58:5 @ Is it such a fast that I have chosen? a day for a man to afflict his soul? is it to bow down his head as a bulrush, and to spread sackcloth and ashes under him? wilt thou call this a fast, and an acceptable day to the LORD?

wbs@Isaiah:58:10 @ And if thou shalt draw out thy soul to the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted soul; then shall thy light rise in obscurity, and thy darkness be as the noon day:

wbs@Isaiah:58:13 @ If thou shalt turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the LORD, honorable; and shalt honor him, not doing thy own ways, nor finding thy own pleasure, nor speaking thy own words:

wbs@Isaiah:59:10 @ We grope for the wall like the blind, and we grope as if we had no eyes: we stumble at noon day as in the night; we are in desolate places as dead men.

wbs@Isaiah:60:11 @ Therefore thy gates shall be open continually; they shall not be shut day nor night; that men may bring to thee the forces of the Gentiles, and that their kings may be brought.

wbs@Isaiah:60:19 @ The sun shall be no more thy light by day; neither for brightness shall the moon give light to thee: but the LORD will be to thee an everlasting light, and thy God thy glory.

wbs@Isaiah:60:20 @ Thy sun shall no more go down; neither shall thy moon withdraw itself: for the LORD will be thy everlasting light, and the days of thy mourning shall be ended.

wbs@Isaiah:61:2 @ To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn;

wbs@Isaiah:62:6 @ I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, which shall never hold their peace day nor night: ye that make mention of the LORD, keep not silence,

wbs@Isaiah:63:4 @ For the day of vengeance is in my heart, and the year of my redeemed is come.

wbs@Isaiah:63:9 @ In all their affliction he was afflicted, and the angel of his presence saved them: in his love and in his pity he redeemed them; and he bore them, and carried them all the days of old.

wbs@Isaiah:63:11 @ Then he remembered the days of old, Moses, and his people, saying, Where is he that brought them out of the sea with the shepherd of his flock? where is he that put his holy Spirit within him?

wbs@Isaiah:65:2 @ I have spread out my hands all the day to a rebellious people, which walketh in a way that is not good, after their own thoughts;

wbs@Isaiah:65:5 @ Which say, Stand by thyself, come not near to me; for I am holier than thou. These are a smoke in my nose, a fire that burneth all the day.

wbs@Isaiah:65:20 @ There shall be no more thence an infant of days, nor an old man that hath not filled his days: for the child shall die a hundred years old: but the sinner being a hundred years old shall be accursed.

wbs@Isaiah:65:22 @ They shall not build, and another inhabit; they shall not plant, and another eat: for as the days of a tree are the days of my people, and my elect shall long enjoy the work of their hands.

wbs@Isaiah:66:8 @ Who hath heard such a thing? who hath seen such things? shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? or shall a nation be born at once? for as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children.

wbs@Jeremiah:1:2 @ To whom the word of the LORD came in the days of Josiah the son of Amon king of Judah, in the thirteenth year of his reign.

wbs@Jeremiah:1:3 @ It came also in the days of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah, to the end of the eleventh year of Zedekiah the son of Josiah king of Judah, to the carrying away of Jerusalem captive in the fifth month.

wbs@Jeremiah:1:10 @ See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant.

wbs@Jeremiah:1:18 @ For behold, I have made thee this day a fortified city, and an iron pillar, and brazen walls against the whole land, against the kings of Judah, against her princes, against her priests, and against the people of the land.

wbs@Jeremiah:2:32 @ Can a maid forget her ornaments, or a bride her attire? yet my people have forgotten me days without number.

wbs@Jeremiah:3:6 @ The LORD said also to me in the days of Josiah the king, Hast thou seen that which backsliding Israel hath done? she hath gone up upon every high mountain, and under every green tree, and there hath played the harlot.

wbs@Jeremiah:3:16 @ And it shall come to pass, when ye shall be multiplied and increased in the land, in those days, saith the LORD, they shall say no more, The ark of the covenant of the LORD: neither shall it come to mind: neither shall they remember it; neither shall they visit it; neither shall that be done any more.

wbs@Jeremiah:3:18 @ In those days the house of Judah shall walk with the house of Israel, and they shall come together from the land of the north to the land that I have given for an inheritance to your fathers.

wbs@Jeremiah:3:25 @ We lie down in our shame, and our confusion covereth us: for we have sinned against the LORD our God, we and our fathers, from our youth even to this day, and have not obeyed the voice of the LORD our God.

wbs@Jeremiah:4:9 @ And it shall come to pass at that day, saith the LORD, that the heart of the king shall perish, and the heart of the princes; and the priests shall be astonished, and the prophets shall wonder.

wbs@Jeremiah:5:18 @ Nevertheless in those days, saith the LORD, I will not make a full end with you.

wbs@Jeremiah:6:4 @ Prepare ye war against her; arise, and let us go up at noon. Woe to us! for the day departeth, for the shadows of the evening are lengthened.

wbs@Jeremiah:6:11 @ Therefore I am full of the fury of the LORD; I am weary with holding in: I will pour it out upon the children abroad, and upon the assembly of young men together: for even the husband with the wife shall be taken, the aged with him that is full of days.

wbs@Jeremiah:7:22 @ For I spoke not to your fathers, nor commanded them in the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt, concerning burnt-offerings or sacrifices:

wbs@Jeremiah:7:25 @ Since the day that your fathers came forth from the land of Egypt to this day I have even sent to you all my servants the prophets, daily rising early and sending them:

wbs@Jeremiah:7:32 @ Therefore, behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that it shall no more be called Tophet, nor the valley of the son of Hinnom, but the valley of slaughter: for they shall bury in Tophet, till there shall be no place.

wbs@Jeremiah:9:1 @ Oh that my head were waters, and my eyes a fountain of tears, that I might weep day and night for the slain of the daughter of my people!

wbs@Jeremiah:9:25 @ Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will punish all them who are circumcised with the uncircumcised;

wbs@Jeremiah:11:4 @ Which I commanded your fathers in the day that I brought them forth from the land of Egypt, from the iron furnace, saying, Obey my voice, and do them, according to all which I command you: so shall ye be my people, and I will be your God:

wbs@Jeremiah:11:5 @ That I may perform the oath which I have sworn to your fathers, to give them a land flowing with milk and honey, as it is this day. Then answered I, and said, So be it, O LORD.

wbs@Jeremiah:11:7 @ For I earnestly protested to your fathers in the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt, even to this day, rising early and protesting, saying, Obey my voice.

wbs@Jeremiah:12:3 @ But thou, O LORD, knowest me: thou hast seen me, and tried my heart towards thee: pull them out like sheep for the slaughter, and prepare them for the day of slaughter.

wbs@Jeremiah:13:6 @ And it came to pass after many days, that the LORD said to me, Arise, go to Euphrates, and take the girdle from thence, which I commanded thee to hide there.

wbs@Jeremiah:14:17 @ Therefore thou shalt say this word to them; Let my eyes run down with tears night and day, and let them not cease: for the virgin daughter of my people is broken with a great breach, with a very grievous blow.

wbs@Jeremiah:15:8 @ Their widows are multiplied to me above the sand of the seas: I have brought upon them against the mother of the young men a spoiler at noon-day: I have caused him to fall upon it suddenly, and terrors upon the city.

wbs@Jeremiah:15:9 @ She that hath borne seven languisheth: she hath resigned her breath; her sun is gone down while it was yet day: she hath been ashamed and confounded: and the residue of them will I deliver to the sword before their enemies, saith the LORD.

wbs@Jeremiah:16:9 @ For thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Behold, I will cause to cease out of this place in your eyes, and in your days, the voice of mirth, and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride.

wbs@Jeremiah:16:13 @ Therefore will I cast you out of this land into a land that ye know not, neither ye nor your fathers; and there shall ye serve other gods day and night; where I will not show you favor.

wbs@Jeremiah:16:14 @ Therefore behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that it shall no more be said, The LORD liveth, that brought the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt;

wbs@Jeremiah:16:19 @ O LORD, my strength and my fortress, and my refuge in the day of affliction, the Gentiles shall come to thee from the ends of the earth, and shall say, Surely our fathers have inherited lies, vanity, and things in which there is no profit.

wbs@Jeremiah:17:11 @ As the partridge sitteth on eggs, and hatcheth them not; so he that getteth riches, and not by right, shall leave them in the midst of his days, and at his end shall be a fool.

wbs@Jeremiah:17:16 @ As for me, I have not hastened from being a pastor to follow thee: neither have I desired the woeful day; thou knowest: that which was uttered by my lips was right before thee.

wbs@Jeremiah:17:17 @ Be not a terror to me: thou art my hope in the day of evil.

wbs@Jeremiah:17:18 @ Let them be confounded that persecute me, but let not me be confounded: let them be dismayed, but let not me be dismayed: bring upon them the day of evil, and destroy them with double destruction.

wbs@Jeremiah:17:21 @ Thus saith the LORD; Take heed to yourselves, and bear no burden on the sabbath day, nor bring it in by the gates of Jerusalem;

wbs@Jeremiah:17:22 @ Neither carry forth a burden out of your houses on the sabbath day, neither do ye any work, but hallow ye the sabbath day, as I commanded your fathers.

wbs@Jeremiah:17:24 @ And it shall come to pass, if ye diligently hearken to me, saith the LORD, to bring in no burden through the gates of this city on the sabbath day, but hallow the sabbath day, to do no work therein;

wbs@Jeremiah:17:27 @ But if ye will not hearken to me to hallow the sabbath day, and not to bear a burden, even entering at the gates of Jerusalem on the sabbath day; then will I kindle a fire in its gates, and it shall devour the palaces of Jerusalem, and it shall not be quenched.

wbs@Jeremiah:18:17 @ I will scatter them as with an east wind before the enemy; I will show them the back, and not the face, in the day of their calamity.

wbs@Jeremiah:19:6 @ Therefore behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that this place shall no more be called Tophet, nor The valley of the son of Hinnom, but The valley of slaughter.

wbs@Jeremiah:20:14 @ Cursed be the day in which I was born: let not the day in which my mother bore me be blessed.

wbs@Jeremiah:20:18 @ Why was I brought into the world to see labor and sorrow, that my days should be consumed with shame?

wbs@Jeremiah:22:30 @ Thus saith the LORD, Write ye this man childless, a man that shall not prosper in his days: for no man of his seed shall prosper, sitting upon the throne of David, and ruling any more in Judah.

wbs@Jeremiah:23:5 @ Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will raise to David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice upon the earth.

wbs@Jeremiah:23:6 @ In his days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell in safety: and this is his name by which he shall be called, JEHOVAH OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.

wbs@Jeremiah:23:7 @ Therefore, behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that they shall no more say, The LORD liveth, who brought the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt;

wbs@Jeremiah:23:20 @ The anger of the LORD shall not return, until he shall have executed, and till he shall have performed the thoughts of his heart: in the latter days ye shall consider it perfectly.

wbs@Jeremiah:25:3 @ From the thirteenth year of Josiah the son of Amon king of Judah, even to this day, that is the three and twentieth year, the word of the LORD hath come to me, and I have spoken to you, rising early and speaking; but ye have not hearkened.

wbs@Jeremiah:25:18 @ To wit, Jerusalem, and the cities of Judah, and her kings, and her princes, to make them a desolation, an astonishment, a hissing, and a curse; as it is this day;

wbs@Jeremiah:25:33 @ And the slain of the LORD shall be at that day from one end of the earth even to the other end of the earth: they shall not be lamented, neither gathered, nor buried; they shall be dung upon the ground.

wbs@Jeremiah:25:34 @ Howl, ye shepherds, and cry; and wallow yourselves in the ashes, ye principal of the flock: for the days of your slaughter and of your dispersions are accomplished; and ye shall fall like a pleasant vessel.

wbs@Jeremiah:26:18 @ Micah the Morasthite prophesied in the days of Hezekiah king of Judah, and spoke to all the people of Judah, saying, Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Zion shall be plowed like a field, and Jerusalem shall become heaps, and the mountain of the house as the high places of the forest.

wbs@Jeremiah:27:22 @ They shall be carried to Babylon, and there shall they be until the day that I visit them, saith the LORD; then will I bring them up, and restore them to this place.

wbs@Jeremiah:30:3 @ For lo, the days come, saith the LORD; that I will bring again the captivity of my people Israel and Judah, saith the LORD: and I will cause them to return to the land that I gave to their fathers, and they shall possess it.

wbs@Jeremiah:30:7 @ Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob's trouble, but he shall be saved out of it.

wbs@Jeremiah:30:8 @ For it shall come to pass in that day, saith the LORD of hosts, that I will break his yoke from off thy neck, and will burst thy bonds, and strangers shall no more bring him into subjection:

wbs@Jeremiah:30:24 @ The fierce anger of the LORD shall not return, until he hath done it, and until he hath performed the intents of his heart: in the latter days ye shall consider it.

wbs@Jeremiah:31:6 @ For there shall be a day, that the watchmen upon the mount Ephraim shall cry, Arise ye, and let us go up to Zion to the LORD our God.

wbs@Jeremiah:31:27 @ Behold, the days come saith the LORD, that I will sow the house of Israel and the house of Judah with the seed of man, and with the seed of beast.

wbs@Jeremiah:31:29 @ In those days they shall say no more, The fathers have eaten a sour grape, and the children's teeth are set on edge.

wbs@Jeremiah:31:31 @ Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah:

wbs@Jeremiah:31:32 @ Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they broke, although I was a husband to them, saith the LORD:

wbs@Jeremiah:31:33 @ But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.

wbs@Jeremiah:31:35 @ Thus saith the LORD, who giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, who divideth the sea when its waves roar; The LORD of hosts is his name:

wbs@Jeremiah:31:38 @ Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that the city shall be built to the LORD from the tower of Hananeel to the gate of the corner.

wbs@Jeremiah:32:14 @ Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Take these evidences, this evidence of the purchase, both that which is sealed, and this evidence which is open; and put them in an earthen vessel, that they may continue many days.

wbs@Jeremiah:32:20 @ Who hast set signs and wonders in the land of Egypt, even to this day, and in Israel, and among other men; and hast made thee a name, as at this day;

wbs@Jeremiah:32:31 @ For this city hath been to me as a provocation of my anger and of my fury from the day that they built it even to this day; that I should remove it from before my face,

wbs@Jeremiah:33:14 @ Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will perform that good thing which I have promised to the house of Israel and to the house of Judah.

wbs@Jeremiah:33:15 @ In those days, and at that time, will I cause the branch of righteousness to grow up to David; and he shall execute judgment and righteousness in the land.

wbs@Jeremiah:33:16 @ In those days shall Judah be saved, and Jerusalem shall dwell in safety: and this is the name by which she shall be called, JEHOVAH our righteousness.

wbs@Jeremiah:33:20 @ Thus saith the LORD; If ye can break my covenant of the day, and my covenant of the night, so that there should not be day and night in their season;

wbs@Jeremiah:33:25 @ Thus saith the LORD; If my covenant is not with day and night, and if I have not appointed the ordinances of heaven and earth;

wbs@Jeremiah:34:13 @ Thus saith the LORD, the God of Israel; I made a covenant with your fathers in the day that I brought them forth from the land of Egypt, out of the house of bond-men, saying,

wbs@Jeremiah:35:1 @ The word which came to Jeremiah from the LORD in the days of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah, saying,

wbs@Jeremiah:35:7 @ Neither shall ye build house, nor sow seed, nor plant vineyard, nor have any: but all your days ye shall dwell in tents; that ye may live many days in the land where ye are strangers.

wbs@Jeremiah:35:8 @ Thus have we obeyed the voice of Jonadab the son of Rechab our father in all that he hath charged us, to drink no wine all our days, we, our wives, our sons, nor our daughters;

wbs@Jeremiah:35:14 @ The words of Jonadab the son of Rechab, that he commanded his sons not to drink wine, are performed; for to this day they drink none, but obey their father's commandment: notwithstanding I have spoken to you, rising early and speaking; but ye hearkened not to me.

wbs@Jeremiah:36:2 @ Take thee a roll of a book, and write in it all the words that I have spoken to thee against Israel, and against Judah, and against all the nations, from the day I spoke to thee, from the days of Josiah, even to this day.

wbs@Jeremiah:36:6 @ Therefore go thou and read in the roll, which thou hast written from my mouth, the words of the LORD in the ears of the people in the LORD'S house upon the day of fasting: and also thou shalt read them in the ears of all Judah that come out of their cities.

wbs@Jeremiah:36:30 @ Therefore thus saith the LORD concerning Jehoiakim king of Judah; He shall have none to sit upon the throne of David: and his dead body shall be cast out in the day to the heat, and in the night to the frost.

wbs@Jeremiah:37:16 @ When Jeremiah had entered into the dungeon, and into the cabins, and Jeremiah had remained there many days;

wbs@Jeremiah:38:28 @ So Jeremiah abode in the court of the prison until the day that Jerusalem was taken: and he was there when Jerusalem was taken.

wbs@Jeremiah:39:2 @ And in the eleventh year of Zedekiah, in the fourth month, the ninth day of the month, the city was broken up.

wbs@Jeremiah:39:16 @ Go and speak to Ebed-melech the Cushite, saying, Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Behold, I will bring my words upon this city for evil, and not for good; and they shall be accomplished in that day before thee.

wbs@Jeremiah:39:17 @ But I will deliver thee in that day, saith the LORD: and thou shalt not be given into the hand of the men of whom thou art afraid.

wbs@Jeremiah:40:4 @ And now, behold, I loose thee this day from the chains which were upon thy hand. If it seemeth good to thee to come with me into Babylon, come; and I will look well to thee: but if it seemeth ill to thee to come with me into Babylon, forbear: behold, all the land is before thee: whither it seemeth good and convenient for thee to go, thither go.

wbs@Jeremiah:41:4 @ And it came to pass the second day after he had slain Gedaliah, and no man knew it,

wbs@Jeremiah:42:7 @ And it came to pass after ten days, that the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah.

wbs@Jeremiah:42:19 @ The LORD hath said concerning you, O ye remnant of Judah; Go ye not into Egypt: know certainly that I have admonished you this day.

wbs@Jeremiah:42:21 @ And now I have this day declared it to you; but ye have not obeyed the voice of the LORD your God, nor any thing for which he hath sent me to you.

wbs@Jeremiah:44:2 @ Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel; Ye have seen all the evil that I have brought upon Jerusalem, and upon all the cities of Judah; and behold, this day they are a desolation, and no man dwelleth in them.

wbs@Jeremiah:44:6 @ Wherefore my fury and my anger was poured forth, and was kindled in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem; and they are wasted and desolate, as at this day.

wbs@Jeremiah:44:10 @ They are not humbled even to this day, neither have they feared, nor walked in my law, nor in my statutes, that I set before you and before your fathers.

wbs@Jeremiah:44:22 @ So that the LORD could no longer bear, because of the evil of your doings, and because of the abominations which ye have committed; therefore is your land a desolation, and an astonishment, and a curse, without an inhabitant, as at this day.

wbs@Jeremiah:44:23 @ Because ye have burned incense, and because ye have sinned against the LORD, and have not obeyed the voice of the LORD, nor walked in his law, nor in his statutes, nor in his testimonies; therefore this evil hath happened to you, as at this day.

wbs@Jeremiah:46:10 @ For this is the day of the Lord GOD of hosts, a day of vengeance, that he may avenge him of his adversaries: and the sword shall devour, and it shall be satiated and made drunk with their blood: for the Lord GOD of hosts hath a sacrifice in the north country by the river Euphrates.

wbs@Jeremiah:46:21 @ Also her hired men are in the midst of her like fatted bullocks; for they also have turned back, and have fled away together: they did not stand, because the day of their calamity had come upon them, and the time of their visitation.

wbs@Jeremiah:46:26 @ And I will deliver them into the hand of those that seek their lives, and into the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon, and into the hand of his servants: and afterward it shall be inhabited, as in the days of old, saith the LORD.

wbs@Jeremiah:47:4 @ Because of the day that cometh to lay waste all the Philistines, and to cut off from Tyre and Zidon every helper that remaineth: for the LORD will lay waste the Philistines, the remnant of the country of Caphtor.

wbs@Jeremiah:48:12 @ Therefore, behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will send to him wanderers that shall cause him to wander, and shall empty his vessels, and break their bottles.

wbs@Jeremiah:48:41 @ Kerioth is taken, and the strong holds are surprised, and the mighty men's hearts in Moab at that day shall be as the heart of a woman in her pangs.

wbs@Jeremiah:48:47 @ Yet will I bring again the captivity of Moab in the latter days, saith the LORD. Thus far is the judgment of Moab.

wbs@Jeremiah:49:2 @ Therefore behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will cause an alarm of war to be heard in Rabbah of the Ammonites; and it shall be a desolate heap, and her daughters shall be burned with fire: then shall Israel be heir to them that were his heirs, saith the LORD.

wbs@Jeremiah:49:22 @ Behold, he shall come up and fly as the eagle, and spread his wings over Bozrah: and at that day shall the heart of the mighty men of Edom be as the heart of a woman in her pangs.

wbs@Jeremiah:49:26 @ Therefore her young men shall fall in her streets, and all the men of war shall be cut off in that day, saith the LORD of hosts.

wbs@Jeremiah:49:39 @ But it shall come to pass in the latter days, that I will bring again the captivity of Elam, saith the LORD.

wbs@Jeremiah:50:4 @ In those days, and in that time, saith the LORD, the children of Israel shall come, they and the children of Judah together, going and weeping; they shall go, and seek the LORD their God.

wbs@Jeremiah:50:20 @ In those days, and in that time, saith the LORD, the iniquity of Israel shall be sought for, and there shall be none; and the sins of Judah, and they shall not be found: for I will pardon them whom I reserve.

wbs@Jeremiah:50:27 @ Slay all her bullocks; let them go down to the slaughter: woe to them! for their day is come, the time of their visitation.

wbs@Jeremiah:50:30 @ Therefore her young men shall fall in the streets, and all her men of war shall be cut off in that day, saith the LORD.

wbs@Jeremiah:50:31 @ Behold, I am against thee, O thou most proud, saith the Lord GOD of hosts: for thy day is come, the time that I will visit thee.

wbs@Jeremiah:51:2 @ And will send to Babylon fanners, that shall fan her, and shall empty her land: for in the day of trouble they shall be against her on all sides.

wbs@Jeremiah:51:47 @ Therefore behold, the days come, that I will do judgment upon the graven images of Babylon: and her whole land shall be confounded, and all her slain shall fall in the midst of her.

wbs@Jeremiah:51:52 @ Wherefore, behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will do judgment upon her graven images: and through all her land the wounded shall groan.

wbs@Jeremiah:52:4 @ And it came to pass in the ninth year of his reign, in the tenth month, in the tenth day of the month, that Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon came, he and all his army, against Jerusalem, and encamped against it, and built forts against it on every side.

wbs@Jeremiah:52:6 @ And in the fourth month, in the ninth day of the month, the famine was severe in the city, so that there was no bread for the people of the land.

wbs@Jeremiah:52:11 @ Then he put out the eyes of Zedekiah; and the king of Babylon bound him in chains, and carried him to Babylon, and put him in prison till the day of his death.

wbs@Jeremiah:52:12 @ Now in the fifth month, in the tenth day of the month, which was the nineteenth year of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon, came Nebuzar-adan, captain of the guard, who served the king of Babylon, into Jerusalem,

wbs@Jeremiah:52:31 @ And it came to pass in the seven and thirtieth year of the captivity of Jehoiachin king of Judah, in the twelfth month, in the five and twentieth day of the month, that Evil-merodach king of Babylon in the first year of his reign lifted up the head of Jehoiachin king of Judah, and brought him out of prison,

wbs@Jeremiah:52:33 @ And changed his prison garments: and he continually ate bread before him all the days of his life.

wbs@Jeremiah:52:34 @ And for his food there was a continual diet given him of the king of Babylon, every day a portion until the day of his death, all the days of his life.

wbs@Lamentations:1:7 @ Jerusalem remembered in the days of her affliction and of her miseries all her pleasant things that she had in the days of old, when her people fell into the hand of the enemy, and none helped her: the adversaries saw her, and mocked at her sabbaths.

wbs@Lamentations:1:12 @ Is it nothing to you, all ye that pass by? behold, and see if there is any sorrow like my sorrow, which hath fallen upon me, with which the LORD hath afflicted me in the day of his fierce anger.

wbs@Lamentations:1:13 @ From above hath he sent fire into my bones, and it prevaileth against them: he hath spread a net for my feet, he hath turned me back: he hath made me desolate and faint all the day.

wbs@Lamentations:1:21 @ They have heard that I sigh: there is none to comfort me: all my enemies have heard of my trouble; they are glad that thou hast done it: thou wilt bring the day that thou hast called, and they shall be like me.

wbs@Lamentations:2:1 @ How hath the Lord covered the daughter of Zion with a cloud in his anger, and cast down from heaven to the earth the beauty of Israel, and remembered not his footstool in the day of his anger!

wbs@Lamentations:2:7 @ The Lord hath cast off his altar, he hath abhorred his sanctuary, he hath given up into the hand of the enemy the walls of her palaces; they have made a noise in the house of the LORD, as in the day of a solemn feast.

wbs@Lamentations:2:16 @ All thy enemies have opened their mouth against thee: they hiss and gnash the teeth: they say, We have swallowed her up: certainly this is the day that we looked for; we have found, we have seen it.

wbs@Lamentations:2:17 @ The LORD hath done that which he had devised; he hath fulfilled his word that he had commanded in the days of old: he hath thrown down, and hath not pitied: and he hath caused thy enemy to rejoice over thee, he hath set up the horn of thy adversaries.

wbs@Lamentations:2:18 @ Their heart cried to the Lord, O wall of the daughter of Zion, let tears run down like a river day and night: give thyself no rest; let not the apple of thy eye cease.

wbs@Lamentations:2:21 @ The young and the old lie on the ground in the streets: my virgins and my young men have fallen by the sword; thou hast slain them in the day of thy anger; thou hast killed, and not pitied.

wbs@Lamentations:2:22 @ Thou hast called as in a solemn day my terrors around, so that in the day of the LORD'S anger none escaped nor remained: those that I have swaddled and brought up, hath my enemy consumed.

wbs@Lamentations:3:3 @ Surely against me is he turned; he turneth his hand against me all the day.

wbs@Lamentations:3:14 @ I was a derision to all my people; and their song all the day.

wbs@Lamentations:3:57 @ Thou drewest near in the day that I called upon thee: thou saidst, Fear not.

wbs@Lamentations:3:62 @ The lips of those that rose up against me, and their device against me all the day.

wbs@Lamentations:4:18 @ They hunt our steps, that we cannot go in our streets: our end is near, our days are fulfilled; for our end is come.

wbs@Lamentations:5:21 @ Turn thou us to thee, O LORD, and we shall be turned; renew our days as of old.

wbs@Ezekiel:1:1 @ Now it came to pass in the thirtieth year, in the fourth month, in the fifth day of the month, as I was among the captives by the river of Kebar, that the heavens were opened, and I saw visions of God.

wbs@Ezekiel:1:2 @ In the fifth day of the month, which was the fifth year of king Jehoiachin's captivity,

wbs@Ezekiel:1:28 @ As the appearance of the bow that is in the cloud in the day of rain, so was the appearance of the brightness around. This was the appearance of the likeness of the glory of the LORD. And when I saw it, I fell upon my face, and I heard a voice of one speaking.

wbs@Ezekiel:2:3 @ And he said to me, Son of man, I send thee to the children of Israel, to a rebellious nation that hath rebelled against me: they and their fathers have transgressed against me: even to this very day.

wbs@Ezekiel:3:15 @ Then I came to them of the captivity at Tel-abib, that dwelt by the river of Kebar, and I sat where they sat, and remained there astonished among them seven days.

wbs@Ezekiel:3:16 @ And it came to pass at the end of seven days, that the word of the LORD came to me, saying,

wbs@Ezekiel:4:4 @ Lie thou also upon thy left side, and lay the iniquity of the house of Israel upon it: according to the number of the days that thou shalt lie upon it thou shalt bear their iniquity.

wbs@Ezekiel:4:5 @ For I have laid upon thee the years of their iniquity, according to the number of the days, three hundred and ninety days: so shalt thou bear the iniquity of the house of Israel.

wbs@Ezekiel:4:6 @ And when thou hast accomplished them, lie again on thy right side, and thou shalt bear the iniquity of the house of Judah forty days: I have appointed thee each day for a year.

wbs@Ezekiel:4:8 @ And behold, I will lay bands upon thee, and thou shalt not turn thee from one side to another, till thou hast ended the days of thy siege.

wbs@Ezekiel:4:9 @ Take thou also to thee wheat, and barley, and beans, and lentils, and millet, and fitches, and put them in one vessel, and make thee bread thereof, according to the number of the days that thou shalt lie upon thy side, three hundred and ninety days shalt thou eat of it.

wbs@Ezekiel:4:10 @ And thy food which thou shalt eat shall be by weight, twenty shekels a day: from time to time shalt thou eat it.

wbs@Ezekiel:5:2 @ Thou shalt burn with fire a third part in the midst of the city, when the days of the siege are fulfilled: and thou shalt take a third part, and smite about it with a knife: and a third part thou shalt scatter in the wind; and I will draw out a sword after them.

wbs@Ezekiel:7:7 @ The morning is come upon thee, O thou that dwellest in the land: the time is come, the day of trouble is near, and not the sounding again of the mountains.

wbs@Ezekiel:7:10 @ Behold the day, behold, it is come; the morning is gone forth; the rod hath blossomed, pride hath budded.

wbs@Ezekiel:7:12 @ The time is come, the day draweth near: let not the buyer rejoice, nor the seller mourn: for wrath is upon all the multitude thereof.

wbs@Ezekiel:7:19 @ They shall cast their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the LORD: they shall not satisfy their souls, neither fill their bowels because it is the stumbling-block of their iniquity.

wbs@Ezekiel:8:1 @ And it came to pass in the sixth year, in the sixth month, in the fifth day of the month, as I sat in my house, and the elders of Judah sat before me, that the hand of the Lord GOD fell there upon me.

wbs@Ezekiel:12:3 @ Therefore, thou son of man, prepare thee stuff for removing, and remove by day in their sight; and thou shalt remove from thy place to another place in their sight; it may be they will consider, though they are a rebellious house.

wbs@Ezekiel:12:4 @ Then shalt thou bring forth thy stuff by day in their sight, as stuff for removing: and thou shalt go forth at evening in their sight, as they that go forth into captivity.

wbs@Ezekiel:12:7 @ And I did so as I was commanded: I brought forth my stuff by day, as stuff for captivity, and in the evening I digged through the wall with my hand; I brought it forth in the twilight, and I bore it upon my shoulder in their sight.

wbs@Ezekiel:12:22 @ Son of man, what is that proverb that ye have in the land of Israel, saying, The days are prolonged, and every vision faileth?

wbs@Ezekiel:12:23 @ Tell them therefore, Thus saith the Lord GOD: I will make this proverb to cease, and they shall no more use it as a proverb in Israel; but say to them, The days are at hand, and the effect of every vision.

wbs@Ezekiel:12:25 @ For I am the LORD: I will speak, and the word that I shall speak shall come to pass; it shall no more be prolonged: for in your days, O rebellious house, will I say the word, and will perform it, saith the Lord GOD.

wbs@Ezekiel:12:27 @ Son of man, behold, they of the house of Israel say, The vision that he seeth is for many days to come, and he prophesieth of the times that are distant.

wbs@Ezekiel:13:5 @ Ye have not gone up into the gaps, neither made up the hedge for the house of Israel to stand in the battle in the day of the LORD.

wbs@Ezekiel:16:4 @ And as for thy nativity, in the day thou wast born thy navel was not cut, neither wast thou washed in water to supple thee; thou wast not salted at all, nor swaddled at all.

wbs@Ezekiel:16:5 @ No eye pitied thee, to do any of these to thee, to have compassion upon thee; but thou wast cast out in the open field, to the lothing of thy person, in the day that thou wast born.

wbs@Ezekiel:16:22 @ And in all thy abominations and thy deeds of lewdness thou hast not remembered the days of thy youth, when thou wast naked and bare, and wast polluted in thy blood.

wbs@Ezekiel:16:43 @ Because thou hast not remembered the days of thy youth, but hast provoked me in all these things; behold therefore, I also will recompense thy way upon thy head, saith the Lord GOD: and thou shalt not commit this lewdness above all thy abominations.

wbs@Ezekiel:16:56 @ For thy sister Sodom was not mentioned by thy mouth in the day of thy pride,

wbs@Ezekiel:16:60 @ Nevertheless I will remember my covenant with thee in the days of thy youth, and I will establish to thee an everlasting covenant.

wbs@Ezekiel:20:1 @ And it came to pass in the seventh year, in the fifth month, the tenth day of the month, that certain of the elders of Israel came to inquire of the LORD, and sat before me.

wbs@Ezekiel:20:5 @ And say to them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; In the day when I chose Israel, and lifted up my hand to the seed of the house of Jacob, and made myself known to them in the land of Egypt, when I lifted up my hand to them, saying, I am the LORD your God;

wbs@Ezekiel:20:6 @ In the day that I lifted up my hand to them, to bring them forth from the land of Egypt into a land that I had espied for them, flowing with milk and honey, which is the glory of all lands:

wbs@Ezekiel:20:29 @ Then I said to them, What is the high place to which ye go? and its name is called Bamah to this day.

wbs@Ezekiel:20:31 @ For when ye offer your gifts, when ye make your sons to pass through the fire, ye pollute yourselves with all your idols, even to this day: and shall I be inquired of by you, O house of Israel? As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I will not be inquired of by you.

wbs@Ezekiel:21:25 @ And thou, profane wicked prince of Israel, whose day is come, when iniquity shall have an end,

wbs@Ezekiel:21:29 @ While they see vanity to thee, while they divine a lie to thee, to bring thee upon the necks of them that are slain, of the wicked, whose day is come, when their iniquity shall have an end.

wbs@Ezekiel:22:4 @ Thou art become guilty in thy blood that thou hast shed; and hast defiled thyself by thy idols which thou hast made; and thou hast caused thy days to draw near, and art come even to thy years: therefore have I made thee a reproach to the heathen, and a mocking to all countries.

wbs@Ezekiel:22:14 @ Can thy heart endure, or can thy hands be strong, in the days that I shall deal with thee? I the LORD have spoken it, and will do it.

wbs@Ezekiel:22:24 @ Son of man, say to her, Thou art the land that is not cleansed, nor rained upon in the day of indignation.

wbs@Ezekiel:23:19 @ Yet she multiplied her prostitutions, in calling to remembrance the days of her youth, in which she had played the harlot in the land of Egypt.

wbs@Ezekiel:23:38 @ Moreover this they have done to me: they have defiled my sanctuary in the same day, and have profaned my sabbaths.

wbs@Ezekiel:23:39 @ For when they had slain their children to their idols, then they came the same day into my sanctuary to profane it; and lo, thus have they done in the midst of my house.

wbs@Ezekiel:24:1 @ Again in the ninth year, in the tenth month, in the tenth day of the month, the word of the LORD came to me, saying,

wbs@Ezekiel:24:2 @ Son of man, Write for thee the name of the day, even of this same day: the king of Babylon set himself against Jerusalem this same day.

wbs@Ezekiel:24:25 @ Also, thou son of man, shall it not be in the day when I take from them their strength, the joy of their glory, the desire of their eyes, and that on which they set their minds, their sons and their daughters,

wbs@Ezekiel:24:26 @ That he that escapeth in that day shall come to thee, to cause thee to hear it with thy ears?

wbs@Ezekiel:24:27 @ In that day shall thy mouth be opened to him who hath escaped, and thou shalt speak, and be no more dumb: and thou shalt be a sign to them; and they shall know that I am the LORD.

wbs@Ezekiel:26:1 @ And it came to pass in the eleventh year, in the first day of the month, that the word of the LORD came to me, saying,

wbs@Ezekiel:26:18 @ Now shall the isles tremble in the day of thy fall; yes, the isles that are in the sea shall be disturbed at thy departure.

wbs@Ezekiel:27:27 @ Thy riches, and thy fairs, thy merchandise, thy mariners, and thy pilots, thy calkers, and the occupiers of thy merchandise, and all thy military men, that are in thee, and in all thy company which is in the midst of thee, shall fall into the midst of the seas in the day of thy ruin.

wbs@Ezekiel:28:13 @ Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created.

wbs@Ezekiel:28:15 @ Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee.

wbs@Ezekiel:29:1 @ In the tenth year, in the tenth month, in the twelfth day of the month, the word of the LORD came to me, saying,

wbs@Ezekiel:29:17 @ And it came to pass in the seven and twentieth year, in the first month, in the first day of the month, the word of the LORD came to me, saying,

wbs@Ezekiel:29:21 @ In that day will I cause the horn of the house of Israel to bud forth, and I will give thee the opening of the mouth in the midst of them; and they shall know that I am the LORD.

wbs@Ezekiel:30:2 @ Son of man, prophesy and say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Howl ye, Alas the day!

wbs@Ezekiel:30:3 @ For the day is near, even the day of the LORD is near, a cloudy day; it shall be the time of the heathen.

wbs@Ezekiel:30:9 @ In that day shall messengers go forth from me in ships to make the careless Cushites afraid, and great pain shall come upon them, as in the day of Egypt: for lo, it cometh.

wbs@Ezekiel:30:18 @ At Tehaphnehes also the day shall be darkened, when I shall break there the yokes of Egypt: and the pomp of her strength shall cease in her: as for her, a cloud shall cover her, and her daughters shall go into captivity.

wbs@Ezekiel:30:20 @ And it came to pass in the eleventh year, in the first month, in the seventh day of the month, that the word of the LORD came to me, saying,

wbs@Ezekiel:31:1 @ And it came to pass in the eleventh year, in the third month, in the first day of the month, that the word of the LORD came to me, saying,

wbs@Ezekiel:31:15 @ Thus saith the Lord GOD; In the day when he went down to the grave I caused a mourning: I covered the deep for him, and I restrained its floods, and the great waters were stayed: and I caused Lebanon to mourn for him, and all the trees of the field fainted for him.

wbs@Ezekiel:32:1 @ And it came to pass in the twelfth year, in the twelfth month, in the first day of the month, that the word of the LORD came to me, saying,

wbs@Ezekiel:32:10 @ Yes, I will make many people amazed at thee, and their kings shall be horribly afraid for thee, when I shall brandish my sword before them; and they shall tremble at every moment, every man for his own life, in the day of thy fall.

wbs@Ezekiel:32:17 @ It came to pass also in the twelfth year, in the fifteenth day of the month, that the word of the LORD came to me, saying,

wbs@Ezekiel:33:12 @ Therefore, thou son of man, say to the children of thy people, The righteousness of the righteous shall not deliver him in the day of his transgression: as for the wickedness of the wicked, he shall not fall by it in the day that he turneth from his wickedness; neither shall the righteous be able to live for his righteousness in the day that he sinneth.

wbs@Ezekiel:33:21 @ And it came to pass in the twelfth year of our captivity, in the tenth month, in the fifth day of the month, that one that had escaped out of Jerusalem came to me, saying, The city is smitten.

wbs@Ezekiel:34:12 @ As a shepherd seeketh out his flock in the day that he is among his sheep that are scattered; so will I seek out my sheep, and will deliver them out of all places where they have been scattered in the cloudy and dark day.

wbs@Ezekiel:36:33 @ Thus saith the Lord GOD; In the day that I shall have cleansed you from all your iniquities I will also cause you to dwell in the cities, and the wastes shall be built.

wbs@Ezekiel:38:8 @ After many days thou shalt be visited: in the latter years thou shalt come into the land that is brought back from the sword, and is gathered out of many people, against the mountains of Israel, which have been always waste: but it is brought forth out of the nations, and they shall all dwell in safety.

wbs@Ezekiel:38:14 @ Therefore, son of man, prophesy and say to Gog, Thus saith the Lord GOD; In that day when my people of Israel dwelleth safely, shalt thou not know it?

wbs@Ezekiel:38:16 @ And thou shalt come against my people of Israel, as a cloud to cover the land; it shall be in the latter days, and I will bring thee against my land, that the heathen may know me, when I shall be sanctified in thee, O Gog, before their eyes.

wbs@Ezekiel:38:17 @ Thus saith the Lord GOD; Art thou he of whom I have spoken in old time by my servants the prophets of Israel, who prophesied in those days many years, that I would bring thee against them?

wbs@Ezekiel:38:19 @ For in my jealousy and in the fire of my wrath have I spoken, Surely in that day there shall be a great shaking in the land of Israel.

wbs@Ezekiel:39:8 @ Behold, it is come, and it is done, saith the Lord GOD; this is the day of which I have spoken.

wbs@Ezekiel:39:11 @ And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will give to Gog a place there of graves in Israel, the valley of the passengers on the east of the sea: and it shall stop the noses of the passengers: and there shall they bury Gog and all his multitude: and they shall call it The valley of Hamon-gog.

wbs@Ezekiel:39:13 @ Yes, all the people of the land shall bury them: and it shall be to them a renown in the day that I shall be glorified, saith the Lord GOD.

wbs@Ezekiel:39:22 @ So the house of Israel shall know that I am the LORD their God from that day and forward.

wbs@Ezekiel:40:1 @ In the five and twentieth year of our captivity, in the beginning of the year, in the tenth day of the month, in the fourteenth year after the city was smitten, in the same day the hand of the LORD was upon me, and brought me thither.

wbs@Ezekiel:43:18 @ And he said to me, Son of man, thus saith the Lord GOD; These are the ordinances of the altar in the day when they shall make it, to offer burnt-offerings upon it, and to sprinkle blood upon it.

wbs@Ezekiel:43:22 @ And on the second day thou shalt offer a kid of the goats without blemish for a sin-offering; and they shall cleanse the altar, as they cleansed it with the bullock.

wbs@Ezekiel:43:25 @ Seven days shalt thou prepare every day a goat for a sin-offering: they shall also prepare a young bullock, and a ram out of the flock, without blemish.

wbs@Ezekiel:43:26 @ Seven days shall they purge the altar and purify it; and they shall consecrate themselves.

wbs@Ezekiel:43:27 @ And when these days have expired, it shall be, that upon the eighth day, and so forward, the priests shall make your burnt-offerings upon the altar, and your peace-offerings: and I will accept you, saith the Lord GOD.

wbs@Ezekiel:44:26 @ And after he is cleansed, they shall reckon to him seven days.

wbs@Ezekiel:44:27 @ And in the day that he goeth into the sanctuary, to the inner court, to minister in the sanctuary, he shall offer his sin-offering, saith the Lord GOD.

wbs@Ezekiel:45:18 @ Thus saith the Lord GOD; In the first month, in the first day of the month, thou shalt take a young bullock without blemish, and cleanse the sanctuary:

wbs@Ezekiel:45:20 @ And so thou shalt do the seventh day of the month for every one that erreth, and for him that is simple: so shall ye reconcile the house.

wbs@Ezekiel:45:21 @ In the first month, in the fourteenth day of the month, ye shall have the passover, a feast of seven days; unleavened bread shall be eaten.

wbs@Ezekiel:45:22 @ And upon that day shall the prince prepare for himself and for all the people of the land a bullock for a sin-offering.

wbs@Ezekiel:45:23 @ And seven days of the feast he shall prepare a burnt-offering to the LORD, seven bullocks and seven rams without blemish daily the seven days; and a kid of the goats daily for a sin-offering.

wbs@Ezekiel:45:25 @ In the seventh month, in the fifteenth day of the month, shall he do the like in the feast of the seven days, according to the sin-offering, according to the burnt-offering, and according to the meat-offering, and according to the oil.

wbs@Ezekiel:46:1 @ Thus saith the Lord GOD; The gate of the inner court that looketh towards the east shall be shut the six working days; but on the sabbath it shall be opened, and in the day of the new moon it shall be opened.

wbs@Ezekiel:46:4 @ And the burnt-offering that the prince shall offer to the LORD in the sabbath day shall be six lambs without blemish, and a ram without blemish.

wbs@Ezekiel:46:6 @ And in the day of the new moon it shall be a young bullock without blemish, and six lambs, and a ram: they shall be without blemish.

wbs@Ezekiel:46:12 @ Now when the prince shall prepare a voluntary burnt-offering or peace-offerings voluntarily to the LORD, one shall then open to him the gate that looketh towards the east, and he shall prepare his burnt-offering and his peace-offerings, as he did on the sabbath-day: then he shall go forth; and after his going forth one shall shut the gate.

wbs@Ezekiel:48:35 @ The circuit was eighteen thousand measures: and the name of the city from that day shall be, The LORD is there.

wbs@Daniel:1:12 @ Prove thy servants, I beseech thee, ten days; and let them give us pulse to eat, and water to drink.

wbs@Daniel:1:14 @ So he consented to them in this matter, and proved them ten days.

wbs@Daniel:1:15 @ And at the end of ten days their countenances appeared fairer and fatter in flesh than all the children who ate the portion of the king's provision.

wbs@Daniel:1:18 @ Now at the end of the days that the king had said he should bring them in, then the prince of the eunuchs brought them in before Nebuchadnezzar.

wbs@Daniel:2:28 @ But there is a God in heaven that revealeth secrets, and maketh known to the king Nebuchadnezzar what shall be in the latter days. Thy dream, and the visions of thy head upon thy bed, are these;

wbs@Daniel:2:44 @ And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.

wbs@Daniel:4:34 @ And at the end of the days I Nebuchadnezzar lifted up my eyes to heaven, and my understanding returned to me, and I blessed the most High, and I praised and honored him that liveth for ever, whose dominion is an everlasting dominion, and his kingdom is from generation to generation:

wbs@Daniel:5:11 @ There is a man in thy kingdom, in whom is the spirit of the holy gods; and in the days of thy father light and understanding and wisdom, like the wisdom of the gods, was found in him; whom the king Nebuchadnezzar thy father, the king, I say, thy father, made master of the magicians, astrologers, Chaldeans, and sooth-sayers;

wbs@Daniel:6:7 @ All the presidents of the kingdom, the governors, and the princes, the counselors, and the captains, have consulted together to establish a royal statute, and to make a firm decree, that whoever shall ask a petition of any God or man for thirty days, save of thee, O king, he shall be cast into the den of lions.

wbs@Daniel:6:10 @ Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went into his house; and his windows being open in his chamber towards Jerusalem, he kneeled upon his knees three times a day, and prayed, and gave thanks before his God, as he did before.

wbs@Daniel:6:12 @ Then they came near, and spoke before the king concerning the king's decree; Hast thou not signed a decree, that every man that shall ask a petition of any God or man within thirty days, save of thee, O king, shall be cast into the den of lions? The king answered and said, The thing is true, according to the law of the Medes and Persians, which altereth not.

wbs@Daniel:6:13 @ Then they answered and said before the king, That Daniel, who is of the children of the captivity of Judah, regardeth not thee, O king, nor the decree that thou hast signed, but maketh his petition three times a day.

wbs@Daniel:7:9 @ I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of days did sit, whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the pure wool: his throne was like the fiery flame, and his wheels as burning fire.

wbs@Daniel:7:13 @ I saw in the night visions, and behold, one like the son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him.

wbs@Daniel:7:22 @ Until the Ancient of days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom.

wbs@Daniel:8:14 @ And he said to me, Until two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.

wbs@Daniel:8:26 @ And the vision of the evening and the morning which was told is true: wherefore shut thou up the vision; for it shall be for many days.

wbs@Daniel:8:27 @ And I Daniel fainted, and was sick certain days; afterward I rose, and did the king's business; and I was astonished at the vision, but none understood it.

wbs@Daniel:9:7 @ O Lord, righteousness belongeth to thee, but to us confusion of faces, as at this day; to the men of Judah, and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and to all Israel, that are near, and that are far off, through all the countries whither thou hast driven them, because of their trespass that they have trespassed against thee.

wbs@Daniel:9:15 @ And now, O Lord our God, that hast brought thy people out of the land of Egypt with a mighty hand, and hast obtained thee renown, as at this day; we have sinned, we have done wickedly.

wbs@Daniel:10:2 @ In those days I Daniel was mourning three full weeks.

wbs@Daniel:10:4 @ And in the four and twentieth day of the first month, as I was by the side of the great river, which is Hiddekel;

wbs@Daniel:10:12 @ Then said he to me, Fear not, Daniel: for from the first day that thou didst set thy heart to understand, and to chasten thyself before thy God, thy words were heard, and I am come for thy words.

wbs@Daniel:10:13 @ But the prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood me one and twenty days: but lo, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me; and I remained there with the kings of Persia.

wbs@Daniel:10:14 @ Now I have come to make thee understand what shall befall thy people in the latter days: for yet the vision is for many days.

wbs@Daniel:11:20 @ Then shall stand up in his estate a raiser of taxes in the glory of the kingdom: but within few days he shall be destroyed, neither in anger, nor in battle.

wbs@Daniel:11:33 @ And they that understand among the people shall instruct many: yet they shall fall by the sword, and by flame, by captivity, and by spoil, many days.

wbs@Daniel:12:11 @ And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.

wbs@Daniel:12:12 @ Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.

wbs@Daniel:12:13 @ But go thou thy way till the end: for thou shalt rest, and stand in thy lot at the end of the days.

wbs@Hosea:1:1 @ The word of the LORD that came to Hosea, the son of Beeri, in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, and in the days of Jeroboam the son of Joash, king of Israel.